January, 2013 BOB G. KNIGHT Andrus


January, 2013 BOB G. KNIGHT Andrus
January, 2013
Andrus Gerontology Center
University of Southern California
Los Angeles, CA 90089-0191
University of Southern California
The Merle H. Bensinger Professor of Gerontology
1999– present
Professor of Psychology
Director of Tingstad (formerly Andrus) Older Adult Counseling Center-- 1988-present
Associate Dean, Davis School of Gerontology
Director of Clinical Training, Department of Psychology
Professor of Counseling Psychology
Director, Los Angeles Caregiver Resource Center-Director of Research Training & Information Transfer Core,
Alzheimer's Disease Research Center
1999 –2007
Associate Professor of Gerontology & Psychology
named to The Merle H. Bensinger Professorship in 1990;
tenure date: 1994
1988 –99
Visiting Associate Professor
Department of Psychology
University of Sheffield (U.K.)
Fall, 1995
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Gerontology
University of Southern California
Spring, 1987
Program Manager, Senior Services
Ventura County Mental Health Services (CA)
Postdoctoral Fellow in Clinical Geropsychology
Ventura County Mental Health Services (CA)
The Merle H. Bensinger Professor of Gerontology, 1990—
Commendation, LA County Board of Supervisors, for community work of LA Caregiver
Resource Center, 1996
President, Section on Clinical Geropsychology, Division of Clinical Psychology, American
Psychological Association, 1997
Marjorie Coote Memorial Lecturer, Annual meeting of the British Society of Gerontology.
Sheffield, England, September, 1998
Chair, Committee on Aging, American Psychological Association, 2001
President, Division of Adult Development and Aging, American Psychological Association,
USC Mellon Award for Excellence in Mentoring, 2005
The John Santos Lecture: Unique Aspects of Psychotherapy with Older Adults, at the
national conference on Psychotherapy for Depression and Anxiety in Older Adults,
Colorado Springs, CO, 2005.
Distinguished Clinical Mentorship Award, Clinical Geropsychology Section (Section II of
Division 12), American Psychological Association, 2005
Australian Psychological Society International Visiting Fellow, Fall, 2005
Honorary Fellow, School of Health in Social Science, University of Edinburgh, 2005-2008
Retirement Research Foundation M. Powell Lawton Distinguished Contribution in Applied
Gerontology, 2007 (awarded by Division 20 of American Psychological Association)
Honorary Professor in Psychology, University of Queensland, Australia. 2009-American Psychological Association’s Committee on Aging Award for the Advancement of
Psychology and Aging, 2009
Associate Editor, Aging and Mental Health, 2009 --- 2011
Associate Editor, Handbook of Psychology and Aging (7th ed.). K.W. Schaie & S. Willis (Eds).
USC Davis School of Gerontology Outstanding Faculty Member, 2010.
Editor, The Journals of Gerontology: Psychological Sciences, 2012-2015.
M. Powell Lawton Award for Distinguished Contributions to Clinical Geropsychology, Society
of Clinical Geropsychology, 2012
Principal Investigator, Robert Ellis Simon Foundation. “Depression in Alzheimer's caregivers
and other older adults.” 1/89--12/89, $48,000.
Principal Investigator, National Institute on Aging, "Educational materials for caregiver stress;"
Funded evaluation of training program and development of materials. ADRC special project
award. 10/89--6/90, $49,708.
Principal Investigator, California Department of Health Services: “Reducing caregiver distress:
Physical and emotional effects.” Research on physical and emotional effects of caregiving;
comparison of two psychoeducational interventions. 11/89--10/92, $136,000.
Principal Investigator, AARP Andrus Foundation. “Alcohol abuse among caregivers of
demented older adults.” Funded a secondary analysis of data collected in the preceding
project and a recontact with caregivers in this data set to study the extent of increased
drinking and the correlates of increased drinking. 1/92--12/92, $34,707.
Principal Investigator, Health Resources and Services Administration. Latino Caregiver Respite
Demonstration Project. Subcontracts for program evaluation and (through CRC) respite care
contracting. 1/93---12/93, $101,000.
National Institute on Aging, Director, Research Training & Information Transfer Core,
Alzheimer's Disease Research Center of Los Angeles and Orange Counties. Caleb Finch PI.
1988 –2002, $57,000 annually approx.
California Department of Mental Health, "Contract: LA Caregiver Resource Center" Part of
statewide network of centers for needs assessment and policy/program development, 6/89-present, currently funded at $1,940,000 per year.
Senior Investigator, National Science Foundation, “Multigenerational predictors of earthquake
impact and preparation.” Margaret Gatz, PI. 9/94--9/95. $66,000.
Preceptor, National Institute on Aging. “USC Multi-Disciplinary Research Training in Aging.”
Vern Bengtson, PI. Ongoing.
Principal Investigator, National Institute on Aging, “African-American and White caregivers:
Health effects, R01 AG16307, 9/00–8/03, $475,000 direct costs.
Principal Investigator, USC-ADRC pilot grant. “Cortisol levels in African-American and White
caregivers.” 4/02–3/03. $25,000 direct costs.
Co-Investigator, Ministerio de Ciencia [Spain], “Influencia de la ansiedad sobre el procesimiento
cognitiva de informacion.” Ignacio Montorio, PI. 2005-2007.
Co-Investigator and Director, Research Specialty Group, National Institute on Aging, “Well
Elderly Project”, F Clark, PI. 2004-2009.
Peer-reviewed journals:
1. Knight, B.G. (1978-79). Psychotherapy and behavior change with the non-institutionalized
aged. International Journal of Aging and Human Development, 9, 21-226.
Reprinted in G.L. Landreth & R.C. Berg (Eds.), (1980) Counseling the Elderly.
Springfield (IL): C.C. Thomas.
2. Knight, B.G., Wollert, R.W., Levy, L.H., Frame, C.L. & Padgett, V.P. (1980). Self-help
groups: The members' perspectives. American Journal of Community Psychology, 8, 5365.
3. Wollert, R.W., Knight, B.G., & Levy, L.H. (1980). MTC: A collaborative model for
professionals and self-help groups. Professional Psychology, 11, 130-138.
Reprinted in : A. Gartner & F. Riessman (Eds.). (1984). The self-help revolution. New
York: Human Sciences Press.
4. Wheeler, E., & Knight, B.G. (1981). Morrie: A case study. Gerontologist, 21, 323-328.
5. Wollert, R.W., Levy, L.H., & Knight, B.G. (1982). Help-giving in behavioral control and
stress coping self-help groups. Small Group Behavior, 13, 204-218.
6. Knight, B.G., Reinhart, R., & Field, P. (1982). Senior Outreach Services: A treatmentoriented outreach team in community mental health. Gerontologist, 22, 544-547.
7. Knight, B.G. & Walker, D.L. (1985). Toward a definition of alternatives to
institutionalization for the frail elderly. Gerontologist, 25, 358-363.
8. Knight, B.G. (1986). Management variables as predictors of service utilization by the
elderly in mental health. International Journal of Aging and Human Development, 23,
9. Knight, B. G. (1986). Therapists' attitudes as an explanation of underservice to the elderly
in mental health: Testing an old hypothesis. International Journal of Aging and Human
Development, 22, 261-269.
10. Knight, B.G. (1988). Factors influencing therapist-rated change in older adults. Journal
of Gerontology. 43, 111-112.
11. Knight, B. & Carter, P.M. (1990). Reducing inpatient stay for geropsychiatric patients
by intensive case management. Gerontologist, 30, 510-515.
12. Knight, B. (1991). Predicting life satisfaction and distress of in-home spouse dementia
13. caregivers. American Journal of Alzheimer's Care and Research, 6, 40-45.
14. Knight, B. (1992). Emotional distress and diagnosis among helpseekers: A comparison
of dementia caregivers and depressed older adults. Journal of Applied Gerontology, 11,
15. Knight, B.G., Lutzky, S.M. & Macofsky-Urban, F. (1993). A meta-analytic review of
interventions for caregiver distress: Recommendations for future research. Gerontologist,
33, 240-249.
