
Relatório Anual Centro de Estudos Africanos
O presente relatório é apresentado à Comissão Externa de Aconselhamento Cien<fico Permanente do CEA-­‐IUL, ao Conselho Cien<fico do CEA-­‐IUL, à Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia e ao ISCTE-­‐IUL
Report submited to the External ScienMfic Advisory Board of CEA-­‐IUL; to the ScienMfic Council of CEA-­‐IUL; to the FCT; to ISCTE-­‐IUL.
Unit Descrip9on Legally, the CEA is a non-­‐profit associaMon that includes the Research and Development unit (Unidade I&D) of the same name, since May 2010 called CEA-­‐IUL following its integraMon in the ISCTE-­‐IUL (InsMtuto Universitário de Lisboa). CEA-­‐IUL is organised according to the internal rules of the ISCTE-­‐IUL (DL 95/2009) that follows the rules sMpulated by the FoundaMon for Science and Technology of the Ministry of Science, Technology, and Higher EducaMon. The associaMon CEA includes the following direcMve bodies: Board, Presidency of the Assembly and Fiscal Control Commission, elected every two years by the general assembly of the associates. The R&D Unit is directed by a director, nominated by the ISCTE-­‐
IUL dean, and two sub-­‐directors. It includes a scienMfic council of three researchers directed elected by the group of researchers of the unit, plus the director. The ScienMfic Council role is to watch over the scienMfic orientaMon and quality of all acMviMes. CEA-­‐IUL also has an advisory board that integrates four external advisors. CEA-­‐IUL presently has six hired full-­‐
Mme researchers (associate researchers) and eight post-­‐doc researchers. The hosMng condiMons of the CEA-­‐IUL include its infrastructures and administraMve services. The centre is located at the ISCTE and has access to ISCTE-­‐IUL databases and library services. Among diverse research support acMviMes the most important one is the African Studies Central Library, funded by the FCT with a complementary fund of the Calouste Gulbenkian FundaMon, supported by ISCTE-­‐IUL’s librarian services. CEA-­‐IUL has a bi-­‐annual funding from the FCT based on a strategic project (currently, 2011/2012 Strategic Project -­‐ UI 3122) that has been used to support scienMfic events (conferences, seminars), the Central Library and publicaMons. CEA-­‐IUL publishes, on a regular basis, the Occasional Paper Series (online, since 2005) and the scienMfic journal Cadernos de Estudos Africanos. In 2010 launched the monographic collecMon Africa em Perspec7va and has an agreement with Kingston Publishers (United Kingdom) to publish the African Vistas collecMon. More informaMon about the CEA-­‐IUL can be found at its website:
General Objec9ves The general objecMve of CEA-­‐IUL is to promote interdisciplinary studies in the social sciences on Sub-­‐Saharan Africa as a whole, while paying special agenMon to the Lusophone African 1
countries. This objecMve is pursued mainly through research, scienMfic meeMngs and publicaMons, teaching, disseminaMon of relevant informaMon about African affairs, and through internaMonal networks. CEA-­‐IUL also offers consultant services on the domains of its specialty.
a) Research
The projects conducted by CEA-­‐IUL researchers comprise three main research lines plus a knowledge disseminaMon line: (1) States, Public Policies and InternaMonal RegulaMon (2) Social and Cultural Dynamics (3) GlobalisaMon, Economics and Development (4) DIKAS (library and publicaMons).
CEA-­‐IUL has currently 19 acMve research projects (11 of them lead by the CEA), involving more than 40 PhD holders, full-­‐Mme or part-­‐Mme; 37 of them have the status of integrated researchers. b) Teaching
CEA-­‐IUL is acMvely involved in postgraduate programs in African Studies and Development Studies. There is a close cooperaMon with the School of Sociology and Public Policies (ISCTE-­‐
IUL) through the MA and a PhD program on African Studies and the PhD program on PoliMcal Science; and with the School of Social and Human Sciences through the MA programs on Development, Local DiversiMes and Global Challenges; Social and Solidarity Economy; and Development and Global Health. In other universiMes, CEA-­‐IUL cooperates with the Master program in African History (Department of History of the Faculty of Legers, Lisbon University). At the internaMonal level, CEA-­‐IUL members collaborate with other European and African universiMes and research insMtuMons.
c) Networking
CEA-­‐IUL has developed connecMons with research centres, universiMes and individual researchers in Portugal, other European countries, Africa, Brazil, and in the US. Every project is consMtuted by an internaMonal team and supported by a formal agreement between the partners. CEA-­‐IUL has research protocols with insMtuMons both in Europe and Africa and is a member of several internaMonal networks. CEA-­‐IUL is a founding member of the AEGIS -­‐ European African Studies associaMon. Since 2006 CEA-­‐IUL is member of the ABORNE (African Borderland Research Network), funded by the ESF. Six running projects are lead by European R&D insMtuMons. 2
d) Services
A Services’ Nucleus of the CEA-­‐IUL is currently offering consultancy services to a number of insMtuMons with the intenMon to expand its acMviMes over the coming years. Main areas of acMvity include social and economic studies in Africa, evaluaMon and training
e) Publica:ons and Library
CEA manages the Central Library of African Studies in Portugal. The centre publishes, on a regular basis, the Occasional Paper Series and the scienMfic journal Cadernos de Estudos Africanos. In 2010 launched the monographic collecMon Africa em Perspec7va and has an agreement with Kingston Publishers (United Kingdom) to publish the African Vistas collecMon
Main Achievements during the year of 2011 The core achievements in 2011 consisted in: a) reorganiza9on of research and ac9vi9es lines at the CEA b) research projects c) the Central Library of African Studies (BCEA) d) organisa9on of scien9fic mee9ngs and conferences e) interna9onal network of research; f) publica9ons and g) teaching and consultancy.
a) In 2010, CEA-­‐IUL undertook a major reformulaMon of its research and acMviMes lines. Three new lines integrate the research carried at this unit and a fourth one, DIKAS, integrates both the library acMviMes and the publicaMons, expressing the importance of knowledge disseminaMon at this centre.
b) CEA-­‐IUL carried out or iniMated 19 major projects (11 of them lead by the CEA), submiged to internaMonal evaluaMon, involving about 100 researchers. All these projects have internaMonal and interdisciplinary research teams and many of them internaMonal funding. c) BCEA acMviMes have increased both regarding book acquisiMon and indexaMon. Home loans’ records indicate that African studies books are either the most or the second most requested in the ISCTE-­‐IUL library. The cultural program of the BCEA carried out several acMviMes, including exhibiMons. d) CEA-­‐IUL has acMvely promoted the organisaMon of internaMonal conferences and scienMfic meeMngs. Overall, 35 of such meeMngs were organised in 2011, including doctoral seminars, book launchings, project results’ disseminaMon, mulMmedia presentaMons and internaMonal conferences. In addiMon, CEA promotes a regular seminar on African Studies, receiving 9 internaMonal and naMonal scholars in 2011. CEA has also organized the launching of several books. CEA-­‐IUL researcher parMcipated massively in the ECAS Conference in Uppsala, one of 3
the major European African Studies conferences, both presenMng papers at panels as well as organising panels. e) In 2011, CEA-­‐IUL received internaMonal funding through projects where researchers parMcipate in, namely from the U of Copenhagen, the ESF, the Volkswagen FoundaMon, the Centre d’Études des Mondes Africains/ANR, the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ESRC/
DFID, the German Ministry of EducaMon. f) In 2011 CEA published through the monographic collecMon Africa em Perspec7va two books. CEA maintains the scienMfic journal Cadernos de Estudos Africanos, having published in 2011 two themaMc numbers. It also publishes a series of Occasional Papers. At the internaMonal level, it maintains a contract with Sean Kingston Publishers (Oxford) for a conMnuous ediMon program in English, becoming scienMfically responsible for the series African Vistas, with independent internaMonal referees. g) In 2011 over 30 project collaborators were preparing MA or PhD thesis at the CEA-­‐IUL and acMvely parMcipated on the ongoing research acMviMes. Nine post-­‐doctoral researchers were working at the CEA-­‐IUL during this period, three of them coming from the Africa Studies Centre in Barcelona. One new post-­‐doctoral researcher was hired (Paolo Gaibazzi) as well as a Marie Currie grantee coming from Mozambique (Luca Bussop). CEA-­‐IUL also organized and conducted an internaMonal course for the InsMtuto de Estudos Superiores Militares (IESM) in September (third ediMon). In 2011, CEA-­‐IUL finished a consultancy for the Mozambique Community Health Workers Program EvaluaMon Study Design and collaborated as a consultant for the Angola analysis of the Bertelsmann Index on TransformaMon (Germany).
