TEXTOS DE APOIO Bibliografia sobre conservação de registos


TEXTOS DE APOIO Bibliografia sobre conservação de registos
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Bibliografia sobre conservação de registos sonoros
As referências reportam-se ao projecto “CoOL” desenvolvido pelas
Stanford University Libraries, com os respectivos direitos de autor
colectivos ou individuais associados. O projecto CoOL foi criado
no âmbito do PARS Recording and Photographic Media Committee
da Associação Americana de Bibliotecas.
Audio Archiving Resources: An Annotated Bibliography
Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR)
O CLIR publica variados relatórios em que, nomeadamente, aborda questões
fundamentais da preservação dos registos áudio e dá nota das mais recentes pesquisas e
actividades relacionadas.
Capturing Analog Sound for Digital Preservation: Report of a Roundtable Discussion of
Best Practices for Transferring Analog Discs and Tapes. Março 2006.
Copyright Issues Relevant to Digital Preservation and Dissemination of Pre-1972
Commercial Sound Recordings by Libraries and Archives June M.Besek. Dezembro 2005.
Survey of Reissues of U.S. Recordings Tim Brooks. Agosto 2005.
Survey of the State of Audio Collections in Academic Libraries Abby Smith, David Randal
Allen, e Karen Allen. Agosto 2004.
Care and Handling of CDs and DVDs: A Guide for Librarians and Archivists Fred R.
Byers. Outubro 2003.
Building a National Strategy for Preservation: Issues in Digital Media Archiving. Abril
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Folk Heritage Collections in Crisis. Report of the conference on audio preservation, rights
management, and intellectual access held at Library of Congress in December 2000. Maio
Preservation Science Survey: An Overview of Recent Developments in Research on the
Conservation of Selected Analog Library and Archival Materials Henk J. Porck e René
Teygeler. Inclui um capítulo sobre fitas magnéticas. Dezembro 2000.
Magnetic Tape Storage and Handling: A Guide for Libraries and Archives John Van
Bogart. Dezembro 2000.
Biblioteca do Congresso (EUA)
Cylinder, Disc, and Tape Care in a Nutshell
National Archives and Records Administration (EUA)
Sound Recordings Procedures Manual
National Library of Canada
Preservation of Recorded Sound Materials
Save Our Sounds
Preserving Sound Recordings
Sound Savings: Preserving Audio Collections
Proceedings from the Symposium
Apresentações realizadas na University of Texas, Austin, 24-26 de Julho 2003.
Formats and Sound Recording History
Delos A. Eilers
3M Audio Open Reel Tape List
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IEEE Virtual Museum
The Beat Goes On: How Sounds are Recorded and Made
Steve Schoenherr
Recording Technology History
Standards, Guidelines, and Best Practices
Audio Engineering Society Standards Committee
Standards in Draft
Standards in Print
Inclui links para documentos em PDF susceptíveis de ser copiados livremente uma vez:
AES6id-2000 AES information document for digital audio - Personal computer audio
quality measurements [2000-05-01 printing];
AES17-1998 AES standard method for digital audio engineering - Measurement of digital
audio equipment [1998-04-29 printing];
AES22-1997 (Reaffirmed 2003) AES recommended practice for audio preservation and
restoration - Storage and handling - Storage of polyester-base magnetic tape [1997-12-11
AES28-1997 (Reaffirmed 2003) AES standard for audio preservation and restoration Method for estimating life expectancy of compact discs (CD-ROM), based on effects of
temperature and relative humidity [2001-06-29 printing, includes Amendment 1-2001];
AES35-2000 AES standard for audio preservation and restoration - Method for estimating
life expectancy of magneto-optical (M-O) disks, based on effects of temperature and
relative humidity [2000-05-04 printing];
AES38-2000 AES standard for audio preservation and restoration - Life expectancy of
information stored in recordable compact disc systems - Method for estimating, based on
effects of temperature and relative humidity [2000-04-07 printing]
Canadian Conservation Institute
How to Care for Sound Recordings
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International Association of Sound and Audiovisual Archives (IASA)
Safeguarding of the Audio Heritage: Ethics, Principles and Preservation Strategy, IASA-TC
03, versão 3, 2005.
