arquivo - Sistema CPV


arquivo - Sistema CPV
M anual
Orientações Metodológicas
8o Ano – 1o Bimestre
para o
Moving to another city
1. Abordagem dos assuntos
3. Atividades Extras
A finalidade deste fascículo é apresentar os tempos futuros, sem abordar
em profundidade as nuances das diferentes formas de expressá-lo. É
importante que o aluno saiba reconhecer as diferentes formas de expressar
o futuro e o uso dos advérbios com ideia de futuro.
É importante destacar que este material visa não somente ao aprendizado
da língua inglesa, mas também o conhecimento da cultura dos países
anglo-saxões, propiciando, assim, uma “significação” do aprendizado. Da
mesma forma, todas as oportunidades de se relacionar com o país do aluno
e com o local onde ele mora devem ser aproveitadas, ainda que feitas na
língua-mãe e não na língua estrangeira. Vale destacar que esta forma de
abordagem favorece o trabalho interdisciplinar, pois é possível a integração
com outras disciplinas, sobretudo com Geografia (que aborda a América
Anglo-Saxônica neste mês, nesta série) e História.
Não apenas neste, mas em outros fascículos, a expectativa é levar o
aluno a pensar e a descobrir seus próprios caminhos, aprendendo a superar
suas dificuldades. Daí a importância de seções como In activity ou Your
Own Production, bem como as atividades de pesquisa, que devem sempre
estimulá-lo a desenvolver suas potencialidades e a aprender cada vez mais.
1. Telling a story – The teacher begins a story
with a sentence which implies that the continuation
is in the future. Each student has to add a sentence
to the story, keeping it in the future.
2. Interview – In pairs, the students think of
a famous person, or invent one, and create an
interview with this person, asking about his/her
plans for the future.
2.Temas Transversais
3. Grab bag – The teacher writes a lot of
questions in the future in small pieces of paper and
put them in a bag. Each student takes a question
from the bag and has to give a correct answer to
the question. The activity could become more
interesting if the class is divided in groups and the
teacher suggests a competition. It would also be
a good idea if the students wrote the questions. It
would then be necessary for the teacher to correct
them before beginning the activity.
Meio Ambiente: Tanto o Brasil como os Estados Unidos são países
de dimensões continentais, com grandes diferenças regionais, do ponto
de vista geográfico. Porém, o desenvolvimento destas diferentes regiões
não se deu de forma homogênea em ambos os países. Este é um tema que
pode ser levantado e discutido em sala de aula, analisando esta questão
principalmente do ponto de vista social, com o intuito de levar o aluno
a perceber que cada um destes blocos apresentou diferentes formas de
desenvolvimento, em função de suas peculiaridades socioespaciais e de
sua colonização (de exploração ou de povoamento).
4. The teacher could suggest the students to make
a research about the states of the United States (and/
or Brazil) and then make a kind of show in class.
The students would divide themselves in groups
and one group asks questions to the other about
the state they have researched. What information
should be researched has to be determined before
the research is done. It’s good if students give their
suggestions about what they would like to learn.
4.Sugestões Adicionais
Pluralidade Cultural: Com este tema é possível fazer duas articulações:
• a adaptação de termos como futebol (adaptação de football),
esporte que veio de terras anglo-saxônicas e que hoje em dia é
mania nacional brasileira;
• as diferenças entre o Brasil e os países de língua inglesa, uma vez
que nos Estados Unidos joga-se football (o futebol americano)
muito mais do que o soccer (o nosso futebol);
• outro jogo famoso nos Estados Unidos é o baseball, desconhecido
da maioria dos brasileiros; já na Inglaterra, joga-se o cricket, esporte
também desconhecido dos brasileiros.
Ética / Orientação Sexual: A escolha do nome do Estado da Virgínia
pode ser discutida sob o ponto de vista da valorização ética de determinadas
condutas de comportamento.
A questão da ética também pode ser abordada com relação ao excesso
de “estrangeirismos” vigentes em nosso país. Pode-se debater com os
alunos, por exemplo, o seguinte tema:
Até que ponto é favorável tal influência?
Para o Professor e Alunos: — um site educativo com
informações úteis de materiais para professores
e alunos, bem como para os pais.
wwboard2/wwboard.html — um site
interessante para tirar dúvidas de todo tipo
sobre a língua inglesa. — acesse
o link pen pal e descubra pessoas de sua idade,
em todas as partes do mundo, com quem pode
se corresponder.
