Challenges of the 21th Century
Challenges of the 21th Century
The DESERTEC Concept Energy and Climate Security for a World of 10 Billion People Powertage 2012 Zürich, June 13, 2012 Dr. Thiemo Gropp DESERTEC Foundation Challenges of the 21th Century Sources: Allianz Insurance • United Nations World Population Prospects • Deutsche Stiftung Weltbevölkerung 1979 2007 Challenges of the 21th Century Auftauender Permafrostboden Source: Polygon on the ground. Challenges of the 21th Century Hurricane Isabel (2003) as seen from orbit during Expedition 7 of the International Space Station. The eye, eyewall and surrounding rainbands that are characteristics of tropical cyclones are clearly visible in this view from space. Source: Image courtesy of Mike Trenchard, Earth Sciences & Image Analysis Laboratory, Johnson Space Center. Challenges of the 21th Century Floods in Bangladesh 2009 Source: Rezowan at en.wikipedia Challenges of the 21th Century Text Der havarierte Reaktor mit „Sarkophag“ im April 2003 Source: Elena Filatova, Challenges of the 21th Century Satellitenfoto der Reaktorblöcke 1 bis 4 (von rechts nach links) am 16. März 2011 nach mehreren Explosionen und Bränden. Source: Digital Globe Quelle: Digital Globe Challenges of the 21th Century Source: Challenges of the 21th Century Source: Africa Research Central Challenges of the 21th Century Energy security Supply with drinking water and food Migration War for resources Climate change Are we able and willing to find solutions? Extreme weather conditions Rise of sea level Floods Droughts … How can we create sustainable living conditions... view of a world population of ~10 billion people in the year 2050? How can we accelerate the global transition to renewables? The necessary technologies are already available Potentials of RE in EU-MENA (Studies of the German Aerospace Center, DLR) Biomass: 1.350 TWh/y Need for electricity in EU-MENA in 2050: 7.500 TWh/y Wind Power: 1.950 TWh/y Geothermal: 1.100 TWh/y Solar Power: 630.000 TWh/y Water Power: 1.350 TWh/y Solar energy is highly abundant Energy from deserts compared to fossil and nuclear ressources All known reserves gas oil uran coal 2 weeks sun 2 weeks sun 2 weeks sun 22 weeks sun All known and to be expected reserves 40 weeks sun Solar energy in the red square = World Energy Consumption The DESERTEC concept unifies different Clean Energy Technologies DESERTEC als globales Konzept EUMENA With a strategic focus on two regions: EU-MENA East Asia CSP with heat storage (molten salt) Source: Solar Millennium 23 24 Strictly Private & Confidential HVDC (High-Voltage Direct Current Examp: Yunnan-Guangdong (China): 1400 km, 800kV, 5000 MW Supergrid with High-Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) Source: Siemens Freshwater Crisis in MENA Region Deficits by Country (bn m³/y) E CO2-Reduction in EUMENA (Source: DLR) -81% DESERTEC Foundation Founded in January 2009 by private persons and Club of Rome The DESERTEC concept has been developed by TREC and the German Club of Rome The scientific and technological basis for EUMENA was established by 3 DLR studies (2004-2007) Together with Munich Re in 2009 the Dii GmbH was initiated In 2010 the DESERTEC University Network (DUN) was initiated DESERTEC drives initiatives within civil society, politics, industry and acadamia Mission of DESERTEC Foundation DESERTEC is a solution concept and a global movement, that has been initiated by people from all over the EUMENA region To help realize the global transition from fossil and nuclear to renewable energy With a focus on clean power from deserts by integrating all available renewable energy ressources: solar (PV, CSP), wind, geothermal, bio-mass, water and by combining of centralized and decentralized solutions and ensuring global human and biodiversity friendly sustainable development » » » » » energy climate protection water, food economic development political security, peace Become a Partner of DESERTEC ! Co#Marke)ng,and,Co#Branding!within!publica-ons,!journals,!talks,!congresses!etc.! ! Cross#Marke)ng,and,Cross#Promo)on,(opening!cross8sectoral!opportuni-es)! ! Use!the!DESERTEC,Partner,brand*!and!logo!to!promote!your!company!and!business! (non8exclusive!licence,!e.g.!on!your!website)! ! Official!appearance!as!DESERTEC,partner,on!the!DESERTEC!Founda-on‘s!website! ! Direct,access!to!and!first#hand,informa)on,on, ! the!realiza)on,of,the,DESERTEC,concept,!market!developments!and!the!ac-vi-es!of!the! partners!within!the!DESERTEC!network! ! upcoming,developments,and,opportuni)es,within!the!global,renewable,energy,market, (na-onal!developments!within!relevant!countries,!collabora-on!opportuni-es!with! industrial!partners!…)! ! sponsoring,and,/,or,collabora)on,opportuni)es,to!par-cipate!in!poten-al!or!planned! projects,!feasibility!studies!and!DESERTEC!(Pilot)!Projects!! ! Become!first#mover,within!country!specific!renewable!energy!markets! DESERTEC and EBL Switzerland plays an important role Renewable Energy in Morocco German federal state Schleswig-Holstein Bottlenecks of the moroccan energy strategy WEREEMa ! Competency in wind and solar ! Similar Wind energy conditions ! Grid capacity ! Core competence in wind energy ! functionality of the new established institutions ! high investment in RE ! Experts and technical personnel ! >100 companies associated with wind energy Need of an appropriate campaign to increase the awarness of the population for RE and EE ! model projects in rural areas ! ! ! ! Experience with repowering projects and with grid expansion Established competence centers for wind energy research Strong academic focus on renewable energy studies " A cooperation between Morocco and the German federal state Schleswig-Holstein Renewable Energy in Egypt and Tunisia RE-GENERATION دة#$%&' ا%)%*+ ا,- #.#$ /0$ Awareness and acceptance of DESERTEC in Egypt and Tunisia Dakhla Oasis, New Valley DESERTEC Principles for CSP project evaluation) Principle)1) Principle)2) Principle)3) Secure)provision) and)distribu4on) of)electricity) Social)responsibility) and)economic) sustainability Environmental) responsibility) ) Criteria) Criteria) Criteria) ) ) • )Dispatchability) • )Minimized)downA4me) • )Local)and)na4onal)) )))benefit) • )Interconnec4vity)and)) )))grid)stability) ) ) )))))))))))))) ) ) • )Profound)considera4on) • )Profound)considera4on)of)) )))of)socioAeconomic) )))environmental)impacts) )))impacts) • )Conserva4on)of)rare,)threatened)) • )Par4cipa4on) • )Maximized) )))or)endangered)species)and)habitats) )))involvement)of)local)/)) )))regional)economy) • )Minimized)waste)produc4on.) • )Maximized)use)of)renewable)energy) • )Minimized)use)of)water)/)op4mum:)) ))))neutral)water)balance.) TuNur%–%2000%MW%link%to%Italy% TuNur%Power%Cable% • • High%Voltage%Direct%Current%(HVDC)%transmission% is% a% way% of% carrying% electricity% over% long% distances%and%underwater.% The%line%losses%are%very%low%–%only%around%three% percent%per%1000%km%–%and%the%extra%cost%is%only% one%to%two%cents%per%kWh.% • To% transport% the% electricity% from% Tunisia% to% Europe,%a%terrestrial%HVDC%cable%with%a%length%of% ca.% 450% km% will% be% build% from% the% power% plant% site%to%Tunisia’s%Northern%coast.% • A% subsea% cable% will% transport% the% electricity% 600% km% to% a% highQcapacity% interconnecRon% point% in% Central%Italy,%North%of%Rome.