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Verifique se seus artigos já estão listados nas relações abaixo. Se não, por favor acrescente com o máximo de informações possível. Artigos Publicados em Revistas: ALMEIDA, G.P.; COSTA, A.A.; CAMPOS VELHO, H.F.; OLIVEIRA, J.C.P. "Modeling stratocumulus-topped boundary-layer structure with statistical diffusion theory". Atmospheric Research, vol. 80, no. 1, 105-132, 2006. AMBRÓSIO, A.N.; MARTINS, E.; VIJAYKUMAR, N.L.; CARVALHO, S.V. “A Conformance Testing Process for Space Applications Software Services”. Journal of Aerospace Computing, Information and Communication, vol. 3, no. 4, páginas 146-158, 2006. BARONI, M.P.A.; ROSA, R.R.; SILVA, A.F.; PEPE, I. ROMAN, L.S.; RAMOS, F.M.; AHUJA, R., PERSSON, C.; VEJE, E. “Modeling and gradient pattern analysis of irregular SFM strucutures of porous silicon”. Microelectronics Journal, 37, 290-294, 2006. CHIWIACOWSKY, L.D.; CAMPOS VELHO, H.F.; GASBARRI, P. "Neural network based models in the inversion of temperature vertical profiles from satellite data”, Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering, vol. 14, no. 5, 543-556. CHIWIACOWSKY, L.D.; CAMPOS VELHO, H.F.; GASBARRI, P. “A variational approach for solving an inverse vibration problem”. Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering, 14(5), 557–577. CRAVO, G.R.; RIBEIRO, G.M.; LORENA, L.A.N. “Heurística Gulosa para o Problema da Rotulação Cartográfica de Pontos”. Revista Educação e Tecnologia, Ano 2, no. 1, abr-set/2006. MOL, A.A.; MARTINS FILHO, L.S.; SILVA, J.D.S.; ROCHA, R. “Efficiency parameters estimation in gemstones cut design using artificial neural networks”. Computational Materials Science, 2006. RAMOS, F.M.; DANTAS, C.C. “Gravitational Mesoscopic Constraints in Cosmological Dark Matter Halos”. Celestial mechanics & dynamical astronomy, v. 94, p. 67-81, 2006. RAMOS, F.M. ; DANTAS, C.C. “Energy Ranking Preservation in a Cosmological Simulation”. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2006. SANCHES, C.A.A.; SOMA, N.Y.; YANASSE, H.H. “An optimal and scalable parallelization of two-list algroithm for the subset-sum problem”. European Journal of Operational Research, 2006 RIBEIRO, G.M.; LORENA, L.A.N. “Heuristics for cartographic label placement problems”. Computers and GeoSciences, v. 32, no. 6, pp. 741-751, 2006 SHIGUEMORI, E.H.; CHIWIACOWSKY, L.D.; CAMPOS VELHO, H.F.; SILVA, J.D.S. "An Inverse Vibration Problem Solved by an Artificial Neural Networks". TEMA: Tendências em Matemática Aplicada e Computacional, vol. 6, no. 1, 163-175, 2005. (data de 2005, mas somente publicado em 2006). SHIGUEMORI, E.H.; SILVA, J.D.S.; CAMPOS VELHO, H.F.; CARVALHO, J.C. "A variational approach for solving an inverse vibration problem”, Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering, vol. 14, no. 5, 557–577. SHIGUEMORI, E.H.; SILVA, J.D.S.; CAMPOS VELHO, H.F.; CARVALHO, J.C. “Neural Network based Models in the Inversion of Temperature Vertical Profiles from Satellite Data”. Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering, 14(5), 543-556. VIJAYKUMAR, N.L.; CARVALHO, S.V. ; ANDRADE, V.M.B. ; ABDURAHIMAN, V. “Introducing probabilities in Statecharts to specify reactive systems for Performance Analysis”. Computers & Operations Research, volume 33, no. 8, páginas 2369-2386, ago/2006. YANASSE, H.H.; LIMEIRA, M.S. “A hybrid heuristic to reduce the number of different patterns in cutting stock problems”. Computers and Operations Research, v. 33, p. 2744-2756, 2006. YANASSE, H.H.; LAMOSA, M.J.P. “An integrated cutting stock and sequencing problem”. European Journal of Operational Research, 2006. YANASSE, H.H.; MORABITO, R. “Linear models for one-group twodimensional guillotine cutting problems”. International Journal of Production Research, 2006. Artigos Aceitos em Revistas: ARAKAKI, R.G.I.; LORENA, L.A.N. “Uma heurística de localização-alocação (HLA) para problemas de localização de facilidades”. Revista Produção, 2006. BIAJOLI, F.L.; LORENA, L.A.N. “Mirroed Traveling Tournament Problem: An Evolutionary Approach”. Jaime Simão Sichman, Helder Coelho and Solange Oliveira Rezende (Eds.), Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science Series, 2006 DI DONATO, A. P. F., MACAU, E.E.N., GREBOGI, C. “Phase Locking Control in the Circle Map”. Journal of Nonlinear Dynamics, no prelo. FERNANDES, S.F.; KIENBAUM, G.S. “Uma Abordagem para EAD usando Gestão de Processos e Simulação”. Revista Produção, ABEPRO, 2005. No prelo. KULMAN, P.; SANDRI, S.A. “An annotated logic theorem prover for an extended possibilistic logic”, Fuzzy Sets and Systems. MACAU, E.E.N; GREBOGI, C. “Control of Chaos and its Relevancy to Spacecraft Steering”, Philosophical Transactions: Mathematical, Physical and Engeneering Sciences, 2005, no prelo. MACAU, E.E.N.; GREBOGI, C. “Control of Chaos and its Relevancy to Spacecraft Steering”. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society a Mathematical Physical And Engineering Sciences, Grã-Bretanha, 2006. MARTINS FILHO, L.S. “Efficiency parameters estimation in gemstones cut design using artificial neural networks”. Computational Materials Science, maio/2006. MAURI, G.R.; LORENA, L.A.N. “A New Hybrid Heuristic for Crew Scheduling”. Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, 2005. OLIVEIRA A.C.M.; LORENA, L.A.N. “Pattern Sequencing Problems by Clustering Search”. Jaime Simão Sichman, Helder Coelho and Solange Oliveira Rezende (Eds.), Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science Series, 2006. POLITI, J.; STEPHANY, S.; DOMINGUES, M.O.; MENDES JUNIOR, O. “Mineração de dados de meteorológicos associados a atividade convectiva empregando dados de descargas elétricas atmosféricas”. Revista Brasileira de Meteorologia (RBMET), São Paulo, SP, p. 1-26, 2005 (to apper). RAMOS, F.M.; BOLZAM, M.J.; SÁ, L.D.A.; ROSA, R.R. “Atmospheric turbulence within and above an Amazon forest”. Physica D, 2003. no prelo RAMOS, F.M.; ROSA, R.R.; RODRIGUES NETO, C.; BOLZAM, M.J.; SÁ L.D.A. “Generalized thermostatistical description of probability densities of turbulent temperature fluctuations”. Computer Physics Communications (to appear). RAMOS, F.M. ; CAMPOS VELHO, H.F.; DOESCHER, E. “Criteria for Mixed Grids in Computational Fluid Dynamics”. Applied Numerical Mathematics. REMPEL, E.L.; CHIAN, A.C.L.; MACAU, E.E.N.; ROSA, R.R. “Analysis of Chaotic Saddles in Low - Dimensinal Dynamical Systems: The Derivative Nonlinear SchrÖdinger Equation”. Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena (to appear). RIBEIRO, G.M.; LORENA, L.A.N. “Lagrangean relaxation with clusters and column generation for the manufacture’s pallet loading problem”. Computers and Operations Reserch, agosto/2005. RIBEIRO, G.M.; LORENA, L.A.N. “Lagrangean relaxation with clusters Clusters for Point-Feature Cartographic Label Placement Problems”. Computers an Operations Research, 2005. RODRIGUES NETO, C.; ROSA, R.R.; RAMOS, F.M. , “Pattern Characterization: a case study in osmosedimentation”. International Journal of Modern Physics C (to appear). ROSA, R.R.; VATS, H.O.; RAMOS, F.M.; ZANANDREA, A.; RODRIGUES NETO, C.; FERNANDES, F.C.R.; BOLZAM, M.J.; REMPEL, E.L.; BRITO, R.C.; SAWANT, H.S. “Characterization of local self-similarity and critucality in the solar active regions”. Advances Space Research (to appear). SÁ, L.D.A., BOLZAM, M.J.A.; RAMOS, F.M.; RODRIGUES NETO, C.; ROSA, R.R.; SOUZA, A. “Turbulent velocity and temperature probability density functions in the Amazonian surface boundary layer”. Ciência & Natura, 2000. SÁ, L.D.A; BOLZAM, M.J.A.; RAMOS, F.M.; RODRIGUES NETO, C.; ROSA, R.R.; SOUZA, A. “Análise da intermitência no subdomínio inercial da turbulência desenvolvida acima do Pantanal Matogrossense (Experimento IPE-1)”, Revista Brasileira de Meteorologia (to appear). SANCHES, C.A.A.; SOMA, N.Y.; YANASSE, H.H. “An optimal and scalable parallelization of two-list algorithm for the subset-sum problem”. European Journal of Operational Research, 2005. SILVA. J.D.S., SHIGUEMORI, E.H., CAMPOS VELHO, H.F., CARVALHO, J.C. “Atmospheric temperature retrieval by a radial basis function neural network”. SBRN Special Issue of the Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems (to appear) SOUTO, R.P.; CAMPOS VELHO, H.F.; STEPHANY, S. “Reconstruction vertical profiles of absorption and scattering coefficients from multiespectral radiances”. Applied Numerical Mathematics, 2005. SOUZA, F.L.; RAMOS, F.M. “Otimização extrema: uma aplicação em um projeto de um radiador espacial”. Boletim da Sociedade Brasileira de Matemática Aplicada e Computacional (to appear). Artigos Submetidos a Revistas: BECCENERI, J.C.; STEPHANY, S.; CAMPOS VELHO, H. F. “Bird Flock in Turbulent Atmosphere”. Revista Opeations Research Letters, abr/2006 BECCENERI, J.C.; KIENBAUM, G.S. “A Iniciação Científica e o Programa Espacial Brasileiro”. Revista Eletrônica da Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2006. BECCENERI, J.C.; SANTOS, R.; KONO, Y.; GATTO, R.C. “Avaliação de Regras de Classificação Aplicáveis a Data Mining”. Revista TEMA/Seleta do CNMAC, ago/2004. CHALHOUB, E. S. “Solution of radiative-transfer problems in hydrologic optics with the Monte Carlo Method”. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, mai/2005. CHIWIACOWSKY, L.D.; CAMPOS VELHO, H.F.; GASBARRI, P. “The Damage Identification Problem: A Hybrid Approach”, Journal of Sound and Vibration. CORREA, R.V.; VILLELA, T.; WUENSCHE, C.A.; PRETO, A.J.; STEPHANY, S.; CAMPOS VELHO, H.F. “An innovative approach for making cosmic microwave background maps”. Journal Computer Physics Communications, agosto/2005. DOMINGUES, M.O.; ROUSSEL, O.; SCHNEIDER, K. “Global time step control in adptive multiresolution methods for PDES`”. SIAM Journal