Sunday Evening News May / Mai Woche 21 / week 21 23.05 – 29.05


Sunday Evening News May / Mai Woche 21 / week 21 23.05 – 29.05
Sunday Evening News May / Mai
Woche 21 / week 21 23.05 – 29.05)
Überraschung am Samstagabend (28.05.) – Neues Gesetz oder nur Implementierung der
CSU-Agrarminister Schmidt will Gentechnikforschung in Deutschland zulassen;art29,371696
Bundesagrarminister Schmidt (CSU) will die deutsche Gentechnikforschung vorantreiben. Gentechnisch
veränderte Pflanzen dürften aber nicht in Deutschland angebaut werden.
Bundesagrarminister Christian Schmidt (CSU) will die deutsche Gentechnikforschung wieder vorantreiben. "In
ethisch verantwortbaren Bereichen müssen wir Gentechnikforschung zulassen", sagte Schmidt der neuen
Ausgabe des Magazins "Focus". Ein entsprechendes Gesetz sei bereits in der Ressortabstimmung. Gentechnisch
veränderte Pflanzen dürften allerdings in Deutschland nicht angebaut werden, sagte Schmidt.
Mit Blick auf das Kaufinteresse Bayers am Gensaatgut-Hersteller Monsanto und eingeschränkten
Forschungsmöglichkeiten in Deutschland sagte der Minister: "Deswegen müssen wir bei uns Forschung in
diesem Bereich zulassen. Es gibt leider deutsche Unternehmen mit Nobelpreisträgern, die ihre Entwicklungen
schon komplett in andere Länder verlagert haben."
Surprise on Saturday evening (28.05.) - New law or implementation of the opt-out
directive, only?
CSU Agricultural Minister Schmidt wants to allow genetic engineering research in Germany;art29,371696
Federal Agriculture Minister Schmidt (CSU) wants to promote the German genetic engineering research, but GM
crops should not be grown in Germany.
Federal Agriculture Minister Christian Schmidt (CSU) wants to promote the German genetic engineering
research again. "In ethically responsible areas we need to allow genetic engineering research," Schmidt said of
the new issue of the magazine "Focus". A similar law is already in the departmental co-ordination. Genetically
modified plants should however not be grown in Germany, Schmidt said.
Overlooking the buying interest Bayers on Monsanto and limited research facilities in Germany, the Minister
said: "That is why we need to allow research in this area. Unfortunately, there are German companies with
Nobel Laureates who have completely shifted their research in other countries. .
Monsanto - Symbol des Bösen, trotzdem begehrt
Milliarden-Angebot für Monsanto: Bayer und das Böse
Gentechnik, Patentprozesse, Umweltschäden: Kaum ein Konzern weltweit hat solch einen verheerenden Ruf
wie Monsanto. Jetzt will Bayer den US-Konkurrenten übernehmen. Was die Deutschen gegen das schlechte
Image tun können.
Glyphosat blieb jedoch nicht unbeachtet
K. Zinkant: Lehren aus der Glyphosat-Debatte
Nahezu alle Experten sagen, der Einsatz des Pestizids sei verantwortbar. Politiker wie Sigmar Gabriel bedienen
die Ängste der Bürger trotzdem. Wer industriekritisch sein will, muss aber nicht gleich allen Fortschritt
Jan Grossarth: Kampagnenindustrie Deutsche Angsthasen
Glyphosat, Freihandel, Atomkraftwerk: Wir Deutschen fremdeln mit so manchen Dingen.
Das beflügelt eine ganze politische Kampagnenindustrie. Trotz der Risikoscheu geht es uns
ziemlich gut. Oder deswegen?
Bereits die alten Griechen wussten, dass die Wissenschaft nie beweisen kann, dass etwas nie
eintritt. Politiker und nicht nur die deutschen fordern aber das Unmögliche: Es muss
bewiesen werden, dass etwas absolut sicher ist!
Not only German politicians demand the impossible, the proof of 100% safety. But, they
forgot or do not know it, due to the system, due to the set-up of scientific experiments it
cannot proven that an effect can completely be ruled out and /or will never occur!
Statement von Dr. Barbara Hendricks zur Wiederzulassung von Glyphosat
Hartmut Wewetzer: Glyphosat und andere Umweltgefahren Manchmal schadet Vorsorge
mehr, als sie nützt. Wirtschaftsminister Sigmar Gabriel fordert "absolute Sicherheit" bei
Pestiziden. Aber die gibt es nicht.
Was für Deutschland Bier ist, ist für Kalifornien Wein / What in Germany is the beer ,maybe
in California the wine!
Activists stir debate over reported weed killer in wines
“You would have to drink 2,500 glasses of wine a day for 70 years to reach the EPA’s level of
concern,” said Gladys Horiuchi, spokeswoman for The Wine Institute of San Francisco, an advocacy
group for about 1,000 winemakers and related businesses.
In der gesamten Diskussion um Glyphosat und Monsanto fast übersehen / Throughout the
discussion of glyphosate and Monsanto almost overlooked
EFSA safety clearance for GM oilseed rape
Scientific Opinion on an application by Bayer CropScience and Monsanto (EFSA-GMO-NL2009-75) for placing on the market of genetically modified glufosinate-ammonium- and
glyphosate-tolerant oilseed rape MS8 × RF3 × GT73 and subcombinations, which have not
been authorised previously (i.e. MS8 × GT73 and RF3 × GT73) independently of their origin,
for food and feed uses, import and processing, with the exception of isolated seed protein
for food, under Regulation (EC) No 1829/2003
EFSA Journal 2016;14(5):4466 [26 pp.]. doi: 10.2903/j.efsa.2016.4466
pdf-file 21-3
Environment MEPs object to herbicide-resistant GM carnation and maize authorisations
The EU Commission should withdraw its authorisations for the use of herbicide-resistant GM carnations and
maize, Environment Committee MEPs said in two non-binding resolutions on Tuesday. Authorising GM
carnations would encourage the worldwide use of a diabetes medicine as a herbicide, while the GM maize is
resistant to glyphosate, which is classified as “probably carcinogenic” by the World Health Organisation (WHO),
MEPs say.
The flower breeders who sold X-ray lilies and atomic marigolds
Neue Technologen / New Techniques Diskussion um die rechtliche Einordnung / Discussion
about their legal regulation
From hardy pigs to super-crops, gene editing poses new EU dilemma
Cellectis CEO Andre Choulika, whose Calyxt unit has used older forms of gene editing to
improve potatoes, wheat and soybeans, thinks the odds are 50:50 that gene-editing will end
up being classified as GMO in Europe. "If Europe does that, I think they will probably send
themselves into the stone age of agricultural biotechnology," he said.