16. Lutzky, S.M. & Knight, B.G. (1994). Explaining gender differences in caregiver
distress: The roles of emotional attentiveness and coping styles. Psychology and Aging, 4,
17. Knight, B.G. & Mjelde-Mossey, L.A. (1995). A comparison of the Michigan
Alcoholism Screening Test and the Michigan Alcoholism Screening Test-Geriatric
Version in screening for higher alcohol use among dementia caregivers. Journal of
Mental Health and Aging, 1, 147-155.
18. Aranda, M.P. & Knight, B.G. (1997). The influence of ethnicity and culture on the
caregiver stress and coping process: A sociocultural review and analysis. Gerontologist,
37, 342-354.
19. Knight, B.G. & McCallum, TJ (1998) Adapting psychotherapeutic practice for older
clients: Implications of the contextual, cohort-based, maturity specific challenge model.
Professional Psychology, 29, 15-22.
20. Knight, B.G. & McCallum, T.J. (1998). Heart rate reactivity and depression in AfricanAmerican and white dementia caregivers. Aging and Mental Health, 2, 212-221.
21. Fox, L.S., Knight, B.G., & Zelinski, E. (1998). Mood induction with older adults: A tool
for investigating effects of depressed mood. Psychology and Aging, 13, 519-523.
22. Knight, B.G., & Satre, D.D. (1999). Cognitive behavioral psychotherapy with older
adults. Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice 6, 188-203.
23. Youn, G., Knight, B.G., Jeong, H. & Benton, D. (1999). Differences in familism values
and emotional outcomes among Korean, Korean-American, and White caregivers.
Psychology and Aging, 14, 355-364.
24. Riccio, P., Knight, B., & Cody, M.S. (1999). Medication use among elderly caregivers
of patients with dementia: Implications for sleep. Home Health Management and
Practice, 12, 42-49.
25. Knight, B.G., Silverstein, M., McCallum, T.J., & Fox, L.S. (2000). A sociocultural
stress and coping model for mental health outcomes among African-American caregivers
in southern California. Journals of Gerontology: Psychological Sciences, 55B, P142150.
26. Knight, B.G., Fox, L.S., & Chou, C.P. (2000). Factor structure of the Burden Interview.
Journal of Clinical Geropsychology, 6, 249-258.
27. Knight, B.G., Gatz, M., Heller, K., & Bengtson, V.L. (2000). Age effects in emotional
response to the Northridge earthquake: A longitudinal analysis. Psychology and Aging,
15, 627-634.
28. Satre, D.D. & Knight, B.G. (2001). Alcohol expectancies and reported drinking
behavior: Age and sex differences. Aging and Mental Health, 5, 73-83.
29. Kaskie, B., Knight, B.G., & Liebig, P.S. (2001). State legislation concerning individuals
with dementia: A comparison of three theoretical models of policy formation.
Gerontologist, 41, 383-393.
30. Kaskie, B., Knight, B.G., & Liebig, P.S. (2001). Dementia policy revisited: An analysis
of the state laws targeted toward individuals with Alzheimer’s disease and other types of
dementia. Journal of Aging and Social Policy, 12, 27-46.
31. Knight, B.G. & Robinson, G.S. (2001). Psicoterapia en el anciano en el siglo XXI.
Tendencias pasadas y perspectivas futuras. [Psychotherapy with older adults at the turn of
the 21st century: Past trends and future directions.] Revista Española de Geriatria y
Gerontologia, 36, 131-134.
32. Knight, B.G., Maines, M.L., & Robinson, G.S. (2002). The effects of mood and
memory in older adults: A test of the mood congruence effect. Psychology and Aging,
17, 653-661.
33. Knight, B.G., Robinson, G.S., Flynn Longmire, C., Chun, M., Nakao, K., & Kim, J.H.
(2002). cross cultural issues in caregiving for dementia: Do familism values reduce
burden and distress? Ageing International, 27, 70-93.
34. Satre, D.D., Knight, B.G., Dickson-Fuhrman, E., & Jarvik, L.F. (2003). Predictors of
alcohol treatment seeking in a sample of older veterans in the GET SMART program.
Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 51, 380-386.
35. Losada, A., Knight, B.G., & Marquez, M. (2003). Barreras cognitivas para el cuidado
de personas mayores dependientes: Influencia de las variables socioculturales. Revisita
Españaola de Geriatria y Gerontologia, 38, 116-123.
36. Satre, D.D., Knight, B.G., Dickson-Fuhrman, E., & Jarvik, L.F. (2004). Substance abuse
treatment initiation among older veterans in the GET SMART program: Effects of
depression and cognitive status. Aging and Mental Health, 8, 346-354.
37. Mjelde-Mossey, L.A., Mor Barak, M.E., & Knight, B.G. (2004). Coping behaviors as
predictors of drinking practices among primary in-home dementia caregivers. Journal of
Applied Gerontology, 23, 295-308.
38. Robinson, G.S. & Knight, B.G. (2004). Preliminary study investigating acculturation,
cultural values, and psychological distress among Latino caregivers of dementia patients.
Journal of Mental Health and Aging, 10, 183-194..
39. Heller, K., Alexander, D.B., Gatz, M., Knight, B.G., & Rose, T. (2005). Social and
personal factors as predictors of earthquake preparation: The role of support provision,
network discussion, negative affect, age, and education. Journal of Applied Social
Psychology, 35, 399-422.
40. Lee, H., Moon, A., & Knight, B.G. (2005). Depression among elderly Korean
immigrants: Exploring sociocultural factors. Journal of Ethnic and Cultural Diversity in
Social Work, 13, 1-26.
41. Fox, L.S. & Knight, B.G. (2005). Effects of anxiety on attentional processes in older
adults. Aging and Mental Health, 9, 585-593.
42. Shurgot, G.R. & Knight, B.G. (2005). Influence of neuroticism, ethnicity, familism and
social support on perceived burden in dementia caregivers: Pilot test of the transactional
stress and social support model. Journals of Gerontology: Psychological Sciences, 60,
43. Knight, B.G. & Kim, J.H. (2005). Efectos de variables culturales in los procesos de
estrés y afrontamiento. Revisita Españaola de Geriatria y Gerontologia, 40 (Suppl), 7479.
44. Losada, A., Shurgot, G.R., Knight, B.G., Marquez, M., Montorio, I., Izal, M., & Ruiz,
M.A. (2006). Cross-cultural study comparing the association of familism with burden and
depressive symptoms in two samples of Hispanic dementia caregivers. Aging and Mental
Health, 10, 69-76.
45. Satre, D.D., Knight, B.G., & David, S. (2006). Cognitive behavioural interventions with
older adults: Integrating clinical and gerontological research. Professional Psychology:
Research and Practice, 37, 489-498.
46. Losada, A., Montorio, I., Knight, B., Marquez, M., & Izal, M. (2006). Explanation of
caregiver distress from the cognitive model:
Psicologia Conductual, 14, 115-128.
The role of dysfunctional thoughts.
47. Chun, M., Knight, B.G., & Youn, G. (2007). Differences in stress and coping models of
emotional distress among Korean, Korean-American and white-American caregivers.
Aging and Mental Health, 11, 20-29.
48. McCallum, T.J., Flynn Longmire, C.V. & Knight, B.G. (2007). African American and
White female caregivers and the sociocultural stress and coping model. Clinical
Gerontologist, 30, 25-38.
49. Kim, J.H., Knight, B.G., & Flynn Longmire, C.V. (2007). The role of familism in stress
and coping processes among African American and White dementia caregivers: Effects
on mental and physical health. Health Psychology, 26, 564-576.
50. Knight, B.G., Flynn Longmire, C.V., Dave, J., Kim, J.H., & David, S. (2007). Mental
health and physical health of family caregivers: A comparison of African American and
White caregivers. Aging and Mental Health, 11, 538-546.
51. David, S. & Knight, B.G. (2008). Stress and coping among gay men: Age and ethnic
differences. Psychology and Aging, 23, 62-69.
52. Losada, A., Knight, B.G., Márquez-González, M., Etxeberria, I., & Peñacoba, C.
(2008). Confirmatory factor analysis of the familism scale with a sample of dementia
caregivers. Aging and Mental Health, 12, 504-508.
53. Kim, J.H. & Knight, B.G. (2008). The effects of caregiving status, coping styles and
social support on the physical health of Korean American caregivers. Gerontologist, 48,
54. Poon, C.Y.M. & Knight, B.G. (2009). Influence of sad mood and old age schema on
older adults’ attention to physical symptoms. Journals of Gerontology: Psychological
Sciences, 64B, 41-44.
