KL 28.11.13.Vortrag Endocrinology and the heart
KL 28.11.13.Vortrag Endocrinology and the heart
Endocrinology and the heart Mirjam Christ-Crain, Endocrinology, Diabetes & Metabolism Kardiolunch 28.11.2013 Endokrine Organe - Pituitary and the heart - Thyroid and the heart - Adrenals and the heart - Gonads and the heart - Pituitary and the heart - Thyroid and the heart - Adrenals and the heart - Gonads and the heart Pituitary: Prolactinoma • - 20% d. Urs v. sek. Amenorrhoe - beim Mann Hypogonadismus (Erektile Dysfunktion & Libido) • - Galaktorrhoe (F 50%, M 20%) Pituitary: Prolactinoma First-line treatment: Dopamin Agonists (Cabergoline, 0.5-1.5mg/wk) 2 Mte PRL (mU/L) 153’657 12 Mte 15’794 195 Pituitary: Prolactinoma Parkinson (3mg/d): Valvular heart disease with high dose cabergolin treatment, dose-dependent effect Prolactinoma (0.5-1.5/Wk): increased risk for valvulopathy only in minority of studies Insufficient evidence for a consensus statement Recommended approach: Patients eduction about potential risk of cabergoline Treatment with lowest possible dose and shortest duration Echocardiographic monitoring (every 2 years) in patients with long-term use in higher than usual doses (i.e. >2mg/week) Pituitary: Cushing’s disease Metabol. Sy (70%) - art. Hypertonie - Dyslipidämie - Diabetes mell. Typ II Adipositas (90%) - rotes Vollmondgesicht - stammbetont („Bierbauch auf Stelzen“) Hautveränd. (65%) - Striae rubrae - Faciale Plethora - Ekchymosen, Suffusionen Muskel/Skelett (60%) - Osteoporose - Lumbalgien - Allg. Schwäche 5j. Mortalität >50%, v.a. kardiovaskulär bedingt Cushing’s disease – cardiovascular risk Pituitary: Acromegaly Mortalität bei Akromegalie – Multizenter Kohortenstudie, n=1362 (UK) Cause of death HR 95% CI p Cardiovascular disease 1.76 1.47 - 2.07 < 0.001 Cerebrovascular disease 2.06 1.50 - 2.76 < 0.001 Respiratory disease 1.85 1.34 - 2.49 < 0.001 Malignant disease 1.16 0.92 - 1.44 0.1 Overall (all cause mortality) 1.6 1.44 - 1.77 < 0.001 Orme et al., J Clin Endocrinol Metab 1998, 83: 2730 Pituitary: Acromegaly Cardiovascular risks: - Hypertension in 20-50% - Cardiomyopathy: frequently present at diagnosis (characterized by diastolic dysfuntion and arrhythmias) - 2/3 of patients with LVH in echocardiography Patients with severe cardiomyopathy may progress to heart failure, manifest heart failure in 3-10% of patients. Successful treatment halts progress of cardiac dysfunction and reduces cv mortality. Guidelines: Echocardiography at baseline - Pituitary and the heart - Thyroid and the heart - Adrenals and the heart - Gonads and the heart Target Tissues of Thyroid Hormone Action TRH TSH T3 T4 T3 Thyroid Hormone Action on the heart Klein et al, NEJM 2001 Thyroid: Hypothyroidism Hypothyroidism and the heart Hemodynamics: - increased systemic vascular resistance - normal or decreased heart rate - decreased contractility - decreased cardiac output (30-40% lower than normal) Cardiac structure and function: - Increased cardiac work and compensatory hypertrophy Rhythm: - Sinus bradycardia, prolonged PR and QT intervals. Cardiovascular risk: - Accelerated atherosclerosis, coronary artery disease Auswirkungen der Hypothyreose auf Risikofaktoren der Atherosklerose? Diastolic Hypertension Lipid profile Hypercoagulable state Homocysteinemia (?) HsC-reactive protein (?) TSH Subklinische Hypothyreose • "subklinisch" = periphere Werte (T4, T3, im Normbereich, TSH erhöht (>4.5mU/L)) I AM SIGNIFICANT! SCREAMED THE DUST SPECK. Subclinical hypothyroidism and risk for CHD Rodondi et al., JAMA 2010 Subclinical hypothyroidism and risk for CHD Rodondi et al., JAMA 2010 Algorithm for subclinical Hypothyroidism TSH> 4.5mU/L Repeat TSH and FT4 TSH >10mU/L TSH 4.5-10mU/L Pregnant or considering pregnancy? No Yes Symptoms, TPO, Struma? No Monitor 6-12mtl Treatment with Levothyroxine Yes Consider Treatment Treatment with Levothyroxine Thyroid: Hyperthyroidism Tox. Adenom M. Basedow Hyperthyroidism and the heart Hemodynamics: - decreased systemic vascular resistance - Increased heart rate - Increased plasma volume → Increased cardiac output (50-300% higher than normal) Cardiac structure and function: - LV diastolic dysfunction Rhythm: - Sinus tachycardia, atrial fibrillation in 10-15% Cardiovascular risk: - 2 meta-analyses (7 cohort studies): 1.7 fold elevated risk for CV mortality Subklinische Hyperthyreose • "subklinisch" = periphere Werte (T4, T3, im Normbereich, TSH erniedrigt (<0.45 mU/L)) I AM SIGNIFICANT! SCREAMED THE DUST SPECK. Subclinical hyperthyroidism – risk factor for atrial fibrillation Incidence for VHF: subclinical HT:13% overt HT:14% euthyroidism: 2% Personen >60j. mit TSH <0.1 ohne vorbestehendes VHF Risiko 3x in den nächsten 10 Jahren ein VHF zu entwickeln 3x Auer: Am Heart J 2001; Sawin: NEJM 94 TSH-Suppression & Mortality Parle JV, Lancet 2001 Subclinical hyperthyroidism and risk for CHD Collet et al, JAMA 2012 Algorithm for subclinical hyperthyroidism TSH<0.45mU/L Repeat TSH and FT4 TSH < 0.1mU/L Determine Aetiology (Szinti, TRAK) Treatment TSH 0.1-0.45mU/L Heart Disease, esp. VHF Osteoporosis, Symptoms, Age >60? No Monitor 3-12mtl Yes Determine Aetiology, Treatment Thyroid: Amiodorone treatment Täglicher Jodbedarf Jodzufuhr mit 200 – 600 mg Amiodarone 150-200 µg 75 – 225 mg T ½ in Tagen Amiodaron 52.6 ± 23.7 Therapeutic strategies Wirksamkeit der Thionamide reduziert, höhere Dosis nötig (Typ I) Typ II: Glucocorticoide 40mg/Tag 1-3 Monate, anschliessend Dosis ↓ Radiojodtherapie wg. hoher intrathyreoidaler Jodkonzentration nicht möglich Thyreodiektomie bei schwerer, therapierefraktärer Hyperthyreose Operation am 17.11. , anschliessend keine SD-Medikamente A Thyroid and congestive heart failure Euthyroid Sick Syndrom Schwere Krankheit TSH fT4 Normalbereich T3 DD: Hyperthyreose → T3 bestimmen Schweregrad der Krankheit Erholungsphase Verlauf von Schilddrüsenhormonen am Bsp eines Patienten mit akuter Krankheit Datum TSH mU/l fT4 pmol/l T3 nmol/l 11.06.2013 0.502 15.8 - 04.07.2013 0.023 ↓ 27.6 ↑ 1.1 ↓ 10.07.2013 1.030 17.5 4.0 Verlauf CRP 10.07.2007 48.4 + mg/l 02.07.2013 364.6 + mg/l 01.07.2013 503.2 + mg/l 30.06.2013 313.6 + mg/l 30.06.2013 302.1 + mg/l 29.06.2013 130.6 + mg/l 28.06.2013 55.4 + mg/l 11.06.2013 46.7 + mg/l Low T3 Syndrom as risk factor for cardiovascular mortality in patients with cardiac diseases Iervasi, G. et al. Circulation 2003;107:708-713 T3 replacement for postoperative non-thyroidal illness? Kaptein et al. