notice to ships bound for ponta ubu terminal
notice to ships bound for ponta ubu terminal
NOTICE TO SHIPS BOUND FOR PONTA UBU TERMINAL 1- All ships intending to berth at Ponta Ubu Terminal must be vetted/evaluated and approved by Samarco upon owners nomination and prior to acceptance to call the Terminal. 2- Ships with any deck obstruction between the fore hatch covers forward of hatch cover n. 1 and the superstructure (above the hatch coamings height), shall include sketches or plans with identification of the obstructions and respective dimensions. See also the Harbor Particulars (Annex 1). 3- If loading, ships shall send Samarco their Cargo Plan Form (Annex 7) filled for port team analysis, at least 7 consecutive days before their ETA at Ponta Ubu. The Terminal might require changes for improvement of productivity which do not affect operational safety codes. However, the capitan’s approval is always necessary for any change in the cargo plan. 4- If possible, the (total) deballasting time should be faster than the time planned for loading, taking into consideration the values determined as attached (Annex 2). Nevertheless, any time requested for deballasting will be managed as ‘packages’ of no less than 3 hours, and it may be initiated before completion of the deadline, according to the Terminal’s convenience. 5- Ship draft marks shall be in good conditions, clearly visible, and adequately illuminated, as required. The holds’ numbers must be suitable painted. Cargo reserved for trimming shall not exceed 3.0 % of total load. Trimming should be completed at the end holds, or as near to the ends as possible. 6- Procedures considered normal and adequate for draft survey are: an initial reading prior to loading, another reading at the beginning of trimming and one upon completion of loading. No other reading shall be performed that could impair loading, except in case of unpredictable instances or ships with different loads and/or several clients. 7- Ships with different types of cargo shall try to obtain their loading sequence in order to finish the first one before the second cargo brand starts. 8- The terminal nominal average loading rate is 12500 t/h. Loading rates (pour) declared as port uses and practices vary according to ship’s size and follow the loading rates table attached (Annex 2). Masters should declare to the terminal their awareness about terminal particulars and rules. 9- In case of rain, the decision to close holds shall be at the terminal discretion, unless in view of ship’s safety. 10- The operational length for both berths is 228m (between the hatch cover of hold nº1 and the last one). Besides that, the maximum breadth concerning loading limitations is 52 m. 11- Ships in “gas free” condition shall take the necessary measures for issuing and submitting the Gas free Certificate document, without which the ship cannot be moored and will not be considered ready in all respects to berth/load. Therefore, any waiting time will not count as laytime or time on demurrage. However, if there is no inflammable cargo since the last three cargoes, vessels should only send a Master’s declaration in accordance with requirements below. The statement will take in trust. See the abstract below. Resolution A.862(20) - Code of Practice for the Safe Loading and Unloading of Bulk Carriers (SOLAS VI/7), Annex, Section 3 - Procedure between ship and shore prior to the ship's arrival, Quote 3.2.3 Combination carries (OBO or O/O) should advise of the following additional information: .1 nature of the preceding three cargoes; .2 date and place at which the last oil cargo was discharged; .3 advice as to content of slop tanks and whether fully inerted and sealed; and .4 date, place and name of authority that issued the last gas free certificate which includes pipelines and pumps*. *Reference is also made to the International Safety Guide for Oil Tankers & Terminals (ISGOTT). OTHER RELEVANT INFORMATION All material and/or service supply shall be made in compliance with relevant legal requirements and harbor rules, and shall cause no delays. Cargo should not handle by sea/hull or using gang way or pilot ladder. There are many high resolution cameras around the terminal. External activities might be shot and images recorded. 