1. Integra9ve/mul9disciplinary ac9vi9es during the year of 2011 CEA-­‐IUL aims at developing scienMfic research of mulMdisciplinary nature in Africa, parMcularly in the field of social sciences, development studies and economics. This research is devised for an internaMonal audience, comprising the academy, researchers and policy-­‐
makers. CEA-­‐IUL's visibility is expressed in the conferences and publicaMons organized by CEA-­‐IUL, its strong parMcipaMon in the research and diffusion acMviMes of AEGIS and other internaMonal networks, with a global orientaMon of creaMng a discussion forum where scholars of different scienMfic domains, development pracMMoners and policy-­‐makers gather. The most significant outputs of these acMviMes are CEA-­‐IUL mulMdisciplinary projects, conferences and publicaMons, advisory reports, networked data sharing at an internaMonal scale, definiMon of up-­‐to-­‐date research lines, trends, themes and pracMces for academic teaching purposes. CEA-­‐IUL conducted throughout 2011 the following projects with a mulMdisciplinary approach: (1) States, Public Policies and InternaMonal RegulaMon: Wri7ng History in the Horn of Africa (lead by the CEMAf); Reconcilia7on and Social Conflict in the AEermath of Large-­‐scale Violence in Southern Africa: the cases of Angola and Namibia (funded by the VW Founda7on); Monitoriza7on of Conflicts in Africa. (2) Social and Cultural Dynamics: Higher Educa7on and Development in Africa: Portuguese coopera7on with the PALOP; The Role of Civil Society Organiza7ons in Educa7on and Training: Angola, Guinea-­‐Bissau, Mozambique and S. Tome and Principe; Gender and therapeu7c pluralism: women access to private health sector in Africa; Home Space in Mozambique (lead by the University of Copenhagen); Spa7al Reconfigura7ons and Social Differen7a7on in Ci7es of Angola and Mozambique.
(3) GlobalisaMon, Economy and Development: Cape Verde and São Tomé e Príncipe: a compara7ve analysis of two African island states; Les Dynamiques du Développement Local Urbain (lead by the IRD); African socie7es facing global dynamics: turbulences between external interven7on, migra7on and food insecurity; The Future Okavango (lead by the University of Hamburg); Iden77es and Borders in Africa; DESERTO – Spa7al and Social Dynamics: Networks, Exchanges and Organisa7on in the Namibe; Mining Ci7es in Africa 5
(UPIMA, lead by the University of Glasgow); OrganizaMon and RepresentaMon in Informal Economy in PALOP: experiences and perspecMves; The Cluster as a theore7cal and prac7cal instrument of the Portuguese Interna7onal Coopera7on for Development.
CEA-­‐IUL also organised several internaMonal conferences and events:
-­‐ presenta9ons of research projects’ results (A Estratégia Conjunta EU-­‐África: análise e desafios da implementação após a Cimeira EU-­‐África, Patrícia Magalhães Ferreira, 11/1; Presentaton of CEA-­‐IUL’s projects, 15/2; Seminar Arquipélagos Crioulos Atlân7cos. Cabo Verde e São Tomé e Príncipe numa perspec7va comparada, at Mindelo, Cape Verde, 23-­‐24/2; Workshop of the project Borders and IdenMty in Africa, 10/3; TheoreMcal Seminar of the project Higher Educa7on and Development: Portuguese coopera7on with the PALOP, 17/3; Workshop of the project Reconcilia7on and Social Conflict in the AEermath of Large-­‐scale Violence in Southern Africa: the cases of Angola and Namibia, 4-­‐9/7; PresentaMon of the preliminary results of the project Higher Educa7on and Development: Portuguese coopera7on with the PALOP, 12/7);
-­‐ Doctoral conferences and the Seminar Cycle on the Arab Spring organized with the School of Sociology and Public Policy (Théodore Trefon, Questões de governance: funcionamento e disfuncionamento da administração do Estado em África, 14/1; Georg Klute, Tracing emergent forms of power in contemporary Africa, 2/2; Ferrán Iniesta, Pensamento moderno versus pensamento tradicional na África actual, 18/2; Filip de Boeck, Urban Features in Central Africa: The case of Kinshasa, 6/5; Takuo Iwata, Introductory comparaMve study on Asian approaches to Africa, 3/11); Jorge Sampaio, A ‘Primavera Árabe’ e a aliança das civilizações, 11/11; António Costa Pinto, As transições democrá7cas nos países da “Terceira Vaga”, 23/11; Carlos Gaspar, A ‘Primavera Árabe’: Os perigos da transição, 23/11; Manuela Franco, Intervenção internacional e mudança de regime: o caso da Líbia, 12/12; Ana Santos Pinto, As ramificações da evolução da revolta na Líbia para o Norte de África e o Médio Oriente, 12/12; -­‐ African Studies Seminar (Rene Gerrets, Partnership and (dis-­‐)empowerment in interna7onal health: A troubling view from a malaria interven7on in Southern Tanzania, 14/2; Maria Paula Meneses, O futuro do passado em Moçambique, 21/3; António Tomás, A cidade de Luanda: entre o colapso e a regeneração, 28/3; Fernando Florêncio, Fazer trabalho de campo em Angola: Desafios e constrangimentos a par7r de uma experiência pessoal, 27/4; Brígida Rocha Brito, Preservação ambiental e desenvolvimento comunitário: semelhanças e diferenças em contexto insular africano, 16/5; KersMn Pinther, In Afropolis: On 6
the making of an exhibi7on on art urban prac7ces, 21/6; Stephan Dünnwald, Migra7on and its repercussions: The case of Mali, 29/9; Ann Schlyter, Disappoin7ng Modernisa7on: The peri-­‐urban life of old women ci7zens, 2/11; Carlos Couto, Peasants, State and Aid: Co-­‐
evolu7on and “development” in the island of San7ago of Cape Verde, 13/12);
-­‐ Book launchings an mul9media presentaMons (Victor Reis, Desenvolvimento em Cabo Verde: as opções estratégicas e o inves7mento directo estrangeiro, 17/1; Performance Braima Galissá with comments of Ferrán Iniesta, 17/2; Film show and debate Dundo, memória colonial of Diana Andringa, 30/3; Film show and debate Cemetery State of Filip de Boeck and Sarah Vanagt, 5/5; MulMmedia exhibiMon O Grande Salto – Migração e retorno no Mali, 7/9-­‐2/10; Book launching Porque prevaleceu a paz: moçambicanos respondem by Lucia van den Bergh, 4/10; Book launching China and Portuguese Speaking Africa: Business approaches ans management models in China, Mozambique and Cape Verde by Nelson Santos António, 24/10; Book launching Angola: potência regional em emergência by Eugénio da Costa Almeida, 15/11; Book launching A África do Sul e o Sistema-­‐Mundo: da Guerra dos Bôeres à globalização by Guilherme da Fonseca-­‐Stager, 25/11; Document exhibiMon The Emperor of Ethiopia in Lusoland at the XIII General Assembly of the CODESRIA in Rabat, 4-­‐9/12); -­‐ Debates and CEA-­‐IUL presenta9on (CEA-­‐IUL presentaMon at the Dias do Desenvolvimento (4th EdiMon), IPAD and ISCSP-­‐UTL, 5-­‐6 May; Conference Os Desafios do Desenvolvimento at the Os Dias do Desenvolvimento, 5/5; University Debate Panel O 55º Estado em África: Um epifenómeno ou efeito-­‐cascata? Os desafios dos movimentos separa7stas contemporâneos em África: revisitar o fenómeno internacional da secessão à luz da auto-­‐determinação do Sul do Sudão at the Os Dias do Desenvolvimento, 6/5; Debate Doing border: building and overcoming fences, 22/9; CEA-­‐IUL presentaMon at the Jornadas de Sucesso Académico no ISCTE-­‐IUL, 27/9; Debate Olhares e narra7vas sobre migrações em Portugal, 30/9);
-­‐ Interna9onal Conferences (InternaMonal Conference Angola depois do fim da guerra civil: olhares sobre um país em transformação, 8/7; InternaMonal Conference Fluxus – Conference on Social Appropria7ons and Usage Conflicts in African Ci7es, 14-­‐15/9; InternaMonal Conference 5th Annual Conference of African Borderlands Research Network – Crossing African Borders: Migra7on ans Mobility, 21-­‐23/9; InternaMonal Conference (with IDN – NaMonal Defense InsMtute) A Prevenção e a Resolução de Conflitos em África, 10-­‐11/10). 7
2. Outreach ac9vi9es during the year of 2011
The primary objecMve of the CEA-­‐IUL is specifically directed to the expansion and consolidaMon of the exisMng research, namely through: a) suppor9ng projects and their rela9on to both a academic and a non-­‐academic public; b) suppor9ng the rela9on between researchers and teaching, and inves9ng in the interna9onaliza9on of their output. a) CEA-­‐IUL’s main research areas are organized in three program lines where all projects have been cohesively integrated to: (1) States, Public Policies and InternaMonal RegulaMon (2) Social and Cultural Dynamics
(3) GlobalisaMon, Economics and Development
(4) DIKA.
