On the decrease of Sabellaria reefs in the North Sea
On the decrease of Sabellaria reefs in the North Sea
Bundesanstalt für Gewässerkunde Koblenz - Berlin On the decrease of Sabellaria reefs in the North Sea - the role of anthropogenic impacts THE PROBLEM 7° 8° 9° In historic times extensive reefs mainly of the tube-building 1926 55° 1925 Sabellaria - historical records DENMARK polychaete Sabellaria spinulosa occurred frequently in the sublittoral of the German Wadden Sea. 1932 sublittoral 1938 7° 55° living reef (Sabellaria spinulosa) 1932 The natural succession in sabellarian reefs is characterized by 1925 1939 1926 1939 1925 1925 1925 1925 dead reef phases of (1) rapid growth after origin and (2) by stagnation followed by (3) destruction. eulittoral living reef (Sabellaria spinulosa) 9° DENMARK sublittoral 1925 living reef (Sabellaria spinulosa) living reef (Sabellaria alveolata) 8° Sabellaria - recent records 1925 1991 1991 year of record 1993 1939 year of last record Husum Middle of the 1920 Husum th a netto decrease of sabellarian reefs at the German North Sea coast started, but the reasons were unknown. Eider Eider NORTH SEA German Bight NORTH SEA German Bight 1921 1938 WHY? 1937 1919 54° 1926 1870th 1980 th 1921 1910th Cuxhaven 1976 1921 1984 Bremerhaven 1980th Bremerhaven 1996 1991-1996 Weser Emden POSTER presented on 33th European Marine Biology Symposium, 7. - 11. Sep 1998, Wilhelmshaven, Germany 1996 Jade 1995 Wilhelmshaven Weser 1952 THE NETHERLANDS 1991-1995 recently only three living reefs have remained, two in the Jade, the third southerly from the island Sylt. Wilhelmshaven Elbe Cuxhaven Among the occurrence of dead reefs (lumps of empty tubes) 1984 Jade 54° Elbe Brake GERMANY Ems The poster summarises information on the effects of anthropogenic impacts on sabellarian reefs. Finally a first action plan is presented to activate reef development. Emden THE NETHERLANDS Brake GERMANY Ems ANTHROPOGENIC IMPACTS 7° 55° 8° 9° Shrimp trawl fishery 7° DENMARK 55° 8° recent intensity Ostrea edulis high 9° 1986 Oyster beds 1991 7° DENMARK 55° 9° DENMARK Main aspects 1993 main areas of occurrence 1924 medium 8° Coastal engineering 1927 Embanking (1000-1899 AD) extermination of natural beds Embanking (1900-1995 AD) 1995 none Embanking (1400-1963 AD) Crassostrea gigas no data available culture area, since 1986 Causeway wild population Source: Stock et al. (1996): Ökosystemforschung Wattenmeer - Synthesebericht. 1991 Husum Deepening (Dredging & dumping) NCZ = nautical charts zero SD = ship draught year of first record 1927 Husum Eider beginning of construction Husum Eider NORTH SEA German Bight Eider NORTH SEA German Bight NORTH SEA German Bight 1938 54° 54° 1820 on NCZ -3,8 m 1936 on NCZ -10 m 1957 on NCZ -11 m 1964 on NCZ -12 m 1974 on NCZ -13,5 m 54° 1924 Elbe Cuxhaven Elbe Cuxhaven 1850 Jade Jade Bremerhaven Wilhelmshaven Weser Emden Brake Bremerhaven Wilhelmshaven 1967 on NCZ -8,5 m 1980 on NCZ -11 m Weser Emden THE NETHERLANDS 1891 on NCZ -7,3 m 1921 on NCZ -10 m 1969 on NCZ -12 m 1998 on NCZ -14 m Jade Bremerhaven Wilhelmshaven Weser GERMANY Ems THE NETHERLANDS Emden Brake GERMANY Ems 1985 on NCZ -5,7 m 1992 on NCZ -6,3 m THE NETHERLANDS Ems ! The main operation area of the shrimp fishery in the Wadden Sea is alongside the slopes of the tidal channels. ! Total landings of the shrimp fishery have fluctuated but have not increased since the 1920th. ! The size of the fleet has declined but on the other side fishing gear has become larger and more efficient. Elbe Cuxhaven 1958 on NCZ -12 m 1964 on NCZ -13 m 1967 on NCZ -15 m 1969 on NCZ -17 m 1971 on NCZ -18,5 m 1998 Brake 1887 on SD 5 m 1913 on SD 7 m 1925 on SD 8 m 1953 on SD 8,7 m 1972 on NCZ -9 m GERMANY ! In former times the native oyster Ostrea edulis was of widespread occurrence in the Wadden Sea alongside the tidal channels from low tide level down to about -6 m. ! The most serious and permanent destruction of habita /biotops in the