Orientações Metodológicas
5.Respostas das Atividades
Paul lives in Virginia .
Andrew and Paul are friends .
Paul is sad because he’s going to move to another city.
Paul’s family is going to move because his father has been
They’re going to move by the end of the school term.
Paul is going to live in Salt Lake City.
Paul will be able to travel to different places like Nevada,
Arizona and California.
Paul says he’s going to miss all his friends.
Paul’s friends will be able to visit him in Utah.
Paul will be able to visit his friends in Virginia during his
In Focus
The teacher could start a discussion with the students involving the
distance between Virginia and Utah, as well as the distances between
other American States. It would also be interesting to suggest a
small research on the different American states, trying to show the
differences in landscape and climate.
It would be interesting to talk to the Geography teacher and discuss
about the Anglo-saxon culture which is being taught in Geography.
It would also be a good idea to stimulate the students to question the
Geography teacher about the subject.
A paralel could be made between Brazil and the United States,
concerning the size of the country and the regional differences and
the different stages of development of both countries. Nothing too
deep, just a hint to open the students’ minds.
The teacher can use the information on these text to review the
vocabulary on weather they learned on 7th grade.
Andrew: Really? Where are you going to?
Paul: Chicago, Illinois.
Andrew: That’s great! You will be able to visit many different
places like Wisconsin, Iowa, Missouri and Kentucky.
Andrew: Really? Where are you going to?
Paul: Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Andrew: That’s great! You will be able to visit many different
places like Dakota, North Dakota, Iowa, Wisconsin
and Canada.
Andrew: Really? Where are you going to?
Paul: Charleston, South Carolina.
Andrew: That’s great! You will be able to visit many different
places like Georgia, Tennessee and North Carolina.
G. Andrew: Really? Where are you going to?
Paul: Phoenix, Arizona..
Andrew: That’s great! You will be able to visit many different
places like California, Nevada, Utah, Colorado, New
Mexico and Mexico.
Andrew: Really? Where are you going to?
Paul: Cleveland, Ohio.
Andrew: That’s great! You will be able to visit many different
places like Michigan, Indiana, Kentucky, West
Virginia and Pennsylvania.
02.Dialogues — The conversation will be basically the same. The
part that’s going to have a change is:
Andrew: Really? Where are you going to?
Paul: Salem, Oregon.
Andrew: That’s great! You will be able to visit many different
places like Washington, Idaho, Nevada and California.
C. Andrew: Really? Where are you going to?
Paul: San Francisco, California.
Andrew: That’s great! You will be able to visit many different
places like Oregon, Nevada, Arizona and Mexico.
In Activity
Andrew: Really? Where are you going to?
Paul: Richmond, Virginia.
Andrew: That’s great! You will be able to visit many different
places like Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Kentucky,
Tennessee and North Carolina.
para o
8 →
Orientações Metodológicas
05.a) F b) F c) T d) F e) F f) F 06. a) Utah and Virginia are far from each other.
b) The weather in Utah is different from the weather in Virginia.
d) Many American presidents were from Virginia.
e) In the old times people went first to Virginia and then to Utah.
f) Virginia was very important to the history of the United States.
g) Both states have mountains but only Utah has canyons.
h) The sea gull is an honored bird to the Mormons.
07.Personal Answer.
g) F para o
h) F i) T Professor
j) T
Simple Future
I will move
I will not move
Will I move?
You will move
You will not move
Will you move?
He will move He will not moveWill he move?
She will move She will not moveWill she move?
It will move
It will not moveWill it move?
We will move We will not move Will we move?
You will move
You will not move
They will move
They will not moveWill they move?
Will you move?
Going to Future
I am going to move I am not going to move
Am I going to move?
You are going to move
You are not going to move
Are you going to move?
He is going to move
He is not going to move Is he going to move?
She is going to move She is not going to move Is she going to move?
It is going to move
It is not going to move
We are going to move We are not going to move Are we going to move?
You are going to move
You are not going to move
They are going to move
They are not going to moveAre they going to move?
Is it going to move?
Are you going to move?
Teacher: it is useful to explain that there is little difference between the two future tenses.
There is a tendency of using WILL for last minute decisions and GOING TO for more planned actions. However, it is not always this way.
There are also the Contracted Forms:
The teacher could explain that the contracted form is the most common, used in any situation but formal written English.
