English Version - Balanço Social 2015
English Version - Balanço Social 2015
SOCIAL REPORT Embrapa’s Social Report 2014 1) Calculation basis 1) Net Operating Revenue (NR)* 2) Operating Income 3) Gross Payroll (GP) 4) Independent Contractors 2014 (R$) 2013 (R$) 2,777,242,612.59 2,287,759,627.45 (37,115,761.50) (230,702,951.98) 1,511,291,445.38 1,303,586,228.60 62,298,644.03 2) Labor Indicators Amount (R$) GP % On NR* 45,913,877.77 % On Amount (R$) GP NR* 2.1) Meals/Meal Vouchers 98,956,213.63 6.55 3.56 89,907,564.88 6.897 3.93 2.2) Compulsory Payroll Taxes 404,368,761.44 26.76 14.56 361,989,171.19 27.769 15.823 2.3) Private Pension Plan 99,339,744.47 6.57 3.58 97,370,000.00 7.469 4.256 2.4) Occupational Welfare, Health and Safety 44,648,438.37 2.95 1.61 33,817,072.92 2.594 1.478 2.5) Professional Education and Training 123,992,784.39 8.20 4.46 112,297,580.75 8.615 4.909 8,577,324.00 0.57 0.31 7,472,507.06 0.57322691 0.326629903 1.005 2.6) Day-care Centers/Allowances 2.7) Other Benefits 26,069,898.36 1.73 0.94 22,998,233.43 1.764 Total Labor Indicators 805,953,164.66 53.33 % On GP 29.02 725,852,130.23 55.681 31.728 % On GP NR* 3) Social Indicators Amount (R$) NR* Amount (R$) 3.1) Taxes (excluding Payroll Taxes) 4,335,099.89 0.29 0.16 4,097,546.35 0.314328754 0.17910738 Total Social Indicators 4,335,099.89 0.29 0.16 4,097,546.35 0.314328754 0.17910738 4) Technologies Developed and Transferred to Society 22,882,846,832.53 1.514.13 823.94 20,024,159,615.14 1.536.08 875.27 5) Social Profit (2 + 3 + 4) 23,693,135,097.08 1.567.74 853.12 20,754,109,291.72 1.592.08 907.18 6) Staff indicators 6.1) Number of Employees at the End of the Period 2014 2013 9,818 9,797 6.2) Number of Admissions During the Period 124 120 6.3) Number of Interns and Junior Apprentices 9,952 8,472 6.4) Number of Employees Over 45 Years of Age 5,801 5,902 6.5) Number of Women Working in the Company 2,969 2,957 30.99% 30.57% 6.6) Percentage of Management Posts Held by Women 6.7) Number of Black Staff Members Working in the Company 6.8) Percentage of Management Posts held by Black Staff Members 3,103 2,994 24.11% 22.30% 6.9) Number of Employees with Disabilities 109 149 7) Relevant Information Regarding the Exercise of Corporate Citizenship 2014 2013 7.1) Ratio Between the Highest and the Lowest Remuneration in the Company 24,14 20,43 7.2) Total Number of Occupational Accidents 7.3) Actions of Relevant Social Interest 144 1,151 189 1,115 7.3.1) Family Farming 7.3.2) Rural Settlers, Indigenous and Traditional Communities 257 24 173 44 7.3.3) Education and Professional Training: External Activities 348 300 7.3.4) Environment and Environmental Education 115 108 7.3.5) Food security, Brazil without Misery 108 119 7.3.6) Community Support 52 72 7.3.7) Education and Professional Training: Internal Activities 109 150 7.3.8) Occupational Welfare, Health and Safety 138 149 7.4) Number of New Jobs Generated In The Year by the Technologies Developed and Transferred to Society 66,255 74,544 7.5) Percentage of Actions of Relevant Interest that Promote Gender and/or Racial Equality 49.26% 45.11% 7.6) Social and Environmental Projects are Defined by ( ) Directors ( ) Employees ( ) Beneficiaries (x) Directors, Employees and Beneficiaries 7.7) Health and Safety Standards in the work Environment are Defined by ( ) Directors (x) Directors and managers ( ) All employees and the IAPC (Internal Accident Prevention Committee) 7.8) The Private Pension Plan Includes ( ) Directors ( ) Directors and managers (x) All employees and the IAPC (Internal Accident Prevention Committee) 7.9) As for Employee Participation in Volunteer Work Programs, the Corporation ( ) Does not get involved (x) Supports it ( ) Organizes and encourages it 8) Notes 8.1) Embrapa does not share profits or income. It is a public company whose capital stock belongs entirely to the Brazilian Government. Union. Embrapa does not employ child or slave labor, has no involvement with prostitution or sexual exploitation of children or teenagers, and is not involved with corruption. The Corporation values and respects diversity both internally and externally. 8.2) In spite of operational accounting losses, important benefits were supplied to society, as shown in sections “Labor Indicators”, “Social Indicators” and “Technologies Developed and Transferred to Society”. Such benefits are expressed as a Social Profit of R$ 17,827,583,138.63 in 2013, and of R$ 20,754,109,291.72 in 2014. 8.3) Net Operating Revenue refers to revenue from sales and services, to operating revenue (transfers received, other operating revenue and partnerships), and to the result of revenue minus budgetary and extra-budgetary expenses, deducting any discounts, sales taxes and services taxes (ICMS and ISS), refunds, adjustments made on the gross revenue from sales and services, federal tax rectifications and other fiscal deductions 8.4) Actions of Relevant Social Interest carried out by Embrapa are listed in the Social Actions Database 2013. Click on the link to access: http://bs.sede.embrapa.br/2013/acoes/html/busca2013.html Susy Darlen Barros da Penha – CRC/DF 007472/O-2 – CNPJ Embrapa 00.348.003/0001-10 Each Brazilian Real invested generated 8.53 R$ to Brazilian society Investing in technology is really worth it. The Social Profit/Net Revenue ratio in 2014 was of 8.53. In order words, each Brazilian real invested was returned to Brazilian society multiplied by 8.53. The returns from Embrapa’s investment in the 106 technologies monitored and assessed since 1997, the year of the Social Report’s inception, also indicate high yield and an average internal rate of return (IRR) of 39.4%. Social Profit of R$ 23.69 billion This is an assessment of the economic impacts of 106 technologies and 220 cultivars that were developed and transferred to society, which represent 96.5% of the social profit announced. 1,151 actions of relevant social interest and 70 awards and honors Embrapa is known for its commitment to solving Brazilian problems. In 2014, such recognition was materialized in the 70 awards and honors received by Embrapa’s employees, products, activities, and projects. Its social responsibility is also reflected in more than a thousand social actions on family farming, professional education and training, indigenous communities, the environment and environmental education, agrarian reform settlers, traditional and indigenous communities, food security, community support and welfare, and occupational health and safety. New jobs created in 2014 66,255 This is a baseline figure, as it refers to new jobs generated by the 106 technologies assessed in this report. Since Embrapa has developed and transferred thousands of technologies, products, and services to Brazilian society throughout the course of its history, such impact on the number of jobs created each year is certainly much higher. The modern tradition of always innovating Due to its own innovation-driven nature as an in- Controle de Pesca do Mato Grosso do Sul - stitution, Embrapa has the salutary habit of keep- SCPesca/MS), which enabled the management ing up-to-date with the latest science advances and the conservation of fish stocks in Pantanal. and organizational management methods. Such Terraclass, an inter-ministerial partnership to habit has been incorporated since Embrapa’s monitor the land use and cover of deforested origins, when the corporation started to heavily areas in the Brazilian Amazon Region and, more invest in the training of collaborators, who would recently, in the Cerrado, has been broadening return (and still return) such investment in the scientific knowledge on the occupation dy- form of new ideas, processes, and procedures. namics of the Brazilian territory. Furthermore, Thus there is a virtuous circle in which peo- an action by the Machadinho d´Oeste City Sec- ple build the organization, and the organization retariat of Agriculture and Embrapa under the positively works to build people up. At the same scope of the Green Arc project revolutionized time, surrounding social, economic, and political milk supply in the state of Rondônia. changes throughout the years have constituted From 2014 on, two other criteria are avail- fundamental ingredients for Embrapa’s evolu- able to analyse Embrapa’s performance: impact tion. Hence the corporation needs to be atten- in the elaboration of public policies and adher- tive to the information and signs deriving from its ence to gender equality principles. In addition, internal and external environments, which feed the corporation’s contribution for the advance of into each other. science through the generation of knowledge is also underscored in the present document. Since its inception in 1997, this Social Report has borne important witness to the transfor- It is precisely due to this performance, which mations which Brazil and Embrapa have un- operates both at an international level, related dergone. This edition presents eight important to the advance of science, and at a local level, research contributions to the country, among devoted to the deepest Brazilian problems, that which is the implementation of the Mato Gros- Embrapa is deemed to be the biggest research so do Sul Fishing Control System (Sistema de institution dedicated to tropical agriculture. Cover photo: artisan fisherman Aquilino Arruda shows a pacu fished from the Paraguay River. He is a beneficiary of the Mato Grosso do Sul Fishing Control System, which was set up with Embrapa’s support. New impacts, different dimensions Photo: Ronaldo Rosa 2 Embrapa’s impact in scientific knowledge the advance of science. Production from its re- In addition to directly contributing with technolo- search centres has not only gradually increased gies, products, and processes to different produc- in quantitative terms, but there has also been a tion systems, and thus to the economic, social, substantial improvement to the quality of their and environmental development of the country, publications in indexed periodicals. Similarly, re- Embrapa is also distinguished because of what it cent data indicate that the company continues to knows best: generating scientific knowledge for grow in terms of bibliographical citations, which 1600 also testifies its impact in the national and inter- 1400 national scientific communities. Moreover, in 1200 terms of efficiency, Embrapa has been spending 1000 fewer and fewer resources to produce articles. 800 600 Its main scientific achievements are as follows. 400 200 2013 2001 2009 2007 2005 2003 2001 1999 1997 1995 1993 1981 1989 1987 1985 1983 1981 1979 1975 between 1974 and 2013 1977 0 Scientific production grows strongly The history of Embrapa’s scientific production Figure 1. Paper production by Embrapa in periodicals indexed by Web of Science from 1974 to 2013. as indexed in the Web of Science (WoS) data- Articles and partnerships per country base presents some key dates: the first one, Embrapa published papers with a total of 98 the year of 1996, date of the creation of its countries between 2004 and 2013, including na- Result-based Evaluation and Awards System tional partners. There has been an increase in co (Sistema de Avaliação e Premiação por Resulta- -authorships with Brazilian authors. The number dos - Sapre/SAU), which marks the inflection of of joint publications with Brazilians represented the curve to exceed 200 annual papers in 1997, 64.60% of the total production during Embrapa’s and reach over 500 papers in 2006. The sec- first 30 years, and rose to 76.15% in the last ten ond inflection occurred in 2007, when Embrapa years. The United States constituted 7% of such reached the new hallmark of 811 papers, in an partnerships. Thus, Brazil and the US alone ac- exponential growth trend that was observed count for 83.15% of all of Embrapa’s papers and until the achievement of over 1400 papers in partnerships. The next five partner countries in 2013. The Corporation today publishes about publications are European: France, United King- 3.65% of the total number of Brazilian scientific dom, Netherlands, Germany and Spain. They articles in periodicals indexed by the WoS . add up to 7.02% of the partnerships. This indi- 1 cates that 90.17% of Embrapa’s co-authorships are concentrated in institutions in Brazil and in another six countries. Table 1. Main partner countries, per year. Class. Countries 2004 2005 1 Brazil 453 454 2 USA 70 65 3 France 18 17 4 UK 12 14 5 Netherlands 8 5 6 Germany 16 7 7 Spain 3 6 8 Australia 4 5 9 Argentina 3 3 10 Canada 3 6 11 Italy 4 3 12 Mexico 5 1 13 Colombia 8 3 14 Japan 4 3 15 Uruguay 1 3 16 Portugal 17 China 18 Switzerland 19 Belgium 3 4 20 India 1 1 2006 2007 2008 543 808 1,018 47 80 77 15 16 31 15 18 11 12 9 6 7 12 18 7 6 9 7 5 3 11 2 13 6 8 15 2 6 6 6 2 1 4 2 5 5 1 4 1 1 3 1 3 1 2 2 1 2 6 2 3 1 1 1 2009 2010 2011 1,063 1,105 1,274 87 94 107 30 56 45 25 10 20 11 14 12 13 6 13 13 18 13 7 12 9 7 10 15 12 6 9 6 6 4 5 2 8 6 5 5 8 5 8 4 13 3 4 5 8 5 7 7 1 2 3 3 5 2 5 2 2 2012 1,301 103 28 32 23 15 16 23 12 12 13 14 7 3 9 7 7 6 3 11 2013 1,417 137 49 36 29 18 27 23 19 16 12 11 7 10 6 12 6 11 5 4 Total 9,436 867 305 193 129 125 118 98 95 93 62 55 52 51 44 41 36 32 31 28 % %Cum 76.15 76.15 7.00 83.15 2.46 85.61 1.56 87.17 1.04 88.21 1.01 89.22 0.95 90.17 0.79 90.96 0.77 91.73 0.75 92.48 0.50 92.98 0.44 93.42 0.42 93.84 0.41 94.25 0.36 94.61 0.33 94.94 0.29 95.23 0.26 95.49 0.25 95.74 0.23 95.96 Embrapa initiated an analysis of the nearly 400,000 documents produced by Brazilian institutions indexed by the WoS to characterize these figures. 