Mais publicações IASA
International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
Standards Relating to Telecommunications, Audio and Video Engineering
National Screen and Sound Archive (formerly ScreenSound Australia)
How to Care for Your Audio
Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers (SMPTE)
Standards and Recommended Practices in Print
Recursos Bibliográficos
Library of Congress Preservation Directorate
Research and Testing Publications.
Provides a listing of printed reports which are available at no charge to the public upon
request. Several address audiovisual materials specifically, including the most recent report
issued in February 2002, “Bibliography on the Preservation of Magnetic Media” by Gerald D.
Society of American Archivists (SAA)
Selected Readings in Moving Image and Sound Recording Preservation
Recorded Sound Round Table Newsletter
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Livros e Artigos
Association for Recorded Sound Collections. Associated Audio Archives Committee.
Audio Preservation: A Planning Study - Final Performance Report. (Silver Spring, MD: Association for Recorded
Sound Collections). Report resulting from an NEH-funded survey conducted 1986-1987. Includes glossary and
bibliography. 1987.
Audio Engineering Society
Journal of the Audio Engineering Society, July/August 2001 Supplementary Journal Material. Selected articles available in
PDF format from this issue devoted to archiving, restoration, and digital libraries. Includes a list of Internet resources.
CBC Engineering Operations Department
Recommended Practice for the Care, Handling and Storage of CBC A/V Magnetic Media. (Montreal: Canadian
Broadcasting Corporation). Extensive coverage of practices related to the care of AV magnetic media. c1990.
George Brock-Nannestad
The Rationale Behind Operational Conservation Theory, 2000 (PDF)
Presented at Conservation Without Limits, IIC Nordic Group XV Congress 23-26 August 2000, Helsinki, Finland and
printed in the PREPRINTS (Editor Riitta Koskivirta) pp 21-33.
Margaret S. Child
Directory of Information Sources on Scientific Research Related to the Preservation of Sound Recordings, Still and
Moving Images, and Magnetic Tape. (Washington, D.C.: Commission on Preservation and Access). Sources of information
include the names of laboratories and organizations, databases, serials, monographs and articles, and conference
proceedings. 1993.
Eddie Ciletti
“If I Knew You Were Coming I’d Have Baked a Tape!”
An explanation of the tape baking process used by some to temporarily counteract the effects of Sticky Shed Syndrome.
Peter Copeland
“What Should a Sound Archive Really Do?” In Care of Photographic, Moving Image and Sound Collections:
Conference Papers, York, England, July 20-24, 1998, edited by Susie Clark (Worcestershire: Insitute of Paper
Conservation): 11-12. 1999.
Edward F. Cuddihy
“Stability and Preservation of Magnetic Tape.” In Proceedings of Conservation in Archives. International Symposium,
Ottawa, Canada, May 10-12, 1988 (Ottawa: National Archives of Canada): 191-206. Considers environmental
conditions considered safe for tape use and storage. 1989.
Jim Farrington
“Preventive Maintenance for Audio Discs and Tapes.” In Notes: Quarterly Journal of the Music Library Association
vol. 48, no. 2: 437-445. Includes information about best environmental conditions for maintenance of audio media.
December 1991.
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Gerald D. Gibson
“Preservation and Conservation of Sound Recordings.” In Conserving and Preserving Materials in Nonbook Formats.
Edited by Kathryn Luther Henderson and William T. Henderson (Urbana-Champaign, Ill.: University of Illinois,
Graduate School of Library and Information Science): 27-44. Discusses sound recordings materials, cleaning, and
storage. Appendices provide information on weight and space requirements, recommended storage materials, and
vendors for supplies. 1991.
Helen P. Harrison, ed.