1) Allowance for accessing ships Access to the ship is not allowed without the Captain’s (or his representative’s) approval, for the ship’s own safety and control. Thus, the permit shall be individual (nominal) and not transferable. The request shall be made via email (sent to [email protected]) 24 hours in advance. 2) Oil to the Vessels The supply (and removal) of oily material shall be made by means of sealed drums. Pumping oil or oily waste is only allowed in the terminal in compliance with a series of additional and mitigating requirements in case of an accident and previously agreed with the terminal at least 48 hours in advance. 3) Diving around the ships: It shall always be monitored by Samarco personnel and shall be requested at least 48 hours in advance. 4) Waste removal Shall only be carried out through the secondary entrance gate, even if it is transported by small vehicles, and only during day shift, with weighing being performed both when accessing and leaving Samarco and further issuing of the waste final disposal confirmation within 48 working hours, at the most. 5) Cleaning anchor chain and external hull marine growth and painting It is not allowed in the area under Samarco’s responsibility. 6) Cleaning hold comings and hatches, decks and adjoining areas Cleaning with compressed air jet spreads particulate matters that contribute to the pollution of surrounding waters and beaches. Therefore, it is not allowed until the ship has passed by the buoys double number 1 and 2 . 7) Repairs Onboard Repairs that pose risk to safety, as hot work and others, shall be previously agreed with the terminal. Works that may partially or completely impair the ship’s operational capacity also require previous written authorization, where the ship will assume responsibility for all costs directly or indirectly related to the repair (Annex 3). 8) Movement of the Crew Members of the crew and other people moving around must wear shoes, pants and shirts and must be aware of the conveyor belts risk. 9) Simulation Drills Simulation drills that may interfere with the terminal routine, including such as life boats, boats, external firefighting, etc shall be previously discussed. Terminal simulation drills shall be previously informed to Captains of ships that have been moored and/or anchored, as relevant. (see Annex 4). 10) Berthing and unberthing For Berthing and Unberthing maneuvers, azimuth drive tugs must be used according to the use of tug table. In order to ensuring the safety of the berthed vessel she should be full time supported at least by one tug (minimum bollard pull 40 tf ) 11) Wire ropes during mooring The terminal shall be previously informed about ships that use wire ropes during mooring. Bollards SWL is 150 tf and quick release hooks is 100 tf. The mooring arrangements must be suitable with those values. 12) Ship Inspection (LVS) All ships located at Ponta Ubu are subject to inspection to be carried out by the port team, and might have their ballast water sampled for analysis (see Annex 5). 13) Ballasting Removal of water in good condition and in compliance with Resolution A868 and the Brazilian Maritime Authority Standard (NORMAM-20) is a procedure included in the terminal routine. However, water cannot be dumped on the quay or on port structures even when clear. 14) Kit SOPEP For possible environmental incidents the ship shall be adequately and proportionately equipped with SOPEP Kit. The use of dispersants is not allowed without previous authorization of the competent environmental authorities. 15) ISPS Pre-operational forms related to ISPS and the crew list shall be issued within four days before ETA. (Annex 8). At the end of loading, Form C (ISPS Code, Annex 6) must be returned to foreman filled up and signed. 16) Weather Restrictions Concerning the safety conditions for berthing and/or leaving dock all of shifts will happen after a previous analysis of wind and sea among others. But, in advance, we can declare that no berthing will be booked whenever wind blows above 20 m/s (38,8 Knots), waves higher than 2.5m and/or if the visibility is shorter than 800 m. However, very special situations can be analyzed by a council and approved by consensus. The council consists at least, by the Pilot, one of the tugs skippers and one of the Samarco Master Mariner members. 