Ablation on debris covered glaciers
Ablation on debris covered glaciers
Ablation on debris covered glaciers: Basic research on the impact of debris cover on melt processes and their modelling Doctoral Thesis in Meteorology Submitted to the Faculty of Geo- and Atmospheric Sciences of the University of Innsbruck in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor rerum naturalium by Mag. rer. nat. Martin Juen Advisors Dr. Christoph Mayer Dr. Michael Kuhn München, November 2013 To Florian ”. . . to be a doer you have to be a dreamer in the first place.” iii iv Abstract This thesis focuses on the impacts of debris cover on ablation. To find out how lithology and grain size influence subdebris ice ablation, it appeared reasonable to establish test plots with different debris grain sizes and debris thicknesses consisting of different natural material. The observations on a test site on the Vernagtferner revealed a clear dependence of the subdebris ice melt on the layer thickness, grain size, porosity and moisture content. Ablation, debris internal temperature and meteorological parameters were monitored. Highly porous volcanic material protected the ice much more effectively from melting than similar layer thicknesses of the local mica schist. However, the analysis of thermal diffusivities demonstrated that a vertical moisture gradient is present during ablation conditions especially close to the layer interfaces. The potential of remote sensing-based surface classification on debris covered glaciers using thermal infrared images was investigated at the same location utilizing a numerical surface energy balance model. A thermal infrared camera allowed us to capture the surface temperature of the individual plots and enables us to draw conclusions about the effects of different grain sizes on the surface temperature. It turns out that the distinction between debris covered ice and periglacial moraine material is restricted with current remote sensing applications. To quantify the ablation processes on a debris covered glacier, a simple distributed ablation model has been developed and applied to the Koxkar glacier in the Central Tien Shan. Extensive field work was carried out during the ablation season 2010 to collect the required data. To map and classify melt-relevant surface types, remote sensing techniques using high resolution satellite imagery, were applied to capture the areal distribution of topographic features, that influence debris thickness and consequently ablation. The model allows the estimation of ablation on a debris covered glacier by combining field data and remote sensing information. The subdebris ice ablation accounts for about 19% of the entire ice ablation, while the percentage of the moraine covered area accounts for approximately 32% of the entire glacerized area. Although the ice cliffs occupy less than 2% of the debris covered area, the melt on them accounts for approximately 15% of the total subdebris ablation and 2.7% of the total ablation respectively. The comparison of total ablation amount from an imaginary debris free and a debris covered glacier highlights the importance to v vi include debris cover into discharge modelling. The results demonstrate that debris cover has a major impact on the response of the glacier terminus to climate warming and it must be taken into account for predictions of fresh water availability and sea level rise. Zusammenfassung In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden die Auswirkungen einer supraglazialen Schuttbedeckung auf die Ablation von Gletschern untersucht. Um herauszufinden wie Lithologie und Korngröße die Schmelze beeinflussen, wurden Testflächen mit verschiedenen Schuttdicken auf der Zunge des Vernagtferners eingerichtet. Die verwendeten Testflächen bestanden aus natürlichem Material. Die Beobachtungen auf dem Testgelände zeigten eine deutliche Abhängigkeit der Schmelze von den Schuttdicken, der Korngröße, der Porosität und dem Feuchtigkeitsgehalt. Die Ablation, schuttinterne Temperaturen und meteorologische Parameter wurden gemessen. Die Analyse der Wärmeleitfähigkeiten zeigt, dass hochporöse vulkanische Materialien das Eis besser vor dem Schmelzen schützen, als vergleichbare Schichtdicken des lokalen Glimmerschiefers. Die Untersuchung der Temperaturleitfähigkeiten zeigt, dass besonders an der Grenzfläche von Schutt zu Eis ein vertikaler Feuchtigkeitsgradient vorherrscht. Die fernerkundungsbasierte Oberflächenklassifizierung von schuttbedeckten Gletschern mittels thermischen Infrarotbildern wurde an derselben Testfläche unter Verwendung eines numerischen Energiebilanzmodells untersucht. Eine thermische Infrarot-Kamera registrierte die Oberflächentemperaturen der einzelnen Schuttparzellen. Die Auswertung erlaubt Rückschlüsse auf die Auswirkungen der verschiedenen Korngrößen auf die Oberflächentemperatur. Es stellte sich heraus, dass die Unterscheidung zwischen schuttbedecktem Eis und periglazialem Moränenmaterial mit aktuellen Methoden der Fernerkundung begrenzt ist. Um die Ablationsprozesse auf einem schuttbedeckten Gletscher zu quantifizieren, wurde ein einfaches, räumlich verteiltes Ablationsmodell entwickelt und auf dem Koxkar Gletscher im zentralen Tien Shan angewandt. Es wurden umfangreiche Feldarbeiten während der Ablationssaison 2010 durchgeführt, um die für das Modell erforderlichen Daten zu sammeln. Zudem wurden hochaufgelöste Satellitenbilder verwendet, um die räumliche Verteilung der schmelzrelevanten Oberflächenklassen zu kartieren. Das Modell erlaubt die Berechnung der Schmelze auf einem schuttbedeckten Gletscher durch die Kombination von vor Ort gemessenen Ablationsdaten und Fernerkundungsinformationen. Auf die bedeckte Ablation entfallen rund 19% der gesamten Schmelze, während der Anteil der schuttbedeckten Fläche etwa 32% der gesamten Gletscherfläche ausmacht. Obwohl die vii viii Eisklippen weniger als 2% der schuttbedeckten Fläche einnehmen, sind sie für etwa 15% der bedeckten Ablation und 2,7% der Gesamtablation verantwortlich. Der starke Einfluss der Schuttbedeckung wird klar, sobald die Ablation mit einem imaginären schuttfreien Gletscher verglichen wird. Diese Ergebnisse unterstreichen die Notwendigkeit, die bedeckte Ablation in Abflussmodellierungen und somit die Prognosen von Frischwasserverfügbarkeit und Meeresspiegelanstieg zu integrieren. Contents Abstract v Zusammenfassung vii Contents ix 1 Introduction 1.1 Motivation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2 State of Research . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2.1 The influence of debris cover on the ablation of glaciers . . . 1.2.2 Assessing debris covered glaciers by means of thermal remote sensing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2.3 The role of ice cliffs and supraglacial lakes on debris covered glaciers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2.4 Modelling runoff from debris covered glaciers . . . . . . . . . 1.3 Goals and Outline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.3.1 Framework of the thesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.3.2 Research questions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.3.3 Outline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 3 3 . 5 . . . . . . 7 9 10 10 11 11 2 Paper I 13 3 Paper II 27 4 Poster I 47 5 Paper III 51 6 Conclusions and Outlook 79 A Visual fieldwork impressions 81 Bibliography 85 ix x CONTENTS Acknowledgments 91 Curriculum Vitae 93 List of presentations 95 Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Motivation Numerous glaciers in the world’s largest mountain regions are characterized by layers of debris-like material (dust, sand, rocks, volcanic ash) on their surface. Debris covered glaciers are defined by the presence of a supraglacial debris mantle in the ablation zones that can originate from various sources, such as thrusting of subglacial material, melt-out of englacial debris bands, channel fill material, rockfall from mountain sides and meltwater bursts through the crevasse and conduit system or aeolian deposition directly on the glacier surface (Schomacker 2008). Retreating mountain glaciers are one of the most compelling examples of recent climate change (Dyurgerov and Meier 2005). The associated retreat of the ice masses and the increased thawing of permafrost ensure that the surrounding mountain slopes can become increasingly instable and an increasing area of glacier surfaces are covered with debris and sediments. Furthermore, decreasing ice flow velocities combined with increasing ablation rates result in an increase in supraglacial debris from englacial melt out (Kellerer-Pirklbauer 2008). In remote areas like the Karakorum, the Himalaya, the Tien Shan or the Andes, melt water is an important component of the water cycle and especially if a river flows into an arid area the fresh water supply from glaciers is essential for agricultural planning and food security (e.g. Kaser et al. 2010). As a result, debris-covered glaciers represent a current challenge for the assessment of water resources from glacial melt (Shukla et al. 2010). Oerlemans (2005) investigated changes in glacier lengths for different parts of the world and showed that moderate global warming started in the middle of the 19th century. Retreating glaciers fronts are good visible indicators for rising temperatures, but the response of debris covered glaciers to climate change differs from the behavior of bare ice glaciers. Several authors state that instead of retreating in length during years of negative massbalance, the position of the 1 2 Introduction terminus of debris covered glaciers remains stable while the moraine covered parts of the glacier react by downwasting (Bolch et al. 2008; Scherler et al. 2011; Sorg et al. 2012; Benn et al. 2012). Debris covered glaciers are a prominent feature in high relief mountain ranges around the world and the number of debris-covered areas is increasing (Fig. 1.1). Figure 1.1: Diagram explaining the causes of the increasing number of debris covered areas. Therefore the influence of debris cover on subdebris melt rates represents a challenge when future fresh water availability and global sea level change are predicted by models. This can only be achieved by more massbalance studies from heavily debris covered glaciers and the inclusion of debris cover in glacier inventories, which are currently all missing (Scherler et al. 2011). 1.2 State of Research 1.2 1.2.1 3 State of Research The influence of debris cover on the ablation of glaciers Østrem (1959) provided the fundamental contribution to the understanding of the effects of moraine cover on melting ice underneath. He observed that some of the moraine ridges in the Tarfala valley apparently were ice-cored. As the ice melted in the upper part, the debris material started to slide down, protecting the lower part of the ice core from further melting. Therefore he decided to conduct a melt experiment. He placed sand and gravel on the bare ice surface and measured the ablation by means of bamboo stakes. It became evident, that the melt rates decreased when the cover had a certain thickness compared to the clean ice case. Østrem (1959) also showed that under thin layers the melting speed accelerated (Fig. 1.2). Figure 1.2: Relationship between debris cover thickness and melt rates. (a) Fundamental results of the experiment from Østrem (1959). (b) Examples of empirical measurements from various authors summarized from Mattson et al. (1993) and redrawn from Nicholson and Benn (2006). (1) Thickness where maximum subdebris melt occurs. (2) Critical thickness where bare ice ablation is equal to subdebris ablation. Because of their different albedo, debris layers or single grains absorb more heat than bare ice. The heat energy is transfered into the underlying ice causing enhanced melt rates. Although the albedo effect is also present for thicker moraine covers, the shielding impact of debris cover dominates when exceeding a critical thickness, where melt rates are equal to bare ice. Mattson et al. (1993) conducted ablation experiments on the Rakhiot Glacier (Punjab, Himalaya) and compared their results with previous research in other regions (see Fig. 1.2). He pointed out that the pro- 4 Introduction cesses responsible for ablation on debris covered glaciers remain the same no matter where the glacier is located. But also the radiation cycle variability has an impact on the critical thickness, where values decrease with increasing latitude and increasing elevation (Reznichenko et al. 2010). Kraus (1966) highlighted the physical processes involved and presented a comprehensive energy balance model to estimate melt rates from debris free and debris covered ice surfaces. He investigated the dependence of ablation on individual meteorological factors as well as the heat transmission coefficient of the moraine material. Consequently he provided diagrams that document the relationship of ablation to global radiation, downward terrestrial radiation, air temperature, relative humidity and wind speed. Nakawo and Young (1981) carried out field experiments at Peyto Glacier (Rocky Mountains, Alberta, Canada - 51.67◦ N, 116.54◦ W) and developed a more simple but practical method by which ablation under a layer of debris could be estimated from meteorological variables even if the thermal conductivity of the material was unknown. They distinguished between wet and dry debris surfaces and proposed to determine the surface temperature of a debris layer over a wide area by means of remote sensing. Hence the thermal resistance and the ablation rate under a debris layer could be estimated from external variables only. A number of studies concentrated on the energy balance at the debris cover surface (e.g. Nicholson and Benn 2006). The numerically reconstructed surface temperature from daily mean meteorological variables is used to determine the heat conduction through the debris cover in dependence of its thermal properties and thickness. Melt rates beneath debris layers of arbitrary thickness can be calculated based on the assumptions that (1) daily mean temperature gradients within the debris are linear and (2) there is negligible net change in heat storage on diurnal timescales. Brock et al. (2010) investigated the various meteorological factors and quantified surface energy fluxes on the debris covered Miage Glacier (Mont Blanc Massif, Italian Alps - 45.78◦ N,6.86◦ E) over three ablation seasons. The analysis of the results showed that subdebris ice melt rates are fairly insensitive to atmospheric temperature variations in contrast to debris free glaciers and that improved knowledge of spatial patterns of debris thickness distribution and air temperature are needed for distributed, physically based melt modeling of debris covered glaciers. Reid and Brock (2010) presented an improved model that considers the atmospheric stability of the surface layer and the heat flux due to precipitation, validated with data collected at Miage Glacier and the tephra-covered glacier on Villarrica volcano, Chile (39.42◦ S,71.94◦ W). Their model allowed a thorough statistical analysis of different aspects of energy balance at a debris surface and was able to reproduce the Østrem-curve (Fig. 1.2). For example, it indicated that the heat flux from precipi- 1.2 State of Research 5 tation is negligible for alpine glaciers, and that latent heat can be omitted without large losses in model performance. A lot of effort has been put into finding the most important processes for good model performance. They identified air temperature and incoming shortwave radiation as the key input variables and proposed to develop simpler, empirical models for practical applications (e.g. as a component in large scale hydrological catchment models) based around those variables. Nicholson and Benn (2013) measured temperature profiles in debris of different grain size on the Ngozumpa glacier in Nepal over an annual cycle. They analyzed the thermal properties of the debris layer and the processes involved with respect to seasonal variability. Water content has a pronounced effect on the thermal conductivity, which is generally 30% higher during summer than in winter. Furthermore they showed that using a probability density function represents the debris thickness distribution better than a down-glacier trend of increasing thickness. Admittedly a large number of debris covered glaciers are located in remote areas, where data sets of meteorological variables are rare, because these measurements are time-consuming and cost-intensive. A very simple, but for many applications sufficiently accurate technique to estimate melt rates is the temperature-index method. It bases on an empirical relation between the sum of daily mean temperatures above melting point and ablation, so it can be seen as a simplification of the energy balance approach (Braithwaite 1995). This method has been used for research on alpine glaciers since the 19th century (Finsterwalder and Schunk 1887). Since then, this technique has been further improved and represents one of the most widely used approaches for calculating snow and ice melt (Hock 2003). 1.2.2 Assessing debris covered glaciers by means of thermal remote sensing Because the fluctuation of mountain glaciers is recognized as a high-confidence indicator of air-temperature trends, the exact mapping, monitoring and inventorying of glaciers at a global scale is essential for documenting climate change (Haeberli et al. 2000). Especially in remote and inaccessible regions, extensive and cost-effective studies can be carried out by means of remote sensing. Furthermore, the detection of the areal distribution of debris thickness is a crucial parameter in the runoff calculation and prediction of glacier response to climatic changes (Bozhinskiy et al. 1986). Due to the visual similarity of supraglacial debris and the surrounding moraine material, fluvioglacial deposits and bedrock, automated glacier mapping from satellite multispectral image data is particularly difficult (Paul et al. 2004; Shukla et al. 2010). Lougeay (1974) stated that thermal remote sensing systems should be capable at 6 Introduction detecting buried glacial ice and distinguishing between various ice-cored geomorphic features. Ground level observations have shown that surface temperature, and thus the emitted terrestrial radiation, is closely correlated to the thickness of the debris mantle which covers an ice core. His theory is based on the fact, that a debris covered ice surface will have a lower surface temperatures than a non-ice-cored surface if the lithology and therefore the emissivity are the same. Nakawo et al. (1993) utilized satellite data (MESSR data of MOS-1 and Thematic Mapper data of LANDSAT) to identify areas of either snow, bare ice or debris on Khumbu Glacier (Himalaya, Nepal). In addition the areas of granitic debris and schistose debris could be differentiated. The paper described briefly an outline for estimating ablation under supraglacial debris with the aid of satellite data. Although he asserted that for obtaining thermal properties of the debris additional information on meteorological variables would be required. Paul et al. (2004) presented a semi-automatic method for delineation of debris covered glaciers, which combines multispectral image classification (glacier ice, vegetation) with digital elevation model (DEM) data (slope), neighbourhood analysis (connection to glacier ice), and change detection. For creating glacier inventories this method is much faster than manual delineation alone, even if the final manual editing is considered. Mihalcea et al. (2008a) showed that maps representing the spatial distribution and thickness of the debris cover can be derived from Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) surface temperature data on the Miage Glacier. This was achieved utilizing empirical surface temperature – thickness relationships with respect to 100 m elevation bands. The study of Mihalcea et al. (2008b) aimed primarily at analyzing the influence of debris thickness on the melt distribution, at Baltoro glacier (Karakoram, Pakistan). Remote sensing, field measurements and meteorological data recorded at a station near the glacier were combined to determine subdebris ablation using a distributed surface energy balance model. Foster et al. (2012) developed a physically based model to calculate debris thickness from thermal bands of ASTER satellite thermal band imagery in combination with reanalysis meteorological input data. This method is based on the solution of the energy balance equation at the debris surface to determine moraine thickness as a residual parameter at each pixel of the underlying image. 