Audiovisual Archives: A Practical Reader [PDF]. Compiled for the General Information Programme and UNISIST under
the auspices of United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). Section VII includes:
“Preservation of Audio and Video Materials in Tropical Countries” and “Strategies for the Safeguarding of Audio and
Video Materials in the Long Term” by Dietrich Schüller, Phonogrammarchiv, Vienna. Section XII includes “Emergency
Preparedness and Disaster Recovery in Audiovisual Collections” by Gerald D. Gibson, Library of Congress, Washington
DC. 1997.
Richard Hess
“The Jack Mullin/Bill Palmer Tape Restoration Project.” [PDF] In Journal of the Audio Engineering Society vol. 49 no. 78: 671-674. Chronicles the restoration of perhaps the oldest extant magnetic tapes. 2001.
See also Hess’s blog, which contains extensive information on formats, restoration, and more.
Ken Howarth
“Handling and Care of Modern Audio Tape.” In Care of Photographic, Moving Image and Sound Collections:
Conference Papers, York, England, July 20-24, 1998, edited by Susie Clark (Worcestershire: Insitute of Paper
Conservation): 172-176. 1999.
John C. Mallinson
“Magnetic Tape Recording: History, Evolution and Archival Considerations.” In Proceedings of Conservation in
Archives, International Symposium, Ottawa, Canada, May 10-12, 1988 (Ottawa: National Archives of Canada): 181190. Notes concerns for the stability of tapes (audio, video, computer) and for the future availability of the equipment
for use with these tapes. 1989.
The Midwestern Archivist
Volume XVI, number 1 is devoted to audio preservation topics. 1991.
David Morton
Off the Record: The Technology and Culture of Sound Recording in America. (New Brunswick: Rutgers University
Press). 2000.
National Archives and Records Administration
Sound Recordings Procedures Manual. (Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration). 1993.
(Out of print; limited availability)
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Brenda Nelson-Strauss
“Preservation Policies and Priorities for Recorded Sound Collections.” In Notes: Quarterly Journal of the Music
Library Association vol. 48, no. 2. 1991.
Christopher Ann Paton, Stephanie E. Young, Harry P. Hopkins, and Robert B. Simmons
“A Review and Discussion of Selected Acetate Disc Cleaning Methods: Anecdotal, Experimential and Investigative
Findings.” In ARSC Journal vol. 28, no 1: 1-23. 1997.
A.G. Pickett and M.M. Lemcoe
Preservation and Storage of Sound Recordings. (Washington, D.C.: Library of Congress). 1959. This seminal report,
detailing the findings of a study initiated by the Library of Congress on the degradation of phonographs and tapes,
was re-printed by the Association for Recorded Sound Collections in 1991.
Mark Roosa
Recorded Sound Preservation: Selected Bibliography.
Steven Smolian
“Preservation, Deterioration, and Restoration of Recording Tape.” In ARSC Journal vol. 19, no. 2-3: 37-53. 1989.
Gilles St. Laurent
The Care and Handling of Recorded Sound Materials. (Washington, D.C.: Commission on Preservation and Access).
Outlines problems and offers advice for the care and storage of various types of recordings including discs, tapes, CDs, etc.
Howard M. Tremaine
Audio Cyclopedia. Indianapolis: Howard W. Sams & Co. 1979.
Alan Ward
A Manual of Sound Archive Administration. (Aldershot, Hants, England; Brookfield, Vermont, USA: Gower).
Includes a chapter on the preservation of sound archives, and model codes of practice for storage and handling. 1990.
Richard Warren Jr.
“Storage of Sound Recordings.” In ARSC Journal vol. 24, no 2: 130-175. 1993.
“Handling of Sound Recordings.” In ARSC Journal vol. 25, no 2: 139-162. 1994.
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Áudio Digital
Arts and Humanities Data Service
Preservation Handbook: Digital Audio. Contains a lot of solid technical information in easy-to-understand language. July
Collaborative Digitization Program
Digital Audio Best Practice Guidelines. A resource which address many of the paramount issues involved in audio
preservation and digital reformatting. Includes a glossary and resource list. Version 2.0, November 2005.
