Curriculum vitae Curriculum vitae 1. Dados pessoais 1. Personal


Curriculum vitae Curriculum vitae 1. Dados pessoais 1. Personal
Curriculum vitae
Curriculum vitae
1. Dados pessoais
1. Personal data
Nome completo
Full name
João Paulo Silva Gil Nobre
National identity card
Local e data de Nascimento
Birth place and date
n.d. 01-11-1964
Pais de nacionalidade
Morada institucional
Institutional address
GCM - Departamento de Engenharia Mecânica - FCTUC
Polo II - Pinhal de Marrocos
3030-201 Coimbra
Contact data
Telefone: +351239410637
Fax: +351239790701
Email: [email protected]
Endereço internet (url):
2. Formação académica
2. Academic degrees
Ano Grau académico
Year Academic degree
Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia
Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia
Muito Bom
Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia
3. Actividades anteriores e situação actual em termos científicos e/ou profissionais
3. Previous and current scientific and/or professional activities
Cargo ou categoria
Position or category
1985 a 1991
Programador de Computadores
CODATA - Centro de Processamento de
Dados, Lda
Assistente 1º Triénio
Instituto Politécnico da Guarda
Assistente Estagiário
Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da
Universidade de Coimbra
Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da
Universidade de Coimbra
Professor Auxiliar
Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da
Universidade de Coimbra
4. Área de actividade científica
4. Area of scientific activity
Mechanical Engineering.
5. Domínio de especialização
5. Domain of specialization
Domínio de especialização
Domain of specializations
Its main scientific research activity is on the mechanical behavior of materials.
Your first research field was on Contact Mechanics and Tribology, resulting of
the international cooperation between the DEM-UC and the Institute Supérieure
des Matériaux et de la Construction Mécanique (ISMCM) at St Ouen, France. As
member of the Residual Stress Group (included in the CEMDRX center, I&D unit
of UC) since that period, he began their works on the development of residual
stress analysis techniques, especially the hole-drilling method and X-ray
diffraction technique. Their skills in this scientific field were acquired during
other international cooperation, between GTR group and the Institute of
Materials of the University of Kassel, Germany, directed by Prof. B. Scholtes.
This collaboration began in 1997 and several projects were developed since
then with the German group.
Its scientific activity in Mechanics has been essentially experimental using,
when necessary, numerical approaches by the finite element method.
Actuais interesses de investigação
Present research interests
At moment exploratory contacts with the Laboratoire de Procedées-MatériauxInstrumentations (LPMI) of l’École Supérieure des Arts et Métiers (ENSAM) at
Angers, France, directed by Prof. J-L Lebrun, were started for implementation
of new research works in the field of multiaxial fatigue of metallic materials
(HCF). He was Invited Professor at ENSAM, Angers, during the period of JuinJuly 2006. In this field it is important to integrate the phase of the manufacture
processes, such as forging, casting, etc., in the phase of the fatigue design of
mechanical components. On the other hand, after developing new open
software for the hole-drilling method for its application in isotropic materials, he
still interested in developing this technique for its application to composite
materials. Exploratory contacts were also started during 2006, with the
Professor Torres Marques and Professor Pedro Camanho, of the Faculty of
Engineering of University of Porto. In both cases, their laboratories are
international references in each field.
Outras competências/actividades
Other skills/activities
-Industrial collaboration (directly or indirectly) at vocational training or advising
level, e.g., Revigrés, Edilásio Carreira da Silva, Grupo Iberomoldes, João de
Deus (Grupo Denso). Two kinds of collaboration: residual stress determination
and analysis, for optimization of manufacture processes, and experimental
stress analysis (e.g., fatigue behaviour of intercoolers at João de Deus).
-Software Development (GTR-Residual Stress Group Software).
-Scientific Meetings Organization (ECRS 6 in 2002 and CIBEM 6 in 2003).
-Journal refereeing: Experimental Mechanics (SEM-USA) 2005 and 2006;
Materiais 2005 – 3rd International Materials Symposium; CIBEM 6 - 6º
Congresso Ibero-Americano de Engenharia Mecânica 2003; ECRS 6 - 6th
European Conference on Residual Stresses 2002.