Zur Erinnerung / Please remember!
Kershen D.L. (2015): Sustainability Council of New Zealand Trust v The Environmental
Protection Authority: Gene Editing Technologies and the Law, GM Crops & Food, DOI:
pdf-file W21-4
Abstract: In May 2014, a New Zealand court rendered the first judicial opinion in the world about the legal
classification of gene-editing techniques. The court ruled that ZFN-1 and TALEs are techniques of genetic
modification and thus within the New Zealand statute and regulations governing genetically modified
organisms. This article explains the facts of this legal matter, the reasoning of the court, and provides
commentary about the implications of this decision for New Zealand and other jurisdictions around the world.
Lombardo L.& Zelasco S. (2016): Biotech Approaches to Overcome the Limitations of Using
Transgenic Plants in Organic Farming Sustainability, 8(5), 497; doi:10.3390/su8050497
pdf-file W21-5
Abstract: Organic farming prohibits the use of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) inasmuch as their
genetic material has been altered in a way that does not occur naturally. In actual fact, there is a conventional
identity between GMOs and transgenic organisms, so that genetic modification methods such as somatic
hybridization and mutagenesis are equalized to conventional breeding. A loophole in this system is represented
by more or less innovative genetic engineering approaches under regulatory discussion, such as cisgenesis,
oligonucleotide-directed mutagenesis, and antisense technologies, that are redefining the concept of GMOs
and might circumvent the requirements of the GMO legislation and, indirectly, of organic farming.
Spektrum Kompakt - CRISPR/Cas9 - Erbgut auf dem Schneidetisch
pdf-file W21-6
Nogue´ F., Mara K., Collonnier C. Casacuberta J.M. (2016): Genome engineering and plant
breeding: impact on trait discovery and development. Plant Cell Rep
DOI 10.1007/s00299-016-1993-z
pdf-file W21- 7
O’Malley R.C. et al. (2016): Cistrome and Epicistrome Features Shape the Regulatory DNA
Landscape. Cell 165, 1280–1292
In Brief: A new method for pinpointing transcription factor binding sites in the Arabidopsis genome and their
responsiveness to DNA methylation demonstrates the impact of tissue specific DNA chemical modifications on
gene regulation, potentially for any organism.
pdf-file W21- 8
Risikobewertung / Risk assessment
SOIL BIOTA. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry DOI 10.1002/etc.3438
Abstract: Glyphosate is a broad-spectrum herbicide used widely in agriculture, horticulture, private gardens
and in public infrastructure, where it is applied to areas such as road sides, railway tracks and parks to control
the growth of weeds. The exposure risk from glyphosate and the primary soil metabolite
aminomethylphosphonic acid (AMPA) on representative species of earthworms, springtails, predatory soil
mites and effects on nitrogen-transformation processes by soil micro-organisms were assessed under
laboratory conditions based on internationally recognized guidelines. For earthworms, the reproductive no
observed effect concentration (NOEC) was 472.8 mg glyphosate acid equivalent (a.e.)/kg dry soil which was the
highest concentration tested and 198.1 mg/kg dry soil for AMPA. For predatory mites, the reproductive NOEC
was 472.8 mg a.e./kg dry soil for glyphosate and 320 mg/kg dry soil for AMPA, the highest concentrations
tested. For springtails, the reproductive NOEC was 472.8 mg a.e./kg dry soil for glyphosate and 315 mg/kg dry
soil for AMPA, the highest concentrations tested. Soil nitrogen transformation processes were unaffected by
glyphosate and AMPA at 33.1 mg a.e./kg soil and 160 mg/kg soil, respectively. Comparison of these endpoints
with worst-case soil concentrations expected for glyphosate (6.62 mg a.e./kg dry soil) and AMPA (6.18 mg/kg
dry soil) for annual applications at the highest annual rate of 4.32 kg a.e./ha indicate very low likelihood of
Entwicklung und Erprobung eines Konzepts für ein Monitoring von für den Import
zugelassenem transgenem Raps nach Richtlinie 2001/18/EG: Ergebnis eines F+E-Vorhabens
(FKZ 3511 89 0100) des Bundesamtes für Naturschutz. Development and testing of a concept
for monitoring of approved transgenic rape imports by Directive 2001/18/EC: results of an R
& D project (FKZ 3511 89 0100) of the Federal Office for Nature Conservation.
Wedlich, K. V.; Franzaring, J.; Fangmeier, A. (2016) BfN - Skripten (Bundesamt für
Naturschutz) No. 430 pp. 102 pp.;jsessionid=C424F677280E39201495
Limayem A. (2015): Risk assessment on the use of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs)
for biofuel production Agric. Food Anal. Bacteriol. 5: xx-xx, 2015 pdf-file W21-10
Abstract: In recent years concerns about energy security and climate change have sparked government interest
in biofuels from crops. However, water and land availability for biofuel production could become major obstacles, if effective conservation practices are not implemented. In an effort to increase crop productivity with
minimal use of natural resources, genetic manipulations of corn plants are conducted in the U.S. and worldwide to convey pest and herb resistance. Moreover, genetically engineered microorganisms have been
developed to render biomass conversion to fuels cost competitive. This review summarizes the evolution of
biotechnology in agricultural systems and its most current use in biofuel production. This includes the review of
the recent genetically engineered microorganisms (GMOs) as well as the nanotechnology used to biofuel yield
optimization. Potential bottlenecks pertaining to GMOs dispersal from biofuel production are thoroughly
addressed. Novel point-of-care approaches exclusively adopted by the federal agencies and arising from
systemic core modeling such as biotechnology risk assessment are discussed. Optimizing these tools by
revealing a proficient model engineering practices toward achieving greater GMO traceability, biosafety and
operational performance remains the option of choice to intervention
Horizontaler Gentransfer / Horizontal gene transfer
Matan Shelomi, Etienne G.J. Danchin, David Heckel, Benjamin Wipfler, Sven Bradler, Xin
Zhou, Yannick Pauchet. Horizontal Gene Transfer of Pectinases from Bacteria Preceded the
Diversification of Stick and Leaf Insects. Scientific Reports. Doi: 10.1038/srep26388.
