tr ans itio n to s us tainab le d ev e lo pment - Sustainable
tr ans itio n to s us tainab le d ev e lo pment - Sustainable
ISBN 978-952-60-0057-2 (print) 978-952-60-0058-9 (pdf) TransitioN to sustainable development 4 th sustainable summer school 2012 • Transition to sustainable development Photo: Katri-Liisa Pulkkinen 3 www.sustainable-summer-school-org EDITing and layout Katri-Liisa Pulkkinen CO-AUTHORS Najine Ameli, Anke Bernotat, Bernd Draser, Alastair Fuad-Luke, Nina Gellersen, gwendolyn kulick, Tiina Laurila, Michael Lettenmeier, Christa Liedtke, Eero Miettinen, Luzius Schnellmann, Paola Cabrera Viancha, Brigitte Wolf Photographs Najine Ameli, Anke Bernotat, gwendolyn kulick, Katri-Liisa Pulkkinen, Luzius Schnellmann TEXT EDITING Mark Willard ISBN 978-952-60-0057-2 (print) 978-952-60-0058-9 (pdf) Printed by Druckerei Lokay e. K., Reinheim 2013 conTents 1. Introduction 1.1.Transition to sustainable development 1.2. Process and Programme 1.3.DESIGNGUIDE BACKGROUND 2. Expert day 2.1.Mikko Jalas / slow and sustainable: contesting speed and busyness in everyday life 2.2.Satu Lähteenoja / From Global Champions to Local Loops 2.3.Milla Visuri / Introduction to liveable city and world design capital HElsinki 2.4.Hella hernBerg / Everyman's spaces – encouraging activity through design and planning 11 13–17 19–23 26–34 36–38 40– 45 46– 52 3. Workshops 3.1. Designguide and Methodology for Sustainable Design56–59 3.2.Sustainable Tourism: Travel, Trouble, Transitions 60–63 Concept: Reja-VU 64–65 Concept: Pop-up Suomenlinna 66–67 3.4.The aesthetics of simple living74–77 CONCEPT: CoSlow 78–79 CONCEPT: Livable city 80 CONCEPT: Zufriedenheit 81 CONCEPT: the universe of things 82 CONCEPT: awareness colouring book 83 3.5. rediscovering happiness84–88 CONCEPT: SUOMENLINNA WINTER ISLAND 89 CONCEPTS: REDISCOVERING HAPPINESS JOURNEY and MINISTERY OF HAPPINESS – Embedding happiness in government and public life 90–91 CONCEPT: HAPPY GREEN MOBIL 92–93 4. Participants and Partners 4.1.The Venue: Suomenlinna 4.2. Lucerne University 4.3. Folkwang University 4.4.Ecosign 4.5.University of Wuppertal 4.6.Aalto University 4.7.Wuppertal Institute 4.8.CSCP/Collaborating Centre on Sustainable Consumption and Production GmbH 4.9. Students 3.6.Reflections – The Advantage of Looking Back94–97 Sponsors 100 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 112 Photo: Luzius Schnellmann 3.3. Sustainable transition BY mobile services68–69 Concept: Connect 70–71 CONCEPT: Forage—Go Pick, Come Cook 72 CONCEPT: Story of our Stuff 73 The aim of the Sustainable Summer School is to gather design students from all over Photo: Luzius Schnellmann the world, to strengthen their awareness of environmental issues and enable them to evaluate the quality of sustainability. introduction Photo: gwendolyn kulick INTRODUCTION Tiina Laurila // 1.1. Transition to Sustainable Development Transition to sustainable development Tiina Laurila // Aalto university Helsinki was selected to host of the 4th Sustainable Summer School partly because of the city’s status as World Design Capital 2012 and partly because of the original German and Swiss Summer School organizers’ desire to expand the network. Aalto University’s master’s degree program in Creative Sustainability arranged for the Summer School to take place on picturesque Suomenlinna Island, a maritime fortress located off the coast of Helsinki. The special topic at the Sustainable Summer School 2012 was “Transition to Sustainable Development,” which included the role of design in developing sustainable urban tourism, mobility, well-being, and lifestyles. The Sustainable Summer School enables future designers to integrate different aspects of global responsibility into their thinking as well as their work. Furthermore, the themes of the World Design Capital 2012 were integrated into the Sustainable Summer School: the idea of the open city was represented in the workshops aimed at sustainable tourism development on Suomenlinna in cooperation with the local Suomenlinna Society. The ideas of product and service design and systemic thinking have played an essential role in the workshops at all the Sustainable Summer Schools to date, and they were again represented in Helsinki in 2012. The opportunity to work in multidisciplinary teams with university teachers and experts provided invaluable learning experience to students—who also enjoy the international and multicultural atmosphere. Photo: Luzius Schnellmann In addition to Aalto team, the organizers responsible for 2012 included Michael Lettenmeier from d-mat ltd as well as professionals from universities and research institutions, namely Brigitte Wolf from the University of Wuppertal, Christa Liedtke and Najine Ameli from the Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy, Bernd Draser from ecosign Academy for Design, Anke Bernotat from the Folkwang University of the Arts, Gwendolyn Kulick from Beaconhouse National University, and Nina Gellersen and Luzius Schnellmann from the Lucerne University of Arts and Design. To find out more about the 4th Sustainable Summer School: Transition to Sustainable Development, visit 11 12 INTRODUCTION Bernd Draser // 1.2. process and programme INTRODUCTION Bernd Draser // 1.2. process and programME Process and ProgramME Photo: Katri-Liisa Pulkkinen Bernd draser // ecosign/Academy for Design In late summer of 2012 Sustainable Summer School participants met together for the fourth time. However, it was the first time, partners, and expert guests from all over the world gathered not at the traditional venue of the Nikolaus Monastery in Germany but in Helsinki – the world’s Design Capital. The goal: developing innovative ideas and concepts for the “Transition to Sustainable Development”. But what is the story behind this event? There are currently two discourses of growing importance and complexity that dominate the present: the discourse of sustainability and the discourse of design, both of which pose the crucial questions of “What is a good life?” and “What do we have to do to achieve it?” Since 2009, the partners, participants, and visiting experts of the Sustainable Summer School have been seeking to create the answers to these questions. Sustainability requires the complex premises, conditions, and scope of a good quality of life for both existing as well as future generations – a high quality of life that takes into account all of the ecological, societal, cultural, and economic dimensions. Design is increasingly understood to be a discipline that shapes not only surfaces or messages, but entire complex value chains, life cycles, aesthetic processes, and societal interactions; design is developing the competence for integrative solutions – especially those concerning the difficult problems of our global present and future. Both of these discourses, design and sustainability, are intricate and changing discourses with multiple dimensions. As partners of the Sustainable Summer School, we aim to provide a creative environment for experiments in the areas of design and sustainability accompanied by an agile and processual understanding of both discourses. We aim to integrate the ecological and the social, the cultural and the technological, the resource and the time, as well as the aesthetic and economic dimensions of sustainable design. The core values The core values of the Sustainable Summer School shape our behaviour within the team of partners, within the workshops and discussions with experts, as well as our public appearance as we enter into a dialogue with civil and corporate society, the media, and politics. As a mobile think tank, the Sustainable Summer School creates awareness for the complexity of problems, challenges, and possible sustainable solutions, as there are no simple solutions for difficult problems. We intend to stay small and agile, for we believe in the growth of competence – not just in getting bigger. Our understanding of creativity is a space of freedom and innovation for all participants, but we also believe creativity means cocreativity, for we do not believe in patronising people with our solutions. We want to empower them to participate, to get involved, to become stakeholders, to take action and responsibility for themselves as well as for others. We want to evoke the spirit of changing things – and our bottom-up approach helps us to achieve this goal. 13 14 INTRODUCTION Bernd Draser // 1.2. process and programme INTRODUCTION Bernd Draser // 1.2. process and programME mental Spa Photo: Luzius Schnellmann majorities. The space to develop sustainable and resource efficient, high quality product-service systems. The space to overcome obsolete categories and fragmented thinking: exnovation. In terms of their personal and professional development, participants find plenty of inspiration and unique opportunities to build new and international networks and gain new perspectives and knowledge while learning and working in a cross-cultural and transdisciplinary environment in close contact with renowned scholars, experts, and representatives from the civil, political, and corporate realms. Participants learn to understand and handle complexity, achieve knowledge of action, and Benefits and goals for participants Since 2009, the Sustainable Summer School has attracted students in the field of design and related disciplines, graduates, young professionals, and experts from all over the world to come and experience the true meaning of sustainability while enhancing their international commitment. This is the time and place to develop a sense of places and their local issues, to learn new methods and tools geared towards sustainability, and to learn how to quickly create solutions! In this inspiring environment, participants find the space to work out eco-intelligent concepts and experiments and to conduct resilience studies that can function as models for Photo: Katri-Liisa Pulkkinen We aim to create conceptual and visionary solutions instead of merely filling markets with more objects, gadgets, and shallow needs. We offer a viral and experimental space to think and practice sustainability that goes beyond the same old paths and patterns. We foster a culture of diversity that extends beyond local, academic, cultural, and social boundaries. Our culture of diversity understands the diversity of approaches and methods, of disciplines and areas of expertise, and of academic and professional backgrounds. We implement diversity within our dialogueorientation: the workshops interact in terms of the dialogue among the participants and instructors and by deeply immersing the experts into the creative processes. are encouraged to take action. And last but not least, the Sustainable Summer School is the perfect place to have fun and meet interesting and inspiring people from all over the world in beautiful locations! Benefits and goals for partners The Sustainable Summer School offers the partners the perfect means of bundling excellence with sustainability and design, reaching tomorrow’s decision makers, and forming a nucleus of future problem solvers in order to enhance sustainability discourses. 15 16 By bringing together international students, professionals, experts, and teachers, we are creating a growing academic and international network for sustainable design, helping to shape our vision of creating a virtual design campus that both features and promotes a variety of tools, methods, approaches, and perspectives. From the very beginning, the Sustainable Summer School has chosen a meta-topic for each year in order to attract a diverse group of participants and experts. Changing perspectives on sustainability guarantee a comprehensive and diverse examination of sustainable developments. INTRODUCTION Bernd Draser // 1.2. process and programME The topics of the first five Sustainable Summer Schools can provide an idea of the complexity of the approaches. “Value Through Less” in 2009 suggested approaches of resilience. “Societies, Systems, and Swarms” in 2010 fostered systemic and transdisciplinary views. “Managing Sustainable Design” in 2011 focused on the implementation of sustainable design concepts. “Sustainable Transition” in 2012 considered the processes and mechanisms of sustainable change. Finally, the 2013 topic of “Culture(s) of Sustainability” suggested the exploration of cultural dimensions from various perspectives. Workshop programME – Daily outlines The official program of the workshop kicks-off at 17:00 on 25th August in Suomenlinna and ends on 1st September. The optional program days are 2nd and 3rd September. Saturday 17:00 The 4th SSS workshop starts at Suomenlinna Hostel with an informal get-together 18:00 Suomenlinna guided tour 19:30 Dinner, Restaurant Klubi20 21:00 Get-together and introduction to the Sustainable Summer School, Restaurant Klubi20 Sunday 8:30 Breakfast, Suomenlinna Hostel 10:15 Exhibition and film on Suomenlinna history, Visitor Center 12:30 Lunch, Restaurant Klubi20 14:00 Introduction to Aalto University and Designwalks Network, Pajasali venue 14:30 Introduction to the SSS concept, discussion, envisioning 15:00 Lecture on cultural sustainability, Bernd Draser 15:30 Break 16:00 Orientation to the workshops 18:00 Walking and talking 19:00 Evening meal, Hostel 20:00 Discussion Monday – WORKSHOP 8:30 Breakfast, Hostel 9:30 Welcome to Suomenlinna, Camilla Hanganpää, Governing Body of Suomenlinna 9:45 Michael Lettenmeier and Najine Ameli lecture on Resource productivity 11:45 Introduction to Design Guide 12:30 Lunch, Restaurant Chapman 14:00 Working with the Design Guide, Najine Ameli 15:00 Workshops 18:00 Walking and talking 19:00 Evening thoughts by Bernd Draeser 19:15 Evening meal, Hostel 20:00 Discussion Tuesday – WORKSHOP 8:30 Breakfast, Hostel 9:30 Workshops 12:30 Lunch, Restaurant Klubi20 14:00 Workshops 18:00 Walking and talking 19:00 Evening thoughts by Bernd Draeser 19:15 Evening meal, Hostel 20:00 Discussion (continues) Wednesday – EXPERT DAY 8:30 Breakfast, Hostel 10:00-10:40 Ferry trip from Suomenlinna and walk to World Design Capital Pavilion, Ullanlinnakatu 2-4, Helsinki. 11:00-16:00 SSS Expert Day "Transition to Sustainable Development" Public event – Lectures and discussions: Moderator Michael Lettenmeier. Director, D-mat ltd. 11:00 Introduction, Michael Lettenmeier 11:15 Slow and sustainable: contesting speed and busyness in everyday life by Mikko Jalas, Senior researcher Aalto University School of Economics, Department of Management and International Business 12:15 Empathetic Communities or Singular Super Champions? Sustainable Lifestyles in 2050 by Satu Lähteenoja, Researcher, UNEP/Wuppertal Institute Collaborating, Centre on Sustainable Consumption and Production (CSCP) | Demos Helsinki 13:15 Lunch at WDC Pavilion 14:00 Introduction to Livable City and World Design Capital Helsinki by Milla Visuri, Tourism Coordinator, World Design Capital Helsinki 2012 14:45 Everyman's spaces Encouraging activity through design and planning by Hella Hernberg, Architect, Urban Dream Management 15:30 Discussion with the experts 16:00 Visit to the Design Museum 17:30 Helsinki Tram Tour 20:00 Ferry to Suomenlinna from the Market Square Evening meal, Suomenlinna Hostel Thursday – WORKSHOP 8:30 Breakfast, Hostel 9:30 Workshops 12:30 Lunch, Restaurant Klubi20 14:00 Workshops 18:00 Walking and talking 19:00 Evening thoughts by Bernd Draeser 19:15 Evening meal at Hostel 20:00 Discussion Friday - WORKSHOP 8:30 Breakfast, Hostel 9:30 Workshops 12:30 Lunch, Restaurant Chapman 14:00 Workshops 18:00 Walking and talking 19:00 Evening thoughts by Bernd Draeser 19:15 Evening meal at Hostel 20:00 Discussion Saturday – PRESENTATIONS 8:30 Breakfast, Hostel 9:00 Presentations 13:30 Lunch at Klubi 20 14:00 »Tandem« feedback by student groups Documentation. Wrap-up 18:00 onwards: get-together, evening meal End of the 4th SSS program Sunday – Optional program 8:30 Breakfast, Hostel. WDC Helsinki Programme or a trip to Nuuksio National Park. Evening meal Monday – Optional program 8:00 Breakfast, Hostel. Check-out latest by 10:00. 9:10-10:00 By ferry from Suomenlinna, and heading to Arabia Campus of Aalto University, Hämeentie 135 C, Helsinki 10:00-12:00 On Monday morning it is possible to take part in a tour around the School of Arts, Design and Architecture, including a presentation about the Arabianranta Art and Design District. After these presentations, participants are encouraged to engage in a self-inspired walking tour around the Arabianranta Art and Design District. End of the optional program. 17 18 INTRODUCTION Najine Ameli, Michael Lettenmeier, Christa Liedke // 1.3. designguide background DESIGNGUIDE BACKGROUND Najine Ameli, Michael Lettenmeier, Christa Liedtke Design is no longer limited to questions of aesthetics “Our perception of design is changing, for design today is no longer concerned only with aesthetics. Now the key factors are interdisciplinary competence and approaches to problem solving” (Liedtke et al. 2013a). In addition to designing classical products, it is increasingly applied to creating and redesigning services, environments, experiences, and systems, a process which leads to the design of sustainable lifestyles. Politicians and businesses increasingly recognise these extended applications and increasingly use design as a driver for sustainable development (see also EU Commission 2009, see Liedtke et al. 2013a). Environmental Space Trends such as a growing world population, urbanisation, and increasing resource extraction and energy consumption (EEA 2012, IPCC 2008) illustrate the importance of the concept of a limited “environmental space” (Opschoor/ Costanza 1995, Schmidt-Bleek 1994, Liedtke et al. 2013b, Bringezu/Bleischwitz 2009). In general, environmental space refers to the amount of resources we can use without comprising future generations access. It needs to be regarded as a creative environment for the development of welfare and well-being (Spangenberg 1995). We know that resource extraction needs to be reduced globally by a factor of two (SchmidtBleek 1994, 2009). “Since western lifestyles generate wealth for less than 20% of the world population, but consume 80% of all resources globally, ways to generate wealth with some 10% of resources used now (or by a factor of 10 less) need to be invented” (Schmidt-Bleek 1994, 2000). This reduction in industrialised countries should be achieved without decreasing individuals’ quality of life, but it will change existing lifestyles dramatically (see Liedtke et al. 2012). Today we use approximately upwards of fifty to seventy tonnes of abiotic and biotic resources per capita per year (including soil movement or erosion) to support our lifestyles, and this needs to be reduced to eight tonnes in the future (Lettenmeier 2012b). Some individuals use more than 100 tonnes (Lettenmeier et al. 2012a). This change requires a basic transformation process. We have to design and experiment in our own way while learning from each other how individuals, social peer groups, and institutional frameworks test and implement low-resource lifestyles while increasing individual and societal quality of life, develop status symbols, and tell stories that can illustrate to others the overall progress towards sustainability (Liedtke et al. 2012, Stengel et al. 2008, Geibler 2012). Within environmental space all humans are free to design their own way of life, or they can “buy” parts of environmental space from other persons if they themselves do not need it. At present, however, all citizens of western and emerging countries use more than this amount, for they normally use two to ten Earths to support their own well-being (Wackernagel/ Beyers 2010). Sustainability Indicators In order to achieve this goal of creating the same level of welfare while using less resources, most countries have formulated their own sustainability strategies, for the common idea of sustainability as defined by Brundtland (1987) is very vague. The consequence is a variety of different strategies and policy recommendations for sustainable development within national borders and institutional boundaries that create a patchwork of indicators to support these strategies (see Liedtke et al. 2013). Depending on the circumstances, countries prioritise different aspects of sustainability in their agenda. For example, developing nations focus on economic growth, which often is measured in GDP per capita, while industrialised countries tend to prioritise ecological aspects in their sustainability strategies and hence employ indicators such as emissions or material requirements. Sustainable design must consider the appropriate indicators and strategies in order to successfully implement the service/product in the targeted area. The Designer as change agent In order to reach the “Factor 10” goal (Schmidt-Bleek 1994, 2009), it is no longer enough merely to develop products that are more efficient (Seiler-Hausmann et al. 2004, Schmidt-Bleek 2009, Weizsäcker 2009; Schaltegger 1992). We also need to change consumer behaviour (Liedtke et al. 2012, Schneidewind and Palzkill 2012). Sustainable design thus needs to systematically implement its own concepts by focusing on consumers’ lifestyles, for social interaction requires an appropriate level of consumption (Warde 2005, Liedtke et al. 2012, Stengel et al. 2008). Therefore, transition processes (Geels and Schot 2007, Kemp and Loorbach 2006) are necessary in several key areas. As design now is considered a “mediator and formative element in necessary transition processes” (Liedtke et al. 2013), the designer must begin to act as a change agent in order to trigger these processes of change (Kristof 2010, Bliesner et al. 2013). They usually set to work in innovative niches that have the potential to overthrow established socio-technical regimes. The multi-level perspective allows designers to interlink a micro-level approach with consequences at the meso- and macrolevels (see Giddens 1984 for a theoretical basis, Howaldt/Schwarz 2010 regarding the diffusion processes of social innovations, and Baedeker 2012 on regional learning networks). This is a precondition that will enable changing patterns of action to become enduring new social practices and routines (Reckwitz 2002, Brand 2010, Røpke 2009, Warde 2005). Consequently, designers have to start thinking outside the existing box and focus on “subject orientation (the person)” and “service units instead of material products” (Liedtke et al. 2013). This means searching for new system-solutions to produce sustainable product and service arrangements that can trigger sustainable lifestyles (Schmidt-Bleek et al. 1997, Charter/Tischner 2001, Liedtke et al. 2013b, Laschke et al. 2011). 