%% • An% interconnecRon% offer% from% Terna,% the% Italian% network%operator,%was%accepted%in%May%2011%for% a%2000%MW%grid%connecRon%slot.% From% this% interconnecRon% point% the% electricity% can% be% fed% into% the% European% grid% without% encountering%boVlenecks.% • % Tunur%Q%Solar%Export%from%North%Africa%to%Europe% TuNur%–%2000%MW%site%planned% TuNur%Solar%Power%Plant% • TuNur%is%a%2000%MW%Concentra:ng%Solar<thermal%Power%(CSP)% tower% project% in% Tunisia% that% will% be% constructed% in% several% phases,%with%construc:on%on%the%first%phase%expected%to%begin% in%2014.% • Thanks%to%heat%storage%tanks,%TuNur%can%supply%dispatchable% electricity%day%and%night,%providing%stability%to%electricity%grids% with%fluctua:ng%energy%sources%such%as%PV%and%wind%power.% • Air%cooling%will%be%used%so%that%water%usage%can%be%reduced%to% a% minimum% which% is% a% must% for% desert% areas% far% from% the% coast.% • An%op:mal%>10,000%ha%solar%site%has%already%been%iden:fied.% Principle%1% % Secure%provision%and% distribu:on%of%electricity% Tunur%<%Solar%Export%from%North%Africa%to%Europe% Asian Supergrid for Renewable Energies Collaboration with Japan Renewable Energy Foundation Means and targets of collaboration 1. Promoting an Asian Super Grid which is necessary for the expansion of renewable energies in Asia 2. Knowledge and Know How transfer to accelerate the deployment of renewable energies in Asia and to meet the needs of an increasing energy demand 3. Coordinate their ambitions and work to support suitable political and economical framework conditions encouraging the fast deployment of renewable energies and a transnational cooperation in Greater East Asia 15# DESERTEC Knowledge Platform The DESERTEC Knowledge Platform offers detailed information on major sectors relevant to the DESERTEC Concept 8 "Wir haben ein hohes Interesse daran, dass DESERTEC Realität wird. Es ist heute noch eine Vision, aber es kann ein verbindendes Projekt zwischen dem europäischen und dem afrikanischen Kontinent sein." „Energie- und Klimapolitik – das ist die Überlebensfrage der Menschheit im 21. Jahrhundert“ Dr. Angela Merkel Bundeskanzlerin Source: "Solar- und Windenergie-Projekte wie DESERTEC beweisen, dass wir bereits über die Technologien verfügen. Wir müssen nur anfangen zu handeln!“ "Das sind keine Luftschlösser – es ist machbar. Wir [die USA] müssen es für unsere eigene Wirtschaft tun." Al Gore Ehemaliger US- Vizepräsident, Friedensnobelpreisträger Source: Süddeutsche Zeitung 2010-09-05 & ab Minute 14:30, aufgenommen 2008 "Die Liga der arabischen Staaten ist sehr zuversichtlich, dass die DESERTEC-Initiative einen weiteren Beitrag dazu leisten wird, um erneuerbare Energien voranzubringen, CO2-Emissionen zu verringern und den Abstand zwischen konventionellen und erneuerbaren Energiequellen zu verringern." Jamila Matar Leiterin Energieabteilung Liga arabischer Staaten Source: Presse Konferenz in München 2009-07-13 "Marokko freut sich darauf, zusammen mit der Europäischen Union alle Chancen zu untersuchen, die regionale Projekte wie DESERTEC bieten, um die Grundlagen für eine wohldefinierte, sichere, nachhaltige EuroMediterrane Energiepolitik zu schaffen." Seine Majestät König Mohammed VI von Marokko Source: Agence Maghreb Arabe Presse 2010-03-07 "Die Politiker müssen endlich einsehen, dass Öl, Kohle und Gas irgendwann zur Neige gehen und dass wir so oder so auf die erneuerbaren Energien umsteigen müssen." Prof. Dr. Mojib Latif Meeres- und Klimaforscher Leibniz-Institut für Meereswissenschaften, Kiel Source: What is missing? “My god, that little thing is so fragile out there.” Michael Collins, Apollo 11, 1969 DESERTEC - Become part of the solution! 54