double bowl sinks with cupboard
double bowl sinks with cupboard
RANGE COMPOSITION The range consists of 6 sinks, with cupboard and sliding doors, 1200, 1400, 1800, 2000 mm in length, and with two bowls. Sink cupboard units are ideal for washing, cleaning and storage. 132709 with accessory 1200/2000 mm DOUBLE BOWL SINKS WITH CUPBOARD ZANUSSI PROF E SSIONA L FUNCTIONAL AND CONSTRUCTION FEATURES the safety of the kitchen worker. � 200 mm high 304 AISI stainless steel feet, 64 mm in diameter, adjustable by -50/+30 mm. � All models comply with the more strict international standards as far as hygiene and cleanability are concerned. � Made entirely from stainless steel with welded construction for maximum strength. � Inner welded frame in stainless steel to guarantee superior strenght and stability. � The 50 mm high worktop in 304 AISI stainless steel, 10/10 in thickness, incorporates a layer of sound deadening and water-proof material, has upturned edges to protect the kitchen worker. � Side and base panels in 304 AISI stainless steel, 10/10 in thickness reinforced. � Splashback with 8 mm rounded corner, 100 mm high and 13 mm deep, designed to be used against a wall. � Sink bowl in 304 AISI stainless steel. All bowls are supplied as standard with an overflow pipe and a drain hole. � The sound-deadened sturdy sliding doors in 304 AISI stainless steel are on tracks located flush to the front of the frame. � Drainage area suitable for drying operations (except for codes 132706 and 132707). � Easy access to the cupboard interior on all lengths guaranteed by the use of only 2 doors. � All panel edges are upturned to guarantee DADOS TÉCNICOS CARACTERÍSTICAS Dimensões externas - mm largura profundidade altura Espressura do plano de trabalho - mm Dimensões superiores - mm altura profundidade raio Bacias - n. Dimensões da cuba (lxpxa) - mm Dimensões internas do armário - mm largura profundidade altura Nº e tipo de portas Peso líquido - kg. Right hand drainer Left hand drainer MLA1225P 132706 MLA1426P 132707 1200 700 1000 50 1400 700 1000 50 MODELOS MLA1826DXP MLA1826SXP 132708 132709 1800 700 1000 50 1800 700 1000 50 MLA2026DXP 132710 MLA2026SXP 132711 2000 700 1000 50 2000 700 1000 50 100 100 100 100 100 100 13 13 13 13 13 13 R=8 R=8 R=8 R=8 R=8 R=8 2 2 2 2 2 2 500x500xH300 600x500xH300 600x500xH300 600x500xH300 600x500xH300 600x500xH300 1110 645 330 2, Móvel 55 1310 645 330 2, Móvel 60 1710 645 330 2, Móvel 70 l 1710 645 330 2, Móvel 70 l 1910 645 330 2, Móvel 75 l 1910 645 330 2, Móvel 75 l 132706 1400 132707 700 100 700 50 440 440 36 36 43 495 595 120 105 50 500 105 185 185 PEX132707 95 500 700 PEX132706 500 500 43 595 95 185 185 75 43 687 210 Ø32 120 36 1389 687 210 Ø32 700 36 43 1189 495 317 900 317 900 50 100 1200 75 75 50 600 600 75 1400 1200 132708 700 1800 132709 700 36 100 440 440 900 900 317 50 317 50 100 1800 43 36 43 1789 36 687 120 185 PEX132709 500 700 PEX132708 700 105 185 185 120 185 590 95 95 500 43 687 210 Ø32 105 43 36 1789 210 Ø32 590 70 50 600 600 50 600 1800 600 70 1800 132710 700 2000 132711 700 100 440 440 36 36 43 43 1989 36 36 120 185 105 185 PEX132710 590 PEX132711 95 95 500 700 700 185 Ø32 185 500 43 687 210 Ø32 105 43 1989 687 210 120 590 317 900 50 317 900 50 100 2000 70 600 50 600 600 2000 50 600 70 2000 LEGENDA MLA1225P 132706 2" D - Esgoto ACESSÓRIOS OPCIONAIS ACESSÓRIOS FILTRO TRANSBORDO P/CUBA 500X500 MM FILTRO TRANSBORDO P/CUBA 600X500 MM FUNDO FALSO DTO. CUBA 500X500 MM FUNDO FALSO DTO. CUBA 600X500 MM FUNDO FALSO ESQ. CUBA 500X500 MM FUNDO FALSO ESQ. CUBA 600X500 MM SIFÃO BRONZE ÚNICO 2" SIFÃO PLÁSTICO 2" SIFÃO PLÁSTICO DRENAGEM DUPLO 2 " TORNEIRA MIST. (PREMIUM)+CHUVEIRO 3/4" TORNEIRA MIST.+BICA INFRAVERMELHOS-3/4" TORNEIRA MIST.C/ALAVANCA+CHUV.+BICA-3/4" TORNEIRA MIST.-OP.PÉS (FRIO+QUENTE)-3/4" TORNEIRA MISTU. C/ ALAVANCA TÉRMICA TORNEIRA MISTU. P/ UNI. LAVA. SOB PERNAS TORNEIRA MISTURADORA 3/4" C/ ALAVANCA TORNEIRA MISTURADORA DE 3/4" TORNEIRA MISTURADORA DE. PAREDE 3/4" UN. CHUVEIRO PRÉ-LAVAGEM, ORIFÍCIO ÚNICO MLA1225P 132706 895136 MLA1426P 132707 MLA1426P 132707 2" MODELOS MLA1826DXP MLA1826SXP 132708 132709 MLA1826DXP 132708 2" MLA1826SXP 132709 2" MLA2026DXP 132710 MLA2026SXP 132711 895135 895135 895135 895135 895135 895100 895100 895100 895100 895100 895314 895313 850022 855326 855325 855324 895110 895314 895313 850022 855326 855325 855324 895110 895314 895313 850022 855326 855325 855324 895110 895314 895313 850022 855326 855325 855324 895110 895314 895313 850022 855326 855325 855324 895110 895314 895313 850022 855326 855325 855324 855328 855307 855317 855322 855319 855310 855315 855328 855307 855317 855322 855319 855310 855315 855328 855307 855317 855322 855319 855310 855315 855328 855307 855317 855322 855319 855310 855315 855328 855307 855317 855322 855319 855310 855315 855328 855307 855317 855322 855319 855310 855315 MLA2026DXP 132710 2" MLA2026SXP 132711 2" 895200 895210 ZANUSSI PROF E SSIONA L AAEB1_Copy 2013-10-03 O fabricante reserva-se ao direito de modificar e realizar melhoramentos no produto sem autorização prévia.