-Is member of the Scientific Comission of DEM-FCTUC (2001-).
-Was member of the Pedagogic Comission of DEM-FCTUC (1998-2000).
-Was member of the Coimbra University Assembly (2000-2002).
6. Experiência na orientação
6. Supervising experience
Almost the whole supervising activity in research training was conducted during
the execution of research projects of the Residual Stress Group (GTR), included
in the I&D unit (CEMDRX) of the University of Coimbra.
- Since 2001, after the conclusion of his PhD, he was supervisor or cosupervisor of a total of twelve graduate students, training in scientific research,
such as ERASMUS Programs and disciplines of Seminario/Projecto de
Investigação of the Mechanical Engineering Degree (DEM-FCTUC).
- At moment he is supervisor of two "Mestrado" students (MBA students),
preparing the work plan of one PhD student.
7. Participação em projectos
7. Participation in research projects
As team member:
Macro and Micro Residual Stresses – Projecto de Cooperação Luso-Alemão
(1995 – 98) -(BMFT – JNICT nº X 182.2). Portugal-Germany research
cooperation project.
Residual Stresses and Fatigue of Surface Treated Magnesium Alloys - Acções
Integradas Luso-Alemãs (1999-2001) - Acção nº A/2/99. Portugal-Germany
research cooperation project.
Accuracy and Applicability of the Hole-drilling Technique for Measuring Residual
Stresses in Surface Treated Components – Projecto FCT (2000-2004) POCTI/35953/EME/2000
Note: part of its PhD work has been performed during the execution of this
project, classified with EXCELLENT by the FCT´s final evaluation committee in
Determination of the Mechanical Properties in Surface-Treated Components –
Projecto FCT (2002-)POCTI/43242/EME/2002.
Laser Deposit Welding – A Repair Technique for - Projecto FCT (2004-)POCTI/EME/55918/2004.
As coordinator has proposed:
Software Development for the Incremental Hole-Drilling Technique - Projecto
FCT (2004)POCTI/EME/56581/2004. This project was classified with Good, but
no founding was attributed.
8. Prémios e Distinções
8. Prizes and awards
Não foi introduzido nenhum registo.
No records have been retrieved.
9. Publicações
9. Publications
Teses / Thesis
Nobre, J.P, Sobre o Comportamento Mecânico de Camadas Superficiais dos
Materiais – Estudo do Contacto no Impacto Elasto-Plástico e Determinação do
Estado de Tensões Residuais pela Técnica do Furo Incremental, Tese de
Doutoramento em Engenharia Mecânica, Universidade de Coimbra, Coimbra,
Nobre, J.P., Caracterização da Deterioração Superficial de um Aço de
Construção Mecânica Sujeito a Impacto, Dissertação para a obtenção do Grau
de Mestre em Ciências da Engenharia Mecânica, Universidade de Coimbra,
Livros (autor) / Books (author)
Colaboration in the chapters 4, 6 and 13 of the book:
Branco, C.M.,. Ferreira, J.M., Domingos, J., e Ribeiro, A.S., Projecto de Orgãos
de Máquinas, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, 878 pp., Lisboa, 2005.
Artigos em revistas de circulação internacional com arbitragem
científica / Papers in international scientific periodicals with referees
Nobre, J.P., Dias, A.M. and Gras, R., A Study on Elastic-Plastic Impact Friction,
International Journal on the Science and Technology of Friction, Lubrication and
Wear, I.M. Hutchings Editor – Elsevier Science, Wear, 230 (2) (1999) 133-145.
Nobre, J.P., Dias, A.M. and Gras, R., Resistance of a Ductile Steel Surface to
Spherical Normal Impact Indentation: Use of a Pendulum Machine,
International Journal on the Science and Technology of Friction, Lubrication and
Wear, D. Downson Editor – Elsevier Science,Wear, 211 (1997) 226-236.
