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GLASS AND ENERGETIC EFFICIENCY Artur Reynolds Brandão Leiria, 6 of November 2015 1.Glass origin SAINT-GOBAIN Sustainable Habitat world leader ..\..\..\..\..\..\COMUNICAÇÃO\2014\video institucional\Saint Gobain 2013 VLC mov Pgues (1).mov Saint-Gobain Glass .\..\..\..\..\COMUNICAÇÃO\SGG Flat Glass Activity - Corporate film.VOB 2.The Glass and energetic efficiency 1. Glass origin According the legend they were the Phoenicians that accidently discovered the glass. All happened in a beach. The Glass was also known in the neighbour of all Mediterranean countries. Such as Syria, responsible by the introduction of blow tube for production of glass objects. Until the end of XIII century, the production was mainly realized in the Murano island, which allows the best glass makers control. On the XIV century, the craftsmen of Altare roman region helped to expand the technics and styles for other European regions. Until XX century the building construction glass was produced according the cylinder technology (blow and centripetal force and further applied on a cylinder to laid). It was after the first war in XX century that was introduced the Fourcault process. PITTSBURGH PROCESS In Portugal on the end of the sixties was implemented the Pittsburgh process with 3 drawing machines with a production to 100 ton per day. SGG U-GLAS production FLOAT Process Finally appeared the production process in 6 steps: preparation or composition, fusion on the hoven, floating, cooling, cutting and finally warehousing and expedition. This process is known as FLOAT. .\..\..\..\..\COMUNICAÇÃO\SGG Flat Glass Activity - Corporate film.VOB Saint-Gobain, one of the world’s top one hundred leading industrial corporations OPERATIONS IN 64 COUNTRIES Born in 1665 sectors: - Innovative materials - Construction products - Building distribution NEARLY 193.000 EMPLOYEES Saint-Gobain’s Sectors Innovative Materials Flat Glass • No. 1 in Europe • No. 2 worldwide • Operations in 42 countries • Over 33,000 employees High-Performance Materials • No. 1 worldwide • Operations in 42 countries • Nearly 27,000 employees Construction Products • No. 1 worldwide in ductile cast iron pipe • No. 1 worldwide in plasterboard and plaster • No. 1 worldwide in insulation • No. 1 in Europe for wall facings • No. 1 worldwide for tile adhesives • No. 2 in the United States in siding products • Manufacturing operations in 55 countries • Over 47,000 employees Building Distribution • No. 1 in Europe building materials distribution network • No. 1 in Europe in plumbing, heating and sanitaryware products • Operations in 29 countries • 67,000 employees Packaging Verallia • No. 2 worldwide bottles and jars • Operations in 14 countries • More than 14,000 employees 9% of 2012 consolidated net sales 18 Saint-Gobain, proud of its history The origins of a multinational company 17th century Louis XIV and Colbert decide on an economic recovery plan for France 1665 1688 Creation of the Manufacture royale des glaces 1850-1900 Invention of the process of glass poured on a table, Saint-Gobain becomes the undeniable leader 1900-1950 Saint-Gobain expands into Europe starting up activities in Germany, Italy, Belgium, and Spain New markets and new products appear, making SaintGobain a diversified Group 1970 1970-2007 Merger between Pont-à-Mousson and Saint-Gobain Today Refocus on materials with a high technological content and entry into building distribution and plasterboard Saint-Gobain foca a sua estratégia no Habitat An increasingly international company Saint-Gobain in 1904 Saint-Gobain in 1980 Saint-Gobain in 2014 Operations in 64 countries with nearly 193,000 employees Saint-Gobain cria o futuro da construção 21 A vision of Saint-Gobain World leader in the habitat and construction market, SaintGobain designs, manufactures and distributes building materials providing innovative solutions to today’s critical challenges of growth, energy efficiency and environmental protection. THE reference for sustainable habitat 22 22 Sustainable habitat “Saint-Gobain develops construction and renovation solutions for professional customers to ensure that buildings are energy efficient, comfortable, healthy and esthetically superior, while at the same time protecting natural resources.” 