

JAN 2013
Volume 1, Issue 1
] trip log [
Charter Grenadines
Barbados e St Vincent / Grenadines (SVG)
O que tem pra fazer
• Velejar de ilha em
ilha em veleiro de
40 pés
• Kitesurfing no final
da tarde
• Se aventurar pelo
mar sensacional do
De 4 e 18 de maio (mais ou menos) faremos uma viagem que incluirá 1 semana
em terra e 1 semana de charter de um
veleiro no Caribe, mais especificamente
Saint Vincent & the Grenadines.
Após dias navegando pelas infinitas possibilidades de lugares, acabamos encontrando esta, que nos pareceu reunir as
principais condições que queríamos:
Variedade de ilhas próximas
Muitas alternativas de ancoragem
Boas condições de vento
Local um pouco menos conhecido
Ancoragem em ilhas desertas e
água azul turquesa
Fácil acesso do Brasil
Preços por pessoa
Inside this issue:
CAT384 (8pp)
Area BH-Barbados
US$ 900
Aérea Barbados-SVG
US$ 500
US$ 609
Customs taxes
US$ 100
Hospedagem em terra
US$ 300
US$ 500
US$ 2.909
Obs. Bhz Barbados com 30 mil milhas Smiles
Charter Grenadines
Principais publicações
Há várias publicações e cada qual tem a
sua finalidade e abrangência para se
planejar um roteiro.
Quando estava preparando a viagem
para trazer um Beneteau 40’ que estava
no Suriname ao Brasil me debrucei sobre
várias delas a fim estabelecer o melhor
trajeto. Consultei desde roteiros de
viagem a boletins metereológicos
e estudo das correntes que atuam
na região.
Como a região a que estamos nos destinando agora é próxima daquela da
primeira viagem, muito do que aprendi
consultando os produtos disponíveis na
agencia americana para oceanos e atmosfera, a NOAA, e suas várias subsidiárias serviu de base para esse charter
nas Grenadines, em que pese os diferentes propósitos de cada viagem.
1. Pilot Charts
São cartas náuticas com os dados
compilados a partir dos registros
de navios e boias com informações das condições do mar, das
correntes e dos ventos predominantes mundo afora bem como as
princiapis rotas dos navios mercantes e declinação magnética.
São separadas por mês e apresentam as médias observadas durante mais de 30 anos.
Cada quadrado tem 5º x 5º e no meio
tem um gráfico em azul que indica a direção predominante do vento em percentual de dias expresso pelo comprimento
da seta e numericamente para os maiores valores.
A intensidade do vento é forcecida pela
quantidade de barbelas na seta expresso
na escala beaufort.
No interior do círculo há o número de
dias em calmaria.
Ao lado estão recortadas do mapa Portanto, temos que o vento predominante é de E/NE em mais 80% dos dias
principal a região de interesse
com força de 4 beaufort (11~16kts)
para os meses de Abril e Maio.
For a certain period after Christmas the wind will be
20-30 knots, these are the "Christmas winds".
Abaixo os dados estatíscos das previsões do windguru para Barbados
Page 2
] trip log [
2. Sailling Directions
Sailing Directions cobrem os portos,
zonas costeiras e oceanos de todo o
mundo, fornecendo informações que não
podem ser mostradas graficamente em
cartas náuticas, e que também não estão
facilmente acessíveis em outros locais.
Sailing Directions (Planning Guide)
Servem para auxiliar os navegantes no
planejamento de travessias oceânicas e
para eliminar duplicidade de informações, consolidando os dados úteis de
todos os países adjacentes a uma determinada região oceânica em um volume.
Os dados são compilados e estruturados
em ordem alfabética dos países contidos
na região de cada publicação.
Sailing Directions (Enroute)
Contêm informações detalhadas sobre
atracação na costa e em portos, complementando as cartas de grande maior escala produzidas pela National GeospatialIntelligence Agency..
3. Weather Forecast
As principais agências internacionais produzem previsões metereológicas periódicas e as dispobilizam para consulta via
HF (ondas de radio) e via satélite, que, à
medida que seu custo vai se tornando
mais acessível se torna muito atraente.