1 3 Major institutional partnerships tute for Agricultural Research (INRA), 39th place, The University of São Paulo (Universidade de are the other foreign institutions that stand out São Paulo - USP) continues to be Embrapa’s as Embrapa’s partners even though they do not main partner, with the joint publication of 1,312 appear in the table. papers in the period. After USP, the Federal University of Viçosa (Universidade Federal de Viçosa Scientific production that is used and - UFV) has maintained second place, followed by recognized the São Paulo State University Julio de Mesquita The papers produced by Embrapa’s researchers Filho (Universidade Estadual Julio de Mesquita are increasingly being cited nationally and in- Filho - UNESP), the University of Brasília (Univer- ternationally. Between 2009 and 2014, the cor- sidade de Brasília - UnB) and the Federal Univer- poration’s citations increased fivefold and the sity of Lavras (Universidade Federal de Lavras number of periodicals searched almost doub- - UFLA). led. They grew from a total of 21,571 citations, In the international area, the U.S. Depart- in 861 periodicals, to 122,021 citations, in 1,111 ment of Agriculture Agricultural Research Servi- periodicals. ce (USDA/ARS), Embrapa’s main partner abroad, In general, Embrapa ranks above the WoS avera- takes the 14th place. It is followed by the Cen- ge in the citation range of up to 24 citations per tre for International Cooperation on Agricultural paper. This reflects its publication profile, which Research for Development and the Institute of concentrates 56% of production in national pe- Research for Development (Cirad/IRD/Ostom), riodicals. Yet, in the above-25 citation ranges, in in France, which jointly take the 19th place. In which the strength of international periodicals addition, the University of Wageningen (Ne- can be verified, the performance of Embrapa’s therlands), 35th place, the University of Florida citations is below the WoS average. See details (USA), 36th place, and the French National Insti- in Table 3. Table 2. Main partners in published papers, per year. Class.Partner 4 20042005 200620072008 20092010 2011 2012 2013Total 1 USP Consolidated 60 72 64 118 100 108 152 156 160 189 1,179 2 UFV 27 34 46 56 74 95 94 110 104 122 762 3 Unesp 27 29 30 51 71 63 80 107 106 143 707 4 UnB-BR 31 30 26 39 66 74 75 88 88 102 619 5 UFLA 22 18 24 53 62 55 44 78 86 77 519 6 UFRGS 10 19 26 22 44 44 43 54 52 55 369 7 Unicamp 17 12 14 21 32 48 40 45 50 47 326 8 UFPel 10 9 10 19 39 37 41 50 45 60 320 9 UFRRJ 17 11 21 29 44 34 31 36 53 46 319 10 UFMG 16 19 25 26 34 33 31 35 40 45 304 11 UFSCar 14 11 11 25 22 33 32 42 50 55 295 12 UFC 6 11 6 44 30 34 32 29 37 35 264 13 UFRJ 10 18 21 20 31 28 22 27 38 46 261 14 USDA-ARS 17 13 12 20 16 33 31 34 34 37 247 15 UFPR 5 12 14 26 24 21 40 25 40 38 245 16 UFG 3 6 7 8 17 24 28 26 32 62 213 17 UEL 8 4 9 14 19 19 24 25 40 47 209 18 UFRPE 4 3 8 7 17 24 31 41 32 33 209 19 Cirad/IRD/Orstom 12 13 9 8 24 18 36 25 22 28 195 20 UFSM 2 8 10 9 23 28 16 34 30 30 190 Table 3. Embrapa’s papers from 2004 to 2013 per citation range. % WoS (2005) Citation Classes Embrapa’s Papers 0 1 2.158 1.451 2a4 5a9 2.383 1.660 10a14 15a24 25a49 50a99 717 572 394 130 100+ Total 40 9.505 %Embrapa 22.70 15.27 25.07 17.46 7.54 6.02 4.15 1.37 0.42 100 % WoS 47.71 8.76 12.93 10.2 5.52 5.83 5.26 2.49 1.3 100 Improved quality in publications its effective participation in the 2nd, 3rd and 4th In the last four years, researchers from Embra- Editions of the Program, Embrapa was awarded pa’s centres have been improving their techni- the Pro-Gender and Race Equality Seal. This seal cal-scientific production by publishing papers in is evidence of the corporation’s commitment to the scientific periodicals that are best ranked in the development of new concepts in personnel accordance with the new criteria established by management and organizational culture to pro- the Brazilian Coordination for the Improvement mote gender and racial equality as well as equal of Higher Education Personnel (Coordenação de opportunities in the workplace. Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior In the context of the Program’s 5th Edition - Capes) (2013-2015), Embrapa’s Social Report starts to di- Table 4. Publications in A1, A2, B1-B5, and C Periodicals – 2010-2013 Period vulge the percentage of actions and projects of relevant social interest that either internally and Performance Indicator 20102011 2012 2013 externally promote gender and racial equality, or Paper in A1 periodical 193 251 352 561 that more directly benefit indigenous communi- Paper in A2 periodical 330 440 599 544 ties; quilombolas [slave-descending communi- Paper in B1 periodical 538 633 549 564 Paper in B2 periodical 215 289 235 217 ties]; and low-income rural, urban, or peri-urban Paper in B3 periodical 220 229 168 136 Paper in B4 periodical 156 180 216 221 and international chains of relationships. Paper in B5 periodical 215 256 169 123 54 58 66 74 Paper in C periodical Total 1,9212,3362,3542,440 communities within the corporation’s national In line with corporative values, such actions and projects promote respect and appreciation of citizens, their culture, and their knowledge. They also contribute to equal opportunities, socioeconomic inclusion, income generation, and Pro Gender and Race Equality Program the empowerment of those communities throu- In 2007, Embrapa voluntarily adhered to the Pro gh knowledge sharing and through the applica- Gender and Race Equality Program by the Brazi- tion of the technologies generated by agricultural lian Presidency Secretariat of Women’s Policies research. (Secretaria de Políticas para as Mulheres da Prewas developed through partnerships with UN Impact in the elaboration of public policy Women, the International Labour Organization From this issue on, the Social Report will also (ILO), and the Brazilian Presidency Secretariat give visibility to Embrapa’s research and de- of Policies to Promote Racial Equality (Secreta- velopment projects and actions that have un- ria de Políticas de Promoção da Igualdade Racial derscored different activities exerted by the da Presidência da República - SEPPIR/PR). For Brazilian State - that is, in the elaboration and sidência da República - SPM/PR). The initiative 5 6 implementation of laws, decrees, normative region and the modernization of wine grape instructions, plans and programs at interna- crops in the South region; nationally, it has tional, national, regional, state, and municipal contributed to the sugarcane zoning efforts level. Table 5 is not exhaustive, but already and to the formulation of the New Forest Law; comprises a first survey of a list of 60 policies, internationally, it has supported commitments responsible institutions, contributing units, Brazil made abroad, such as the plant health brief description, and type of participation by and safety regulation in the South Cone and the Embrapa. It is a sample of the public policies reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in the on which Embrapa has collaborated for dozens agricultural and livestock sector (Low Carbon of years. They demonstrate that the impact of Agriculture Plan or Plano ABC- Agricultura de such work goes beyond the effects of techno- Baixo Carbono). In this report, the case of logies in terms of increasing productivity, job fishing monitoring in Mato Grosso do Sul is generation, cost reduction, or value aggrega- going to be presented in detail. All of the above tion in the production sectors traditionally me- are evidence of how the Corporation, based asured in the Social Report. on its knowledge capital acquired throughout Several examples signal the importance of its history, actively participates in Brazilian Embrapa’s role as a public institution. At public life. Therefore, because of the breadth municipal level, for instance, it has already of its commitments affirmed with the Brazilian contributed to the elaboration of the master people stemming from the interaction with plan of the city of Ribeirão Preto and to the their legitimate institutions, Embrapa can be Campinas city agricultural development policy; considered much more than an institution of at state level, to land-use planning in Amazonas technological solutions for Brazilian agriculture state; regionally, it has informed programs of and livestock. The Embrapa is, above all, a access to good-quality water in the Semiarid citizen company. Photo: Saulo Nunes 7 IMPACT In the elaboration of public policy Photo: Agostinho Catella Knowledge and technologies that support the formulation and implementation of public policies in the form of laws, decrees, normative instructions, governmental programs, plans, and actions at municipal, state, regional, national, and international level. 8 Fishing Control System contributes to sustainability in Pantanal Pantanal is a region with many rivers and gre- ses such data jointly with Imasul. In 2013, the at diversity of fish species, which are involved annual fish production recorded in the region in three fishing categories: sport or amateur totalled 333 tons, 49.5% of which from pro- fishing (as a hobby), artisan fishing (for fish pro- fessional fishing and 50.5% from sport fishing. duction as a source of income), and subsisten- That is the type of information that allows the ce fishing (to feed fishermen and their families state to determine, for instance, the quota that themselves). The Mato Grosso do Sul Fishing sport fishermen can capture. Hence there has Control System (Sistema de Controle de Pesca been a harmonization between different users do Mato Grosso do Sul - SCPesca/MS) was im- in the three fishing modalities, facilitating the plemented in 1994 to provide the state with in- management and conservation of fish stocks in formation on local fishing activity. Its execution Pantanal. It is estimated that more than 4,000 involved the State Environmental Police, which professional fishermen and 15,000 amateur annually issues thousands of the Fish Control fishermen work in the region annually, genera- License Waybill (Guia de Controle de Pescado ting R$55 million per year in gross revenue. - GCP), the Mato Grosso do Sul Environmental Institute (Instituto de Meio Ambiente do Mato Further information: Grosso do Sul - Imasul), which processes these http://www.bs.sede.embrapa.br/2014 waybills, and Embrapa Pantanal, which analy- Photo: Walfrido Tomas 9 A Description of the Policy Policy Title 1 I Brazil nut sanitary control – Normative Instruction (Instrução Normativa) IN 21, 2009; IN 11, 2010 (MAPA); Resolution RDC 7, 2011 (Anvisa, Brazilian Health Surveillance Agency) Normative base for the health and safety control of Brazil nuts aimed at exports to the European Union 2 I Low Carbon Agriculture Plan - Law 12187, 2009 Provides for climate change mitigation and adaptation in agriculture and livestock 3 I Plant Health and Safety Regulation in the South Cone 1989-1992 4 I International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (ITPGRFA) Legislative Decree 297, 2011 Brazilian Presidency of the Republic 5 N Forest Code - Law 12651, 2012 Institutes general rules on the exploration of native vegetation in the Brazilian territory 6 N Creation of Anater - Law 12897, 2013 Establishment of the National Technical Assistance and Agricultural Extension Agency (Agência Nacional de Assistência Técnica e Extensão Rural – Anater) 7 N Creation of research institutions - Law 12954, 2014 Creation of the Northeast Centre of Strategic Technologies and of the National Institute of Research on Pantanal, among others. 