Wadden Sea is caused by measures of coastal protection including land reclamation. ! Overexploitation exterminated these populations. ! However most areas along the German North Sea coast have been embanked before 1900. ! The sites of former oyster beds are now occupied mainly by blue mussel beds. ! Regular culturing of the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas began in 1986 at the island Sylt. ! Since 1991 wild population of Crassostrea gigas were observed in the Wadden Sea with increasing abundances. ! In the 20th century several causeways were constructed which have significant influences on the hydrological system in the surrounding Wadden Sea. ! During the last 100 years the estuaries were repeatedly deepened. This caused a permanent dredging and dumping of sediments in the estuaries up to now. CONCLUSION Many biotic and abiotic factors act simultaneously in an unpredictable way on sabellarian reefs interfered with anthropogenic effects. An intensive analysis showed that the decrease of sublittoral sabellarian reefs in the German Wadden Sea is ultimately caused by human interference: > Shrimp trawl fishery: > Oyster fishery: Shrimp fisheries with bottom trawls are carried out in the main distribution area of sabellarian reefs. It is to suggest that mechanically destruction of reefs by gears as well as extinction of reefs by net catch were a main cause of the decline. It is to assume that recently shrimp fisheries prevented reef development. Oyster beds, in some areas an important natural hard substrate for Sabellaria, declined by overexploitation. It is to suggest that the extinction of oysters has negative consequences on the number of reefs, but complete disappearance of reefs is unlikely. However it is take notice that since several years the pacific oyster spread into the WaddenSea as well as the european oyster has by first individuals reappeared. > Coastal engineering: Building of dikes and dams as well as deepening have caused changes in hydrological conditions. It is to suggest that these activities have effects on single reefs, but complete disappearance of reefs is unlikely. First action plan C C To activate sabellarian reef development the establishment of undisturbed sublittoral areas along the slopes of selected tidal channels will be a first suitable action. A monitoring should be done primarily in areas where sabellarian reefs recently occur to get more information about population dynamics of Sabellaria in the Wadden Sea. Federal Institute of Hydrology Kaiserin-Augusta-Anlagen 15-17 D - 56068 Koblenz GERMANY Main Data Sources Buhs, F. & K. Reise (1997): Epibenthic fauna dredged from tidal channels in the Wadden Sea of Schleswig-Holstein: spatial patterns and a long-term decline.- Helgoländer Meeresunters. 51: 343-359. Linke, O. (1951): Neue Beobachtungen über Sandkorallen-Riffe in der Nordsee. - Natur und Volk 81: 77-84. Nehring, S. (1999): Oyster beds and Sabellaria reefs. In: De Jong, F., Bakker, J.F., van Berkel, C.J.M., Dankers, N.M.J.A., Dahl, K., Gätje, C. Marencic, H. & Potel, P. (Eds.), Wadden Sea Quality Status Report. Common Wadden Sea Secretariat Wilhelmshaven, Wadden Sea Ecosystem No. 9: 146-147. Reise, K (1982): Long-term changes in the macrobenthic invertebrate fauna of the Wadden Sea: are polychaetes about to take over?- Neth. J. Sea Res. 16: 29-36. Riesen, W. & K. Reise (1982): Macrobenthos of the subtidal Wadden Sea: revisited after 55 years.- Helgoländer Meeresunters. 35: 409-423. Schuster, O. (1952): Die Vareler Rinne im Jadebusen.- Abh. senckenberg. naturf. Ges. 486: 1-38. Vorberg, R (1995): On the decrease of sabellarian reefs along the German North Sea coast.- Publ. Serv. géol. Lux. 29: 87-93. Vorberg, R. (1997): Auswirkungen der Garnelenfischerei auf den Meeresboden und die Bodenfauna des Wattenmeeres.- Schriftenreihe naturwissenschaftliche Forschungsergebnisse Bd. 54, Verlag Dr. Kovac Hamburg: 1-191. Stefan Nehring Department Animal Ecology