Hoje é possível receber via e-mail arquivos no formato GRIB com a carta
sinótica para vários dias a diante e visualizá-los num tablet ou smart phone.
Grenadines fica
na parte sul do
Caribe e o vento
predominante é
15~20kt E/NE
Page 3
Charter Grenadines
4. Nautical Charts
As cartas náuticas reproduzem o relevo
costeiro e aceânico além de anotar a sinalização de navegação e outros elementos importantes. As de grande escala são
para navegação local e as de pequena
escala são para planejamento de longas
travessias. No GPS que estou levando
estão instaladas as cartas náticas
Blue Chart Americas 2008 que contém
as seguintes observações.
acquired during
46 years of
cruising and
exploring in the
Caribbean in his
yacht Iolaire
Page 4
This chart has been compiled by D M Street Jr using official sources and additional
information acquired during 46 years of
cruising and exploring in the Caribbean in
his yacht Iolaire. Most of the Eastern Caribbean has been surveyed officially during
the last 50 years but topography above
and below the water may well have become altered by natural causes such as volcanic eruptions, movement of sandbanks,
the growth of coral etc. This chart must
therefore be used with caution and prudence, inshore navigation should only be
undertaken in good light when the sun is
high. Aids to navigation (buoys, beacons
and lights) are notable for their absence
and/or unreliability. Do not enter strange
harbours at night. The author and publishers believe that this chart is the most
accurate and up to date available of the
area it covers. It can, however, only remain so if mariners will notify the publishers
of any inaccuracy or need for correction of
which they may be aware.
] trip log [
Como será o velejo, vai chover?
Sunny and windy.
There could still be occasional "tradewind
showers" which are usually very short.
The prevailing winds will be from the North East at 15-25 knots. For a certain period after Christmas the wind will be 20-30
knots, these are the "Christmas winds".
This period can occur any time in January
or February. The rainy, or hurricane season is from the 1st of June till the 1st of
during the day with partly cloudy skies.
The good news:
St. Vincent and the Grenadines is located
at the Southern edge of the hurricane
belt. The last time a hurricane passed
directly over the Grenadines was in 1955.
Hurricanes from Africa usually have a much more Northerly destination. St. Martin
and the Virgin Islands are the worst hit in
recent times. As the hurricanes continue
Florida and the Carolinas could be badly
affected as well. When a hurricane pasThe weather:
Approximately every three days a tropical ses North of us, the weather here is absowave will form off the coast of Africa. The- lutely gorgeous, as it will draw all the
se tropical waves are small fronts which moisture away from us. We'll have exceptionally clear blue skies and a visibility of
will bring cloudiness and showers for a
day. Depending on how strong the wave
is, it could rain for two hours continuously, or you may get an occasional shower
There will be plenty of
warning when a hurricane
is threatening to approach
the island chain, you will
know at least three days
in advance that a system
is coming.
Page 5
The dry season is
from the 1st of
November till the
1st of June.
Charter Grenadines
Sailling Directions (by D M Street Jr )
quietest anchorage.
Admiralty Bay
The main town and main anchorage of
Bequia. Good shelter in all normal conditions but a veritable death trap if a hurricane comes anywhere near as it is open
to the west. For yachts of normal draft
(2.5 metres or less) there are no dangers.
Coming from the north, pass to the west
of the west cardinal beacon (VQ(9)10s)
off Wash Rocks, then tack up into the
harbour staying clear of Belmont Shoal.
This nabs a tremendous number of bare
boats as they do not realise that the
boats moored on Belmont Shoal are either shoal draught multihulls or centreboarders!! Also some deeper draught
boats are tucked inside the reef, and if
you head for them you will come to a sudden stop. The anchorage is likely to be
very crowded, find a spot clear of the
ferry channel which is roughly due west of
the main dock. Check your depth before
anchoring as a sand dredger is operating,
gathering sand for construction, so the
harbour may be considerably deeper than
the chart shown. Make sure you are securely anchored before you go ashore as
the holding can be poor.
