Welcome to SEB Business Insights - GFA - Goethe


Welcome to SEB Business Insights - GFA - Goethe
Welcome to
SEB Business Insights
Die SEB lädt ein zu den Themen:
Recent trends and drivers in the
German M&A and Capital Markets
Frank Löhner Co-Head Corporate Finance/Managing Director SEB Enskilda, Frankfurt Branch
Syndicated Loan Market
Arne Mühlholm Head of Loan Origination, SEB Structured Finance
Maximilian Wolf Junior Project Manager, SEB Structured Finance
Annika Ryssy Trainee, SEB Structured Finance
am 22. 06. 2011 um 18.30 Uhr
an der Goethe-Universität Frankfurt, Raum Deutsche Bank, E.01, House of Finance.
Anschließend findet ein Get-together zum persönlichen Austausch statt.