Publikationsauswahl - OREA Institut für Orientalische und


Publikationsauswahl - OREA Institut für Orientalische und
E. Alram-Stern, Ritual and interaction during the Final Neolithic period. The example of
Aegina-Kolonna, in: E. Kalogiropoulou – A. Sarris (eds.), Communities, Landscapes and
Interaction in Neolithic Greece, International Conference, Rethymnon, May 29th–30th 2015,
Ann Arbor, International Monographs in Prehistory (accepted).
E. Alram-Stern – A. Sarris – K. Vouzaxakis – K. Almatzi – V. Rondiri, Magoula Visviki
revisited. Comparing past excavations' data to recent geophysical research, in: E.
Kalogiropoulou – A. Sarris (eds.), Communities, Landscapes and Interaction in Neolithic
Greece, International Conference, Rethymnon, May 29th–30th 2015, International Monographs
in Prehistory (accepted).
E. Alram-Stern, Men with caps. Chalcolithic figurines from Aegina-Kolonna and their ritual
use, in: E. Alram-Stern – F. Blakolmer – S. Deger-Jalkotzy – R. Laffineur – J. Weilhartner
(eds.), Metaphysis. Ritual, Myth and Symbolism in the Aegean Bronze Age, 15th
International Aegean Conference, Vienna, April 22th–25th 2014, Aegaeum (in print).
E. Alram-Stern, Visviki Magoula, Thessaly. Reconsidering cultural change from the Arapi- to
the Dimini and Rachmani phases, in: S. Dietz – F. Mavridis – Z. Tankosic – T. Takaoğlu
(eds.), Proceedings of the international Conference Communities in Transition. The CircumAegean Later Neolithic Stages (5000/4800–3200/3000 BC), Athens, June 7th–9th 2013 (in
E. Alram-Stern, Visviki Magoula near Velestino. The Late Neolithic finds in context, Speira,
Scientific meeting in hounour of Angelika Dousougli and Konstantinis Zachos, Ioannina,
November 1st –3rd 2012 (in print).
E. Alram-Stern, Social and economic networks. Their Emergence at the dawn of the Aegean
Early Bronze Age, in: Walter Gauss (ed.), Forschungen zur Frühägäischen Archäologie 2011.
Frühbronzezeitliche Handels- und Fernverbindungen (in print).
E. Alram-Stern, The network of the Kampos group. Crete in context, in: 11th International
Cretological Congress, Rethymnon, October 21th–27th 2011 (in print).
M. Brami, James Mellaart on the significance of Hacılar, in: Arkeoloji ve Sanat (accepted).
M. N. Brami, Review of A. Whittle – P. Bickle (eds.), Early farmers. The view from
archaeology and science (Proceedings of the British Academy 198), Oxford 2014, European
Journal of Archaeology (in print).
M. Brami – B. Horejs, Upscaling the Neolithic houses. Trends in house size and function in
Anatolia and the Balkans, Studia Praehistorica (accepted).
M. Brami – A. Zanotti, Modelling the initial expansion of the Neolithic out of Anatolia,
Documenta Praehistorica (accepted).
M. Brami – B. Horejs – F. Ostmann, The ground beneath their feet. Building continuity at
Neolithic Çukuriçi Höyük, Anatolian Studies (accepted).
B. Horejs – A. Galik – B. Milić – F. Ostmann – U. Thanheiser – B. Weninger, Maritime
networks in early 7th millennium Aegean, Journal of World Prehistory (accepted).
L. Peloschek, Verarbeitungsprozesse von Tonrohstoffen
frühkaiserzeitlichen Ephesos, Byzas 2015 (accepted).
B. Horejs, Der prähistorische Umlandsurvey von Pergamon, in: F. Pirson, Pergamon –
Bericht über die Arbeiten in der Kampagne 2014, Archäologischer Anzeiger 2015/2, 2015 (in
B. Horejs, Frühe Schleudern als Waffe, in: H. Meller – M. Schefzik (eds.), Archäologie des
Krieges. Begleitband zur Sonderausstellung vom 6.11.2015–22.5.2016 im Landesmuseum
Sachsen-Anhalt, Halle (in print).
B. Horejs, Aspects of Connectivity on the Central Aegean coast of Western Anatolia in 7th
millennium BC, in: B. Molley et al. (eds.), Sheffield Studies in Aegean Archaeology series (in
B. Horejs – Ch. Britsch, Textile production and fishing technologies at EBA 1 Çukuriçi
Höyük, in: IV. International Archaeology Symposium “Early Bronze Age in Western
Anatolia”, March 19th–21th 2014, Kütahya (in print).
B. Horejs – A. Galik, Hunting the beast. A reconstructed ritual in an EBA metal production
centre in Western Anatolia, in: E. Alram-Stern – F. Blakolmer – S. Deger-Jalkotzy – R.
Laffineur – J. Weilhartner (eds.), Metaphysis. Ritual, Myth and Symbolism in the Aegean
Bronze Age, 15th International Aegean Conference, Vienna, April 22th–25th 2014, Aegaeum
(in print).
B. Horejs – Ch. Schwall, Interaction as a stimulus? Çukuriçi Höyük and the transition from
the Late Chalcolithic period to the Early Bronze Age in Western Anatolia, in: S. Dietz – F.
