Publications R. Shayduk


Publications R. Shayduk
R. Shayduk
Curriculum Vitae
D. Schick, A. Bojahr, M. Herzog, R. Shayduk, C. von Korff Schmising, and M. Bargheer.
udkm1dsima simulation toolkit for 1d ultrafast dynamics in condensed matter. Computer
Physics Communications, 185(2):651 – 660, 2014.
H. A. Navirian, D. Schick, P. Gaal, W. Leitenberger, R. Shayduk, and M. Bargheer.
Thermoelastic study of nanolayered structures using time-resolved x-ray diffraction at
high repetition rate. Applied Physics Letters, 104(2):–, 2014.
Peter Gaal, Daniel Schick, Marc Herzog, André Bojahr, Roman Shayduk, Jevgeni Goldshteyn, Wolfram Leitenberger, Ionela Vrejoiu, Dmitry Khakhulin, Michael Wulff, and Matias Bargheer. Ultrafast switching of hard X-rays. Journal of Synchrotron Radiation,
21(2):380–385, Mar 2014.
Roman Shayduk, Marc Herzog, Andre Bojahr, Daniel Schick, Peter Gaal, Wolfram Leitenberger, Hengameh Navirian, Mathias Sander, Jevgenij Goldshteyn, Ionela Vrejoiu, and
Matias Bargheer. Direct time-domain sampling of subterahertz coherent acoustic phonon
spectra in SrTiO3 using ultrafast x-ray diffraction. PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 87(18), MAY
7 2013.
Daniel Schick, Roman Shayduk, André Bojahr, Marc Herzog, Clemens von Korff Schmising, Peter Gaal, and Matias Bargheer. Ultrafast reciprocal-space mapping with a convergent beam. Journal of Applied Crystallography, 46(5):1372–1377, Oct 2013.
A. Bojahr, M. Herzog, S. Mitzscherling, L. Maerten, D. Schick, J. Goldshteyn, W. Leitenberger, R. Shayduk, P. Gaal, and M. Bargheer. Brillouin scattering of visible and hard
x-ray photons from optically synthesized phonon wavepackets. Opt. Express, 21(18):21188–
21197, Sep 2013.
D. Schick, A. Bojahr, M. Herzog, C. von Korff Schmising, R. Shayduk, W. Leitenberger,
P. Gaa, and M. Bargheer. Normalization schemes for ultrafast x-ray diffraction using a
table-top laser-driven plasma source. REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS, 83(2,
1), FEB 2012.
H. Navirian, R. Shayduk, W. Leitenberger, J. Goldshteyn, P. Gaal, and M. Bargheer.
Synchrotron-based ultrafast x-ray diffraction at high repetition rates. REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS, 83(6), JUN 2012.
R. Shayduk
Curriculum Vitae
Marc Herzog, Daniel Schick, Wolfram Leitenberger, Roman Shayduk, Renske M. van der
Veen, Christopher J. Milne, Steven L. Johnson, Ionela Vrejoiu, and Matias Bargheer.
Tailoring interference and nonlinear manipulation of femtosecond x-rays. NEW JOURNAL
OF PHYSICS, 14, JAN 6 2012.
M. Herzog, D. Schick, P. Gaal, R. Shayduk, C. von Korff Schmising, and M. Bargheer.
Analysis of ultrafast X-ray diffraction data in a linear-chain model of the lattice dynamics. APPLIED PHYSICS A-MATERIALS SCIENCE & PROCESSING, 106(3):489–499,
MAR 2012.
M. Herzog, A. Bojahr, J. Goldshteyn, W. Leitenberger, I. Vrejoiu, D. Khakhulin,
M. Wulff, R. Shayduk, P. Gaal, and M. Bargheer. Detecting optically synthesized quasimonochromatic sub-terahertz phonon wavepackets by ultrafast x-ray diffraction. APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 100(9), FEB 27 2012.
P. Gaal, D. Schick, M. Herzog, A. Bojahr, R. Shayduk, J. Goldshteyn, H. A. Navirian,
W. Leitenberger, I. Vrejoiu, D. Khakhulin, M. Wulff, and M. Bargheer. Time-domain sampling of x-ray pulses using an ultrafast sample response. APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS,
101(24), DEC 10 2012.
Roman Shayduk, Hengameh Navirian, Wolfram Leitenberger, Jevgenij Goldshteyn, Ionela
Vrejoiu, Martin Weinelt, Peter Gaal, Marc Herzog, Clemens von Korff Schmising, and
Matias Bargheer. Nanoscale heat transport studied by high-resolution time-resolved x-ray
diffraction. NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS, 13, SEP 20 2011.
H. A. Navirian, M. Herzog, J. Goldshteyn, W. Leitenberger, I. Vrejoiu, D. Khakhulin,
M. Wulff, R. Shayduk, P. Gaal, and M. Bargheer. Shortening x-ray pulses for pump-probe
experiments at synchrotrons. JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 109(12), JUN 15 2011.
Ferhat Katmis, Raffaella Calarco, Karthick Perumal, Peter Rodenbach, Alessandro Giussani, Michael Hanke, Andre Proessdorf, Achim Trampert, Frank Grosse, Roman Shayduk, Richard Campion, Wolfgang Braun, and Henning Riechert. Insight into the Growth
and Control of Single-Crystal Layers of Ge-Sb-Te Phase-Change Material. CRYSTAL
GROWTH & DESIGN, 11(10):4606–4610, OCT 2011.
Jinxing Wang, Tianmo Liu, Zhongchang Wang, Eberhard Bugiel, Apurba Laha, Tatsuro
Watahiki, Roman Shayduk, Wolfgang Braun, Andreas Fissel, and Hans Joerg Osten. Epitaxial multi-component rare-earth oxide: A high-k material with ultralow mismatch to Si.
