Dow Corning® 757 - Building Products Index
Dow Corning® 757 - Building Products Index
Construction Solutions Sealing and Bonding System for Self Cleaning Glass Dow Corning® 757 Weatherproofing Sealant Der weltweite Trend zur Energieeinsparung und die moderne Architektur schrauben die Anforderungen an Dauerhaftigkeit und Wärmedämmung von Isolierglas-Einheiten nach oben. Dadurch steigt auch die Nachfrage an gasgefüllten Isoliergläsern und Warm-Edge-Technologien mit Silikon als Sekundär-Dichtstoff. Während eines der Hauptmerkmale von Dichtstoffen auf organischer Basis in ihrer geringen Gasdurchlässigkeit besteht (was eine größere Fertigungstoleranz erlaubt), haben diese Dichtstoffe eine geringere Haftbeständigkeit am Glas. Dies schränkt ihre Verwendungsmöglichkeit dort ein, wo eine höhere Haftbeständigkeit erforderlich ist, beispielsweise für Isolierglasanwendungen mit UV-Einwirkung auf der freien Glaskante und /oder mit sehr hohen Anforderungen an die Wetterbeständigkeit. Silikondichtstoffe hingegen zeigen hervorragende Eigenschaften hinsichtlich ihrer Haftfähigkeit und ihrer UV-Beständigkeit. Dies macht sie zum Material der Wahl für Architektur- und Projektverglasungen sowie für hoch beanspruchte Dachverglasungen. Angesichts von weltweit mehr als 20 Jahren erfolgreicher Verwendung von Silikondichtstoffen sind die hervorragenden Eigenschaften und die hohe Nutzungsdauer von dual versiegelten mit Silikon abgedichteten Isoliergläsern eindeutig nachgewiesen. Bei neuen Isolierglas -Systemen hat sich gezeigt, dass argongefüllte und mit Silikon abgedichtete Isoliergläser, die unter Verwendung von Dow Corning 3362 hergestellt wurden, so produziert werden können, dass sie die Forderungen von EN 1279-3 (und /oder DIN 1286-2) zuverlässig erfüllen. In den letzten fünf Jahren sind mehr als 20 gasgefüllte und silikonabgedichtete Isolierglas-Systeme unter Verwendung von Dow Corning-Dichtstoffen erfolgreich am Markt eingeführt worden. Folglich können nun dual versiegelte mit Silikon abgedichtete Isoliergläser hergestellt werden, die nicht nur eine hervorragende Beständigkeit und Nutzungsdauer aufweisen, sondern auch die strengen Forderungen der Branchennormen hinsichtlich der Gasdichtigkeit zuverlässig einhalten. Bedingt durch die dem Silikon eigene Gaspermeabilität sind besondere Konstruktions- und Fertigungsmaßnahmen erforderlich, um sicherzustellen, dass das Isolierglas-System als Ganzes gasdicht ist. Diese Überlegungen fallen primär in die Verantwortung und den Aufgabenbereich der Isolierglas -Hersteller. 1. Einige der Konstruktionsmaßnahmen betreffen eine Verkleinerung der für den Gasverlust verfügbaren Fläche oder eine Verlängerung der betreffenden Wegstrecke. Andere derartige Maßnahmen sehen gebogene Abstandshalterecken, einen integrierten Gasfüllvorgang, halbautomatische Anlagen zur PIB-Applikation und (erwärmte) Inline-Pressen zur PrimärAbdichtung mit PIB vor. Es konnte auch gezeigt werden, dass Randverbundsysteme für Isoliergläser, die wie der TPSAbstandshalter oder schaumbasierte Abstandshalter in der Lage sind, Bewegungen innerhalb des Abstandshalters aufzunehmen, die Belastung auf die Primär-Abdichtung zu verringern und so die Gasverlustrate unter beschleunigten Versuchsbedingungen wie auch unter tatsächlichen Nutzungs-Bedingungen zu verringern. Auch Systeme wie beispielsweise Abstandshalter aus Edelstahl, die die durch Temperaturschwankungen bedingte Bewegung minimieren können, zeigen deutlich bessere Ergebnisse hinsichtlich der Gasverlustrate. Und nicht zuletzt sind bei sekundären Dichtstoffen nicht nur die elastischen Rückstellwerte, sondern ebenso das Zugspannungsverhalten (Elastizitätsmodul) zu berücksichtigen. Für die Verwendung in Isolierglas sind spezielle Typen von Silikon-Dichtstoffen wie beispielsweise Dow Corning 3362 HD entwickelt worden, die ein sehr hohes Modul und ein sehr gutes Rückstellprofil unter Grenzbelastungen aufweisen. Mit diesen Dichtstoffen konnte eine Verbesserung sowohl der Gasdichtigkeit als auch der anderen oben erwähnten Parameter erzielt werden. 