Mavridis – Z. Tankosic – T. Takaoğlu (eds.), Proceedings of the international Conference
Communities in Transition. The Circum-Aegean Later Neolithic Stages (5000/4800–
3200/3000 BC), Athens, June 7th–9th 2013 (in print).
B. Horejs – B. Weninger, Early Troy and its significance for the Early Bronze Age in Western
Anatolia, in: St. Blum et al. (eds.), Early Bronze Age Troy. Chronology, Cultural
Development and Interregional Contacts, Proceedings of the Conference at the University of
Tübingen, May 8th–10th 2009 (in print).
L. Peloschek, Archaeometric analyses of ceramic household inventories. Current research in
Ephesos and at Çukuriçi Höyük, Kazı Sonuçları Toplantısı (in print).
A. Pentedeka, Negotiating identities and exchanging values. Neolithic pottery production and
circulation in Thessaly, in: M. Gori – M. Ivanova (eds.), Balkan Dialogues. Negotiating
Identity between Prehistory and the Present, London/New York (in print).
A. Pentedeka, Unraveling the knots. Pottery technology and exchange networks in Neolithic
Thessaly, in: S. Amicone – M. Radivojević – P. Quinn – M. Marić – N. Mirković (eds.),
Tracing pottery making recipes in the Balkans, 6th–4th millennium BC, Oxford, (in print).
A. Pentedeka, Pottery exchange networks under the microscope. The case of Neolithic
Thessaly, in: E. Kalogiropoulou – A. Sarris (eds.), Communities, Landscapes, and Interaction
in Neolithic Greece, International Monographs in Prehistory (in print).
A. Pentedeka, The Alepotrypa Cave pottery assemblage. A ceramic petrology approach, in:
A. Papathanassiou (eds.), Alepotrypa Cave in the Mani, Greece. A festschrift to honour Dr. G.
Papathanassopoulos on the occasion of his 90th birthday, Oxford (in print).
A. Pentedeka, To change or to exchange? The formation of ceramic landscapes in Neolithic
Thessaly (Greece), in: J. Hilditch (ed.), Island, mainland, coastland and hinterland. Ceramic
perspectives on connectivity in the ancient Mediterranean, Proceedings of the international
conference, Amsterdam, February 1st–3rd 2013 (in print).
A. Pentedeka – A. Dimoula, Pots in a cave? The petrographic analysis of the ceramic material
from Neolithic Theopetra, in: N. Kyparissi (ed.), Theopetra Cave. The Neolithic Period (in
J. Rambach, Schematic marble figurines from secure Early Cycladic I grave contexts on the
islands of Ano Kouphonisi, Antiparos, Dhespotiko, Naxos, Paros and Siphnos, in: M.
Marthari – C. Renfrew – M. Boyd (eds.), Early Cycladic Sculpture in Context, Proceedings of
the Symposium held at the Archaelogical Society at Athens, May 27th–29th 2014 (in print).
J. Rambach, Early Helladic Romanos/Messenia. Filling a well, in: E. Alram-Stern – F.
Blakolmer – S. Deger-Jalkotzy – R. Laffineur – J. Weilhartner (eds.), Metaphysis. Ritual,
Myth and Symbolism in the Aegean Bronze Age, 15th International Aegean Conference,
Vienna, April 22th–25th 2014, Aegaeum (in print).
J. Rambach, The EH I cemetery in Kalyvia in ancient Elis, in: S. Dietz – F. Mavridis – Z.
Tankosic – T. Takaoğlu (eds.), Proceedings of the international Conference Communities in
Transition. The Circum-Aegean Later Neolithic Stages (5000/4800–3200/3000 BC), Athens,
June 7th–9th 2013 (in print).
J. Rambach, Frühe weiträumige Kulturbeziehungen in der Westpeloponnes im Zeitraum vom
Endneolithikum-Chalkolithikum bis zur ausgehenden Frühbronzezeit, in: W. Gauss (ed.),
Forschungen zur Frühägäischen Archäologie. Frühbronzezeitliche Handels- und
Fernverbindungen (in print).
J. Rambach, Die Ausgrabungen in der P.O.T.A. Romanou/Navarino-Dune Hotelkomplex bei
Romanos in der Pylia/Messenien, in: Festschrift G. S. Korres (in print).
J. Rambach, Οι σωστικές ανασκαφές στην θέση Π.Ο.Τ.Α. Ρωμανού-Costa NavarinoNavarino Dunes 2007–2010. Ρωμανός Πυλίας, Νέα στοιχεία κατοίκησης από την
Πρωτοελλαδική έως την Ελληνιστική Εποχή, in: Πρακτικά του Δ΄Τοπικού Συνεδρίου
Μεσσηνιακών Σπουδών, Καλαμάτα 8–11 October 2010 (in print).
E. Alram-Stern – A. Dousougli-Zachos, Die deutschen Ausgrabungen 1941 auf der VisvikiMagula/Velestino. Die neolithischen Befunde und Funde. Mit Beiträgen von Maximilian
Bergner, Franz Bertsch, Caroline Dürauer, Alfred Galik, Helmut Kroll, Areti Pentedeka, Ernst
Pernicka, Gunter Schöbel, Kostas Zachos, Beiträge zur ur- und frühgeschichtlichen
Archäologie des Mittelmeer-Kulturraumes 36 (Bonn 2015).