1.2 State of Research 1.2.3 7 The role of ice cliffs and supraglacial lakes on debris covered glaciers Ice cliffs and supraglacial lakes are common features of debris covered glaciers all over the world. The exposed areas of steeply inclined ice are normally covered with a very thin layer of dust or sand, leading to higher absorption of shortwave radiation due to the low albedo compared to clean ice. Supraglacial ponds are features that are a result of the differential ablation that occurs on debris covered glaciers. They tend to form in depressions and can drain in various kinds. Meltwater lakes on the surface or at the end of a glacier (proglacial lakes) are particularly important because they represent a potential risk for glacial lake outburst floods (GLOFs). The threat of downstream damage and life-endangering effects on the population living there, encouraged numerous scientists to conduct research in those areas (Ives et al. 2010). Inoue and Yoshida (1980) studied the role of supraglacial debris on the ablation of the Khumbu Glacier based on observational data. They measured melting rates of ice cliffs and pointed out that these surface features play an important role for the total ablation. Ice cliffs are widely recognized as spots of enhanced melting (Sakai et al. 2002, 2000). Sakai et al. (2000) examined the heat balance at the water surface of a supraglacial pond, the pond heat balance, and the consequent effect on ice ablation. They stated that supraglacial lakes produce internal ablation in the conduit system that lead to a positive feedback process, accelerating the ablation rate of debris covered glaciers. Caused by the collapse of water channels, new ice cliffs and ponds can be created. Sakai et al. (2002) described the orientation and distribution of ice cliffs on the Lirung Glacier in Langtang Valley (Nepal, Himalaya). Field observation showed that south-facing cliffs were small in area because they had low slope angles and tended to be covered with debris, while north-facing cliffs were large in area and maintain a slope angle larger than the angle of repose of the debris. The difference in slope at alternatively oriented ice cliffs can be explained by the variation in local radiation between the upper and lower portion of the ice cliff. Reynolds (2000) showed that the surface gradient of a debris mantled glacier is the controlling factor on the formation and abidance of supraglacial ponds. He proposed that identifying areas with a surface gradient of less than 2◦ on glaciers with a negative massbalance should make it possible to forecast the formation of large volumes of water, that may later prove to be potentially dangerous. Benn et al. (2001) presented a qualitative model of supraglacial lake evolution based on field observations on the Ngozumpa Glacier (Himalaya, Nepal). They identified subaerial melting, water-line melting (also called thermo-erosional notching) and 8 Introduction calving as mechanisms that contribute to ice ablation and therefore lake growth. Röhl (2008) investigated the characteristics and development of supraglacial ponds on Tasman Glacier (New Zealand) with regard to terminus disintegration. She distinguished three types of supraglacial ponds: (1) Perched ponds that lie above the level of the englacial drainage system and have a limited contribution to ice loss and may disappear, (2) ponds that are hydraulically connected to the main drainage system and (3) ponds which constitute an active part of the drainage system and feature noticeable currents with flow velocities. Pond development in the earlier stages occurs predominantly in the horizontal dimension by subaerial melt. Thereafter subaqueous calving plays a central role in the evolution by exposing bare ice. The transition from melting to calving may be initiated by enhanced water temperatures and currents in deeper and larger ponds. Sakai et al. (2009) found that calving at supraglacial lakes occurs at ponds exceeding a certain size by thermal undercutting when the water temperature is within a given range. This happens due to the fact that the annual subaqueous ice cliff melt becomes larger than the supraaqueous ice cliff melt due to development of valley wind driven water current. The authors suggested, that also small supraglacial lakes should be examined in the future, since they have the potential to expand rapidly. Benn et al. (2012) used observations of glaciers in the Mount Everest region to present an integrated view of debris covered glacier response to climate change. They monitored the evolution of debris covered glaciers, and lakes in particular, during periods of negative mass balance. A general conceptual model is introduced which describes the development of a dynamically active moraine covered glacier to a glacier with a potentially unstable moraine dammed lake. The transitional period is characterized by high rates of downwasting in the mid-ablation zone. Consequently the glacier surface gradient is reduced, introducing favourable conditions for the formation of supraglacial lakes. When a continuous moraine-dam is present in the terminus region, large base-level lakes can develop, entailing the risk of GLOFs. Xin et al. (2012) surveyed the thermal regime of a supraglacial lake on the Koxkar glacier in the Central Tien Shan (Fig. A.4). Their analysis revealed that changing daily weather conditions affected the surface water temperature but had little effect on the temperature of the supraglacial lake at a depth of 5 m. Additionally it was found that meltwater from the glacier surface at temperatures of around 0◦ C feeds the lake and mixes with the relatively high-temperature surface water during the course of a day. As a consequence the water temperature rises to approximately 4◦ C, sinks to the bottom of the pond and forms a low-temperature trough in the middle of the day. 1.2 State of Research 1.2.4 9 Modelling runoff from debris covered glaciers The spatial distribution of debris thickness has a huge impact on ablation and therefore should be integrated into calculating melt water production in runoff models. Braun et al. (1993) applied the HBV3-ETH conceptual precipitation – runoff model in the glacierized basin of Langtang Khola (Himalaya, Nepal). They accounted for the debris covered parts of the glaciers (over 7% of the total area) by introducing a single reduction factor of glacier melt to the temperature driven model. After model tests with no reduction and total suppression of melt, the new parameter was set to 0.5, meaning that ablation over debris covered parts would be reduced by half compared to the bare ice melt. Rana et al. (1996, 1997) utilized a similar runoff model (HYCYMODEL) to calculate daily runoff from basins located in the Langtang Valley (Himalaya, Nepal). Surface temperature of the debris layer was estimated using Landsat 5 TM data. The obtained average thermal properties of the debris material were applied to the model. Again daily discharges for different basin conditions were compared: (1) assuming the whole drainage basin is debris free, (2) assuming no melt from the debris covered areas, and (3) with melt under the debris layer calculated with the constant thermal resistance derived from the satellite data. The latter improved the modelled results and showed the best correlation with observed discharge. 10 Introduction 1.3 1.3.1 Goals and Outline Framework of the thesis This thesis is written in the framework of a project bundle supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft. The bundle is titled: Climate Change and water resources in western China. The main goal of the AKSU TARIM project bundle is the integrative assessment of the local to regional hydrological cycle including the atmospheric components, the processes related to glaciers, snow cover and permafrost as well as the river runoff at the southern slopes of the Tian Shan mountains. It consists of four individual projects: • AKSU TARIM-CLIM: The atmospheric component of the hydrological cycle and the issue of anthropogenic climate change is addressed by a chain of global, regional and local climate models, validated with post-processed observational data. • AKSU TARIM-MELT: Field and modelling studies at the scale of individual glaciers are conducted to improve our knowledge of ablation and melt water runoff by an extended ablation model. • AKSU TARIM-CRYO: Detailed field studies with respect to permafrost and active layer distribution and characteristics, and perennial snow fields as permafrost indicators are dedicated to assess the relevance of these important components of the cryosphere to the overall hydrological cycle in the region. • AKSU TARIM-RS: Based on remote sensing data the variability and changes of the glacier extent in the entire Aksu catchment are studied. This includes the period of direct satellite measurements since the 1960s and indirect witnesses of the glacier extent in former times by the detection of moraines from space, describing the long-term behaviour of glaciers in the Tian Shan mountains since the Little Ice Age. Although all four projects are strictly alone-standing, they are closely linked to each other by harmonizing input and output data, regional and local focuses as well as models and measurements. For example, the climate model data produced in AKSU TARIM-CLIM are used as input parameters in the hydrological model in AKSU TARIM-MELT. In the following paragraph the project AKSU TARIM-MELT: Modelling of melt and runoff in a basin with debris covered glacier parts in the upper Aksu catchment, northwest China, will be introduced in detail. 1.3 Goals and Outline 11 The aim is to improve our knowledge of ablation as a function of surface structures on glaciers with and without debris cover by an extended ablation model. In addition, the resulting runoff for present-day and future conditions will be simulated by a hydrological model. Therefore two PhD candidates, where one focuses on the application and further development of a conceptual runoff model (Elisabeth Mayr) and the other one is mainly responsible for the design of a distributed ablation model (Martin Juen), were employed. By implementing the ablation model into the runoff model, an improved version of the HBV-ETH model, capable to reproduce runoff from moraine covered glaciers will be created. 1.3.2 Research questions (1) How does lithology and grain size influence subdebris ice ablation? For this question it appeared reasonable to establish test plots with different debris grain sizes and debris thicknesses consisting of different natural material on a test site at the Vernagtferner. (2) What is the potential of remote sensing-based surface classification on debris covered glaciers using thermal infrared (TIR) images? The goal of the investigation thus became trying to determine the amount of available heat for subdebris ablation as a function of the complex meteorological boundary conditions. (3) Taking into account the multiple ablation processes on a debris covered glacier (enhanced or reduced melt, ice cliffs, supraglacial lakes), can one quantify the ablation on a debris covered glacier with the aid of a simple distributed ablation model? 1.3.3 Outline This doctoral thesis consists of three peer-reviewed papers and one poster presented at an international conference. Chapter 2 contains the paper: Thermal properties of a supraglacial debris layer with respect to lithology and grain size. Different methods to estimate the thermal properties of the debris matter are introduced. Thermal conductivity and thermal diffusivity are investigated with the aid of a bundle of field measurements. Meteorological parameters, subdebris ablation and debris internal temperature were monitored on test plots consisting of natural sieved material. Three different rock types were used: mica schist, which typifies the local metamorphic type of rock; black, basaltic tephra of the Etna volcano (Italy); and grey, trachytic pumice of the Sete Cidades volcano (Azores, Portugal). The various lithologies and 12 Introduction grain sizes can be compared under identical meteorological conditions. This is followed by chapter 3, where the paper: Surface debris classification at Vernagtferner using temperature observations from a thermal camera and radiation sensors, is presented. This study examines the applicability of remote sensing-based surface classification on glaciers using thermal infrared images. For this purpose the surface temperatures and the heat flux of supraglacial debris and periglacial moraine were determined using radiation sensors and a thermal infrared camera. A numerical surface energy balance model is introduced, to find out if a thermal difference between ice cored and non ice cored surfaces exists. In chapter 4 the following poster is introduced: Ablation and runoff generation on debris covered Keqikar glacier in the upper Aksu catchment, China. The poster was on display at the EGU General Assembly, April 2011, Vienna. The field work during the ablation season 2010 conducted at the Koxkar glacier is presented. Several methods and results of the survey are illustrated. Chapter 5 contains the paper: Impact of varying debris cover thickness on catchment scale ablation: A case study for Koxkar glacier in the Tien Shan. This study focuses on the effects of moraine cover on the ablation of an entire glacier. Field measurements and remote sensing information provide the necessary input data for a practically applicable method to quantify the ablation processes on a debris covered glacier. The conclusions are drawn in chapter 6. Chapter 2 Paper I Thermal properties of a supraglacial debris layer with respect to lithology and grain size. Juen, M., Mayer, C., Lambrecht, A., Wirbel, A. and Kueppers,U., 2013. Published in: Geografiska Annaler: Series A, Physical Geography, 95, 197-209. 13 14 THERMAL PROPERTIES OF A SUPRAGLACIAL DEBRIS LAYER WITH RESPECT TO LITHOLOGY AND GRAIN SIZE MARTIN JUEN1, CHRISTOPH MAYER1, ASTRID LAMBRECHT1,2, ANNA WIRBEL2 and ULRICH KUEPPERS3 1 Commission for Geodesy and Glaciology, Bavarian Academy of Sciences, Munich, Germany 2 Institute of Meteorology and Geophysics, University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria 3 Earth and Environmental Sciences, Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich, Munich, Germany Juen, M., Mayer, C., Lambrecht, A., Wirbel, A. and Kueppers, U., 2013. Thermal properties of a supraglacial debris layer with respect to lithology and grain size. Geografiska Annaler: Series A, Physical Geography, ••, ••–••. doi:10.1111/geoa.12011 ABSTRACT. This paper focuses on the impacts of debris cover on ice melt with regards to lithology and grain size. Ten test plots were established with different debris grain sizes and debris thicknesses consisting of different natural material. For each plot, values of thermal conductivity were determined. The observations revealed a clear dependence of the sub-debris ice melt on the layer thickness, grain size, porosity and moisture content. For the sand fraction the moisture content played a dominant role. These test fields were water saturated most of the time, resulting in an increased thermal conductivity. Highly porous volcanic material protected the ice much more effectively from melting than similar layer thicknesses of the local mica schist. However, the analysis of thermal diffusivities demonstrated that the vertical moisture distribution of the debris cover must be taken into consideration, with the diffusivity values being significantly lower in deeper layers. Key words: supraglacial debris, ablation, debris-covered glaciers, thermal conductivity, thermal diffusivity, Vernagtferner, Austria Introduction Analysing the thermal properties of supraglacial debris layers is important to understand the effects of grain size and rock type on the sub-debris melt rates. Supraglacial debris covers can originate from various sources, such as thrusting of subglacial material, melt-out of englacial debris bands, channel fill material, rockfall from mountain sides and meltwater bursts through the crevasse and conduit system or Aeolian deposition directly on the glacier surface (Schomacker 2008). Currently many glaciers all over the world show negative mass balances, due to global climate change (Dyurgerov and Meier 2005). In combination with increased thawing of permafrost, the deglaciated slopes can become unstable and account for an additional supply of the subaerial sediment onto the glacier. Furthermore, decreasing ice flow velocities combined with increasing ablation rates result in an increase in supraglacial debris from englacial melt out (Kellerer-Pirklbauer 2008). Numerous studies concentrated on the empirical relationship between debris cover thickness and sub-debris ice melt rates since the fundamental contribution of Østrem (1959). When solar radiation is present, very thin layers of debris or small single grains absorb more heat than ice due to their different albedo and specific heat capacity. The transfer of this energy into the underlying ice increases ablation rates. Thicker supraglacial debris covers act as a protecting shield, which insulates the underlying ice and strongly reduces melt rates (Østrem 1959). Even though the dependence of melt rates on debris cover thickness has been observed on various glaciers, the value for critical thickness varies for each glacier and seems to be controlled