e a Universidade de Taubaté (UNITAU), através do - ABS


e a Universidade de Taubaté (UNITAU), através do - ABS
A Associação Brasileira de Soldagem (ABS) e a Universidade de Taubaté (UNITAU), através do V Curso
de Especialização em Engenharia da Soldagem, e a Associação Brasileira de Engenharia e Ciências
Mecânicas (ABCM), através do IV Congresso Brasileiro de Engenharia de Fabricação (COBEF), com o
apoio do TWI-Brasil, têm o prazer de convidá-los para a seguinte palestra a ser proferida pelo Prof. Bill
Lucas, do The Welding Institute da Inglaterra
Recent Advances in Arc Welding Processes and Equipment for Increased Productivity, Quality and
Although arc welding is the most established method of manufacturing components or fabricating structures,
there have been several significant advances in the technology over the last 5 years. The main driving forces for
these advances are the demand for increased productivity, quality and levels of automation. Productivity
benefits have been derived from the development of new processes which enable deeper weld penetration,
higher deposition rates and higher welding speeds to be achieved. Weld quality has been improved primarily
from the use of more advanced digital controlled power sources which have software programs to control metal
transfer and weld pool behaviour. Developments in sensors have led to an increase in the application of
mechanisation and robotic techniques in production. In addition, sensors are now being applied to the automatic
(robotic) inspection of welds.
The principal advances which will be covered in the presentation, will include:
• higher deposition rates (metal cored wires)
• deep penetration (low flux FCA wires)
• novel filler metals (plasma powder)
TIG and plasma welding
• deeper penetration (surface activating flux)
• improved control (power source control software)
• high speed (plasma/MIG)
• improved bead profile (plasma powder)
MIG welding
• process control (power source control software)
• deeper penetration (FCA wires)
• higher welding speeds (tandem wire)
• thin sheet welding (CMT, AC MIG)
• adaptive process control (vision sensors)
• robot (TIG and plasma powder welding)
• inspection (robot 3D inspection)
Applications drawn from a wide range of industry sectors e.g. (shipbuilding, automotive, oil and gas, aerospace,
construction equipment) will be described to highlight the productivity and quality benefits which can be derived
from the use of these new welding processes, techniques and equipment in production.
Data: dia 20 de Abril de 2007, às 21:00 horas
Local: Auditório do Departamento de Engenharia Civil da Universidade de Taubaté, Rua Expedicionário
Ernesto Pereira, 99, Centro, Taubaté.
Informações: (11) 30455040 – palestra em inglês, sem tradução simultânea.
Número de vagas: É necessário confirmar a presença com antecedência no telefone acima, devido ao número
limitado de vagas.
Prof Bill Lucas is Technology Manager in the Arc, Laser & Sheet Processes Department at TWI. He received
his doctorate from Queen's University of Belfast. He was initially employed by Leyland Motors for four years. He
joined TWI in 1970. After 16 years in process research, he became Head of the Arc Welding Department in
1986. In 1987, he became the first research engineer at TWI to be awarded Doctor of Science for his
contribution to arc welding and computer technology. He has been Visiting Professor at the University of
Liverpool since 1997. His research work has been largely devoted to process development and application
studies in welding and cutting and production of modelling, expert systems and multimedia packages. Over 100
of his papers have been published. He has been responsible for several National and European projects. He
was awarded the Sir William Larke medal in 1984 and 2002 and the IIW Eugenij Paton medal for his
contribution to science and technology in 2003. He became a Fellow of the Welding Institute and of the Institute
of Metals in 1983, and a Chartered Engineer and a European Welding Engineer in 1993