E. Alram-Stern, Visviki Magoula – Velestino. The So-called Megaron Reconsidered, in:
Αρχαιολογικό Έργο Θεσσαλίας και Στέρεας Ελλάδας 4, 1912, Πρακτικά επιστημονικής
συνάντησης, Βόλος 15.3.–18.3.2012. Τόμος Ι. Θεσσαλία (Volos 2015) 75–84.
M. N. Brami, A graphical simulation of the 2,000-year lag in Neolithic occupation between
Central Anatolia and the Aegean Basin, Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 7, 3,
2015, 319–327.
B. Horejs – M. Mehofer, Early Bronze Age metal workshops at Çukuriçi Höyük. Production
of arsenical copper at the beginning of the 3rd mill. BC, in: A. Hauptmann – D. ModarressiTehrani (eds.), Archaeometallurgy in Europe III, Proceedings of the 3rd International
Conference, Deutsches Bergbau-Museum Bochum, June 29th till July 1st 2011, Der Anschnitt
Beih. 26 (Bochum 2015) 165–176.
B. Horejs – Ch. Schwall, New light on a nebulous period – Western Anatolia in the 4th
Millennium BC. Architecture and Settlement Structures as Cultural Patterns?, in: S. Hansen,
P. Raczky, A. Anders, A. Reingruber (eds.), Neolithic and Copper Age between the
Carpathians and the Aegean Sea. Chronologies and Technologies from the 6th to the 4th
Millennium BCE, Archäologie in Eurasien 31 (Bonn 2015) 457–474.
K. Christanis – G. Siavalas – R. G. Oskay – D. Wolf – B. Horejs, Organic petrology in
service of Archaeology. A Study on Chars from Çukuriçi Höyük, Western Turkey, in: J. Kus
– P. David – S. Kalaitzidis – H.-M. Schulz – R. F. Sachsenhofer (eds.), ICCP Program &
Abstract Book, 67th Annual Meeting of the International Committee for Coal and Organic
Petrology, September 5th–11th 2015, Potsdam, Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Gesellschaft für
Geowissenschaften 87 (Stuttgart 2015) 29.
W. Gauss – G. Klebinder-Gauss – E. Kiriatzi – A. Pentedeka – M. Georgakopoulou, Aegina.
An important center of the production of cooking pottery from the Prehistoric to the Historic
era, in: M. Spataro – A. Villing (eds.), Ceramics, Cuisine and Cultur. The Archaeology and
Science of Kitchen Pottery in the Ancient Mediterranean World, Proceedings of the
International Conference at London, December 2011 (Oxford 2015) 65–74.
A. Pentedeka, Technological and provenance study of the Visviki Magoula ceramic
assemblage, in: E. Alram-Stern – A. Dousougli-Zachos, Visviki Magoula / Velestino. Die
deutschen Grabungen des Jahres 1941, Beiträge zur ur- und frühgeschichtlichen Archäologie
des Mittelmeer- Kulturraumes 36 (Bonn 2015) 222–297.
F. Stock – L. Ehlers – B. Horejs – M. Knipping – S. Ladstätter – S. Seren – H. Brückner,
Neolithic settlement sites in Western Turkey – palaeogeographic studies at Çukuriçi Höyük
and Arvalya Höyük, Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 4, 2015, 565–577.
E. Alram-Stern, Times of Change. Greece and the Aegean during the 4th Millennium BC, in:
B. Horejs – M. Mehofer (eds.), Western Anatolia before Troy. Proto-Urbanisation in the 4th
millennium BC? Symposion 21.11.–24.11.2012, Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna (Vienna
2014) 305–327.
B. A. Arbuckle – S. Whitcher Kansa – E. Kansa – D. Orton – C. Çakırlar – L. Gourichon – L.
Atici – A. Galik – A. Marciniak – J. Mulville – H. Buitenhuis – D. Carruthers – B. de Cupere
– A. Demirergi – S. Frame – D. Helmer – L. Martin – J. Peters – N. Pöllath – K. Pawłowska –
N. Russell – K. Twiss – D. Würtenberger, Data sharing reveals complexity in the westward
spread of domestic animals across Neolithic Turkey, PLoS ONE 9/6, 2014, 1–11, doi:
A. Galik, Late Chalcolithic subsistence strategies on the basis of two examples. The Çukuriçi
Höyük in Western Anatolia and the Barcın Höyük in Northwestern Anatolia, in: B. Horejs –
Mathias Mehofer (eds.), Western Anatolia before Troy. Proto-Urbanisation in 4th Millennium
BC? Symposion Proceedings of the International Symposium held at the Kunsthistorisches
Museum Wien, Vienna, Austria, November 21th–24th 2012, OREA 1 (Vienna 2014) 385–393.
B. Horejs, Der prähistorische Umlandsurvey, in: F. Pirson, Pergamon – Bericht über die
Arbeiten in der Kampagne 2013, Archäologischer Anzeiger 2014, 2, 2014, 141–146.
B. Horejs, The 2nd millennium BC in the Bakırcay (Kaykos) Valley. An overview, in: N.
Çınardalı-Karaaslan – A. Aykurt – N. Kolankaya-Bostancı – Y. H. Erbil (eds.), Anadolu
Kültürlerine Bir Bakış. Armağan Erkanal’a Armağan / Some Observation on Anatolian
Cultures. Compiled in Honor of Armağan Erkanal (Ankara 2014) 257–274.