23 23 Solutions for every stage of the development cycle Per capita potential market Technological materials Solutions/Services Interior solutions Exterior and infrastructure materials • Coated glass • Renewable energies • High-performance materials for the habitat, construction and industrial markets • Building Distribution • Insulation • Plasterboard • Flat glass • Mortars • Pipes Per capita GDP Fast-growing markets Markets in transition Mature markets 24 Saint-Gobain, one of the 100 most innovating companies in the world* 7 3,700 employees Main R&D centers Aubervilliers France Northboro United States Cavaillon France Herzogenrath Germany Chantereine Shanghai France China Over 400 1 Chennai Inde patents filed in 2012 in 5 Saint-Gobain products sold today was developed in the last five years 8 major strategic projects in: 12 Research centers and about 100 development units worldwide R&D open to the outside world : • Partnerships with start-ups : NOVA External Venturing • University partnerships * Thomson Reuters 2012 Top 100 Global Innovator program • Solar solutions • Fuel cells • Intelligent glass • Lighting • High performance insulation systems • External wall insulation systems • Functional flexible substrate • Energy efficiency and environmental impact of processes RESPECTS THE ENVIRONMENT A Saint-Gobain submete os seus produtos a uma Análise do Ciclo de Vida (Life Cycle Assessment – LCA), que avalia o impacto ambiental que um produto provoca durante cada etapa da sua vida útil, desde a extracção de matéria-prima até ao fim da sua utilização, passando pelo processo de transformação. Nesta abordagem, são analisadas as emissões de CO2,consumo de energia, contaminação do ar e água, entre outros aspectos. 2. THE GLASS AND ENERGETIC EFFICIENCY 2.1 Characteristics and SGG families 2.2 Web tools 2.3 Solutions and references 2.1 Characteristics and SGG families GLASS: an unique material Easy to clean GLASS: an unique material Respects the environment 100% Recycled GLASS: an unique material High chemical resistance and long mechanical durability GLASS = Innovation GLASS = Environment protection GLASS = Energy saving GLASS = Recycling GLASS = Comfort Thermal isolation Acoustic isolation Security Self-cleaning Além da Luz O Vidro tem um Nome AS 6 FAMÍLIAS SAINT-GOBAIN GLASS CONFORT Solar control, Thermal and Acoustic SAINT-GOBAIN GLASS DESIGN Design products for interiors and exteriors. SAINT-GOBAIN GLASS VISION Vision control products SAINT-GOBAIN GLASS SYSTEMS Systems SAINT-GOBAIN GLASS PROTECT Security products Segurança SAINT-GOBAIN GLASS CLEAN Reduced maintenance Thermal and acoustic isolation VISUAL COMFORT SECURITY SGG CLIMALIT SGG CLIMALIT ® ® designa o vidro duplo tradicional constituído de dois vidros incolores separados entre si Double glazing por um perfil metálico que forma uma câmara de ar tratado. Este vidro duplo oferece um Isolamento Térmico aproximadamente duas vezes superior à de um vidro simples. Suas aplicações são bastante vastas na habitação assim como no sector terciário. O processo consiste em colocar entre os dois vidros uma câmara de ar desidratado ou um gaz que melhora o isolamento. Os dois vidros são separados por um intercalar em alumínio no qual estão contidos agentes desidratantes. www.climalit.pt O vidro duplo poderá ser montado segundo a técnica VEP (montagem tradicional) a VEC (vidro exterior Double glazing is the answer to : Transparency Thermal and acoustic comfort Energy savings Security Environment control colado) para a qual é definida um caderno de encargos especifico. THERMAL ISOLATION ITR glasses: SGG CLIMALIT PLUS with SGG PLANITHERM / PLANISTAR SGG CLIMALIT SGG CLIMALIT PLUS Reinforced thermal isolation (ITR) Monolithic 5,7 W/m2K D.G 3,3 W/m2K to 2,7 W/m2K T.G 2,9 W/m2K to 1,6 W/m2K D.G T.G ITR ITR 2,5 W/m2K to 1,0 W/m2K 2,6 W/m2K to 0,9 W/m2K 2,0 W/m2K to 0,5 W/m2K SGG CLIMALIT ® Double glazing MAIN FACTORS TO CONSIDER FOR A GLASS SELECTION INSTALL SYSTHEMS - TRADICIONAL – VEP TL – LIGHT TRANSMISSION (vidro montado com bites) Nivel percentual de energia luminosa transmitida ao interior admitindose , que o raio solar incidente no vidro pelo exterior representa 100% . U–THERMAL TRANSMISSION COEFFICIENT - ESTRUCTURAL GLAZING – VEC (vidro exterior colado) - AGRAFADO - VEA (vidro exterior agrafado) É a quantidade de energia , transmitida por hora através de um vidro com 1 m2 de superficie , quando a diferença de temperatura do ar exterior com o interior é de 1º C . W/m2.ºK = 1,17 kcal/m2.h.