Burma Project B 080901 - CrossAsia


Burma Project B 080901 - CrossAsia
Burma / Myanmar Bibliographical Project
Siegfried M. Schwertner
Bibliographical description
Ba. − [Rangoon : Guardian,] 1962-1964. 135 p., illus., incl.
bibliogr. ref. − Caption title. - Publ. in parts, Aug. 1962-May
Note: Raccolta di 18 articoli pubblicati mensilmente probabilmente su di una rivista di cui non appare il nome, probabilmente negli anni 60.
I: BCMP(AS 07/02/0031)
US: UCB(Main BV3270 .E37 1962)
B., H.
Bell, Horace
Burmese Border Consortium
Bombay Burmah Trading Corporation Ltd. <Rangoon>
Uses of the Beda plant abroad / by Vivian Ba. – [Rangoon :]
Burma Research Society, 1979. [3], 12, [2] f., illus. – Multigraphié. – La couv. porte : The Beda plant : its uses abroad.
Bible Churchmen’s Missionary Society < London >
Burmese bric-à-brac
Vivian Ba of Tavoy Burma : selected bibliography of his papers on Burmese history and other subjects of interest. –
[1972?] 9 p. – [Typewritten]
Burma Education Extension Association
Burma Rights Movement for Action < Bangkok >
Ba Chve
Ba Swe
A dictionary of the Pali language specially adapted for the
use of Burmese students / by Maung Ba and Maung Tha
Din. – Rangoon : American Baptist Mission Pr., 1914. 326
p. – Added title and text in Burmese
GB: BL(14302 gg 1)*
US: LC(BQ5568.B8Z3) YU
Ba Din
Dictionary of law terms : English and Burmese / by Maung
Ba Din. 1st ed. – Rangoon : American Baptist Mission Pr.,
1902. 143 p.
GB: BL(14300 g 48)* SOAS(A345.91/10404)*
The companion / by Maung Ba. – Rangoon : American Baptist Mission Pr., 1919. 108 p. – Added title and text in Burmese – Later ed. with title: His star ...
GB: BL-APAC(Bur B 519)
On tenses : explained in Burmese ... / by Mg Ba Din. –
[Rangoon,] 1911. 47 p. – Added title and text in Burmese
GB: BL(14302 h 54)* SOAS(GPC 415/5.577 ; 13.075)*
How to read Burmese in a month
Lee, George
Self help for foreigners aspiring to a knowledge of the Burmese language and for young students and junior clerks
studying both English and Burmese / by Maung Ba Din. –
Rangoon : American Baptist Mission Pr., 1917. 151 p.
GB: BL(14302 hh 4)*
His star ... / by U Ba. 2nd ed. – Rangoon : American Baptist
Mission Pr., 1934. 25, 217 p. – 1st ed. with title: The companion. – Added title and text in Burmese. Preface in English also
GB: BL(14300 a 57)*
ditto. – ibd., 1922. 151 p.
AU:NLA(Simon 776)
Ba < Hsaya >
The goldsmith’s manual. – [Rangoon : Pyin-nya Alin-byá,]
1958. X, 333 p., illus. – Added title and text in Burmese
GB: SOAS(FNA/474.058)*
ditto. – ibd., 1928. 151 p.
GB: SOAS(GPC 415/76.020 ; 236.675)*
US: CU(Kroch PL3933 .B105 ; Kroch Film 11052
Reel 644 no.9) YU(SML PL3933 B43 1928)
Education abstracts : Burma / U Ba. – Rangoon, [1962].
56 p.
SG: ISEAS(Z3219 E3B11)
ditto. – ibd., 1939. 151 p.
J: TYB(XII-25-G-16)
Ba, Vivian
The early Catholic missionaries in Burma : a study of their
manuscripts and the first casting and printing of Burmese alphabets, outline grammar, and catechism in 1776, from
Latin, Italian, Portuguese, and French sources / by Vivian
Ba Gale
Chwetalay cartoons
Wonders of the world / Maung Ba Gale. – Rangoon : Sun,
1915. 12 p., 112 illus. – Added title and text in Burmese
GB: BL-APAC(Bur D 1721)
Burma Bibliographical Project
Siegfried M. Schwertner
Ba Gyi
The criminal digest
D: B-SBB(OLS Dd SOA bur 160 Potsdamer Str.)
HD-SAI(inf 4 B 352)*
GB:BL-APAC(V 24005) SOAS(L. Ref. GPC 413/231.109
; L.GPC 413/231.110)*
SG: ISEAS(Ref. PL3957 B11)
US: CU: 1-2 (Kroch and Ref.: PL3957 B11+)
LC & NIU(SEA Ref.) & WU(Memorial Lib. Ref.) :
PL3957 .B3
YU(SML PL3957 B33+)
Ba Han <b. 1890>
The evolution of Blakean philosophy. − Rangoon, 1925. 94
p. − Freiburg, Br., Diss.
US: YU(SML Yale Classification Im B581 S925
A legal history of India and Burma / by Maung Ba Han ;
with a forew. by Sir Ba U. – Rangoon : A. M. A. K. Pr.,
1952. II, II, IV, 108, V, VII p.
Subject(s): Burma : Law - History.
SG: ISEAS(KE1251.35 H2B11)
US: CU(Annex K B12) HU(Widener Harv.Depos.) &
NIU(SEA) & UCB : KK2880 .H352 1952
YU(SML KNS120 B3 1952 (LC))
ditto. − ibd., 1951 [i.e. 1966]. 2292, 3, 5 p.
SG: ISEAS(Ref. PL3957 B11)
The university English-Myanmar dictionary / by Ba Han.
2nd ed. 3 vols. – Yangon: Win Literature, 1995 to 1996.
2238 p. – Previous ed. publ. with title: The university English-Burmese dictionary
Subject(s): English language : Dictionaries - Burmese
GB: BL-APAC: 1 (ORW.1997.a.268)
US: CU(Kroch +PL3957 .B11 1995)
HU(Widener Harv.Depos.) & LC & NIU(SEA) &
UCB(S-S/EAsia) & YU(SML X) : PL3957 E5 B3 1995
Ref.: OCLC 35263367
ditto. Microform. – Urbana-Champaign, Ill.: Univ. of Illinois
Library, 1987. On part of 1 microfilm reel ; 35 mm. – (Burmese cultural microfilm collection ; reel 46, no. 8)
US: CU(Kroch Film 10954 no.8)
IU(Microfilm Rm Film 959.1 B929 reel 46)
NIU(Main Stacks Microfilm Room Fil 959.1 B929)
Ref.: OCLC 30677581
Ba Heīn
The capitalist world ... / Sakhan` Ba Hin`". 2 nhip` khan`". –
Ran` kun`, 1969. 227 p.
Subject(s): Capitalism
US: CU(Kroch HB501 B11 1969)
The planned state : an evaluation of the social and economic
foundations of the state in the light of a comparative study of
the conditions in the East Asiatic and Western countries / by
Maung Ba Han ; with a preface by Ba Maw. – Rangoon :
Rasika Ranjani Pr., 1947. II, IV, 135, XXV, XV, VI, XXVII
p., plates, ports., index, app.
App.A. The interim report of the Burma Special Research
Commission. - XXV p.
App.B. Journal of the Burma Special Research Commission’s tour to Thailand. - XV p.
App.C. Manchoukuoan Government’s note on publicity and
information. - VI p.
Contents: Need of planned economy - Objective of economic planning - Planned consumption - Planned production - Planned currency - Planned trade - Demographic
planning - The interim report of the Burma Special Research Commission - Journal of the Burma Special Research Commission's tour to Thailand - Manchoukuoan
government's note on publicity and information.
Subject(s): Economic policy ; Social policy
D: HD-SAI(reg 60 D 702)*
GB: BL-APAC(V 23963)
OUL(Economics ECO Main Libr HD82.BAH)
SG: ISEAS(SCR HC422 B11 & Mfm 98)
NUS(HD82 Bah)
US: CSt-H CU(Kroch HC437.B8 B11) IEN LC &
UC(NRLF) : HD82.B2 1947 NIU(SEA HD82 .B2)
YU(Mudd Nd40 947C , SML, Microform Film
Ba Khet
Plague : its origin and how to combat it, being an almost
verbatim reprint of lectures given by Captain Ba ; comp. by
P. Martyr Richardson. – Mandalay: Chanea, 1909. 41 p. –
Added title and text in Burmese
GB: BL-APAC(Bur B 541)
Tawla ...
Ba Khin
Lessons in Anglo-Karen ...
The university English-Burmese dictionary / by Maung Ba
Han. 10 pts. – Rangoon : Hanthawaddy Pr., 1951 to 1969.
2292 p. – Herbert 445
Subject(s): English language : Dictionaries - Burmese
AU:ANU(Menzies Asian reference PL3957.B3)
NLA(BUR LANG 1 ; Luce q 372)
Ba Khin < Sithu U, 1889-1971 >
The anecdotes of Sayagyi U Ba Khin
Ba Htay <b. 1906>
Autobiography of U Ba Htay, Thiripyanchi, Sithu, Thraysithu : memoirs of a Myanmar I.C.S. / presented by Daw
Mya Tin. − Mrok Ukkalpa, [Rangoon]: Khyac Ca r C pe :
Phran khyi re, Tude C up Tuik, 2002. XVI, 241 p., illus.
Note: Autobiography of a civil servant of Burma.
Subject(s): Bha Htay·<b. 1906>
Burma : Civil service - Biography ; Government executives – Biography ; Officials and employees - Biography
US: CU(Kroch x) & HU(Widener Harv. Depos.) & LC &
NNC(Offsite) & UCB : JQ751.A67 B43 2002
WU(Memorial Lib.)
YU(JQ751.A67 B4313 2002)
Ref.: OCLC 52038019
Note on the working of the Registration Department in
Burma < Union > / Registration Department
Ariya-sacca : the noble truths ; the principles of Buddhism
both in English & Burmese ... / by U Ba Khin. – Ran` kun`:
San‘' Bha Va Ca Up‘ Tuik‘, [19]67. 13, 13, 185, 185, 189,
Bibliographical description
189 p., port., bibliogr. ref. − Added title and text also in
Burmese ; Burmese and English on opposite pages, numbered in duplicate
Subject(s): Four Noble Truths ; Buddhism : Doctrines
SG: ISEAS(Microfiche 92/63578)
US: LC(BQ4230.B3 ; Microfiche 92/63578 (B) So Asia )
NIU(SEA BQ4230 .B4751967)
ditto. – [1954]. 44 p., [1] l. of plates, illus. – Lectures delivered in 1951 to a religious study group at the Methodist
Church, Signal Pagoda Road, Rangoon.
GB: SOAS(GC 293/317.502)*
SG: ISEAS(93/63551)
US: CU(Kroch Pamphlet B 978 ; Microfiche 887 SEI 93
63551) LC(Microfiche 93/63551 (B))
NIU(SEA) & WU(Memorial Lib.) : BQ4036 .B225
Ref.: OCLC23525873 ; 29549037
The clock of Vipassana has struck : the teachings and writings of Sayagyi U Ba Khin with commentary by S. N.
Goenka / comp. and ed. by Pierluigi Confalonieri. 1st United
States ed. – Seattle, WA: Vipassana Research Publ., 1999.
256 p., illus., bibliogr. p. 249-253. − Transl. of: Tempo della
meditazione Vipassa é arrivato. – ISBN 096494846X
Subject(s): Ba Khin <1889-1971>
Vipa´syanā (Buddhism) ; Meditation : Buddhism ; Buddhism : Doctrines
US: CU(Kroch BQ5630.V5 B3x 1999)
ditto. 4th impr. – ibd., [1956?]. 19 p., col. illus.
US: CU(Kroch BQ4036 .B14 1956 ; Kroch Film 11052
reel 1739 no.16 ; Annex Film N11052 reel 1739 16)
ditto. – Rangoon : Dept. of Religious Affairs, 1977. 19 p.,
GB: SOAS(GB 293/461.080)*
US: HU(Widener Harv.Depos. BQ4022.B34x 1977)
Sayagyi U Ba Khin journal : a collection commemorating
the teaching of Sayagyi U Ba Khin. 1st ed. – Igatpuri, India:
Vipassana Research Institute, Historical Research Project,
1991. 322 p., illus. (some col.)
Note: Contributed articles and U Ba Khin's selected discourses on different aspects of Vipa´syanā, a form of Buddhist meditation; includes brief biography of U. Ba Khin,
Subject(s): Ba Khin
Vipa´syanā (Buddhism)
US: LC(BQ5630.V5 S29 1991)
Ba Kyaw < Maung >
Padauk’s trail of melancholy
Khin Maung Aye
Ba Kyaw < U >
Fishing industry at Sakanthit, Mergui District, Union of
Burma. – [Rome: FAO, 1953.] 5 p., map, tables. – (Occasional paper / Indo-Pacific Fisheries Council ; 53/1).
FAO: MFN 54054
Subject(s): Fish industry
Burma : Fishes; fisheries; fishing gear; fish; preservation;
economic distribution; employment
US: DI(SH295 I 3 53/1)
ditto. 2nd ed. – ibd., 1994. 322 p., illus. (some col.). – Publ.
to mark the twentieth anniversary of his demise.
ISBN 8174140166 (pbk.) ; 8174140174 (hd.)
US: CU(BQ5630.V5 S293z 1994 +)
A general pilot survey of the fisheries of the Inle Lake,
Southern Shan States, Union of Burma. – [Rome: FAO,
1953.] 12 p., tables. – (Occasional paper / Indo-Pacific Fisheries Council ; 53/2)
FAO: MFN 54055
Subject(s): Burma : Inland Fisheries
Inle Lake : Fishing Gear ; Fishes
US: DI(SH295 I 3 53/2)
ditto. 3rd ed. – ibd., 1998. 287 p., illus. (some col.). – Publ.
to mark the twentieth anniversary of his demise.
ISBN 8174141332
US: CU(BQ5630.V5 S293 1998)
The real values of true Buddhist meditation : a paper / read
by Thray Sithu U Ba Khin. [Vipassanā Association, International Meditation Centre.] – Rangoon : Buddha Sāsana
Council Pr., 1962. 37 p.
Subject(s): Burma :Meditation – Buddhism ; Religion
GB: SOAS(GB293/461.079)*
US: HU(Widener Harv. Depos. BQ5612 .B3 1962 ; Andover-Harv. Theol Pamph v.466) LC
An outline of Burma’s oil history ... / by MBK ... – Rangoon
: Myawaddy Pr., 1982. 124 p., illus., bibliogr. p. 53 to 54. –
Originally publ. as a series of articles in: The working people’s daily. – Added title and text also in Burmese
Herbert 608
Subject(s): Petroleum industry and trade - Burma - History
GB: CUL(Ud.2.2677) OUL(IND Burma 6 d 26)
SG: ISEAS(HD9576 B9M45)
NRL(338.27282095951 MBK)
US: CU(Kroch HD9576.B82 M47) NNC
HU(Widener WID-LC) & LC & NIU(SEA) :
HD9576.B82 M18 1982
YU(SML HD9576 B9 M35 1982 (LC))
ditto. 2nd ed. – Rangoon : Vipassanā Association, 1966. 57
p., [1] l. of plates.
US: CU(Kroch BQ5612 .B15 1966 ; Kroch Film 11052
reel 1739 no.17 ; Annex Film N11052 reel 1739 17)
What Buddhism is. – Rangoon : Vipassanā Research Association. Office of the Accountant General, [1951]. 37 p.,
illus. – Series of lectures given by Thray Sithu U Ba Khin,
President of the Vipassanā Association.
Subject(s): Buddhism : Essence, genius, nature
D: HD-SAI(reg 60 M 45 Kp)*
GB: BL(04504 e 74)
BL-APAC(T 32130)
US: LC(BL1453.B2)
NYPL(Humanities-Asian&ME Div *OAC p.v.722)
Ba Maung
Co-operation in four Indian provinces
Onion cultivation in the Northern circle / by U Ba Maung. –
Rangoon : Govt. Print. and Staty., Burma, 1936. 13 p. –
(Bulletin / Department of Agriculture, Burma ; 31)
GB: BL(I.S.Bu.118)*
Burma Bibliographical Project
Siegfried M. Schwertner
ditto. [Repr.] – ibd., 1954. 13 p. – (Bulletin / Department of
Agriculture, Burma ; 31)
SG: ISEAS(SB341 B11)
Ba O
Advantages of prayer / by Maung Ba O. – Rangoon : American Baptist Mission Pr., 1921. 30 p. – Added title and text in
GB: BL-APAC(Bur D 749)
Ba Maw <1892-1980>
Breakthrough in Burma : memoirs of a revolution, 1939 to
1946 / Ba Maw. – New Haven, Conn. ; London : Yale Univ.
Pr., 1968. XXIII, 460 p., illus., maps, index, app., gloss.
Herbert 283
Subject(s): Burma - History <1824-1948> ; World War
<1939-1945> - Campaigns - Personal narrative
AU:ANU(Menzies DS530.B28)
NLA(Luce 213 ; 959.1040924 B 111)
D: B-SBB(22 A 15701 U.d.Linden ; 144 817 ; 145 352
Potsdamer Str.)
HBSUB(ag 9350) GÖ-SUB(68 A 6411)
PA-UB(55/RR 51977 B111 (55))
HD-SAI(322 pol 94/7176+a)
F: BNF(8° O2 s.816) BIULO(GEN.III.5937)
GB: BL(X 700/3027) BL-DSS(L68/965)
BL-APAC(V 16733 ; SEA 1986 a 2675)
OUL(IND Burma 5 d 37)
SAS((59):325.48) SOAS(GB 949/218.209* ; 232.426*
;260.378* ; 274.399* ; 339.824* ; E Coll 3 I /11)
IRL:TCD(959.1 K8)
J: TYB(XII-25-E-36 ; 10613)
NL: KB KITLV(M ss 52 N)
SG: ISEAS(DS530.63 B11)
NUS(959.1B11 ; DS530.63 Ba)
US: CU(Kroch) & UCLA(YRL) : DS485 B89 B12
HU(Widener Ind 8050.51)
LC & MnU(TC Wilson Ames) & NIU(SEA) &
NNC(Barnard & Butler & Lehman) & OAU(Alden SE
Asia & Athens Annex) & UC(NRLF) & UCB(Moffitt)
& WU(Memorial Lib.) : DS485.B89 B28
NNUT(Burke Union Stacks MU12 B111)
NYPL(Research E 13-2893)
UC(SRLF A0006675458 ; A0014537518)
UCSB(Main Lib DS485.B89 B3)
YU(MUDD, Divinity MU12 B11b ; SML SEA Ref. &
CCL : DS485 B89 B35)
Ref.: OCLC 22047251
Ba Oh
Secret of success / by Maung Ba Oh. – Rangoon : Lokasāra,
1918. 130 p. – Added title and text in Burmese
GB: BL-APAC(Bur B 329)
Thawta linkara sadan / composed by Maung Ba Oh. – Rangoon : Nagoormeera, 1916. 304 p.
GB: BL(14302 aaa 5)*
Ba Pe
The German empire / by Maung Ba Pe. – Rangoon : Sun. –
Added title and text in Burmese
1. – 1914. 10, 112 p.