B. Horejs, Proto-Urbanisation without Urban Centres? A Model of Transformation for the
Izmir Region in the 4th Millennium BC, in: B. Horejs – Mathias Mehofer (eds.), Western
Anatolia before Troy. Proto-Urbanisation in 4th Millennium BC? Symposion Proceedings of
the International Symposium held at the Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien, Vienna, Austria,
21th–24th November 2012, OREA 1 (Vienna 2014) 15–41.
B. Horejs – Mathias Mehofer (eds.), Western Anatolia before Troy. Proto-Urbanisation in 4th
Millennium BC? Symposion Proceedings of the International Symposium held at the
Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien, Vienna, Austria, November 21th–24th 2012, OREA 1
(Vienna 2014).
M. Mehofer, Metallurgy during the Chalcolithic and the Beginning of the Early Bronze Age
in Western Anatolia, in: B. Horejs – Mathias Mehofer (eds.), Western Anatolia before Troy.
Proto-Urbanisation in 4th Millennium BC? Symposion Proceedings of the International
Symposium held at the Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien, Vienna, Austria, November 21th–
24th 2012, OREA 1 (Vienna 2014) 463–489.
A. Dimoula – A. Pentedeka – K. Filis, Lete I. The pottery of a Neolithic site in central
Macedonia 100 years after, in: E. Stefani – N. Merousis – A. Dimoula (eds.), A Century of
Research in Prehistoric Macedonia 1912–2012, International conference proceedings,
Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki 22–24 November 2012. Archaeological Museum of
Thessaloniki Publication 22 (Thessaloniki 2014) 491–504.
F. Pirson, Pergamon, Türkei. Die Arbeiten der Jahre 2012 und 2013, e-Forschungsberichte
des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts 2014, 2, 2014, 96–113 [s. 103–104].
F. Pirson – B. Horejs, 2012 Yılında Pergamon’un Yakın Çevresinde Gerçekleştirilen Yüzey
Araştırmaları Raporu, Araştırma Sonuçları Toplantısı 31,2/2013, 2014, 299–311.
B. Weninger – L. Clare – F. Gerritsen – B. Horejs – R. Krauß – J. Linstädter – R. Özbal – E.
J- Rohling, Neolithisation of the Aegean and Southeast Europe during the 6600–6000 calBC
period of Rapid Climate Change, Documenta Praehistorica 41, 2014, 1–31, doi:
L. Ehlers – F. Stock – B. Horejs – H. Brückner, Reconstructing the Palaeogeographies of a
Neolithic–Bronze Age Settlement Mound at Ephesos, Turkey. Geophysical Research
Abstract, Volume 16, EGU2014-692-1, 2014, EGU General Assembly 2014.
B. Horejs, Pergamon and the Kaikos Valley in Prehistoric Times, in: F. Pirson – A. Scholl
(eds.), Pergamon. Anadolu’da Bir Helenistik Dönem Başkenti. Pergamon. A Hellenistic
Capital in Anatolia (Istanbul 2014) 106–119.
Ch. Britsch – B. Horejs, The role of textile production and fishing in the EBA metallurgical
centre of Çukuriçi Höyük, Egypt and Levant 24, 2014, 229–242, doi: 10.1553/AEundL24.
E. Alram-Stern, Review of D. J. Pullen, Nemea Valley Archaeological Project Volume I: The
Early Bronze Age Village on Tsoungiza Hill. The American Schoolof Classical Studies at
Athens (Princeton 2011), American Journal of Archaeology 117, 4, October 1913 (online
E. Alram-Stern, Review of A. Reingruber, Die Argissa-Magula II. Das frühe und das
beginnende Neolithikum im Lichte transägäischer Beziehungen (BAM 35) Bonn 2008,
Germania 88, 2010 (2013) 450–454.
B. Horejs, Der prähistorische Umlandsurvey, in: F. Pirson, Pergamon. Bericht über die
Arbeiten in der Kampagne 2012, Archäologischer Anzeiger 2013, 2, 2013, 109–117.
D. Knitter – H. Blum – B. Horejs – O. Nakoinz – B. Schütt – M. Meyer, Integrated centrality
Analysis. A diachronic comparison of selected Western Anatolian locations, Quaternary
International 312, 2013, 45–56, doi: 10.1016/j.quaint.2013.04.020.
J. Rambach, Die Hausfundamentreste mit rechtwinkligen Mauerecken über Dörpfelds Bauten
Ι, II und V in der Altis von Olympia, in: H. Kyrieleis (ed.), ΧΙΙI. Bericht über die
Ausgrabungen in Olympia 2000 bis 2005, German Archaeological Institute (Tübingen 2013)
129–181. 419–422.
F. Stock – A. Pint – B. Horejs – S. Ladstätter – H. Brückner, In Search of the harbours. New
evidence of Late Roman and Byzantine harbours of Ephesus, Quaternary International 312,
2013, 57–69, doi: 10.1016/j.quaint.2013.03.002.
E. Alram-Stern, Im Spannungsfeld der Ägäis. Grab, Ritual und Identität im frühminoischen
Kreta, in: G. Danek – I. Hellerschmidt (eds.), Rituale. identitätsstiftende Handlungskomplexe,
Akten der zweiten Tagung des Zentrums Archäologie und Altertumswissenschaften an der
Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2.–3. November 2009, Origines 2 (Wien
2012) 9–21.
