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WFL Publisher Science and Technology Meri-Rastilantie 3 B, FI-00980 Helsinki, Finland e-mail: [email protected] Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment Vol.14 (1): 46-50. 2016 www.world-food.net Performance analysis of a diesel cycle engine running on biodiesel from waste frying oil and its reduction on gas emissions Mireille Sato*, Jair Antonio da Cruz Siqueira, Maurício Guy de Andrade, Helton Aparecido Rosa, Samuel Nelson Melegari de Souza, Carlos Eduardo Camargo Nogueira and Elisandro Pires Frigo State University of West Paraná – Master´s Degree in Energy Applied to Agriculture Program Rua Universitária, 2069, CEP: 85.819-130 Bairro Faculdade, Cascavel-PR, Brazil. *e-mail:[email protected] Received 7 September 2015, accepted 20 December 2015 Abstract The growing environmental concern along with the need for finding a replacement for fossil energy have led to the development of alternative fuels made from vegetable oils by the process of transesterification, producing biodiesel, which can be used in diesel cycle engines with no alterations. Biodiesel from waste frying oil shows an advantage over other types of biodiesel, as it does not require the process of oil extraction, thus providing a sustainable destination to the discard of residual oil as well as not competing with food production. Thus, the present work aimed to assess the specific fuel consumption (SFC), thermal efficiency and emissions of carbon monoxide (CO), nitric oxide (NO) and nitrogen oxides (NOx), in a cycle diesel engine-generator set, using biodiesel from waste frying oil (B 100) and diesel (B 0) as fuel. The engine-generator set used in the study was a model BD 6500CF with 7.36 kW (10 cv) of power and 5.5 kVA/5.0 kW of nominal power, with an average output tension of 120/240 V monophase. Nominal loads applied varied between 1.0 and 5.0 kW. In order to quantify gas emissions, a combustion and emission quality analyzer was used, model PCA®3, Bacharach Inc. This study showed higher efficiency and lower exhaust gas emissions with the use of biodiesel when compared to regular diesel. Key words: Combustion gases, energy generation, specific fuel consumption. Introduction During the twentieth century environmental movements emerged in a global scale, their goal was to spread environmental awareness and the importance of environmental conservation. In 1972 the Club of Rome and the Stockholm Conference emerged. Currently, sustainability is an essential factor to the development of nations, and it requires the replacement of fossil, non-renewable and polluting energies by the so-called clean energy. Biodiesel integrates the set of renewable energy sources that enable the reduction of petroleum use. It is an alternative fuel indicated for compression ignition (diesel cycle) engines over the use of diesel oil 1. Biodiesel can be chemically defined as a monoalkyl ester of long chain fatty acids, obtained by the transesterification process 2 derived from vegetable oils such as sunflower, castor, soybean, babassu and other oilseed plants, as well as from animal fats or waste frying oil 3. Transesterification consists of the transformation of triglycerides into lower molecules of fatty acid esters, in other words, it is a chemical reaction of a vegetable oil or animal fat with an alcohol such as methanol in the presence of a catalyst, which is usually a strong base such as sodium or potassium hydroxide, and produces new chemical compounds called methyl esters 4. Under the environmental viewpoint, the use of biodiesel becomes advantageous when compared to diesel oil, as it 46 eliminates the emission of sulfur and aromatics, releases less particles, HC, CO and CO2 and also presents a biodegradable and nontoxic character. In what concerns to its performance in diesel cycle engines the advantage lies in increased viscosity and higher flash point than the conventional diesel, besides showing high cetane levels 5. Regarding biodiesel production, Brazil is among the largest producers and consumers worldwide, reaching in 2010 the annual production of 2.4 billion litres, of which 69.24% came from soybean and only 0.65% from waste frying oil 6. However, one