GB: BL-APAC(Bur D 1728/1)
Great war in Europe / by Maung Ba Pe. – Rangoon : Sun,
1914-1915. 231 p., in 4 vols. – Added title and text in Burmese
GB: BL-APAC(Bur D 1802/1-4)
On the government of India, the government of Burma, and
the constitution of the Indian Legislative Assembly / by
Maung Ba Pe. – Rangoon : Sun, 1921. 49 p. – Added title
and text in Burmese
GB: BL-APAC(Bur D 1085)
Rangoon Development Trust Enquiry Committee
<1941>: Report
Ba Pho < Saya U >
The anecdotes of Sayagyi U Ba Khin : real accounts of
the teachers …
Ba Sein, Kenneth
The dancing girl and other poems
Everyday Burmese idioms & axioms : with explanations in
Burmese and English equivalents / comp. by K. Ba Sein. 1st
ed. – Rangoon : Munshi International Book Depot, [1952].
54 p. – Added title in Burmese
Subject(s): Burmese language : Idioms
Burma : Proverbs, Burmese
US: NIU(SEA PN6519.B8 B3821952)
ditto. Repr. – Ann Arbor: Books on Demand, Div. of UMI.
ISBN 0-8357-7395-7
Ref.: BiP
Burma today. – [Rangoon, 1953?]. 11 p., illus.
Note: A free English rendering by Ba Maw of his speech at
the Rangoon Mahabama Party’s Conference held in the
City Hall, Rangoon, on Sunday, the 21st Dec. 1952
Subject(s): Burma : Politics and government <1948-> ; Foreign relations.
GB: SOAS(EB 95.7/428.740)
US: CU(Kroch DS530.4 .B115) LC(DS485.B892B17)
Ref.: OCLC 33398973
ditto. – 2nd ed. – [ibd., 1952.] 54 p.
US: CU(Kroch PL3933 .B11 1952 ; Film 11052 Reel
644 no.10) LC(PL3948.B3 1952)
550 [Five hundred fifty] Burmese proverbs and aphorisms
with literal English translations ... / comp. by Kenneth Ba
Sein. – Mandalay: St. Peter's Institute, 1960. 144 p. – Added
title in Burmese
Subject(s): Burmese language : Idioms
Burma : Proverbs, Burmese
US: NIU(SEA PN6519.B8 M7241960 ; Main Stacks-FML
PN6519.B8 B383X)
Burma’s new order plan
The planned state : an evaluation of the social and economic
foundations of the state in the light of a comparative study of
the conditions in the East Asiatic and Western countries
Ba Han
The path at dawn poem
Htay Aung
Bibliographical description
Ba Shin
Notes on building materials ... – Rangoon : Burma Translation Society, 1952. 6, 66 p., illus. – Added title and text in
Subject(s): Building materials
GB: SOAS(GPC 691/216.340)*
US: CU(Kroch Pamphlet T33)
Pagan Myinkaba Kubyauk-Gyi temple of Rājakumār (1113
A.D.) and the old Mon writings on its walls
Luce, Gordon Hannington
Ba Swe <b. 1915>
The Burmese revolution ... / by U Ba Swe. – Rangoon : People’s Literature House, [1951]. 35, 35 p. – Added title and
text also in Burmese
Contents: 1. Worker's struggle in Burma. - 2. The pattern of
Burmese revolution.
Subject(s): Burma : History <1948-> ; Politics and government <1948-> ; Labor movement ; Socialism ; Labor and
laboring classes
GB: SOAS(GPC 320/360.378)
SG: ISEAS(DS530.64 B11)
US: CU(Kroch HX385.7.B117 B2 ; DS485 B892 B252 ;
Kroch Film 4850)
Ref.: OCLC 48950437
Notes on irrigation … / U Bha Rhan‘... – Rangoon : Burma
Translation Society, 1952. 47 p., figs. – Added title and text
in Burmese
Subject(s): Burma : Irrigation
GB: OUL(BOD Nuneham) SOAS(GPC 627/230.955)
US: CU(Kroch Pamphlet S Burma 9 ; Film 10336
reel 182 no.7 ; Annex TC913.B8 B57)
UCB(NRLF TC913.B93 B37 1952)
Ref.: OCLC 36718826
Ba Shin < Bohmu >
Coming of Islam to Burma down to 1700 A.D. – New Delhi
: Azad Bhavan, [1961]. [9] l p. − Mimeogr. − At head of title: Asian History Congress 1961
US: HU(Andover-Harv. Theol: Pamph. v. 573)
ditto. – [Rangoon :] Information Dept., Union of Burma (for
Dir. Of Infm.), 1952. 24 p.
D: HD-SAI(reg 60 D 500 Kp)*
GB: SOAS(Pam S.E.Asia 8/428.743)
SAS(O Pamp 37 (Occasional Papers Coll.))
US: Miu(Buhr DS 530.4 .B27 1951) NcU
NIU(SEA DS530.4 .B3781952)
Essays offered to G. H. Luce by his colleagues and
History of the Union of Burma ... / by Ba Shin. – Ran` kun`,
1954. 368 p., illus. – Added title and text in Burmese. –
Covers the period up to 1947.
Subject(s): Burma : History <to 1824> ; History <18241948>
US: CU(Kroch DS485.B86B13)
ditto. 2nd ed. – Rangoon : Literature Committee and House,
1957. 45 p.
AU:ANU(Menz pamph+micr. DS485.B8.B25)
GB: SAS(O PAMP 38 (Occasional Papers Coll.))*
US: HU(Widener Harv.Depos. Consult for HW023E)
NhD NjP YU(SML DS485 B86 B3)
ditto. – ibd., 1963. 354 p., illus. – Added title and text in
SG: ISEAS(Microfiche 93/68849)
US: CU(Kroch Microfiche 887 SEI 93 68849)
LC(Microfiche 93/68849)
Guide to socialism in Burma ... – Ran` kun`, [1953]. 36 p. –
Added title and text in Burmese
Subject(s): Burma : Socialism ; Politics and government
US: CU(Kroch HX385.7 .B117)
The Lokahteikpan [: early Burmese culture in a Pagan temple] / by Zeyya Kyaw Htin Bohmu Ba Shin. – [Rangoon :]
The Burma Historical Commission ; Ministry of the Union
Culture, The Revolutionary Government, Union of Burma,
1962. IV, 210 p., 70 plates, index, 7 illus., index, map, app.,
bibliogr. p.181-183. –Incl. inscriptions in Burmese and Mon
with English translation
Subject(s): Burmese language : To 1500
Burma : Temple - Pagan - Lokahteikpan ; Antiquities ;
Art, Burmese - Pagan ; Inscriptions, Buddhist - Pagan
Pagan : Inscriptions, Burmese ; Inscriptions, Mon ;
AU:NLA(Luce 106 ; McN 1057/115)
D: B-SBB(511455 Potsdamer Str.) HD-SAI(reg 60 D 120)
SG: ISEAS(DS530.9 P12B11 ; Microfiche Mfc A2035)
US: CU(Kroch NA6012.2.P2 B11)
HU(Widener Harv.Depos. DS530.9.P33 B3)
LC(DS530.9.P33B3 ; PL3986.B3) MiU
NIU(SEA PL3986 .B3)
OAU(Alden SE Asia DS530.9.P33 B3)
UC(NRLF DS530.9.P33 B31 ; SRLF AA8800963)
UCB(Main DS530.9.P33 B31)
YU(SML DS530.9 P18 B37 1962)
ditto. − Ran` Kun`: Praññ’ Su Ca Pe Tuik‘, 1955. 83 p. –
Added title and text in Burmese
US: NIU(SEA HX385.7 .A6 B225 1955)
Ref.: OCLC 29173493
Guide to socialism in Burma [: report of the SecretaryGeneral, People’s Freedom (Socialist) Party] / by U Ba Swe.
– Rangoon : Govt. Print. and Staty., Union of Burma, 1956.
54 p.
p.1-13: 1. Guide to socialism in Burma [: report of the Secretary-General, People’s Freedom (Socialist) Party]
p.15-31:2. Our political line [is the party programme which
was submitted by U Ba Swe, Secretary-General and accepted at the Burma Socialist Part Convention held in
p. 33-52: Appendix: Wither You, Comrade? : the present
political situation in Burma [; is prep. and published by the
Peoples’ Literature Committee and House in Oct., 1948].
Subject(s): Socialist Programme Party : History
Burma : Political parties - History ; Socialism - History ;
Politics and government -1824-1948 ; Politics and government <1948->
Old Burma – early Pagan
Burma Bibliographical Project
Siegfried M. Schwertner
AU:ANU(Chifley microform HX285.7.A6.B3)
D: HD-SAI(reg 60 E 3 Kp)*
GB: SAS(O Pamp39)
SG: ISEAS(HX394 Z7B11)
US: CU(Olin pamphlet HX Burma 1 ; Annex Film
N2188) NIU(SEA JQ459.A57 B322 1956)
NNC(Butler Microforms Micoflm F d5183)
Ref.: OCLC 33262660 ; 45742196
US: YU(SML SB608 C8 T4 1961 (LC))
Ref.: OCLC 54260669
Ba Tha Kyort < Saw >
Story book ... / by Saw Ba Tha Kyort. – Rangoon : American
Baptist Mission Pr. – Added title and text in Sgaw Karen
1. – 1913. 214 p.
GB: BL-APAC(Karen B.30)
ditto. – ibd. – Added title and text in Burmese
1. – 1925.
On party organization / by U Ba Swe. – Rangoon : People’s
Literature Committee & House, [195-?]. 8 p.
Subject(s): Burma : Socialist parties ; Socialism
D: HD-SAI(reg 60 E 137 Kp)*
GB: SOAS(Pam.S.E.Asia 23/542.352)
US: CU(Kroch Pamphlet HX Burma 2)
Ba Than < Dhammika, b.1914 >
Hawkers of human hope and we : ideological defence ... : a
working paper read to the Seminar on the Defence of our
National Ideology / by the Director of Education & Psychological Warfare, the Ministry of Defence [i.e. Ba Than]. The
Conference of the National Security Councils, 22nd April
1959. – [Rangoon,] 1959. 35, 35 p. – Added title and text
also in Burmese ; English and Burmese on opposite pages.
Subject(s): Burma : Communism ; Politics and government
D: B-SBB(512 132 H.2) HD-SAI(reg 60 E 109 Kp)*
SG: ISEAS(JQ456 S47)
US: CU(Kroch DS485.B892 A19) LC(HX56.B23)
UC(NRLF DS485.B892 B8 1959 B 4 174 690)
Ref.: OCLC 36333520
The task ahead
Text of speech delivered by Hon’able U Ba Swe, Defense
Minister, in connection with the resolution on democratisation of local administration. – [Rangoon :] General Committee for Union Welfare Conference, 1952. 11 p.
D: HD-SAI(reg 60 F 50 SD)
Workers’ struggles in Burma : being a text of May Day
speech delivered on 1st May 1951 at B. A. A. Stadium, Rangoon / by U Ba Swe, President of the Trades Union Congress, Burma. – Rangoon : People’s Literature House Publ.,
[1951]. 14 p.
Subject(s): Burma : Communism ; Labor ; Labor movement
; Labor and laboring classes ; Working class
AU:ANU(Chifley pamph HX285.7.A6 .B3 1975)
D: HD-SAI(reg 60 E 138 Kp)*
GB: BL-APAC(ORW 1986 a 3286)
SOAS(Pam.SEAsia 23/542350)
US: CU(Kroch DS485.B892 B251)
NIU(in: SEA JQ459.A57 A431962B)
UCLA(MicroServ Microfilm)
Ref.: OCLC 45943831 ; 48950443
ditto. Microform. – Ithaca, N.Y.: Photo Science Studios,
Cornell Univ., 1965. – (Western language publications on
Burma on microfilm ; 21)
US: CU(Kroch Film 1050 no.21)
The roots of the revolution : a brief history of the Defense
Services of the Union of Burma and the ideals for which
they stand / by Dhammika U Ba Than. – Rangoon : Govt.
Print. and Staty., Burma (for D. of Information), 1962. 86 p.,
illus., map, index, bibliogr. p. 79-82. – Reproduced from The
Guardian, Rangoon, of the 27th March 1962. – Herbert 525
Subject(s): Burma : History <1948-> ; World War <19391945> - Campaigns ; History, Military.
AU:ANU(Menzies DS530.4.B3 1962)
D: B-SBB(587101 Potsdamer Str.)
HD-SAI(320 mil 83/2028)*
F: BNF(8° O2 l.1220) BIULO(GEN.III.61293)
GB: BL(I.S.Bu.215/17 ; 14302 bbb 14)*
OUL(IND Burma 7 d 89)
SOAS(BG355/231.953 ; 787.233)*
SG: ISEAS(DS530.64 T36) NUS(DS530.64 Ba)
US: CU(Kroch DS485.B86 B14 ; Film 11052 reel 1943 no.3
; Annex Film N11052 Reel 1943 no.3)
HU(Widener WID-LC) & NIU(SEA-4th FL-FM) &
UC(NRLF) & UCB(Main & S-S/EAsia) : DS485.B86
B33 1962 UCLA(YRL DS527.4 .B37 1962)
YU(SML DS528.5 B25)
Ref.: OCLC 7418240
Ba Te
The garden of God. – Rangoon : The author, 1922. 48 p. –
Added title and text in Sgau-Karen
GB: BL-APAC(Karen B.31)
An outline study of comparative religion based on the Rev.
William Paton
Paton, William
Ba Te, A.
Cotton-pests in Burma / A. Ba Te. 1st rev. ed. – Rangoon :
Govt. Print. and Staty., Burma (for Dir. of Agriculture, 1939.
35 p., 10 plates. – (Bulletin / Department of Agriculture,
Burma ; 8, 1912)
1st ed. s. Shroff, Kalidas Daruodas
Subject(s): Burma :Agriculture ; Pests - Control ; Cotton
Diseases and pests
AU:ANU(Hancock B'ment SB608.C6.B3 1961)
GB: BL(I.S.Bu.118)* SOAS(GB 632.7/421.163)*
US: LC(SB608.C8T4)
Ba Than
Myanmar's attractions and delights / Ba Than. 1st ed. − Yangon: Today Publ. House, 2003. 182 p. − (Myanmar series ;
Note: Articles, most on Burmese traditions and snack foods.
Subject(s): Burma : Snack foods ; Social life and customs ;
Description and travel
SG: ISEAS(DS527.7 B11)
ditto. 1st rev. ed. Repr. − Rangoon : Govt. Print. and Staty.,
Union of Burma, 1961. 38 p., illus. – (Bulletin / Department
of Agriculture, Burma ; 8, 1912)
Bibliographical description
Ba Thann Win
Highways and major bridges of Burma / by Ba Thann Win.
1st ed. – Rangoon : Publ. by Ba Thann Win, 1976. 179 p., illus., map, graphs. – Herbert 632
Subject(s): Burma : Roads ; Bridges
GB: BL(14302 bbb 44)* SOAS(GB 388.1/376.669)*
I: BCMP(AS 07/01/0023)
SG: ISEAS(Microfiche 90/63459)
US: CU(Annex TE113 B8 B12 1976 ; Microfiche 887 SEI
90 63459)
LC(TE113.B8.B3 ; Microfiche 90/63459(H))
NIU(SEA TE113.B8 B3)
Ba Thoung
A thousand and one night
Ba Thwin
Elements of book-keeping, in Burmese / by T. Ba Thwin ... –
Rangoon : Irrawaddy Pr., 1912. 142 p.
GB: BL(14302 h 62)*
Ba Tin
An economic classification of land in Burma
Sanders, Jesse Thomas
Ba U <b. 1887>
The art of Burmese administration / U Ba U ... − Mandalay:
Bahosi Pr., [1940?]. 1 v. (var. pags.), port. − Added title and
text in Burmese
Subject(s): Burma : Politics and government
US: NIU(SEA S527.4 .B322 1940)
Ref.: OCLC 24927925
Ba Thaung
Evaluation report on community based drug demand reduction project, Muse Township, Union of Myanmar / Ba
Thaung ; Win Swe ; Gyaw Htet Doe. – [Rangoon, 1995.] 28
l. – May 1995
Subject(s): Drug abuse - Prevention
US: NIU(SEA HV5840.B93 B2261995)
Ref.: OCLC 38483080
Burma’s independence : 5th anniversary president’s speech.
– [Rangoon?,] 1954. 4 l. – Added title and text in Burmese
US: MiU(DS485 B892.B118)
Rapid assessment study of drug abuse in Myanmar : a national report / by Ba Thaung, Khin Maung Gyee. [Rangoon,
1995.] 110, [1] l., map. − "AD/MYA/94/ 791." "April,
Subject(s): Burma : Drug abuse ; Drug abuse - Prevention
US: UCB(PubHealth HV5840.B93 B3 1995)
A legal history of India and Burma
Ba Han
My Burma : the autobiography of a president / by U Ba U ;
with a forew. by J. S. Furnivall. – New York : Taplinger,
1958. 210 p. – Herbert 284
Subject(s): Ba U
Burma : Politics and government <1948-> ; Presidents Biography
AU:NLA(959.1 BA)
D: HD-SAI(324 biog 62/3804)*
GB: BL(9056 p 15) BL-DSS(W32/5067)
BL-APAC(T 17499)
TH: CU(ISIS 923.2591 U12M)
US: CU(Kroch DS485.B82 B27)
HU(Widener WID-LC DS485.B892 B2) IaU
LC(DS485.B892B2 1959) MnU NIU(SEA) &
UCB(Main) & UCI(Main Lib) & UCSD(SSH) &
UCSC(McHenry) : DS485.B892 B2 1959
NYPL(Research D-11 8702) UC(SRLF A0008442394)
UCLA(YRL) & UCLA(College) : DS485.B892 B11
YU(Bj35G B111 958)
Ref.: OCLC 22047272 ; 5314531
Ba Thaw
Political points and constitution of G. C. B. A. / by U Ba
Thaw. – Rangoon : Prankrī:tan:khwan, 1924. 50 p. – Added
title and text in Burmese
GB: BL-APAC(Bur D 1102)
Ba Thaw, Sara
Catechism in Lisu
Ba Thein
Digest of criminal rulings of Burma, 1872-1914
Indian income-tax act, 1922
The opium act, 1878 ... of India and the Burma opium
law amendment act, 1909
Ba Thein
The selection and training of correctional personnel in
Burma / by Ba Thein. − [New York :] United Nations, 1955.
17 p. − (Personnel / First United Nations Congress on the
Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders, Geneva 1955, 99-3403506-5) − Summary in France and Spain
S: R(UN 4 United Nations Congress ... 1, Working papers)
ditto. – ibd., 1959. XI, 206 p.
AU:ANU(Menzies DS530.32.B3A35 ; Hope Store
Bliss ONVB B337m)
D: B-SBB(13 V 499 U.d.L. ; 65 230 Potsdamer Str.)