G. Borg – D. Wolf, Systematic differences between prehistoric and modern metal provinces
in Western Turkey as a result of supergene modification. Implications for archaeological
provenance studies, in: International Earth Science Colloquium on the Aegean Region,
IESCA-2012, Abstracts Book, October 1st–5th 2012, İzmir, Turkey (İzmir 2012) 167.
A. Galik – B. Horejs – B. Nessel, Der nächtliche Jäger als Beute. Zur prähistorischen
Leopardenjagd, Prähistorische Zeitschrift 87,2, 2012, 261–307, doi: 10.1515/pz-2012-0017.
B. Horejs, Prähistorische Surveys am Yeni Yeldeğirmentepe und im Umland von Pergamon,
in: F. Pirson, Pergamon. Bericht über die Arbeiten in der Kampagne 2011, Archäologischer
Anzeiger 2012, 2, 2012, 203–208.
B. Horejs, Ҫukuriçi Höyük. A prehistoric site in Ephesos, in: C. Helvacı – Y. Yılmaz – Y.
Ersoy – H. Brückner – Ş. Tül – Ö. Sümer (eds.), IESCA 2012. Mid-colloquium social trip
guide, International Earth Science Colloquium on the Aegean Region, IESCA-2012, October
1st–5th 2012, İzmir, Turkey (İzmir 2012) 70–72.
D. Knitter – M. Bergner – B. Horejs – B. Schütt – M. Meyer, Concepts of centrality and
models of exchange in prehistoric Western Anatolia, in: W. Bebermeier – R. Hebenstreit – E.
Kaiser – J. Krause (eds.), Landscape Archaeology, Proceedings of the International
Conference Held in Berlin, 6th – 8th June 2012, eTopoi, Journal for Ancient Studies, Special
Volume 3 (2012) 361–368,
A. Pentedeka, Δίκτυα ανταλλαγής της κεραμικής στη Νεολιθική Θεσσαλία: κόμβοι και
σύνδεσμοι, οικισμοί και σχέσεις, Archaiologiko Ergo Thessalias kai Stereas Elladas 3, 2012,
J. Rambach, Aπό τον Πάμισο έως τον Ταΰγετο. Προïστορικοί Χρόνοι, in: A. Vlachopoulos
(ed.), Αρχαιολογία Πελοπόννησος, Εκδοτικός Οίκος Μέλισσα 2012, 474–479.
J. Rambach, «Σωστικές ανασκαφές στην Π.Ο.Τ.Α. Ρωμανού 2007–2011,σωστικές-ανασκαφές-στην-Π-Ο-Τ-Α ρωμανού/
J. Rambach, Σωστικές ανασκαφές στην Π.Ο.Τ.Α. Ρωμανού 2007–2011 (Μέρος Γ)σωστικές-ανασκαφές-στην-Π-Ο-Τ-Α
D. Wolf – G. Borg – B. Horejs, Geoarchäologische Untersuchungen zu den Erzvorkommen in
Westanatolien, in: F. Schlütter – S. Greiff – M. Prange (eds.), Archäometrie und
Denkmalpflege 2012, Metalla Sonderheft 5 (Bochum 2012) 143–144.
D. Wolf – G. Borg – B. Horejs, Settlement Walls of Çukuriçi Höyük. What stones could tell
about prehistoric craftsman, in: International Earth Science Colloquium on the Aegean
Region, IESCA-2012, Abstracts Book, October 1st–5th 2012, İzmir, Turkey (İzmir 2012) 308.
B. Horejs, Çukuriçi Höyük. A Neolithic and Bronze Age settlement in the region of Ephesos,
in: M. Özdoğan et al. (eds.), The Neolithic in Turkey. New Excavations & New Research.
Western Turkey (İstanbul 2012) 117–131.
E. Alram-Stern, The Acropolis of Aigeira and the distribution of settlement at the Corinthian
Gulf during Early Helladic I, in: D. Katsonopoulou (eds.), Helike IV. Ancient Helike and
Aigialeia. Protohelladika. The Southern and Central Greek Mainland (Athen 2011) 199–210.
E. Alram-Stern, Crete and its Aegean contacts during the Neolithic period, in: Πεπραγμένα I’
Διεθνούς Κρητολογικού Συνεδρίου (Χανιά, 1–8 Οκτοβρίου 2006), Τομός A1 Προϊστορικοί
Χρόνοι (Chania 2011) 83–100.
E. Alram-Stern, Fischfang, Land- und Viehwirtschaft. Die Nahrungsressourcen des Archipels,
in: H. Siebenmorgen (ed.), Kykladen. Lebenswelten einer frühgriechischen Kultur, Badisches
Landesmuseum Karlsruhe (16. Dezember 2011 bis 22. April 2012) (Karlsruhe 2011) 35–41.
E. Alram-Stern, Kreta und die Kykladen. Zu den Außenbeziehungen Kretas während
Frühminoisch IB und II, in: F. Blakolmer – C. Reinholdt – J. Weilhartner – G Nightingale
(eds.), Österreichische Forschungen zur Ägäischen Bronzezeit 2009, Akten zur Tagung vom
6.–7. März 2009 am Fachbereich Altertumswissenschaften der Universität Salzburg (Wien
2011) 31–39.
