our donors - Klingberg Family Centers


our donors - Klingberg Family Centers
We are continually grateful for the kindness and generosity of the many individuals, families, alumni, churches, groups, organizations, businesses, foundations and corporations
who support our efforts to give hope to children and families. The following friends contributed to our work during the period of January 1, 2008 through December 31, 2008.
Ms. Arpenig G. Abraham
Dr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Abrahamson
Ms. Deborah Abston
Mr. Myles K. Acken
Mr. Richard A. Adams
Mrs. Elizabeth A. Adelsman
Ms. Patricia Adorno
Mr. and Mrs. William Agostinucci
Ms. Vicky S. Aldrich
Ms. Rita Alexandria
Mrs. Aminah Ali
Ms. Mindy Aliano
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Allen
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Amodio
Mr. and Mrs. Lans M. Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Anderson
Ms. Rebecca J. Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel A. Antion
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Antonelli, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony M. Arcesi
Mr. and Mrs. David Arcesi
Ms. Bette L. Arey
Mr. John Arsego
Mr. and Mrs. Peter T. Ashe
Mrs. Kathleen Wilson Ashwell
Mr. Trevor D. Atwood
Mr. Nelson W. Babb, Jr.
Ms. Shirley R. Baehr
Mr. Gustavo Bajana
Mrs. Mary Lou Baker
Ms. Lynda A. Barry
Ms. Rita H. Beaulieu
Mr. Dan Becce
Mr. Joseph H. Belanger
Mr. Mark Belizzi
Mrs. Joan E. Bell
Dr. David A. J. Belman
Mr. and Mrs. Ewald Bender
Ms. Jeanette Benson
Ms. Marjorie Berger
Mrs. Mary Ann Bergeron
Ms. Sandra Berggren
The Honorable John A. Berman
Mrs. Elaine Bickford
Mrs. Barbara W. Bilek
Ms. Jane B. Bird
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Bishop
Ms. Joanne M. Blake
Ms. Tamzen T. Blasetti
Mr. and Mrs. Irving Blomstrann
Mr. Paul R. Boardman, Jr.
Ms. Liz Boilard
Mr. and Mrs. Lee A. Bolton
Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Bottaro
Mrs. Susan M. Botticello
Mrs. Theresa Bourgoin
Ms. Lynn S. Boyan
Mrs. Eleanor Bradley
Mr. Chuck Bradway
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Brasile
Mr. and Mrs. David O. Bredbury
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Brescia
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Britcher
Ms. Kelli A. Brooks
Mr. and Mrs. Jay W. Brown
Mr. Robert L. Brown
Ms. Shirley L. Brown
Steven M. Brown, PhD
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Bruno
Ms. Julieanne Buccheri
Mr. Peter J. Burk
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony C. Burton
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony (Tony) R. Burton
Mr. and Mrs. Waldemar R. Burzynski
Mrs. Laurie J. Burzynski
Mr. Robert Cadwallader
Mr. Michael Campanario
Ms. Katherine G. Carbine
Mr. Mario Cardona
Mr. and Mrs. Kent E. Carlson
Ms. Carol Caron
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Carr
Rabbi Ian Carroll
Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore Carrubba
Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Casa
Mr. and Mrs. Jay P. Casertano
Mrs. Rita G. Casey
Michael P. Cass, Esq.
MSgt. Lloyd J. Cassista
Ms. Anita Cataldo
Ms. Dee Chalwell
Ms. Manon-Lu Christ
Ms. Annette Ciavarro
Mrs. Antoinette Ciccarelli
Mr. and Mrs. James D. Ciccio
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ciplinski
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Clair
Mr. Robert E. Clark
Ms. Ronda B. Clark
Reverend Leonard G. Clough
Ms. Krista B. Colletta
Ms. Sonia Colon-Mora
Ms. Ellen M. Conroy
Mrs. Dorothy M. Cotter
Mrs. Beth C. Cvejanovich
Attorney George A. Dagon, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Lewis A. Dalburg, Jr.
