Remote Educational Experiment Applied To the Discipline of
Remote Educational Experiment Applied To the Discipline of
Remote Educational Experiment Applied To the Discipline of Control Systems J. M. Neto1-2, C.S.Silva1, A. D. Spacek1-2, O H. A. Junior1-2 1 2 School of Engineering, Department of Electrical Engineering SATC, Criciúma-Sc (Brazil) School of Engineering UFRGS, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul Porto Alegre-Rs (Brazil) Abstract— Engineering education has become a relevant aspect for most countries since it has been recognized that skilled engineers are important for optimization of production processes to ensure high productivity and quality. Considering education on control systems, a key issue for more efficiency processes, this paper presents the development of an educational experiment concerning remote control applied to a pneumatic levitation system. The proposed architecture is based on the use of an Arduino Uno and Ethernet shield, whose function is to interface between the experiment and the Internet. The user can access the control experiment through an application developed in Java, which allows the students to choose the model of the controller (P, PI and PID) they want to study, change its parameters simultaneously and view system response through graphics and webcam. The results obtained with the experiment proved promising the potential application of that type of architecture. In this context, the use of experimentation remote collaborated for learning of students on the specific area of control systems. Keywords: Arduino; Remote Experiment; Engineering Education. I. INTRODUTION The consolidated use of the Internet as a tool for sharing information, along with the development of modern mechanisms of control, acquisition and distribution of data through computer networks, are stimulating the emergence of virtual learning environments. Observing this panorama, universities look for different ways to enthuse and motivate their students who have difficulties adapting to the traditional teaching techniques applied in the classroom. Such difficulty is justified by the high volume of information and the way people use the content to which they are exposed. In search of solutions, there are several studies involving new teaching methods, referred to as desirable methods, which are alternatives that help and facilitate the understanding of the subjects taught in the classroom for this new generation of "plugged-in people". [5] Nowadays, engineers, technologists and researchers whose needs, applications, and requirements quickly change, need the flexibility to create their own solutions. This is a reality in the labour market and strengthens on the academic environment, where students need the freedom to experiment without fear of damaging equipments and components. However, real experiments installed in laboratories of educational institutions are usually expensive, that is, besides the cost of the equipment the institution needs to pay for the maintenance, installation and possible replacement of materials used in the real experiment. Associated with these economic factors there is the increasing number of students, which reflects on the increasing number of laboratories at universities and other educational institutions. [12] The remote experimentation emerges as an extremely interesting alternative to limited availability of university laboratories in Brazil for disciplines involving electronics and control system. One observes the necessity of using simulators and prototypes to demonstrate the operation and application of the concepts obtained in the classroom, which will help the student understand the concepts taught. Laboratories are used to help fixing the theoretical principles demonstrated in practice [1]. When used properly, they can enthuse, motivate and inspire students, since it can be accessed at any time and will be connected to the global network of computers, available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. With this availability of access, it becomes easy for the user to interact with the remote practical activity. The existing laboratory models generally consist of a set of hardware and software technologies, which can take several different configurations, depending on the chosen technological means used in its implementation. [5] [14] [13] Thus, the purpose of this study is to implement a remote educational experiment focused on supporting practical activities in the discipline of control systems present in the course curriculum of Electrical Engineering, Technology and Industrial Automation. This way, the student will be able to control the levitation of a Styrofoam ball through a tube driven by an air pump. The student will have dynamically access in real time to a graphical interface system response, along with the video image via webcam connected online to the prototype, addressing topics related to the discipline. Thus, the student will be able to access the parameters of the digital PID controller