FF Consult © 2010 Todos os direitos reservados.
FF Consult © 2010 Todos os direitos reservados.
Base Case A Income Statement Gross Revenues VAT Deductions Net Revenues CSS Labor Gross Result Selling Expenses Administrative Expenses EBITDA Depreciation EBIT Interest Expenses Interest Income EBT Taxes Net Income Mandatory Dividends Common Dividends Net Revenues Variation EBITDA Variation Gross Margin EBITDA Margin Net Margin 0 R$ R$ R$ R$ R$ R$ R$ R$ R$ R$ R$ R$ R$ R$ R$ R$ R$ R$ 4 5 21.558.729 1.119.733 20.438.996 0 1.198.865 19.240.131 319.395 531.700 18.389.036 15.508.750 2.880.286 9.167.684 28.360.810 884.812 27.475.999 0 1.656.392 25.819.607 468.454 693.710 24.657.443 29.940.556 (5.283.113) 14.121.344 36.691.798 616.644 36.075.155 0 2.145.493 33.929.661 584.274 756.858 32.588.529 47.299.076 (14.710.546) 19.612.989 45.571.214 315.290 45.255.924 0 2.667.857 42.588.067 767.537 823.645 40.996.885 66.052.183 (25.055.298) 25.252.269 4.067.969 911.275 3.156.694 0 0 1.701.260 1.017.734 683.526 7.966.875 0 -6.287.398 149.598 -6.436.996 10.870.716 0 -19.404.457 -164.825 -19.239.632 11.251.191 0 -34.323.536 -247.226 -34.076.310 11.644.982 0 -50.307.567 -173.348 -50.134.219 12.052.557 0 106% 108% 94% 90% 5% 55% 55% 94% 90% -31% 34% 34% 94% 90% -70% 31% 32% 94% 90% -94% 25% 26% 94% 91% -111% 64.275 0 1.102.066 0 0 1.166.341 102.587.500 0 103.753.841 99.905 0 1.703.250 0 0 1.803.155 144.318.063 0 146.121.218 138.033 0 2.289.667 0 0 2.427.699 173.585.195 0 176.012.894 178.791 0 3.006.263 0 0 3.185.054 187.531.077 0 190.716.130 222.321 0 3.771.327 0 0 3.993.648 184.832.424 0 188.826.073 1.042.996 0 0 0 1.042.996 85.470.000 0 86.512.996 21.367.500 0 0 -4.126.655 17.240.845 103.753.841 19.178.772 0 0 0 19.178.772 126.261.450 0 145.440.222 22.115.363 0 0 -21.434.367 680.996 146.121.218 40.768.083 0 0 0 40.768.083 164.280.601 0 205.048.683 22.889.400 0 0 -51.925.190 -29.035.789 176.012.894 65.241.661 0 0 0 65.241.661 199.430.422 0 264.672.083 23.690.529 0 0 -97.646.482 -73.955.952 190.716.130 92.529.146 0 0 0 92.529.146 231.610.487 0 324.139.632 24.519.698 0 0 -159.833.257 -135.313.560 188.826.073 107.880.496 86.512.996 86.512.996 9,1x 7,3x 7,3x 2,4x 0,9x 167.555.585 145.440.222 145.440.222 9,1x 7,9x 7,9x 2,0x 0,9x 227.938.084 205.048.683 205.048.683 9,2x 8,3x 8,3x 1,7x 1,0x 288.362.612 264.672.083 264.672.083 8,8x 8,1x 8,1x 1,7x 1,0x 348.659.330 324.139.632 324.139.632 8,5x 7,9x 7,9x 1,6x 1,1x R$ R$ R$ R$ R$ R$ R$ R$ R$ 31.014 2.589.560 536.120 0 0 3.156.694 52.500.000 Liabilities Short Term Debt Accounts Payable Accruals Other Current Liabilities Total Current Liabilities Long Term Debt Other Liabilities Total Liabilities Preferred Equity Common Equity Reserves Retained Earnings Total Equity Total Liabilities + Equity R$ R$ R$ R$ R$ R$ R$ R$ R$ R$ R$ R$ R$ R$ 0 0 0 0 0 42.000.000 FF Consult © 2010 Todos os direitos reservados. 3 14.275.800 1.051.010 13.224.790 0 771.303 12.453.488 223.734 376.991 11.852.763 5.250.000 6.602.763 4.901.502 % % % of Net Rev % of Net Rev % of Net Rev R$ R$ R$ Ratio Ratio Ratio Ratio Ratio 2 7.119.000 685.560 6.433.440 0 372.170 6.061.271 133.635 232.167 5.695.469 0 5.695.469 1.627.500 Assets Operating Cash Marketable Securities Accounts Receivable Inventory Other Current Assets Total Current Assets Fixed Assets Other LT Assets Total Assets Total Debt Including Preffered Total Debt Net Debt TDIP/EBITDA TD/EBITDA ND/EBITDA EBITDA/Interest Expense EBITDA/Int Exp+Mandatory Dividends 1 55.656.694 42.000.000 10.500.000 0 3.156.694 13.656.694 55.656.694 52.500.000 42.000.000 39.410.440 Cash Flow Statement EBITDA Change in Working Capital Taxes Operating Cash Flow CAPEX Free Cash Flow Net Interest Expense Preferred Equity Dividends Debt Repayments Preferred Equity Redemption Debt Service Cash Flow after Debt Service Common Dividends Short Term Debt Drawings Long Term Debt Drawings Preferred Equity Issuance Common Equity Issuance Translation Loss (Gain) Change in Marketable Securities Unlevered Cash Flow EBITDA CAPEX Working Capital Taxes over EBIT Unlevered Cash Flow R$ R$ R$ R$ R$ R$ R$ R$ R$ R$ R$ R$ R$ R$ R$ R$ R$ R$ R$ 5.695.469 -911.275 4.784.194 -52.500.000 -47.715.806 -1.627.500 0 0 0 -1.627.500 -49.343.306 0 0 42.000.000 10.500.000 0 0 3.156.694 R$ R$ R$ R$ R$ 15,37% -10.500.000 55,39% FF Consult © 2010 Todos os direitos reservados. 11.852.763 -599.207 -1.017.734 10.235.821 -55.337.500 -45.101.679 -4.901.502 -7.966.875 0 0 -12.868.377 -57.970.056 0 1.042.996 43.470.000 10.867.500 0 0 -2.589.560 18.389.036 -636.814 -149.598 17.602.624 -57.239.313 -39.636.688 -9.167.684 -10.870.716 -4.200.000 -10.500.000 -34.738.400 -74.375.088 0 18.135.776 44.991.450 11.247.863 0 0 0 24.657.443 -624.544 164.825 24.197.724 -59.207.688 -35.009.965 -14.121.344 -11.251.191 -8.547.000 -10.867.500 -44.787.034 -79.796.999 0 21.589.311 46.566.151 11.641.538 0 0 0 32.588.529 -757.355 247.226 32.078.401 -61.244.958 -29.166.557 -19.612.989 -11.644.982 -13.046.145 -11.247.863 -55.551.979 -84.718.536 0 24.473.579 48.195.966 12.048.992 0 -0 -0 40.996.885 -808.594 173.348 40.361.639 -63.353.531 -22.991.892 -25.252.269 -12.052.557 -17.702.760 -11.641.538 -66.649.123 -89.641.016 0 27.287.485 49.882.825 12.470.706 0 -0 0 11.852.763 -55.337.500 -599.207 -1.017.734 -45.101.679 18.389.036 -57.239.313 -636.814 -149.598 -39.636.688 24.657.443 -59.207.688 -624.544 164.825 -35.009.965 32.588.529 -61.244.958 -757.355 247.226 -29.166.557 40.996.885 -63.353.531 -808.594 173.348 -22.991.892 -2.900.625 10.122.853 10.477.153 10.843.853 11.223.388 Firm Value with Leverage of 80% Figures in R$ Cost of Equity 50% Perpetuity Growth Rate 45% Equity Value with Leverage of 80% Figures in R$ 55% Cost of Equity 50% 45% 55% 1,0% 31.675.201 10.945.970 -5.727.926 1,0% -541.651.247 -562.380.478 -579.054.374 2,0% 32.763.078 11.671.899 -5.237.231 2,0% -540.563.370 -561.654.549 -578.563.679 3,0% 34.045.081 12.516.755 -4.672.234 3,0% -539.281.367 -560.809.693 -577.998.682 Net Debt Pre-Transaction WACC Demonstration Cost of Equity 45,0% 50,0% 55,0% Cost of Debt Marginal Tax Rate After Tax Cost of Debt 7,8% 16,0% 6,5% 7,8% 16,0% 6,5% 7,8% 16,0% 6,5% Leverage (D/D+E) 80,0% 80,0% 80,0% WACC 14,2% 15,2% 16,2% FF Consult © 2010 Todos os direitos reservados. Short Term Debt Long Term Debt Total Debt 338.105.693 235.679.482 573.785.175 Marketable Securities Operating Cash 0 458.727 Net Debt 573.326.448 Valuation 1 # of Days Unlevered Cash Flow PV Cash Flow PV Cash Flow PV Perpetuity 1 PV Perpetuity 2 PV Perpetuity 3 Days R$ R$ R$ R$ R$ R$ Valuation 2 # of Days Unlevered Cash Flow PV Cash Flow PV Cash Flow PV Perpetuity 1 PV Perpetuity 2 PV Perpetuity 3 Days R$ R$ R$ R$ R$ R$ Valuation 3 # of Days Unlevered Cash Flow PV Cash Flow PV Cash Flow PV Perpetuity 1 PV Perpetuity 2 PV Perpetuity 3 Days R$ R$ R$ R$ R$ R$ FF Consult © 2010 Todos os direitos reservados. 