M - Estácio
M - Estácio
Minutes M s of the Board of Direc ctors Meeting held h on n april 30, 2014 1. Date, time and Venu ue: April 30,, 2014, at 4 p.m., at the e Company’s headquartters, located d at Avenida a Embaixador E A Abelardo Bueno, 199, sa ala 601, Barra a da Tijuca, in the city an nd state of Riio de Janeiro o. 2. 2 Attendance: Mr. Edua ardo Alcalay, Alexandre G hagen, João Baptista de Carvalho Atthayde, João o G. H. N. Hoh Cox C Neto, Ma aurício Luis Luchetti, Ro ogério Frota Melzi and Ronaldo R Iabru udi dos Santtos Pereira, representing g all a members o of the Board of Directors 3. 3 Presiding g Board: Mr. Eduardo Alc calay (Chairm man); Mr. Miiguel F. Pere eira de Paulaa (Secretary). 4. 4 Agenda an nd Resolutio ons: 4.1. 4 By unanimous vote and a without re estrictions, th he board me embers Elect, E by unanimous vote and withoutt restrictions, in accordan nce with para agraph 1 of A Article 14 of the By-laws,, Mr. M EDUARD DO ALCALA AY, Brazilian, married, en ntrepreneur, bearer of ide entification caard n° 8.956 6.230, issued d by b SSP/SP a and inscribe ed in the roll of individu ual taxpayerrs (CPF/MF)) no. 148.0880.298-04, resident r and d domiciled d in tthe city of Sã ão Paulo, sta ate of São P Paulo, with co ommercial address at Avv. Brigadeiro o Faria Lima,, 3.900, 3 7º andar, Itaim, São S Paulo-S SP, as Chai rman of the e Board of Directors D annd Mr. MAURÍCIO LUIS S LUCHETTI, L B Brazilian, ma arried, entrep preneur, bea arer of identiification card d n° 10.521.5527, issued by SSP/SP,, in nscribed in the roll of individual tax xpayers (CP PF/MF) no 238.595.9852 -20, residennt and domic ciled in São o Paulo/SP, P witth commercia al address at Rua Hungrria nº 514, sa ala 41, Jardim m Europa; ass Co-Chairm man. 4.2. 4 Reelect, by unanimo ous vote and without resttrictions, in accordance a with w paragraaph 2 of Artic cle 19 of the e By-laws, B with h a two-year term t of office e, for the Ch ief Executive e Officer position, Mr. RO OGÉRIO FRO OTA MELZI,, Brazilian, B sing gle, engineer, bearer of identification i n card nº 215 581101-X, iss sued by SSP P/SP, inscribed in the rolll of o individual taxpayers (C CPF/MF) un nder no 181..390.288-78;; for the Chief Financiall and Investor Relationss Officer, O Mr. VIRGÍLIO DELOY CA APOBIANCO O GIBBON, Brazilian, married, eeconomist, , bearer off id dentification card nº 098 868987-0, is ssued by IFP P/RJ inscribed in the ro oll of individuual taxpayerrs (CPF/MF)) under u no 047 7.659.437-55 5; for the Edu ucation Officcer, Mr. MAR RCOS DE OL LIVEIRA LEM MOS, Braziliian, married,, economist, e bearer of iden ntification ca ard nº 05838 8539-4, issue ed by IFP, and a inscribedd in the roll of individuall ta axpayers (CPF/MF) under no 840.54 47.607-59; a and, as Officers with no o specific dessignations Srs. S MIGUEL L FILISBINO F P PEREIRA DE E PAULA, Brazilian, marrried, busines ss, bearer off identificatioon card no. 5014147556, 5 , is ssued by S SSP/RS, insscribed in th he roll of i ndividual ta axpayers (CP PF/MF) undder no 315..491.100-63;; GILBERTO G T TEIXEIRA DE CASTRO, Brazilian, m married, engineer, bearerr of identificaation card no o. 05220572-1, issued by IFP/RJ and d inscribed in the roll off individual taxpayers t (C CPF/MF) undder no. 811..824.657-49;; JOÃO J LUIS TENREIRO BARROSO, Brazilian, m married, economist, bearrer of identiffication card 042917518,, is ssued by SE ESP/RJ, insccribed in the e roll of indivvidual taxpa ayers no. 506.464.277-688; and PEDRO JORGE E GUTERRES G QUINTANS S GRAÇA, Portuguese , married, IT I analyst, bearer of iidentification n card