Sci Comp., 2006. DZENDZIK, I.T.; BECCENERI, J.C.; FERREIRA, M.G.V. “Um processo de Desenvolvimento de Websites Estruturados em Arquivos-Matriz”. Revista Integração, mar/2006. LIMA, I.B.T.; RAMOS, F.M.; ROSA, R.R.; VIJAYKUMAR, N.; VICTORIA, R.L.; NOVO, E.M.L., “Nonlinear Gradient Evolution and Fractal Pattern of Disturbed Aquatic Ecosystems”. Physica D, 2001. MARQUES, G.N.; MACHADO, J.M.; VERARDI, S.L.; PRETO, A.J.; STEPHANY, S. “Efficient EFGM Implementation for Discontinuous Electrostatic Field Computation”. COMPEL – The International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, maio/2006. RODRIGUES NETO, C.; ZANANDREA, A.; RAMOS, F.M.; ROSA, R.R.; BOLZAM, M.J.; SÁ, L.D.A. “Multiscale analysis from turbulent time series with wavelet transform”. Phisic A, 2000. ROSA, R.R; REMPEL, E.L.; RAMOS, F.M.; ZANANDREA, A.; VATS, H.O; FERNANDES, F.C.R.; KRISHAN, V.; VIJAYKUMAR,N..; SAWANT,H.S., “Localized Turbulence and Criticality in the Solar Atmosphere”. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2001. ROSA, R.R; REMPEL, E.L.; RAMOS, F.M.; ZANANDREA, A.; VATS, H.O; FERNANDES, F.C.R.; KRISHAN, V.; VIJAYKUMAR,N..; SAWANT,H.S., “Localized Turbulence and Criticality in the Solar Atmosphere”. Brazilian Journal of Physics, 2005. ROSA, R.R; KARLICK, M.; ZANANDREA, A.; RAMOS, F.M.; SAWANT, H.S; FERNANDES, F.C.R.; VIJAYKUMAR, N.L. “Global Wavelet Analysis of Radio Multi-Scaling Flare Loop Interactions”. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2005. ROSA, R.R; SAWANT, H.S.; RAMOS, F.M.; FERNANDES, F.C.R.; CECATTO, J.R. “Solar and space weather phenomenological forecasting using pattern recognition operators”. Advanced Space Research. ROSA, R.R; SAWANT, H.S.; RAMOS, F.M.; SHARMA, A.S.; VALDIVIA, J.A. “Space Weather Phenomenology and Forecasting Using Pattern Recognition Operators”. Journal of Atmospheric and Solar Terrestrial Physics, 2001. SILVA, J.D.S., SIMONI, P.O. “Corresponding geometric distorted images using an uncertainty inference method”. Image and Vision Computing. SOUTO, R.P.; CAMPOS VELHO, H.F.; STEPHANY, S.; SANDRI, S.A. “Estimating Vertical Chlorophyll Concentration in Offshore Ocean Water Using a Modified Ant Colony System, Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Algorithms (JMMA). ZANANDREA, A.; ROSA, R.R.; WILTER, A.; REMPEL, E.L.; RAMOS, F.M. "Global Wavelet Analysis of Impure Chaotic Dynamics". Physica, 2003. ZANANDREA, A.; ROSA, R.R.; WILTER, A.; REMPEL, E.L.; RAMOS, F.M. "Global Wavelet Analysis of Impure Chaotic Dynamics". Nonlinear Analysis, 2005. YANASSE, H.H., KATSURAYAMA, D.M. “An enumeration scheme to generate constrained exact checkerboard patterns”. Computers & Operations Research, 2005. Artigos Publicados em Capítulos de Livros: RAMOS, F.M.; LIMA, I.B.T.; CARVALHO, J.C.; ROSA, R.R.; SYCH, R.A.; NOVO, E.M.L.M. “Detecting climatic and tidal influence on the Amazon River level by wavelet analysis”. Verhandlungen - Internationale Vereinigung für Theoretische und Angewandte Limnologie, v. 29, 2006. RAMOS, F. M. ; LIMA, I.B.T.; MAZZI, E.A.; CARVALHO, J.C.; OMETTO, J.P.H. B.; STECH, J.L.; NOVO, E.M.L.M. “Photoacoustic/dynamic chamber method for measuring greenhouse gas fluxes in hydroreservoirs”. Verhandlungen - Internationale Vereinigung für