through a visual interface via web. Through the website, he will be able to schedule the time to use the experiment and answer the questions elaborated by the teacher. ICBL2013 – International Conference on Interactive Computer aided Blended Learning Page 369 II. EXPERIMENT ARCHITECTURE Figure 1 shows the basic diagram architecture of the remote experiment, where the main characteristics regarding the structure proposed are detailed below. [2] function of identifying Arduino UNO in the network by its MAC (Media Access Control), a physical address associated with the communication interface that connects a device to the internet network. When the user uses the visual interface, this will search for the programmed MAC in the network that establishes the connection to the experiment. [4] [11] [10] Figure 2. Basic Operation Diagram of Data Traffic. Figure 1. Architecture of the Remote Experiment. A. Hardware Implementation This block consists of an Arduino Uno, composed of an electronic board based on the ATMEGA328 chip, produced by Atmel, which has 14 input or output digital pins, from which 6 can be used as PWM outputs, 6 analog inputs, includes a crystal oscillator 16 MHz, USB controller, a supply connection and a connector ICSP. [7] [9]. However, to connect to the internet network is required to use the Ethernet shield, with the main purpose of receiving and sending information through the IEEE 802.3 protocol. Among the different options of controllers with Ethernet communication functions, the model used in this study was the Microchip ENC28J60. Refer to TABLE for further details. [10] [4] When the user access the interface to perform the experiment, he will have levitation control of the Styrofoam ball through the electric air pump motor via data transmission network (see Fig 2). The Arduino UNO will control by pulse-width modulation, termed PWM and to measure the height of the Styrofoam ball the component used is the HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor. In Figure 3 the system is shown. TABLE 1. TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF ENC28J60. [4][10] MAC PHY TX/RX RAM Buffer (Bytes) Interrupt pin LED Operating Voltage (V) Minimum Temperature (°C) Maximum Temperature (°C) Communication Pre-programmed MAC address Security Mechanisms Ethernet Controller Yes Yes 8192 1 2 3.3 -40 85 SPI No No 10Base-T Figure 2 shows in detail the structure of the data transmission system proposed. The Ethernet schield board is represented by chip ENC28J60 from Microchip, as it is the main component of the board. The Arduino UNO communicates with the chip through the SPI bus, as the name itself indicates, is a standard serial communication interface among device controllers and synchronous peripheral widely used nowadays. The chip has the Figure 3. Connection Scheme of the Proposed System ICBL2013 – International Conference on Interactive Computer aided Blended Learning Page 370 B. Prototype Assembly The levitator tube of the Styrofoam ball was built based on the Bernoulli principle, which ensures that for a flow with no viscosity the increase in fluid speed occurs simultaneously with a decrease in pressure or a reduction in the potential energy of the fluid. This effect is known as the Bernoulli principle created by Daniel Bernoulli, Swiss scientist of the eighteenth century, who identified the relationship between speed and pressure. The Bernoulli principle can be demonstrated using a Venturi tube, see Figure 4. Through this perspective, the experiment may be used in the lower levels of bachelor's degree programs. [15] After confirming the functionality of the tube, was initiated the assembly stage, by using a PVC pipe with 50mm diameter and 700 mm in length. After making the cut-outs, the box displayed in Figure 6 (b) was used for fixation of the tube and accommodation of Figure 6 components (c) (g) (b), creating an equipment protected from accidental interventions and aesthetically appropriate to different environments. Concluding the initial assembly was confectioned a tube that meets the methodology of Bernoulli and Venturi, making it visible to the user of the equipment Figure 6 (f), so that it would be sufficiently transparent making visible the ball to the user (see Figure 6 (d) (e)). Satisfactory results were obtained with the conclusion of the assembly, see Figure 6 (c). Figure 4. Venturi Tube Model. The concept was applied to this work in a differentiated way, that rather than narrowing in the centre, it occurs around the perimeter of the ball, where remains in an airstream, due to low pressure created around its surface. See Figure 5. While the air passes through the tube and reaches the part identified in Figure 5 with block (A), the air flow speeds and places the ball in the centre of the tube. The high speed airflow that flows by the sides causes the side-thrust effect, a kind of perpendicular force towards the ball. Refer to Figure 5 and Table. Figure 6. Prototype Assembly. C. Software Implementation Figure 5. Venturi Tube Model Applied