Bt-Toxin and Bees
Hui-Ru Jia et al. (2016): The effects of Bt Cry1Ie toxin on bacterial diversity in the midgut of
Apis mellifera ligustica (Hymenoptera: Apidae). Scientific Reports 6:24664 DOI:
pdf-file W21-11
Abstract: The honey bee has been regarded as a key species in the environmental risk assessment of biotech
crops. Here, the potential adverse effects of Cry1Ie toxin on the midgut bacteria of the worker bees (Apis
mellifera ligustica) were investigated under laboratory conditions. Newly emerged bees were fed with different
concentrations of Cry1Ie toxin syrups (20 ng/mL, 200 ng/mL, and 20 μg/mL), pure sugar syrup, and 48 ppb of
imidacloprid syrups, then sampled after 15 and 30 d. We characterized the dominant midgut bacteria and
compared the composition and structure of the midgut bacterial community in all samples using the Illumina
MiSeq platform targeting the V3–V4 regions of 16S rDNA. No significant differences in the diversity of the
midgut bacteria were observed between the five treatments. This work was the first to show the effects of
Cry1Ie toxin on honey bees, and our study provided a theoretical basis for the biosafety assessment of
transgenic Cry1Ie maize.
Torricelli M., Pierboni E., Tovo GR., L Curcio L. (2016): In-house Validation of a DNA
Extraction Protocol from Honey and Bee Pollen and Analysis in Fast Real-Time PCR of
Commercial Honey Samples Using a Knowledge. Food Analytical Methods…DOI
pdf-file W21-12
Abstract For consumers, honey is a natural product that should not be subjected to treatment or alteration.
Since the question of the presence of genetically modified organisms concerned pollen in honey, the aim of this
research was to find an alternative, however, practical and efficient method of honey and bee pollen DNA
extraction for routine analysis application. Furthermore, to evaluate the extracted DNA, a realtime PCR system
based on the actin gene was optimized and validated in fast mode for the first time to reduce analysis time. To
develop an alternative DNA extraction protocol, two already published procedures were combined and tested
with some variations, in particular without beads/filters used to grind/enrich pollen. The best approach found
in terms of quantity and quality of extracted DNA was a combination of the pretreatment and the extraction
method, described in the German guideline, with some modifications and the addition of a DNA purification kit.
This protocol was validated with DNA extracts from honey and bee pollen and it was applied to 18 commercial
honey samples. Furthermore, a sample proved positive in transgenic screening elements analysis and for
transgenic event identification, a knowledge-based approach was adopted. Since the DNA extraction protocol
proved suitable, it could be applied for other analysis such as molecular species characterization, the study of
traceability, and environmental monitoring, considering honey as a vector of authorized and not authorized
genetically modified organisms.
Iwobi A., Gerdes L., Busch U., Pecoraro S. (2016): Droplet digital PCR for routine analysis of
genetically modified foods (GMO) e A comparison with real-time quantitative PCR. Food
Control 69, 205 – 213
pdf-file W21-13
Akzeptanz / Acception -Perception
Scott S.E., Inbar Y. and Rozin P. (2016): Evidence for Absolute Moral Opposition to
Genetically Modified Food in the United States. Perspectives on Psychological Science 11(3),
pdf-file W21-14
Abstract: Public opposition to genetic modification (GM) technology in the food domain is widespread (Frewer
et al., 2013). In a survey of U.S. residents representative of the population on gender, age, and income, 64%
opposed GM, and 71% of GM opponents (45% of the entire sample) were “absolutely” opposed—that is, they
agreed that GM should be prohibited no matter the risks and benefits. “Absolutist” opponents were more
disgust sensitive in general and more disgusted by the consumption of genetically modified food than were
non-absolutist opponents or supporters. Furthermore, disgust predicted support for legal restrictions on
genetically modified foods, even after controlling for explicit risk–benefit assessments. This research suggests
that many opponents are evidence insensitive and will not be influenced by arguments about risks and benefits
BR McFadden, JL Lusk - What consumers don’t know about genetically modified food, and
how that affects beliefs. The FASEB Journal, 2016 – FASEB
pdf-file W21 -15
Farmers must lead GM debate
What does it mean for researchers, journalists and the public when secrecy surrounds
Genetically modified (GM) plants: questions and answers
pdf-file W21- 20
Royal Society calls for review of European GM ban
Royal Society calls for review of European GM ban
Scientist battles to 'stem onslaught of pseudoscience'
A University of Leicester scientist has joined leading scientists from across Europe in raising an alarm
over the 'pseudoscience' concerning regulation of compounds used in agriculture, healthcare and
"The Royal Society will hold a series of public panel discussion events (Growing tomorrow's
dinner - should GM be on the table?) across the UK during the summer and autumn"
Verschiednes / Miscellaneous
Won-Ki Cho et al. RNA Polymerase II cluster dynamics predict mRNA output in living cells, eLife
(2016). DOI: 10.7554/eLife.13617
Abstract: Protein clustering is a hallmark of genome regulation in mammalian cells. However, the dynamic
molecular processes involved make it difficult to correlate clustering with functional consequences in vivo. We
developed a live-cell super-resolution approach to uncover the correlation between mRNA synthesis and the
dynamics of RNA Polymerase II (Pol II) clusters at a gene locus. For endogenous β-actin genes in mouse
embryonic fibroblasts, we observe that short-lived (~8 s) Pol II clusters correlate with basal mRNA output.
During serum stimulation, a stereotyped increase in Pol II cluster lifetime correlates with a proportionate
increase in the number of mRNAs synthesized. Our findings suggest that transient clustering of Pol II may
constitute a pre-transcriptional regulatory event that predictably modulates nascent mRNA output.
New super-resolution technique visualizes important role of short-lived enzyme clusters
Huairong Pan et al. A symbiotic SNARE protein generated by alternative termination of
transcription, Nature Plants (2016). DOI: 10.1038/nplants.2015.197
How plants interact with beneficial microbes in the soil
Kouser, Shahzad, Abedullah, , Qaim, Matin (2016): Bt cotton and employment effects for
female agricultural laborers in Pakistan. New Biotechnology
pdf-file W21- 16
Purple plants (Editorial)
Nature Genetics 48, 587 (2016)
pdf-file W21-18)
The genetics of plant breeding cannot by itself end hunger and malnutrition nor ensure sustainable food
production. However, driven by genomics, it provides tools with which to raise the research profile and
standards of two related fields that together will do so: agronomy, as it relates to crop ecology and evolution,
and nutritional natural products research.