17) Waiting Vessels There are two independent berths. Vessels queue is understood regarding the ship’s particulars and berth restrictions. Hence, First-Come-First-Served (FCFS) principle is applied as much as possible, but always concerning the words above mentioned. The observation of this instruction summary does not exempt the ship from her responsibilities, and the list of recommendations herein does not include all legal practices and requirements or those established by the terminal. Additional information should be taken with the named ship’s agent. ANNEX LIST: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Harbor Particulars Table Average Loading Rates Table Formal Authorization for Repairs Simulation Drill Formal Authorization Safety and Environment Check List Form C ISPS Code Samarco Loading Plan Form Form A ISPS Code ANNEX 1 HARBOR PARTICULARS TABLE West Berth Length (LOA) Operational length Shiploader Breadth Operational Breadth Draft Cargo Air Draft Turning Basin Draft (Inward) East Berth < 309 m < 228 m < 59 m < 52 m ≤ 16,8 m ≤ 20,0 m Bow < 10,2m Aft < 13,0m Length (LOA) Operational length Shiploader Breadth Operational Breadth Draft Cargo Air Draft < 241 m < 228 m < 33 m < 52 m ≤ 13 m ≤ 20 m Turning Basin Draft (Inward) ≤ 12,4 m Air Draft operational limit (hatch covers) is 20,0 m from tide reference. NOTE: There is a temporary condition which restrains operational limits of the Ship Loader Suitable vessels particulars for bulk discharge Outreach ≥ 7.5 m SWL ≥ 30 t Grab’s capacity ≥ 10 cbm (m3) and ≤ 13.0 cbm (m3) Grabs dimensions: length ≤ 3.0 m; width ≤ 3.6 m ANNEX 2 AVERAGE LOADING RATES TABLE Vessels Range Loading Rate (t/h) DWT < 30,000 ton 4,400 t/h 30,000 < DWT < 53,000 t 5,150 t/h 53,000 < DWT < 80,000 t 6,800 t/h 80,000 < DWT < 130,000 t 8,200 t/h DWT > 130,000 t 9,250 t/h Note: Vessels which have draft restrictions and will load less than 80% of the Summer Deadweight do not need to follow this rule. ANNEX 3 FORMAL AUTHORIZATION FOR REPAIRS Ponta Ubu, , 20 The Master of MV “ ”(vessel’s name) hereby declares his intentions to proceed with maintenance repairs which will require the immobilization of the vessel for hours which is less than half time between the end of the repairs and her ETD (Estimated Time of Departure). Therefore, in accordance with the Terminal rules, it means that it will happen under owner’s and captain’s supervision and in accordance with maritime law and rules and whatsoever costs that arise, directly or indirectly linked with that labor and/or any eventual delay will be under ship’s account. Agree Capt. Vessel´s Stamp: ANNEX 4 SIMULATION DRILL FORMAL AUTHORIZATION Ponta Ubu, , 20 The Master of the M/V “________________________” hereby declares his intentions to carry out the drill (drop the rescue boat, firefighting, etc.) However, in accordance with the Terminal rules, whatever happens with the life rafts, rescue boats, crew or any other device will be under owner´s and master‘s supervision and in accordance with maritime law and rules. Thus, Master agrees that whatsoever costs that arise, directly or indirectly linked with that drill and/or any eventual delay will be under ship's account. Agree Capt. Vessel´s Stamp: ANNEX5 LISTA DE VERIFICAÇÃO E SEGURANÇA(LVS) Safety and Environment Check List SHIP: DATE: Summer DWT: IMO NR.: DESCRIÇÃO DOS ITENS ITEMS DESCRIPTION 01- A amarraçáo é adequada às condições locais de maré, corrente, ventos, tráfego e embarcações atrac adas a contrabordo ? 01- Are mooring arrangements adequate for ali local effects of tide, stream, weather, traffic andseguros craft alongside 02Existem meios de acesso? (3) entre navio e terminal ? 02- ls there safe access between ship and wharf? (3) 03 - Em c as o de emergência , o navio está pronto a navegar por seus próprios meios? E, em c a so negativo, foi feita a solicitaçáo prévia de reparo ao terminal (via agência) ? 