Ms. Leslie Dalenta
Ms. Sarah Daly
Mrs. Dawn D’Amato
Mr. Thomas D’Andrea
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Dandurand
Ms. Julia Danzy
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey P. Davis
Reverend and Mrs. James Davis
Mr. David Davison
Ms. Michele S. DeMusis
Attorney Nicholas E. DeNigris
Ms. Sharmato Denson
Mr. Peter J. Denuzze
Ms. Kim Desio-Menz
Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. DeVivo
Ms. Jessica Dickens
Mr. Jeff DiDomenico
Ms. Cynthia DiNapoli
Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore DiPrima
Mr. Roberto Discotto
Ms. Barbara S. DiValentino
Ms. Jan Dommel
Mr. Michael D. Dooman
Mr. Robert A. Dowling, Jr.
Mrs. Susan T. Dowling
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Downes
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Downing
Mr. William E. Drake
Attorney Marjorie H. Drake
Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Dreher
Ms. Alicia Drost
Mr. Joe Dubin
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W. DuBois
Mr. William F. Duffy, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Durbois
Ms. Beata Dynak
Ms. Valerie L. Eager
Miss Doris R. Eckstrom
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Edge
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Ehle
Ms. Mel Ellis
Mr. Edward Everett
Mr. and Mrs. John Ewen
Mr. and Mrs. Dino Ferrari
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Ferrini
Mrs. Claudia S. Fiducia
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Fiedorowicz
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Filipek
Ms. Charlotte J. Finley
Ms. Linda Fiori
Ms. Debra Fitzgerald
Mr. and Mrs. Randall M. Flammang
Mr. and Mrs. Alvan Fletcher
Ms. Jill V. Fletcher
Mr. and Mrs. Andy and Cheryl Fliss
Mr. and Mrs. Philip P. Floros
Mr. Stanley Focht
Mr. and Mrs. John Foley
Mr. and Mrs. Mark P. Foley
Ms. Eileen A. Foley
Ms. Judith D. Forester
Mr. William T. Forman
Mr. and Mrs. Bryon W. Fox
Mr. Paul R. Fox
Mrs. Raquel Franqui
Mr. and Mrs. William Carl Fredericksen
Mr. Milton P. Freeman
Ms. Kathleen J. Frost
Frye Family
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur L. Gaither
Ms. Elida Galarza
Reverend and Mrs. Frederick K. Gale
Ms. Jaime Gallicchio
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Gallion
Dr. Donald Gardner, DMD
Mr. Howard L. Gelin
Atty. J. David Gibbs
Mr. Howard Gibson
Ms. Mattie Gibson
Ms. Christina Gibson
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Gilbert
Mrs. Florence W. Gillette
Ms. Megan Gillis
Ms. Mary K. Gillmore
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Girelli
Dr. Steven A. Girelli
Mr. William R. Gnazzo
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Goldblatt
Ms. Marcia Goldsholl
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Gozzo
Ms. Elenore S. Gradwell
Ms. Paula G. Graham
Ms. Anne Marie Gray
Ms. Judith K. Greco
Mr. Steven Guarino
Marie S. Gustin, PhD
Mr. George Gustin
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Guzauckas
Mr. and Mrs. Carmelo A. Guzzardi
Mr. and Mrs. Rod Gwillam
Ms. Elizabeth Haddad
Mr. Robert M. Haggett
Mr. Timothy E. Hall
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Hall
Atty. and Mrs. Michael F. Halloran
Mr. Wentworth A. Hamilton
Ms. Donna Hammersley
Mr. and Mrs. Peter V. Hansen
Ms. Linda Harrington
Ms. Stephany A. Harrington
Mrs. Jean Hess-Walsh
Ms. Fay A. Hickman
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Hill
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce C. Hill
Mr. and Mrs. Howard B. Hill
Mr. and Mrs. Carl W. Hjerpe
Ms. Patricia E. Hodge
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Honiss, Sr.