Friendship Bay
Home of the last whaleboats in the western hemisphere still hunting whales. The
fleet has gone from six in the late fifties
to two today. To reach Friendship Bay
tack along the south coast of Bequia,
pass between Petit Nevis and Middle Cay,
stand eastwards until you can easily lay
Semples Cay on
starboard tack
(remember the current may be setting
you to leeward at 1
to 2 knots), enter
Friendship Bay midway between Semples Cay and St
Hilaire Pt, anchor in
the northeast corner to obtain the
Page 6
Charlestown Bay (Grand Bay) The main
harbour for Canouan, with a large hotel
on its shores and the centre for the massive development of the island. If approaching from the north leave the northern green beacon (Fl.G.4s) to port, head
eastwards and anchor in the northeast
corner of the harbour; stay clear of the
conspicuous white rock and the shoal
extending south of it. If you anchor off the
hotel. You will most likely end up facing
west and rolling, better anchor off the
northeast corner and dinghy to the hotel
if you wish. If coming from the south,
when beating to windward to the head of
the harbour stay clear of the shoals north
of Nens Bay and the shoal off Batchelors
Hall Point marked by a red beacon
(Fl.R.4s) at the eastern end. Nens Bay
According to the chart, there is a seemingly good anchorage in this bay due
north of Taffia Hill. From the air, it also
looks like an ideal anchorage. However,
the reef on the north side of the bay affords less protection than the charts indicate. There is about half a metre of water
over the reef-enough to let the ground
swell from the north come rolling in. For
the winter months therefore, I would have
to rule out this spot. Only in the summer,
when there is no ground swell and the
wind is in the southeast, is this adequate
for anything more than daytime stops.
The bottom is grass, and the holding is
wretched. The reef appears excellent for
snorkelling, and there is an attractive
small beach in the cove on the eastern
side of the bay. But you must stay within
50 metres of the eastern point as you
enter. When the sand beach falls abeam
to port, bear off toward the middle of the
bay. There is plenty of water inside the
reef; anchor anywhere, but don't plan to
spend the night. The southern shore of
the bay has been infilled with Rip-Rap to
facilitate the extension of the airport runway.
] trip log [
anchors ahead in a 'Y'. It may be a little
choppy here and certainly will be very
windy, but you will be guaranteed privacy
and good snorkelling. The true adventurer
in a centreboarder or a bilge-keel boat
can anchor inside the reef of Petit Tabac.
A boat drawing one metre can enter the
break in the reef at the northwest corner.
The depth inside the reef is about 1.5
metres. (Range 6) Expert divers and good
small-boat handlers who want some exciting diving, should go to the other edge of
Horseshoe Reef and to Worlds End Reef.
If the weather is not too rough, you can
reach them by dinghy via the small-boat
pass through Horseshoe Reef. You'll need
to line up this range very carefully-north
The national park. ALL fishing and gather- points of Barodel and Petit Bateau in line
ing lobsters by any method is illegal. The with south side of flat land on Mayreau
park is in process of development, check (Range 5). It is easy enough to remember
at Union Island or Palm Island to find the this range when going out, but when you
latest regulations. The tides run swiftly
are coming back, tired and wet, it is easy
through the Cays, and your movements
to miss, as you are coming downwind
and activities-especially diving-should be through the surf; if you miss this pass,
planned accordingly. A swift tide can take you will be swamped.
you by surprise; every season at least one
Worlds End Reef, east of Tobago Cays,
insurance claim is made for yachts collidprovides a good anchorage under its lee
ing in these narrow straits. If you are apif it is not blowing too hard (Range 6).
proaching a crowded anchorage, you may
However, this anchorage should be atbe wise to drop sail and motor in. Once
tempted only by yachtsmen who are very
into the Cays, you may anchor anywhere
experienced and can handle their boats
along the slot between Petite Rameau
in tight situations. You must be good at
and Petit Bateau in a full four metres.
eyeball navigation and have plenty of
Best to use a Bahamian moor; otherwise,
ground tackle. If you want to spend the
when the tide runs to windward, it will
night at Worlds End Reef, you should be
swing your stern into the wind, even when
moored on a chain with at least two anit is blowing 20 knots through the slot.
