Full Name - University of Georgia College of Veterinary Medicine


Full Name - University of Georgia College of Veterinary Medicine
Daniel R. Rissi, DVM, MS, PhD
Diplomate ACVP
Department of Pathology and Athens Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory
College of Veterinary Medicine
The University of Georgia
Athens, GA 30602
Phone (706) 542-5916
E-mail: [email protected]
2006 – 2010
Federal University of Santa Maria
(UFSM), Brazil
Veterinary Pathology
2008 – 2009
The University of Georgia, Athens,
Anatomic Pathology
2004 – 2006
Federal University of Santa Maria
(UFSM), Brazil
Veterinary Pathology
1998 – 2003
Federal University of Santa Maria
(UFSM), Brazil
Veterinary Medicine
The residency in Veterinary Anatomic Pathology at The University of Georgia was sponsored by a scholarship
granted by the Brazilian National Council for Scientific and Technological Development during my Ph.D.
All the academic credentials (DVM, MS, and PhD) have been submitted for evaluation of compatibility and
equivalency by the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers (AACRAO). All
three degrees are equivalent and comparable to the corresponding education levels from any accredited college
or university in the United States of America.
Diagnostic Pathology; Neuropathology; Dermatopathology; Education (professional training)
2014 – Present
Department of Pathology and
Athens Veterinary Diagnostic
Laboratory, College of Veterinary
Medicine, The University of
Georgia, Athens, GA
Veterinary Pathology and Assistant
2013 – 2014
Department of Pathology and
Athens Veterinary Diagnostic
Laboratory, College of Veterinary
Medicine, The University of
Georgia, Athens, GA
Veterinary Pathologist and Lecturer
2010 – 2013
Department of Pathology and
Athens Veterinary Diagnostic
Pathology Instructor and Resident
Laboratory, College of Veterinary
Medicine, The University of
Georgia, Athens, GA
Diplomate, American College of
Veterinary Pathologists
Anatomic Pathology
2011 – Present
American College of Veterinary
2010 – Present
Georgia Veterinary Medical
2006 – Present
Brazilian College of Animal
2013 – Present
2013 – Present
Veterinary Pathology
2013 – Present
Brazilian Journal of Veterinary
2013 – Present
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife
2010 – Present
2009 – Present
Brazilian Journal of Veterinary
Associate Editor: Small Animal
2007 – Present
Ciência Rural
Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic
2013 – Present
American College of Veterinary
Focused Scientific Committee
(Natural Disease)
2013 – Present
Department of Pathology, College of
Veterinary Medicine, The University
of Georgia
VPAT 5400 Diagnostic Pathology
Rotation Committee (Coordinator)
2013 – Present
Department of Pathology, College of
Veterinary Medicine, The University
of Georgia
Web Technology and Marketing
2013 – 2014
Department of Pathology, College of
Veterinary Medicine, The University
of Georgia
Courier Service Working Group
Top reviewers and outstanding
Ciência Rural
Biopsy service: Biopsy cases ranging from 10-20 cases are assigned on a daily basis with a
turnaround time of approximately 3 days. Samples from dogs, cats, food animals, horses, and less
often birds and exotic species are examined. Samples are originated from live animals awaiting
veterinary therapy or from dead animals in order to determine the cause of death. All results are
entered in the computer system, and a report is sent to the submitting veterinarian. Reports usually
contain a detailed histologic description, a diagnosis, and a comment concerning pertinent features of
the diagnosed disease or condition. Additional staining or immunohistochemistry is performed when
necessary or requested by the referring veterinarian.
Necropsy service: I am on necropsy duty approximately 12 weeks per year (plus selected weekends
and holidays). Components of a necropsy are gross dissection, sample collection, assignment of
ancillary tests, histopathology, and interpretation of these results, with generation of a final report.
Additional staining or immunohistochemistry is performed when necessary or requested by the
referring veterinarian. During necropsies I supervise a group of 4-6 veterinary students participating
in the gross pathology rotation and discuss the cases before and after necropsy.
Consultations with other pathologists at the Department of Pathology and Athens Veterinary
Diagnostic Laboratory occur regularly.
Telephone consultations with clients regarding biopsy or necropsy results occur on a daily basis.
2013 – Present (The University of Georgia)
VPAT 5400 Diagnostic Pathology (Course coordinator): This graduate-level course is designed to
introduce veterinary students to the routine procedures in the necropsy room. Discussions are
performed before and during necropsy and consist of exploring differential diagnoses and practicing
description and interpretation of gross changes, as well as determination of ancillary diagnostic tests
in each case.