HD-SAI(324 biog 62/3804a)*
GB: BL(9056 p 15) BL-DSS(X6/0653)
COL(DS 486.5.U) FOL(LD 906/28.592)
LSE(BLPES DS530.53.B B33)
BL-APAC(T 17499) OUL(IND 30 D 15a ; QEH
C5/BUR UB) SOAS(GB930/137.821)
SG: ISEAS(DS530.63 B16)
US: FU LC & WU(Memorial Lib) : DS485.B892 B2 1959
HU(Widener Ind 8055.10)
Ba Thin
Everyman’s telegram writer / by Mg Ba Tin. 8th ed. – Mandalay: M.B.T. Pr., 1931. 216 p. – Added title and text also in
GB: SOAS(GPC 415/379.094)*
A manual of classification of finger prints and their use ... /
by Ba Thin. – Rangoon : Govt. Print., Burma (for I. G. P.),
1915. 4, 5, 137 p., tables, graphs. – Added title and text in
GB: BL(14300 fff 13)*
Burma Bibliographical Project
Siegfried M. Schwertner
NNC(Butler stacks 959.1 B11) NNUT(Burke MRL
Day Rare Ek B111) NYPL(Research D 11-8702)
YU(CCL, Stacks DS485 B892 B2, A3)
Majesty 1879. – London : Harrission, [1879]. 2 p. – ([Papers
by command / Great Britain, Parliament] ; C. 2393) – At
head of title: China ; 2, 1879. – Parl. pap. 1878/79, LXXII,
D: GÖ-SUB(ZA 28482 ; MC 92-144)
US: CU(Kroch+DS709 G79) NYPL(Research *SDD++)
Ba Yin
U Ottama. – Amsterdam, 1956. Illus.
NL: KITLV(M rr 1519)
Baal-Teshuva, Jacob
Toward world peace
Thant < U >
Report by Mr. Baber on the route followed by Mr. Grosvenor’s mission between Tali-Fu and Molmein (with itinerary
and map of road from Yünnan-Fu). Presented to both Houses
of Parliament by command of Her Majesty, 1878. – London
: Harrison, [1878]. 33 p., fold. maps, tables. – ([Papers by
command / Great Britain, Parliament ;] C. 1994) – At head
of title: China 3, 1878. – Parl. pap. 1878, LXXV, 713
Subject(s): Yunnan Sheng : Description and travel.
Ta-li hsien (China)
T`eng-ch`ung, China.
GB: BL(OPL:RR)* SOAS(L.CC915.1/24.012)
US: CU(Kroch +DS709 .G79)
NYPL(Research XBI)
Baban, R.
Sprinkler and drip irrigation. − Rome: Food and Agriculture
Organization of the United Nations, Forestry Dept. ; Yangoon: Ministry of Forestry, Mar 1995. Illus., tables. − (Field
document / Sustainable Community Multipurpose Fuelwood
Woodlots, Myanmar, MYA/93/003 ; Sustainable Agriculture
Development and Environmental Rehabilitation in the Dry
Zone, Myanmar, MYA/93/004 ; Sustainable Watershed
Management for Three Critical Areas, Myanmar,
MYA/93/005 ; 4 ; 5) − FAO-FO-DP/ MYA/ 93/003 ; FAOFO-DP/MYA/93/004 ; FAO-FO-DP/ MYA/93/005
FAO MFN 369813 ; 360889
Subject(s): Burma : Sprinkler Irrigation ; Trickle Irrigation ;
Irrigation Systems ; Water Supply ; Irrigation Water ; Irrigation Equipment ; Hydraulic Engineering ; Cost Analysis
; Hydraulic Structures
US: WU(Steenbock Documents FAO FICHE 369813)
Report of journey through the Province of Yunnan with Mr.
Grosvenor. – Calcutta : Foreign Department Pr., 1877. 69 p.
US: HU LC(DS793.Y8B3)
The river of golden sand: being the narrative of a journey
through China and eastern Tibet to Burmah ; by the late
Capt. William Gill, condensed by Edward Colborne Baber
Gill, William John
Babault, Charles
Burma : Reich der goldenen Pagoden / [Fotos:] Charles Babault ; [Text:] Hanne Egghardt, Erwin Friesenbichler. 1st
Aufl. – Luzern: Reich, c2004. 204 S., Illus., Kt. – (Terra
magica. Spektrum) − ISBN 3-7243-0390-4
Subject(s): Burma : Pictorial works ; Therawada - Pictorial
A: ÖLB(III 216.464)
CH: SLB(Nq 159930
D: B-SSB(1 B 90678 Potsdamer Str.))
Babic, Lidija <b. 1963>
Burma (Myanmar)
Lintner, Bertil
Bachmann, Dieter
So many worlds : a photographic record of our time
Bachoe, Ralph
From consensus to controversy : ASEAN’s relationship
with Burma’s SLORC
A babble of tongues’
Phinney, Frank Dennison
Back to hell [: a report on a raid of three brothels in Ranong,
Thailand, July 1993]. – Silver Spring, Md.: Burma Information Group, [1994?]. [6] p.
Subject(s): Burmese : Women - Thailand
Thailand : Burmese - Women ; Prostitutes ; Vice control ;
Social conditions
GB: BL-APAC(ORW.1997.a.177)
Babcock, D. I.
Badcock, Dorothy Ida
Babcock, Rufus <1798-1875>
God glorified in His servants : a discourse commemorative
of the life and labors of the Rev. Adoniram Judson, D.D.,
specially as a translator of the Holy Scriptures ; delivered at
the request of the Board of Managers of the American and
Foreign Bible Society, in the Tabernacle Baptist Church,
Second Avenue, New York, on Sunday evening, May 11,
1851 / by Rufus Babcock. – New York : Publ. by Direction
of the Board, by Edward H. Fletcher ..., 1851. 40 p., Incl.
bibliogr. ref.
Subject(s): Judson, Adoniram, 1788-1850
Burma : Bible - Translating ; Missionaries - Biography.
US: MiD(Burton Hist.Coll. B J9211 B11) NHi
NNUT(Burke Union Rare Pamphlets MU14 J93 ; MRL
Pamphlet 2241)
Back to Mandalay : Burmese life, past and present [/ contributing photographers, Michael Freeman ... [et al.]. 1st ed. –
New York ; London : Abbeville Pr., 1996. 227, [6] p., col.
illus., col. map, bibliogr. p. [229]. – Publ. in the South East
Asia region with the title: Myanmar : land of the spirit
ISBN 0-7892-0254-9
Mighty Ayeyarwaddy / Miranda Bruce-Mitford
Religion of the Buddha / U Khin
Kingdom of Bagan / Michael Aung-Thwin
Festivals and festivities / Khin Myo Chit
Children of Myanmar / Kyi Kyi Tin-Myint
Working elephants / Richard Gayer
People of the hills / Mi Mi Khaing
Portraits of life / Norman Lewis.
Subject(s): Burma : Pictorial works ; Description and travel ;
Baber, Edward Colborne <1843-1890>
Report by Mr. Baber of his journey to Ta-Chien-Lu. Presented to both Houses of Parliament by command of Her
Bibliographical description
Social life and customs - Pictorial works
CH: BE StUB(RAC 1298)
F: BMH(DS 520)
GB: BL(LB.31.b.13600)
SG: ISEAS(fDS530.4 B12)
US: CU(Kroch ++DS530.4 .B33x 1996)
HU(Widener Harv.Depos. DS530.4.B33 1996)
UCR(Rivera Oversize DS530.4 .B33 1996)
YU(CCL DS530.4 B23 1996+)
Ref.: OCLC 36352191
US: C(Main Lib Govt Pub) & MnU(TC Wilson Gov Pub
(US Vertical File)) & UCR(GovPub US) & UCSB(Main
Lib Gov. Inf. Ctr. U.S.) & UCSD(Central Doc. U.S.) &
WU(Hist. Soc. Lib US Gov. Publ.) & YU(MUDD, Gov.
Docs. Ctr.) : S 1.123:B 92/982
Ref.: OCLC 8378006
ditto. – 1983. – Govt. Docs. no.: S 1.123:B 92/983
US: C(Main Lib S 1.123:B 92/983 Govt Pub)
ditto. – Aug. 1984. 7 p., 2 maps, bibliogr. p. 7. – (Department of State publication ; 7931 : Background notes series)
− Govt. Docs. no.: S 1.123:B 92/984 - August 1984
US: C(Main Lib Govt Pub) & MnU(TC Wilson Library Gov
Pub (US Vertical File)) & UCR(GovPub US) &
UCSB(Main Lib Gov. Inf. Ctr. U.S.) & WU(Hist. Soc.
Lib US Gov. Publ.) & YU(MUDD Gov. Docs. Ctr.) : S
1.123:B 92/984
Ref.: OCLC 11452463
Background notes, Burma (Union of Burma). – Washington,
D.C.: U.S. Dept. of State, Bureau of Public Affairs, Office of
Public Communication, Editorial Division ; for sale by the
Supt. of Docs., U.S. G.P.O. – (Department of State publication ; 7931 : Background notes series)
Subject(s): Burma : Description and travel
ditto. – 1965. 5 p., illus., map. − (Department of State publication ; 7931 : Background notes series)
US: UCSB(Main Lib S 1.123:B 92/965 Gov.Inf.Ctr.U.S.)
Ref.: OCLC 36855694
ditto. – 1985. – Govt. Docs. no.: S 1.123:B 92/985
US: C(Main Lib S 1.123:B 92/983 Govt Pub)
ditto. – August 1969. 6 p., bibliogr. ref. p. 6. – (Department
of State publication ; 7931 : Background notes series) −
Govt doc no.: S 1.123:B 92/969 - August 1969
SG: ISEAS(DS501 U58)
US: UCSB(S 1.123:B 92/969)
Ref.: OCLC 25648749
ditto. – May 1986. 8 p., illus., 2 maps, bibliogr. p. 4. – (Department of State publication ; 7931 : Background notes series) − Govt. Docs. no.: S 1.123:B 92/986 - May 1986
US: C(Main Lib S 1.123:B 92/986 Govt Pub) & MnU(TC
Wilson Library Gov Pub (US Vertical File)) &
UCR(GovPub US) & UCSB(Main Lib Gov. Inf. Ctr.
U.S.) & UCSD(Central Doc. U.S.) & WU(Hist. Soc. Lib
US Gov. Publ.) & YU(MUDD, Gov. Docs. Ctr.) : S
1.123:B 92/986 UCI
Ref.: OCLC 14048762
ditto. – November 1971. 7 p., bibliogr. ref. p. 6-7. – (Department of State publication ; 7931 : Background notes series) − Govt doc no.: S 1.123:B 92/971 - November 1971
D: B-SBB(Zsn 69121 Potsdamer Str.)
US: UCSB(Main Lib S 1.123:B 92/971 Gov.Inf.Ctr.U.S.)
Ref.: OCLC 25648735
ditto. – 1987. – Govt. Docs. no.: S 1.123:B 92/987
US: C(Main Lib S 1.123:B 92/987 Govt Pub)
ditto. – May 1974. 8 p., illus., map, bibliogr. ref. p. 5. – (Department of State publication ; 7931 : Background notes series) − Govt doc no.: S 1.123:B 92/974 - May 1974
D: B-SBB(Zsn 69121 Potsdamer Str.) B-FU/851
KI-ZBW(YY 10055)
US: UCSB(S 1.123:B 92/974)
Ref.: OCLC 25648717
ditto. – 1988. – Govt. Docs. no.: S 1.123:B 92/988
US: C(Main Lib S 1.123:B 92/988 Govt Pub)
ditto. – Febr. 1989. 8 p., illus., maps, bibliogr. p. 7. – (Department of State publication ; 7931 : Background notes series) - Govt. Docs. no.: S 1.123:B 92/989 - February 1989
D: B-SBB(Zsn 69121 Potsdamer Str.)
SG: ISEAS(DS501 U58)
US: C(Main Lib Govt Pub) & MnU(TC Wilson Library Gov
Pub (US Vertical File)) & SIUC(3rd fl-GovDocs stacks
K.) & WU(Hist. Soc. Lib US Gov. Publ.) &
UCSB(Main Lib Gov. Inf. Ctr. U.S.) & UCSD(Central
Doc. U.S.) & YU(MUDD, Gov. Docs. Ctr.) : S 1.123:B
92/989 UCI UCR
ditto. – May 1976. 8 p., illus., map, bibliogr. ref. p. 5. – (Department of State publication ; 7931 : Background notes series) − Govt doc no.: S 1.123:B 92/976 - May 1976
US: UCSB(Main Lib S 1.123:B 92/976 Gov.Inf.Ctr.U.S.)
Ref.: OCLC 25619201
ditto. – Dec. 1978. 7 p., illus., map, bibliogr. ref. p. 5. – Govt
doc no.: S 1.123:B 92/978
D: B-SBB(Zsn 69121 Potsdamer Str.)
US: UCSB(Main Lib S 1.123:B 92/978 Gov.Inf.Ctr.U.S.)
ditto. – Aug. 2005.
D: B-SBB(Online-Ressource)
ditto. – 1979. 7 p., maps. − (Department of State publication
; 7931 : Background notes series)
Deember 1978
US: UCSB(Main S 1.123:B 92/978)
Ref.: OCLC 25610752
A background report on Burma
Li, Tiezheng
Background to Burmah-Shell. – Bombay: Burmah-Shell Oil
Storage and Distributing Co. of India Ltd., [1956?]. 30 p.
GB: BL-APAC(W 7697(a))
ditto. – Jan. 1982. 7 p., 2 maps, bibliogr. p. 6 ref. – (Department of State publication ; 7931 : Background notes series)
− Govt. Docs. no.: S 1.123:B 92/982 - January 1982
D: BFU/851
Bacon, Thomas Anthony C.
A historical survey of the treatment of Buddhism by the political rulers of Burma / by Thomas Anthony C. Bacon. –
Burma Bibliographical Project
Siegfried M. Schwertner
1972. XVIII, 170 l., bibliogr. l. 157-165. – Santo Tomas,
Univ., M.A. thesis 1972
Subject(s): Buddhism and state -Burma.
SG: ISEAS(Microfiche PL 1022)
US: CU(Kroch Microfiche 88)
tion prevalent in the several provinces / by B. H. BadenPowell. [3 vols.] – Oxford [etc.]: Clarendon Pr., 1892.
v.3. Bk. 4. The Raiyatwári and allied systems. – 632 p., index, gloss.
p. 483-548: Pt. 6. Burma
British Association for Cemeteries in South Asia
ditto. Repr. – Delhi: Oriental Publ., 1974.
D: HD-SAI(216 agr 88/191)
Bacteriological Laboratory < Rangoon >
Burma Pasteur Institute and Bacteriological Laboratory < Rangoon >
Memorandum on the supply of teak and other timbers in
Burma markets. – [1873].
GB: BL-APAC(IOR/V/27/56/81)
Badcock, Dorothy Ida
Adoniram Judson / by D. I. Babcock [!]. – London, Edinburgh: Oliphants, 1953. 92 p., [1] l. of plates, col. illus. –
(Heroes of the cross ; [6])
Subject(s): Judson, Adoniram <1788-1850>
Missions - Burma ; Missionaries - Burma - Biography
GB: BL(WP.D 380/6*; WP.D 380/15)
OUL(BOD Camera UB 1339 e.111)
US: CU(Annex BV3271.J93 B128)
Badgley, John Herbert <b. 1930>
Asian development : problems and prognosis / John Badgley. – New York : Free Pr. ; London : Collier, Macmillan,
1971. XIV, 210 p., tables, index.
D: HD-SAI(300 wiw 75/145)*
GB: BL(X 510/7128 ;* X 520/4582)
NL: KITLV(M 3c 192 N)
US: CU(Kroch HC412.B13) UCB(HC423 .B317 1971)
ditto. Repr. – ibd., 1957. 92 p. – (Heroes of the cross)
D: B-SBB(575 113 Potsdamer Str.)
ditto. – ibd., 1962. 92 p. – (Heroes of the cross)
GB: BL(WP.D 380/36)
Burma prisoner : the story of Adoniram Judson / by D. I.
Badcock. [Rev. ed.] – Chicago, Ill.: Moody Pr., [1967]. 63 p.
– (Moody arrows : missionary ; 22) – Rev. edition, copyright
1967 by the Moody Bible Institute of Chicago.
Subject(s): Judson, Adoniram <1788-1850>
Burma : Missions ; Missionaries - Biography
United States : Missionaries - Biography
GB: BL-APAC(T 22916)
US: CU(Annex BV3271.J93 B13 1967) LC
MnU(TC Wilson Ames BV3271.J7 B33x 1967)
NIU(SEA BV3271.J7 B331X)
NNUT(Burke Union Stacks Pamphlets MU14 J93)
OAU(Alden SE Asia BV3271.J7 B33)
RPB YU(SML BV3271 J7 B33 1967 ; Divinity MU14
J921 Xb14b)
Ref: OCLC 4961735
ditto. Special ed. − Kansas City, Mo.: Nazarene Publ. House,
1970. 48 p. − (Junior fellowship missionary reading books ;
US: MoKN(BV3271.J7 B28 1970) Northwest Nazarene
Univ.(NNU Junior Libr. BV3271.J7B34)
Olivet Nazarene Univ.(J 922 J921b)
Ref.: OCLC 29744505
Baden-Powell, Baden Henry <1841-1901>
The forest system of British Burma : a report addressed to
the Chief Commissioner of British Burma / by B. H. BadenPowell. – Calcutta : Govt Print., 1874. III, 7, 5, 57, 5, 6 p.,
plates, map, illus., app.
D: GÖ-FW(I, B 184)
GB: BL(7073 f 11)* BL-APAC(W 3019(a))
US: HU(Botany Gray/Arnold: Tbe B14F) YU(SML)
Ref.: OCLC 46086743
The land-systems of British India : being a manual of the
land-tenures and of the systems of land-revenue administra-
B 10
Burma’s foreign economic relations, 1948-1958 : a survey /
by John H. Badgley. – Rangoon : The Rangoon-Hopkins
Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Rangoon Univ., 1959.
46, 24, 3 p., 6 app., incl. bibliogr. ref. – On cover: Survey of
Burma’s foreign economic relations, 1948-1958. –
Subject(s): Burma : Foreign economic relations
AU:ANU(Chifley large book HC422.B87 1959)
D: HD-SAI(reg 60 G 6 GF)*
SG: ISEAS(fHF3869 B9B13)
US: CU(Kroch HF3789 B8B13 ; HF1586.7 .B13)
NIU(SEA Oversize HF1586.7 .B3551959)
NjP(Firestone Microforms Microfilm 02553)
UCB(NRLF f HF1590.9.B8 B24 C 2 772 603)
Ref.: OCLC 27233862
Burmese students politics : leaflets
[Collected papers on Burma and on U.S. and Japanese policies in Asia, 1958-1989 / John H. Badgley.] – Ithaca, 1990. 1
v. (var. pags.), incl. bibliogr. ref
Subject(s): Burma : History <1948-> ; Politics and government <1948->
US: CU(Kroch +DS530.4 .C69 1990)
Human rights in Myanmar (Burma). – New York : International League for Human Rights, [1991]. [5] p. – (In brief ;
no. 41) – Author: John Badgley. "October 1991."
Subject(s): Burma : Human rights ; Politics and government
US: CU(Kroch +JC599.B87 B13)
Peasant rebellion and communist revolution in Asia
Politics among Burmans : a study of intermediary leaders /
by John Badgley. – Athens, Ohio: Ohio Univ., Center for International Studies, Southeast Asia Program, 1970. XI, 96 p.,
map, 3 tables, illus., gloss., app., incl. bibliogr. ref. – (Papers
in international studies : Southeast Asia studies / Ohio Univ.,
Center for International Studies ; 15) – Herbert 526
Subject(s): Burma : Community leadership ; Political participation ; Local government
AU:ANU(Menz lge bk JS7025.B8.B3) NLA
D: B-SBB(4° Ser.13 688-15 Potsdamer Str.)
