CV / R E S U M E - A V I V A J O Ë L


CV / R E S U M E - A V I V A J O Ë L
Aviva Joël, Kienastenwiesweg 36b, 8053 Zurich
email: [email protected]
CV / R E S U M E - A V I V A J O Ë L
Stage name:
Place of birth:
Color of eyes:
Color of hairs:
Aviva Joël
Tel Aviv, Israel
Switzerland, Israel
5 feet 6 inches - 1.65 m
dark brown
Hebrew, English, German, Swiss German, French, Italien
. Received matriculation diploma for university in Israel
. Acting school, 2 ½ years, Zurich / Switzerland
. Acting courses at Lee Strasberg, New York (Nicolas Ray)
München: Joa van Overstraaten
Pinkbambis GbR
Tauernweg 8, D-82538 Geretsried
phone 0049 / 08171/3864434, fax 0049 / 08171/ 3864437
e-mail: [email protected]
Tel Aviv: Mrs. Rodika Alkalei Dizengoff-Street 26
phone 00972 / 3 528 48 96 fax 00972 / 3 629 23 74
Current address:
Aviva Joël
Kienastenwiesweg 36b, 8053 Zurich / Switzerland
phone / fax 0041 / 44 980 24 51 (home)
0041 / 78 811 56 58
email: [email protected]
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Aviva Joël, Kienastenwiesweg 36b, 8053 Zurich
email: [email protected]
Acting experience:
 2011 -“Im Namen Gottes” Nine-Eleven, Kirchen St. Peter
Zürich, directed by Peter Holliger.
 2007-“Lass uns hören jenen vollen Klang der Welt”,
interreligious / literary concert, Zurich, Basel, Cologne
(Germany), concept by Philippe Dätwyler, church St.
Peter, Zurich, church Bruder Klaus, Liestal,
Versönhungskirche, Cologne (Germany), Trinitatiskirche,
Cologne (Germany)
 2007-“Schwestern Schwestern”, Zurich, Chur, directed by
Thea Dumsch, Coproduction Theater Vertigo, Klibühni
Das Theater and sogar theatre.
 2002- „Toter Pullover“, Zurich, Theater an der
Winkelwiese (Coproduction of Theater Tuchlaube Aarau,
Schlachthaus Theater Bern, Raum 33 Basel), written by
Lukas Holliger, directed by Gian Manuel Rau.
 2000- „Es ist nie zu spät“, written by Andrew Bergman
Bernhard Theater, Zurich, directed by Reiner Günter.
 2000- "Sonja Mushkat" written by Savyon Liebrecht,
Miller's Studio Zurich, directed by Klaus Henner Russius.
 1996 - "Tischlein Deck Dich" of Gebrüder Grimm,Biel /
Solothurn, directed by Charlotte Huldi.
 1996 - „Tanzmarathon“ written by Bethina Schmid, Zurich
(Switzerland), directed by Bethina Schmid.
 1996 - „Aus dem Wortschatz unserer Kämpfe“ written by
Martin Walser directed by Marianne de Pury. Theater
Winkelwiese, Zurich (Switzerland).
 1983 - Peter Brook-Company „L’OS“ directed by Malic
Bowens performed at Madrid (Spain), Rome and Napoli
Movie experience:
 2011 – “Sturm Der Liebe”, directed by Stefan Jonas,
Bavaria Fernsehprouktion
 2010 - MEINE MUTTER, HEINRICH UND ICH, ", directed
by Reinhard Münster, Bavaria Fernsehprouktion.
 2010 - AKTENZEICHEN XY "Do-Axt", directed by Thomas
Pauli, Securitel, München.
 2010 - RUCHOT HAZAFON, Israel, directed by Dina
Perlstein, Dina Perlstein production.
 2009 - „EXTINCTION – The G.M.O. chronicles”, Cinema
Ergo Sum Filmproduktion, Köln.
 2008 - “DIE SCHWARZE WITWE”, directed by Jann
Anderegg, Filmakademie B.Württemberg.
 2008 - “Im Angesicht des Verbrechens”, directed by
Dominik Graf, Typhoon Film AG, Berlin.