2012 – Present (The University of Georgia)
VPAT 8002 Gross Pathology (Course coordinator): This anatomic pathology resident-level course is
presented to the anatomic pathology residents or other students. It consists of two portions: (1)
Lectures on gross pathology of different animal species; and (2) Gross mock tests based on the
American College of Veterinary Pathologists annual certifying examination test.
2014 – Present (The University of Georgia)
AVDL Histopathology Rounds: These are bi-monthly meetings where the anatomic pathology
residents examine routine cases and discuss the histological findings and the systematic approach on
diagnostic pathology.
2013 (The University of Georgia)
Pathology Rotation: This course is intended to give veterinary students an insight into anatomic
veterinary pathology by participating in the diagnostic activities of the AVDL. Students assist faculty
in their duties and will be assigned specific independent tasks.
2006 – 2008 (UFSM)
PTG 1010 Pathology of Ruminants and Horses: This graduate-level course was designed to introduce
veterinary students to the diagnostic management (epidemiology, clinical aspects, pathology, and
ancillary diagnostic tests) of the common diseases of livestock in Southern Brazil.
2004 – 2010 (UFSM)
PTG 1001 Systemic Pathology of Domestic Animals: This graduate-level course was designed to
introduce veterinary students to the physiopathology of changes occurring during disease in domestic
animals. A practice necropsy rotation was part of this course and involved discussions on differential
diagnoses, practicing on gross description and interpretation of gross changes, and determination of
ancillary diagnostic tests in each case.
1. Rissi DR. Neurological diseases of cattle: should I submit brain? At the 51st Annual
Veterinary Conference and Alumni Weekend. The University of Georgia, March, 2014.
1. Rissi DR. Recognizing non-lesions, lesions of little or no clinical significance, and
postmortem artifacts in the necropsy floor. The University of Georgia, 2013. In process of
2. Rissi DR, Brown CC, Howerth E, Sakamoto K, Yau W. VPAT 5400 Anatomic Pathology
Student Rotation Handbook. The University of Georgia, 2014. 84 p.
3. Rissi DR. Handling and submission of brain samples for the diagnosis of neurological
diseases in veterinary medicine. The University of Georgia, 2014. 11 p.
4. Rissi DR. Elements of gross description in anatomic veterinary pathology. The University of
Georgia, 2013. 32 p.
5. Brown CC, Rech RR, Rissi DR, Costa T. Poultry necropsy manual: the basics. The
University of Georgia, 2008.
1. Neuropathology of C. felis infection in domestic cats. Grant awarded by the American
Veterinary Medical Foundation ($840.00). 2014. Role: Principal investigator.
2. Determining the role of mast cells and their products in canine and feline meningiomas.
Grant proposal in process of writing (funding agency to be decided). 2014. Role: Principal
3. Characterization of the oligodendrocyte changes and their association with a possible
immune-deregulation during demyelination in natural cases of canine distemper in dogs.
Grant proposal in process of writing (funding agency to be decided). 2014. Role: Principal
investigator (co-investigator: Dr. Corrie C. Brown).
4. Characterization of New World camelid neurologic diseases with special focus on rabies.
Grant proposal submitted to the USDA Animal Health Formula Grant Funded. 2014. Role:
Principal investigator.
5. Characterization of hypoxic hepatitis in dogs with chronic upper airway disease. Grant
proposal submitted to the Morris Animal Foundation. 2014. Role: Co-investigator (principal
investigator: Dr. Lorelei Clarke).
6. Determining the importance of canine circovirus associated disease; seroprevalence, nucleic
acid prevalence, and pathologic characterization. Grant proposal submitted to the Morris
Animal Foundation. 2014. Role: Collaborator (Principal investigator: Dr. Patricia A.
7. Epidemiologic, pathological, immunohistochemical, and molecular characterization of
Histomonas meleagridis infection in peafowl. Internal departmental project. 2014.
Department of Pathology (College of Veterinary Medicine), The University of Georgia. Role:
Principal investigator (co-investigators: Dr. H.L. Shivaprasad and Dr. S. Carnaccini,
California Animal Health and Food Safety Laboratory System; and Dr. R.B. Beckstead,
University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences).
8. Immunohistochemical characterization of cerebral and spinal cord histiocytic sarcomas in
dogs and cats. Internal departmental project. 2014. Department of Pathology (College of
Veterinary Medicine), The University of Georgia. Role: Principal investigator.
9. Characterization of atypical cases of canine leptospirosis diagnosed at the Athens Veterinary
Diagnostic Laboratory. Internal departmental project. 2012. Department of Pathology
(College of Veterinary Medicine), The University of Georgia. Role: Co-investigator.