by the thermal properties of the debris (Rana et al. 1998). Reznichenko et al. (2010) showed that the critical thickness also decreases with increasing latitude and increasing elevation due to the radiation cycle variability. However, the influence of rock type and grain size on the main physical characteristics of a debris layer has not been investigated in detail so far. Detailed knowledge about their role in the heat conduction through the debris layer will improve the prediction of melt rates. Natural debris mantles usually feature a mixture of grain sizes. Also different rock © 2013 Swedish Society for Anthropology and Geography DOI:10.1111/geoa.12011 1 15 16 Paper I MARTIN JUEN ET AL. types can be present on a single glacier. Commonly coarser material can be found on the surface and finer particles are present towards the debris–ice interface. The sorting of melt-out debris occurs through a variety of mechanisms due to rain, melt water or redistribution while developing supraglacial channels, lakes or ice cliffs. Melt water percolation, where small grains migrate downwards through channels between coarser grains, causes segregation. Furthermore, supraglacial debris undergoes in situ mechanical and chemical weathering which generates a large portion of fine material. Supraglacial rock avalanche deposits differ from melt-out subglacial or englacial material because the grain size composition is determined by the fragmentation during deposition, leaving a high proportion of very fine material and often a boulder carapace (Reznichenko et al. 2011). The aim of this paper is to contribute new insights into the influence of different debris cover parameters on the ice melt rate underneath. While most previous studies concentrated on debris thickness vs. melt rates, this study focuses on the interactions between lithology and debris thermal properties. In order to reduce the number of free parameters, the experiments have been constricted to grain size, layer thickness and rock type, providing specific information for otherwise identical environmental conditions. We present experimental data and the quantitative results for ice ablation, characterizing the thermal properties for different combinations of the above mentioned parameters. Debris thermal properties The melt rate experienced at a sub-debris ice interface is determined by external or atmospheric and debris internal factors. The total energy balance determines how much energy is received by a surface. The intensity of solar radiation is controlled by latitude, altitude, solar elevation angle, orientation and inclination of the surface, while the turbulent fluxes are dependent on wind speed, atmospheric stability, surface roughness, as well as temperature and water vapour pressure of the ambient air. The specific debris properties, such as thermal conductivity, thermal diffusivity, specific heat capacity and albedo determine the actual heat transport into and within the debris layer. The albedo controls the fraction of solar radiation absorbed at the surface and therefore how much of the available energy is used to heat up the debris surface. Not only does the surface type specify the 2 ratio of reflected to incident short-wave radiation, but also the humidity of the debris surface (causing a change of colour) and shadow effects. A higher moisture content within the debris cover leads to increased heat transfer by conduction, because the pore spaces formerly occupied with air are then filled with water, which has a higher thermal conductivity. Thermal conductivity Ice only melts if the heat flux through the debris cover is positive towards the ice surface and the ice is at its melting point. The transport of heat can occur by conduction, radiation or convection, with or without latent heat transport. Heat conduction is assumed to be the major physical process between the near-surface and the deeper debris layers (Conway and Rasmussen 2000). The conductive heat flux Qc is proportional to the temperature gradient within the debris layer: Qc = k ∂T ( W m −2 ) ∂z (1) where the proportionality factor k (W m–1 K–1) is the thermal conductivity, which is a measure of the ability to transport heat through the medium (Oke 1987). If it is high, heat will be conducted easily from the surface to the debris–ice interface, consequently causing higher melt rates. Thermal diffusivity The thermal diffusivity is a material property used to describe the progressive change in the spatial distribution of temperature by heat conduction. It determines the temporal evolution of the temperature at a point inside the material when a temperature change occurs at the surface. Debris layers with low diffusivities respond slower to a surface temperature change than materials with high thermal diffusivities. Assuming an isotropic debris cover, the conductive heat transfer is described by the one-dimensional heat diffusion equation: ∂T ∂ 2T =κ 2 ∂t ∂z (2) where T represents debris temperature, t is the time, z is the depth in the debris profile and κ (m2 s–1) is the thermal diffusivity of the layer. The thermal diffusivity is directly proportional to the thermal conductivity k: © 2013 Swedish Society for Anthropology and Geography 17 THERMAL PROPERTIES OF A SUPRAGLACIAL DEBRIS LAYER WITH RESPECT TO LITHOLOGY AND GRAIN SIZE Fig. 1. (a) Location of the test site on the middle tongue of the Vernagtferner and the location of the Vernagtferner in the Ötztal Alps, Austria (b). κ= k cd ρ d (3) where cd (J kg–1 K–1) is the specific heat capacity of the debris cover and ρd (kg m–3) is the bulk density. The thermal diffusivity is inversely proportional to the amount of heat that is necessary to cause a temperature change in the material. Study area The ablation experiments with artificial debris cover were performed on the middle tongue of Vernagtferner (10° 49' E, 46° 52' N), a temperate glacier in the Ötztal Alps, Austria (Fig. 1). Situated in the Central Alps, an inner-Alpine dry region, the climatic conditions can be described as continental. It is one of the most studied glaciers in the European Alps with a continuous mass balance series from 1964 until now. The mean annual precipitation is about 1560 mm, the mean discharge amounts to 1800 mm. Consequently, the glacier has continuously been losing mass since the early 1980s (Escher-Vetter et al. 2005). The glacier mostly shows a clean ice surface. Apart from some very minor medial moraines and a rockfall that occurred in 2012 no debris-covered areas are present. The melt season is primarily from June to September and a typical bare ice melt rate on the tongue of Vernagtferner is roughly 0.06 m per day. The location where the ablation experiment took place is relatively flat but oriented towards South, at an elevation of 2910 m a.s.l. close to the glacier terminus. © 2013 Swedish Society for Anthropology and Geography Materials and methods Field setup The test field was established on 24 June 2010. To enable the analysis of the influence of the specific parameters grain size and rock type on ablation, controlled conditions were established by using sieved debris. Ten plots with varying debris thicknesses were prepared on the glacier surface, also representing different grain sizes, all in the sand and gravel fraction. Sub-debris melt rates and temperatures within the debris layer were monitored at different depths. Furthermore stakes were placed in bare ice and in a natural debris cover close by for monitoring natural conditions. Three different rock types were used: mica schist (MS), which typifies the local metamorphic type of rock; black, basaltic tephra (EB) of the Etna volcano (Italy); and grey, trachytic pumice (SC) of the Sete Cidades volcano (Azores, Portugal). The layer thicknesses ranged between 0.025 and 0.18 m (±0.01 m). Using volcanic material next to local schist on the Vernagtferner enabled us to compare melt rates in identical meteorological conditions and allows a direct comparison of supraglacial debris for varying material properties (e.g. albedo, conductivity or porosity). Table 1 and Fig. 2 provide a schematic overview of the entire test site. Ablation measurements Each specific test field was equipped with a wooden ablation stake, where the melt rates were measured during the entire observation period. Ice melt over a certain period was determined by meas3 18 Paper I MARTIN JUEN ET AL. Fig. 2. Experimental layout of the different debris plots on the tongue of the Vernagtferner. The large fields (plots 1–6) with local material (MS) had a size of 1 × 1 m each. The fields with volcanic material (7–10) were about 50 × 50 cm in dimension. 4 © 2013 Swedish Society for Anthropology and Geography 19 THERMAL PROPERTIES OF A SUPRAGLACIAL DEBRIS LAYER WITH RESPECT TO LITHOLOGY AND GRAIN SIZE Table 1. Experimental layout of the testfield. Material Mica schist (MS) Basaltic tephra (EB) Trachytic pumice (SC) Basaltic tephra (EB) a Plot no. Grain type Grain size (m) Debris cover thickness (m) Thermistor depth (m) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Fine sand MS Coarse sand MS Coarse gravel MS Gravel MS Coarse gravel MS Gravel MS Volcanic coarse EB Volcanic coarse SC Volcanic fine SC Volcanic fine EB 0.001–0.002 0.002–0.003 0.03–0,05 0.02–0.03 0.03–0.05 0.02–0.03 0.0056–0.008 0.0056–0.008 0.001–0.002 0.001–0.002 0.04 0.055 0.045 0.030 0.18 0.08 0.04 0.025 0.025 0.02 0.01 and 0.03a 0.015 and 0.045a 0.035a 0.015a 0.07, 0.11a and 0.15 0.04, 0.06a and 0.08 0.015 and 0.03a 0.01 and 0.02a 0.01a 0.01a Thermistors used for derivation of mean thermal conductivities. Table 2. Sensor specifications thermistors. Sensor Debris temperature (°C) Manufacturer and type Accuracy according to the manufacturer Gemini Tinytag TGP-4020 temperature logger PB 5001 – standard thermistor probe ± 0.35°C at 0–70°C uring the distance from the melting bare ice surface or the debris cover surface to the top of the protruding stake using a standard measuring tape. The error in the measured surface lowering (±0.01 m) is included in the figures. Ablation monitoring took place during the summer season 2010 with daily observations from 25 June to 1 July (ablation measured twice daily, in the morning as well as in the afternoon) and 5–10 July 2010. Over these time periods debris was controlled and repositioned daily to maintain a constant thickness. During the rest of the ablation season the field observations were carried out on a less frequent basis. Ice ablation was measured at the plots with local material (1–6) from the end of June until the middle of September, whereas the volcanic test fields (7–10) were only measured for one month (end of June to end of July). In the course of the ablation season, however, differential ablation led to considerable geometrical distortions of the individual test fields. At the end of July the test site geometries of the volcanic fields were already strongly disturbed with steep ice cones in the centre of each field. It was therefore decided to abandon further observations of these fields. Due to the bigger plot size the test fields with local material showed a less pronounced redistribution. Therefore the data up to 10 July 2010 could be used for determination of the thermal properties. © 2013 Swedish Society for Anthropology and Geography Thermistor measurements To obtain information about the debris internal temperature distribution, thermistors were installed at varying depths in the debris cover. Depending on the thickness of the debris layer, one to three thermistors per plot were set up. In addition three thermistor probes have been installed in a vertical profile in the glacier foreland close to the test site to enable comparison with natural debris layer conditions, not influenced by underlying ice. Temperatures were recorded by Gemini TinyTag, battery-driven data loggers with external sensors (Tables 1 and 2). The data were stored as 5 min mean values. Constant inspection of thermistor depths, carried out contemporaneously to the debris thickness checks, was essential to obtain robust temperature data. To determine the thermal diffusivity of the debris layers by evaluating the downward propagation characteristics of a temperature wave, the analysis of debris internal temperatures is focused on times with controlled temperature probe depths during the periods described in the previous section. Meteorological measurements An automatic weather station (AWS) was installed to record meteorological data as 10 min mean values. The AWS was situated close by on the bare 5 20 Paper I MARTIN JUEN ET AL. ice. Air temperature, relative humidity, precipitation, wind speed and wind direction were monitored. Determination of thermal conductivity The bulk thermal conductivity of the debris layer was estimated using a method described by Mihalcea et al. (2006). It is based on the balance between the flux of available energy for melt Qm and the conductive heat flux Qc. This approach has the big advantage that only measurements of melt rates and surface temperatures are needed. Qm is described by: Qm = m L f ρi ( W m −2 ) (4) where m is the melt rate (m s–1), Lf is the latent heat of fusion (J kg–1) and ρi is the density of ice (kg m–3). According to Kraus (1966), Qc can be written as: Qc = k Ts − Ti ( W m −2 ) Δz (5) where Ts is the layer surface temperature, Ti is ice temperature and Δz is the debris cover thickness. A main assumption is that the temperature gradient within the debris cover is linear for the period of melt determination. Nicholson and Benn (2006) have shown that the temperature gradient is linear for a daily time scale. Instead of surface temperatures, the debris internal temperatures from the uppermost thermistor have been used and the ice temperature was assumed to be at the melting point. Near surface internal debris temperatures show much lower fluctuations and are therefore a better indicator for determining the temperature gradient than surface temperatures which are directly influenced by air movement and convection. In addition, this method assumes that conduction is the only mechanism by which heat is transported through the debris layer. Determination of thermal diffusivity Conway and Rasmussen (2000) proposed a method to estimate the depth averaged thermal diffusivity κ by using ∂T/∂t and ∂2T/∂z2 (Eqn 2). If both derivatives are plotted against each other, the gradient of the best-fit line returns κ. The disadvantage of this method is that a minimum of three temperature measurements in regular depth intervals are needed 6 in order to determine the second derivative. Due to the ideal positioning of the thermistors at plot 5 and in the glacier foreland, these two locations have been chosen for a comparison of thermal diffusivities. At plot 2 only two thermistors with irregular spacing were installed, so the boundary value for the temperature at the debris–ice interface has been set to 273.16 K (melting conditions) and the measurements of one thermistor were interpolated in order to meet the depth interval requirements. The time period of observations for these calculations has to be selected carefully because precipitation for example would impede the use of this method due to an additional heat source being introduced to the system. As soon as the energy flux differs from purely conductive conditions, the technique is not valid anymore. Another method to determine the thermal diffusivity was introduced by Ingersoll et al. (1948). They addressed the problem of heat flow in one dimension that takes place in a medium when the boundary plane, normal to the direction of flow, experiences simple periodic variations in temperature. The findings can be utilized to determine the apparent thermal diffusivity. The method is based on the assumption that soil temperatures oscillate as a sinusoidal function of time around an average value. Therefore the ground temperature TG can be represented by a function of time by: TG ( z0, t ) = T + T0 sin ω t (6) where T is the average soil temperature, T0 is the amplitude of temperature fluctuation at the soil surface and ω is the frequency defined as 2π/P with P equal to the period of the fundamental cycle (e.g. 86 400 s for a diurnal period). An expression for temperature variations as a function of time and depth is given as a solution of the one-dimensional heat diffusion equation: T ( z, t ) = T + T0 e − z ω 2κ ( sin ω t − z ω 2κ ) (7) Due to the fact that the temperature amplitude decreases exponentially, the ratio between two temperature amplitudes measured at different depths can then be used to infer the apparent thermal diffusivity: κ= ω [( z2 − z1 ) ln ( A1 A2 )]2 2 (8) where A1 is the amplitude of the temperature fluctuation in Kelvin at depth z1 and A2 is the amplitude © 2013 Swedish Society for Anthropology and Geography 21 THERMAL PROPERTIES OF A SUPRAGLACIAL DEBRIS LAYER WITH RESPECT TO LITHOLOGY AND GRAIN SIZE at depth z2. The advantage of this method is that only two thermistor measurements at different depths are needed to obtain an estimate of the apparent thermal diffusivity. Due to temporal variations of the boundary conditions (e.g. inhomogeneity of debris, wind and cloud effects), the diffusivities derived by Eqn (8) can only be compared for defined points in time. It is not possible to relate these diffusivities to the bulk diffusivities derived by the method of Conway and Rasmussen (2000). However, this method is suitable for the comparison of different layers at various depths in the debris mantle, as long as the observation period is identical. The value of κ is obviously affected by the conductivity of the debris particles, the porosity and especially the moisture content. Oke (1987) found that adding moisture to a dry soil initially produces a sharp increase in κ by increasing thermal contact and expelling air from the voids. However, in most soils κ begins to decline beyond about 20% moisture content by volume. Results and analysis Conditions during the experiment The mean daily air temperature ranged from 1.8 to 8.6°C, the mean daily relative humidity ranged from 50% to 82% during the periods considered (25 June–10 July 2010). Precipitation events took place on 5 and 6 July 2010 (<2 mm) and on 7 July 2010 (6 mm). Ablation For the first two weeks the effect of changing plot topography is very limited and differential melt is clearly visible. The ablation experiments show a clear dependence of the sub-debris ice melt on the layer thickness, as can be expected (Fig. 3). For all the debris plots a reduction of ice melt was observed compared with the clean ice case. This implies that on the Vernagtferner the critical thickness is smaller than 0.03 m. During the time period of detailed investigations (25 June–10 July 2010) the mean daily ablation at the bare ice stake was 0.06 m per day. In comparison, the ice melt underneath the 0.18 m thick coarse gravel revealed a mean melt rate of about 0.02 m per day during the same time period. For the sand fraction (plots 1 and 2) higher melt rates have been observed than for the gravel fraction (plots 3 and 4) with a comparable