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2010 T3 replacement for patients with heart failure? Gerdes et al. Circulation 2010 - Pituitary and the heart - Thyroid and the heart - Adrenals and the heart - Gonads and the heart Primärer Hyperaldo - Klinik • Na+-Retention: Art. Hypertonie, leichte Hypernatriämie • K+-Exkretion: Hypokaliämie - Muskelkrämpfe /-schwäche, kardiale Arrhythmien • Metabolische Alkalose • Hypomagnesiämie „indirekte Aldosteron-Wirkung“ Aldosteron - Wirkung - Aldosteron Aldosteron-Rezeptoren: • distales Nephron • Kolon, Hippocampus • Herz, Gefässe → ↑Wachstumsfaktoren im Gewebe → Entzündung, Mikroangiopathie, Fibrose „direkte Aldosteron-Wirkung“ Adrenals: Hyperaldosteronism «direkte und indirekte» Wirkung Primärer Hyperaldo vs. essentielle Hypertonie • Case-control Studie, 65 APA, 59 IHA • matched für Alter, Geschlecht, BD, HF, Raucher, Gluc, Chol 7.5 ±4.2 1035 ±481 300 28 ±24 321 ±166 35 • Patienten mit Primärem Hyperaldosteronismus sind im Vergleich zu Patienten mit EHT einem erhöhten kardiovaskulären Risiko ausgesetzt. Milliez X, Jour Am Coll Card, 2005 Adrenals: Pheochromocytoma Adrenals: Pheochromocytoma Adrenals: Pheochromocytoma - Hypertension in >50% of patients, sustained or paroxysmal - Higher variability of BP compared to patients with essential hypertension - Higher incidence of target organ damage Adrenals: Pheochromocytoma - Pituitary and the heart - Thyroid and the heart - Adrenals and the heart - Gonads and the heart Gonads: Male Andropause Verschreibungen in USA↑↑: 2012: 2 Mia Dollar Gewinn für Pharmafirmen, Ziel: bis 2017 Betrag verdoppeln. CH: >40j: Messungen von Testosteron in letzten 3 Jahren verdoppelt 2012: Testosteronprodukte für 6 Mio verkauft, Absatz 32% zugenommen Gonads: Male Andropause Konzentration, Stimmung Muskelmasse Fett Libido Erekt Dysfkt Knochen Dichte Gonads: Male Andropause Cardiovascular effects of Testosteron? - Prospective observational studies: modest association between low Testosterone and incident cardiovascular event Ruige et al, JCEM 2013 Gonads: Male Andropause Cardiovascular effects: Evidence from treatment studies - Recent Metaanalysis: difference according to source of funding, increased risk if NOT funded by industry - No RCT’s with primary endpoint cardiovascular risk - Overall: no statistically significant difference (low number of events) - Events: Arrhythmia, hypertension, MI, edema, CABG, thrombosis, Heart failure…. Gonads: Male Andropause Cardiovascular effects: Evidence from treatment studies - Biggest study (N=209): stopped early because of higher incidence of cv events in Testosteron group - 2 studies evaluating effect of T on atherosclerosis ongoing - Pending clarification of benefits and risks: cautious approach in elderly men required Basaria et al, NEJM 2010 Gonads: Male Andropause - National cohort study of men with T<11 nmol/L who underwent coronary angiography between 2005-11 - Of 8700 men with low T, 1300 started T therapy after angiography - rate of events (MI, stroke, death) 25% in T group vs 19% in no Testogroup Vigen et al, JAMA 2013 Conclusions - Pituitary: - Prolactinoma: if high dose Cabaser: valvulopathy (?) - Cushing: increased cv risk - Acromegaly: increased cv risk, echocardiography at baseline (and follow-up?) - Thyroid: - Hypothyroidism: diverse effects on heart (hemodynamics, cv risk, rhythm, cardiac structure & function) - subclinical HT: increased cv risk (?) - Hyperthyroidism: effects on hemodynamics, cv risk, rhythm, cardiac structure & function - subclinical HT: VHF, cv risk (?) - Amiodarone induced hyper / hypothyroidism - Euthyroid sick syndrome - Adrenals: - Hyperaldosteronism: Hypertension, increased cv risk - Pheochromocytoma: Hypertension, arrhythmia, ischemia - Hypogonadism elderly men: - unclear evidence about benefit and risk of T treatment