Ingrid westhoff
Ingrid westhoff
PROMON/ annual report 2010 PROMON in 2010 / 2 Profile / 8 Governance / 10 Strategy / 12 Promon 50 years / 16 Core beliefs and Reason to exist / 17 businesses Promon Engenharia / 20 PromonLogicalis Latin America / 26 Trópico / 30 Promon Novos Negócios / 34 associated entities Fundação Promon de Previdência Social / 38 Instituto de Tecnologia Promon / 40 Instituto Razão Social / 42 Promon PROFESSIONALS — april 2011 / 44 MANAGEMENT TEAM / 46 / PROMON IN 2010 2 3 The Promon Group closed the year of 2010 with excellent results. The net operating revenue totaled R$ 1.09 billion, an increase of 46% over 2009, and net profits reached R$ 87.2 million, net of the R$ 21.3 million destined for distribution to the officers and employees as profit sharing. Profits in 2010 remained on the same level as that of the preceding year, and were primarily the result of the good operational performance of all the Group’s businesses. In the business year, the Group also recorded the positive effect of nonoperational results in connection with the transaction carried out with the Logicalis Group in 2008 for the creation of PromonLogicalis Latin America. This effect, however, was smaller in 2010 than in 2009. When the overall set of businesses under the management of the Promon Group is considered, regardless of the share interest held in each one of them, the gross revenue reached R$ 1.8 billion in 2010. During the year, the investments amounted to R$ 65.4 million, a sum 13% higher than that of the preceding year, concentrated in technological development, training and the development of new businesses. Promon S. A . closed the business year with an enviable balance sheet and financial position, showing high liquidity and low indebtedness. The shareholders’ equity at the end of 2010 reached R$ 323.7 million, of which R$ 10.7 million, corresponding to the obligatory minimum dividends, have already been deducted. The Group’s workforce at the end of 2010 totaled more than 1,430 professionals in Brazil and 270 in other Latin American countries, besides roughly 90 participants in the trainee program. In relation to 2009, it represents a 6% growth in the total number of professionals. The revenues of Promon Engenharia and PromonLogicalis recorded an expressive growth in relation to the preceding year, at 48% and 67% respectively. Trópico’s revenues grew roughly 9% , a good performance in a period in which the telecommunications industry showed a reduction on the order of 9% in its investments. The favorable Brazilian economic environment, expressed in the evolution of 7.5% of the GNP recorded in 2010, was important for the achievement of these results. The consistency of the performance, however, derives from the differentiated capacity of the Promon Group’s companies in the application of engineering and technology solutions, in conjunction with their competence in project management. Promon Engenharia took advantage of its favorable positioning in the oil and gas industry, which continues to present a remarkable strength, due to the investments ongoing and planned for the coming years. Other markets in which the company is active, such as steel and fertilizers have been resuming their investment plans since the second half of 2010, following their slowdown owing to the global crisis that arose in 2008. The effects of this resumption began to appear in the business year, with the contracting of Promon Engenharia for the development of initial studies and basic projects for various clients. 5 PromonLogicalis, an independent integrator of information and communication technology solutions in Latin America, has been continuously expanding its offering and markets in which it is active. The new demands generated by the broadband expansion and by the utilization of new forms of communication by society have given rise to growth opportunities in the company’s traditional areas of operation, as well as in specific fields, such as security solutions and advanced network management services. Its geographical base of activity was expanded in 2010 to Colombia, Ecuador and Bolivia, so that the company went on to operate in nearly all of South America. Trópico, in turn, went on to incorporate technological differentials in its solutions and add new functionalities to its equipment line, in this manner gaining new contracts among the country’s principal telecommunications operators, which updated their networks and invested in the offering of new services. The company also initiated the consolidation of a new offering: custom-based software development to address specific needs of corporate clients. Also very positive were the achievements of Promon Novos Negócios, a unit created in 2008 to better foster the organization’s entrepreneurial drive. The P2Brasil Infraestrutura, the first fund of P2Brasil, an investment management company formed together with Pátria Investimentos, had raised funds by the end of the business year on the order of US$ 850 million. With the funding process still ongoing, the prospects are that the figure 6 of US$ 1 billion will be exceeded. The fund, which in 2010 consolidated its own management team, made its first investments in the same year in the fields of transportation and logistics. The funding success is an expression of the receptivity of the investors, the great majority of which are foreigners. The investors look with enthusiasm on the potential of Brazil’s economy and, particularly, the opportunities derived from the needs of investments in infrastructure in order to sustain the country’s development. But the principal attraction of P2Brasil is its proposal to gather within a managerial company the complementary experience, credibility and competencies of the Promon Group and of Pátria Investimentos. Another highlight of the performance of Promon Novos Negócios during the year was the creation of Genes, a company focused on investing in power generation projects, a traditional area in which Promon Engenharia is active. Revenue R$ million 2008 713.3 2009 744.9 2010 1,088.7 Source: Financial statements Net Income R$ million 2008 137.8 2009 86.0 2010 87.2 Source: Financial statements Investments in 2010 Added Value Distribution total R$ 65.4 million R$ million Technological Development 35% Government Infrastructure 23% Employees New Businesses 20% Shareholders Training 22% Third Parties Withheld 2008 2009 2010 Source: Financial Reports 518.6 482.2 565.1 Source: Financial statements 7 Profile The Promon Group is controlled by Promon S. A ., its holding company, in which is situated the organization’s executive and strategic coordination. Its only stockholders are professionals formally connected with the organization. Democratic, transparent and participative, more than a legal structure, Promon’s ownership model is the economic expression of the organization’s ideals and values. Through the voluntary adherence to the model, the professional strengthens the degree of his or her sharing in the wealth created and participation in the life of the company. Promon Engenharia Ltda., PromonLogicalis Latin America Limited, Trópico Sistemas e Telecomunicações S . A . and Promon Novos Negócios comprise the set of companies through which the organization’s principal businesses are developed, acting with managerial independence, but always aligned with the general strategy, policies and guidelines established by the Group. A wholly-owned subsidiary of Promon S. A ., Promon Engenharia is active in the engineering market, focusing on the strategic industries of Oil and Gas, Mining and Metals, Power, Chemicals and Petrochemicals, and the Environment. PromonLogicalis Latin America Limited, a joint venture between the British company Logicalis Group Limited and Promon S. A ., is dedicated to systems integration for 8 the information and communication technology market, operating in Latin America. Promon, which owns 30% of the company’s equity, is fully responsible for its management. Trópico, a joint venture between Promon S. A ., which holds 60% of its equity, the Fundação CPqD (30%) and Cisco Systems (10%), operates in the development of software and hardware for the telecommunications market. The mission of Promon Novos Negócios is to develop in a structured and consistent manner the Group’s entrepreneurial drive, based on the organization’s competencies and relationship networks, in order to stimulate the development of new businesses in sectors connected with infrastructure. P2 Gestão de Recursos Ltda. (P2Brasil) is a joint venture between Promon and Pátria Investimentos, oriented toward the management of investment funds in these sectors. Genes — Geração de Energia Sustentável S. A . is a company dedicated to the development of enterprises focused on the generation of sustainable energy. The organization’s structure includes the Fundação Promon de Previdência Social, the Instituto de Tecnologia Promon and the Instituto Razão Social, the latter maintained jointly with Gerdau and relying on the technological partnership of IBM Brasil. THE PROMON GROUP Employee Shareholders promon s.a. fundação promon de previdência social instituto de tecnologia promon instituto razão social associated entities promonlogicalis latin america ltd. 30% promon engenharia ltda. 100% trópico sistemas e telecomunicações s.a. 60% promon novos negócios 100% p2 brasil 40% genes s.a. 100% 9 Governance Adhering to an already sanctioned renewal process, which covers all the organization’s fundamental aspects, in April 2010 the new composition of the Board of Directors and of the Executive Committee of Promon S. A ., the Group’s holding company, was established for the term of 2010 to 2013. The Board of Directors, the company’s highest administrative instance, was defined according to a voting process among the roughly 1,100 shareholder professionals, who manifested in an expressive manner their confidence in the six names proposed to form the Board. Luiz Ernesto Gemignani was reelected Chairman of the Board of Directors, after having served three terms as the Group’s principal executive officer. The other members of the Board are Gilson G. Krause, Luiz Fernando T. Rudge, Luiz Gonzaga Marinho Brandão, Raul Antonio Del Fiol and José Guimarães Monforte. The first four professionals are thoroughly conversant with the organization. Monforte, a professional with recognized experience, is an independent member of the Board, in yet an additional evolution of the governance model. 10 The Executive Committee is now formed by Luiz Fernando T. Rudge, who has worked for the organization over the past nearly thirty years, in the position of Chief Executive Officer; by Gilson G. Krause and Ivo Godoi Junior, in the positions of Executive Directors, all of them professionals who were already members of the Committee in the previous term of office; and by Felipe Alceu Amoroso Lima, in the position of Executive Director and Chief Financial Officer. Three committees providing support to the Board were formed: that of Strategy, oriented towards the analysis and monitoring of the organization’s strategic planning; that of Risks and Auditing, focusing on the evaluation and tracking of the major business risks in their various categories; and that of Organizational Development, dedicated to the subjects connected with people, culture, the management system and the organizational model. Tamas Makray, Carlos M. Siffert and Paulo A. Fragelli, members of Promon’s founding group and professionals to whom the organization expresses its heartfelt gratitude, although no longer taking part in the operations, continue to cooperate with the company, through their membership in the boards of associated entities and in advisory committees supporting the Board of Directors. The vision of the near future, very stimulating owing to the more immediate business and development prospects for the company, does not, however, satisfy Promon’s restless spirit, which gains nourishment from the dynamics of permanent renewal and from a look that seeks to see further ahead. It was this search that in 2010 inspired the launching of the “Promon 2020” project. In attunement with a principle that has always permeated its existence — that of being a community of shareholder professionals, responsible for the company’s destiny and actively taking part in the definition of its future — Promon exposed more than a hundred professionals to the large issues facing the world and the sectors in which the company is active, with the objective of jointly defining possible scenarios for the next decade. Which will be the most important transformations in this period? Which technologies will prevail? What will be the consequences of these changes in the Group’s businesses? How may Promon help to build this future? The process aimed at the search for these answers included the participation of renowned international experts in several knowledge areas and required months of intense work by the company’s professionals, who dealt with a comprehensive selection of issues — ranging from aspects of a broader context, such as climate, social, demographic and geopolitical changes, to more specific issues, such as energy, information and communication, transportation infrastructure, biotechnology and nanotechnology. From the result of this effort there emerged a vision of what the world may look like as of 2020 and of the respective implications for Brazil and Promon. Based on this vision, the professionals sought to define the principal strategic choices for the company. The perception that the social and environmental sustainability will be acclaimed by society as the principal determiner of its avenues towards development implies deep impacts on companies, particularly those that are active in the infrastructure field. Promon is aware of the social environmental responsibility deeply embedded in its culture, but in regard to this issue proposes to go beyond the high standards already consolidated in its traditional line of business. The organization is determined to make sustainability the principal guiding element in its businesses, going on to orient its investments in the light of this objective. The efficiency in the use of the existing resources and the replacement of old technologies by cleaner ones will become demands made by society, suggesting a time of great changes, challenges and opportunities. To speed up the steps in this direction a number of activities will be initiated in 2011 that will mobilize the company’s best talents in the quest for what is new. “Technological observatories” are being established to function as groups of permanent monitoring of themes identified as being essential for the Group’s positioning in this future, such as the generation of clean energies, the development of new materials, cloud computing and its impact on people and organizations, and the confluence of biology and technology. 