Info The newest products from Edmund Optics
Info The newest products from Edmund Optics
ILEE Info The newest products from Edmund Optics Ask for the newest catalogue To order from us is easier and more economical than from Edmund! How do order: In Swiss Francs or Euros 1. Identify product order number in the US catalogue or from the Edmund US Website. Prices shown are in US$. 2. Ask for a Swiss franc offer stating the product code. 3. Purchase ex works Urdorf as usual in Swiss Francs Fully imported and customs cleared and against invoice* Or 1. Identify product order number in the Euro catalogue or Edmund DE Website. Prices are in € 2. Purchase ex works Urdorf usually or the same price in € as you would from Germany. Fully imported and customs cleared and against invoice* (Customers without credit limit prepaid). NEWS OPTICS Broadband Dielectric Coated Right Angle Mirrors Electronically Variable Optical Diffuser Dichroic Longpass Filters NEWS MECHANICS Metric Polarizer Mounts C-Mount Motorized Shutter X-Y-Z Translating Optic Mounts NEWS IMAGING Compact Instrumentation Imaging Lenses EO USB 2.0 CMOS Machine Vision Cameras Megapixel Finite Conjugate µVideo™ Imaging Lenses I.L.E.E. AG - CH 8902 Urdorf Tel +41 (0)44 736 11 11, Fax +41 (0)44 736 11 12 E-mail: [email protected] / Internet: © 2013 I.L.E.E. AG, Urdorf / Switzerland; Für dieses Dokument behalten wir uns alle Rechte vor / We reserve all rights in connection with this document