layer thickness (Fig. 3). A comparison of the different material with similar layer thicknesses showed that the highly © 2013 Swedish Society for Anthropology and Geography Fig. 3. Mean daily melt rates of individual metamorphic local material plotted against debris cover thickness for the time period from 25 June to 10 July 2010. The grey shaded area represents the estimated critical thickness on Vernagtferner. The error bars depict the uncertainties of ablation and debris thickness measurements. porous volcanic material protects the ice much more effectively from melting than the compact local mica schist. Porous debris layers have more air trapped inside the material than compact layers. Due to the very low conductivity of air (0.025 W m–1 K–1), the amount of ablation was reduced significantly. Albedo has a striking influence on ablation because darker debris layers will absorb solar radiation more efficiently than bright materials, leading to higher surface temperatures and thus more energy available for sub-debris ice melt. Over the observed two-week period the bright pumice with its high albedo and porosity was most effective in reducing ice melt compared with all other materials. A very thin layer of only 0.025 m led to a mean daily ablation of about 0.02 m for the coarse and nearly 0.04 m for the fine trachytic pumice. Although their grain sizes are slightly different, the mean ablation rate underneath the fine black tephra was about 1.75 times higher than underneath the coarser white pumice (Fig. 4). Because the finer grain size offers a higher porosity, which should reduce melt rates, this differential ablation can be attributed to albedo. For the trachytic pumice the influence of grain size on ablation can be observed in Fig. 5. The coarser volcanic material appeared to have a more shielding effect on the underlying ice than the fine7 22 Paper I MARTIN JUEN ET AL. Fig. 4. Ice melt measured at stakes. Due to the higher albedo the bright pumice (plot 8) is more effective in reducing ablation than the black tephra (plot 10) and the local mica schist (plot 4). The grey areas depict the uncertainties of ablation measurements. Fig. 5. Ice melt underneath volcanic material. During the first observation period until 1 July, the ablation rates were measured usually twice a day, which results in the apparent step function. The grey areas depict the uncertainties of ablation measurements. grained debris with the same thickness. Within a six-day period the fine trachytic pumice experiences a higher sub-debris ice melt (0.03 m) than the coarse material (Fig. 5). After the time period of manually repositioning the debris (grey shaded area in Fig. 6) the flat test 8 Fig. 6. Ice melt measured at stakes over the entire observation period for three examples: bare ice, gravel cover of 3 cm and 8 cm respectively (plots 4 and 6). The differential ablation is clearly recognizable for the first two weeks of the experiment (grey shaded area). The grey arrows display an extrapolation of the trend line from the first two weeks, indicating large differences in total ablation for stable debris cover conditions. site turned into several steep debris-covered cones and sub-debris ice melt was additionally influenced by slope development and debris redistribution. The amount of solar radiation received by a surface is controlled by aspect and slope, which consequently change the ablation conditions. The effects can be observed in particular in the changes of the melt function gradients of debris-covered ice compared with bare ice, which are almost identical in the time period 4–16 August 2010 (Fig. 6). If the controlled conditions would have continued, the total melt over the entire observation period would show strong differences for the individual plots. To demonstrate the effect of the slope formation and debris redistribution, a linear fit of the first two weeks is extrapolated and indicated by the grey arrows in Fig. 6. Consequently, the analysis of debris-influenced melt is focused on the first period (grey shaded area in Fig. 6) with controlled debris conditions and undisturbed surfaces. Furthermore the two gravel plots (plots 4 and 6) show the same amount of ablation due to rearrangement and unification in debris thickness at the end of the observation period (Fig. 6). © 2013 Swedish Society for Anthropology and Geography 23 THERMAL PROPERTIES OF A SUPRAGLACIAL DEBRIS LAYER WITH RESPECT TO LITHOLOGY AND GRAIN SIZE Table 3. Thermal diffusivity at described distance from surface (depth) for various grain sizes. Fig. 7. Mean thermal conductivities of the different debris layers for the period from 25 June to 1 July 2010. The error bars depict the uncertainties of ablation and thermistor measurements. Thermal conductivity The thermal conductivity was derived for the first week of the experiment using the method described by Mihalcea et al. (2006). During this period (25 June–1 July 2010) no precipitation events took place and the rearrangement in geometry of the plots remained limited. Melt rates and debris temperatures from the thermistor sensors (Table 1) were used as input parameters. The results presented in Fig. 7 represent the mean thermal conductivity for each plot. The highly porous volcanic rocks (plots 7–10) featured the lowest thermal conductivities, with mean values below 0.6 W m–1 K–1. The numerous pore spaces were filled with air and therefore lowered the bulk thermal conductivity of the material. Because of the high specific surface area, the fine-grained sand fraction has the highest water retention capacity and small void space. The water film on the grain surface and the saturated vapour © 2013 Swedish Society for Anthropology and Geography Plot no. Grain size Depth (m) Thermal diffusivity (m2 s−1) 2 5 5 – day 5 – night Coarse sand Coarse gravel Coarse gravel Coarse gravel Glacier foreland 0.045 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.15 1.6 × 10−7 3.93 × 10−7 3.64 × 10−7 3.04 × 10−7 8.22 × 10−7 in the voids lead to a higher thermal conductivity compared with the dry material and therefore increased melt rates. This became particularly apparent for the sand fraction plots, which turned out to be much darker when the meltwater made its way up to the surface. The moisture transport mechanism in capillary porous sediments depends on the size of the pores and the porosity of the material. Generally the particle surface area per unit volume increases with decreasing grain size, therefore the smallest grain sizes offer the highest water retention capacity. As grain size increases, the porosity can still be high, but the retention capacity of the material is very low. This will affect the moisture transport from the ice–debris interface towards the debris surface and cause differential saturation of the bottom layer. For the gravel fraction (plots 3–6), no significant differences or consistent tendencies in thermal conductivity have been found between coarse gravel and gravel. Thermal diffusivity The depth averaged thermal diffusivity κ was estimated for two plots on the testfield, as well as for the glacier foreland (within the existing sediments) and is summarized in Table 3. Fig. 8 illustrates the process of how the depth-averaged values for κ were obtained. The higher dispersion of the values of plot 5 indicates that other processes apart from pure conduction were involved. In Fig. 9 the daytime (07:00–19:00) and night time (19:00–07:00) derivatives are considered separately. It became clear that higher dispersion prevails during the daytime compared with the night time. Especially for the coarse gravel, this might be attributed to convective conditions at the surface and latent heat exchange at the bottom of the debris layer that developed in the course of the day due to solar heating of the debris. Therefore the assump9 24 Paper I MARTIN JUEN ET AL. Fig. 8. Distribution of ∂T/∂t vs. ∂2T/∂z2 at selected depths within the supraglacial debris. Time period for the assessment of the derivatives: 25–26 June 2010 for plot 2, 25–28 June 2010 for plot 5 and 26 June–19 August 2011 for the glacier foreland. The slope of the best fitting line gives an approximation of the thermal diffusivity (Eqn 2). Fig. 9. Distribution of ∂T/∂t vs. ∂2T/∂z2 at selected depths within the supraglacial debris (total debris cover thickness 0.18 m). Time period for the assessment of the derivatives: 25–28 June 2010. (a) Night: 19:00–07:00; (b) day: 07:00–19:00. tion that the heat flux is purely conductive (Eqn 2) was not fulfilled anymore, because of the presence of local heat sources or sinks. The high dispersion of the derivatives during the day in plot 5 can be explained by these conditions. Using the amplitude method (Eqn 8) the thermal diffusivity for various depths can be obtained. Fig. 10 shows thermal diffusivities in varying depths for plots 5 and 6, and the glacier foreland. Although the results are not comparable with the depth-averaged thermal diffusivity, they give an indication that the moisture content plays an important role towards the debris–ice interface. For plots 5 and 2, lower values of κ were found in 10 deeper layers in proximity to the debris–ice interface. Due to the melting ice, these layers contained more water which has a decreasing effect on κ. Owing to the high specific heat capacity of water (4180 J kg–1 K–1) the thermal diffusivities are lower towards the melting ice (see Eqn 3). In consequence, more heat is stored within the layer instead of being conducted through it. The discrepancies of thermal diffusivities in different depths can be interpreted as a measure of this non-homogeneity within the debris mantle. Also the temporal change of κ can be attributed to the presence of moisture. In the coarse gravel (plot 5) both levels show temporal fluctuations. This is not the case for the gravel © 2013 Swedish Society for Anthropology and Geography 25 THERMAL PROPERTIES OF A SUPRAGLACIAL DEBRIS LAYER WITH RESPECT TO LITHOLOGY AND GRAIN SIZE Fig. 10. Thermal diffusivity obtained from the amplitude equation (Ingersoll et al. 1948). Time period: (a, b) 25 June–3 July 2010 (plots 5 and 6) and (c) 18–26 August 2011 (glacier foreland). Due to the melting ice, more water is present towards the debris ice interface. Hence values of thermal diffusivities are significantly lower in deeper layers. (plot 6), where the variability in the lower layer is very small, due to the saturated conditions. The fluctuations in κ could be explained by a phase change happening in the corresponding layers during this time. Looking at the non-ice cored material from the glacier foreland, no depth dependence of κ values was determined. Discussion Glacier ice melt depends on the meteorological conditions and the properties of the supraglacial debris cover. Global radiation heats the uppermost debris layer in dependence of the albedo. Considering the characteristic heat transport through the debris cover, the thermal conductivity is most suitable to estimate sub-debris ablation, especially for distributed models. This bulk parameter summarizes the lithology of the material itself, but also the porosity of the layer and the filling of the pore volume. Debris covers usually offer a mixture of grain sizes on a single glacier. Supraglacial tephra can be an exception, because the fallout pattern will correlate with the grain size (smaller particles will stay in the atmosphere longer) and tephra thickness (Kirkbride and Dugmore 2003). The field experiments during the ablation season affirm the dependence of the sub-debris ice melt on the layer thickness. For the local metamorphic material, a continuous debris cover surface of 0.03 m already had a shielding effect on the underlying ice. Therefore, the critical thickness, where sub-debris melt rates are equal to bare ice melt rates, is smaller than 0.03 m on the Vernagtferner. © 2013 Swedish Society for Anthropology and Geography This is in line with values found for the Glacier de Tsidjiore Nouve, Valais, Switzerland (Small and Gomez 1981) and the Miage Glacier, Italy (Mihalcea et al. 2008). Highly porous volcanic material protects the ice much more effectively from melting than similar layer thicknesses of the local metamorphic mica schist. Tephra covers provide more insulation from solar radiation and heat that is advected by the atmosphere. A porous medium contains more air, trapped within the material, and therefore transfers less heat than a more dense material. For example, the trachytic pumice with a layer thickness of 0.025 m reduced ablation by 70% compared with bare ice and by 50% compared with the local mica schist gravel (Fig. 4). It can be concluded that metamorphic rock debris has a less insulating impact on melt rates than similar layer thicknesses of volcanic material and even thin layers of volcanic ash will act as an effective protection for ice ablation in glacierized volcanic areas. The results regarding the impact on glacier melt rates agree with earlier studies of tephra mantles on the icecapped Volcán Villarrica in southern Chile (Brock et al. 2007) and the Eyjafjallajøkull ice cap in southern Iceland (Kirkbride and Dugmore 2003). Also the albedo plays an important role. A lower albedo means less energy is reflected and the debris surface absorbs more energy. The volcanic material represents a particularly good example: Melt rates underneath the black tephra were about 1.75 times higher than underneath the bright pumice, with a similar layer thickness (Fig. 4). The mean thermal conductivity for all mica schist debris layers (plots 11 26 Paper I MARTIN JUEN ET AL. 1–6) in the experiment is 1.53 W m–1 K–1 (Fig. 7). A comparable value for pure rock mica schist is about 2.9 W m–1 K–1 (Busby et al. 2009). The presence of voids reduces k almost by half. No significant differences or consistent tendencies in thermal conductivity have been found between coarse gravel and gravel, leading to the conclusion that in this grain size range the effect of particle size is rather small. The analysis of thermal diffusivities indicates deviations from pure conductivity and a layering with lower values towards the debris–ice interface (Figs 9 and 10). This is attributed to air movement in the upper parts and the presence of melt water in the lower parts of the debris cover. A higher porosity in these layers leads to a higher potential saturation. This effect will have a bigger impact on fine materials with a high porosity. Generally, higher moisture contents in the debris lead to higher thermal conductivity and larger heat capacity. More heat can be transported to the debris–ice interface, owing to the displacement of the air inclusions by water (Fig. 7). These results confirm the findings from previous studies. Harris and Pedersen (1998) showed that the dominant process of heat transport in the upper layers of coarse blocky material is by rapid air movement through the voids. Conway and Rasmussen (2000) found that latent heat exchange might dominate near the debris–ice interface. This study demonstrates that the effects of rock type and grain size on melt rates underneath supraglacial debris mantles are significant for the ablation on debris-covered glaciers. The effects are complex and interactive, but the analysis of the thermal diffusivities indicates the need to account for this depth dependency in future sub-debris ice ablation models. The effect of air convection in the upper parts and the phase change in the saturated layers of the lower parts of the debris cover lead to the conclusion that the use of a multi-layered energy transfer model would improve the prediction of sub-debris melt rates. With our setup it was not possible to observe water movement in the debris. While the surface of the sand fraction was almost always wet, this was not the case for all the other plots. The volcanic plots showed a high fluctuation of dry and wet surfaces. Our observations indicate that the coarser the grain size of the sediment, the lower the probability of a wet surface. Improvements can be made by using probes that measure debris moisture at multiple depths in addition to temperature sensors. 12 Acknowledgements The authors would like to thank Ursula Blumthaler and Lina Seybold for assisting with the fieldwork. They also thank Maria Shahgedanova from the Walker Institute for Climate System Research, University of Reading, UK for providing two meteorological stations. The funding of the experiments by the Austrian Academy of Science, the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (MA 3347/4-1) and the Bavarian Ministry of Environment is gratefully acknowledged. Martin Juen, Christoph Mayer and Astrid Lambrecht Commission for Geodesy and Glaciology, Bavarian Academy of Sciences, Alfons-Goppel-Strasse 11, D-80539 Munich, Germany Email: [email protected] Anna Wirbel, Institute of Meteorology and Geophysics, University of Innsbruck, Innrain 52, A-6020 Innsbruck, Austria Ulrich Kueppers, Earth and Environmental Sciences, Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich, Theresienstrasse 41, D-80333 Munich, Germany References Brock, B., Rivera, A., Casassa, G., Bown, F. and Acunn, C., 2007. The surface energy balance of an active icecovered volcano: Villarrica Volcano, southern Chile. Annals of Glaciology, 45, 104–114. Busby, J., Lewis, M., Reeves, H. and Lawley, R., 2009. Initial geological considerations before installing ground source heat pump systems. Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology, 42, 295–306. Conway, H. and Rasmussen, L.A., 2000. Summer temperature profiles within supraglacial debris on Khumbu Glacier Nepal. In: Nakawo, M., Raymond, C.F. and Fountain, A. (eds), Debris-covered Glaciers. Proceedings of a workshop held at Seattle, September 2000. IAHS Publ., 264, 89–97. Dyurgerov, M.B. and Meier, M.F., 2005. Glaciers and the Changing Earth System: A 2004 Snapshot. Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research, University of Colorado. Escher-Vetter, H., Braun, L.N., Siebers, M. and Weber, M., 2005. Water balance of the Vernagtferner high alpine basin bassed on long-term measurements and modelling. Landschaftsökologie und Umweltforschung, TU Braunschweig, 45, 19–32. Harris, S.A. and Pedersen, D.E., 1998. Thermal regimes beneath coarse blocky materials. Permafrost and Periglacial Processes, 9, 107–120. Ingersoll, L.R., Zobel, O.J. and Ingersoll, A.C., 1948. Heat Conduction – With Engineering and Geological Application. McGraw-Hill, New York. Kellerer-Pirklbauer, A., 2008. The supraglacial debris system at the Pasterze Glacier, Austria: spatial distribution, characteristics and transport of debris. Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie Supplement, 52, 3–25. Kirkbride, M.P. and Dugmore, A.J., 2003. Glaciological response to distal tephra fallout from the 1947 eruption © 2013 Swedish Society for Anthropology and Geography Chapter 3 Paper II Einsatz einer Thermalkamera und von Strahlungssensoren zur Oberflächenklassifizierung am Vernagtferner. Surface debris classification at Vernagtferner using temperature observations from a thermal camera and radiation sensors. Juen, M., Mayer, C., Lambrecht, A., Eder, K., Stilla, U. and Wirbel, A., 2013. Accepted in: Zeitschrift für Gletscherkunde und Glazialgeologie, 45/46, 185-201. 