ºC Ae – ENERGETIC ABSORPTION Nivel percentual de energia solar absorvida pelo vidro admitindo se , que o raio solar incidente no vidro pelo exterior representa 100% ENERGETIC and ACOUSTIC EFFICIENCY REGULATION Decreto-lei 79/2006 4 de Abril Decreto-lei 129/2000 g – SOLAR FACTOR SGG CLIMAPLUS / SGG CLIMALIT PLUS = Reinforced thermal isolation (thermal efficiency glasses) A emissividade é uma propriedade de superfície. Quando duas superfícies se encontram, uma em frente à outra, e a temperaturas diferentes, trocam calor por radiação, em função da emissividade. A emissividade normal do vidro clássico é igual a 0,89; a dos vidros com « capa de baixa emissividade » (em ingles low-E) pode atingir 0,03. A emissividade é utilizada para calcular o coeficiente U dos vidros duplos. Ver as gamas SGG COOL-LITE K, SK e SGG PLANITHERM. • SGG CLIMAPLUS / SGG CLIMALIT PLUS – SGG PLANTHERM • • • • XN / II SUPER S ONE / II 4S / II – SGG PLANISTAR ONE – SGG COOL-LITE • KNT • SKN / II • XTREME / II OS EDIFICIOS REPRESENTAM 2.2 Web tools – – – – – www.saint-gobain-glass.com www.climalit.pt www.climalizate.pt www.sggclimalitdata.com www.glass-compass.comhttp://medias.im.saintgobain.com/ebooks/Internet/Catalogo_SGGClimalitPlus_PT www.saint-gobain-glass.com Ferramentas de apoio www.saint-gobain-glass.com Ferramentas de apoio www.saint-gobain-glass.com Ferramentas de apoio www.saint-gobain-glass.com Ferramentas de apoio www.saint-gobain-glass.com Ferramentas de apoio www.saint-gobain-glass.com Ferramentas de apoio www.saint-gobain-glass.com Ferramentas de apoio www.saint-gobain-glass.com www.sggclimalitdata.com ttp://medias.im.saint-gobain.com/ebooks/Internet/Catalogo_SGGClimalitPlus_PT 2.3 Solutions and references SGG PLANITHERM ® Low-e glass Vidro SGG PLANICLEAR®,que com um revestimento metálico depositado em vácuo, apresenta uma forte reflexão nos infravermelhos de grande comprimento de onda, o que confere uma baia emissividade. PLANITHERM® pode ser temperado (versão II), laminado e deve ser utilizado incorporado em vidro duplo SGG CLIMALIT®,com a capa tratada montada para o interior da câmara. SGG PLANITHERM® tem um aspecto semelhante a SGG PLANILUX® (Float incolor), por transparência e reflexão. SGG Portugal - Comporta SGG CLIMALIT PLUS SECURIT PLANITHERM® Gama SGG PLANITHERM XN / II SUPER S 4S / II ONE / II Thickness( mm) – 4, 6, 8, 10 PLF (m) – 6000 x 3210 Cumpre as normas EN 1096-1 e EN 1096-3 dos produtos Classe C Aeropuerto – Alicante à SGG PLANISTAR Tripark – Las Rozas –> SGG PLANITHERM Hospital – Logroño à SGG PLANITHERM S Very neutral Avoid energy losses Decrease the condensation SGG CLIMALIT PLUS with SGG PLANITHERM Low-e glass range SGG PLANITHERM and SGG PLANISTAR ONE TL g U I.S. SGG PLANISTAR ONE 70 0,38 1,5 1,8 SGG PLANITHERM 4S II 65 0,43 1,5 1,5 SGG PLANITHERM ONE II 70 0,49 1,5 1,4 SGG PLANITHERM SUPER S 60 0,44 1,6 1,4 80 0,61 1,6 1,3 81 0,76 2,8 1,1 SGG PLANITHERM XN II SGG CLIMALIT com: Ambos em SGG PLANICLEAR SELECTIVIDADE SGG CLIMALIT PLUS com: Todas a soluções adoptadas são: 6-12-44.1 com a face 2 tratada e câmara de ar tratado SGG COOL-LITE ® ST 8 mm SGG COOL-LITE ST 150 12 mm air 10 mm SGG SECURIT PLANITHERM ULTRA N SGG COOL-LITE ® SKN 454 Solar control glass with solar factor of 0.20 SGG CLIMAPLUS with COOL-LITE SKN 472 and SGG STADIP 55.2 8 mm SGG SECURIT COOL-LITE SKN O44 16 mm air space 66.4 SGG STADIP SILENCE PLANIDUR SECURIT 74 SGG CLIMALIT PLUS with SGG COOL-LITE SKN 044 SGG COOL-LITE XTREME® 6 mm SGG COOL-LITE XTEME 60/28 II 12 mm air space 44.2 SGG STADIP SPROTECT SGG CLIMALIT PLUS 6/12 ar /6 com: SGG COOL-LITE XTREME 60/28 II SGG COOL-LITE SKN 154 II SGG COOL-LITE SKN 165 II SGG COOL-LITE SKN 174 II SGG COOL-LITE SKN 144 II TL 60 51 60 69 40 U 1,54 1,54 1,54 1,61 1,61 g 0,29 0,29 0,35 0,41 0,24 IS 2,10 1,80 1,71 1,68 1,67 SELECTIVIDADE Thermal efficiency glasses NEW SGG COOL-LITE SKN 176 II Characteristics VD 6/16/4 sobre SGG PLANICLEAR Propriedades espectrofotométricas: SGG COOL-LITE SKN176/SKN 176 II COOL-LITE SKN 174/ SKN 174 II SGG Transmissão luminosa TL 70% 69% Reflexão luminosa LRext. 13% 11% Reflexão luminosa LRint. 15% 13% Factor solar g(EN 410) 0.37 0.41 1,0 W/m².K 1,1 W/m².K 1,89 1,68 Transmissão térmica Selectividade Vidro interior SGG PLANICLEAR 4 mm SGG CLIMALIT PLUS with SGG COOL-LITE KNT 155 SGG CLIMALIT PLUS with SGG COOL-LITE SKN 072 II SGG CLIMALIT PLUS with SGG COOL-LITE SKN 174 II SAINT-GOBAIN Your Global Brand Thanks for you attention!
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