14,2% 1,0% 2,0% 3,0% 15,2% 1,0% 2,0% 3,0% 16,2% 1,0% 2,0% 3,0% 360 -45.101.679 -39.490.823 19.930.299 11.744.902 12.832.779 14.114.782 720 -39.636.688 -30.388.153 360 -45.101.679 -39.148.044 2.540.342 8.405.628 9.131.557 9.976.413 720 -39.636.688 -29.862.907 360 -45.101.679 -38.811.165 -11.787.321 6.059.396 6.550.090 7.115.087 720 -39.636.688 -29.351.163 1.080 -35.009.965 -23.501.852 1.440 -29.166.557 -17.143.483 1.800 -22.991.892 -11.832.924 1.080 -35.009.965 -22.895.164 1.440 -29.166.557 -16.555.969 1.800 -22.991.892 -11.328.216 1.080 -35.009.965 -22.309.179 1.440 -29.166.557 -15.993.410 1.800 -22.991.892 -10.849.122 31.675.201 32.763.078 34.045.081 10.945.970 11.671.899 12.516.755 -5.727.926 -5.237.231 -4.672.234 % Utilization Actual Rent Contracts Default Gross Rev CL Used Tipo Tanque Potential Rent Contracts % Utilization Actual Rent Contracts Default Gross Rev CL Gross Revenue Costs Insurance Maintenace Reform Total costs Gross Margin VAT ICMS or ISS PIS Cofins CPMF ICMS or ISS PIS Cofins CPMF VAT Deductions 100% 1.356.000 0,0% 1.356.000 100% 2.732.400 0,0% 2.732.400 100% 4.126.359 0,0% 4.126.359 100% 5.428.283 0,0% 5.428.283 100% 7.022.841 0,0% 7.022.841 100% 8.722.368 0,0% 8.722.368 1.017.000 100% 1.017.000 0,0% 1.017.000 1.980.000 100% 1.980.000 0,0% 1.980.000 2.990.115 100% 2.990.115 0,0% 2.990.115 3.933.538 100% 3.933.538 0,0% 3.933.538 5.089.015 100% 5.089.015 0,0% 5.089.015 6.320.557 100% 6.320.557 0,0% 6.320.557 R$ 7.119.000 7.119.000 14.275.800 13.541.550 21.558.729 18.530.439 28.360.810 21.246.828 36.691.798 22.953.804 45.571.214 22.623.489 R$ R$ 0% 0% 0% 0 0% 0% 0% 0 0% 0% 0% 0 0% 0% 0% 0 0% 0% 0% 0 0% 0% 0% 0 R$ 7.119.000 14.275.800 21.558.729 28.360.810 36.691.798 45.571.214 0,00% 1,65% 7,60% 0,38% 0 117.464 541.044 27.052 685.560 0,00% 1,25% 5,74% 0,38% 0 177.801 818.961 54.248 1.051.010 0,00% 0,86% 3,96% 0,38% 0 185.123 852.687 81.923 1.119.733 0,00% 0,49% 2,25% 0,38% 0 138.607 638.433 107.771 884.812 0,00% 0,23% 1,07% 0,38% 0 85.125 392.090 139.429 616.644 0,00% 0,06% 0,26% 0,38% 0 25.351 116.768 173.171 315.290 0% 1,65% 7,60% 0 0% 1,65% 7,60% 0 0% 1,65% 7,60% 0 0% 1,65% 7,60% 0 0% 1,65% 7,60% 0 13.224.790 20.438.996 27.475.999 36.075.155 45.255.924 % R$ % R$ R$ % R$ % R$ % of Dom Sales % of Dom Sales % of Dom Sales % of Dom Sales R$ R$ R$ R$ R$ Recuperação Impostos Crédito ICMS -combustíveis Recuperação PIS Recuperação COFINS VAT Créditos totais R$ 0% 1,65% 7,60% 0 Net Operating Margin R$ 6.433.440 % % % FF Consult © 2010 Todos os direitos reservados. Operational Employees Monitoring Maintenance xx xx xx xx xx xx xx Total Operational Employees Operational Employees Variation # of emp # of emp # of emp Administrative Employees Administrative Employees Average Wage Inflator Factor Administrative Employees - Cost Sales Employees Sales Employees Average Wage Inflator Factor Sales Employees - Cost FF Consult © 2010 Todos os direitos reservados. R$/yr R$ /yr % of Inflation R$ # of Emp R$ /yr % of Inflation R$ # of Emp R$ /yr % of Inflation R$ 4 5 6 8 8 11 10 13 12 16 5 9 100% 14 50% 19 33% 23 25% 28 20% 1 1 1 1 1 1 101.501 63.438 100% 372.170 105.178 65.736 104% 771.303 108.988 68.117 104% 1.198.865 112.936 70.585 104% 1.656.392 117.027 73.142 104% 2.145.493 121.266 75.791 104% 2.667.857 2 100.000 100% 200.000 3 103.623 104% 310.868 4 107.376 104% 429.505 5 111.266 104% 556.330 5 115.297 104% 576.483 5 119.473 104% 597.366 1 50.000 100% 50.000 1 51.811 104% 51.811 1 53.688 104% 53.688 2 55.633 104% 111.266 2 57.648 104% 115.297 3 59.737 104% 179.210 % Employee factor Average Wage - Monitoring Average Wage - Maintenance Inflator Factor Operational Employees - Cost 2 3 Selling Expenses Labor Marketing Commissions Total Selling Expenses Marketing (% of Net Revenue) Commission (% Net Revenue) R$ R$ R$ R$ % % Administrative Expenses Labor Others Total Administrative Expenses Others % of Net Revenues R$ R$ R$ % Net Revenues Total Expenses R$ 50.000 19.300 64.334 133.635 0,3% 1,0% 51.811 39.674 132.248 223.734 0,3% 1,0% 53.688 61.317 204.390 319.395 0,3% 1,0% 111.266 82.428 274.760 468.454 0,3% 1,0% 115.297 108.225 360.752 584.274 0,3% 1,0% 179.210 135.768 452.559 767.537 0,3% 1,0% 200.000 32.167 232.167 0,5% 310.868 66.124 376.991 0,5% 429.505 102.195 531.700 0,5% 556.330 137.380 693.710 0,5% 576.483 180.376 756.858 0,5% 597.366 226.280 823.645 0,5% 6.433.440 737.972 13.224.790 1.372.028 20.438.996 2.049.960 27.475.999 2.818.555 36.075.155 3.486.625 45.255.924 4.259.039 536.120 30 1.102.066 30 1.703.250 30 2.289.667 30 3.006.263 30 3.771.327 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 31.014 30 64.275 30 99.905 30 138.033 30 178.791 30 222.321 30 0 30 0 30 0 30 0 30 0 30 0 30 Accounts Receivable Days Sale R$ Inventory Days Inventory R$ Operating Cash Days Operating Cash R$ Accounts Payable Days Payable R$ Accruals Days Accrual R$ R$ 0 30 0 30 0 30 0 30 0 30 0 30 Working Capital R$ 567.134 1.166.341 1.803.155 2.427.699 3.185.054 3.993.648 FF Consult © 2010 Todos os direitos reservados. R$ R$ R$ R$ Long Term Debt (Bridge) R$ Drawings Repayments Final Balance Spread Interest Rate Interest Expense Initial Balance Drawings Repayments Translation Gain/(Loss) Final Balance Interest Expense R$ R$ R$ R$ R$ R$ R$ R$ R$ R$ R$ Long Term Debt (BNDES) % BNDES R$ Drawings Repayments Final Balance Spread Interest Rate Interest Expense Initial Balance Drawings Repayments Translation Gain/(Loss) Final Balance Interest Expense 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6,00% 12,00% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6,00% 11,50% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6,00% 11,50% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6,00% 11,50% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6,00% 12,00% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6,00% 12,00% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 80% 0 42.000.000 80% 42.000.000 43.470.000 85.470.000 1,50% 7,58% 4.833.708 42.000.000 43.470.000 0 0 85.470.000 4.833.708 80% 85.470.000 44.991.450 4.200.000 126.261.450 1,50% 7,42% 7.853.269 85.470.000 44.991.450 4.200.000 0 126.261.450 7.853.269 80% 126.261.450 46.566.151 8.547.000 164.280.601 1,50% 7,14% 10.374.665 126.261.450 46.566.151 8.547.000 0 164.280.601 10.374.665 80% 164.280.601 48.195.966 13.046.145 199.430.422 1,50% 7,14% 12.987.380 164.280.601 48.195.966 13.046.145 0 199.430.422 12.987.380 80% 199.430.422 49.882.825 17.702.760 231.610.487 1,50% 7,14% 15.391.593 199.430.422 49.882.825 17.702.760 0 231.610.487 15.391.593 42.000.000 1,50% 7,75% 1.627.500 0 42.000.000 0 0 42.000.000 1.627.500 0 42.000.000 0 42.000.000 1.627.500 0 42.000.000 0 0 42.000.000 1.627.500 42.000.000 43.470.000 0 85.470.000 4.833.708 42.000.000 43.470.000 0 0 85.470.000 4.833.708 85.470.000 44.991.450 4.200.000 126.261.450 7.853.269 85.470.000 44.991.450 4.200.000 0 126.261.450 7.853.269 126.261.450 46.566.151 8.547.000 164.280.601 10.374.665 126.261.450 46.566.151 8.547.000 0 164.280.601 10.374.665 164.280.601 48.195.966 13.046.145 199.430.422 12.987.380 164.280.601 48.195.966 13.046.145 0 199.430.422 