Each line serves as framework to projects and internaMonal networking acMviMes of the centre as well as its non-­‐research acMviMes, namely the diffusion of results through conferences and publicaMons. CEA-­‐IUL also promoted the hosMng of new naMonal and foreign researchers, within these lines of research, as well as of graduate and post-­‐graduate students. b) CEA-­‐IUL invested deeper in the relaMonship with postgraduate teaching at both a naMonal and an internaMonal level. The first aim obliged to increasing the research synergies between the CEA-­‐IUL and the postgraduate programs on African Studies at the ISCTE-­‐IUL. The second was expressed by the parMcipaMon in internaMonal teaching programs. Also, CEA-­‐IUL parMcipated in CODESRIA tutoring acMviMes, supported students’ exchanges with other insMtuMons, hosted postgraduate and post-­‐doctoral researchers. A key factor in this policy was the consMtuMon of the Central Library of African Studies that offers both naMonal and internaMonal researchers and student’s outstanding faciliMes for research and training. Nine graduaMon students were integrated into projects; ongoing projects support master and PhD students’ research (over 20 MA students and 10 PhD students in funded projects).
Master thesis concluded:
-­‐ Eunice Manuela Muchanga, Ensino superior e desenvolvimento, o papel das InsMtuições Financeiras e das Organizações Internacionais em Moçambique, Master in Economy and Public Policy, ISCTE –IUL
-­‐ Sandra Barros, O Desenvolvimento do Ensino Público em Cabo Verde e São Tomé e Príncipe, desde o século XIX, Master in Human Resources Development Policies, ISCTE-­‐IUL
-­‐ Irina Ferreira, “Nós somos camaleão?” As autoridades tradicionais, resolução de conflitos e o Estado local em Angola: o caso da Humpata na província da Huíla”, Master in African Studies, ISCTE-­‐IUL
Units FCT
Projects FCT
Other (NaMonal)
Other (InternaMonal)
No. of Researchers Hired (Ciência Programme)
No. of Researchers (FTE)
Training Masters (Master thesis completed)
Training PhDs (PhD thesis completed)
2009 2010 2011 Total
11 53 xxxxx
1 xxxxx
* One researcher left as from 20/11/2011
Nine post-­‐doctoral researchers were working at the CEA-­‐IUL during this period. 9
STATES, PUBLIC POLICIES AND INTERNATIONAL REGULATION Research Group Title: States, Public Policies and InternaMonal RegulaMon
Principal InvesMgator: Manuel João Ramos and Alexandra Dias
Research Area: N/D
1. Funding, source, dates This group is funded by CEA mulM-­‐annual FCT funding and through other sources (Calouste Gulbenkian FoundaMon, American Embassy, InsMtuto Português de Apoio ao Desenvolvimento, Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Fundação Luso-­‐Americana para o Desenvolvimento, BriMsh Council). It is also funded through the ongoing projects: • PTDC/AFR/100460/2008, Monitoring Conflicts in the Horn of Africa, 120.000,00€; • Volkswagen SM•ung, 756,000 €; • Joint Research Programme of Centre d‘Études des Mondes Africains -­‐ Agence NaMonale de Recherche Interdisciplinary Research Programme on WriMng the History of the Horn of Africa, in collaboraMon with the Addis Ababa University, the Authority for Research and ConservaMon of Cultural Heritage, and the Centre Français d’Études Éthiopiennes, and the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 400.000€; • Joint Research Programme coordinated by the Grupo de Estudios sobre Exclusión y Conflictos Sociales of the University of Barcelona on Usage Conflicts in Public Spaces of African CiMes, in collaboraMon with various African and European research centres, 90.000€;
• Joint Research Programme of CRESSON -­‐ Centre de Recherche sur l'Espace Sonore et l'Environnement Urbain (Grenoble) – Agence NaMonale de Recherche Research Programme on Sensory Enigmas of Contemporary Urban MobiliMes, in collaboraMon with Laboratorio urbano – Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo -­‐ Universidade Federal da Salvador da Bahia, Departament de antropologia social i cultural, historia d'america i d'africa -­‐ Facultat de Geografia i Història -­‐ Universitat de Barcelona, Centro de Estudos Africanos – ISCTE -­‐ InsMtuto Universitário de Lisboa, InsMtuto de estudios regionales y urbanos -­‐ Universidad Simon Bolivar de Caracas, Emerging 10
securiMes research group – Centre de recherche “Study of PoliMcs, InternaMonal RelaMons & Environment (RC4SPIRE)” Keele University, 295.600€.
2. Objec9ves and Achievements
Objec9ves This line includes all research projects dealing with poliMcs and public issues in Africa, as well as research projects relaMng to conflicts in Africa, with internaMonal regulaMon or not. The main objecMve is to conduct research about poliMcal processes in sub-­‐Saharan Africa and the roles of the various agents and social actors involved, from the insMtuMonal and social dynamics’ perspecMves, and to promote a coherent understanding of the web of structural and conjuncture tensions and instabiliMes in different African regions, as well as the emergence of specific forms of war and violent conflict, and their poliMcal, social, cultural, and humanitarian impact on African populaMons.
The research aims confront the overlapping nature of internal conflicts, border warfare, and invasive military acMon, in correlaMon with demographic and economic pressures, and their overall impact on the socieMes concerned, whether humanitarian (massacres, genocides, forced migraMons, displacements, and exodus), poliMcal and social (social re-­‐composiMons, exodus to or from urban areas, changes in power relaMons), or cultural (the dynamics of cultural reinvenMon on naMonal and regional idenMMes and memories). The present research aims not only to produce solid scienMfic analyMc results but also to offer informed and conclusive data to both policy makers and naMonal and internaMonal organizaMons intervening in the areas concerned. The ongoing projects, together with the substanMal previous research carried at the CEA-­‐IUL, consMtute a main line of research that conMnues to absorb and integrate MA and PhD researchers. AddiMonally, the projects and the parMcipants in the line regularly publish the results achieved, and parMcipate in internaMonal scienMfic meeMngs.
Main Achievements The researchers in this line have carried numerous fieldwork missions defined in the Mmelines of the projects they are involved with. 33 communicaMons were presented at internaMonal scienMfic meeMngs and several workshops and seminars were conducted. 2 ScienMfic arMcles were published in different journals, as well as one authored book, one edited book and 7 chapters in edited books. Through individual and collecMve projects, the researchers carried out bibliographic research, created informaMon databases, and 11
developed a series of research tools (surveys, interview guidelines) in order to assure meaningful fieldwork. Previous and new internaMonal research networks were developed through the ongoing projects. Master dissertaMons were completed and others are ongoing; One PhD thesis and three MA dissertaMons were completed while four PhD theses and various MA dissertaMons are being prepared are being prepared, about different subjects concerning poliMcs, urban affairs, war resilience and social re-­‐composiMon in Africa. Projects such as Reconcilia9on and Social Conflict in the Acermath of large-­‐scale Violence in Southern Africa, apart from invesMng in high-­‐quality research producMon, promoted graduate studies (MSc and PhD) of a considerable number of their junior researchers, dominantly Africans, in Europe, generally at ISCTE-­‐Lisbon University InsMtute [and Africa]. Senior researchers guided their researches within the eight sub-­‐projects. On July 4-­‐9, the Angola secMon met at ISCTE-­‐IUL, mostly dedicated to the presentaMon and discussion of research as well as to the planning of the project’s last year. On July 8, the team organised a conference. During the year, the last phase of preparaMon of two joint publicaMons has been in course: one on “Angola 2007: que recomposições e reorientações” and the other based on a workshop conducted in 2009 in Omaruru (Namibia). Both will be published in early 2012 (Brill Publishers e ABI, respecMvely). In August a group of the Angola secMon parMcipated in the XII Congresso Luso-­‐Afro-­‐Brasileiro em Ciências Sociais (Salvador/Brasil).