03 - In an emergency, is the ship able to leave the berth soon as required? Otherwise, has the terminal been 04Existe efetivo serviço de vigilância previously no c onvés einformed?(3) adequada supervisáo a bordo e no terminal ? 04 - ls there an effective deck watch in attendance on board and an adequate supervision either in terminal or on ship?(3) 05Foram e stabelecidos os procedimentos para as operações envolvendo carga, lastro e abastecimento ? 05- Have the procedures for cargo, bunker and ballast handlinqcoletoras been aqreed 06Os embornais e bandejas es? (3) táo em boas c ondições, adequadamente bu- jonada s a bordo e em terra ? 06- Are ali the scuppers and drip trays effectively plugged on board and 07As cone x ões de carga e ashore?(2) combustíveis que náo estáo em uso, foram devidamente fechadas c om tlanges c egos e totalment e aparafusadas CÓDIGO COD E stat us OBSERVAÇÕES REMARK S A A A A A A A ? 07-Are unused cargo and bunker connections properly blanked and fully o 08O navio p ossui "Plano de gerenciament screwed? (2) de La stro" apropriado e o est á e x ecutando? 08- Has the ship an appropriate " Ballast Management Plan'?Has it been obeyed?(2) 09- Exist e pessoal suficiente a bordo e no terminal para enfrentar uma emergência ? 09- Are there enough crew on board and 10-0s planos de terminal emergência navio adequa staff on to do face an p/ combate inc êndio estáo emerqency?( 3) disposto s e xternament e? 10- ls the fire control plan located externally?(3) last Port of call: quantity of ballast at arrival: A A A 11- O lixo de bordo est á c orretamente acon- dicionado e pronto para ser retirado p/ empre- sa credenciada ? 11- ls the garbage corretly conditioned and ready to be taken to shore? Are the receivers appropriatly credentiated? (1) 12- O livro de registro de lix o de bordo está atualizado e carente ? 12- ls the garbage record book up to date and coherent? (1) 13- O navio está com "kit SOPEP"adequado e disponível ? 13- ls there a "SOPEP kit" available and also adequate (3) 14- E boa a condição geral do convés e da superestrutura? 14- Are the decks and superstructure in good condition ? (1) 15- O livro de registro de óleo está atualizado e coerentemente preenchido , de acordo com as informações contidas no IOPP ? 15- ls the Oil Record Book up to date and 16- A l perfectly "dala" apresent coherent a boas (IOPP)? condiç (1) ões de conservação , não repre sentando risco po- tencial ao meio ambiente ? 16- ls the bilge hold space in good condition meaning no risk to the environment? 17O separador (1) de água e óleo está c om a desc arga para o c ost a do fechada e possui alarme de 15 ppm visual e sonoro operant e? 17 ls the oily water separator discharge valve closed and the 15 ppm alarm working as intended ( light sanitário and sound ) ? 18A unidade de tratamento (1) funcionando normalmente ? está 18- ls the sewage treatment unit working appropriatlv? (1) 19- A estado geral da praça-demáquinas é bom? 19- ls the engine room in good general condition ?(1) 20-0s postos de incêndio estão em condiçõ es de uso? l20- Are the fire stations ready for use ?(3) 21-0s oficiais de bordo podem identificar pessoa designada p/ emergência ambiental ? 21- Can senior ship officers identify the Desiqnated Person ?(3) NAME FOR SHIP A A A A A A A A A A A FOR TERMINAL - Samarco Mineração SA Name FUNÇÃO/RANK FUNÇÃO/RANK SIGNATURE/STAMP SIGNATURE/STAMP Safety Survey ANNEX 6 FORM C ISPS CODE DECLARO, que tomei ciência da obrigatoriedade de registrar, caso ocorram, os danos ou atos ilícitos contra este navio/embarcação, tripulantes ou passageiros e seus pertences e/ou carga, durante a permanência e a interface do navio/embarcação com a instalação portuária. I declare that i’ve taken cognizance of the obligation to register, in case of the occurrence, the damages and/or torts against this vessel, its cargo, materials and equipaments, crew, passengers and its belongings during the permanence and interface of the SHIP with the PORT FACILITY). NAVIO – SHIP Ship´s name Port of register IMO number Master or Officer Identification PORT FACILITY – Terminal Marítimo de Ponta Ubu Legal Name: SAMARCO MINERAÇÂO S/A Adress: Rodovia do Sol s/n, Ponta Ubu, Anchieta-ES IMO