 2008 - Wilsberg „Der Mann am Fenster“, directed by
R.Münster, ZDF, Köln.
 2008 - Aktenzeichen XY „Treibgut“, directed by Erwin
Keusch, Securitel, München.
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Aviva Joël, Kienastenwiesweg 36b, 8053 Zurich
email: [email protected]
 2007 - „Happy Birthday David“, directed by Song Yun
Long, F+F Schule für Kunst und Mediendesign, Zurich.
 2005 - “Grounding – Die letzten Tage der Swissair”,
directed by Michael Steiner, Zürich, C-Films AG
 2005 - „Geranienkrieg“, directec by Loa Siegrist, Zurich
 2005 - „Lüthi & Blanc“, directed by Hans Liechti, Sabina
Boss Soap, C-Films, Zurich
 2005 - “Bewerbungsfilm - dffb” Deutsche Filmhochschule
Berlin, Zurich.
 2003 - „Alphateam“, , Multimedia GmbH Hamburg.
 2000 - "Leo und Claire", directed by Joseph Vilsmaier,
München/Nürnberg, Perathon Film- und Fernseh GmbH,
Odeon Pictures GmbH.
 1998 - "Liebesgrüsse aus dem Internet", directed by
Barbara Weibel, Zürich, production Marcello Weiss for
Schlips SF2.
 1997 - "Pax Montana - Strahlen des Wahns", directed by
Bruno Kiser, European coproduction.
 1997 - "Family secrets", directed by Niza Goren Israeli
 1995 - „Sehnsucht der Prinzessin“, directed by Stephan
Meichtry, Filmhochschule Zurich.
 1994 - „Stephanie’s Geschenk“, directed by Mathieu Seiler
 1994 - „Notruf“, Endemol Entertainment, German TV
 1993 - „The Mindbender“, directed by Ken Russel
 „Ein klarer Fall“, directed by Rolf Lyssy.
 1989 - „Aba Ganuv II“, directed by Jehuda Barkan, Roi Filmproduction, Israel.
 „Little Drummer Girl“, directed by J.Roy Hill.
 „Das Arche Noah Prinzip“, Filmhochschule-München
directed by Roland Emmerich.
 „Ein Stück Himmel“, German TV (WDR Bavaria) directed
by Franz Peter Wirth.
 „Boing Boing“, German TV (WDR) directed by Dieter
 „Der doppelte Moritz, German TV (WDR).
 „Die Soldaten“, directed by Peter Bauvais.
 „Konfrontation“, directed by Rolf Lyssy.
 2003 - „Schmerz und Revolte“, Overvoicing – RAYA,
Proton Studio, Zürich.
 1995 - „Uniti siamo piu forti“, Arbeitslosenprojekt, Lugano.
 1993 - „Gusch Emunim“, TV-Studio Zürich.
 1993 - „Judaism“, TV-Studio Zürich.
 1988 - „Der Tagstreicher“ U.W. Wesbank, DRS Basel.
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Aviva Joël, Kienastenwiesweg 36b, 8053 Zurich
email: [email protected]
Documentary film:
 2010 - Brand/Corporatefilm Credit Suisse, München,
Unitedsenses GmbH, directed by Markus Schmidt.
 2009 - Layoutfilm InterPharma, Zürich, Pumpkin Film AG.
 2009 - Corporatefilm Clariden Leu, Zürich, irrlicht-film,
directed by Ingo Rudloff.
 2009 - Brand/Corporatefilm Credit Suisse, Zürich, Allabout
Production & Services AG.
 2006 - SuvaLiv – Velohelm „Alles anders“, Condor Films
 2005 - Migros „Survival“, Zürich, Pumpkin Film AG.
 2003 - Migros „Kulturprozent“, Zürich, Pumpkin Film AG.
 "Die Zweiten Flitterwochen" allcom productions ag,
 2000 - UBS-Schulungsfilm, Zürich 1999 directed by Jörg
 1995 - N.B.C. Auftragsfilm.
 1993 - „Hr. Ackermann“ Schweizerische Bankvereinigung
 1989 - „Behindertengerechtes Bauen“, directed by
R.Radanovic Condor Production, Zürich.
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