The project Monitoring Conflicts in Africa, through its an innovaMve collaboraMve website designed to aggregate themaMc and regional informaMon on the issue of conflicts in Africa, and to develop networks of specialists, has helped to reinforce our internaMonally networking capaciMes, and has developed meaningful cooperaMon with internaMonal and naMonal media (BBC World, Radio France InternaMonale, Deutsche Welle, RDP-­‐África, etc.). 3. Group Produc9vity
Publica7on in peer review journals
• Brito, Brígida (2011) “Turismo em meio insular africano: análise comparaMva de impactos”, Ambientalmente Sustenable, 9-­‐10: 157-­‐177
• Florêncio, Fernando (2011) “Pluralismo Jurídico e Estado Local em Angola. Um olhar críMco a parMr do estudo de caso do Bailundo”, Antropologia Portuguesa, 28: 95-­‐134
PhD thesis completed
Expansion of the Research Group’s internaMonal research networks both through current projects and in view to prepare new ones. Much of the Group’s internaMonalisaMon is fostered by CEA-­‐IUL’s long-­‐standing parMcipaMon in both European and African networks (AEGIS, CODESRIA, etc.), but our close contacts with Spanish, German, Angolan and Ethiopian research centres have increased the scope and the producMvity of our internaMonalisaMon commitments. The following are some of the most relevant standing partners: Adis Ababa University, Authority for Research and ConservaMon of Ethiopian Cultural Heritage, Centre Français d’Études Éthiopiens, University Complutense of Madrid, Universidade Católica de Angola – Luanda, and Universidade Privada de Angola -­‐ Lubango, University of Namibia, Arnold-­‐Bergstraesser-­‐InsMtut, Universitat de Barcelona, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Laboratoire CRESSON – Université de Grenoble, School of Oriental and African Studies – University of London, CEMAF – Université de Paris 1, CEMAF – Université de Aix-­‐en-­‐Provence, African Studies Centre – Leiden University.
Organiza7on of conferences
• “Angola Depois do Fim da Guerra Civil: olhares sobre um país em transformação”, ISCTE-­‐IUL, 8 July
• Coloque FLUXUS, Conference on Social AppropriaMons and Usage Conflicts in African CiMes, ISCTE-­‐IUL, 14-­‐15 September, CEA-­‐IUL and Universitat Barcelona (Grupo de invesMgaçao GRECS-­‐Barcelona)
Other publica7ons na7onal
• Nascimento, Augusto, "Francisco Tenreiro, um paradoxal mas sugesMvo legado", Téla Nón, 0 – 0, 13 Janeiro 2011
4. Future Objec9ves
Objec9ves The line of research will consolidate and expand trans-­‐European, as well as African-­‐
European insMtuMonal relaMons through the development of mulMdisciplinary and internaMonal research projects and integraMon into collaboraMve networks. This will include 13
our future parMcipaMon in a submiged project to the Agence NaMonale de Recherche on urban conflicts in Africa, as well as in applicaMons under preparaMon to European Union calls to open in 2011, in partnership with the African Studies Centre – Leiden University and with the Grupo de Estudios sobre Exclusión y Conflictos Sociales of the University of Barcelona, and applicaMons under preparaMon to calls of the CYTED – Ibero-­‐American Council for Research and Development. We also hope to further our relaMon with NATO, in areas relaMng to the study of Land and Seas Security in Africa. We are commiged to have an important presence in the 4th European Conference of African Studies (Uppsala, June 2011) as panel organisers in themes relaMng to the projects presently under way.
In the naMonal context, this line of research will conMnue to consolidate collaboraMve iniMaMves with the following insMtuMons: 1) the Portuguese High InsMtute for Military Studies (IESM), namely through its involvement in the organisaMon of the yearly African Studies Course in September; 2) the NaMonal Defence InsMtute (IDN) namely through the co-­‐
organisaMon of an InternaMonal Conference on 10 and 11 October 2011 enMtled ‘ Conflict PrevenMon and ResoluMon in Africa’ and 3) The Portuguese InsMtute of InternaMonal RelaMons (IPRI-­‐UNL) namely through the organisaMon of a Conference for the Development’s Days 4th EdiMon, to be held on 6 May 2011, on ‘’ The 54 Africa Union member state: epiphenomenon or domino-­‐effect?’’.
The VW funded project will in 2012 mainly focus on the conclusion of the majority of the ongoing theses (3 PhD and 4 Master). Secondly, it will focus on publicaMons already being prepared (“Angola 2007: que recomposições e reorientações”, Brill; ArMcles from the Omaruru/Namíbia workshop, ABI publishers). Finally, team members plan to parMcipate in three internaMonal conferences: 8th Iberian Congress of African Studies (Madrid, June) with a panel on “Impactos de conflitos armados em larga escala em Angola e Moçambique”; papers at the AEGIS conference on conflicts and reconciliaMon in Africa (Basel, October); conference to present the project results organised by the ABI (Freiburg, October).
Funding, source, dates The project on “ReconciliaMon and Social Conflict in the A•ermath of large-­‐scale Violence in Southern Africa: the cases of Angola and Namibia” received from the Volkswagen-­‐SM•ung a grant of 756,000 €, of which 550,000 € fall to the Angola secMon. Several junior researchers associated with this secMon have received MA, PhD and/or post-­‐doc scholarships from the 14
Calouste Gulbenkian FoundaMon and from the FCT, but these are not funds administered by the project.
The project PTDC/AFR/100460/2008 Monitoring Conflicts in the Horn of Africa has received the iniMal tranche of the 120.000,00€ allocated to the project.
As to other research acMviMes, they are either supported by the non-­‐Portuguese projects that list us as partners (University of Barcelona, University of Paris 1, etc.), or financed by FCT’s pluriannual funding programme and by its BII’s funding programme (that being namely the case of the project Monitoring Conflicts in Africa).
Research Group Title: Social and Cultural Dynamics
Principal InvesMgator: Ana Bénard da Costa and Antónia Barreto
Research Area: N/D
1. Funding, source, dates This group is funded by CEA-­‐IUL bi-­‐annual FCT funding and also through the ongoing projects: • PTDC/AFR/103240/2008, Joint Research Programme of InsMtuto Politécnico de Leiria (IPLeiria) Portugal, Fundação Evangelização e Culturas (FEC), Portugal, Universidade Politécnica (A Politécnica) Moçambique, 95.000 €
• PTDC/AFR/099057/2008, Joint Research Programme of CEA e InsMtuto de InvesMgação Cien<fica Tropical -­‐ IICT, Portugal, 90.000 €
• ‘Home Space Maputo’, Joint Research Programme of CEA, the School of Architecture, Copenhagen, the School of the Built Environment, Heriot-­‐Wag University/Edinburgh School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture, the Centre for Development of Habitat Studies, Development of Habitat Studies, Faculdade de Arquitectura e Planeamento Físico, Universidade Eduardo Mondlane, funded by the Danish Research Council for InnovaMon, 500.000 €
• PTDC/AFR/108615/2008, Gender and therapeuMc pluralism: women access to private health sector in Africa (February 2010-­‐January 2013), 98.000 €
• PTDC/AFR/116670/2010, Socio-­‐spaMal StraMficaMon in CiMes of Angola and Mozambique, 70.000 €
Objec9ves The main objecMve is to promote a deeply understanding of the mulMple aspects that at different levels and in an interrelated manner influence the social and cultural dynamics of African countries and peoples. Bringing together different perspecMves of analysis into the fields of educaMon, health and culture and emphasizing a comparaMve perspecMve, this research line aims to clarify the processes underlying the social actors pracMces, logical and representaMons that influence in different local, naMonal and internaMonal contexts, and in an micro and macro levels, the development process of African countries. The educaMon projects of this research line, centred in the Lusophone African countries, are directed to the idenMficaMon of the relaMons between higher educaMon and development, to a criMcal analysis of Portugal’s cooperaMon policy in the area of educaMon and to the understanding of the role of civil society organizaMons in educaMon and training. The health project aims to enlighten the role of the private health sector in selected African countries emphasizing the access of women to health care. The cultural changes in rapidly urbanizing ciMes in Africa and the nature of emerging forms of ‘urbanism as a way of life’ are the themes of other project in this research line, that, using Maputo as a detailed case study invesMgates the nature of dwelling and places this within an analysis of past, present and future of urban areas in Sub-­‐Saharan Africa. The present research line aims not only to produce solid scienMfic analyMc results but also to offer informed and conclusive data to both policy makers and officials of naMonal and internaMonal organizaMons intervening in the areas concerned. On the other hand, the research line integrates post-­‐graduaMon students and researchers, willing to prepare their thesis on the subjects idenMfied by the line or on others they might propose.