2. Für gute Ergebnisse bei der Gasfüllung bzw. Gasverlustrate ist die Verarbeitungsqualität ebenso wichtig wie für die erfolgreiche Produktion normaler luftgefüllter Isolierglaseinheiten. Es ist unbedingt notwendig, dass Glas und Abstandshalter gründlich gereinigt sind, so dass Primär- und Sekundär-Dichtstoffe gut haften können, dass die Abstandshalter-Masshaltigkeit gegeben, die vorgesehene Dimensionierung der Dichtstoffe eingehalten und natürlich der Primär-Dichtstoff einheitlich und gleichmäßig ohne Störstellen aufgebracht ist. Auch die Sekundär-Dichtung darf keine Lücken oder Störstellen aufweisen. Abweichungen davon können dazu führen, dass die PIB-Abdichtung übermäßig beansprucht wird oder versagt und dass so durch diese primäre Barriere Gas entweicht. Zweikomponenten-Dichtstoffe sind vorschriftsmäßig zu mischen und im richtigen Mischungsverhältnis zu verwenden. IMPORTANT INFORMATION Dow Corning bietet Silikon als Sekundär-Dichtstoff für Isolierglaseinheiten an und garantiert die Eignung dieser Silikone Thefür information containedspezifischer herein isphysikalischer offered in good faith based on Dow Corning’s re- für die Isoliergläser hinsichtlich und Haftungseigenschaften. Unsere Produkte sind Verwendung in Isoliergläsern und erfüllen diebecause relevantenconditions Normen für Sekundär-Dichtstoffe (EN1279 Teil 4, search and is believed to beentwickelt accurate. However, and methods of use CEKAL, …). of our products are beyond our control, this information shall not be used in substitution for customer’s tests to ensure that Dow Corning’s products fully satisfactory forursprüngliche Entsprechend der gültigen Normung (EN1279/3 bzw. EN1279/6,...) obliegtare die Verantwortlichkeit für die CE-Kennzeichnung) sowie für warranty die werksseitige Qualitätskontrolle gasgefüllten yourEinstufung specific(einschließlich applications. Dow Corning’s sole is that the productvon will meet Isoliergläsern dem Isolierglas-Hersteller. its current sales specifications. Your exclusive remedy for breach of such warranty is limited to refund of purchase price or replacement shown to beundother Der technische Service von Dow Corning unterstützt und berätof Sieany gerneproduct bei Planung, Bewertung thanKomponentenauswahl as warranted. eines Isolierglas-Systems hinsichtlich der besonderen Erfordernisse im Zusammenhang mit der Gasverlustrate. Es ist von entscheidender Bedeutung, dass sich alle beteiligten Seiten miteinander abstimmen, um so sicherzustellen, dass das Isolierglas-System als Ganzes die gewünschten Eigenschaften aufweist. Der Fertigungsprozess Dow Corning specifically disclaims any other Gasdichtigkeit express gegeben or sind. für Isolierglas ist so zu gestalten, dass die gebotene Zuverlässigkeit und gleichmäßige implied warranty of fitness for a particular purpose or merDow Corning hat eine weitere Version seines Isolierglas-Dichtstoffsystems 3362 with auf den Markt gebracht. Dies ist 3362 chantability. Unless Dow Corning provides you a specific, HD welches ein noch höheres Elastizitätsmodul für die Isolierglas-Randabdichtung bietet. Dadurch verringert sich die duly signed endorsement of fitness for use,weiter, Dowwodurch Corning disBewegung am Primär-Dichtstoff und Abstandshalter unter Druckbelastung sich die Gasdichtigkeit der Isolierglaseinheit verbessert. Dowany Corning 3362 HD wird deshalb Verwendung in Isolierglas-Systeme claims liability for incidental or zur consequential dama-empfohlen, bei denen die Einhaltung von of EN1279/3 eine lange Nutzungsdauer gefordert sind. ges. Suggestions usesowie shall not be taken as inducements to infringe any patent. Die hier gegebenen Informationen wurden nach bestem Wissen und Gewissen gemacht. Wir gehen davon aus, dass sie zutreffend sind. Da wir jedoch keinen Einfluss auf die Bedingungen und Verfahren bei der Verarbeitung unserer Produkte haben, können diese Informationen kundenspezifische Tests nicht ersetzen, um sicherzustellen, dass das Dow Corning Produkt sicher und effizient für den jeweiligen Verwendungszweck eingesetzt wird. Verwendungsvorschläge sollten dabei nicht als Anregung zur Verletzung von Patentrechten verstanden werden. Zwecks weiterer Informationen wenden Sie sich bitte an Dow Corning. na negnuredrofnA eid nebuarhcs rutketihcrA enredom eid dnu gnurapsnieeigrenE ruz dnerT etiewtlew reD na egarfhcaN eid hcua tgiets hcrudaD .nebo hcan netiehniE-salgreilosI nov gnummädemräW dnu tiekgitfahreuaD .ffotsthciD-rädnukeS sla nokiliS tim neigolonhceT-egdE-mraW dnu nresälgreilosI netllüfegsag thetseb tiekgissälhcrudsaG negnireg rerhi ni sisaB rehcsinagro fua neffotsthciD nov elamkremtpuaH red senie dnerhäW seiD .salG ma tiekgidnätsebtfaH eregnireg enie effotsthciD eseid nebah ,)tbualre znarelotsgnugitreF ereßörg enie saw( rüf esiewsleipsieb ,tsi hcilredrofre tiekgidnätsebtfaH erehöh enie ow ,nie trod tiekhcilgömsgnudnewreV erhi tknärhcs eid na negnuredrofnA