10. Lujo virus infection in Guinea pigs. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Role: Coinvestigator (contract service).
11. Development of a feline mammary carcinoma model in cats by fetal mammary carcinoma
inoculation. Merial, Inc. Role: Co-investigator (contract service).
12. Borrelia burgdorferi bacterial extract: Efficacy of Lyme active (LYMAN 65) combined with
IDRI-EM061 adjuvant using a challenge model based on clinical signs and joint
histopathology. Merial, Inc. Role: Co-investigator (contract service).
13. Epidemiology, clinicopathological characterization, and viral typification in outbreaks of
necrotizing meningoencephalitis caused by bovine herpesvirus in south Brazil. Grant
proposal approved and funded by the National Council for Scientific and Technological
Development, Brazil. Laboratory of Veterinary Pathology, Federal University of Santa Maria.
Role: Graduate student (Principal investigator: Dr. Claudio S.L. Barros).
14. Gross and histopathological findings in the brain of cattle submitted as part of the Bovine
Spongiform Encephalopathy Surveillance Program of the Brazilian Ministry of Agriculture,
Livestock and Supply. Grant proposal approved and funded by the National Council for
Scientific and Technological Development, Brazil. Laboratory of Veterinary Pathology,
Federal University of Santa Maria. Role: Graduate student (Principal investigator: Dr.
Claudio S.L. Barros).
1. Rissi DR et al. Cerebral oligodendrogliomas mimmicking intraventricular neoplasia in 3
dogs. Journal to be decided (in process of writing).
2. Clarke LL, Rissi DR. Neuropathology of Cytauxzoon felis infection in domestic cats.
Veterinary Pathology (recommended for publication).
3. Rissi DR, Barros CSL. Outbreak of myonecrosis and dark red urine in cattle. Journal of the
American Veterinary Medical Association (submitted article).
4. Panjeti AR, Rissi DR. Fibrinous polyserotis in a pig. Journal of the American Veterinary
Medical Association (accepted for publication).
5. Tessele B, Rissi DR; Langohr IM, Vielmo A, Barros CSL. Mixed apocrine adenocarcinoma
of the tail in a cow. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association (submitted
6. Brito ESA, Howerth EW, Rissi DR. Colonic coccidiosis in a calf. Journal of the American
Veterinary Medical Association (accepted for publication).
7. Fogelson S, Yau W, Rissi DR. Disseminated Yersinia pseudotuberculosis infection in a paca
(Cuniculus paca). Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine (accepted for publication).
8. Panziera W, Rissi DR, Galiza GJN, Giaretta PR, Bianchi RM, Bazzi T, Barros CSL. Spinal
cord compression due to vaccine granulomas in two calves. Journal of the American
Veterinary Medical Association (accepted for publication).
9. Yau W, Rissi DR. Cholecystic adenocarcinoma and pancreatic insulinomas in a goat. Journal
of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation (published online) as doi:10.1177/1040638714553293.
10. Rissi DR, Brown CA. Diagnostic features in 10 naturally occurring cases of acute fatal canine
leptospirosis. Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation (published online) as
11. Watson V, Sycamore KF, Rissi DR. Diffuse gastric thickening in a dog. Journal of the
American Veterinary Medical Association (accepted for publication).
12. Anjos BL, Fagundes MZ, Gonçalves MA, Rissi DR. Cerebellar coenurosis in a sheep.
Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association (accepted for publication).
13. Trost ME, Frontera-Acevedo K, Brown CC, Rissi DR. Neonatal septicemia in a foal. Journal
of the American Veterinary Medical Association (accepted for publication).
14. Giaretta PR, Rissi DR. Systemic necrosis and hemorrhage in a 3-week-old puppy. Journal of
the American Veterinary Medical Association 245:639-641, 2014.
15. Williams L, Rissi DR. Thymic hemorrhage and hemothorax in a dog. Journal of the
American Veterinary Medical Association 244:905-907, 2014.
16. Aschenbroich S, Woolcock A, Rissi DR. Paraparesis in a Golden Retriever. Veterinary
pathology 51:996-999, 2014.
17. Dill JA, Rissi DR. Suppurative rhombencephalitis and meningitis in a goat. Veterinary
Pathology. Veterinary Pathology 51:828-831, 2014.
18. Rosa FB, Rissi DR. Multicentric B-cell lymphoma with cerebral involvement in an alpaca.
Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association 243:645-647, 2013.