55. Knight, B.G., Karel, M.J., Hinrichsen, G. A., Qualls, S.H., & Duffy, M. (2009). Pikes
Peak Model for Training in Professional Geropsychology. American Psychologist, 64,
56. Jackson, J., Mandel, D., Blanchard, J., Carlson, M., Cherry, B., Azen, S., Chou, C-P.,
Jordan-Marsh, M., Forman, T., White, B., Granger, D., Knight, B. & Clark, F. (2009).
Confronting challenges in intervention research with ethnically diverse elderly adults:
The USC Well Elderly II trial. Clinical Trials, 6, 90-101.
57. Lee. L.O. & Knight, B.G. (2009). Attentional bias for threat in older adults: Moderation
of the positivity effect by trait anxiety and stimulus modality. Psychology and Aging, 24,
58. Knight, B.G. & Sayegh, P. (2010). Cultural values and caregiving: The updated
sociocultural stress and coping model. Journals of Gerontology: Psychological Sciences,
65B, 5-13. [JGPS 65th Anniversity Celebration Article].
59. Losada, A., Márquez-González, M., Knight, B. G., Yanguas, J., Sayegh, P., & RomeroMoreno, R. (2010). Psychosocial factors and caregivers’ distress: Effects of familism and
dysfunctional thoughts. Aging & Mental Health, 14, 193-202.
60. Karel, M.J., Knight, B.G., Duffy, M., Hinrichsen, G.A., & Zeiss, A. (2010). Attitude,
knowledge and skill competencies for practice in professional geropsychology:
Implications for training and building a geropsychology workforce. Training and
Education in Professional Psychology, 4, 745-84.
61. Flynn Longmire, C. & Knight, B.G. (2010). Confirmatory factor analysis for Center for
Epidemilogical Studies-Depression Scale in Black and White dementia caregivers. Aging
and Mental Health, 14, 962-970.
62. Sayegh, P., & Knight, B. G. (2011). The effects of familism and Cultural Justification on
the mental and physical health of family caregivers. Journal of Gerontology:
Psychological Sciences, 66B, 3-14.
63. Knight, B. G. (2011). Mentoring for professional geropsychology within a doctoral
program. Educational Gerontology, 37, 378-387.
64. Knight, B. G. (2011). Training in professional psychology in the US: An increased focus
on competency attainment. Australian Psychologist, 46, 140-140-141.
65. Poon, C. Y. M., & Knight, B. G. (2011). Impact of childhood parental abuse and neglect
on sleep problems in old age. The Journals of Gerontology: Series B: Psychological
Sciences, 66B, 307-310.
66. Knight, B.G. & Sayegh, P. (2011). Mental health and aging in the 21st century.
Journal of Aging and Social Policy, 23, 228-243.
67. Flynn Longmire, C. & Knight, B.G. (2011). Confirmatory factor analysis of a brief
version of the Zarit Burden Inventory in Black and White dementia caregivers. The
Gerontologist, 51, 453-462.
68. Kellough, J.L. & Knight, B.G. (2012). Positivity effects in older adults’ perception of
facial emotion. The Journals of Gerontology: Series B: Psychological Sciences 67B,
69. Maiden, R.J., Knight, B.G., Howe, J. & Kim, S. (2012). Accreditation in the profession
of psychology: A cautionary tale. Gerontology & Geriatrics Education,33, 55-74.
70. Poon, C.Y.M. & Knight, B.G. (2012). Emotional reactivity to network stress in middle
and late adulthood: The role of childhood parental emotional abuse and support.
Gerontologist, 52. 782-791.
71. Sayegh, P., & Knight, B. G. (in press). The assessment and diagnosis of dementia in
Hispanic and non-Hispanic White outpatients. The Gerontologist.
72. Sayegh, P., & Knight, B. G. (in press). Cross-cultural differences in dementia: The
Sociocultural Health Belief Model. International Psychogeriatrics.
Knight, B.G. (1986). Psychotherapy with the older adult, Beverly Hills: Sage.
Translated and published in French as Psychotherapie aupres des personnes agees. Josee
Labelle (trans.).
Translated and published in Dutch as Psychotherapie met oudere volwassen.
Huub Buijssen (trans.).
Knight, B.G. (1989. Outreach with the elderly: Community education, assessment, and therapy..
New York: NYU Press.
Knight, B. (1992). Older adults in psychotherapy: Case histories. Newbury Park (CA): Sage.
Knight, B.G., Teri, L. Santos, J. & Wohlford, P. (Eds) (1995). Mental health services for older
adults: Implications for training and practice. American Psychological Association.
Knight, B.G. (1996). Psychotherapy with older adults, 2nd edition. Thousand Oaks (CA): Sage
Translated into Chinese and Japanese.
Zarit, S.H. & Knight, B.G. (Eds). (1996). A guide to psychotherapy and aging: Effective clinical
interventions in a life-stage context. Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association.
Translated into Dutch in 2000.
Olshevski, J., Katz, A., & Knight, B.G. (1999). Stress reduction for caregivers. Philadelphia:
Knight, B.G. (2004). Psychotherapy with older adults, 3rd edition. Thousand Oaks (CA): Sage
Qualls, S.H. & Knight, B.G. (Eds.) (2006). Psychotherapy for depression in older adults. New
York: Wiley.
Laidlaw, K. & Knight, B.G. (Eds.) (2008). Handbook of emotional disorders in late life:
Assessment and treatment. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
Pachana, N., Laidlaw, K., & Knight, B.G. (Eds) (2010). Casebook of clinical geropsychology.
Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
Knight, B.G. & Pachana, N. (in preparation). Psychological assessment and therapy with older
adults. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
1. Knight, B.G. (1983). Assessing a mobile outreach team. In M.A. Smyer & M. Gatz (Eds.),
Mental health and aging: Programs and evaluations. Beverly Hills: Sage.
2. Knight, B. (1991). Outreach to older adults: Matching programs to specific needs. In N.
Cohen (Ed.), Psychiatric outreach to the mentally ill. A monograph in the New
Directions for Mental Health Services series. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
3. Knight, B., Kelly, M., & Gatz, M. (1992). Psychotherapy with the elderly. In D.K.
Freedheim (Ed.), The history of psychotherapy. Washington, D.C.: American
Psychological Assn.
4. Knight, B.G. (1993). Psychotherapy as applied gerontology: A contextual, cohort-based,
maturity-specific challenge model. In M. Smyer (Ed.), Mental health and aging. NY:
5. Knight, B. (1994). Providing clinical interpretations to older clients and their families. In
M. Storandt & G.R. VandenBos, (Ed.), Neuropsychological assessment of dementia and
depression in older adults: A clinician's guide. Washington, D.C.: American
Psychological Association.
6. Knight, B.G., Santos, J., Teri, L. & Lawton, M.P. (1995). The development of training in
clinical geropsychology. In B.G. Knight, L. Teri, J. Santos, & P. Wohlford, (Eds)
Mental health services for older adults: Implications for training and practice. American
Psychological Association.
7. Knight, B.G., Rickards, L., Rabins, P., Buckwalter, K. & Smith, M. (1995). Communitybased mental health services for older adults: A role for psychologists? In B.G. Knight,
L. Teri, J. Santos, & P. Wohlford, (Eds) Mental health services for older adults:
Implications for training and practice. American Psychological Association.
8. Knight, B. & Kaskie, B. (1995). Models for mental health service delivery to older adults:
Models for reform. In M. Gatz, (Ed.), Emerging issues in mental health and aging,
Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association.
9. Knight, B. (1996). Psychodynamic therapy with older adults: Lessons from scientific
gerontology. In R. Woods (Ed.), Handbook of clinical psychology and ageing. London:
10. Knight, B.G. & McCallum, T.J. (1998). Family therapy with older clients: The
contextual, cohort-based, maturity/specific challenge model. In I.H. Nordhus, G.
VandenBos, S. Berg, & P. Fromholt, Clinical Geropsychology. (pp. 313-328)
Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association.
11. Knight, B.G., Kaskie, B., Woods, R.T.,. & Phibbs, E. (1998). Community mental
health services in the United States and the United Kingdom: A comparative systems
approach. In A.S. Bellack & M. Hersen (Series Eds.) & B. Edelstein (Vol. Ed.)