11 e pl ts o en Pe Society and the Environment li Knowledge and Processes Economic Performance s Organizational Culture ess o n li si o u f B rt Po 12 C The systemic vision of the Promon Group comprises eight strategic perspectives that permeate the entire organization and represent the principal stakeholders and the main elements of its dynamics of value creation. In 2010, within the sphere of the “Promon 2020” project, the Group’s aspirations were discussed anew by the organization, resulting in a more ambitious and detailed formulation of the macro-objectives relative to each one of those perspectives. Those macro-objectives clarify the importance given by Promon to the quality of the relationship with its clients, partners and suppliers. They emphasize the proactive stance in the proposal of solutions of value, in the innovative application of technology and in the continuous updating of its knowledge base. Worthy of emphasis is the commitment to managerial excellence, to innovation and to entrepreneurship, as well as the vision of social and environmental sustainability as a determinant element of the development of the organization and its businesses. There is a strengthening of the importance of the open and collaborative environment in order to allow the professionals who make up the Promon community to realize their potential and to seek a superior performance and the permanent exercise of innovation. The organization’s culture, the true expression of its values, is an element to be enriched by sharing, by communication and by the participation of the community’s members. It is the basis on which the other elements sustain themselves. PROMON’S STRATEGIC PERSPECTIVES P an ar d tn Su er pp s li er Strategy The vision of organizations held by the Promon Group is that they are live systems, permanently interacting with other systems, which exert an influence on and are influenced by them. In a manner consistent with this view, the Group defines its strategies and evaluates its performance taking into account not only the economic and financial results of its businesses, but eight strategic perspectives: Economic Performance, Business Portfolio, Clients, Partners and Suppliers, Knowledge and Processes, Society and the Environment, People and Organizational Culture. For a company that ascribes a strategic dimension to its people, views knowledge as its major raw material and the organizational culture as its most intangible asset, it is essential to dedicate managerial energy to ensure excellence in the management of its people, its competencies and the organizational environment. To this end, more than adopting the best policies and practices, Promon seeks to evolve constantly, remaining attentive to and renewing itself with the changes. A special effort has been made by the Group to the forming of new leaders, whether to meet the growth requirements of its companies, or for the succession of professionals that hold key positions. In this context, in addition to the traditional training and development actions, the Group has sought to engage its future leaders in challenging activities, such as the proactive participation in its strategic projects. Furthermore, the organization invests in an extensive selection of actions aimed at sharing knowledge, encouraging communities of practices, technical engineering and technology meetings, and the “Mastigando Ideias” (Chewing on Ideas), in voluntary attendance meetings that are already traditional, in which a professional who is an expert in a given subject shares his knowledge with the other interested parties. From this positioning significant recognitions resulted in the people management sphere. Promon continued as one of only three companies in the country present, always in positions of prominence, in all the editions of the 150 Best Companies to Work For guide published by Você S. A ./Exame, and the The 100 Best Companies to Work For in Brazil guide published by Great Place To Work/Época . Carried out every year, the internal organization climate survey revealed that the satisfaction rates of the professionals remain at levels that surpass those of the benchmark organizations on a global basis. The survey’s results were discussed internally with the professionals and actions were defined to deal, in 2011, with such topics as communication, coexistence with other cultures and positive aspects of diversity for new learning. Staff Evolution as of December 31st Corporate/Holding PROMON ENGENHARIA PROMONLOGICALIS [BRAzIL] PROMONLOGICALIS [abroad] TRÓPICO 2008 2009 2010 1,528 1,611 1,707 13 Organizational Culture Percentage of favorable answers from the Promon Group’s employees to a set of questions related to the topics set forth below: Conduct How the organization handles its external and internal relationships. Respect and Equity How the professionals are treated, regardless of their job positions. Engagement Percentage of professionals participating in the ownership model. Conduct 94 % 93 % 92 86 Respect and Equity 92 % 91 % 87 % % 79 % 2008 2009 2010 14 78% 80% source: ORGANIZATIONAL CLIMATE SURVEY (TOWERS WATSON) 81% BENChmark* * RESULTS OBTAINED AMONG HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPANIES, ACCORDING TO AN INTERNATIONAL ANALYSIS FROM TOWERS WATSON % Engagement Convinced that education is a key factor for the progress and development of people and of countries, it is in this field that over the past years Promon has concentrated it social actions. It is the focus of the activities of the Instituto Razão Social, of the Programa de Voluntariado (Volunteer Program) and of the company’s private investments which, during the year, benefited more than twenty organizations in the regions in which the company operates. One of the projects supported by Promon, the “Artes na Periferia” (Arts in the Environs), developed in São Paulo by the Casa do Zezinho organization, was mentioned as one of the thirty best social projects by the 2010 Global Compact for Development report, published by the UN Global Compact, an organization of which the Promon Group is a signatory since 2006. The Volunteer Program is planned and monitored so that the voluntary labor of the Promon professionals meet the requirements of the projects of the partner NGOs, having been recognized by the “2010 Top Social Award”, granted by the Associação dos Dirigentes de Vendas e Marketing do Brasil (Association of Sales and Marketing Managers). In the course of the year, roughly one half of the Group’s workforce engaged itself in voluntary projects and campaigns, benefiting ten thousand children and teenagers. The continuous commitment to the incorporation of social and environmental issues into its business activities and the evolution of actions in this field caused Promon to be recognized by Exame magazine, for the fifth consecutive year, as one of the country’s twenty model companies in enterprise citizenship. The organization, furthermore, is associated with the movement entitled Todos pela Educação (All for Education), the Rede Nossa São Paulo (Our São Paulo Network), the GIFE — Grupo de Institutos Fundações e Empresas (Group of Institutes, Foundations and Companies), the Instituto Ethos de Empresas e Responsabilidade Social (Ethos Institute of Business and Social Responsibility), and the Instituto Akatu pelo Consumo Consciente (Akatu Institute for Conscious Consumption). It is a signatory of the Pacto Nacional pela Erradicação do Trabalho Escravo (National Pact for the Eradication of Slave Labor) and sustaining member of the Fundação Nacional da Qualidade (National Quality Foundation), of whose Trustee Council the Chairman of Promon’s Board of Directors is a member. degree of corporate social responsibility scope — 7 csr topics The seven Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) topics considered by Instituto Ethos are: Values, Transparency & Governance; Employees; Environment; Suppliers; Consumers & Clients; Community; Government & Society. depth — csr stages 2008 PROMON GRoUP consolidated 2009 PROMONLOGICALIS 2010 PROMONLOGICALIS 2009 PROMON ENGENHARIA 2010 PROMON ENGENHARIA Benchmark area source: Instituto Ethos de Empresas e Responsabilidade Social 15 The Promon Group views the future with great enthusiasm. In the closer horizon, the prospects are that its traditional businesses in the infrastructure sectors continue to be favored by the continuation of the country’s current development cycle. Meanwhile, the look taken by Promon towards the future enables it to perceive the wealth of possibilities that this era sharply marked by technological, cultural and geopolitical possibilities offers. Although some of the roads that Promon intends to explore are new there is nothing novel in the fact of its doing so. It was by renewing and reinventing itself that Promon arrived at the age of fifty, completed in 2010, as a live organization, vibrant, with an enviable history of achievements. These five decades of activity have given it experience, knowledge and maturity. But it is the youthful spirit that makes it lasting, because it is from this very spirit that the organization extracts the enthusiasm and energy that drive it in the unceasing search for new frontiers. Promon 50 years Promon celebrated its fifty years in 2010. Established in December 1960, in 1970 it became a company whollyowned by its employees, due to the visionary initiative of a small group of professionals. Promon underwent great moments, faced great turbulence, and wrote a history of great achievements. It proved capable, as did few organizations, of understanding the changes that occurred in Brazil and in the world, defining and exploring new roads. To celebrate these five decades, the company sponsored the “Promon Chamber Concerts 50 Years — Schumann, Chopin… and Brazil” series. The program presented works celebrating the bicentennial of the birth of Robert Schumann and Frédéric Chopin and provided counterpoint performances of the works of Brazilian composers, such as Heitor Villa-Lobos, interpreted by new and talented artists. The seven presentations took place from August to November 2010, at the Teatro Cultura Artística Itaim, in São Paulo. promon 16 Promon published the commemorative book entitled Para Chegares ao Que Não Sabes (“In Order to Arrive at What You do not Know”), written by the famous writer Ignácio de Loyola Brandão, describing the ideas and achievements, values and beliefs shared by the professionals of Promon during these fifty years. On taking up the company’s history, it sought to pay tribute to the thousands of professionals that experienced and built the company during these decades, revealing, in addition, various curious and picturesque facts that occurred with its employees. These are stories that illuminated the backstage and the life of its protagonists, composing a mosaic that melted into a harmonious assembly, as cells forming a live and complex organism. THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS AND THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: LUIZ GONZAGA M. BRANDÃO, RAUL A. DEL FIOL, GILSON G. KRAUSE, LUIZ FERNANDO T. RUDGE, LUIZ ERNESTO GEMIGNANI, FELIPE A. AMOROSO LIMA, IVO GODOI JUNIOR and JOSÉ GUIMARÃES MONFORTE Core beliefs and Reason to exist Core beliefs A company is a living system, an integral part of a social, economic and natural ecosystem with which it interacts, on which it depends and for which it is co-responsible. Knowledge shall be an instrument for the accomplishments of individuals and of society if used in a shared and conscious manner. Reason to exist Promon is a knowledge-based community of professionals identified by its capacity to innovate, which, having as its guiding concept the pursuit of excellence, wants to undertake and provide infrastructure solutions that create value for its clients and other stakeholders; provide conditions for the professional and human achievement of its professionals; be an active agent of society’s development process and of the environment’s conservation. Community means having things in common, shared understandings that transcend the parts into which the company is divided. Community implies the inclination to observe principles and rules, but also implies voluntary collaboration, much wealthier and less programmed. Collaboration is not altruism. It arises when people share a cause, when they feel that they are part of a common destiny. A community may be described, it may be mapped according to formal terms, but it also has an emotional significance, a sense of connection, of union. Communities have a body, but they also have a soul. 17 businesses / PROMON ENGENHARIA / PROMONLOGICALIS LATIN AMERICA / TRÓPICO / PROMON NOVOS NEGÓCIOS 18 19 20 Revenue R$ million 2008 388 2009 680 2010 1,009 Source: Financial Reports / PROMON ENGENHARIA The resumption of the investments that had been postponed at the height of the global economic crisis had positive impacts on the performance of Promon Engenharia in 2010. Revenues reached R$ 1,009 million, a growth of 48% relative to the preceding year, with an expressive participation of the Oil and Gas sector. BUSINESS PORTFOLIO, CLIENTS, PARTNERS AND SUPPLIERS The relationship with Petrobras, its oldest and most traditional client, was reinforced with important contracts based on the EPC system (Engineering, Procurement and Construction). Among these, is the construction of the Atmospheric and Vacuum Distillation Unit (UDAV) at the Rio de Janeiro Petrochemical Complex (Comperj), in the town of Itaboraí, under a partnership with Skanska and Engevix. Begun in 2010, this construction job is to be carried out in 36 months. The unit, the first of its kind to be built in Brazil in the past thirty years, will have a nominal processing capacity of 150 thousand barrels/day of crude oil, to be separated into products such as fuel gas, naphtha, diesel oil and kerosene. Under a consortium with MCE, Promon Engenharia also obtained a contract for the construction and assembling of the offshore platform PIGs Operation Module (MOP-1), the first platform of its kind in Brazil. Its construction term is two years and, after its conclusion, it will be towed by maritime means from Bahia, where it is being assembled, to Campos Basin. The unit will be utilized in the moving of the PIGs (Pipeline Inspection Gauges), equipment that carries out the cleaning of gas transportation pipes. Besides these new projects contracted by Petrobras, the execution of another five EPC contracts was continued in 2010 : the Delayed Coking Unit (UCR) of the Presidente Getúlio Vargas Refinery (Repar) at Araucária (State of Paraná), the Hydrotreatment Unit (HDT) of the Henrique Lage Refinery (Revap) at São José dos Campos (State of São Paulo), the Hydrodesulfurization Units (HDS) at Revap and at the Alberto Pasqualini Refinery (Refap) at Canoas (State of Rio Grande do Sul) and the Sulfur Removal Unit (URE) at the Capuava Refinery, in Mauá (State of São Paulo). Developed in a consortium with Camargo Corrêa, the UCR at Repar remains the largest project in which Promon Engenharia is currently involved, and has been the object of important recognitions. An unprecedented feat in works contracted by Petrobras, the CCPR-Repar consortium obtained the sector’s five main certifications: ABNT ISO/TS 29001, relative to the Quality Management System for Gas and Oil; NBR 16001, relative to the Social Responsibility Management; NBR ISO 14001, of the Environmental Management System; NBR ISO 9001, of the Quality Management System; and OHSAS 18001, of the Occupational Health and Safety Management System. In addition, the quality of the project’s management was recognized through the “2010 Banas Management National Award”, granted by the Banas Qualidade magazine in the Quality and Sustainable Development categories. It was 21 chosen, furthermore, the “2010 Project of the Year”, an award granted by the MundoPM — Project Management magazine and by the Fundação Getúlio Vargas — FGV. Among the projects connected with the generation of alternative energies, which constitute another important business front at Promon Engenharia, emphasis goes to the conclusion of the capacity expansion of the energy cogeneration unit using biomass (sugar-cane bagasse) of the Cosan Mill at Barra Bonita (State of São Paulo). The unit has a capacity of 64 megawatts and is one of the largest units of its kind in operation in Brazil. The undertaking, in which state-of-the-art technology was used, qualified the company to operate also in the second stage of the mill’s expansion. In 2010, the company won contracts relative to projects for the milling and energy cogeneration expansion at the Univalem mills, also belonging to the Cosan Group, and at Moema and Ouroeste, of the Bunge Group. In the iron and steel market, the highlight went to the engineering projects for the steel mills of Pecém (State of Ceará) and of Aços Laminados do Pará (Alpa). For Ternium, a company of Italian origin, Promon prepared the initial studies for the pelletizing unit of the Norte Fluminense steel mill, at the port of Açu. It also prepared studies for the Porto do Açu Terminal, for LLX , a logistics company of the EBX group. In the transportation area, the company prepared engineering studies for the Line 4 of the Rio de Janeiro subway. 