Ms. Kathryn Hooper
Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Hornkohl
Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Hovik
Ms. T’Kai Howard
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory B. Howey
Mr. Jason M. Howey
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Howse
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hudson
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Hutchinson
Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Iannaccone
Ms. Grace O. Ingerson
Ms. Julita Isidro
Mr. Ernest R. Jacobsen
Dr. and Mrs. Theodore Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Carl A. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Johnson
Mr. C. Howard Johnson
Mrs. Julia Ann Johnson
Ms. Eve K. Johnson
Ms. Lois M. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Mark H. Johnson
Ms. Patricia E. Johnston
Ms. Ann E. Johnstone
Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Jones
Ms. Erin F. Joudrey
Mr. Jeffrey C. Jump
Mr. Carlos Jusem
Mrs. Katherine J. Kalwat
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Kania
Mr. and Mrs. Roger J. Karabin
Mr. and Mrs. Quentin B. Keith
Mrs. Martha L. Kelfer
Ms. Carole K. Kelly
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel C. Kerr
Mr. Luther Killam
Mr. Ki Hoon Kim
Ms. Eileen T. King
Ms. Carol King-Cyr
Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Klepacki
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Klingberg
Mr. and Mrs. Kim Kobernick
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Kohl
Ms. Kathy Kondej
Individuals (continued)
Mr. Edward L. Kostrzewa
Ms. Olga Kozubenko
Mr. and Mrs. Gary P. Kukowski
Ms. Ethel Eve Kyburg
Ms. Sheila Laing
Mr. and Mrs. Eoin Landers
Mr. and Mrs. Lorcan Landers
Ms. Deirdre A. Landers
Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Lange
Ms. Doris LaPlante
Ms. Kathryn Wilson LaPointe
Mr. Erik J. Larson
Mr. and Mrs. Laurence M. Laureno
Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Leavitt
Ms. Doreen S. LeBel
Mr. and Mrs. Mark T. Ledger
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew T. Ledger
Mr. Stephen T. Ledger
Ms. Andrea Lemnotis
Atty. and Mrs. Coleman B. Levy
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Litsky
Mr. James E. Loar
Ms. Josephine V. Loar
Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Lohne
Mr. Jerome Lorde
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Lucarelli
Mrs. Amy Lungu
Mr. Warren H. Lux
Mrs. Anna H. Lykos
Mr. and Mrs. Harold W. Lysene
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. MacAlpine
Mr. and Mrs. Sebastian A. Macca
Mr. Lee Mack Nair
Mr. Ken Maddalena
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel C. Mahan
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick R. Maher
Ms. Marie E. Maher
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Malinowski
Ms. Beverly E. Malmbeck
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Marchessault
Mrs. Marci B. Marciniec
Mr. and Mrs. Leigh Marshall
Mr. and Mrs. Buell S. Martin
Ms. Shirley M. Martinelli
Mr. Jon Marx
Mr. and Mrs. Norman S. Mason
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Masserio
Mr. Dennis Mathieu
Attorney Rebecca A. Matthews
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar W. Matthews
Mr. Patrick Matthews
Mr. and Mrs. David P. Mattoon
Atty. and Mrs. Harry N. Mazadoorian
Mrs. June Mazeika
Ms. Kathy McAfee
Ms. Anita K. McCain
Ms. Carol H. McCarty
Ms. Kate McGinnes
Ms. Paige McHugh
Ms. Esther McIntosh
Ms. Mechelle McKenzie
Mr. and Mrs. John McKeon
Mr. and Mrs. John McLaughlin
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel T. McMahon
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Mele
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen B. Merritt
Miss Rose J. Messina
Ms. Kimberly M. Meyer-Karkos
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Mick
Ms. Joy Midman
Mr. Edward T. Mikulak
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Milke
Atty. and Mrs. Tuck Miller
Mr. Robert W. Miller
Ms. Margaret A. Miller
Ms. Paulette Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Mojesky
Mr. Eric Montanile
Ms. Myrna Morales
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur A. Morneau
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Morneau
Ms. Jane D. Morris
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth C. Muccino
Ms. Danielle Mullings
Mr. Richard C. Mullins, Jr.