Comprehensive clinical psychology: Vol. 7. Clinical geropsychology. Oxford: Elsevier
12. Knight, B.G. & Fox, L.S. (1999) La practica de la terapia conductual. In I. Montorio &
M. Ezal (Eds.), Intervencion psicologica in la vejez. Madrid: Sintesis. [trans. by editors].
13. Knight, B.G. (1999). Afterword: Personality disorders in late life and public policy:
Implications of the contextual, cohort-based, maturity, specific challenge model. In E.
Rosowsky, R.C. Abrams, & R.A. Zweig (Eds.), Personality disorders in older adults:
Emerging issues in diagnosis and treatment. Mahwah (NJ): Lawrence Erlbaum
14. Knight, B.G. (2000). A sociocultural stress and coping model for understanding crosscultural differences in caring for frail elderly. In S.J. Choi, M.H. Chung, K.H., Cho, &
B.G. Han (Eds.), Gerontological approaches to care for the aged in the 21st Century.
Seoul, Korea: Federation of Korean Gerontological Societies.
15. Norcross, J.C. & Knight, B.G. (2000). Psychotherapy and aging in the 21st century:
Integrative themes. In S.H. Qualls & N. Abeles (Eds.), Dialogues about aging:
Psychology responds to the aging revolution. Washington, D.C.: American
Psychological Association.
16. Knight, B.G. & Maines, M. (2001). Mental disorders and mental health services in late
life: Issues for public health and public policy. In G. Lesnoff-Caravaglia (Ed.), Aging
and Public Health. Springfield, IL: C.C. Thomas.
17. Knight, B.G., Robinson, G.S., & Satre, D.D. (2002). A life span developmental approach
to psychotherapy with older adults. In A. Maercker (Ed.), Psychotherapy with the elderly
and clinical gerontopsychology. Heidelberg (Germany), Springer-Verlag. [ translated
into German by editor]
18. Knight, B.G., Nordhus, I.H., & Satre, D.D. (2003). Psychotherapy with the older client:
An integrative approach. In I.B. Weiner (Series Ed.) & G. Stricker & T.A. Widiger (Vol.
Eds.), Comprehensive Handbook of Psychology, Vol. 8: Clinical Psychology. New York:
John Wiley and Sons.
19. Knight, B.G., Kaskie, B., Shurgot, G.R. & Dave, J. (2006). Improving the mental health
of older adults. In J.E. Birren & K.W. Schaie (Eds.), The handbook of the psychology of
aging (6thed.), pp. 407-424. San Diego: Academic Press.
20. Knight, B.G. & Lee, L.O. (2008). Contextual adult life span theory for adapting
psychotherapy. In Laidlaw, K. & Knight, B.G. (Eds.), Handbook of emotional disorders
in late life: Assessment and treatment. (pp. 59-88). Oxford, UK: Oxford University
21. Knight, B.G. & Shurgot, G.R. (2008). Psychological assessment and treatment with
older adults: Past trends and future directions. In Laidlaw, K. & Knight, B.G. (Eds.),
Handbook of emotional disorders in late life: Assessment and treatment. Oxford, UK:
Oxford University Press.
22. Knight, B.G. & Poon, C. (2008). The socio-cultural context in understanding older adults:
Contextual adult life span theory for adapting psychotherapy. In B. Woods (Ed), The
handbook of the clinical psychology of ageing. Chichester UK: Wiley
23. Pachana, N. A, Knight B., Karel, M. J, & Beck, J. S. (2008). Training of geriatric
mental health providers in CBT interventions for older adults. In D Gallagher-Thompson,
L. Thompson, A. Steffen (Eds.), Handbook of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Older
Adults. New York: Springer.
24. Knight, B.G. & Laidlaw, K. (2009). Translational theory: A wisdom-based model for
psychological interventions to enhance well-being in later life. In V. Bengtson, M.
Silverstein, N. Putney, & D. Gans (Eds.), Handbook of theories of aging (2nd ed.) (pp.
693-706). New York: Springer.
25. Knight, B.G. (2010). Clinical supervision for psychotherapy with older adults. In N.
Pachana, K. Laidlaw, & B.G. Knight (Eds.), Casebook of clinical geropsychology.(pp.
107-118). Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
26. Knight, B.G. & McCallum, T.J. (2011). Psychotherapy patients: Older adults. In J.C.
Norcross, G.R. VandenBos, & D.K. Freedheim (Eds.), History of Psychotherapy:
Continuity and change. (pp. 458-466). Washington, DC: American Psychological
27. Knight, B.G. & Losada, A. (2011). Family caregiving for cognitively or physically frail
older adults. In K.W. Schaie & S. Willis (Eds.), The handbook of the psychology of
aging (7th ed.). (pp. 353-364). San Diego: Elsevier.
28. Knight, B.G. & Kellough, J.L. (in press). Psychotherapy with older adults within a
family context. In I. B. Weiner (Ed.-in-Chief), G. Stricker & T. A. Widiger (Vol.
Eds.), Handbook of psychology. Vol. 8. Clinical psychology (2nd ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John
Wiley & Sons.
29. Knight, B.G. & Rastegar, S. (in press). Emotions in later life: Mood congruence and its
implications for clinical practice. In N. Pachana and K. Laidlaw (Eds.) Oxford handbook
of clinical geropsychology. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Knight, B.G. (1983). Comment: Clinician baiting and the study of natural helpers. American
Psychologist, 38, 500-501.
Knight, B. & Macofsky-Urban, F. Toward a Policy for Alzheimer's Disease in California.
(1990). In P. Liebig & W. Lammers (Eds) California Policy Choices for Long Term Care.
LA: Andrus Gerontology Center.
Knight, B.G. (1993). AGES curriculum: Gero-psychology. Los Angeles: Pacific Geriatric
Education Center.
Kramer N. & Knight, B.G. (1994). Brief bibliography: Counseling and the Elderly. Washington,
D.C.: Association for Gerontology in Higher Education.
Knight, B.G. (1994). Editorial: Home delivered mental health services: An idea whose time has
come? Gerontologist, 34, 149.
Knight, B.G. (1994). Book review: Strategies for therapy with the elderly, by C.M. Brody &
V.G. Semel. Contemporary Gerontology, 1, 41-42.
Knight, B.G. (1995). Clinical Psychology. In G. Maddox (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Aging. New
York: Springer.
Knight, B.G. & Fox L.S. (1996). Mental health. In J.E. Birren (Ed). Encyclopedia of
Gerontology (vol 2). (pp. 125-134). San Diego: Academic Press.
Knight, B.G. (1999). Book review. Older adults with developmental disabilities, by C. M. Lavin
K.J. Doka. Contemporary Gerontology, 5, 93-94.
Knight, B.G. (1999). The scientific basis for psychological interventions with older adults: An
overview. Journal of Clinical Psychology: In Session, 55, 927-934.
Knight, B.G. (2001). Book Review: Ian Stuart-Hamilton. The psychology of ageing (3rd ed.).
Contemporary Gerontology, 7, 126-128.
Knight, B.G. & Robinson (2002). Cognitive behavioral therapy with older adults. In D. Ekerdt
(Ed.), The Macmillan Encyclopedia of Aging. New York: Macmillan Reference.
Knight, B.G., & Poon, C.Y.M. (2008). Contextual adult lifespan theory for adapting
psychotherapy with older adults. Journal of Rational-Emotive & Cognitive-Behavior
Therapy, 26, 232-249.
Knight, B.G. (2008). Adapting older adults to cognitive behavior therapy and vice versa: The
case of Geoffrey. Pragmatic Case Studies in Psychotherapy [Online], Vol. 4(3), Article
2. Available: http://hdl.rutgers.edu/1782.1/pcsp_journal
Knight, B.G. (DVD, 2008). Adapting psychotherapy for working with older adults. J. Carlson
(Host). Clinical Geropsychology Series, American Psychological Association
Psychotherapy Videos. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
Knight, B.G. (2009). The ageing brain. [book review of Cozolino’s The aging brain]. Lancet:
Neurology, 8, 516-517.
Carpenter, B.D. & Knight, B.G. (in press). Practicing psychotherapy with older adults. In G.