12.987.380 199.430.422 49.882.825 17.702.760 231.610.487 15.391.593 199.430.422 49.882.825 17.702.760 0 231.610.487 15.391.593 53.067.134 55.656.694 -2.589.560 2.589.560 0 103.753.841 102.710.845 1.042.996 0 1.042.996 146.121.218 126.942.446 19.178.772 0 19.178.772 176.012.894 135.244.811 40.768.083 0 40.768.083 190.716.130 125.474.469 65.241.661 0 65.241.661 188.826.073 96.296.927 92.529.146 0 92.529.146 0 0 0 0 7,00% 13,00% 0 0 1.042.996 0 1.042.996 7,00% 13,00% 67.795 1.042.996 18.135.776 0 19.178.772 7,00% 13,00% 1.314.415 19.178.772 21.589.311 0 40.768.083 7,00% 12,50% 3.746.678 40.768.083 24.473.579 0 65.241.661 7,00% 12,50% 6.625.609 65.241.661 27.287.485 0 92.529.146 7,00% 12,50% 9.860.675 2.589.560 9,0% 234.096 0 8,8% 0 0 8,6% 0 0 8,2% 0 0 8,2% 0 0 8,2% 0 R$ R$ R$ R$ R$ R$ R$ R$ R$ R$ R$ R$ R$ Long Term Debt (Total) R$ Drawings Repayments Final Balance Interest Expense Initial Balance Drawings Repayments Translation Gain/(Loss) Final Balance Interest Expense Plug Assets Liabilities Plug Marketable Securities Short Term Debt Short Term Debt Initial Balance Drawings Repayments Final Balance Spread Interest Rate Interest Expense Marketable Securities Marketable Securities Investment Rate Interest Income R$ R$ R$ R$ R$ R$ R$ R$ R$ R$ R$ R$ R$ R$ R$ R$ R$ R$ R$ R$ R$ R$ R$ R$ R$ FF Consult © 2010 Todos os direitos reservados. Common Equity Common Equity New Equity New Equity from Conversion Common Equity Preferred Equity % of Preferred Equity Initial Balance Issuance Conversion Redemption Final Balance Interest Rate Interest Expense Initial Balance Drawings Conversion Repayments Translation Gain/(Loss) Final Balance Mandatory Dividends Retained Earnings Initial Balance Net Income (Loss) Mandatory Dividends Common Dividends Final Balance Dividends Pay-Out Pays Only After Repayment? Final Balance R$ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10.500.000 20% 0 10.500.000 10.867.500 20% 10.500.000 10.867.500 11.247.863 20% 21.367.500 11.247.863 11.641.538 20% 22.115.363 11.641.538 12.048.992 20% 22.889.400 12.048.992 12.470.706 20% 23.690.529 12.470.706 10.500.000 21.367.500 50,00% 7.966.875 10.500.000 10.867.500 0 0 0 21.367.500 7.966.875 10.500.000 22.115.363 50,00% 10.870.716 21.367.500 11.247.863 0 10.500.000 0 22.115.363 10.870.716 10.867.500 22.889.400 50,00% 11.251.191 22.115.363 11.641.538 0 10.867.500 0 22.889.400 11.251.191 11.247.863 23.690.529 50,00% 11.644.982 22.889.400 12.048.992 0 11.247.863 0 23.690.529 11.644.982 11.641.538 24.519.698 50,00% 12.052.557 23.690.529 12.470.706 0 11.641.538 0 24.519.698 12.052.557 R$ R$ R$ R$ R$ R$ R$ R$ R$ R$ R$ R$ R$ R$ R$ R$ R$ R$ R$ R$ R$ R$ % T/F 30% FF Consult © 2010 Todos os direitos reservados. 0 0 10.500.000 0 0 0 10.500.000 0 0 3.156.694 -4.126.655 -21.434.367 -51.925.190 -97.646.482 3.156.694 683.526 -6.436.996 -19.239.632 -34.076.310 -50.134.219 0 7.966.875 10.870.716 11.251.191 11.644.982 12.052.557 0 0 0 0 0 0 3.156.694 -4.126.655 -21.434.367 -51.925.190 -97.646.482 -159.833.257 25% 25% 25% 25% 25% 25% VERDADEIRO VERDADEIRO VERDADEIRO VERDADEIRO VERDADEIRO VERDADEIRO 947.008 -1.237.997 -6.430.310 -15.577.557 -29.293.944 -47.949.977 Income Taxes EBT Taxes Tax Rate R$ R$ % 4.067.969 911.275 16,0% 1.701.260 1.017.734 15,4% -6.287.398 149.598 5,2% -19.404.457 -164.825 3,1% -34.323.536 -247.226 1,7% -50.307.567 -173.348 0,7% Taxes over EBIT EBIT Taxes over EBIT R$ R$ 5.695.469 911.275 6.602.763 1.017.734 2.880.286 149.598 -5.283.113 -164.825 -14.710.546 -247.226 -25.055.298 -173.348 117.464 541.044 27.052 4.067.969 4.067.969 15% 610.195 10% 382.797 9% 366.117 177.801 818.961 54.248 3.451.260 3.451.260 15% 517.689 10% 321.126 9% 310.613 185.123 852.687 81.923 -1.117.814 -782.470 15% 0 10% 0 9% 0 138.607 638.433 107.771 -9.424.271 -6.596.990 15% 0 10% 0 9% 0 85.125 392.090 139.429 -18.557.177 -12.990.024 15% 0 10% 0 9% 0 25.351 116.768 173.171 -28.290.173 -19.803.121 15% 0 10% 0 9% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1.117.814 -335.344 -1.453.159 -9.424.271 -2.827.281 -13.704.711 -18.557.177 -5.567.153 -37.829.042 -28.290.173 -8.487.052 -74.606.266 2.044.669 2.200.438 1.119.733 884.812 616.644 315.290 16,00% 1,65% 7,60% 0,38% 8,57% 5,38% 5,14% 15,41% 1,25% 5,74% 0,38% 3,63% 2,25% 2,18% 5,19% 0,86% 3,96% 0,38% 0,00% 0,00% 0,00% 3,12% 0,49% 2,25% 0,38% 0,00% 0,00% 0,00% 1,68% 0,23% 1,07% 0,38% 0,00% 0,00% 0,00% 0,69% 0,06% 0,26% 0,38% 0,00% 0,00% 0,00% PIS COFINS CPMF Lucro Real/base CSLL pre 30% Lucro Real/base CSLL pos 30% Alíquota IRPJ IRPJ Alíquota IRPJ (adicional) IRPJ (adicional) Alíquota CSLL CSLL Prejuízo Fiscal/Base negativa de CSLL Utilização de Base negativa Saldo de Base negativa a utilizar Tributação Cheia Alíquota Efetiva PIS COFINS CPMF IRPJ IRPJ (Adicional) CSLL FF Consult © 2010 Todos os direitos reservados. CAPEX Plan Wagon (net adds) 01. Vagao new Hooper 02. Vagao new Tanque 03. Vagao used Hooper 04. Vagao used Tanque Wagon qty (accum.) 01. Vagao new tipo Hooper 02. Vagao new tipo Tanque 03. Vagao used tipo Hooper 04. Vagao used tipo Tanque # # # # # # # # 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 600 600 600 600 Wagon (net adds) 01. Vagao new tipo Hooper 02. Vagao new tipo Tanque 03. Vagao used tipo Hooper 04. Vagao used tipo Tanque 20.000.000 15.000.000 10.000.000 7.500.000 20.700.000 15.525.000 10.350.000 7.762.500 21.424.500 16.068.375 10.712.250 8.034.188 22.174.358 16.630.768 11.087.179 8.315.384 22.950.460 17.212.845 11.475.230 8.606.423 23.753.726 17.815.295 11.876.863 8.907.647 67% 67% 67% 67% 67% 67% R$ 52.500.000 54.337.500 56.239.313 58.207.688 60.244.958 62.353.531 R$ 0 52.500.000 0 52.500.000 0 52.500.000 52.500.000 0 52.500.000 54.337.500 1.000.000 55.337.500 5.250.000 102.587.500 106.105.000 5.250.000 1.732.500 10,0% 3,3% 3.500.000 (200) 107.837.500 56.239.313 1.000.000 57.239.313 20.758.750 144.318.063 161.691.425 15.508.750 3.385.388 10,0% 3,3% 10.339.167 (300) 165.076.813 58.207.688 1.000.000 59.207.688 50.699.306 173.585.195 219.522.005 29.940.556 4.762.496 10,0% 3,3% 19.960.371 (400) 224.284.501 60.244.958 1.000.000 61.244.958 97.998.382 187.531.077 279.801.147 47.299.076 5.728.311 10,0% 3,3% 31.532.717 (500) 285.529.458 62.353.531 1.000.000 63.353.531 164.050.565 184.832.424 342.694.464 66.052.183 6.188.526 10,0% 3,3% 44.034.789 (600) R$ R$ R$ R$ % of new Discreationary CAPEX Fixed Assets Initial Balance Expansion CAPEX Maintenance CAPEX CAPEX Depreciation Final Balance taxes Final Balance Accounting Depreciation for taxes Depreciation Expense Taxes Depreciation Rate Accounting Depreciation Rate Depreciation new check - empurradores Inativos FF Consult © 2010 Todos os direitos reservados. R$ R$ R$ R$ R$ R$ % 3,3% (100) Macro Drivers Exchange Rate Devaluation Inflation USA Inflation Brasil Inflation Factor LIBOR CDI CDI ACUMULADO CDI CURVE TJLP Risco Pais R$/US$ 1,90 % % % Factor % p.a. % p.a. % p.a. Receita Operacional Líquida Custo dos Produtos Vendidos Lucro Bruto Despesas Operacionais Com Vendas