Bibliographical description
HD-SAI(325 pol 71/156)*
PA-UB(55/RR 51983 B135)
GB: BL-DSS(qA71/838) BL-APAC(V 18418)
OUL(IND Burma 7 d 27)
SAS((591):323 ; (5-12:308 Box Ohio)
NL: KITLV(M ss 72 N+)
SG: ISEAS(JS7185 B9B13)
NUS(320.959B142 ; DS501 Op 15)
TH: CU(Asia 320.157095951 B146P)
US: CU(Kroch DS501 .O37 no.15)
HU(Widener Ind 8300.105 no. 15)
LC & MnU(TC Wilson Ames Quarto) & NIU(SEA) &
NNC(Lehman) & OAU(Alden SE Asia) & UCR(Rivera)
: JS7025.B82 B32
UCB(Main DS501 .O4 no.15 ; DS503.O43 P3 no.15)
UCD(Shields DS503.4 .P36 no.15) UCLA(YRL
DS501 .P197 no.15) UCSD(SSH DS501 .P3 v. 15)
YU(SML DS485 B892 B33)
Ref.: OCLC 22052399
Baedeker, Carl
Indien : Handbuch für Reisende / von Karl Baedeker. Mit 22
Karten, 33 Plänen und 8 Grundrissen. – Leipzig: K. Baedeker, 1914. LXXIV, 358 S., Bibliogr. S. LXXI bis LXXIV. –
Vortitel: Indien, Ceylon, Vorderindien, Birma, die Malayische Halbinsel, Siam, Java
F: BNF(Mss.8° Impr.or.2624)
GB: BL(010107 ff 37)*
NL: KITLV(M 3b 274)
Bækkelund, Stine
"Hvilket samfunnsansvar står norske turoperatører
overfor ved å tilby reiser til Burma?"
ditto. Repr. – ibd., 1973. X, 115 p., incl bibliogr. ref. – (Papers in international studies : Southeast Asia studies ; 15)
GB: BL-APAC(V 23967)
US: UC(NRLF JS7025.B82B32 1973 off campus)
WU(Memorial Lib. JS7025 B82 B32 1973)
Progress and polity in Burma / by John Herbert Badgley. –
1962. II, 283 l., notes, bibliogr. l. 275-283. – Berkeley,
Calif., Univ. of California, Ph.D. (political science) thesis
1962. – Herbert 526. - Shulman 572
Subject(s): Burma : Politics and government ; History
D: HD-SAI(M 926)*
GB: SOAS(L.GB320/445.849)*
US: CU(Kroch Film 572) NIU(Microforms-2nd FLFML Microfilm DS527.4 .B3341962)
UC(NRLF 308t 1962 6 C 2 944 876)
UCB(MasterNeg CU-T 5762 Printing master)
Ref.: OCLC 21757033 ; 21685365
Reconciling Burma/Myanmar : essays on U.S. relations
with Burma
The Theravada policy of Burma. – Kyoto: Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto Univ., 1965. p. 52-75. – Offprint
from: Southeast Asian studies / Tonan Ajia Kenkyu ;
Badhwar, Rattan Lall
The vegetable tanning materials of India and Burma
Edwards, M. V.
Badley, Brenton Thoburn <1876-1949>
Episcopal address to the Central Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, Cawnpore, India, December 29th,
Methodist Episcopal Church of Southern Asia / Central Conferences
Royal order of King Badon / ed. and transl. [into English] by
Than Tun. – Mandalay: Literature Bank, 1981. [16], 27 p. –
Text in Burmese and English
SG: ISEAS(K7062 R88)
Bär, Hans-Christoph
Heilsgeschichtlicher Bibelunterricht : McIlwains Programm
"Building on Firm Foundations" im Einsatz unter den Karen
im Bezirk Omkoi (Nordthailand) / Hans Bär. − Bonn: Verlag
für Kultur und Wissenschaft, 1998. 149 p., Bibliogr. S. 143149, summary in English. − (Edition AFEM / Mission academics, ISSN 0944-1077 ; 3) − ISBN 3-926105-90-9
Subject(s): McIlwain, Trevor : Building on firm foundations
; Karen : Missions
Burma : Bible - Study and teaching
D: M-BSB(2000.26787)
US: HU(Andover-Harv. Theol Harv.Depos. BS600.2
.B317 1998)
Bagale <1893-1945>
Shwetalay cartoon [: wit, humour, satire, politics, history,
etc. / by Bagale] ... – Mantale, 1969. 118 p., illus. – Captions
in Burmese and/or English
US: CU(Kroch ++NC1729.B14 1969 ; Film 11052 Reel
1837 no.3)
Bagan / text by Myat Thit and H. Kraft ; text ed. Saw Shwa
Bo ; photogr. by: Ko Oo, H. Kraft and Diethelm Travel. 1st
ed. – Yangon: Pyi Zone, 2003. 70 p., illus.
Contents: Stupa and temple - Tharaba Gate - Bagan history Anawhrata's Kingdom of Bagan - The Ananda Temple Bagan today - The Bupaya Pagoda - The Shwezigon Pagoda - To portray the Buddha - The Nanpaya Temple The Thatbyinnyu Temple - The Dhammayangyi Temple Plenty of other pagodas and temples - The Apayadama
Temple - The Monastery in sale - Mount Popa, abode of
the nats - The mighty Ayearwaddy River - People of Bagan - Market, ceramics and marionettes - Selling Thanaka
- Handicraft – Lacquer ware
Subject(s): Burma : Pagoda - Pagan
Pagan : Description and travel ; History ; Social conditions ; Custom and social life
TH: CU(CL reserve 959.102 T448B)
Bagan guide map / Ministry of Forestry, Myanmar, Survey
Department. Rev. up to 9th May 1996. – Yangon: Survey
Department, [1996]. 1 fold. p.
D: HD-SAI(geo K 293)*
Baggaley, James
A Chindit story / James Baggaley. – London : Souvenir Pr.,
1954. 163 p., front., map.
Subject(s): Baggaley, James
Burma : World War <1939-1945> - Campaigns ; World
War <1939-1945> - Personal narratives, British
B 11
Burma Bibliographical Project
Siegfried M. Schwertner
D: B-SBB(368 647 Potsdamer Str.)
GB:BL-APAC(T 15786) BL-DSS(W16/1069)
CUL(9538.c.207) OUL(BOD Camera UB 222833
e.161) SOAS(E Coll 3 G /3)
US: CU(Kroch D811 .B14)
MnU(TC Wilson PZ4.B145 Cx)
NYPL(Research D 12-9481) UC(SRLF) UCLA
fectively controlling the entire Kingdom’s access to the
sea, and thus its ability to engage freely in international
trade. Yet the British neither formally annexed nor declared free the remaining portion of the Burmese kingdom.
Min-don, the newly crowned king of what remained of
Burma, walked a fine line with his uninvited and powerful
foreign "guests", attempting to balance cordiality toward
the intruders with at least the appearance of independent
authority over the remaining, unoccupied, part of the kingdom. An uneasy balance between co-operation and antagonism thus characterized the attitudes of both the Burmese and British authorities toward one another, a balance
that became increasingly strained following the bitter experiences of the British in India in 1857, and Calcutta’s
new determination that British Burma, at least, should be
fully assimilated into their system.
The Kinwun Min-gyi was a voice of moderation in the
clamour of opinion in the Burmese court as to how to deal
with the British usurpers, convinced as he was of the need
to cooperate with and even to emulate the West in order to
strengthen the Burmese chances of eventually winning
back their territory and freedom. Thus the first Burmese
diplomatic mission to London in 1872, led by the Kinwun
Min-gyi, worked zealously both to convey Burma’s culture and underlying civility to the world, and to further the
understanding of the West in the minds of the Burmese.
Despite strong opposition from the rulers of British India
in Calcutta, who saw the mission as an attempt by the
Burmese Court to establish direct communication with
London, and thus to bypass their authority, the mission
succeeded in both objectives.
Accomplished statesman, scholar and gentleman, the Kinwun Min-gyi was well suited to lead this first Burmese
mission to the heart of the British Empire. His daily record
of the momentous journey and of the reactions of the Envoys to their first observations of Western cities, technology and mores, made available again after many years’
obscurity in a new translation, remains a fascinating and
enlightening document for all with interest in this turbulent
period of Burmese history
Ref.: Orchid Pr.
ditto. − London : Hamilton, 1955. 190 p., map. – (Panther
Books ; 518)
GB: SOAS(GB959.10452092 /849.979)*
ditto. – London : Hamilton, 1958. 158 p. – (Panther books ;
GB: BL(WP.B 29/518)*
NL: KITLV(M ss 213 N)
SG: ISEAS(DS529.7 B14)
Bagge, Arthur H.
Papers regarding the coal mines at Thatay Khyoung. – Calcutta : Foreign Department Pr., 1863. 7 p. – (Selections from
the records of the Government of India ; 39)
IDC Fiche 60
GB: BL(I.S.385(39c)) BL-APAC(IOR/V/37/7)
Report on the settlement on the Siam and Tenasserim
boundary / by A. H. Bagge. – Calcutta : Foreign Department
Pr., 1866. 66 p. – (Selections from the records of the Government of India, Foreign Department ; 50)
IDC Fiche 72
Subject(s): Tenasserim : Boundaries
Thailand : Boundaries
GB: BL(I.S.358(50))* BL-APAC(IOR/V/23/8)
US: CU(Kroch DS485.B89 B14 ; Annex Fim N2808)
NYPL(Research *SES) YU(07500 C3)
Baglio, Ben M.
Beyond the sunrise / Ben M. Baglio ; illustrations by Judith
Lawton. − New York ; Toronto, Ont.: Scholastic Inc., 2003.
151 p.,: illus. − (Dolphin diaries ; 10) − An Apple Paperback
ISBN 0439446171 (pbk.)
Note: The McGraths have arrived in Sundarbans Delta, at
the mouth of the great Ganges River. There, Jody hopes to
see the rare and unusual Irrawaddy dolphins. Her wish
comes true when at last she spots one, whom she names
Sandhi. but her world is turned upside down when she
learns there are poachers around, and Sandhi is missing.
Does Sandhi have a secret hiding place, or has she been
caught. − Back cover.
Subject(s): Irrawaddy Dolphins : Juvenile fiction
Poachers : Juvenile fiction.
Ref.: OCLC 54819692
A literature of school books : a study of the Burmese books
approved for use in schools by the Education Department in
1885, and of their place in the developing educational system in British Burma / by L. E. Bagshawe. – 1976. 216 p.,
bibliogr. p. 201-212. – London, Univ. of London, School of
Oriental and African Studies, M.Phil. thesis 1976. − In English with some Burmese. – Herbert 639
Subject(s): Burmese language : Textbooks
Burma : Textbooks ; Textbooks : History ; Education History
GB: SOAS(Thesis 991/357.887)
US: CU(Kroch Film 7860 ; Annex Film N7860)
NIU(SEA PL3933 .B3471970Z)
Bagoglu, Necip C.
Hinweise zum Myanmar-Geschäft. – Köln ; Berlin: Bundesstelle für Außenhandelsinformation (BfAI), 1995. 21 S.
D: B-SBB(6 A 22048 Potsdamer Str.)
Bagshawe, Leonard Ewart
The Kinwun Min-Gyi's London diary :the first mission of a
Burmese Minister to Britain, 1872 / by L.E. Bagshawe. –
Bangkok: Orchid Pr., 2004. 412 p., 26 b. &w. illus., 1 table,
index. − ISBN 974-524-021-4
Note: In the years following the Second Burmese War, British colonial authorities occupied approximately half of the
Kingdom of Burma, as far east as the Irrawadi Valley, ef-
The Maniyadanabon of Shin Sandalinka
Bahadur Singh, I. J.
Indians in Southeast Asia
Bahar, A. T. M. Salimullah <b. 1953>
Dynamics of ethnic relations in Burmese society : a case
study of inter-ethnic relations between the Burmese and the
Rohingyas / by A. T. M. Salimullah Bahar. − 1981. 109 l., il-
B 12
Bibliographical description
lus., maps, bibliogr. l. 100-108. − Univ. of Windsor, M.A.
thesis 1982. − ISBN 0315094257
Subject(s): Rohingyas : Ethnic relations;
Burmese: Ethnic relations
Arakan : Ethnic relations
Burma : Ethnic relations
Thesis (M.A.) - Univ. of Windsor, 1982.
CAN: McGill Univ.(Islam Main DS528.2 R6 B34 1981)
ditto. [microform]. − Ottawa : National Library of Canada,
1984. 2 microfiches (128 fr.), illus. ; 11 X 15 cm. − (Canadian theses on microfiche = Thèses canadiennes sur microfiche, 0227-3845 ; 57342)
Bailey, Chris Howard
Down the Burma Road : work and leisure for the below-deck
crew of the Queen Mary 1947-1967 / narrated and comp. by
Chris Howard Bailey. − Southampton: Oral History Team,
Southampton Local Studies Section, [1991]. 104 p., illus.
ISBN 1872649025
Subject(s): Queen Mary, Ship
GB: Liverpool(SPEC R/VM383.Q4.B15)
Southampton(Hartley Ref. Cope quarto SOU 43.13)
Bailey, Faith Coxe
Adoniram Judson : missionary to Burma, 1813 to 1850. –
Chicago, Ill.: Moody Pr., [1955]. 128 p. – (Colportage library ; 237) − Cover title: Adoniram Judson : America's first
foreign missionary
Subject(s): Judson, Adoniram <1788-1850>
Burma : Missionaries - Biography ; Missions
US: CU(Annex BV3271.J93B15)
LC & OAU(Alden SE Asia) & WU(Memorial Lib.) :
BV3271.J7 B3 NNUT(Burke MRL Day Rare Ek
J921ba) MsJRT(266.009591JUD.B)
YU(Divinity, Stacks MU14 J921 Xb15)
Ref: OCLC3324156
ditto. − ibd., 1982. 128 p. − ISBN 0802402879
SG: ISEAS(BV3271 J7A23)
Burmas apostel : Adoniram Judson / til norsk ved Oddvar
Nilsen.− Oslo: Filadelfiaforl., 1973. 143 s. − (Den Kristne
bokringen) − ISBN 82-534-0238-4
N: NBO(NA Bai) UBB(HF I 307 Jud)
UBIT(Gunnerus B 37413)
Bailey, James
Bailey’s How to teach the babies / adapted and transl. by the
editor, Vernacular School Text-Books, Burma. 3rd ed. Publ.
under the authority of the Text-Book Committee ... – Rangoon : British Burma Pr., 1909. I, 119 p.
GB: BL(14302 i 28)* BL-APAC(Bur D 933)
Bailey, Jane Terry
A syllabus for a course in Burmese art at the undergraduate
level : final report / Jane Terry Bailey. − [Washington:] U.S.
Dept. of Health, Education, and Welfare, Office of Education, Bureau of Research, [1968]. 121 l., bibliogr. l.119-121.
− "Project No. 7-E-024." May 1968
Subject(s): Burma : Art ; Art - Study and teaching (Higher)
Some Burmese paintings of the seventeenth century and later
/ Jane Terry Bailey. − Ascona: Artibus Asiae Publ. 3 pts. in 1
v., illus. − (Artibus Asiae ; …)
1. A seventeenth-century painting style near Sagaing. −
1976. p. 267-286. − (… ; 38.4)
2. The return to Pagán. − 1978. p.41-61. − (… ; 40.1)
3. Nineteenth-century murals at the Taungthaman Kyauktawgyi. − 1979. p.41-63. − (… ; 41.1)
Subject(s): Burma : Painting
SG: ISEAS(fND806 B15)
Bailey, Philip <b. 1953>
European cricketers in India, Ceylon and Burma
Thorn, Philip
Bailey, R. C.
Report to the Government of Burma on agricultural extension / by R. C. Bailey. – Rome, 1963. 12 p. – (FAO report /
Expanded Technical Assistance Program ; 1176) CAN:
Bailey, Sydney Dawson
Naissance de nouvelles démocraties : introduction et développement des institutions parlementaires dans les pays de
l’Asie du Sud et dans les territoires coloniaux, deux rapports
/ préparés par Sidney D. Bailey. Préface d’André Mathiot. –
Paris: Librairie Armand Colin, 1953. XII, 199 p. – (Cahiers
de la Fondation Nationale des Sciences Politiques ; 50)
GB: BL(WP 14427/50)*
Burmas apostel : Adoniram Judson. − Stockholm: Den
kristna bokringen, 1974. 142 p.
Subject(s): Judson, Adoniram
S: L(0100 L s77/45) Q(39079) S(c74 196)
Sig(Cjz Judson) U(Sv L 1538) Umdp(14972)
High adventure / by Faith Coxe Bailey ; Golden daybreak /
by Tom Westwood. – Westchester, Ill.: Good News Publ.,
[1960]. 95 p. – High Adventure is condensed from Adoniram Judson, Missionary to Burma, Moody Pr., Chicago. Golden Daybreak is condensed from The Blessed Hope,
published by Bible Treasury Hour.
US: KyWAT MnSB(BSEM 275.91 J93bai 1960)
TxDaTS(BV3271 J7 B3X 1960)
Ref.: OCLC 7430911
Bailey, Jackson Holbrock
Asia : a guide to paperbacks
A guide to paperbacks on Asia
B 13
Parliamentary government in Southern Asia : an introductory essay on developments in Burma, Ceylon, India and
Pakistan, 1947-1952 / by Sydney D. Bailey. – New York :
International Secretariat, Institute of Pacific Relations, 1952.
27 l., bibliogr. l. 27.
Subject(s): Burma : Politics and government <1948->
D: KI-ZBW(C 12032)
GB: BL-APAC(P/W 579)*
SOAS(Pam India L/91.083)
LSE(BLPES, Pamphlets Folio FJF(5)/F2, Special)
NL: KB KITLV(M 3n 426)
SG: ISEAS(JQ444 B15)
US: FTaSU HU(Widener Ind 345.52 ; Law
School: COMP 964 BAI) LC & MnU(TC Wilson Library Ames Quarto) & WU(Memorial Lib.) : JQ218.B3
NNC(Lehman JQ218 .B3 1953a)
NNUT(Burke MRL Outline Oversize Kt B156)
Burma Bibliographical Project
Siegfried M. Schwertner
NYPL(Research *C-5 p.v.157)
SIUC(3rd fl-Soc St stacks 342.54 B156P)
UC(NRLF JQ745.A1 B24 C 2 775 433) UCLA(YRL *
JQ 218 B15p) UCSC(McHenry JN248.B3)
YU(SML, AOS Room 329 Fg B15)
Ref.: OCLC 22057757 ; 02650356
ditto. : issued in cooperation with the International Secretariat, Institute of Pacific Relations. – London : Hansard Society, 1953. 100 p., bibliogr. p. 96-97.
AU:ANU(Menzies JQ218.B3)
D: B-SBB(9 V 55 U.d.L. NfLS ; 23359 Potsdamer Str.