Nick Fells, Pauline Donachy, and Catherine Owen
Creating Digital Audio Resources: A Guide to Good Practice. (Oxford: Oxbow Press). Produced by The Performing
Arts Data Service, a part of The Arts and Humanities Data Service in the UK. “A basic ‘how to’ for those using audio
materials in the creation of digital resources. The guide addresses issues of [UK] copyright, the choice of appropriate
equipment, presenting and delivering audio material, data management and methodological procedure.” Also offers a
thorough introduction to preservation and documentation issues. 2002.
International Association of Sound and Audiovisual Archives
Guidelines on the Production and Digitization of Digital Audio Objects. IASA-TC04 Technical Committee on Standards,
Recommended Practices, and Strategies. “The Sub-Committee on Technology of the Memory of the World Programme of
UNESCO recommends these guidelines as best practice for Audio-visual Archives.” August 2004.
Task Force to establish selection criteria of analogue and digital audio contents for transfer to data formats for preservation
purposes. October 2003.
The NINCH Guide to Good Practice in the Digital Representation and Management of Cultural Heritage Materials
While chapter seven specifically addresses Audio/Video Capture and Management, other sections of this guide provide
information relevant to digital audio and preservation, such as the appendices on equipment, metadata, digital data capture
by sampling and a very extensive bibliography. Produced by the Humanities Advanced Technology and Information
Institute (HATII), University of Glasgow, and the National Initiative for a Networked Cultural Heritage (NINCH). 2002.
Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics (CCRMA) at Stanford University
The Canonical WAVE Format
Audio Interchange Standards (NOTE: This URL points to the Diffuse site preserved by the Internet Archive in
June 2003.)
Includes AIFF, MIDI, MPEGs, WAVE, and more
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European Broadcasting Union
Technical Specification 3285: Broadcast Wave Format: a format for audio data files in broadcasting Version 1, July 2001.
Ver também:
John Emmett. “Five Years in the History of Audio Files” [pdf]. In EBU Technical Review. December 2000.
R. Chalmers. “The Broadcast Wave Format: an introduction” [pdf]. In EBU Technical Review. Winter 1997.
Florida Center for Library Automation
Digital Archive Action Plans
AIFF 1.3 [PDF]
AIFF-C 1.0 [PDF]
Background Reports
JHOVE (JSTOR/Harvard Object Validation Environment)
“JSTOR and the Harvard University Library are collaborating on a project to develop an extensible framework for format
validation: JHOVE (pronounced ‘jove’), the JSTOR/Harvard Object Validation Environment. JHOVE provides functions
to perform format-specific identification, validation, and characterization of digital objects.” A very useful Java-based tool
in digital preservation activities. Among the file formats that JHOVE can interrogate are: AIFF and WAVE.
Library of Congress / National Digital Information Infrastructure and Preservation Program
Format Descriptions for Sound
Sonic Spot
Guide to File Formats
Livros e Artigos
“Archiving Digital Audio”
A compendium of presentations delivered at the Association of Moving Image Archivists’ 2002 annual conference in
Boston, Mass. Includes: “Digital Media Decay Issues” by Keith Watanabe, “Digital Audio” by Elizabeth Cohen, “The
Joy of Metadata!” by Scott Wood, and “Solarius Pro Tools Naming Conventions” by Larry Blake.
Frank Beacham
“Archivists Warn: Don’t Depend on Digital Tape.”
Samuel Brylawski
“Preservation of Digitally Recorded Sound.” In Building a National Strategy for Preservation: Issues in Digital Media
Archiving. Washington, DC: Council on Library and Information Resources. 2002.
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Vitaliy Fadeyev, Carl Haber, et al.
Audio Reconstruction of Mechanically-Recorded Sound by Digital Processing of Metrological Data [PDF]
Paper presented at the AIC Electronic Media Group 2004 meeting in Portland, Oregon.
Alternate version submitted to Journal of the Audio Engineering Society.