8 N Declaration of state of emergency - Decree 8133, 2013 Authorizes MAPA to declare plant- or animal-health-and-safety state of emergency 9 N Wheat imports - 2014 Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade (Ministério de Desenvolvimento, Indústria e Comércio Exterior – MDIC) 10 N Microbiological limits for milk - IN 32, 2011 Extends the adoption of new microbiological limits for six months and institutes group for milk quality improvement 11 N Norms on inoculants - IN 13, 2011 Approves norms on specifications, registration, packaging and labelling of inoculants destined to agriculture 12 N Public-Private Partnerships - Law No. 12766, 2012 Alters Law No. 11079, 30 December 2004, which institutes general norms for tenders and contracts for public-private partnership within the scope of the public administration 13 N Contingency plan against coconut lethal yellowing - IN 47, 2013 Establishes a Contingency Plan for Coconut Lethal Yellowing 14 N Forest Management Plan - Resolution 406, 2009 Guidelines for forest administration according to sustainable principles 15 N More husbandry Plan (Plano Mais pecuária)/More beef Program (Programa Mais carne) - IN 3, 2014 Proposal to increase beef cattle productivity and competitiveness 16 N Agricultural Policy - Law 8171, 1991 Planning to ensure agricultural production and productivity 17 N Production development policy - Wheat (Política de desenvolvimento produtivo do Trigo - PDP Trigo) - 2009 Strengthening industrial structure and competitiveness in the Brazilian economy 18 N Guaranteed minimum price policy (Política de garantia de preços mínimos - PGPM) - 1996/2014 Aims at ensuring steady income for agricultural producers and food supply for end consumers 19 N Bamboo management policy - Law 12484, 2011 Appreciation of bamboo as agroforestry-cultural product 20 N Plant Health and Safety Policy - 1990 Set of actions aiming at plant health and sustainability in agribusiness 21 N National Policy on Agroecology and Organic Production - Decree 7794, 2012 Proposes integration of policies that are conducive to agroecological transition and organic production 22 N National policy on integrated crop-livestock-forestry systems - Law 12805, 2013 Strategy for production through integrated crop, livestock and forestry activities 23 N National Irrigation Policy - Law 12787, 2013 Sustainable use and management of soils and of water resources destined to irrigation 24 N National policy on climate change - Law 12187, 2009; Decree 7390, 2010 Provides for initiatives to protect the climate system 25 N Program against canker in pomes - IN 47, 2013 Institutes the National Program to Prevent and Control European Canker (Neonectria galligena) in Pomes 26 N National Program of Technical Assistance and Agricultural Extension in Family Farming and Agrarian Reform (Programa Nacional de Assistência Técnica e Extensão Rural na Agricultura Familiar e na Reforma Agrária - Pronater) - Law 12188, 2010 Institutes the National Policy for Technical Assistance and Agricultural Extension for Family Farming and Agrarian Reform, creates the Program, and makes other provisions 27 N Forest Rehabilitation - Law 12854, 2013 Fosters and stimulates rehabilitation activities and the implementation of forestry systems 28 N Registration of geographical indications for wine grape crops - IG 1992, 2003 IN 25, 2013 Establishes conditions for Geographical Indication registration at INP 29 N Regulation of wine produced by familiar farmers - Law 12959, 2014 Provides for the characterization and monitoring of the wine produced by family farmers 30 N Technical regulation for wheat classification - IN 38, 2010 Defines the official standard for wheat classification 31 N Resolution on mycotoxins in foods – RDC 07, 2011 Makes provisions on Maximum Tolerated Limits for mycotoxins in foods 32 N Social Fuel Seal - IN 1, 2011 Support to the participation of cooperatives of biodiesel raw materials aimed at the concession of a Social Fuel Seal to farmers 33 N Sanitary break - IN 015, 2014 (MAPA) and IN 001, 2015 (Mato Grosso) Period of total absence of crops in the field to reduce incidence of pests 34 N Climate risk agricultural zoning - IN 1, 2012 Specifies the soybean macro-regions and respective weather and soil regions 35 N Sugarcane zoning (Zoneamento Agro-Ecológico da Cana - ZAE Cana) - 2008 Land-use planning of sugarcane crops for the production of biofuels 36 N Ecological-economic Zoning (Zoneamento ecológico-econômico ZEE) - Law 6938, 1981 and Decree 4297, 2002 Aims at incorporating an integrated view of natural and social aspects in the management of the Brazilian territory 37 R Freshwater Program Promotion of access to good-quality water for populations in the Brazilian Semiarid 38 R Program to modernize wine grape crops – Modervitis Aims at improving the quality standard of grapes and of juice and wine production 39 R Second Water Program (Programa Segunda Água) - 2007 Promotion of technologies to collect rainwater for agriculture and livestock in the Brazilian Semiarid 40 R A million cisterns Program (Programa Um milhão de cisternas) – 2003 Program to benefit five million people living in the Semiarid region with drinking water 41 E Increase in Brazil nut production through extractive agriculture - 2010 Strengthening and revitalization of the Brazil nut production chain in the Amazon region 42 E Development of family beef cattle farming - Law 13515, 2010 Sustainable agricultural development aimed at improving quality of life 43 E Development of fishing and aquaculture in Amazonas state - 2005 Program to develop and foster fishing and aquaculture in the state of Amazonas Sustainable rural development in Amazonas state - 2001 Guidelines for rural development, agrarian reform, and family farming Regulation of plant health and safety activities in South Cone countries The treaty aims at the conservation and sustainable use of plant genetic resources used for food and agriculture, as well as the fair and equitable sharing of the benefits resulting from their use 44 E 45 E Strengthening of the rubber production chain in Amazonas state - 2010 Strengthening of the rubber production chain to increase production and improve latex 46 E Family Farming Forums (Fóruns de Agricultura familiar - FAFs) - 2014 Mobilization of rural workers to discuss new pathways for family farming 47 E Law on environmental services in Amazonas state - Law 3184, 2007 Value-aggregation to environmental and ethnic megadiversity of the Amazon region 48 E Environmental Licensing System - 1981 Procedure to license initiatives that use or affect natural resources 49 E Environmental licensing for pig farming - IN 11, 2014 Determines criteria for environmental licensing of pig farming in Santa Catarina 50 E Land-use planning in Amazonas state - 2003 Defines guidelines for land-use planning in Amazonas state 51 E Local production arrangements policy - Dec-Law 26957, 2007 Identification and development of priority economic axes in Amazon 52 E State policy for traditional peoples and communities in the Amazonas - 2010 Defines guidelines related to traditional peoples and communities in Amazonas 53 E Strategic program of technology transfer for the rural sector (Pro-Rural) – 2013 Program to disseminate and incorporate new sustainable agricultural production technologies in Amazonas state 54 E Registration and certification of sheep carrying the Boorola mutation - 2013 Recognition of sheep with Booroola genes aiming at higher birth rates System for Fishing Control in Pantanal - 1994 Generation of information for fishing management in Pantanal Program for sustainable development and mitigation of impacts of climate change 55 E 56 E System of incentives for environmental services (Sistema de incentivos a serviços ambientais - SISA) - Law 2308, 2010 57 E Value-aggregation to indigenous agriculture (Valorização da agricultura indígena - VAI) - 2012 58 M Master Plan of Ribeirão Preto city - 2014 Orientation for public and private agents' action, aiming at collective welfare 59 M Campinas city rural development policy - 2014 Strengthening of agricultural and agroindustrial activities in Campinas city 60 M Environmental Services - Law 2249, 2014 Regulates the implementation of payment to farmers for the conservation of water springs Capacity-building on sustainable technologies for indigenous women and youth C= Compass of the Policy: I=International; N=National; R=Regional; S=State; M=Municipal/City 10 Institution Responsible Embrapa's Participation Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, and Food Supply (Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento - MAPA); Ministry of Health; European Union Studies, liaison, and capacity-building related to chemical and biological contamination of Brazil nuts Embrapa Acre, Embrapa Food Agroindustry MAPA Member of the Plan's technical group, conducting research and supplying technical information - 32 Decentralized Units South Cone Plant Health Committee (Comitê de Sanidade Vegetal do Cone Sul - COSAVE) Representative of Brazil in the Permanent Working Group on Biological Control (Grupo Permanente de Trabalho em Controle Biológico, GTP-CB) - Embrapa Forestry Brazilian Presidency of the Republic Technical information Brazilian Presidency of the Republic Technical information and implementation of action plan on the conformity of the agricultural scenario with the new law Brazilian Presidency of the Republic Technical information Brazilian Presidency of the Republic Technical advice during the elaboration of the law Brazilian Presidency of the Republic Technical data on the applicability of the Decree Decision on the wheat imports quota and tax exemption outside Mercosur Supplying MDIC with data on the wheat production perspectives for the 2014 crop year - Embrapa Wheat MAPA Comprising the working group MAPA Technical data for the elaboration of the normative instruction Brazilian Presidency of the Republic Technical data MAPA Participation in the implementation of the plan - member of the national emergency group on the disease National Environment Council (Conselho Nacional do Meio Ambiente – CONAMA) Development of the Digital Model of Forest Exploration (Modeflora) - Embrapa Acre, Embrapa Forestry MAPA Proposed actions to overcome the main bottlenecks in the beef cattle production chain - Embrapa Beef Cattle MAPA Development of the Agricultural Risk Matrix, the Agricultural Risk Information Central, and the Agritempo System MDIC Held the “Workshop on Wheat” with the aim of establishing the foundations for a new kind of Brazilian wheat cropping - Embrapa Wheat National Food Supply Company - (Companhia Nacional de Abastecimento - CONAB/MAPA) Survey of wheat costs and information on other crops (barley, oats, and rye) - Embrapa Wheat Presidency of the Republic Appreciation of bamboo as agroforestry-cultural product MAPA Participation in the Group to Strengthen the Plant Health and Safety Surveillance System (Sistema de Vigilância Fitossanitária – VIGIFITO); and technical data - Embrapa Environment Brazilian Presidency of the Republic Representation and technical data for the National Commission on Agroecology and Organic Production (Comissão Nacional de Agroecologia e Produção Orgânica – CNAPO) Brazilian Presidency of the Republic Elaboration of base studies for the elaboration of the law. Participation in public discussions Brazilian Presidency of the Republic Final report on the bill forwarded for presidential sanction Brazilian Presidency of the Republic Development of the TerraClass Project, which maps land use in deforested areas of the Brazilian Amazon region Embrapa Agriculture Informatics, Embrapa Eastern Amazon MAPA Participation in group and technical data for the