item 5 pdf
item 5 pdf
ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS April 29, 2015 NOVABASE - Sociedade Gestora de Participações Sociais, S.A. Public Company Registered Office: Av. D. João II, no. 34, Parque das Nações, Lisbon Share Capital: 15,700,697 Euros Lisbon Commercial Registry inscription and corporation number 502.280.182 PROPOSAL OF SHAREHOLDER ITEM 5 ON THE AGENDA: To resolve on amendments to article 7, paragraph 1, article 8, paragraphs 1 and 3, article 9, paragraph 9, subparagraphs b) and c), articles 11 and 13, article 14, paragraphs 3 and 4, article 15, paragraph d), article 16, paragraph 1, subparagraph d), article 17, the title of Section IV, articles 18, 19 and 20, article 21, paragraph 2, all of the Articles of Association, as well as on inserting a new paragraph 4 to article 8 and a subparagraph e) to article 16 of the Articles of Association. Whereas: A) The Company has implemented best practices of corporate governance, developing a continuous and careful process of analysis and reflection on the various models available; B) The growing challenges of internationalization and competitiveness that are the context of the Company's activity advise the an updating the corporate governance system is implemented; C) The primary and decisive component of that corporate governance system are the Company’s Articles of Association; D) Given the challenges described above, a simplification and flexible adaptation of the bodies and procedures composing the bylaws’ governance structure is highly convenient, while ensuring that the corporate governance practices best suited to the size and circumstances of the Company are maintained; HNB-SGPS, S.A. Sede: Rua Sarmento Beires, nº 45, 13B -1900-411 Lisboa Capital Social 50.000,00- matriculada na C.R.C. Lisboa com o Nº Único de Matrícula e de Pessoa Colectiva 510 697 127 It is proposed that it be resolved: 1) To amend article 7, paragraph 1, of the Articles of Association, to read as follows: “Article 7 1. The corporate bodies are the General Meeting of Shareholders, the Board of Directors, the Audit Board and the Chartered Accountant. 2. (…)” 2) To amend article 8, paragraphs 1 and 3, of the Articles of Association, and to insert a paragraph 4 to the same article 8, to read as follows: “Article 8 1. The members of the board of the General Meeting of Shareholders, of the Board of Directors, of the Audit Board and the Chartered Accountant are elected for periods of three years by the General Meeting of Shareholders, and may be re-elected one or more times. 2. (…). 3. The remunerations of the members of the board of the General Meeting of Shareholders, of the Board of Directors, of the Audit Board and the Chartered Accountant are established each year by the General Meeting of Shareholders or by a remunerations committee appointed by the General Meeting of Shareholders. 4. A pension supplement may be attributed to the directors, and the Company may enter into insurance agreement in their benefit.” 3) To amend article 9, paragraph 9, subparagraphs b) and c), of the Articles of Association, to read as follows: “Article 9 1. (…). 2. (…). 3. (…). HNB-SGPS, S.A. Sede: Rua Sarmento Beires, nº 45, 13B -1900-411 Lisboa Capital Social 50.000,00- matriculada na C.R.C. Lisboa com o Nº Único de Matrícula e de Pessoa Colectiva 510 697 127 4. (…). 5. (…). 6. (…). 7. (…). 8. (…). 9. Postal voting is permitted, and the following shall be observed: a) (…). b) A legible photocopy of the shareholder’s identity card or citizen card should accompany the voting form. If the shareholder is a legal person, the voting form must be signed by one of its representatives and be notarised. c) Voting forms, together with the items specified in the preceding subparagraphs, must be placed in a sealed envelope addressed to the Chairman of the board of the General Meeting, delivered by hand at the Company’s registered office, or delivered to the registered office address by registered mail by the third working day preceding the date of the General Meeting. However, if the shareholder is an individual who submits the voting form together with a legible photocopy of the shareholder’s identity card or citizen card, he/she may, as an alternative, use the electronic mail address provided in the call for the General Meeting for such purpose. d) (…). e) (…). f) (…).” 4) To amend article 11 of the Articles of Association, to read as follows: “Article 11 1. The board of the General Meeting is composed of a Chairman and a Secretary. 2. The General Meeting is convened and directed by the Chairman of the board, who is replaced as provided for by law in case of absence or impediment.” 5) To amend article 13 of the Articles of Association, to read as follows: “Article 13 HNB-SGPS, S.A. Sede: Rua Sarmento Beires, nº 45, 13B -1900-411 Lisboa Capital Social 50.000,00- matriculada na C.R.C. Lisboa com o Nº Único de Matrícula e de Pessoa Colectiva 510 697 127 The General Meeting shall meet at least once per year, or whenever a request for a meeting is submitted to its Chairman by the Board of Directors or the Audit Board, or a shareholder or shareholders representing at least two percent of the share capital.” 6) To amend article 14, paragraphs 3 and 4, of the Articles of Association, to read as follows: “Article 14 1. (…). 2. (…). 