19. Rissi DR, Howerth E. Ischemic encephalopathy caused by aberrant migration of a Cuterebra
larva. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association 243:493-495, 2013.
20. Sa e Silva M, Rissi DR, Pantin-Jackwood M, Swaine DE. Highly pathogenic avian influenza
virus in the reproductive tract of chickens. Veterinary Pathology 50:956-960, 2013.
21. Rissi DR, Barros CSL. Necrotizing meningoencephalitis in a cow. Veterinary Pathology.
50:926-929, 2013.
22. Rissi DR, Susta L. Leukoencephalomalacia in a horse. Journal of the American Veterinary
Medical Association 243:57-59, 2013.
23. Anjos BL, Diefenbach A, Rissi DR, Lovato M, Flores T, Pereira LQ, Kommers GD.
Anaplastic ventricular adenocarcinoma in a blue and gold macaw (Ara ararauna). Brazilian
Journal of Veterinary pathology 5:78-80, 2012.
24. Lucena R, Rissi DR, Queiroz DM, Barros CSL. Infiltrative gastric adenocarcinoma in a
chinchilla (Chinchilla lanigera). Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation 24:797-800,
25. Lucena RB, Rissi DR, Kommers GD, Pierezan F, Oliveira-Filho JC, Macêdo JT, Flores MM,
Barros CSL. A retrospective study of 586 tumours in Brazilian cattle. Journal of Comparative
Pathology 145:20-24, 2011.
26. Carmo PMS, Vargas AC, Rissi DR, Oliveira-Filho JC, Pierezan F, Lucena RB, Leivas Leite
FL, Barros CSL. Outbreak of infectious bovine keratoconjunctivitis and haemonchosis
causing moratality in calves. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 31:374-378, 2011 (Abstract in
27. Oliveira-Filho JC, Carmo PMS, Pierezan F, Tochetto C, Lucena RB, Rissi DR, Barros CSL.
Poisoning by organophosphate in cattle in southern Brazil. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira
30:803-806, 2010 (Abstract in English).
28. Rissi DR, Pierezan F, Oliveira-Filho JC, Lucena RB, Carmo PMS, Barros CSL. Diagnostic
approaches for the main neurological diseases of ruminants and horses in Brazil. Pesquisa
Veterinária Brasileira 30:958-967, 2010 (Abstract in English).
29. Pierezan F, Oliveira Filho JC, Carmo PM, Lucena RB, Rissi DR, Togni M, Barros CSL.
Outbreak of aflatoxicosis in calves in southern Brazil. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira
30:418-422, 2010 (Abstract in English).
30. Lucena RB, Rissi DR, Maia LA, Flores MM, Dantas AFM, Nobre VMT, Riet-Correa F,
Barros CSL. Poisoning by pyrrolizidine alkaloids in ruminantes and horses in Brazil.
Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 30:447-452, 2010 (Abstract in English).
31. Rissi DR, Fighera RA, Irigoyen LF, Kommers GD, Barros CSL. Neurological diseases in
sheep from central Rio Grande do Sul state, southern Brazil. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira
30:222-228, 2010 (Abstract in English).
32. Rissi DR, Barros CSL. Spontaneous poisoning by ionophores in sheep in Rio Grande do Sul,
Brazil. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 30:219-221, 2010 (Abstract in English).
33. Rissi DR, Pierezan F, Oliveira Filho JC, Fighera RA, Irigoyen LF, Kommers GD, Barros
CSL. Diseases of sheep from central Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil: 361 cases. Pesquisa
Veterinária Brasileira 30:21-28, 2010 (Abstract in English).
34. Rissi DR, Kommers GD, Marcolongo-Pereira C, Schild AL, Barros CSL.
Meningoencephalitis in sheep caused by Listeria monocytogenes. Pesquisa Veterinária
Brasileira 30:51-56, 2010 (Abstract in English).
35. Rissi DR, Brown C, Barros CSL. Chronic and acute clinical manifestations associated with
systemic mineralization caused by ingestion of Nierembergia veitchii in sheep in southern
Brazil. Small Ruminant Research 87:102-104, 2009.
36. Pierezan F, Rissi DR, Rech RR, Fighera RA, Brum JS, Barros CSL. Necropsy findings
related to the cause of death in 335 horses: 1968-2007. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira
29:275-280, 2009 (Abstract in English).
37. Pierezan F, Rissi DR, Oliveira Filho JC, Lucena RB, Tochetto C, Flores M, Rosa FB, Barros
CSL. Granulomatous enteritis associated with larval cyathostomiasis in horses in Rio Grande
do Sul, Brazil. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 29:382-386, 2009 (Abstract in English).