Nachgang Woche 20
NAS –Report: Genetically Engineered Crops: Experiences and Prospects (2016)
Der vollständige Bericht (408 Seiten) kann nun auch über den WGG erhalten werden. The
report (408 pages) is now available at the WGG. W21-1
In Ergänzung / in addition
Science, safety and prejudice
Tufts News: The Bottom Line on Genetically Engineered Foods
Ernährung-Mineralstoffe / Nutrition-minerals
Amelie Detterbeck, Paula Pongrac et al., Spatially resolved analysis of variation in barley (Hordeum
vulgare) grain micronutrient accumulation, New Phytologist, 2016, DOI: 10.1111/nph.13987
Pdf-file W-21-2 (available at WGG)
Tagung /Conference
The BCPC-Congress 2016: Changes in European Agriculture – How the Regulatory
Environment Might Adapt. Brighton (UK) 4-5 October 2016
A look into the future of European arable agriculture and how the regulatory environment
for plant protection products will need to change.
Woche 20 / week 20 (16.05 – 22.05)
WHO hält Glyphosat für nicht krebserregend
WHO-Forscher stufen Glyphosat als nicht krebserregend ein
UN panel now says Monsanto weedkiller ‘unlikely’ to cause cancer
pdf-file W20-1
Glyphosate unlikely to pose risk to humans, UN/WHO study says
pdf-file W20-2
Koalition streitet um Zukunft von Glyphosat
Streit um Glyphosat entzweit die Regierung
EU delays re-approval for weed killer glyphosate
EU declines to renew glyphosate licence
Natürlich darf eine neue “Urinstudie” nicht fehlen! Of course, a new "urine study" should
not be missed!
Green Party MEPs prove a point with glyphosate in urine test results
und, dass das WHO-Panel gekauft ist!......and, that the WHO panel is corrupted (purchased)!
Industrie-Beziehungen und Interessenskonflikte werfen schiefes Licht auf GlyphosatPersilschein durch JMPR der FAO/WHO
Möglicher Interessenskonflikt bei Pflanzenschutzmittel-Bewertung
Offener Brief an EFSA /Open letter to EFSA:
Monsanto and the Poisoning of Europe: An Open letter to the EFSA Chief Attorney About
Re-licensing Glyphosate in the EU
Im Zusammenhang mit Glyphosat fand auch der mögliche Kauf von Monsanto durch Bayer
eine Beachtung. In the context to glyphosate, the possible acquisition of Monsanto by Bayer
found an attraction.
Pakt mit dem Teufel: Bayer will den Glyphosathersteller Monsanto kaufen – und riskiert
damit seinen guten Ruf
Alliance with the devil: Bayer wants to buy the glyphosate producer Monsanto - and risked
so its reputation
NAS –Report: Genetically Engineered Crops: Experiences and Prospects (2016)
Der vollständige Bericht (12 MB) kann über die Web-Seite heruntergeladen werden. The
report (12 MB) is available for download via this webpage :
Summary: Genetically Engineered Crops: Experiences and Prospects
pdf-file W20-3,
and the slides pdf-file W20-4 (2 MB).
Kommentare: / Statements
-Genetically Engineered Crops Are Safe, Analysis Finds, The New York Times
-Are GMO crops safe? Focus on the plant, not the process, scientists say, Washington Post
-Report: GMO crops not harmful to humans, but weed resistance is a problem, Chicago Tribune
-Study finds no adverse heath effects from genetically engineered crops, The Hill
-Modified Crops Not Seen Adding to Human Health Risks, Study Says, Bloomberg
-U.S. panel releases consensus on genetically engineered crops, Science
-National Academy of Sciences Report Finds no Food Safety or Human Health Impacts from GE
Crops, CSPI
-NAS Study Backs Safety Of GMO Foods, Agri-Pulse
-U.S. panel: GE crops safe to eat, but mandatory labeling still a good idea, Politico
Beiträge aus “Times”
pdf-files Times
Gilbert N. (2016): Frugal Farming: Old-fashioned breeding techniques are bearing more fruit
than genetic engineering in developing self-sufficient super plants. Nature 533, 308-310
pdf-file W20-9
Voices and Views: Why Biotech? No. 50 - 2015
Mariechel J. Navarro, Global Knowledge Center on Crop Biotechnology
pdf-file W20-5
Karembu M., Nguthi F., and Britta B. (2015): Biotechnology, not a Silver Bullet but a Key Tool
for Attaining Food Security
Geisi Mello Balsamo, Carla Souza de Mello & Ana Carolina Maisonnave Arisi (2016):
Proteome Comparison of Grains from Two Maize Genotypes, with Colorless Kernel
Pericarp (P1-ww) and Red Kernel Pericarp (P1-rr), Food Biotechnology 30, 110-122
pdf-file W20-6
ABSTRACT: Maize genotypes P1-rr (R) and P1-ww (W) have high and low flavonoid content, respectively. Grain
proteome profiles of these maize genotypes were compared. Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2-DE) was
performed from three soluble protein extracts of each maize genotype and 55 proteins spots were
differentially expressed using univariate analysis. Differentially expressed protein spots were analyzed by mass
spectrometry-peptide mass fingerprint (MS-PMF) and eight of them were identified on the Zea mays L.
database. Additionally, grouping of proteomic data was evaluated by principal component analysis (PCA) using
135 matched spots in all six analyzed gels. First component (PC1) represented 46.5% of total variation and
second component (PC2) referred to 22.5%. This multivariate analysis showed the separation of the two maize
genotypes proteome profiles using 2-DE data. The data presented in this study shows that 2-DE complemented
with PCA is applicable to food analysis.
Akzeptanz / Acceptance
Pranav Dass, Md Chowdhury, Damian Lampl, Kendall E.Nygard. Risk Perceptions For
Genetically Modified Organisms: An Empirical Investigation. pdf-file W20-7
Ernährung-Mineralstoffe / Nutrition-minerals
Amelie Detterbeck, Paula Pongrac et al., Spatially resolved analysis of variation in barley (Hordeum
vulgare) grain micronutrient accumulation, New Phytologist, 2016, DOI: 10.1111/nph.13987
Summary: Genetic biofortification requires knowledge on natural variation and the underlying mechanisms of
micronutrient accumulation. We therefore studied diversity in grain micronutrient concentrations and spatial
distribution in barley (Hordeum vulgare), a genetically tractable model cereal and an important crop with
widespread cultivation.
We assembled a diverse collection of barley cultivars and landraces and analysed grain micronutrient profiles in
genebank material and after three independent cultivations. Lines with contrasting grain zinc (Zn) accumulation
were selected for in-depth analysis of micronutrient distribution within the grain by micro-proton-induced Xray emission (μ-PIXE). Also, we addressed association with grain cadmium (Cd) accumulation.
The analysis of > 120 lines revealed substantial variation, especially in grain Zn concentrations. A large fraction
of this variation is due to genetic differences. Grain dissection and μ-PIXE analysis of contrasting lines showed
that differences in grain Zn accumulation apply to all parts of the grain including the endosperm. Cd
concentrations exceeded the Codex Alimentarius threshold in most of the representative barley lines after
cultivation in a Cd-contaminated agricultural soil.