GB: BL(8024 de 6) BL-DSS(W24/6894)
COL(JQ 126) CUL(9620.d.257) BL-APAC(P/W 579)
OUL(IND Nuneham 34 B 68 ; QEH C43/AS BA)
SAdS(ICS JQ25 BAI) ULL(Canadian Studies JQ 218
.B3 1953)
US: CU(Kroch JQ218 .B15 1953)
HU(Law School: COMP 964 BAI) LC &
NNC(Lehman) & UCD(Shields 1953a) & UCSB(Main )
& UCSD(SSH) & WU(Memorial Lib.) : JQ218.B3 1953
NNUT(Burke MRL Outline Kt B156p)
NYPL(Research *C-2 p.v.1075) UC(NRLF JQ745.A1
B24 1953) UCB(Main JQ745.A1 B24 1953)
UCLA(YR JQ218 .B15pa)
Ref.: OCLC 1633635 ; 00894016
ditto. : a survey of developments in Burma, Ceylon, India,
and Pakistan ; 1947-1952 / by Sydney D. Bailey. Issued in
co-operation with the Hansard Society, London. – New York
: International Secretariat, Institute of Pacific Relations,
1953. 100 p., index, bibliogr. p. 96-97.
D: HD-SAI(reg 60 U 2)*
F: BNF(16° R.6081)
GB: FOL(KC 321/5.170)
US: CU(Kroch JQ218 .B15 1953)
HU(Widener Ind 8310.153) LC & MnU(TC Wilson
Library Ames) & NNC((Lehman) : JQ218 .B3 1953a
NNC(Offsite 342.54 B155)
NYPL(Research *C-2 p.v.1075)
YU(LSF-Request Ofa10 52B)
Bailey, Wellesley C.
Visit to leper asylums in India and Burma, 1895-96. − Edinburgh: Darien Pr., 1896. 94 p., illus.
Subject(s): Burma : Leprosy
US: GEU-T(1896 Bail) OO(614.546B156)
NNUT(Burke MRL Day Rare La B156r)
Ref.: OCLC 13203467
Baillie, Allan <b. 1943>
Rebel! / by Allan Baillie ; illus. by Di Wu. – [Australia:]
Ashton Scholastic Pty Ltd.
Note: When the General marches into Burma to take over,
one student is brave enough to rebel.
Subject(s): Burma : Courage - Fiction ; War - Fiction.
ditto. 1st American ed. – New York : Ticknor & Fields For
Young Readers, 1994. 1 v. (unpaged), coll. illus.
ISBN 0395692504
US: LC(PZ7.B156 Re 1994)
IU(Ctr for Child Bks Q.SE. B158R)
WU(CCBC Basic Picture Books Baillie)
Baillie, John <1816-1890>
Rivers in the desert : or, mission scenes in Burmah / by Rev.
John Baillie. – London : Seeley, Jackson and Halliday, 1858.
XVI, 391 p., [4] plates, fronts.
Subject(s): Judson, Adoniram <1788-1850>
Burma : Missions
GB: BL(4193 d 55)* CUL(8600.d.257)
BL-APAC(T 8780)
J: TYB(XII-25-F-8)
US: C(Sutro 275.9 B) CSL(Sutro 275.9 B)
CU(Kroch Asia Rare BV3270 .B15) MiU
UC(SRLF BV3270 .B158r A0012382529)
YU(Divinity, Stacks MU14 B158r)
Ref.: OCLC7628569
ditto. – ibd., 1859. XVI, 391 p., illus.
D: B-SBB(Up 4923/50 Haus)
GB: BL-APAC(ORW.1986.a.4460) SOAS
US: C HU(Widener Ind 2115.10) NNCoCi
Rivers in the desert : or, the great awakening in Burmah ; a
narrative of the wonderful work of God in that country, with
memoirs of the Judsons and of their fellow-labourers / by
John Baillie. – London : Seeley, Jackson, and Halliday,
1862. XVI, 391 p.
Subject(s): Burma : Missions
Judson, Adoniram <1788-1850>
D: HD-SAI(reg 60 M 102)*
US: NNUT(Burke MRL Day Rare Lr B158r)
ScU(Annex BV3270 .B75)
YU(LSF-Request for Lrb B15)
Ref.: OCLC0266358 ; 54259567
ditto. Microform of 1862 ed. − Evanston, Ill.: American
Theological Library Association, 1995. 1 reel ; 35 mm.−
(ATLA monograph preservation program ; ATLA film
1995-0265) (Day missions monographs on microfilm ; set 1)
US: YU(LSF-Request for Film B6265)
Baillie, Peter
Chindwin mission / by Peter Baillie. 1st world publ. – London : Digit Books, [195-?]. 155 p. – Novel
Subject(s): Burma : World War <1939-1945> - Campaigns Fiction.
US: NIU(SEA PR6052.A31927 C51950Z)
ditto. – London : Brown, Watson, [1958]. 155 p.
GB: BL(W.P.9655/66)
ditto. – ibd., 1964. 157 p. – [(Digit books ; R855)]
GB: BL(W.P.9655/809)
Jungle nemesis / by Peter Baillie. – London : E. Self, [195?]. 160 p.
Subject(s): World War <1939-1945> -Fiction
US: CU(Kroch PR6003.A27 J9)
Bain, J. Kerr
Report of case of Michael James Hallen, vs. Rev. J.
Kerr Bain, for libel
Bain, Robert Vernon Stewart
Report to the Government of Burma on veterinary vaccine
production. – Rome: FAO, 1953. 21 l., 2 app. – (EPTA report ; 122)
B 14
Bibliographical description
FAO MFN 050122
Subject(s): Burma : Vaccines ; Veterinary medicine ; Livestock ; Animal Diseases ; Haemorrhagic Septicaemia ;
Rinderpest ; Anthrax ; Brucellosis ; Disease Control ; Veterinary services ; Laboratories ; Laboratory Equipment ;
D: ZBLW(4’ I a 8, 18865 (122))
Merrill’s Marauders / Alan Baker. – London :
Pan/Ballantine, 1972. 159 p., illus., maps, plans. –
(Pan/Ballantine illustrated history of World War 2 : weapons
ISBN 0-345-09766-1 – Herbert 255
Subject(s): Burma : World War <1939-1945> - Campaigns
United States : Army - Composite Unit (Provisional),
GB: BL(X.709/14169)* BL-DSS(X24/4817)
OUL(BOD Camera UB 3963 e.340/9766)
SOAS(E Coll 3 F /3)
IRL:TCD(P 25477)
Ref.: OCLC 16241892 ; 4934916
Bainbridge, Lucy Seaman
Jewels from the Orient / by Lucie Seaman Bainbridge. –
New York [etc.]: Revel, 1920. 125 p., plates.
US: LC(BV3150.B3)
Baines, Jervoise Athelstane < Sir, b. 1847 >
General report on the Census of India, 1891
Census <1881>
ditto. – New York : Ballantine Books, 1972. 159 p., illus.,
maps. – (Ballantine’s illustrated history of the violent century : weapons book; 31) − ISBN 0-345-02647-0
NL: Rotterdam-Erasmus Univ.(Medical Libr. RLK T 5:
SG: NUS(D767.6 Bak)
US: CU(Kroch D767.6 .B16) LC(D767.6 .B23)
MiU(Buhr D767.6 .B231) NjP(14101.947.143)
Baird, J. G. A.
Private letters of the Marquess of Dalhousie
Dalhousie, James Andrew Broun Ramsay < 1st Marquis
of >
Baird-Murray, Maureen <b. 1933>
A world overturned : a Burmese childhood 1933-1947 /
Maureen Baird-Murray. – London : Constable, 1997. VIII,
180 p., [8] p. of plates, illus., facsims., map, ports., gloss.
ISBN 0-09-476400-X ; 0094789207 (pbk.)
Subject(s): Baird-Murray, Maureen <b. 1933> : Childhood
and youth
Burma : Biography ; Racially mixed children - Biography
; Social life and customs ; History - Japanese occupation
<1942-1945> ; History <1824-1948> ; World War <19391945> - Personal narratives
GB: BL(YK 1997 a 5940)
CUL(2000.8.3207 ; 9005.c.5109)
OUL(BOD L Floor M98.F07541 & M98.F10070)
SOAS(GB949.092/742.016* ; E Coll 3 I /10)
IRL:TCD(HL-200-140 ; PL-303-898)
SG: ISEAS(DS530.32 B16B16)
US: CU(Kroch DS530.32.B36.A3 1997)
HU(Widener Harv.Depos.)
ditto. 1st American ed. – Brooklyn, NY: Interlink Books,
1998. VIII, 156 p., [8] p. of plates, illus., map.
ISBN 1-566-56246-5 (pbk.)
AU:ANU(Menzies DS530.32.B36.A3 1998)
US: LC & NIU(Main) & UCB(Moffitt) & UCR(Rivera) :
DS530.32.B36 A3 1998
Bajunid, Omar Farouk
Muslim minority in contemporary politics : the case of
Cambodia and Myanmar / Omar Farouk Bajunid. – Hiroshima: Faculty of International Studies, Hiroshima City
University, 2002. 12 l. – (Hiroshima journal of international
studies ; 8)
Subject(s): Burma . Ethnic groups ; Politics ; Society
TH: CU(TIC 63714)
Baker, Alan D.
Merrills knokploeg : een mini-leger tegen Japan / Alan
Baker [; vert. uit het Engels door S. D. Nemo ; inl. door Michael Calvert]. – Antwerpen: Standaard, c1995. 159 p., illus.
– (Bibliotheek van de Tweede Wereldoorlog ; 77) – Transl.
of: Merrill’s marauders. – ISBN 90-02-19472-2)
NL: KITLV(M 1996 A 720)
Baker, Conyers
The Shwe Dagon pagoda / Conyers Baker. – Rangoon :
American Baptist Pr., [1910?]. 36 p., [1] folded l. of plates,
illus., plan.
Subject(s): Shwe Dagon pagoda
Burma : Pagodas - Rangoon ; Religion
Rangoon : Pagodas
GB: Birmingham(Stack p ; 294.3435, Reference)
SOAS(FN.PamA 3.822)*
US: DSI(NA2254.62 .R3B16 1895)
Ref.: OCLC 17383218
Baker, Christopher John <b. 1948>
The chronicle of our wars with the Burmese
Damrong Rājānubhāb
Baker, Edward Charles Stuart <1864-1944>
Birds / by E. C. Stuart Baker. Publ. under the authority of the
Secretary of State for India in Council. Ed. by Sir Arthur E.
Shipley. 2nd ed., 8 vols. – London : Taylor and Francis. –
(The fauna of British India : including Ceylon and Burma) –
The 1st ed. appeared in 4 vols., 1889-98. Vol. 1-2 being by
Eugene William Oates ; vol. 3-4 by William Thomas Blanford
1. – 1922. XXIII, 479 p., plates, figs., index.
2. – 1924. XXIII, 561 p., plates, figs., index.
3. – 1926. XX, 489 p., figs., plates, index, map.
4. – 1927. XXIV, 471 p., figs., plates, index.
5. – 1928. XVII, 469 p., figs., plates, index.
6. – 1929. XXXV, 499 p., figs., plates, index, bibliogr. p. IXXIX.
7. – 1930. VII, 484 p., indices.
8. – 1930. IV, p. 485-801, index.
Subject(s): Burma : Birds
D: B-SBB: 1-4 (Lv 12910 Potsdamer Str. NfLS)
HD-SAI: 1-8 (216 nat 89/4445, bird 1-8)*
GB: BL: 1-5 (X29/4708-4711)
1-8 ((B)FQ 555/501827005* ; 2251.f.11)
BL-DSS: 1, 2, 4-5 (X29/4708)
CUL: 1-8 (384:5.c.90.1a-) BL-APAC(V 7563)
OUL: 1-8 (RSL Stack 189941 d. 2v/1-8 ;
ZOO Alexander India Handbooks)
SG: NUS-SC(Cl stacks QL309 Faub v1-8 22-30)
B 15
Burma Bibliographical Project
Siegfried M. Schwertner
US: CU(Annex QL691.I4 O11 1922)
HU(Museum Comp Zoology: T-IA-B)
LC(QL691.I4B29 1922 ; QL691.I4O1 1922)
NYPL(Offsite QGW) UC(SRLF A0002859957)
UCB(Biosci QL691.I5 O2 1922)
UCD(Shields QL691.I4 O1 1922)
YU: 1-8 (Ornithology QL691 I4 B35 1922)
The nidification of birds of the Indian Empire. – London :
Taylor and Francis, 1932- . Plates.
Subject(s): Burma : Birds ; Birds - Eggs ; Birds - Nests
GB: BL(W.P.8038) BL-APAC(V 6650)
ditto. 2nd ed. Repr. 8 vols. – New Delhi : Today & Tomorrow’s Print. and Publ., 1985. – (The fauna of British India :
including Ceylon and Burma)
D: B-SBB: 3 (40 MA 2535 U.d.L.)
HD-SAI: 2 (216 nat 89/4445, bird 2)*
Baker, George Edward
Mountbatten of Burma / by George Baker. 1st publ. – London : Cassell, 1959. 119 p., illus. – (Red lion lives ; 2)
Subject(s): Mountbatten of Burma, Louis Mountbatten,
D: PA-UB(00/RR 51977 B167 (00))
GB: BL(010600 b 1/2)* OUL(Camera UB 22891 e.351)
US: CU(Annex DA89.1.M92 B16)
ditto. (2nd ed.) − ibd., 1960. 119 p., illus. − (Red lion lives ;
D: B-SBB(Ser. 26724-2 Potsdamer Str.)
GB: Edinburgh(Moray House (Holyrood) - Children's Lending 942.083 BAK)
The fauna of British India : including Ceylon and Burma
The game-birds of India, Burma and Ceylon / by E. C. Stuart
Baker, with ... coloured plates by H. Grönvold ... Published
by the Bombay Natural History Society. – London : Bale
and Danielsson. – Repr. from: Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society with corrections and additions
1. Ducks and their allies : swans, geese and ducks. 2nd ed. –
1921. XVI, 340 p., 30 plates, index. – 2nd ed. of: Indian
ducks and their allies
2. Snips, bustards and sand-grouse. – 1921. XVI, 329 p.,19
plates, index. – Added title-page: Indian game birds :
snipe, bustards, sand grouse
3. Pheasants and bustard-quail. – 1930. X, 341 p., [20] l. of
plates, index.
Subject(s): Burma : Birds ; Ornithology ;
Game and game-birds ; Ducks ; Snips ; Sand-grouse ;
Pheasants ; Bustards ; Swans ; Geese
D: B-SBB(4° Lo 8026/90 U.d.L. NfLS)
GB: BL(Ac 3079/3)* CUL(S395.b.92.13-14)
BL-APAC: 1-2 (V 5010) OUL(ZOO Alexander RBC ;
RSL Stack 18961 d. 190 (v.1-2)
US: CU(Kroch Rare & Mss-Hill +QL691.I4 B16 ;Annex
QL691.I4 B16) HU(Museum Comp Zoology: Spec.
Coll.) IEdS(Rare Book Collection SK555 .B3)
KU: 3 (Law KF605 D35)
LC: 3 (QL691.I4B29) MiU: 1-2
UCB: 1-2 (Biosci QL691.I5 B3 1921)
YU: 1-2 (Ornithology QL696 G2 B3)
Ref.: OCLC 1419322 : 3
A hand-list of genera and species of birds of the Indian Empire / by E. C. Stuart Baker. – Bombay: Printed by order of
the Committee of the Bombay Natural History Society,
[1923]. IX, 240 p. – Repr. from: The Journal of the Bombay
Natural History Society, Dec. 20, 1920 to April 20, 1923,
together with a forew., addenda and corr. prep. by the author
GB: BL(Ac.3079/5*; Ac.3079/6)
Indian ducks and their allies
The game-birds of India, Burma and Ceylon ; 1
Indian game birds : snipe, bustards, sand grouse
The game-birds of India, Burma and Ceylon ; 2
Indian snipe. − [Bombay, 1910-1911.] 1 v. (var. pags.),
plates (part col.) − From: The journal of the Bombay Natural
History Society ; v.20, 1910-11.
Subject(s): Burma : Charadriidae
Baker, Hugh Cuthbert
Report on the revision settlement of certain flooded areas in
Tantabin, Taikkyi and Insein townships of the Insein District
: season 1933-35
Settlement < Insein : Tantabin, Taikkyi, Insein > 1933-35
Report on the revision settlement of eight assessment tracts
together with the original settlement of certain areas in the
Myaungmya, Labutta and Moulmeingyun townships of Myaungmya District : season 1933-35
Settlement < Myaungmya : Myaungmya, Labutta, Moulmeingyun > 1933-35
Baker, Richard <b. 1914>
Burma post : a personal story of air mails and other activities
in the Burma campaign, 1944-1945 / by Richard Baker. –
Worthing: Churchman, 1989. X, 150 p., 1 map, incl. bibliogr. ref. − ISBN 1-85093-146-1 (pbk.)
Subject(s): Burma : Postal service - History ; World War
<1939-1945> - Postal service ; World War <1939-1945> Campaigns - Personal narratives, British
Great Britain : Army - World War <1939-1945> - Military operations - Burma - Postal service
D: M-BSB(90.35832) S-WLB(B 73434)
GB: BL(YC 1990 a 4287) CUL(1995.8.7121)
BL-APAC(ORW 1990 a 1709)
OUL(IND Burma 5 d 86) SAS((591):351.816)
SOAS(GB959.10452 /808523* ; E Coll 3 K /14)
IRL:TCD(PL-150- 67)
SG: NRL(355.341092 BAK)
US: CU(Kroch HE7200.7.A6B35 1989)
Baker, Robert Francis Cunynghame
Report on the operations in the Chin Hills during the cold
season of 1892-93, together with appendix containing routes,
sketches etc. / by R. Baker. – Rangoon : Govt. Print., Burma
(for I. B., R.), 1893. 12 p., 19 fold. maps, routes.
Subject(s): Chin Hills : Politics and government - 19th century
Burma : Roads - Chin Hills
GB: BL(I.S.Bu.75(2))* BL-APAC(W 7149(b))
Baker, Steve
Dschungelhölle Burma / Steve Baker. – Rastatt, Baden: Pabel, [1967]. 62 S. – (Der Landser ; 276)
B 16
Bibliographical description
Baker, Thomas Turner <d. 1852>
The recent operations of the British forces at Rangoon and
Martaban / by Thomas Turner Baker. – London : Hatchard,
1852. VII, 78 p., front., [3] l. of plates. – Herbert 354
Subject(s): Burma : Burmese War, 1852 ;
History <1824-1948>
Rangoon : Burmese War, 1852
Martaban : Burmese War, 1852
Great Britain : Army - Burmese War, 1852 - Military operations
D: HD-SAI(reg 60 D 301)*
GB: BL(9055 c 7) CUL(D.27.31)
BL-APAC(T 3324 ; T 3325 ; T 11460) OUL(BOD Old
Class 226 d.7) SOAS(EB 85.188/18.330)
J: TYB(XII-25-E-14)
SG: NUS(DS477.65 Bak)
US: CU(Kroch Asia Rare DS477.65 B16)
HU(Widener Harv.Depos. Ind 825.5)
LC & NIU(SpeCol) & WU(Memorial Lib.) :
DS477.65.B3 NYPL(Research BGR)
UC(NRLF ; SRLF) YU(SML DS477.65 B35)
Ref.: OCLC 18601949 ; 7557614
Baker, W. J.