38. Sant’Ana FJF, Rissi DR, Lucena RB, Lemos RAA, Nogueira APA, Barros CSL. Bovine
polioencephalomalacia: epidemiology, clinical signs and distribution of lesions in the brain.
Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 29:487-497, 2009 (Abstract in English).
39. Silva AS, Tochetto C, Pierezan F, Rissi DR, Monteiro SG, Santurio JMC. Diminazene
aceturate and imidocarb dipropionate in the control of Trypanosoma evansi infection in
Rattus norvegicus experimentally infected. Ciência Rural 38:1357-1362, 2008 (Abstract in
40. Rech RR, Rissi DR, Pierezan F, Gabriel AL, Barros CSL. Conglutination of the cerebellar
granule cell layer in cattle. Ciência Rural 38:1181-1183, 2008 (Abstract in English).
41. Rissi DR, Rech RR, Pierezan F, Gabriel AL, Trost ME, Barros CSL. Coenurosis in sheep in
southern Brazil: 16 cases. Ciência Rural 38:1044-1049, 2008 (Abstract in English).
42. Rissi DR, Fighera RA, Irigoyen LF, De Lacorte FD, Barros CSL. Anaplastic melanoma in a
horse. Ciência Rural 38:2072-2075, 2008 (Abstract in English).
43. Rissi DR, Pierezan F, Silva MS, Flores EF, Barros CSL. Neurological disease in cattle in
southern Brazil associated with Bovine herpesvirus infection. Journal of Veterinary
Diagnostic Investigation 20:346-349, 2008.
44. Rissi DR, Pierezan F, Kommers GD, Barros CSL. Occurrence of rabies in sheep in Rio
Grande do Sul, Brazil. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 28:495-500, 2008 (Abstract in
45. Almeida SR, Diel DG, Rissi DR, Weiblen R, Flores EF. Clinicopathological caracterization
of acute mammillitis in lactating ewes inoculated with bovine herpesvirus 2. Pesquisa
Veterinária Brasileira 28:87-94, 2008 (Abstract in English).
46. Rodrigues A, De Lacorte FD, Graça DL, Rissi DR, Schild AL, Kommers GD, Barros CSL.
Stringhalt in horses from the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Pesquisa Veterinária
Brasileira 28:23-28, 2008 (Abstract in English).
47. Barros CSL, Castilhos LML, Rissi DR, Kommers GD, Rech RR. Liver biopsy for the
diagnosis of Senecio brasiliensis (Asteraceae) poisoning in cattle. Pesquisa Veterinária
Brasileira 27:53-60, 2007 (Abstract in English).
48. Rissi DR, Rech RR, Pierezan F, Kommers GD, Barros CSL. Poisoning in sheep by
Nierembergia veitchii: Observations in four outbreaks. Ciência Rural 37:1393-1398, 2007
(Abstract in English).
49. Rissi DR, Rech RR, Pierezan F, Gabriel AL, Trost ME, Brum JS, Kommers GD, Barros CSL.
Plant and plant-associated mycotoxins poisoning in cattle in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil: 461
cases. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 27:261-268, 2007 (Abstract in English).
50. Rissi DR, Rech RR, Flores EF, Kommers GD, Barros, CSL. Meningoencephalitis by bovine
herpesvirus-5. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 27:251-260, 2007 (Abstract in English).
51. Rissi DR, Oliveira FN, Rech RR, Pierezan F, Lemos RAA, Barros, CSL. Epidemiology,
clinical signs, and distribution of the lesions in cattle affected with meningoencephalitis
caused by herpersvirus-5. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 26:123-132, 2006 (Abstract in
52. Rissi DR, Rech RR, Barros RR, Kommers GD, Langohr IM, Pierezan F, Barros CSL.
Listerial meningoencephalitis in goats. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 26:14-20, 2006
(Abstract in English).
53. Rech RR, Rissi DR, Silva MC, Inkelmann MA, Barros CSL. Histomorphology of the
Gasserian ganglion, carotid rete mirabile and pituitary gland in cattle: A study of 199 cases.
Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 26:105-111, 2006 (Abstract in English).
54. Rech RR, Rissi DR, Rodrigues A, Pierezan F, Piazer JVM, Kommers GD, Barros CSL.
Poisoning by Solanum fastigiatum (Solanaceae) in cattle: Epidemiology, clinical signs, and
morphometry of cerebelar lesions. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 26:183-189, 2006
(Abstract in English).