B. Horejs, Prähistorische Surveys am Yeni Yeldeğirmentepe und im Umland von Pergamon,
in: F. Pirson, Pergamon. Bericht über die Arbeiten in der Kampagne 2010, Archäologischer
Anzeiger 2011, 2, 2011, 146–150.
B. Horejs, Neues zur Frühbronzezeit in Westanatolien, in: F. Blakolmer et al. (eds.),
Österreichische Forschungen zur Ägäischen Bronzezeit 2009, Akten der Tagung am
Fachbereich Altertumswissenschaften der Paris-Lodron-Universität Salzburg, März 6th–7th
2009 (Wien 2011) 157–171.
B. Horejs, Bergama and the Bakırçay Valley in prehistory, in: E. Önen – M. Mutluer – N.
Çetin (eds.), Proceedings of the International Bergama Symposium, April 7th–9th 2011
(Bergama 2011) 24–36.
A. Galik – B. Horejs, Çukuriçi Höyük. Various aspects of its earliest settlement, in: R. Krauß
(eds.), Beginnings. New Research in the Appearance of the Neolithic between Northwest
Anatolia and the Carpathian Basin, Papers of the International Workshop 8th–9th April 2009,
Istanbul, Menschen – Kulturen – Traditionen, Studien aus den Forschungsclustern des
Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts 1 (Rahden/Westf. 2011) 83–94.
B. Horejs – A. Galik – U. Thanheiser – S. Wiesinger, Aktivitäten und Subsistenz in den
Siedlungen des Çukuriçi Höyük. Der Forschungsstand nach den Ausgrabungen 2006–2009,
Prähistorische Zeitschrift 86,1 2011, 31–66, doi: 10.1515/pz.2011.003.
B. Horejs – M. Mehofer – E. Pernicka, Metallhandwerker im frühen 3. Jt. v. Chr. Neue
Ergebnisse vom Çukuriçi Höyük, Istanbuler Mitteilungen 60, 2010, 7–37.
A. Pentedeka, Links of clay in Neolithic Greece. The case of Platia Magoula Zarkou, in: A.
Brysbaert (ed.), Tracing prehistoric social networks through technology. A diachronic
perspective on the Aegean (London/New York 2011) 106–125.
E. Kiriatzi – M. Georgakopoulou – A. Pentedeka, Pottery production and importation within
Aegina’s landscape. Ceramic petrology, geochemistry, replication experiments and
ethnoarchaeology, in: W. Gauss – E. Kiriatzi, Aegina-Kolonna. Investigating Technologies
and Raw Materials in a Bronze Age Pottery Production Centre in central Aegean, Greece,
(Wien 2011) 69–156.
J. Rambach, Οι σωστικές ανασκαφές στην θέση Π.Ο.Τ.Α. Ρωμανού-Costa NavarinoNavarino Dunes 2007–2010. Ρωμανός Πυλίας, Νέα στοιχεία κατοίκησης από την
Πρωτοελλαδική έως την Ελληνιστική Εποχή, Όριον, Vol. 27, February 2011, 36–43.
J. Rambach, Spiegel des Lebens? Grabausstattungen und Totenfürsorge, in: Badisches
Landesmuseum Karlsruhe (eds.), Kykladen. Lebenswelten einer frühgriechischen Kultur,
Badisches Landesmuseum Karlsruhe (Darmstadt 2011) 120–131.
J. Rambach, Zeitstufen und Kulturhorizonte, in: Badisches Landesmuseum Karlsruhe (eds.),
Kykladen. Lebenswelten einer frühgriechischen Kultur, Badisches Landesmuseum Karlsruhe
(Darmstadt 2011) 132–133.
J. Rambach, Ende einer Blütezeit, in: Badisches Landesmuseum Karlsruhe (eds.), Kykladen.
Lebenswelten einer frühgriechischen Kultur, Badisches Landesmuseum Karlsruhe (Darmstadt
2011) 158–161.
M. Seeliger – S. Schneider – H. Brückner – B. Schütt – B. Horejs – S. Feuser – M.
Zimmermann – F. Pirson, Studying Pergamon’s environs. Geoarchaeological research in
Elaia and Bakırcay Valley, in: E. Önen – M. Mutluer – N. Çetin (eds.), Proceedings of the
International Bergama Symposium, April 7th–9th 2011 (Bergama 2011) 48–65.
E. Alram-Stern, Aigeira and the Beginning of the MH Period in Achaia, in: PhilippaTouchais, A., Touchais, G. Voutsaki, S., Wright, J. (eds.), Mesohelladika. La Grèce
continentale au bronze Moyen. Actes du colloque intenational organisé par l’École francaise
d’Athènes en collaboration avec l’American School of Classical Studies at Athens et le
Netherlands Institute in Athens, Athènes, 8–12 mars 2006, Bulletin de correspondance
hellénique Supplement 52 (Paris 2010) 143–150.
B. Horejs, Yeni Yeldeğirmentepe, in: F. Pirson, Pergamon-Bericht über die Arbeiten in der
Kampagne 2009, Archäologischer Anzeiger 2010, 2, 2010, 164–168.
B. Horejs, Çukuriçi Höyük. Neue Ausgrabungen auf einem Tell bei Ephesos, in: S. Aybek –
A. Kazım Öz (eds.), Metropolis Ionia II. Yolların Kesiştiği Yer/The Land of the Crossroads.
Festschrift für Recep Meriç (Istanbul 2010) 167−175.