27 28 Band 45/46 (2011/12), S. 185–201 Z eits c hri f t f ü r Gletscherkunde u n d G l azia l geo l ogie © 2013 by Universitätsverlag Wagner, Innsbruck Einsatz einer Thermalkamera und von Strahlungssensoren zur Oberflächenklassifizierung am Vernagtferner Martin Juen, Christoph Mayer, Astrid Lambrecht, Konrad Eder, Uwe Stilla, München, und Anna Wirbel, Wien Mit 6 Abbildungen und 4 Tabellen Zusammenfassung Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht die Anwendbarkeit der fernerkundungsbasierten Oberflächenklassifizierung auf Gletschern mit Hilfe von thermischen Infrarot (TIR) Bildern. Auf einem Testgelände an der Gletscherzunge des Vernagtferners wurden die Oberflächentemperaturen einer supraglazialen Schuttdecke und zusätzlich von periglazialem Moränenmaterial mit Strahlungssensoren und einer TIR Kamera ermittelt. Außerdem wurde die schuttinterne Temperaturentwicklung während der Mess perioden mit Thermistoren aufgezeichnet. Aus den Thermistorenmessungen geht hervor, dass Richtung und Intensität des Wärmestroms im Schutt und somit auch die Oberflächentemperatur von der mittleren Temperatur des Untergrundes in einer kritischen Tiefe abhängt. Die Auswertung der Strahlungsdaten dokumentiert die Existenz eines thermischen Unterschiedes zwischen supraglazialer Schuttdecke und Schutt ohne Eisunterlage und somit auch die prinzipielle Detektierbarkeit von Eis unter einer Schuttschicht geringer Mächtigkeit. Die Daten der TIR Kamera erlauben eine räumlich differenzierte Analyse der einzelnen Schuttparzellen und somit Rückschlüsse auf die Effekte der verschiedenen Korngrößen. Es zeigt sich allerdings auch, dass die Unterscheidung von schuttbedecktem Eis und periglazialem Moränenmaterial mit den derzeitigen fernerkundlichen Beobachtungsmöglichkeiten Einschränkungen unterliegt. 29 30 186 Paper II M. Juen, C. Mayer, A. Lambrecht, K. Eder, U. Stilla und A. Wirbel Surface debris classification at Vernagtferner using temperature observations from a thermal camera and radiation sensors Abstract The present study examines the applicability of remote sensing-based surface classification on glaciers using thermal infrared (TIR) images. At a test site located at the glacier tongue of Vernagtferner surface temperatures of supraglacial debris and periglacial moraine were determined using radiation sensors and a TIR camera. In addition, the debris internal temperature was monitored with thermistors. The analysis of the thermistor measurements shows that the direction and intensity of the heat flux in the debris and thus the surface temperature depends on the average daily temperature of the substrate at a critical depth. The evaluation of the radiation data reveals the existence of a thermal difference between debris and ice cored debris and thus the principal detectability of ice below a shallow debris layer. The data of the TIR camera allow a spatially differentiated analysis of the individual debris plots and enable us to draw conclusions about the effects of different grain sizes on the surface temperature. It turns out that the distinction between debris covered ice and periglacial moraine material is restricted with current remote sensing applications. 1. Einleitung Aufgrund des globalen Klimawandels weisen weltweit zahlreiche Gletscher derzeit negative Massenbilanzen auf (Dyurgerov and Meier, 2005). Der damit einher gehende Rückzug der Eismassen und das verstärkte Auftauen von Permafrostgebieten sorgen dafür, dass immer mehr Gletscheroberflächen von Schutt und Sedimenten bedeckt werden. Infolgedessen stellen schuttbedeckte Gletscher eine aktuelle Herausforderung für die Abschätzung der Wasserressourcen aus der Gletscherschmelze dar (Shukla et al., 2010). Speziell in abgelegenen Gebieten wie im Karakorum, dem Himalaya oder dem Tien Schan ist Schmelzwasser eine wichtige Komponente des Wasserkreislaufs (z. B. Kaser et al., 2010). Darüber hinaus sind die genaue Kartierung und die Über wachung von Gletschern und das Erstellen von Gletscherinventaren für die Bewertung der Auswirkungen des Klimawandels auf die globalen Eisressourcen wichtig (Paul et al., 2004; Bolch et al., 2008; Shukla et al., 2010). Besonders in entlegenen und schwer zugänglichen Regionen lassen sich durch Fernerkundung umfangreiche und kosteneffektive Studien durchführen. So ist die Erfassung der flächenhaften Verteilung der Schuttdicke ein entscheidender Parameter bei der Abflussberechnung und der Vorhersage der Gletscherreaktion auf klimatische Veränderungen in einem größeren Zeitraum (Bozhinskiy et al., 1986). Einige Studien konzentrieren sich auf die Verwendung von Satellitendaten (Sensoren von Landsat-7 ETM+ und ASTER), um aus der langwelligen Ausstrahlung der Oberfläche, Karten der Schuttdickenverteilung 31 Oberflächenklassifizierung mittels Thermalkamera und Strahlungssensoren 187 zu erstellen. Das Prinzip beruht darauf, dass schuttbedeckte Eisflächen im Vergleich zu reinem Schuttmaterial derselben Lithologie, eine geringere Oberflächentemperatur aufweisen (Lougeay, 1974). Die Auswertung der langwelligen Ausstrahlung, welche in direktem Zusammenhang mit der Oberflächentemperatur steht, erlaubt es, diese Oberflächen voneinander zu unterscheiden. In Kombination mit empirischen Beziehungen zwischen Schuttdicke und Oberflächentemperatur bei gegebener Einstrahlung können Karten mit räumlich verteilter Schuttdicke erstellt werden (Mihalcea et al., 2008a und 2008b). Foster et al. (2012) entwickelten ein physikalisch basiertes Modell um die supraglaziale Schuttdicke aus den thermischen Kanälen von Satellitenbildern zu berechnen. Diese Methode basiert auf der Lösung der Energiebilanzgleichung an der Schuttoberfläche, um die Schuttdicke als Restglied jedes Pixels zu ermitteln. Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit ist es, den Energiefluss durch die Schuttdecke in Abhängigkeit der natürlichen Randbedingungen zu bestimmen und daraus die Temperatur verteilung zu rekonstruieren. Diese Erkenntnisse werden genutzt um das Potential von fernerkundungsbasierter Schuttkartierung auf Gletschern, mithilfe von Thermalkameras und langwelligen Strahlungssensoren, zu evaluieren und die Randbedingungen zu erörtern. 2. Hintergrund Die von Fernerkundungssatelliten wie LANDSAT-ETM und TERRA-ASTER ermittelten Oberflächentemperaturen können genutzt werden um Oberflächentypen voneinander zu unterscheiden. Unter der Annahme, dass die Emissivität und die thermischen Eigenschaften des Schutts auf und um den Gletscher in etwa gleich sind, emittiert eine schuttbedeckte Eisfläche und eine nahegelegene periglaziale Schuttoberfläche thermische Infrarotstrahlung in verschiedener Intensität. Da der supraglaziale Schutt aus Material von eisfreien Hängen um den Gletscher oder subglazialem Gesteinsmaterial besteht, welches durch die Eisbewegung Richtung Gletschervorfeld transportiert und dort abgelagert wird, erscheint diese Annahme gerechtfertigt. Zwischen den zwei Flächen auf und außerhalb des Gletschers ist ein thermischer Kontrast zu erwarten. Im Vergleich zum Moränen- oder Schuttmaterial ohne Eisunterlage wird der Wärmestrom in die Schuttschicht verstärkt und als Konsequenz die Emission langwelliger Strahlung an der Oberfläche vermindert. Der Einsatz von thermischen Satellitendaten zur Klassifizierung von supraglazialen Schuttbedeckungen aufgrund dieser Eigenschaften ist allerdings nur eingeschränkt möglich. Das größte Problem bei der thermischen Klassifizierung von Gletscheroberflächen mit Satellitendaten liegt im fehlenden zeitlichen Verlauf der Oberflächentemperatur, welche mit lokalen Strahlungssensoren und terrestrischen TIR Kameras einfach registriert werden kann. Die Gleichung der Energiebilanz einer supraglazialen Schuttoberfläche lautet nach Kraus (1966): QO – BO – HO – EO = 0, (1) 32 Paper II 188 M. Juen, C. Mayer, A. Lambrecht, K. Eder, U. Stilla und A. Wirbel wobei QO die Strahlungsbilanz an der Oberfläche, BO der Bodenwärmestrom, HO die turbulente Flussdichte fühlbarer Wärme und EO die turbulente Flussdichte latenter Wärme des Wasserdampfes sind. In dieser Betrachtung wird die Wärmeflussdichte aufgrund von Regen vernachlässigt, welche je nach Temperatur des Niederschlags bzw. der Schuttoberfläche die Oberflächentemperatur mindern kann. Die Komponenten der Strahlungsbilanz Q0 sind die kurzwellige Einstrahlung KW↓, die reflektierte kurzwellige Strahlung KW↑, die langwellige Einstrahlung LW↓ und die langwellige Ausstrahlung LW↑. Es gilt QO = (KW↓ – KW↑) + (LW↓ – LW↑). Die Existenz einer Eisschicht unter der Schuttbedeckung bedeutet eine zusätzliche Wärmesenke, welche den Bodenwärmestrom beeinflusst. Der Bodenwärmestrom BO [W/m²] ist definiert durch: BO = – λ ∂T . ∂z (2) BO ist proportional zum Temperaturgradienten im Schutt mit der Wärmeleitfähigkeit λ [W/m K] als Proportionalitätsfaktor. Die Flussdichte BO wird als positiv definiert wenn sie von der Oberfläche in den Untergrund gerichtet ist. Das negative Vorzeichen von λ besagt, dass die Wärme entgegengesetzt zum Temperaturgradienten, also in Richtung der geringeren Temperatur fließt. Der mit der Schuttdicke exponentiell abnehmende Bodenwärmestrom verschwindet in verschiedenen Materialien ab einer Tiefe von ca. 0,5 m bis 1,0 m (Häckel, 2005). Die Temperatur weist dort praktisch keinen Tagesgang mehr auf, diese Schicht wird als thermisch aktive Schicht definiert. Bei schuttbedecktem Eis stellt die Übergangsfläche vom Schutt zum Eis die untere Randbedingung (meist 0°C während der Ablationsperiode) dar. Dieser Umstand bedingt die niedrigeren Oberflächentemperaturen im Falle von supraglazialem Schutt, da der stärkere Temperaturgradient im Gegensatz zu einer generellen Temperaturschichtung über dem Gefrierpunkt für einen höheren Wärmestrom in der Schuttschicht sorgt. Es wird mehr Wärme von der Oberfläche in tiefere Schichten geleitet und die Oberfläche kühlt sich ab. 3. Messstandort und experimentelle Anordnung Im Sommer 2010 wurde eine Reihe von Ablationsexperimenten auf der Zunge des Vernagtferners (Ötztaler Alpen, Österreich) durchgeführt. Zehn Parzellen mit unterschiedlichen Schuttdicken wurden auf der relativ flachen Gletscheroberfläche auf einer Seehöhe von 2910m installiert. Der lokale metamorphe Glimmerschiefer wurde gesiebt und in vier verschiedenen Korngrößen auf dem Eis aufgebracht (Abb. 1). Meteorologische Daten wurden mit zwei automatischen Wetterstationen (AWS) im Bereich des Testgeländes aufgezeichnet. Die erste AWS (AWS 1) wurde direkt über den Schutttestflächen eingerichtet, eine weitere Station (AWS 2) befand sich im Gletschervorfeld ca. 20 Meter tiefer über Moränenmaterial. Am 15. September 2010 wurde zusätzlich zur normalen Instrumentierung, die zeitliche Entwicklung der Oberflächentemperatur mit Hilfe einer TIR Kamera aufgezeichnet. 33 DEF+*+) Abb. 1:>$?)2@AB C!,Fig. 1: >$3 C! 4. Daten und Methoden !"# " $ % &! ' (%% ! Tab. 1:)*+,Table 1:* Sensor Herstellerangaben )./01 232456787 9 :7;(/07<7/0 4#(77,) % 34 190 Paper II M. Juen, C. Mayer, A. Lambrecht, K. Eder, U. Stilla und A. Wirbel 4.2 Messung der Oberflächentemperatur Die von der Oberfläche emittierte langwellige Strahlung wurde mithilfe von drei Strahlungssensoren (Typ CNR1 und CNR4, siehe Tab. 2) im Zeitraum von Juni bis September 2010 durchgehend aufgezeichnet. Tab. 2: Technische Spezifikationen der Strahlungssensoren – Table 2: Technical specifications of the radiation sensors Genauigkeit nach Herstellerangaben Sensor Hersteller und Typ emittierte Strahlung im langwelligen Spektralbereich [W/m²] Kipp & Zonen Spektralbereich: ± 10 % der Tagessumme 5 bis 50 μma Kipp & Zonen Spektralbereich: ± 10 % der Tagessumme 4,5 bis 42 μmb a CNR1, b CNR4 Für eine räumliche Analyse der Oberflächentemperatur am Testfeld wurde die TIRKamera (Tab. 3) an der Spitze der automatischen Wetterstation befestigt um alle Schuttparzellen zu beobachten. TIR-Bilder wurden in 30-minütigen Zeitschritten von 9.00 bis 14.00 Uhr manuell von dieser festen Position aufgezeichnet. Tab. 3: Technische Spezifikationen der TIR-Kamera – Table 3: Technical specifications of the TIR camera Kamera Model InfraTec, VarioCAM hr Detektor Typ und Format Microbolometer Focal Plane Array 320 x 240 Pixel 7,5 μm – 14 μm besser als 0,08 K ± 1,5 K, ± 2 % 12.5mm (57 x 44)° Spektralbereich Temperaturauflösung bei 30°C Messgenauigkeit Brennweite Sichtfeld 35 I" ! !"#" TO = √%&̸ / ε * σ' 4 ()+ , !".!σ01'235)3)5,67&89.4: ; < O 7.: >! %&̸ 7&89: ?> ε ;<?> !'@ > " ; A@ ! # @ ε & >! 5'B ! ( ! ;' C55+;<D ! E @ "; @ # >! ; E #" " > D F EG. ' E! !@ " ""F;A@ H < > ! I (;C+ ; Abb. 2: %J ! (KLG KLGB+ M > ; GJ & ' ! 1; C55; < MN'> ' " " " ; , Fig. 2: %J G! ! (KLGKLGB+ ! >! ;GJ?N!EG! ' ! !1th C55; !! !!N' !> ! !; 36 Paper II M. JUEN, C. MAYER, A. LAMBRECHT, K. EDER, U. STILLA und A. WIRBEL 5. Ergebnisse der Messungen 5.1 Thermistoren !" #$ %# ! !% & '%$ #(#&#$)(*!!$+$ , ( . /01200 34 !" % %(5 #$)6O3 7 !" $ 3 0200 3 ! !" ! 8 8 5 # !8$9.%#!" %5:2003 .; $ < ( 8* *!%( ! $ < % #& 8 (! !" $ 6 !##=%%!58%#- Abb. 3:%##=3/4$%2 9$*072>:5%?:$@00$A Fig. 3:##=8!'/4$ 2#And*0$72>:5!%?A:th@00$ 37 Oberflächenklassifizierung mittels Thermalkamera und Strahlungssensoren 193 tur mit zunehmender Tiefe geringer werden. Allerdings ist die Temperatur auf dem Gletscher in 18 cm Tiefe durch die schmelzende Eisoberfläche auf 0° C begrenzt, während im periglazialen Schutt in dieser Tiefe die Tagesschwankung noch etwa 6°C beträgt. Auffallend sind die verschieden stark ausgeprägten Temperaturgradienten, speziell in den Stunden um den Sonnenhöchststand (ca. 13:00 Uhr). Aus Abb. 3 ist auch ersichtlich, dass Richtung und Größe des Bodenwärmestroms und somit auch die Oberflächentemperatur des periglazialen Schutts von der mittleren Temperatur an der Unterseite der thermisch aktiven Schicht, bzw. der Eisoberfläche abhängen. 5.2 Strahlungssensoren Der thermische Unterschied an der Oberfläche zwischen schuttbedecktem Gletschereis und einer reinen Schuttablagerung kann durch die Strahlungssensoren beurteilt werden. Dazu werden die abgeleiteten Oberflächentemperaturen von AWS 1 und AWS 2 miteinander verglichen. In Abbildung 4 ist zusätzlich zu den Temperaturen auch deren Unterschied ΔTO für mehrere Tage dargestellt. Generell ist festzustellen, dass zwischen den zwei Standorten eine Differenz besteht, diese jedoch je nach Witterungsbedingungen verschieden stark ausgeprägt ist. Während einer Folge von Strahlungstagen vom 12. bis 16. Juli 2010 erwärmt sich der Schutt ohne Eisunterlage jeden Tag ein wenig mehr, während der supraglaziale Schutt jede Nacht wieder auf dieselbe Ausgangstemperatur auskühlt. Auch die Auswirkungen von Bewölkung und Niederschlag sind in Abb. 4 gut zu erkennen. In der Schönwetterperiode mit geringer Bewölkung am 16. und 17. Juli 2010 sind Differenzen der Oberflächentemperaturen von bis zu 16°C messbar. Am Abend des 17. Juli ziehen Wolken auf und es fallen ca. 20 mm Niederschlag. Auch am darauffolgenden Tag herrscht eine geschlossene Wolkendecke und es kann sich nur ein sehr geringer Tagesgang der Oberflächentemperaturen entwickeln. Die Temperaturdifferenz der beiden Oberflächen beträgt am 18. Juli nur maximal 4 K. In den Morgenstunden des 19. Juli klart der Himmel auf und durch die verstärkte langwellige Ausstrahlung kühlen die Oberflächen weiter aus. Zum Zeitpunkt des Sonnenaufgangs kommt es zu einer raschen Temperaturerhöhung an beiden Schuttoberflächen. Weisen der supraglaziale und der periglaziale Schutt ähnliche Werte von thermischer Diffusivität auf, wird sich die Temperaturänderung in beiden Schuttmaterialien bei gleicher Ausgangssituation gleich schnell ausbreiten. Im Falle des supraglazialen Schutts sorgt der stärkere Temperaturgradient dafür, dass mehr Wärme Richtung Eis fließt und somit die Oberflächentemperatur im Vergleich zum benachbarten Moränenmaterial ohne Eisunterlage kleiner ist. Das größere Schuttvolumen und der geringere Temperaturgradient der thermisch aktiven Schicht sorgen für ein schwächeres Auskühlen der Oberfläche in den Nachtstunden. Anhand dieser Ergebnisse lässt sich feststellen, dass für eine Oberflächenklassifizierung oder Schuttdickenbestimmung mit Fernerkundungsdaten der Zeitraum nach dem Sonnenhöchststand der ideale Aufnahmezeitpunkt ist. Dann ist der Temperaturunterschied der Oberflächen am stärksten ausgeprägt. 38 Paper II M. JUEN, C. MAYER, A. LAMBRECHT, K. EDER, U. STILLA und A. WIRBEL Abb 4: ! " !# !$"% & %'& ()*! +%+& , ΔTO"- . Fig. 4: , + + ! " !