55. Oliveira FN, Rech RR, Rissi DR, Barros RR, Barros CSL. Poisoning in swine from the
ingestion of Aeschynomene indica (Leg Papilionoideae) seeds. Pesquisa Veterinária
Brasileira 25:135-142, 2005 (Abstract in English).
56. Rissi DR, Rech RR, Fighera RA, Cagnini DQ, Kommers GD, Barros CSL. Spontaneous
Baccharis coridifolia poisoning in cattle. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 25:111-114, 2005
(Abstract in English).
57. Rissi DR, Fighera RA, Schmidt C, Graça DL, Barros CSL. Folicular lymphoma in a dog.
Clínica Veterinária 59:80-86, 2005 (Abstract in English).
58. Oliveira FN, Barros RR, Rissi DR, Rech RR, Fighera R, Barros CSL. Focal symmetrical
encephalomalacia in swine from the ingestion of Aeschynomene indica seeds. Veterinary and
Human Toxicology 46:309-312, 2004.
59. Barros RR, Teixeira FR, Oliveira FN, Rissi DR, Rech RR, Barros CSL. Poisoning in sheep
from the ingestion of the fruits of Erythroxylum argentinum. Veterinary and Human
Toxicology 46:173-175, 2004.
1. Rissi DR, Sant'Ana FJF, Pierezan F, Anjos BL, Barros CSL. Poisonous Plants Affecting
Sheep in Southern Brazil. Riet-Correa F, Pfister JA, Schild AL, Wierenga T (Org.). Poisoning
by plants, mycotoxins, and related toxins. London, CAB International, 2011, pp.73-78.
2. Rech RR, Rodrigues A, Rissi DR, Riet-Correa F, Barros CSL. Poisonous plants affecting the
central nervous system (CNS) of cattle in Brazil. Panter KE, Wierenga TL, Pfister JA (Org.).
Poisonous Plants: Global Research and Solutions. Wallingford, CAB International, 2007, pp.
3. Rissi DR, Driemeier D, Silva MC, Barros RR, Barros CSL. Poisonous plants producing acute
hepatic disease in Brazilian cattle. Panter KE, Wierenga TL, Pfister JA (Org.). Poisonous
Plants: Global Research and Solutions. Wallingford, CAB International, 2007, pp. 72-76.
1. Clarke LL, Shivaprasad HL, Carnaccini S, Beckstead RB, Rissi DR. Possible direct
transmission of Histomonas meleagridis in peafowl. To be presented at the 2014 American
Association of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians Annual Meeting, Kansas City, MO,
2. Rissi DR, Clarke LL. Neuropathology of Cytauxzoon felis infection in domestic cats.
Submitted for poster presentation at the 2014 American College of Veterinary Pathologists
Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA, 2014.
3. Clarke LL, Howerth EW, Rissi DR. Immunostaining profile of histiocytic sarcomas in the
central nervous system of dogs and cats. Submitted for poster presentation at the 2014
American College of Veterinary Pathologists Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA, 2014.
4. Jenking TL, Uhl E, Rissi DR. Fibroblastic osteosarcoma with squamous epithelial cells in the
right distal femur of a greyhound. Submitted for poster presentation at the 2014 American
College of Veterinary Pathologists Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA, 2014.
5. Elsmo EJ, Sanchez S, Rissi DR. Necrosuppurative cystitis and peritonitis caused by
Staphylococcus xylosus infection in a calf. Submitted for poster presentation at the 2014
American College of Veterinary Pathologists Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA, 2014.
6. Yau W, Fogelson S, Rissi DR. Yersinia pseutotuberculosis infection in a paca. 42nd Annual
Southeastern Veterinary Pathology Conference, Tifton, GA, 2014 (to be presented).
7. Rissi DR, Rakich PM. Cutaneous lymphocytosis in 5 dogs. American College of Veterinary
Pathologists Annual Meeting, Montreal, Canada, 2013.
8. Rissi DR, Barros CSL. Is what i see the real McCoy? Recognizing nonlesions during
necropsy. Poster presentation at the 2012 American College of Veterinary Pathologists
Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA, 2012.
9. Rissi DR, Barros CSL. Sifting the wheat from the chaff: Assessing clinical significance of
necropsy findings. Poster presentation at the 2012 American College of Veterinary
Pathologists Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA, 2012.
10. Rissi DR, Figueiredo MD, Brown CA. Acute leptospirosis in 13 dogs. Poster presentation at
the 2012 American College of Veterinary Pathologists Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA, 2012.
