CAWI Print coverage REISE-aktuell Engl - CB
CAWI Print coverage REISE-aktuell Engl - CB
REISE aktuell / E: € 4,80 CAWI Print 2011: The Austrian coverage study of specific magazines – Association of GfK Austria Institute of Research and TMC The Media Consultants. / D: € € 4,00 Jhg. • A: REISE aktuell • 3/20 10 • 14. R A T I O N A L E R E 15. Jah I S rgang E M Ausgab A G e 1/2 A Z 011 Frü I N hling/S omme r · Ver triebsp ostam t A-1 060 Wie nA € 4,0 0· D € 4,5 0·E € 4,8 0 4,00 / D: € 4,5 0 / E: € 4,80 N A: € Jhg. • Hotel News N T E PS R N A T € 4,5 0 / D: zina 15. Jhg. • A: Fas ius de aw ay s • 2/2 011 • nd e Hi Bars tion + Ös terre ich Le Ma s de Da von + + Au f& oi Flug Ne ws + Ta iwa n+ ep Ober © Jaide bai / + Ind onesi en Kre uzfah rtsch iffe Foto FE ce A eaw ay m it F RN hö he für jed en usbli Stä dte urla S I N Mal la ir Indon Inie si en Anug en O 15. N Jahrg A ang L E Ausg R abe E 2/201 I S 1 So E mm M er/He A rbst G A · Ve Z rtrieb I N spos tam t A1060 Wien A€ 4,50 mit A &A T E R N A dive tm o sph ä re T s I O N A ck ube L ·D € 4,90 ·E € 5,3 0 r E R esien E I S E M A G A Z I N m it de Mum N or R E n War K oh di nd ie I S E an en S am n ui HID F ou E A W A r S ea Y S Hide Ne away so ns SP ue Kreus: Le S ey Lu xuE C I A L zfah Mas ch de el le rts chiff Pier M itt s tr iff s re el t e• Au , Hotem ee S til le Öf & S Da l Rirtz&en A dr K ul T E Rvo R n • Ur hoiaf • Fl ug S al in ar ik E I C H laub de Ne r Su ws F es zb ur ge am D on perla • Ho ts pi r La au tive tel Ne el so nd ka na • Re ws CIT mm l isen • Tipp er Lo nd Y - S H O mit s dem & Tren T on Is ta S iPho ds ne Łó dź nb ul –P ol en K Fo ur Ho tel Ne ws s- www .nai ade .com Diva 2.8 Se ason s Se yche Foto : Diva lles Mal + dive READERS PER COPY SPREAD Ma ldive s+ Indi en + Ko h Sa mui + ons, Seas : Four ÖST So nn E R R E I C Go ur en sk ila ufH m et am Be rg Sey D ie AGE OF READERS 8% 20-29 L e ic h ti g k e it der N a tu llen r ge n ie ß en HOUSEHOLD NET INCOME TARGET GROUP 3% 14-19 che re So uzf nn ah en rten ko sm • Rei etik se • T à la ipp C s & arte Tren • F ds lug N • R ew eise s • ap Hote oth ek l New e• Flu s • U gsu nte ch rwas mas se ch rkam inen er im as Ver • Bad gle ich emo de 46% male up to € 2.100,- ................19% € 2.100,- bis € 3.300,- .... 26% 49% 50-65 from € 3.300,- ................ 24% 16% 30-39 not specified ............... 31% 54% female 24% 40-49 coverage in different target groups topics of interest sailing / yachts / motorboats* wine insurances for accidents theatre travel, holiday packages to wine and dine / restaurants wellness health / medicine exhibitions / museum car tests and reports watches / jewellery cosmetics / beauty gardening / garden / balcony fitness fashion photography / video shooting TOTAL in 1,000 readers per issue in % in 1,000 178 606 400 758 2,230 1,638 1,465 1,734 904 1,205 658 928 1,522 1,230 1,280 1,069 3.9 3.5 3.4 3.4 3.2 2.9 2.8 2.7 2.6 2.6 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.2 2.1 8 25 16 30 82 56 48 54 27 36 19 26 43 34 33 26 farthest audience in % in 1,000 7.0 8.7 8.0 7.8 7.5 6.4 6.7 6.0 6.5 6.4 6.5 6.0 5.6 5.4 5.4 5.2 15 61 37 68 194 121 114 121 68 89 50 65 100 77 80 64 *REISE-aktuell has coverage of 3.9 % (8,000 Austrians) with all Austrians between 14 to 65 years, who are interested in sailing, yachts and motorboats (178,000). Source: CAWI-Print 2011, 5,000 online interviews, 14-65 