Main Achievements The researchers in this line have carried fieldwork in six African countries (Mozambique, Guinea-­‐Bissau, Angola, Niger, Sao Tome and Principe, and Mali). More than 20 communicaMons were presented at internaMonal scienMfic meeMngs and several workshops and seminars were conducted. Through the individual projects, the researchers carried on bibliographic research, created informaMon databases, and developed a series of research instruments (surveys, interview guidelines) in order to assure meaningful fieldwork. Ongoing 16
internaMonal research networks were developed through the projects (Universidade Politécnica, Universidade Eduardo Mondlane, School of Architecture, Copenhagen, the School of the Built Environment, Heriot-­‐Wag University / Edinburgh School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture, the Centre for Development of Habitat Studies, Development of Habitat Studies, Faculdade de Arquitectura e Planeamento Físico, Universidade Eduardo Mondlane, Cruzeiro do Sul – InsMtuto de invesMgação para o desenvolvimento José Negrão, CODESRIA, INEP. Master thesis and PhD thesis (more than 10) are being prepared, about different subjects, namely the impact of higher educaMon in Angolan and Mozambican development process, Medical pluralism in Angola and Niger, Women associaMons in Guinea-­‐Bissau. One PhD candidate presented her project of thesis. Several internaMonal scienMfic meeMngs (congress, seminars and workshops) were organized in Portugal and other European countries (Sweden, Denmark) and in African Countries (Mozambique, Mali) and researchers parMcipated in a number of scienMfic meeMngs.
3. Group Produc9vity
Publica7on in peer review journals
• Costa, Ana Bénard, (2011), “Famílias de Maputo: processos de mobilidade e transformações urbanas”, Revista Internacional em Língua Portuguesa – RILP, pp.
• Hadolt, Bernhard, Viola Hörbst and Babege Müller-­‐Rockstroh (under review) “Biomedical Techniques in Context: on the appropriaMon of biomedical procedures and arMfacts”, IntroducMon to a special theme issue on “ Transferring Biomedicine – Exploring AppropriaMon” of the journal Medical Anthropology: cross-­‐cultural studies in health and illness
• Tallio, Virginie (under review) “ The CSR projects of the oil companies in Angola, anecdotal fact or significant new trend for the humanitarian intervenMon? The example of public health”, Journal of Southern African Studies
Other publica7ons interna7onal
•Costa, Ana Bénard (2011) “Urban transformaMon, family strategies and ‘home space’ creaMon in the city of Maputo” in, Khan, Sheila, Paula Meneses and Bjorn Bertelsen 17
(eds) Dialogues with Mozambique. Interdisciplinary Reflec7ons, Readings and Approaches on Mozambican Studies, Brill: Leiden, (forthcoming) •Costa, Ana Bénard (2011) “O impacto das insMtuições de ensino superior nos processos de desenvolvimento local de Moçambique: o caso de Nampula” in Fauré, Y. & Rodrigues C., Descentralização e Dinâmicas do Desenvolvimento Local em Angola e Moçambique •Costa, Ana Bénard & Barreto, Antónia (org.) (2011) Actas do Congresso internacional Portugal e os PALOP: Cooperação na Área da Educação, CEA/ISCTE, Lisboa, Março 29-­‐30, 2010. URL: hgp:// •Costa, Ana Bénard & Barreto, Antónia (2011) “Introdução” in Costa, Ana Bénard e Barreto, Antónia (org.) Actas do Congresso internacional Portugal e os PALOP: Cooperação na Área da Educação. CEA/ISCTE, Lisboa, Março 29-­‐30, 2010, pp.7-­‐14, URL: hgp:// •Faria, Margarida Lima de (2011) “Cooperação, ensino superior e formação de quadros: projectos, políMcas e perspecMvas futuras, uma reflexão em torno das comunicações apresentadas” in Costa, Ana Bénard & Barreto, Antónia, Actas do Congresso internacional Portugal e os PALOP: Cooperação na Área da Educação. CEA/ISCTE, Lisboa, Março 29-­‐30, 2010, pp. 219-­‐224, URL: hgp:// •Faria, Margarida Lima de (2011) “Estudantes angolanos em Portugal: estratégias políMcas e trajectórias pessoais” Actas da 1ª Conferência Internacional EIDAO'08: Angola: Ensino, Inves7gação e Desenvolvimento, Junho de 2008 (forthcoming)
•Faria, Margarida Lima. (2011) “Diásporas Académicas: Estudantes Angolanos no Ensino Superior Português”, X Congresso Luso-­‐Afro-­‐Brasileiro, Outubro de 2008 (forthcoming)
•Faria, Margarida Lima de (2011) “MigraMons Etudiantes: le Cas des Etudiants Angolais dans l´Enseignement Supérieur Portugais” in Les nouvelles configura7ons de la mobilité humaine, AssociaMon InternaMonal des Sociologues de Langue Française. (forthcoming)
•Lopes, Carlos (2011) “Centralização, Descentralização e Desconcentração em Angola. Aspectos económicos”, in Fauré, Y. e Rodrigues C., Descentralização e Dinâmicas do Desenvolvimento Local em Angola e Moçambique (forthcoming)
Organiza7on of conferences
• Costa, Ana Bénard (2011) TheoreMcal Seminar of the research project Higher EducaMon and Development: Portuguese cooperaMon with the PALOP, 17 March 2011 Centro de Estudos Africanos – ISCTE-­‐IUL
• Costa, Ana Bénard (2011) Seminar to the presentaMon of the preliminary results of the research project Higher EducaMon and Development: Portuguese cooperaMon with the PALOP, 8 July 2011, Centro de Estudos Africanos – ISCTE-­‐IUL
• Faria, Margarida Lima de (2011) Co-­‐coordinaMon of the panel ‘Circulação Internacional de Estudantes: migrações temporárias, idenMdades e vivências “fora do lugar”, XI Congresso Luso Afro Brasileiro de Ciências Sociais – CONLAB, 5-­‐12 August 2011, Salvador – Universidade Federal da Bahia (UFBA), Brazil
• Hoerbst, Viola, panel on “Private Healthcare in Sub-­‐Saharan Africa, ECAS, Uppsala, 15-­‐18 June
• Clara Saraiva, Clara Carvalho, José Mapril: organizaMon of panel in the internaMonal conference EASA conference on Medical Pluralism: Techniques, PoliMcs, InsMtuMons: “Medical Pluralism, religious healers and failing therapies”, Rome 7-­‐10 September
• Costa, Ana Bénard e Biza, Adriano (2011) “O espaço do lar como construção social”, Workshop ‘Home Space in African CiMes’, Maputo 4 -­‐15 April 2011, Centro de Estudos Para o Desenvolvimento do Habitat, Faculdade de Arquitectura e Planeamento Físico, Universidade Eduardo Mondlane, Mozambique
• Costa, Ana Bénard e Biza, Adriano (2011) “O espaço do lar como construção social””, Workshop ‘Home Space in African CiMes’, Maputo September 29-­‐ October 13 2011, Centro de Estudos Para o Desenvolvimento do Habitat, Faculdade de Arquitectura e Planeamento Físico, Universidade Eduardo Mondlane, Mozambique
• Costa, Ana Bénard (2011) “Ensino superior em Moçambique e processos de desenvolvimento: o caso de Nampula” V Congresso Internacional da África Lusófona, Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias, em Lisboa. 18-­‐19 May 2011
• Costa, Ana Bénard (2011) “Cooperação ao nível do ensino superior entre Portugal e Moçambique: PolíMcas, trajectos e impactos”, XXI Encontro A Associação das Universidades de Língua Portuguesa (AULP) “Novas Formas de Cooperação: Espaços de Convergência nos Países Lusófonos”, Bragança, 6-­‐9 June 2011
• Faria, Margarida Lima de (2011) “O papel da família e da pertença a redes sociais na construção de trajectórias educaMvas de nível superior: estudantes angolanos em Portugal”, XI Congresso Luso Afro Brasileiro de Ciências Sociais – CONLAB – Salvador – Universidade Federal da Bahia (UFBA) Brazil, 5-­‐12 August 2011
• Liberato, Ermelinda (2011) “Metodologia de Pesquisa em Ciências Sociais – o Trabalho de Campo Realizado na Cidade de Luanda”, Atelier metodológico, Codesria, Praia, 12-­‐15 July
• Liberato, Ermelinda (2011) “Formação Superior de Angolanos no Exterior” XI Congresso Luso Afro Brasileiro de Ciências Sociais – CONLAB – Salvador – Universidade Federal da Bahia (UFBA) Brazil, 5-­‐12 August 2011
• Carvalho, Clara (2011) “Another Way to Development? The Role of Migrant AssociaMons in Guinea-­‐Bissau”, seminar Spaces in Movement: New PerspecMves on MigraMon in African Sepngs, Bamako, 20-­‐22 January • Carvalho, Clara (2011) “Medical Pluralism at the Hospital, EASA conference on Medical Pluralism: Techniques, PoliMcs, InsMtuMons, Rome 7-­‐10 September
