Peer-reviewed articles


Peer-reviewed articles
Dr. Martin Jansen
Peer-reviewed articles
Mebs, D., M. Jansen, G. Köhler, W. Pogoda & G. Kauert: Myrmecophagy and alkaloid
sequestration in amphibians: A study on Dendrobatidae (Ameerega picta) and
Microhylidae (Elachistocleis sp.) frogs. Salamandra 46(1): 11-15.
Jansen, M., A. Schulze, L. Werding & B. Streit: Effects of extreme drought in the dry season
on an anuran community in the Bolivian Chiquitano region. Salamandra 45(4): 233-238.
Jansen, M., L. Gonzales & G. Köhler: Description of a new species of Xenopholis (Serpentes:
Colubridae) from the Cerrado of Bolivia with comments on Xenopholis scalaris in
Bolivia. Zootaxa 2222: 31-45.
Jansen, M.: Measuring temporal variation in calling intensity of a frog chorus with a data
logging sound level meter: A case study in Bolivia. Herpetology Notes 2: 143-149.
Schulze, A., Jansen, M. & G. Köhler: Diversity and ecology of an anuran community in San
Sebastián, Bolivia. Salamandra 45 (2):75-90.
Jansen, M.: New and noteworthy records of snakes from Bolivia. Herpetological Review
39(3): 374-375.
Jansen, M & G. Köhler: A new species of Phalotris (Reptilia, Squamata, Colubridae) from
the eastern lowlands of Bolivia. Senckenbergiana biologica 88: 103-110.
Jansen, M & J. Köhler: Intraspecific combat behavior of Phyllomedusa boliviana (Anura:
Hylidae) and the possible origin of visual signaling in nocturnal treefrogs. Herpetological
Review 39(3): 290-293.
Jansen, M., L. Gonzales & G. Köhler: New species of Hydrolaetare (Anura: Leptodactylidae)
from Bolivia with some notes on its natural history. Journal of Herpetology 41(4): 724732.
Jansen, M & J. Köhler: Description of the advertisement call of Eleutherodactylus fraudator.
South American Journal of Herpetology 2(3): 198-200.
Dr. Martin Jansen
Jansen, M.: Primeros registros de Bothrops pauloensis AMARAL, 1925 (Serpentes:
Viperidae) en Bolivia. Kempffiana 2(1):66-71.
Jansen, M., A. Grosserichter & A. Consul: Primeros especímenes de Leptodactylus laticeps
(Anura: Leptodactylidae) en Bolivia. Kempffiana 2(1):63-65.
Jansen, M.: Zeckenbefall bei Lacerta agilis Linnaeus, 1758 und Zootoca vivipara Jacquin,
1787 im Spessart. Salamandra 38(2): 85-94.
Jansen, M. & G. Köhler: Biogeografische Analyse der Herpetofauna von ausgewählten
Hochlandgebieten Nicaraguas. Salamandra 38 (4): 269-286.
mombachoensis Köhler & McCranie, 1999, am Volcán Mombacho, Nicaragua (Caudata:
Plethodontidae). Salamandra 37 (2): 83-98.
Book chapters
Jansen, M.: Liophis taeniurus (Tschudi, 1845). Libro Rojo de la fauna silvestre de vertebrados
de Bolivia. Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Agua: 647-648.
Muñoz, A. & Jansen, M.: Bothrops andianus (Amaral, 1923). Libro Rojo de la fauna silvestre
de vertebrados de Bolivia. Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Agua: 653-654.
Jansen, M. & D. Embert: Bothrops sanctaecrucis (Hoge, 1966). Libro Rojo de la fauna
silvestre de vertebrados de Bolivia. Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Agua: 655-656.
Miscellaneous contributions (peer-reviewed and non-peer-reviewed, selection)
Jansen, M.: Die Lanzenottern der Gattung Bothrops in Bolivien. DRACO 33:50-56.
Chowdury, M. A. W., M. Jansen, M. F. Ahsan, & U. Kuch (2008): Frogs of Bangladesh:
analysing and ducumenting an understudied fauna. Abstracts - 6th World Congress of
Herpetology, Manaus.
Jansen, M. (2008): Species richness and composition of herpetofaunal assemblages in the
Chiquitano region, Bolivia. Abstracts - 6th World Congress of Herpetology, Manaus.
Dr. Martin Jansen
Jansen, M:. Hydrolaetare caparu. In: IUCN 2008. 2008 IUCN Red List of Threatened
Species. <>.
Jansen, M. & A. Schulze: Dendropsophus leucophyllatus (Bereis´ Tree Frog). Predation.
Herpetological Review 39 (4): 459.
Jansen, M., J. Q. Vidoz & O. Helmig: Hypsiboas albopunctatus (Spotted Treefrog).
Distribution. Herpetological Review 39(1):106.
Jansen, M., J. Q. Vidoz & O. Helmig: Physalaemus cuvieri (Barker Frog). Distribution.
Herpetological Review 39(1):106-107.
Jansen, M.: Die Frösche der Chiquitania, Bolivien. Aquar. Terr. Z. (DATZ) 60 (8): 20-25.
Jansen, M., L. Gonzales, O. Helmig & A. Diego: La Herpetofauna de un área chiquitana
(Estancia Caparú) en Santa Cruz, Bolivia. V Congreso Nacional de Biologia, Programa y
Resúmenes: 39.
Nettke, T. & M. Jansen: Im Brennpunkt – Tierwanderungen. Natur und Museum, Frankfurt am
Main, 137 (7/8): 170 -171.
Jansen, M. & M. Hormann: Der Sperlingskauz - Glaucidium passerinum. Natur und Museum,
Frankfurt am Main, 136 (11/12): 266-267.
Jansen, M. & T. Nettke: Im Brennpunkt: Landgang der Wirbeltiere. Natur und Museum,
Frankfurt am Main, 136 (7/8): 182-183.
Nettke, T. & M. Jansen: Im Brennpunkt: Neandertaler - Ur-Europäer der Eiszeit. Natur und
Museum, Frankfurt am Main, 136 (3/4): 70-71.
Nettke, T. & M. Jansen: Im Brennpunkt: "Kommt ein Vogel geflogen..." - Aber wie? Natur
und Museum, Frankfurt am Main, 136 (5/6): 124-125.
Jansen, M.: Mit dem Einbaum auf Expedition. Eine herpetologische Forschungsreise an den
Río Platano, Honduras. - Natur und Museum, Frankfurt am Main, 135 (9/10): 205-215.