Gerais e Administrativas Outras Total 2,0% 3,5% 1,000 6,0% 11,3% 111,3% 11,3% 6,3% 1,8% 1,93 3,5% 2,0% 3,5% 1,035 6,0% 11,0% 123,5% 11,1% 6,1% 1,5% 1,96 3,5% 2,0% 3,5% 1,071 6,0% 10,7% 136,8% 11,0% 5,9% 1,2% 2008 % da Receita 100,00% 797.651 525.045 272.606 34,18% 1,99 3,5% 2,0% 3,5% 1,109 5,5% 10,2% 150,7% 10,8% 5,6% 1,2% 2,02 3,5% 2,0% 3,5% 1,148 5,5% 10,2% 166,1% 10,7% 5,6% 1,2% 2009 % da Receita 100,00% 881.296 591.600 289.696 32,87% 47.061 87.742 5,90% 11,00% 51.996 96.943 5,90% 11,00% 134.803 16,90% 148.939 16,90% EBIT #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF! Resultado Financeiro Receita Financeira Despesa Financeira Total #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF! Resultado Operacional #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF! Receita Não-Operacional Despesa Não-Operacional Resultado Não-Operacional FF Consult © 2010 Todos os direitos Imposto de reservados. Renda e C. Social (25%) Resultado Líquido 2,05 3,5% 2,0% 3,5% 1,188 5,5% 10,2% 183,0% 10,6% 5,6% 1,2% 4.290 0,49% 4.290 0,49% #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF! Ativo Ativo Total Ativo Circulante Disponivel e Inv CP Creditos Comerciais CP Clientes CP Duplicatas a Receber Saques Cambiais Desc Duplicatas Descontadas Prov Contas Cobr Duvid Creditos diversos Titulos a Receber CP A Receber de Control CP Aplicacoes Financ CP Outros Creditos CP Estoques Outros Ativos CP Ativo nao circulante Realizavel LP Creditos Comerciais LP A Receber de Control LP de Coligadas de Controladas de Outras Pessoas Ligads Outros Ativos LP Permanente Inv em Subsid e Outros Inv em coligadas Inv em coligadas - agio Invest em Subsidiarias Inv em subsid - agio Outros Investimentos Outros Imobilizado Imobiliz antes Deprec Depreciacao Acumulada Intangiveis e agio Intang antes da amortiz Amortizacao acumulada Diferido Diferido antes Amort Amortizacao Acumulada FF Consult © 2010 Todos os direitos reservados. 26.972.342 6.293.170 1.478.914 3.112.307 3.112.307 3.434.957 0 0 -322.650 0 0 0 0 0 146.968 1.554.981 20.679.172 2.459.661 2.182.488 0 0 0 0 277.173 18.219.511 392.835 4.506 0 295.209 0 93.120 0 17.236.056 42.351.545 -25.115.489 0 0 0 590.620 645.547 -54.927 26.436.798 6.810.087 1.789.454 3.327.691 3.327.691 3.632.882 0 0 -305.191 0 0 0 0 0 122.885 1.570.057 19.626.711 2.171.031 1.826.634 0 0 0 0 344.397 17.455.680 369.046 5.719 0 279.671 0 83.656 0 16.512.562 42.453.966 -25.941.404 0 0 0 574.072 645.593 -71.521 26.660.258 7.639.470 2.411.910 3.665.365 3.665.365 4.085.177 0 0 -419.812 0 0 0 0 0 85.091 1.477.104 19.020.788 2.071.853 1.732.220 0 0 0 0 339.633 16.948.935 350.463 5.077 0 264.133 0 81.253 0 16.040.946 42.805.040 -26.764.094 0 0 0 557.526 645.608 -88.082 29.103.993 9.725.123 4.325.513 3.533.479 3.533.479 3.872.989 0 0 -339.510 0 0 0 0 0 136.865 1.729.266 19.378.870 2.510.258 237.670 15.577 0 15.577 0 2.257.011 16.868.612 305.052 0 0 0 0 305.052 0 16.004.849 43.572.416 -27.567.567 0 0 0 558.711 687.224 -128.513 27.802.593 9.014.715 3.617.448 3.589.162 3.589.162 3.942.648 0 0 -353.486 0 0 0 0 0 206.904 1.601.201 18.787.878 2.573.957 1.628.042 16.130 0 16.130 0 929.785 16.213.921 289.501 0 0 230.228 0 59.273 0 15.383.076 43.765.766 -28.382.690 0 0 0 541.344 667.398 -126.054 28.365.014 10.041.831 4.845.288 3.584.653 3.584.653 3.895.580 0 0 -310.927 0 0 0 0 0 183.635 1.428.255 18.323.183 2.564.780 1.582.946 15.610 0 15.610 0 966.224 15.758.403 320.546 0 0 262.716 0 57.830 0 14.913.626 44.093.870 -29.180.244 0 0 0 524.231 667.156 -142.925 28.540.987 10.498.730 4.863.317 3.734.924 3.734.924 4.040.411 0 0 -305.487 0 0 0 0 0 354.331 1.546.158 18.042.257 2.533.678 1.501.477 15.011 0 15.011 0 1.017.190 15.508.579 302.188 0 0 243.951 0 58.237 0 14.699.112 44.685.959 -29.986.847 0 0 0 507.279 667.171 -159.892 Passivo Passivo e Patrimonio Liq Passivo Circulante Financiamento CP Financ Moeda Estrg CP Financ Moeda Nacion CP Adiant de Contr de Camb Debentures CP Fornecedores CP Impostos a Pagar CP Dividendos a Pagar CP Provisoes CP A Pagar a Controlad CP Outros Passivos CP Passivo nao circulante Exigivel LP Financiamento LP Financ Moeda Estrg LP Financ Moeda Nacion LP Debentures LP Provisoes LP A Pagar a Controlad LP Adiant p fut aum de cap Outros Passivos LP Resultados de Exer Futur Part Acionistas Minorit Patrimonio Liquido Capital Social Reservas de Capital 26.972.342 4.392.308 1.955.024 - 26.436.798 4.451.933 2.243.312 - 98.237 1.187.921 466.355 151.237 29.318 0 504.216 11.472.543 11.472.543 8.187.629 - FF Consult © 2010 Todos os direitos reservados. 20.706 1.093.695 463.031 149.190 0 0 481.999 11.049.502 11.049.502 7.922.612 1.300.000 1.871.560 75.382 0 37.972 0 2.099.601 9.007.890 4.216.383 536.698 26.660.258 5.213.676 2.513.868 92.223 1.235.501 715.056 153.901 0 0 503.127 10.563.878 10.563.878 7.340.104 - 1.207.200 1.130.570 0 0 789.120 0 2.092.973 8.842.390 4.383.990 369.092 29.103.993 6.893.456 2.646.244 15.661 1.902.744 805.886 1.066.717 0 0 456.204 11.664.311 11.657.859 8.290.679 - 1.207.200 1.089.555 0 0 927.019 0 2.052.116 8.830.588 4.383.990 369.092 27.802.593 5.721.809 2.756.618 63.838 1.427.228 736.897 299.066 0 0 438.162 11.405.647 11.399.765 7.977.782 - 1.207.200 1.206.822 0 0 953.158 6.452 2.001.593 8.544.633 4.383.988 369.093 28.365.014 6.043.660 2.747.807 13.997 1.526.501 979.370 335.088 0 0 440.897 11.603.341 11.549.472 8.231.172 - 1.207.200 1.264.607 0 0 950.176 5.882 2.010.141 8.664.996 4.551.593 201.487 28.540.987 6.526.553 2.784.825 63.407 1.802.130 1.103.657 373.058 0 0 399.476 11.309.651 11.232.009 7.807.540 - 1.207.200 1.202.990 0 0 908.110 53.869 1.989.867 8.728.146 4.536.422 201.487 1.207.200 1.344.014 0 0 873.255 77.642 1.972.881 8.731.902 4.586.608 201.487 Reservas de Reavaliacao Ativos Proprios Ativos de Contr/Colig Reserva de Lucros Reserva Legal Reserva Estatutaria Reserva p/ Contingencias Reservas de Luc a Realz Resv de Retencao de Luc Resv Esp p/ Div nao Dist Outras Reservas Lucros Acumulados Adiant p fut aum de cap Divida Fin Moeda Estrang 0 0 0 4.410.092 26.818 0 0 543.951 0 0 3.839.323 -155.283 0 8.878.422 Demonstracao de Resultad Meses Receita Bruta Rec Bruta Merc Rec Bruta Merc Impostos sobre Receita Liquida Interno Externo Vendas Operac 0 0 0 4.410.092 26.818 0 0 543.951 0 0 3.839.323 -320.784 0 7.570.714 0 0 0 4.410.092 26.818 0 0 543.951 0 0 3.839.323 -332.586 0 7.402.747 0 0 0 3.791.551 60.484 0 0 0 0 0 3.731.067 198.686 0 10.513.530 0 0 0 3.585.816 60.484 0 0 0 0 0 3.525.332 357.991 0 7.303.595 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 17.581.442 18.527.362 19.426.935 20.118.470 20.864.323 21.385.541 - 4.478.297 12.307.646 4.711.192 12.870.250 4.969.474 13.557.888 #REF! 4,57% 5,34% Custo Produtos Vendidos Lucro Bruto 8.387.776 3.919.870 8.615.619 4.254.631 8.668.019 4.889.869 Margem Bruta 31,85% 33,06% 36,07% Despesas Operac Proprias Despesas com Vendas Despesas Administrativ Lucro Operac EBIT Resultado Financeiro Receitas Financeiras Desp Fin e Juros s/ Patr Despesas Financeiras