• ParMcipaMon in the “Estagio de Formação Nacional a favor dos orientadores Pedagógicos e Professores da Língua Árabe não -­‐ arabofonos”, organized by the ISESCO and Al Muntada Al-­‐Islami (16-­‐19 May, Bissau, Guinea-­‐Bissau)
Other publica7ons na7onal
• Costa, Ana Bénard (2011) “Formação de quadros superiores moçambicanos em Portugal: Trajectórias, idenMdades e redes sociais” Cadernos de Estudos Africanos (submeMdo para publicação)
• Liberato, Ermelinda (2011) ”A Formação de Quadros Angolanos no Exterior: Estudantes Angolanos em Portugal e no Brasil” Cadernos de Estudos Africanos (submeMdo para publicação) 4. Future Objec9ves
Objec9ves The project Gender and therapeu9c pluralism has approved a new structure that will lead the research in 2012 and beyond. Team members will conduct fieldwork in Mozambique, Angola, Guinea-­‐Bissau, and Niger; iniMate research on CSR, organise an internaMonal conference on TherapeuMc Pluralism and Gender (December 2012) and prepare the final publicaMon. In the projects The Role of CSO in Educa9on and Training and the project Higher Educa9on and Development, teams are preparing their parMcipaMon in the 8th Iberian Congress of African Studies (Madrid). 20
Besides the ongoing invesMgaMon and the analyses of data from the different projects, this research line will also integrate new approaches on the fields of educaMon, health and culture. Funding, source, dates New project applicaMons were presented to the FCT and will be reviewed throughout 2012: Youth and EducaMon in Africa, VocaMonal Training and Development in Africa. GLOBALISATION, ECONOMICS AND DEVELOPMENT
Research Group Title: GlobalisaMon, Economics and Development
Principal InvesMgator: CrisMna Udelsmann Rodrigues and Gerhard Seibert
Research Area: N/D
1. Funding, source, dates • CORUS 2 nº6065, 73,360 € (IRD, 2007-­‐2011)
• PTDC/AFR/104597/2008, 110,000 € (FCT, 2010-­‐2013)
• TFO-­‐The Future Okavango, 38,500 € (German Ministry of EducaMon, University of Hamburg, 2010-­‐2013)
• PTDC/AFR/98339/2008, 95,000 € (FCT, 2009-­‐2012)
• UPIMA, 41,500 € (DFID/ESCR, University of Glasgow, 2010-­‐2013)
• ABORNE, 505,000 € (ESF, 2008-­‐2013)
• PTDC/AFR/110095/2009, 50,000 €, (FCT, 2011-­‐2013)
• PTDC/AFR/113992/2009, 95,366 € (FCT, 2011-­‐2013)
2. Objec9ves and Achievements
Objec9ves The main objecMve of this line is to develop research related to global change, economics and development in general with a parMcular focus in Africa. The line integrates several projects within these areas: Cape Verde and São Tomé e Príncipe: a compara7ve analysis of two African island states; Les Dynamiques du Développement Local Urbain (lead by the IRD); African Socie7es Facing Global Dynamics: turbulences between external interven7on, migra7on and food insecurity; The Future Okavango; Iden77es and Borders in Africa; 21
DESERTO: spa7al and social dynamics, networks, exchanges and organisa7on in the Namibe; Mining Ci7es in Africa (UPIMA); Organiza7on and Representa7on in Informal Economy in PALOP: experiences and perspec7ves; Brazil-­‐Africa Rela7ons: poli7cal-­‐strategic, economic, historical and cultural aspects).
These projects integrate several researchers and all have an internaMonal nature. Other objecMves of this line comprise the integraMon of post-­‐graduate researchers; deepening and broadening internaMonal partnerships and research networks; and scienMfic producMon. In addiMon, there is a set of new projects in this area being structured, conducted by CEA-­‐IUL researchers and collaborators.
Main Achievements The researchers in this line have conducted bibliographic research, created informaMon databases, and developed a series of research instruments (surveys, interview guidelines) and have done fieldwork in Africa within the projects’ acMviMes. They also parMcipated in several scienMfic events and meeMngs throughout the year. Ongoing internaMonal research networks were developed through the projects (IRD, Cruzeiro do Sul, CEIC, CEDO, U Glasgow, U Ghana, U Copenhagen, U Hamburg, U Leiden, Unicamp/Campinas, U Pres. Mackenzie/São Paulo). Several Master theses were completed and others are ongoing; PhD thesis are being prepared, The project Iden99es and Borders in Africa finalised fieldwork acMviMes and analysis and organised, with the ABORNE, an internaMonal conference in Lisbon. A documentary resulMng from fieldwork has been presented and disseminated through internaMonal networks. Team members presented communicaMons at several scienMfic meeMngs and organised panels for conferences. Several publicaMons were reviewed and sent for publicaMon.
In the project Les Dynamiques du Développement Local Urbain (CORUS 2), team members finished arMcles for a joint publicaMon with the results of the research and organised collaboraMve work of European and African teams in Luanda and in Maputo. The edited book is now in press and funding has been secured.
The project Cape Verde and São Tomé e Príncipe concluded its acMviMes in February, organising with internaMonal partners (West Africa InsMtute, Praia; InsMtuto Camões, Mindelo, Centro Cultural Mindelo) an internaMonal seminar Mtled “Arquipélagos AtlânMcos Crioulos. Cabo Verde e São Tomé e Príncipe numa perspecMva comparada” in Mindelo, São Vicente, Cape Verde (22-­‐23 February). A master student of the project team finished her 22
thesis on a comparison of the development of public educaMon in São Tomé and Cape Verde since the 19th century. The project African Socie9es Facing Global Dynamics has achieved most of what it proposed to do in the first year and is now in the middle of the phase of data gathering. It started with a delay because financial disbursements were only authorised by FCT in December 2010. The team bridged that period by working on the development of theoreMcal and methodological approaches adequate to the project aim. These discussions also benefited from the input of Georg Klute, the project consultant. Fieldwork was conducted in Mali, Guinea-­‐Bissau and Cape Verde. However, fieldwork in Senegal and São Tomé has not been conducted yet due to the delay in disbursement but the preparaMons are already underway. Team members also presented communicaMons at a number of conferences and published papers on different aspects of the project's central quesMons. The call for two scholarships within the project was published in 24 March: Philip Jung was chosen for the master grant and Lucia Bayan for the doctoral grant. The contracts will start in July and September with a preliminary run Mme of 12 and 15 months respecMvely. The Future Okavango project conMnued its networking acMviMes between Angola, Portugal and Germany. A workshop to discuss fieldwork organisaMon took place at ISCTE-­‐IUL in January; an Angolan master student was hired and iniMated his work in the project. For the project DESERTO, CEA and CEDO established collaboraMve acMviMes with the EU Comenius project, lead by a Portuguese secondary school and have organised students’ acMviMes to fund and support the vocaMonal training centre in Njambasana. In January 2012 CEA and the partners will organise an internaMonal conference at the ISCTE-­‐IUL with students and teachers from 12 European countries parMcipaMng in the project. Within the ABORNE network, CEA members parMcipated in several ABORNE planned acMviMes. CEA-­‐IUL organised and hosted the Fi•h ABORNE Annual MeeMng (21-­‐25 September) on the theme “Crossing African Borders: MigraMon and Mobility”, in which more than 50 internaMonal scholars parMcipated. In the project UPIMA/Mining Ci9es in Africa, team members conducted fieldwork in Angola (Lunda, July and August), including interviews and a tri-­‐country survey. Data analysis began in September. The project Organiza9on and Representa9on in Informal Economy in PALOP: experiences and perspecMves has just been approved and researchers have started incepMon acMviMes. 23
Finally, in the project Brazil-­‐Africa Rela9ons: poliMcal-­‐strategic, economic, historical and cultural aspects the researchers organised and parMcipated in a series on scienMfic meeMngs both in Europe and in Brazil and a first moment of fieldwork in Brazil took place in September/October 2011. All projects prepared a poster for the IPAD event Dias do Desenvolvimento (May, 5-­‐6, Lisbon).