R. Shayduk
Curriculum Vitae
MATERIALS LETTERS, 64(7):866–868, APR 15 2010.
Roman Shayduk, Ferhat Katmis, Wolfgang Braun, and Henning Riechert. Epitaxial growth
and structure of Ge-Sb-Te phase change materials on GaSb. JOURNAL OF VACUUM
SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY B, 28(3), MAY 2010. 26th North American Conference on
Molecular Beam Epitaxy, Princeton Univ, Princeton, NJ, AUG 09-12, 2009.
Roman Shayduk. Use of linear scans to obtain vertical bar F (hkl) vertical bar 2 and the
integrated intensity. JOURNAL OF APPLIED CRYSTALLOGRAPHY, 43(5):1121–1123,
OCT 2010.
M. Herzog, W. Leitenberger, R. Shayduk, R. M. van der Veen, C. J. Milne, S. L. Johnson,
I. Vrejoiu, M. Alexe, D. Hesse, and M. Bargheer. Ultrafast manipulation of hard x-rays
by efficient Bragg switches. APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 96(16), APR 19 2010.
Tatsuro Watahiki, Bernd Jenichen, Roman Shayduk, Brad P. Tinkham, Wolfgang Braun,
and Henning Riechert. Structure analysis of epitaxial Gd2O3/Si(001) for high-k gate
dielectric applications. JOURNAL OF CRYSTAL GROWTH, 311(7):2179–2182, MAR 15
J. X. Wang, A. Laha, A. Fissel, D. Schwendt, R. Dargis, T. Watahiki, R. Shayduk,
W. Braun, T. M. Liu, and H. J. Osten. Crystal structure and strain state of molecular beam
epitaxial grown Gd2O3 on Si(111) substrates: a diffraction study. SEMICONDUCTOR
R. Shayduk and W. Braun. Epitaxial films for Ge-Sb-Te phase change memory. JOURNAL
OF CRYSTAL GROWTH, 311(7):2215–2219, MAR 15 2009.
Vladimir M. Kaganer, Bernd Jenichen, Roman Shayduk, Wolfgang Braun, and Henning
Riechert. Kinetic Optimum of Volmer-Weber Growth. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS,
102(1), JAN 9 2009.
Vladimir Kaganer, Bernd Jenichen, Roman Shayduk, and Wolfgang Braun. Interfacial
roughness of Fe3Si/GaAs(001) films studied by X-ray crystal truncation rods. PHYSICA
1747, AUG 2009. 9th Biennial Conference on High Resolution X-Ray Diffraction and
Imaging, Linz, AUSTRIA, SEP 15-19, 2008-2009.
B. Jenichen, V. M. Kaganer, R. Shayduk, W. Braun, and A. Trampert. Heteroepitaxial growth of lattice matched films on GaAs(001). PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI A-
R. Shayduk
Curriculum Vitae
APPLICATIONS AND MATERIALS SCIENCE, 206(8):1740–1743, AUG 2009. 9th Biennial Conference on High Resolution X-Ray Diffraction and Imaging, Linz, AUSTRIA,
SEP 15-19, 2008-2009.
Wolfgang Braun, Roman Shayduk, Timur Flissikowski, Manfred Ramsteiner, Holger T.
Grahn, Henning Riechert, Paul Fons, and Alex Kolobov. Epitaxy of Ge-Sb-Te phasechange memory alloys. APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 94(4), JAN 26 2009.
Tatsuro Watahiki, Brad P. Tinkham, Bernd Jenichen, Roman Shayduk, Wolfgang Braun,
and Klaus H. Ploog. Praseodymium silicide formation at the Pr(2)O(3)/Si interface.
APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 255(3):758–760, NOV 30 2008. 11th International Conference on Formation of Semiconductor Interfaces, Manaus, BRAZIL, AUG 19-24, 2007.
B. P. Tinkham, B. Jenichen, V. M. Kaganer, R. Shayduk, W. Braun, and K. H. Ploog.
Post-deposition growth kinetics of Ge on Ge(001). JOURNAL OF CRYSTAL GROWTH,
310(15):3416–3421, JUL 15 2008.
Roman Shayduk and Wolfgang Braun. Positioning errors during stepped scans in X-ray
crystallography. JOURNAL OF APPLIED CRYSTALLOGRAPHY, 41(4):768–775, AUG
O. Romanyuk, V. M. Kaganer, R. Shayduk, B. P. Tinkham, and W. Braun. Staircase
model of GaSb(001) (1x3) and c(2x6) phases. PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 77(23), JUN
Vladimir M. Kaganer, Bernd Jenichen, Roman Shayduk, and Wolfgang Braun. Structure of Fe(3)Si/GaAs(001) epitaxial films from x-ray crystal truncation rods. PHYSICAL
REVIEW B, 77(12), MAR 2008.
B. Jenichen, V. M. Kaganer, W. Braun, R. Shayduk, B. Tinkham, and J. Herfort. In situ
X-ray diffraction study of epitaxial growth of ordered Fe(3)Si films. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE-MATERIALS IN ELECTRONICS, 19(1):S199–S202, DEC 2008. 12th
International Conference on Defects-Recognition, Imaging and Physics in Semiconductors,
Berlin, GERMANY, SEP 09-13, 2007.
B. Jenichen, V. M. Kaganer, W. Braun, J. Herfort, R. Shayduk, and K. H. Ploog.
Layer-by-layer growth of thin epitaxial Fe3Si films on GaAs(001). THIN SOLID FILMS,
515(14):5611–5614, MAY 23 2007. 9th International Conference on Surface X-Ray and
Neutton Scattering, Taipei, TAIWAN, JUL 16-20, 2006.