Two important conclusions for biofortification are: first, high-Zn grains contain more Zn also in the consumed
parts of the grain; and second, higher micronutrient concentrations are strongly associated with higher Cd
Weitere Informationen / Further information: S. Clemens – [email protected]
Trade SIA on the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) between the EU and
the USA
TTIP may mean higher prices and ‘unhealthy’ consumption:
pdf-file W20-8 (10MB)
Kennzeichnung / Labelling
pdf-file W20-10
Verschiedenes / Miscellaneous
Canada approves genetically modified salmon for food
Woche 19 /week 19 (09. 5 – 15.05)
In Sachen Gentechnik verlief die 19. Woche wenig spektakulär und die Medien hatten kein
bevorzugtes Thema, auch wenn
a) der Deutsche Bundestag erneut über eine mögliche Zulassung von Glyphosat diskutierte,
b) Gerüchte zufolge Firmen Bayer oder BASF die Übernahme von Monsanto erwägen und
c) die Kommunikationsagentur „Genius“ sowohl für Befürworter der Gentechnik und für
Hersteller und Vertreibern von Glyphosat als auch für die Risikobewerter arbeitet.
This week was very spectacular in respect of genetic engineering and modern plant
biotechnology and the media had no favorite theme, although
a) The German Bundestag discussed again on a possible approval of glyphosate,
b) According to rumors the company Bayer or BASF are considering the acquisition of
Monsanto and
c) the agency for scientific communication “Genius” is working for both:The proponents of
genetic engineering and for manufacturers and distributors of glyphosate as well as for the
risk assessors of glyphosate and genetically modified plants and foods.
a) Debatte im Bundestag zur Wiederzulassung von Glyphosat: Vorsorgeprinzip ernst
nehmen – Keine erneute Genehmigung für Glyphosat. Take precautionary principle
seriously - No reapproval for glyphosate
und Antrag von Bündnis90/Die Grünen (only in German)
Der Deutsche Bundestag fordert die Bundesregierung auf, aus Gründen des vorsorgenden Gesundheits- und
Umweltschutzes eine erneute Genehmigung des Pestizidwirkstoffs Glyphosat zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt
abzulehnen. pdf-file W19-21
b) Handelsblatt: Wer gewinnt den 52-Milliarden-Euro-Poker?
Die Agrarchemiebranche ist in Aufruhr: Angeblich prüfen sowohl Bayer als auch BASF
Kaufangebote für den US-Konkurrenten Monsanto. Die Bayer-Aktie verliert daraufhin mehr
als fünf Prozent und zieht den Dax herunter.
The agricultural industry is in turmoil: Allegedly both Bayer and BASF consider to buy US
competitor Monsanto.
AKTIE IM FOKUS 2: Übernahmefantasie treibt Monsanto an - Bayer und BASF im Minus
NEW YORK / FRANKFURT (dpa-AFX) - On Thursday Monsanto investors had every reason to celebrate: The seed
producer Monsanto is turned apparently from the hunter to the hunted.
c) The lobby firm that works both sides of the room
Selbst die Verhandlung vor dem Europäischen Gerichtshof (EuGH) gegen die Zulassung der
Sojabohne MON 87701xMON 89788 ( Intacta)von Monsanto fand fast keinen Niederschlag.
Even the proceedings at the European Court of Justice (ECJ) against the approval of the
soybeans (Intacta) of Monsanto was almost without notice.
EU-Gerichtshof: Klage gegen Zulassung von Gentechnik-Soja
Zulassung von Gentechniksoja wird angefochten
Case against the authorisation of Monsanto genetically engineered Intacta soybeans to be
heard at the EU Court of Justice
Glyphosat / Glyphosate
Hella Kehlenbeck, H. (2015):Folgenabschätzung für die Landwirtschaft zum teilweisen oder
vollständigen Verzicht auf die Anwendung von glyphosathaltigen Herbiziden in Deutschland
Impact assessment of partial or complete abandonment of glyphosate application for
farmers in Germany
Lamichhane J.R. et al. (2016): Integrated weed management systems with herbicide-tolerant
crops in the European Union: lessons learnt from home and abroad, Critical Reviews in
Biotechnology, DOI: 10.1080/07388551.2016.1180588
pdf-file W19-2
Wohlfender-Buehler, D., Feusthuber, E., Waeger, R., Mann, S., & Aubry, S. J. (2016).
Genetically modified crops in Switzerland: implications for agrosystem sustainability
evidenced by multi-criteria model. Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 36(2), pp. 1-16.
pdf-file W19-3
Karotten-Genom / Carrot genome
Iorizzo M. et al. (2016): A high-quality carrot genome assembly provides new insights into
carotenoid accumulation and asterid genome evolution, Nature Genetics DOI:
Cress B.F. et al. (2016): Rapid generation of CRISPR/dCas9-regulated, orthogonally
repressible hybrid T7-lac promoters for modular, tuneable control of metabolic pathway
fluxes. Nucleic Acids Research DOI: 10.1093/nar/gkw231
pdf-file W19-5
Anderson J. E. et al. (2016): Genomic variation and DNA repair associated with soybean
transgenesis: a comparison to cultivars and mutagenized plants. BMC Biotechnology 16:41
DOI: 10.1186/s12896-016-0271-z
pdf-file W19-6
TSL receives DEFRA approval for potato field trials
DEFRA have approved The Sainsbury Laboratory, Norwich’s application to conduct field trials
of GM potato crops on a designated trial site at the Norwich Research Park between 2016
and 2019.
The field trials are part of the TSL’s Potato Partnership Project to develop a Maris Piper
potato that is blight and nematode resistant, bruises less and produces less acrylamide when
cooked at high temperatures. The project is majority funded by the Biotechnology and
Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) with additional funding from industry partners
BioPotatoes (UK) and Simplot (US).