Nobre, J.P., Kornmeier, M., Dias, A.M. and Scholtes, B., Use of the Hole-drilling
Method for Measuring Residual Stresses in Highly Stressed Shot-peened
Surfaces, Experimental Mechanics, an International Journal of the Society for
Experimental Mechanics (SEM-USA), 40 (3) (2000) 289-297.
Nobre, J.P., Dias, A.M. and Kornmeier, M., An Empirical Methodology to
Estimate a Local Yield Stress in Work-hardened Surface Layers, Experimental
Mechanics, an International Journal of the Society for Experimental Mechanics
(SEM-USA), 44 (1) (2004) 76-85.
Gibmeier, J., Nobre, J.P. and Scholtes, B., Residual Stress Determination by the
Hole Drilling Method in the Case of Highly Stressed Surface Layers, Materials
Science Research International, An International Journal of Society of Materials
Science, Japan, 10 (1) (2004) 1-6.
Nobre, J.P., Loureiro, A., Batista, A.C., and Dias, A.M., Evaluation of Welding
Residual Stresses Using the Incremental Hole-Drilling Technique, Materials
Science Forum, Vol. 514-16, pp. 768-773, 2006
Nobre, J.P., Batista, A.C., Capela, C., and Gaspar, M.C., Residual Stress
Evaluation on X 36 Cr Mo 17 HSM Finished Mould Steel, Materials Science
Forum, Vol. 514-16, pp. 559-563, 2006.
Batista, A.C., Nobre, J.P., and Dias, A.M., On a New Method Based on X-Ray
Diffraction to Identify Stress-Strain Laws on Surface-Treated Materials,
Materials Science Forum, Vol. 514-16, pp. 1623-1627, 2006.
Nobre, J.P., Kornmeier, M., Dias, A.M., et al., Comparative analysis of shotpeening residual stresses using hole-drilling and X-ray diffraction methods,
Materials Science Forum, Vol. 347-3, pp. 138-143, 2000.
Batista, A.C., Marinheiro, J.P., Nobre, J.P., and Dias, A.M., Characterisation of
Elastoplastic Behaviour Using Spherical Indentation, Materials Science Forum,
Vol. 514-16, pp. 744-748, 2006.
Nobre,J.P., Dias, A.M., Gibmeier, J. and Kornmeier, M., Local Stress-Ratio
Criterion for Incrementql Hole-Drilling Measurements of Shot-Peening Stresses,
Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology (Transactions of the ASME),
R.C. McClung Ed., Vol. 128(2), pp. 193-201, 2006.
Publicações em actas de encontros científicos / Papers in conference
Nobre, J.P., Kornmeier, M., Dias, A.M., and B. Scholtes, Comparative Analysis
of Shot-peening Residual Stresses using Hole-drilling and X-ray Diffraction
Methods, Proc. 5th European Conference on Residual Stresses (ECRS 5), Delft,
28-30 September (1999), A.J. Bottger, R. Delhez, E.J. Mittemeijer Editors,
Trans Tech Pub., vols. 1, pp. 138-143.
Kornmeier, M., Nobre, J.P., Gibmeier, J., Dias, A.M., Scholtes, B., Plasticity
Effect On Residual Stress Results Using Different Hole-Drilling Evaluation
Methods, Proc. 6th International Conference on Residual Stresses (ICRS 6),
Oxford, 10-12 July (2000), IOM communications, vols. 2, pp. 1188-1195.
Nobre, J.P., Noster, U., Gibmeier, J., Altenberger, I., Kornmeier, M., Dias, A.,
Scholtes, B., Mechanical Behavior and Residual Stresses in AZ31 Wrought
Magnesium Alloy Subjected to Four Point Bending, in Magnesium Alloys and
Their Applications, Munich, 26-28 September (2000), K.U. Kainer Editor, WileyVCH, vols. 1, pp. 336-341.
Nobre, J.P., Noster, U., Kornmeier, M., Dias, A., Scholtes, B., Deformation
Asymmetry of AZ31 Wrought Magnesium Alloy, Proc. of 1st International
Materials Symposium, SPM, Coimbra, 9-11 April 2001, Teresa Vieira Editor,
Trans Tech Pub., Key Engineering Materials vols. 230-232 (2002), pp. 267-270.