Theoretische und Angewandte Limnologie, v. 29, 2006. RAMOS, F.M.; STECH, J.L.; LIMA, I.B.T.; NOVO, E.M.L.M.; SILVA, C.M.; ACIREU, A.T.; LORENZZETTI, J.A.; CARVALHO, J.C.; BARBOSA, C.C.; ROSA, R.R. “Telemetric monitoring system for ecohydrology applications in aquatic environments”. Verhandlungen - Internationale Vereinigung für Theoretische und Angewandte Limnologie, v. 29, 2006. Artigos Publicados em Anais de Congressos: Incluir artigo do Demisio/IEEE/Canadá Incluir artigos ECC9 BELBRUNO, E.; FOLTA, D.; MACAU, E.E.N “Astrodynamics, Space Missions and Chaos”. AAAS Annual Meeting, 16 a 20/02/2006, St. Louis, Missouri, E.U.A. BORGAZZI, A.; ROSA, R.R.; MENDES Jr., O. “Characterization of nonlinear solat-terrestrial electrodynamics processes: the role of coronal catastrophic cooling on geomagnetic response”. SCOSTEP, Scientific Program for STP11, "Sun, Space Physics and Climate", mar/2006, Rio de Janeiro, RJ. BORGAZZI, A.; MENDES Jr., O.; ROSA, R.R. “High resolution dynamics of plasma flow in coronal loops”. Encontro Brasileiro de Física dos Plasmas, 8., nov/2006, Niterói, RJ. CAMPOS VELHO, H.F.; CARVALHO, A.; SOUTO, R.P.; BECCENERI, J.C.; SANDRI, S.A.; STEPHANY, S. “Fuzzy Ant Colony Optimization for Estimating the Chlorophyll Concentration Profile in Offshore Sea Water”. VI PanAmericano Workshop on Applied and Computational Mathematics (, 23 a 28/07/2006, Huatulco, México. CAMPOS VELHO, H.F.; DEGRAZIA, G.A.; NUNES, A.B.; SATYAMURTY, P.; ACEVEDO, O.C.; RIZZA, U.; CARVALHO, J.C. “Heisenberg’s Turbulent Spectral Transfer Theory for Sub-grid Parameterization in LES Models”. VI PanAmericano Workshop on Applied and Computational Mathematics (, 23 a 28/07/2006, Huatulco, México. CAMPOS VELHO, H.F.; SAMBATTI, S.B.M.; CHIWIACOWSKY, L.D. “Combining a parallel genetic algorithm with variational approach for assessing structural damage”. III European Conference on Computational Mechanics – ECCM-2006, 05 a 09/06/2006, Lisboa, Portugal. CARETTA, C.; ROSA, R.R.; RAMOS, F.M.; CAMPOS VELHO, H.F. “Turbulent-like Behavior in Cosmology”. V Workshop Nova Física no Espaço, 19 a 24/02/2006, Campos do Jordão, SP. CASSOL, M.; WORTMANN, S.; VILHENA, M.T.; CAMPOS VELHO, H.F. “Analytic Two-Dimensional Transient Atmospheric Pollutant Dispersion Simulation by Doublé GITT”. The Ninth International Conference on Integral Methods in Science and Engineering, 23 a 27/07/2006, Ontário, Canadá. CINTRA, R.S.C.; SILVA, J.D.S. “Artificial Neural Network to estimate Integrated Water Vapor using satellite data from HSB sensor”. 8th International Conference on Southern Hemisphere Meteorology and Oceanography, 24 a 28/04/2006, Foz do Iguaçu, PR. COSTA, A.M.; MENDES Jr., O.; DOMINGUES, M.O.; TRIVEDI, N.B.; SCHUCHR, N.J. “Analysis of two magnetic storms observed by magnetometers in the South Atlantic Magnetic Anomaly using wavelet”. SCOSTEP, Scientific Program for STP-11, "Sun, Space Physics and Climate", março/2006, Rio de Janeiro, RJ. CRAVO, G.L.; RIBEIRO, G.M.; LORENA, L.A.N. “A GRASP based on conflict graph for the point-feature cartographic label placement”. 