19 20 INTRODUCTION Najine Ameli, Michael Lettenmeier, Christa Liedke // 1.3. designguide background As designers have been identified as key enablers for sustainable transition, there is a fundamental need for applicable methods that sustainability orientated designers can refer to during the design process. It is important that designers learn to apply the right tools and methodology at an early stage of their education and professional career. The DesignGuide (Liedtke et al. 2013a), edited by the Wuppertal Institute, is a tool for designers that provides background information and practical strategies for implementing aspects of sustainability into design. It presents knowledge that encourages teachers and students to actively engage in sustainability transitions. It is constantly in a state of user-integrated, further development. The main idea behind the DesignGuide is to foster designers’ intrinsic motivation to work in a systemoriented, inter- and transdisciplinary fashion over the course of their career. “The aim of this design guide is to provide background information, an assessment catalogue, and a toolset for the integration of sustainability aspects into the design process. It enables designers to integrate these into their workflow through methods which support and accompany the design process without restricting creativity. The background information enables a broader look at relevant topics. The tools can easily be implemented in the design process through combinations of tasks. The toolset is composed of different steps that change depending on whether a concrete product, concept, or a sustainability vision is to be developed.” (Liedtke et al. 2013a) The different tools are based on a common, modular system and mixed methods which allow them to be implemented individually in a step-by-step process (see Liedtke et al. 2013a) “This ensures that the design guide remains a universal catalogue of methods for designers.” (Liedtke et al. 2013a) This multi-faceted base of knowledge is necessary to ensure designers are qualified to make the right decisions in their present and future development (lifelong educational approach) (Bliesner et al. 2013). Once we understand sustainable transitions as a transdisciplinary learning process, reliable results should be developed using active research design, and all actors in the relevant fields within a social system need to be qualified and develop new competencies. Accordingly, the Wuppertal Institute uses the methods of “Open Development Scenarios (ODS)” and “Open Didactic Development” (ODD) to prepare research results for didactic concepts. Learning modules and media are developed in an interactive process with these actors and this DesignGuide can be understood as just such an interactively developed didactic tool. Finally, companies’ needs and the developmental work of designers in the R&D process need to be better matched. Photo: Katri-Liisa Pulkkinen Designguide – a toolset 21 Conclusion Products and services are a part of lifestyles, and design must consider them systemically rather than individually (Warde 2005, Laschke et al. 2011). The focus must be on the services that can stimulate sustainable lifestyles rather than sustainable objects, because strategies focusing solely on efficiency will never be successful unless they are accompanied by strategies to enhance social innovations that can foster a paradigm shift in consumption patterns (Liedtke et al. 2012, Welfens et al. 2008). However, encouraging consumers to behave sustainably requires their participation in the social learning process. The provision of knowledge in an integrative and educational manner is therefore a key prerogative when it comes to the cultivation of sustainable lifestyles (Welfens et al. 2008, EU Commission 2009). Such an approach supports the design of socio-technical innovations and promotes transition processes (Green and Vergragt 2002, Rotmans and Loorbach 2010). Design can make an important contribution to transition processes on the path towards the sustainable transformation of society. In order for this to occur, we need the appropriate instruments and must ensure the inter- and transdisciplinary integration of these processes of development. INTRODUCTION Najine Ameli, Michael Lettenmeier, Christa Liedke // 1.3. designguide background Photo: Katri-Liisa Pulkkinen References: Baedeker, C. (2012): Regionale Netzwerke: gesellschaftliche Nachhaltigkeit gestalten – am Beispiel von Lernpartnerschaften zwischen Schulen und Unternehmen. München: oekom verlag. Bliesner, A. et al. (2013): “Change Agents für Nachhaltigkeit”. Zeitschrift Führung + Organisation, 1, pp. 49–53. Brand, K. W. (2010): “Social Practices and Sustainable Consumption: Benefits and Limitations of a New Theoretical Approach”, In: Gross, M. and Heinrichs, H. (eds.), Environmental Sociology: European Perspectives and Interdisciplinary Challenges, Springer, Dordrecht/Heidelberg/London/New York, pp. 217–234. Bringezu, S. and Bleischwitz, R. 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In: GAIA, 1, pp. 26–30. Stengel, O. et al. (2008): “Theorie und Praxis eines Bildungskonzeptes für Nachhaltigkeit”. In: Umweltpsychologie, 2, pp. 29–42 Tischner, U. et al. (2000): Was ist EcoDesign?: Ein Handbuch für ökologische und ökonomische Gestaltung. Frankfurt am Main: Verlag form praxis. Wackernagel, M. and Beyers, B. (2010). Der Ecological Footprint. eva Warde, A. (2005): “Consumption and Theories of Practice”. In: Journal of Consumer Culture, 5(2), pp. 131–153. Weizsäcker, E.U. (2009): Factor Five: Transforming the Global Economy. London. Welfens, M.J., C. Liedtke and I. Schäfer (2008): “Encouraging Sustainability – Educational Program for Civil Society”. In: International Textbook Research, 30(2), pp. 659-671. 23 Photo: Najine Ameli expert day 26 Expert day Mikko Jalas // 2.1. Slow and sustainable: contesting speed and busyness in everyday life 27 slow and sustainable: contesting speed and busyness in everyday life The text that follows is a translation by Paola Cabrera Viancha (MA) of the original Finnish text by Mikko Jalas “Kiireestä, kellosta ja kalenterista” (Of Busyness, the Clock, and the Calendar) published by Gaudeamus in 2011 which formed a chapter of the book "Kaikki irti arjesta" (in English something similar to Stripping out the Everyday). Mikko Jalas has reviewed the translation and Gaudeamus have given their permission for its publication in the 4th Sustainable Summer School report. Of Busyness, the Clock, and the Calendar Even though our amount of leisure time has increased, people find themselves increasingly busy. Many new products and services have been designed to save time and make everyday life easier. Fast-food, freezers, digital satellite receivers, mobile movie tickets, e-transactions, and the concentration of services in shopping malls not only save time and make daily life more flexible, but they also change our relationship with time itself. Time becomes more compressed. We end up having both more free time and more tools aimed at easing and smoothing daily life, and at the same time we feel that we are all the busier. However, the paradox between timesaving and busyness does not alone explain busyness. Generally we can say that daily life is hectic because we now face multiple stimuli and opportunities to participate in different shared practices. In the market economy, our role is that of the consumer, using and wearing out products and consuming services. But citizenship, too, is action. Political participation demands time. Furthermore, maintaining social relationships within families, local communities, and circles of friends requires both participation and sharing time with others. In our society, plenty of activities are on offer and all of them compete for time. Time-saving technology is thus an obvious strategy for solving the problem of busyness, but at the same time it is just as obvious that it cannot be completely eradicated. The relationship to time and its organization varies greatly from society to society. Writing about busyness, the clock, and the calendar inevitably presupposes some positioning. Considering alternatives to time and busy life rhythms only makes sense in certain contexts. I begin by presenting the generalized time orientation in modern society as well as ponderings on rhythmicity. I then offer a revision of the policies of time and busyness. Time policies that emphasize the momentary and presence lead me to ask in the end how nevertheless we could collectively think and anticipate the future. Photo: Najine Ameli Mikko jalas 28 Expert day Mikko Jalas // 2.1. Slow and sustainable: contesting speed and busyness in everyday life The structure of time in modern society The word “modern” has quite a number of connotations. Regarding time and rhythms in society, “modern” is associated with mechanization, increase in the speed of movement and life’s paces, and reduction of distances. Yet “modern” also refers to a certain sense of time, a way in which the modern human understands history and perceives the future while opening up paths for progress and pursuing advancement and change. Modernity entails however another, more obvious understanding of time: not only are time and industriousness valued, but they are also traded. The markets for time are created in modern society. Efficiency and performance are increasingly measured as they relate to time, and time has become a commodity to be bought and sold in the labour market. In the formal economy time is then traded as work. It can equally be said that time is both commoditized and commercialized as services. There is a long history behind this transformation of time into an asset of exchange. In his work on the origins of the English working class, historian Edward Thompson describes this transformation, claiming that the birth of the labour market, the more precise measurement of time, and the commodification of time resulting from industrialization changed people’s “orientations” (1967). According to Thompson, before the arrival of industrial labour, one could speak of “task-orientation” focusing on the recurrent fulfilment of life’s basic needs. In Thompson’s view, task-orientation describes traditional societies in which there is no clear division between work and leisure and in which work is not performed according to predefined plans but is instead aimed at meeting life’s immediate requirements. The new manufacturing techniques brought about by industrial capitalism and labour markets demand regularity and discipline, and Thompson describes this phenomenon as “time-orientation.” One precondition for time-orientation is the more precise measurement of time and the diffusion of the clock. Further, Thompson argues that the puritanical capitalist ethos and the moral value of industriousness were just as essential in the establishment of time-orientation. Time and the moral valuation of industriousness created the foundation for workers’ self-discipline and made possible the introduction of hourly-based wages in which the worker’s disciplined and reliable labour input was itself a commodity that could be traded. Time-orientation is also linked to the image of the modern individual, which emphasizes his or her own responsibility and reflects the broader freedoms and opportunities offered by modern society. Discipline is therefore not necessarily exercised by example, given by the employees, the employers or the capitalists, but is instead exercised in relation to the self. The planningand goal-orientation of daily life is about self-development, and self-discipline to pursue. Modern time-orientation can also be described as future-orientation, in which the freedoms and responsibilities aimed at the efficient use of time subordinate the present to the future. In modernity, each individual is granted plenty of responsibilities as well as control over his or her own future: individuals are increasingly the crafters of their own happiness. Control of one’s own life is deemed an irrefutable human right. The busyness of organised life, carrying out one’s own free will, and self-leadership appear simultaneously as both a right and a duty, and this is related to the individual’s various means of managing, planning, and leading his or her own future. Freedoms and opportunities make modernity a flexible, speculative, and futureoriented era. The rigid time structures of the everyday The rational use of time is a normative ideal in pursuit of a decent and worthy human life. However, our days are not as flexible as the commodification of time would seem to require. We have little flexibility in how we choose our number of working hours, for example. The same logic applies in many other daily practices: you are either fully engaged or not at all. Being actively engaged always entails exigencies and consequences, which also means that decisions related to time usage are fragmented in both past and future. For example, the decision to help establish a hobby club creates responsibilities in the future as well. Thus we can speak of transverse structuration or determination of time. For example, urban or inhabited rural areas and functional entities significantly structure the use of time. Time’s demands consequently constitute indefinite and large entities which are therefore difficult to manage. Oftentimes the everyday is not about the rational use of time, optimization, and farsightedness but bare survival. In this sense, busyness can be understood as the opposite of flexibility and the rigorous planning of time usage. We are involved in a large number of different social practices, each of which has its own time structure. In a family, for example, parents are tied to the rhythms of work, school or child-care, and the children’s leisure activities. Furthermore, the everyday determines weekly and yearly rhythms such as those brought about by holidays. These time structures can be rigid in and of themselves, but in the everyday lives of individuals they always form different combinations. We therefore live in a situation with varying configurations of time in which busyness arises from the need to engage with and adapt to existing time configurations defined by others. Everyday flexibility is an essential feature contributing to busyness, for totalizing or well managed rhythms actually stabilize actions in everyday life and eradicate busyness. Adaptation to natural rhythms is an example. In these rhythms practical busyness might be necessary in order to finish the tasks related to each part of a day or each season of the year, yet unlike the flexible and general everyday, such tasks do not create abstract busyness and do not pressure us to make “the best possible use” of time. Social rhythms can also be stabilizing. Lewis Mumford, a philosopher of technology from the United States, uses the monastery as example of how humans create a strictly regulated and clocked social rhythm of behaviour for themselves that is independent of natural rhythms. A comparable rhythm of social life was created later for industrial work in which the factory whistle and the watchtower regulated human activity. Well-managed individual rhythms or time configurations thus allocate and distribute time. However, the modern society of multiple options is a rather rigid welter of overlapping time configurations through which each individual has to make his or her own way. British sociologist Dale Southerton has pointed out that many researchers examining busyness and time use tend to idealize earlier societies, and Thompson’s distinction between task- and time-orientation is certainly a part of the same tradition. According to Southerton, it is clear that life in England in 1937, for example, 29 30 Expert day Mikko Jalas // 2.1. Slow and sustainable: contesting speed and busyness in everyday life was very busy, and families certainly spent no more time together than they do nowadays. The rhythms of family members were nevertheless far more predictable than they are today. Busyness per se has not increased, but the hectic nature of modern life arises rather from the need to coordinate and combine diverse routine tasks and opportunities. The clock and the significance of the calendar Shared calendar rhythms ensure our use of time is predictable and enable the establishment of routines. For example, Monday is a day when many of my colleagues are at work, and I can expect them to answer my emails. It is equally certain that my friends will not propose celebrating a birthday on a Monday evening – Saturday is much more practical. Saturday afternoons are in great demand, at least in families with children, for it is often the children’s only day without scheduled hobbies and leisure pursuits. My friends surely know that I will hardly get away from my family on Saturdays. On my calendar, and in those of many other scholars in my research community, Fridays are usually reserved for reading circles, seminars, or writing work. The calendar affords structured planning of time usage and events in the near future, and therefore it is the calendar itself that coordinates life. Thus the calendar, when it functions as intended, in part decides for us what we must do and facilitates cooperation. The capacity of the calendar to coordinate social life has nonetheless decreased as our use of time has become more flexible. The previous examples apply only to a very limited group of people. For example, work times have blurred, and for some work comes in snippets according to shifts. For others the variability of work is self-created: “I’ll leave work as soon as I am able,” or the other way around, “I’m working today for as long as I can.” Others do not have a job which might bring such routines to their everyday. The transformation of Sunday into a day of business and commerce is a new and concrete example of the dissolution of the calendar rhythm. Although such a change only directly affects the time usage of a particular occupational group, there are clearly knockon effects to other occupational groups and recreational consumers. Given the fostered freedom of the modern individual, it can be argued that everyone should have the right to determine the own calendar rhythm, meaning that no collective holidays should be necessary. On the other hand, it is precisely flexible time that is the time of capitalism. A shopping centre closed on a Sunday represents sheer waste and idle capital; its very nature is to be productive and active. The weakening of collective rhythms creates the need to negotiate time and everyday practices again and again. Another manifestation of the same phenomenon is the need for allocating time itself. We seek to keep time for the family, give it to our friends, or reserve it for intensive work. In the following I will deal with time politics, private and public negotiation of calendar rhythms, and busyness. Time policies and the slow movements Our relationship to time has become both a private concern and a topic of public conversation. Time management is one of those basic elements of life management by which our social aptness is defined. Physical condition and calendar neatness speak to the same extent of a self-managed individual within an existing order. On the one hand, busyness can reach pathological levels: some are so busy that they never get anything done. Over-busyness is a socially acknowledged risk much like idleness, extreme leisure, or lack of busyness. On the other hand, we are fascinated by nostalgic notions of the regular rhythms of past societies, for in those societies time management and working at the right pace is organized collectively and hence do not constitute reason for individual anxiety. A number of political struggles focus on time and rhythm. Most obvious of these are the efforts of the labour movement to define working hours, work content, and work compensation. The labour movement have indeed played an important role in defining time policies and in undertaking and achieving the reorganization of the calendar and the shortening of work shifts. Nonetheless, it has been argued that at present the movement’s goals and demands have more to do with wages than with work time. For example, Gary Cross, a historian writing on the labour movement in the United States, has pointed out that the campaign for a three-day work week existed as early as the 1920s. The 1929 recession and World War II led to the stabilization of workers’ earning capacity and an improvement in wages as the trade unions’ main objectives. At present, the current debate surrounding the raising of the retirement age in Finland has again resulted in the labour movement becoming actively involved in policies regarding working time. A number of new “slow movements” are also playing a role in the policies and politics of time and life rhythm. Even though these are quite modest compared to the labour movement’s history and standing in society, Slow Food – a pioneer of the slow movements – is a brand or principle that many recognize and acknowledge, for example. Following in the wake of this model that focuses on food and its production, many other slow movements also demand good jobs for workers, a quiet way of life, and sociability, and they also take a clear stand regarding leisure time outside of work life. The movements value quality design, architecture, and gastronomy as anchors of time and enablers for slowing down the pace of life. The obvious subject of these discussions of deceleration is obviously an educated and sufficiently prosperous middle class, and it is precisely for this class that a proper balance between work and leisure and the meaningfulness or aesthetics of everyday life experiences are key issues. The slow movements also pursue broader social criticism and argue that busyness and the flattening of the everyday experience concerns society as a whole. The idea behind the movements is that a time policy derived from individual experiences can better succeed in fostering broader sustainable development and social equality. A slower pace of daily life is one way of understanding the demand for moderate consumption and a restrained use of natural resources. The proponents of slow design maintain that quality design has the power to steer people toward appreciating the moment and the multifaceted world of the senses. It offers an opportunity to break away from disposable culture, in which the flow of goods and services is so fast that people do not have the time to form a relationship with their material environment. According to the slow movement criticism, rather than being too materialistic 31 32 Expert day Mikko Jalas // 2.1. Slow and sustainable: contesting speed and busyness in everyday life we relate too little, or too indifferently and instrumentally, toward nature, our material physical environment, and our own bodies. Generally speaking, slow movements can be said to raise the question of where and how we feel at home, and in what kind of activities are we “placebound” – even for a moment – as opposed to being in a permanent state of wanting, something, new. The planners of urban environments thus take part also in time planning and time policy. Pace in urban public space is to some extent a design question. More radical expressions of the egalitarian aims of slow movements are local time banks and time currencies. These have arisen without public control. In the international time bank consortium there are already hundreds of individual schemes, including several dozens in Finland. The guiding principle of time currency is that everyone’s time has the same value. In time-bank schemes, services are exchanged in a way that each participant can offer his or her own work, skills, and expertise to the other members in the network and in return receive suitable services from among those on offer in the network. Money is not used as a medium of exchange in time banks. Perhaps the most interesting feature of time banking is that it promotes our understanding of the relationship between time orientation and the structures of power. In time banks people exchange their time and labour without setting qualitative differences in terms of skills, productivity, or value of work. It thus represents a system that is similar to workers’ conditions in early factories, in which the human body was just a part of the factory’s production machinery and skills per se did not really matter. The factory worker sold only his or her physical manpower. In time banks, interchangeable work contributions implement the same principle, but the relationships between people are egalitarian. For this same reason manpower alone or the placing of one’s body for another’s use is accepted and valued. Time banking is based on an exchange relationship, and contrasts with the time that is shared and given in close relationships as demonstrations of attachment and affection. Who cares about the future? Our modern sense of time and the multitude of choices to be made lead us to ponder and foresee the future. Furthermore, the time banks’ politics of time that seek out deceleration and notions of everyday aesthetics unavoidably lead to the question of how these transitory and localized approaches are able to care for the future. How, for example, could a prompt global mitigation of climate change be possible if our actions are temporally and geographically guided by much shorter-term objectives? The direct answer to this is based on the slow movements’ criticism of continuous growth of the economy and of consumption: behaviour that is fixed on experience and the present moment fosters, by its very nature, a modest co-existence