Title of the presentation This is the subtitle


Title of the presentation This is the subtitle
SAP Travel Management
SAP ERP 6.0 with Enhancement Package 6
- Travel Planning-
SAP Travel Management
Product Management, SAP AG
After completing this presentation, you will be able to:
© SAP 2007 / Page 2
Explain all enhancements for Travel Management - Travel
Planning in SAP Enhancement Package 6 for SAP ERP
Understand the business value of each enhancement
SAP Travel Management
Technical Prerequisites
SAP ERP 6.0 + SAP Netweaver 7.0 EhP3
Enhancement Package 6 functionality to be activated using EhP Switch
 Business Function: FIN_TRAVEL_4
Integration of Third-Party Online Booking Tools
1. Travel Planning / Online Booking
Minor Enhancements to the Integration of Third-Party Online Booking tools (Sabre GetThere / Amadeus e-Travel
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Integration of Third-Party Travel Planning
Business Background:
The Corporate travel management business process demands an integrated solution for the
management of the full trip life cycle; pre-trip approval, online booking, and expense reporting.
In 2009, SAP’s strategy for SAP Travel Management made a significant change. SAP
partnered with the two global market leaders in online booking; GetThere by Sabre and eTravel Management by Amadeus.
Business Value:
Usage of best-in-breed online booking tools integrated in SAP environment
Combined end-to-end travel management solution
SAP reporting on GetThere / Amadeus eTravel data
Functional Details:
Generally speaking, the goal is that the integration of the Third-Party Travel Planning tools is
similar to SAP‟s Travel Planning solution. This includes topics like integration of SAP
employee HR master data, traveler profile, pre-trip approval (Travel Request), integration to
expense report, All My Trips, and SSO enablement
Travel Planning/Online Booking
Travel Request
Travel Planning
New functionalities
 Finalize integration of Third-Party Travel Planning Portals
 Travel Assistant for Amadeus e-Travel Management
 E-Travel batch program to retrieve PNRs
 Synchronization of lowest airfare on PDF
 Improved use of best of breed solutions
Integrated solution for the management of the full trip life cycle
Leverage existing functionalities in SAP, e.g. travel assistant (eTravel only) workflows, profile sync. and PDF
forms for travel itinerary and SSO
All functions also available within SAP Enhancement Package 5 for ECC 6.0
Travel Assistent for Amadeus e-Travel
Management: Book a Service „on behalf of“
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Travel Assistent for Amadeus e-Travel
Management: Changes Logged in Planning PDF
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e-Travel Management Batch Program to
Retrieve PNRs
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e-Travel Management Batch Program to
Retrieve PNRs: Example Booking
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e-Travel Management Batch Program to
Report GET_ETRAVEL_PNR for synchronizing booking data with the Amadeus
e-Travel Management database.
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e-Travel Batch Program to Retrieve PNRs:
Report Log after Trip Synchronization
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e-Travel Batch Program to Retrieve PNRs:
Approval Process
Workflow work item (UWL):
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e-Travel Batch Program to Retrieve PNRs:
Approval Process (con‘d)
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e-Travel Batch Program to Retrieve PNRs:
Approval Process (con‘d)
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Synchronization of Lowest Airfare on PDF
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Synchronization of Lowest Airfare on PDF
Booking in Amadeus e-Travel:
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Synchronization of Lowest Airfare on PDF:
© SAP 2007 / Page 18
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