19th International Symposium on Mathematical Programming, 30/07 a 04/08/2006, Rio de Janeiro, RJ. DOMINGUES, M.O.; GOMES, S.M. “Representação de funções usando o método SPR. ENspam06, ISEL, Lisboa, 2006. FRANCÊS, C.R.L.; SANTANA, M.J.S.; SANTANA, R.H.C.; VIJAYKUMAR, N.L.; CARVALHO, S.V. “Queuing Statecharts – Uma proposta de especificação para sistemas de filas baseadas em Statecharts”. XXXVIII Simpósio Brasileiro de Pesquisa Operacional – SBPO, 12 a 15/09/2006, Goiânia, GO. GAULT, J.; VIJAYKUMAR, N.L.; DEVOY, R. “On producing past wave climate for the Irish sea”. Littoral 2006, 18 a 20/09/2006, Gdansk, Polônia. GOMES, S.M.; DOMINGUES, M.O.; FERREIRA, P.J.S.; GOMIDE, A.; FERREIRA, J.R.; PINHO, P. “High order adaptative finite difference schemes for Maxwell’s equations”. VI PanAmericano Workshop on Applied and Computational Mathematics (, 23 a 28/07/2006, Huatulco, México. KIENBAUM, G.S.; FERNANDES, S. “Uma abordagem para EAD usando gestão de processos de simulação”. VII Ciclo de Palestras sobre Novas Tecnologias na Educação”, 11 a 13/07/2006, Porto Alegre, RS. MACAU, E.E.N.; GREBOGI, C. “Control of Chaos and its Relevancy to Spacecraft Steering”. AAAS Annual Meeting, 16 a 20/02/2006, St. Louis, Missouri, E.U.A. MAURI, G.R.; LORENA, L.A.N. “A General Multi-objective Model for Dial-aRide Problem Solved by Simulated Annealing”. 19th International Symposium on Mathematical Programming, 30/07 a 04/08/2006, Rio de Janeiro, RJ. MENDES Jr., O.; DOMINGUES, M.O.; COSTA, A.M. “Characterizing geomagnetic storms based on wavelet coefficients”. SCOSTEP, Scientific Program for STP-11, "Sun, Space Physics and Climate", março/2006, Rio de Janeiro, RJ. RAMOS, F.M.; LIMA, I.B.T.; ROSA, R.R.; MAZZI, E.A.; CARVALHO, J.C.; RASERA, M.F.F.L.; OMETTO, J.P.H.B.; ASSIREU, A.T.; STECH, J.L. “Extreme Event Dynamics in Methane Fluxes from Tropical Reservoirs”. ASLO 2006, 04 a 09/06/2006, Victoria, Canadá. MURARO JR. A., PASSARO, A., PRETO, A.J., STEPHANY, S. "Design optimization of lithium niobate modulators using a genetic algorithm". CILAMCE-2006, XXVII Iberian Latin American Congress On Computational Methods In Engineering, 03 a 06/09/2006, Belém, PA. RIBEIRO FILHO, G.; ARAKAKI, R. G. I.; AQUINO, M. P.; LORENA, L. A. N. “TerraNetwork: a Urban Street Network Analysis System”. GeoInfo2006, 19 a 22/11/2006, Campos do Jordão, SP. ROSA, R.R.; CAMILO, C.P.; GOMERO, G. “Análise de Padrões da Radiação Cósmica de Fundo e suas Implicações para Investigações da Topologia Cósmica”. V Workshop Nova Física no Espaço, 19 a 24/02/2006, Campos do Jordão, SP. ROSA, R.R.; KARLICKY, M.; ZANANDREA, A.; SYCH, R.A. “Observation and Analysis of Solar Loop Nonlinear Oscillations”. International Astronomical Union Symposium 233, 30/03 a 04/04/2006, Cairo, Egito. ROSA, R.R.; BORGAZZI, A.; MENDES Jr., O.; SAWANT, H.S.; FERNANDES, F.C.R.; KARLICKY, M. “The role of catastrophic cooling on geomagnetic response”. International Astronomical Union Symposium 233, 30/03 a 04/04/2006, Cairo, Egito. SOUZA, J.A.M.; SILVA, M.S.; FRANCÊS, C.R.L.; COSTA, J.C.W.A.; SEGATTO, M.E.V.; ANTONIO, F.R.; VIJAYKUMAR, N.L. “A feasibility study of PLC technology for digital inclusion”. VI International Telecommunication Symposium (ITS), 03 a 06/09/2006, Fortaleza, CE. TRONTO, I.F.B.; SILVA, J.D.S.; SANT’ANNA, N. “Uma investigação de Modelos de Estimativas de Esforço em Gerenciamento de Projeto de Software”. XX Simpósio Brasileiro de Engenharia