Ms. Marilyn L. Munson
James R. Murphy, Esq.
Mrs. Mary G. Murphy
Mr. Joseph Naughton-Travers
Mr. Douglas C. Nelson
Ms. Leeora Netter
Mr. and Mrs. Fredrick G. Newberg
Mr. and Mrs. Edward P. Nichols
Ms. RomaJane Noack
Mr. Len Noble
Mrs. Betty Lou Nordeen
Mrs. Ruth C. Norling
Mr. Charles J. Norris
Ms. Norma B. Northam
Ms. Imogene Nusbaum-Snyder
Miss Nancy A. Nyquist
Mr. Robert Olander
Mr. and Mrs. Manuel M. Oliveira
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Oliveira
Ms. Deidre Olson
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. O’Reilly
Mr. and Mrs. Carll A. Pallokat
Ms. Melody Palmer
Mrs. Stephanie Palmieri
Mr. Kevin Paquette
Mr. Gary E. Parent
Ms. Nancy C. Parker
Mr. Stephen P. Parsons
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Pasztor
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Peacock
Ms. Laurie Anne Pearlman
Ms. Barbara Peckham
Mr. Curtis J. Peplau
Mr. and Mrs. Dick J. Percival
Ms. Abby Perkins
Mr. and Mrs. A. Calvert Pettway
Mrs. Ellen Pfarr
Ms. Linda Pinette
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Pinkowish
Ms. Corey Pisani
Mr. Matthew Plain
Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Plaza
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Poirier
Ms. Anna Marie Porriello
Ms. Katy Portalatin
Mrs. Lori Puzio
Mr. and Mrs. John Quattrocchi
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Quiles
Mr. Sean J. Rabinowitz
Mr. and Mrs. Peter B. Rackliffe
Mr. Steven L. Rackliffe
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony F. Radavich
Mr. Anthony F. Radovich
Mr. Joseph Rao
Mr. Frank Ray
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Razzino
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Rebstad
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Reese
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard L. Reistetter, Jr.
Ms. Kathy Marie Riccio
Mr. Christopher James Richter
Mr. Donald P. Richter
Mrs. Elsa Riley
Mrs. Marge Rinkavage
Mr. Jim Ritskowitz
Mr. Jesus Rivera
Mrs. Kristie Rivera
Ms. Mary Lou Rizza
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Robinson
Mr. Brian Rochette
Mr. and Mrs. Steven A. Roe
Ms. Marie E. Rohan
Mr. Bob Romeo
Mr. Frank V. Rossi
Ms. Linda A. Rowland
Mr. Vito Rubino
Ms. Linda A. Rubino
Ms. Barbara Rudnick
Mr. Michael J. Rugens
Mrs. Frances Vail Russell
Ms. Deborah L. Russo
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Sahno
Mr. Mike Sahno
Ms. Mary Ann Salerni
Mr. and Mrs. Paul G. Salina
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sataline
Mr. Thomas J. Satalino
Ms. Jennifer Sawyer
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald G. Schaller
Ms. Marilyn Schools
Ms. Barbara Schwaber
Mr. Timothy Schwartz
Ms. Ruth S. Seagren
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Segal
Ms. Kathleen H. Service
Mrs. Bernice Shaker
Ms. Marilyn A. Shea
Ms. Diana Sheard
Ms. Pamela Shinnick
Mr. and Mrs. Randy J. Sidwell
Ms. Susan Dodd Simchock, Jr.
Ms. Barbara Simmons
Dr. George Skarvinko
Ms. Marie L. Slayton
Mr. Rich Smalley
Ms. Maryann Smialowski
Mr. and Mrs. Scott P. Speer
Mrs. Linda Stanger
Stanley St. John
Ms. Joan Stafstrom
Mrs. Linda Stanger
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph W. Steurer
Stover Family
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Sullivan
Mrs. Kathleen P. Sullivan
Ms. Judy Suneson
Mr. Vincent V. Suppan
Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Susi
Ms. Ruth M. Swanson
Mrs. Louise C. Swanson
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Frank Sweeney, Jr.