should recall that the production of biodiesel from soybean is questionable, since the price of that oilseed, whose initial function was to supply food, has increased after a resolution of the National Council for Energy Policies in 2009, which increased the required percentage of biodiesel blend with diesel from 4% to 5% 7. Thus, although biodiesel from frying oil corresponds to a small portion of the Brazilian annual production, this feedstock does not compete with food production, and has positive aspects, as not requiring the biodiesel extraction process and being economical, as its oil is residual. Finally, it brings a sustainable solution to the disposal issue 8. Within this context, this work aims to analyze the specific fuel consumption, emissions of carbon monoxide (CO), nitric oxide Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment, Vol.14 (1), January 2016 (NO), nitrogen oxide (NOx) and performance of a diesel cycle engine running on biodiesel from waste frying oil (B100) compared to diesel. Materials and Methods The experiment was conducted in the laboratory of biofuels at the State University of West Paraná, where the biodiesel from waste frying oil was produced by means of transesterification. This process used potassium hydroxide (KOH) as catalyst and methanol, both measured according to the initial oil volume, 1% and 25% were added, respectively. The conventional diesel oil used was supplied by REPAR and did not contain any biodiesel addition to its composition. Finally, a diesel cycle engine-generator set was used, model BD 65000C with 7.36 kW (10 hp) of power and nominal power of 5.5 kVA/5.0 kW, and output voltage of 120/240 V (monophase). In order to obtain data of fuel consumption during the tests with the engine-generator set, the fuel mass, which was already stored in a tank, was weighed on a precision scale, model BG-2000 by GEHACA. The duration of each test was recorded using a digital stopwatch, thereby obtaining the fuel consumption. Eq. 1 shows the calculation of fuel consumption performed in each test of set performance. ሶ ൌ ቆ ሺ ሻ െ ሺ ሻ ቇ ο (1) in which – Fuel consumption, kg s-1; Mr – Mass of the tank in which the fuel is stored, kg; Mi – Initial fuel mass, kg; Mf – Final fuel mass, kg; ∆t – test duration, s. The load simulation in the generator was performed by means of a bank of electrical resistances whose powers were controlled by an electrical panel. The nominal loads used were 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0 and 5.0 kW. One should note that the loads used were same for comparison purposes between mineral diesel and biodiesel. Performance evaluation of the set was based on the specific fuel consumption (SFC) and energy conversion efficiency (η) of the engine-generator set. The SFC was determined by the load variation in the engine-generator set running on mineral diesel oil B(0) and waste frying oil biodiesel (B100) (Eq. 2). ͵ǤǤ ͳͲଷ ሶ ൌ ቆ ቇ (2) pump to pressurize the adiabatic container with the sample; this container is coupled to the ignition wire. The pressure maintained in the E2K calorimeter was 30 atm (3.00 MPa). Incomplete combustion trials were discarded. Thus, it was possible to determine the superior calorific value of the fuels. The inferior calorific power (Eq. 3) of each compound was determined by the equation described by Volpato et al.9, which takes into account the superior calorific power: ICP = SCP – 3.052 (3) in which SCP – Superior calorific power, MJ kg-1, and ICP – Inferior calorific power, MJ kg-1 Another parameter used in the assessment of the enginegenerator set was its efficiency in converting the fuel chemical energy into electricity. The calculation of the set’s efficiency was performed according to Eq. 4. ͵ͲͲ Ʉൌ൬ ൰ ͳͲͲ (4) in which: η - Set efficiency, %; SFC – Specific fuel consumption, kg kW-1h-1; ICP – Inferior calorific power, MJ kg-1; In order to quantify the emission of gases, an ignition quality analyzer model PCA3-285KIT/24-8453 by Bacharach was used. It presents a calibration certificate N° 1011/ AN5420 dated from 24/ 11/2010 for temperature and concentration items. For the emissions test, the equipment’s capture catheter was exposed in the combustion gases exhaust area