encontros científicos / scientific events
encontros científicos / scientific events
open-access Encontros Científicos em 2012 Julho: tional-conference-on-child-and-adolescent -psychopathology&Date=07/16/2012 •8th International Summer Conference: “Research in Forensic Psychiatry”; 5-6 Julho, Regensburg, Alemanha. http://www.uniregensburg.de/medicine/forensic-psychiatry-psychotherapy/summerconference/index.html •10th National Conference - “Autism Today: Summer Meeting”; 5-6 Julho, Londres, Reino Unido. http://www.mahealthcareevents.co.uk/public/MAH%20AutismSummer12_WEB.pdf •15th International Philosophy and Psychiatry Conference: “Culture and Mental Health”; 5-7 Julho, Dunedin, Otago, Nova Zelândia. http://www.otago.ac.nz/ppp •7th International Psychiatric Conference; 6-8 Julho, Emirados Árabes Unidos. http://www.pprc2012.com •International Congress of the Royal College of Psychiatrists; 10-13 Julho, Liverpool, Reino Unido. http://www.rcpsych.ac.uk/events/internationalcongress2012.aspx •7th International Conference on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology; 16-18 Julho, Londres, Reino Unido. http://www.researchraven.com/send-tocolleague.aspx?conference=7th-interna- Agosto: •2012 International Conference on Special Needs Offenders; 26-29 Agosto, Ottawa, Canadá. http://www.specialneedsoffenders.org/ Home.html •Measuring Behavior 2012; 28-31 Agosto, Utrecht, Holanda. http://www.measuringbehavior.org •Connecting Sexual Ethics and Politics; 29‑31 Agosto, Ghent, Bélgica. http://www.insep.ugent.be/insep2012/ Setembro: •14th European Symposium of Suicide & Suicidal Behaviour; 3-6 Setembro, Tel AvivJaffa, Israel. http://www.esssb14.org/ •International Psychogeriatric Association International Meeting 2012; 7-11 Setembro, Cairns, Queensland, Austrália. http://www.ipa2012cairns.com/ •2012 Joint Annual Meeting: “Electroencephalography and Clinical Neuroscience Society, International Society for Revista do Serviço de Psiquiatria do Hospital Prof. Doutor Fernando Fonseca, EPE www.psilogos.com 78 Junho 2012 • Vol. 10 • N.º 1 Encontros Científicos em 2012 PsiLogos • pp 78-80 Brain Electromagnetic Topography, International Society for Neuroimaging in Psychiatry & Evoke Potential International Conference”; 12-16 Setembro, Bristol, Tennessee, EUA. http://www. ecnsweb.com/2012-conference.htm •WPA Regional Meeting: “Mental Health and Disaster: Beyond Emergency Response”; 13-15 Setembro, Bali, Indonésia. www.wpabali2012.com Brain and Behavior”; 14-18 Outubro, Hamburgo, Alemanha. http://www.ispg.net/ en/Meetings/2012_World_Congress/en/ Meetings/2012_World_Congress.aspx •WPA International Congress 2012; 17-21 Outubro, Praga, Republica Checa. http://www.wpaic2012.org • “Culture, Mind, and Brain: Emerging Concepts, Methods, Applications”; 1920 Outubro, Los Angeles, California, EUA. http://www.thefpr.org/conference2012/index.php •Psychopharmacology Update 2012; 20 Outubro, Cincinnati, EUA. http://www.psychpharmupdate.org/ •XIV Jornadas Nacionales de Patología Dual: “La Comorbilidad entre las Conductas Adictivas y los otros Transtornos Mentales”; 25-27 Outubro, Madrid, Espanha. http://www.patologiadual.es/jornadas2012/ Outubro: •Royal Australian & New Zealand College of Psychiatrists (Section of Psychotherapy) 2012 Conference: “Speaking in Different Tongues - Diversity in the Therapeutic Endeavour”; 1-3 Outubro, Prato, Toscânia, Itália. http://www.conorg.com.au/conferences2012/index.html •ACMHN 38th International Mental Health Nursing Conference; 3-5 Outubro, Darwin, Australia. http://conventionhouse.com.au/ acmhn2012/about.html •5th International Congress of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry; 8-11 Outubro, Teerão, Irão. http://congress.iacap.ir/index. php/cnfs/5th-1391 •8th International Conference on Early Psychosis: “From Neurobiology to Public Policy”; 11-13 Outubro, São Francisco, Califórnia, EUA. http://www.iepaconference.org/ •Singapore Sleep Symposium 2012; 13-14 Outubro, Singapura. http://www.sgh.com. sg/sleep2012 •XXth World Congress of Psychiatric Genetics: “Confronting the Complexity of Novembro: •The 1st Asian Congress on ADHD Jointly with 2012 Annual Meeting of KACAP Supported by the World Federation of ADHD; 2-3 Novembro, Seoul, Koreia do Sul. http://www.2012adhdseoul.org •Alternatives to Biological Psychiatry II: “Treatments That Work”; 2-3 Novembro, Filadelfia, Pensilvania, EUA. http://isepp.wordpress.com/isepp-2011-conference/ •CNS Leaders’ Fórum; 5-7 Novembro, Boston, EUA. http://www.phacilitate.co.uk/cns Revista do Serviço de Psiquiatria do Hospital Prof. Doutor Fernando Fonseca, EPE www.psilogos.com 79 Junho 2012 • Vol. 10 • N.º 1 Encontros Científicos em 2012 PsiLogos • pp 78-80 •12th International Forum on Mood and Anxiety Disorder; 7-9 Novembro, Barcelona, Espanha. http://www.ifmad.org/2012/ •American Psychiatric Nurses Association 26th Annual Conference; 7-10 Novembro, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, EUA. http://www.apna.org/i4a/pages/index. cfm?pageid=4359 •12th International Forum on Mood and Anxiety Disorders; 7-9 Novembro, Barcelona, Espanha. http://www.ifmad.org/2012/ •25th Annual Psychiatric and Mental Health Congress; 8-11 Novembro, São Diego, EUA. http://www.psychcongress.com •The International Conference on Clinical Practice in Alzheimer Disease (CPAD); 8-11 Novembro, Budapeste, Hungria. http://www.cpadconference.com/ •3rd Global Conference: “Making Sense Of Suicide”; 10-12 Novembro, Salzburgo, Áustria. http://www.inter-disciplinary.net/ probing-the-boundaries/making-sense-of/ suicide/call-for-papers/ •59th Academy of Psychosomatic Medicine Annual Meeting: “Bioethics at the Interface of Psychiatry and Medicine”; 14‑17 Novembro, Atlanta, Geórgia, EUA. http://www.apm.org/ann-mtg/index.shtml •TAP Psychopharmacology Therapeutics Update 2012; 16-18 Novembro, Antalya, Turquia. http://www.psikofarmakoloji2012.org/ home-23.html •18th APS College of Clinical Neuropsychologists: “Neuropsychology in Action”; 22-25 Novembro, Launceston, Tasmania, Australia. http://ccn2012.blogspot.com •2nd International Online Conference on Psychology and Allied Sciences; 25-26 No- vembro, Hisar, Índia. http://iahrw.com/index.php/conference/ •Australasian Society for Psychophysiology Conference 2012; 28-30 Novembro, Sydney, NSW, Austrália. http://www.asp.org.au/ asp2012.html •12th Pan Arab Psychiatric Conference; 29 Novembro - 1 Dezembro, Dubai, Emirado Árabes Unidos. http://www.papc2012.com/ •The First Interdisciplinary Congress: “Psychiatry and Related Sciences”; 29 Novembro - 2 Dezembro, Atenas, Grécia. http:// www.psych-relatedsciences.org/ Dezembro: •American Academy of Addiction Psychiatry (AAAP) 23rd Annual Meeting and Symposium; 6-9 Dezembro, Miami, Florida, EUA. http://www2.aaap.org/announcements/aaap -23rd-annual-meeting-and-symposium •The 3rd Joint International Conference of the Hong Kong College of Psychiatrists and the Royal College of Psychiatrists (UK); 8-12 Dezembro, Hong Kong, China. http://www.psychconference.org.hk/index. html Revista do Serviço de Psiquiatria do Hospital Prof. Doutor Fernando Fonseca, EPE www.psilogos.com 80 Junho 2012 • Vol. 10 • N.º 1