DOCTORAL PROGRAMME Course in| Laboratory Animal Science (FELASA Cat. B) Date: 19 APR – 6 MAY’16 Theoretical classes: 19,20, 22, 26 e 27 de Abril Written exam: 3 MAY Practical lessons: 4 to 6 MAY Organizer: Joana Marques Teaching Staff: Ana Paula Martins (DGAV), Anna Olsson (IBMC), Carlos Silva (iMM), Dolores Bonaparte (iMM), Heber Alves (ImproveIberica), Hugo Santos (CIIMAR), Iolanda Moreira (iMM), Joana Marques (iMM), Lara Carvalho (iMM), Luís Antunes (UTAD), Nuno Marques Pereira (Oceanário de Lisboa), Nuno Franco (IBMC), Ricardo Afonso (FCM-UNL) Objectives: Education and training in Laboratory Animal Science. This course is a requirement to be able to work with animal models. Place: iMM ECTS: 1,5 Vacancies: 30 Fees: FMUL/CAML PhD Students Free CAML Applicants (IMM/FMUL/CHLN) 160 Other Applicants 300 APPLICATION DEADLINE 24 MAR’16 To apply please visit: APPLICATION FORM Detailed Program 1. Theoretical component Module I - Legislation, Ethics and the 3 R’s Introduction to Laboratory Animal Science. Ethics and the 3R’s Alternatives to animal experiments Legislation Module II - Biology and husbandry of laboratory rodents and fish Feeding of laboratory rodents Biology of rodents Housing and husbandry of rodents Fish Biology Fish behaviour and welfare Fish Husbandry Module III - Animal health, welfare and scientific integrity Behaviour and welfare of laboratory rodents Recognition of pain and disease Genetic standardization Animal welfare and scientific validity Module IV - Surgery and management of pain and suffering Anesthesia and analgesia – part I Anesthesia and analgesia – Part II Asseptic surgery Euthanasia and humane endpoints Module V - Working in an animal facility Animal facilities OHS in animal facilities 2. Practical component I. Techniques for handling and identification of rodents and fish II. Techniques for substance administration in rodents and fish III. Techniques for sample collection in rodents and fish IV. Techniques for euthanasia of rodents and fish