ICBL2013 Call for Papers


ICBL2013 Call for Papers
ICBL2013 Call for Papers
International Conference on Interactive Computer
aided Blended Learning
6 - 8 November 2013, Florianópolis, Brasil
Scope of the Conference
This interdisciplinary conference aims to focus on the exchange of relevant trends and research
results as well as the presentation of practical experiences gained while developing and testing
elements of interactive computer aided learning. Therefore pilot projects, applications and
products will also be welcome.
This conference will be organized by IFSC – Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e
Tecnologia de Santa Catarina, Brasil (http://www.ifsc.edu.br/) in cooperation with:
• MEC - Brazilian Ministry of Education (http://www.mec.gov.br/)
• IAOE - International Association of Online Engineering
• IELA - International E-Learning Association (http://www.ielassoc.org/)
• ABENGE – Associação Brasileira de Educação em Engenharia
• IFC - Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia Catarinense
• UFSC - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (http:/www.ufsc.br)
• UFRGS - Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (http://www.ufrgs.br/)
• UDESC - Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina (http://www.udesc.br/)
• IJCIS - International Journal of Computing and Information Sciences
• iJET - International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning
• i-JAC - International Journal of Advanced Corporate Learning
• FAPESC – Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa e Inovação do Estado de Santa Catarina
General Chair
Golberi de Salvador Ferreira, Instituto Federal de Educação Ciência e Tecnologia de
Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, Brasil
Conference Co-Chair
Andreas Pester, Carinthia University of Applied Sciences, Villach, Austria
Scientific Advisory Board
Michael E. Auer, Founding President and CEO of the International Association of Online
Engineering (IAOE), Carinthia Tech Institute Villach, Austria (Chair)
Uriel Rubén Cukierman, Dean at the Engineering School, Universidad de Palermo,
Steering Committee
Alice Cybris Perreira, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Brasil
Andreas Pester, Carinthia University of Applied Sciences Villach, Austria
Christian Guetl, University of Technology Graz, Austria
David Guralnick, President of International
Kaleidoscope Learning New York, USA
Golberi de Salvador Ferreira, Instituto Federal de Santa Catarina, Brasil
Gustavo Alves, Instituto Politécnico do Porto, Portugal
Rocael Hernández Rizzardini, Universidad Galileo, Guatemala
Program committee
Carlos Eduardo Pereira, UFRGS, Brasil - Chair
João Bosco da Motta Alves, Brasil
Adelaide P. de Oliveira, Brasil
Jony Laureano Silveira, Brasil
Alice Theresinha Cybis Pereira, Brasil
Jorge L. S. Hermenegildo, Brasil
Andreas Pester, Áustria
Juarez Silva, Brasil
Antônio Pereira Cândido, Brasil
Karsten Henke, Alemanha
Arthur Walter Edwards, México
Luciana Bolan Frigo, Brasil
Barbara Kerr, Canadá
Mario de Noronha Neto, Brasil
Christian Guetl, Áustria
Michael Auer, Áustria
Danilo Garbi Zutin, Áustria
Elisa Flemming Luz, Brasil
Nival Nunes de Almeida, Brasil
Érico de Ávila Madruga, Brasil
Oriel Herrara Gamboa, Chile
Fáber Danilo Giraldo Velásquez, Colômbia
Paulo Roberto Wollinger, Brasil
Fernanda I. M. Argoud, Brasil
Roderval Marcelino, Brasil
Gabriela Marín Raventós, Costa Rica
Suzy Pascoali, Brasil
Geovana Mendonça Lunardi Mendes, Brasil
Teresa Restivo, Portugal
Gicele Vieira Prebianca, Brasil
Thrasyvoulos Tsiatsos, Grécia
Gisele Luz Cardoso, Brasil
Uriel Rubén Cukierman, Argentina
Golberi S. Ferreira, Brasil
Valdir Noll, Brasil
Gustavo R. Alves, Portugal
Vilson Gruber, Brasil
Hector Amado, Guatemala
Wilson Castello Branco Neto, Brasil
Ingvar Gustavsson, Suécia
Wilson J. Morandi Filho, Brasil
Janaína Weissheimer, Brasil
Yu-mei Wang, EUA
Javier Garcia Zubia, Espanha
Local organizing committee
Vinicius de Lucca Filho - Chair
Bruno C. Bertagnolli
Daiana Martini
Felipe C. N. Braga
Geisa G. Albano
Glauco J. R. Borges
Golberi S. Ferreira
Heitor G. Eckeli
Paulo V. Tavares
Roderval Marcelino
Tais Leite Ramos
Vilson Gruber
Waléria K. Haeming
Keynote speakers
Françoise Trapenard, President of Fundação Telefonica, Brasil
Matthew Broda, The College of Wooster, Department of Education, EUA
To be confirmed a speaker from Brazilian Government
To be confirmed a speaker from EU
Topics of interest
• Collecting experiences and needs of Education Institutions in e-Learning
Advanced strategies and conceptions
Best praxis
Advanced methods
Regional differences
Language learning
• Organizational frameworks for e-Learning
New learning models and applications
Embedded learning and learning on demand
Knowledge management and learning
Quality assurance, sustainability
• E-learning methods, methodologies, tools
Environments and tools for e-Learning / m-Learning / lifelong learning
Networks/Grids for learning
Adaptive learning environments
Tools for interactive learning and teaching
Methods of content adaptation
• Pedagogical and psychological issues
Blended Learning
Collaborative learning - evaluation and outcomes assessment
Wikis, Webblogs etc.
• Technical and theoretical issues
Learning Objects and Reusability
Platforms and authoring tools
Applications of the Semantic Web
Standards and style-guides
Multimedia applications and virtual reality
• Remote and virtual laboratories
• Real world experiences
• Mobile learning applications
• Pilot projects / Products / Applications
Types of sessions
Full Paper sessions (20 minutes presentation followed by 10 minutes discussions)
Short Paper sessions: (15 minutes presentation)
Interactive demonstrations (15 minutes, also online demonstrations)
Poster Sessions
Other opportunities to participate
• Run a workshop or tutorial (This are half or full day events and do not require written
or published papers. Proposals should clearly indicate the topic, background knowledge
expected of the participants, objectives, and the qualifications of the instructor).
• Organize a thematic session (Proposals should include a minimum of three papers, a
session title, a list of the topics covered and the qualifications of the session organizer.
The name of the session organizer will appear in the program and proceedings).
• Exhibit at ICBL2013 (products and developments of learning technology).
Conference language
English, but it will be organized special tracks for the presentation of papers in Portuguese.
Submission of papers
the Electronic Submission System
(https://www.conftool.com/icbl2013/), available at the conference website. If
unable to submit the abstract electronically, please contact the Chair. ([email protected]).
Payments and Travel Information
Payment procedures and Travel Information to Florianópolis will be available soon.
Important dates (NEW DEADLINES)
16 Jun 2013:
Submission of extended abstracts for full papers, short
papers and posters, and proposals for workshops, tutorials,
thematic sessions and exhibitions
(No page limits for extended papers or camera-ready)
29 Jul 2013:
Notification of acceptance
22 Sep 2013:
Camera-ready due
6-8 Nov 2013: Conference ICBL2013
The proceedings will be published on CD in cooperation with the Kassel University Press (own
ISBN number). Format instructions will be available in time.
For more information, please contact:
mailto: [email protected]
mailto: [email protected]
Phone:+55 48 3877-9009 or +55 48 3877-9069
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