until values were stabilized. This process was repeated four times in a row. The quantified gases were carbon monoxide (CO), nitric oxide (NO) and nitrogen oxides (NOx). Treatment means were compared by Tukey’s test at 5% significance. Results and Discussion Fig. 1 shows the SFC behavior of the engine as a function of the load bank subjected to the generator. No statistical difference was observed between the tested fuels. The average consumption of all loads regarding waste frying oil biodiesel was 600.81 and 602.30 g kW-1 h-1 with conventional diesel. The waste frying oil biodiesel presented higher consumption only with loads 1 and 5 kW, which corresponded to 3.40% and 7.93%, respectively. in which: SFC – Specific fuel consumption, kg kW-1h-1; – Fuel consumption, kg s-1; V – Output voltage, V; I – Electric current, Å. A calorimeter (model E2K) was used in order to define the calorific value of the fuel blends. For this trial, portions of approximately 0.5 g of fuel were separated. The method for determining the superior calorific value with the calorimeter consists of using a Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment, Vol.14 (1), January 2016 Figure 1. Specific fuel consumption as a function of the load applied. Treatment means followed by different letters differ from each other significantly by Tukey’s test at 5% significance. 47 Table 1. Analyzed properties of waste frying oil biodiesel and mineral diesel. Properties Superior calorific power (MJ.kg-1) Inferior calorific power (MJ.kg-1) Kinematic viscosity, 20ºC (mm2.s-1) Density (g.cm-3) Waste frying oil biodiesel 38.81 35.76 4.96 0.881 Mineral diesel 43.61 40.56 3.01 0.845 One can observe that biodiesel’s kinematic viscosity and density values are slightly superior to those of mineral diesel and only the superior calorific power and inferior calorific power are lower. The superior calorific power values obtained in this study were similar to those found by Costa Neto et al.13: 42.30 MJ.kg -1 with diesel and 37.5 MJ.kg -1 with waste frying oil biodiesel. Similar values were also observed for density, showing similarities in SFC and physical properties. The following results were reached (Fig. 2) regarding the efficiency of converting the fuel chemical energy into electric energy in the engine-generator set. matches Chaves et al.10, whose waste frying oil biodiesel means were higher under the entire load bank, as well as with loads of 1 and 1.5 kW, considered statistically different. Ferrari et al.14 also obtained higher efficiency with the use of biodiesel. Lapuerta et al. 15 observed that B(100) reached the highest power in comparison to mineral diesel blends. Finally, Valente 16 affirmed that there is a significant increase in efficiency with the proportional raise of soybean concentration throughout the entire load band under study. According to Costa Neto et al.13, the higher efficiency of biodiesel over conventional diesel described above and observed in this study is attributed to its lower calorific power, as the maximum power to be achieved by the engine depends on it. It also conditions the global engine development, what shows in cold start. The same author also states that, when compared to diesel oil, vegetable oils present less ignition heat and similar cetane number, which is responsible for the ignition, what leads to higher engine efficiency. Biodiesel is known as a solution for reducing the emission of toxic gases; the reduction of CO is shown in Fig. 3. The waste frying oil biodiesel released less CO under all loads, at an average of 297.6 ppm, whereas diesel released an average of 748.4 ppm. Therefore, CO emission was 39.7% lower with the use of biodiesel. The load of 2 kW with conventional diesel provided the lowest CO emission in the load bank: 424.0 ppm. Under the same load, biodiesel produced only 401.9 ppm of CO. Such reduction was also observed in a test performed by Kalam et al.17, in which biodiesel from coconut oil and residual palm oil in comparison to conventional diesel provided a decrease of 7.3% and 21%, respectively. ϭϬϬϬ a a ϵϬϬ ŵŝƐƐƁĞƐĚĞK;ƉƉŵͿ This result is similar to that obtained by Chaves et al.10 in a study in which waste frying oil biodiesel, B(0) and B(20), showed