LEGAL LETTER No. 204 / MARCH 2014 1. In December 2013, the
LEGAL LETTER No. 204 / MARCH 2014 1. In December 2013, the
JOSÉ MAURÍCIO MACHADO ISABEL A. BERTOLETTI LUÍS ROGÉRIO G. FARINELLI CARLOS AUGUSTO DA CRUZ EDIMILSO GOMES DA SILVA CRISTIANE M. S. MAGALHÃES JÚLIO M. DE OLIVEIRA ROSIENE SOARES N UNES MARIA C RISTINA BRAGA E SILVA MAURI BÓRNIA LISIANE B. H. MENOSSI PACE RICARDO M. DEBATIN SILVEIRA DANIEL LACASA MAYA RENATA ALMEIDA PISANESCHI FABIO F. LANZANA PEREIRA FABIO MEDEIROS ERIKA YUMI TUKIAMA PAULO ROGÉRIO GARCIA RIBEIRO ROBERTO FLEURY A. CAMARGO LUCIANA FELISBINO GUSTAVO DE FREITAS LEITE SORAIA MONTEIRO DA MATTA CAROLINA ROMANINI MIGUEL JULIANA MARI TANAKA JULIANA DE AGUIAR ALIOTI PASSI ROCHELLE RICCI LANA PATRÍCIA PEREIRA MAURO TAKAHASHI MORI TATIANA GALVÃO VILLANI JAQUELINE AP. FERREIRA SLUIUZAS ANDRÉ LUIZ DOS SANTOS PEREIRA MARCEL AUGUSTO SATOMI ANA LÚCIA CASTAGNARI MARRA SUZANA CAMARÃO CENCIN EDUARDO AMIRABILE DE MELO CARLOS EDUARDO DE A. NAVARRO RENATO SILVEIRA ÁTILA C. BEATRICE CONDINI JONSON CHUNG ROGÉRIO GAVIOLLE CAROLINA RONCATTI TRIGUEIROS GABRIEL CALDIRON REZENDE FERNANDA G. S. FIASCO RIBEIRO GUSTAVO PEREZ TAVARES MIRELLA ANDREOLA DE ALMEIDA RAFAELA LUZ AMBROSIO NATHALIE SPOSITO COUTO ANA CRISTINA MAIA MAZZAFERRO DÉBORA RAHAL MARESSA ROMERA DE MORAES FERNANDA HENNEBERG BENEMOND LORENA MORAIS X IMENES CAMPOS KATHERINA KURAMOTI BALLESTA FERNANDO FARINELLI ELAINE ALVES FERREIRA PEDRO DE MENDONÇA E LANZA MANOELA VARGAS NUNES DIAS PEDRO CAVALCANTI BOTELHO DOUGLAS GUILHERME FILHO SÉRGIO VILLANOVA V ASCONCELOS ANDRÉ A. T. JUNQUEIRA AMARANTE EDUARDO MONTEIRO BARRETO RENATA YURI YUASA RAFAEL MALCHER A. C. SILVA LEONARDO CEPELLOS MONTICELLI LUANA NAVARRO GONÇALVES STEPHANIE J ANE MAKIN ANGÉLICA LUIZA ROSSI DA COSTA T HOMAS BELITZ FRANÇA PABLO GOYTIA CARMONA JESSICA ANN BERNSTEIN HEUMANN ANDRÉ BLOTTA LAZA VIVIAN WESTPHALEN DE CASTILHOS AMANDA ALVES BRANDÃO ALEXANDRE MURIEL MICHELLE ARAÚJO MELO MOARA JACOB DA ROCHA LÚCIO BRENO P. ARGENTINO EDGARD SHWERY NETO VICTOR BULCÃO MARTINELLI PINTO RAPHAEL OKANO P. DE OLIVEIRA PALOMA YUMI DE OLIVEIRA CESAR ALVES MENDONÇA PALOMA GERZELI PITRE KAROLINA GOMES DA SILVA ALINE HARADA DE ALMEIDA INGRID DO NASCIMENTO PISTILI MANUELA CURTO DUARTE SILVA BRUNO CESAR F. N. DOS SANTOS LILIANA CORREA LIMA TAVARES SAMANTHA ALVES DE PINHO VIEIRA DÉBORA REGINA MARCH TÂNIA RIBEIRO DA SILVA TAÍS BUDAI GABRIELA CALDEIRA TUNCHEL RENATA MONTEIRO MORMINO BEATRIZ RODRIGUES PALORCA GIOVANNA COSTA BARBIERI ZILBO SIMEI FILHO BRUNA DA CUNHA COSTA CARDOSO TAMARA DUARTE DE OLIVEIRA SÃO PAULO AV. BRIGADEIRO FARIA LIMA, 1656 11º ANDAR (01451-918) SÃO PAULO - SP - BRASIL T. + 55 11 3819 4855 BRASÍLIA COMPLEXO BRASIL XXI - BLOCO A SHS QUADRA 06 CONJ.6 SALA 808 ASA SUL ( 70316-100) BRASÍLIA - DF- BRASIL T. + 55 61 3039 8081 RIO DE JANEIRO PRAÇA FLORIANO, 19 - 4º ANDAR CENTRO (20031-050) RIO DE JANEIRO - RJ - BRASIL T. +55 21 3550-3000 LEGAL LETTER No. 204 / MARCH 2014 WHT ON SERVICE REMITTANCES ABROAD: OPINION PGFN/CAT 2363/13 Erika Tukiama and Stephanie Makin1 1. In December 2013, the National Treasury Attorney-General’s Office (local acronym “PGFN”) issued Opinion PGFN/CAT 2363 to express its understanding about the levy (or not) of Withholding Tax (“WHT”) on remittances for technical services, without transfer of technology, to beneficiaries resident in countries with which Brazil has signed a treaty for the avoidance of double taxation (“DTT”). From the analysis of such opinion, it seems that both the Brazilian Revenue Service (local acronym “RFB”) and the PGFN are reviewing their stand on the matter. 