implementation of the program Brazilian Presidency of the Republic Participation in the formulation of the law and in structuring the Agency Brazilian Presidency of the Republic Participation in the definition of scope and in the elaboration of the law National Industrial Property Institute (Instituto Nacional de Propriedade Industrial- INPI) Support to geographic indications and technical data for INPI's regulation - Embrapa Grape and Wine Brazilian Presidency of the Republic Implementation of the policy to characterize the wine produced by family farming - Embrapa Grape and Wine MAPA Representation in the Sectorial Chamber for Winter Crops and advice on the elaboration of the new legislation - Embrapa Wheat Brazilian Health Surveillance Agency (Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária- ANVISA) Data to support legislation on wheat contamination by toxins - Embrapa Wheat Ministry of Agrarian Development (Ministério do Desenvolvimento Agrário - MDA) Data for the elaboration of the normative instruction Mato Grosso state; MAPA Proposed calendars to fallow bean and soybean crops in some Brazilian states - Embrapa Rice and Beans, Embrapa Soybean MAPA Proposal to guide the indication of soybean cultivars in the agricultural zoning MAPA; Ministry of Environment (Ministério do Meio Ambiente - MMA) Digital processing techniques to evaluate lands' potential for sugarcane 5 Embrapa Units Brazilian Presidency of the Republic Member of the “ZEE Brazil” consortium, participation in the elaboration of state or regional ZEEs Secretariat of Water Resources and Urban Environment (Secretaria de Recursos Hídricos e Ambiente Urbano - SRHU/MMA) Secretariat for Innovation - SI/MDIC Implementation of integrated production system. Socio-environmental risk assessment - Embrapa Environment, Embrapa Semiarid Brazilian Semiarid Articulation (Articulação Semiárido Brasileiro - ASA) Elaboration of the Program and provision of technical data for its implementation - Embrapa Semiarid Proposition of policy and participation in the Program's National Managing Committee - Embrapa Grape and Wine ASA Elaboration of the Program and provision of technical data for its implementation - Embrapa Semiarid Technical Committee on Brazil nuts / 1 SEAFE / 2 SDS-AM Representation in the Committee. Project for Brazil nut tree grove mapping and characterization of production systems Embrapa Western Amazon Rio Grande do Sul state Formulation of the program based on project to ecologize family husbandry - Embrapa South Livestock Amazonas State Council on Fishing and Aquaculture (Conselho Estadual de Pesca e Aquicultura – CONEPA/AM) Representation in CONEPA for the formulation of public policies regarding the sector - Embrapa Western Amazon Amazonas State Council of Sustainable Agricultural Development (Conselho Estadual de Desenvolvimento Rural Sustentável- CEDRS/AM) Representation in CEDRS, informing the discussions, and elaboration of documents to support public policies - Embrapa Western Amazon Technical Committee on Rubber/SEAFE/SDS-AM Representation in the Technical Committee on Rubber, technical advice and technology transfer - Embrapa Western Amazon National Confederation of Agricultural Workers (Confederação Nacional dos Trabalhadores na Agricultura - Contag) Institutional support for the setup of 9 Forums in the state of Roraima, in partnership with the Federation of Agricultural Workers (Federação de Trabalhadores na Agricultura - FETAG) - Embrapa Roraima Amazonas state Secretariat of Environment and Sustainable Development Representation and advice in the Amazonas Forum on Climate Change (Fórum Amazonense de Mudanças Climáticas - FAMC) to elaborate a draft of the Law - Embrapa Western Amazon Mato Grosso do Sul Environmental Institute (Instituto de Meio Ambiente do Mato Grosso do Sul - Imasul) Santa Catarina State Environmental Foundation (Fundação do Meio Ambiente de Santa Catarina - Fatma) Development of the Interactive System to Support Environmental Licensing (Sistema Interativo de Suporte ao Licenciamento Ambiental - Sisla) - 3 Decentralized Units State Commission of Socioeconomic-Ecological Zoning (Comissão Estadual de Zoneamento Socioeconômico-Ecológico - CEZEE) Representation in the CEZEE, informing discussions and defining guidelines for land-use planning - Embrapa Western Amazon State Secretariat of Planning and Economic Development (Secretaria de Estado de Planejamento e Desenvolvimento Econômico - SEPLAN/AM) Amazonas State Council for the Sustainable Development of Traditional Peoples and Communities (Conselho Estadual de Desenvolvimento Sustentável de Povos e Comunidades Tradicionais do Amazonas - CDSPCT/AM) Representation in the Sectorial Chambers to follow Local Production Arrangements (Arranjos Produtivos locais - APLs) - Embrapa Western Amazon Elaboration of studies and coordination of technical report - Embrapa Swine and Poultry Representation in the State Council, with discussions and proposals for the segment - Embrapa Western Amazon Amazonas State Secretariat of Rural Production (Secretaria de Estado da Produção Rural- Sepror/AM) Coordination of four thematic lines with training of agents and farmers -Embrapa Western Amazon Rio Grande do Sul State Secretariat of Agriculture, Livestock and Agribusiness (Secretaria de Agricultura Pecuária e Agronegócio - Seapa/RS) Introduction of the boorola mutation in Brazil. Liaison for sheep registration and certification - Embrapa South Livestock Mato Grosso do Sul state Development of the system in partnership with state institutions. Capacity-building and technical advice - Embrapa Pantanal Acre state Program for sustainable development and mitigation of impacts of climate change Ministry of Social Development and Fight against Hunger (Ministério de Desenvolvimento Social e Combate à Fome - MDS) Technical and institutional liaison, demonstrative units and capacity-building of indigenous people - Embrapa Roraima Ribeirão Preto city Guiding document on agricultural practices in the outcrop areas of the Guarani aquifer- Embrapa Environment Campinas City Council for Rural Development and Agribusiness (Conselho Municipal de Desenvolvimento Rural e do Agronegócio de Campinas - CMDRA) Representation in CMDRA with voting rights and technical advice - Embrapa Environment Jaguariúna city administration Participation in the managing group of the Jaguariúna Basins Program, for conservation of water springs - Embrapa Environment 1 2 SEAFE - State Secretariat of Forestry and Extractive Agriculture (Secretaria de Florestas e Extrativismo do Estado) SDS-AM - Amazonas State Secretariat of Environment and Sustainable Development (Secretaria de Estado do Meio Ambiente e Desenvolvimento Sustentável) 11 IMPACT More productivity Photo: Frederico Botelho Technologies that contribute to increasing the average productivity of domestic agriculture and food supply to the Brazilian population. Besides the economic impact, the table includes the Internal Rate of Return (IRR) and social and environmental impact indices for the technologies, which can range from -15 to +15, obtained according to the perception of a sample of farmers for each technology. 12 Technology reduces deforestation and guarantees milk production in the Amazon region Rondônia has 12 million head of cattle, with a rehabilitation of Brachiaria pastures; sugarcane + strong presence of dairy cattle farming, but the urea supplementation; dairy herd management. low productivity per animal (3 to 4 litres of milk per The results obtained in 2014 indicate a 34% cow/day) and the low prices paid to farmers have increase in the volume collected by 1200 represented a problem in the region. Moreover, producers in a dairy in the region, reaching five the dry season and animal overstocking have million litres. Another five producers stood out aggravated the seasonality of pastures, making in dairy cattle competitions with up to 36kg of dairies idle for up to 40% of their capacity during milk/cow/day. The income increase recorded in the draught. In 2011, through the Green Arc the three properties used as demonstrative units project, the Municipal Secretariat of Agriculture allowed for the installation of electricity (at the of the town of Machadinho d’Oeste and Embrapa cost of R$ 12,000.00/property) and milk coolers. joined efforts to transfer different technologies The three properties have become models for to milk producers in the state as compensation the settlements in the region (Maria Mendes, for policies to curb deforestation in the Brazilian Santa Maria I, and Santa Maria II) and for other Amazon region. Among such technologies are: cities in the state and in the Amazon region. Embrapa kit for manual milking; management and subdivision of pastures in a rotation system Further information: with the mombossa cultivar of guine grass; http://www.bs.sede.embrapa.br/2014 Photo: Renata Silva 13 IMPACT More productivity Unit Year of adoption Acre Agrobiology Tropical Agroindustry 2001 2004 2012 Mixed cropping of second-season maize with Brachiaria ruziziensis Western Agriculture 2006 Green manure preceding food crops under agroecologically-based management Western Agriculture 2011 Amapá Amapá Amapá Western Amazon Western Amazon Eastern Amazon Eastern Amazon Eastern Amazon Eastern Amazon Goats & Sheep Goats & Sheep Goats & Sheep Cerrados Cerrados Cerrados/Agriculture Informatics Temperate Agriculture Forestry Forestry Beef Cattle Beef Cattle Beef Cattle Beef Cattle Beef Cattle 2010 2002 2010 2003 2003 2005 1999 2007 2007 1987 2005 2001 1996 1996 1997 2008 1999 1995 1984 1994 2009 1991 2001 Beef Cattle 1996 Dairy Cattle Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables Agriculture Informatics Agriculture Informatics Instrumentation Cassava and Tropical Fruits South Livestock South Livestock South Livestock South Livestock Rondônia Soils 2007 2002 1999 2012 2004 2007 2004 2003 2009 2009 2009 2013 2003 2006 Soils 2006 Swine & Poultry Swine & Poultry Coastal Tablelands 2011 2000 2004 2010 Technology Recommendation of forage peanut for pastures in Acre state Inoculation of cowpea with rhizobium Good practices for the production of coalho cheese New cultivars of banana trees for the state of Amapá Management of açaí palm groves native to flood plains for fruit production Bragantino food production system Best practices for guarana crops Black sigatoka-resistant banana tree varieties BRS Pará Açaí berry Management of native acai groves Trio of cassava crop productivity Management of native bees in hive boxes in the Amazon region Vermin control for goats and sheep in the Semi-arid Agrosilvopastoral production system for the Caatinga Confinement lamb finishing Agricultural gypsum in soybean crops in the Cerrado Agricultural gypsum in maize crops in the Cerrad Agricultural zoning Peach cultivar - BRS Rubimel Severe frost-tolerant Eucalyptus benthamii Integrated management of wood wasp in Pinus crops Marandú Grass Mombasa Grass Piatã Grass Tanzania Grass Campo Grande Stylosanthes Superior Nelore bulls assessed by the Geneplus Program for mounting Integration of dairy cattle with crops and forestry Virus-free garlic “Amarela de Senador Amaral” yellow arracacha cultivar Nagai tomatoes Embrapa Technological Information Agency Agricultural Weather Monitoring System - Agritempo Coffee harvester Formosa - Bacteriosis-resistant cassava variety Campo Limpo chemical herbicide applicator Ecologization of family husbandry in Alto Camaquã, RS Assisted introduction of the Booroola gene in sheep flocks BRS Estribo Sudan grass cultivar Coffee plant pruning in Rondônia state: defining stem density Underground dams: a sustainability option for the Northeastern Semi-arid Improvement of the Grape production system in the Zona da Mata region of Pernambuco Planning, management, and operational standards for hog production Embrapa 051 free-range laying hens PET Trap fertOnline software for fertilizer recommendations Total 14 Coastal Tablelands Area of Adoption Unit of measurement Embrapa’s Participation (%) Social impact 137,600 115,000 716 Hectare Hectare Hectare 70 50 45 1.29 4.10 nd 521,421 Hectare 60 500 Hectare 70 210 5,200 720 2,370 7,627 28,444 57,000 5,701 4,800 50,000 500 190,000 1,091,663 162,885 52,768,328 58 14,500 1,000,000 25,460,388 7,748,336 3,930,000 3,800,000 1,700,000 