Koocher (Ed.), Psychologists’ desk reference, (3rd ed.). New York: Oxford University
International (Current)
Associate Editor, Aging and Mental Health (2009---)
Editorial Board, Aging and Mental Health (1995-- )
Editorial Board, Ageing International (2002– )
Editorial Board, Revista Española de Geriatría y Gerontología, (2005--)
International (Past)
Research Advisory Panel, Centre for Social Research on Dementia, University of Stirling,
Scotland (1998-2000)
National (Current)
Editorial Board, Journal of Gerontology: Psychological Sciences (2004– ).
Member, Association for Gerontology in Higher Education Accreditation Task Force
2011--Editor, The Journals of Gerontology: Psychological Sciences, 2012-2015.
Member (ex officio) Gerontological Society of America Publications Committee, 2012-2015.
Professional Geropsychology representative, Council on Specialties in Professional Psychology
(2011---) Vice President 2013-National (Past)
Co-Chair, Task Force on Aging, Division of Community Psychology, American Psychological
Association (1982--1986)
Member, Subcommittee on Developing Standards for Training in Geropsychology, Education
Committee, Div of Adult Development and Aging, American Psychological Association,
National Co-Convenor, Mental Health Practice and Aging Interest Group, Gerontological
Society of America (1991-1994)
Member, Task Force on Standards for Ageism in Psychotherapy, American Psychological
Association, Div of Psychotherapy, 1990
Member, Annual Meeting Program Committee, Division of Adult Development & Aging,
American Psychological Association, 1993
Member, Task Force on Clinical Geropsychology, Div of Adult Development & Aging,
American Psychological Association (1993-1995)
President-Elect and Program Chair, Section on Clinical Geropsychology, Division of Clinical
Psychology, American Psychological Association, 1996.
President, Section on Clinical Geropsychology, Division of Clinical Psychology, American
Psychological Association, 1997
Past-President and Chair, Nominating Committee, Section on Clinical Geropsychology, Division
of Clinical Psychology, American Psychological Association, 1998
Member, Fellowship Committee, Division of Behavioral & Social Sciences, Gerontological
Society of America (1996–8)
Member, Program Committee, Section of Behavioral & Social Sciences, Gerontological Society
of America, 1998.
Testimony. Models of Outreach for Older Adults. Public Forum on Mental Health in the
National Health Plan. Sponsored by Federal Center for Mental Health Services, Los
Angeles, May,1993.
Older Adult Panel, Managed Care Initiative, DHHS Center for Mental Health Services, 1996.
Secretary, Division of Adult Development and Aging, American Psychological Association,
Member, Committee on Aging, American Psychological Association, 2000-02 (Chair, 2001).
Editorial Board, Psychology and Aging (1993–2003).
Editorial Board, Journal of Mental Health and Aging (1994--2004).
Past President, Division of Adult Development and Aging, American Psychological Association,
Member at Large, Executive Board, Academy of Psychological Clinical Science (2004-2005).
Co-Chair, American Psychological Association interdivisional (20 and 12/2) planning committee
for National Conference on Training Models in Clinical Geropsychology (2006).
Member at Large, Executive Committee, Council of University Directors of Clinical Programs
Council Representative from Division of Adult Development and Aging, American
Psychological Association, 2006-2008.
Founding Chair, Council of Professional Geropsychology Training Programs (2007).
Commissioner, Commission on Accreditation, American Psychological Association (2007—
2009; Chair of Research Committee, 2008; Associate Chair for Program Review, 2009.
Note: Committee on Accreditation in 2007
Member at Large, Board of Directors, Society for the Science of Clinical Psychology (20082009)
Chair (2008-09; Chair-elect 2007-08), Distinguished Career Award Subcommittee, Behavioral
and Social Sciences Section, Gerontological Society of America.
Secretary, Academy of Psychological Clinical Science (2009-2011)
Member, Gerontological Society of America Series B Study Group 2011
Ad Hoc Reviewer
Gerontologist, Journal of Gerontology, Journal of Abnormal Psychology, Psychology and
Aging, Journal of the American Medical Association, Journal of Behavioral Medicine, Journal
of Health Psychology, Research on Aging, Journal of Applied Gerontology, International
Journal of Aging and Human Development, Professional Psychology, Psychological Bulletin,
American Journal of Psychiatry, Canadian Journal on Aging, Journal of Marriage and Family,
International Journal of Psychology, Neuropsychology, Journal of Clinical Psychology,
American Psychologist
Grant Review Panels
Community-Level Health Promotion Study Section
Community-Level Health Promotion Study Section
Interventions Committee for Disorders Related to
Schizophrenia, Late Life, or Personality
ITV - Schizophrenia and Aging
National Institute of Mental Health Special Emphasis Panel
National Institute of Mental Health Special Emphasis Panel
State of California
Member, Geriatric Subcommittee, California Conference of Local Mental Health Directors
Member, (CA) Governor's Task Force on Alzheimer's Disease, 1985--1987
Member, California Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders Advisory Committee, 1989-1995).
Member, Advisory Committee on Secured Facilities Demonstration Project, CA Dept of Social
Testimony, Hearing on Organic Brain Syndromes, California Assembly Select Committee on
Mental Health. Sacramento, May, 1984. Community Mental Health Services for
Demented Elderly.
Testimony. Hearing on Policy for Alzheimer's Disease. California Senate Subcommittee on
Aging. Capitola, December, 1987. Surrogate Decision Making for the Irreversibly
Fellow, Gerontological Society of America
Fellow, Division of Adult Development and Aging and Division of Clinical Psychology,
American Psychological Association
Fellow, Association for Psychological Science
Licensed Psychologist, California, (PSY 6707) since 1981
Martin Costa, Psychology, Thesis: Job stress burnout and depression: Issues of discriminant
validity, 1994. Infomatics specialist, Human Genome Project, Stanford University.
Steven Lutzky, Gerontology, 1995. Thesis: Understanding caregiver distress and the decision to
place: Applying a stress and coping model. Owner and manager of HCBS Strategies,
program evaluation and consultation company in Baltimore, MD.
Brian Kaskie, Gerontology, 1998, State legislation concerning individuals with dementia: A
evaluation of three theoretical models of policy formation. Associate Professor,
Department of Health Care Management and Policy, University of Iowa
Lauren Fox, Psychology 2001, Thesis: The effects of anxiety and age on attentional processes:
Emotional Stroop and dot probe in younger and older adults. Psychologist. VA Health
Care System, Long Beach, CA.
Derek Satre, Psychology, 2001, Thesis: Alcohol treatment entry and refusal in a sample of older
veterans. Associate Adjunct Professor of Psychiatry, University of California, San
TJ McCallum, Psychology, 2002, Thesis: Dementia caregiving and ethnicity: African American
caregivers and the sociocultural stress and coping model. Associate Professor,
Department of Psychology, Case Western Reserve University
Gia Robinson, Psychology, 2003, Thesis: The influence of personality, ethnicity, and culture on
social support and emotional distress in dementia caregivers: A transactional stress and
social support model. Mother.
Miae Chun, Gerontology, 2004, Thesis: Effects of cultural values and behaviors in sociocultural
stress and coping among Korean-American and Korean caregivers. Faculty, Chongshin
Univeristy, Seoul, S. Korea.
Crystal Flynn Longmire, Gerontology, 2004, Thesis: Cross-cultural examination of mental
health measures: Assessment of the Center for Epidemiologic Studies-Depression Scale
and the Zarit Burden Inventory. Mother.
Jung Hyun Kim, Gerontology, 2005, Thesis: The effects of East Asian values, coping styles,
social support on physical health among Korean American caregivers. Faculty, Yongin
University, Yongin, S. Korea.
Steven David, Psychology, 2006, Thesis: Management of stigma among older adult gay men.
Private practice, Bevery Hills, CA. Associate faculty, Antioch University, Los Angeles;
Assistant Clinical Professor, Department of Psychiatry, UCLA.
Jennifer Dave, 2009 Thesis: Accuracy of subjective cognitive complaints in a longitudinal
context: The role of depression and dementia status. Postdoctoral fellow in clinical
neuropsychology, Columbia University.
Cecilia Y. M. Poon, 2011. Thesis: Influence of early parental emotional abuse and support on
health in adulthood. Postdoctoral fellow, Nebraska Medical Center.