22 Vale, another important client, begun at the end of 2010 the resumption of the building pace of various projects in which Promon Engenharia participates. Among the ongoing projects, there are two at Fosfertil, a company that Vale acquired from Bunge: the expansion number III of the fertilizer unit at Uberaba (State of Minas Gerais) and the basic project for a new potassium nitrate unit at Patrocínio (State of Minas Gerais). Also destined for Vale were the infrastructure and logistics studies for the Ferro Carajás project at Serra Sul (State of Pará), engineering studies for the Thermoelectric Power Plant of Moatize, in Mozambique, and for the Thermoelectric Power Plant of Vitória (State of Espírito Santo). The satisfaction rates reported by Petrobras in relation to Promon Engenharia were reflected in its supplier Performance Assessment Report (BAD), in which the company obtained an average grade above 88% , taking into account the entire set of contracts assessed. In addition, Promon maintains a prominent position in the Supplier Management Program of the Petrobras Engineering (Progefe), an assessment system that is decisive for the certification of suppliers assigned to new projects. With good grades in regard to all the criteria, the company obtained the maximum grade in four of them: Managerial/Quality; Healh, Safety and Environment (HSE); Legal and Technical. As with Petrobras, Vale too assesses very positively the performance of Promon Engenharia. In regard to the average of the contracts analyzed, the company obtained a Supplier Performance Index above 95% . During the year, Promon Engenharia sought to strengthen its supplier network, by means of the intensification of the activities of quotation and acquisition of equipment and materials abroad. This movement evinces growth and has been stimulated also by the appreciation of Brazil’s currency and by the high demand observed in the country, which places the local suppliers’ capacity to serve under pressure. PEOPLE, KNOWLEDGE AND PROCESSES For Promon Engenharia, to evolve continuously in the management of its people is a natural phenomenon. The incorporation of new talents into its workforce, the outcome of the company’s growth over the past few years, has made a special dedication to the integration of these young professionals into the organization a priority. In 2010, more than six hundred professionals underwent training connected with the behavioral competencies valued by the company. Another program, emphasizing aspects related to the Promon beliefs and culture, was given to the new managers, employees who have already entered the company in a leadership role. The same objective inspired another innovative program, this time destined for the trainee contingent. In parallel with a training program focused on creativity, the youths were challenged to develop projects associated with the organization’s culture. With voluntary participation, the candidates presented twenty projects, prepared in the course of the year, to a panel formed by officers of the company. All the proposals are undergoing additional detailing following their approval, in testimony of their quality. In conjunction with the behavioral training there was an intense schedule of technical courses, aligned with the qualification needs identified by the Competency Centers. Acting in a partnership with the Human Relations department, the Competency Centers have as their mission to organize, update and spread knowledge, promoting the development of the competencies that differentiate the company and its professionals. Some of these training courses were developed internally, within the context of the Programa Trajetórias (Trajectories Program), an initiative that offers modular technical qualification made available through multimedia and distance learning resources, provided by the Instituto de Tecnologia Promon to roughly 30% of the company’s workforce in the course of the year. Other actions involved courses administered by external specialists, such as the one focused on the best practices of the Construction Industry Institute — CII, aimed at the improvements of the performance of projects. The importance given by the company to the competencies connected with project management and innovation was reinforced with the preparation of another eighty professionals for the Project Management Professional (PMP) certification and with the beginning of a Knowledge and Innovation Management Post-Graduate Course 23 developed in a partnership with Senac, the National Commercial Apprenticeship Service, with in-company lessons for twenty-five participants. The communication, the exchange of information and the interaction between people have also been reinforced with initiatives such as the “Promoniando”, an internal social network created by the trainees in the form of a pilot project that will be open to all professionals in 2011. This constitutes a new instrument of interactivity in the virtual world that is added to other already available channels such as the thematic blogs. Promon Engenharia has developed a solid and differentiated Knowledge Management System, with structures, tools and practices that seek to ensure the acquisition, formalization, dissemination and application of knowledge. The result of this work enabled the company to gain presence among the world reference organizations relative to this subject. It was invited to present its case study at the 14th edition of the KMWorld Conference, the most important international knowledge management event, along with such companies as Shell, Chevron, 3M and the Brazilian companies Petrobras and Embraer. It also enabled Promon Engenharia to win, for the second year running, the first place in the “Top of Mind in Project Management” award, granted by the Rio de Janeiro chapter of the Project Management Institute (PMI). 24 SOCIETY AND THE ENVIRONMENT The growing importance of social and environmental sustainability as a guideline for the company’s management model and its consequent unfolding in the company’s businesses that has taken place in the past years is resulting in gains to the clients and to society. The Hydrotreatment Unit of the Henrique Lage Refinery, for instance, was the object of modifications, on Promon’s initiative, which generated a significant reduction of the unit’s consumption of water and energy. It was accorded, furthermore, the “QSMS — Refino” award granted by Petrobras, as a prominent project in respect of quality, safety, environment and health. Concern for the application of stricter environmental criteria in the projects carried out by the company, going beyond mere compliance with the applicable laws, led Promon Engenharia to expand the application of a methodology, developed internally according to the principles of benchmark organizations from the international scene, with the aim of evaluating in a structured manner the environmental impacts of these projects. Such issues as threats to biodiversity, atmospheric pollution, soil contamination and the consumption of water and energy are analyzed, providing information enabling Promon to propose to its clients actions or improvements in their projects. The objective sought by the company is to have in its portfolio a growing share of projects aligned with the most modern sustainability requirements. In a subsequent stage, the methodology will also incorporate questions designed to evaluate the projects’ social impacts. Furthermore, Promon Engenharia began in 2010, in a partnership with the GHG Protocol Brasil program of the Fundação Getúlio Vargas, the preparation for the inventory of greenhouse gas emissions in the implementation of projects in which it participates, with the aim of establishing reduction targets and thus minimizing the effects relative to global warming. PROSPECTS The company looks with optimism towards the future. It enjoys a solid position in Brazil, which in its turn presents extremely promising scenarios for the next ten years in regard to the infrastructure and industries associated with the mineral and agricultural commodity markets. The company’s experience and results in this area rank among the country’s most significant, allowing one to infer that the investments to be made in the Brazilian infrastructure and the country’s progress are, in fact, opportunities for a company like Promon Engenharia. The expansion of its business portfolio, the result of an action plan consolidated in the period, incorporates a more solid positioning in the offshore Oil and Gas sector and the introduction of new technologies and offers for the sectors of Mining, Iron and Steel, Biofuels and Power, areas in which the company traditionally operates and in which it enjoys solid expertise. The plan also provides for a differentiated presence in segments that are critical to meeting the country’s development needs, connected with the transportation infrastructure and the environment. These are fields in which the company has built a strong presence in the past and that are beginning a new cycle of accelerated development. This plan, the implementation of which has already been initiated, is to be developed over the next two or three years, and involves the acquisition of specific technical knowledge and the establishment of technological and business partnerships. The growth of investments in all of these sectors, the demand for new technologies, the increasingly stricter environmental criteria, are all factors that imply greater complexity and place Promon Engenharia in a privileged position in the market. Consistent with its history of permanent renewal, the company is structured to take part actively in this new development cycle of Brazil. 25 26 Revenue R$ million 2008 712 2009 395 2010 661 Brazil Other Latin American countries Source: Financial Reports / PROMONLOGICALIS LATIN AMERICA PromonLogicalis, the largest independent integrator of solutions for Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Latin America, was able to take advantage of the favorable winds blowing in each one of the markets in which it is active in order to maintain its pace of its growth, buttressed on differentiated offers that are the result of varied elements: its project management and technical competencies, the capacity to identify the needs of its clients, and the alliance with technological partners appropriate for the devising of the best solutions. As a result of these circumstances, the consolidated revenue in all Latin American countries totaled R$ 661 million in 2010, showing a growth on the order of 67% in relation to the preceding period. The revenue corresponding to the operations in Brazil showed a growth of 93% , having closed at R$ 499 million. BUSINESS PORTFOLIO AND CLIENTS The expansion occurred in all market segments, including that of telecommunications operators. Despite having diminished the investments in Brazil in 2010, the operators continued to invest heftily in IP infrastructure and solutions in order to respond to the increase of the data traffic volume, which grows at rates in excess of 50% a year. In this market, which represents the largest share of its revenues, PromonLogicalis recorded a 20% growth in relation to 2009. Among the various projects, one of the prominent ones was the first implementation in Latin America of the Gateway GPRS Support Node (GGSN) solution, delivered to the Claro operator. This technology promotes an improvement in the flow of mobile telephony traffic in large urban centers, diminishing the need for the implementation of additional radio base stations. For the NET operator, the company developed and implemented an ultra broadband solution that enabled the client to expand its offer of internet connection to a speed of up to 100 Mbps. Another sharp demand made by the operators, that of network security solutions, was met by PromonLogicalis with technologies of partners such as Arbor, Nominum and McAfee, directed towards the protection of networks against external attacks. In the corporate market, the large diversity of offers for all the sectors served by the company favored the 70% revenue growth in this segment, in relation to the preceding year. In Oil and Gas, one of the important projects was the implementation of a data center for the Petrobras Centro de Pesquisas e Desenvolvimento (Research and Development Center), making use of a solution based on Cisco and EMC technology, focused on cloud computing and promoting energy and space savings. In the Mining field, the company closed a consulting contract with Vale, for a two-year term, for various deliveries, including abroad. In the Construction sector, the company’s Connected Construction Site offer gained strength as a solution for large job sites, by enabling the connection with the offices and the introduction of technological