with nature. The paradigm of slowing down life’s pace also constitutes a radical proposition that challenges existing power structures. Slow movements are therefore also a viable political choice for those who doubt the ability of science, technology, and politics to anticipate and resolve environmental problems. In this sense, the best opportunity for solving the problems of the future lies in focusing on ideas that are reasonable and meaningful and on finding solidarity in the present moment, in physical experiences, the multifaceted sensorial world, and a limited space. This way of working and thinking is a radical deviation from that of modern society and existing conceptions of time. A more convoluted and modern answer stems from the idea that institutions do the planning on our behalf in liberal societies. Think, for example, of how we commit to climate change mitigation at the institutional level, and thus adopt a future-oriented stance, by which everyday life actions and practices need to be assessed on the basis of longterm consequences. When climate policy functions in the same way as imperative or normative institutions, it simultaneously allows for individuals to focus on the present and appreciate the moments in their own everyday life. Scorned, short-sighted, irrational, and hedonistic consumerism does not pose a problem if we can make far-sighted, intelligent commitments as climate citizens every now and then. On the contrary. For example, the concept of “ascetic hedonism” used by the Finnish environmental association Dodo may refer to the informed enjoyment and stratification of temporal orientations as different ways of being an individual person. According to this pair of contradictory notions, we should simultaneously commit to limiting consumption in light of a threatening image of the future and nevertheless continue to enjoy our daily routines – which inescapably also have need of material conditions. The combination of these two stances produces a new kind of political actor who is able to appreciate his or her own experiences, embodiment, and existence, and at the same time distance him or herself from them. Such a life consists of getting by without a clock, the ability to enjoy, and an awareness of time orientated to the future. *** Everyday time is a multidimensional phenomenon. Often it is marked by busyness, but the cause for busyness is not only modern pressure to be useful and effective. The use of time is indicative of a powerful collective rhythm which “decides” on our behalf what we should do in our daily lives. In this case, busyness is not just an abstract, empty, yet useful condition. A more plausible explanation for busyness is our everyday adherence to the overlapping of rhythms and the resulting need to continuously reconcile and negotiate everyday life. Busyness thus results from both the need and the opportunity to participate in such rhythms which do not give in to our own desires. The resistance against busyness and the politics of time have been matters of the labour movement for over a hundred years. The new politics of time are based on the observation that busyness cannot be combated merely by shortening working hours, for the imperatives to consume and to participate also drive free time, for instance. The new slow movements are by nature “middle-class,” as they stress the moderation of both work and consumption. Rhythm, busyness, and slowness are themes which continue to lead to a radical criticism of society and renewed calls for equality. What can individuals do to tame busyness and to support the management of their own time and life? One of the main claims of this contribution is that busyness and the imperative to make oneself useful are ideological notions that permeate society as a whole. Can these be opposed? In my opinion it is clear that busyness has to be resisted in many different simultaneous ways. We should be able to modify our lifestyles in such a way that we can function with and simply live on less. At the same time we should collectively be able to ensure our flexible participation in the labour 33 34 Expert day Mikko Jalas // 2.1. Slow and sustainable: contesting speed and busyness in everyday life 35 market and individually learn to live by working part-time and irregularly. However, we should also understand and deconstruct the ways in which we are coerced by the market economy into (the imperatives of) participating and being useful. This requires the ability to examine needs and also a form of social environment in which the present moment is sufficiently valued. In this manner, agency is returned to the individual, and we need not be the mere recipients of services produced by the market. The round table of the Slow Food movement, where food is prepared, eaten, and conversation about food and politics happens, is a fitting image. The setting, and the sitting, last all night, of course. Jalas, M. (2011). Kiireestä, kellosta ja kalenterista [Of busyness, the clock and the calendar (P. Cabrera V., Trans., 2013)]. In L. C. Andersson, I. Hetemäki, R. Mustonen & A. Sihvola (Eds.), Kaikki irti arjesta, pp. 105-118. Helsinki, Finland: Gaudeamus. Sources and further reading Cross, G. (1993). Time and Money: The Making of Consumer Culture. London, England: Routledge. Mumford, L. (1963). Technics and Civilization. San Diego, California, USA: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich. (Originally published in 1934). Southerton, D. (2009). “Re-ordering Temporal Rhythms. Coordinating Daily Practices in the UK in 1937 and 2000.” In: E. Shove, F. Trentmann, and R. Wilk (eds.), Time, Consumption and Everyday life. Practice, Materiality and Culture (pp. 49–63). Oxford, England: Berg. Thompson, E. P. (1974). “Time, Work-discipline, and Industrial Capitalism.” In M. W. Flinn and T. C. Smout (eds.), Essays in Social History (pp. 39–77). Oxford, England: Clarendon Press. Photo: Katri-Liisa Pulkkinen REFERENCES 36 Expert day Satu Lähteenoja // 2.2. From Global Champions to Local Loops From Global Champions to Local Loops Satu Lähteenoja // researcher, Demos Helsinki Imagine your life thirty-seven years from now. Imagine life in a sustainable world in which we have achieved One Planet Living. What does your life look like? What are the things you can’t live without? What does your surrounding environment look like? What do people eat and where are the best places for an ice cream on a hot day? Do people even eat ice cream any more? Difficult to imagine, isn’t it? That’s why we created four potential future scenarios that examine what sustainable lifestyles can look like in 2050 as well as the pathways leading towards them. Our scenarios are neither predictions nor forecasts, but they instead seek to explore the most extreme possibilities in order to help policy makers and designers, for example, to think what is now “unthinkable”. Our scenarios present different options for sustainable living choices across Europe. Singular super champions Governing the commons In the scenario Singular Super Champions, Europe has made the leap to a new type of sustainable, competitive, and equitable economy as a result of the enactment of numerous treaties, declarations and official goals beginning in 2035. Clean technology and upcycling businesses flourish as sustainability becomes the business opportunity of the century. The Europe of Singular Super Champions is a society that celebrates an ethos based on learning, achieving, and self-mastery. Governing the Commons is a scenario primarily based in digital reality. Ubiquitous computing enables the smart use of resources and simultaneously redirects people’s behaviour and attention from material consumption to interaction in the digital realm. People abandon many of the twentieth century’s institutions, liberate themselves in order to lead more meaningful lives, and engage in new forms of collaboration. 37 Local Loops Empathetic Communities Local Loops is a scenario in which a radical energy crisis forces societies to fundamentally re-evaluate the foundations of their own well-being. Energy and resource systems are increasingly seen though “Local Loops”, a technical concept that can be applied in the context of local and regional production cycles. People build their lifestyle and ways of belonging around their work. A new ethos of craftsmanship and professional communities shape the way people live, organise their work, and spend their leisure time. Empathetic Communities is a scenario in which Western societies face the crisis they had long dreaded and discover the change turned out to be easier and more fruitful than anyone had expected. It is a story in which the global economy as we know it fails in 2012 and is followed by the paralysis of nation states and their political decision-making structures. By 2050 this all leads to lifestyles in which communities and neighbourhoods have an important role in everyday life. In Empathetic Communities, the many fruits of global culture and the latest technological innovations are enjoyed, although people in general focus more on communicating and developing solutions at the local level. Find out more at: fileadmin/images/content/D4.1_FourFutureScenarios.pdf 39 Photo: Gwendolyn Kulick 38 Expert day Satu Lähteenoja // 2.2. From Global Champions to Local Loops 40 Expert day Milla Visuri // 2.3. Introduction to liveable city and world design capital HElsinkI Introduction to liveable city and world design capital HElsinki Milla Visuri // By Paola Cabrera Viancha On Milla Visuri’s presentation “Liveable City and World Design Capital Helsinki 2012” By Paola Cabrera Viancha (MA) (Design, cultural management) Milla Visuri describes herself as a FinnishSwedish tourism specialist working with food and experiences of place, with over ten years of experience in tourism, destination marketing, communication, and development in the Nordic region. Her work allows her to share her insight and provides a position from where she can share valuable stories with various audiences using her knowledge and inspiration – including that gained during her involvement in World Design Capital (WDC) Helsinki from 2011 to 2012. Milla believes that communications and marketing today are more about content and less about campaigns and advertising. Milla is active in New Nordic Food Culinary Tourism and Food & Creative Industries, two intergovernmental programs aimed at developing and promoting the food sector in the Nordic region. She is also a member of the newly founded Helsinki Foodism, an online food community promoting Helsinki as a culinary destination. Milla was invited to the 4th Sustainable Summer School to share her views on the concept of liveable cities as they relate to urban tourism and the approach taken by the organizers of the World Design Capital Helsinki 2012. As a member of the marketing communications team, her tasks included coordinating tourism marketing communications as well as operational marketing planning together with local tourist and congress offices in the five WDC member cities of Helsinki, Vantaa, Espoo, Kauniainen, and Lahti. Here I review Milla’s main points while expanding upon other issues. Milla spoke about the concept of liveability in relation to urban conglomerates and tourism. Due to time limitations and the narrower focus of the presentation, the concepts of liveability, wellbeing, or quality of life as such were not discussed during the presentation. Milla touched upon Andreas Reiter’s views on the evolution of destination marketing; the ideas of this self-described future researcher and leisuretrend expert can be explored the English article titled “Liveable City – Sustainable Quality of Life as Success Driver for Urban Branding,” in which he explains how the strategic focus of urban branding has developed in recent years beginning with the “festivalization” of the early 2000s with its “theme cities,” “festival cities,” and, finally “creative cities” before moving toward the current growing focus on “the liveable city” (Reiter, 2012, p. 71). Placing the concepts of “liveable city” and “sustainable life quality” on equal footing, he claims that as cities continue to rival one another, sustainable urban quality of life is increasingly becoming a key factor of competitiveness. “[T]he significance of quality of life for place-making and placebranding doesn’t come out of nowhere but from the slipstream of a shift in values in our western society,” Reiter explains (p. 73). Reiter believes that despite the varied approaches in defining quality of life, research and surveys in the field often indicate that both quantitative and qualitative indicators as well as objective and subjective valuations are considered. In the context of urban branding, the author refers to the quality of life of a location as “the sum of external, objective conditions subjectively perceived, such as life satisfaction and one’s own well-being” (Pechlaner, Innerhofer, and Bachinger [in German], 2010, cited by Reiter, 2012, p. 72). In practice, when a city offers a desirable quality of life to its residents, then it naturally does so for tourists as well: “visitors will only feel happy where locals also do” (Reiter, 2012, p. 72). Regarding happiness in particular, an increasing number of organizations at the national and international level that influence policy-making are catching up: on the first United Nations International Day of Happiness in 2013, the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) released the OECD "Guidelines on Measuring Subjective Well-being", which represent a “first step towards developing a consistent framework for measuring how people are feeling. . . . We may be a long way from being able to measure happiness with the same degree of international comparability that we have for GDP, but the new OECD Guidelines are an important step towards international recognition that how we feel is an important part of measuring whether better policies are delivering better lives” (n.d.). Other organizations, such as the New Economics Foundation (nef), an independent think-and-do tank, have taken a leading role in the discussion. Since 1986 the members of nef have been working on “economics as if people and the Planet mattered” and “inspiring and demonstrating real economic well-being”. One of their important initiatives is the Happy Planet Index, “the leading global measure of sustainable well-being” first released in 2006 (n.d.). Milla mentioned three of the rankings referred to by Reiter (2012) for rating quality of life in cities around the world: Monocle’s Global Quality of Life Survey (formerly known as the Liveable Cities Index); the Economist Intelligence Unit’s (EIU) Global Liveability Ranking and Overview; and Mercer Quality of Living Survey. “These rankings are used by cities as an important marketing tool and also for benchmarking despite their debatable logic of evaluation,” Reiter explains (2012, p. 72). Whereas Monocle publishes its ranking in its lifestyle magazine among its offerings on international affairs, business, design, and culture, the other two rankings are aimed at employers as aid in establishing hardship allowances, benefits, and incentives to their mobile workforces. In this respect, on its website the EIU (n.d.) states that while this “function is still a central potential use of the survey, it has also evolved as a broad means of benchmarking cities. This means that liveability is increasingly used by city councils, organizations or corporate entities looking to test their locations against others to see general areas where liveability can differ.” Similarly Mercer (2012) explains how the company “helps municipalities assess factors that can improve their quality-of-living rankings”, while describing how “[t]he information and data obtained through the Quality of Living reports are for information purposes only and are intended for 41 42 Expert day Milla Visuri // 2.3. Introduction to liveable city and world design capital HElsinkI use by multinational organizations, government agencies and municipalities. They are not designed or intended to use as the basis for foreign investment or tourism.” To quote the providers on their ranking criteria: • The elusive alchemy that makes a good city a great place to live is something we’ve been dedicated to understanding since Monocle began. Great cities adapt and change like their residents. . . . [W]e present our top 25 . . . . cities for living, working, late nights and fresh starts in our Global Quality of Life Survey (Monocle’s webpages, several dates). • The Liveability Ranking and Overview assesses living conditions in 140 cities around the world. A rating of relative comfort for 30 indicators is assigned across five broad categories: stability; healthcare; culture and environment; education; and infrastructure. The survey gives an overall rating of 0-100, where 1 is intolerable and 100 is ideal (EIU, n.d.). • Mercer evaluates local living conditions in more than 460 cities it surveys worldwide. We analyse living conditions according to 39 factors, grouped in 10 categories (Political and social environment, Economic environment, Socio-cultural environment, Medical and health considerations, Schools and education, Public services and transportation, Recreation, Consumer goods, Housing, Natural environment) (Mercer, 2012). According to Monocle, Helsinki was ranked fifth in 2010, first in 2011, second in 2012, and third in 2013. Mercer ranked Helsinki thirty-fifth in 2011 and thirty-second in 2012 showing, and in 2011 the city was second in the category Personal Safety and eighteenth in Infrastructure in 2012. According to the Economist, Helsinki was sixth in 2011 and eight in both 2012 and 2013. Milla touched upon the fact that these quality of life assessments refer in particular to how Helsinki has performed in recent years, and also to point out how "liveability" and "quality of life" are increasingly being used in the marketing of tourism destinations. Quality of life is – or should be – a fundamental aspect of design in general as well as the WDC – an initiative of the International Council of Societies of Industrial Design (Icsid). WDC is a biennial “city promotion project” which “seeks to highlight the accomplishments of cities that are truly leveraging design as a tool to improve the social, cultural and economic life of cities, throughout a yearlong programme of design-related events” while seeking “to maximise opportunities arising from multidisciplinary design collaboration” (Icsid, n.d.) (Icsid owns the rights to the WDC trademark). According to Milla, during an application period open for those interested in becoming part of the WDC Helsinki program, the organisation received 2,500 ideas from the public, in specific Open Helsinki theme days, as well as 1,400 proposals, some of them aimed at already existing projects. Eventually these were crystallized into a program consisting of nearly 400 projects and around 100 events and exhibitions. In the context of WDC, Helsinki is described as an open city for both locals and visitors alike. Hence the WDC Helsinki 2012 motto of “Open Helsinki: Embedding Design in Life” and Helsinki City’s motto “Our City is Your City”. Reiter (2012) emphasizes: “Visitors only feel well where locals also do” (p. 73). Milla brought up Reiter’s 4 As criteria and liveability criteria, considered in the development of the content of WDC Helsinki in terms of program and projects related to tourism; according to Reiter, “Attractions”, “Amenities”, “Access”, and “Authenticity”, are the “key components of the (touristic) urban adventure economy” and guarantors of the increasing expectation of diversity and uniqueness for a particular destination (2012, p. 69). According to Reiter (2012), there are three main city-related aspirations for visitors, “Live like a Local,” “Interaction with [and appropriation of] Public Space” and “Green City” (pp. 74–76). These are, or can be, met in multiple ways, but they always require concrete action, especially strategic actions, at the governmental level: “Cities have to hold out enough leeway (mental and juridical) and especially show good will politics to urban subcultures. Creating a young image and attracting young talents, be they tourists or residents, can only be achieved with openness towards new trends” (p. 75). “A new generation of urbanites is searching for the specific feel-good factor of a city, which mixes creativity with green lifestyle, local authenticity with sustainable innovation” (p. 76). Milla listed Reiter’s characteristics (from an internal document) of “a new generation of creative travellers”: • Living like a local, interaction with locals and all things local • City-travellers = experience-junkies • Trend-spotting • Lifestyle-markers • Key values: easy-going attitude, community, inspiration, sustainability, self-experience • Social spheres (everyday culture, social life) • Eco-spheres (green living, green lifestyle) • Urban spheres (urban storytelling, modern urbanity interacting with public place,…) Milla spoke briefly about several projects selected to be part of the program of WDC Helsinki 2012 as examples of specific actions and projects making Helsinki more attractive and valuable to these “new generations of urbanites” and “creative travellers” described above. A list of examples with internet links can be found in the sources section. Regarding the seemingly easy entertainment and pleasures that were called into question by Bernd Draser (from Ecosign, workshop leader) at the 4th Sustainable Summer School Expert Day session, perhaps we can point to the current shift in values mentioned in the first paragraphs. It can be said that such a shift is influenced by increased mainstream discussion of the various articulations of the notions of “quality of life”, “well-being”, “liveability”, and “sustainability” as well as by increased awareness of the research and initiatives being done in these fields. To a greater or lesser extent, citizens, communities, and governments are interested in improving the (dis)balance between the economic, ecological, social, and cultural dimensions of life and aim to revise the criteria and rationales for decision-making processes. There are still many questions to ask “about the relationship between people and their everyday urban environments: about how urban environmental quality is understood and experienced; . . . about the way that policy engages with people and their behaviours and practices; about how concepts such as sustainability, quality and wellbeing are configured within the idea of urban liveability; about how movements of people and artefacts shape and are shaped by urban form and the effects of this on sustainability and wellbeing; about the role of urban design in creating a sense of place and identity and what this 43 44 Expert day Milla Visuri // 2.3. Introduction to liveable city and world design capital HElsinkI means for producing liveable places; about how social practices are configured in urban policy” (Adams, n.d.). These are the questions currently being researched at the University of Salford, Manchester; the study, "Urban liveability: sustainability, quality of life and wellbeing", is one example of how new approaches are needed in order for us to better understand the ways in which urban liveability is defined and framed. One fundamental dimension of liveability that must not be overlooked by designers and other professionals is its locality and the related principles of open participation. As has pointed out, “the foundation of a liveable place is its people. Therefore each community will place different levels of importance on the individual elements that constitute liveability or may identify other aspect s of importance to it. Each community needs to develop its own unique strategy to reflect its own unique definition of liveability” (n.d.). Time and again, my work has shown that genuine commitment and ownership are the result of participatory approaches that guarantee positive medium and long-term effects. A legitimate sustainable dynamic is one that allows all sorts of people, weather locals or visitors, to