Horizontaler Gentransfer / Horizontal gene transfer
Arakawa K. (2016): No evidence for extensive horizontal gene transfer from the draft
genome of a tardigrade PNAS doi: 10.1073/pnas.1602711113
Bemm F. ez al. (2016): Genome of a tardigrade: Horizontal gene transfer or bacterial
contamination? PNAS doi: 10.1073/pnas.1525116113
Boothby T.C. & Goldstein B. (2016): Reply to Bemm et al. and Arakawa: Identifying foreign
genes in independent Hypsibius dujardini genome assemblies PNAS doi:
Medina E.M. et al. (2016): Punctuated evolution and transitional hybrid network in an
ancestral cell cycle of fungi. eLife 2016;5:e09492
Ping-Li Dai, Hui-Ru Jia, Li-Li Geng, Qing-Yun Diao (2016): Bt Toxin Cry1Ie Causes No Negative
Effects on Survival, Pollen Consumption, or Olfactory Learning in Worker Honey Bees
(Hymenoptera: Apidae) | Journal of Economic Entomology 2016, 1-6
pdf-file W19Castañera P, Farinós GP, Ortego F, Andow DA (2016) Sixteen Years of Bt Maize in the EU
Hotspot: Why Has Resistance Not Evolved? PLoS ONE 11(5): e0154200.
pdf-files W19-8, 8a
Abstract: The majority of Bt maize production in the European Union (EU) is concentrated in northeast Spain,
which is Europe’s only hotspot where resistance might evolve, and the main target pest, Sesamia nonagrioides,
has been exposed to Cry1Ab maize continuously since 1998. The cropping system in northeast Spain has some
similar characteristics to those that probably led to rapid resistance failures in two other target noctuid maize
pests. These include repeated cultivation of Bt maize in the same fields, low use of refuges, recurring exposure
of larvae to non-high dose concentrations of Cry1Ab toxin during the first years of cultivation, low migratory
potential, and production concentrated in an irrigated region with few alternative hosts. Available data reveal
no evidence of resistance in S. nonagrioides after 16 years of use.We explore the possible reasons for this
resistance management success using evolutionary models to consider factors expected to accelerate
resistance, and those expected to delay resistance. Low initial adoption rates and the EU policy decision to
replace Event 176 with MON 810 Bt maize were key to delaying resistance evolution. Model results suggest
that if refuge compliance continues at the present 90%, Bt maize might be used sustainably in northeast Spain
for at least 20 more years before resistance might occur. However, obtaining good estimates of the present R
allele frequency and level of local assortative mating are crucial to reduce uncertainty about the future success
of resistance management
Lee M.S. & Albajes R. (2016): Monitoring carabid indicators could reveal environmental
impacts of genetically modified maize. Agricultural and Forest Entomology DOI:
pdf-file W19-9
Levine, S.L., Mueller, G.M., Uffman, J.P. (2016): Assessing the potential for interaction
between the insecticidal activity of two genetically engineered cotton events combined by
conventional breeding: An example with COT102 × MON 15985, Regulatory Toxicology and
Pharmacology, doi: 10.1016/j.yrtph.2016.05.003.
pdf-file W19-10
Joshi, S.S., et al.(2016): Assessment of potential adjuvanticity of Cry proteins, Regulatory
Toxicology and Pharmacology.
W19 -11
Abstract: Genetically modified (GM) crops have achieved success in the marketplace and their benefits extend
beyond the overall increase in harvest yields to include lowered use of insecticides and decreased carbon
dioxide emissions. The most widely grown GM crops contain gene/s for targeted insect protection, herbicide
tolerance, or both. Plant expression of Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) crystal (Cry) insecticidal proteins have been
the primary way to impart insect resistance in GM crops. Although deemed safe by regulatory agencies
globally, previous studies have been the basis for discussions around the potential immuno-adjuvant effects of
Cry proteins. These studies had limitations in study design. The studies used animal models with extremely high
doses of Cry proteins, which when given using the ig route were coadministered with an adjuvant. Although the
presumption exists that Cry proteins may have immunostimulatory activity and therefore an adjuvanticity risk,
the evidence shows that Cry proteins are expressed at very low levels in GM crops and are unlikely to function
as adjuvants. This conclusion is based on critical review of the published literature on the effects of
immunomodulation by Cry proteins, the history of safe use of Cry proteins in foods, safety of the Bt donor
organisms, and pre-market weight of-evidence-based safety assessments for GM crops.
Rzymski P. & Królczyk A. (2016): Attitudes toward genetically modified organisms in Poland:
to GMO or not to GMO? Food Security 1-6 DOI: 10.1007/s12571-016-0572-z
pdf-file W19-12
Science Credibility: The Media’s Role
Buchbesprechungen / Book Reviews
Zwei Buchbesprechungen von Kollegen Flachowsky. Danke für die Übersendung der pdf-files
Livestock Production and Climate Change, Pradeep K. Malik, Raghavendra Bhatta, Junichi
Takahashi, Richard A. Kohn,Cadaba S. Prasad (Eds.) CAB International, Wallingford (UK) and
Boston (USA) (2015). 395 pp., Hardcover, Price:£95.00/D 125.00/$180.00, ISBN-13. 978 1
78064 432 5Human pdf-file W19-13
Nutritional Modelling for Pigs and Poultry, N.K. Sakmoura, R.M. Gous, I. Kyriazakis, L.
Hauschild (eds.).CAB International, Wallingford, UK and Boston, USA (2015). 304 pp.,
Hardcover, ISBN: 9781780644110 (Price:£95.00/D 125.00/$180.00) pdf-file W19 -14
Veranstaltung / Meeting
Report Release Event: Genetically Engineered Crops.
Tuesday, May 17 at 11:00 am Eastern (with live webcast) The Keck Center, Washington, DC
Demeter-Delegierte fordern Ausschluss neuer Gentechnikverfahren
„Der Demeter e.V. setzt sich gemeinsam mit den anderen Bioverbänden sowie weiteren
zivilgesellschaftlichen Organisationen dafür ein, dass auch die neuen gentechnischen
Verfahren in der EU eindeutig dieser umstrittenen Methode zugeordnet und als Gentechnik
reguliert werden“, betonte Demeter Vorstandssprecher Alexander Gerber. "Genau wie bei
den älteren Gentechnik-Verfahren muss das Vorsorgeprinzip angewandt werden. Die
Pflanzen müssen also Risikoprüfungen und Rückverfolgbarkeitsbestimmungen unterliegen
und die Produkte entsprechend gekennzeichnet sein."
Woche 18 / week 18 (02 – 08.05)
Realität der TTIP-Verhandlungen übertrifft die dunklen Ahnungen noch -Das
Freihandelsabkommen führt zu globalen Wohlstandsgewinnen, sagen die Befürworter. Die
TTIP-Papiere zeigen aber, dass die Befürchtungen der Gegner nicht aus der Luft gegriffen
sind. Im Gegenteil, die Dokumente zeigen: Sie haben Substanz.
Wird Debatte um TTIP zur Hysterie? Die Angst vor dem Freihandelsabkommen TTIP
zuwischen Europa und den USA droht in Hysterie umzuschlagen. Die grüne Gentechnik ist
kein Segen. Aber auch kein Fluch.
