Electronic Consignment Note UNSM (e-CMR) project
Electronic Consignment Note UNSM (e-CMR) project
VDA Verband der Automobilindustrie Behrenstraße 35 10117 Berlin VDA Verband derAutomobilindustrie e.V. • Postfach 80462 10004 Berlin Tel. +49 (0) 30 / 89 78 42-0 Fax +49 (0) 30 / 89 78 42-600 [email protected] www.vda.de Ihr Zeichen Dr. Lance Thompson Chair of UN/CEFACT Plenary Ihre Nachricht vom Unser Zeichen jw Durchwahl -224 Datum 26.07.2016 Electronic Consignment Note UNSM (e-CMR) project Dear Mr. Thompson, Country HoD letter of support This is to confirm that the undersigned, UN/CEFACT Head of Delegation for GERMANY, supports the launching ofthe "Electronic Consignment Note UNSM (e-CMR)" project, lead by Evgeniya.lafaev. Jöfg WalfheK UN/CEFACT Head of Delegation for Germany Deutsche Bank BLZ 500 700 10 Kto.-Nr, 965 335 00 Commerzbank BLZ 500 800 00 Kto.-Nr. 971 893 00 USt-ldNr. DE114108668