take an active role in shaping their own surrounding realities, and I have seen how these sorts of approaches also add to happiness. Sources and further reading Mumford, L. (1963). Technics and Civilization. San Diego, California, USA: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich. (Originally published in 1934). Southerton, D. (2009). “Re-ordering Temporal Rhythms. Coordinating Daily Practices in the UK in 1937 and 2000.” In: E. Shove, F. Trentmann, a nd R. Wilk (eds.), Time, Consu Initiatives Alternative Tourist Information, Helsinki Fiilari Campaign (and Baana “Helsinki Low Line”): attracting interest in cycling and highlighting both the past and future of cycling in Helsinki See also “Helsinki’s Baana Bicycle Corridor” Helsinki Foodism – The food culture strategy of the City of Helsinki Fontwalk: How is graphic design in evidence in our city? Napa Gallery, Helsinki Helsinki Airport Book Swap Inspirations Tour, Helsinki Kamppi Chapel of Silence, Helsinki Kääntöpöytä / Turntable Urban Garden See also This is Finland lan=2&culture=en-US and Urban Gardens Web “Mercer Quality of Living Survey,” 2012, summary and press release Monocle’s “Global Quality of Life Survey,” 2013 Monocle’s “Special Global City Ranking”: Helsinki named most liveable city Open House Helsinki Satokartta / The Harvest Map: mapping Helsinki’s publicly available edible trees and shrubs. Snow Parks The Economist Intelligence Unit’s (EIU) “Global Liveability Ranking and Overview,” intro and summary 2012 site_info.asp?info_name=The_Global_Liveability_Report aspx?campaignid=Liveability2012 University of Helsinki at the WDC2012: “Designing society through thinking” University of Helsinki, Tiedekulma / Think Corner: Science at the street level Think Corner reopens at University of Helsinki in 2013 Up With Kallio [district], Helsinki World Design Capital Helsinki 2012 WDC Helsinki 2012 for visitors WDC Helsinki 2012 for visitors: welcome page Our City is Your City ZTB Zukunftsbüro – Andreas Reiter’s company website References, bibliography, and other sources Adams, M. (n.d.), “Urban liveability: sustainability, quality of life and wellbeing.” Retrieved from urban-liveability-sustainability,-quality-of-life-and-wellbeing Happy Planet Index – The leading global measure of sustainable well-being. The Happy Planet Index is a project of the New Economics Foundation (nef) – Economics as if people and the Planet mattered About nef: Our history Happiness Indices, The Guardian Helsingin Sanomat. (8.1.2012). “New York Times ranks Helsinki as second-best among 45 travel destinations in 2012” [Newspaper article, H. Tulonen]. Retrieved from +among+45+travel+destinations+in+2012/1135270167802 Helsingin Sanomat. (31.10.2006). “Heroes to zeroes: Finland the eco-list darling joins the rank and vile.” [Newspaper commentary, W. Moore]. Retrieved from oes+to+zeroes+Finland+the+eco-list+darling+joins+the+rank+a nd+vile/1135222685205 Icsid. (n. d.), “What is the WDC?” Retrieved from http://www. The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Better Life Initiative (and well-being research) OECD countries Better Life Index “Happiness is…” Finland Partners for Liveable Communities Australia ( (n.d.), “Liveability – Liveability is the sum of the aspects that add up to the quality of life of a place.” Retrieved from http://www.liveable. Reiter, A. (2012), “Liveable city – Sustainable quality of life as success driver for urban branding.” In: R. Conrady and M. Buck (eds.), Trends and Issues in Global Tourism 2012, (pp. 69–76). Sustainable Cities Network – A portal to the future of cities, Melbourne, Australia. Pop-Up Placemaking Sustainable Cities Collective United Nations International Day of Happiness – First celebrated on March 20, 2013 WIN/Gallup International Association End of Year Survey: Global Barometer of Hope and Happiness 2013 “Colombia was ranked Happiest Country In the World by the end of 2012” html 45 46 Everyman's spaces – encouraging activity through design and planning Hella Hernberg // BY Paola cabrera Viancha On Hella Hernberg’s presentation“Everyman’s Urbanism—Encouraging Positive Actions through (Co-)design?” By Paola Cabrera Viancha (MA) (Design, cultural management) Hella Hernberg describes herself as an architect by education who in recent years has dealt less with the design of infrastructure and more with the architecture of ideas and processes and, in particular, ponders how regular people use designed environments. Hella operates at the intersection of the fields of urban planning, architecture, design, and urban culture and manages her own one-person company, Urban Dream Management, where she develops projects and shares her insights. Among her other activities, she writes a blog and has published a book titled "Helsinki Beyond Dreams—Actions Towards a Creative and Sustainable Hometown". Hella wrote her master’s thesis on the revitalization of urban residual areas by means of temporary usages (2008). The book "Helsinki Beyond Dreams", edited by Hella and published in 2012, is a compilation of stories about new urban culture and grassroots initiatives in the capital of Finland and how they can make a difference. The publication was selected as a part of the program for World Design Capital Helsinki 2012. Hella introduces her book by alluding to the legal concept of “everyman’s rights”—a concept deeply ingrained in the culture of Finland and other countries— suggesting Helsinki’s citizens have translated this tradition from rural and natural environments into an urban context. The varied themes and cases presented in the book are arranged under five headings. The first introduces ways of re-imagining Helsinki, and the second focuses on everyman’s rights. The following chapters delve into revealing hidden treasures, actions for “real” food, and the tensions between “slow” and “grow.” As common denominators for the individuals and stories portrayed in the book, Hella demonstrates that there is a palpable will to make the city a more enjoyable place and transform wishful thinking into tangible action despite all the hindrances. From urban gardening and berry picking, block parties and time banking, the book shows ways in which people are claiming and reclaiming their urban spaces while realizing—in epiphanies of sorts— that these spaces are theirs. As a guest at the 4th Sustainable Summer School, Hella chose to share her views on how individuals use their cities and examine the relationship between urban planning and all kinds of self-initiated activities in cities. She selected a couple of inspirational cases from her book and outlined the required approaches and roles played by designers and planners from various fields. Here I review Hella’s main points while adding further comment. Expert day Hella Hernberg // 2.4. Everyman's spaces – encouraging activity through design and planning In recent years, initiatives that demonstrate regular people’s interest in creatively and inventively taking over the city as a common space are on the rise in Helsinki. Various kinds of communities are emerging or developing which wish to spontaneously and actively organize projects in the city in order to make it more enjoyable—a testament to a new and active urban culture. Positive engagement by design and the temporary use of urban space How can design support positive action and agency? Two of the important and interesting questions more and more designers are asking themselves—and others—these days are what is worth designing and how can it be done. Hella reminds us of current approaches to design which—rather than focusing on the definition of ready-made artifacts—are aimed at defining frameworks and platforms that enable, encourage, and advance positive action. Many have acknowledged that such process design often requires viewpoints, methods, and expertise that differ from those needed in “traditional” architecture or product design. In urban planning in particular, such kinds of open approaches dealing with the planning of transformation processes are especially relevant, precisely because cities are in constant mutation and are never finished. In the spirit of Heraclitus, Hella states that change is the motor that keeps any city running. Paradoxically, traditional urban planning processes have often been about addressing permanency. Hella highlights the following opportunities in the temporary use of urban space: • The possibility for citizens to directly participate, which in turn constitutes a space for collaborative creativity • A catalyst for change that enables the emergence of new forms of culture as well as new business and professional networks • A positive image for a location in the process of developing its identity • Efficient use of underutilized spatial resources that addresses ecological sustainability • More dynamic and flexible urban development when considered as a tool in long-term urban planning • Increased property value for the owner combined with lower maintenance costs • Increased safety and reduced vandalism in abandoned/problematic areas It does indeed make sense to embrace “pop-up” as an urban planning approach that affords freedom to trial ideas on a temporary basis with low costs. LQC or “Lighter, Quicker, Cheaper” is a proven low-cost, high-impact strategy for development described by the renowned Eric Reynolds from Urban Space Management (Project for Public Spaces PPS, n.d.). Hella discusses a couple of examples of the design of participatory platforms in Helsinki: Kalasatama Temporary and Restaurant Day. Temporary space as a co-laboratory for new experiments: the case of Kalasatama Kalasatama, a former industrial harbor, was a wide-open asphalt field in need of proposals for transitional use. Kalasatama Temporary was 47 48 a project initiated by the City of Helsinki and carried out by the design agency Part Oy— where Hella was working at the time—in order to make the area under construction more attractive and entice people to spend time in this previously unknown area. “It’s the first time in Helsinki that city authorities have tried to integrate temporary uses into urban planning,” explains Hella in an interview with Pop-Up City (De Boer, 2012). The concept for “Kalasatama Temporary” was based on a hunch that there were people that would organize stimulating interventions in the space were they given the inspirational push to do so. This was the core of the designed strategy which embedded low thresholds for action. The project kicked off in 2009 with an open brunch where ideas for what could happen in the space were exchanged. This was done by exploiting the presence of the audience at the Flow Festival music event taking place nearby, engaging them in the discussion. These good instincts accompanied by planned processes paid off: art exhibitions, film evenings, urban gardens, a visit by the itinerant Solar Kitchen Restaurant, coffee-shops, flea-markets, theatre, music and all kinds of gigs have taken place in Kalasatama since 2009. Bermuda Helsinki is a more permanent community that sprang out of the original hunch that offers opportunities for organizing “independent, grassroots cultural events in Konttiaukio” (English: Container Square), according to its webpage. Other parties involved in Konttiaukio are Oranssi Ry, Kalasataman melojat, Viiksipojat, Dodo Ry, Pyöräpaja, and Stadin pitsauuni (which translates into English as something like “the hood’s pizza oven”). Kalasatama has indeed become a hotspot for emerging grassroots cultural activities, as Hella explains. Using a strategy of open design, the planning team allowed for Kalasatama to become a communal testing ground for a wide range of initiatives as well as the open design strategy itself—a co-laboratory of sorts. Nevertheless, transitional urban space initiatives pose challenges as well as questions, and Hella pointed out some of the ones she experienced with Kalasatama: • New methods and tools are needed so to make the interaction between the city and its residents run more smoothly • More willingness to take risks, a clearer shared vision, and more agility are needed • Continuity: to what extent will the temporary activities remain part of permanent structures? • Replicability: how can similar experiences be scaled up or spread out to the suburbs or smaller (or larger) towns? • A need for policy design: how are we to apply the tactics of spontaneous, self-organized projects to the planning process of large, bureaucratic organizations that are used to making stable, long-term decisions? “Kalasatama Temporary” was a two-year project from 2009—2011 which bore many fruits in 2012. In 2013 the City of Helsinki is now in charge: Ihana Café is still operating and some of the activities are continuing while construction in the area is expanding to restrict open-format activities. Spontaneity, initiative, and volunteering triggered by food: the case of Restaurant Day It was Spring 2011, and a group of friends were talking about their frustration with the bureaucratic overload involved in running—let Expert day Hella Hernberg // 2.4. Everyman's spaces – encouraging activity through design and planning alone opening—an eatery in Finland. Then they came up with a proactive question: what if, for one day, anybody could open a restaurant? A day of pop-up restaurants with no bureaucracy involved. Restaurant Day was born and the idea caught on: an inspirational theme that anybody can relate to coupled with the opportunity for sharing in the common space for common fun. At the time it was conceived as civil disobedience at its best. In this regard Hella reminded us of how Olli Sirén, one of the founders of the event, related how they made a deliberate point of focusing on fun rather than civil disobedience as a message, for people generally prefer to take part in and share feelgood experiences. The first Restaurant Day (Ravintolapäivä in Finnish) took place on May 21, 2011 with fortyfive participants at thirteen locations in Finland. The organizers decided that the event would be held four times a year. The second Restaurant Day in August 2011 had 190 restaurants popping up in over thirty cities spread over four countries. On the sixth Restaurant Day on August 19, 2012, 784 restaurants in over one hundred cities in seventeen countries were registered on the Restaurant Day internet portal. The open and inclusive nature of this concentrated initiative is underpinned by the use of social media and online tools, allowing for participants to articulate their experiences and make its informal structure all the more light and flexible. “This presents something of a challenge for city officials used to regulating far more structured organizational contexts,” said Brian Boyer and Dan Hill in Helsinki Street Eats (2012). In this publication the authors address Helsinki’s street food culture from the perspective of strategic design while focusing on the interests of the Finnish Innovation Fund Sitra, which aims at positioning Finland and Helsinki in the competitive international scene by means of diverse strategies in various areas. In Helsinki Street Eats Boyer describes street food as a vehicle for innovation, while in his blog Dan Hill refers to food as “a productive area for understanding systems: systems of culture, systems of production and consumption, systems of governance, and so on.” Hill explains: “Food is something that everyone has to address several times a day in both a qualitative and quantitative sense. It is at the same time cultural, social, economic, physical, digital, industrial, political, and so on. It is about what streets can be used for and who decides it. It’s about our health, our wealth, our understanding of cultural diversity. It’s about industries, logistics, and supply chains. It’s directly about sustainability and climate change, as well as social innovation and wellbeing, community formation, individual free will, identity formation, class, entrepreneurship, and much more” (2012). Speaking about food’s important role in social interaction and experience in Helsinki Street Eats, Olli Sirén, one of the organizers of Restaurant Day, explains: “The event genuinely changes peoples’ social relationships—if only for a short period of time—as people don’t just do business and transact with one another, but they often engage in richer social encounters thanks to the authenticity and personality of the situation in which the food is sold and consumed. And this is one of the main reasons why Ravintolapäivä is at the very core of rethinking how food can create new urban culture.” 49 50 Design integrated into policy making and the Commons In her reflections on Helsinki, Hella points out the need for renovation in the field of urban planning while asking how the [design of] the city administration can be upgraded in order to offer a better foundation upon which citizens’ ideas, initiatives, and creativity can flourish and prosper while involving all pertinent sectors of society, and in more horizontal networks, as opposed to mono directional, top-down, or even bottom-up modes. According to Hella a faster rate of innovation is required for Helsinki to capitalize on current opportunities and momentum. “We have so many development projects going on in a grand urban scale,” Hella told De Boer (2012) from Pop-Up City. “There are a lot of possibilities for development—and of course there’s also the threat that we’ll end up building a boring and dull city. That’s why it would be important to have more public discussion about where the city should be going.” Indeed, various design disciplines, approaches, and methodologies can have a positive impact on the planning, implementation, and assessment of governmental policies. In order for it to have an impact, design has to be strategic in character. Strategic design is genuinely embedded in the nature of any entity (initiative, project, organization, etc.); strategic design also considers the definition of problems and solutions holistically and systemically while taking into account all aspects and stakeholders. Participatory methods by which individuals, groups, and organizations take an active role in shaping their environments and experiences are thus a key aspect of strategic design. With the help of a little common sense, we then can understand why enabling such forms of participation is both pertinent and relevant in the context of public and private decision-making and regulation. In fostering active participation in the creation and recreation of thriving, pleasant urban environments, flexible platforms, flexible regulation, and flexible attitudes are required. In her presentation at the 4th Sustainable Summer School, Hella describes how her reflections are inspired by the concept of everyman’s right and rebrands it “everyman’s urbanism.” This is a part of the broader, more encompassing concept of “the Commons.” In a post on the Infrastructuring the Commons website, one of the Aalto University’s Special Interest Groups (SIG), Johanna Saad-Sulonen, researcher, explains the term “urban commons” (2013). Paraphrasing other authors as well, she explains how the term urban commons refers to “collectively shared resources related to the urban environment, such as streets, public parks, and shared neighborhood amenities” and can also “include intangible urban goods, such as the sense of security or belonging.” While explaining how issues “associated with the management of these types of resources, especially the tangible ones, have been laid at the heart of urban governance,” she says that although solutions have so far “mainly favored either public government-provided regulations or the transfer of the resources and their management to the private sector, . . . [l]ately there has been an increased interest in exploring and reflecting upon other types of solutions, which emphasize the collective management of the urban commons through novel cogovernance strategies and the identification of possibilities for collaboration between citizenbased, self-organized endeavors and the public authorities.” Here I should also mention that Expert day Hella Hernberg // 2.4. Everyman's spaces – encouraging activity through design and planning Saad-Sulonen has contributed a chapter to "New Approaches to Urban Planning—Insights from Participatory Communities", a book published in 2013 dealing with participation as self-organization—different from traditional staged participation—to illustrate ways of improving and increasing the impact of citizen participation in urban planning. In a post on the SIG’s website, Andrea Botero (2013) —another Aalto University researcher active in the SIG— highlights four novel notions regarding the Commons presented by two researchers at the Economics and the Commons Conference 2013. I refer here to the first and the fourth, both of which relate more closely to what has been discussed here: Point one, the commons is not a resource, but a process: as Botero indicates, this suggests that the commons is not simply about resources, as it implies a relational quality that is informed by actions and decisions taken by a group of people. In turn there is need to focus more on the processes, the “commoning,” so to speak, rather than the resource aspect. Point four discusses how the Commons does not “scale up” but slowly crystallizes. Instead of pursuing the “scaling up” of isolated things, “the challenge lays more in unleashing the potential of the commons through commons-enabling infrastructure, laws, platforms and technologies that support things to extend horizontally and interconnect”. Here it is worth mentioning Botero’s recently published doctoral dissertation "Expanding Design Space(s)—Design in Communal Endeavours" (2013). The Infrastructuring the Commons SIG at Aalto University in Finland, plans to expand the understanding of emerging considerations for the design, provision, and maintenance of “public” services and urban space. The work done in the SIG constitutes a fine example of initiatives from the academic context dedicated to finding a more holistic articulation of some of the issues raised in this article as well as the questions Hella posed to the audience at the 4th Sustainable Summer School 2012 in Helsinki. At the centre of many of today’s crucial questions is the question of which rationale is/ has been used for decision-making, whether it is only the financial rationale that is important, or if other factors aimed at finding a balance among the four pillars of sustainability play a role. In the interview with De Boer (2010), Hella reminds us how the problem today “is that many projects are run by short-sighted economical strategies that override any other visions.” Sources and further reading References, bibliography and other sources shared by Hella Hernberg Hernberg, H. (2008). Urban Dream Management—Revitalising Urban Residual Areas through Temporary Uses. Master’s thesis, Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture (former Faculty of Architecture of the Helsinki University of Technology). Retrieved from dream_management_-small Hernberg, H. (2012). Helsinki Beyond Dreams—Actions towards a Creative and Sustainable Hometown. Helsinki, Finland: Urban Dream Management. Wheatley, M. & Frieze, D. (2008). Using Emergence to Take Social Innovation to Scale. The Berkana Institute. http://www. Urban Dream Management. Bermuda Helsinki. Solar Kitchen Restaurant. Restaurant Day References, bibliography and other sources by Paola Cabrera Botero, A. et al. (2010). Infrastructuring the Commons [Website]. Aalto University—Special Interest Group focusing on the Commons 51 (peer-production, co-production, co-governance, co-creation) and public services. The SIG addresses the relevance of the Commons as a framework for expanding our understanding of emerging considerations for the design, provision, and maintenance of public services and urban space. Helsinki, Finland. Botero, A. (June 8, 2013). ”Four conceptual notions on the commons” (Helfrich and Bollier) [Post]. Infrastructuring the Commons [Website]. Aalto University—Special Interest Group focusing on the Commons (peer-production, co-production, co-governance, co-creation) and public services. Retrieved from http://co-p2p. Botero, A. (2013). Expanding Design Space(s)—Design in Communal Endeavours. Helsinki, Finland: Aalto University publication series: doctoral dissertations 85/2013. Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture, Department of Media. Retrieved from php?products_id=291 Botero, A., Paterson, A. G. and Saad-Sulonen, J. (eds.). (2012). Towards Peer-production in Public Services: Cases from Finland. Aalto—Special Interest Group focusing on the Commons (peerproduction, co-production, co-governance, co-creation) and public services. Helsinki, Finland. Retrieved from https://www. Boyer, B., Cook, J. and Steinberg, M. Helsinki Design Lab. (2011). In Studio: Recipes for Systemic Change. Helsinki, Finland: The Finnish Innovation Fund Sitra. Retrieved from http:// In_Studio-Recipes_for_Systemic_Change.pdf Boyer, B. and Hill, D. et al. (2012). Helsinki Street Eats v1.0. Low2No project. Strategic Design Unit (Helsinki Design Lab HDL), Finland: Finnish Innovation Fund Sitra. Retrieved from cover3_small.pdf Boyer, B. (March 2012). Helsinki Street Eats (and hacking Lulu) [Blog post]. Helsinki Design Lab. Retrieved from http://www. Crain, B. (August 3, 2012). Book Review: “Helsinki beyond dreams.” Project for Public Spaces PPS. Retrieved from http:// De Boer, J. (June 11, 2012). “Design in Helsinki—5 Questions to Hella Hernberg, Author of Helsinki Beyond Dreams” [Interview]. Pop-up city [Website]. Retrieved from interviews/design-in-helsinki-5-questions-to-hella-hernbergauthor-of-helsinki-beyond-dreams/ Economics and the Commons Conference. From seed form to core paradigm. Exploring New Ideas, Practices and Alliances. Berlin, Germany, May 22–24, 2013. The P2P Foundation Grynbaum, M. M. (2011, March 4). “For City’s Transportation Chief, Kudos and Criticism” In: The New York Times. Retrieved from Hill, D. (May 2012). Journal: “Ravintolapäivä, Restaurant Day, edible urbanism and civic opportunism.” City of Sound blog. Retrieved from ravintolap%C3%A4iv%C3%A4-opportunistic-edible-urbanism. html Hill, D. (August 2012). “Helsinki Street Eats” [Essay/Blog post]. City of Sound blog. Helsinki, Finland. Retrieved from http:// Nelimarkka, M. (n.d.). “Restaurant Day is a Carnival of Food.” Visit Helsinki. Retrieved from Project for Public Spaces PPS. (n.d.). “Lighter, Quicker, Cheaper: Transform Your Public Spaces Now.” Retrieved from http://www. “Pop-Up Placemaking.” Sustainable Cities Network—A Portal to the Future of Cities. Melbourne, Australia. http://www. Saad-Sulonen, J. (2013, June 27). “Digital Urban Commons” [Post]. Infrastructuring the Commons [Website]. Aalto University—Special Interest Group focusing on the Commons (peer-production, co-production, co-governance, co-creation) and public services. Retrieved from http://co-p2p.mlog.taik. fi/2013/06/27/digital-urban-commons/ Saad-Sulonen, J. (2013). “Multiple Participations.” In: L. Horelli (ed.), New Approaches to Urban Planning—Insights from Participatory Communities (pp. 111—130). Helsinki, Finland: Aalto University publication series Aalto-ST 10/2013. Aalto University School of Engineering, Department of Real Estate, Planning and Geoinformatics, YTK—Land Use Planning and Urban Studies Group. Retrieved from URN:ISBN:978-952-60-5191-8 See also the Participatory Local Community Palco Project Participatory+Local+Community Spontaneous Interventions. Strategic Design Unit (Helsinki Design Lab HDL). “What is strategic design?” [Webpage at the HDL website]. Finland: Finnish Innovation Fund Sitra. Retrieved from Strategic Design Unit (Helsinki Design Lab HDL). “Why strategic design?” [Webpage at the HDL website]. Finland: Finnish Innovation Fund Sitra. Retrieved from http://www.helsinkidesignlab. org/pages/what-is-strategic-design Sustainable Cities Collective. Ympäristö.fi []. (n.d.). “Everyman’s rights” [Site subpage]. Retrieved from 53 Photo: Katri-Liisa Pulkkinen 52 Expert day Hella Hernberg // 2.4. Everyman's spaces – encouraging activity through design and planning workshops Photo: Katri-Liisa Pulkkinen 55 56 Workshops Najine Ameli, Michael Lettenmeier, Christa Liedtke // 3.1. Designguide and Methodology for Sustainable Design Designguide and Methodology for Sustainable Design Najine Ameli, Michael Lettenmeier, Christa Liedtke The Wuppertal Institute conducted a workshop during the Sustainable Summer School 2012 in which the MIPS concept – Material Input per Service Unit – (Schmidt-Bleek 1994, 1998, Lettenmeier et al. 2009) and the DesignGuide (Liedtke et al. 2013b) were presented. The aim was to provide designers with useful knowledge and tools that can empower them to incorporate aspects of sustainability into their design concepts. MIPS By now everyone should be aware of the fact that lifestyles in the industrialised countries are changing the ecosphere. If we wish to guarantee the same quality of life for all of the Earth’s inhabitants, we must dematerialise our economy (Pauli 2012, Stahel 2010, Braungart/McDonough 2009). The use of natural resources by industrialised countries therefore needs to be reduced on average to approximately one-tenth of its present level (Schmidt-Bleek 1994; Schmidt-Bleek 2009). In order to implement this “Factor 10“ goal, it is important to benchmark the eco-efficiency (Reid/Medzinski 2008, Schaltegger 1990, Weizsäcker 1997, 2009, Seiler-Hausmann et al. 2004), or resource productivity, of technologies, products, and services to determine resource efficiency potentials (Rohn et al. 2009; Bringezu/Liedtke 1997; Weizsäcker 1997; efa NRW 2001). Friedrich Schmidt-Bleek developed the concepts of the “ecological backpack” and MIPS, which visualise the invisible material burden posed by products or services in order to compare their potential environmental impacts. ECOLOGICAL BACKPACK/ MATERIAL FOOTPRINT The ecological backpack, also known as the material footprint, represents the invisible material burden of a product or service. It makes the total input of natural resources (material input, mi) required by a given product and is measured in mass units such as kilograms or tonnes. The ecological backpack provides a summary of resource use in the production of goods (Schmidt-Bleek 2009, 1994; Schmidt-Bleek et al. 1998) and is an important measurement for comparing functionally equivalent goods from competing producers at the point of sale (Lettenmeier et al. 2009). Most products would provide no benefit if additional materials, energy, and/or water are not added to the equation. This additional input is what is needed to create a unit of service or benefit. MIPS can thus be seen as a means or measuring the “ecological backpack of a service” – as an integrated result of possible sustainability strategies such as efficiency, sufficiency and consistency, (Liedtke et al. 2013a) or deceleration and simplifying (Sachs 1993). MIPS stands for “material input per unit of service” over the entire life cycle of a product or service (e.g. wearing clean and modern clothing, travelling from A to B, or enjoying a warm domestic environment with controlled temperatures). All of these services could be fulfilled using different socio-technical systems (Schmidt-Bleek et al. 1997, Ritthoff et al. 2002). It allows us to estimate a service’s and/ or product’s input-oriented environmental impact potential (Lettenmeier et al. 2009). MIPS = MI/S = MATERIAL INPUT PER SERVICE UNIT RECIPROCAL OF MIPS = S/MI = RESOURCE PRODUCTIVITY MI is provided in terms of tonnes, kilograms, or grams. In contrast, the service (s) is case specific and must be defined as the specific performance offered by a product (such as wearing clean and modern clothing), longest possible shelf life for food, or a 10-km journey (Schmidt-Bleek 2009). The service must be rigorously defined in each individual case. Focussing on a product’s benefits instead of the actual ownership of a product opens up a whole new dimension of development options. This shift corresponds to growing market trends of renting, sharing, and leasing goods instead of merely owning them (Schmidt-Bleek 1994, 2009; Schmidt-Bleek/Tischner 1997, Lettenmeier et al. 2009, Liedtke et al. 2013a). The following categories of resources are counted separately: • Biotic (or renewable) raw materials • Abiotic (or non-renewable) raw materials • Earth movements in agriculture and forestry (or erosion) • Air (mainly the oxygen used in combustion processes) • Water The MI factors are expressed in kg/kg (kg of resources per kg of the material used), kg/kwh (kg of resources per kilowatt-hour of energy consumed), or kg/tkm (kg of resources to transport one tonne over one kilometre). RESOURCE PRODUCTIVITY By turning around the MIPS formula (mi/s), one can derive the amount of benefit provided by a given cradle-to-cradle quantity of material. S/ MI thus becomes an expression for resource productivity. This means we can compare the degree of service that can be created by “investing” a certain amount of natural resources. Resource productivity can be improved by technical decisions as well as by the consumer’s personal decisions. WHAT MAKES MIPS UNIQUE? MIPS can be applied at different levels, such as at the company, urban-quarter, or household levels, as well as to the economy as a whole (local, regional, national, or international levels, see for example By interlocking the processes at all of these levels, the optimisation of all material inputs contributes to an increase in resource productivity over the entire life cycle or in terms of the overall economy (see for example Bringezu/ Bleischwitz 2010, Schmidt-Bleek 2009, SchmidtBleek et al. 1998). Finally, MIPS is a robust and reliable indicator for the comparison and estimation of functionally 57 58 Workshops Najine Ameli, Michael Lettenmeier, Christa Liedtke // 3.1. Designguide and Methodology for Sustainable Design comparable products and services in terms of their material and energy requirements over their entire life cycles (Lettenmeier et al. 2009). MIPS ADRESSES INTEGRATED SUSTAINABILITY STRATEGIES: EFFICIENCY, CONSISTENCY, AND SUFFICIENCY MIPS combines the sustainability strategies of efficiency (Baumol/Oates 1971, SchmidtBleek 1994, Radermacher 2002), consistency (Schmidt-Bleek 1994, Stahel 2010, Braungart/ McDonough 2009), and sufficiency (SchmidtBleek 1993, Sachs 1999, Stengel 2011). • Efficiency: reducing the use of resources (material input) in value chains while sustaining a constant level of service. • Consistency: MIPS takes into account the concept of environmental consistency aimed at closed-loop recycling management. • Sufficiency: choosing the service unit carefully. Can the service satisfy the needs? DESIGNGUIDE The DesignGuide is a tool that provides designers background information and practical strategies for incorporating sustainability aspects into design. It consists of two main parts: The first part offers theoretical background information that draws a bigger picture of the connections between design and sustainability. The second part introduces the following five tools that provide designers with practical methods to be applied during the design process without restricting creativity. 1. Taking Stock – Assessing the Purpose and Life Cycle of the Product or Service What is the product’s fundamental service? Are there new ways to provide this service? In order to answer these questions, designers are asked to first provide a detailed description of the product’s service or utility in order to understand the purpose of design. Second, the complete product life cycle is sketched out. 2. National Sustainability Indicators Depending on the circumstances, countries prioritise different aspects of sustainability. For example, developing nations focus on economic growth, which often is measured in GDP per capita, whereas industrialised countries tend to prioritise ecological aspects in their sustainability strategies and thus use indicators such as those pertaining to emissions or material requirements. Sustainable design has to consider the appropriate indicators and strategies in order to successfully implement the service and/or product in the targeted area. 3. Strategy Wheel/Strategy Bar Both the Eco Design Strategy Wheel and the Strategy Bar show whether the goals (described by the chosen indicator set) are addressed during the design process which is intended to focus on these indicators. They show the improvements and downturns as they relate to the specific indicator set chosen by the designer (Brezet/ven Hemel 1995). 4. Hot Spot Analysis – An Instrument for Determining the Most Important Criteria Hot Spots are aspects of a specific phase in a life cycle that assume a high degree of relevance within the entire chain. One can use several different indicators or focus on a great number of aspects related to the target or strategy. In order to simplify the approach, one can focus on a manageable number of different indicators in the designing process. Once identified, Hot Spots can be the leverage points that can allow designers to make a product more sustainable in terms of eco-design. Additional aspects can be added to the evaluation if necessary (Bienge et al. 2010; Liedtke et al. 2010). 5. Evaluation Sheets Evaluation sheets allow you systematically compare the solutions you have developed by evaluating a range of ecological and socioeconomic design criteria. They help you to become aware of what and how you already evaluate automatically and make unconscious decisions conscious. The sheets also show you what you have not yet thought of and do not yet know how to evaluate. For further information please visit: • • References Baumol, W.J. and Oates, W.E. (1971): “Use of Standards and Prices for Protection of the Environment”. In: Swedish Journal of Economics, 1, pp. 42–54 Bienge, K. et al. (2010): “Sustainability Hot Spot Analysis: A streamlined life cycle assessment towards sustainable food chains”. Proceedings of the 9th European IFSA Symposium, 4–7 July, Vienna, Austria, pp. 1822–1832. Braungart, M. and McDonough, W. (2009) Cradle to Cradle. London. Brezet, H. and van Hemel, C. (1997) EcoDesign: A Promising Approach to Sustainable Production and Consumption, France: UNEP. Bringezu, S. and Bleischwitz, R. (2009): Sustainable Resource Management: Global Trends, Visions and Policies. London. Bringezu, S. and Liedtke, C. (1997): “Technisch-stoffliche Faktoren: Stoffstromanalyse der industriellen Produktion”. In: Globale Umweltveränderungen: symposium held on 17/18 June in Münster. pp. 83–106. Effizienz Agentur NRW (efa)/Wuppertal Institute (eds.) (2001): 4 Elemente, 10 Faktoren, 1 Ziel: Ökoeffizienz. Aus weniger mehr gewinnen. Duisburg/Wuppertal. Lettenmeier, M. and Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy (2009): Resource productivity in 7 steps how to develop ecoinnovative products and services and improve their material footprint. Wuppertal: Wuppertal Inst. for Climate, Environment and Energy, Wuppertal Spezial (41). Liedtke, C.; Buhl, J; Ameli, N. (2013a): “Designing value through less by integrating sustainability strategies into lifestyles”. In: International Journal for Sustainable Design, unpublished. Liedtke, C. et al. (2013b): DesignGuide. Wuppertal: Wuppertal Inst. for Climate, Environment and Energy, Wuppertal Spezial (##). Liedtke, C. et al. (2010): Resource intensity in global food chains: the Hot Spot Analysis. British Food Journal 112 (10), pp. 1138–1159 Pauli, G. (2012): The Blue Economy. Berlin. Radermacher, F.J. (2002): Balance oder Zerstörung. Vienna. Reid, A. and Miedzinski (2008): Eco-Innovation. ( Ritthoff, M., Rohn, H. and Liedtke, C. (2002): Calculating MIPS : Resource productivity of products and services. Wuppertal: Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy, Wuppertal Spezial (27e). Rohn. H. et al. (2009): Identification of technologies, products and strategies with high resource efficiency potential. Wuppertal. Sachs, W. (1999): Planet Dialectics: Exploration in Environment and Development. London Sachs, W. (1993): “Die vier E’s: Merkposten für einen maßvollen Wirtschaftsstil”. In: Politische Ökologie. no. 33, pp. 69–72. Schaltegger, S. and Sturm, A. (1990). Ökologische Rationalität: Ansatzpunkte zur Ausgestaltung von ökologieorientierten Managementinstrumenten. Die Unternehmung, 44(4), 273–290. Seiler-Hausmann, J.-D., Liedtke, C. and Weizsäcker, E.U. (eds.) (2004): Eco-Efficiency and Beyond – Towards the Sustainable Enterprise. Sheffield. Systematic Eco-Innovation Report (2008): Final Report for Sectoral Innovation Watch. Schmidt-Bleek, F. et al. (1998): MAIA, Einführung in die Material-Intensitäts-Analyse nach dem MIPS-Konzept. Basel. Schmidt-Bleek, F. (2009): The Earth: Natural Resources and Human Intervention. London. Schmidt-Bleek, F., Tischner, U. and Merten, T. (1997): Öko-intelligentes Produzieren und Konsumieren. Berlin. Schmidt-Bleek, F. (1994): Wieviel Umwelt braucht der Mensch? MIPS – das Maß für ökologisches Wirtschaften. Basel. Stahel, W.R. (2010): The Performance Economy. New York. Stengel, O. (2011): Suffizienz: Die Konsumgesellschaft in der ökologischen Krise. Munich. Weizsäcker, E.U. (2009): Factor Five: Transforming the global Economy. London. Weizsäcker, E.U. (1997): Factor Four: Doubling Wealth, Halving Resource Use. London. 59 60 Workshops Bernd Draser // 3.2. Sustainable Tourism: Travel, Trouble, Transitions Sustainable Tourism: Travel, Trouble, Transitions Bernd Draser Workshop held by Bernd Draser (ecosign/Academy for Sustainable Design) and Alastair Fuad-Luke (Aalto University) The main challenge for sustainable development today is not the definition of goals, but overcoming the mental and physical immobility of societies in a complex crisis scenario. The globalised world proves to be extremely agile when it comes to developing new products or trading in stocks and bonds. But when it comes to implementing significant and urgent measures to combat climate change, the global community seems to be paralysed. Proof is offered by recently recorded levels of CO2 emissions reaching all-new highs. The need for environmentally-oriented mobility is becoming more and more urgent. Mass tourism is mobility, a form of mobility indeed that is ecologically, economically, culturally, and socially quite dubious. It produces massive CO2 emissions and waste. It destroys natural and cultural landscapes, it wastes water where it is in short supply, it impairs biodiversity, damages cultural diversity and regional identities, and addicts whole regions to a single volatile business model. And mass tourism does nothing to educate the travelling masses as the travel cultures of earlier centuries once did. In our workshop, co-taught by design activist and eco-travel author Alastair Fuad-Luke and philosopher and cultural scientist Bernd Draser, we combined theoretic, conceptual, and creative approaches with the unique and intensive genius loci of Suomenlinna Island. The theoretical approach is aimed at locating sustainability as mobility within complexity, ascertaining travel and transitions as cultural patterns, such as rites of passage, for example, as an archaic method of handling complexity, and as a potent pattern of cognition and action. It examines the cultural history of travel from our nomadic roots to the grand tour as well as the narrative and heroic structure and liminal character of travel (Gilgamesh, Ulysses, James Bond) and the colonial dimension of travel as forms of aggression and exploitation. This conceptual approach helped analyse the best as well as the worst practices of tourism and prescind their mechanisms providing an overview of eco-tourism, eco-travel and sustainable tourism, and the diversity of definitions, for example, or determining the local and global issues embraced by sustainable travel and tourism. Finally, the workshop looked into how these issues are addressed as well as the role of design and designers in these processes. Using this creative approach, we explored opportunities and perspectives for designing transitions and models of sustainable tourism. This multi-step process was primarily structured around Alastair Fuad-Luke’s sophisticated co-design loop of sharing experiences, understanding problems, and designing solutions. Two of the several approaches we 61 62 Workshops Bernd Draser // 3.2. Sustainable Tourism: Travel, Trouble, Transitions that helped enhance our competences of complexity. Workshop participants therefore decided to split up into two teams that focused on two complementary perspectives: the RejaVu Team decided to deal with travel as a specific state of mind and cultural practise, whereas the Pop-Up Suomenlinna Team developed scenarios for the prominent tourist destination of Suomenlinna Island. Photo: Katri-Liisa Pulkkinen examined were the compilation of a detailed timeline of the development of the World Cultural Heritage site of Suomenlinna Island, which helped us develop an understanding of the temporal dimension, and the exploration and experiencing of the island’s spatial dimension’s with an approach suggested by the German poet and traveller Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. The methodical diversity of theory, concept, creativity, and dialogue-focused teamwork proved to be a didactic model of sustainability 63 64 Workshops // 3.2. Sustainable Tourism: Travel, Trouble, Transitions Concept: Reja-Vu Team members: Yee Leng Chooi, Martina Dahm, Ronja Hasselbach Vacationing is a state of mind, and this was the conviction that guided the Reja-Vu team throughout the project. Team members asked themselves if tourism is necessarily unsustainable. During the expert day, we determined that it was necessary to reduce individual transportation to 10,000 km per year in order to achieve a sustainable balance. Once this had been determined, our design task was clear: we have to change travel attitudes from destination-oriented approaches to a holiday based on real individual needs. This applies to everyone, for it guarantees low levels of resource consumption and increased happiness and health, it activates us as individuals on a long-term basis, and is always available when needed. The place a person lives will be the starting point. Little aesthetic objects in our everyday environments serve as triggers of curiosity: little treasures, origami, artefacts, provoking questions, surprising text elements in unexpected places, etc. These all lead to the website, a name derived from French déjà-vu (“already seen”) which actually means the opposite: “Someday I will be here again.” The welcome text on the start page explains the concept of the project: “Reja-vu is about discovering things you seem to know already. It’s about realising that holiday is ‘a state of mind’ and about the fun stuff hidden in your backyard. It’s about listening to your real own private needs [...]