functionalities at the sites. In 2010, the main 27 Southern Cone, managed from its offices in Argentina. In Colombia, the company signed a contract with Telefonica for the delivery of an IP network address solution. large-sized construction companies active in the country profited from this solution. In the field of Manufacturing and Retail, the highlights were the collaboration, image and data center solutions for Natura, besides the set of tools for virtual shops for such clients as C&A , Magazine Luiza, Fiat, GM and Toyota. In the Financial segment, one of the important actions was the implementation of the collaboration and image solution for Banco Itaú, which included telepresence rooms and IP telephony systems. The demand for network management services showed growth in 2010. Among the clients who reinforced the company’s portfolio in this activity was AES Brasil, the controller of companies operating in the power and telecommunications sectors. In the governmental market, PromonLogicalis’ revenue increased by an expressive 200% . It was the winner of two auctions held by Telebrás for the supply of IP solutions for network security and management, besides telephony tools (corporate network) for the Tribunal Superior Eleitoral (Superior Electoral Court) in Brasília. Also to the Judicial branch, it implemented a pilot project involving an information and document scanning solution. It also supplied a LAN network solution for the Instituto Nacional de Traumatologia e Ortopedia (National Traumatology and Orthopedics Institute) in Rio de Janeiro, and began testing of the identification technology through radiofrequency (RFID) for the tracking of the hospital’s patients and assets. The potential of this technology and of solutions for image transmission led PromonLogicalis to create the Health vertical, which begins to operate in 2011, having as its target clients hospitals and other health organizations. To deal with this growth, the company expanded geographically, with the inauguration of new offices in Minas Gerais and Brasília, which supplement those in São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, where the company was already present. The activity of PromonLogicalis in the other Latin American countries was also intensified in 2010, consistent with the strategy of strengthening its regional operations. Offices were installed in Colombia, Ecuador and Bolivia, complementing the already existing operations in the 28 PARTNERS AND SUPPLIERS Reaffirming its position as a benchmark company in ICT solutions, PromonLogicalis incorporated into its portfolio of credentials new and important certifications. It became the only company in Latin America to obtain the Master Security, Master Unified Communications and Managed Services Advanced Channel Partner certifications from Cisco, which were added to the Gold Partner certification renewed in 2010. ISO 20000, relative to the managed services, further complements the list of certifications obtained during the year. A partner over more than one decade, Cisco granted PromonLogicalis the “Technology Excellence Partner of the Year” award, on a worldwide basis, delivered during the 2010 Cisco Partner Summit. The company was also the winner of Cisco LatAm Partner in Virtualization and Cisco Partner — Service Providers Brazil. PEOPLE, KNOWLEDGE AND PROCESSES PromonLogicalis closed the year of 2010 with a workforce of 650 professionals, 30% more than in the preceding year. The constant focus on the continuous qualification of this team and on the incentive for the development of the organization’s knowledge led to the structuring of the Corporate Education Program. This initiative, which is to be fully operational in 2011, deals with the mapping of the behavioral development and technology courses available in the market and grants to each professional credits to be used in these courses. As of the interaction with their mentors, the professionals propose their own training plans, which are validated by the Competency Centers, after an evaluation of their alignment with the company’s strategies. The investments made by PromonLogicalis in training correspond to 4% of the payroll cost, a figure the size of which places the company among the benchmark organizations in this respect. PROSPECTS The set of efforts undertaken by PromonLogicalis in the various dimensions is being accorded the clients’ acceptance. The company has been scoring record conversion rates of the proposals it presents and has been giving an impulse to the value that it adds to its projects by means of the expansion of the service portions that it adds to technology. Another indicator of success is the clients’ satisfaction rate, which has advanced yet another percentage point in relation to the preceding year’s figure, reaching a significant 82% . An important movement that was begun during the year and that is to continue in 2011 has as its focus the sharp trend towards asset outsourcing and network virtualization on the part of organizations. By 2012, according to some sector’s consultants, 20% of companies will no longer own IT assets, delegating this activity to specialized firms. Seeking to strengthen its competencies in this new environment, PromonLogicalis is implementing a state-of-the-art data center that is to be operational during the first half of 2011. In addition to contributing to the adjustment of costs and the operational agility, the new data center will also have a strategic motivation for the company’s business portfolio: it will be coupled to the development of new services to be provided to the clients. With a cloud architecture, this data center will offer a competitive differential in relation to its competitors, positioning the company in a distinct manner in the market. Furthermore, a new unit of PromonLogicalis is being implemented in the city of Barueri (State of São Paulo). According to the strategy of intensifying its performance in the service provider area, which grew significantly in 2010 and which enjoys a highly positive expectation of continuity over the coming years, the new installation will house the professionals of managed services and consulting. The investment in this new structure will be essential for the diversification of PromonLogicalis, representing a great advantage in a market niche that is increasingly competitive in the region and the country. In 2011, the company will continue to expand its operations in the corporate market, giving continuity to investments made to increase the coverage of services provided to the clients and to develop technological solutions for selected firms. An Innovation Center will be inaugurated in São Paulo to demonstrate and disseminate new technologies for this market. Additional offices are to be opened in the South and Northeast regions. In addition to keeping up the focus in the segments in which it is already active, PromonLogicalis will expand its operations to the Health and Education verticals, investing heftily in the hiring of qualified professionals and training courses. It is legitimate for PromonLogicalis to look for development opportunities beyond the ones naturally provided by the mere growth of the dynamic ICT market. In this way, it must seek the continuous aggregation of new competencies and the strengthening of its regional positioning in Latin America. 29 30 Revenue R$ million 2008 209 2009 110 2010 120 Source: Financial statements / TRÓPICO The attentive concern for the needs of its clients and the introduction of differentials in the offering of products and services were decisive in Trópico’s having achieved a good result in 2010, in spite of the decline of infrastructure investments among the telecommunications operators, its principal market. In contrast with the 9% reduction experienced by the sector in Brazil, according to figures released by the Associação Brasileira da Indústria Elétrica e Eletrônica (Brazilian Association of the Electric and Electronic Industry), Trópico’s revenues grew 9% in the year, closing at R$ 120 million. BUSINESS PORTFOLIO AND CLIENTS The good performance was mainly due to the incorporation of new functionalities into its Vectura line of equipment, developed and produced by Trópico, aimed at making them more efficient in meeting the clients’ specific requirements. The company was selected for the supply and installation of Vectura SoftSwitch (VSS) equipment destined for the modernization of Telefonica’s plant with Next Generation Networks (NGN) technology, surpassing important global players in the bidding process. With the conclusion of this implementation in 2010, roughly 40% of the NGN network of Telefonica went on to operate with Vectura equipment. Another important highlight was the supply of the signaling server platform throughout the entire region formerly served by Brasil Telecom and incorporated by Oi. The 7IP Signalling Server (VSI) equipment developed by Trópico enables the evolution of the operator’s fixed telephony network, its convergence with mobile networks/NGN and the offering of new integrated services. After its implementation in nine states of the South, North and Midwest in the course of the first half of 2011, Oi’s entire plant will have been covered by the company’s 7IP services platform. The volume of calls processed by the fifty VSI equipment units deployed across 24 states and the Federal District will exceed 1 billion/day. Trópico consolidated its relationship with British Telecom, which in Brazil caters specifically to the corporate segment, by means of the delivery of managed services that, in addition to the supply and implementation of equipment, includes the operation and maintenance of the operator’s network. The company also went on to carry out feasibility studies and analyses for the digital city market — digital network interconnection of city government buildings and systems –, aimed at increasing the offer of public services and the digital inclusion of the local populations. The year of 2010 came to an end with two ongoing projects for this market, which Trópico considers one on which a large wager deserves to be made over the coming years. The performance abroad did not record any significant expansion. The activities of Trópico Colômbia S. A . focused on the maintenance of the contracts in force. In Argentina, WxBR , a firm of which Trópico is one of the controlling companies and which is active as a provider of broadband wireless solutions, won its first representative contract for the implementation of a network in the city of Bariloche, for the VeloCom cable TV operator. 31 PEOPLE, KNOWLEDGE AND PROCESSES The investment in technological development during 2010 was one of the largest ever made by the company, reaching 20% of its total revenues. This constant quest for being in the forefront of technology enabled the implementation of more than thirty projects related to the expansion of functionalities of the Vectura line of equipment. In a partnership with research institutes, three development projects were launched, partially funded with Finep (Studies and Projects Financing) resources, with a potential to be transformed into products or services within a period of two to three years. Also in 2010, there occurred the release of the first tranche of the Programa Inova Brasil (Brazil Innovate Program), another long-term financing line offered by Finep, in the amount of R$ 10 million. The workforce showed a slight reduction when compared to the preceding year’s level but the investment in training and qualification, always significant, gained even greater dimensions during the period. The managerial leadership development program comprised more than 25% of the team, a figure that is expressive in training stints of this nature. Another prominent achievement was the conclusion of the ISD (Integrated System Diagnosis) training provided to more than forty professionals, aimed at increasing the qualification in Capability Maturity Model Integration for Development (CMMI-DEV), a maturity model for the improvement of processes applied to software development. 32 PROSPECTS The partnerships with research institutes, the differentiated offers and the prominent position relative to the Telefonica and Oi plants result in visibility in the traditional market of operators and reveal the potential for closing new and important business contracts in 2011. The company is negotiating new partnerships with foreign companies, market leaders in the supply of solutions that will allow Trópico, through the inclusion of its own developments, to offer services aimed at increasing the operators’ competitiveness. The distinct competencies of Trópico, however, resulting from the knowledge of the Brazilian market’s real necessities and from its experience in the development of mission-critical and large transaction volume systems, allied with the flexibility and creativity of its team, are factors that place the company in a privileged position, enabling the expansion of its horizon to new market segments. Thus, a new offer will be added in 2011 to its traditional operating portfolio: the development and production of customized software for the needs of corporate clients, large companies that need specific solutions oriented towards their businesses. To deal with this new segment, Trópico restructured itself, creating a new business unit — Software Solutions —, which is to operate independently but in coordination with the traditional Products and Services unit. In addition to catering in a more comprehensive manner to the requirements of its traditional clients, this diversification will allow the expansion of the integration and synergy with the Promon Group’s other companies. 