de Software, 16 a 20/10/2006, Florianópolis, SC. VIJAYKUMAR, N.L.; RODRIGUES, M.F.R.; MORAES, T.A.; ROSA, R.R.; RAMOS, F.M.; GAULT, J.; DEVOY, R. “Application of gradient pattern analysis to hindcast of wind and ware datasets for Irish waters”. Littoral 2006, 18 a 20/09/2006, Gdansk, Polônia. Artigos Submetidos em Anais de Congressos: BECCENERI, J.C.; SANDRI, S. “Function optimization using ant colony systems with pheromone dispersion”. IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence, 16 a 21/07/2006, Vancouver, BC, Canadá. BECCENERI, J.C.; SANDRI, S.; LUZ, E.F.P. “Using ant colony systems with pheromone dispersion in the traveling salesman problem”. Hybrid Metaheuristics - HM 2006, Third International Workshop, 13 a 15/10/2006, Gran Canaria, Espanha. BECCENERI, J.C.; STEPHANY, S.; CAMPOS VELHO, H.F.; SILVA NETO, A.J. “Solution of the inverse problem of radiative properties estimation with the particle swarm optimization technique”. IPES-2006 – Inverse Problems in Engineering Seminar 2006, E.U.A. DERIAZ, E.; DOMINGUES, M.O.; PERRIER, V.; SCHNEIDER, K.; FARGE, M. “Divergence-free wavelets for coherent vortex extraction in 3D homogeneous isotropic turbulence”. CEMRACS 2006 – Randomness Modelling and Uncertainty Management, 24/07 a 01/09/2006, Marselle, França. DOMINGUES, M.O.; BROEMSTRUP, I.; SCHNEIDER, K.; FARGE, M.; KADOCH, B. “Coherent vortex extraction in 3D homogeneous isotropic turbulence using orthogonal wavelets”. CEMRACS 2006 – Randomness Modelling and Uncertainty Management, 24/07 a 01/09/2006, Marselle, França. DOMINGUES, M.O.; ROUSSEL, O. SCHNEIDER, K. “On space-time adaptive schemes for the numerical solution of partial differential equations”. CEMRACS 2006 – Randomness Modelling and Uncertainty Management, 24/07 a 01/09/2006, Marselle, França. GAMASSA, S.; SONNENDRÜCKER, E.; SCHNEIDER, K.; FARGE, M.; DOMINGUES, M.O. “Wavelet denoising of a 2D Particle-In-Cell code”. CEMRACS 2006 – Randomness Modelling and Uncertainty Management, 24/07 a 01/09/2006, Marselle, França. Resumos Publicados em Congressos: RAMOS, F.M. ; CAMPANHARO, Andriana Susana Lopes de Oliveira ; MACAU, Elbert e N . Characterization Of Chaotic Deterministic Dynamics In Atmospheric Time Series. . In: The 9th Experimental Chaos Conference, 2006, São José dos Campos. Anais do 9th Experimental Chaos Conference, 2006. RAMOS, F. M. ; MACAU, Elbert e N ; CAMPANHARO, Andriana Susana Lopes de Oliveira . Searching chaos and coherent structures in the atmospheric turbulence above the Amazon forest.. In: The 9th Experimental Chaos Conference, 2006, São José dos Campos. Anais do The 9th Experimental Chaos Conference, 2006., 2006. SILVA, W.M.; FERREIRA, N.G.; AZEVEDO, A.F.; ALMEIDA, E.C.; BALDAN, M.R.; TRAVELHO, J.S. “Synthesis of Diamond Films though Graphite Etching in a hot Filament CVD Reactor”. V Encontro da SBPMat, Brazilian MRS Meeting 2006, 08 a 12/10/2006, Florianópolis, SC. Apresentação em poster. Relatórios Técnicos: CINTRA, R.S.C; ESPINOZA, E.S. “O sistema de simulação de dados PSAS para o modelo global de circulação atmosférica do CPTEC e sua avaliação”. 2006, Relatório do INPE. CINTRA, R.S.C. “Preparação de dados de observações para o sistema de assimilação de dados PSAS do CPTEC”. 2006, Relatório do INPE.