nehoh rhes tim redo/ dnu etnaksalG neierf red fua gnukriwniE-VU tim negnudnewnasalgreilosI dnu tiekgihäftfaH rerhi hcilthcisnih netfahcsnegiE ednegarrovreh negiez negegnih effotsthcidnokiliS .tiekgidnätsebretteW hcoh rüf eiwos negnusalgrevtkejorP dn® u -rutketihcrA rüf lhaW red lairetaM muz eis thcam seiD .tiekgidnätseB-VU rerhi nov gnudnewreV rehcierglofre nerhaJ 02 sla rhem tiewtlew nov sthcisegnA .negnusalgrevhcaD ethcurpsnaeb nokiliS tim netlegeisrev laud nov reuadsgnuztuN ehoh eid dnu netfahcsnegiE nednegarrovreh eid dnis neffotsthcidnokiliS .neseiweghcan gituednie nresälgreilosI netethcidegba Self Cleaning Glass Technologies Require Specific Sealing and Bonding Solutions Dow Corning 757 retnu eid ,resälgreilosI etethcidegba nokiliS tim dnu etllüfegnogra ssad ,tgiezeg hcis tah nemetsyS- salgreilosI neuen ieB NE nov negnuredroF eid eis ssad ,nennök nedrew treizudorp os ,nedruw tlletsegreh 2633 gninroC woD nov gnudnewreV dnu etllüfegsag 02 sla rhem dnis nerhaJ fnüf netztel ned nI .nellüfre gissälrevuz )2-6821 NID redo/ dnu( 3-9721 tkraM ma hcierglofre neffotsthciD-gninroC woD nov gnudnewreV retnu emetsyS-salgreilosI etethcidegbanokilis .nedrow trhüfegnie Self cleaning glass is a recent innovation brought to the market by leading glass producers to minimise cleaning maintenance costs. These specially coated glasses contain enie run thcin eid ,nedrew tlletsegreh resälgreilosI etethcidegba nokiliS tim etlegeisrev laud nun nennök hcilgloF nemronnehphotocatalytic cnarB red negnuredroF negand nerts eidhydrophilic hcua nrednos ,nesiewproperties fua reuadsgnuztuN which dnu tiekgidnhelp ätseB ednegarrovreh .netlahnie gissälrevuz tiekgithcidsaG red hcilthcisnih breakdown organic dirt and allow rainwater to wash away nemhanßamsgnugitreF dnu -snoitkurtsnoK erednoseb dnis tätilibaemrepsaG enegie nokiliS med eid hcrud tgnideB ni rämirp nloose ellaf negnudirt gelrebÜparticles eseiD .tsi thcidsthus ag seznaretaining G sla metsyS-salgareicleaner losI sad ssad ,nappearance. elletsuzrehcis mu ,hcilredrofre .relletsreH- salgreilosI red hcierebnebagfuA ned dnu gnutrowtnareV eid enie redo ehcälF nerabgüfrev tsulrevsaG ned rüf red gnurenielkreV enie nefferteb nemhanßamsnoitkurtsnoK red eginiE .1 nenie ,nekceretlahsdnatsbA enegobeg nehes nemhanßaM egitrared erednA .ekcertsgeW nednefferteb red gnuregnälreV -rämirP ruz nesserP-enilnI )etmräwre( dnu noitakilppA-BIP ruz negalnA ehcsitamotuablah ,gnagrovllüfsaG netreirgetni -SPT red eiw eid ,resälgreilosI rüf emetsysdnubrevdnaR ssad ,nedrew tgiezeg hcua etnnok sE .rov BIP tim gnuthcidbA sretlahsdnatsbA sed blahrenni negnugeweB ,dnis egaL red ni retlahsdnatsbA etreisabmuahcs redo retlahsdnatsbA netginuelhcseb retnu etartsulrevsaG eid os dnu nregnirrev uz gnuthcidbA-rämirP eid fua gnutsaleB eid ,nemhenuzfua eiw emetsyS hcuA .nregnirrev uz negnugnideB-sgnuztuN nehcilhcästat retnu hcua eiw negnugnidebshcusreV nereiminim gnugeweB etgnideb negnuknawhcsrutarepmeT hcrud eid eid ,lhatsledE sua retlahsdnatsbA esiewsleipsieb nerädnukes ieb dnis tzteluz thcin dnU .etartsulrevsaG red hcilthcisnih essinbegrE eresseb hciltued negiez ,nennök uz )ludomstätizitsalE( netlahrevsgnunnapsguZ sad osnebe nrednos ,etrewlletskcüR nehcsitsale eid run thcin neffotsthciD ni gnudnewreV eid rüF .negithciskcüreb ,nedrow tlekciwtne DH 2633 gninroC woD esiewsleipsieb eiw neffotsthciD-nokiliS nov nepyT elleizeps dnis salgreilosI neffotsthciD neseid tiM .nesiewfua negnutsalebznerG retnu liforplletskcüR setug rhes nie dnu ludoM sehoh rhes nie eid .nedrew tleizre retemaraP netnhäwre nebo neredna red hcua sla tiekgithcidsaG red lhowos gnuressebreV enie etnnok Whilst silicones have long been specified for sealing and bonding applications in commercial glass facades due to their exceptional durability, sustainability and weather resistance, their inherent hydrophobic properties prohibit direct contact with this new self cleaning glass coating. The introduction of a new Si-hybrid based technology sees Dow Corning offer a complete and fully integrated range of products for use in self cleaning glass commercial applications. Dow Corning 757 Weatherproofing Sealant is a one-component, neutral, low modulus material suitable enokiliS refor seid gnuse ungiE where eid treitnaraghigh dnu na nmovement etiehniesalgreilosI rüis f ffoanticipated. tsthciD-rädnukeS sla Pre-approved nokiliS teteib gninroC woD eid rüf dnis etkudorP eresnU .netfahcsnegiesgnutfaH dnu rehcsilakisyhp rehcsifizeps hcilthcisnih resälgreilosI rüf ,4 lieT 97for 21NEcompatibility ( effotsthciD-rädnukeS rüwith f nemroNDow netnaveleCorning r eid nellüfre dnsilicone u tlekciwtne nreinsulating sälgreilosI ni gnudglass newreV .)