B. Horejs, Bronzezeitliche Besiedlungsmuster im Kaikostal. Interpretationen erster
Surveyergebnisse im Umland von Pergamon (Türkei), in: B. Horejs – T. Kienlin (eds.),
Siedlung und Handwerk. Studien zu sozialen Kontexten in der Bronzezeit. Beiträge zu den
Sitzungen der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Bronzezeit auf der Jahrestagung des Nordwestdeutschen
Verbandes für Altertumsforschung in Schleswig 2007 und auf dem Deutschen
Archäologenkongress in Mannheim 2008, Universitätsforschungen zur Prähistorischen
Archäologie 194 (Bonn 2010) 47–67.
A. Pentedeka – E. Kiriatzi – L. Spencer – A. Bevan – J. Conolly, From Fabrics to Island
Connections: Macroscopic and Microscopic Approaches to the Prehistoric Pottery of
Antikythera, Annual of the British School at Athens 105, 2010, 1–81.
E. Alram-Stern – Α. Ντούζουγλη: Ο υστερονεολιθικός οικισμός της Μαγούλας Βισβίκη στη
νότια Θεσσαλία, in: Αρχαιολογικό Εργο Θεσσαλίας και Στέρεας Ελλάδας 2, 2006. Πρακτικά
επιστημονικής συνάντησης, Βόλος 16.3./19.3.2006. Τόμος Ι: Θεσσαλία (Volos 2009) 75–84.
E. Alram-Stern, Review: K. D. Vitelli, The Neolithic Pottery from Lerna. Lerna V, Princeton
2007, American Journal of Archaeology 113, 3, 2009, 482–483.
E. Alram-Stern, Kreta und die Kykladen: zu den Außenbeziehungen während Frühminoisch
IB und II. Forum Archaeologiae 50/III/2009
M. Bergner – B. Horejs – E. Pernicka, Zur Herkunft der Obsidianartefakte vom Çukuriçi
Höyük, Studia Troica 18, 2009, 251–273.
B. Horejs, Metalworkers at the Çukuriçi Höyük? An Early Bronze Age Mould and a “Near
Eastern weight” from Western Anatolia, in: T. L. Kienlin – B. Roberts (eds.), Metals and
Societies. Studies in Honour of Barbara S. Ottaway, Universitätsforschungen zur
prähistorischen Archäologie 169 (Bonn 2009) 358−368.
B. Horejs, Yeni Yeldeğirmentepe, in: F. Pirson, Pergamon – Bericht über die Arbeiten in der
Kampagne 2008, Archäologischer Anzeiger 2009, 2, 2009, 168–174.
B. Horejs, Çukuriçi Höyük, in: J. Koder – S. Ladstätter, Ephesos 2008, Kazı Sonuçları
Toplantası 31,3/2009, 2010, 321–22 [s. 330–31].
A. Pentedeka – A. Dimoula, Early Pottery Technology and the Formation of a Technological
Tradition: the Case of Theopetra Cave, Thessaly, Greece, in: P. S. Quinn (ed.) Interpreting
Silent Artefacts. Petrographic Approaches to Archaeological Ceramics (Oxford: Archaeopress
2010) 121–138.
A. Pentedeka – E. Kiriatzi – E. Zahou, Τεχνολογική και προελευσιακή μελέτη κεραμικής
Πρώιμης Εποχής Χαλκού από τον Προσκυνά Λοκρίδας. Archaiologiko Ergo Thessalias kai
Stereas Elladas2, 2009, 925–934.
E. Alram-Stern, Review: I. Kilian-Dirlmeier, Die bronzezeitlichen Gräber bei Nidri auf
Leukas, Mainz 2005, in: Germania 86, 2008, 344–348.
B. Horejs, Çukuriçi Höyük. A New Excavation Project in the Eastern Aegean,
B. Horejs mit einem Beitrag von F. Kanz, Eine spätbronzezeitliche Bestattung von Halkapınar
bei Ephesos, Jahreshefte des Österreichischen Archäologischen Institutes in Wien 77, 2008,
B. Horejs mit Beiträgen von F. Galik und U. Thanheiser, Erster Grabungsbericht zu den
Kampagnen 2006–2007 am Çukuriçi Höyük, Jahreshefte des Österreichischen
Archäologischen Institutes in Wien 77, 2008, 91–106.
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A. Pentedeka – K. Kotsakis, Thin Sectioning Neolithic Identities: the Red Monochrome Ware
(A1) from Middle Neolithic Sesklo, Thessaly, in: Y. Facorellis – N. Zacharias – K. Polikreti
(eds.), Proceedings of the 4th Symposium on Archaeometry of the Hellenic Society of
Archaeometry, National Hellenic Research Foundation, Athens, 28–31 May 2003, BAR
International Series 1746 (Oxford: Archaeopress 2008) 305–311.
“Magoula Visviki revisited: comparing past excavations' data to recent geophysical research”.
Communities, Landscapes, and Interaction in Neolithic Greece, 29–30 May 2015, Institute for
Mediterranean Studies, Rethymnon/Greece, May 29th 2015 (E. Alram-Stern – K. Almatzi – V.