Hectare Hectare Hectare Hectare Hectare Hectare Hectare Hectare Boxes Head Hectare Head Hectare Hectare Hectare Hectare Hectare Hectare Hectare Hectare Hectare Hectare Hectare 3,583,778 Environmental impact IRR (%) Economic impact 2.01 2.63 nd 13.47 51.50 nd 78,333,906.34 20,699,425.00 926,325.00 0.74 2.23 1.99 64,835,572.82 0.98 2.13 nd 40 40 50 70 70 70 50 70 70 5 40 20 70 70 30 70 70 50 50 60 35 70 70 0.91 1.00 0.90 4.90 4.49 0.51 1.16 1.80 0.46 2.69 2.93 5.75 0.90 0.96 nd nd 0.68 0.72 0.54 0.00 0.69 0.00 1.80 0.43 -0.95 1.63 -0.83 -0.01 0.00 -0.04 0.00 1.67 -0.42 2.76 2.47 0.27 0.28 nd nd 1.54 0.73 0.60 0.04 0.68 -0.46 1.33 84.13 28.67 63.61 26.42 55.43 19.40 nd 75.00 nd 48.70 5.30 29.00 31.57 34.98 nd 12.61 32.50 67.60 36.70 57.70 nd 53.30 51.60 Head 50 2.45 -0.18 nd 144,229,145.61 1,910 985 8,168 1,528 nd nd 30,475 1,102 58,000 8,600 18,000 25,000 23,000 2,756 Hectare Hectare Hectare Hectare nd nd Hectare Hectare Hectare Head Head Hectare Hectare Hectare 50 60 60 50 70 60 20 60 45 70 50 50 30 60 3.23 1.99 0.44 0.58 2.55 3.02 1.52 1.04 1.49 3.70 2.33 1.95 1.18 4.30 0.88 0.56 0.67 0.41 2.68 3.39 -1.05 0.90 2.18 2.58 0.10 0.74 -1.00 2.80 nd 39.60 nd 60.89 23.10 22.30 nd 6.24 nd 22.90 56.20 51.90 29.10 9.70 1,710,958.90 19,176,768.00 107,268,710.40 98,702,340.00 194,129.42 1,642,005.01 15,789,097.50 646,209.93 1,096,983.00 857,187.80 1,680,300.00 1,107,250.00 3,983,439.00 1,111,219.20 715 Hectare 70 9.60 4.30 nd 48,798,750.00 157,473 1,495,590 1,211 nd Head Head Hectare nd 20 25 70 55 6.2 2.85 2.11 1.00 1.40 0.26 1.13 0.19 nd 24.10 nd 88.70 264,000.00 3,016,440.00 12,771,200.00 1,154,160.00 21,898,800.00 108,262,214.20 25,186,266.01 81,339,000.00 4,679,095.75 33,600.00 26,250.00 112,694.00 1,702,400.00 386,728,167.73 46,515,395.22 3,381,012,071.51 642,907.13 3,958,500.00 209,500,000.00 4,934,223,194.40 3,793,585,305.60 240,024,750.00 2,170,560,000.00 189,210,000.00 7,034,633.86 3,389,380.84 116,882.86 356,030.93 16,240,093,062.97 15 IMPACT Lower cost Photo: Carlos Costa Júnior Technologies that provide agricultural, livestock and forestry activities with competitiveness by reducing production costs. Besides the economic impact, the table includes the Internal Rate of Return (IRR) and social and environmental impact indices for the technologies, which can range from -15 to +15, obtained in accordance with the perception of a sample of producers for each technology 16 App Suplementa Certo helps farmers decide on cattle feed during draughts Obtaining good results in beef production with is most convenient for them: the highest mar- grazing does not depend only on the availability gin, the highest return for each real invested, or of forage, pasture quality, management types, or the supplementation with the lowest break-even weather conditions. Farmers also need to know point, that is, the one with the lowest risks. Irres- how to invest, especially in the dry season, the pective of the criterion used for the choice, the most critical moment to supplement cattle feed. tool promotes faster and safer decision-making. To assist them in this decision, a partnership By December 2014, 6700 downloads had been between the Federal University of Mato Gros- counted. The app has had 84 user reviews and so do Sul (Universidade Federal de Mato Gros- received an average score of 4.4 in a scale from so do Sul - UFMS) and Embrapa has led to the 0 to 5, of which 0 is very bad and 5 is very good. creation of the app for Android mobile devices Suplementa Certo (Supplement Right). When inserting the information on the products and on Further information: the lot of animals whose diet is going to be su- http://www.bs.sede.embrapa.br/2014 pplemented, farmers can choose the option that Photo: Carlos Costa Júnior 17 IMPACT Lower cost Technology Digital Forestry Model (Modeflora) Recommendation of forage peanut for pastures in Acre state Renovation of pastures with high infestation of water couch grass Process of obtaining frozen precooked polenta in edible cups Black pepper cropping with gliricidia as a live stake Confinement lamb finishing Biological nitrogen fixation in soy crops in Brazil Strategic cattle tick control Integration of dairy cattle with crops and forestry Virus-free garlic Nagai tomatoes Embrapa Technological Information Agency Ainfo: library automation and information retrieval system Sisla: Interactive system of support to environmental licensing Agricultural Weather Monitoring System - Agritempo Integrated pineapple production in Tocantins Integrated papaya production Sugarcane agroecological zoning Agricultural spraying assessment system - Gotas [drops] software Capture, storage and transportation of live crab with reduced waste Reducing bull-to-cow ratios in Pantanal Production techniques applied to the extensive beef cattle production system in Pantanal BRS Estribo Sudan grass cultivar Campo Limpo selective herbicide applicator Integrated mango production Integrated production of fine table grapes Integrated pest management in soybean crops (IPM-SOY) Optimized grape production in the Zona da Mata region of Pernambuco Embrapa 051 free-range laying hens Embrapa MS115 boar Alternative seedling production system Total 18 Unit Acre Acre Acre Food Agroindustry Amazônia Oriental Goats & Sheep Cerrados/Soybean/Agrobiology Dairy Cattle Dairy Cattle Vegetables Vegetables Agriculture Informatics Agriculture Informatics Agriculture Informatics Agriculture Informatics Cassava and Tropical Fruits Cassava and Tropical Fruits Environment Environment Mid-North Pantanal Pantanal Pecuária Sul Pecuária Sul Tropical Semi-Arid Tropical Semi-Arid Soybean Soils Swine & Poultry Swine & Poultry Coastal Tablelands Year of adoption Area of Adoption Unit of measurement 2008 2001 2012 2013 2005 2001 1981 1997 2007 2002 2012 2004 1991 2008 2007 2005 2005 2011 2014 2008 1999 1999 2013 2009 2001 2001 2011 2006 2000 2007 2004 32,247 137,600 5,666 784,000 80 190,000 21,121.170 2,820,000 1,910 985 1,528 nd nd nd nd 300 88 116,073 141 250,000 995,593 4,470,330 8,000 26,000 14,322 12,998 150,865 715 322,890 695 883 Hectare Hectare Hectare Tons Hectare Head Hectare Head Hectare Hectare Hectare nd nd nd nd Hectare Hectare Hectare Downloads Head Head Head Hectare Hectare Hectare Hectare Hectare Hectare Head Head Hectare Embrapa’s Participation (%) 70 70 70 40 70 20 50 50 50 50 50 70 70 70 60 50 50 70 70 70 70 70 50 45 30 30 70 70 25 70 70 Social impact 2.63 1.29 0.00 5.64 1.77 5.76 0.78 1.26 3.23 1.99 0.58 2.55 0.52 1.74 3.02 3.65 3.99 1.40 1.40 0.00 2,07 0.00 1.95 1.49 7.61 8.30 0.14 9.60 2.85 0.72 0.00 Environmental impact 2.18 2.01 0.00 0.94 2.00 2.47 1.18 1.32 0.88 0.56 0.41 2,68 -0.18 1.22 3.39 2.34 1.68 2.30 1.20 2.36 0.00 0.05 0.74 2.18 5.50 2.60 0.55 4.30 0.26 0.32 1.48 IRR (%) Economic Impact 6.0 13.5 15.4 39.9 3.6 29 84 nd nd 39.60 60.89 23.10 22.37 7.12 22.30 nd nd nd nd nd 63.30 nd 51.90 nd 69.7 70.0 nd nd 24.10 nd 65.1 8,426,224.72 30,924,499.20 660,610.27 76,204.80 627,048.00 171,000.00 3,160,695,211.68 17,343,000.00 1,397,165.00 5,321,955.00 15,523,464.00 3,792,199.71 34,480,427.69 685,892.55 593,646.10 391,758.00 70,636.72 13,045,676.62 176,291.03 700,000.00 27,737,220.98 35,078,682.65 3,011,520.00 231,426.00 9,452,520.00 26,094,784.80 2,256,947.00 1,251,250.00 286,564.88 2,955,974.00 226,091.52 3,403,685,892.92 19 IMPACT Higher added value Photo: Alexandre Coutinho Technologies that transform traditional products, increasing their price per unit and generating more income for farmers. Besides the economic impact, the table includes the Internal Rate of Return (IRR) and social and environmental impact indices for the technologies, which can range from -15 to +15, obtained according to the perception of a sample of farmers for each technology. 20 INPE-Embrapa Partnership in land monitoring in Amazonia extended to Cerrado The TerraClass program, which monitors land areas. Conclusions such as the above motivated use and cover in deforested areas of the Brazi- the Brazilian Federal Government to expand the lian Amazon region, started in 2008, as an ini- project to the Cerrado biome to learn more about tiative from the Ministries of Environment; of the regional dynamics of land use and cover. The Science, Technology, and Innovation; and of Agri- project is already ongoing and involves not only culture, Livestock, and Food Supply; supported Inpe (Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais, by the World Bank. Its results have shown that, in the Brazilian National Institute for Space Resear- approximately 20% of the total deforested area, ch) and Embrapa, but also the Brazilian Institute the vegetation is in the process of regeneration, of Environment and Natural Renewable Resour- and this represents an area 2.5 times larger than ces (Instituto Brasileiro do Meio Ambiente e dos the degraded areas of the Brazilian Amazon re- Recursos Naturais Renováveis - Ibama) and the gion. Parallelly, it was also verified that, unlike the Federal University of Goiás (Universidade Fede- information disseminated so far, the expansion ral de Goiás - UFG). dynamics of grain agriculture areas, especially for soybean production, are not the main drivers Further information: of deforestation, as it is growing over pasture http://www.bs.sede.embrapa.br/2014 Unit Technology Best practices for Brazil nut extraction in natural forests Sisplan: Forest management computer system Embrapa kit for manual milking Tomatec: Ecological tomato production system Area of Adoption Acre 2011 9,080 Forestry 1995 Dairy Cattle Social Unit of Embrapa’s measurement Participation (%) Impact Environmental IRR (%) impact Economic Impact Can (10 kg) 50 1.85 2.72 41.00 22,700.00 1,240,000 Hectare 70 0.76 0.50 81.13 397,717.600.00 2007 1,493,459,000 Liter/Ha 60 2.02 0.19 nd 44,803,770.00 Pantanal 1998 2,996 Head 50 0.47 0.09 73.00 1,735,942.32 Tropical Semi-Arid 1997 4,560 Hectare 70 2.38 0.91 55.30 6,942,600.00 Soils 2012 2 Hectare 60 1.80 2.40 0.60 1,944.00 Immunotherapy against equine pythiosis Cassava chips Year of adoption Swine & Poultry 2000 1,495,590 Head 25 2.85 0.26 24.10 568,324.20 BRS Serrano rye cultivar Wheat 2009 7,200 Hectare 56 0.47 0.58 33.60 2,870,703.36 Colored cotton cultivars BRS-200 Marrom, BRS Verde, BRS Rubi, BRS Safira and BRS Topázio Wheat 2009 112,052 Hectare 64.63 0.00 -0.06 34.70 22,447,781.78 Grapes & Wine 2002 401 Hectoliter/Ha 70 0.00 0.60 30.80 20,754,958.00 BRS Violeta grape cultivar Grapes & Wine 2007 548 Hectoliter/Ha 70 0.85 0.26 18.10 5,075,028.00 Embrapa muscat grape cultivar Grapes & Wine 1997 488 Hectoliter/Ha 70 0.30 0.80 22.00 16,888,704.00 Niagara Rosada grape cultivar for tropical regions Grapes & Wine 1999 800 Hectoliter/Ha 70 0.95 0.70 65.30 30,996,000.00 Embrapa 051 free-range laying hens BRS Lorena grape cultivar Total 550.826.055.66 Photos: Alexandre Coutinho 21 IMPACT More production in new areas Photo: Manuela Bergamim Technologies that enable production activities to be initiated or resumed in areas that were either previously considered unsuitable due to a lack of adequate technologies or where traditional systems are no longer competitive. Besides the economic impact, the table includes the Internal Rate of Return (IRR) and social and environmental impact indices of the technologies, which can range from -15 to +15, obtained in accordance with the perception of a sample of producers for each technology 22 Booroola mutation expands sheep meat production in Southern Brazil The future of sheep farming in the state of Rio the Booroola gene, which increases the number Grande do Sul depends on having the activity of twin births or triplets in the flocks. Thus, where transition from wool production to production of 100 sheep would be raised and 70 lambs would sheep meat, replacing the imports that are still be weaned, only 70 sheep can be raised and necessary today to supply the domestic market. 