chors out-if you started to drag during the
The effect will be to waltz a boat in a 100
night, you'd be in serious trouble, as eyemetre circle. Large boats usually anchor
ball navigation simply doesn't work in the
to leeward of the Cays. If the anchorage
dark, even with a full moon. Leaving the
within the slot is too crowded, a good anTobago Cays When
chorage can be had close to shore southleaving the Cays to
west of Baradal. There is plenty of room
the north, just rehere, and no need for a two-anchor rig.
verse the entry proFor those who value privacy and wish to
cedure. For boats
be close to a reef, an anchorage can be
heading south, a
made close behind Horseshoe Reef. It is
route out of the Cays
cool, breezy, calm, and bugless. If you are
marked by the northplanning to stay more than a few hours,
ern end of Range 11
two anchors are recommended; a Bahais most favoured.
mian moor during the full or new moon if
the wind is light; or, during a small moonneap tides-and heavy weather, use two
Rameau Bay This bay is really too exposed for anchoring, but along the shore
are a number of very small isolated,
white-sand beaches. You are just a short
dinghy ride from the anchorage in
Charlestown Bay. The Canouan Resort
Development own practically the whole of
the northern half of the island and are at
present developing this area as a holiday
resort. Houses, restaurant, bar and swimming pool have already been built and
more is planned. Whilst this building is
going on the materials are being shipped
in via Corbec Bay. A marina is also in the
Page 7
If you are planning
to stay more than
a few hours, two
anchors are
Charter Grenadines
Clifton Harbour
Big sand surf
One of the most
accessible and
easy wave of
Union island
breaking on a flat
hard bottom. This
wave works well
by North and
north east swell.
Page 8
Do not try to enter Clifton Harbour at
night. Newlands Reef is marked by
lighted beacons (Fl(2)R) but they are not
to ne relied upon. The best anchorage is
tight up behind the reef. Nudge up as
close to the reef as your draft will permit,
drop anchor, back down and set it. The
holding is superb. If it is too crowded behind the reef, anchor anywhere in the
main harbour, but remember it is deep,
most of the harbour being about 12 metres fo you will need about 50 metres of
anchor line. Roundabout Reef in the middle of the harbour marked by a beacon
(Fl(2)R) at its southeastern end is clearly
visible and steep-too on all sides.
rounded by reefs. However, it must be
noted that this beach is not suitable for
beginners. Big Sand beach could be a
better option for inexperienced surfers.
The other option is Frigate beach, located
10 minutes away from Clifton. It is also
possible to charter a boat in Union island
and head to Mayreau for a kitesurfing
session. The island's peculiar size favours
the formation of waves both on the inside
and on the outside of the bay, so surfers
will be spoilt for choice here.
Palm island
Can be reached by boat from Union island. This is a private island that presents
challenging waves, so it is a favourite location for freestyle kitesurfers. Now, if
you really want to get away from it all, the
islet known as Morpion is the perfect
place. This remote island does not have
much on the way of waves, but it is the
ultimate relaxation spot and you can
head downwind to Frigate from there.
Another alternative from Morpion is to
head to Petit Saint Vicent, where waves
are more consistent.
Frigate Island, Ashton Harbour
An excellent anchorage if you stay close
to shore two metres can be carried north
of Frigate Island to where the land is low
so you will get a cool breeze at night. Go
slow, feel your way in (or send the dinghy
ahead) and anchor at a suitable depth.
Work on the marina has stopped and the
Ground swells
partly constructed piers are collapsing
When ground swells are expected on the
north coast of Puerto Rico, they are preChatham Bay
dicted quite accurately on El Oso san
Excellent anchorage, great place to get
Juan, Virgin Island news. Add roughly
away from it all, anchor in the northeast twenty-four hours for the ground swell
corner, southeast is shoal and coral
predicted to reach the southern end of
heads. Good holding in 3.7 metres.
the Caribbean. On and beach open to the
Bloody Bay Excellent anchorage when
northwest as far south as Antigua, there
wind in SE. Anchor in 3-4 metres in NE
is the danger of ground swell, especially if
corner under Bloody Head.
