Template of Letters to Request Records
Template of Letters to Request Records
Appendix Sample Letters to Request Records Chapter title Letters to Churches and Parishes This letter can be copied and personalized to request genealogical data from churches and parishes in Germany, Switzerland, and Austria. Download a copy of it at <familytreeuniversity. com/germangenealogyguide>. Find a translation of the letter on the page following it. Follow these steps to make a personalized request using this form letter: 1.Fill in the date, your name, and address in the upper left-hand corner. 2.In the first paragraph, after the word “über,” fill in the name of your ancestor; after “geboren” his birth date, and after “in” his place of birth. 3.Enclose three dollars in bank draft or money order such as American Express and two international Reply Coupons (IRC), which are available at your local post office. 4.Address the envelope to: An das Pfarramt (zip/postal code) (town) Deutschland/Germany Sample Le t ters to Request Records 183 Sehr geehrter Herr Pfarrer: Z u r Ve r v o l l s t ä n d i g u n g d e r Fa m i l i e n g e s c h i c ht e meiner Vorfahren benötige ich nähere Angaben über fahssdkjfhhsdflj fasdfdsfdsf _______________ geboren am __________________ in fadsfsdf ___________________. Ich bitte Sie daher höflichst um Übersendung eines vollständigen Auszuges aus lhrem Geburtsregister für den Vorgenannten. Sollte es Ihnen möglich sein, mir gleichzeitig Auszüge für Geburt, Heirat oder Tod seiner Eltern zu beschaffen, die am selben Ort gewohnt haben sollten, so wäre ich Ihnen für diese Hilfe sehr danbar. Zur Deckung lhrer Gebühren lege ich drei Dollar sowie zwei Coupons bei, die Sie auf lhrem Postamt gegen Luftpostmarken eintauschen können. Ich danke Ihnen im Voraus für lhre Hilfe. Hochachtungsvoll, Allison Dolan 184 T h e Fa m i l y Tr e e G e r m a n G e n e a l o g y G u i d e Translation Date Dear Pastor To complete my family history I would like to have information about my ancestor ___________________ , born ______________________ in __________________________. May I please ask that you send me a complete extract from the birth record for the above named. Should it be possible to send me extracts of the birth, marriage, or death records for his parents, who lived in the same town, I would be very thankful for this aid. To cover your fees I am enclosing three dollars as well as two coupons that you can exchange for airmail postage. Thank you in advance for your aid. Respectfully, (your complete name and address) Letter to Send to Registrar’s Offfice This letter can be copied and personalized to request genealogical data from registrar’s offices in Germany and Switzerland. Download a copy of it from <familytreeuniversity.com/ germangenealogyguide>. Find a translation of the letter on the page following it. Follow these steps to make a personalized request using this form letter: 1.Fill in the date, your name, and address in the upper left-hand corner. 2.In the first paragraph, after the words “Familie des” fill in the name of your ancestor; after “geboren am” his birthdate, and after “in” his place of birth. 3.Enclose four dollars in bank draft or money order such as American Express. 4.Address the envelope to: In Germany: In Switzerland: An das Standesamt An das Zivilstandsamt in (Zip/Postal Code) (Town) (Zip Code) (Town) Deutschland/Germany Switzerland S a m p l e L e t t e r s t o R e q u e s t RE c o r d s 185 Sehr geehrte Herren: Zur Vervollständigung der Familiengeschichte meiner Vorfahren benötige ich nähere, amtliche Angaben über die Familie des _____________________________________ _______ geboren am ______________________________ _______ in __________________________________. Ich bitte Sie daher höflichst um Übersendung eines vollständigen Auszuges aus lhrem Geburts- / Heirats- / Sterberegister für den Vorgenannten. Sollte es Ihnen möglich sein, mir gleichzeitig Auszüge für Geburt, Heirat oder Tod seiner Eltern zu beschaffen, die am selben Ort gewohnt haben sollten, so wäre ich Ihnen für diese Hilfe sehr dankbar. Zur Deckung Ihrer Gebühren lege ich $4.00 bei. Ich danke Ihnen im Voraus für Ihre Hilfe. Hochachtungsvoll, 186 T h e Fa m i l y Tr e e G e r m a n G e n e a l o g y G u i d e Translation Date To the Civil Registrar’s Office in (zip code) (town) Germany Gentlemen: In order to complete the family history of my ancestors, I am in need of detailed official data on the family of _____________________________________________________________ __ born _________________________________________ in ________________________ __________ . Therefore, I would like to ask you to please send me a complete excerpt from your birthmarriage-death registers for the person mentioned above. Should you be able to let me have, at the same time, excerpts from the birth, marriage, or death records of his parents who are said to have lived at the same place, I would indeed be very grateful for your assistance in this matter. To cover your fees I am enclosing $4.00. Thank you in advance for your help. Sincerely yours, (Your complete name and address) S a m p l e L e t t e r s t o R e q u e s t RE c o r d s 187