2. The classification of these remittances under the DTT is a matter of huge discussion between the tax authorities and Brazilian taxpayers as the levy of WHT in Brazil varies according to the article of the DTT under which the remittances are classified, as follows: • article 7 (business profits): no WHT will be levied in Brazil, since this article establishes that only the country of residence of the service provider is allowed to tax the remittances; • article 12 (royalties): WHT will be levied, limited to the maximum rate provided for in each DTT. In practice, tax rates lower than the general 15% rate may be applied, as is the case of remittances to Japan (12.5%), South Africa, Belgium, Korea, Spain, Israel, Mexico and Turkey (10% in all the latter cases); and • article 21 (other income): WHT will be levied, with no rate limit. 3. Up to the issuance of the PGFN’s opinion, the RFB and the PGFN had consistently defended the classification of said remittances under article 21. Taxpayers, on the other hand, 1 Erika Tukiama and Stephanie Makin are members of the Direct Taxes and International Taxation area at MACHADO ASSOCIADOS ADVOGADOS E CONSULTORES. (supported by prevailing case law, including a favorable precedent from the Brazilian Superior Court of Justice in the Copesul case2) upheld the classification under article 7, following the international practice and the guidelines provided by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (“OECD”) in the Commentaries3 to the Model Convention (in which most of the DDTs are based on). 4. On September 4th 2013, the RFB submitted the matter to the PGFN’s analysis, upon the intention of the Government of Finland to denounce the DTT executed with Brazil if the Brazilian tax authorities confirmed its position regarding the levy of WHT on remittances for technical services to beneficiaries resident in Finland. 5. Based on the favorable and prevailing current position of the Brazilian Judiciary Power and on the international doctrine (OECD Commentaries to the Model Convention): • the General Coordination of Taxation (local acronym “COSIT”) proposed the issuance of an Interpretative Declaratory Act in order to establish a new understanding of the RFB on the matter, now consistent with the DTTs, and the review of Declaratory (Normative) Act COSIT 1/20004; and • the PGFN ordered the revocation of Opinion PGFN/CAT 776/2011, issued specifically for the defense of the Federal Government before the Brazilian Superior Court of Justice in the Copesul case, in which the PGFN maintained the classification under article 21. 6. In summary, this new opinion issued by the PGFN evidences that the COSIT, in its discussions with PGFN, was of the opinion that the remittances should now be classified under article 7 of the DTTs and that article 12 should only be applied when the protocols of the DTTs expressly provided so (many protocols attached to the DDTs include technical services in the scope of article 12). 7. In our opinion, such conclusions are: (i) contrary to the Declaratory (Normative) Act COSIT 1/2000 (still in force); and (ii) compatible with Interpretative Declaratory Act 4/2006, in force, applicable only to the DDT signed with Spain, in which the RFB establishes that technical services remittances made to that country, including the ones related to agreements without technology transfer, should be classified under article 12. 2 First decision issued by a higher court on the matter. This decision, issued in May 2012, classified technical service (without transfer of technology) remittances to Germany and Canada under article 7 of the DTTs, not classifying the remittances under article 21. The classification under article 12 was not analyzed. 