Ms. Ann Swiattouski
Mrs. Jean S. Szoch
Mr. Robert E. Tablinsky
Mr. and Mrs. Laurence A. Tanner
Mrs. Mertie L. Terry
Reverend Carol A. Terry
Dr. and Mrs. W. Fred Thal
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Thayer
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Thayer
Mr. Charles John Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Thompson
Ms. Kristen B. Thompson
Ms. Jessica Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. Angelo Tomasso, Jr.
Mr. Victor F. Tomasso
Mr. Christopher Torino
Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Truebig
Mrs. Margaret R. Turcotte
Mr. and Mrs. George D. Turner
Ms. Wendy Tyburski
Mr. Gary Uricchio
Mr. Anthony Valenti
Mr. Perfecto Valles
Mr. and Mrs. Marc van Vooren
Mr. and Mrs. David R. Vance
Ms. Mary L. Vasquez
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Vassar
Ms. Jo Ann Vear
Mr. and Mrs. Carl A. Viggiani
Ms. Filomena M. Vincenzo
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Walker, Jr.
Mr. William W. Walluk
Ms. Lynnmarie Walton
Mrs. Barbara R. Warda
Mr. and Mrs. George S. Webb
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Weber
Mrs. Rosemarie D. Weed
Mr. and Mrs. Lindsley Wellman
Mr. Frank Wemple
Mr. William Wendland
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wentzell
Ms. Susan D. Wentzell
Mrs. Barbara Wilcox
Mr. Thomas Wilcox
Ms. Anita C. Wilcox
Ms. Patricia D. Wilcox
Mrs. Jeanne S. Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Wislocki
Mr. Thomas J. Wolff
Mr. Douglas Max Wright
Mrs. Elizabeth H. Wyskiel
Ms. Renee Yankowski
Mrs. Constance M. Young
Mr. and Mrs. Edward R. Young, Jr.
Mrs. Donna M. Young
Mrs. Elsie J. Young
Mrs. Jean P. Young
Ms. Colleen Young Bear
Mr. Mark A. Zaccagnini
Mr. Daniel M. Zaleski
Mr. Kyle Zanker
Reverend Michael Zaparyniuk, Jr.
Ms. Phyllis Zito
Mr. Joseph Zompanti
Commemorative gifts in loving memory of:
Mr. Roger Anderson
Gino Bironi
Mrs. Rose Bironi
Liam Anthony Burton
William & Barbara Conner-Guinan
Alta Fraser
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley & Lucy Janowski
Mr. Henry Johns
Eva Johnson
Mrs. Eleanor J. Johnson
Mr. Raymond Laing
Mr. John E. Larson
J. P. Loar
Mr. Jack Mace
Mr. Artemese B. McKeon
James & Rita Messina
Mr. Harry H. Milkowitz
Margie O’Hara
Mr. Raymond M. Rinkavage
Maria Schum
Eva Stone
Edward R. Young, Sr.
Commemorative gifts in loving honor of:
Kathleen Wilson Ashwell
Mr. Drew Brazer
Tammy Brookbanks
Christine Bruuer
Mrs. Rosemarie A. Burton
Steve Girelli
Mr. Ernie Groth
Kathryn Wilson LaPointe
Kaili Nederostek
Dr. Robert Rackliffe
Mr. John Michael Schum, Jr.
Ms. Christina Verner
Ms. Patricia D. Wilcox
Businesses & Corporations
A. W. Carlson Co., Inc.
Achieve Financial Credit Union
ACMAT Corporation
Acme-Monaco Corporation
Acorn Thompson Equipment
Allied Irish Bank
Allied Printing Services, Inc.