… ,LAKEC sealants, silicone structural glazing sealants and spacer tape, ehcilgnürpsru eid rüf tiekhciltrowtn®areV eid tgeilbo )...,6/9721NE .wzb 3/9721NE( gnumroN negitlüg red dnehcerpstnE Dow netllüfegsCorning ag nov ellortnokst757 ätilauQ offers egitiesskrewthe eid rüfollowing f eiwos )gnunhciezbenefits: nneK-EC hcilßeilhcsnie( gnufutsniE eid rüf eiw githciw osnebe tätilauqsgnutiebrareV eid tsi etartsulrevsaG .wzb gnullüfsaG red ieb essinbegrE etug rüF .2 dnu salG ssad ,gidnewton tgnidebnu tsi sE .netiehniesalgreilosI retllüfegtful relamron noitkudorP ehcierglofre eid ssad ,nennök netfah tug effotsthciD-rädnukeS dnu -rämirP ssad os ,dnis tginiereg hcildnürg retlahsdnatsbA red hcilrütan dnu netlahegnie effotsthciD red gnureinoisnemiD enehesegrov eid ,nebegeg tiekgitlahssaM-retlahsdnatsbA eniek frad gnuthciD-rädnukeS eid hcuA .tsi thcarbegfua nelletsrötS enho gißämhcielg dnu hciltiehnie ffotsthciD-rämirP gißämrebü gnuthcidbA-BIP eid ssad ,nerhüf uzad nenn® ök novad negnuhciewbA .nesiewfua nelletsrötS redo nekcüL effotsthciD-netnenopmokiewZ .thciewtne saG ereirraB erämirp eseid hcrud os ssad dnu tgasrev redo driw thcurpsnaeb .nednewrev uz sintlährevsgnuhcsiM negithcir mi dnu nehcsim uz gißämstfirhcsrov dnis .relletsreH-salgreilosI med nresälgreilosI dnu gnutreweB ,gnunalP ieb enreg eiS täreb dnu tztütsretnu gninroC woD nov ecivreS ehcsinhcet reD red tim gnahnemmasuZ mi essinredrofrE nerednoseb red hcilthcisnih smetsyS-salgreilosI senie lhawsuanetnenopmoK os mu ,nemmitsba rednanietim netieS netgilieteb ella hcis ssad ,gnutuedeB rednediehcstne nov tsi sE .etartsulrevsaG ssezorpsgnugitreF reD .tsiewfua netfahcsnegiE nethcsnüweg eid seznaG sla metsyS-salgreilosI sad ssad ,nelletsuzrehcis .dnis nebegeg tiekgithcidsaG egißämhcielg dnu tiekgissälrevuZ enetobeg eid ssad ,netlatseg uz os tsi salgreilosI rüf • Supports the performance and functionality of self cleaning glass 2633 tsi • seiD20% .thcarbegdesign tkraM ned fumovement a 2633 smetsysffotstcapability hciD-salgreilosI senies noisreV eretiew enie tah gninroC woD eid hcis tregnirrev hcrudaD .teteib gnuthcidbadnaR-salgreilosI eid rüf ludomstätizitsalE serehöh hcon nie sehclew DH red tiekg• ithciCompliant dsaG eid hcis hcrudowith w ,retiewISO gnutsale11600-F&G-25LM bkcurD retnu retlahsdnatsbA dnu ffotsthciD-rämirP ma gnugeweB ieb ,nelhofpme emetsyS-salgreilosI ni gnudnewreV ruz blahsed driw DH 2633 gninroC woD .tressebrev tiehniesalgreilosI •Pre-approved .dniscompatibility tredrofeg reuadsgnuztuN with egnal enie eiwos 3/9721NE nov gnutlahniE eid nened ® eis ssad ,sua SIPROBOND novad neheg riW .thcameg negaskets ssiweG dnu neand ssiW msetting etseb hcan neblocks druw nenoitamrofnI nenebegeg reih eiD etkudorP reresnu gnutiebrareV red ieb nerhafreV dnu negnugnideB eid fua ssulfniE neniek hcodej riw aD .dnis dneffertuz from SIPRO, Saint Gobain Performance Plastics gninroC woD sad ssad ,nelletsuzrehcis mu ,neztesre thcin stseT ehcsifizepsnednuk nenoitamrofnI eseid nennök ,nebah iebad netllo•Endorsed s egälhcsrovsgnudnewrfor eV .driuse w tzteswith egnie kceActiv™ wzsgnudnewreVfrom negiliewPilkington ej ned rüf tneiziffe dnu rehcis tkudorP .nedrew nednatsrev nethcertnetaP nov gnuztelreV ruz gnugernA sla thcin and Bioclean™ from Saint Gobain .gninroC woD na ettib hcis eiS nednew nenoitamrofnI reretiew skcewZ Sealing and Bonding of Self Cleaning Glass Yesterday • Different sealants & adhesives from different suppliers and from different technologies are commonly used in commercial glazing. • Higher risk of incompatibility with potential consequences such as – leakage, framing effect, IG unit fogging, adhesion loss of the SSG-Unit, etc. IG Sealing: Supplier A Weather Sealing: Supplier B SSG Bonding: Supplier C SSG Spacer Tape: Supplier D Higher Risk of Quality Problem Dow Corning® 757 • Single source sealants & adhesives from Dow Corning • Pre-approved compatibility – between weather sealant, IG silicone sealant and structural glazing sealant - from Dow Corning no failure as watertight seal no fogging in the IGU no adhesion loss (*) under controlled conditions •Pre-approved compatibility – between sealant and “Self Cleaning Glass” surfaces - by the glass supplier – Pilkington® for Activ™ – Saint Gobain Glass® for Bioclean™ – No framing effect We h e l p y o u i n v e n t t