3. The Board of Directors can delegate to one director certain specific management functions, which shall to that effect be inscribed in minutes. The Board of Directors may also delegate the management of the day-to-day activity of the company to one or more directors (delegated-directors) or to an executive committee, composed of three to nine directors. 4. The Board of Directors shall establish the functions of each delegated-director or of the executive committee, as applicable, with respect to the day-to-day management of the company. Whenever required, the delegation to an executive committee shall include all powers that are not restricted under article four hundred and seven of the Commercial Companies Code.” 7) To amend article 15, paragraph d) of the Articles of Association, to read as follows: “Article 15 The Board of Directors is responsible in general for the exercise of the broadest powers to pursue the interests and business of the company within the limits of the law, the articles of association and the resolutions of the General Meeting, including: a) (…); b) (…); c) (…); d) To delegate powers to its members within the terms of paragraphs three and four of article fourteen; e) (…); f) (…); HNB-SGPS, S.A. Sede: Rua Sarmento Beires, nº 45, 13B -1900-411 Lisboa Capital Social 50.000,00- matriculada na C.R.C. Lisboa com o Nº Único de Matrícula e de Pessoa Colectiva 510 697 127 g) (…); h) (…); i) (…).” 8) To amend article 16, paragrah 1, subparagraph d) of the Articles of Association, and to insert a new subparagraph d) to such paragraph 1, as follows: “Article 16 1. The company is bound by: a) (…). b) (…). c) (…). d) the signature of a delegated-director, within the scope of the powers granted to him by the Board of Directors. e) the signature of any member of the executive committee, whenever expressly designated to that effect by that same executive committee, within the scope of powers granted to the executive committee by the Board of Directors. 2. (…). 3. (…).” 9) To amend article 17 of the Articles of Association, to read as follows: “Article 17 1. The Board of Directors shall meet whenever it is convened by its Chairman or by two other members, having to meet at least once every quarter of the year. 2. The Board of Directors cannot take resolutions without the majority of its members being present or represented, and the resolutions of the Board shall be taken by majority voting of the directors being present or represented and of the directors voting by post. The Chairman shall have a casting vote. 3. The voting by mail or by power of attorney granted to another director is permitted. 4. Directors who fail to attend to more than one third of the meetings held in a financial year, without justification approved by the Board of Directors, shall be considered permanently absent. The same is applicable to members of the executive committee who HNB-SGPS, S.A. Sede: Rua Sarmento Beires, nº 45, 13B -1900-411 Lisboa Capital Social 50.000,00- matriculada na C.R.C. Lisboa com o Nº Único de Matrícula e de Pessoa Colectiva 510 697 127 fail to attend, without justification approved by the Board of Directors, to more than one fifth of meetings of the executive committee in the same period.” 10) To amend the title of Section IV of the Articles of Association, to read as follows: “Section IV – Audit Board” 11) To amend article 18 of the Articles of Association, to read as follows: “Article 18 1. Supervision of the company shall be the responsibility of an Audit Board, elected by the General Meeting and composed of three effective members, one of whom shall be its Chairman, and at least a deputy member. 2. The Audit Board is convened by its Chairman or by two members. The Chairman of the Audit Board shall direct the meetings and shall have a casting vote. . 3. The Audit Board shall meet in ordinary session at least once every quarter of the year, and whenever determined by the Chairman or requested by any of the other members.” 12) To amend article 19 of the Articles of Association, to read as follows: “Article 19 Resolutions of the Audit Board are approved with the presence of the majority of the members in office and by a majority of the votes cast.” 13) To amend article 20 of the Articles of Association, to read as follows: “Article 20 1. A Chartered Account or a firm of Chartered Accountants, appointed by the General Meeting upon proposal by the Audit Board, shall be responsible for examining the company’s accounts. 2. There shall be an effective Chartered Accountant, and there may be a deputy Chartered Accountant.” HNB-SGPS, S.A. Sede: Rua Sarmento Beires, nº 45, 13B -1900-411 Lisboa Capital Social 50.000,00- matriculada na C.R.C. Lisboa com o Nº Único de Matrícula e de Pessoa Colectiva 510 697 127 14) To amend article 21, paragraph 2, of the Articles of Association, to read as follows: “Article 21 1. (…). 2. The Board of Directors may, in the legal terms and upon favourable opinion obtained from the Audit Board, decide the distribution of advance payments on profits during the financial year to the shareholders. 3. (…). 4. (…).” 15) To renumber the articles, paragraphs and subparagraphs of the Articles of Association, as required following the amendments and insertions to the Articles of Association approved in this General Meeting of Shareholders. Lisbon, March 26, 2015 THE SHAREHOLDER HNB-SGPS, S.A. Sede: Rua Sarmento Beires, nº 45, 13B -1900-411 Lisboa Capital Social 50.000,00- matriculada na C.R.C. Lisboa com o Nº Único de Matrícula e de Pessoa Colectiva 510 697 127