number – 24899 UN ATENÇÃO: A recusa, por parte do Comandante, Oficial de Segurança do navio/embarcação, em assinar a presente DECLARAÇÃO impõe ao Supervisor de Segurança da Instalação Portuária que consigne o fato formalmente neste formulário e adote as providências previstas na Resolução nº 36/2005 - CONPORTOS, de 21 de junho de 2005. (ATENTION: If the master or the ship security officer refuses to sign this declaration, imposes the port facility security officer of port installation to formally consign that in this form and adopt the Resolution 6/2005-CONPORTOS steps of june 21th 2004. Observações LOCAL e DATA (PLACE AND DATE) Comandante ou Oficial de Segurança (Master or SSO) Supervisor de Segurança da Instalação Portuária (PFSO) ANNEX 7 – SAMARCO LOADING PLAN FORM PONTA UBU TERMINAL - STANDART FORMAT LOADING SEQUENCY (ONE LOADER) / Rev: 01 DATE: VESSEL: NOMINAL LOADING RATE: DEBALLASTING TIME + STRIPPING: DEBALLASTING PUMPING RATE: Pour No. Cargo Type DOCK WATER DENSITY: LAST CARGO: DISCHARGE PORT: Hold No. Cargo Quantity Deballasting operations Rev. 01 Abr/2011 As per "Average Loading Rates Table" mentioned at Ponta Ubu Port Specifications, Annex 2. AVERAGE LOADING RATE: DRAFT Fwd Aft MAX SF BM Air Mid Draft Draft Trim ARRIVAL CONDITION 12500 mt/h 1025 g/cm3 HOLDS CONDITION STOWAGE PLAN HOLDS CAPACITY (MT) HOLD HOMOGENEOUS ALTERNATE # 1 # 2 # 3 # 4 # 5 # 6 # 7 # 8 # 9 # 10 # 11 # 12 TOTAL ADDITIONAL INFORMATION In case of any deck obstruction beyond hatch covers (cranes, masts, etc...), please inform all details in the blanks bellow, or send us drawings (General arrengement): REMARKS: 01) SAMARCO MINERAÇÃO S/A as shipper / terminal operator will stricly follow the loading plan proposed by vessel. Any deviation required, must be ANNEX 8 – FORM A ISPS CODE Uahiahajmakl,a TOTAL CARGO Ponta UbuTerminal agreed and the loading sequence must be revised. DEPARTURE CONDITION Chief officer / Captain ANNEX 8 – FORM A ISPS CODE Rev. 01 Abr/2011 Terminal de Ponta Ubu - Gerência de Produção ISPS CODE - SHIPS & PORT SECURITY INFORMATION Form "A" (anexo IV -UDP005) SHIP'S INFORMATION Name of Ship Type of Ship Name of Master Name of CSO Name of SSO Port of Registry Name of Company IMO Number Address Co. Means of Contact Phone Means of Contact VHF Channel Email Email Call Sign 24hs Phone 24hs Phone Type of Certificate Ship Security Level Issue Authority Issue date Expire date Yes, explain reasons based on Chapter 5.2 of ISPS Is the Declaration Yesof/ No Security*If required? List of Last 06 Ports of Call* (*Please declare if the ports is in compliance with ISPS Code Yes/No) Port Name / Sailing date dd/mm/yy Port Name / Sailing Date dd/mm/yy Port Name / Sailing Date dd/mm/yy Port Name / Sailing Date dd/mm/yy ISPS ISPS ISPS NEXT PORT OF CALL Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N Additional Information It is very much important to report any security incident. Therefore if the terminal is not informed about it, we automatically conclude that the ship is informing that there is nothing to be reported while she has been under this terminal responsibility. ISPS Y/N PORT INFORMATION Name of Terminal Name of Company Name of PFSO PONTA UBU Samarco Mineração S/A PEREIRA, Jaime Granado Department GERÊNCIA DE PRODUÇÃO Address Rodovia do Sol S/N, Km 16 Ponta Ubu - Anchieta Espírito Santo State, Brazil - CEP 29090-900 Means of Contact: VHF Channel 16 / 12 Email [email protected] Type of Certificate Statement of Compliance of a Port Facility Authority Ministry of Justice - CONPORTOS Issue Date 30 june 2004 Port Security Level * ONE * The DOS is not necessary, unless that the ship invoke one of the itens of the SOLAS XI chapter 5. Port Security & Emergency Station Call Sign "Ponta Ubu Security Station" Means of Contact: VHF Channel 16 / 12 Additional Information Maritime Authority:+55 (27) 3361-9430, 3331-8010 or 3331-8032 - FEDERAL MARSHALL +55 (27) 3331-8020, 3331-8010 or 3331 8000 Port Security Authority: (Federal Police) phone main line +55 (27) 3331-8000 / duty officer 3331-8032 / fx 3331-8030 / Mobile 27-9235-3726 Expire Date 31st December, 2011 24hs Phone +55 27 3361-9085
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