TTIP-Leaks: Ein Skandal, der keiner ist
Die von Greenpeace publizierten Papiere über die transatlantischen
Freihandelsverhandlungen sorgen für Schlagzeilen. Doch wo ist der Skandal, wenn jeder
Partner seine bekannten Interessen verteidigt?
Greenpeace Leaks U.S.-E.U. Trade Deal Documents
Greenpeace: TTIP means genetic engineering: Greenpeace says leaked papers on the
transatlantic free trade agreement reveal threats to the precautionary principle - a basic
element of European policy. This would have far-reaching implications for agriculture.
The Guardian: TTIP has been kicked into the long grass … for a very long time
GMO Arctic Apples, Only The TTIP Of The Iceberg
Health, science, business and consumer rights are driving major differences between the U.S.
and the EU in the most far-reaching trade negotiations in history.
Nicht neu, aber passt in die gegenwärtige Diskussion / Not new but fits well into the current
The Ecologist (21.04.2016): New GMOs are 'not GM' - EU folds under US pressure
The TTIP negotiations are seen by industry and the US government as the perfect
opportunity to block EU processes that are supposed to protect public health and the
environment. The regulation of new GM techniques is a case in point.
Neue Technologien und Regulierung / New techniques and regulations
Ammann K., Kuntz M.(2016): Decades-old GMO regulation unfit for 21st century
“The European Commission is set to guide the regulatory fate of new biotechnologies crucial to the future of
plant breeding. To meet such agricultural challenges, we need a product-oriented, flexible and adjustable
regulatory system.”
Hier die ursprüngliche Version mit den Hyperlinks / Here the original version with the
hyperlinks for a deeper insight
Fresh EU-US trade spat brewing over new plant breeding techniques
After Europe’s decision to keep its door shut to GMOs, the European Commission is trying its best to avoid
opening a new trade row with the United States over how to regulate so-called ‘new plant breeding
techniques’ (NPBTs).
Trade body: Don’t lump ‘new plant breeding techniques’ in with GMOs
New CRISPR System Targets Both DNA and RNA
Genome Editing: Was können wir von CRISPR erwarten? Veränderte Vögel und Bienen sind nur der
Beginn der boomenden Gene-Editing-Technologie. Doch wie weit wird die Entwicklung gehen?
BAFU:Feldversuch mit gentechnisch veränderten Apfelbäumen teilweise bewilligt. Cis-gene
modified apple trees can be released.
Sprink T., Eriksson D., Schiemann J. & Hartung F. (2016): Regulatory hurdles for genome
editing: process- vs. product-based approaches in different regulatory contexts. Plant Cell
Rep. DOI 10.1007/s00299-016-1990-2
pfd-file W18-03
Conko G., Kershen D.L., Miller H. & Wayne A Parrott W.A. (2016): A risk based approach to
the regulation of genetically engineered organisms. Nature Biotechnology 34, 493–503;
doi:10.1038/nbt.3568 (
pdf-file W18-04
H Strauss S.H. & Sax J.K. (2016): Ending event-based regulation of GMO crops .Nature
Biotechnology 34, 474-477; doi:10.1038/nbt.3541 (
Carroll D., Alison L., Eenennaam V., F Taylor J.F.., Seger J. & Voytas D.F. (2016):
Regulate genome-edited products, not genome editing itself. Nature Biotechnology 34,
477-479 ; doi:10.1038/nbt.3566 .(
pdf-file 18-6
Matthias Fladung M. (2016): Cibus' herbicide-resistant canola in European limbo. Nature
Biotechnology 34, 473 – 474; doi:10.1038/nbt.3558
Carlson D. F. et al. (2016): Production of hornless dairy cattle from genome-edited cell
lines. Nature Biotechnology 34, 479-481; doi:10.1038/nbt.3560
Schaart, J. G., van de Wiel, C. C. M., Lotz, L. A. P., & Smulders, M. J. M. (2016):. Opportunities
for Products of New Plant Breeding Techniques. Trends in Plant Science, 21(5), pp. 438-449.
pdf-file W18-02
Vergleich Zulassungsverfahren USA und EU / Comparison of procedure for approval of gm crops in
the states and EU
Smart R.D., Blum M. Wesseler J. (2016): Trends in genetically engineered crops´approval
times in the united states and the European Union. Working Paper 2016-03 ; QUEEN’S
Management School, Queen’s University Belfast
Abstract: Genetically engineered (GE) crops are subject to regulatory oversight to ensure their safety for
humans and the environment. Their approval in the European Union (EU) starts with an application in a given
Member State followed by a scientific risk assessment, and ends with a political decision-making step (risk
management). In the United States (US) approval begins with a scientific (field trial) step and ends with a
‘bureaucratic’ decision-making step. We investigate trends for the time taken for these steps and the overall
time taken for approving GE crops in the US and the EU. Our results show that from 1996-2015 the overall time
trend for approval in the EU decreased and then flattened off, with an overall mean completion-time of 1,763
days.In the US in 1998 there was a break in the trend of the overall approval time. Initially, from 1988 until
1997 the trend decreased with a mean approval time of 1,321 days; from 1998-2015, the trend almost
stagnated with a mean approval time of 2,467 days.
Pdf-file: W18-01
Punt M.J., Wesseler J. (2015): Legal But Costly: An Analysis of the EU GM Regulation in the
Light of the WTO Trade Dispute Between the EU and the USA:- The World Economy - Wiley
Online Library: DOI:10.1111/twec.12353
pdf-file W18-07
Glyphosat / Glyphosate
In Prinzip sehr ähnliche Arbeit wie zu Regenwürmern* / In principle a very similar research
on earthworms*, similar results!