Alphabet Garden Bookstore
American Eagle Federal Credit Union
American Nuclear Insurers
Anderson, Reynolds & Lynch, LLP
B & J Interiors, LLC
Bach Investments Plus LLC
Bailey, Schaefer & Errato, LLC
Bank of America Matching Gifts Program
The R. Theo Barabowsky Collection
Barker Animation Art Gallery
Barnes Aerospace
The Berlin Citizen
Big Sky Gym & Members
Bingham McCutchen LLP
Blum Shapiro
Brook Wealth Management, LLC
Buckle Bling
Budney Overhaul & Repair, LTD./Budney
Building Concepts
C A A Services
Cabot Creamery Cooperative
Cambridge MA, L.L.C.
Carlton’s Interiors
Caserta Design
CenConn Services Inc.
Connecticut Classic Chevy
The Connecticut Forum
Connecticut Lighting Centers, Inc.
Connecticut Ready Mixed Concrete Assn.,Inc.
Construction Resources, Inc.
Corbin Russwin, Inc.
Courtyard by Marriott Cromwell
Courtyard by Marriott Wallingford
Dill, Joyce & Thresher, Inc.
Double A Charter Services
DreamScape Designs, LLC
Eagle Fence & Guardrail
Eastern Electric Systems Co., Inc.
E-L Engineering Support Services
Enfield Auto Restoration
The Engel Co., Inc.
Famous Dave’s
Farmington Savings Bank
Farrell Funeral Home, Inc.
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Gaffney Bennett & Associates, Inc.
General Equities Inc.
General Reinsurance Corporation
Goldman, Sachs & Co.
The Green Supply Company
Grove Hill Medical Center
Guida’s Milk & Ice Cream Company
Guilford Self Storage
Haggett, Longobardi & Co.
The Hartford
The Hartford Business Journal
The Hartford Courant
Hartford Magazine
Health Net
The Herald
Hilb Rogal & Hobbs of Connecticut, LLC
HIPOINT Heating & Cooling, Inc.
Hitchcock Printing
Hoffman Auto Group
Home Sweet Home Realty, LLC
Hooker & Holcombe, Inc.
Howe’s Drug Store
Image Ink Inc.
Integra-Cast, Inc.
Interstate Aviation,Inc.
Kensington Glass & Framing Co., Inc.
Klingberg Construction, Inc.
Knaus Building Company
The Kowalski Group LLC
La Quinta
Leo’s Kitchen & Stair Corporation
Life Development Institute
The Master’s Construction Corporation
Metallurgical Processing, Inc.
Mildrum-Bruno Insurance Associates
Moore Medical LLC
Murtha Cullina LLP
NAPA Auto Parts
New Britain Emergency Medical Services, Inc.
New Britain Rock Cats
New England Chrome Plating
New England Industrial Supply
NewAlliance Bank
Newfield Construction, Inc.
Northern Lights Communications
Nutmeg State Federal Credit Union
Okay Industries, Inc.
Otis Elevator
Out of Home America
Ovation Benefits Group, LLC
Parker Hannifin Fluid Control Division
Pease & Dorio, P.C.
Pitney Bowes Employee Matching Gift Program
Precision Graphics
Radio Frequency Systems
Reid & Riege, P.C.
Riley Plumbing & Heating Co., Inc.
Ron’s Automotive Repair, Inc.
Russ Reid Company
RWR Enterprises, LLC
Schaller Auto World
Shiny Bright Auto Wash
Siegel, O’Connor, O’Donnell & Beck, P.C.
Siracusa Moving & Storage Co., Inc.
Spring Brook Ice and Fuel Service
The Stanley Works
Staples Business Advantage
The Stone Group
Story Brothers
TCORS Capitol Group, LLC
TD Banknorth Wealth Management Group
Tilcon Connecticut Inc.
Tomz Corporation
Town & Country Transportation
Town Fair Tire Centers, Inc.
UMASS Five College FCU
Vital Signs and Graphics, Inc.
Walgreens Co.