33 34 / PROMON NOVOS NEGÓCIOS Promon Novos Negócios was established in 2008 as an expression of the Group’s purpose to exercise its entrepreneurial drive in a systematic manner, developing businesses and enterprises to which it may bring its competencies and knowledge of various segments of the infrastructure sector. The first initiative of Promon Novos Negócios, the investment managing firm named P2Brasil, a joint venture established by Promon and Pátria Investimentos focused on investments in infrastructure, recorded significant successes in 2010. Accredited by the expertise of the two partners in their respective areas of operation, the P2Brasil Infraestrutura fund, the first fund conceived by the new managing company, gained an excellent reception among the investors. With the fund-raising process still ongoing, the fund had reached the sum of US$ 850 million in investment commitments at the end of 2010, with prospects of totaling more than US$ 1 billion in the first half of 2011. Thus, it becomes Brazil’s largest private equity fund with focus on infrastructure, gathering investors of very high quality, most of which are foreigners. Nevertheless, the significant presence of Brazilian funds attests their growing interest in this type of investment. The year also marked the implementation of two investments made by P2Brasil. One of them was the acquisition of NovaAgri, a company that stores and conveys agricultural commodities, organized with the aim of offering a complete and integrated chain of logistics services, including storage in warehouses and silos. The business plan provides for significant investments in new warehouses and port terminals capable of intermodal operations. In the transportation sector, the investments were oriented towards the establishment of Hidrovias do Brasil, an operator of integrated waterway logistics services. The new company seeks to ensure its national and regional presence by means of the integration of ports and operations, acquisitions and participations in greenfield and brownfield projects in Brazil and neighboring countries. Promon Novos Negócios has also advanced in another sphere of business activity — that of power generation — with the creation of Genes (Geração de Energia Sustentável), a company that aims to invest in Brazil’s power sector by means of the acquisition, development, construction and operation of sustainable energy generation projects. The new company will enable a more structured performance in a sector in which the Group has amassed ample knowledge and experience. It is the Group’s aim that within a term of three to four years Genes will be responsible for the generation of more than 500 megawatts. PROSPECTS The agenda of activities of Promon Novos Negócios for 2011 includes studies and evaluation of new business development in some of its target markets. Themes such as solar energy and smart grid are part of these studies, which include specific efforts to understand the available technologies, business models, main variables and challenges. Another focus is that of the environment, a strategic area of activity of the Promon Group, which may be strengthened with the acquisition of a leading company in the segments of environmental protection and remediation engineering, to complement and add value to the operations of Promon Engenharia in this sector. 35 associated entities / FUNDAÇÃO PROMON DE PREVIDÊNCIA SOCIAL / INSTITUTO DE TECNOLOGIA PROMON / INSTITUTO RAZÃO SOCIAL 36 37 38 / FUNDAÇÃO PROMON DE PREVIDÊNCIA SOCIAL The Fundação Promon de Previdência Social (FPPS) serves, through its activities, a public of roughly six thousand people — the 2,300 participants of its two managed pension plans and their family members. Welfare benefits on the order of R$ 36 million were paid in 2010 to the 620 participants who have already entered the stage of receiving their benefits. FPPS recorded positive financial indicators in the year’s course, although less expressive than those of 2009. The weak performance of the stock exchange market and the excellent performance of real estate investments constituted the opposite extremes of the investments portfolio, affecting in a different manner the results of the two plans, the BásicoPlus, in the defined-benefit mode, and the MultiFlex, in the defined-contribution mode. The BásicoPlus Plan presented an excellent performance in 2010, which allowed an increase of its surpluses on the order of R$ 25 million. At year’s end, the plan’s net assets stood at R$ 557 million, as opposed to actuarial liabilities of R$ 448 million. The accrued technical surplus of R$ 109 million — on the order of 24% of the plan’s commitments — is a figure even more significant when one considers the conservative premises adopted in the calculation of its actuarial liabilities. The nominal return from the plan’s investments reached 16.4% , exceeding the actuarial goal of 11.4% . Highlights were the investments in real estate, with a return of 89.4% , the result of the recent appreciation of this type of asset, and object of a revaluation effort carried out during the year. This plan comprises 570 members, of which 460 receive benefits. The maturity and solidity of the plan, which does not allow new members since 2005, become evident when one observes its significant net assets, the amount of its surplus, and the high proportion of members receiving benefits among its total members. The real earnings of the MultiFlex Plan quota in 2010 were strongly affected by the rising inflation rate, which closed at 6.5% according to the variation of the INPC (National Consumer Price Index) in the period. As a consequence, the nominal return rate of 10.9% of the quota in the year allowed a real return of a mere 4.1% , below its historical average of 8% , obtained ever since the plan’s implementation. The obtained nominal return was 13.3% for the fixed income portfolio and 2.2% for the variable yield investments, the latter evincing the sharp volatility of the stock market. The MultiFlex Plan comprises more than 1,720 members, of which roughly 160 receive benefits, and its total net assets at the end of 2010 reached R$ 328 million. At the institutional level the year was marked by a restructuring of the regulatory and inspection agencies related to complementary pension funds, such as the creation of the Superintendência Nacional de Previdência Complementar (National Superintendence of Complementary Pension Funds) and of the Secretaria de Políticas de Previdência Complementar (Office of Complementary Pension Funds Policies). Promon was once more invited to take part in the Câmara de Recursos da Previdência Complementar (Appeals Chamber of Complementary Pension Funds) as a representative of the sponsoring companies. Among the facts that marked 2010 is the renewal of the composition of the Foundation’s executive committee, concluding a planned transition process. In this period there also occurred the renewal of the Board of Directors and of the Supervisory Board of FPPS. In the course of its 35 years of existence, FPPS has strictly observed its objective to offer the Promon Group’s professionals the conditions for a dignified retirement, with actions that are developed in both the accrual of reserves stage as in that of the payment of benefits. For 2011, FPPS plans new actions to intensify the relationship with its participants, by means of initiatives in the communication and in the financial education areas. 39 40 / INSTITUTO DE TECNOLOGIA PROMON A nonprofit organization, the Instituto de Tecnologia Promon (ITP) aims to generate and spread technological knowledge in the market sectors viewed as being strategic to the Promon Group. In the course of its four years of existence, the ITP, by means of its activities, has contributed to the management of organizational knowledge, to the development of talents and to encourage debate on emerging technologies. The most important initiative of ITP in 2010 was the methodological support given to the Programa Trajetórias (Trajectories Program). This program, the pilot stages of which were developed in the preceding year, is oriented towards the technical and managerial qualification of Promon Engenharia’s professionals. It adopts an innovative model, by means of which it transforms the knowledge produced or brought into operation by the company into training modules based on the most modern distance-education technologies. Sharing their knowledge, more than sixty senior professionals, called “masterminds”, worked to make contents systemic, which were then adapted to multimedia language to form the training modules. The learning courses thus made available are a combination of different modules and their participants count on the support of tutors. Coordinated by the ITP and relying on technical support from a company specialized in the formatting and distribution of digital contents, Trajetórias recorded at the end of 2010 a total of 26 finished modules and another 22 under preparation. The year also marked the conclusion of the four academic researches sponsored by the Trainee Program for Master’s and Doctorate degree students, an initiative focused on the identification of and support for the formation of talents in areas that are strategic for the organization. Institutionally linked to Promon, the students selected by ITP were able to dedicate themselves fully to their research, preparing dissertations in the areas of energy and sustainable development. The “Promon 2020” project, a long-term strategic planning project developed by the Group in 2010, brings new challenges and inspires the steps to be taken by ITP. The Institute aims to align all of its action fronts in the creation of “technological observatories”. The idea is to provide support to the organization by means of debates, analyses and studies of the new technological horizons connected with subjects that will help to point out Promon’s journey towards the future. 41 42 / INSTITUTO RAZÃO SOCIAL In the course of its eight years of existence, the Instituto Razão Social has been developing distance training projects oriented towards educators from the public school networks throughout Brazil, and has gone on to consolidate itself while aiming to mobilize resources, to include new partners and new knowledge. With an innovative concept, the Institute was created as the result of collaboration between different companies. Guided by their shared beliefs, Promon and Gerdau, counting on an online platform provided by IBM, optimized their social investments and structured Razão Social by giving priority to the networks and their interaction. Brazil’s dimensions, its diversity and the challenges of education are dealt with based on a differentiated strategy: distance education, which makes it possible to achieve results and broaden the range of the actions, reaching a larger number of professionals, schools and education secretariats, in less time and at a more affordable cost. The Institute’s action takes place by means of continued training programs, online learning courses, information technology management projects and actions geared to private social investment in the educational area. One of the important actions of 2010 was the implementation in online media of the Progestão, a program of the Conselho Nacional de Secretários de Educação — Consed (National Council of Education Secretaries) for the qualification of the managerial teams of public schools. Developed on the IBM platform and sponsored by Promon, Gerdau, Santander and Oi Futuro, the online Progestão was applied at roughly two hundred schools in seven Brazilian states and the Federal District, reaching circa 2,800 teachers and 23 thousand students. With the duration of one year, the learning course comprises ten modules and is to be continued in 2011. Also in the sphere of Consed, the Razão Social was invited to become a member of the Governance Committee of the National Reference Award in School Management, with the challenge of modernizing this recognition initiative and of attracting the participation of additional schools. Another important front to be dealt with is that of Social Mobilization for Education Plan, encouraged by the Ministry of Education (MEC) to stimulate the involvement of civil society in the effort to improve the quality of education. With the partnership of the Instituto Votorantim and Instituto Paulo Montenegro, this work is carried out in Araucária, in the State of Paraná, where the CCPR (Camargo Corrêa and Promon Engenharia) consortium is carrying out a project for Petrobras. A Mobilization Committee has been organized and a meeting has been held to obtain the adherence of other social players from the community to the program. A training course has been given, including participants from other local companies. These actions are to proceed in 2011. In 2010, continuity was also ensured to the programs of continued training for professionals of the municipal education secretariats in the areas of reading and writing, infant education, physical education and racial and ethnic diversity. Carried out in a partnership with organizations such as Gerdau, Natura, Instituto C&A and Santander, these actions comprised roughly seventy Brazilian municipalities. One of the programs — that of Formar em Rede (Training in Networks), a joint initiative with the Instituto Avisa Lá, with focus on infant education — was twice awarded significant recognition: it obtained prequalification in the Educational Technologies Guide issued by MEC and was a finalist in the selection process of the Social Programs Investment Fund of the Fundação Itaú Social. Distance education regards knowledge as being a continuous process of construction and interaction, giving priority to authorship, thought, dialogue and joint work. The experience of Instituto Razão Social shows that the concerted efforts of various partners, supported by the utilization of information technology, with innovative contents and quality mediation, may be a differential in the life of many municipalities, educators and students. 