years, GfK Austria, March-June 2011 1/2 119 Pierre H id Tu ne servi Seite er Suinpnspiel Diva D Skim REI Reiseode & Ac S ce à la M ec kleE A L A Carte ssoires • • Tip W irt sh nb ur g- C A R T E ps & Auf & Davoau Vo Trend n sk Kuslin • Ho ul tutelr rp om m er • ar Un News iktter n ipwa ps sserkam • De ss FER eras• ous • R E IS Erleb Mobil Ta iw N R E I S E nisSTie - T Iserat üd :EMa an P P i Gr B ra afr riim S an ka Urlau b • Flu Turismo CIT Jo rd si lie n Y- S g Ne ws H an Rü de OTS W ie n sh ei m I € 4,9 0 / E: TIP utler e Hot el S I SE- sivst Gew + Wi en + rau be A RE ISE aktu ell • 15. aktue ll • 1/2 011 REISE + Ös terrei ch Flug News REI Maurit + Au f & Da von + City-Sh ots + D Is la nd Irl an Po rtu d Kr oa ga l Sl ow tie n In di enen ie n At em be Mein B Das e xklu € 5,3 0 E RaEk tIuS elE l T RaEktu ISellE + Tipp s & T rends Schnup perkreu zfahrten on + & Dav Hotel News + Auf FER N Ind one R E I S E N Ken ya sie n CIT Y St. Pet - S H O T S Kur ztri ers bur g p nac h Bra tisl ava ÖST E Ne ue R R E I C & H Win teru exk lus ive Ski rlau b & Adv hot els ent mä KRE rkte U Sch nup Z F A H R T per kre uzf ahr E N ten ay Indo nesien + Hideaw Island N 1 Foto: I TR AU MR GE WIN EIS E ZU von 6.4 NE N – im We Sei te 40 ,- Eur o rt 96 11 Seite r pespiel n Su win ritius + Ken ya + S REI S Ho ngk E - T I P P ong & M S Abe nte aca u Fin nla uer reis en nd Ge AWARENESS based on the logo of the magazine A l D pie + Öst erreich ns FARTHEST AUDIENCE contact in the last 12 months 97 1,094,000 – 18.9 % awareness · E € 4,80 win 277,000 – 4.8 % farthest audience A € 4,0 0·D € 4,50 Seite 111,000 – 1.9 % readers per issue A-1060 Wien Ge READERS PER ISSUE probability, to be a reader of an average edition of a newspaper or magazine, during the publication frequency: coverage of print magazine RaEktIuS elE l RaEktI uS elE l RaEk tIuS elE l RaEktu ISelE l 4,50 14. Jahr gang Ausgabe 3/2010 Herbst/W inter · Vertriebs postamt REISE aktuell coverage in different target groups type of holiday cruise adventure holidays long-distance travel wine and culinary travel active holidays wellness holidays foreign countries / cultures city trips winter sports trip seaside holiday TOTAL in 1,000 readers per issue in % in 1,000 farthest audience in % in 1,000 208 157 410 135 723 1,269 1,077 1,672 534 2,120 5.5 4.8 4.8 3.5 3.2 3.0 2.9 2.9 2.6 2.2 13 9 23 6 27 45 37 56 16 54 12.1 11.9 11.5 8.1 7.2 7.4 7.5 6.7 7.2 5.8 29 22 55 13 60 108 94 130 45 142 1,023 2,249 2.4 1.4 29 36 6.1 3.8 72 99 854 1.826 2,9 2,3 29 48 7,3 5,5 72 117 1.795 1.618 231 230 275 314 2,1 2,3 4,3 3,9 2,7 3,7 44 42 12 10 9 13 5,3 5,7 10,9 8,2 6,6 8,9 111 107 29 22 21 32 3,9 3,8 2,3 2,1 2,4 1,9 2,8 20 15 68 40 76 103 11 9,3 9,1 5,6 5,1 5,8 4,8 6,5 47 36 165 94 182 256 27 holiday booking mainly travel agency mainly online holiday location Austria in winter Austria: seasons except winter Italy, Spain, Portugal, Greece, Cyprus, Turkey other European countries Asian countries Egypt, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco USA, Canada other countries outside Europe property (personal or household) wine cellar or conditioning cabinet 434 watch (from € 2,000) 339 cars purchased as a new car 2.556 supplementary health insurance 1.594 credit card 2.705 digital camera 4.580 holiday or weekend houses 353 Source: CAWI-Print 2011, 5,000 online interviews, 14-65 years, GfK Austria, March-June 2011 2/2