Wal-Mart, Newington
Wal-Mart, New Britain
Wal-Mart, Bristol
Weber and Carrier, LLP
Westfarms Mall
Willis HRH
Wollman Realty
Wrap It Up Gift House
Young Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
K l ingberg F a m i l y C enter S
Employee Groups/Associations
East Granby Congregational Church
First Baptist Church, Forrest City, IA
First Church of Christ Congregational, West Hartford
First Congregational Church, Canton Center
Grace Congregational Church, Farmington
Kensington Congregational Church
South Congregational-First Baptist Church, New Britain
St. Paul’s Church, Kensington
St. Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran Church, New Hartford
Sun Prairie Baptist Church Sunday School, Salem, SD
Ukrainian Christian Church, Unionville
United Methodist Church, Newington
Wellspring Church, Kensington
Acme-Monaco Corporation
Alstom Power Inc.
Grove Hill Medical Center
Hilb, Rogal and Hobbs Employee Benefits Department
IBM Employee Contributions
IBM Retiree Charitable Campaign
Newington High School
Northeast Utilities Payroll Department
TD Banknorth Insurance Agency
The Stanley Works
Lavendar Fields Day Spa
Community Groups/Organizations
Suburban Woman’s Club of New Britain, Inc.
Berlin Girl Scouts
CCSU Student Affairs
CCSU Theatre Dept.
Columbian Charities of CT, Inc.
Corporation For Independent Living
Dept. of Developmental Services
Franco American War Veterans Inc.
Greater Hartford Arts Council
Greater Hartford Jaycees
Griswold School — Mr. Hudson’s class
Hartford Association of Insurance Women
Harvest Cafe Boys Club
Italian American War Veterans, Inc.
Jerome Home Resident Council
Marrakech, Inc.
New Britain Lions Club
New Britain-Berlin Rotary Club
Polish Falcon Riders
Soroptimist of Greater Hartford
St. Mary’s School, Newington
Travelers Championship
United Way of Central and
Northeastern Connecticut
United Way of West Central CT
Westport Cardinals of the CT MSBL
Wethersfield Assoc. of Educ. Sec.
Wethersfield Public Schools
Aetna Foundation, Inc.
American Savings Foundation
Community Foundation of Greater New Britain
Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption
Fox 61 Family Fund
Greta Rogers Cook Fund
J. Walton Bissell Foundation, Inc.
John R. McCune Charitable Trust
William and Alice Mortensen Foundation
Olga Sipolin Children’s Fund
Schaller Auto World Fund
TD Banknorth Charitable Foundation
The Daphne Seybolt Culpeper Memorial Foundation
The Weld Fund
Wal-Mart Foundation
Workers’ Compensation Trust
Estate of Thelma A. Behler
Agnes J. Abbe Trust
Alive B. Moore Trust
Arthur E. Thornton Trust
Sarah C. Parker Fund
Jane M. Austin Trust
Edward G. Littlefield Trust
Howard Lee Platt Trust
William E. Latham Trust
Estelle R. Dorau Trust
Elise Traut Trust
Board of Trustees
A volunteer group of professionals who give of their time, wisdom, resources and expertise to maintain the
agency’s health, mission and future growth.
Rick Althen
Windsor, CT
Waldemar R. Burzynski
Portland, CT
Tanya Barrett
West Hartford, CT
United Way of Connecticut
Janier Cabán-Hernández
Hartford, CT
Greater Hartford Legal Aid
Ewald Bender
Glastonbury, CT
Damien Davis
West Simsbury, CT
Newfield Construction, Inc.
Ashika Brinkley
Bristol, CT
New Haven Health Department
Atty. J. David Gibbs
Brentwood, TN
Alacrity Services, LLC
Robert L. Brown
Bloomfield, CT
Rosemarie A. Burton
New Haven, CT
President, Klingberg Family Centers
Mary Godin
Enfield, CT
Northeast Utilities
Steve Guarino
Burlington, CT
True Benefit
Angelo Messina
Unionville, CT
Otis Elevator Company
Beverly Johns
Greenville, SC
AmTrust Underwriters, Inc.