$"+/% + +0&/+%&()* ++% +++ΔTO"- 39 195 Oberflächenklassifizierung mittels Thermalkamera und Strahlungssensoren 5.3 Thermalkamera Während die Strahlungssensoren die langwellige Ausstrahlung des gesamten Testfelds wiedergeben, ermöglicht die TIR-Kamera die Analyse einzelner Schuttparzellen und somit Rückschlüsse auf die Effekte der verschiedenen Korngrößen. Daher wurden am 15. September 2010 Temperaturmessungen mit einer TIR-Kamera am Testfeld durchgeführt. Die von der Kamera registrierten Oberflächentemperaturen zeigen eine klare Abhängigkeit von der Schuttdicke (Tab. 4, Abb. 5). Die Sandfraktion (Parzelle 1 und 2) resultiert in den niedrigsten Temperaturen, während Parzelle 5 mit der größten Schuttdicke von 5,5 cm den höchsten Mittelwert von 14.2°C (Tabelle 4) aufweist. Tab. 4: Oberflächentemperaturen der einzelnen Parzellen aus TIR Kamera Daten – Table 4: Surface temperatures for the different plots monitored with the TIR camera Zeit Parzelle 1 Parzelle 2 Parzelle 3 3 cm 2.5 cm 4.5 cm feiner Sand grober Sand grober Kies Parzelle 4 3.5 cm Kies Parzelle 5 5.5 cm grober Kies Parzelle 6 4.5 cm Kies CNR4 CNR1 9:14 8,0 5,5 9,4 9,3 10,8 9,8 7,1 5,9 9:43 9,8 5,7 11,8 11,8 13,9 12,0 10,1 9,2 10:11 10,2 6,3 12,8 13,0 15,6 12,6 11,6 10,7 10:42 11,8 6,8 15,0 15,1 18,2 15,0 13,1 11,7 11:10 11,4 6,3 14,3 14,8 17,1 14,5 14,2 12,7 11:41 9,3 5,7 11,6 12,3 14,0 11,2 13,4 12,3 12:11 8,3 5,3 10,4 10,6 12,2 9,5 12,0 10,4 13:09 9,7 6,0 12,2 12,2 14,1 11,4 11,5 10,0 13:37 9,8 6,2 11,6 12,4 13,4 12,1 12,0 10,8 14:09 8,7 6,1 10,8 11,4 12,5 10,3 12,0 10,7 Mittelwert 9,7 6,0 12,0 12,3 14,2 11,9 11,7 10,4 Neben der Schuttdicke beeinflussen noch andere Faktoren die Oberflächentemperatur der einzelnen Schuttparzellen. Dazu zählen die Korngröße, der Feuchtigkeitsgehalt im Schutt und auch die Oberflächenfarbe (Albedo). Der Einfluss der Korngröße ist an den Messwerten um 13:09 Uhr und um 13:37 Uhr gut zu erkennen. Die Parzellen mit dem groben Kiesmaterial (Parzelle 3 und 5) zeigen einen sinkenden Trend, während die kleinkörnigen Parzellen steigende Oberflächentemperaturen aufweisen. Je größer die einzelnen Steine im Schutt sind, desto langsamer reagieren sie auf eine Veränderung der Lufttemperatur oder der Sonneneinstrahlung. Zusätzlich spielt der Feuchtigkeitsgehalt, insbesondere für kleine Korngrößen, eine wichtige Rolle. Durch die hohe spezifische Oberfläche des Sandes können Parzelle 1 und 2 leichter Wasser binden als das grobe Material der Nachbarfelder. Daher sind diese Testflächen tagsüber oft 40 Paper II 196 M. Juen, C. Mayer, A. Lambrecht, K. Eder, U. Stilla und A. Wirbel gesättigt. Aufgrund der hohen thermischen Leitfähigkeit von Wasser und der niedrigen Albedo des gesättigten Materials, kann mehr Energie zum darunter liegenden Eis übertragen werden, was zu einer niedrigen Oberflächentemperatur führt. Darüber hinaus trägt auch die Verdunstungskälte, die von der Lufttemperatur, der relativen Feuchte und der Windgeschwindigkeit abhängt, ihren Teil zu den geringen Ober flächentemperaturen der Sandparzellen bei. In den grobkörnigen Schuttparzellen (Parzellen 3 bis 6) führt der größere Hohlraumanteil zu einem geringeren Energietransport und somit zu höheren Oberflächentemperaturen im Vergleich zu den Sandtestflächen. Die mit Luft gefüllten Hohlräume, welche eine niedrigere thermische Leitfähigkeit als das Gesteinsmaterial oder Wasser aufweisen, sorgen für eine bessere Isolation des darunter liegenden Eises, während das Schuttmaterial mit höherer Leitfähigkeit nur an den Kontaktstellen Wärme effektiv übertragen kann. 6. Modellierung der Oberflächentemperatur auf Grundlage der Energiebilanz Es deutet sich an, dass mit zunehmender Schuttdicke der thermische Unterschied ΔTO der Oberfläche zwischen supra- und periglazialem Schutt geringer wird. Um die Frage zu klären, ab welchen Schuttdicken keine Temperaturdifferenz mehr vorhanden ist, wurde ein Energiebilanzmodell (EBM) angewandt. Dieses numerische Modell – entwickelt, um die Eisschmelze unter einer supraglazialen Schuttschicht zu berechnen – wurde mit der Datenreihe des Testfeldes kalibriert (Wirbel, 2011). Als Eingangsdaten werden die meteorologischen Messungen der AWS1 verwendet, deren zeitliche Auflösung 10 Minuten beträgt. Die Oberflächentemperatur der Schuttdecke wird durch die iterative Lösung der Energiebilanzgleichung (Gleichung 1) zu jedem Zeitschritt (10 Minuten) ermittelt. Für die Berechnungen wurde eine Wärmeleitfähigkeit von 1,29 W/m K angenommen, die Albedo wurde über den gesamten Messzeitraum bestimmt, das arithmetische Mittel beträgt 0,125. Die turbulente Flussdichte latenter Wärme wurde ignoriert, da die Schuttoberfläche während der Ablationsperiode tagsüber trocken anzunehmen ist, solange kein Niederschlag auftritt. Das ursprüngliche EBM wurde für die aktuelle Fragestellung um den Speicherterm ΔS, welcher die Änderung der gespeicherten Wärme im Schutt parametrisiert, erweitert (Mattson and Gardner, 1989): ΔS = ρscs – ∂T ∂t Δz, (4) – wobei ρs die Dichte, cs die spezifische Wärmekapazität und ∂T /∂t die mittlere Rate der Temperaturänderung des Schutts darstellt. Die Oberflächentemperatur wurde für mehrere Schuttdicken berechnet. Die Ergebnisse für eine Schuttmächtigkeit von 0,04 m zeigen tagsüber eine recht gute Übereinstimmung mit den Messwerten der Testflächen während nachts die modellierten Oberflächentemperaturen stets zu niedrig ausfallen (Abb. 6). In den Nachmittags- 41 Abb. 5: : *" /%( ;##0$5$<=9-& >?, 5;/0(@Fig. 5:"""/%th;##0$"9."$<=..?;/0( !" #$%&' ()*" '+,-./#$%0$,1 ()$2 .#$%"4"", '" (55. "&6 "+.2 . ( 7 . +.8"4 $ & +9 " ( 42 Paper II M. JUEN, C. MAYER, A. LAMBRECHT, K. EDER, U. STILLA und A. WIRBEL Abb. 6:7 8!"# 909: 90;0% , 5 2&909:6&<Fig. 6: 7 9&9:9&;0 5 +&9&9:6& 7. Diskussion !"# $ %&' ( )%*+ &( ) %#' " $ (,# % (#"#&'%. " "# !"## /&' % (0,#0)%# % ,#1 (% 2 !"#& . % *2 %3 %# ( % %& 4 ( ) % ' % !"# 5 6 # & 43 Oberflächenklassifizierung mittels Thermalkamera und Strahlungssensoren 199 Ein entscheidender Punkt im Hinblick auf unterscheidbare Oberflächentemperaturen ist die vorherrschende mittlere Temperatur an der Unterseite der thermisch aktiven Schicht im periglazialen Schutt. Diese bestimmt die Größe des Temperaturgradienten und somit den Bodenwärmestrom und dadurch auch die Oberflächentemperatur. Diese mittlere Untergrundtemperatur, welche in erster Näherung der Jahresmitteltemperatur entspricht, weist jedoch eine starke Höhenabhängigkeit auf, welche bei der Auswertung der thermischen Differenz berücksichtigt werden muss. Speziell für die Ableitung einer Schuttdickenverteilung aus Fernerkundungsdaten werden Feldmessungen benötigt um eine empirische Beziehung zwischen Oberflächentemperatur und Schuttmächtigkeit herzustellen (Mihalcea et al., 2008a). Die Auswertung von thermalen Satellitenbildern zur Unterscheidung von supraglazialem Schutt und angrenzendem Moränenmaterial scheint durch mehrere Faktoren recht beschränkt zu sein. Zum einen ist durch die vertikale Sortierung des Materials, die Annahme einer homogenen Schuttdecke nicht erfüllt, zum anderen kann die, aufgrund der verschieden starken Schuttdicke, räumlich hoch variable Oberflächentemperatur von den Satellitensensoren aufgrund der Pixelgröße nur unzureichend erfasst werden. Ein vielversprechender neuer Ansatz wurde von Piatek (2009) vorgestellt. Hier wird die thermophysikalische Signatur verschiedener Oberflächenklassen aufgrund der thermischen Trägheit ermittelt. Zur Berechnung der thermischen Trägheit werden Informationen über die Albedo und den Unterschied zwischen Tages- und Nachttemperaturen der Oberfläche benötigt. Idealerweise sind dazu jedoch zwei Satellitenbilder desselben Tages notwendig, was sich in der Praxis mit LANDSAT-TM und TERRA-ASTER Daten allerdings nicht bewerkstelligen lässt. Die in der vorliegenden Studie erzielten Modellergebnisse sowie die aus den Messungen abgeleiteten Oberflächentemperaturen zeigen jedoch, dass die Differenz zwischen Nacht- und Mittagstemperaturen von der Existenz von Eis im Untergrund beeinflusst wird. Eine quantitative Analyse dazu steht noch aus. Der Einsatz einer TIR-Kamera zur räumlich verteilten Ermittlung der Temperaturdifferenzen erscheint vielversprechend und sollte bei einem Folgeexperiment auf seine Anwendbarkeit untersucht werden. 8. Danksagung Die Autoren bedanken sich für die zur Verfügung gestellten automatischen Wetterstationen bei Maria Shahgedanova (Walker Institute for Climate System Research, University of Reading, UK). Die Arbeiten wurden von der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft (MA 3347/4–1) und dem Bayerischen Staatsministerium für Umwelt und Gesundheit gefördert. 44 200 Paper II M. Juen, C. Mayer, A. Lambrecht, K. Eder, U. Stilla und A. Wirbel 9. Literatur Bolch, T., M. F. Buchroithner, A. Kunert and U. Kamp, 2007: Automated delineation of debriscovered glaciers based on ASTER data. Proceedings of the 27th EARSeL-Symposium „GeoInformation in Europe“, 4.–7.6.07, Bozen, Italy (Gomarasca, M. A., Ed.), Millpress, Rotterdam (2008): 403–410. Bozhinskiy, A. N., M. S. Krass and V. V. Popovnin, 1986: Role of debris cover in the thermal physics of glaciers, Journal of Glaciology 32: 255–266. Brock, B. W., C. Mihalcea, M. P. Kirkbride, G. Diolaiuti, M. E. J. Cutler and C. Smiraglia, 2010: Meteorology and surface energy fluxes in the 2005–2007 ablation seasons at the Miage debris-covered glacier, Mont Blanc Massif, Italian Alps, Journal of Geophysical Research 115 (D9): 1–16. Dyurgerov, M. B. and M. F. Meier, 2005: Glaciers and the changing Earth system: A 2004 snapshot. Technical representative, University of Colorado, Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research: 117 p. Foster, L. A., B. W. Brock, M. E. J. Cutler and F. Diotri, 2012: A physically based method for estimating supraglacial debris thickness from thermal band remote-sensing data, Journal of Glaciology 58 (210): 677–691. Häckel, H., 2005: In: Meteorologie. 5. Auflage, Ulmer, Stuttgart: 233. Kaser, G., M. Großhauser and B. Marzeion, 2010: Contribution potential of glaciers to water availability in different climate regimes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science of the U. S. A, 107 (47): 20223–20227. doi:10.1073/pnas.1008162107. Kraus, H., 1966: Freie und bedeckte Ablation. Ergebnisse des Forschungsunternehmens Nepal Himalaya, Band 1, Lieferung 3, Springer Verlag, Berlin: 203–235. Lougeay, R., 1974: Detection of buried glacial and ground ice with thermal infrared remote sensing. Advanced concepts and techniques in the study of snow and ice resources (Santeford, H. S. and J. L. Smith, Ed.), National Academy of Sciences, Washington, DC: 487–494. Mattson, L. E. and J. S. Gardner, 1989: Energy exchange and ablation rates on the debris-covered Rakhiot Glacier, Pakistan, Zeitschrift für Gletscherkunde und Glazialgeologie 25 (1): 17–32. Mihalcea, C., B. W. Brock, G. Diolaiuti, C. D’Agata, M. Citterio, M. P. Kirkbride, M. E. J. Cutler, and C. Smiraglia, 2008a: Using ASTER satellite and ground based surface temperature measurements to derive supraglacial debris cover and thickness patterns on Miage Glacier (Mont Blanc Massif, Italy), Cold Regions Science and Technology 52 (3): 341–354. Mihalcea, C., C. Mayer, G. Diolaiuti, C. D’Agata, C. Smiraglia, A. Lambrecht, E. Vuillermoz, E. and G. Tartari, 2008b: Spatial distribution of debris thickness and melting from remote-sensing and meteorological data, at debris-covered Baltoro Glacier, Karakoram, Pakistan, Annals of Glaciology 48: 49–57. Paul, F., C. Huggel and A. Kääb, 2004: Combining satellite multispectral image data and a digital elevation model for mapping debris-covered glaciers, Remote Sensing of Environment 89: 510–518. Piatek, J. L., 2009: Thermophysical properties of terrestrial rock and debris-covered glaciers as analogs for Martian lobate debris aprons. 40th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 23–27 march 2009, The Woodlands, Texas. Shukla, A., R. P. Gupta and M. K. Arora, 2010: Delineation of debris-covered glacier bounda ries using optical and thermal remote sensing data, Remote Sensing Letters 1 (1): 11–17. doi:10.1080/01431160903159316. Wirbel, A., 2011: Physically based ice melt beneath supraglacial debris, driven by a reduced set of input parameters. Diploma Thesis, University of Innsbruck, Faculty of Geo- and Atmospheric Sciences: 126 S. 45 Oberflächenklassifizierung mittels Thermalkamera und Strahlungssensoren Manuskript erhalten am 7.12.2012, angenommen am 10.3.2013 Anschrift der Verfasser: Mag. Martin Juen, Dr. Christoph Mayer und Dr. Astrid Lambrecht Kommission für Erdmessung und Glaziologie, Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Alfons-Goppel-Str. 11, D–80539 München [email protected] / [email protected] / [email protected] Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Konrad Eder, Prof. Dr. -Ing Uwe Stilla Technische Universität München, Fachgebiet Photogrammetrie und Fernerkundung, Arcisstr. 21, D–80290 München [email protected] / [email protected] Mag. Anna Wirbel BOKU Wien, Peter-Jordan-Straße 82, A–1190 Wien [email protected] 201 46 Chapter 4 Poster I Ablation and runoff generation on debris covered Keqikar glacier in the upper Aksu catchment, China. Juen, M., Mayer, C., Mayr, E., Lambrecht, A., Hagg, W., Haidong, H. and Shiyin, L. Presented at the European Geoscience’s General Assembly 2011, Vienna, Austria. 47 48 Martin Juen1, Christoph Mayer1, Elisabeth Mayr², Astrid Lambrecht³ , Wilfried Hagg², Han Haidong4, Liu Shiyin4 Fig. 1: Schematic map of Keqikar glacier (Han, H. et al. 2010). The red and orange circles indicate the position Stake farm 3 Stake farm 2 Stake farm 1 Fig. 8: Cumulative ablation at 13 stakes starting on four consecutive days. The stakes were placed in the upper and lower areas of the ice cliffs perpendicular to the surface. Backwasting rates show a clear dependence on the exposition of the ice cliff. The comparison to bare ice melt rates reflects the influence of the lower albedo, caused by the thin dust layer that is permanently present on these locations (as can be seen in Fig. 6). Degree day factors for each orientation have been calculated. ICE CLIFF MELT RATES MEASURED AT STAKES Bare ice – 3.5 cm/d North – 4.1 cm/d West – 4.6 cm/d East – 5.2 cm/d South – 5.6 cm/d Melt rates per day Debris/ice interface 26 cm 16 cm 1 cm ∗ ∗ ∗ + C ∗ln (DCT) + C Empirical equations Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft Fig. 9: Degree day factors of individual stakes plotted against debris cover thickness. An enhanced DDF is clearly visible for very thin films of debris, whereas decreased values are observed for thicker layers. The equations used for the curve fittings are illustrated besides the Figure. ∑ Fig 2: Example of an ablation stake before renaturation of the surface. IMGI CAREERI Fig. 10: Correlation between measured and simulated ice melt. Ablation was calculated using the degree day approach. The power law equation gives no results for debris cover thickness values of zero, therefore this value is not taken into account. To estimate the amount of ablation after a projected climate change, the results from the climate modelling group (AKSU TARIM‐CLIM) will be used as input data. The findings of the second field trip will supply a data set that is needed for the ablation model to work over a whole year and not only during the main ablation seasons. This is essential for making statements or predictions on a longer time scale. The results of these measurements form the experimental basis for the development of a sub‐ debris ice melt model. A conceptual runoff model including this ablation routine for debris covered glaciers will be applied to simulate current conditions and forthcoming changes in the hydrological cycle. 4. OUTLOOK Fig. 6: Ablation was also measured at several ice cliffs with varying expositions. Three cliffs have been investigated by terrestrial photogrammetry (see poster XL 113) ICE CLIFF INVESTIGATION Fig 3: Relationship between debris thickness and mean ice ablation. SET UP AND OBERVATION OF A STAKE NETWORK Fig. 5: The layer temperatures show a strong diurnal signal. The temperature from the sensor 1 cm beneath the surface shows a strong correlation with the global radiation signal. DEGREE DAY FACTOR (DDF) VS. DEBRIS COVER THICKNESS (DCT) Fig 4: Postition of the thermistor sensors within the debris cover. T3 T2 T1 THERMISTOR MEASUREMENTS WITHIN THE DEBRIS LAYER Debris surface To calculate temperature gradients and energy available for ice melt, temperatures in varying depths in the debris layer were recorded, using digital data loggers. Figure 4 and Figure 5 show the setup of the thermistor measurements and a four day time series of the temperatures. Figure 6 demonstrates the measurement process on an ice cliff. The observed ablation was much higher at these locations, which leads to the conclusion that they are an important source of meltwater on debris covered glaciers. During the ablation season 2010 a series of ablation measurements were performed on the Keqikar glacier. 43 ablation stakes (Fig. 2) with varying debris thicknesses were installed and observed to collect a dataset of ablation rates with a high temporal resolution. Fig. 3 illustrates the results of the survey. The largest mean ablation rate was measured under a thin debris layer of less than 0.5 cm, due to a lower albedo compared to bare ice, resulting in higher absorption of shortwave radiation. In comparison to bare ice, ablation rates decreased for debris thicknesses of more than 2 cm. The insulating and shielding effect of the debris cover is getting stronger with increasing debris thickness. 2. FIELD MEASUREMENTS Braithwaite, R. J. 1995. Positive degree‐day factors for ablation on the Greenland ice sheet studied by energy‐balance modelling. J. Glaciol. 41, 153‐160. Han, H. et al. 2010. Backwasting rate on debris‐covered Koxkar glacier, Tuomuer mountain, China. J. Glaciol. 56(196), 287‐296. REFERENCES Fig. 7: Tautochrones (lines that show the relationship of temperature to depth at a given time) were drawn for the 14.08.10 (Beijing time), using the thermistor temperature record. At 09:00 sunrays had not struck the ground yet, afterwards the surface temperature increased rapidly, reaching the maximum at 15:00. THERMISTOR MEASUREMENTS Using the air temperature record, the sum of positive degree days is calculated for each stake. Consequently degree day factors have been computed, which are shown in Fig. 9 (Braithwaite, 1995). To obtain an empirical equation that represents the connection from debris cover thickness to degree day factor different curve fittings have been tested. Fig. 10 shows how well the empirical equations perform in simulating ice melt, using the temperature‐index approach. Considering the simplicity of the equations, there is good agreement between measured and modelled ablation values. Coefficient of determination ranges from 0.8 to 0.92. The exponential equation is giving the best results. Thermistor measurements show a strong diurnal signal that diffuses downward with decreasing amplitude and increasing lag (Fig. 5). The mean daily temperature gradient was found to be linear with depth (Fig. 7). Ice Cliff measurements indicate that the ablation and the resulting melt water runoff are strongly influenced by the presence of ice cliffs (Fig. 8). 3. RESULTS Keqikar glacier contributes to the Tarim river, the most important water resource of Chinas largest inland watershed, the Tarim basin. With annual precipitation sums of less than 100 mm, large parts of this basin are desert. Irrigation is essential for agriculture and food production. To assess future changes in the water resources it is necessary to better understand the climate‐glacier interaction that controls ablation and as a consequence, the formation of runoff from glaciers. A conceptual runoff model, including an ablation routine for debris covered glacier parts will be applied to simulate current conditions and future changes in the hydrological cycle. The investigation area is Keqikar glacier which is located in China’s western Tien Shan, in the Xingjiang Uigur Autonomous Region. The glacier reaches from 6432 to 3060 m a.s.l. with a length of 25 km and area of 84 km². Almost 16 km² of the glacier area is debris covered , accounting for 83% of the total ablation area (Han et al. 2010). The AKSU TARIM‐MELT project is part of a DFG project bundle about climate change and water resources in western China (AKSU‐TARIM). The long term aim of the project is the modeling of melt and runoff in a catchment with debris covered glacier parts. 1. INTRODUCTION Commission for Geodesy and Glaciology, Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities, Munich, Germany ([email protected]), 2 Geography Department, Ludwig‐Maximilians‐University, Munich, Germany, 3 Institute of Meteorology and Geophysics, University of Innsbruck, Austria, 4 State Key Laboratory of Cryospheric Sciences, Cold and Arid Regions, Environmental and Engineering Research Institute, Lanzhou, China. 1 Ablation and runoff generation on debris covered Keqikar glacier in the upper Aksu catchment, China. 49 50 Chapter 5 Paper III Impact of varying debris cover thickness on catchment scale ablation: A case study for Koxkar glacier in the Tien Shan. Juen, M., Mayer, C., Lambrecht, A., Haidong, H. and Shiyin, L., 2013. The Cryosphere Discuss., 7, 5307-5332, doi:10.5194/tcd-7-5307-2013, 2013. 