. It’s about learning to care again about experiencing unpredictable moments, and it’s a far cry from boring, all-inclusive offers. It will prevent jetlag and help you to slow down whenever needed and for as long as you can afford it. It is about you, your friends and family, and whoever you want to travel with. It’s about your neighbourhood, neighbouring city, our neighbouring country. It’s about sharing experiences and inspiration voluntarily. It’s about adventure, wellbeing, nature, walking, reflexion, or feel-good holidays – it’s up to you! Finally, it’s about nothing more than having a good time…” The next page provides us with a deeper look at the concept: “Its about the journey, not the destination. People always want and need to travel as a way of experiencing and discovering something different from what they have at home. A journey begins when you leave home, but where are the boundaries of home and somewhere else? Could it be closer than what we think? We are convinced that there is as much to experience nearby as on the other side of the world.” Rejavu’s new approach: “This community is here to encourage, inspire, and share different ways of travelling in your neighbourhood. By exploring things nearby, it is possible to make short-term trips and spend little money.” The stories users tell on the webpage describe intensive travel experiences focused on mindfulness rather than transportation to touristic destinations. Reja-vu communicates a concept of a conscientious travel that cherishes the intense experience of being “on the way” of “betwixt and between”, as opposed to a consumerist understanding of travel. The inspirations presented by Reja-vu are not intended as trip advisors or tour guides, but as a source of inspiration for comparable, highly individualised ways of travel that provide more value and meaning at significantly lower levels of resource consumption and environmental and cultural impact than mass tourism. The project demonstrates a complex understanding of the meaning and possibilities of the 4th Sustainable Summer School’s meta-topic of “Transition”. Workshops // 3.2. Sustainable Tourism: Travel, Trouble, Transitions 65 66 Workshops // 3.2. Sustainable Tourism: Travel, Trouble, Transitions Workshops // 3.2. Sustainable Tourism: Travel, Trouble, Transitions Concept: Pop-up Suomenlinna Team members: Amanda Österlin La Mont, Anna Harmava, Kim Lim Lau, Nícholas Torretta, Dipti Sonawane, Tiffany Liew The team was inspired by the genius loci of Suomenlinna Island. As a UNESCO World Cultural Heritage site, Suomenlinna is a major tourist attraction of great historical and cultural interest. A picturesque island right in front of Helsinki’s harbour, it is also a popular nearby picnic and party destination for Helsinki students. Finally, Suomenlinna is home to more than 800 permanent residents. It is easy to imagine that there are several conflicting interests on the island, particularly during the summertime. This is point from which the team began to develop suggestions. A first step was, of course, to determine the three groups’ different expectations and experiences by interviewing numerous people on Suomenlinna. This in turn shaped the group’s task. Their aim was to improve the relationship between locals and visitors by encouraging social interaction and cultural exchange. Target groups were identified, including residents of Suomenlinna and different types of visitors, such as people from Helsinki or Finland or foreign visitors. Four of the most striking topics mentioned, particularly by the island’s residents, were the behaviour of student groups from Helsinki, especially their levels of alcohol consumption, their lack of respect for the residents’ privacy, the separation of touristic zones from protected zones (particularly separation that would help protect environmentally and culturally sensitive zones), and the disentanglement of infrastructure use by tourists and residents during the high season (ferry, supermarket, etc.). A solution strategy in the form of a service system was identified that would foster interaction between locals and visitors by providing personal contact and a theme-based get-together that can people from different places according to their interests. People with the same interests can meet and exchange knowledge. A community-based website and physical information service desk help individuals identify common interests depending on season and weather. A website, a mobile app, and physical objects on site provide information and communication regarding events at local houses and public spaces on Suomenlinna. From here the team developed four scenarios that accommodate different concerns and needs. Scenario 1: Visitors from abroad with an interest in culture can find out about Pop-up before going to Suomenlinna, communicate with others, and register for events with limited numbers of participants. Once there, they can orientate Scenario 1 using the physical information service and an interactive map. Scenario 2: Visitors can find out about Pop-up when they arrive on Suomenlinna and attend one of the day’s events. The interactive map helps guide them, while the web-based platform makes it possible to give feedback and stay in touch. Scenario 3: Residents of Suomenlinna can post an event on Pop-up Suomenlinna’s web page and attract participants. Scenario 4: Residents without internet contact on Suomenlinna can post an event on the interactive map, thus making it accessible for visitors. The selected scenarios represent a great number of communication opportunities both online and on the island that can establish dialogues between the different Suomenlinna interest groups and stakeholders. The project does not provide definite answers, but opens a wide range of opportunities and measures that can take into account the different needs of travellers, tourists, residents, and those responsible for the cultural and natural sites on Suomenlinna Island. 67 68 Workshops Brigitte Wolf, Eero Miettinen // 3.3. Sustainable transition by mobile services Sustainable transition BY mobile services Prof. Dr. Brigitte wolf, Prof. Eero miettinen The “Sustainable Transition by Mobile Services” workshop focused on how information can now travel with the speed of light. This is made possible by the “net” that covers the earth, which, although invisible, is omnipresent. It connects everyone to any other person at any time anywhere in the world and immediately delivers any available information. Mobile services have enabled communication to become borderless. The possibility of the rapid exchange of data has changed our lives in recent years and affected social, cultural, political, economical, and environmental behavior. Both the net and mobile services are neutral tools in and of themselves that can be used for both good and bad. There is no CEO in charge who can control global streams of data. Control of content is a very difficult challenge—who might decide what is good or bad? We all very much enjoy the advantages of mobile services, but we realize that there are also disadvantages. Many users rely on self-regulation by mobile services that is based on fairness and trust. Usually it seems to work. The 4th Sustainable Summer School took place on Suomenlinna Island near the city of Helsinki. The island played an important role in Finnish history and was a strategic location in the defense of Finland during the RussoSwedish War in the eighteenth century. Today the island is under the protection of UNESCO and is a designated World Heritage Site. Finnish schools frequently take students to this important Finnish historical place. Recently the Finnish government decided that Finnish schoolchildren should begin working with new media and mobile services from a very early age. A pilot project will soon be initiated that will hand out iPad’s to first-grade pupils in order to determine how this media can support and update the learning process from the earliest stages. A cooperative project with a Finnish design studio that has developed the appropriate software for these purposes is in the works. Taken together, these local conditions form a perfect basis for our summer school project. The students’ task was determined in cooperation with the city of Helsinki: to design a project which encourages school children to explore the island and playfully learn to handle the iPad device. 69 70 Workshops Brigitte Wolf, Eero Miettinen // 3.3. Sustainable transition by mobile services 71 CONCEPT: Connect Janina Funck, Janne Salovaara, Katie McClure, Seungho Lee, and Tihana Sare The students decided to develop an “adventure rally” that combines the virtual and the real world by inviting the children for supper: Psst! The Suomenlinna Sustainability Society is hosting a secret supper tonight. It's for all the children from [insert school name here]. We're going to talk about sustainability and how we can convince the rest of the world to take part! The problem is we're missing a few things for supper—if we give you a shopping list, can you collect these items now and bring them to the party? The students received a map showing all of Suomenlinna Island. Places where the students could find the ingredients were marked by a QR code. Dinner will be served when the children return to the hostel after their explorative adventure on Suomenlinna Island. The “real” dinner is prepared using the ingredients the children collected “virtually” over the course of the day. During and after the meal, the teacher talks with the children about the real value of food as well as the processes of cultivation, production, and transportation that are necessary so that they can enjoy the meal. In summary, the spider diagram seeks to evaluate how this project will contribute to the children learning about sustainability. Photo: Katri-Liisa Pulkkinen Using the iPad, students are able to find places where they can obtain the different ingredients and find detailed information about the ingredients as well as where they are cultivated; for example, where cacao grows, how the plants are cultivated, and how the fruits are harvested, processed, and transported. Furthermore, they find information about farmers and the specialties from the region. 72 Workshops // 3.3. Sustainable transition by mobile services Workshops // 3.3. Sustainable transition by mobile services CONCEPT: CONCEPT: Seungho Lee Janne Salovaara Forage—Go Pick, Come Cook After talking all day long about the value of food, Seungho was inspired to discuss a recent local phenomenon. A number of mushrooms, in particular chanterelles, grow in Finland’s forests, but most of these mushrooms go bad as there is no one to pick them. As a result, fewer mushrooms will grow the next year, for the more they are picked, the more they grow. Chanterelle mushrooms can be picked in the season from July to October. They are healthy, organic, free of charge, and in Finland they are available in a number of places. Nevertheless, people do not make sufficient use of wild mushrooms. They do not know where they grow, they are afraid of mistaking edible ones for poisonous ones, and they might not know about the variety of dishes that can be prepared using mushrooms. To solve this problem the app “forage” was developed. The app shows the user where to find mushrooms, determine what kind of mushroom they have found, and find information about its quality and whether or not it is edible. A variety of recipes are also available. Furthermore, users can share information with friends about “mushroom hot spots” by means of social networks. The advantages of the app’s sustainability are demonstrated in the spider diagram. Story of our Stuff Another topic that was highlighted during our discussions was the lifecycle of products and, in particular, all the people involved in the long process of creating product value. These people busy in the entire value chain are anonymous, unknown, and invisible and their work is neither appreciated nor valued. What counts and what is seen is solely the final product. This focus in perception diminishes the value of a product and ignores the engagement of all the different people involved in enabling us to buy and/or use it. Janne wanted to make the unknown known and the hidden seen by providing information about the people responsible for all the different activities in preparing a product for sale and use. The idea is that our awareness of the people and manpower involved in producing the goods we consume will create awareness of the true value of consumer goods and products. 73 74 Workshops Nina Gellersen, Luzius Schnellmann // 3.4. The aesthetics of simple living The aesthetics of simple living Workshop held by Prof. Nina Gellersen / HSLU Lucerne and Luzius Schnellmann / HSLU Lucerne The term “restriction” has a negative ring to it – but at the same time it’s most liberating when we can dedicate ourselves to the essential and avoid dealing with unnecessary ballast. Deliberately deciding against owning or doing something means being aware of our alternatives and ascribing more value to the things that already exist. It means giving ourselves space and taking time for things that are truly significant. It means wealth without possessions – or being rich precisely because one does not need to possess. Things, after all, are ephemeral. Sentimental values, however, last longer. Once we achieve a particular level of income, happiness no longer grows in step with the increase in material wealth, for increased happiness depends on other factors. The focus of this workshop was on the positive aspects of restriction. What lifestyles are appropriate? What do they look like? Which (sometimes) insignificant differences make an actual difference? What can we as designers do to protect and promote them? The course started off with a visit to the people living on Suomenlinna. We went to have a look at a wooden boat and learned how much dedication and how much effort the owners have put into its preservation since 1950. The interior of the yacht includes numerous functional details. These small, simple, yet clever solutions helped users get the most out of the limited space in the four-person sailboat. Even though it is small, we appreciated its high quality. We then visited the former bakery of Fort Suomenlinna, a prime example for the administrative work being done by Suomenlinna’s governing body: 80% of all buildings on the island are rented out in order to ensure a the greatest variation within the population and avoid the island turning into a haven for “the wealthy”. Furthermore, the existing architecture has been largely preserved, and we can still recognise their historical functions thanks to their outward appearance. The bakery, for instance, can be recognised as such from a distance due to its unusually high number of chimneys. Inside, the residents have sensitively accentuated the alcoves and ovens to great atmospheric effect. After seeing the bakery, we paid a visit to a glass blower who keeps up this age-old craft together with other artists and creates contemporary interpretations of various items that keep the old tradition alive. After our multifaceted introduction to Suomenlinna, we spoke about our understanding of simplicity, including its meaning in our lives as well as other meanings it might have. The group’s international mix helped us come up with a great number of possibilities and restrictions which were then clustered in order to identify different fields of interest. This process was accompanied by short book presentations and reading recommendations. An overview of nearly overwhelming variety was produced. How were we then to continue? How could this large group decide how to continue working? At this point, we received a visit from a “Mindfulness Coach”. Attentiveness or mindfulness exercises enable us to find peace in the present and to bring body and mind into harmony. The method is based on the teachings of Buddhism, but it has been uncoupled from its religious and cultural aspects and is found in a variety of psychotherapeutic methods. We practiced various relaxation and meditation 75 76 Workshops Nina Gellersen, Luzius Schnellmann // 3.4. The aesthetics of simple living During the second half of the week workshop participants formed small subgroups and went on to develop a variety of concepts designed to encourage people to reflect on their life’s speed, to direct their attention inwardly, and to find fulfilment in ordinary things and everyday moments that may seem unspectacular at first. Next, participants created a web-based platform for sharing knowledge, an online application for sharing, taking stock, and re-evaluating one’s own possessions, a draft for a book about “mindfulness”, and two projects which were immediately implemented within Summer School that contributed to increased communication among participants and between different cultures. The participants showed how focused and purposeful cooperation makes it possible to design challenging projects in only three-and-ahalf days. Photo: Katri-Liisa Pulkkinen techniques and found that some methods worked better for some participants, while other techniques were more useful to others. However, after some time all the participants achieved an active state of “being in the now”. We then took a long break. As workshop leaders, it was both intriguing and enlightening to discover that an active break in which no work was done on the project helped the participants to see things from other perspectives, recombine and find new links, and thus gain fresh insights. After our meditation – which had acted as an initiating spark – all of the students’ work immediately became more concrete. The meditation sequences clearly demonstrated how useful a short-term release of work-based ideas can be for encouraging unconventional ideas. The lectures held mid-week on the “Expert Day” offered further enrichment and impressively demonstrated the quality of life that can be achieved by linking small initiatives and combining tradition with modern achievements. In 2011, the British magazine Monocle selected Helsinki as the world’s “most livable city” based on the Finnish capital’s “fundamental courage to rethink its urban ambitions, and for possessing the talent, ideas and guts to pull it off.” Taking the Expert Day presentations into consideration, this choice seems hardly surprising, for we were given insight into the amazing diversity of local grassroots movements and urban development projects that will leave a lasting impression on Helsinki’s cityscape. 77 78 Workshops // 3.4. The aesthetics of simple living CONCEPT: CoSlow by Anna Totska, Anna Varnai, Julinna Nevari & Riikka Manninen After multiple group discussions and brainstorming sessions, the group came up with a community-based online platform called CO-SLOW. The platform is a service connecting like-minded people within a local community that enables them to organise events and happenings and share and exchange knowledge. Learning is taken from the classrooms and introduced to streets and city spaces. The group created a manifesto for a social movement that aims to reconnect people and find exciting ways to experience new things and places. For example, community members are able to take part in a shopping tour in a local supermarket, during which they can learn about sustainable food, food consumption, and cooking methods from a passionate food enthusiast. Furthermore, they are able to exchange knowledge. The group produced the following manifesto: “This manifesto is an open conversation – it is not permanent. Please join in as it is about you. These are just a handful of our thoughts and perhaps a first light ‘kick’ -- a kick aimed at slowing down and re-focusing on the things that matter. You matter. We think the things that really matter lie beyond objects. People matter. Trust. Experiences. Interactions. Active learning. The immaterial. For us it’s also about sharing. Share knowledge! Your local urban community is full of living knowledge, and we would like to make it visible, accessible, and real for you. We would like to open up the city spaces around you and bring together like-minded people – locally and authentically. We want to create a world that is [again] directly experienced, And we think it is possible to do so through the immaterial exchange of living knowledge in your community with [old] new ways of bringing people together. our approach is co-slow: So start co-creating and co-llaborating in your co-mmunity with the support of this open, changeable platform. We hope this will help you to go slow and realize the simple things are what really matter. Co-slow.” 79 80 Workshops // 3.4. The aesthetics of simple living Workshops // 3.4. The aesthetics of simple living CONCEPT: CONCEPT: by yi jiang by Izabella Rudics & Tristam Pears Livable city Participants at the 4th Sustainable Summer School came from all around the world, and Yi Jiang seized the opportunity to implement a researchbased project directly within the workshop. She drew up a survey with the aim of gaining information regarding how participants’ cultural and geographical backgrounds affect sustainability indicators. Yi Jiang asked students and faculty to describe concepts such as “livable city” and “simple living” and define keywords to go with these concepts. Next, she clustered the collected data and prepared it for final presentation. For a more robust assessment, Yi Jiang argues, the survey would have to be conducted with a variety of peer groups. For the Summer School, however, the survey was a useful tool to help better define certain concepts of sustainability, locate different ways of thinking, and, in doing so, provide a common basis for discussion. Zufriedenheit The project also helped to reduce cross-cultural prejudices in a humorous manner. Yi Jiang invited the participants to formulate questions directed at people from a continent other than their own. During the final presentation, she read out the collected questions and had students from the respective continent answer them. An example: “Europe to China: We have heard that, according to your perceptions, Europeans smell bad as a result of their high levels of milk consumption. Is that so?” The Chinese students’ response was that this was in fact a rumour, but they did describe how European perfumes take getting used to and that they are often too strong. This question-and-answer game provoked hearty, shared laughter, but also served as a basis for further cross-continental discussions. Sometimes the seemingly ordinary holds the biggest surprise. Izabella Rudics and Tristam Pears provoked a discussion among participants about a very old form of communication which has decreased in importance in this day and age and all but disappeared from the world of business: handwritten letters. Well, they have not disappeared completely, for participants in other workshops were surprised to be added as addressees – encouraging them to recall the beauty of receiving a letter. The initiators themselves also rediscovered the added value of the handwritten letter: the act of writing a letter enforces slowness and thoroughness and helps focus concentration. It might even be described as a meditative exercise. It encourages the authors to devote themselves exclusively to the addressee and might even involve silent conversation. Something that was common for our parents’ generation now represents both a challenge and an opportunity for us. Izabella’s and Tristam’s text forces us to pause for a moment, for it contains a list of questions that encourage self-reflection and invites the recipient to continue thinking, to pick up the initiators’ train of thought. Perhaps it is not just a letter, but also the beginning of a genuine grassroots movement. Older generations may have to suppress a smile and indulge us, for they have always known. The participants of the 5th Sustainable Summer School will receive a handwritten copy of the following letter: Dear ..., Neither of us has written a letter in a long time, and it has never been a habit of either of ours. We thought now would be a good time to start, thanks to our experiences at the Sustainable Summer School. Zufriedenheit is a German word. It is made up of two parts: “zu”, meaning to[wards] and “frieden[heit]”, meaning peace. It can be translated as “satisfaction” or “contentedness”, but for us it means to be at peace. What makes you content? What makes you happy? What brings you peace? Self-reflection was large part of our course, and both of us realised that neither of us has taken time to reflect on ourselves, our lifestyles, or on our relationships for quite some time. There are many questions to ask when reflecting on your life. Self-reflection isn’t an exact recipe for Zufriedenheit, but we have found it is an important ingredient. We would like to offer a few “kicks” that we found helpful in our self-reflection. Have you ever chewed a mouthful of food twenty times just to see what happens? Have you ever cooked for a stranger? Are there things in your life you could do without? Could others enjoy them? What means so much to you that you wish to preserve it for the next generation? Do you ever take time to be alone? How often do you compliment other people? When was the last time you asked a QUESTION? Take the time to think about the questions that interest you. We have also created a blog, where you can share your experiences as well as new “kicks”. The address is: If you like that what we are saying and if you think it could help others, we invite you to tell our – and your – story to others. Tell your friends about Zufriedenheit. We hope you are zufrieden. Bella & Tristam 81 82 Workshops // 3.4. The aesthetics of simple living Workshops // 3.4. The aesthetics of simple living CONCEPT: CONCEPT: by Johannes Kunz & Philip Oettershagen by Alisa Ceh & Irina Krez the universe of things After beginning with the general topic of simple living, we decided to concentrate on the relationships we have with countless material items, items which surround us and which stick to our lives in the form of possessions. We have come to realise that these material things can become a burden – especially if you lose track of them. We ourselves have realised that there is in fact only a small number of items that we feel truly attached to. These are mainly objects we use in our daily lives or things of personal emotional value due to the stories linked to them. On the other hand, many our possessions are used but once a year – and then there are the things we have completely forgotten about. Wouldn’t it be better if such items could find their way to people who actually have a use for them instead of remaining in our closets and basements until they have even outlived us? This train of thought has led us to develop to a new concept for such items. Could they not be free characters that can travel from one owner to another, each with its own life and own story? There are already numerous platforms, concepts, and possibilities which allow you to sell, swap, 83 awareness colouring book share, or give away used products such as flea markets, sharing concepts, or reselling platforms like eBay. We have thus decided to concentrate on finding a way to organise, catalogue, categorise, and visualise your belongings. Our idea is to create a dynamic online inventory that can allow you to keep track of your belongings in an easy, aesthetic, and graphical fashion. We tried to come up with an appropriate metaphor for our relationships to material objects, and finally we came up with the image of a whole universe consisting of countless galaxies each representing one personal household. Items can come into your galaxy and leave again. Your galaxy can be either void of or overflowing with personal items… The Universe of Things is a system which helps organise your material possessions, your things. It helps you keep track of almost everything you already own – and even things you don’t even have yet. Imagine the Universe of Things as a personal inventory, your galaxy which you can share. An overview: • Practical overview/inventory of your stuff • Awareness of all the things you own • Increase your belongings’ lifespan by re-using and sharing • Social interaction is important (you can trade or just give away things that are needed by someone else or get in touch with people who share an interest in certain items) • A hedonistic, feel-good approach to things rather than restrictions Inspired by colouring books, Alisa Ceh and Irina Krez designed a brochure which explains the meditation method “Mindfulness” in a playful manner. The reader completes Minimalist illustrations and brief questions with his or her own drawings and words. The illustrations and questions serve as a starting point for selfreflection and contemplation and help the reader to momentarily disengage from world affairs. Use of the book itself thus becomes a meditation method. The authors had the following ideas: • Various visualisations of calmness, openmindedness, and awareness • Contemplation while drawing/doodling, paying full attention to what you are doing • What protects me/you? • What makes me happy or content? • What is the core of my personal well-being? • Paying attention to one’s thoughts and feelings, noticing the environment or surroundings • Another kind of meditation • No guide, no rules, just a fun way to take some time off • Being in the present, lost in thought, not thinking about the past or the future • Slowing down and being in silence • Being able to spend some time on your own, time for yourself • No need to analyse or interpret one’s flow of thoughts and emotions • Little booklet, colouring book, feel free to add something – continue drawings, illustrations, provide some inspiration – trigger the reader’s imagination • Possibility of sharing pictures on social networks like Tumblr, Facebook, etc. 84 Workshops Anke Bernotat, Gwendolyn Kulick // 3.5. rediscovering happiness rediscovering happiness Anke bernotat, Folkwang University of the Arts gwendolyn kulick, Beaconhouse National University Striving for well-being is one of the basic motivations directing all our actions, and everyone tries to achieve his or her own personal idea of happiness. However, individual interpretations of what such happiness may entail is the result of the imprinting of values we receive from our social and cultural environments. Luxuries evoke intense feelings of privilege and or well-being and answer our human longing to “treating oneself” to something out of the ordinary. In the majority of cases, this feeling of happiness based on luxuries is a result of materialism. The worldwide improvement in quality of life thanks to continuing modernisation results in tangible increases in standards of living. A broader interpretation of the quality of happiness may be the result of a variety of different stimuli. What makes human beings happy? How do they approach their quest for happiness? Answers to these rather simple-sounding questions are as complex and manifold as mankind itself, and sometimes it seems impossible to find any answers at all. An urge to explore a variety of answers and ideas brought together a group of students that could hardly have been more diverse. It turned out that each participant currently lives and works in a different cultural environment than his or her own. Luiza, originally from a Brazilian island, now lives in Paris, Gaspar from La Plata is now in Cologne, Min-Chu from Taiwan is in Lund, Sweden, Roman from Estonia in Helsinki, Carolina from Bogota in Helsinki, Bernard and Muse from Hong Kong are now in Adelaide, Gege and Ivy from China is in Sydney, Ville from Tuurku is now in Helsinki, Gwen from Germany’s Lower Saxony lives in Lahore, and Anke from Essen, Germany, is in Amsterdam. Furthermore, not all of the students study design related subjects, but they also came from backgrounds such as pharmaceutics and sustainable development. After meeting together at the 4th Sustainable Summer School on the small Finnish island of Suomenlinna, the group began the workshop with an inspiring discussion that covered a number of aspects and ideas, including experiences of individual ideas and moments of happiness. Stereotypical approaches were questioned, such as the idea of achieving happiness through luxury and material wealth. Proverbs and superstitions provided insights into different cultural thought patterns. Some aspects turned out to be opposites, yet they constituted a path to happiness for different individuals. Interesting points included: HAPPINESS is about Preserving cultures, social awareness and well being, equity, human rights, fairness, spiritbody-mind, freedom, empowerment, admiration, hope, community, care, belongings, peace of mind, feeling alive, confidence, pleasure in the moment, sustainability, symbiosis with nature, valuing difference, ecology and nature, saving the earth, giving and receiving. 85 Workshops Anke Bernotat, Gwendolyn Kulick // 3.5. rediscovering happiness PROVERBS from different cultures Included • If your basic needs are fulfilled, go and find your dream(s) (China) • Broken pieces bring you luck (Germany) Three special moments of happiness (China) • Rain after a long drought • Meeting an old friend far away from home • The moment of getting married • “Don’t Worry, Be Happy” (Song by Bobby McFerrin) PhILOsopherS view – we learned that Photo: Katri-Liisa Pulkkinen • „No medicine cures what happiness cannot“ (Gabriel Garcia Marquez) • “We are the creators of our own happiness” (Paul Watzlavik) • Bhutan has a “Gross National Happiness” index • “If happiness is not the aim of politics, then what is?” (Foucault) Thinkers and philosophers of earlier civilisations provided further food for thought. Alain de Botton, a contemporary philosopher and author follows in their footsteps. In his documentary series A Guide to Happiness he revisits the ideas of six selected philosophers from different eras. While roaming around their original environments and tracing their socio-economic and political roles within their societies, he makes their thoughts easier for us to grasp. Some episodes provided us with more practical advice than others. Socrates firmly believed in logical thinking and a conscious mind as it helps people to live less conformist lives. He did not believe in the democratic method of accepting majority opinion as the correct path. Instead he offered a way to gain more self-confidence by continuously questioning common sense statements by finding and evaluating exceptions. Epicurus also had clear ideas about the ingredients of a happy life: friends, freedom, and an analysed life. Seneca proposes pessimism in order to avoid disappointments. Montaigne sees the root cause unhappiness in the fear of being judged and discomfort with one’s own body. He asks people to accept themselves as human beings with minor mistakes and to not be embarrassed about everyday issues like digestion or sexuality. Additionally, as an outspoken critic of colonial conquest, which during his lifetime reached its peak in the 18th and 19th centuries, he encourages people to travel in order to overcome prejudices. Nietzsche firmly believed that without pain there is no gain in life. He suggests we challenge hardships rather than escape them by means of alcohol or religion. Participants discussed aspects such as luxury, monetary and material wealth, the 87 88 Workshops Anke Bernotat, Gwendolyn Kulick // 3.5. rediscovering happiness luxury of time, relationships, and many more. The peaceful setting on idyllic and quiet Suomenlinna added to the discussion which asked us to question our everyday lives in hectic cities between work, deadlines, and our wish for satisfactory leisure time. In the end, there might have been more questions than answers – perhaps it was the best possible outcome. It shows that there are many perspectives for finding happiness and that attitudes can be re-evaluated, may change, and thus trigger new approaches for designers to develop solutions for a happier life. The participants formed three groups. All concepts resulted in holistic scenarios that incorporated ecological, social, and economical aspects of a sustainable lifestyle on multiple levels. Workshops // 3.5. rediscovering happiness references Allain de Botton, The Architecture of Happiness Allain de Botton, Status Anxiety William Morris, Useful Work versus Useless Toil, Pinguin Otl Aicher: The World as Design Paul Watzlavik, Eine kurze Anleitung zum Unglücklich sein Colors Magazine, Editions on: Apocalypse Happiness Dance Money Frontiers Slums Froh Magazine CONCEPT: SUOMENLINNA WINTER ISLAND by Carolina & Roman IDEA: Suomenlinna Winter Island of Happiness Underlying Ideas Personality changes during the winter. Friends, freedom, and self-reflection – Epicurus’ three keys to happiness Suomenlinna is empty during the winter. What do you get there: Play Time When we allow ourselves to be spontaneous or creative, playfully enjoying novel experiences, which helps to make new connections in the brain. Connecting Time When we connect with other people, in person, or take time to appreciate our connection to the natural world around us. Reflective Time When we quietly reflect, focusing on sensations, images, feelings, and thoughts. Slow-Down Time When we are non-focused, without any specific goal, and let our mind wander or simply relax, which helps the brain to recharge. Sleep Time When we give the brain the rest it needs to recover from the experiences of the day. Proper Nutrition Time Nourishing your body with healthy food will enhance your physical and mental condition. Being happy is easier than you think. Physical Time When we move our bodies, aerobically if medically possible, which strengthens the brain in many ways. 89 90 Workshops // 3.5. rediscovering happiness Workshops // 3.5. rediscovering happiness CONCEPTS: REDISCOVERING HAPPINESS JOURNEY and MINISTERY OF HAPPINESS – Embedding happiness in government and public life by Gaspar, Ivy, Luiza, Minchu & Ville REdiscovering HAppiness Journey Target state Happiness should be perceived as one of the basic needs of life, just like food, water, and shelter. We human beings are actually born with both the ability and the need to be happy. It is just a fact that most people have experienced happiness in their lifetimes. Therefore, the target is first to value happiness as importantly we value education, economics, health, and the environment, which are fundamental elements of an individual’s life and a society as a whole. The second goal is to help people regain or reinforce their ability to feel happy. It is hereby decreed that, from now on, there will be sunflowers on every windowsill, that sunflowers have the right to blossom in the shade; and that windows will be opened all day long to the green in which hope grows. From needs to sustainable well-being Fixed situation When an individual has fulfilled the seven needs, he is in a natural state of sustainable well-being. If he/she does not achieve the spiritual needs by realising the oneness of nature, he/she can never be in a sustainable state of well-being; and that means that if he/she does not consider himself/ herself as a part of nature, he/she will damage himself/herself by damaging nature, and thus break the sustainable state of well being. Humankind must live sustainably in symbiosis with nature in order to fulfil its part in the natural system (cycle of life). We must act sustainably in order to be in a state of well-being. Being sustainable means preserving life, and this means acting as a factor in the sustainable natural system (cycle of life) and fulfilling the purpose of a single organism in this bigger organism that is the planet Earth. Then, and only then, will humankind sustain its role in the cycle of life and at the same time achieve the sustainable wellbeing of nature as a whole. This means that the purpose of life is to live in order to evolve. Evolution itself is caused by entropy, the fact that everything is moving towards greater disorder. Entropy is caused by the expansion of the universe. Because it is against the fundamental need of self preservation (self destructive behaviour). Since other living organisms do not have the ability to live unsustainably, the sustainable well-being of an individual will lead to sustainable well-being of nature, aka: sustainable life on earth. Thiago de Mello (Brazilian author and rainforest activist) Definition Happiness is state of mind involving well-being which underlines every other human emotion. It is a sense of serenity, fulfilment, peacefulness, connection with our surroundings (nature), and a basic human need. And if this basic need is not reached, human life is unsustainable, for it means that humanity goes against itself. MINISTERY OF HAPPINESS – Embedding happiness in government and public life Underlying Ideas: “If happiness is not the aim of politics, then what is?” – Foucault Epicurus’ principles of happiness – the three foundations of a happy life: • Friends with whom you can share a meal • Freedom from financial pressure • Time to think about your life and nature Small is beautiful “The maximum amount of well-being with the minimum amount of consumption” – E.F. Schumacher The rediscovering happiness journey / stRuctuRe of / stRuctuRe of sustainaBLe WeLL-Being of HuMan // sustainaBLe WeLL-Being of HuMan // 7 needs of HuMan Beings 7 needs of HuMan Beings / / stoRYBoaRd // stoRYBoaRd // / stoRYBoaRd // pHYsicaL? Physiological Physiological Happiness is not about the destination but the journey. pHYsicaL? pHYsicaL? Biological Biological Social Creatural Creatural Social Sustainable Sustainable well-beingwell-being of human of human Spiritual Spiritual To not pursue or seek happiness is to not fulfil a basic need, and this will make the human race unsustainable, causing it to RediscoveRing Happiness JouRneY // eventually disappear. / / RediscoveRing Happiness JouRneY // oR viRtuaL? oR viRtuaL? oR viRtuaL? Psychological Psychological Mental Mental / oR BotH? / RediscoveRing Happiness JouRneY // RediscoveRing Happiness JouRneY // / RediscoveRing Happiness JouRneY // oR BotH? oR BotH? 91 92 Workshops // 3.5. rediscovering happiness Workshops // 3.5. rediscovering happiness CONCEPT: HAPPY GREEN MOBIL by Muse Chui Ling Li, GegeXu, Lok Chung Ho Who will be involved? Our instructors can be experts capable of providing workshops, knowledge, and skills. Volunteers can come from the local community. They can join our program and follow the truck to other cities. Concept Our concept proposes a mobile truck that educates people about connecting sustainability and happiness with green activities, such as a handicraft and gardening workshops. Where will it happen? This is our proposed route for Happy Green in Helsinki city. When the truck passes through the park in the city, we can stop and initiate workshops at various locations. What are our targets? The goals to achieve in these workshops are: 1. Increasing public awareness of natural recourses When people have their lunch or dinner in the restaurant, they might not finish their dishes, thus producing food waste. The gardening workshop will show them that growing food is not a piece of cake. They will then begin to respect food and reduce food waste. The handicraft workshop will teach people recycling – such as old fabrics and household goods – as well as new useful ways to reduce waste. 2. Living in a green environment Not every city can provide public green space, so people can learn how to make their own private gardens at home. They can improve their existing living space to some extent by having more green. 3. Sharing and exchanging experience and knowledge Once the happy green workshop has started, instructors, volunteers, and other people can share and exchange their own experiences and knowledge in our workshop. 4. Teaching these happy green ideas to the others We hope that they can share the green experiences with their friends, family, and neighbours in order to spread Happy Green ideas after they finish the workshop. After joining our workshop, they will live increasingly sustainable lifestyles and feel happy. How does it work? In our system, old fabrics and household goods, seeds, instructors and volunteers are our input. In the workshop process, instructors, volunteers, and participants will communicate with one another. And Happy Green responds by educating the public on ways to live more sustainable and happier lives. Lastly, sharing and exchanging experiences and knowledge is a key point in this process. The output is living skills and happiness. Get a green and sustainable lifestyle from the gardening and handcrafts workshops! Once Happy Green finishes its mission in Helsinki, it can travel by highway to another state in Finland or even go to other European cities. For example, Happy Green will continue with the Helsinki experience by learning from the local people, then go to Paris to share, exchange, and learn new knowledge. We proposed a few more trucks travel in different cities throughout the world, such as Cape Town, Hong Kong, Sydney, New York, and Rio de Janeiro. Happy Green will provide non-stop education, sharing, and exchange between different places and cities to promote our connecting sustainability and happiness concept around the world in an unending loop. 93 94 Expert day Bernd Draser // 3.6. Reflections – The Advantage of Looking Back Expert day Bernd Draser // 2.5. Reflections – The Advantage of Looking Back Reflections – The Advantage of Looking Back Ever since the 1st Sustainable Summer School, a typical day during the programme begins with a morning reflection or ends with an evening period of reflection lasting some minutes, usually outside in the beautiful park at the Nikolaus Monastery or on Suomenlinna Island, reviewing the topics discussed during the sessions from a more abstract and philosophical point of view, thus opening new perspectives for the intensive conceptual and creative work in the workshops and teams. These reflections are not prepared speeches, but touch on questions, remarks, or suggestions made by participants. As a philosopher, it is not my aim to immediately utilise our mutual reflections, but I instead seek to achieve a calm and distant look back as a respite from the total immersion into the topic. I attempt to foster my own individual faculty of judgement with these reflections that can contextualise design solutions within their cultural meshwork. It is not my purpose to provide irrevocable answers, but preliminary impetuses to motivate further thought, research, and dialogue. Here are just a few examples of what we discussed on Suomenlinna Island. What is happiness? From the very beginning of European philosophy, happiness has been a central issue of thought and an endless amount of disputed definitions and contradictory concepts have been put forth. With few exceptions, there has been considerable consensus that eudaimonia (happiness) is one of the ultimate foundations for all human pursuit that requires no more justification. Aristotle and Plato completely agree with Epicure, Montaigne, and Anglo-Saxon Utilitarianism, but their concepts of happiness are extremely different. Happiness is believed to derive from accordance with the moral or political or societal order, or it is believed to result from unlimited individual freedom and political independence. Other concepts link happiness to the loss of fear and trust in a divine persona. The most antagonistic concepts are certainly those of mitigation versus culmination. Mitigation can be described as techniques of accumulating only temperate pleasures and avoiding pain or intemperate extremes – a low-key form of happiness, as Epicure, the Stoics, Aristotle, and the Utilitarianists represent in some variations. On the other hand we have are concepts of culminating intensities and ecstatic experiences, which Nietzsche in particular supports, which state that that suffering and happiness are inseparably bound together. During our reflections we agreed that none of these concepts can claim absolute validity, for happiness obliges each individual to experiment with diverse strategies, doing justice not only to his or her own character, but current and ever-changing needs as well. And finally, it seems that we are all designers of our own lives when we strive for our individual techniques of sustained happiness. Photo: Katri-Liisa Pulkkinen Bernd Draser 95 96 Expert day Bernd Draser // 3.6. Reflections – The Advantage of Looking Back What do art and design have in common? Designers are currently overwhelmed with complex responsibilities and are required to assess the effects of their designs on complex value creation chains. They are expected to account for the impacts of their designs, be they economic or cultural, environmental or social in nature. The notion of design is obviously expanding, and designers need to come to terms with this expansion. But there is a striking tendency to overfreight what was once a rather harmless discourse: in the second half of the 18th century, continental philosophy discovered arts and aesthetics as a subject. Art before 1750 can be described according to three models: 1. Plato proclaimed art as mimesis, as an imitation of reality, thus implying art’s false nature: artists are liars. Artists have struggled with this verdict ever since – just think of figurative versus abstract art. Aristotle tried to ease the verdict by saying that art can also imitate the potential of reality. 