Consultant, Department of Psychology, University of South Florida, Tampa, December, 1979.
Development of specialty training program in clinical/community geropsychology
Participant, American Psychological Association Conference on Training Psychologists for
Work in Aging, Boulder, June, 1981
Speaker, Washington State Mental Health Geropsychiatry Conference, Seattle, October, 1986.
Senior Outreach Services in Community Mental Health.
Clinical Workshop, Clinical psychology and aging. Department of Psychology, Indiana
University, Bloomington. May, 1990.
Keynote speaker, Issues in Working with the Elderly. Annual Conference on Mental Health and
Aging, Michigan Department of Mental Health. Higgins Lake, MI. May, 1990.
Speaker, Introduction to Psychotherapy with Older Adults, Pre-Convention Workshop, American
Psychological Association, Division on Adult Development and Aging. Boston, August,
Speaker, Adapting Psychotherapy to Working with Older Adults. Mini-Convention on Service
to Special Populations. American Psychological Association Practice Directorate.
Boston, August, 1990.
Speaker, Emotional and Mental Health Issues in Assessing the Elderly. Conference entitled:
Assessment Revisited, Practical Approaches to Assessing the Elderly. Long Term Care
Decisions Resource Center. U of Minnesota, Minneapolis, September, 1990.
Speaker, Psychotherapy with Older Adults. National Conference of Geriatric Mental Health Coordinators. Oxnard, CA. September, 1991.
Chair, Protecting those who cannot protect themselves: Issues in social science research. A
session at the conference: Whose research is it anyway? A national NIH/FDA
conference on protection of human subjects. Pasadena, CA: January, 1992.
Presenter, A Maturity/Specific Challenge Model for psychotherapy with older adults.
Gerontology Colloquium, Pennsylvania State University, April, 1992.
Participant, National Conference on Training Psychologists to Work with Older Adults.
American Psychological Association/National Institute of Mental Health. Washington,
D.C., April, 1992.
Speaker, Overview of psychotherapy with the elderly. APA Division 20 Continuing education
conference: Psychotherapy and aging, Pittsburgh, October, 1994 and San Francisco,
February, 1995.
Speaker, Working with the aging family: Family dynamics and caregiving issues. Institut de
Sociologia i Psicologia Aplicades, Barcelona, Spain, January, 1995.
Speaker, Psychological interventions with older adults. Department of Clinical Psychology,
University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway. May, 1995.
Speaker, Psychotherapy with older adults. Workshop sponsored by University of Wales and the
Cardiff Health Service, October, 1995.
Speaker, Psychotherapy with older adults. Workshops sponsored by Psychology Special
Interest Group in the Elderly, British Psychological Society, Sheffield, November, 1995.
Speaker, Psychotherapy with older adults. Workshop sponsored by Department of Psychiatry,
University of Dundee, Scotland, November, 1995.
Workshop, Adapting psychotherapy for work with older clients. Annual meeting of
Psychologists Special Interest Group in the Elderly, Division of Clinical Psychology,
British Psychological Society, Edinburgh, Scotland, July, 1998.
Seminar, Cross cultural issues in caregiving. Centre for Social Research on Dementia.
University of Stirling, Scotland, September, 1998.
Marjorie Coote Memorial Lecture, Annual meeting of the British Society of Gerontology.
Sheffield, England, September, 1998.
Lecture. Psychotherapy with the older client. Department of Psychiatry, University of
Edinburgh, Scotland. June, 2000.
International workshop presentation. Psychotherapy with the elderly. Scandinavian meeting for
Geronto-Psychologists. Copenhagen, Denmark. June, 2000.
Workshop. Psychotherapy with older adults: Bridge the gap between science and practice.
Department of Psychiatry, University Hospital of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland. June,
Colloquium, Emotional experience in late life: Are there differences? Interdisciplinary Center
for Gerontology, University of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland. June, 2000.
Workshop. Geriatric psychotherapy: An oxymoron. Center on Aging, University of Victoria,
BC, Canada, June, 2002.
Lectures. Psychotherapy with older adults in the USA and family care. Tokyo and Osaka, June,
Lecture. Adaptation of psychotherapy for working with older clients. Segunda Escuela Verano
sobre Investigacion Biomedica. Sponsored by the Universidad de Castilla La Mancha.
Cuenca, Spain. June, 2003.
Keynote Address. Mental Health and Ageing in the 21st Century. First national meeting of
Australia’s Psychology and Aging Interest Group, Geelong, Australia, November, 2005.
First Public Lecture of the Ageing Mind Initiative, University of Queensland. Older and wiser?
Ups and downs of getting wiser with age. August, 2009.
Opening Keynote Address: 21st Century mental health for older persons. Combined national
meetings of state Mental Health and Aging Coalitions, the Older Persons Division,
National Association of State Mental Health Program Directors, and the National
Association of PASRR Professionals. Des Moines, IA, October, 2009.
Lecture. Cultural differences in stress and coping among family caregivers. At summer course
by Fundacion Universidad Rey Juan Carlos: Fortalezas y desafios de la atencion a la
dependencia: Como cuidar la cuidadora. Aranjuez, Spain. July, 2011.
Lecture, Communicating with older adult patients. Fourth Annual USC Geriatric Dentistry
Symposium: Updates in the Field of Geriatric Dentistry. Los Angeles, October, 2011
Levy, L.H., Knight, B.G., Padgett, V.P., & Wollert, R.W. (1977, August). Patterns of helpgiving in self-help groups. Poster presented at the meeting of the American
Psychological Association, San Francisco.
Knight, B.G., Wollert, R.W., Levy, L.H., Frame, C.L., & Padgett, V.P. (1978, August). Self-help
groups: The member's perspectives. Poster presented at the meeting of the American
Psychological Association, Toronto.
Knight, B.G. (1979, August). Modification of attitudes toward the aged: A cognitive approach.
paper presented at the meeting of the American Psychological Association, New York.
Knight, B.G. (1980, November). Therapists' attitudes toward the aged: A red herring? Paper
presented at the meeting of the Gerontological Society, San Diego.
Knight, B.G. (1982, April). Guidelines for co-operation between lab and clinic in
geropsychology. In S.H. Zarit (Chair), Senile dementia and the community. Symposium
at the meeting of the Western Psychological Association, Sacramento.
Knight, B.G. (1982, June). Treatment in community settings: The case of aging and access to
mental health services. Paper presented at the meeting of the Pacific Division of the
American Association for the Advancement of Science, Santa Barbara.
Knight, B.G. (1982, August). Community level approaches to understanding the elderly:
Administrative policy. Paper presented at the meeting of the American Psychological
Association, Anaheim.
Knight, B.G. & Lower, D.J. (1983, November). Toward a grounded theory analysis of
alternatives to institutionalization of the frail elderly. In B. Knight (Chair), Treatment
oriented approaches to prevention of institutionalization: New roles for mental health
services. Symposium at the meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, San
Knight, B. (1985, August). Differences in the therapeutic relationship with older clients. In L.
D'Elia (Chair), Psychotherapy with older adults. Symposium conducted at the meeting
of the American Psychological Association, Los Angeles.
Knight, B. (1985, August). Role induction: Teaching the older adult to be a client. In G.
Niederehe (Chair), Handling the early stages of psychotherapy with older adults.
Symposium conducted at the meeting of the American Psychological Association, Los
Knight, B. (1989, November). Reducing inpatient stay for geropsychiatric patients by intensive
case management. Paper presented at the meeting of the Gerontological Society of
America, Minneapolis.
Knight, B., Thurgood, S. & Wurster, R. (1990, April). Models of intervention with caregiver
distress. Workshop at the meeting of the American Society on Aging, San Franscisco.
Knight, B. (1990, August) Diagnosis and distress in dementia caregivers. Paper presented at the
meeting of the American Psychological Association, Boston.
Knight, B. (1990, November) Cognitive coping in dementia caregivers: Implications for change.
Paper presented at the meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, Boston.
Knight, B. (1991, November) Personality factors as predictors of distress in dementia
caregivers. Paper presented at the meeting of the Gerontological Society of America,
San Francisco.
Olshevski, J. & Knight, B. (1991, November). Loneliness and social support among primary
caregivers of dementia patients. Poster presented at the meeting of the Gerontological
Society of America, San Francisco.