11. Rissi DR, Pierezan F, Oliveira Filho JC, Tessele, B. Diseases of sheep from Central Rio
Grande do Sul, Brazil (Doenças de ovinos na regiao Central do Rio Grande do Sul). XIV
Encontro Nacional de Patologia Veterinária, Águas de Lindóia, SP, 2009.
12. Carmo PMS, Oliveira Filho JC, Rissi DR, Tessele B. Poisoning by carbamates and
organophosphates in cattle in Rio Grande do Sul state, Brazil (Intoxicação por carbamatos
e organofosforados em bovinos no Rio Grande do Sul). XIV Encontro Nacional de Patologia
Veterinária, Águas de Lindóia, SP, 2009.
13. Rissi DR, Sant’Ana F.J.F., Pierezan F., Anjos B.L., Barros C.S.L. Poisonous plants affecting
sheep in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, southern Brazil. 8th International Symposium on
Poisonous Plants (ISOPP8), João Pessoa, 2008, Programs and Abstracts, 7, 2008.
14. Rissi DR, Rech RR, Brown CC, Barros CSL. Poisoning in sheep by Nierembergia veitchii in
southern Brazil. Combined 59th and 43nd Annual Meetings of the American College of
Veterinary Pathology and the American Society for Veterinary Clinical Pathology, San
Antonio, TX, 2008.
15. Rech RR, Stein L, Rissi DR, Pierezan F, Barros CSL, Brown CC. Rabies in animals:
Development of an accurate diagnostic test that can be used in multiple species. Global
Health Symposium 2008, University of Georgia, Athens, GA, 2008.
16. Rissi DR, Lucena RB, Trost ME, Mahl D. Toxic and toxi-infectious diseases diagnosed in
the Laboratory of Veterinary Pathology of the Universidade Federal de Santa Maria
between 1990 and 2007 (Doenças tóxicas e toxiinfecções em ovinos diagnosticadas no
Laboratório de Patologia Veterinária da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria entre 1990 e
2007). ENDIVET, Campo Grande, MS, 2008.
17. Anjos BL, Gabriel AL, Rissi DR, Martins TB. Spongiform degeneration in the brain of
Boer goats (Degeneração esponjosa no encéfalo de caprinos Boer). ENDIVET, Campo
Grande, MS, 2008.
18. Rissi DR, Masuda EK, Anjos BL, Sant’Ana FJF, Graça DL, Barros CSL. Viral diseases of
cattle in southern Brazil. Doenças virais de bovinos no Sul do Brasil. XV Jornadas
Acadêmicas de Jóvenes Investigadores de la AUGM, Asunción, 2007.
19. Almeida SR, Diel DG, Rissi DR, Weiblen R, Flores EF. A sheep model for acute mammilitis
and latent infection by bovine herpesvirus 2. XVIII National Meeting of Virology, Búzios,
RJ, 2007.
20. Rech RR, Rissi DR, Pierezan F, Souza RS, Zhang J, Torres-Velez F, Brown C, Barros CSL
Epidemiology, clinical signs, pathology and immunohistochemistry of rabies in cattle in
Brazil. Combined 58th and 42nd Annual Meetings of the American College of Veterinary
Pathology and the American Society for Veterinary Clinical Pathology, Savannah, GA, 2007.
21. Rissi DR, Gabriel AL, Sant’Ana FJF, Schmidt M, Barros CSL. Coenurosis in sheep in
southern Brazil: 16 cases (Cenurose em ovinos no Sul do Brasil: 16 casos). XIII Encontro
Nacional de Patologia Veterinária e II Simpósio Brasileiro da C.L. Davis Foundation, Campo
Grande, MS, 2007.
22. Rech RR, Rissi DR, Pierezan F, Gabriel AL, Barros CSL. Diseases of the central nervous
system diagnosed in cattle by LPV-UFSM between 2001 and 2005 (Doenças do sistema
nervoso central de bovinos diagnosticadas entre 2001-2005 no LPV-UFSM). XIII Encontro
Nacional de Patologia Veterinária e II Simpósio Brasileiro da C.L. Davis Foundation, Campo
Grande, MS, 2007.
23. Pierezan F, Lemos RAA, Rech RR, Rissi DR, Kommers GD, Cortada VCLM, Mori AE,
Barros CSL. Rabies in horses (Raiva em equinos). XIII Encontro Nacional de Patologia
Veterinária e II Simpósio Brasileiro da C.L. Davis Foundation, Campo Grande, MS, 2007.
24. Silva MC, Rissi DR, Fighera RA, Barros CSL. Diseases of cattle diagnosed by the
Laboratory of Veterinary Pathology of the Federal University of Santa Maria between
1964 and 2005 (Diagnósticos realizados pelo Laboratório de Patologia Veterinária da
Universidade Federal de Santa Maria em bovinos necropsiados entre 1964 e 2005).