51 52 Discussions This discussion paper is/has been under review for the journal The Cryosphere (TC). Please refer to the corresponding final paper in TC if available. Discussion Paper The Cryosphere Open Access The Cryosphere Discuss., 7, 5307–5332, 2013 www.the-cryosphere-discuss.net/7/5307/2013/ doi:10.5194/tcd-7-5307-2013 © Author(s) 2013. CC Attribution 3.0 License. | 1 1 2 2 Commission for Geodesy and Glaciology, Bavarian Academy of Sciences, Munich, Germany State Key Laboratory of Cryospheric Sciences, Cold and Arid Regions Environmental and Engineering Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China 2 Received: 11 September 2013 – Accepted: 11 October 2013 – Published: 5 November 2013 Correspondence to: M. Juen ([email protected]) and C. Mayer ([email protected]) Discussion Paper 1 | 1 M. Juen , C. Mayer , A. Lambrecht , H. Haidong , and L. Shiyin Discussion Paper Impact of varying debris cover thickness on catchment scale ablation: a case study for Koxkar glacier in the Tien Shan | 53 | 5307 Discussion Paper Published by Copernicus Publications on behalf of the European Geosciences Union. 5 | Introduction Discussion Paper Debris covered glaciers are a prominent feature in high relief mountain ranges like the Tien Shan, the Himalaya or the Karakoram. These glaciers are characterized by the presence of supraglacial debris mantles in the ablation zones that can originate from various sources, such as thrusting of subglacial material, melt-out of englacial debris bands, channel fill material, rockfall from mountain sides and meltwater bursts through the crevasse and conduit system or aeolian deposition directly on the glacier surface Discussion Paper 5308 | 25 1 | 20 Discussion Paper 15 | 10 To quantify the ablation processes on a debris covered glacier, a simple distributed ablation model has been developed and applied to a selected glacier. For this purpose, a bundle of field measurements was carried out to collect empirical data. A morphometric analysis of the glacier surface enables us to statistically capture the areal distribution of topographic features that influence debris thickness and consequently ablation. Remote sensing techniques, using high resolution satellite imagery, were used to extrapolate the ground truth results to the whole ablation area and to map and classify melt-relevant surface types. As a result, a practically applicable method is presented, that allows the estimation of ablation on a debris covered glacier by combining field data and remote sensing information. The sub-debris ice ablation accounts for about 19 % of the entire ice ablation, while the percentage of the moraine covered area accounts for approximately 32 % of the entire glacerized area. Although the ice cliffs occupy only 1.7 % of the debris covered area the melt amount accounts for approximately 15 % of the total sub-debris ablation and 2.7 % of the total ablation respectively. Our study highlights the influence of debris cover on the response of the glacier terminus to climate warming. Due to the fact that melt rates beyond 0.1 m of moraine cover are highly restricted the shielding effect of the debris cover dominates over the temperature- and elevation dependence of the ablation in the bare ice case. Discussion Paper Abstract 54 5309 | | Discussion Paper 55 Discussion Paper 25 | 20 Discussion Paper 15 | 10 Discussion Paper 5 (Schomacker, 2008). Several studies concentrated on the relationship between debris cover thickness and sub-debris ice melt rates since the fundamental contribution of Østrem (1959). When solar radiation is present, very thin layers of debris or small single grains absorb more heat than ice, due to their lower albedo. The transfer of this energy into the underlying ice increases ablation rates. Thicker supraglacial debris covers act as a protecting carapace, which insulates the underlying ice and significantly reduces ablation (Østrem, 1959). The response of debris covered glaciers to climate change and therefore the prediction of future water availability are the subject of current research (e.g. Scherler et al., 2011; Benn et al., 2012; Bolch et al., 2012). Several physically based models that calculate sub-debris melt rates based on meteorological variables and debris thermal properties have been developed during the recent past (Nicholson and Benn, 2006; Reid and Brock, 2010). However, these physically based models require a wide range of input data whose determination is difficult, time consuming and expensive, especially for larger areas. They are important for process studies at point locations, but the application for large glaciers or even basin wide calculations remains difficult. To determine the ablation of a whole debris covered glacier, robust conceptual approaches with empirically derived functions have been proven to produce realistic results. Apart from the natural debris coverage also ice cliffs and supraglacial lakes are important features of debris covered glaciers: they are widely recognized as spots of enhanced melting (Sakai et al., 2002, 2000). The exposed areas of steeply inclined ice are normally covered with a very thin layer of dust or sand, leading to higher absorption of shortwave radiation due to the low albedo compared to clean ice. Sakai et al. (2000) also states that supraglacial lakes produce internal ablation in the conduit system that leads to a positive feedback process, accelerating the ablation rate of debris covered glaciers. Caused by the collapse of water channels new ice cliffs and ponds are created. To quantify these complex physical melt processes on a debris covered glacier, this study applies a distributed ablation model to a selected glacier. 5 Discussion Paper 3.1 | 3 Data compilation Discussion Paper 15 | 10 Field observations have been carried out on the moraine covered ablation area of the Koxkar glacier, located in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region of northwestern China (41.76◦ N, 80.11◦ E; Fig. 1). The glacier is situated in the Central Tien Shan, one of the largest mountain ranges in Central Asia. Melt water, originating from the glaciers in this region feeds the Tarim river and is required in the surrounding lowlands for agriculture and drinking water (Hagg et al., 2007). The prevailing climate can be described as continental and is characterized by low winter precipitation and convective rainfall events in summer (Aizen et al., 1997). The glacier reaches from 3060 to 6432 m a.s.l. with a length of 25 km 2 and an area of 84 km (Haidong et al., 2010). Debris thickness ranges from less than 0.01 m on the upper reach of the ablation area and on ice-cliff slopes to more than 3 m near the glacier terminus (Haidong et al., 2006; Wu and Liu, 2012). According to Yong et al. (2006) the glacier has an ablation zone of about 30.6 km2 , with 60 % of the area covered by debris. The Equilibrium Line Altitude is 4300 m a.s.l. and the maximum glacier area is situated at the elevation band between 4600 and 4800 m a.s.l. (Haidong et al., 2010). Discussion Paper 2 Study area Ablation measurements | 5310 | 25 From 10 August to 29 August 2010 a series of ablation measurements were performed on the Koxkar glacier. Ablation stakes were installed at locations with varying debris thicknesses and preferably horizontal surfaces. Ablation was also measured at several ice cliffs of different expositions. To find out how the slope angles of the cliffs evolve, stakes have been placed orthogonal to the ice surface in the upper and the lower part of the ice cliffs. Debris cover thickness was measured at each stake during installation. Discussion Paper 20 56 3.2 5 3.3 Remote sensing 5311 | | Discussion Paper 57 Discussion Paper 20 High resolution images from the Ikonos satellite have been used to generate a digital elevation model (DEM) from the entire Koxkar glacier catchment. Ikonos provides panchromatic images with 1 m resolution and multispectral imagery with 4 m resolution (Table 1). A cloud-free Ikonos image was acquired on 30 April 2009, 13:32 LT. The solar elevation was 60.1◦ and the solar azimuth was 149.6◦ . An ASTER (Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer) Level 1B granule was processed to obtain land surface temperature (LST) following the approach by Pu et al. (2006). The observation date is 10 April 2007, the local observation time is 13:39 and the spatial resolution of the thermal infrared channel, which is used to obtain LST, is 90 m. The ASTER scene was selected, because no snow or clouds are present over the debris covered area in the acquired image. | 15 Discussion Paper An automatic weather station (AWS) operated by CAREERI provides the required temperature record for the model. The AWS is located near the glacier terminus at an elevation of 3009 m a.s.l. (Fig. 1). The respective air temperature sensor is a HMP45C, Campbell Scientific Inc., mounted 2 m above ground surface. It is connected to a datalogger (CR1000, Campbell Scientific Inc.) which provides hourly records (Haidong et al., 2010). | 10 Meteorological measurements Discussion Paper Additionally moraine thickness along a longitudinal profile was measured in summer 2011 by scientists from the Cold and Arid Regions Environmental and Engineering Research Institute (CAREERI). 4.1 5 | Discussion Paper | 58 Discussion Paper 25 | 20 Discussion Paper 15 To compare ablation rates of several locations and time spans, mean degree day factors for each stake were calculated from the air temperature record (Braithwaite, 1995). The temperature data was extrapolated to higher elevations using a lapse rate ◦ −1 ◦ −1 of −0.008 C km (from 3000 to 3700 m a.s.l.) and −0.004 C km (from 3700 m a.s.l. and above) respectively. These lapse rates have been determined by Haidong et al. (2008) on the basis of measured air temperature at two different AWS located on the glacier (short term observation in 2003 and 2004) and the AWS in vicinity to the glacier described above (long term observation). Haidong et al. (2008) state that the drastic change in temperature laps rate at an elevation of 3700 m a.s.l. is because of the transition from a broad supraglacial debris cover in the lower parts to a debris free ice surface in the middle and upper parts of the glacier. Ablation rates and their relation to debris thickness are determined empirically, to obtain an equation that represents the connection from debris cover thickness to degree day factor (Hagg et al., 2008). Different curve fittings were tested, but a power law regression provides the most reliable equation because of the asymptotic approximation to the x-axis. To take account of the fact that the degree day factor for very thin layers of debris cover is enhanced compared to bare ice, a linear equation is used for moraine thicknesses smaller than 0.014 m. Considering the simplicity of the equation, there is good agreement between the measurements and the regression equation with a coefficient of determination of 0.92 (Fig. 2). In the case of the ice cliffs, degree day factors for north facing, south facing and east/west facing cliffs were calculated and applied within the model. Because the ice cliff area is measured in the horizontal projection from an orthophoto, the actual area of the cliffs was determined using a standard slope angle of 45◦ according to Haidong et al. (2010) which represents a reasonable mean value for the observed cliff slopes. During the observation period in the ablation season 2010 no change in inclination was determined. The slope angle of the observed cliffs was in 5312 | 10 Ablation model design Discussion Paper 4 Methods 5313 | Discussion Paper 59 Discussion Paper 25 | 20 Discussion Paper 15 | 10 | 5 ◦ Discussion Paper ◦ between 40 and 50 and fits well with the determined mean value. For supraglacial lakes the melt rates at the lake bottom are estimated using the same degree day factor – debris cover thickness regression. But instead of calculating the sum of positive degree days based on the air temperature record, the overlying water is assumed to have a constant temperature of 4 ◦ C. This assumption is supported by the work of Xin et al. (2012), who monitored the thermal regime of a supraglacial lake during ablation season at the Koxkar glacier in 2008. One drawback of the present model is that the lateral melting in the ponds is not included, because the dynamic evolution of the debris mantle is not incorporated. The mapping and area calculation of supraglacial lakes and steep ice cliffs were carried out with the stereo image data provided by the Ikonos product (Fig. 3). For this purpose a digital elevation model (DEM) with a spatial resolution of 6 m was generated utilizing stereo satellite image data. The orthorectified multispectral images in combination with the derived elevation model were used to detect surfaces like ice, water or ice cliffs semi-automatically. For the lake detection the normalized difference water index (NDWI) developed by Huggel et al. (2002) was used. Two spectral channels with maximum reflectance difference for water (blue- and near infrared-channel) were utilized. In the case of the ice cliffs a combination of the slope, derived from the DEM, and a grayscale filter applied on the panchromatic image yields to the best result. Unfortunately a large number of ice cliffs are not recognized by this approach because of their small size. The method is limited to features that are larger than the pixel size of the fundamental DEM. Therefore these features were picked manually with the aid of the semi-automatic method. To estimate debris cover thickness from thermal satellite imagery an empirical approach was used. Mihalcea et al. (2008) showed the strong correlation between ASTER-derived LST and debris thickness. To obtain a map of moraine thickness distribution we investigated the relation between those two parameters (Fig. 4). For 22 pixels of the ASTER image one or more debris thickness measurements were available. For pixels with more than one measurement the mean value of moraine Results and discussion Discussion Paper 5 | 20 Discussion Paper 15 | 10 Discussion Paper 5 thickness was used for the regression. Three different regressions were tested: (a) an exponential regression (b) a linear regression through the origin and (c) a power law regression. The exponential regression is leading to very thick debris covers for high temperatures, but when compared to debris cover thickness from Wu and Liu (2012) it seems to be the most realistic and therefore is used as the default choice in the following figures. The linear regression through the origin is based on the assumption that the surface temperature of melting ice is 0 ◦ C and if there would be debris present the LST would be higher. The power law regression represents a compromise of the previous regressions. This empirical relationship can now be used to derive debris cover thickness from ASTER LST. To find out how sensitive the model responds to different moraine patterns the three different regressions shown in Fig. 4 were tested. The ASTER image was resampled to a pixel size of 10 m × 10 m so that the ablation model is able to resolve small features like ice cliffs. The resulting debris cover thickness distribution maps are shown in Fig. 5. The total debris cover volume can now be calculated by accumulating the pixel values of the entire debris covered area of the corresponding map. The resulting mean debris thicknesses are shown in Fig. 5. The patterns of the three debris cover thickness distributions are very similar, although the resulting thicknesses differ, especially in the tongue area where the highest values can be assumed. | 5.1 The analysis of the satellite data reveals the areal distribution of features that are relevant for the ablation model (Table 2). The statistic shows that more than 32 % of the entire glacierized area is covered with debris. The areas of ice cliffs occupy 1.70 %, the area of the supraglacial lakes 0.36 % of the debris covered area. 60 | 5314 Discussion Paper 25 Areal distribution of features 5 61 | 5315 Discussion Paper It is stated by several authors that debris covered glaciers respond differently to climate change than bare ice glaciers (Bolch et al., 2008; Sorg et al., 2012; Scherler | 5.3 Influence of debris cover on the response of the glacier terminus Discussion Paper 25 | 20 Discussion Paper 15 In Fig. 6 the modelled ice ablation for the time span of 1 May 2010 to 31 October 2010 is shown. This period covers the entire ablation season, before and after this time period no temperatures above 0 ◦ C were measured at the AWS. To compare the total ice melt of the different regressions for the debris thickness inversion the calculated ablation is presented in Fig. 7. The bare ice ablation, the ice cliff ablation and the sub debris ice ablation beneath supraglacial debris is the same for all of the three regressions due to the model structure. The features are all on the same location and their degree day factors are constant. Therefore the only difference in total ice ablation arises from debris cover thickness that has an effect on the sub debris ice ablation. The sub-debris ice ablation accounts for 16.9 % in the case of the exponential regression, for 17.4 % in the case of the linear regression and for 19.9 % in the case of the power law regression of the entire ice ablation. Although the ice cliffs are relatively small in area (1.7 % of the debris covered area) the melt amount accounts for 13–16 % of the total sub-debris ablation and 2.6–2.7 % of the total ablation respectively (Table 3). These results are not in line with the findings of Sakai et al. (1998), who states that the ice cliff melt amount reaches 69 % of the total ablation at the debris covered area, although the area of ice cliffs occupies less than 2 % of the debris covered area on Lirung glacier in Nepal. Despite the analogy in the fraction of ice cliffs of the debris covered area the ice cliff melt amount differs significantly. The discrepancy can be explained by the fact that Sakai et al. (1998) used an average melt rate for the entire debris covered area and therefore did not account for the spatial distribution of debris thickness. | 10 Role of the spatial distribution of debris thickness patterns Discussion Paper 5.2 5316 | | Discussion Paper 62 Discussion Paper 25 | 20 Discussion Paper 15 | 10 Discussion Paper 5 et al., 2011). During years of negative mass balance the position of the terminus region remains stable while the debris covered parts react by surface lowering. This downwasting behaviour is also reported for the Koxkar glacier (Pieczonka et al., 2013). The significant difference in the terminus evolution is related to the facts that moraine cover is present and the decreasing ice flow velocity due to reduction of ice thickness and surface gradient (Benn et al., 2012). The ablation model allows us to compare melt rates of the debris covered Koxkar glacier with an imaginary debris free glacier. Figure 8 shows the direct comparison of melt rates including a zoomed section of the glacier terminus. It becomes quite clear why debris covered glaciers respond differently on climate warming and negative mass balances. While the melt amount on the bare ice glacier reaches values of approximately 8 m in one ablation season, the ablation on the debris covered glacier almost comes to a standstill. The ice cliffs are the exception and can easily be spotted as melt hotspots with values up to 9 m melt on the