to This Study. TABLE 2. BLOCK DESCRIPTION REFERRING TO THE FIGURE ABOVE. Block A B Purpose Surrounding air with high pressure exerts a restoring force on the ball, leaving it in balance, floating point. Air speeds up around the Styrofoam ball and creates a pocket of low-pressure air. The software implementation was partially developed. During the prototype functionality testing phase was created the PID control algorithm, then was initiated the implementation of the communication among the experiment and the internet, divided in Arduino UNO and PHP programming language. For the development of PID algorithm was used the library named PID_V1, available at the Arduino website [9], however some adaptations were carried out to its operation in this study. The PID library will perform the calculations using proportional, integral and derivative parameters, determined by the user based on the height of the ball, defining an output value, sending to the main program a variable called Output. To conduct data ICBL2013 – International Conference on Interactive Computer aided Blended Learning Page 371 collection the library was added to the main program (Ultrasonic) Figure 7, responsible for calculating the height of the Styrofoam ball, through the data received by the HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor (see Figure 3), used to identify the system response. Pin 7 of Arduino UNO was named (pwm1), predefined as a PWM output that will control the motor speed. When starting the program, initially it will check the height of the ball and the control parameters, being sent the data to the PID library, it performs the calculations and decrease or increase the motor speed through the 8 bits output (Output), which may vary from 0 to 255. [7] [9] The Arduino communication with the Internet is carried with the help of a computer that has the server role of the page developed in PHP, a sort of database. This page in PHP has the function of sending and receiving data from the server connected to the internet, and in turn connected to the Internet shield adapter along with Arduino UNO integrated to the experiment. The use of PHP is due to not having total processing application on the user's computer, facilitating the speed of data processing. Since its operation is based on the network connection, all data from the virtual environment are located on a global computer server, and can therefore, be accessed from anywhere. Then, as seen previously in the algorithm to communicate Arduino UNO to the Internet (Figure 8), this has two lines of experiment identification called Byte IP and port that serve as identification of this experiment to the network. After developing the PHP algorithm (Figure 9), is observed the presence of a line called socket_connect ($ sock,'' Byte'' IP, port), that is, PHP connects to the IP and port (Figure 9), which shall be equal to the algorithm of Arduino UNO, according to Figure 8. [3] [8] [6] Figure 7 - PID Control Algorithm. With the conclusion of PID algorithm was started the development of Arduino UNO communication algorithm, with the Ethernet shield adapter for sending and receiving the data into PHP. At first, Arduino UNO connects to any network through its IP address (byte ip) and port (int port), as can be seen in Figure 8. Connected to the network, the program starts the IC ENC28J60 through the subroutine (server_int ()), chip located in the Internet Shield adapter, responsible for converting data of SPI bus, from Arduino UNO to TCP-IP protocol, used in the network [10]. Then, the program enters the subroutine (loop), when any data is delivered by the network it will be stored in the input BUFFER and converted to a variable, this will be checked by the function (switch), if any, it will be assigned the programmed function, failing that, nothing will happen. Referring to the data sent from Arduino UNO to the network, each data is assigned to a variable and stored in the output BUFFER, by the end of the subroutine cycle the data will be sent by the command (client_send_receive). [9] [10] [7] Figure 8 - Algoritmo para enviar e receber dados PHP. Figure 9 – PHP Communication Algorithm. D. Interaction With the Experiment Environment The languages used in the development of the whole visual environment were PHP for communication among the website and the experiment, HTML for static and structural effects, and finally Java Script along with AJAX for dynamic data such as graphics and control displays. The proposal is that the user interacts with the experiment anywhere connected to the internet, where will have full control of the experiment, such as changing PID parameters in real time without having to disconnect the equipment. Thus, will be able to visualize the system behaviour with more detail with every change made. Will be able to connect and disconnect the experiment whenever one wants, check the graphical system response and real time image through the camera of the experiment to have more reliability and enthusiasm on what is being ICBL2013 – International Conference on Interactive Computer aided Blended Learning Page 372 done. The experiment interaction environment was placed on a webpage, see Figure 10. and similar to the laboratories of educational environments, which can provide a better learning for students of Electrical Engineering. The subject covered has various conceptual contents taught in the classroom throughout the course that can be better fixed with practical activities in real laboratories. To organize access to the experiment was developed of a scheduling system, integrated with Moodle environment, it was possible to restrict the access to the experiment. In order to access the levitation system page, the user must login into Moodle and schedule the desired time to access the experiment. On the scheduling page, as in Figure 11, it is possible to see all the reserved times, each scheduled time reserves 30 minutes for that particular user, however each user can register as many times as desired. It is also possible to see a list of the reserved times and users. Only the user with the scheduled time has access levitation system. At the scheduled time, the user just login into Moodle and access the experiment´s link. If the user tries to make a direct access to the experiment’s link, he will be redirected to Moodle’s login page. It is also possible to see the other experiments available in the laboratory, and if the user desires, the access to any free experiments can also be scheduled. Figure 10. Environment interaction with remote experiment. The web page above shows where the levitation system can be visualized in order to verify ball in levitation. Beside it, there is the PHP that permits the user to visualize ball in levitation in the graphic and control the parameters of PID controller. This application has several mechanisms to interact with the user; the functions of each item are depicted in Figure 10. Table 3 shows in detail the purpose of each block in the interaction environment developed for the application. TABLE 3 DESCRIPTION OF THE BLOCKS IN THE EXPERIMENT ENVIRONMENT Block Name 1 Levitation Graphic 2 Switch on or off Turn on or turn off the pneumatic levitation 3 Selection of the experiment parameters Select the values of the setpoint and PID controller parameters (kp, ki and kd) 4 Show the application Purpose Visualize the values of ball levitation and the setpoint over time. Visualize the experiment levitating ball Figure 11: Booking System. Analyzing the records of students’ accesses to some experimental data (see Fig. 12), it is visible that while some students prefer to access the remote experiment at night, others prefer to work on it in the early afternoon. Each student can choose the best time to conduct their practice on the experiment. and III. ANALYSIS OF RESULTS The main idea of this study is to conduct a remote experiment mainly applied to the area of control system Figure 12: Record of students’ accesses to the remote experiment. ICBL2013 – International Conference on Interactive Computer aided Blended Learning Page 373 The obtained results were very positive, it can be observe by report of access indicates that most students accepted the environment and contributes to fix the idea of using remote laboratories with mixed environments is more used as a learning strategy in teaching of school. Using the remote environment, 40 students from the discipline of Control Systems (Graduate Course in Industrial Technology and Electrical Engineering) participated in a blended learning scenario. From a questionnaire responded by the students, it is possible to note that most of the students accepted the environment and collaborate to the idea of utilization of remote labs as a learning strategy. Table 4 shows some of the questions answered by the students. One of the most important characteristics of the proposed environment highlighted by the students is the flexibility of time to use the experiment. TABLE 4. QUIZ QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS. Did the experiment contribute to better understand the concepts developed in the discipline of control systems? Excellent Good Regular Bad 39% 31% 17% 13% What is your impression about developing remote experiments to control systems? Excellent Good Regular Bad 42% 37% 13% 8% In your opinion, is there greater learning of control systems in the development of activities linked to remote experiments or simulations? Real Combination Simulation Both experiments of both 5% 31% 43% 21% VI. CONCLUSION From a pedagogic perspective of the recovering success of the programmatic contents, this evaluation is a promising technique of recovering since the environment allows the student to perform the activities proposed and explore other related control systems. It is also promising in relation to the pedagogic relationship among different learning experiences and in relation to the significance of various “learning elements” integrated in the user’s graphical interface. 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