ENDIVET, Campo Grande, MS, 2006.
25. Rech RR, Rissi DR, Pierezan F, Inkelmann MA, Barros CSL. Rabies in herbivores: 27
cases (Raiva em herbívoros: 27 casos). ENDIVET, Campo Grande, MS, 2006.
26. Rissi DR, Rech RR, Pierezan F, Lemos RAA, Barros, CSL. Epidemiology, clinical signs,
and distribution of the lesions in cattle affected with meningoencephalitis caused by
herpersvirus-5 (Epidemiologia, sinais clínicos e distribuição das lesões em bovinos afetados
por meningoencefalite por herpesvírus bovino-5). Encontro Nacional de Diagnóstico
Veterinário, Campo Grande, MS, 2006.
27. Fighera RA, Souza TM, Rissi DR, Barros CSL. Poisoning by braken fern (Pteridium
aquilinum) in cattle: Clinical, hematological and pathological aspects (Intoxicação por
samambaia (Pteridium aquilinum) em bovinos: aspectos clínicos, hematológicos e
patológicos). Encontro Nacional de Diagnóstico Veterinário, Campo Grande, MS, 2006.
28. Rissi DR¸ Rech RR, Pierezan F, Fighera RA, Barros CSL. Poisoning in sheep by
Nierembergia veitchii (Intoxicação em ovinos por Nierembergia veitchii). XVII Congresso
Estadual de Medicina Veterinária, Gramado, RS, 2006.
29. Masuda EK, Rissi DR, Barros RR, Barros CSL. Epidemiology, clinical signs, and
pathology of Senecio spp. poisoning in cattle in southern Brazil (Epidemiologia, sinais
clínicos e patologia da intoxicação por Senecio spp. em bovinos no Rio Grande do Sul). XII
Encontro Nacional de Patologia Veterinária, Belo Horizonte, MG, 2005, Arquivo Brasileiro
de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, 57:65, 2005.
30. Rissi DR, Rech RR, Langohr IM, Kommers GD, Barros CSL. Meningoencephalitis by
Listeria sp. in goats (Meningoencefalite por Listeria sp. em caprinos). XII Encontro Nacional
de Patologia Veterinária, Belo Horizonte, MG, 2005, Arquivo Brasileiro de Medicina
Veterinária e Zootecnia, 57:64, 2005.
31. Rech RR, Rodrigues A, Rissi DR, Barros CSL. Poisonous plants affecting the central nervous
system (CNS) of cattle in Brazil, 7th International Symposium on Poisonous Plants (ISOPP7),
Logan, 2005, Programs and Abstracts, 43, 2005.
32. Rissi DR, Driemeier D, Silva MC, Barros RR, Barros CSL. Poisonous plants producing acute
hepatic disease in Brazilian cattle In: 7th International Symposium on Poisonous Plants
(ISOPP7), Logan, 2005, Programs and Abstracts, 31, 2005.
33. Rissi DR, Barros RR, Graça DL, Barros CSL. Interventricular septal defect in a calf
(Defeito de septo ventricular em terneiro). Cuarta Reunion Argentina de Patologia
Veterinaria, La Plata, 2004, Libro de Resumenes, 51, 2005.
34. Barros RR, Teixeira FR, Oliveira FN, Rissi DR, Cagnini DQ, Rech RR, Barros CSL
Poisoning in sheep of the southern Brazil from the ingestion of the fruits of
Erythroxylum argentinum (Intoxicação em ovinos do sul do Brasil pelos frutos de
Erythroxylum argentinum). IV RAPAVE, La Plata, 2004, Libro de Resumenes, 48, 2005.
35. Denardin AJ, Flores ML, Santos H, Fontoura R, Kommers GD, Rissi DR. Avian poxvirus
infection in canaries (Serinus canaria) in Rio Grande do Sul: A case report (Bouba
aviária em canários (Serinus canaria) no Rio Grande do Sul: relato de caso). III Encontro
sobre Animais Selvagens, Poços de Caldas, SP, 2004.
36. Oliveira FN, Rissi DR, Barros RR, Rech RR, Barros CSL. Poisoning by Aeschynomene
indica seeds in swine (Intoxicação por sementes de Aeschynomene indica em suínos). I
Simpósio Latino-Americano de Plantas Tóxicas, Salvador BA, 2004, Pesquisa Veterinária
Brasileira, 24:46, 2004.

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