Robert W. Grotke
“Digitizing the World’s Largest Collection of Natural Sounds: Key Factors to Consider when Transferring Analog-Based
Audio Materials to Digital Formats”
In RLG DigiNews vol. 8, no. 1. February 2004.
William A. Penn and Martha J. Hanson
“The Syracuse University Library Radius Project: Development of a non-destructive playback system for cylinder
In First Monday vol. 8, no. 5. May 2003.
Ken C. Pohlmann
Principles of Digital Audio. (New York: McGraw-Hill). Third edition, 1995.
Michael Seadle
“Sound Practice: A Report of the Best Practices for Digital Sound Meeting.” In RLG DigiNews vol. 5, no. 2. A summary of
discussions held by “about forty people from around the country [who] met at the Library of Congress (LC) on the last day
of the American Library Association’s 2001 midwinter meeting to discuss best practices for digital sound.” 2001.
Dietrich Schüller
“Preserving the Facts for the Future: Principles and Practices for the Transfer of Analog Audio Documents into the
Digital Domain.” Journal of the Audio Engineering Society, Volume 49 Number 7/8, July/August 2001.
John Watkinson
The Art of Digital Audio. (Boston: Focal Press). A thorough manual on the technical aspects of digital audio.
Addresses the physics of sound as well as conversion by sampling, compression, optical disks, sound quality
considerations, and much, much more. Third edition, 2001.
Colin Webb and Kevin Bradley
“Preserving Oral History Collections.” In Ariadne: The Web Version vol. 8. A “look at some of the practical realities, and
implications, of introducing digital technology into the sound preservation funcations of the National Library of Australia.”
March 1997.
CCRMA, Stanford University
Edison Revisited and the William H. “Cigar Bill” Nieman Sr. Collection of Historical Recordings
Digital Projects and Developing Technologies in Music & Media
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Harvard University
Loeb Music Library Audio Preservation Studio
Indiana University
Variations2 aims to establish a digital music library testbed system containing music in a variety of formats, involving
research and development in the areas of system architecture, metadata standards, component-based application
architecture, and network services.
Indiana University Archives of Traditional Music and Harvard University Loeb Music Library
Sound Directions: Digital Preservation and Access for Global Audio Heritage is a project that will develop best practices
and test standards related to digital audio preservation, including metadata, packaging, quality control, workflow, files,
repository storage, and more.
Library of Congress
Digital Audio-Visual Preservation Prototyping Project
Project Documents (repository design, audio specifications, metadata, etc.)
Matrix at Michigan State University
Working Paper on Digitizing Audio for the National Gallery of the Spoken Word and the African Online Digital Library
MSU Libraries Audio Digitization Standards
National Gallery of the Spoken Word
Project Information
National Library of Canada
Digital Audio at the National Library of Canada
University of California, Santa Barbara, Department of Special Collections
Cylinder Preservation and Digitization Project
University of Kentucky
Eric Weig, Kopana Terry, and Kathryn Lybarger. “Large-Scale Digitization of Oral History: A Case Study”. In D-Lib
Magazine, vol. 13, no. 5/6, May/June 2007.
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Algumas organizações com intervenção em matéria de
Preservação Áudio
Association of Moving Image Archivists (AMIA)
Association for Recorded Sound Collections (ARSC)
Audio Engineering Society (AES)
European Broadcasting Union (EBU) Technical Department
International Association of Sound Archives (IASA)
Music Library Association (MLA), Preservation Committee
National Recording Preservation Board
Oral History Association
Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers (SMPTE)
Outras páginas na Internet com informação
sobre Preservação Áudio
ARSC Technical Committee’s Audio Preservation and Restoration Directory
Stanford University Libraries
Archive of Recorded Sound
British Library
National Sound Archive
Journal of the Audio Engineering Society
Supplemental Journal Material
Library of Congress
Recorded Sound Reference Center
National Library of Australia
Preserving Access to Digital Information (PADI): Audio and Audiovisual Material
New York Public Library, Rodgers & Hammerstein Archives of Recorded Sound
Selected Recorded Sound Resources on the Internet
University of Washington
Audio Preservation and Restoration