Knight, B., Lutzky, S., & Olshevski, J. (1992, June). Gender differences under chronic stress: A
comparison of self-report and psychophysiological measures. Poster presented at the
meeting of the American Psychological Society, San Diego.
Mjelde-Mossey, L.A. & Knight, B.G. (1992, November). A comparison of drinkers and
abstainers among older adult caregivers of dementia patients. Poster presented at the
meeting of the Gerontological Society of American, Washington, D.C.
Lutzky, S.M. & Knight, B.G. (1992, November). Gender differences in caregiver distress: The
role of personality and coping styles. Poster presented at the meeting of the
Gerontological Society of American, Washington, D.C.
Knight, B.G., Lutzky, S.M. & Olshevski, J.L. (1992, November) Stress reduction training for
dementia caregivers: An experimental test. Paper presented at the meeting of the
Gerontological Society of American, Washington, D.C.
Knight, B.G., Lutzky, & Olshevski, J.L, (1993, August). Personality factors, coping styles,
social support and caregiving stress: Resiliency during caregiving. Poster presented at
the meeting of the American Psychological Association, Toronto.
Knight, B.G. (1993, August). Therapists' issues with older adult clients. In S. Qualls, Chair,
Professional issues in geropsychology. Symposium presented at the meeting of the
American Psychological Association, Toronto.
Lutzky, S.M. & Knight, B.G. (1993, November). The effect of care recipient characteristics on
caregiver distress and the decision to institutionalize. Poster presented at the meeting of
the Gerontological Society of America, New Orleans.
Knight, B.G. & Mjelde-Mossey, L.A. (1993, November). A comparison of two alcohol
screening inventories with dementia caregivers. Poster presented at the meeting of the
Gerontological Society of America, New Orleans.
Mjelde-Mossey, L.A. & Knight, B.G. (1993, November). Discriminants of alcohol use behaviors
among older adults experiencing a stressful life event. Paper presented at the meeting of
the Gerontological Society of America, New Orleans.
Knight, B.G. (1994, August). Countertransference with older clients. In M. Gatz, Chair, How to
work psychotherapeutically with older adult clients. A symposium at the annual meeting
of the American Psychological Association, Los Angeles.
Lutzky, S.M. & Knight, B.G. (1994, November) Understanding caregiver distress using a stress
and coping framework. Poster presented at the meeting of the Gerontological Society of
America, Atlanta.
Fox, L.S., Knight, B.G., & Zelinski, E.M. (1995, November) A meta-analysis of cognitive deficit
in depression across the lifespan. Poster presented at the meeting of the Gerontological
Society of America, Los Angeles.
Gatz, M., Heller, K., Knight, B.G., Oliver, P., Rose, T., & Turk-Charles, S. (1995, November).
Age differences and intergenerational similarity in earthquake preparation. Poster
presented at the meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, Los Angeles.
Fox, L.S. & Knight, B.G. (1996, November). Subscales in the Zarit Burden Inventory. A poster
presented at the annual meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, Washington,
Fox, L.S., Knight, B.G., & Chou, C.P. (1997, November). Caregiver burden: Stress appraisal
or outcome measure? A paper presented at the annual meeting of the Gerontological
Society of America, Cincinnati.
Satre, D.D. & Knight, B.G. (1998, November). Relationship between alcohol expectancies and
consumption: Age and sex differences. Poster presented at the meeting of the
Gerontological Society of America, Philadelphia.
Knight, B. G. (1999, June). A sociocultural stress and coping model for understanding cultural
differences in caregiving. In B.G. Knight (Chair), Caregiving in four Pacific Rim
nations, a symposium at the meeting of the East Asia and Oceania Regional Congress in
Gerontology, Seoul, Korea.
Knight, B.G., Gatz, M., Rose, T., Bengtson, V., & Heller, K. (1999, November). Age and
emotional response to the Northridge earthquake: A longitudinal analysis. In B. Havens,
Chair, Learning from and about older people as a result of post-even natural disaster
research. A symposium at the annual meeting of the Gerontological Society of America,
San Francisco.
Knight, B.G. & Satre, D. (1999, November). Age differences in emotional response to
standardized stimuli. A poster presented at the annual meeting of the Gerontological
Society of America, San Francisco.
B.G. Knight (2000, November). Teaching a course on counseling older adults in the on-line
format. In C.M. Mehrotra, Chair, Using technology to make gerontology education
accessible to underrepresented populations. A symposium presented at the annual
meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, Washingotn, D.C.
Knight, B.G., Maines, M., & Robinson, G.S. (2000, November). Age difference in the mood
congruence phenomenon. In S.T. Charles & H.H. Fung, Chairs, Emotion and aging. A
symposium presented at the annual meeting of the Gerontological Society of America,
Washingotn, D.C.
Maines, M.& Knight, B.G. (2000, November). Age differences in suicide in Los Angeles County.
poster presented at the annual meeting of the Gerontological Society of America,
Washington, D.C.
McCallum, T.J. & Knight, B.G. (2000, November). Dementia caregiving and ethnicity: African
American dementia caregivers and the sociocultural stress and coping process. A poster
presented at the annual meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, Washington,
Robinson, G.S. & Knight, B.G. (2000, November). Hispanic culture, acculturation, and distress
among caregivers of dementia patients. A poster presented at the annual meeting of the
Gerontological Society of America, Washington, D.C.
Knight, B.G. (2001, July). Familism, caregiving burden, and distress in U.S. ethnic populations.
In K.T. Sung (Chair), Respect for the elderly: Cross cultural perspectives. A symposium
at the World Congress of Gerontology, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Knight, B.G. (2001, August). Career options in applied geropsychology. In A. Cohen (Chair),
Career development for young professionals in adult development and aging. A
symposium at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, San
Knight, B.G. (2001, August). Models for training postdegree professionals to work with older
adults. In B.G. Knight (Chair), Training psychologists to work with older adults in the
21st century. A symposium presented at the annual meeting of the American
Psychological Association, San Francisco.
Knight, B.G., Flynn, C.V., & Satre, D.D. (2001, November). Age differences in emotional
experience and in reported emotion. In B.G. Knight (Chair), Emotion and aging: Social
cognitive approaches. A symposium presented at the annual meeting of the
Gerontological Society of America, Chicago.
Fox, L.S. & Knight, B.G. (2001, November). Effects of anxiety and age on attentional
processes. In B.G. Knight (Chair), Emotion and aging: Social cognitive approaches. A
symposium presented at the annual meeting of the Gerontological Society of America,
Flynn Longmire, C. & Knight, B.G. ( 2001, November). Are there race differences in caregiver
CVR, coping and depression? A poster presented at the annual meeting of the
Gerontological Society of America, Chicago.
Knight, B.G. (Chair). (2002, November). The Stress, Ethnicity, and Caregiving Project: Early
results. A symposium presented at the annual meeting of the Gerontological Society of
America, Boston. [includes several papers co-authored with students].
Knight, B. G. (2003, November). Recruiting family caregivers in the SECS project: Benefits and
costs of probability sampling. In R. Pruchno, Chair, Beyond convenience: The costs and
benefits of sophisticated sampling strategies. A symposium presented at the annual
meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, San Diego.
David S. & Knight, B.G. (2003, November). Stress and coping among African American and
White older adult gay men. A poster presented at the annual meeting of the
Gerontological Society of America, San Diego.
Losada, A., Knight, B.G., Robinson, G., Marquez, M., Montorio, I., & Izal, M. (2003,
November). Cross cultural study comparing the role of familism on burden and
depression in two Hispanic samples. A poster presented at the annual meeting of the
Gerontological Society of America, San Diego.
Nakao, K. & Knight, B.G. (2003, November). The role of Japanese cultural values in emotional
distress among caregivers of persons with dementia. A poster presented at the annual
meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, San Diego.
Knight, B.G. (2004, August). The search for cultural differences in understanding family
caregiver distress. Presidential address for Division of Adult Development and Aging at
the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Honolulu.
Knight, B.G., David, S., & Flynn Longmire, C.V. (2004, November). A failure to find
differences in cortisol in a probability sample. In T. J. McCallum (Chair), Caregiving,
culture and physiological stress response: Cortisol response among diverse caregiving
samples. A symposium at the annual meeting of the Gerontological Society of America,
Washington, DC.