Nicolas V., Oestreicher N., Vélot C. (2016): Multiple effects of a commercial Roundup®
formulation on the soil filamentous fungus Aspergillus nidulans at low doses: evidence of an
unexpected impact on energetic metabolism. Environ Sci Pollut Res. DOI 10.1007/s11356016-6596-2
pdf-file W18-9
Part of the abstract: Altogether, our data indicate that GBH toxic effects on soil filamentous fungi, and thus
potential impairment of soil ecosystems, may occur at doses far below recommended agricultural application
(Keine Wertung aber von CRIIGEN und Université de Caen / No assessment, but CRIIGEN and
University of Caen (Seralini)
* Piola L, Fuchs J, Oneto ML, Basack S, Kesten E, Casabé N (2013): Comparative toxicity of two glyphosatebased formulations to Eisenia andrei under laboratory conditions. Chemosphere 91:545–551
Brief von Martin Häusling (MdEP) Harald Ebner (MdB) (Bündnis 90/ Die Grünen) an
Landwirtschaftsminister Schmidt zur Neuzulassung von Glyphosat / Letter from Martin
Häusling (MEP) Harald Ebner (MdB) (Green Party) to Minister of Agriculture Schmidt on reapproval of glyphosate (only in German)
Entschließung des Europäischen Parlaments vom 13. April 2016 zu dem Entwurf einer
Durchführungsverordnung der Kommission zur Erneuerung der Genehmigung des Wirkstoffs Glyphosat gemäß
der Verordnung (EG) Nr. 1107/2009 des Europäischen Parlaments und des Rates über das Inverkehrbringen
von Pflanzenschutzmitteln und zur Änderung des Anhangs der Durchführungsverordnung (EU) Nr. 540/2011
(D044281-01 – 2016/2624(RSP))
Verschiedenes / Miscellaneous
Food Safety
U.S. and Canada agree their food safety systems are comparable
Man beachte: die Systeme sind vergleichbar, aber nicht kompatibel / Please note, the
systems are comparable but not compartible.
Ricci B., Messéan A.; Lelièvre A., Coléno F.-C., Frédérique Angevin F. (2016): Improving the
management of coexistence between GM and non-GM maize with a spatially explicit model
of cross-pollination. European Journal of Agronomy 77, 2016, 90–100
Abstract: The European Commission have established the concept of coexistence, according to which, farmers
should be able to grow whatever type of agricultural crops they wish (genetically modified (GM), conventional
or organic), provided that they comply with the legal obligations for labeling and/or purity standards. In the
case of maize, the main factor conditioning the feasibility of coexistence is gene flow from GM fields to other
types of production. The distance between fields has been identified as a key factor governing this gene flow.
As a consequence, the existing regulations mostly concern the maintenance of a fixed isolation distance
between GM fields and the closest non-GM field. However, other factors, such as temporal dynamics of pollen
shedding, wind, relative field sizes and shapes and the spatial distribution of the different types of fields, may
greatly modulate the effect of distance. Moreover, uniform distance-based rules create a “domino effect”, in
which it is difficult for GM crops and non-GM crops to co-exist at the landscape scale. In this study, we
hypothesized that the use of a spatially explicit gene-flow model, MAPOD®, would result in a significant gain in
proportionality and freedom of choice for the farmer over uniform distance-based rules. To test this
hypothesis, we performed a global sensitivity analysis on this process-based model but, instead of exploring a
random set of situations, the sensitivity analysis was carried out on a subset of realistic scenarios based on
farmers’ strategies. To select those scenarios, we constructed a multicriteria decision-making model describing
the decision process used by farmers when deciding whether or not to grow GM maize, and used this model to
generate realistic allocation scenarios for GM, non-GM conventional and organic maize cultivation. We showed
that the coexistence method based on the MAPOD® model allowed the presence of a higher percentage of GM
maize in the landscape than the distance-based method. This made it possible to follow the farmer’s field
intended allocations more closely, whilst complying with the legal threshold requirements. This gain in
proportionality was greater at high maize densities, for which the distance-based method allowed almost no
cultivation of GM crops. However, in case of high proportions of organic fields, our study indicated that
coexistence between GM maize and organic maize at the landscape level is difficult, if not impossible in case of
farm-saved seeds, without a spatial aggregation of fields, leading de facto to separate non-GM and GM zones.
Finally, the use of MAPOD® resulted in better discrimination between acceptable and risky situations, and
greater flexibility, which is crucial for the implementation of an efficient coexistence strategy.
Velez A.M., Vellichirammal N.N., Jurat-Fuentes J-L., Blair D Siegfried B.D. (2016): Cry1F
resistance among lepidopteran pests: a model for improved resistance management?
Current Opinion in Insect Science 2016, 15:xx–yy; doi:10.1016/j.cois.2016.04.010 pdf W-1812
Abstract: The Cry1Fa protein from the bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) is known for its potential to control
lepidopteran pests, especially through transgenic expression in maize and cotton. The maize event TC1507
expressing the cry1Fa toxin gene became commercially available in the United States in 2003 for the
management of key lepidopteran pests including the European corn borer, Ostrinia nubilalis, and the fall
armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda. A high-dose/refuge strategy has been widely adopted to delay evolution of
resistance to event TC1507 and other transgenic Bt crops. Efficacy of this strategy depends on the crops
expressing a high dose of the Bt toxin to targeted pests and adjacent refuges of non-Bt host plants serving as a
source of abundant susceptible insects. While this strategy has proved effective in delaying O. nubilalis
resistance, field-evolved resistance to event TC1507 has been reported in S. frugiperda populations in Puerto
Rico and the southeastern United States. This paper examines available information on resistance to Cry1Fa in
O. nubilalis and S. frugiperda and discusses how this information identifies opportunities to refine resistance
management recommendations for Bt maize.
Socio-economic aspects
Kathage J., Gómez-Barbero M., Rodríguez-Cerezo E. (2015):JRC SCIENCE AND POLICY
REPORTS: Framework for the socio-economic analysis of the cultivation of genetically
modified crops. European GMO Socio-Economics Bureau 1st Reference Document pdf-file
Framework for assessing the socio-economic impacts of Bt maize cultivation (2016):
European GMO Socio-Economics Bureau (ESEB) 2nd Reference Document 11 April 2016
pdf-file W18-14
Inghellbrech L. (2016): GM crops in the EU as a wicked problem. On technology, morality and
polarised debate.
This PhD thesis is a sociological view on GMO Science and Policy in the EU. Pdf-file (W18-15)
ca.4 MB if interested, you can order it at WGG
Climate change
Zhu Z. et al. (2016): Greening of the Earth and its drivers. Nature Climate Change
Organic food versus convention foods
Smith-Spangler C. et al. (2012): Are Organic Foods Safer or Healthier Than Conventional
Alternatives? A Systematic Review Ann Intern Med. 157:348-366. pdf-file (W18-08)
Conclusion: The published literature lacks strong evidence that organic foods are significantly more nutritious than conventional
foods. Consumption of organic foods may reduce exposure to pesticide residues and antibiotic-resistant bacteria.
Why vitamins and nutrients are disappearing from non-GMO food
siehe auch / have also a look on: MediaWikiMoms Across America pfd-file W18-17
Put words into the mouth of politicians
Vice Chancellor Gabriel:
That with the gene manipulated foods, I also do
not like…….
Chancellor Merkel:
You have to cook it at
100 degrees, than all
the genes are dead!
Der Spiegel