Maria José Maciel


Maria José Maciel
Maria José Maciel
Born: 28 February 1968, S„o Leopoldo-RS, Brazil
Native language: portugisisk (brasiliansk)
Other languages (fluent): Norwegian, English and Spanish
E-mail: : [email protected]
Phone: +47 926 06†426 / +47 22 67 66 13
Address: Hegermannsgate 13 B, 0478 Oslo, Norway
Owner of
Elo Cultural
Sole proprietorship no. NO 984 587 627 MVA, established November 2002
Language service provider - Portuguese and Spanish
2006 University of Oslo
• Government Authorised Interpreter, Norwegian ñ Portuguese
2004 Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration
• Government Authorised Translator Norwegian ñ Portuguese
2005 - University of Oslo
• Bachelorís Degree: Spanish Language
1992 - 2000 University of Oslo
• Cand. philol. (higher) degree in English ñ Dissertation on contrastive
• Cand. mag. (lower) degree in English and Portuguese
1985 - 1991 Vale dos Sinos University, Brazil
• Bachelorís degree in bilingual secretarial studies (Portuguese - English)
• Cand. mag. degree in Portuguese ñ English language and cultural
studies (85% completed)
Assistant professor at University College Oslo
The public service interpreting course is a one-year part-time course spanning
five weekends of tuition and mandatory online tuition provided one evening per
• 2007 - Assistant professor in Public Service Interpreting (30 credits)
Portuguese - Spanish / English / Norwegian interpreter
Simultaneous and consecutive interpreting and liaison and conference
• 2001 -Ö Directorate of Immigration, Oslo District Court, Norwegian Church Aid,
Oslo Police Force, Lovisenberg Hospital, Eidsivating Court of Appeal, Norwegian
Ministry of Transport and Communications, Du Store Verden, Ombudsman for
Equality and Discrimination, Sigvartsen, University College Troms¯, Norwegian
Appeals Board for Asylum and Immigration Cases (Utlendingsnemnda), law firms,
interpreting agencies etc.
Translator and proof-reader
General and technical language texts Norwegian-Portuguese
• 2000 - Ö Assignments for government authorised translators, Amesto, Interset, University of Oslo, Directorate of Immigration, Oslo District Court, Oslo
Police District, ÿkokrim (The Norwegian National Authority for Investigation
and Prosecution of Economic and Environmental Crime), Aker Maritime,
Languagewire, Lingo Access, Norwegian Confederation of Trade Unions, Jaruma
AS, Odfjell ASA, The Rainforest Foundation (Norway), Norwegian Union of
Municipal and General Employees, The Salvation Army and others
Consultant editor for a Norwegian-Portuguese dictionary
Editing and expansion of the dictionary to include Brazilian forms differing
from the language norm in Portugal, with a basis in the previous edition of the
• December 2004 – january 2005, Norsk-portugisisk ordbok, KÂre Nilsson, 1994
Teacher of Portuguese
Tuition at all levels, use of own material in addition to course books and
adaptation of curriculum and seminars
• 2001 - … In-house courses for the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and
Statistics Norway
• 1997 - 2003 - Institute of Classical and Romance Studies, University of Oslo
Assistant on the preliminary course for distance learning
• 1996 - 2002 - Language courses for SprÂkskolen, Berlitz, Polaris Institute, and
Tutor of Brazilian and Portuguese history and background literature
Tuition and adaptation of course curriculum
• 1997 - 2003 - Institute of Classical and Romance Studies, University of Oslo
• 2002 - 2003 - University of Gothenburg, Sweden
Financial manager for the Salsa Foundation, Oslo
Bookkeeping and secretarial duties
Coordinator of LASO ñ Latin-America Seminar in Oslo
Organisation and coordination of courses and evening meetings
Co-founder of the organisation
• 1999 – 2004 - Salsafondet, Oslo
The Salsa Foundation, Oslo (The Salsa Foundation is an NGO that provided
financial support for and carried out solidarity work targeting Latin-America)
Other work experience
Turistguide i Oslo på portugisisk og spansk
•1996 – 1999 - Scandinavian Tour Management, Oslo
Voiceover work - reader of fiction and non-fiction
• 2000 – 2001 - Norsk lyd og blindeskriftbibliotek (Norwegian Audio Library for
the Blind), Oslo
Association of Government Authorized Translators in Norway
Norwegian Association of Interpreters
ABRATES (Brazilian Association of Translators)
Norwegian National Register of Interpreters (listing)
Brazilian-Norwegian Chamber of Commerce
Council of Brazilian Citizens in Norway