RNE E W464023-I, W isssued by DP PMAF/SP, inscribed in th he roll of individual taxpayers nº. 1222.750.708-93; all residentt and a domiciled d in the city of o Rio de Jan neiro/RJ, witth commercia al address att Av. Embaixxador Abelardo Bueno nºº 199, 6º andarr, Barra da Tijuca, T Rio de e Janeiro/RJ , CEP 22775 5-040. During g the office teerm, the boa ard memberss 1 will w be assign n specific du uties to each executive officer. Dec clarations we ere made thaat the electe ed memberss were w not prevvented from exercising the duties forr which they y were reelec cted. pursuaant to Article e 147 of Law w 6404/76 6 and shall take offfice upon sig gning the resspective investiture instrument. 4.3. 4 Were appointed, on this t date, to fulfill the ma andate until the t Board of Directors firs rst meeting held h after the e 2016 2 Genera al Shareholde ers’ Meeting, to compose e the: (i) People and Co orporate Govvernance Committee: the e board b memb bers Mr Mau urício Luchettti, Coordina ator; Mr. Joã ão Baptista de Carvalhoo Athayde, João Cox e Eduardo E Alca alay and as a special guest, g and ssecretary, the e Human Resources annd Services Officer Mr.. Miguel M Filisbino Pereira de d Paula; (ii) Finance an d Audit Com mmittee: the board b membbers, Mr. Joã ão Cox Neto,, Coordinator; C João Baptissta de Carvalho Athayde e, Maurício Luchetti L and the former bboard memb ber, Eduardo o Romeu R Ferra az, as a exterrnal advisor and as a gue est and secretary, the Chief Financiaal and Investtor Relationss Officer, O Mr. Virgilio Delo oy Capobian nco Gibbon;; and (iii) Academic A Co ommittee: thhe board members m Mr.. Eduardo E Alca alay, Coordin nator and Mr. Rogério F Frota Melzi and the forme er rector of U Universidade e Estácio de e Sá, S Mrs. Pau ula Caleffi, as a external advisor; The mos, will act as a speciall e Education Officer Mr. Marcos Lem guest g and co ommittee seccretary. Purs suant to Articcle 16 of the e Company’s s Bylaws, thee Board of Directors D hass th he call to nom minate third party-guests s to its Adviso ory Committe ee. 4.4. 4 Approve, by unanimo ous vote and d without resstrictions, the e annual glob bal compenssation deliberated on the e shareholders s ’ meeting he eld on this da ate, between n the membe ers of the Board, the mannagement an nd the Fiscall Council, C as presented by the People and a Governa ance committtee, in the exact terms aas the presen ntation made e and a that the o one that will be filed on th he Companyy’s headrquarrters. 4.5. 4 Approve,, by unanimo ous vote and d without resttrictions, the Act or Material Fact Discclosure Polic cy of Estacio o Participações P s (policy) upd dated version in orther to o contemplate new guide e lines that w were introduc ced by CVM M in nstruction n°° 547/14. Th he board me embers auth horized the board of executive officcers to adop pt necessaryy measures m to implement th he policy. minutes: Th 5. 5 Closure, drawing up p and appro oval of the m here being no n further maatters to add dress, these e minutes w were drawn up, u read, found to be in ccompliance and a signed by b all attend ing Board members m and d the Secrettary. This T is a free English tran nslation of the e original min nutes drawn up in the Co ompany’s reccords. Rio de Ja aneiro, April 30, 3 2014. Ed duardo Alcala ay Maurício Luis Luchetti Ro onaldo Iabrud di dos Santoss Pereira p. Eduardo Alcalay João B Baptista de Carvalho C Atha ayde João o Cox Neto Rogério Fro ota Melzi Alexandre G. G H. N. Hohaagen Miguel F. Pereira de e Paula Secretary 2
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