3 Although Brazil is not an OECD member, we understand its Commentaries must be considered as an auxiliary instrument regarding the interpretation of the DDT articles. 4 This Act determines the application of the article 21 to any and all remittances for technical services without technology transfer, even if the DTT with the country in which the beneficiary is domiciled does not contain an article 21, as is the case with France. 2DOCS - 1285111v1 8. Following the same understanding of the COSIT, PGFN, in this Opinion, concludes for the (i) non-application of article 21; (ii) application of article 12 to the cases in which DDTs or protocols include technical services in the definition of royalties; and (iii) application of article 7 to other remittances for technical services without technology transfer (remittances to beneficiaries in Austria, Finland, France and Sweden). 9. Although the PGFN’s opinion is not enforceable, it represents a very good indication of a possible change of opinion by the Brazilian tax authorities. It is likely that the RFB will soon decide to formalize this new understanding in a new Interpretative Declaratory Act in order to determine the classification of the remittances under: (i) article 12 (instead of article 21) when the DDTs or its protocols expressly include technical services in the definition of royalties; and (ii) article 7 to the remittances performed to other countries which have signed DDTs with Brazil. 10. In light of this scenario, the high tax burden levied in Brazil on the remittances abroad for technical services without technology transfer could be reduced in the future. The impacts of a new understanding by the Tax Authorities on the matter should be analyzed on a case by case basis. São Paulo, March 2014. 3DOCS - 1285111v1 MACHADO ASSOCIADOS INFORMS: • On February 17, Ricardo M. Debatin da Silveira, partner of the Indirect Taxes area of Machado Associados and Chairman of the Board of the IBDE – Brazilian Institute of Energy Law, attended the opening ceremony of the 5º Fórum Internacional do Direito do Petróleo e Gás Natural, organized by the IBDE. In the event, held on February 17 and 18 at the main office of FIRJAN (Rio de Janeiro), renowned experts present the main events of 2013 in the oil and gas industry, and discuss the challenges faced to honor contracts, especially in the regulatory, taxation, contractual and environmental areas. • • Machado Associados was decorated by ABIHPEC (Brazilian Association of Personal Hygiene, Cosmetics and Toiletries Industries) for the work performed in the areas of Civil and Tax law to establish the ABIHPEC Institute, a not-for-profit association that develops in Brazil the activities of the program “Look Good Feel Better”, referred to in Brazil as “De Bem com Você – a beleza contra o câncer”. The program is devoted to improving the self-esteem and quality of life of people undergoing treatment for cancer. On February 11, Carolina Romanini Miguel, member of the Indirect Taxes area, published the article “Controle Prévio da Atividade Comercial” on the newspaper Valor Econômico. The article is available on Machado Associados’ website. _____________________________________________________________________________ This legal letter contains information and general comments on the matter. In specific cases, it is advisable to rely on proper legal assistance before adopting any concrete actions relating to the matters dealt with herein. 4DOCS - 1285111v1