Anna Marie Porriello
Cromwell, CT
Donald Jones
New Britain, CT
Department of Public Safety
Kathleen Kukowski
Plantsville, CT
Health Net, Inc.
Robert MacAlpine
Cromwell, CT
John Quattrocchi
Rocky Hill, CT
Paula Simchock
Burlington, CT
Natalie Lynne Smith
West Hartford, CT
Glastonbury High School
Mertie Terry
Cromwell, CT
Board of Corporators
This group of individuals supports the mission of Klingberg Family Centers
and serves as our ambassadors in the community.
Rosemarie A. Burton
J. Danford Anthony, Jr., Esq.
Anthony Arcesi
Vernon Baker
David A. J. Belman, M.D.
Judge John A. Berman
Gerald R. Berthiaume
Fayna Birnbaum
Lois L. Blomstrann
Susan Botticello
Thomas A. Bozek
Geoffrey Bray
Joyce Bray
Harold M. Brodsky
Stephen J. Bruno
Lisa Burr
Cheryl C. Carlson
Kent Carlson
Robert J. Durbois
William F. Farrell
Dennis Ferguson, Esq.
Gary A. Friedle, Esq.
Theresa Gerratana
Peter H. Goldfarb
Paul N. Graffagnino, M.D.
Michael Grappone
Ernest H. Groth
Joe Gugliotti
Jim Guida
Michael F. Halloran, Esq.
Peter V. Hansen
Wendell C. Harp
Joseph H. Harper, Jr.
Phyllis Hjerpe
Jane Hudson
Robert W. Knaus
Linda Kowalski
Laurence M. Laureno
Peter Lemnotis
Coleman Levy, Esq.
Peter M. Lohne
Jay F. Malcynsky, Esq.
Jean Malinowski
Stephen L. Mangan, Esq.
Dean Marchessault
Rebecca A. Matthews, Esq.
Charlotte McCullough
Alan McGinnes
James McNair
Paul H. Mikkelson, Jr.
William F. Millerick
Hyman L. Moore
Lois K. Penney
Elliott B. Pollack, Esq.
Georgianne D. Pollowitz
Ida Ragazzi
William Rivenburg
Frances V. Russell
Norman St. Amand
Art Schaller
Joseph F. Scheyd
Maria Simao, Esq.
Shelly Sindland
Frank A. Sorano, Jr.
Gerri Springer
Gregory J. Stafstrom
Michele Stewart-Copes
Robert Story
Julie-Ann Sulman
John W. Cavo, M.D.
Randy Clair
Andrew Clavette
Rev. Leonard G. Clough
Brian FX Connolly
Martha Dandurand
Julia Danzy
Rev. Charles Davis
Alan J. Deckman
Robert “Beau” Doherty
Donald J. Ibsen
Nancy L. Johnson
Richard L. Judd
Roger Karabin
Pauline R. Kezer
Leslie S. Kingsbury
Warren E. Kingsbury
J. Kevin Kinsella, Ed.D.
Barbara Kirejczyk
Peter R. Knaus
Jeanette S. Moretti
Mary Ann Muccino
Mary G. Murphy
Frederick G. Newberg
Roger Nielson, Esq.
Cornelius O’Leary, Esq.
Robert Oliveira
Jeff Olsen
Lucian J. Pawlak
The Rev. Hugh B. Penney
Laurence Tanner
B. Colby Thresher
Angelo Tomasso, Jr.
William Tomasso
Louise Valentine
William W. Weber, Esq.
Lindsley Wellman
Steven A. Girelli, Ph.D.
Vice President, Education,
Child Placing & Group Care
Mark H. Johnson,
Vice President, Development
David Lawrence-Hawley,
Vice President,
Community Services
Joseph M. Milke
Vice President,
Finance & Administration
Patricia D. Wilcox,
Vice President,
Strategic Planning