debris covered tongue. For the supraglacial lakes a slightly inferior ablation can be observed. Another important point is the melt gradient: the modelled ablation on the bare ice tongue exhibits the temperature- and elevation dependence of the melt rates. In the case of the debris covered glacier this effect is not present. Due to the fact that the curve in Fig. 2 beyond 0.1 m levels out, no significant changes in ablation are observable along the tongue profile (Fig. 9). The shielding effect of the debris cover dominates over the vertical temperature gradient. In Fig. 9 the longitudinal section A–A (Fig. 1) of the tongue of the Koxkar glacier is presented. The DEM is shown as a solid grey line, the ablation of the bare ice glacier and the debris covered glacier are displayed as blue line and black line respectively. In the higher parts, where debris cover thickness is rather small, the differences are not as manifest as in the lower parts, where subdebris ablation almost ceases. Figure 9 also exhibits the influence of the ice cliffs, where the ablation reaches values beyond the bare ice case. The substantial differences between a debris covered and a debris free glacier becomes evident when looking at the total ablation amount. Whereas for the moraine Discussion Paper | 63 | 25 Discussion Paper 20 | 15 The exponential regression of debris cover thickness appears to be the most realistic when compared to the multi-frequency ground penetrating radar measurements from Wu and Liu (2012), who have been able to derive a map of debris cover thickness in the lowest part of the glacier terminus. The results regarding ablation indicate that melt on ice cliffs plays a significant role but not as substantial as stated by Sakai et al. (1998). Our study highlights the influence of debris cover on the response of the glacier terminus to negative mass balance. Due to the fact that melt rates are highly restricted the shielding effect of the debris cover dominates over the temperature and elevation dependence of the ablation in the bare ice case. In addition the reduced melt rates highlight the serious implications with regard to runoff modelling from debris covered glaciers. The comparison of total ablation amount from a debris free and a debris covered glacier underlines the importance to include debris cover into discharge modelling. The representation of debris covered glacier parts in hydrological models is still an unsolved problem. By implementing the presented ablation model into a conceptual runoff model, an improved version of the HBV-ETH-model (Mayr et al., 2014), capable to reproduce runoff from moraine covered glaciers will be created. Moreover, runoff scenarios for changing climate and glaciation conditions can be realised after the cali5317 Discussion Paper 10 Conclusions and outlook | 6 Discussion Paper 5 covered glacier the total ice ablation is in the range of 67–70 × 106 m3 (67 × 106 m3 for the exponential regression, 68× 106 m3 for the linear regression through the origin and 6 3 70 × 10 m for the power law regression), the ice melt at the debris free glacier would 6 3 be 150 × 10 m . Thus, it becomes clear how important the consideration of debris cover in predictions of future melt water availability really is. Our presented results do not support the statement of Kaab et al. (2012), that the insulating effect of debris layers with thicknesses exceeding a critical thickness acts on local scales of intact covers, but not in general on the spatial scale of entire glacier tongues. 5 10 | 64 Discussion Paper 5318 | 25 Discussion Paper 20 | 15 Aizen, V. B., Aizen, E. M., Melack, J. 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Geocryol., 28, 477–484, 2006. 5310 | Discussion Paper 66 | 5320 Discussion Paper | Satellite Spectral range Multi-spectral 1 = Blue 2 = Green 3 = Red 4 = NIR Pan 445–516 nm 506–595 nm 632–698 nm 757–853 nm 526–929 nm Panchromatic Pixel resolution 4m 1m Discussion Paper Band number | Ikonos-2 Sensor Discussion Paper Table 1. Ikonos satellite sensor specifications. | Discussion Paper 67 | 5321 Discussion Paper | Discussion Paper Table 2. Horizontally projected area of the melt relevant surface types on the Koxkar glacier derived from satellite imagery mapping. Feature area | 2 65.60 km 21.17 km2 0.36 km2 0.08 km2 Discussion Paper Entire glacierized area Debris covered area Cliffs Supraglacial lakes | Discussion Paper 68 | 5322 Discussion Paper | power law regression 2.71 % 2.72 % 2.62 % 15.6 % 16.06 % 13.17 % Discussion Paper ice cliff ablation of the total ablation ice cliff ablation of total sub debris ice ablation exponential regression | linear regression through the origin Discussion Paper Table 3. Percentage of ice cliff melt off total ablation and sub-debris ablation respectively. | Discussion Paper 69 | 5323 Discussion Paper | Discussion Paper | Discussion Paper | 70 | 5324 Discussion Paper Fig. 1. (a) The location of the Koxkar glacier in western China. (b) An orthoimage in black and white of the debris covered glacier, including the position of the AWS and the profile A–A . Discussion Paper | Discussion Paper | Discussion Paper | 71 | 5325 Discussion Paper Fig. 2. Degree day factors of individual stakes plotted against debris cover thickness. The 2 black line represents the empirical equations used in the ablation model. R – coefficient of determination and S – standard error of the regression. Discussion Paper | Discussion Paper | Discussion Paper | 5326 | 72 Discussion Paper Fig. 3. (a) Overview of the study area with glacier outlines. (b) Detail of the glacier tongue. Ice cliffs and supraglacial lakes have been mapped manually. Discussion Paper | Discussion Paper | Discussion Paper | 73 | 5327 Discussion Paper Fig. 4. Debris cover thickness (DCT) vs. ASTER LST with three different regression methods. 2 R – coefficient of determination and S – standard error of the regression. Discussion Paper | Discussion Paper | Discussion Paper | Fig. 5. (a) Debris cover thickness distribution derived from LST for the exponential regression (coefficients as in Fig. 4). (b) Difference in DCT for the linear regression through the origin relative to the exponential regression. (c) Difference in DCT for the power law regression relative to the exponential regression. Discussion Paper 74 | 5328 Discussion Paper | Discussion Paper | Discussion Paper | Fig. 6. (a) Distribution of total ice ablation for the exponential regression during the time span of 1 May 2010 to 31 October 2010. (b) Difference in ablation for the linear regression through the origin relative to the exponential regression. (c) Difference in ablation for the power law regression relative to the exponential regression. Discussion Paper 75 | 5329 Discussion Paper | Discussion Paper | Discussion Paper | Fig. 7. Sum of ablation for the time span of 1 May 2010 to 31 October 2010 for different debris cover thickness regressions. Discussion Paper 76 | 5330 Discussion Paper | Discussion Paper | Discussion Paper | Fig. 8. Distribution of ice ablation for the time span of 1 May 2010 to 31 October 2010. (a) debris covered Koxkar glacier using the exponential regression (b) imaginary bare ice glacier. Discussion Paper 5331 | 77 Discussion Paper | Discussion Paper | Discussion Paper | 5332 | 78 Discussion Paper Fig. 9. DEM (grey line), ice ablation (blue line) and subdebris ablation (black line) along the profile A–A (Fig. 1) for the exponential regression of debris cover thickness. Chapter 6 Conclusions and Outlook The current chapter refers to the publications included in the presented thesis. It consolidates the discrete conclusions of the individual academic papers and contains consequences that derive from the results. Hence, it provides an outlook and suggestions for future studies. The ablation of debris covered glacier ice depends on the meteorological conditions and the properties of the supraglacial debris cover. The effects of lithology and grain size on melt rates underneath supraglacial debris mantles are significant for the ablation on debris covered glaciers. The thermal conductivity is the most suitable parameter to represent the thermal properties of the debris. This bulk parameter summarizes the rock type itself, but also the porosity of the layer and the filling of the pore volume. The field experiments on the Vernagtferner affirm the dependence of the subdebris ice melt on the layer thickness. Highly porous Tephra covers provide more insulation due to more air inclusions and therefore less heat transfer than a more dense material. Higher porosity also leads to a higher potential saturation. Due to the displacement of the air inclusions by water, thermal conductivity increases and more heat can be transported to the debris/ice interface. Higher melt rates are the consequence. Debris covered glaciers are a prominent feature in remote regions like the Tien Shan, the Himalaya or the Karakoram. Often these glaciers are difficult to access and field work is time consuming and expensive. Therefore remote sensing is a suitable tool for monitoring debris covered glaciers, but the determination of the extent of these glaciers introduces new challenges. The surface of debris covered glacier tongues and the surrounding rock material are difficult to discriminate from each other. Thermal infrared images can be utilized for surface classification, but are restricted with current remote sensing applications. Depending on the acquisition time of the image and the prevailing meteorological conditions, the thermal difference between the a 79 80 Conclusions and Outlook supraglacial and a periglacial surface can be well pronounced or barely discernible. For the estimation of debris cover thickness distribution from remote sensing data field measurements are needed to derive an empirical relationship between surface temperature and debris thickness. To answer the question at which depth of moraine cover no thermal difference between ice cored and non ice cored surfaces exist, a numerical surface energy balance model was tested on the Vernagtferner. Utilizing the difference of day and night surface temperatures to investigate the thermo-physical signature of different surface classes seems promising. However, two satellite images of the same day are required for this, which in practice can not be accomplished with satellite systems currently available. To quantify the ablation processes on a debris covered glacier, a distributed ablation model has been developed and applied to the Koxkar glacier in the Aksu catchment. Ice cliffs play a significant role but not as substantial as stated by other authors. The downwasting behaviour of the debris covered glacier terminus due to negative mass balance and climate warming can be explained by the fact, that melt rates are highly restricted beneath debris of more than approximately 10 cm in thickness. The shielding effect of the moraine cover dominates over the temperature and elevation dependence of the ablation in comparison to a bare ice glacier. Reduced melt rates highlight the serious implications with regard to runoff modelling from debris covered glaciers. The comparison of total ablation amount from a debris free and a debris covered glacier underlines the importance to include debris cover into discharge modelling. Taking into account that debris cover has a major impact on predictions of fresh water availability and sea level rise much research remains to be done. The representation of debris covered glacier parts in hydrological models is still an unsolved problem. By implementing the presented ablation model (Chapter 5) into a conceptual runoff model, an improved version of the HBV-ETH model (Mayr et al. in preparation), capable to reproduce runoff from moraine covered glaciers will be created. Moreover, runoff scenarios for changing climate and glaciation conditions can be realized. Results from regional and local climate modelling with the models REMO and FOOT3DK (AKSU TARIM-CLIM) will serve as input for the improved HBV-ETH model version, allowing to run the model with the output of sophisticated climate modelling. Appendix A Visual fieldwork impressions Fieldwork Vernagtferner (Ötztal Alps, Austria): Figure A.1: (a) Ursula Blumthaler and Anna Wirbel sieving debris material (17 June 2010). (b) Entire test site at the tongue of the Vernagtferner (30 June 2010). Figure A.2: (a) Test site four weeks after installation (20 July 2010). In comparison to the bare ice the differential ablation is clearly visible. (b) Setup of the test site for the thermal infrared camera experiment (15 September 2010). 81 82 Visual fieldwork impressions Fieldwork Koxkar Glacier (Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, China): Figure A.3: Heavily debris covered terminus of the Koxkar Glacier. Photos: Han Haidong, 12 August 2010. Figure A.4: Supraglacial lake and adjacent ice cliffs before (10 August 2010) and after the outburst (19 August 2010) of the pond. 83 Figure A.5: (a) Installing ablation stakes in the upper part of an ice cliff (12 August 2010). (b) Ablation stakes on ice cliffs surrounding a former supraglacial lake (18 August 2010). 84 Bibliography Benn, D., S. Wiseman, and K. Hands, 2001: Growth and drainage of supraglacial lakes on debrismantled Ngozumpa Glacier, Khumbu Himal, Nepal. Journal of Glaciology, 47 (159), 626 – 638, doi:10.3189/172756501781831729. 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Thanks also to my colleagues from the Department of Geography at the LudwigMaximilians-University in Munich, who lent a helping hand when it came to fieldwork and always provided stimulating discussions. The debriefing session with you after meetings always cheered me up and encouraged me to stick with it. I also would like to thank Dr. Michael Kuhn, who is a passionate scientist and an outstanding professor. He promoted my enthusiasm for natural science since I started my studies. Furthermore I would like to thank the staff and my colleagues at the Institute of Meteorology and Geophysics at the University of Innsbruck. I always felt very welcome and I enjoyed the beneficial discussions that helped me to progress with my work. I would like to express my sincere thanks to Dr. Uli Wetzel who offered me the great opportunity to work at the Inylchek glacier in Kyrgyzstan. It has been a pleasure to collaborate with the people from the German Research Centre for Geosciences (GFZ) in Potsdam and the Central-Asian Institute for Applied Geosciences (CAIAG). I also acknowledge Maria Shahgedanova from the Walker Institute for Climate System Research, University of Reading, UK. She provided two meteorological stations for the experiments at the Vernagtferner. I owe my deepest gratitude to my family for all their love and encouragement. 91 92 Marita, you are one of a kind, thanks for your support and for your love. Lastly, I offer my regards to the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (MA 3347/4-1), the Austrian Academy of Science and the Bavarian Ministry of Environment for the funding of my work. Curriculum Vitae Martin Juen Josephsburgstr. 94a D-81673 Munich Born on 23rd of March 1980 in Zams, Austria [email protected] Education: 2010–2013 Research assistant and Ph.D. student in the group of Dr. C. Mayer at the Commission for Geodesy and Glaciology. Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities. Munich (Germany). 2008–2010 Diploma thesis under the guidance of Dr. A. Fischer, Institute of Meteorology and Geophysics, University of Innsbruck: Laserscanmessungen zur Bestimmung der Ablation im schuttbedeckten Teil des Hintereisferner. 2004–2010 Diploma study at the University of Innsbruck (Austria). Master of Natural Science (Magister rerum naturalium) in Meteorology. 1994–1999 Hoehere Technische Lehranstalt für Tiefbau. Innsbruck (Austria). Matura. 1990–1994 High School – Bundesrealgymnasium. Landeck (Austria). 1986–1990 Elementary School – Volksschule. Flirsch (Austria). 93 94 Vocational Experience: 2002–2004 Compilation of specification, call for tenders and construction supervision. Architekturbüro Falch. Landeck (Austria). 2001–2002 Basic and detailed planning of cellular phone network transmitting stations. ProCad. Innsbruck (Austria). 2000–2001 Basic and detailed planning of cellular phone network transmitting stations. Abel Kommunikationstechnik. Zirl (Austria). 1999–2000 Alternative civilian service. Rotes Kreuz Bezirksstelle Landeck (Austria). technical skills: Languages German: native speaker. English: fluently written and spoken. Spanish: basic knowledge. Computer skills Windows and Linux OS, Microsoft Office and Open Office, CAD software, GIS software, Matlab, Polyworks. since 1998 Member of the mountain rescue team – Flirsch. Training courses: Regular Student at the Summer School Karthaus 2011. Ice Sheets and Glaciers in the Climate System, organised by Hans Oerlemans, IMAU, Utrecht. List of presentations Posters: Juen, M. and A. Fischer, 2010: Laserscan measurements to determine the ablation at the debriscovered part of the Hintereisferner. Alpine Glaciology Meeting 2010, February 2010, Milan, Italy. Juen, M., C. Mayer, E. Mayr, A. Lambrecht, W. Hagg, H. Haidong and L. Shiyin, 2011: Ablation and runoff generation on debris covered Keqikar glacier in the upper Aksu catchment, China. European Geosciences Union Vienna, April 2011, Vienna, Germany. Mayer, C., A. Lambrecht, K. Eder, M. Juen and L. Qiao, 2012: Ice cliff ablation derived from high resolution surface models, based on close-range photogrammetry. European Geosciences Union Vienna, April 2011, Vienna, Germany. Juen, M., E. Mayr, W. Hagg and C. Mayer, 2011: Present and future runoff generation on debris covered glaciers in the upper Aksu catchment, China. 21. Jahrestagung des Arbeitskreises Hochgebirge – Interaktionsraum Hochgebirge. Herausforderung für die Wissenschaft, February 2012, Munich, Germany. Juen, M., C. Mayer and K. Eder, 2012: Determination of debris cover surface temperature using infrared thermography. Alpine Glaciology Meeting Zürich, February 2012, Zürich, Switzerland. Lambrecht, A., M. Juen, A. Wirbel, C. Mayer, U. Küppers, L. Seybold and M. Shahgedanova, 2012: Ice melt underneath a supra-glacial debris cover: interactions between meteorology and debris properties based on field experiments. European Geosciences Union Vienna, April 2012, Vienna, Germany. 95 96 Oral presentations: Juen, M. and E. Mayr, 2010: Modellierung von Schmelze und Abfluss in einem Einzugsgebiet mit schuttbedeckten Gletscherteilen. Seminar Meteorologisches Institut München, December 2010, Munich, Germany. Juen, M., C. Mayer, E. Mayr, A. Lambrecht, W. Hagg, H.Haidong and L. Shiyin, 2011: Ablation model design on debris covered Keqikar glacier in the upper Aksu catchment, China. Alpine Glaciology Meeting Munich, February 2011, Munich, Germany. Juen, M., C. Mayer, A. Lambrecht, A. Wirbel and U. Küppers, 2012: Field experiments to assess the effect of lithology and grain size on the ablation of debris covered glaciers. European Geosciences Union Vienna, April 2012, Vienna, Austria. 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