Table of conversion, village to standard ...
Bakshi, Akhil
In the footsteps of the INA travels through Sinapore,
Malaysia and Burma on the road to India's freedom
The road to freedom : travels through Singapore, Malaysia,
Burma, and India in the footsteps of the Indian National
Army / text by Akhil Bakshi ; photogr. by Kabir Khan ;
Akhil Bakshi. 1st ed. – New Delhi : Odyssey Books, c1998.
109, [4] p., col. illus., bibliogr. p. [113].
ISBN 81-900861-0-3
p. 52-93: Inside the bamboo curtain
Subject(s): Indian National Army : History : World War
India :‘History - Autonomy and independence movements
Burma : Description and travel ; Pictorial works ; World
War <1939-1945> - Campaigns ; History - Japanese occupation <1942-1945>
D: HD-SAI(200 rei 99/1202 GF)*
GB: BL(YA.1998.b.2343) OUL(IND 34 F 1zz)
SOAS(LG959.052/757989 ; L GB959.10452
/808370 ; E Coll 3 O /3)
SG: ISEAS(D767.63 B16)
US: CU(Kroch +) & HU(Widener Harv.Depos.) & LC &
NNC(Butler) : D767.63 .B35 1998
NIU(SEA) & UCLA(YRL) & WU(Memorial Lib.) :
D767.63 B357 1998 UCB
Bakshi, Parvinrai Mulwantrai
Basu's law of evidence (in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh,
Burma and Ceylon) : being exhaustive commentary on The
Indian Evidence Act, 1872 (1 of 1872) as amended by (Information Technology Act, 2000)
Basu, Nrisinha Das
[Law of evidence ]
ISBN 0151195196
Subject(s): Burma : Travel - Fiction, American ; Prisoners Fiction
US: CU(PS3552.A31 C7) LC & NNC(Offsite) &
UC(NRLF) & UCD(Shields) & UCI(Langson) & UCSB
: PS3552.A44 C6 1985
NYPL(Research JFD 86-1398)
UCLA(SRLF PS3552 .B179c 1985)
YU(LSF PS3552 A42 C6 1985)
Ref.: OCLC 11517578 ; 51064639
ditto. 1st Fireside ed. – New York : Simon & Schuster, 1989.
240 p. – (A Fireside book) − ISBN 0671675370
US: LC(PS3552.A44 C6 1989)
MCM(Humanities Stacks PS3552.A316.C6 1989)
Balakrishnan, M. R.
Report to the Government of Burma on crop production and
development in Kachin State / by M. R. Balakrishnan. –
Rome, 1963. 46 p., map. – (FAO report / Expanded Program
of Technical Assistance ; 1686) – At head of title: Project
Subject(s): Burma : Agriculture - Kachin ; Field crops - Kachin
Kachin : Agriculture ; Field crops
US: CU(Kroch +Pamphlet HC Burma 7 ; Annex
S471.B96 F68)
Balancing act : 1 October-31 December 2002 / ALTSEAN
Burma. − Bangkok: Alternative Asean Network on Burma,
2003. 84 p., incl. bibliogr. ref. − (Report card) − At head of
title: Report card, Burma, March 2003
ISBN 9749113020
Note: Incl. the rising military threat (Burma, not Iraq), economic crisis, aid, Thai-Burma relations, worsening situation for ethnic nationalities, chronology & more.
Subject(s): Burma : Human rights ; Politics and government
<1988-> ; Economic conditions <1948-> ; Foreign relations <1948->
AU:NLA(YY 959.1053 B171
US: CU(Kroch) & PLeB(Women’s Res. Ctr.) : DS528.7
.B36 2003 YU(SM)
Ref.: OCLC 52790754
Balbi, Gasparo <fl. 16th century>
[Voyage to Pegu]
Gasparo Balbi’s voyage to Pegu, and observations there
gathered from his own Italian relation.
in: Pinkerton, John:
A general collection of the best and most interesting
voyages and travels ... Vol. 9. – London : Longman ...
[etc.], 1811. p. 395 -405
Subject(s): Pegu : Description and travel
D: HD-SAI(pol 60 C 160 rara)*
GB: BL(L.R.80 c 1)*
US: CUB(Mancroft xG1161.P65 v.9)
NSyU(Bird DS507 .B17 1808z)
YU(Mudd, Stacks Eca +808 9)
Ref.: OCLC 13022037
Balaban, John <b. 1943>
Coming down again / John Balaban. 1st ed. – San Diego:
Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, c1985. 240 p.
B 17
[Voyage to Pegu]
Gasparo Balbi his voyage to Pegu, and observations there
gathered out of his own Italian relation
in: Purchas, Samuel:
Hakluytus posthumus : or, Purchas his pilgrimes ... Vol.
10. – Glasgow: MacLehose, 1905. p. 143-164.
Burma Bibliographical Project
Siegfried M. Schwertner
Subject(s): Pegu – Description and travel
GB: BL(RR: 2060 a ;* 679 h 12)
US: CU(Olin G161.H151 ; Annex G159.P98)
ditto. : the 2nd supplement, with index. – Madras: Athenaeum Pr., 1862. XIII, 7-570, 287 p.
Viaggi delle Indie orientali
Federici, Cesare
ditto. 2nd ed. 5 vols. – Madras: Scottish and Adelphi Pr.es,
GB: BL(010058 i 2)
US: AzU HU-A LC(DS405.B17)
NYPL(Research KCV)
IU(Main Stacks 915.4 B192) ViU
Baldwin, Edna A.
Ba Thane : a one-act play of Burma / by Edna Baldwin. −
New York, Student Volunteer Movement, [c1931]. 24 p. −
This play was written in the play-writing class of the Chicago theological seminary under the direction of Dr. Fred
Eastman. - verso of t.-p.
Subject(s): Burma : Religious drama
US: CtHC(Richardson coll. N 1265 B193)
NNUT(Burke MRL Pamphlet 1712 & Union Stacks
Pamphlets XY75) YU(LSF-Request TP39.5 B193)
Ref.: OCLC 39198160
ditto. 3rd ed. 3 vols. – London : Quaritch, 1885.
GB: BL(010058 ff 3)
US: CU(Kroch +DS405 .B18) HU LC(DS405.B18)
NYPL(Research KCV) YU
ditto. 3rd ed. 3 vols. Photomechanischer Nachdruck. – Graz:
Akademische Druck- u. Verlagsanstalt, 1967-68.
US: SIUC(3rd fl-Soc Sci reference 954.003 B185C1967)
ditto. 2nd ed. − ibd., 1934. 24 p.
US: CBGTU(Storage) & OU(TRI RR) : PN6120.R4 B35
Ref.: OCLC 29417081
Encyclopaedia Asiatica : comprising Indian Subcontinent,
eastern and southern Asia ; commercial, industrial, and scientific / by Edward Balfour. – New Delhi : Cosmo Publ.,
1976. 9 v. – Repr. of the 3rd ed. of: The cyclopaedia of India
and of Eastern and Southern Asia
Subject(s): Burma : Dictionaries and Encyclopedias.
US: IU(Asian Reference 915.4 B19E1976)
ditto. − ibd., [1940]. 24 p.
US: CoDU(PS3503.A5522 B3) Anderson Univ,IN
TxFS(Roberts) & NnepaSU : PN6120.R4 B3
OCl(801.22 134)
Ref.: OCLC398306
Balériaux, André
Un Belge face aux Japs : du fort de Battice à la Birmanie :
souvenirs du cdt. Fischer. − Bruxelles: J.M. Collet, 1986.
233 p. − (Vécu en Belgique ; 19)
HU(Widener Harv.Depos. Consult for HWB6UL)
The timber trees, timber and fancy woods, as also, the forests, of India and of eastern and southern Asia / by Edward
Balfour. 3rd ed. – Madras: Higginbotham, 1870. 370 p.,
Subject(s): Burma : Forests and forestry ; Timber
US: CU(Annex D515 .B18 1870)
Balestier, Charles Wolcott <1861-1891>
Kim. The Naulahka, a story of West and East
Kipling, Joseph Rudyard
ditto. 3rd ed. Repr. – Dehra Dun: Bishen Singh Mahendra
Pal Singh, 1983. [10,] 370 p., illus., bibliogr. p. [9-11]
US: IU(Main Stacks 582.1605 B197T)
Balfour, Clara Lucas
A sketch of Mrs. Ann H. Judson / by Clara Lucas Balfour. –
London : Cash, 1854. 51 p.
GB: BL(4902 b 18(1))
Balfour, Edward Green <1813-1889>
The agricultural pests of India, and of Eastern and Southern
Asia, vegetable and animal, injurious to man and his products / by Surgeon General Edward Green Balfour. – London
: Quaritch, 1887. 127 p., bibliogr. p. [126]-127.
Subject(s): Burma : Agricultural pests
US: CU(Entomology SB601 .B3) ICJ
IU(Main Stacks 632 B19) LC(SB601.B3) MBH
The cyclopaedia of India and of Eastern and Southern Asia :
commercial, industrial, and scientific ; products of the mineral, vegetable, and animal kingdoms, useful arts and manufactures / by Edward Balfour. – Madras: Scottish Pr., 1857.
IV, 2054 p.
Subject(s): Burma : Dictionaries and Encyclopedias.
GB: BL(10056 h 4 ; 010058 k 7)
Ball, Desmond <b. 1947>
The boys in black : the Thahan Phran (Rangers), Thailand's
para-military border guards / by Desmond Ball. – Bangkok:
White Lotus Pr., 2004. XXVI, 258 p., col. illus., maps, incl
bibliogr. ref. P. 241-250.
ISBN 9744800461
Contents: The formative years - Task force 80 and Cambodian refugees, 1980-88 - The organisation of the Thahan
Phran: the four army regions - The Burma borderlands –
Human rights abuses and corruption - The future of the
Thahan Phran
Note: Border patrols Commando troops Thailand.
Subject(s): Thailand : Boundaries - Burma ; Military Frontier (Territory) ; National security
Burma : Boundaries - Thailand
Thahan Phran (Thailand)
AU:UQ(UA853.T5 B36 2004)
GB: SOAS(GC355.031 /910779
TH: CU(CL 356.1670953 B187B ; TIC 67212)
MiU(Hatscher) & UCLA(YRL) : UA853.T5 B35 2004
UCB & WU(Memorial Libr.) : UA853.T5 B36 2004
Ref.: OCLC 55673900
Burma and drugs : the regime’s complicity in the global drug
trade / Desmond Ball. – Canberra: Strategic and Defence
Studies Centre, Australian National Univ., c1999. 14 p.,
ditto. : supplement. – ibd., 1858. 730 p.
GB: BL(10056 h 5)
B 18
Bibliographical description
illus., map, bibliogr. p. 13-14. – (Working paper / Australian
National Univ.. Strategic and Defence Studies Centre, ISSN
0158-3751 ; 336) − July 1999. – ISBN 0-7315-2758-5
Subject(s): Burma : Drug traffic ; Drug traffic - Government policy ; Opium trade - Government policy ; Narcotics, Control of ; Politics and government
D: HH-SUB(LA 1999/12230)
GB: Birmingham(HV 5840.B8)
BL-DSS(9348.6753 v.336)
SG: ISEAS(JX1315 A93 no. 336)
TH: CU(ISIS 363.4509591 B187B ; Asia HV5840.B8
B187B 1999)
US: NIU(Reserve Desk 1st FL-FML XPOLS495A)
UCLA(YRL) & UCSB : HV5840.B8 B35 1999
UCSD(IR/PS U1 .W67 v.336)
WU(Memorial Lib. Oversize HV5840 B93 B35 1999)
YU(SML UA11 W655 336 (LC))
Ref.: OCLC 42449433
Burma’s military secrets : signals intelligence (SIGINT)
from the Second World War to civil war and cyber warfare /
Desmond Ball. – Bangkok: White Lotus, 1998. XIV, 294 p.,
illus., index, bibliogr. p. [267]-285. − ISBN 974-8434-50-8
Contents: Japanese SIGINT activities in Burma in the Second World War - Allied SIGINT activities in Burma in the
Second World War - British SIGINT activities in Burma,
1945-1954 - Burmese high command and the intelligence
and security establishment - Burma's SIGINT operations SIGINT and the insurgents - SIGINT and the capture of
Manerplaw and Kawmura, January-February 1995 - Kuomintang SIGINT operations in Burma - Russian station Chinese connection - Burma as a SIGINT target - SIGINT
in conflict
Subject(s): Burma : Electronic surveillance - History ;
Military intelligence - History ; History, Military ;
Politics and governmet <1948-> ; World War <19391945> - Military intelligence ;
AU:ANU(Menzies UA251.B87 B29 1998)
NLA(N & NL 355.343209591 B187)
D: B-SBB(1 A 370998 Potsdamer Str.)
HD-SAI(325 mil 99/485)*
GB: BL-DSS(m00/44345)
SOAS(GB959.105 /768.635)*
NL: KITLV(M 1998 A 3175)
SG: ISEAS(UG485 B181) NUS(TK7882 Eav.Ba)
TH: CU(CL 355.009591 B187B ; Arts DS528.6 B187B ;
TIC 56089)
US: CU(Kroch UB256.B8 B35x 1998)
HU(Widener Harv.Depos. UB251.B93 B35 1998)
NIU(SEA UB251.B93 B355 1998)
UCB(TK7882.E2 B359 1998) UCLA(YRL) &
UCSB(Main HV5840.B93 B35 1999
UCSD(IR/PS U1 .W67 v.336)
WU(Memorial Lib. UA251 B87 B29 1998)
YU(SML UB256 B8 B35 1998 (LC))
Ref.: OCLC 40429511
YU(SML UA11 W655 356 (LC))
Ref: OCLC 2001536375 ; 47997715
How the Tatmadaw talks : the Burmese Army's radio systems / by Desmond Ball. − Canberra: Strategic and Defense
Studies Centre, Australian National Univ., 2004 20 p., illus.
− (Working paper / Strategic and Defence Studies Centre,
Australian National University ; 388) − ISBN 073155454X
Note: "The tatmadaw currently uses eight different radio systems for communications within and between the successive echelons from the Ministry of Defence (formerly
called the War Office) in Rangoon to the front-line units the 12 Regional Commands, the Military Operation Commands (MOCs), the Tactical Operation Commands
(TOCs), the Light Infantry Divisions (LIDs), the Battalions, Companies and Columns. This paper describes these
various radio systems and their capabilities." - Abstract
from SDSC web site
Subject(s): Tap ma to : Radio installations
Burma : Radio, Military
GB: BL-DSS(9348.675300 issue 388)
SOAS(GB358.248 /907044
SG: ISEAS(JX1315 A93 no. 388)
US: CoCA(AUL 358.248 B187h)
UCSD(IR/PS U1 .W67 v.388 Stacks)
WaU(Suzzallo/Allen UG611.5.B93 B358 2004)
Ref.: OCLC 56604370
Security developments in the Thailand-Burma borderlands /
Desmond Ball. − [Sydney:] Australian Mekong Resource
Centre, 2003. 21 p., maps, incl. bibliogr. ref. − (Working paper / Australian Mekong Resource Centre ; 9)
ISBN 1864872160
Subject(s): Thailand : National security ; Boundaries Burma
Burma : Boundaries - Thailand
AU:NLA(Nq 338.91940597 WOR)
TH: CU(68635)
Ball, Valentine <1843-1895>
A manual of the geology of India
Ball, William MacMahon <b. 1901>
Nationalism and communism in East Asia. – [Carlton:] Melbourne Univ. Pr., 1952. V, 210 p., maps, index.
p. 120-134 and passim: Burma
Subject(s): Burma : Nationalism ; Communism ; Politics and
government - 1945GB: BL(8024 e 20)
NL: KITLV(M 3b 337)
TH: CU(CL 320.54 B187N)
US: CU(Kroch DS518.1 .B18) HU
LC(DS518.1.B29 1952)
NIU(Main Stacks-FML DS518.1 .B29)
Factionalism and the ethnic insurgent organisations / Desmond Ball and Hazel Lang. – Canberra: Strategic and Defence Studies Centre, Australian National Univ., c2001. 39
p., bibliogr. p. 29-35. – (Working paper, ISSN 0158-3751 ;
356) – March 2001. – ISBN 073155406X
Subject(s): Burma : Insurgency ; Politics and government
<1988-> ; Ethnic relations - Political aspects
US: CU(Kroch) & UCSB & WU(Memorial Lib.) DS530.65
B35 2001 UCSD(IR/PS U1 .W67 v.356)
B 19
ditto. 2nd ed., rev. – ibd.: Publ. by Melbourne Univ. Pr. under the auspices of the Institute of Pacific Relations, 1956.
220 p., index, maps.
p. 119-133: Burma
D: HD-SAI(100 pol 84/1611)*
GB: BL(8024 c 44)
NL: KITLV(M 3b 325)
US: CU(Kroch DS518.1 B18 1956) HU LC(DS518.1.B29
1956) SIUE(Stacks DS518.1 .B291956) YU
Burma Bibliographical Project
Siegfried M. Schwertner
ditto. 1st AMS ed., repr. of 1952 ed. – New York : AMS Pr.,
1978. V, 210 p., plates, maps. − ISBN 0-404-59502-2
US: DCL([DS518.1.B29])
Ballard, Emilie M.
Lessons in spoken Burmese / prep. by Emilie M. Ballard ;
with the Language and Orientation Committee of the Burma
Baptist Missionary Fellowship. – Rangoon : Baptist Board
of Publ., Burma Baptist Convention
1. – 1961. VI, 159 p., drill pictures separate.
2. – 1962. X, 283 p., drill pictures separate.
Subject(s): Burmese language : Conversation and phrase
books ; Grammar
D: B-SBB: 1 (89 766 Potsdamer Str. NfLS)
GÖ-SUB: 1 (A 2000 A 35537)
GB: BL(14302 h 122) Durham(XX 495.8 BAL)
SOAS(L.GPC 415/231.149 ; 231.150)*
US: CU(Kroch PL3933 .B18) LC(PL3933.B3)
MiU(Hatcher) & YU(SML) : PL3933 B35 1961
NIU(SEA PL3933 .B3481961)
UCB(NRLF PL3933 .B3 v.2)
Ref.: OCLC 11753556
Say it in Karen / by Emilie Ballard. – Chiang Mai: Thailand
Baptist Missionary Fellowship, [1993?]. v.[1], illus.
Subject(s): Karen language : Conversation and phrase books
- English ; Spoken Karen
Karen : Language
US: CU(Kroch PL4051 .B35x 1993 +)
Ballou, Robert Oleson <b. 1892>
Bamboo hospital
Read, Katherine L. Henderson
Balocco, Vittorio Giovanni <b.1967
Le relazioni interetniche nella Birmania settentrionale 19501962 / Vittorio Balocco ; rel. E. Collotti Pischel. Tesi datt. –
Milano: Universita degli studi, 1993. 3 microfiche. – Milano,
Fac. di scienze politiche, laurea in scienze politiche - Matr.