09.A. He is going to study (tomorrow, next Monday etc).
B. They are going to travel (soon, in a few minutes).
C. She is going to walk the dog (later, tomorrow, after dinner etc).
D. It is going to sleep (later, after dinner etc).
10.The teacher should inform the students that they are going to use these pictures to ask and answer questions like: “what is she going to do?”
or “what will she do?”
11.Personal answer.
In Activity
The teacher should read the conversation with the students and stimulate them to read it aloud in pairs.
Orientações Metodológicas
para o
12.Personal Answer.
13.A: What are you going to do on the next holiday?
Asking for Information
B: I’m flying to Virginia to visit my aunt Mary.
A: When are you leaving ?
B: On Friday night.
1. Abordagem dos assuntos
A: What time does your plane leave ?
B: At 8 p.m.
A: And when are you coming back?
B: On Sunday evening.
A: Are you going alone?
B: No, my mum is going with me. What about you?
A: I ’m traveling to the mountains with a friend.
B: That’s cool. When are you leaving ?
A: On Saturday morning. And we ’re coming back on Sunday evening.
Just like you.
B: Have a nice trip.
A: The same to you. See you on Monday.
14.Hallmark: Hello. Hallmark speaking.
Bob: Hello, Hallmark. This is Bob Stevens. How are you doing?
Hallmark:Bob! It’s nice talking to you.
Bob: Listen, I’m in Phoenix at the moment and I’d like to see
you. Do you think we can arrange a meeting? How about
tomorrow, for lunch.
Hallmark:I’m afraid I can’t. I ’m having lunch with Mr. Williams
tomorrow. And how about dinner?
Bob: I can’t. I ’m having dinner with a client. How about Tuesday?
Hallmark:Impossible. I ’m traveling to Chicago. I ’m coming back on
Thursday. How about 2 p.m.?
Bob: I’m afraid I can’t. I ’m visiting some clients in the afternoon.
Do you think we could meet on Friday afternoon?
Hallmark:I believe that’s fine. I ’m going to the theater on Friday night,
but the play only starts at 8 p.m. We have plenty of time.
Bob: Friday afternoon it is, then.
15.The teacher could explain the students how to write a schedule, on a
piece of paper, with the days on the top and the hours on the left side.
This would make it easier for them to work on the following class.
16.Personal answer
17.a) She is having lunch with Kathy on Wednesday.
b) They are going to travel (to Oklahoma).
Or They will travel (to Oklahoma).
c) They are going to the movies. Or They will go to the movies.
d) I’ll answer it. Or I’ll get it
e) She’s working on Saturday.
f) The film begins at 5 p.m.
g) He is going to play soccer. Or He will play soccer.
h) He’s having Spanish classes on Tuesday.
Or He’ll have Spanish classes on Tuesday.
Or He’ll study Spanish on Tuesday.
Or He’s studying Spanish on Tuesday.
18.( j ) get rid
( e ) unmarried
( c ) all year round
( f ) landmark
( a ) inch
( b ) canyon
( d ) sinking
( i ) ancestors
( g ) border
( h ) legend
Todos gostariam de um dia poder viajar para um
outro país e, portanto, devem estar preparados para pedir
as informações necessárias, no lugar onde estiverem.
Da mesma forma, devemos estar preparados para
dar informações sobre nossa cidade para um eventual
visitante estrangeiro, o que está se tornando cada vez
mais comum, devido ao incentivo que o turismo vem
recebendo em nosso país.
Vale também frisar que as estruturas interrogativas,
já aprendidas, são aqui revistas de forma contextualizada,
demonstrando sua importância e formas de aplicabilidade.
É importante que o tema deste fascículo seja
trabalhado oralmente e, preferencialmente, em duplas,
para que os alunos possam exercitar as atividades.
2.Temas Transversais
Pluralidade Cultural: As diversas notas culturais
colocadas no decorrer da unidade podem servir como
ponto de partida para uma discussão sobre a diversidade
cultural existente entre os países de língua inglesa e o
Brasil, no que diz respeito a hábitos, costumes e formas
de expressão.
É sempre bom frisar que ser diferente não significa,
necessariamente, ser melhor ou pior.