Juros s/Patrim Liquido Outras Rec Desp Operac Outras Receitas Operac Outras Despesas Operac Equivalenc Patrimonial Lucro Operacional Resultado nao Operac Receitas Nao Operac Despesas Nao Operac LAIR Provisao Impost de Rend IR Diferido Partic/Contrib Estatut Participacoes Estatut Contribuicoes Estatut 2.363.005 1.323.913 1.039.092 1.556.865 -2.220.075 495.917 2.715.992 2.715.992 0 -97.888 952.112 1.050.000 32.619 -728.479 8.249 123.668 115.419 -720.230 -335.455 3.386 142.095 142.095 0 2.479.896 1.422.050 1.057.846 1.774.735 -2.237.556 500.545 2.738.101 2.738.101 0 -159.495 1.218.599 1.378.094 28.610 -593.706 -69.501 189.160 258.661 -663.207 -206.862 -13.177 183.748 183.748 0 2.581.349 1.628.808 952.541 2.308.520 -1.984.831 542.525 2.527.356 2.527.356 0 -254.643 1.319.320 1.573.963 33.156 102.202 -65.518 205.225 270.743 36.684 -298.385 417.214 184.646 184.646 0 0 140.660 -670.916 0 133.170 -760.086 0 135.245 -402.036 Margem Líquida Crescimento do Lucro 0 0 0 3.791.551 60.484 0 0 0 0 0 3.731.067 120.365 0 8.112.579 16.785.943 Crescimento de Receita Rever Juros s/Patr Liqui Partic Acion Minoritar Lucro Liquido 0 0 0 3.791.552 60.483 0 0 0 0 0 3.731.069 0 0 8.196.254 -5,45% #REF! FF Consult © 2010 Todos os direitos reservados. -5,91% 13,29% -2,97% -47,11% 5.424.131 14.002.804 3,28% 8.684.542 5.318.262 37,98% 5.645.078 14.473.392 5.935.624 14.928.699 6.143.225 15.242.316 3,36% 3,15% 2,10% 8.659.833 5.813.559 8.830.311 6.098.388 8.976.184 6.266.132 40,17% 40,85% 41,11% 2.593.929 1.738.617 855.312 2.724.333 -2.105.501 567.428 2.672.929 2.672.929 0 -260.912 1.058.039 1.318.951 74.606 432.526 -68.560 124.112 192.672 363.966 -112.620 0 118.389 118.389 0 2.727.565 1.895.152 832.413 3.085.994 -2.064.323 591.029 2.655.352 2.655.352 0 -333.261 1.011.887 1.345.148 31.288 719.698 -37.412 132.376 169.788 682.286 -144.157 -15.171 154.901 154.901 0 2.792.631 1.976.634 815.997 3.305.757 -2.004.317 611.912 2.616.229 2.616.229 0 -430.337 875.494 1.305.831 43.352 914.455 28.453 99.380 70.927 942.908 -282.555 95.509 164.567 164.567 0 2.866.935 1.928.272 938.663 3.399.197 -1.815.809 587.809 2.403.618 2.403.618 0 -443.982 844.756 1.288.738 25.336 1.164.742 28.454 79.466 51.012 1.193.196 -65.043 -104.247 160.528 160.528 0 0 145.484 212.713 0 141.389 545.324 0 176.239 789.148 0 229.922 972.036 1,52% -152,91% 3,77% 156,37% 5,29% 44,71% 6,38% 23,18% PROJEÇÃO DE RESULTADO 2007 2007 % da Receita 08/07 (%) 2008 % da Receita 06/05 (%) 2009 % da Receita 1,07 553 1,07 591 Receita Bruta Receita Operacional Líquida 517 100,00% 7,00% Custo dos Produtos Vendidos 204 Lucro Bruto 313 60,51% 7,00% 334 60,51% 358 60,51% Despesas Operacionais Com Vendas Gerais e Administrativas Outras Total 96 64 20 180 5,90% 11,00% 7,00% 7,00% 5,90% 11,00% 7,00% 109 73 23 206 5,90% 11,00% 34,77% 102 68 21 192 218 Resultado da Equivalência Patrimonial EBIT Receita Financeira Despesa Financeira Total Resultado Operacional 100,00% 234 34,77% 0 178 34,4% 45 14 59 8,71% 2,71% 11,42% 7,00% 7,00% 7,00% 7,0% 0 190 34,4% 203 48 15 63 8,71% 2,71% 11,42% 52 16 68 192 205 220 32 34 37 34,4% Receita Não-Operacional Despesa Não-Operacional Resultado Não-Operacional Resultado Antes dos Tributos e Participação Minoritária Imposto de Renda e Contribuição Social Resultado Antes da Participação Minoritária Participação Minoritária Resultado Líquido Resultado por lote de 1000 ações FF Consult © 2010 Todos os direitos reservados. 0 0,06% 7,00% 0 0,06% 0 160 30,91% 7,00% 171 30,91% 183 30,91% milhões R$ 2009 e 2008 e 2007 e 2006 Ativo Total Receita Líquida Lucro Líquido Pat. Líquido Dívida Líquida n.ações Ebitda Mg Ebitda Cotação LPA P/L VPA P/VPA ROE ROA EO / PL Margem Bruta 27.721 591 183 9.512 5.185 120 232 39,2% 42,1 1,52 27,63 79,27 0,53 1,92 0,66 55% 60,5% 27.629 553 171 9.403 5.125 120 111 20,1% 42,1 1,42 29,56 78,35 0,54 1,82 0,62 55% 60,5% 27.544 517 160 9.300 4.006 120 118 22,9% 42,1 1,33 31,63 77,50 0,54 1,72 0,58 43% 60,5% 27.464 486 100 8.959 4.883 120 295 60,8% 31,63 0,83 37,96 74,66 0,42 1,12 0,36 55% 1546,9% Margem Líquida 30,9% 30,9% 30,9% 20,6% FF Consult © 2010 Todos os direitos reservados. Base 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Perp. 1,07 1,07 1,05 1,05 1,05 1,05 1,05 1,05 1,05 1,04 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Perp. 517 553 591 621 652 685 719 755 793 832 866 34,40% 34,40% 34,40% 34,40% 34,40% 34,40% 34,40% 34,40% 34,40% 34,40% 34,40% 178 190 203 214 224 236 247 260 273 286 298 133 143 153 160 168 177 185 195 204 215 223 (-) Invest. físicos 41 44 47 50 52 55 58 60 63 67 69 (+) Depreciação (20% da Receita Líquida) 52 55 59 62 65 68 72 75 79 83 87 (-) Invest. líquidos -8 -9 -9 -10 -10 -11 -12 -12 -13 -13 -14 8 9 9 10 10 11 12 12 13 13 14 53 57 61 64 67 71 74 78 82 86 89 80 86 92 96 101 106 111 117 123 129 134 Consolidado Crescimento Volume Patrimônio Líquido 530 Endividamento Total (considera crongrm. de amortiz.) 130 Caixa 400 Capitalização Total 660 % Recursos Próprios 80,30% Custo Médio da Dívida em moeda nacional (102% do CDI) Valor de Mercado Valor de Mercado Parcial Custo Médio da Dívida em moeda estrangeira (Libor + 3% a.a. ou 7% fixo) Valor de Mercado Valor de Mercado Parcial % Dívida em Moeda Nacional Anos Base 2004 Receita Líquida Margem EBIT EBIT 75% EBIT (1-Alíquota IR 35%) (-) Var. capital de giro (3% da Receita) (+) Todos os itens sem efeito caixa do DRE (+) Variação de capital 0 (-) Pagamento de principal (-) Participações obrigatórias (dividendos 33% EBIT) 40% (=)FCFE (Valor da empresa) WACC 1,115 Perp. 1,110 1,100 1,100 1,090 1,090 1,090 1,090 2016 1057,18 50,83 1178,75 56,67 1308,41 62,90 1439,26 69,20 1583,18 76,11 1741,50 83,73 1898,23 91,26 2069,08 99,47 2255,29 108,43 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 52,76 54,77 56,86 59,02 61,27 64,19 67,25 69,13 71,72 58,83 61,07 63,40 65,81 68,32 71,57 74,98 77,08 65,30 67,79 70,37 73,05 75,83 79,45 83,23 71,83 74,57 77,41 80,36 83,42 87,39 79,01 82,02 85,15 88,39 91,76 86,92 90,23 93,66 97,23 94,74 98,35 102,09 103,26 107,20 112,56 Participações em controladas FCFE Dívida Líquida FCFF Nº de ações FCFE por ação Dividendo por ação Yield Cotação fech. 26/10 Upside potencial FCFF por ação 1,100 1.935 -270 1.665 120 16,12 0,44 2,76% 13,50 19,44% 13,87 FF Consult © 2010 Todos os direitos reservados. 