Balu Chaung Hydro-Electric Project / Electricity Supply
Board. − [Rangoon :] Electricity Supply Board, 1958. 15 p.,
Subject(s): Burma : Hydroelectric power plants
SG: ISEAS(TK1513 B9B19)
Bamako Initiative Management Unit < New York >.
Report on the joint WHO/UNICEF study "Quality of
selected drugs at the point of use in developing countries"
Bamforth, Vicky
Conflict and displacement in Karenni : the need for considered approaches [/ Vicky Bamforth, Steven Lanjouw, Graham Mortimer]. – [Chiang Mai:] Burma Ethnic Research
Group, c2000. 128 p., illus. (some col.), maps (some col.),
incl. bibliogr. ref. − May 2000
Subject(s): Karen
Burma : Forced migration - Karen ; Refugees ; Human
rights ; Refugees - Kayah State; Migration, Internal Burma - Kayah State
Kayah State : Politics and government ; Economic conditions ; Social conditions
AU:NLA(YYq325.2109591 B199c)
GB: SOAS(L GB325.21 /793512)
US: CRL(GenCollec E-11521)
CU(Kroch Oversize DS528.2.K35 B36 2000 +)
HU(Widener Harv. Depos.) & LC : HN670.7.A8 B36
2000 NIU(SEA DS528.2.K35 B354 2000)
YU(SML DS528.2 K38 B36 2000+)
Ref.: OCLC44574917
Bandyopadhyay, Aparna
Anglo-Burmese relations (1840 – 1885). – 1975. IV, 598 p.
– Calcutta, Univ., Ph.D. (history) thesis. – Shulman 321
Bandyopadhyay, Sekhar
Burma to-day : economic development and political control
since 1962 / Sekhar Bandyopadhyay. 1st publ. – Calcutta :
Papyrus, 1987. 120 p., 13 tables, index, incl. bibliogr.
Herbert 594
Subject(s): Burma : Economic policy ; Politics and government <1962-1988> ; Economic conditions <1948->
D: M-BSB(90.32076) KI-ZBW(B 231316)
HD-SAI(325 wiw 88/2157)*
PA-UB(55/RR 51983 B214 B9)
GB: BL-DSS(88/09649) OUL(IND Burma 6 d 28)
SG: ISEAS(DS530.4 B21) NRL(959.105 Ban)
NUS(HC497 Bur.Ba)
US: CU(Kroch z) & HU(Widener Harv.Depos.) & LC &
NIU(SEA) : DS530.4 .B36 1987 NNC(Lehman g) &
UCB(S-S/EAsia) & YU(SML) : HC422 B36 1987
UC(SRLF A0005812078)
WU(Memorial Lib. DS530.4 B35 1987)
Bandyopadhyaya, Kalyani <b. 1935>
Burma and Indonesia : comparative political economy and
foreign policy / Kalyani Bandyopadhyaya. – New Delhi ;
Madras: South Asian Publ., 1983. VII, 250 p., index, bibliogr. p. [235]-242. – Herbert 567
Subject(s): Burma : Economic policy ; Foreign relations
AU:ANU(Chifley HC422.B36 1983)
D: B-SBB(615 227 Haus)
M-BSB(Orient. 87.1042)
GÖ-SUB(91 A 13106)
PA-UB(55/RR 51983 B214)
HD-SAI(300 pol 86/440)*
GB: BL(YA 1987 a 8363)
SAS((591):327) SOAS(G950/495.896)
SG: ISEAS(DS528.7 B21 56568)
NUS(DS530.63 Ban)
RUBC(320.9591 BAN)
TH: CU(CL ; Pol 320.9591 Bb)
US: CRL(GenCollec 83-904372)
CU(Kroch HC422 .B21 1983)
HU(Widener WID-LC) & LC & UCB(Main) & UCLA(YRL) : HC422.B36 1983 NNC
NIU(SEA HC422 .B354 1983)
B 20
ditto. – Atlantic Highlands, N.J.: Humanities Pr., 1983. VII,
250 p., index, bibliogr. p. 235-242. − ISBN 0-391-02931-2
GB: BL-DSS(84/06681)
US: LU UCD(Shields) & UCR(Rivera) & UCSD(SSH) &
UCSC(McHenry) : HC422.B36 1983
Bibliographical description
Banerjea, Pramathanath <b. 1879>
A study of Indian economics / by Pramathanath Banerjea. −
London : Macmillan, 1911. XII, 221, [3] p., incl. bibliogr.
Subject(s): Burma : Finance ; Economic conditions ; Social
AU:NLA(RR 330.954 BAN)
GB: BL(08227 d 24) CUL(Econ.7.91.37)
BL-APAC(T 4388) OUL(BOD 2325 e.18)
NL: KITLV(M rr 1052) KB
US: LC(HC435 .B3) NNC(BurkeMRL Day LN)
NYPL(Offsite TAH)
AU:NLA(RR 330.954 BAN)
GB: BL-APAC(T 14718) SOAS(JA330.9/91742)
US: CU(Annex HC435 .B205 1951)
LC(HC435 .B3 1951) MiU
NNC(Offsite 995.4 B221) NYPL(Offsite TAH)
UCB(HC435.B3 195 = NRLF $B 550 016)
UCLA(SRLF HC435 .B22s 1951)
UoC(Regenstein HC435.B205) WU
YU(Mudd Nc96 I3 911Be)
ditto. 7th ed. − ibd., 1954. XVI, 543 p.
AU:NLA(RR 330.954 BAN)
CH: ILO(330(54) B21 7th ed. / 14529)
D: GÖ-SUB(57 A 2664)
GB: BL(8208 g 22)
US: LC(HC435 .B3 1954)
MiU(Hatcher HC 435 .B22 1957) NjP
UCB(HC435.B3 1954 = NRLF B 3 857 900) UC(SRLF
ditto. 2nd ed., rev. and enl. − ibd., 1915. XIII, 347 p.
GB: BL(08226 aa 53) CUL(220.d.91.15)
BL-APAC(T 4894)
OUL(BOD 2325 e.20 ; IND Nuneham 67 A 22)
US: HU LC(Hc435 .B3 1915) MiU
NNC(Butler 954 B2232) NYPL(Offsite TAH)
UCB(HC435.B3 1915 = NRLF $B 281 449)
ditto. 8th ed., rev. and brought up to date. − ibd., 1957. XVI,
551 p., incl. bibliogr.
GB: BL(08232 ff 22)
US: LC(4HC 486) MiU(Hatcher HC 435 .B22 1957)
UCD(Shields HC435.B3 1957)
WU YU(Mudd Nc96 I3 911Bf)
ditto. 2nd ed., rev. and enl. − ibd., 1916. XIII, 347 p.
US: YU(MUDD Nc96 I3 911bb)
ditto. 2nd ed., rev. and enl. − ibd., 1920. XIII, 347 p.
Ref.: OCLC33962811
US: IEN(330.954 B215)
Banerjee, Anil Chandra
Annexation of Burma / by Anil Chandra Banerjee. 1st ed. –
Calcutta : Mukherjee, 1944. III, 338 p., index, 2 maps, illus.,
bibliogr. p. [332]-334.
Subject(s): British in Burma
Burma : History - 1924-1948 ; Politics and government
<1824-1948> ; World War <1939-1945> - Campaigns
AU:NLA(959.1 BAN)
D: HD-SAI(reg 60 D 302)*
GB: BL(9060 a 15)* BL-APAC(T 13546)
OUL(IND Burma 5 d 21)
SAS(SCO 8 (Archive - Room 19))
SOAS(Ref. E Coll 3 I /12)
SG: ISEAS(DS530.63 B21)
US: CU(Annex DS485.B86 B21) HU(Widener Ind 8045.8)
IaU LC & NIU(SEA) & NNC(Offsite) : DS485.B86
YU(LSF Bj36h 944b)
ditto. 3rd ed., rev. and enl. − ibd., 1927. XIII, 421 p.
GB: BL(08225 aa 60) CUL(220.d.92.37)
OUL(BOD 2325 e.40)
US: NYPL(Offsite TAH)
TxU(330.954 B223S 1927 PCL Stacks)
Ref.: OCLC 40983033
ditto. 4th ed., rev. and enl. − ibd., 1930. XIII, 433 p.
Ref.: OCLC 16929785
AU:UQ(Warehouse AA41649)
ditto. 4th ed., rev. and enl. repr. − ibd., 1932. XIII, 433 p.
Ref.: OCLC 39034857
US: NYPL(Offsite TAH)
ditto. 4th ed., rev. and enl. repr. − ibd., 1935. XIII, 433 p.
US: LC(HC435 .B3 1935)
ditto. 5th ed., re-written and enl. − ibd., 1940. XIV, 395 p.,
diagrs. − References to India, unless otherwise specified, include Burma. - Pref.
GB: BL(8204 cc 10) CUL(220.c.94.2) BL-APAC(T 1953)
OUL(IND Nuneham 33 C 33)
US: HU(Widener Harv.Depos. Econ 6042.16.5) LC(HC435
.B3 1940) NYPL(Offsite TAH)
UCLA(YRL HC435 .B22s 1940)
YU(MUDD Nc96 I3 911bd)
Ref.: OCLC 9555073
ditto. 5th ed., re-written and enl. − ibd., 1944. XIV, 395 p.,
GB: BL(330.9(54) *6207*)
NL: KB(993 E 65)
ditto. 6th ed., re-written, enl. and bought up to date. − Calcutta : Univ. of Calcutta, 1951. XIV, 679 p.
B 21
ditto. Repr. – New York : AMS Pr., 1977.
ISBN 0-404-16793-4
Ref.: BiP
ditto. [Microfilm ed.] – New Delhi : Library of Congress Office ; Chicago : Available from Center for Research Libraries, 1997. On 1 microfilm reel with other items ; 35 mm. −
(SAMP early 20th-century Indian books project ; item 09951)
– Master microform held by: ICRL.
US: CRL LC(Microfilm BUL-ENG-220 (D))
British relations with Burma, 1826-1886 / by A. C. Banerjee.
– [Bombay:] National Information and Publ., [1947]. 47 p. –
(Short studies in Indian history)
Subject(s): Great Britain : Foreign relations - Burma
Burma : Foreign relations - Great Britain
AU:ANU(Menzies pamphlet DS528.8.G7.B36)
D: HD-SAI(320 his 86/432 Kp incomp.)*
Burma Bibliographical Project
Siegfried M. Schwertner
SG: ISEAS(DOC 2175) NRL(327.591041 BAN)
US: CSt-H LC(DS485.B88B3)
NNUT(Burke MRL Pamphlet 1076)
NYPL(Research *C-2 p.v.1165) UC
The Eastern frontier of British India / Anil Chandra Banerjee. – Calcutta : Mukherjee, 1934 [= 1943]. IV, 413 p., [5] l.
of plates, illus., maps, index, app., bibliogr. p. 403-409.
Subject(s): Great Britain : Colonies - Burma
Burma : History
AU:NLA(954.1 BAN)
GB: BL(X 808/9444)*
US: CLobS(DS485 A87 B22)
CU(Annex DS473.3.B21) MiEM(DS473.3.B35)
NIU(SEA DS485.A87 B2541934)
NNC(Offsite) & UCSB : DS473.3 .B35
Ref.: OCLC 11825522
ditto. : 1784-1826 / by Anil Chandra Banerjee. 2nd ed., rev.
and enl. – Calcutta : Mukherjee, 1946. VII, 584 p., [6] l. of
plates, illus., fold. maps, index, bibliogr. p. 570-575.
AU:NLA(Luce 767 ; NLq 384.540994 A938)
D: HD-SAI(reg 60 D 103)*
GB: BL(09059 df 17) BL-APAC(T 14691)
SG: ISEAS(Microfilm Mfm 98)
US: CU(Kroch DS473.3.B21 1946) HU IU
LC & MnU(TC Wilson Ames) :DS473.3 .B35 1946
PPULC PU UC YU(LSF Bj45a 943bb)
ditto. : 1784-1826 / by Anil Chandra Banerjee. 2nd ed., rev.
and enl. Microform ed. – Calcutta : Mukherjee, 1946. VII,
584 p., [6] l. of plates, illus., fold. maps, index, bibliogr. p.
570-575. – SAMP early 20th-century Indian books project :
US: CRL(MF-10448 reel 029) UC(NRLF DS473.3 .B35
1946 ; SRLF DS485.A87 B22 1946)
Subject(s): Burma : Insurgency ; Politics and government ;
Boundaries – India, Northeastern
India, Northeastern : Boundaries - Burma
GB: CUL(9006.c.947799
US: CU(Kroch DS 450 .B93 B36 1997)
HU(Widener Harv.Depos.) & LC & NNC(Lehman) &
UCB & WU(Memorial Lib.) : DS483.8 .B36 1997
Ref.: OCLC41368086
Banerjee, Sudhir
Chinese policy towards Asia
Mukherjee, Amitava
Banerji, Surendra Chandra
Burma, coup and aftermath
Birma nach dem Umsturz
Two decades of new Indo-Burmese species
Smith, William Wright
Baness, J. Frederick
Index geographicus Indicus : being a list, alphabetically arranged, of the principal places in Her Imperial Majesty’s Indian Empire, with notes and statements ... / by J. Frederick
Baness. – Calcutta : Newman ; London : Edward Stanford,
1881. IV, 201, CXII p., maps, index.
p. 83-92: The British Burmah province
D: HD-SAI(reg 60 U 3)*
GB: BL(010058 ff 12)
BL-APAC(V 6546)
Banghar, A. R.
Mechanism solution of Burma-India border earthquake of
August 6, 1988 / by A. R. Banghar. – Bombay: Bhab-ba
Atomic Research Centre, 1990. [13] p., illus.
AU:NLA(Epamq 1074)
ditto. 3rd ed., rev. and enl. – Calcutta : A. Mukherjee, 1964.
516 p., maps, bibliogr. P. 431-435. – Herbert 236
US: KMK MoU UCSB(NRLF DS473.3.B35 1964)
ditto. 4th ed. – Calcutta : Bagchi, 1986. VI, 516 p., map.
D: PA-UB(55/RR 51977 B215(4))
Banerjee, Anukul Chandra
Buddhism in India and abroad / Anukul Chandra Banerjee.
– Calcutta : World Pr., 1973. VII, 263 p., index.
Burma: p. 192-201
D: HD-SAI(200 rel 74/919)
GB: BL(X 200/9639)*
Banerjee, Brojendra Nath <b. 1934>
India’s aid to its neighbouring countries / Brojendra Nath
Banerjee. 1st publ. – New Delhi : Select Books, 1982. XVI,
791 p., map, tab., graph., index.
p. 485-505: Burma
D: HD-SAI(219 wiw 83/221)*
GB: BL-DSS(82/19243) BL-APAC(V 23780)
Banerjee, Dipankar
Myanmar and Northeast India / by Dipankar Banerjee. –
New Delhi : Delhi Policy Group, 1997. 62 p., incl. bibliogr.
Note: On insurgency and security problem in Northeast India
and the effect of India’s border with Burma in that region.
Bangladesh : abuse of Burmese refugees from Arakan. – New
York : Human Rights Watch/Asia, 1993. 15 p., incl. biliogr.
ref. – (Asia report ; 5.17) – At head of title: Asia Watch, a
division of Human Rights Watch. – October 9, 1993
Subject(s): Burmese : Bangladesh
Burma : Refugees - Arakan ; Human rights - Arakan
Bangladesh : Refugees - Burmese ; Human rights ; Atrocities
Arakan : Refugees
NL: KITLV(M 1996 B 662)
US: NIU(SEA JC599.B3 B354)
OAU(Alden SEA JC599.A78 A84 v.5, no.17)
UC(SRLF D0009510819)
Bangladesh/Burma : Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh ; the
search for a lasting solution / Human Rights Watch/ Asia
[and] Refugees International. – New York : Human Rights
Watch ; Washington, D.C.: Refugees International, 1997. 15
p., incl. bibliogr. ref. – (Human Rights Watch : C ; 9.7)
Subject(s): Bangladesh : Refugees - Burmese
Burma : Refugees - Rohingya ; Human rights
Rohingya : Refugees - Bangladesh
GB: BL(YA.1998.b.5755)
US: NIU(SEA HV640.5.B35 B3641997)
UCSD(SSH JC599.A78 A84 v.9, no.7)
Banham, Martin
The Cambridge guide to Asian theatre
B 22
Bibliographical description
Bank law / Socialist Republic of the Union of Burma. – Rangoon : Print. and Publ. Corporation, (for Union Bank), 1976.
20 p. – Transl. of this law into English be-ing done by the
Union of Burma Bank
D: HD-SAI(325 jur 98/1114 Kp)*
Bank of knowledge … − Ran` kun`, 1983. 295 p. Added title
also in Burmese, parallel Burmese text and English translation
Subject(s): Knowledge, Theory of
Burma : History
OUL(BOD A Floor Bodl. Burm. e.805)
SOAS(GPC121 /787524)
Bank of Upper Burma
Memorandum and articles of association of the Bank of Upper Burma Limited, Head Office, Maymyo. − [Maymyo:
Bank of Upper Burma, 195-?] 21 p.
Subject(s): Burma : Banks and banking
SG: ISEAS(SCR fHG3270.7 B21)
Bankfield Museum < Halifax >
The Burmese collection, no. 1 / by H. Ling Roth. – Halifax,
Eng., [1901]. 18 p., illus. – (Bankfield Museum notes ; 2) –
At head of title: County borough of Halifax. − Repr. from:
The Halifax naturalist ; 6, April, June, and Aug. 1901
Subject(s): Burma : Ethnology
GB: BM(Dept.of Ethnography)
NL: Leiden-Rijksmuseum voor Volkenkunde
US: HU(Tozzer MUS. ([1]: 2) UCB(Anthropol:
GN37.B3 .A3 ser.2)
Ref.: OCLC 21665691
Burmese textiles from the Shan and Kachin districts
Start, Laura Emily
Costumes of Upper Burma and the Shan States in the collections of Bankfield Museum, Halifax / R. A. Innes. – [Halifax:] Halifax Museums, 1957. 58 p., illus., 5 plates, gloss.,
index. – Herbert 760
Subject(s): Shan
Burma : Costume
Burma, Upper : Costume
Shan States : Costume
AU:ANU(Hope Store Bliss KQC.L B218)
NLA(p 391.009591 B218)
D: B-SBB(56 951 Potsdamer Str.)
HD-SAI(324 kul 64/432)*
F: BMH(DS 520.5 .C7 I58)
GB: BL(7744.f.64 ; 14302 bbb 38)*
BL-APAC(V 13826) OUL(IND Burma 1 d 2)
SOAS(FNA 1/118070)
SG: RUBC(391.009591 INN)
US: CU(Kroch GT1465 .B21) DSI LC(GT1465.B3)
NIU(Ref. SEA GT1465 .B3) NYPL
UCB(GT1465.B3) YU(LSF-Request Nkp25 957J)
Banking and credit in Burma
Burma Provincial Banking Enquiry Committee
Report ; 1
Banking & [and] Finance in Indochina and Myanmar : 3031 March 1995, The Shangri-La Hotel, Bangkok / organised
by AIC Conferences. – 1995. Var. pags.
SG: NUS(HL HG3290.8 Bimc)
Banking Enquiry Committee
Provincial Banking Enquiry Committee
Banks, insurance companies & chambers of commerce in
India, Pakistan, Burma & Ceylon. – Bombay: International Publ.