100 lambs can be weaned, increasing small and For this, two factors are essential: an increase mid-sized farmers’ average income and their level in the number of born lambs and a reduction in of training in sheep farming. A new hope for an perinatal mortality. The solution found by research activity that was once one of the pillars of animal was the simplest path: breed more lambs with husbandry in the Brazilian South. less sheep. That was done through intensive care for newborn lambs and the introduction of Further information: Merino, Texel, and Corriedale sheep, carriers of http://www.bs.sede.embrapa.br/2014 Unit Technology Year of Adoption Area of Unit of Adoption measurement Social Embrapa’s Participation (%) Impact Environmental IRR (%) Impact Economic Impact Peach Cultivar-BRS Rubimel Temperate Agriculture 2008 58 Hectare 70 nd nd 12.61 916.737.94 Virus-free garlic Vegetables 2002 895 Hectare 70 1.99 0.56 39.60 Amarela de Senador Amaral yellow arracacha cultivar Vegetables 1999 8.168 Hectare 60 0.44 0.67 nd 35.756.236.80 Nagai Tomato Vegetables 2012 1.527,90 Hectare 30 0.58 0.41 60.89 59.221.404.00 Maize and Sorghum 1996 20.000 Units 70 3.86 1.48 48.22 Full Bucket Program Southeast Livestock 1996 39.581 Kiloliter 70 3.31 2.66 nd 59.957.614.96 ICLF system techniques Southeast Livestock 2009 144.000 Hectare 2 3.34 2.20 72.30 7.692.940.80 Mini-dams to retain surface rainwater Underground dams: a sustainability option for the Northeastern Semi-arid Soils 2006 735 Hectare 50 4.30 2,80 9.7 296.352.00 Tomatec: Ecological tomato production system Soils 2012 2 Hectare 60 1.80 2.40 0.60 79.758.00 Optimized grape production system in the Zona Soils da Mata region of Pernambuco 2006 15 Hectare 70 9.60 4.30 nd Total 1.023.750.00 201,236,922.50 Photos: Manuela Bergamim 23 IMPACT Cultivars by Embrapa and partners Photo: Ricardo Moura Calculated impacts of the participation of cultivars generated by Embrapa and partners on the domestic market for cotton seeds, irrigated rice, dryland rice, beans, maize, soybeans, sorghum and wheat. 24 Draught-resistant cashew clone generates wealth in Piauí semiarid For three years, Northeastern Brazilian hinterlands have been facing one of the most severe droughts in history. In this period, many cashew tree orchards have been decimated. Regardless of such reality, precocious dwarf cashew clone BRS 226, developed by Embrapa Tropical Agroindustry in partnership with the Northeast Oil Industrial Company (Companhia Industrial de Óle- os do Nordeste -Cione), has caused surprise due to its productivity, which has reached 800 kilos of cashew nuts per hectare even during droughts. An additional advantage is the resistance to the illness as known resinosis, which is caused by a fungus and hinders production. Embrapa’s dwarf cashew clones have already been recognized as success cases in national and international cashew cropping. Draught-resistant dwarf cashew is being planted in the regions of Picos and Pio XI, the two main cashew crop centres of Piauí state. Moreover, its cultivation is gradually being disseminated, with satisfactory results, to Photo: Ricardo Moura the municipalities Barreira, Beberibe, Cruz, Jati, Mauriti, Solonópole, all of which in the state of Further information: Ceará, and Santana dos Matos, in Rio Grande do http://www.bs.sede.embrapa.br/2014 Norte state. Total area Total production Value of Adoption rate of Adoption rate cultivated 1000 ton production Embrapa cultivars of Embrapa 1000 ha Safra14/15 (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (R$ 1,00) (%) (R$ 1,00) Cotton 996 2,377 3,578,917,091 0.2 1,629,762 Irrigated rice 1,119 8,170 6,228,176,141 4 56,619,962 Dryland rice 1,210 3,970 3,026,346,880 49 416,948,038 Beans 3,188 3,323 5,630,930,958 42 523,845,507 14,545,648 Product cultivars Maize: 1st-Harvest Maize 6,185 30,124 14,695,236,026 0.4 2nd-Harvest Maize 8,891 48,273 23,548,583,642 2 97,705,506 Soybeans 31,507 94,577 96,366,285,367 6 1,262,653,344 Sorghum 751 2,014 887,122,950 14 18,629,582 Wheat 2,730 5,904 4,822,128,403 13 129,506,232 Total 56,577 158,783,727,458 2,522,083,581 Sources: (A, B and C) - Conab Assessment of 2014/2015 Crop Year - www.conab.gov.br - access on Mar 10, 2015; (D, E) – Embrapa’s Estimates, Embrapa’s Secretariat for Management and Institutional Development 25 IMPACT Society and the environment Foto: Ricardo Moura Photo: EBC This measures social and environmental impacts for which economic impact estimates are not available, as well as cultivars whose economic impacts are listed in the previous table. The qualitative methodologies Ambitec-Social and Ambitec-Agro were used. Besides the economic impact, the table includes the Internal Rate of Return (IRR) and social and environmental impact indices of the technologies, which can range from -15 to +15, obtained in accordance with the perception of a sample of producers for each technology 26 New gene bank broadens Embrapa’s contribution to food security in the planet Genetic resources are a section of biodiversity that presents real or potential value for humankind. The higher the interest in diversifying and in aggregating value to agriculture through new foods, fibres, biomaterials, and other raw materials grows; the more their improvement will resort to biodiversity. Therefore, the implementation of gene banks to store samples of biodiversity from Brazil and from other countries is necessary. In 2014, Embrapa inaugurated the largest gene bank of Latin America and one of the ten largest in the world, which tripled its capacity to store seed samples from 250,000 to 750,000. It conserves 735 species of plants, animals, and microorganisms in cold chambers at -20ºC, where they can remain unchanged for up to 100 years. More assurances and food security for the current and future generations. Further information: http://www.bs.sede.embrapa.br/2014 Unit Year of adoption Social impact Environmental impact IRR (%) Thin worm-composted charcoal-based organic substratum Agrobiology 2013 6.36 3.30 nd Rehabilitation of degraded areas with slate extraction from the Caatinga Agrobiology 2010 4.68 7.35 nd 2013 0.38 0.03 6.24 Technology BRS Esmeralda upland rice cultivar Rice & Beans BRS Estilo pinto bean cultivar Rice & Beans 2010 0.30 0.31 44.69 BRS Esplendor commercial black bean cultivar Rice & Beans 2010 0.27 0.21 31.47 Temperate Agriculture 2012 nd nd 63.10 Instrumentation 2001 1.56 0.23 nd Environment 2011 2.00 0.60 nd 2013 2.43 2.43 nd BRS Pampa irrigated rice cultivar Biodigester septic tank Development and standardization of methodologies to assess quality of products containing biocontrol agents Embrapa Sisteminha: integrated food production Mid-North BRS Tumucumaque cowpea cultivar Mid-North 2014 0.55 -0.28 nd 2.4 Maize and Sorghum 2005 1 25.88 BRS 1010 hybrid maize seed Maize and Sorghum 2003 2.00 0.44 42.14 Integrated pest management program in Rio Grande do Sul Maize and Sorghum 2014 0.38 0.45 nd Geotechnologies to identify and monitor soil degradation processes in pastures in Brazil* Satellite Monitoring 2013 1.04 2.94 nd Monitoring satellites* Satellite Monitoring 2013 0.97 -0.25 nd Ecological-economic macrozoning in the state of Maranhão Satellite Monitoring 2014 5.66 4.36 nd On farm conservation of genetic resources with traditional peoples in Minas Gerais regions Genetic Resources & Biotechnology 2008 7.04 7.80 nd Management for the sustainable use of Cerrado species Genetic Resources & Biotechnology 2012 6.19 7.56 nd Semiochemicals to monitor and control agricultural pests Genetic Resources & Biotechnology 2013 3.46 3.12 nd BRS Tracajá soybean cultivar Roraima 2004 0 -0.64 nd BRS 284 soybean cultivar Soybean 2010 1.85 1.09 22.20 BRS 360RR soybean cultivar Soybean 2013 1.84 1.08 7.68 BRS 310 hybrid grain sorghum seed * Another methodology was used to assess generated impacts 27 IMPACT More jobs Photo:Thinkstock / Embrapa This includes new job in 2014 posts that would not have been created if producers had adopted other technological solutions in the various segments of the production chain; i.e. this only measures additional jobs in comparison with the previous year. 28 Embrapa’s new website potencializes technology transfer 8.7 million pages were accessed. The average length of each visit also increased from 2:53 minutes to 4:05 minutes after the launch of the new platform. This availability of quality content with free access also earned Embrapa’s website the first place in Latin America in the web ranking of research centres organized by the Spanish National Scientific Research Council (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas - CSIC). Such council classified the websites of 8,000 research centres in the planet, setting up a global ranking. In 2014, Embrapa was in 24th place, and the second place among agricultural research centres of the world, only after the French National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA). Embrapa’s new web portal, launched in April 2014, has consolidated the Corporation’s national and international leadership in the agricultural sector. The website’s premise is the integration of information systems regarding projects, publications, and technological solutions in a single platform to meet the demands of target audiences such as the scientific community, rural extension and technical assistance professionals, and farmers. The Corporation’s more than 83,000 publications freely available for download on the Agricultural Research Database (Base de Dados da Pesquisa Agropecuária - BDPA) have become more visible with the new architecture and the number of downloaded publications rose from 3,806,711 in 2013 to 5,275,268 last year. From May to December 2014, there was a 90% increase in the amount of pages visualized in the portal as opposed to the same period in the previous year. All in all, Further information: http://www.bs.sede.embrapa.br/2014 Technology Unit Additional Area of Adoption 2014 Unit of Measurement Jobs Best practices in Brazil nut extraction in natural forests Management of açaí palm groves native to flood plains for fruit production Best practices for guaraná crops BRS Pará Açaí berry Productivity Trio BRS Estilo pinto bean cultivar BRS Esplendor pinto bean cultivar BRS Esmeralda upland rice cultivar Confinement lamb finishing Embrapa technological information agency Ageitec BRS 1010 hybrid maize seed Mini-dams and containers to retain surface rainwater Production techniques applied to extensive beef cattle production system in Pantanal Acre 9,080 Hectare 454 Amapá 1,000 Hectare 2,000 Western Amazon Eastern Amazon Eastern Amazon Rice & Beans Rice & Beans Rice & Beans Goats & Sheep 173 12,109 600 32,132 nd nd 10,000 Hectare Hectare Hectare Hectare Hectare Hectare Hectare 346 3,875 120 1,417 564 492 274 Agriculture Informatics Coffee plant pruning in Rondônia state: defining stem density BRS Tracajá soybean cultivar Integrated mango production Integrated production of fine table grapes Optimized grape production in the Zona da Mata region of Pernambuco Embrapa 051 free-range laying hens Embrapa MS115 pig sire Other technologies (4)* Total nd nd 1,378 Maize and Sorghum 12,250 Hectare 245 Maize and Sorghum 20,000 Units 10,054 Pantanal 82,900 Hectare 12,400 Rondônia 2,000 Hectare 12,000 Roraima Tropical Semi-Arid Tropical Semi-Arid 11,000 14,322 12,www998 Hectare Hectare Hectare 220 7,064 11,953 Soils 700 Hectare 700 Swine & Poultry Swine & Poultry Embrapa nd 104 nd nd Head nd 475 104 120 66,255 29 Recognition from society: 70 awards and honours in 2014 In 2014, Embrapa’s researchers, products, actions, and projects received 70 prizes and honours: 4 international, 18 national, 19 scientific, and 29 regional awards. obtained by the researcher Francisco Aragão, from Embrapa Genetic Resources and Biotechnology. • The Deputado Homero Pereira Agricultural Merit was granted to the researcher Evaristo Eduardo de Miranda, from Embrapa Territorial 4 International Awards Management, by the Brazilian Chamber of • “Sustaining the future of Acacia plantation fores- Deputies Commission of Agriculture, Livestock, try” is the title of the prize for best work on black Food Supply, and Agricultural Development. wattle (Acacia mangium) management, awarded • The researcher Arthur da Silva Mariante, from to Embrapa Soils researcher Fabiano Balieiro in a Embrapa Genetic Resources and Biotechnology, congress held in Vietnam. The work is the result received an Honour from the Brazilian Genetic of partnerships between the Federal University of Rio De Janeiro (Universidade Federal do Rio de Resources Society (Sociedade Brasileira de Recursos Genéticos - SBRG). Janeiro - UFRJ), Federal Rural University of Rio • Honours to Embrapa Beef Cattle, Embrapa Sou- De Janeiro (Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de theast Livestock, Embrapa Satellite Monitoring, Janeiro - UFRRJ), and the University of São Pau- and Embrapa Vegetables were conferred by the lo Luiz de Queiroz College of Agriculture (Escola Brazilian Association of Zebu Breeders (Asso- Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz - ESALQ ciação Brasileira dos Criadores de Zebu - ABCZ) -USP) and Center for Nuclear Energy in Agricul- during the celebrations of its 80-year anniversary. ture (Centro de Energia Nuclear na Agricultura - • The Information Technology Professional of the CENA-USP). Year 2014 Award, Segment Federal Government, • The place of most relevant paper in the 16th was granted by the magazine Informática Hoje to World Fertilizer Congress of CIEC (International Edméia Andrade, head of Embrapa’s Information Scientific Centre of Fertilizers) was attributed Technology Department (Departamento de Tec- to the research on vermicompost biostimulant nologia da Informação - DTI). activity conducted by researchers and scholar- • The 2014 Excellency and Quality Brazil Award - ship holders at Embrapa Vegetables: the analyst category Professional of the Year - was granted Daniel Zandonadi and the researcher Carlos Pa- by the Brazilian Leadership Association (Associa- checo, who advised the CNPq (Brazilian National ção Brasileira de Liderança - Braslider) to Lorien Council of Scientific and Technological Develop- Eliane Zimmer, analyst from Embrapa Swine and ment, Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Poultry. Científico e Tecnológico) scholarship holders Lisanne Caixeta and Rafaela Neves . • An Honorary Doctorate was granted to Sebastião Barbosa, head of Embrapa Cotton, by the Mississippi State University. • Best of the Year in Pig Farming Award granted to the head of Embrapa Swine and Poultry Janice Reis Ciacci Zanella during the PorkExpo. • Technical Personality in Brazilian Pig Farming, honour received by Janice Reis Ciacci Zanella, head • The Mexican Association of Animal Production of Embrapa Swine and Poultry, during the Latin and Food Security (Asociación Mexicana para American Trade Fair for the Poultry and Swine la Producción Animal y Seguridad Alimentaria - Industry (Feira Latino Americana da Indústria de AMPA) paid homage to Embrapa Genetic Resources and Biotechnology researcher Arthur da Silva Mariante. Aves e Suínos - AveSui). • Curator of the year, category pensioner, attributed by the Brazilian Genetic Resources Society (Sociedade Brasileira de Recursos Genéticos - 30 18 National Awards SBRG) to Ramiro Vilela de Andrade, a former Em- • Regular member of the Brazilian Academy of brapa Maize and Sorghum researcher. Sciences (Academia Brasileira de Ciências - ABC) • Excellency in Geo in Agribusiness Award delive- in the area of agrarian sciences was the title red to Embrapa Satellite Monitoring by Mundo Geo, a communications company that targets the of the 14th National Meeting on No-till Farming geospatial sector. with Straw Mulch to Gessi Ceccon, an analyst • National Award on Quality in Sanitation (Prêmio from Embrapa Western Agriculture. Nacional de Qualidade em Saneamento - PNQS) • Distinctions in the VIII Workshop on Nanotechno- was given by the Brazilian Association of Environ- logy Applied to Agribusiness, granted by the Agro- mental Sanitary Engineering (Associação Brasilei- Nano Network to the study on reprocessing of ra de Engenharia Sanitária Ambiental - ABES) to mango residue conducted by Federal University the Embrapa Agrobiology researcher Ana Cristina of Rio Grande do Norte (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte - UFRN) professor Edson Ito Siewert Garafolo. • Award from the Association of Nuclear Magne- and student Edna Cordeiro jointly with the rese- tic Resonance Users (Associação de Usuários de archers Men de Sá Moreira Souza Filho and Mor- Ressonância Magnética Nuclear - AUREMN) for syleide Rosa from Embrapa Tropical Agroindustry. Embrapa Instrumentation researcher Luiz Alberto Another study which gained recognition was the Colnago’s work on adulteration in fresh and indus- research with films to cover cashew nut almonds trialized foods. authored by Alaídes Pinto and Talita Santos, from • A Distinction Award was made for the study on the Federal University of Ceará (Universidade Fe- HLB and citrus canker presented by student Anielli deral do Ceará - UFC), and the researchers Janice Ranulfi, advised by Embrapa Instrumentation re- Lima and Henriette Azeredo, from Embrapa Tropi- searcher Débora Milori during the Symposium on cal Agroindustry. Laser and its Applications. The study also won the • At the XI Meeting on Peanut Crops, the second first place in the 2014 Dow-USP Sustainability In- place was awarded to a study on morphological novation Student Challenge Award (SISCA). characterization of Arachis carried out by Ailton de • Cláudio Sabino de Carvalho Prize for Dams, awar- Paula, from the Federal University of São Carlos ded in a competition promoted by the Brazilian (Universidade Federal de São Carlos - UFSCar), Association of Zebu Breeders (Associação Brasi- and the students Gabrielle de Melo, Jessica dos leira dos Criadores de Zebu - ABCZ), to Embrapa’s Santos, and Naiana Dinato, in partnership with Em- Beef Cattle Nellore cow Descoberta for its high brapa Southeast Livestock researchers Alessan- Productivity Index. dra Pereira Fávero and Bianca Bacilli Zanotto Vigna. • Outstanding Poster Prize 2014 for the work pre- 19 Scientific Awards sented by Embrapa Southeast Livestock resear- • Mandacaru II Award, category Applied Research, cher Ana Rita de Araujo Nogueira at the Winter attributed to the work on low-cost irrigation for Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry, held in family farming led by the researcher Eugênio Co- the United States. The study was co-authored by elho from Embrapa Cassava and Tropical Fruits. Joaquin de Araújo Nóbrega, Clarice Dias Britto do • IV Oscar Niemeyer Award for scientific and tech- Amaral, and Renata Stábile Amais (UFSCar), and nological studies, granted by the Rio de Janeiro by Daniela Schiavo and Tatiane Amorim (Agilent Regional Council of Engineering and Agronomy Technologies Brazil). (Conselho Regional de Engenharia e Agronomia • Contribution for the Development of Strategic do Rio de Janeiro - CREA-RJ) to Embrapa Food Pest Management Award handed out by Syngen- Agroindustry researchers José Luis Ramírez As- ta to the researcher Crébio José Ávila, from Em- cheri, Carlos Wanderlei Piler Carvalho and Lour- brapa Western Agriculture. des Maria Corrêa Cabral for advising and co-ad- • Best Work in Applied Areas Award, presented at vising theses and dissertations. The researcher the XXVIII Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Techno- from Embrapa Agrobiology Renato Linhares de logy Society (Sociedade Brasileira de Tecnologia Assis was also presented with it. - SBTE) to Embrapa Pantanal researcher Eriklis • Best work award in the category “Contribution” Nogueira, in partnership with Guillermo Puglie- attributed by the Technical-Scientific Committee si, Felipe Barbosa Santos, Everton Lopes, Ed 31 Hoffmann Madureira, and Mario Binelli from the of Mississippi), and André Lacerda, FAPESP (the University of São Paulo College of Veterinary Me- São Paulo state Research Foundation, Fundação dicine and Animal Science; José Ricardo Maio, de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo) from Ourofino Animal Health; and Luciano Silva, scholarship holder. from the University of São Paulo College of Animal Science and Food Engineering (Faculdade de 29 Regional Awards Zootecnia e Engenharia de Alimentos da Univer- • Accessibility Seal, Silver Standard, received in sidade de São Paulo – FZEA/USP). • Order of Scientific Merit in Sustainable Agricultu- cated in Sobral, Ceará, from the Sobral City Admi- re and Livestock earned by the researcher Urbano nistration for the centre’s facilities for people with Gomes Pinto de Abreu, from Embrapa Pantanal, disabilities. during the VI Brazilian Symposium on Sustainable • Congratulation Motion granted by the State Le- Agriculture and Livestock and the III International gislature of Mato Grosso do Sul to researchers Congress of Sustainable Agriculture and Livestock. Wilson Werner Koller and Renato Andreotti, from • Banco do Brasil Foundation Social Technology Embrapa Beef Cattle, for their work as technical Award given to the Machadinho Farmers’ Associa- editors of the book “Carrapatos no Brasil, biolo- tion (Associação dos Produtores de Machadinho gia, controle e doenças transmitidas [Ticks in Bra- – Apromate) and to Embrapa Forestry, partners in zil: biology, control and transmitted diseases]”.The the yerba mate agroforestry system project led by the researcher Amilton João Baggio. legislator Pedro Kemp brought the initiative forth. • Ordinance of Praise and Thanks from the Monte • First Place in the Exact and Technological Areas Belo do Sul City Council in honour of Embrapa Award granted to a study on the production of Grapes and Wine and Embrapa Temperate Agri- anthurium seedlings presented at the XX Rese- culture for their collaboration in the process of arch Initiation Meeting held in the University of Geographical Indication for wines from that town. Fortaleza (Universidade de Fortaleza - Unifor). It • Caju de Ouro [Golden Cashew] Trophy, category was elaborated by Arlene Santisteban, Cândida researcher, earned by Emilson Cardoso, from Em- Hermínia, and Priscila Bezerra, under supervision brapa Tropical Agroindustry during the event Caju from the researcher Ana Cristina Portugal, from Nordeste [Northeast Cashew]. Embrapa Tropical Agroindustry. • Commendation of Veterinary Medicine and Ani- • Henri Nestlé Award for a paper on the develop- mal Science, granted by the Santa Catarina Re- ment of a tropical fruit mixed drink jointly conduc- gional Council of Veterinary Medicine (Conselho ted by Embrapa Tropical Agroindustry, the Federal Regional de Medicina Veterinária de Santa Catari- University of Ceará, and the University of Alfenas. na - CRMV/SC) to the researchers Nelson Morés The scholarship holder Ana Carolina Silva Pereira, and Ésio Antônio Pereira de Figueiredo, from Em- advised by Embrapa researcher Nédio Wurlitzer, applied for it. brapa Swine and Poultry. • Frotas & Fretes Verdes [Green Fleets & Freights] • Best Paper between 2012 and 2014 in the Planta Trophy, received by the DSR Group and Embrapa Daninha [Weed] journal, awarded by the Brazilian Forestry, partners in the “Roads with Araucaria” Society of Weed Science (Sociedade Brasileira project, led by the researcher Edilson Batista de da Ciência das Plantas Daninhas - SBCPD) to a Oliveira. The award was given by the Besc Institu- paper on the assessment of the use of glypho- 32 February 2014 by Embrapa Goats and Sheep, lo- te of Humanities and Economics. sate in genetically modified soybean crops. The • Benjamin Padoa Award, granted by the Campo paper was authored by Antonio Cerdeira (Embrapa Environment); Daniel Siqueira Franco, Marcus Grande Community Council (Conselho da Comunidade de Campo Grande - CCG/MS) to Embrapa Matallo, and Sydnei de Almeida (Instituto Biológi- Beef Cattle for their project to reintegrate about co); Steve Duke (USDA); Rita Moraes (University 2,000 inmates. • “Friend of 11th Light Infantry Brigade” Diploma, • Trophy from the 5th Soybean Crop Productivity awarded to Mateus Batistela and Osvaldo Tadamo- Ranking - 2013-2014 Crop Year, awarded by the to Oshiro, both from Embrapa Satellite Monitoring. Municipal Secretariat of Agriculture and Livestock • “Agronomist of the Year” Award, category Rese- of Laguna Caarapã, located in the state of Mato arch/Education, granted to Embrapa Grape and Grosso do Sul, to Embrapa Western Agriculture Wine researcher Luciano Gebler by the Associa- for the high productivity of the BRS 284 cultivar. tion of Agricultural Engineers of Vacaria, in Rio • Agricultural Distinction Award received by the Grande do Sul (Associação de Engenheiros Agrô- Embrapa Temperate Agriculture researcher Jor- nomos de Vacaria - ASAV). ge Fainé Gomes from the Capão do Leão Rural • “Friend of the Battalion” Diploma given by the Brazilian Army’s 6th Battalion of Communications (BCOM) to Embrapa Grapes and Wine. • Celeste Gobato Trophy awarded by the Rio Grande do Sul