43 / PROMON PROFESSIONALS APRIL 2011 Abilio Francisco Alves Junior | Acácia Nunes Castilho | Adalberto de Sousa Lima | Ader Felicio Pedro | Adilson Celso Altruda | Adilson Delanhese | Adilson Salomão Cavati Júnior | Adilson Sant'Anna | Adriana do Carmo Cardozo | Adriana Paula Gonçalves Azevedo | Adriana Rezende de Castro | Adriana Sant'Anna | Adriane Takeda | Adriano Gritti | Adriano Nunes da Fontoura | Agnaldo de Sá Oliveira | Agnaldo Moura | Agnaldo Vieira de Oliveira | Ailson José R. de Siqueira | Ailton Viel | Alberto da Silva Seguro | Alcides Rodrigues de Figueiredo Junior | Alcimar de Carvalho Fischer | Alcino Fernandes Serra Filho | Aldo Rodrigues Alves | Alessandra Moreira Duarte | Alessandra Prestes de Cerqueira | Alessandro de Oliveira Braga da Silva | Alessandro Reina Torres | Alex Faria Sandoval | Alex Guidi | Alex Lebrão de Carvalho | Alex Sandro Oliveira | Alex Silva de Souza | Alexander Baptista Artibano | Alexandra Prado Liem | Alexandre Cesar Pereira de Paula | Alexandre Couto Bagdzius | Alexandre da Roza da Silva | Alexandre de Almeida Máximo | Alexandre de Campos Barros | Alexandre de Castro da Cruz | Alexandre de Oliveira Martins | Alexandre Diegas de Barros | Alexandre Francisco | Alexandre Garcia Santana | Alexandre Goncharov | Alexandre Lopes Valverde | Alexandre Murakami | Alexandre Otoshi | Alexandre Regnani | Alexsandro de Souza | Alfredo A. F. Guimarães | Alice Satiko Sato S. Torres Pinto | Alike dos Santos Nucci | Aline Ramos da Silva | Aline Severini Pinto Ferreira | Aline Vieira de Carvalho | Allan Castro Cardoso | Almir da Silva Guimarães Júnior | Alvano de Araujo Tomei | Álvaro Bragança Júnior | Alysson de Farias de Araujo | Amália Camillo Avakian | Amanda Carla Silva | Amanda Matos Rodrigues de Sá | Ana Beatriz L. de Campos Bicudo | Ana Carina Viana de Carvalho Rocco | Ana Carla dos Anjos Rodrigues do Amparo | Ana Carolina Cursino Fukushima | Ana Carolina Kliemann Dutra | Ana Celia Alves Caldas | Ana Claudia dos Santos Ferreira | Ana Elisa Gargione | Ana Flávia da Silva Barbosa | Ana Flávia Querido de Souza | Ana Justina Ferrugem | Ana Luiza de Noronha Roque | Ana Luiza Lavoura Corrêa | Ana Luiza Silva Mattoso Salgado | Ana Patrícia Barros Torraca | Ana Paula Guimarães Santoro | Ana Paula Maciel Serio | Ana Raquel Calais de Siqueira | Anderson Abreu Rodrigues | Anderson Marcelus Praxedes | Anderson Marques Amatucci | Anderson Roberto dos Santos | Anderson Roberto Toledo da Silva | Anderson Silva Claro | André Costa Moreira | André de Carvalho Paro | André de Lucena Zanco | André Fagundes da Rocha | André Filipe Fernandes | Andre Guilherme Ferreira | André Hiroshi de O. Nishina | André Kalil | André Kleiman Arantes | André Luís Lapa Trancoso | André Luiz Castello Branco | André Luiz Posada Restier | André Martins de Martini | André Massoli Salsa | André Natali Schonert | André Oliveira Silveira | André Sidney Spinardi | André Simões Costa | André Valério Lopes | Andre Varella Nemirovsky | Andrea Beatriz Ramalho Flores | Andrea de Figueiredo Grangeiro Lima | Andrea de Paula Augusto | Andréa Guimarães Barroso Mafra | Andréa Romano dos Santos Gonzales | Andréia Alves Ferreira | Andréia de Sousa Lolago | Andréia Furlan | Andrews Brito Figueiredo | Andrey Seiji Shimada | Andreza Polcelli Godoi | Anesio Cardoso Gomes Ferreira | Ângela Maria Leite de Araújo Silva | Angela Moreira | Angela Yuka Katayama | Angelina Oliveira Coimbra | Anibal Siqueira de Souza Junior | Anisio da Silva Pamplona Corte Real | Anna Carolina Alvares Cruz Volpon | Anna Carolina de Paiva Leal Ferreira | Anna Gabriela Novis Freire Duarte | Anna Maria Valente | Anne Beatriz Z. Ferreira | Annelise Regina N. de Toledo | Antonio Augusto Vellasco Filho | Antonio Bernardes Baccaglini Junior | Antonio Carlos Costa Batista | Antonio Carlos de Oliveira Laus | Antônio de Lázaro M. Hirata | Antonio Ferreira do Amaral | Antonio Francisco Araujo de Oliveira | Antônio Henrique de Menezes Neves | Antônio José Lins dos Santos | Antônio Maurício D. da S. Fortes | Antonio Nilson Vieira Sobrinho | Antônio Renato de Campos Junior | Antonio Victor Comim | Aparecido José Alves Filho | Áquila Moreira Pedrosa | Arlim Ronald Mendes Botão Filho | Armando Ayres Moraes Oliveira | Armando Eduardo Barbieri | Armando Soares Barboza Neto | Artur Soave Frezza | Audrey Godoy da Silva | Augusto César Brauns Munhão | Augusto Ivo dos Santos Filho | Ayami Vivas Ottoboni | Bárbara Borges dos Reis Muniz | Barbara Seixas de Siqueira | Beatriz Novaes de Miranda | Bellina Moresi Britto | Benedito Aparecido dos Santos | Bergson Barbosa de Sales | Boris Rotter | Boris Schorohodoff | Breno Bertolani Carli | Brígida Maria Gilly Nardy | Bruna Carolina Valério | Bruna Opalkie | Bruno César Vaz | Bruno Coelho Miguel | Bruno da Costa Pereira | Bruno Farias Campos | Bruno Gazzaneo | Bruno José Lima Ferreira | Bruno Martins de Carvalho | Bruno Miranda Gonçalves Soares | Bruno Nunes Escabora | Bruno Picozzi | Bruno Pires Bandarovsky | Bruno Wilson Hodge | Caio Almeida Sá Moreira de Oliveira | Caio Augusto Gardelli | Caio Marcelo Ferreira Santos | Caio Victor Barbosa Martins | Camila de Pina Caldo | Camila Fabiana de Mello Henriches | Camila Nogueira de Andrade | Cândida Samia Vieira da Silva | Caren Tie Itagaki | Carina A. Pires Amado | Carl José Westhoff | Carla Bandeira | Carla dos Santos Silva | Carla Paes Cavalcante | Carla Rodrigues de Sousa | Carla Soldan | Carlile Diniz Satiro | Carlo Penteado Genzani | Carlos Alberto Angelini | Carlos Alberto Centrone | Carlos Alberto de G. Filizola | Carlos Alberto F. de Paiva | Carlos Alberto Moller Pingarilho | Carlos Alberto Simionato Junior | Carlos André Alvarenga Costa | Carlos Augusto C. Barcellos | Carlos Augusto de Souza | Carlos Diego G. de Oliveira | Carlos Eduardo Campista de Sousa | Carlos Eduardo Corrêa | Carlos Eduardo da Silva Louvize | Carlos Eduardo Dias | Carlos Eduardo Dias Moreira | Carlos Eduardo Marques | Carlos Eduardo Molina | Carlos Eduardo Paulino Gaudêncio | Carlos Eduardo Saraiva | Carlos Eduardo Tanaka Magrini | Carlos Eugênio Ferreira Rosa | Carlos Frederico Silva | Carlos Giovani Giraldeli | Carlos Henrique de Carvalho | Carlos Henrique Loureiro Zink | Carlos Henrique Martins dos Santos | Carlos Henriques Ventura do Rosário Oliveira | Carlos José Ros de Amorim | Carlos Magno de Jesus Pereira | Carlos Manuel Silvestre Cabral | Carlos Peçanha Filho | Carlos Renato de Araujo Tavares Cordeiro | Carlos Roberto Barros | Carlos Roberto Burri | Carlos Rodrigo Cordeiro Alves | Carlos Thomaz G. Lopes Júnior | Carlos Tsutomu Shirota | Carolina Andressa Minesio | Carolina Dorta | Carolina Honorato dos Santos | Carolina Munuera Oliveira | Carolina Santoro Friede | Carolina Saturnino Braga Ennes | Carolina Sayaka Umetsu | Carolina Vasconcelos Barreto | Caroline Duarte de Oliveira | Cassia Bonin | Cássia Regina Martins | Cássio Ricardo de Moura | Célia Doki | Celso Kiyoshi Honda | Celso Pereira da Silva | Celso Tadashi Kuniyoshi | César Augusto Adamo | César Augusto Vilela | César Balduino Ciampi | César Luís Pessanha Ferreira | César Ricardo Grassi | Cesar Roberto de O. Brochado | Cesar Rogerio Lucusi | Charles François de Fraipont | Christian Andreas Kurzhals | Christiane Cabral Vieira Yazigi | Christiane Regina da Costa | Christiano Morette | Cícero Fernando Sancho | Cícero Gageiro Ferreira | Cícero Pereira Barbosa | Cícero Victor Franco Facciolla | Cidmar Xavier Elpidio | Cíntia de Souza Pereira | Cintia Priscila Yoshimura | Clarice Hiromi Otsuki | Clarissa Maciel dos Santos | Clarissa Toscano | Clarisse Cortes Moreira | Clauber Carvalho Gomes | Claudia Cecilia Ortiz Zamorano Lorente | Cláudia Mariscal Roberto Alves | Claudia Regina G. Formicola | Claudia Silva Cunha | Cláudio de Lucena Pó | Cláudio Futigami | Claudio Guimarães de Freitas | Cláudio Pereira Cardoso | Claudio Pfiszter | Claudio Roberto Fernandes | Cléber Benedito de B. Cabral | Cleison Atala | Cleison Caetano dos Santos | Cleriston Veiga Silva Novaes | Cristiane Aparecida dos Santos | Cristiane dos Santos Silveira | Cristiane Gaspar Mendes | Cristiane Giacomini Maldonado | Cristiane Medeiros de Almeida | Cristiane Mieko Sekiguti | Cristiane Papaleo Vianna | Cristiano Albuquerque Duarte | Cristiano Cruz | Cristiano dos Santos Machado | Cristiano Schiavon Vieira | Cristina Belchior Ferraz | Cristina Mori Miyata | Cristina Naomi Makibara | Cristina Sumiko Sato | Dagoberto Salles Neto | Dalila Mazetto dos Santos | Damião Fernandes de Barros | Dani Everton Azevedo Dias | Daniel Buzinari de Souza | Daniel Cunha Amorim | Daniel Domingues | Daniel Dutra Fernandez | Daniel Felipe Müller do Amaral | Daniel Fernando Yamashita Costa | Daniel Ferreira de Lima | Daniel Kawamoto | Daniel Kraft Bulgarelli | Daniel Soares Carreiro | Daniel Soliani de Castro | Daniel Zanardi de Camargo | Daniel Zilberberg | Daniela Alves Beraldo | Daniela Carina Cartarozzi Silva | Daniela Lanziani Katayama Marques | Daniela Romano dos Santos | Daniele Cristina Silva Ferreira | Daniella Antonieta Alves de Sousa Reis | Daniella dos Santos Pizzo | Daniella Pires Michel da Mota | Danielle Borely Ferreira de Lima | Danielle Roballo Gomes | Danielli Lúcia Augusto | Danilo Alves de Souza | Danilo Bastos Mehler | Danilo Cunha de Souza | Danilo Inamine | Danilo Naman Cardoso | Danilo Padula Barbosa | Danilo Rodrigues Lima | Danilo Roma Sella | Danny Bonini Pariz | Davi Ferreira Maciel Fernandes | Davi Turques Tavares | David Andrade de Souza | Débora Bechara 44 Vasconcelos Cavaleiro | Debora Brabetz Sandonato | Debora Marques Cardoso Costa | Denis Caje Henrique | Denis Galindo Ventura | Denis Iannucci Junior | Denis Sneider Iabrude | Denis Venturini Arantes | Denise da Costa | Denise da Penha Bellini | Denise Yamamoto | Dennis Messias dos Santos Silva | Diego Castilho Ferreira Leme | Diego Celso Lopes Ballico | Diego de Azevedo | Diego de Oliveira | Diego de Oliveira Godoi | Diego Estrela de Menezes | Diego Fernandes Ribeiro | Diego Junca de Gonzaga Balbi | Diego Lourenço Cartacho | Diego Salvaia | Dimas da Cunha | Dino Miozzo Neto | Diogo Militão Marques | Diogo Ribeiro Mendes | Dirceu Teixeira | Diva Martins Rosas e Silva | Domingos Santin Neto | Donizete Mariano de Oliveira | Doris Chika Ifekaibeya | Doris Lam | Douglas Consoli Ruys | Douglas Lorca Junior | Douglas Lozato | Douglas Vargas Alvim | Douglas Vargas de Andrade | Edegilson Ribeiro de Souza Junior | Eder Alves Dantas | Éder de Almeida Sousa | Eder de Faria | Ederson Moris Junior | Edgar Alves Nastri | Edgar Macari Junior | Edgard Costa Magalhães | Edilamar Andrade Rodrigues | Edilene Cristiane da Silva | Edileuza Lopes Silva | Edilson Roberto Signorelli | Edinilson Sampaio Gomes | Edna Maria da Rocha Barros | Ednéia Cristieli Borges | Ednelson Miranda | Ednilson Roberto da Paixão | Ednir Jorge Arantes | Edson Alexandre Miklos | Edson Aparecido Borba | Edson Freitas da Silva | Edson Freitas Ribeiro | Edson Gonçalves dos Santos | Edson Pedro Forquesato | Edson Sakai | Edson Suetake | Eduardo Aparecido Rabello | Eduardo Beno Heinemann Cohn | Eduardo Bittencourt Luz | Eduardo Deszo da Silva | Eduardo dos Santos Terra | Eduardo Fozzatti | Eduardo Fragelli | Eduardo Gianasi Junior | Eduardo Gurjão Salgado Argento | Eduardo Henrique Tessarioli | Eduardo Lopes da Cunha | Eduardo Magalhães Lopes | Eduardo Marciano Alonso | Eduardo Melon Barroso | Eduardo Moreira dos Santos | Eduardo Salles Cunha Peres | Eduardo Serratte dos Santos | Eduardo Shigueo Harada | Eduardo Soares Mauro | Eduardo Tashiro | Eduardo Werneck Vieira Marques | Egberto André de Meo Junior | Elaine Cristina Goulart | Elaine Freitas Santos de Lyra | Elaine Sayuri Kaminagakura | Elcio Garcia Botelho | Eleonora Pereira Nunes Vieira | Eliana Campos Pedroso | Eliana Cristina Alonso | Eliana de Almeida Pereira | Eliana Missias da Silva | Eliana Miyuki Yagueshita | Eliana Rodrigues de Souza Leão | Eliane Aparecida Branco | Eliane Aparecida da Silva Tavares | Elias Pereira | Eliel Tosini dos Santos Neves | Eliete Pereira Rodrigues | Elisangela Mendes Vitrio | Eliuson Viana Barros | Elton Honorato de Oliveira | Elton Pereira Soares | Elvis Marques Alves Araujo | Emanuela Maria Vilaça | Emanuela Pessoa de Araújo | Emeli Quaglio Aguiar | Emerson Pereira Irmão | Emmerson Maziero | Enilson Siqueira Santiago Júnior | Eric Lazare François Rosenthal | Erich Araújo Bastos | Erick Robert Heinrich | Ernandes Candido Francisco | Esli Campos Camargo | Eugenio Charles Soares | Eurico Marques | Evaldo L. de Viveiros Ferreira | Everton Alexandre Cabral | Fabiana Aparecida de Paula | Fabiana do Amaral Godioso | Fabiana Mara Lopes Barros Santos | Fabio Abreu Hashimoto | Fábio Alexandre da Silva Sampaio | Fábio Alves Carneiro | Fabio Antonio Braga Padrão Gomes | Fabio Asnis Campos da Silva | Fabio Batista Guilherme | Fábio Bittencourt Ramos de Oliveira | Fabio Cunha | Fábio de Sousa Serra | Fabio Faria Leahy Guerra | Fabio Fernandes Ertner | Fabio Ferreira de Souza Marzionna | Fabio Gama de Almeida | Fabio José Santana | Fabio Leite de Barros | Fábio Lemes Daneluzzi | Fábio Luís Aguiar Pinto | Fabio Luiz Approbato | Fábio Marques dos Santos | Fábio Medeiros Damasceno | Fábio Modesti Orsini de Castro | Fabio Montrezor | Fabio Moraes Rodrigues | Fabio Pires Macedo | Fabio Risério Moura de Oliveira | Fábio Rodrigues Alves Margarido | Fabio Romera | Fábio Sogumo | Fabio Telles Bloise | Fábio Vieira dos Santos | Fábio Viva Jardim | Fábio Yoshio Miyake | Fabricia de Souza Moreira | Fabrício Araujo Lopes da Costa | Fabrício Correia Sales | Fabricio Kenji Sato | Fatima Regina Pires M. Ramos | Felipe Alceu Amoroso Lima | Felipe Andrade Pires | Felipe Carlos de Almeida | Felipe Carlos Pelegrina | Felipe Ciriaco Fernandes | Felipe de Lacerda Jordão | Felipe Gonzaga da Silva | Felipe Loturco | Felipe Sá Dedoni | Felipe Samuel Lando | Felipe Tavares Nigro | Fernanda Dantas Santos | Fernanda Martins Santana | Fernanda Salgado Ferreira | Fernanda Spada Villar | Fernanda Stevanatto Gonçalves | Fernando Augusto Bacurau | Fernando Buoro Auler | Fernando Calfa Espudaro | Fernando da Cruz e Silva | Fernando Daniel Finger | Fernando Ferrari Filho | Fernando Garcia Faustino | Fernando Henrique de Assis Cunha | Fernando Henrique Gines | Fernando Luis Sobral | Fernando Marques da Silva Yoshikawa | Fernando Mauro da Silva Santos | Fernando Medina Loitero | Fernando Mendes Pimentel Junior | Fernando Silva de Santana | Fernando Yudi Sakamoto | Filipe Abdalla Teixeira Neto | Filipe Anelli Louzano | Filipe Barbosa Olmos | Filipe Botelho Baptista | Filipe da Silva Peixoto | Filipe Nascimento de Lima | Flávia Chicharo Prata Lisboa | Flávia Fernanda Soares dos Santos | Flavia Gabrielle Peixoto T. de Freitas | Flavia Martins Matos | Flávia Oliveira dos Santos | Flavia Pinho e Silva Bastos | Flávia Regina Munhoz | Flávio Alves de Carvalho | Flávio Eduardo da Cruz | Flavio Ferucio Estevam | Flávio Magalhães dos Reis | Flávio Minoru Maruyama | Flávio Norberto Marques | Flavio Silva Pinto | France Nilda Mendonça da Silva | Francisco Angelo Precinotto Junior | Francisco Carlos Mazoni | Francisco Carlos Rufino | Francisco Eugênio da S. Telles | Francisco Ferraro Neto | Francisco Ferreira Segundo | Francisco José Hirama Moreira Lopes Ribeiro | Francisco José Kiernann Lopez | Frederico Eiji Kawasaki | Frederico Guilherme de Lima | Fredi Gouveia de Souza Lins | Gabriel de Camargo Souza | Gabriela Angela Ferreira | Gabriela Cavallini Fernandes | Gabriela Gaspardo de Souza | Gabriela Santa Cruz Neves | Gabriela Tiemi Hattori Grandis | Geane Aparecida Silva dos Santos | Geny Matsui | Geovani Coutinho de Oliveira | Geovani Maluta | Gerson Coelho Bezerra | Gerson Mauch dos Santos | Giancarlo Cittadino | Giancarlo Freitas Maruggi | Gianjosé Santoro Junior | Gilberto Ciriaco Costa Neto | Gilberto Costa Coutinho | Gilberto Pereira da Silva | Gilmar Moisés da Silva | Gilmar Nadim Ribeiro | Gilson Antonio Canciani | Gilson Galvão Krause | Giovanni José Lunardi | Gisele Botelho Alves de Souza | Gisele Braga Gonçalves Alves | Gisele Conde | Gisele Koch | Giselle Chaves Quaresma | Gislenia Oliveira dos Santos | Glacy Kelly Campos Fernandes | Gladson Bernardino Alves | Glauber Baptista Gondim Leite | Glaucemir de Jesus Magalhães Consentini | Glória Maia dos Santos | Glória Tereza Corominas Signorelli Ferreira | Graciano Argento Amorim | Guilherme Amadi de Moraes Cruz | Guilherme Piasentin Vertamatti | Guilherme Rodrigues Buzo | Gustavo Adolpho F. de Oliveira | Gustavo Affonso Arnaut P. Lopes | Gustavo Alonso Daud Patavino | Gustavo Gonçalves dos Santos | Gustavo Goulart dos Santos | Gustavo Henrique de Almeida Gonçalves | Gustavo Henrique dos Santos Camargo | Gustavo Henrique Moreira Alves | Gustavo Henrique Rubin Ferreira | Gustavo Perilo Roberti | Gustavo Smari Guimarães | Gustavo Soares Rocha | Gustavo Teixeira Costa | Gutemberg Marques Júnior | Hamilton Bacellar Filho | Heitor Cavalcante da Silva | Helaine Sanches Misael | Hélcio Bravo Mosciaro | Helcio Ferreira de Souza Chagas | Helena Ventura Milidiu | Helga Kaltbeitzer Daud | Hélio Mazzilli Xavier de Mendonca | Hellen Pereira Vitali | Heloisa da Silva Figueira | Heloisa Helena Nogueira | Heloisa Ramos de Campos Mello | Henrique Barros Riego | Henrique de Andrade Marques | Henrique Hilsdorf Marotta | Herbert José Azevedo | Hércules Reis Fragata | Hudson Ferreira Batista Júnior | Hudson Freire Saraiva Melo | Hudson Rafael