h e f u t u re Sealing and Bonding of Self Cleaning Glass Today Safe and easy to use bonding and sealing solution from Dow Corning IG Sealing: Dow Corning® 3362 Dow Corning® 3793 Weather Sealing: Dow Corning® 757 SSG Bonding: Dow Corning® 993 Dow Corning® 895 Dow Corning® 995 SSG Spacer Tape: Dow Corning® Spacer Tape Self Cleaning Glass Proven Solution (*) (*) In terms of compatibility if used acc. to the Dow Corning guidelines. Dow Corning® 757 • Supports the performance of hydrophilic, photocatalytic, clean glasses – Designed and developed for Self Cleaning Glass •Endorsed for use with ACTIV™ glass by Pilkington® •Endorsed for use with BIOCLEAN™ glass by St. Gobain® •Pre-approved(*) compatibility with Dow Corning wet sealants for insulating glass units, such as: Dow Corning® 3362 Dow Corning® 3793 •Pre-approved(*) compatibility with Dow Corning wet sealants for structural silicone glazing, such as: Dow Corning® 993 Dow Corning® 895 Dow Corning® 995 Dow Corning® Spacer Tape (*) when used in accordance with Dow Corning application guidelines and blue print review We h e l p y o u i n v e n t t h e f u t u re Dow Corning® 757 • Si-Hybrid –1 part moisture cure – Weather Sealant – In easy to use cartridges •Non corrosive, odorless, neutral cure – Isocyanate free – Ready to use and safe to use •Excellent adhesion on glass (standard float), aluminium, metal – Most common substrates for glass facade applications • High movement capability - 20 % design movement capability – Small joints possible – Cost effective and aesthetically pleasant •ISO 11600, 25 LM – In compliance with industry standards • Supported by Dow Corning® Technical Service – We help you with joint calculations, joint design, etc. • Weather Sealant Warranty, 5 Years – Project related warranty available for you Details •Available in 290 ml cartridges •Black – On Stock –Min. order qty 1 box (12 crt´s) – Short lead time possible • White – Make to Order –Min. Order qty 2 pallets (2304 crt´s) –Lead time of 56 days after order entry •Black color is advised for optimum performance and aesthetic results We h e l p y o u i n v e n t t h e f u t u re Dow Corning® 757 Weatherproofing Sealant Pre-approved compatibility with insulating glass and structural glazing sealants & Construction Solutions Pre-approved compatibility with • Si-Hybrid technology with premium durability and movement capability • Supports the performance of photo catalytic and hydrophilic coated clean glasses • Pre-approved compatibility with Dow Corning insulating glass and structural glazing sealants • Pre-approved compatibility with Pilkington Activ™ • Pre-approved compatibility with SGG Bioclean® • Supported with proven technical expertise from Dow Corning We help you invent the future™ C So Product Information Dow Corning® 757 Weatherproofing Sealant for Photocatalytic Clean Glass FEATURES • Low Modulus • Compliant with ISO 11600 F&G 25 LM • Available in black and white BENEFITS Neutral, one-component, Si-hybrid based APPLICATIONS Low modulus sealant designed for weather sealing of most of the hydrophilic and photocatalytic clean glasses where high movement is expected and high weather resistance is required in order to withstand increased temperature and UV radiation. • Designed for use in direct contact with photocatalytic, hydrophilic glass and standard glass • Excellent adhesion with typical photocatalytic and hydrophilic glasses as well as standard glass, aluminium, metal, painted and unpainted wood • Pre-approved compatibility with Dow Corning® SG and IG Silicone Sealants, here below: • Dow Corning® 993 Sealant • Dow Corning® 895 Sealant • Dow Corning® 3362 Sealant • Dow Corning® 3793 Sealant • Ideal for expansion, connection, perimeter and other movement joints • Very good combination of weather resistance and movement capability TYPICAL PROPERTIES COMPOSITION DESCRIPTION • One part • Neutral-cure sealant • Si-hybrid Specification Writers: These values are not intended for use in preparing specifications. Please contact your local Dow Corning sales office or your Global Dow Corning Connection before writing specifications on this product. Test* Property Uncured – As tested at 50% RH and 23°C (73°) Working time Skin Over Time Application temperature range Curing time Specific Gravity ISO 9048 Extrusion Rate ISO 7390 Resistance to flow As cured – After 28 days at 50% RH and 23°C (73°) ISO 868 Durometer Hardness, Shore A ISO 7389-B Elastic Recovery ISO 8339-B