PublicaMons resulMng of this line are in significant number and several others have started to be prepared to be published in the next years. 3. Group Produc9vity
Publica7on in peer review journals
• Gerhard Seibert, “CreolizaMon and Creole communiMes in the Portuguese AtlanMc. São Tomé, Cape Verde, the Rivers of Guinea and Central Africa in comparison”, accepted for publicaMon in the Proceedings of the BriMsh Academy Series, Oxford University Press (2012)
• Gerhard Seibert, “São Tomé and Príncipe: the first plantaMon economy in the tropics”, accepted for publicaMon by the German Historical InsMtute London for the James Currey/Ohio University Press (2012)
• Carvalho, Ana Larcher (2011) “Republic of Guinea: an analysis of the current drivers of change”, Noref Working Paper, Norwegian Peacebuilding Centre
• Duennwald, Stephan (2011) "PoliMken der ‘freiwilligen’ Rückführung”, in Hess, Sabine; Bernd Kasparek (eds.): Grenzregime. Diskurse, Prak7ken, Ins7tu7onen in Europa, AssoziaMon A, Berlin
• Duennwald, Stephan (2010) "The Tough Way Back: Failed MigraMon in Mali”, under review for publicaMon in an edited volume
• Duennwald, Stephan (2011) “Freiwillige Rückführungen. RückkehrpoliMk und Rückkehrunterstützung von MigrantInnen ohne Aufenthaltsrechte”, Migra7on und Soziale Arbeit, 33(2): 144-­‐151
• Manuela Cardoso (accepted) “Segurança alimentar, ajuda pública ao desenvolvimento e pobreza: propostas internacionais e a situação de São Tomé e Príncipe”, Africana Studia
• Victor Reis (accepted) “A Produção alimentar mundial e a dependência de Cabo Verde e STP em relação às condições do mercado mundial”, Africana Studia, 16
PhD thesis completed
Organiza7on of conferences
• Seibert, Gerhard, “Arquipélagos AtlânMcos Crioulos. Cabo Verde e São Tomé e Príncipe numa perspecMva comparada”, Casa do Senador Vera-­‐Cruz, Mindelo, Cape Verde, 22-­‐23 February 2011
Antónia Quintão Cezerilo, “Brasil e África: desafios e perspecMvas para o século XXI, 10ª Semana do Centro de Ciências Sociais e aplicadas da Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, Sao Paulo, 12/05/2011
• Tòmas, Jordi, seminar “Crisi i Reconstrucció a l'Àfrica Negra”, Fundació Solidaritat UB, Universidade de Barcelona
• Stephan Dünnwald, Ana Larcher Carvalho and Ulrich Schiefer, Panel on ECAS/AEGIS conference, 15-­‐18 June 2011 at Uppsala, on “Borders, Gates, Gatekeepers”
• Workshop of the project “African SocieMes Facing Global Turbulences”, 31 January
• Workshop of the project “African SocieMes Facing Global Turbulences”, 25 February
• Workshop of the project “African SocieMes Facing Global Turbulences”, 2 April (with project consultant Georg Klute, University of Bayreuth)
• Workshop of the project “African SocieMes Facing Global Turbulences”, 11 April
• Fi•h Annual Conference of the ABORNE – African Borderland Research Network, “Crossing African Borders: migraMon and Mobility”, ISCTE-­‐IUL, 21-­‐25 September
Other publica7ons interna7onal
• Gerhard Seibert, “Brazil in Africa: AmbiMons and Achievements of an Emerging Regional Power in the PoliMcal and Economic Sector”, 4th European Conference of African Studies (ECAS 4), Uppsala, 15-­‐18 June, hgp://­‐4/panels/
1-­‐20/panel-­‐8/Gerhard-­‐Seibert-­‐Full-­‐paper.pdf • Gerhard Seibert, “As Relações Brasil -­‐ África: uma análise das dimensões políMcas, económicas e culturais”, Centro de Estudos Africanos, Universidade de São Paulo, 28 September 2011
• Antónia Quintão Cezerilo, “Relações Brasil-­‐África: Aspectos económicos, políMcos e culturais, Semana Nacional de Ciência e Tecnologia, Centro de Ciências Sociais e Aplicadas, Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, Sao Paulo, 17/10/2011
• Antónia Quintão Cezerilo, Seminar “LEI 10.639/03: A escola, o museu e a sala de aula”, Núcleo de Educação do Museu Afro Brasil, 15 October
• Schiefer, Ulrich (2011) “Don’t fence me in… Crossing borders into refugee camps”, Aborne -­‐ Fi•h Conference of the African Borderlands Research Network, Lisbon, 21-­‐23 September
• Duennwald, Stephan (2011) “Returned but not at Home – Returned Migrants in Mali, SIEF2011: People make places, Lisbon, 17-­‐21/04
• Duennwald, Stephan (2011) “On the InteracMon of Flow and Place”, 4th European Conference on African Studies, (ECAS) AEGIS, 15-­‐18 June, Uppsala
• Manuela Cardoso (2011), "EmigraMon and the internal limits in Cape Verde and São Tomé and Príncipe", 4th European Conference on African Studies, (ECAS) AEGIS, 15-­‐18 June, Uppsala
• Manuela Cardoso (2011) "Migrações e APD: efeitos nas alterações socioeconómicas de Cabo Verde", XI Congresso Luso Afro-­‐Brasileiro de Ciências Sociais, UFBA, Salvador da Baía, 7-­‐10 August • Victor Reis (2011), “Food balance and food security in Guinea-­‐Bissau”, 4th European Conference on African Studies, (ECAS) AEGIS, 15-­‐18 June, Uppsala
• Victor Reis (2011) “A dependência alimentar e energéMca de Cabo Verde: A instabilidade dos mercados e as suas principais questões económicas e sociais”, XI Congresso Luso Afro-­‐Brasileiro de Ciências Sociais, UFBA, Salvador da Baía, 7-­‐10 August Other publica7ons na7onal
• Carvalho, Ana Larcher (2011) “Intervenções externas no sector da segurança na Guiné-­‐Bissau”, Lusíada. Polí7ca Internacional e Segurança; Serie 1, Número 4
• Duennwald, Stephan, “Humanitarian Refoulement: the AcMviMes of the European Agency FRONTEX”, accepted for publicaMon, Cadernos de Estudos Africanos, CEA-­‐
• Carvalho, Ana Larcher (2011) Pontos de vista sobre a missão EU-­‐SSR, Eco da Voz di Paz, BoleMm InformaMvo, Guiné-­‐Bissau
• Fauré, Y.-­‐A. & Udelsmann Rodrigues, C. (org.) (2011) Descentralização e Desenvolvimento Local: estudos de caso em Angola e Moçambique à luz de experiências internacionais (in press) Government/Organiza9on contract research Consultancy for the Bertelsmann Index on TransformaMon (Germany).
4. Future Objec9ves
Objec9ves The current projects' acMviMes will be completed throughout the following years while new ones will be prepared, mainly in the areas of Development. The project African Socie9es Facing Global Turbulences plans to publish one book on the “Dynamics of change in the Felupe society” in 2012. The team proposed a panel for the Congresso Ibérico de Estudos Africanos 2012 (Madrid) which was accepted.
The project CORUS will terminate in 2012 but in the first three months, the country coordinators will launch the joint publicaMon (2011) in four countries (France, Portugal, Angola and Mozambique) and disseminate the project results through the parMcipaMon in internaMonal conferences and distribuMon of the book.
The project Borders and Iden9ty in Africa will organise two publicaMons from the arMcles presented at the ABORNE conference (African Black Diaspora special issue and Palgrave editors Borderlands collecMon). A panel on Borders in Africa was accepted for the Iberian congress in Madrid and the team will organise two workshops in Lisbon and disseminaMon acMviMes (presentaMon of documentary included). In the project UPIMA, two new publicaMons are currently being prepared and in 2012 the team will organise workshops with policy makers in all project countries (Angola included) and complete phase 3.
Within the project The Future Okavango the master student will complete the first part of his studies and start the first stage of fieldwork together with the German, Angolan and Namibian partners. The two new projects (Spa9al Reconfigura9ons and Organisa9on and Representa9on in Informal Economy) will start bibliographic research and conduct the foreseen incepMon workshops and meeMngs to discuss theoreMcal and methodological aspects. First contacts for fieldwork and cartographic work will be carried out in the second half of the year. 27
CEA-­‐IUL researchers in the project Borders and IdenMty as well as others will conMnue to parMcipate acMvely in the acMviMes of the ABORNE, namely in the Sixth ABORNE Annual Conference (Edinburgh, 6th to 9th of June), the Saint-­‐Louis/Senegal summer school and workshop (January) and the Leiden workshop (June). Funding, source, dates Researchers within this group currently manage research funding from different sources (through naMonal and internaMonal projects) and will conMnue, in 2012, seeking for further financing sources. DIKAS
Research Group Title: DisseminaMon of Interdisciplinary Knowledge in African Studies
Principal InvesMgator: Manuel João Ramos (and Isabel Boavida)
Research Area: N/D
1. Funding, source, dates FCT financing program (Strategic Project) was the main source of funding for the acMviMes developed within this line. The single book published in the Monographs series of Africa in PerspecMve collecMon were parMally financed by FCT ScienMfic Community Support Fund. COOPEDU conference proceedings were financed by IPAD, the Portuguese Agency for Development. 2. Objec9ves and Achievements
Objec9ves The main objecMve of this line is to promote the disseminaMon of scienMfic interdisciplinary knowledge in African Studies, by developing the Africana collecMon of the BCEA / CLAS (Biblioteca Central de Estudos Africanos / Central Library of African Studies), and the publicaMon and diffusion of the on-­‐going research producMon. Other objecMves comprise the broadening of naMonal and internaMonal partnerships, promoMng networks of knowledge between libraries, archives and research insMtutes. This line works in close connecMon with all research teams, direcMng and flowing informaMon on new publicaMons. 28
Main Achievements DynamizaMon of CEA parMcipaMon in the AEGIS network of excellence: the team prepared and presented at ECAS 4 in Uppsala the general themaMc for ECAS 5 (5th European Conference in African Studies) in 2013. ConsolidaMon of the team parMcipaMon in ELIAS Group (European Librarians in African Studies) acMviMes, through the commitment to organize its 2013 annual meeMng in Portugal. Isabel Boavida was elected member of ELIAS working group in this year annual meeMng held in Uppsala (June 2011). Discussion of the process of creaMng a BCEA / CLAS branch in Oporto at the technical and insMtuMonal levels, with the main of strengthening partnership between CEA and CEAUP, and promoMng integraMon of knowledge among the two centres’ research teams.