Nobre, J.P., Dias, A.M. e Gras, R., Resistência ao Choque com Escorregamento
de um Aço de Construção Mecânica, Actas do XIII Congresso Brasileiro e II
Congresso Ibero-Americano de Engenharia Mecânica, COBEM CIDIM/95, Belo
Horizonte, Brasil, Ed. Associação Brasileira de Ciências de Engenharia Mecânica,
Nobre, J.P., Dias, A.M. e Gras R., Caracterização da Deterioração Superficial de
um Aço de Construção Mecânica Sujeito a Impacto Simples de Esferas de
Alumina, Proc. 5as Jornadas Ibero-Americanas de Fractura, Editado pelo Grupo
Español de Fractura, Luso, 1996.
Nobre, J.P., Loureiro, A., Batista, A.C., and Dias, A.M., Evaluation of Welding
Residual Stresses Using the Incremental Hole-Drilling Technique, Proceedings of
the III International Materials Symposium Materiais 2005 and XII Encontro da
Sociedade Portuguesa de Materiais –SPM, Aveiro, March 20-23, 2005, P.M.
Vilarinho Ed., Mat. Sci. Forum, Vol. 514-16, pp. 768-773.
Nobre, J.P., Batista, A.C., Capela, C., and Gaspar, M.C., Residual Stress
Evaluation on X 36 Cr Mo 17 HSM Finished Mould Steel, Proceedings of the III
International Materials Symposium Materiais 2005 and XII Encontro da
Sociedade Portuguesa de Materiais –SPM, Aveiro, March 20-23, 2005, P.M.
Vilarinho Ed., Mat. Sci. Forum, Vol. 514-16, pp. 559-563.
Batista, A.C., Nobre, J.P., and Dias, A.M., On a New Method Based on X-Ray
Diffraction to Identify Stress-Strain Laws on Surface-Treated Materials,
Proceedings of the III International Materials Symposium Materiais 2005 and
XII Encontro da Sociedade Portuguesa de Materiais –SPM, Aveiro, March 20-23,
2005, P.M. Vilarinho Ed., Mat. Sci. Forum, Vol. 514-16, pp. 1623-1627.
Batista, A.C., Marinheiro, J.P., Nobre, J.P., and Dias, A.M., Characterisation of
Elastoplastic Behaviour Using Spherical Indentation, Proceedings of the III
International Materials Symposium Materiais 2005 and XII Encontro da
Sociedade Portuguesa de Materiais –SPM, Aveiro, March 20-23, 2005, P.M.
Vilarinho Ed., Mat. Sci. Forum, Vol. 514-16, pp. 744-748.
Nobre, J.P., Batista, A.C., Coelho, L. and Dias, A.M., Residual Stress Evaluation
by Incremental Hole-drilling - A New Computational Tool, Proc. 5th
International Conference on Mechanics and Materials in Design (M2D2006),
Porto, July 24-26, 2006.
Outras publicações / Other publications
“Aspectos da Vida e Obra de Mário Augusto da Silva”, Opúsculo escrito por
ocasião da homenagem prestada pela Universidade de Coimbra ao antigo
Professor de Física da Universidade de Coimbra Mário Augusto da Silva,
realizada em 3 de Outubro de 1997 – Publicado on-line em
Nobre, J.P., Fiolhais, C., Mário Silva, o Professor, o Cientista e o Político, Gazeta
de Física, vol. 24 (1) 2001, 25-27.
10. Comunicações
10. Communications
Comunicações orais por convite / Oral communications by invitation
Nobre, J.P., Développement d´un Logiciel pour la Détermination des Contraintes
Résiduelles par la Méthode du Trou Incrémentale, invited communication
presented during the GFAC meeting (Groupement Français d´Analyse des
Contraintes), ENSAM, Angers, May 11 2006.
Outras comunicações orais / Other oral communications
Nobre, J.P., Dias, A.M. e Gras, R., Comportamento Tribológico do Par
Alumina/Aço Quando Sujeito a Solicitações de Impacto, Comunicação
apresentada nas 5as Jornadas Portuguesas de Tribologia, Guimarães, 1995.
