Photo requirements for visa applications


Photo requirements for visa applications
Photo requirements for visa applications
Updated: Juli 2009
Since 1 November 2005, photographs for visa applications have to meet the same standards as those
applied on passport photographs.
The following requirements have to be fulfilled:
The photograph has to be a new one, taken recently.
The photograph needs to be sized 45mm x 35 mm.
The face has to be centred, features from the chin to hairline and both sides of the face
have to be clearly visible (from top to bottom the face must fill 70-80% (between 32 and 36
mm) of the photograph, front of head (including hair) must be completely visible without
shortening the size of the face )
The whole face must be clear, with proper contrast and sharpness.
Face must be well lit (with no flash reflections, shadows or red eyes).
The background must be uniform, light coloured without any patterns. It must provide a
good contrast with face and hair.
The photograph must provide a full front view of the face. No coverings of the head or
the eyes are allowed. A position with the head leaning or turned (e.g. half profile) is
Facial expression must be neutral and the mouth closed. Subject must look straight into
the camera.
The photographs must not be appended or clipped on the application, they have to be
loosely enclosed.
The photograph should be printed on high-quality paper (no creases or marks), be neutral
in colour and should represent natural skin tones.
Eyes must be clearly visible (reflections on glasses, tinted or sunglasses are unacceptable. Exceptions
are possible under medical grounds, please contact the Embassy in such cases). The edge of the
glasses or frame must not cover the eyes.
Small children
Photograph must show subject only (no other person or items permitted). Shadows on background are
For further clarification please consult the collection of specimen photographs available at, Bürgerservice. More information is available at the websites of the
Bundesdruckerei (Federal Printing Office), the Federal Ministry of the Interior
(, and the Federal Office for Information
Security (
Photo Stores
Until now, the Embassy knows the following photo stores that take the pictures according to the new
1) Photo Hall / Moszkva tér 3 / Budapest / Tel.: 212 3995 / Mo – Fr 08.00 – 18.00 Uhr /
Sa 09.00 – 13.00 Uhr
2) Fuji Foto Centrum / Magyar Jakobinusok tere 6 / 1122 Budapest / Tel.: 355 3546 /
Mo – Fr 08.00 – 20.00 Uhr / Sa 09.00 – 15.00 Uhr / So 09.00 – 13.00 Uhr
3) FUJI Foto Centrum / Lövöház u. (Mammut II/ 2. Etage) / 1014 Budapest / Tel: 345
8563 / Öffnungszeiten: Mo- Sa 9.00 - 21.00 Uhr, So 10.00 Uhr - 18.00 Uhr
Zoom Média / Körtér 65 / 9011 Györ
1) Belvárosi Fotószalon / Hunyadi u. 2 / 7621 Pécs / Tel.: 72 532 066
2) Fotoplus (in Árkád Pécs) / Bajcsy-Zsilinszky u. 7/a / 7622 Pécs / Tel.: 72 216743
Deutsche Botschaft Budapest – Rechts- und Konsularreferat –
Hausanschrift: Budapest I., Úri utca 64-66, Postanschrift: Pf. 43, H-1250 Budapest
Fax: 0036 1 4883 558 oder 570
Öffnungszeiten für Besucher:
Montag bis Freitag von 9.00 bis 12.00 Uhr, Donnerstag, 13.30 bis 15.30 Uhr
von Juni bis August zusätzlich von Montag bis Donnerstag, 13.30 bis 15.30 Uhr
sowie nach Terminvereinbarung
Auskünfte unter Telefon 0036 1 4883 500 oder per e-Mail an [email protected]