Development of publicaMon exchanges with naMonal and internaMonal partners. 2011 goals for the interchange program were resuming of former arrangements, extending towards LaMn America’s universiMes and libraries, beyond Brazil, and strengthening of the links with Brazilian research centres. PublicaMon of two issues (n. 20 and n. 21) of the Cadernos de Estudos Africanos. IndexaMon of the journal in internaMonal databases and academic journals portals (Scielo, LaMndex, LusOpenEdiMon), ensuring a worldwide disseminaMon. DeposiMng of more than three hundred full-­‐text papers, arMcles and research reports in the insMtuMonal repository of ISCTE-­‐IUL. DefiniMon of a policy for open access and good pracMces according to internaMonal standards. PublicaMon of one book in the Monographs series of the collecMon Africa in PerspecMve, and of the COOPEDU conference proceedings. ParMcipaMon in ECAS4 (AEGIS desk, Uppsala, June) IPAD Development Days Fair (Lisbon, May), and SIEF book fair (Lisbon, April) publicizing the acMviMes and publicaMons of the CEA. OrganizaMon of cultural events: • Braima Galissá’s performance (ISCTE-­‐IUL, February); • screening of two documentaries -­‐ «Dundo, memória colonial», directed by Diana Andringa (ISCTE-­‐IUL, March), and «Cemetery State», directed by Filip de Boeck and Sarah Vanagt (ISCTE-­‐IUL, May); • elaboraMon of three themaMc bibliographic files -­‐ «Diamang (Lunda, Angola)», «Filip de Boeck», and «Jaliyaa, a arte do griot [the art of the griot]»;
• launching of books published by CEA researchers or research teams; • presentaMon of a book on the Mozambican peace process, jointly with AWEPA (ISCTE-­‐IUL, October);
• exhibiMon of Malian painMngs -­‐ «The Great Leap: MigraMon and return in Mali» (Fábrica Braço de Prata, Lisbon, September);
• documentary exhibiMon -­‐ «The Emperor of Ethiopia in Lusoland: Ethiopia, Portugal and the OrganizaMon of African Unity» (CODESRIA General Assembly, Rabat, December).
3. Group Produc9vity
Other publica7ons interna7onal
Organiza7on of conferences
Isabel Boavida presented a paper at the ELIAS Annual MeeMng enMtled «Developing Africana CollecMons in Portugal, 2010-­‐2011» (Uppsala, June). 4. Future Objec9ves
Objec9ves The current acMviMes will be completed throughout the following years, including the publicaMon and publicizing of new books in African Vistas and Africa in PerspecMve collecMons, and new issues of the CEA journal Cadernos de Estudos Africanos. The BCEA / CLAS Africana collecMon will conMnue to be developed both by acquisiMons and exchanges. New proposals of exchange of publicaMons between CEA and research centres will follow, especially with Lusophone African countries and LaMn American universiMes and libraries. A collaboraMve project between BCEA / CLAS and the NaMonal Library and the NaMonal Archives of Angola, eventually involving the Universidade AgosMnho Neto, for cataloguing, digiMzing and repatriaMon of the Banco de Angola colonial collecMon (postponed this year for technical reasons) will finally be prepared and discussed at higher level. The Occasional Papers series will restart by giving publishing opportuniMes both to junior and senior researchers. Funding, source, dates 30
The main funding source of the line is FCT. Researchers within this group are aware of the need to diversify the funding sources, and are agenMve to the opening of calls and opportuniMes of sponsorship. 31
a) Research
In 2011-­‐2012 the unit aims at conMnuing research in the three core areas, focusing on internaMonally relevant issues (like Health, EducaMon, Development, Conflicts, Urban Studies) and expand its research to other emerging geopoliMcal areas of concern like the triangular relaMons Europe/Brazil/Africa and the Africa/China relaMons. Within exisMng research lines, CEA-­‐IUL has currently 19 acMve research projects, to be conducted unMl 2015, and more than a dozen completed. 11 of these projects are lead by the CEA-­‐IUL and the remaining by other universiMes/R&D units (nine of them European) where CEA-­‐IUL is an insMtuMonal partner. In 2012, researchers will manage ongoing projects and conduct fieldwork in Africa, both through CEA-­‐IUL lead projects and through the parMcipaMon in projects lead by other I&D units. b) Lecturing/tutoring Within the naMonal university system in Portugal, there have been major changes regarding the integraMon of Master and PhD students in research projects. CEA-­‐IUL has already started to recruit these (including first cycle students) and will proceed in this direcMon, consolidaMng exisMng seminar programs (African Studies Seminar) and scholarships within projects. The CEA-­‐IUL is acMvely involved in postgraduate programs in African Studies (Master and PhD), in Development Studies (Development, Local DiversiMes and Global Challenges and Development and Global Health) and in PoliMcal Science. In other universiMes, cooperates with the Master program in African History (Lisbon University) and at the internaMonal level, researchers collaborate with other European and African universiMes and research insMtuMons. Several researchers of the CEA teach at these masters, assure theses tutoring and parMcipate in academic juries, both naMonal and internaMonal. All these teaching related acMviMes will be developed and increased in 2011-­‐2012 given the reorientaMon of university courses. The regular Seminar of African Studies, organised by the CEA-­‐IUL since 2009 will be conMnued and become more acMve within the master courses at the ISCTE-­‐IUL.
c) Dissemina:on and networking
CEA-­‐IUL is connected with research centres, universiMes and individual researchers in Portugal and abroad (Europe, Africa, Brazil, the US). Every ongoing project is consMtuted by 32
an internaMonal team, and the centre is a member of several internaMonal networks. In 2012 these networks will tend to expand as applicaMons for internaMonal projects (namely the 7FP, ESF Networks and Marie Currie) have been jointly made. As a founding member of the AEGIS and member of the ABORNE (African Borderland Research Network, funded by ESF), CEA-­‐IUL will consolidate these networks throughout this period by organising the AEGIS bi-­‐
annual conference in Lisbon (2013) and parMcipaMng in the ABORNE acMviMes. Other internaMonal conferences foreseen are the II InternaMonal Congress on CooperaMon and EducaMon (2012) and the InternaMonal conference on Higher EducaMon and Development (2012). Moreover, CEA-­‐IUL researchers will parMcipate in other major internaMonal conferences of African Studies, like: 8th Iberian Congress of African Studies (Madrid, 2012).
d) Consultancy and services
CEA-­‐IUL acMvely seeks consultancy opportuniMes (studies, evaluaMon and training) and will expand the possibiliMes through the inserMon and update of the curriculum and experMse in naMonal and internaMonal databases of cooperaMon organisaMons and the applicaMon to open tenders. The centre will also conMnue the course on African Issues for the IESM, now in its third ediMon and the courses with the IDN. The centre will also conMnue to respond to ad hoc requests for comments on African issues from society insMtuMons (schools, the media, associaMons, among others).
e) Publica:ons and library
CEA will conMnue to manage the Central Library of African Studies; its acMviMes will expand to the organisaMon of exhibiMons, conferences and film presentaMons. Regarding publicaMons, the centre’s scienMfic journal Cadernos de Estudos Africanos is about to be indexed in the main internaMonal journal databases and is already indexed in the Scielo an LusOpenEdiMon pla”orms; the Africa em Perspec7va monographic collecMon will integrate all CEA-­‐IUL’s publicaMons; the reviewing process of books to the African Vistas collecMon is under scruMnity. The number of publicaMons will increase in 2012 given the number of ongoing projects. Already being prepared: a book on EducaMon and Development (2012). Individual researchers will conMnue to publish regularly in internaMonal refereed journals. 33