Tensile stress at 100% elongation ISO 8339-B Ultimate elongation at break Service temperature range * ISO: International Standardization Organization Dow Corning® 757 Weatherproofing Sealant for Photocatalytic Clean Glass is a one part, neutral cure, architectural grade sealant. It easily extrudes and cures at room temperature by reaction with moisture in the air to form a durable, flexible rubber seal. This low modulus sealant is specially designed for the weathersealing of most photocatalytic and hydrophilic clean glass surfaces where high movement is anticipated and high weather resistance is required in order. Unit Result min min ˚C days % g/min mm 30 75 5 to 40 7 – 10 1.46 632 0 points % MPa % °C 20 80 0.35 250 -30 to 90 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS AND STANDARDS Dow Corning 757 Sealant meets the following standards: conforms to ISO 11600 F&G 25 LM. JOINT DESIGN When detailing the sealant joints using Dow Corning 757 Sealant, the following should be considered: • The minimum width should be 6mm. For joints between 6-12mm wide a minimum seal depth of 6mm is required Dow Corning sales office for further advice. • For joints above 12mm wide, a width to depth ratio of 2:1 should be used up to a maximum depth of 12mm • Joints in excess of 25mm wide are possible but may require special application techniques. It is recommended that specific recommendations be obtained from Dow Corning for these special applications • In applications where fillet type joints are to be used, a minimum of 6mm sealant bite is recommended for each substrate • A sealant used in a fillet type joint will accommodate less movement that in a standard joint Application method Apply Dow Corning 757 Sealant and tool it within 30minutes or before a cured skin forms to ensure good contact between the sealant and the substrate. Tooling of the sealant also gives a smooth professional finish. Remove the masking tape as soon as the bead is tooled. In areas where uncured sealant is inadvertently applied to adjacent surfaces, the sealant should be cleaned from surfaces before curing, using a good quality alcohol-based solvent (follow solvent manufacturer’s safe handling recommendations). HOW TO USE COMPATIBILITY Joint Preparation Clean all joint cavities, removing all foreign matter and contaminants from substrates such as grease, oil, dust, water, frost, surface dirt, old sealants or glazing compounds and protective coatings. Joints to be sealed should be dry and moisture free. Metal and painted surfaces should be cleaned by wiping with an appropriate solvent on a lint-free cloth. Masking It is recommended that the areas adjacent to the sealant joint be masked with an appropriate tape to prevent contamination of the substrate and to ensure a neat sealant line. Masking tape should be removed immediately after tooling and before the sealant starts to form a skin. Primers A primer may be required to promote adhesion on some substrates. Dow Corning recommends that a test sample be carried out prior to application. To confirm adhesion, testing should always be carried out prior the commencement of any project. Please consult your local 2012, January 27 Form No. 62-1488B-01 Incompatibility with other components used in the joint design, i.e. sealant, backer rod, setting blocks, etc., may exist and cause negative effects, i.e. discoloration, loss of adhesion or other. To prevent this type of problem from occurring, Dow Corning offers a comprehensive technical support including drawing reviews of sealant detail, adhesion, staining and compatibility testing as well as site visits by technical personnel. Dow Corning 757 Sealant is preapproved for compatibility with Dow Corning® SG and IG silicone sealants, as mentioned here below: • Dow Corning® 993 Sealant • Dow Corning® 895 Sealant • Dow Corning® 3362 Sealant • Dow Corning® 3793 Sealant This compatability is independent from any Lot-No or production batch which allows a safe and durable combination of these materials in a building design. 