results closer to that of mineral diesel. The authors affirm that in most trials both fuels presented a statistically similar specific consumption, just as in a research carried out by Andrade et al.3, in which the SFC of soybean biodiesel and mineral diesel did not present statistical difference, however, there was a SFC fluctuation between B(0) and B(100) according to load variation. As stated by Soranso et al.11, residual oil biodiesel and diesel showed equal values of specific consumption. Volpato et al.9 performed a study on a four-stroke diesel cycle engine with nominal power of 75 hp (56 kW) running on soybean oil biodiesel and obtained a reduction of 14.66% in the SFC in relation to mineral diesel According to Wang et al.12, the SFC differences between diesel and biodiesel described above happen because of a superior kinematic viscosity value and biodiesel density in the cycle diesel engine system, as it can cause incomplete ignition and then lead to higher specific consumption. Thus, Table 1 shows the physical properties of conventional diesel and waste frying oil biodiesel obtained in a laboratory, both used in the trials with the enginegenerator set. ϴϬϬ a ϳϬϬ a ϲϬϬ ϱϬϬ ŝĞƐĞůDŝŶĞƌĂů a ϰϬϬ b ŝŽĚŝĞƐĞůĨƌŽŵǁĂƐƚĞ Žŝů;ϭϬϬͿ a ϯϬϬ ϮϬϬ ϭϬϬ b b b Ϭ Ϭ ϭ Ϯ ϯ ϰ ϱ ĂƌŐĂƐ;ŬtͿ Figure 3. Means of CO emissions under different resistive loads. Treatment means followed by different letters differ from each other significantly by Tukey’s test at 5% significance. Figure 2. Engine-generator set’s efficiency in converting chemical energy into electric energy. Treatment means followed by different letters differ from each other significantly by Tukey’s test at 5% significance. Under all loads biodiesel efficiency was superior to conventional diesel, their efficiency means were 94.41% and 81.70%, respectively. Therefore, biodiesel has proven to be 13% more efficient. It is noteworthy that only loads of 3 and 4 kW provided statistically higher efficiency to the use of biodiesel; this result 48 When carrying out a research on biodiesel from frying oil, Arslan et al.18 achieved a CO decrease of 2% with B(25) and 13% with B(75), in comparison to B(0). Makareviciene and Julis19 observed an average reduction of 50% in CO levels. To Haas et al.20, CO which is a byproduct from the combustion of hydrocarbons, can be reduced by increasing oxygen in the fuel. As biodiesel presents higher amounts of oxygen molecules in its composition its ignition produces less CO. Fig. 4 shows that there was a clear reduction of NO emissions with the use of waste frying oil biodiesel over mineral diesel, means were 91.5 and 261.3 ppm, respectively, that is, a global reduction of 35.8%. The load of 3 kW showed the higher amount of NO Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment, Vol.14 (1), January 2016 emission, with 126.5 ppm with biodiesel. Conventional diesel behavior was crescent according to the increase of loads.The results obtained in this study match those found by Rosa et al.21, in which crambe biodiesel had expressive reductions under all loads and the average reduction was 38.56%. Just as carbon monoxide, the reduction of nitric oxide is also influenced by the amount of oxygen available at ignition. Rakopoulos and Giakoumis22 affirm that biodiesel stoichiometric composition favors the reduction of NO. Conclusions The results obtained in this research show that the use of waste frying oil biodiesel was advantageous in all criteria assessed, presenting SFC values similar to those of diesel, a factor that could make its use onerous, as well as presenting higher efficiency and significant reduction in the emissions of all toxic gases analyzed. Finally, waste frying oil biodiesel does not require an extraction process and provides an environmentally friendly end to residual oils without competing with food production. ϰϱϬ References EKĞŵŝƐƐŝŽŶƐ;ƉƉŵͿ ϰϬϬ a ϯϱϬ ϯϬϬ a ϮϱϬ a ϮϬϬ ŝĞƐĞů a ϭϱϬ ϭϬϬ a ϱϬ b Ϭ Ϭ ϭ b ŝŽĚŝĞƐĞůĨƌŽŵǁĂƐƚĞ Žŝů b b ϰ ϱ b Ϯ ϯ >ŽĂĚƐ;ŬtͿ Figure 4. NO emission means of both fuels under different resistive loads. Treatment means followed by different letters differ from each other significantly by Tukey’s test at 5% significance. 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