2. Prodesse et delectare: Roman poet Horace wanted arts not only to be educative, but also entertaining. Here I see parallels to design: prodesse (“usefulness”) is the function, delectare (“to entertain”) is the aesthetic form. 3. Aesthetic judgements are only matters of taste, not of rational arguments, and hence irrelevant for philosophy. But then, between 1750 and 1800, a number of important books on aesthetics were published, a major consequence of which was the a rationalisation of aesthetic judgement; suddenly art moved into the focus of philosophy. Hegel, for example, argued that art had the same function as religion in some historic periods: provision of a complete explanation and justification of the entire world, art meant anything, and anything meant art. German Romanticism took a strong position as well: only art was believed capable of salvation, and religion and art were no longer separable. And only art can redeem a world of instrumentalised rationalism, of science and industry, of the technological subjugation of the world. The similarities to designers’ current situation are obvious. Of course art has not yet accomplished all of these expectations, but it certainly has become extremely sophisticated. In our discussions we agreed that with this precedence in mind, it will be much easier for current and future designers to tackle the expanding notion of design. How are design and sustainability connected? Sustainable development has become the leading discourse of our time, and for good reason: industrialised lifestyles developed by the western world are hardly bearable in terms of their input (resources) and output (emissions), as well as their exploitive character in terms of 97 economics, ecology, society, and culture. In order to sustain nature’s resources for future generations, some significant shifts in our lifestyles are unavoidable. Design has been intimately ensnared in lifestyles of industry and monoculture. In the 1920s, the German Bauhaus represented the avant-garde of mass production, producing in mass and for the masses. Despite of all its aesthetic and technical innovations, Bauhaus culture is one source of 20thcentury monoculture. During the Cold War, consumerism endorsed western identity. Design aided this purpose by “tarting up” product surfaces and palliating commercial messages in order to enforce consumption. Designers saw themselves as the flippant auxiliaries of marketing departments. From the 1970s onward, the concept of linear growth and consumerism developed a shady reputation, and the idea of sustainable development began to grow and assign consumers – and especially designers –new and unprecedented responsibilities. Designers are required to assess the effects of their design along complex value creation chains. Designers are expected to account for the impacts of their designs, be they economic or cultural, environmental or social. Designers are asked to convert products into services, to change values, and to communicate the allure of sustainable lifestyles. Designers are thus rethinking the impact of their work. What we do when we design? We designate an object deliberately by choosing a certain material and form, and by designating a function. But at the same time we designate an object unknowingly according to our normative values, our imaginations and cultural patterns, our concepts of the world, and, finally, our position in the world. And there is also a reverse effect: products do shape our imaginations, our concepts of the world, and our position in the world – our products design us just as we design them. Good design is able to handle all the complexities that we face today and in the future. Hence, sustainable design is more than just one branch among others: Sustainable design is good design, and good design is sustainable design. Participants & Partners Photo: Katri-Liisa Pulkkinen 99 100 Participants & Partners Katri-Liisa Pulkkinen // 4.1. The Venue: Suomenlinna 101 The Venue: Suomenlinna Suomenlinna maritime fortress, the venue of the 4th Sustainable Summer School, is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and one of Finland’s most popular tourist attractions. Located on a group of islands less than fifteen minutes by ferry from the centre of Helsinki, the fortress attracts more than 700,000 visitors each year. The number of visitors is so high that both the surfaces of the old fortress and the natural landscape suffer from erosion caused by the tourist masses. As most of the people visit the islands in the summer season, there is a need to encourage tourists to visit during the winter. The quest for sustainable tourism, one of the workshop themes at the 4th Sustainable Summer School, is a crucial question for Suomenlinna. Construction of the fortress of Suomenlinna, an irregular network of bastions, started in the eighteenth century as a means of defending the eastern part of the Swedish Empire. The majority of the buildings on Suomenlinna date from the end of the Swedish era in the latter part the eighteenth century. In the early nineteenth century the fortress fell under Russian rule, and it became a garrison island charged with guarding the shipping channels to St. Petersburg. During this time the fortress was extended further. After Finland gained her independence in 1917, Suomenlinna became home to a coastal artillery regiment, a submarine base, and a shipyard where ships were built as a part of Finland’s war reparations after the Second World War. The Governing Body of Suomenlinna was set up in 1973 after the military abandoned the fortress, and in 1991 UNESCO added Suomenlinna to its World Heritage List. The history of the islands raises questions about the cultural dimensions of sustainability. Over the centuries, Suomenlinna has a cted as a catalyst for development as well as a hub for knowledge transmission between different cultures. As discussed in the Summer School workshop “Sustainable Transition by Mobile Services”, we now often expect technologies to play such a role as transition agents. Today Suomenlinna is the property of the Finnish government and is managed as a World Heritage site by the Governing Body of Suomenlinna, an agency subordinate to the Ministry of Education and Culture. Suomenlinna is also a district of the city of Helsinki with a permanent population of more than 800 people – some of the families on the islands are now raising their fourth or fifth generations. Life on the Suomenlinna islands requires inhabitants to adopt a slower pace – something which was studied in the Summer School’s ”Aesthetics of Simple Living” and ”Rediscovering Happiness” workshops. The old buildings are used as apartments, working spaces, maintenance facilities, and visitor service facilities. A continuous building-repair program balances restoration with the modern use of structures from different eras, many of which were originally designed for military use. This restoration work requires considerable expertise, but it also helps maintain knowledge of centuries-old skills. For example, the eighteenth-century dry dock on Susisaari Island is still used as a repair facility for old wooden sailboats. Photo: Katri-Liisa Pulkkinen Katri-Liisa Pulkkinen, Aalto University 102 Participants & Partners Nina Gellersen, Luzius Schnellmann // 4.2. LUCERNE UNIVERSITY OF APPLIED SCIENCES AND ARTS 103 LUCERNE UNIVERSITY OF APPLIED SCIENCES AND ARTS NINA GELLERSEN, Luzius Schnellmann CREATIVITY AND INNOVATION FOR THE BENEFIT OF CULTURE, SOCIETY AND BUSINESS The School of Art and Design offers a range of disciplines unmatched anywhere in Switzerland. It is the country's oldest arts school with a tradition spanning more than 130 years. The school draws on an extensive network of connections with faculty, students and projects in Switzerland and abroad. Its selected bachelor and master programmes and its twenty fully equipped in-house workshops give it a name in the fields of applied art and design affording students the kind of skills that will help them meet the challenges of this industry. This, in turn, further boosts the school's reputation. MASTER OF ARTS IN DESIGN Photo: Katri-Liisa Pulkkinen In our Masters Degree programme, we offer students the opportunity to expand and hone their creative abilities. Furthermore, they will gain the required competence to position themselves in the market and manage complex processes. The programme thus enables them to fulfil their roles in supporting and adding value to the worlds of business, culture and institutions, consciously and self-confidently. Students are free to choose between seven areas of specialisation, all of which explore the creative process in depth. These are: Animation, Graphic Design, Illustration, Product Design, Service Design, Short Motion, and Textiles. The Masters programme in Design is a consecutive full-time educational programme, with a standard period of study of three semesters and accreditation of 90 ECTS credits. The students conclude their studies with the internationally recognised Master of Arts in Design. The specialisations enable the students firstly to apply a strong focus towards their projects, while nurturing discourse in small groups within their own discipline. Secondly, the wide spectrum created by the students and lecturers in the Masters programme enables interdisciplinary projects, cross-subject exchange and new networks to be created. 104 Participants & Partners Anke Bernotat // 4.3. FOLKWANG UNIVERSITY OF THE ARTS Participants & Partners Bernd Draser // 4.4. Ecosign/Academy for Design FOLKWANG UNIVERSITY OF THE ARTS Ecosign/Academy for Design ANKE BERNOTAT Bernd Draser AN OVERVIEW OF FOLKWAN G UNIVERSITY’S WORLD OF DESIGN Designers attended the School of Trades and Applied Arts here even before the Folkwang School of Music, Dance and Speech was founded in 1927. Designers were closely associated with other artistic fields in Folkwang from the school's very beginning and in 1928 they formed the Folkwang School of Design (Folkwangschule für Gestaltung). From 1948 to 1972, photographers, carvers, sculptors, graphic designers, commercial artists, and other artists shared the same roof with musicians, dancers, and actors at the Benedictine Abbey in Werden. However, it was not until 2007 that this school became an official part of Folkwang University, including its programmes in photography as well as communication and industrial design. The school is currently planning to move into the Zollverein complex. WHAT IS FOLKWAN G DESIGN? Design at Folkwang University offers the study in photography, communication and industrial design, encourages cross-disciplinary work with international partners and maintains close contact with representatives from the areas of commerce and industry, thus allowing the 'Folkwang idea' to promote realistic concepts while vibrantly moving forward into the future. Properly educated designers make an important contribution to shaping our environment by virtue of their comprehensive manner of practical and critical thinking, their sensibility, their capacity to imagine the future, and their knowledge of culture, art, technology, ergonomics, science, and the marketplace. Folkwang University's design programme aims to educate precisely these designers and provide them with the foundation they require to establish their own individual attitudes and approaches to design – all within the context of a unique cross-disciplinary course structure that fuses theory with practice. Without design, technological innovations are often of no use to humanity. Through the integration of 'cultural quality', design can discover applications for new technical innovations. INNOVATION AND DESIGN Design serves as a link between technological innovations and a cultural context. As both catalyst and moderator, the designer oversees the developmental process from initial conception to the design of useful and relevant products. In this fashion, designers combine inspiration and anticipation to create innovations oriented towards a specific context. Our working group deals primarily with the integration of new technological developments and conventional techniques combined, most importantly, with the possibilities and opportunities that these new discoveries present both for today and in the future. Sustainable design integrates ecological, economic, and social interests in equal measure in terms of both form and concept. In order to implement these three competences into real life solutions, a solid foundation in matters of aesthetics, theory, and culture is indispensible. This interdisciplinary foundation enables complex ways of thinking for a complex world that can help overcome simple linear ways of thought. Ecosign/Academy for Design has been educating professionals about sustainable design since 1994. Located in Cologne’s vivid and rapidly developing Design Quarter Ehrenfeld, ecosign offers full-time courses which award the student a diploma in design. Design is presented in its holistic context, and students receive intensive training in technical processes, basic theory, and handicraft skills while simultaneously learning to transfer these skills to a more ecologically responsible form of design. The students learn to position themselves as ecologically-aware and future-orientated designers who function in an area at the intersections of industry, consumers, and the environment. They learn how to make effective use of the world’s resources as well as all possible solutions. Solutions must be found which pose no threat to the environment yet can still attract and appeal to consumers, thus making them both practical and profitable for industry. Students are trained to think and act cooperatively, to work in teams, and to acquire the necessary qualifications needed in a multinational society and an ever more globalised world. All of the courses implement the ecosign concept. Theoretical courses include philosophy, psychology, design theory, art history, and design management. The skills acquired in these courses are applied in various projects which help prepare the students to become successful designers. Design achievements are made more complex through the added aspects of ecology and philosophy. The conceptual method of work increases quality while opening up a range of new possibilities, and personal interviews, presentations, and general discussions of projects open up a variety of new perspectives. All in all, students receive a solid practical education, a comprehensive overview of their future profession, and all of the tools they need to develop both responsible behaviour as well as a keen sense of judgement. 105 106 Participants & Partners Brigitte Wolf // 4.5. University of Wuppertal – Industrial Design Programme University of Wuppertal – Industrial Design Programme Brigitte Wolf The Industrial Design Programme at Wuppertal University is characterised by multidisciplinarity, internationality, and practical relevance. An eight-semester Bachelor programme, a three- to foursemester Master programme, and a Ph.D. programme strengthen the academic profile of the career. Industrial Design (BA) Industrial Design is a scientific and artistic study programme. A scholarly and creative Bachelor of Arts (BA) programme offers students the possibility of specialising in: • Technical products/product systems • Strategic design The Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Industrial Design is a four-year programme, and enrolment takes place each year beginning with the winter semester. It offers a practical university education in process-driven product development and the development of design strategies (focus: technical products/product systems). The “Wuppertal Models” offer the chance to enhance the industrial designer’s core competencies by introducing skills such as design thinking, applied research, and strategy development to his or her repertoire (focus: strategic design). New ways of thinking are linked with technical and design expertise. The design programme connects future needs with commercial business strategies as well as economics. A course of studies in Industrial Design at the University of Wuppertal – the only university in Germany to offer a degree in “strategic design” – means learning how to develop innovations. Participants & Partners Tiina Laurila // 4.6. Aalto University / CS programme Aalto University – creative sustainability programme Tiina Laurila Strategic Innovation in Products and Services (MA) In response to the market’s need for professionals handling complex design strategies, the interdisciplinary master programme “Strategic Innovation in Products and Services” was launched in the winter semester 2012/2013. The MA programme is targeted at students who wish to add a focus on strategic design management and integrative design competences to their professional design skills. The programme is open to students with an excellent BA degree in design, engineering, or economics. Strategic innovation is now a core competence for successful design development in the interrelationship between consumer desires, technological producibility, and economic earning power. Students work on projects in close cooperation with global partners from the areas of industry and design studios focusing on holistic, strategic solutions. The programme offers the possibility of studying one semester abroad at one of our partner universities. Doctorate Study Programme in Strategic Design The option of obtaining a Ph.D. in design is one of the unique offerings of the Wuppertal’s Industrial Design department. In addition to individual coaching, doctoral students regularly participate in doctoral seminars and discuss their achievements. Their research projects focus on the added value design can deliver to users by investigating user behaviour, cultural diversity, and sustainability. Design strategies and design culture in small- and medium-sized companies are as also major subjects of research. The Center for Graduate Studies of Wuppertal University supports doctoral students with special seminars to help them improve their scientific research skills. The master’s degree program in Creative Sustainability is a multidisciplinary teaching platform at Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture, School of Business and School of Engineering. The CS program is based on a number of disciplines: business, design, real estate, urban planning, landscape planning, and building design. The two-year master’s degree program is a 120-ECTS entity and the degree can be completed fully in English. Approximately seventy students from twenty-nine different countries have begun their master’s studies in the CS program since it was initiated in 2010. The program’s unique interdisciplinary structure enhances the understanding of the working practices of sustainability experts from various fields as well the skills of communication involved in sustainability. Systems thinking and the application of creative processes in problem solving are regarded as essential for contributing to sustainability. Both the Aalto University’s and the program’s international networks encourage a versatile international learning environment. Teaching is strongly connected to practical outcomes. Courses encourage students to solve problems in developing world communities, rethink urban sustainability in city planning offices, promote new sustainable design and entrepreneurship, and work with NGOs as well new high-tech business. Students can both broaden and deepen their skills by choosing from multidisciplinary course offerings. Students may mix and match studies in sustainable product and service design, business development, corporate social responsibility, city planning, sustainable building design, real estate economics, and landscape planning in an international and interdisciplinary learning environment. The first semester begins with a mix of obligatory and optional courses in sustainable development, of which some are conducted in ongoing projects. During the second semester, students can continue with their optional courses, take part in current projects, or begin work on their master’s thesis. This program provides students with an interdisciplinary approach to their own degree with an emphasis on sustainable development. Graduates may be employed by organizations with strategies for developing their own sustainability, such as businesses, organizations, educational associations, and management. For example, prospective positions are to be found in design, management, and consulting in both the public and private sectors. 107 108 Participants & Partners Christa Liedke // 4.7. wuppertal institute Participants & Partners // 4.8. CSCP wuppertal institute CSCP Christa Liedtke, Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and energy CSCP, UNEP/WUPPERTAL INSTITUTE COLLABORATING CENTRE ON SUSTAINABLE CONSUMPTION AND PRODUCTION Sustainable development requires an integrated approach to policy and science, as many of the issues raised by sustainable development can – not be addressed within a single department or by using the tools offered by individual scientific disciplines. This is where the Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy's research programme begins – by adopting an interdisciplinary approach and working towards systems research and understanding. Applied sustainability research is the Wuppertal Institute's stated mission. The Wuppertal Institute explores and develops models, strategies, and instruments that support sustainable development at the local, national, and international levels. Sustainability research at the Wuppertal Institute focuses on ecology and its relationship to economy and society. Special emphasis is placed on the technological and social innovations that decouple economic growth from the use of nature and wealth and on launching initiatives that address these issues. Research group 4 deals with serviceoriented sustainable production and consumption systems and seeks to develop instruments, concepts, and strategies that promote the transition to more sustainable patterns of production and consumption. Our research focuses on the development and market launch of products and services that are deemed sustainable in terms of their entire life-cycles as well as optimised production processes throughout the entire addedvalue chain. Instead of containing and supporting of mass flows that are expensive in terms of cost, time, and nature, research group 4's focus is directed towards the needs and wants of clients and consumers and creating ecointelligent solution strategies. The sustainable production and consumption research group is convinced that making markets and economies more sustainable requires the optimisation of both production and consumption patterns. One possibility of achieving this goal is to initiate an exchange of information between different institutions and businesses which could contribute to integrated sustainability in terms of both production and consumption. The UNEP/Wuppertal Institute Collaborating Centre on Sustainable Consumption and Production (CSCP) provides scientific support to activities undertaken in the field of sustainable consumption and production. This support includes the development, testing, implementation and monitoring of concrete projects, especially in developing countries. As part of its activities, the CSCP also aims to give sustainability a visual face. As an introduction to the subject, the CSCP and others organised the two-days conference 'The Future of Sustainable Products and Services', which was joined by the Summer School students. Our researcher Satu Lahteenoja then participated at the 1st Sustainable Summer School. 109 111 110 Participants & Partners // Students STudents Luiza Barroso Alisa Ceh Yee Leng Chooi Janina Clever Martina Dahm Anna Harmava Ronja Hasselbach Lok Chung Ho YI JIANG Irina Krez Johannes Kunz Kim Lim Lau Seungho Lee Chui Ling Li Tiffany Liew Roman Lihhavtshuk Riikka Manninen Katie McClure Gaspar Mostafa Ville Murmann Julianna Nevari Carolina Obregon Philip Oettershagen Hesam Pakbeen Tristam Pears Izabella Rudics Janne Salovaara Tihana Sare Dipti Sonawane JiaHui Tang Nicholas Torretta Baroneolli Min-Chu Tung Anna Varnai Gege Xu Amanda Österlin La Mont Photo: Katri-Liisa Pulkkinen Anna Totska Sponsors