2 TECHNICAL SERVICES Your Dow Corning contact details (e-mails): Technical inquiries: [email protected] Marketing: Quality Bond: [email protected] EHS inquiries: [email protected] Reach inquiries: [email protected] Your Technical Service contact details (phone): Toll Free Numbers: From Belgium 0800 80 522 From France 0805 54 04 39 From Germany 0800 52 50 258 From Italy 800 92 83 30 From Spain 900 813161 From United Kingdom 0800 9172 071 All other countries: For English +32 64 51 11 59 For French +32 64 51 11 59 For German +49 611 237503 For Italian +32 64 51 11 73 For Spanish +32 64 51 11 66 For Russian +7 495 725 43 19 Fax number from all countries: +32 64 88 86 86 HANDLING PRECAUTIONS PRODUCT SAFETY INFORMATION REQUIRED FOR SAFE USE IS NOT INCLUDED IN THIS DOCUMENT. BEFORE HANDLING, READ PRODUCT AND MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS AND CONTAINER LABELS FOR SAFE USE, PHYSICAL AND HEALTH HAZARD INFORMATION. THE MATERIAL SAFETY DATA Dow Corning is a registered trademark of Dow Corning Corporation. We help you invent the future is a trademark of Dow Corning Corporation. XIAMETER is a registered trademark of Dow Corning Corporation. ©2006-2012 Dow Corning Corporation. All rights reserved. SHEET IS AVAILABLE ON THE DOW CORNING WEB SITE AT DOW CORNING.COM, OR FROM YOUR DOW CORNING SALES APPLICATION ENGINEER, OR DISTRIBUTOR, OR BY CALLING DOW CORNING CUSTOMER SERVICE. manufacturer for compatibility confirmation prior to use. sales specifications in effect at the time of shipment. Due to the unique nature of the Dow Corning 757 Sealant chemistry, the product surface remains tacky after cure and light colors, such as white, are known to age. Your exclusive remedy for breach of such warranty is limited to refund of purchase price or replacement of any product shown to be other than as warranted. USABLE LIFE AND STORAGE This will depend on the specific environmental conditions or exposures, but does not negatively affect the functionality of the product. When stored under normal conditions in the original unopened containers, this product has a usable life of 12 months from the date of production. Oily residue may be present on top of the cartridge. Should this be the case, we recommend to first extrude that entire oily residue prior to any application. PACKAGING INFORMATION This product is available in cartridges of 290ml. COLOR RANGE Dow Corning 757 Sealant is available in black and white. LIMITATIONS This product is not intended for use: • As a structural glazing sealant or where the sealant is intended as an adhesive • In spaces totally confined from atmospheric moisture during cure • To surfaces in contact with food: this sealant does not comply with Federal Food and Drug Administration foodadditive regulations • In areas where abrasion and physical abuse are likely to be encountered • For prolonged submersion in water or in below-grade applications When used with non-typical photocatalytic or hydrophilic clean glasses, please consult your glass 2012, January 27 Form No. 62-1488B-01 This product is neither tested nor represented as suitable for medical or pharmaceutical uses. HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATION To support Customers in their product safety needs, Dow Corning has an extensive Product Stewardship organization and a team of Product Safety and Regulatory Compliance (PS&RC) specialists available in each area. DOW CORNING SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY OTHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR MERCHANTABILITY. DOW CORNING DISCLAIMS LIABILITY FOR ANY INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES. We help you invent the future. ™ For further information, please see our Web site, or consult your local Dow Corning representative. LIMITED WARRANTY INFORMATION – PLEASE READ CAREFULLY The information contained herein is offered in good faith and is believed to be accurate. However, because conditions and methods of use of our products are beyond our control, this information should not be used in substitution for customer’s tests to ensure that our products are safe, effective, and fully satisfactory for the intended end use. Suggestions of use shall not be taken as inducements to infringe any patent. Dow Corning’s sole warranty is that our products will meet the 3 Dow Corning is a registered trademark of Dow Corning Corporation. We help you invent the future is a trademark of Dow Corning Corporation. XIAMETER is a registered trademark of Dow Corning Corporation. ©2006-2012 Dow Corning Corporation. All rights reserved. Si-hybrid delivers sealing solution for self cleaning glass Case Study: Plas Coch The Project AV16741 • Set on the edge of the Menai Straits on the Isle of Anglesey, Plas Coch is a prestigious holiday home park set in 60 acres of beautiful parkland, with spectacular views across to Snowdonia. •Following