1,090 2458,27 118,19 1,090 2679,51 Perp. = Valor do Fluxo (I - G) Perp. = 133,9757 (0,164-0,04) Perp. = 2679,513 Forecasting Variables: 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Revenue growth factor Expected gross profit margin S, G, & A expense % of revenue Depr. & Amort. % of revenue Capital expenditure growth factor Net working capital to sales ratio Income tax rate Assumed long-term sustainable growth rate Discount rate 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 60% 54% 28% 10% 20% 15% 50% 55% 27% 10% -10% 14% 40% 56% 26% 10% -15% 13% 30% 57% 25% 10% -20% 12% 20% 58% 24% 10% -25% 11% 10% 59% 23% 10% -30% 10% 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 50% 51% 52% 53% 54% -10% 1% 12% 10% 10% ($1,3) ($1,4) ($1,3) ($1,4) ($1,0) 55% 11% $0,7 56% 12% $2,8 57% 13% $5,2 58% 14% $7,3 59% 16% $8,8 $61,8 20% 50% 50% 10% 40% 19% 30% 51% 40% 10% 35% 18% 40% 5% per year after 2011 20% 40% 52% 30% 10% 30% 17% 50% 53% 29% 10% 25% 16% 40% 5% 20% Valuation Model Outputs: Gross profit margin Net operating profit margin Free cash flow ($ mil) Terminal value ($ mil) PV of Company Operations ($ mil) $11,1 Market Value of Company Assets ($ mil) $11,6 FF Consult © 2010 Todos os direitos reservados. Years Ending December 31 Actual |------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Forecast ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Total revenue $2.000.000 $2.400.000 $3.120.000 $4.368.000 $6.552.000 $10.483.200 $15.724.800 $22.014.720 $28.619.136 $34.342.963 $37.777.260 Cost of Goods Sold Gross profit 1.200.000 800.000 1.200.000 1.200.000 1.528.800 1.591.200 2.096.640 2.271.360 3.079.440 3.472.560 4.822.272 5.660.928 7.076.160 8.648.640 9.686.477 12.328.243 12.306.228 16.312.908 14.424.045 19.918.918 15.488.676 22.288.584 Selling, general and administrative expenses Earnings before interest, taxes, depr. & amort. (EBITDA) 1.200.000 -400.000 1.200.000 0 1.248.000 343.200 1.310.400 960.960 1.900.080 1.572.480 2.935.296 2.725.632 4.245.696 4.402.944 5.723.827 6.604.416 7.154.784 9.158.124 8.242.311 11.676.607 8.688.770 13.599.814 Depreciation and amortization Earnings before Interest and taxes (EBIT) Available tax-loss carryforwards Net taxable earnings 200.000 -600.000 0 0 240.000 -240.000 -600.000 0 312.000 31.200 -840.000 0 436.800 524.160 -808.800 0 655.200 917.280 -284.640 632.640 1.048.320 1.677.312 0 1.677.312 1.572.480 2.830.464 0 2.830.464 2.201.472 4.402.944 0 4.402.944 2.861.914 6.296.210 0 6.296.210 3.434.296 8.242.311 0 8.242.311 3.777.726 9.822.088 0 9.822.088 Federal and State Income Taxes Net Operating Profit After-Tax (NOPAT) 0 -600.000 0 -240.000 0 31.200 0 524.160 253.056 664.224 670.925 1.006.387 1.132.186 1.698.278 1.761.178 2.641.766 2.518.484 3.777.726 3.296.924 4.945.387 3.928.835 5.893.253 240.000 312.000 436.800 655.200 1.048.320 -1.400.000 -1.890.000 -2.457.000 -3.071.250 -3.685.500 76.000 129.600 212.160 349.440 589.680 ($1.400.000) ($1.324.000) ($1.417.200) ($1.283.880) ($1.402.386) ($1.041.113) 1.572.480 -3.316.950 733.824 $687.632 2.201.472 -2.819.408 817.690 $2.841.521 2.861.914 -2.255.526 792.530 $5.176.644 3.434.296 -1.691.645 629.621 $7.317.659 3.777.726 -1.184.151 343.430 $8.830.257 Add back depreciation and amortization Subtract Capital Expenditures Subtract New Net Working Capital Free Cash Flow 200.000 -1.000.000 Terminal value, 2011 $61.811.799 Present Value of Free Cash Flows @ 20% -1.103.333 -984.167 -742.986 -676.305 Total Present Value of Company Operations $11.129.331 Plus Current Assets 500.000 from Pie in the Skys' December 31, 2001 Balance Sheet Total Market Value of Great Expectations' Assets $11.629.331 FF Consult © 2010 Todos os direitos reservados. -418.400 230.287 793.016 1.203.922 1.418.211 11.409.086 INITIAL INVESTMENT CASHFLOW DETAILS $50.000 Initial Investment= $7.484 Opportunity cost (if any)= Deprec. method(1:St.line;2:DDB)= 2 0 Other invest.(non-depreciable)= 8,00% b. Riskless rate= 10% Tax Credit (if any )= 0,9 2a. Beta 40% Tax rate on net income= 2 10% 1. Discount rate = 0 Fixed expenses in year 1= $10.000 Salvage Value at end of project= Approach(1:Direct;2:CAPM)= 50% Var. Expenses as % of Rev= 10 Lifetime of the investment DISCOUNT RATE $40.000 Revenues in year 1= c. Market risk premium = 5,50% d. Debt Ratio = 30,00% e. Cost of Borrowing = 9,00% Discount rate used= 10,69% WORKING CAPITAL Initial Investment in Work. Cap= Working Capital as % of Rev= Salvageable fraction at end= $10.000 25% 100% GROWTH RATES 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Revenues Do not enter 1 10,00% 10,00% 10,00% 10,00% 0,00% 0,00% 0,00% 0,00% 0,00% Fixed Expenses Do not enter 10,00% 10,00% 10,00% 10,00% 0,00% 0,00% 0,00% 0,00% 0,00% 5 6 7 8 9 10 Default: The fixed expense growth rate is set equal to the growth rate in revenues by default. YEAR 0 1 2 3 4 INITIAL INVESTMENT Investment $50.000 - Tax Credit $5.000 Net Investment $45.000 + Working Cap $10.000 + Opp. Cost $7.484 + Other invest. $0 Initial Investment $62.484 SALVAGE VALUE Equipment Working Capital OPERATING CASHFLOWS Lifetime Index Revenues -Var. Expenses - Fixed Expenses EBITDA - Depreciation EBIT -Tax EBIT(1-t) + Depreciation - ∂ Work. Cap NATCF ($62.484) Discount Factor 1 Discounted CF ($62.484) $0 $0 1 $40.000 $20.000 $0 $20.000 $10.000 $10.000 $4.000 $6.000 $10.000 $0 $16.000 1,10685 $14.455 $0 $0 1 $44.000 $22.000 $0 $22.000 $8.000 $14.000 $5.600 $8.400 $8.000 $1.000 $15.400 1,225116923 $12.570 $0 $0 1 $48.400 $24.200 $0 $24.200 $6.400 $17.800 $7.120 $10.680 $6.400 $1.100 $15.980 1,356020666 $11.784 $0 $0 1 $53.240 $26.620 $0 $26.620 $5.120 $21.500 $8.600 $12.900 $5.120 $1.210 $16.810 1,500911474 $11.200 $0 $0 1 $58.564 $29.282 $0 $29.282 $4.096 $25.186 $10.074 $15.112 $4.096 $1.331 $17.877 1,661283865 $10.761 $0 $0 1 $58.564 $29.282 $0 $29.282 $3.277 $26.005 $10.402 $15.603 $3.277 $0 $18.880 1,838792046 $10.268 $0 $0 1 $58.564 $29.282 $0 $29.282 $2.621 $26.661 $10.664 $15.996 $2.621 $0 $18.618 2,035266976 $9.148 $0 $0 1 $58.564 $29.282 $0 $29.282 $486 $28.796 $11.518 $17.278 $486 $0 $17.764 2,252735252 $7.885 $0 $0 1 $58.564 $29.282 $0 $29.282 $0 $29.282 $11.713 $17.569 $0 $0 $17.569 2,493440014 $7.046 $10.000 $14.641 1 $58.564 $29.282 $0 $29.282 $0 $29.282 $11.713 $17.569 $0 $0 $17.569 2,759864079 $15.294 Investment Measures NPV = $47.928 IRR = 23,55% ROC = 60,12% Book Value (beginning) Depreciation BV(ending) $50.000 $50.000 $10.000 $40.000 $40.000 $8.000 $32.000 FF Consult © 2010 Todos os direitos reservados. BOOK VALUE & DEPRECIATION $32.000 $25.600 $20.480 $6.400 $5.120 $4.096 $25.600 $20.480 $16.384 $16.384 $3.277 $13.107 $13.107 $2.621 $10.486 $10.486 $486 $10.000 $10.000 $0 $10.000 $10.000 $0 $10.000 Cost of capital 20% Year 0 Depreciation (for taxes) Net working capital Change in net working capital Net property, plant & equipment 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 10.000 20,00% 550 550 8.000 32,00% 1.289 739 4.800 19,20% 3.261 1.972 2.880 11,52% 4.890 1.629 1.728 11,52% 3.583 (1.307) 576 5,76% 2.002 (1.581) - Sales Less COGS Less depreciation Less other costs (4.000) 523 (837) (2.000) (2.200) 12.887 (7.729) (3.200) (1.210) 32.610 (19.552) (1.920) (1.331) 48.901 (29.345) (1.152) (1.464) 35.834 (21.492) (1.152) (1.611) 19.717 (11.830) (576) (1.772) EBIT Less taxes @ 35% (4.000) 1.400 (4.514) 1.580 748 (262) 9.807 (3.432) 16.940 (5.929) 11.579 (4.053) 5.539 (1.939) EBIAT (2.600) Plus depreciation Less change in net working capital - (2.934) 2.000 (550) 486 3.200 (739) 6.375 1.920 (1.972) 11.011 1.152 (1.629) 7.526 1.152 1.307 3.600 576 1.581 2.002 Cash flow from operations Less capital investment Plus capital disposal