Nobre, J.P., Dias, A.M. e Gras, R., Resistência ao Choque com Escorregamento
de um Aço de Construção Mecânica, Comunicação apresentada 2º Congresso
Ibero-Americano de Engenharia Mecânica, Belo Horizonte, Brasil, 1995.
Nobre, J.P., Dias, A.M. e Gras R., Caracterização da Deterioração Superficial de
um Aço de Construção Mecânica Sujeito a Impacto Simples de Esferas de
Alumina, Comunicação apresentada nas 5as Jornadas Ibero-Americanas de
Fractura, Luso, Portugal, 1996.
Nobre, J.P., Kornmeier, M. e Dias, A.M., Aplicação do Método do Furo
Incremental na Caracterização de Perfis de Tensões Residuais em Profundidade,
Comunicação apresentada nas 3ªs Jornadas Nacionais de Análise Experimental
de Tensões, APAET, Porto, Março, 1999.
Nobre, J.P., Dias, A.M., Estudo Experimental e Numérico sobre o Efeito de
Plastificação nos Resultados da Técnica do Furo Incremental, Comunicação
apresentada nas 5ªs Jornadas Nacionais de Análise Experimental de Tensões,
APAET, Coimbra, Janeiro, 2004.
Nobre, J.P., Kornmeier, M., Dias, A.M., and B. Scholtes, Comparative Analysis of
Shot-peening Residual Stresses using Hole-drilling and X-ray Diffraction
Methods, 5th European Conference on Residual Stresses (ECRS 5), Delft, 28-30
September 1999.
Nobre, J.P., Noster, U., Kornmeier, M., Dias, A., Scholtes, B., Deformation
Asymmetry of AZ31 Wrought Magnesium Alloy, 1st International Materials
Symposium, SPM, Coimbra, 9-11 April 2001.
Nobre, J.P., Batista, A.C., Coelho, L. and Dias, A.M., Residual Stress Evaluation
by Incremental Hole-drilling - A New Computational Tool, 5th International
Conference on Mechanics and Materials in Design (M2D2006), Porto, July 24-26,
Comunicações em painel ("poster") / Posters in conferences
Kornmeier, M., Nobre, J.P., Gibmeier, J., Dias, A.M., Scholtes, B., Plasticity
Effect On Residual Stress Results Using Different Hole-Drilling Evaluation
Methods, 6th International Conference on Residual Stresses (ICRS 6), Oxford,
10-12 July 2000.
Nobre, J.P., Noster, U., Gibmeier, J., Altenberger, I., Kornmeier, M., Dias, A.,
Scholtes, B., Mechanical Behavior and Residual Stresses in AZ31 Wrought
Magnesium Alloy Subjected to Four Point Bending, Magnesium Alloys and Their
Applications, Munich, 26-28 September 2000.
Nobre, J.P., Loureiro, A., Batista, A.C., and Dias, A.M., Evaluation of Welding
Residual Stresses Using the Incremental Hole-Drilling Technique, 3rd
International Materials Symposium Materiais 2005,SPM, Aveiro, March 20-23
Batista, A.C., Nobre, J.P., and Dias, A.M., On a New Method Based on X-Ray
Diffraction to Identify Stress-Strain Laws on Surface-Treated Materials, 3rd
International Materials Symposium Materiais 2005 , SPM, Aveiro, March 20-23
Nobre, J.P., Batista, A.C., Capela, C., and Gaspar, M.C., Residual Stress
Evaluation on X 36 Cr Mo 17 HSM Finished Mould Steel, 3rd International
Materials Symposium Materiais 2005, SPM, Aveiro, March 20-23 2005.
Batista, A.C., Marinheiro, J.P., Nobre, J.P., and Dias, A.M., Characterisation of
Elastoplastic Behaviour Using Spherical Indentation, 3rd International Materials
Symposium Materiais 2005 , SPM, Aveiro, March 20-23 2005.
11. Línguas
11. Language