a £ 9.5 m transformation of the facilities, the park was awarded five stars by the Wales Tourist Board. The park centrepiece, an elegant 16th central Elizabethan country manor house, has been refurbished to house new luxurious amenities which include a custom built spa and indoor swimming pool for ultimate relaxation and pampering. •Dow Corning® 757 Weatherproofing Sealant was specified for use in conjunction with Pilkington Activ® self cleaning glass for weather sealing the glazed roof and vertical elevations which houses the stunning indoor heated swimming area. AV16743 Location Isle of Anglesey Country Wales Products Dow Corning® 757 Weatherproofing Sealant Owner and Developer Talacre Beach Caravan Sales Ltd Architect Donald Insall Associates Ltd Main Contractor Frank Galliers Ltd Curtain Wall Contractor MAG Hansen Ltd The Challenge As a focal point of this beautiful holiday home park, the indoor swimming area is required to look pristine at all times, so ease and simplicity in cleaning of the glazed roof and wall elevations is a top priority. For this reason, Pilkington Activ™ was specified; a dual action glass with photocatalytic and hydrophilic properties which break down dirt allowing rainwater to wash away dirt particles. Weatherproofing of the joints in this glass structure required the selection of a sealant which is compatible with this special glass coating and accommodates the anticipated building movement whilst providing high weather resistance. The Solution Specialist contractor MAG Hansen erected the curtain wall framework and installed the self cleaning glass panels, which was in itself a complex challenge, requiring the use of a tower crane and specific handling equipment. Following long term trials testing for compatibility, adhesion, flexibility and durability, Dow Corning 757 Sealant is specified by Pilkington for use with Activ™ glass and was thus installed on this project for sealing the movement joints in this impressive glazed roof and façade. Dow Corning 757 Weatherproofing Sealant Dow Corning 757 Weatherproofing Sealant for photocatalytic clean glass is a neutralcure, one-component, Si-hybrid based, low modulus, architectural grade sealant. It has been designed for weathersealing of most photocatalytic and hydrophilic clean glass surfaces where high movement is anticipated and high weather resistance is required to withstand increased temperature and UV radiation. It is ideal for expansion, connection, perimeter and other movement joints. Your Dow Corning Construction contact details: Toll Free Numbers: All other countries: From Belgium From France From Germany From Italy From Spain From United Kingdom 0800 80 522 0805 54 04 39 0800 52 50 258 800 92 83 30 900 813161 0800 91 72 071 For English For French For German For Italian For Spanish For Russian +32 64 51 11 59 +32 64 51 11 59 +49 611 237503 +32 64 51 11 73 +32 64 51 11 66 +7 495 725 43 19 Fax number from all countries: +32 64 88 86 86 Your Dow Corning contact details (e-mails) : Technical inquiries: Marketing: Quality Bond : EHS inquiries : Reach inquiries: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Your Dow Corning Sites: Other European Sites: EUROPEAN AREA HEADQUARTERS Dow Corning Europe S.A. Parc Industriel Zone C Rue Jules Bordet B-7180 Seneffe, Belgium Tel : +32 64 88 80 00 Fax : +32 64 88 84 01 TURKEY DOW CORNİNG KİMYA SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED İİRKETİ Halk Sokak Pakpen Plaza No: 44 Kat:9-10 34734 Kozyataİı / İstanbul, Türkiye Tel: +90 216 4677645 Fax: +90 216 4673909 Dow Corning GmbH Rheingaustraße, 34 D-65201 Wiesbaden, Germany Tel: +49 611 23 71 Fax: +49 611 237 601 RUSSIAN FEDERATION Dow Corning Representation Office 17/23 Taganskaya Street Moscow 109147, Russia Tel: +7 495 783 6648 Fax: +7 495 783 6652 POLAND – CENTRAL EASTERN EUROPE Dow Corning Polska Sp.z o.o 15 Marynarska Street 02 - 674 Warszawa, Poland Tel: +48 22 36 04 100 Fax: +48 22 36 04 114 GREATER GULF COUNTRIES Dow Corning Representation Office Meral Building Office Numbers 61,62 & 63 Building No.2572, Road No.2833, Block No.428 Seef District Kingdom of Bahrain Office Reception +973 17 562686 Office Fax +973 17 582052 Dow Corning is a registered trademark of Dow Corning Corporation. We help you invent the future is a trademark of Dow Corning Corporation. Visit us on: © 2011 Dow Corning Corporation. All rights reserved. Form Number: 62-1531D-01 Printed in Germany on FSC-Certified Paper