Less taxes on capital disposal (2.600) (10.000) - (1.484) - 2.947 - 6.323 - 10.534 - 9.985 - 5.757 - 2.002 1.949 (682) Net cash flow Present value factor PV of cash flow Cumulative PV Net present value (12.600) 100% (12.600) (12.600) 3.802 (1.484) 83% (1.237) (13.837) 2.947 69% 2.047 (11.790) 6.323 58% 3.659 (8.131) 10.534 48% 5.080 (3.051) 9.985 40% 4.013 962 5.757 33% 1.928 2.890 3.269 28% 912 3.802 FF Consult © 2010 Todos os direitos reservados. (2.002) Pre-Startup 1. CASH ON HAND [Beginning of month] 2. CASH RECEIPTS (a) Cash Sales (b) Collections from Credit Accounts (c) Loan or Other Cash Injection 3. TOTAL CASH RECEIPTS [2a + 2b + 2c=3] 4. TOTAL CASH AVAILABLE [Before cash out] (1 + 3) Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5. CASH PAID OUT (a) Purchases (Merchandise) (b) Gross W ages (excludes withdrawals) (c) Payroll Expenses (Taxes, etc.) (d) Outside Services (e) Supplies (Office and operating) (f) Repairs and Maintenance (g) Advertising (h) Auto, Delivery, and Travel (i) Accounting and Legal (j) Rent (k) Telephone (l) Utilities (m) Insurance (n) Taxes (Real Estate, etc.) (o) Interest (p) Other Expenses [Specify each] (q) Miscellaneous [Unspecified] (r) Subtotal (s) Loan Principal Payment (t) Capital Purchases [Specify] (u) Other Start-up Costs (v) Reserve and/or Escrow [Specify] (w) Owner's W ithdrawal 6. TOTAL CASH PAID OUT [Total 5a thru 5w] 7. CASH POSITION [End of month] (4 minus 6) ESSENTIAL OPERATING DATA [Non-cash flow information] A. Sales Volume [Dollars] B. Accounts Receivable [End of Month] C. Bad Debt [End of Month] D. Inventory on Hand [End of Month] E. Accounts Payable [End of Month] F. Depreciation CHECKING (calculation verification) [See Guidelines worksheet for details] CHECK #1 CHECK #2 CHECK #3 CHECK #4 FF Consult © 2010 Todos os direitos reservados. Verified Verified Verified Verified Annual 25.000.000 $ Annual Sales $ Cost of goods(Material, labor, subcontractors) Month One Month Ending Balance Gap Days Month Two Inventory $ 500.000 8 Cost in Excess $ 1.000.000 Accounts Receivable $ 3.500.000 Billings in excess $ 1.000.000 (15) $ Accounts Payable $ 2.300.000 CASH GAP DAYS $ Gap Days Month Three Gap Days 22.250.000 $ 60.959 Three Month Average 650.000 11 $ 850.000 14 $ 666.667 11 16 $ 1.200.000 20 $ 1.750.000 29 $ 1.316.667 22 51 $ 3.750.000 55 $ 3.900.000 57 $ 3.716.667 54 500.000 (7) $ 250.000 (4) $ 583.333 (9) (38) $ 2.100.000 (34) $ 1.900.000 (31) $ 2.100.000 (34) 23 Average Cost per day Cash Gap Days 43 65 44 $ $ Borrowing rate Borrowing Cost per day Daily 68.493 11% Gross Margin Amount of Money that needs to be borrowed $ $ FF Consult © 2010 Todos os direitos reservados. 23 43 1.425.000 $ 2.642.500 8,5% 8,5% 332 $ 615 65 $ 3.948.500 $ 8,5% $ 920 60.959 43,83 2.672.000 8,5% $ 622 Financial Projection Model YEAR OF FIRST INPUT DATA SALES (LAST YEAR) SALES GROWTH (YEARS +1 TO +5) COGS/SALES (% OF SALES) SALES EXPENSE (% OF SALES) ADMINIST. EXPENSE (% OF SALES) DEPRECIATION EXPENSE (% FIXED/ASSETS) INTEREST INCOME LAST YEAR ($) INTEREST EXPENSE LAST YEAR ($) INTEREST RATE - DEBT (%) INTEREST RATE - INVESTMENTS (%) TAX RATE (% OF B/T INCOME) LAST PREFERRED STOCK DIVIDEND ($) LAST YEAR 1983 $6.469 88,00% 7,00% 0,00% 5,00% $50 $140 36,00% $0 FUTURE PREFERRED STOCK DIVIDENDS ($) LAST COMMON STOCK DIVIDEND ($) FUTURE COMMON DIVIDENDS ($) BEGINNING CASH BALANCE MINIMUM CASH BALANCE (% SALES) BEGIN MARKETABLE SECURITIES ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE (% SALES) INVENTORIES (% SALES) OTHER CURR. ASSETS (% SALES) BEGIN FIXED ASSETS DOLLAR AMOUNT CHANGE IN FIXED ASSETS YEAR +1 CHANGE IN FIXED ASSETS YEAR +2 CHANGE IN FIXED ASSETS YEAR +3 CHANGE IN FIXED ASSETS YEAR +4 ACCUMULATED DEPRECIATION ACCOUNTS PAYABLE (% SALES) TAXES PAYABLE & OTHER ACCRUALS BEGINNING SHORT TERM DEBT & NOTES SHORT-TERM LOANS - DO NOT ENTER --> OTHER CURR. LIABS. (% SALES) LONG-TERM DEBT & LIABILITIES NEW LONG TERM DEBT YEAR +1 NEW LONG TERM DEBT YEAR +2 NEW LONG TERM DEBT YEAR +3 NEW LONG TERM DEBT YEAR +4 PREFERRED STOCK STARTING COMMON STOCK STARTING RETAINED EARNINGS STOCK ISSUE YEAR +1 STOCK ISSUE YEAR +2 STOCK ISSUE YEAR +3 STOCK ISSUE YEAR +4 EXTRAORDINARY GAIN / (LOSS) YEAR 0 EXTRAORDINARY GAIN / (LOSS) YEAR +1 EXTRAORDINARY GAIN / (LOSS) YEAR +2 EXTRAORDINARY GAIN / (LOSS) YEAR +3 EXTRAORDINARY GAIN / (LOSS) YEAR +4 INFORMATION FOR VALUATION OF FIRM BETA OF FIRM'S STOCK (EXISTING) (BL) 6,00% 87,00% 7,00% 0,00% 5,00% 8,50% 6,00% 36,00% $0 $86 $90 $100 2,00% $300 10,00% 13,00% 0,00% $3.463 10,00% 13,00% 0,00% $338 $31 $42 $10 $0 10,00% 6,00% $0 PLUG 7,40% $1.523 10,00% 6,00% 0 PLUG 8,70% $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $2.242 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 ($118) $0 $0 $0 $0 1,11 ASSUMED RATE OF GROWTH 5,00% RISK FREE RATE (T - BOND) 8,49% FF Consult © 2010 Todos os direitos reservados. FUTURE YEARS INCOME STATEMENT SALES INTEREST ON MARK. SECS. & CASH COGS GROSS PROFIT SALES/DISTRIBUTION EXPENSE ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSE DEPRECIATION EXPENSE EXTRAORDINARY GAIN (LOSS) EBIT INTEREST EXPENSE (S/T & L/T DEBT) PROFIT BEFORE TAX TAX EXPENSE PROFIT AFTER TAX PREFERRED STOCK DIVIDENDS COMMON STOCK DIVIDENDS EARNINGS RETAINED LAST YEAR $6.469 $50 $5.693 $826 $453 $0 $173 ($118) $318 $140 $178 $64 $114 $0 $86 $28 YEAR +1 $6.857 $26 $5.966 $918 $480 $0 $190 $0 $248 $146 $102 $37 $65 $0 $90 ($25) YEAR +2 $7.269 $27 $6.324 $972 $509 $0 $192 $0 $271 $132 $139 $50 $89 $0 $90 ($1) YEAR +3 $7.705 $36 $6.703 $1.037 $539 $0 $193 $0 $305 $129 $175 $63 $112 $0 $90 $22 YEAR +4 $8.167 $50 $7.105 $1.112 $572 $0 $196 $0 $344 $129 $215 $77 $137 $0 $90 $47 YEAR +5 $8.657 $67 $7.532 $1.192 $606 $0 $194 $0 $392 $129 $263 $95 $168 $0 $90 $78 BALANCE SHEET CASH MARKETABLE SECURITIES EXCESS CASH ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE INVENTORIES OTHER CURRENT ASSETS FIXED ASSETS ACCUMULATED DEPRECIATION TOTAL ASSETS $100 $300 $0 $647 $841 $0 $3.463 $0 $5.351 $137 $300 $0 $686 $891 $0 $3.801 ($190) $5.625 $145 $300 $0 $727 $945 $0 $3.832 ($382) $5.567 $154 $300 $139 $770 $1.002 $0 $3.874 ($575) $5.664 $163 $300 $371 $817 $1.062 $0 $3.884 ($771) $5.826 $173 $300 $642 $866 $1.125 $0 $3.884 ($965) $6.025 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE TAXES PAYABLE & OTHER ACCRUALS SHORT TERM LOANS & NOTES (With Interest) NEW SHORT-TERM LOANS REQUIRED OTHER CURRENT LIABILITIES LONG-TERM DEBT/LIABILITIES PREFERRED STOCK COMMON STOCK RETAINED EARNINGS TOTAL LIABILTIES AND EQUITY $647 $388 $0 $72 $479 $1.523 $0 $2.242 $0 $5.351 $686 $411 $0 $191 $597 $1.523 $0 $2.242 ($25) $5.625 $727 $436 $0 $33 $632 $1.523 $0 $2.242 ($26) $5.567 $770 $462 $0 $0 $670 $1.523 $0 $2.242 ($4) $5.664 $817 $490 $0 $0 $711 $1.523 $0 $2.242 $44 $5.826 $866 $519 $0 $0 $753 $1.523 $0 $2.242 $122 $6.025 ESTIMATE DEBT/EXCESS CASH TRIAL ASSETS TRIAL LIABILITIES AND EQUITY PLUG: DEBT (EXCESS CASH) $5.351 $5.279 $72 $5.625 $5.434 $191 $5.567 $5.534 $33 $5.525 $5.664 ($139) $5.455 $5.826 ($371) $5.383 $6.025 ($642) PERFORMANCE MEASURES ROE ROA RETURN ON SALES TIMES INTEREST EARNED TOTAL DEBT TO ASSETS LONG TERM DEBT TO ASSETS SHORT TERM DEBT TO ASSETS DEBT TO EQUITY EARNINGS PER SHARE CURRENT RATIO QUICK RATIO ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE TURNOVER AVERAGE COLLECTION PERIOD INVENTORY TURNOVER FIXED ASSET TURNOVER CASH FLOW RETURN ON ASSETS FF Consult © 2010 Todos os direitos reservados. 