the beach ashore is quite steep and the
sand really soft. I strongly advise either a
Big sand surf break
Bahamian moor or
One of the most acmoor bow-and-stern
cessible and easy
when anchoring off it.
head to Mayreau for a
wave of Union island
If the ground swell
breaking on a flat
kitesurfing session.
comes in during the
hard bottom. This
night when on a single
wave works well by North and north east
anchor it will pivot the boat around in the
surf and within a few minutes the boat is
One of the most popular spots for
driven on shore.
kitesurfing in the Grenadines is Union
island, a 3-mile long volcanic island that Ground swells are completely independoffers good kitesurfing and entertainment ent of the Caribbean weather systems,
they are generated by storms in the North
opportunities. The main beach at Union
Atlantic. The season is mid-October to the
island is Clifton, a flat water spot surend of March though very occasionally
] trip log [
pub built out over the dock. It's just a
short row ashore in the dinghy. The CotFor cruising therefore, May is fine: no hurton House is either a long walk or a short
ricanes; no ground swell. June the same,
taxi ride away; the latter is expensive. The
though there is still a risk of hurricanes.
manager of the Cotton House, Robert B.
Hoflund, who cut his teeth in the Caribbean tourism business at Petit Sf. Vincent,
Should be approached cautiously. The
is doing an excellent job in Mustique. He
off-lying Montezuma Shoal has done in
any number of ships, including the yacht stocks Imray-Iolaire charts and Street
Lord ]im, which might easily have become guides.
a total loss had a tug not hauled her off. The protected moon-shaped anchorage of
The shoal bears 309 magnetic
Saltwhistle Bay, on the eastfrom the dock at Grand Bay. If
ern coast of Mayreau, a quiet
you are beating up from Bequiisland with a population of
It’s the Caribbean
a against the easterly trade,
only three hundred, is a
at its most perfect sweeping sandy bay that is
under no circumstances
should you fall eastward of
with crystal clear one of the most romantic,
Range C on Sketch Chart III-20
secluded places you will ever
water and
until you have passed clearly
visit and is considered one of
north of Range B, which bears
sparkling white the highlights of a Saltwhis135 magnetic on the rocks at
tle Bay Mayreau yacht charsand.
the north end of Grand Bay.
Staying northeast of Range B,
It’s the Caribbean at its most perfect with
stand in toward shore until east of Range
crystal clear water and sparkling white
A before working down into rand Bay.
sand. Arrive early to ensure your pick of
Here is the first booby-trap buoy installed
anchorages – the local boat boys are
by the St. Vincent government. It is not on
helpful and will give you a hand as
Montezuma Shoal, but is off to the southneeded. From the dinghy dock you can
west of it; depending on the direction
walk up and over to the island's south
you're heading, the buoy could mislead
side and Saline Bay, where Righteous
you into going right on the shoal. Thus,
Bob’s is the place to go for fantastic seacheck the ranges on Sketch Chart IlI- 20
food, music and dancing. Righteous
and disregard the buoy. There are only 3
Bob’s is legendary in this part of the
feet of water over Montezuma Shoal, so
world, but Bob has something of a reputawhy did they not simply mark it with a day
tion for stiff drinks, so watch out for his
mark on top of the shoal? The best anheavy hand with the measures!
chorage in Grand Bay is off the new dock.
The views from Old Wall Village at the top
Feel your way in and anchor where the
of the island over Tobago Cays are stundepth suits you. The current here is not
particularly strong. It comes and goes at ning. Be sure to check out the beautiful
intervals, and frequently during the night Mayreau Catholic Church. Saltwhistle Bay
itself is home to the Saltwhistle Bay
you will find yourself rolling for a few
Beach Club and a handful of bars and
hours as the current wings your beam
onto the wind, but I have never found it
too uncomfortable.
ground swells will appear in April.
Now that Mustique
has become fairly
popular with charter yachts, there is
usually a cluster of
boats anchored in
Grand Bay, off the
Page 9
Mustique takes its
name from the
French for
mosquito. Although
a valiant effort has
been made
to eliminate this
pest, my advice is
to get off the
beach before