Knight, B.G. (2004, November). Distance learning and psychotherapy with older adults:
Lessons from the U.S. and applications to Scotland. In K. Laidlaw (Chair), Inspiring the
next generation: Online education and training clinical psychologists. A symposium at
the annual meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, Washington, DC.
Chun, M., Knight, B.G., & Kim, J.H. (2004, November). Acculturation effects on social support
among Korean American caregivers: A comparison to Korean caregivers. A paper
presented at the annual meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, Washington,
Lee, H. & Knight, B.G. (2005, November). The relationship of caregiver burden to
cardiovascular distress. A poster presented at the annual meeting of the Gerontological
Society of America, Orlando, FL.
David, S. & Knight, B.G. (2005, November). The intersection of looksism and ageism among
gay men. A poster presented at the annual meeting of the Gerontological Society of
America, Orlando, FL.
Kim, J.H., Knight, B.G., & Chun, M. (2005, November). The cultural effects of East Asian
values on coping and use of formal care services among Korean American caregivers. A
poster presented at the annual meeting of the Gerontological Society of America,
Orlando, FL
Knight, B.G. & Karel, M.J. (2006, August). The Pikes Peak Model for training in professional
geropsychology. A symposium at the annual meeting of the American Psychological
Association, New Orleans, LA.
Losada, A., Marquez, M., Knight, B., Izal, M., Montorio, I., & Yanguas, J. (2006, November).
Sociocultural stress and coping model: The role of familism and dysfunctional thoughts
in dementia caregiving. A poster presented at the annual meeting of the Gerontological
Society of America, Dallas TX.
Losada, A., Knight, B., Marquez, M., Etxeberria, I., & Penacoba, C. (2006, November).
Confirmatory factor analysis of the familism scale in a sample of dementia family
caregivers. A poster presented at the annual meeting of the Gerontological Society of
America, Dallas TX.
Lee, L.O. & Knight, B.G. (2007, August). Anxiety and vigilance-avoidance of attention in older
adults. A poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological
Association, San Francisco, CA.
Joseph, J.R., Shurgot, G.R., & Knight, B.G. (2007, August). Acculturation and coping styles
among Latina family dementia caregivers. A poster presented at the annual meeting of
the American Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA.
Losada, A., Marquez-Gonzalez, M., Knight, B.G., Shurgot, G.R., Montorio, I., Peñacoba, C., &
Yanguez, J. (2007, November). Psychosocial factors and caregiver distress: Effects of
familism and dysfunctional thoughts. A poster presented at the annual meeting of the
Gerontological Society of America, San Francisco, CA.
Poon, C.Y.M. & Knight, B.G. (2007, November). Influence of sad mood and activation of old
age schema on physical symptom processing in older adults. A poster presented at the
annual meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, San Francisco, CA.
Karel, M.J. & Knight, B.G. (2007, November). Professional geropsychology training: The U.S.
perspective. In E. Emery, Chair, Geropsychology training opportunities in the U.S.,
U.K., Canada, and Australia: An international comparison. A symposium presented at
the annual meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, San Francisco, CA.
Shurgot, G.R., Knight, B.G., Escobar, I., Joseph, J., Rice, A., & Sweet, E. (2007, November).
Sociocultural influences on cortisol function in Latina family caregivers. A poster
presented at the annual meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, San Francisco,
Poon, C.Y.M., & Knight, B.G. (2009, August). Influence of childhood family experiences on
sleep in later life. Poster presented at the 117th Annual Conference of the American
Psychological Association, Toronto, Canada.
Knight, B.G. (2009, September). US training in professional geropsychology. In N. Pachana,
Chair, Training mental health professionals in geriatrics: Snapshots across disciplines.
Knight, B.G. (2009, September). Applying gerontology to psychotherapy with older adults. In K.
Laidlaw, Chair. Evidenced-based psychotherapy: Preventing relapse in late life
depression. A symposium at the Congress of the International Psychogeriatrics
Association, Montreal.
Poon, C.Y.M., & Knight, B.G. (2009, November). Influence of parental abuse in childhood on
caregivers’ distress in midlife and beyond. Poster presented at the 62nd Annual
Conference of the Gerontological Society of America, Atlanta, GA.
Kellough, J. L., & Knight, B. G. (2009, November). Age differences in emotion optimization and
complexity in perception of emotion. Poster presented at the Gerontological Society of
America 62nd Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA.
Sayegh, P., & Knight, B.G. (2009, November). The effects of familism and cultural justification
on the mental and physical health of family caregivers. Poster presented at the
Gerontological Society of America 62nd Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA.
Knight, B.G. & Kellough, J.L. (2009, November). Age differences in mood congruence effects
for word list and autobiographical memory. A paper presented at the Gerontological
Society of America 62nd Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA.
Knight, B.G. (2009, November). Mentoring in clinical geropsychology at the doctoral program
level. In J.A. Zimmerman & A. Fiske, Chairs. Mentoring across the geropsychology
career: Perspectives from the experts. A symposium at the Gerontological Society of
America 62nd Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA.
Sayegh, P., & Knight, B.G. (2010, November). Neuropsychological test performance and
informant reports in clinicians' diagnosis of cognitive functioning across cultural
groups. Poster presented at the Gerontological Society of America 63rd Annual
Meeting, New Orleans, LA.
Poon, C.Y.M., Knight, B.G., & Silverstein, M. (November, 2010). Longitudinal associations
among parental emotional support, sleep, and depression over 3 decades. Poster
presented at the 63rd Annual Conference of the Gerontological Society of America, New
Orleans, LA.
Kellough, J. L., Knight, B. G., & Nolen-Hoeksema, S. (2010, November). Longitudinal analysis
of bereavement outcomes: Older adults recover faster. Poster presented at the
Gerontological Society of America 63rd Annual Scientific Meeting, New Orleans, LA.
Pisca, N. E., Knight, B. G., & Nolen-Hoeksema, S. (2010, November). Strength in numbers?
Social support and bereavement in late-life. Poster session presented at the annual
meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, New Orleans, LA.
Rastegar, S., Kellough, J., & Knight, B.G. (2011, November). Accuracy and confidence in the
appraisal of facial expressions of emotion: the effects of age. 64th Annual Scientific
Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America; Boston, MA.
Pisca, N. E., Knight, B. G., & Nolen-Hoeksema, S. (November, 2011). Dynamic trajectories of
social support, age, and caregiver duration on depression during bereavement. Paper
presented at the Gerontological Society of America’s 64th Annual Scientific Meeting,
Boston, MA.
Kim, S., Kellough, J.L., & Knight, B.G. (2011, November). Age differences in the complexity of
emotion perception. A poster presented at the annual meeting of the Gerontological
Society of America, Boston.
Sayegh, P., & Knight, B. G. (2011, November). Differences in predictors of a dementia
diagnosis among Hispanic and non-Hispanic White outpatients. Poster accepted for
presentation at the Gerontological Society of America 64th Annual Scientific
Meeting, Boston, MA.
Knight, B. G., Pachana, N., Juang, C., & Peele, N. (2012, November) Are Institutional Review
Boards for Human Subjects Research Ageist? Poster presented at the Gerontological
Society of America 65th Annual Scientific Meeting,; San Diego, CA.
Sayegh, P., & Knight, B. G. (2012, November). Assessing the crosscultural measurement
properties of the Neuropsychiatric Inventory Questionnaire. Poster presented at the
Gerontological Society of America 65th Annual Scientific Meeting, San Diego, CA.
Sayegh, P., & Knight, B. G. (2012, November). The Functional Assessment Questionnaire:
Measurement properties in Hispanics and non-Hispanic Whites. Poster presented at the
Gerontological Society of America 65th Annual Scientific Meeting, San Diego, CA.
Kim, S. & Knight, B.G. (2012, November). Age and cultural differences in wisdom: A
refinement of the Three-Dimensional Wisdom Scale (3D-WS) for the Korean culture.
Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, San
Pisca, N. E., Knight, B. G., & Clark, F. A. (2012, November). Measurement Invariance of the
COPE Inventory Across Racially and Ethnically Diverse Older Adults. Poster presented
at the Gerontological Society of America’s 65th Annual Scientific Meeting, San Diego,