5,09% 2,13% 1,76% 2,27 2,94% 1,16% 0,95% 1,70 4,01% 1,60% 1,22% 2,05 5,01% 1,98% 1,46% 2,35 6,01% 2,36% 1,68% 2,66 7,11% 2,79% 1,94% 3,03 29,81% 28,46% 1,35% 0,71 30,48% 27,07% 3,40% 0,77 27,95% 27,36% 0,59% 0,70 26,89% 26,89% 0,00% 0,68 26,14% 26,14% 0,00% 0,67 25,28% 25,28% 0,00% 0,64 $0,51 $0,29 $0,40 $0,50 $0,61 $0,75 1,19 0,66 1,07 0,60 1,16 0,64 1,24 0,72 1,34 0,82 1,45 0,93 10,00 36,50 6,77 1,87 ---- 10,00 36,50 6,69 1,90 1,29% 10,00 36,50 6,69 2,11 7,24% 10,00 36,50 6,69 2,34 7,51% 10,00 36,50 6,69 2,62 8,54% 10,00 36,50 6,69 2,97 9,16% Earnings Before Interest & Taxes (EBIT) $318 $248 $271 $305 $344 $392 PLUS Depreciation N/A $190 $192 $193 $196 $194 MINUS Net Increase in Property, Plant & Equipment at Cost N/A $338 $31 $42 $10 $0 MINUS Increase in Accounts Receivable N/A $39 $41 $44 $46 $49 MINUS Increase in Inventories N/A $50 $53 $57 $60 $64 PLUS Increase in Accounts Payable N/A $39 $41 $44 $46 $49 PLUS Increase in Taxes Payable N/A $23 $25 $26 $28 $29 EQUALS = Cash from Operations N/A $72 $403 $425 $498 $552 LESS: Tax as % EBIT N/A $89 $98 $110 $124 $141 EQUALS = Free Cash Flow or Unlevered Free Cash Flow N/A $305 $316 $374 $411 FF Consult © 2010 Todos os direitos reservados. ($17) UNLEVER BETA & CALCULATE WACC = Existing Beta of Firm's Stock LEVERED BETA 1,11 = Existing Debt / Equity Ratio EXISTING D/E RATIO 0,71 = BL / ( 1+ D/E ) Note: D/E = DEBT to EQUITY UNLEVERED BETA 0,65 ASSUMED MARKET RISK PREMIUM (Enter Value) COST OF UNLEVERED EQUITY 8,40% 13,94% D/E = 1.00 D/E = 2.33 D/E = 9.00 = RSU = RF + (B UL*Market Risk Premium) WACC = [(% Debt) * (KD) * (1 - T)] + [(% Equity) * (RF +(BL * (MRP))] CALCULATION OF WACC WACC AT EXISTING D/E D/E = .111 D/E = .428 = Assumed Historical Market Risk Premium (Note: RM -RF) 12,67% 13,70% 13,40% 13,53% 14,71% 17,81% CASH FLOW TO CAPITAL % DEBT 41,6% 10,00% 30,00% % EQUITY 58,4% 90,00% 70,00% KD BETA 1,11 0,72 0,93 8,50% 9,49% 10,49% Note: Cost of Debt (before tax) increases as D/E ratio increases, from RF + 1% to RF + 5%. 50,00% 70,00% 90,00% 50,00% 30,00% 10,00% 1,30 2,16 6,49 11,99% 14,99% 19,99% YEAR +1 YEAR +2 YEAR +3 YEAR +4 YEAR +5 $316 $374 $411 ($17) $305 TERMINAL VALUE - WITH GROWTH TERMINAL VALUE - NO GROWTH $5.906 $5.357 PV FACTOR AT EXISTING WACC NPV PV FLOWS TO CAPITAL AT ASSUMED GROWTH RATE AFTER LAST YEAR $4.157 NPV 0,8875 0,7877 0,6992 0,6205 0,5508 DCF YR. 1 DCF. YR. 2 DCF YR. 3 DCF YR. 4 DCF YR. 5 + DCF TV ($15) DCF YR. 1 $241 DCF. YR. 2 $221 DCF YR. 3 $232 DCF YR. 4 PV FLOWS TO CAPITAL AT NO GROWTH AFTER LAST YEAR $3.855 TOTAL VALUE OF FIRM AT ASSUMED GROWTH RATE LESS DEBT $2.083 DCF Value of Firm Minus Existing Debt TOTAL VALUE OF FIRM WITH NO GROWTH LESS DEBT $1.781 DCF Value of Firm Minus Existing Debt ($15) $241 $221 VALUE OF FIRM & VALUE OF EQUITY AT VARIOUS D/E RATIOS D / E RATIOS 0,111 0,428 1,000 2,330 WACC 13,70% 13,40% 13,53% 14,71% TOTAL VALUE OF FIRM AT ASSUMED GROWTH $3.985 $4.033 $4.012 $3.823 RATE AFTER TERMINAL YEAR VALUE OF FIRM AT ASSUMED RATE OF $1.911 $1.959 $1.938 $1.749 GROWTH LESS EXISTING DEBT FF Consult © 2010 Todos os direitos reservados. $232 9,000 17,81% $3.376 $1.302 $3.479 DCF YR. 5 + DCF TV $3.176 Assumed YEAR 6 With Growth $431 No Growth $411 (D1 / k - g) (D1 / k - g) NOPAT 5.242 5.569 6.660 8.328 7.524 Annual EVA Summary ($ in Thousands) Total Invested Capital and Cost of Capital Year 1 Capital Employed: Debt Equity Book Value of Capital Adjustments: Capitalized R&D 2 3 4 5 35.300 21.000 34.100 22.000 32.900 26.700 32.850 28.700 29.150 33.039 56.300 56.100 59.600 61.550 62.189 6.901 6.751 6.662 6.680 6.600 Depreciation Goodwill - - - - - Present Value of Operating Leases 10.558 12.645 11.678 9.700 7.400 Total Adjusted Capital 73.759 75.495 77.940 77.929 76.188 Pre-Tax Cost of Capital: Debt (Kd) Equity W eighted Average (Kw) 6,5% 20,0% 12,6% Tax Rate 34,0% After-Tax Weighting 4,3% 20,0% 11,4% 55% 45% Annual EVA Summary ($ in Thousands) Economic Value Added Year 1 2 3 4 5 NOPAT 5.242 5.569 6.660 8.328 Capital Cost 8.379 8.576 8.854 8.852 (3.137) (3.006) (2.193) (525) (1.130) (2.040) (4.217) (5.985) (6.457) (7.587) 7,1% 7,4% 8,5% 10,7% 9,9% 11,4% 11,4% 11,4% 11,4% 11,4% -4,3% -4,0% -2,8% -0,7% -1,5% Annual EVA Current Value of Cumulative EVA NOPAT Return on Adjusted Capital Return Hurdle (cost of capital) Value Added (-Shortfall) 7.524 8.655 Other Performance Measures EBIT EBITDA 4.350 5.365 6.769 8.088 8.638 13.000 14.300 15.730 17.303 19.033 Sales Growth -12,7% 10,0% 10,0% 10,0% 10,0% Operating Earnings Growth -34,8% 17,8% 27,0% 23,4% 20,8% Net Earnings Growth 5,7% -76,3% 39,6% 40,2% 25,2% Operating Margin 4,5% 4,8% 5,6% 6,2% 6,9% Net Profit Margin 1,7% 2,1% 2,7% 3,1% 3,0% EBITDA Margin 12,9% 13,1% 13,0% 12,8% 12,0% Return on Equity (ROE) 8,0% 10,6% 12,3% 14,3% 10,3% Return on Net Assets (RONA) 2,9% 4,1% 5,4% 6,5% 5,9% 1,1 1,1 1,1 1,1 1,1 FF Consult © 2010 Todos os direitos reservados. Sales / Gross Fixed Assets Current EBIT $1.535,00 Current tax rate = (in currency) 36% Capital Expenditures $550,00 (in currency) Depreciation = $400,00 (in currency) Change in Working Capital = $160,00 (in currency) Do you want to change the capital expenditure/depreciation ratio? If so, enter capital expenditures as a percent of depreciation Debt ratio = 29,97% If negative, enter zero. Yes (Yes or No) 125% ( in percent) Are you directly entering the cost of equity? (Yes or No) No If yes, enter cost of equity = (in percent) If no, enter the inputs for the CAPM Beta of the stock = 1,1 Riskfree rate = 7% (in percent) Risk Premium= 5,50% (in percent) Enter the cost of debt = 8,50% Expected Growth Rate = This is a pre-tax cost of borrowing. 5% (in percent) The expected growth rate for a stable firm cannot be significantly higher than the nominal growth rate in the economy in which the firm operates. It can be lower. Warnings: This is the output from the Model Firm Details: from inputs on prior page EBIT (1- tax rate) = $982,40 - (Capital Spending - Depreciation) $100,00 - Change in Working Capital $160,00 Free Cashflow to Firm = Cost of Equity = $722,40 13,05% 5,44% Cost of Debt = 10,77% Cost of Capital = Expected Growth rate = 5,00% Value of Firm Value $20.507,03 $16.055,75 $13.147,56 $11.098,61 $9.577,10 $8.402,60 $7.468,55 Value vs. Expected Growth $25.000,00 ValueofStock Growth rate 7,00% 6,00% 5,00% 4,00% 3,00% 2,00% 1,00% $13.147,56 $20.000,00 $15.000,00 $10.000,00 $5.000,00 $0,00 7,00% 6,00% 5,00% 4,00% 3,00% 2,00% 1,00% FF Consult © 2010 Todos os direitos reservados. Expected Growth Rate