“Pottery production and the raw material resources: the case of SE Thessaly. Communities,
Landscapes and Interaction in Neolithic Greece, International Conference organised by the
Institute for Mediterranean Studies, Rethymno/Greece, May 29th–30th 2015 (A. Pentedeka –
P. Koutsovitis – A. Magganas).
“Crafting Practices and Consumption Choices: Neolithic – Early Helladic II Ceramic
Production and Distribution, Midea, Mainland Greece”. Advances in the method and
application of ceramic petrography: international perspectives on key archaeological
questions, dedicated to David Peacock, A Symposium at the 80th Annual Meeting of the
Society for American Archaeology, San Francisco/United States, April 16th 2015 (C. Burke –
P. M. Day – E. Alram-Stern – K. Demakopoulou).
“Κουτρουλού Μαγούλα: η πιλοτική πετρογραφική εξέταση της κεραμικής και των ειδωλίων“
5th Archaeological Meeting of Thessaly and Central Greece 2012–2014. From Prehistory to
the Contemporary Period, Volos, February 28th till March 1st 2015, (A. Pentedeka – N.
Kyparissi-Apostolika – Y. Hamilakis – A. Kaznesi – St. Katsarou).
“Neolithic Pottery Production in Southeast Thessaly through the Application of Petrography
and Mineralogy”. International Conference on Coastal Landscapes, Mining Activities &
Preservation of Cultural Heritage, Milos, September 17th–20th 2014 (A. Pentedeka – P.
Koutsovitis – A. Magganas).
“Negotiating identities and exchanging values: The formation of ceramic landscapes in
Neolithic Thessaly”. Balkan Dialogues. Spatial Boundaries and Cultural Identities in the
Prehistoric Balkans, IWH – Internationales Wissenschaftsforum Heidelberg, Heidelberg, May
2th–3th 2014 (A. Pentedeka).
“Reconstructing the Palaeogeographies of a Neolithic-Bronze Age Settlement Mound at
Ephesos, Turkey”. Vienna, European Geosciences Union, General Assembly 2014, April 27th
till May 2nd 2014 (L. Ehlers – F. Stock – B. Horejs – H. Brückner).
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Early Helladic Romanos/Messenia: Filling a well. Metaphysis, Ritual, Myth and Symbolism
in the Aegean Bronze Age. 15th International Aegean Conference, Wien, April 22th–25th 2014
(J. Rambach)
“Technical Ceramics from Early Bronze Age 1 Metal Workshops at Çukuriçi Höyük, Western
Anatolia”. Padua, Italy, 12th European Meeting on Ancient Ceramics, September 19th–21th
2013 (L. Peloschek – B. Horejs).
“A 7th millennium BC house complex of Çukuriçi Höyük in the light of the lithic
assemblage”. Universität Iaşi, “Stories Written in Stone”, International Symposium on Chert
and other Knappable Materials, Iaşi, Romania, August 20th–24th 2013 (B. Horejs – B. Milić).
„Λητή Ι: η κεραμική μιας νεολιθικής θέσης της Μακεδονίας εκατό χρόνια μετά (International
conference 1912–2012”. A Century of Research in Prehistoric Macedonia, Archaeological
Museum of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, November 22th–24th 2012 (A. Pentedeka – A.
Dimoula – K. Filis).
“Making pottery by the lakeshore: the case of the Lake Karla settlements during the Neolithic
(Thessaly, Greece)”. ISA 2012, 39th International Symposium for Archaeometry, Leuven,
May 28th till June 1st 2012 (A. Pentedeka).
“Geoarchäologische Untersuchungen zu den Erzvorkommen in Westanatolien”. Archäometrie
und Denkmalpflege 2012, Tübingen, March 28th–31th 2012 (D. Wolf – G. Borg – B. Horejs).
“Çukuriçi Höyük 2011”. Österreichisches Kulturinstitut in Istanbul, January 2012 (B. Horejs).
“Chipped Stone Artefacts from Çukuriçi Höyük”. Österreichisches Kulturinstitut in Istanbul.
January 2011 (M. Bergner – B. Horejs).
“The ‘fishing hunters’ from the Early Bronze Age Çukuriçi Höyük. A presentation of the
‘wild fauna’”, 10th International Meeting of the ICAZ-Working Group Archaeozoology of
Southwestern Asia and Adjacent Areas in Brüssel, July 1st 2011 (A. Galik).
“Çukuriçi Höyük 2009”. Posterpräsentation im Rahmen von „Ephesos 2009 –
Zeitgenössische Archäologie und neueste Ergebnisse“ Ausstellung in der Galerie des
türkischen Außenministeriums, December 11th–26th 2009 (B. Horejs).
“Experimentelle Archäologie. Versuchsreihen zum ältesten Metallhandwerk in Ephesos”.
Bundesministerium für Wissenschaft und Forschung der Republik Österreich, 26.10.2009 (B.
Horejs – M. Mehofer).
“Zoological Research at Çukuriçi Höyük”. Österreichisches Kulturinstitut in Istanbul. January
2009 (A. Galik – B. Horejs).
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“Lithic Research at Çukuriçi Höyük”. Österreichisches Kulturinstitut in Istanbul. January
2009 (M. Bergner – B. Horejs).
“Archaeometallurgical Research at Çukuriçi Höyük”. Österreichisches Kulturinstitut in
Istanbul. January 2009 (B. Horejs – M. Mehofer).
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