de Lazari | Hugo Iha Oyakawa | Hugo Oscar Brodskyn | Humberto Checco Martinelli | Iara Mazzoca Nazario | Iara Nomura Baba | Igor Bigolli | Inae Cabral Lucato | Ines Pereira de Santana | Ingrid Araujo de Oliveira Corregiari | Irene Makie Ogau | Iria Lúcia Giampaoli | Iris Firmino dos Santos Filho | Iron Augusto de Sena Paranhos | Isabel Chagas Gomide | Isabela Alcover França de Oliveira | Isabele Souza Augusto | Isabella Foot Guimarães Costallat | Isaías Araújo Maciel Azeredo | Isidro Costa Serra | Israel Alves Rebouças | Ítalo de Gusmão Barros Teixeira | Ivan Barbosa da Silva Junior | Ivan Cozaciuc | Ivan Cruz Furtado | Ivan Curvello Martins de Souza | Ivan Marques Cunha | Ivo Godoi Junior | Ivone Faria Oliveira de Carvalho | Izabella Campolina Silva e Hemprich | Izabella Mundim Brito | Jacques Henri Gallier | Jacques Magalhães Benain | Jaime Nunes dos Santos | Jair Ramos de Almeida | Jairo Mandelbaum | Jalmiro Rocha Silva Sobrinho | James de Souza da Silva | Janaína Maria Costa Tenório | Janderly Wagner de Azevedo | Janderson Taguchi | Jane Silva Leonardi | Jaqueline Borges | Jaqueline Cristina Maznik | Jaqueline Labate Garcia Pollastrini | Jaqueline Priscyla Góes Cipriani | Jaudete Daltio | Jefferson da Silva Tavares | Jefferson de Souza Alves Rodrigues | Jefferson Leandro Anselmo | Jesse Martins Macedo | Jéssica de Souza Monteiro | Jessica Mari Yamamoto | Jhuli Meire Takahara | Joanna de Paiva Areal | João A. Gotardi Albanezi | João Alberto Silva de Oliveira | João Antônio da Silva Neto | João Aristeu Avanzini | João Augusto Ribeiro Fontoura | João Batista de Souza | João Carlos Baboni | João Carlos dos Reis | João Ciro Ruchinski | João Ernesto Tessarollo Winter | João Gualberto Andrade | João Henrique Ferreira de Freitas | João Lazaro Buono | João Lucas Augusto | João Lucas Costa Ribeiro | João Luiz de Freitas | João Luiz Juca | João Patricio Alves Dias | João Paulo Aragão Pereira | João Ricardo Cury Salloum | João Victor da Costa | João Yoshio Makiyama | Jobel Freitas da Silva | Jonas Bonimasso Martins da Silva | Jonathan Luquesi de Medeiros | Jorge Alexandre Lagos Leite | Jorge da Costa Souza | Jorge de Carvalho Ramos | Jorge Donato S. do Carmo | Jorge Francisco Cutigi | Jorge Luiz Caruzzo | Jorge Luiz Corrêa Pires | Jorge Rodrigues Patrício | Jorge Shoiti Motoyama | José Adilson Franciscatto | José Aparecido de Lisboa | José Carlos da Silva Lopes | José Carlos Dalla Greppe | José Carlos Grosso | José Carlos Neves | José Carlos Pires Felix | José Devanildo do Nascimento | José Edson de Jesus Ferreira | José Eduardo Antonello Marques | José Felipe Santos da Silva | José Fernando Carniel | José Fernando Valor Gonçalves | José Francisco de Paula Salles | José Glicério Bastos Manhães | José Jessé de Oliveira | José Laexson Pereira | José Luiz Matioli | José Luiz Rossi | José Luiz Sant'Anna | José Mário de Laurentis | José Mauro Rodrigues | José Nilson Ferreira | José Octavio Lisboa de Alvarenga | José Rafael Janini Ortiz | José Renato Pereira | José Renato Santoro | José Roberto Bazzo | José Roberto Moreira de Araújo | José Roberto Proença G. da Silva | José Roberto Ruschel Siffert | José Rodrigo Parreira | José Romildo Gurgel C. Lima Filho | José Santiago Rodrigues Moure | José Tadeu Gomes Guimarães | Joséph Michell Medeiros Bezerra | Jouderson Oliveira Matos | Juan Lourenço Fandino Landeira | Judineide Cardoso de Melo | Júlia dos Santos Gomes Carneiro | Julia Paula Washington Dias | Juliana Akemi Nakamura | Juliana Maria Silva | Juliana Mendes Couto | Juliana Mohn | Juliana Nascimento de Moura | Juliana Ribeiro Mariano Martins | Juliana Vasconcellos | Juliane Caligiuri Fernandes Brandão | Juliano de Faria Chagas | Julio Cesar Casteli | Júlio César de Barros Cunha | Julio Cesar Martins | Júlio César Trevisi Orlandi | Julio Cesar Viana da Silva | Julio Cezar Bulgaroni De Lisboa | Julio Ferreira Junior | Julio Victor Martins de Magalhães | Júnio César Catete de Souza | Kaio Leandro Lopes Moreira | Karen Fernanda Volpolini | Karina de Borborema Loureiro | Karina Ghion Bestagno Alonso | Karina Helena Bernardes do Nascimento Marques | Karina Monzano da Silva | Karina Rodrigues da Silva | Karine de Fátima Vasconcellos | Karla Fernanda Armond de Miranda | Kassyus Roberto Rocha de Souza | Kátia Cilene Ackermann | Katia Cilene Leite | Kátia Elias Jarroug | Kátia Virgínia Coelho Guimarães | Katya Marion Pereira | Keila Teixeira Reis | Kelli Cristina Bersch Chaves | Kelly Fonte de Azevedo | Kelvin Yuso Tamura | Klaus Georg Hansen | Kleber Lopreto Tomazetti | Konstanze Maria Bevilacqua | Laís Cardoso de Andrade | Lara Alves de Oliveira Soares | Lara Rolim Schlittler | Larisse Maria Romanini Gois | Larry Barbosa Favre | Laura Altobello Antunes | Leandra Ribeiro de O. e Silva | Leandro André Rodrigues Barasniewski | Leandro Gaona Rodrigues Alves | Leandro Gomes da Silva | Leandro Ianicelli Marques | Leandro José Aguilar Andrijic Malandrin | Leandro Makoto Neves Hoshina | Leandro Rodrigues M. de Marco | Leandro Yudi Seki | Leidiane Dantas de Araujo | Leonardo Arkader Fragozo | Leonardo de Lima Ferreira | Leonardo Degobi da Silva | Leonardo Elias Mariote | Leonardo Hideki Ishikiriyama | Leonardo Jardim Maria Gouveia | Leonardo Manesco Barban | Leonardo Meira Ottolini | Leonardo Monteiro Gadelha | Leonardo Moraes Puerari | Leonardo Nunes de Oliveira | Leonardo Tadeu Neves Santana | Leonardo Weir Feng | Letícia Cristina Cotrin Loro | Letícia Locatelli | Lígia Ayssami | Lígia Senise Ferreira Bussad | Lilian Santos Castro Martins | Lincoln Edwige da Silva | Lívia de Lima Pereira | Lívia de Rezende Bragança | Lívia Júlio Pacheco | Lourdes Maria R. S. Atanazio Uchôa | Lucas de Andrade | Lucas Dutra Pinz | Lucas Ferraz Benício Castagna | Lucas Leal Pinheiro | Lucas Markowicz Bastos | Lucas Nobumichi Yshii | Lucélia Aparecida Pupo Massarani | Lúcia Helena Lombas | Luciana Inhari Campos | Luciana Maekawa | Luciana Miguel de Oliveira | Luciana Ramos Tavitian | Luciana Smith Trotta Leão | Luciana Vassão Gaspar | Luciano Bezerra Rodovalho | Luciano Claro dos Santos | Luciano Davoglio Molinari | Luciano José Pescarini | Luciano Junger de Carvalho | Luciano Leite Nobre de Sousa | Luciano Santiago Rosas | Lucilene Sartori Tchian | Lucimara Aparecida da Silva | Lucio A. Pivoto | Lui Werner Formaggini | Luis Aldo Del Rio de Vos | Luís Augusto Chinaglia | Luis Augusto de Carvalho Farias | Luís Augusto Teixeira Silva | Luís Carlos Moreira Bicalho | Luís Celso Pengo Martins | Luís Cláudio Marincek | Luis Eduardo Sozio | Luís Eduardo Sym Cardoso | Luís Fernando Zagonel | Luis Guilherme de Andrade Rezende | Luis Henrique de Godoy | Luís Minoru Shibata | Luis Miyoshi Baba | Luís Pascoal da Silva Gama | Luiz Antonio Medeiros Sharp | Luiz Augusto Vianna | Luiz Carlos de Carvalho Marques | Luiz Carlos Galvão | Luiz Carlos Lopes de Lima | Luiz Carlos Monari | Luiz Claudio Campos Ribeiro | Luiz Ernesto Gemignani | Luiz Estevam Granato | Luiz Felipe Pizzini | Luiz Fernando Nunan Bicalho | Luiz Fernando Telles de Souza | Luiz Fernando Telles Rudge | Luiz Filipe Absalão | Luiz Francisco Palmieri | Luiz Gonzaga Marinho Brandão | Luiz Gustavo Monteiro Lisboa | Luiz Massayoshi Omatsu | Luiz Otávio Guerreiro de Castro | Luiz Roberto de O. Campagnon | Luiz Roberto Silva Garcia | Luiza Maria Barboza Carneiro | Luiza Tassinari Moraes | Luzia Tavares Barbosa | Magnus Correa Marques Russo | Manoel Marcilio Sanches | Manoel Rodrigues Justino Filho | Marcel Mancuso Thomé | Marcela da Silva | Marcela de Carvalho Freschi | Marcela Lopes Balla | Marcelo André Alves | Marcelo Antonio Pereira | Marcelo Brasil Calvet | Marcelo Cardoso Luz | Marcelo Carletti | Marcelo Carlos Caravieri | Marcelo Ciscan | Marcelo da Silva Ramos | Marcelo de Almeida Alexandre | Marcelo de Andrade Hofer | Marcelo de Barros Ribeiro | Marcelo de Souza Oliveira | Marcelo Donizete Camilo | Marcelo dos Santos Rodrigues | Marcelo Erbolato Gabiatti | Marcelo Fernandes Gottardo | Marcelo Fernandes Marques Barbosa | Marcelo Julidori | Marcelo Julio | Marcelo Luposelli Petraglia | Marcelo Malta Domingos | Marcelo Mateus Duro | Marcelo Menegatti | Marcelo Monzani | Marcelo Pereira Zenerato | Marcelo Rigon | Marcelo Sala | Marcelo Saraiva de Almeida | Marcelo Yamada Araujo | Marcia A. Fernandes Kopelman | Marcia Cristina Vicente | Márcia de Almeida Vittori Ferreira | Márcia Maria Ferraresi | Márcia Regina Condotta | Márcia Ruzene Dias | Márcio Adriano Rossetti | Marcio Almeida de Oliveira | Márcio André Fleury P. Ribeiro | Marcio Augusto Nalin | Márcio Aurélio de Paula Antunes | Marcio Castellani de Lima | Márcio Emídio Gavioli | Márcio Nieblas Zapater | Marcio Oliveira Reesink | Marcio Soares Gamelleiro | Marcio Vinicius Saldanha Vieira | Marcio Yudi Sato | Márcio Yukio Tsumura | Marcionilio Paulino | Marco Antônio Argibay Rodriguez | Marco Antonio Barbosa | Marco Antonio Barreto Ceccarelli | Marco Antonio Bérgamo | Marco Antonio Coelho | Marco Antonio Moreira Sasso | Marco Aurelio Bega | Marco Aurélio Dias Locatelli | Marco Luiz de Paula Bartulihe | Marco Marques da Silva | Marcos Ablas Marques | Marcos Alexandre de Sousa | Marcos Antônio da Silva de Melo | Marcos Antonio Montanari | Marcos César Bridi | Marcos Fernando Rodrigues | Marcos José Pinheiro | Marcos Pimenta | Marcos Roberto Biazotto | Marcos Santana Gomes | Marcos Theodoro Simon Siqueira | Marcos Vinícius Costa de Oliveira | Marcus Dantas Braga | Margarita Inês de la L. Matheus | Mari Mizutani | Maria Alice Dias | Maria Alice Nazare Dias | Maria Aparecida de Souza Peixoto | Maria Aparecida dos Santos Novas | Maria Cecilia Motta Torres | Maria Christina de Mattos Gomes | Maria Claudia de Magalhães Lima Seabra | Maria Cristina F. Palermo Nonaka | Maria Cristina Pereira Coelho | Maria Cristina Varalla Mendes | Maria de Fatima M. Takahashi | Maria de Fátima Pinto Antônio | Maria de Fátima Warchon Dias | Maria de Lourdes Marcos | Maria Elizabeth Silva Pedro | Maria Flávia Teles Alckmin Ribeiro | Maria Francisca Canello de Freitas Palombini | Maria Imaculada de F. F. Meneguessi | Maria Inês de Lima | Maria Isabel A. F. Lins de Souza | Maria Lúcia da Silva | Maria Madalena de O. Ferreira | Maria Marta Gallego | Mariana Centurione da Cruz | Mariana Costa Tomazelli | Mariana Lopes C. de Albuquerque | Mariana Rocha de M. da Silva | Mariana Rodrigues Coutinho | Mariana Schmid Blatter Moreira | Mariana Yoshioka | Marilene de Souza P. da Cunha | Marília Abrahão de Araújo | Marilia Tedeschi Schiavolim | Marina Basilio de Almeida Costa | Marina Maria dos Santos Guimarães | Mário de Souza | Mario Jorge Duarte de Menezes | Mário Sérgio de Pina Ribeiro | Marisa Keiko Matsuda Nishimaki | Maristela Ueta Funari | Marlise Campanella Bastos | Marta Elizabeth Colin | Marta Maria Mota Peixoto | Marta Varella Savino | Martielo Cabelo Borelli Franco | Massayuki Kawakita | Mateus Zegrini Nassar Garcia | Matheus Augusto da Silva | Matheus Dias de Siqueira | Mauricio Carreira Soares | Mauricio Ferreira Siqueira | Maurício Francisco Casotti | Maurício Gomes Norkus | Mauricio Kenji Arakaki | Maurício Kiyoshi Suga | Maurício Morbelli Wagana | Mauricio Naegele da Cruz | Mauricio Sgarbi Goulart | Maurício Villa d'Alva | Mauro Augusto Aguayo Leiva | Mauro Cesar Pereira | Mauro Mosczynski | Mauro Rodrigo | Mauro Sérgio Mantovano | Mayra Cristina Falavigna | Michel Silva Daros | Michele Daniel Paes | Michele de Mello Naresse | Michelle Aguilera | Michelle Beatrice Fernandes | Milena de Oliveira Câmara | Milton Lopes Antelo Filho | Milton Marcelini | Moacir de Mattos Bianchini | Moisés Alves Lopes | Moisés Falco | Mônica Affonso Ferreira Mation | Mônica Aparecida Martins | Monica Baeta Guerra | Mônica Correia Vilela | Mônica de C. Fernandes Bassoi | Monica Jani Drumond de Amorim | Monica Maria Melo | Mônica Maria Orsolini | Monica Renata Costa Burity | Mônica Renata Rocha Brasil | Mônica Ribeiro Marques | Monique Carleti | Morgana Beluci da Silva Garcia | Nadia Cristina Silva Kushida | Natali Zamproni Feiteira Kilinski | Natália Kühn Furlan | Natalia Mattos Luiz | Natália Rêgo de Mello | Natalie Moscardini Borba Gamberini | Nathália Gomes de Almeida | Neide Aparecida Ferreira Vilela Pereira | Nélia de Fatima Leonardo Sousa | Nelson de Andrade Rocha | Nelson Ikeda | Nelson Teixeira Junior | Neusa Aparecida Sideri | Newton Rafael Zuppo | Nicholas de Picoli Zane | Nilceli Gonçalves dos S Taliassaqui | Nilo Cesar Barbosa Junior | Nilson Batista | Nizia Maria Lopes de Souza | Norival Sérgio da Silva | Nuno Filipe Mendes de Oliveira Pereira | Octávio José Unti Noronha | Octavio Pieranti Filho | Odair José da Silva | Olivia Terence Saa | Olívio Dionísio Júnior | Oscar Afonso Wong Chan | Osmundo Juste de Oliveira | Osvaldo Alberto Faria | Osvaldo Alves de Oliveira | Osvaldo Bernardo Neto | Oswaldo Boro | Otávio Souza Pires | Othon Bardela | Ovídio Arantes Moreira | Pascoal Bracco | Patrícia Andrade Leite | Patrícia Cavalcanti R. Lopes | Patrícia Cohen | Patricia Cristina C. Sibinelli | Patricia de Carvalho Gemmal | Patrícia de Oliveira E Silva | Patricia dos Santos Manesco | Patricia Maria Moreira Escalera | Patrícia Parlato | Patrícia Ramos Gaspar Rennó | Patrícia Sacon Gomes | Paula Bogar Sylvestre | Paula Cunha Lima Giudicelli | Paula Hallais Ribeiro Marques | Paula Hiromi Kimura Prochnow | Paula Tramarin Vilela | Paulo Adabo | Paulo Alves Paschoal | Paulo Antônio Arouca | Paulo Corrêa da Silva Meyer | Paulo Cunha | Paulo Hamilton Ximenes | Paulo Henrique Andrade Stipp | Paulo Hiroshi Koyama | Paulo Martinho de A. Sobreira | Paulo Ricardo Roque de Souza | Paulo Roberto Pereira Cezar | Paulo Salvaia | Paulo Sergio Figueiredo | Pedro Buarque Franzosi | Pedro Carmo Ziti | Pedro Henrique Morsch Mazzoni | Pedro Marques dos Santos Ventura | Pedro Mazzini Parra | Pedro Medeiros Cunha Lima | Pedro Pedini | Pedro Rodrigues Mariano | Peterson Gomes Cristovam | Priscila de Oliveira Dias | Priscila de Sá Silva | Priscila Ribeiro Gomes | Priscilla da Silva Lopez | Priscilla Laurete de Aquino Teles | Rachel de Brito Jeronymo Bermúdez | Rachel Lima de Farias | Rachel Pereira Barbosa | Rafael Aderno Souza | Rafael Augusto Gonzalez Fares | Rafael Carreiro da Silva | Rafael Colombo Cosin Bianchi Thomaz | Rafael da Silva Santos | Rafael de Oliveira Sakai | Rafael Eiji Toma | Rafael Macena de Souza Costa | Rafael Mamedes da Silva | Rafael Marsolla | Rafael Mendes Tavares | Rafael Moulin Pinheiro | Rafael Neri Meneguci | Rafael Pinto de Queiroz | Rafael Rodrigues Segond | Rafael Vianna Sloboda | Rafael Vicentin Estevam | Rafael Vieira de Souza | Rafael Zorzetti Pereira | Rafaela de Oliveira Gonçalves | Raffael Elias Vaz da Silva | Ralf Geronimo | Ralph Hayashi Xavier | Ramiro Oliveira Bastos Junior | Raphael de Lacerda Favilla | Raphael Laporta Jacomino | Raphael Silva Pinto Freitas | Raphaela de Paula Machado | Raquel Cartolari Ortega | Raul Antonio Del Fiol | Raul Barbosa Santos | Raul Bochie da Costa Machado | Regiane Hirata | Regina Célia Camilli | Regina Elizabeth Lorena Assumpção | Regina Lúcia Teruya Konno | Regina Tamiko Matsuzawa Penedo | Reginaldo Augusto Silva | Reginaldo Ladvig Oswaldo | Reginaldo Pires Vieira | Reinaldo José Teixeira | Reinaldo Rocha de Souza | Reinaldo Tadao Ishii | Renata Aparecida Cajuela | Renata Boiatti Peria Harrison | Renata Cristina Serrazes Araujo | Renata de Almeida Bendelá | Renata de Avila Keidel | Renata de Oliveira Pereira Randi | Renata Graciano da Silva | Renata Gumerato Aguiar | Renata Machado de Oliveira Marcondes | Renata Marine de Moraes | Renata Nobrega Marques | Renata Soraia Santana Rodrigues | Renata Teixeira de Albuquerque | Renato Abrantes de Castro | Renato Albarello | Renato Alves Desmarais | Renato Cacure | Renato Carlos Crepaldi | Renato Fonseca Oliveira | Renato Pires Grandini | Renato Ribeiro Freire | Renato Souza Santiago | Ricardo Aguiar Guimarães | Ricardo Alcântara do Nascimento Urzedo | Ricardo Alessandro Gomes Corrêa | Ricardo Alexandre Bizinelli | Ricardo Alexandre de Oliveira Marçal | Ricardo Alexandre Esteves Mendonça | Ricardo Alfredo Seabra Ravache | Ricardo Alves Parente | Ricardo Craveiro de Azevedo | Ricardo de Abreu Sofiatti | Ricardo Jose dos Santos | Ricardo Kadlec | Ricardo Lorenz Barbosa | Ricardo Mecelis | Ricardo Meirelles da Silva | Ricardo Moreira de A Bernardo | Ricardo Oliveira da Silva | Ricardo Peixoto da Silva | Ricardo Pereira Braga | Ricardo Ribas | Ricardo Rodrigues dos Santos | Ricardo Sellani Vidotti | Ricardo Silva Coelho | Ricardo Takeshi Uemura | Ricardo Tasso Rossi | Ricardo Teixeira | Ricardo Yoshiaki Koki | Riccardo Gaetano F. Modica | Rinaldo Corte | Rita de Cássia Oliveira Menezes | Roberta Guimarães Bonamigo | Roberta Maluf Secco | Roberto Alcantara Bravo | Roberto Carlos Crisostomo | Roberto Conti Junior | Roberto Dias Rodrigues | Roberto Panini | Roberto Quintella de Paiva Meira | Roberto Rampazzo | Roberto Saralha | Robson Hideki Itonaga | Rodnei Magno de Oliveira | Rodney de Barros Faria | Rodolfo Bento Matos | Rodolfo de Melo Rocha | Rodolfo Fernandes Ribeiro | Rodrigo Alvarenga Caldeira | Rodrigo Alves Cupolillo | Rodrigo Araújo de F. Oliveira | Rodrigo Baidan Bunduky | Rodrigo de Oliveira Campos | Rodrigo dos Santos | Rodrigo Fornasier de Sá Moreira Rocha | Rodrigo Foschiani | Rodrigo Gil | Rodrigo Gonçales | Rodrigo Goulart Domingues | Rodrigo Haidar Amaral | Rodrigo Hiroshi Ruiz Suzuki | Rodrigo Leitão Punaro Baratta | Rodrigo Luiz Neves Cruz | Rodrigo Machado de Villamil Telles | Rodrigo Mario Viani | Rodrigo Miguel de Oliveira | Rodrigo Miguez Gomes | Rodrigo Nunes Pereira | Rodrigo Octávio França Fabrini | Rodrigo Ramos Vieira | Rodrigo Roseira Carvalho | Rodrigo Yamashita | Roger Gomes Bentes | Rogério Alves Rabello | Rogério Antonio de Souza | Rogerio Cristiano Barbosa | Rogério de C. Reis Grosman | Rogério de Carvalho | Rogerio Dias Pinto | Rogério Ferraz Rodrigues | Rogério Ghiberti | Rogério Hiroshi Ishikawa | Rogerio Kamiya de Moraes | Rogerio Munuera Fernandes | Rogério Novaes D'Elboux | Rogério Ribeiro Costa | Rogerio Rodrigues | Rogério Turatti | Rômulo de Jesus Queiroz Cabral | Ronaldo Gama Silva | Ronaldo José Soares da Silva | Ronaldo Monteiro Chagas Lobo | Ronaldo Nascimento Dantas | Ronaldo Werneck de Miranda | Rosana B. D. Lafratta di Pasquale | Rosana Bretzel | Rosana Egydio | Rosana Florencio da Silva | Rosângela Hipólito dos Santos | Rosângela Teixeira Miranda | Rosely Luciano Bezerra | Rosilei Silva Bueno de Godoy | Rosimeire Egydio | Rozinei Faria Rezende | Rubens Custódio | Rubens Palhoni da Silva | Rubens Rodrigues Filho | Rui Marcelino Leite | Rui Neves | Runiet Axel Carmona Skoberg | Ruth Fontanezi Sampaio | Sabrina Teixeira Toledo | Salvador João Trotta | Samuel André Rocha de Oliveira | Sanderson Nogueira Dias | Sandra da Silva Mendes | Sandra Regina Azzari | Sandro Iwakura | Sara Moreira Gomes | Saulo Contrera Gomes | Sérgio Augusto Oliveira Pereira | Sérgio Bernardes Nunes | Sérgio José Ainbinder | Sérgio Luiz P. do Nascimento | Sérgio Lunardi Lopes | Sergio Mendes Neves | Sérgio Yoshioka | Shigueru Hélio Cavata | Shirley Lima de Souza | Shunji Gildo Abe | Siddartha Nassif Freire de Souza | Sidney Alexander Chan | Sidney Lopes Couto | Silas Alves Guimarães Júnior | Silvana Ramos | Silvana Teruko Mizono Viel | Silvia Arantes Santos | Silvia Eliana Josefick Martins | Silvia Helena Franzolin da Cunha | Silvia Leal Soares | Silvia Maria Aptur Tomazetti | Silvia Moraes de Souza | Silvio de Paula Pires | Simone Costa do Nascimento | Solange Rabello Silva | Sônia Gomes de Almeida Alexandre | Soraia Cristina Felix da Silva | Stefano Guimarães Giusini | Sullivan de Souza Dantas | Suzana de Oliveira Bianco | Suzana Matos de Abreu | Sylvio Rodrigues da Silva | Tadeu Fernandes Capella | Taísa Teixeira de Mendonça | Takashi Nakazima Peçanha | Tales Renato Guerra | Tamiris Faneli Leocádio | Tania Luzia Casa de Vito | Tatiana Carvalho P. S. Sandoval | Tatiana Nunes Simões | Tatiane de Oliveira | Tatiane Dias Teixeira da Paz | Tatiane Escobar Gava | Teresinha B. de B. Tojal Ramos dos Santos | Thais Aline Botelho Victório Cerioni | Thaís Almeida de Lima Reis Vieira | Thais Cristina Marques Viana | Thais Galves Mottinelli | Thaisa Silva Castanheira | Thales Laranjeira Maltese | Thalita Vieira Ramos | Thiago Araujo Eboli | Thiago Arthur Rodrigues | Thiago Demarco Puccini | Thiago Domokos Alvares | Thiago Espallargas Lanconi | Thiago Felipe Correali | Thiago Henrique de Almeida Barquette | Thiago Lima dos Santos | Thiago Marcondes Fausto | Thiago Menezes de Oliveira | Thiago Nogueira de Rezende | Thiago Pereira da Silva | Thiago Rodrigues da Rocha | Thomas Robert Kiesshau | Tiago Castelani dos Santos | Tiago Ferreira da Silva Seabra | Tiago José Spineli | Tiago Marin Carneiro | Tiago Martins de Alexandre | Tiago Octaviano Primini | Tirza Cardoso Ferreira Rodrigues Vargas | Tomaz Carvalho de Oliveira Martins | Tomio Torii | Tony Chi Yuan Wang | Udo Gustavo Von Blucher | Uilson Ruas Pennafiel | Urias Bittencourt Netto | Vagner Braga | Vagner Daniel Tavares Leal | Vagner dos Santos Ramos | Vagner Luis de Aguiar | Valdeci José da Silva | Valeria De Fusco Pereira | Valéria Teixeira Lima | Valter Luiz Duarte dos Santos | Valter Schiavetti | Vancleires Ribeiro de Souza | Vaner José Morette | Vanessa Cristina Nascimento Silva | Vanessa Fernanda Franco Oliveira | Vanessa Gomes da Silva | Vanessa Pacheco Lopes | Venicius Goncalves Pereira | Vera Aparecida de Figueiredo | Vera Lúcia Hanada | Vera Lucia Uva do Amaral | Verônica Conte Reyes | Victor Adam Lie | Victor Fernando Rangel Ramalho | Victor Hugo Almeida Santos | Vilen Miranda Carvalho | Vinicius Cornetta Ceccarelli | Vinícius Couto Reis | Vinicius Diogo Cover | Vinícius Loback Atalla | Vinícius Oliveira de Souza | Vinícius Peclat de Castro | Vinicius Pinho de Brito | Vinicius Torres Ferreira do Amaral | Virgínia Helena de Moura | Vitor da Silva Alves | Vítor de Paula Pêgas Ferreira | Vitor Doro Reina | Viviane Barreto Ponciano Sanchez | Vivien Winkler | Wagner Antonio Defensor Filho | Wagner Cardoso de Souza | Wagner da Silva Gabriel | Wagner do Amaral Junior | Wagner Duarte Martins | Wagner José Fernandes Junior | Wagner Luiz Gouvea | Wagner Tirolli | Wallace Freire Ferreira | Wanderley Brasil Baptista Filho | Wanderley Siqueira Viana | Wandyr da Silva Alves | Wellington Alves de Melo | Wellington dos Santos Corrêa | Wellington Ferreira Matos | Wellington Lemos Franham | Wendely Alexandre Ferreira | Wesley Lobato Passos | Weslley da Costa Silva | Wglastonio Leite de Sousa | Willams Michael Gomes de Oliveira | William Bertucci Viais | William de Campos Barbosa | William Estéfano de Souza | William Junio Silva Machado | William Ramos Marinho | William Santos dos Anjos | William Schindhelm Georg | William Takahashi | Wilson Masahiro Komido | Wilson Vicentin | Wladimir Donola Júnior | Yara Silvia Rebello Marques | Yassuki Takano | Yasuaki Ito | Yukio Suehiro | Yuri Bonfeld Oliveira de Almeida | Yuri Sampaio | Zenilda Barbosa Ribeiro | Zenildo Lisboa Junior 45 Promon S.A. Board of Directors Luiz Ernesto Gemignani Chairman Gilson G. Krause Board Member Luiz Fernando T. Rudge Board Member Luiz Gonzaga Marinho Brandão Board Member Raul Antonio Del Fiol Board Member José Guimarães Monforte Board Member (independent) Executive Committee Luiz Fernando T. Rudge Chief Executive Officer Felipe Alceu Amoroso Lima Executive Director and Chief Financial Officer Gilson G. Krause Executive Director Ivo Godoi Junior Executive Director Novos Negócios Ivo Godoi Junior Executive Director Jacques Magalhães Benain Director, Business Development Staff Bruno Pires Bandarovsky Director, Tax Planning Heloisa R. de Campos Mello Director, Legal Department Maria Cristina Varalla Mendes Director, Finance Milton Lopes Antelo Filho Director, Organizational Affairs Newton Rafael Zuppo Director, Auditing / MANAGEMENT TEAM As at April 7, 2011, General Meeting of the Shareholders in Promon S.A. 46 Promon Engenharia Ltda. Executive Committee and Directors PromonLogicalis Latin America Limited Trópico Sistemas e Telecomunicações S.A. Fundação Promon de Previdência Social Board of Directors Board of Directors Board of Directors Gilson G. Krause Jens Montanana Chairman Luiz Ernesto Gemignani Chief Executive Officer Chairman (Logicalis) Luiz Fernando T. Rudge Eric Lazare F. Rosenthal Luiz Fernando T. Rudge Felipe Alceu Amoroso Lima Luiz Gonzaga Marinho Brandão Executive Director, Operations Ivo Godoi Junior Ivo Godoi Junior Maria Cristina Varalla Mendes Moisés Falco Ian Cook Cláudio Aparecido Violato Mônica M. Orsolini Mark Rogers Hélio Marcos M. Graciosa Rosana Bretzel Executive Director, Knowledge Management Paulo M. A. Sobreira Executive Director, Sales Hugo O. Brodskyn Director Octavio Pieranti Filho Director Luiz Claudio Campos Ribeiro Director, Finance César Roberto de Oliveira Brochado Project Director Cícero Gageiro Ferreira Project Director Cícero V. F. Facciolla Project Director Francisco Ferraro Neto (Logicalis) (Logicalis) Nigel Drakeford-Lewis (Logicalis) Operating Committee (OPCO) Luís Eduardo Sym Cardoso Chief Executive Officer, PromonLogicalis Latin America Ltd. José Rodrigo Parreira Vice-President, PromonLogicalis Latin America Ltd. Cássio Ricardo de Moura Chief Financial Officer, PromonLogicalis Latin America Ltd. Silvina Blaiotta Chief Financial Officer, Logicalis Southern Cone Technical Director, Engineering Officers in Brazil João Augusto R. Fontoura Luís Eduardo Sym Cardoso Technical Director, Engineering Chief Executive Officer Jobel Freitas da Silva Cássio Ricardo de Moura Technical Director, Civil Director, Finance and Administration Jorge Rodrigues Patrício João A. G. Albanezi Project Director Luis Eduardo Sozio Technical Director, Geotechnics Luiza Maria B. Carneiro Project Director Mauricio Sgarbi Goulart Project Director Maurício Wagana Project Director Mauro Cesar Pereira Project Director Patrícia Cristina C. Sibinelli Director, Professional Services Operations Rodney de B. Faria Technical Director, Processes Sérgio Luiz P. do Nascimento Project Director Wilson Vicentin Project Director Álvaro Bragança Júnior Director, Business Development André Luiz Castello Branco Director, Business Development Bruno Picozzi Director, New Business Celso Pereira da Silva Executive Director, Business Development (CPqD) (CPqD) Executive Committee Raul Antonio Del Fiol Chairman Paulo Accioly Fragelli Tamas Makray Supervisory Board Chief Executive Officer Cássio Ricardo de Moura José Fernando Carniel Claudio Pfiszter Director, Sales Olívio Dionísio Júnior Luiz Claudio Campos Ribeiro Director, Technology Executive Committee Paulo Antonio Arouca Wagner Tirolli Director, Finance, Administration, Human Relations and Systems Tomio Torii Director, Operations José Rafael Janini Ortiz Director, Business Development Manoel Marcilio Sanches Director, Business Development Chief Executive Officer Mário Sérgio de Pina Ribeiro Director Marcia Fernandes Kopelman Director Instituto Razão Social Board of Directors Carlos M. Siffert Chairman José Paulo Soares Martins (Gerdau) Ricardo Pelegrini ( IBM ) Reginaldo Ladvig Oswaldo Director, Operations Araly Palácios Mullcue Manager Carlos A. M. Pingarilho Director, Technology Daniel Cunha Amorim Instituto de Tecnologia Promon Ednir Jorge Arantes Board of Directors Director, Services Director, Projects Paulo Accioly Fragelli Herbert J. Azevedo Chairman Director, Commercial Engineering Luiz Ernesto Gemignani Lígia Senise Ferreira Bussad Hugo O. Brodskyn Luís Minoru Shibata Ricardo Corrêa Oliveira Martins Director, Procurement Director, Consulting Executive Director Marcos Theodoro Simon Siqueira Director, Business Development, Corporate Market Renata de Oliveira P. Randi Director, Marketing and Partnerships Silvana Teruko Mizono Viel Director, Engineering Tânia L. Casa de Vito Director, Human Relations Ana Carolina Kliemann Manager, Legal Affairs Director, Business Development Guilherme Jorge de M. Velho Director, Business Development Ivan Cruz Furtado Director, Business Development José Carlos Dalla Greppe Director, Business Development José Octavio L. de Alvarenga Director, Business Development Antonio A. Vellasco Filho Director, Systems and Administration Ivan Cozaciuc Director, Management Systems Marcia Fernandes Kopelman Director, Human Relations and Communication Márcio Emídio Gavioli Assistant Director, Tax Planning Mário Sérgio de Pina Ribeiro Assistant Director, Treasury 47 Coordination Captions Promon — Unidade de Comunicação cover HYDRODESULFURIZATION UNIT OF THE HENRIQUE LAGE REFINERY IN SÃO JOSÉ DOS CAMPOS, STATE OF SÃO PAULO Text Promon ITPress Revision Escrita Editing and Design publique-se Graphs Dárkon Vieira Roque Photographs João Luiz Musa Michele mifano Promon archives Printing ipsis gráfica P. 2-3 HYDROTREATMENT UNIT OF THE HENRIQUE LAGE REFINERY IN SÃO JOSÉ DOS CAMPOS, STATE OF SÃO PAULO P. 6 DELAYED COKING UNIT OF THE PRESIDENTE GETÚLIO VARGAS REFINERY IN ARAUCÁRIA, STATE OF PARANÁ P. 9 HYDROGEN GENERATION UNIT OF THE HENRIQUE LAGE REFINERY IN SÃO JOSÉ DOS CAMPOS, STATE OF SÃO PAULO P. 14 ENERGY COGENERATION UNIT OF THE COSAN SUGAR AND ETHANOL MILL IN BARRA BONITA, STATE OF SÃO PAULO A version in PDF format is available at P. 18-19 HYDROGEN GENERATION UNIT OF THE HENRIQUE LAGE REFINERY IN SÃO JOSÉ DOS CAMPOS, STATE OF SÃO PAULO Av. Pres. Juscelino Kubitschek 1830 04543-900 São Paulo SP Brasil P. 20 HYDRODESULFURIZATION UNIT OF THE HENRIQUE LAGE REFINERY IN SÃO JOSÉ DOS CAMPOS, STATE OF SÃO PAULO P. 22 VISUAL INSPECTION OF PIPELINES BY ROBOTS, AT THE HYDRODESULFURIZATION UNIT OF THE ALBERTO PASQUALINI REFINERY IN CANOAS, STATE OF RIO GRANDE DO SUL P. 25 DELAYED COKING UNIT OF THE PRESIDENTE GETÚLIO VARGAS REFINERY IN ARAUCÁRIA, STATE OF PARANÁ P. 26 PROMONLOGICALIS’ DATA CENTER IN SÃO PAULO P. 30 VECTURA LINE OF EQUIPMENT, DEVELOPED AND PRODUCED BY TRÓPICO P. 35 GRAIN SILO FROM NOVAAGRI, ONE OF THE COMPANIES ACQUIRED BY P2BRASIL, IN LUÍS EDUARDO MAGALHÃES, STATE OF BAHIA P. 36-37 YOUNG MUSICIANS OF THE “TOCA, ZEZINHO” PROJECT, SUPPORTED BY PROMON AND DEVELOPED BY CASA DO ZEZINHO IN SÃO PAULO P. 42 TRAINING OF EDUCATORS FROM PUBLIC SCHOOLS IN THE ONLINE TOOLS DEVELOPED BY INSTITUTO RAZÃO SOCIAL promon s.a. Av. Pres. Juscelino Kubitschek 1830 04543-900 São Paulo SP Brasil