Trabalho e Consumo: Pode-se levar o aluno
a perceber que culturas diferentes possuem hábitos
diferentes. Assim sendo, o uso de bibliotecas pelos
americanos é muito mais difundido do que no Brasil,
já que lá o hábito de leitura é desenvolvido desde a
mais tenra infância. Da mesma forma, alguns tipos de
estabelecimentos comerciais são encontrados em alguns
países, ou em cidades menores, mas não em outras
É o caso de grocer’s e greengrocer’s, facilmente
localizáveis em cidades pequenas do Reino Unido, mas
dificilmente encontrados em cidades americanas, onde
predominam os supermercados.
O mesmo se pode dizer quanto à prática de esportes
como, por exemplo, o golfe e o futebol americano, nos
EUA e o cricket, na Inglaterra.
Orientações Metodológicas
para o
3. Atividades Extras
5.Respostas das Atividades
1. Do a research on any specific holiday
you consider interesting and tell about it to
the class. Try to find out how this celebration
started and what people usually do on this
date. If this date is celebrated on a different
culture, explain any possible difference in its
2. Imagine you are the teacher and
prepare an exercise about prepositions or the
vocabulary learned in this unit to exchange
with your friends. Your exercise must have at
least five different questions.
Teacher: after explaining the prepositions, ask the students to read the dialogues in pairs,
before going to the next exercise.
02.Personal Answer.
03.(11) Department Store
(6) Post office
(8) Drugstore
(7) Art museum
(17) Tennis court
(16) Toy Store
(14) Laundromat
(18) Shoe repair store
(5) Movie Theater
(3) Nightclub
(1) Bookstore
(10) Parking Lot
3. You are the actor. In pairs or groups
prepare a presentation of one of the situations
studied in this unit. Remember that actors
don’t read. They interpret.
4. In groups of three create a game similar
to the one you played in this unit. Take it to
class to play with your friends.
(15) Bank
(12) Supermarket
(4) Theater
(2) Golf course
(9) Library
(13) Youth hostel
104th St.
4.Sugestões Adicionais
Para os Alunos: — é um ótimo site
com jogos para desenvolver vocabulário e
se divertir ao mesmo tempo.
wwwboard2/wwwboard.html — é um
site muito interessante para esclarecer
dúvidas, vinte e quatro horas por dia.
Post CoffeeBookstore
Office Shop
102nd St.
05.Personal Answer.
06.Personal Answer.
07.B: in E: At B: on D: at C: at re
G: On / at F: In / at G: At H
103rd St.
grammar_help/ — é um ótimo site para
dirimir dúvidas de ordem gramatical.
Chicago Avenue
Para o Professor:
Broadway Avenue
H: in
I: In / in / in
H: in
Orientações Metodológicas
This exercise could be done in class, in pairs or in groups, as a
a) It’s on October 31st.
b) In the US, it’s on the last Thursday in November. In Canada, it’s
on the second Monday in October.
c) It’s usually in February or March.
d) It’s on the second Sunday in May.
e) It’s on the second Sunday in August.
f) It’s on May 1st.
g) In the US, it’s on February 14th. or
In Brazil, it is on June 12th.
h) In Brazil it’s on September 7th, and in the US it’s on July 4th.
08.The teacher could use the questions brought by the students to
stablish a game in class, which could be interesting both to learn
about other cultures and to check if the students have learned the
prepositions correctly.
para o
11.a) It means you have to stop if other traffic is approaching.
b) It means you can’t smoke here.
c) It means this parking space is for handicapped.
d) It means women’s and men’s restrooms.
e) It means you can’t make a U-turn here.
f) It means you can camp here.
g) It means you can’t turn right here.
h) It means there is a restaurant near here.
12.g / f / d / e / a / c / b / h
13.Personal Answer.
14.d / f / e / h / g / a / c / b
15.Corrects: a / d / e / h
16.b) Ana lives at 789, Baker St.
c) Carlos studies Spanish on Thursdays in the afternoon and on
Fridays at night.
f) Our classes begin at 7:30.
g) My best friend’s birthday is in November.
17.The answers don’t necessarily have to be complete, since nobody
would use complete answers in normal speech. What is important
here is to check if the students know what each place is called and
what it’s used for.
a) If I want to buy a book I go to the bookstore.
b) I can buy stamps at the post office.
c) I go to the bank to pay my bills.
d) I can go to a movie theater to see a movie.
e) If I want to read a book but not buy it I go to the library.
f) If I want to play tennis I go to a tennis court. (or to the club)
g) The name of the place where people camp is camping ground.