Labour market reforms in response to the crisis
Labour market reforms in response to the crisis
European Economic and Social Committee Labour market reforms in response to the crisis / Conference 28 September 2012, Hotel Vila Galé Ópera, Travessa do Conde da Ponte, 1300 ‐ 141 Lisbon, Portugal 09.30 Welcome João Vieira Lopes, President, Portuguese Commerce and Services Confederation, CCP 09.35 Opening session Moderator: Krzysztof Pater, President of the Labour Market Observatory of the European Economic and Social Committee − Staffan Nilsson, President of the European Economic and Social Committee − Álvaro Santos Pereira, Minister of Economy and Employment, Portugal 10.15 "The recent labour market reforms in Portugal in the perspective of the social partners" Moderator: Pedro Augusto Almeida Freire, Member of the European Economic and Social Committee − Cristina Nagy Morais, Chief of Cabinet, Confederation of Portuguese Farmers, CAP − João Vieira Lopes, President, Portuguese Commerce and Services Confederation, CCP − António Saraiva, President, Confederation of Portuguese Business, CIP − Adília Lisboa, President of the Executive Commission, Portuguese Tourism Confederation, CTP − João Proença, Secretary General, General Union of Workers, UGT − Arménio Carlos, Secretary General, General Confederation of Portuguese Workers, CGTP 11.45 Coffee break 12.00 "Solving labour market problems during the crisis: Social dialogue as a tool" Moderator: Carlos Alberto Pereira Martins, Member of the European Economic and Social Committee − José Silva Peneda, President of the Portuguese Economic and Social Council − Youcef Ghellab, Senior Specialist, ILO − Jorge Cabrita, Research Officer, Eurofound − António de Melo Pires, Executive Director and Board Member of Management, Volkswagen Autoeuropa, Portugal 13.15 Lunch 14.45 "Labour market reforms: chances and risks" Moderator: Alfredo Correia, Member of the European Economic and Social Committee − Rui Duarte, Board Member, European Youth Forum − Vítor Melícias, União das Misericórdias − João Ferreira do Amaral, Professor, ISEG ‐ School of Economics and Management, Lisbon, Portugal 16.00 Final debate and closing Pedro Silva Martins, Secretary of State for Employment, Portugal Krzysztof Pater, President of the EESC Labour Market Observatory 16.45 End of conference
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