Association of Olive Croppers (Asso- Workers’ Union. • Agricultural Distinction Award received by the Embrapa Temperate Agriculture researcher Jorge Fainé Gomes from the Capão do Leão Rural Workers’ Union. ciação Rio-grandense de Olivicultores - ARGOS) • “Agronomic Merit” Award, granted by the Pelotas and by the Centre for the Study and Promotion of Association of Agricultural Engineers (Associação Olive Oil from Alentejo, Portugal (Centro de Estu- dos Engenheiros Agrônomos de Pelotas - AEA- dos e Promoção do Azeite do Alentejo - CEPAAL) PEL) to the researcher José Francisco Martins to the Embrapa Temperate Agriculture researcher Clenio Nailto Pillon. Pereira, from Embrapa Temperate Agriculture. • Rubernei Cardoso Trophy, from the Organizing • “Future of the Land” Trophy, promoted by the Commission of Quinzena do Pêssego [Peach Fort- newspaper Jornal do Comércio in partnership night Fair] 2014, to Embrapa Temperate Agricultu- with the Rio Grande do Sul Research Support re researcher Maria do Carmo Bassols Raseira. Foundation (Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do • “Barn of dams” and “Partner Institution” Trophies, Estado do Rio Grande do Sul - Fapergs), granted offered by the Santa Catarina Association of Swi- to the researchers Marcos Borba, from Embrapa ne Breeders (Associação Catarinense de Cria- South Livestock, and José Eloir Denardin, from dores de Suínos - ACCS) to Embrapa Swine and Embrapa Wheat. Poultry during the institution’s 55-year anniversary. • “Agricultural Engineer of the Year” Award, from • 2014 Promove “Sustainable Company” Award, the Sergipe Association of Agricultural Engineers granted by Promove Colleges, Sete Lagoas bran- (Associação dos Engenheiros Agrônomos de Sergipe - AEASE), awarded to the Embrapa Coastal Tablelands researcher Lafayette Franco Sobral. • Campeador [Herder] Trophy, awarded by the RBS media group to two technologies by Embrapa ch, to Embrapa Maize and Sorghum. • Homage from the Tocantins State Rural Development Institute (Instituto de Desenvolvimento Rural do Estado de Tocantins - Ruraltins) with a plate to Embrapa Fisheries and Aquiculture. Wheat: the “e-rastrear” Digital Traceability System, elaborated under the researcher Casiane Tibola’s leadership jointly with the University of Passo Fundo (UPF), and the Barley Improvement Program, led by researcher Euclydes Minella. . • Homage from the Passo Fundo City Hall to Embrapa Wheat for its trajectory. • “Emerited Supporter of EXPOAGRO” Award granted to Embrapa Western Agriculture. 33 Factsheet Maurício Antônio Lopes Regina dos Santos Souza, Thiago Buosi, Tiago Coelho Nunes, Tito Souza, Vandrea Ferreira, Vivian Fracasso, Walter Paixão. Directors Technology Impact Assessment Ladislau Martin Neto, Vania Beatriz Rodrigues Castiglioni, Waldyr Stumpf Junior Adão Vieira de Sá, Adilson Márcio Malagutti, Adriano Franzoni Otavian, Adriano Pereira de Castro, Alceu Richetti, Alcides Galvão dos Santos, Alcido Elenor Wander, Aldecy José Garcia de Moraes, Aldemir Chaim, Aldicir Osni Scariot, Alexandre Magno B. dos Santos, Alfredo do Nascimento Júnior, Álvaro Vieira Spinola e Castro, Ana Laura dos Santos Sena, Ana Paula Dias Turetta, André de Souza Dutra, André Fachini Minitti, André Luiz dos Santos Furtado, André Luiz Monteiro Novo, André Yves Cribb, Andres Manuel Villafuerte Oyola, Antônio do Nascimento Ferreira Rosa, Antônio José Elias A. de Menezes, Ariano Martins de Magalhaes Júnior, Aristóteles Pires de Matos, Arlindo Melo Filho, Artur Chinelato de Camargo, Aryeverton Fortes de Oliveira, Aurea Fabiana A. de Albuquerque, Bruno Pena Carvalho, Carlos Cesar Pusinhol, Carlos Eduardo Pacheco Lima, Carlos Estevão Leite Cardoso, Carlos Magri Ferreira, Carlos Martins Santiago, Carlos Maurício Soares de Andrade, Carlos Wagner Castelar P. Maia, Carolina Castilho Dias, Celso Vainer Manzatto, Cinthia Cabral da Costa, Ciro Scaranari, Claudenor Pinho de Sá, Claudia de Mori, Claudio Bragantini, Clovis Oliveira de Almeida, Cristhiane Oliveira da G. Amâncio, Cristina Criscuolo, Daniel de Almeida Papa, Daniela Loschtschagina Gonzaga, Dayanna Schiavi do N. Batista, Deise Maria de Oliveira Galvão, Edilson Batista de Oliveira, Edilson Pepino Fragalle, Edson Espindola Cardoso, Edson Tadeu Iede, Eduardo Antônio Speranza, Elke Simoni Dias Vilela, Elsio Antônio Pereira de Figueiredo, Enilson Solano Albuquerque Silva, Espedito Cezario Martins, Euclydes Minella, Everaldo Nascimento de Almeida, Fabiola Helena dos Santos Fogaça, Fernanda Lopes da Fonseca, Fernando Antônio Fernandes, Fernando Paim Costa, Fernando Rodrigues Teixeira Dias, Flavia Bussaglia Fiorini, Francisco das Chagas Oliveira, Guilherme Cunha Malafaia, Gustavo Bayma Siqueira da Silva, Gustavo Ribeiro Xavier, Igor Rosa Dias de Jesus, Indramara Lobo de Araújo, Isabel Helena President Editorial Team André Scofano Maia Porto (edição de arte), Antônio Flávio Dias Avila (supervisão técnica), Graciela Luzia Vedovoto (avaliação de impactos), Roberto de Camargo Penteado Filho (edição e redação), Wilson Corrêa da Fonseca Júnior (edição e redação) Accountants Allan Castro Moraes, Susy Darlen Barros da Penha - Departamento de Administração Financeira Production team Aisten Baldan, Daniel Medeiros, Daniela Vieira Marques, Patricia Formiga Assistant Editors Adão Acosta, Adriana Noce, Alcides Galvão dos Santos, Alexandre Hoffmann, Alexandre R. da Conceição, Ana Maria Fornazin Gutzlaff, Antônio de Pádua Soeiro Machado, Carmen Regina Pezarico, Claudia Regina De Laia Machado, Clenio Araújo, Daniela dos Santos, Dulcinea Conceição de Souza, Eliana Quincozes, Fernanda Birolo, Gilmar Souza Santos, Gilvan Ramos, Gisele Rosso, Guilherme Fernandes, Hélio Augusto de Magalhães, Jacqueline Bartolomeu da Silva Barreiro, João Flávio Veloso Silva, Jomar Chandoha de Mello, Jurema Iara Campos, Lívia Abreu Torres, Lucas Tadeu Ferreira, Luciane Dourado, Luzemar Alves Duprat, Manoel Everardo Pereira Mendes, Marcela Silva Nascimento, Márcio Muniz Albano Bayma, Marco Antônio Karam Lucas, Marcos La Falce, Maria Fernanda Diniz, Maria Lourdes da Anunciação, Natália Lordello de Aguiar Vieira, Níbia Queiroz de Paula, Nilo Sérgio, Osmar Rodrigues de Faria, Otávio Balsadi, Paula Fernandes Rodrigues, Regina Celia Rachel, Ricardo Moura, Rodrigo Paranhos Monteiro, Rosana Hoffman Câmara, Rosemeire Kummel, Síglia 34 Vernetti Azambuja, Jailson Lopes Cruz, Jair Carvalho dos Santos, Janaina Mitsue Kimpara, Jason de Oliveira Duarte, João Bosco Cavalcante Araújo, João Carlos Garcia, João Cesar de Resende, João Dionísio Henn, João dos Santos Vila da Silva, João Francisco Goncalves Antunes, Joaquim Dias Nogueira, Joel Antônio Boff, Joel Ferreira Penteado Júnior, Jonas Irineu dos Santos Filho, Jorge Luiz Santanna dos Santos, Jorge Madeira Nogueira Júnior, José Alberto Petrini, José da Silva Souza, José Lincoln Pinheiro Araújo, José Olenilson Costa Pinheiro, José Ronaldo de Macedo, Junia Rodrigues de Alencar, Karla Moraes Rocha Guedes, Karla Oliveira Cohen, Kelita Carlos Silva Andrade, Leandro Goncalves de Souza Leão, Leonardo Cunha Melo, Leonardo Ventura de Araújo, Lígia Alves dos Santos, Liliane Barbosa dos Santos Gadelha, Lindomar de Jesus de Sousa Silva, Lírio José Reichert, Loiva Maria Ribeiro de Mello, Lourenço de Souza Cruz, Luciana Alvim Santos Romani, Luciana Poppi, Luiz Carlos Guilherme, Luiz da Silva Vieira, Luiz Eichelberger, Luiz Guilherme Rebello Wadt, Luiz Orcírio Fialho de Oliveira, Marcelo Dias Muller, Marcelo Hiroshi Hirakuri, Marcelo Mikio Hanashiro, Marcia Cristina de Azevedo Prata, Marcia Maria Parma, Márcio Gilberto Saatkamp, Márcio Rogers Melo de Almeida, Marco Aurélio Delmondes Bomfim, Marcos Fernandes, Marcos Venícios Novaes de Souza, Margarete Esteves Nunes Crippa, Maria Clea Brito de Figueiredo, Maria Cristina Martins Cruz, Maria do Carmo Bassols Raseira, Maria Sônia Lopes da Silva, Mariana de Aragão Pereira, Mauro Sérgio Vianello Pinto, Miguel Borges, Nirlene Junqueira Vilela, Osmira Fátima da Silva, Patrícia de Paula Ledoux R. de Souza, Patrícia Goulart Bustamante, Paulo Cesar de Almeida Portes, Paulo Ricardo Reis Fagundes, Paulo Sérgio Goi, Pedro Carlos Gama da Silva, Pedro Felizardo A. de Paula Pessoa, Pedro Pereira Neves, Rebert Coelho Correia, Renan Milagres Lage Novaes, Rubens Augusto de Miranda, Samuel José de Magalhaes Oliveira, Sandro Eduardo Marschhausen Pereira, Selma Cavalcanti Cruz de H. Tavares, Sérgio Gomes Tosto, Sílvio Roberto Medeiros Evangelista, Simone Sayuri Tsuneda, Susete do Rocio Chiarello Penteado, Terezinha Pinto de Arruda, Tiago Rolim Marques, Veramilles Aparecida Fae, Victor Ferreira de Souza, Vinícius Mello Teixeira de Freitas, Viviane Maria de A. de Bem E. Canto, Vladirene Macedo Vieira, Zenildo Ferreira Holanda Filho. Proofreading, Graphic Design and Production Heads and Patrícia Tostes Production Embrapa’s Secretariat for Communications and Secretariat for Management and Institutional Development Translation Mariana de Lima Medeiros Credits for cover and back cover photos Sandra Santos, Frederico Botelho, Alexandre Coutinho e Ricardo Moura English version available online Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (Embrapa) Brasília, DF - 2015 The Federative Republic of Brazil 35 Social Report, 2014 Embrapa. Brasilia, Distrito Federal (DF): Embrapa, Communication Secretariat, Strategic Management Secretariat, 2015 Annual. Initial title: Embrapa’s Social Report 1997. Later title: Social Report of the Brazilian Agricultural Research 1998-2001 2015 digital version, with 2014 data, available on the web. http://www.bs.sede.embrapa.br 1. Agriculture and Livestock- Research - Brazil - Periodical.2. Embrapa. CDD 630.720981 (18.ed.) © Embrapa 2015 36 Embrapa in Brazil HEADQUARTERS Parque Estação Biológica - PqEB Edifício Sede 70770-901 - Brasília - DF 55 (61) 3448-4433 www.embrapa.br [email protected] Embrapa Cerrados Planaltina/DF 55 (61) 3388-9898 Embrapa Pantanal Corumbá/MS 55 (67) 3234-5800 Embrapa Temperate Agriculture Pelotas/RS 55 (53) 3275-8100 Embrapa Southeast Livestock São Carlos/SP 55 (16) 3411-5600 RESEARCH UNITS Embrapa Cocais São Luís/MA 55 (98) 3878-2203 Embrapa South Livestock Bagé/RS 55 (53) 3240-4650 Embrapa Forests Colombo/PR 55 (41) 3675-5600 Embrapa Fishing and Aquaculture Palmas/TO 55 (63) 3229-7800 Embrapa Beef Cattle Campo Grande/MS 55 (67) 3368-2000 / 2120 Embrapa Products and Market Brasília/DF 55 (61) 3448-4577 Embrapa Dairy Cattle Juiz de Fora/MG 55 (32) 3311-7400 Embrapa Plant Quarantine Brasília/DF 55 (61) 3448-4745 Embrapa Territorial Management Campinas/SP 55 (19) 3211-6200 Embrapa Genetic Resources and Biotechnology Brasília/DF 55 (61) 3448-4700 Embrapa Acre Rio Branco/AC 55 (68) 3212-3200 Embrapa Agrobiology Seropédica/RJ 55 (21) 3441-1500 Embrapa Agroenergy Brasília/DF 55 (61) 3448-4246 Embrapa Food Agroindustry Rio de Janeiro/RJ 55 (21) 3622-9600 Embrapa Tropical Agroindustry Fortaleza/CE 55 (85) 3391-7100 Embrapa Western Agriculture Dourados/MS 55 (67) 3416-9700 Embrapa Agrosilvopastoral Sinop/MT 55 (66) 3211-4220 Embrapa Vegetables Gama/DF 55 (61) 3385-9000 Embrapa Technological Information Brasília/DF 55 (61) 3448-4162 Embrapa Rondônia Porto Velho/RO 55 (69) 3901-2504 Embrapa Roraima Boa Vista/RR 55 (95) 4009-7100 Embrapa Agricultural Informatics Campinas/SP 55 (19) 3211-5700 Embrapa Tropical Semi-Arid Petrolina/PE 55 (87) 3866-3600 Embrapa Instrumentation São Carlos/SP 55 (16) 2107-2800 Embrapa Soybean Londrina/PR 55 (43) 3371-6000 Embrapa Western Amazon Manaus/AM 55 (92) 3303-7800 Embrapa Cassava and Tropical Fruits Cruz das Almas/BA 55 (75) 3312-8048 Embrapa Soils Rio de Janeiro/RJ 55 (21) 2179-4500 Embrapa Eastern Amazon Belém/PA 55 (91) 3204-1000 Embrapa Environment Jaguariúna/SP 55 (19) 3311-2700 Embrapa Rice & Beans Santo Antônio de Goiás/GO 55 (62) 3533-2110 Embrapa Mid-North Teresina/PI 55 (86) 3198-0500 Embrapa Coffee Brasília/DF 55 (61) 3448-4378 Embrapa Maize and Sorghum Sete Lagoas/MG 55 (31) 3027-1100 Embrapa Goats and Sheep Sobral/CE 55 (88) 3112-7400 Embrapa Satellite Monitoring Campinas/SP 55 (19) 3211-6200 Embrapa Cotton Campina Grande/PB 55 (83) 3182-4300 Embrapa Amapá Macapá/AP 55 (96) 4009-9500 Embrapa Swine and Poultry Concórdia/SC 55 (49) 3441-0400 Embrapa Coastal Tablelands Aracaju/SE 55 (79) 4009-1300 Embrapa Wheat Passo Fundo/RS 55 (54) 3316-5800 Embrapa Grapes and Wine Bento Gonçalves/RS 55 (54) 3455-8000 www.embrapa.br