Subject(s): Burma : Banks and banking – Directories ; Insurance - Directories
US: LC(HG3283 .B3)
Bannert, Dietrich N.
Die Entdeckung und Exploration der Nickel-Laterit-Lagerstätte Tagaung Taung, Birma / Dietrich Bannert & Werner Schellmann. Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und
Rohstoffe. Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources. Mit 11 Abb. – Hannover, 1988. 16 S., Illus., Bibliogr. S. 16. – (BGR circular ; 6)
Subject(s): Burma : Nickel ores
D: B-SBB(6 A 5091 Potsdamer Str.) M-BSB(W 86.629-6)
GÖ-SUB(ZA 71415:6)
HD-SAI(325 nat 94/5469 Kp)*
F: P-IF(8 AA 8661 (6))
US: WU(Geol. and Geophysics Lib TN490 N6 B3 1988)
Geology of Burma
Bender, Friedrich
Banning, Jan <b. 1954>
Sporen van oorlog : overlevenden van de Birma- en de
Pakanbaroe-spoorweg / Jan Banning ; met bijdragen van
Esther Captain en Wim Willems [; eindred.: Will Tinnemans
; krt.: Frank van Workum]. 1e dr. − Utrecht: IF Ipso Facto
Thorn ; EF & EF [distr.], 2003. 143 p., illus. − Bijbehorende
tentoonstelling, geopend op 28 juni 2003 in Het Indisch Huis
in Den Haag. – ISBN 90-77386-01-7 (bd.)
Notes: Twenty-four veterans (15 Dutch, 9 Indonesian) of
forced Burma-Siam Railroad construction, with portraits,
recount their experiences.
Subject(s): Burma-Siam Railroad : History
Burma : World War <1939-1945> - Prisoners and prisons,
Japanese ; World War <1939-1945> - Conscript labor
NL: KB(6100 HJ 55 ; 56) KITLV(M 2003 A 2301)
US: CU(Kroch) & LC & YU(SML) : B805.B9 B35 2003
A Baptist bibliography
Starr, Edward C.
Baptist Board of Education / Department of Missionary
Pioneer trails, trails and triumphs
Carson, Laura
Baptist Board of Foreign Missions < United States >
Proceedings : 1st-3rd, 1814-1817.
Subject(s): Judson, Adoniram, 1788-1850.
American Baptist Foreign Mission Society History
Baptist Board of Foreign Missions (U.S.) : Congresses
Baptists : Missions - Congresses
Burma : Missions - Baptists
Baptist Board of Publications
Burma Baptist Convention / Board of Publications
Baptist College < Rangoon >
Catalogue. – Rangoon
US: RPB: 1899-1902
B 23
Burma Bibliographical Project
Siegfried M. Schwertner
Baptist College argosy. 1,1903/04(?)-15.6,1918. − Rangoon :
Baptist College, 1903-1918.
>Judson College argosy
Subject(s): Burma : Baptists - Missions - Periodicals ; Baptists - Education Periodicals ; Baptists - Periodicals.
US: KyLoS(SBGEN CR01 Serials .J929Dscoar)
RPB: 3.4-5,1906,Sept.-Oct. (Hay Archives 1-U R149b)
Ref.: OCLC 38232974 ; 24548633
35 mm. – (ATLA Serial Preservation Program ; ATLA film
US: MNtcA: 1897-1957 (incompl.)
YU: 1.1895-63.1957 (Divinity Stacks Film SD1611)
Baptist theological journal
Thamar alin
Baptist Tract Society
Costly attire : a letter to Christian women
Judson, Adoniram
Baptist Convention < Burma >
Burma Baptist Convention
Baptist episcopacy, as developed in the proceedings of the
deputation and executive officers of the ... union: embracing
letters from Messrs. Vinton, Brayton, Beecher, Brown, Ranney, Rose, and Cross; Kincaid's vindication of missionaries
and corroborative testimony; with other important documents. − New York : American Baptist Free Mission Society, 1858. 1 v. (var. pag.) – (Free Mission Record ; 1857) –
Volume composed of monthly issues of the Free mission record, Jan.-Aug. 1857.
Subject(s): Baptist : Missions - United States - Government
and discipline
Burma : Missions - Baptist Church ;
United States : Missions (Foreign) - Baptist Church
US: NYPL(Research ZKVP)
Ref.: OCLC 38446034
Baptist General Tract Society < United States >
Account of Meh Shway-Ee : a Burman slave girl
Judson, Adoniram
Life from the dead : a young sceptic converted
Mrs. Sarah M. W. Osgood : missionary to India and
Baptist Union of India, Burma, Ceylon and Pakistan
Baptist missionary review
Mrs. Sarah M. W. Osgood : missionary to India and
Judson’s Burmese Bible : correspondence between the British and Foreign Bible Society and the Baptists
Judson’s Burmese Bible
Bapui, V. L. T.
Hmar grammar
Dutta Baruah, P. N.
Brief history of the Burman Mission
Baqai, I. H.
Books on Asia. – New Delhi : Indian Council of World Affairs, [1947]. 111 p. – At head of title: Asian Relations Conference, Delhi 1947
US: HU LC(Z3001.B3)
The substance of Mrs. Wade's addresses to the ladies of the
Baptist churches in Philadelphia
Wade, Deborah B. Lapham
Baptist Missionary Fellowship < Burma >
Burma Baptist Missionary Fellowship
Bara, Mahendra
The Baptist missionary magazine / American Baptist Missionary Union. 1.1,1825- . – Boston
GB: BL: 1.1,1825-89.12,Dec.1909 (Mic.B.844/1-5)
Barbaran Tescari, Maria
Impressioni e memorie del mio viaggio nell'India e Birmania. – Padova: Tip. F. Sacchetto, 1890. 86 p.
Baptist missionary review : representing all Baptist mission
work in the Indian empire. … [New series] 1.1,1895,Jan. [63.1,1957,Jan./Feb.] – Madras: Methodist Publ. House. –
Note: 1940,Aug.-1944,July: Official organ of the Baptist
Union of India, Burma and Ceylon
1955-1957: Baptist Union of India, Pakistan, Burma and
Subject(s): Baptists : Missions - Periodicals
Burma : Missions
US: KyLoS: 1.1895-63.1957 (SBGEN CR01 Serials
LC: 1817-1909 (BV3260.B3)
MnU(TC Andersen YMCA Archives (Periodicals)
TxFS(Roberts Serials 1)
YU: 1.1895-63.1957 (MUDD Divinity ZP B2293)
Ref.: OCLC 1776389
ditto. 1.1895-63.1957. Microform. – Evanston: American
Theological Library Association, 1995. 14 microfilm reels ;
Barbé, Yann
La Thaïlande et le voyage en Birmanie
Barber, Cecil Thomas <b. 1900>
A geologist in the service of the Raj / Cecil Thomas Barber.
1st publ. – Henfield: C. T. Barber, 1978. VIII, 245 p., illus.,
maps, ports., index. – Herbert 302
Subject(s): Barber, Cecil Thomas <b. 1900>
Burma : Geologists - Biography
India : Geological Surveys
AU:ANU(Nancock B'ment QE22.B343A33)
D: B-SBB(505 124 Potsdamer Str.) GÖ-SUB(78 A 2118)
HD-SAI(322 his 85/795)
GB: BL(X 320/11231 ; 14302 bbb 58)* CUL(365:13.c.
95.18) OUL(IND 30 C 139 ; EAR Gen. Libr 7B.38)
US: CU(Annex QE22.B23 A3)
HU(Widener Harv.Depos.) & LC & NIU(SEA)&
UCB(Earth Sci ) : QE22.B343 A33
UCD(Shields QE22.B343 A33)
B 24
Bibliographical description
The natural gas resources of Burma / by C. T. Barber. – Calcutta [etc.]: Office of the Geological Survey of India [etc.],
1935. X, 172, XVIII p., plates, maps, tables, diagr., app.,
bibliogr. p. 163-172. – (Memoirs of the Geological Survey
of India ; 66.1)
Subject(s): Burma : Natural gas ; Geology ; Geology, Stratigraphic - Tertiary.
D: B-SBB(4° Ser.698-66,1 Potsdamer Str. NfLS)
HD-SAI(inf Zs 552,66.1)*
GB: BL((P) NX 055-E(2)) BL-APAC(IOR/V/20/56)
US: CU(Annex Harris 8891 G50.66)
DI-GS LC(QE295.A4 vol.66.1)
NYPL(Research PTB) UCLA(SEL/Geol. QE295 .I39
v.66.1) UoC(Crerar QE295.A2 v.66.1)
YU(QE295 A13)
Ref.: OCLC 11025315
The tertiary igneous rocks of the Pakokku District and the
Salingyi Township of the Lower Chindwin District, Burma,
with special reference to the determination of the feldspars
by the Fedoroff method / by C. T. Barber. – Calcutta : Geological Survey of India, 1936. XII, p. 121 to 292, XXVI p.,
illus., tables, diagr., app., bibliogr. p. 290 to 292. – (Memoirs
of the Geological Survey of India ; 68.2) – Basel, Univ.,
Diss. 1936. – Shulman 658
Subject(s): Burma : Geology, Stratigraphic - Tertiary ; Petrology ; Feldspar
Pakokku < District > : Rocks, Igneous
Salingyi : Rocks, Igneous
CH: SLB(Vq Ba 5 : 936)
D: B-SBB(4° Ah 9333-1935/36 NfLS)
SB-UB(H 65-8091)
F: Lille1-BU
GB: BL((P) NX 055-E(2))
US: CRL(GenCollec P-60003162)
HU(Kummel Geological Sci: QE452.B9 B2)
LC(QE295.A4 vol.68,no.2) NYPL(Research PTB)
UC(NRLF B 2 597 604) YU(Mudd WH 4686)
Barber, Edward Colborne
The river of golden sand
Gill, William John
Barber, H.
Air drying tests on Burma timbers : being a record of observations made during the period 1925 to 1936 / by H. Barber.
Published under the orders of the Chief Conservator of Forests. – Rangoon : Govt. Print. and Staty., Burma (for C. F. U.
C.), 1940. 69 p., 50 tables, app. – (Burma forest bulletin ; 33
: economic series ; 8)
GB: BL(I.S.Bu.151/8)*
US: NcD(Biol-Env. Sci 634.906 B962B no.33)
NYPL(Research VQO)
Ref.: OCLC 31033815
Barber, Robert Cecil
Report on the original settlement of the Mamauk tract in the
Kawa township of the Pegu District, season 1924-25
Settlement < Pegu : Mamauk > 1924-25
Report on the rent settlement of the Pyuntaza colonization
areas, Daiku township, Pegu District, season 1925-26
Settlement < Pegu : Pyuntaza > 1925-26
Report on the rent settlement of the Thaton government estates, Kyaikto Subdivision, Thaton District, season 1925-26
Settlement < Thaton : Kyaikto > 1925-26
Report on the rent settlement operations in the Sittang South
colonisation areas of the Hanthawaddy District, season
Settlement < Hanthawaddy : Sittang South > 1925-26
Report on the rent settlement operations in the Yandoon Island colonisation areas of the Ma-ubin District, season 192526
Settlement < Ma-ubin : Yandoon > 1925-26
Barber, Robinson H.
Licensing and exchange controls ... Burma, 1957
Preparing shipments to Burma
Barberis, Tarsillo
Cinque anni in Birmania : note / del Maggiore Tarsillo Barberis. – Milano [etc.]: Vallardi, [1889]. 201 p., illus.
Subject(s): Burma : Description and travel
F: BNF(O2 l.222)
GB: BL(10056 h 6)*
I: R-Bibl. della Soc. geografica italiana
US: CU(Kroch DS485 B81 B23+)
Barbieri, Domenico <1895-1970>
Un missionario laico : il fratello coadiutore Pompeo Nasuelli
del P.I.M.E. : [opuscolo] / P. Domenico Barbieri. - Milano:
Pontificio Istituto Missioni Estere, 1934. 75 p., illus. – (Bibliotechina missionaria : serie biografica ; 30)
Subject(s): Nasuelli, Pompeo <1850-1927>
Burma : Missions - Biography
I: BCMP(MISS/03/0171 op)
Barbosa, Duarte
The book of Duarte Barbosa : an account of the countries
bordering on the Indian Ocean and their inhabitants / written
by Duarte Barbosa, and comp. about the year 1518 A.D.
Transl. from the Portuguese text ... and ed. and annotated by
Mansel Longworth Dames. – Cambridge: Printed for the
Hakluyt Society, 1918. – (Works issued by The Hakluyt Society ; ...)
2. Including the coasts of Malabar, Eastern India, Further India, China and the Indian Archipelago. – 1921. XXXI, 286
p., maps, index. – (Works ... ; 49)
Burma: p. 148-161
AU:NLA(BRA 3942)
SG: NUS(CL Closed Stacks 915B234 d ; G161 Hak2)
US: CU(Olin G161.H15 2nd ser. 49; Annex G161 .H16 #49)
ditto. Repr. – Nendeln: Kraus.
2 -- 1967. XXXI, 286 S., Illus., Kt.
D: HD-SAI(962 his 67/728,2)
Barcata, Louis
Roter Drachen über Asien : China erobert einen Kontinent /
Louis Barcata. – Stuttgart: Goverts, 1964. 235 S., Illus., Kt.
S. 46-72: Birma, Thailand : Terror und Freiheit’
D: HD-SAI(172 bez 89/1403)*
Barclays Bank
Abecor country report : Burma
Abecor Group of Banks
B 25
Burma Bibliographical Project
Siegfried M. Schwertner
Barden, Stanley
Burma ruby : an epilogue to empire / Stanley Barden. – Penzance, Cornwall: United Writers, c1996. 295 p.
ISBN 1-85200-065-1
Subject(s): Burma : World War <1939-1945> – Fiction ;
History - 1824-1946 - Fiction ; British - History – Fiction ;
History <1824-1948> - Fiction
GB: BL(Nov.1997/929) OUL(BOD Nuneham X99.F03841)
US: NIU(SEA PR6052.A73 B8 1996)
The golden rock of Kyaik-Tiyo / Stanley Barden. – Penzance: United Writers, c1997. III, 262 p. – (Burma Ruby ;
bk. 2) − ISBN 1-85200-074-0
Subject(s): Japanese : Burma, Fiction
Burma : World War <1939-1945> - Campaigns - Fiction ;
World War <1939-1945> - Social aspects - Fiction ; British - History - Fiction ; Widows - Fiction
GB: BL(Nov.1999/620) CUL(1999.8.6740)
OUL(BOD Nuneham X00.F02548)
SOAS(GB830 /763665 ; E Coll 3 V/8)
US: NIU(SEA PR6052.A73 G6 1997)
Bareigts, André
Les Lautu : contribution à l’étude de l’organisation sociale
d’une ethnie Chin de Haute-Birmanie / André Bareigts. Publié avec le concours du Centre National de la Recherche
Scientifique. – Paris: SELAF, 1981. 313 p., [5] p. de planches, cartes, index, app., bibliogr. p. 303-304. – (Langues et
civilisations de l’Asie du Sud-Est et du monde insulindien,
ISSN 0224-2680 ; 11) – Résumés en français, anglais, allemand, espagnol, russe. − ISBN 2-85297-105-4 – Herbert 412
Subject(s): Laotu (Burmese people)
Burma : Ethnology
Chin : Burma
AU:ANU(Menzies DS528.2.L35B37 1981)
NLA(YY 306.089958 B248)
D: GÖ-SUB(ZA 50017:11) HD-SAI(329 eth 84/1379)
TU-UB(24 A 14269)
F: BNF(Dept.de l’Homme 306.089 959 BAREl)
BIULO(COL.9527(11)) BSG(8-COL-4083 (11))
Nanterra-BU Paris10(30:39(591) BAR)
GB: CUL(843:01.c.6.34 & 349) BL-APAC(V 26024)
OUL(Bodleian BOD St Cross 247188 d.239 SOAS(GB
US: CU(Kroch DS528.2.C4 B24)
HU(Widener Harv.Depos. DS528.2.L35 B37 1981)
LC(DS528.2.L35.B37 1981)
OAU(Alden SEA DS528.2.L38 B37 1981x)
UC(SRLF) YU(SML DS528.2 C45 B37)
Burma : Missionaries - Biography ; Biography - Missionaries
Australia : Missionaries -Biography
US: CU(Annex BV3271 H27 B25 1985)
LC(BV3271.H33.B37 1985)
UC(NRLF BV3271.H33 B371 1985 B 3 956 212)
Barkataki, Satyendra Nath
Tribal folk-tales of Assam (Hills)
Tribes of Assam
Barkawi, Tarak Karim
Battle and culture : British imperial forces in Southeast Asia
in the Second World War / by Tarak Karim Barkawi. −
2001. XI, 302 l. − Twin Cities, Univ. of Minnesota, Ph.D.
thesis 2001. – UMI AAT 3031958
US: MnU(TC Wilson Theses MnU-D01-395)
Barker, A. N.
Working plan for the Meiktila Forest Division for the period
1929-30 to 1958-59
Working plan < Meiktila >
Barker, Arthur James <b. 1918>
Japanese Army handbook <1939-1945> / A. J. Barker. −
London : I. Allan, 1979. 128 p., [4] p. of plates, illus. (some
col.), bibliog. p. [4]. − ISBN 0711008337
Subject(s): Japan : Handbooks, manuals, etc.
Burma : World War <1939-1945> - Campaigns
GB: SOAS(D350 /420837 ; E Coll 3 W /2)
US: LC(UA847 .B37)
ditto. – New York : Hippocrene Books, 1979. 128 p., [2] p.
of plates, illus. (some col.) − ISBN 0882544845
US: LC(UA847 .B37 1979)
The march on Delhi / A. J. Barker. 1st publ. – London : Faber and Faber, 1963. 302 p., illus., ports., maps, index, bibliogr. p. 289-291.
Subject(s): Burma : World War <1939-1945> – Campaigns
D: HD-SAI(216 mil 63/2699)*
GB: BL(08841 q 7) CUL(539:1.c.173.15)
OUL(IND 28 B 47c)
IRL:TCD(940.5425 K3)
SG: NUS(D767.6 Bar)
US: CU(Kroch D767.6 .B25) HU(Widener HB 1401.15)
LC & UCSD(SSH) : D767.6 .B28
NNC(Offsite 940.921 B24)
UC(NRLF D767.6 .B28 1963 B 2 801 897)
UCD(Shields D767.6 .B3)
UCLA(YRL D767.6 .B24m)
UCR(Rivera D743 .B37) YU(SML D767.6 B31)
Barger, Lucia Maria
Feldbauformen in Hinterindien. – 1949. 169 S. – Wien, Univ., Phil. Fak., Diss. 1949. -- Shulman 6
Barger, R. Curtis
Don’t you know? Haven’t you heard? : the life story of Eric
B. Hare / R. Curtis Barger. – Washington, D.C.: Review and
Herald Publ. Association, c1985. 128 p., illus. – (Banner
books) − ISBN 0-8280-0278-9 (pbk.)
Subject(s): Hare, Eric B. <1894-1982>
Seventh-Day Adventists : United States - Clergy - Biography
ditto. 1st Indian ed. – Dehra Dun: Natraj Publ., 1990. 302 p.,
[12] p. of plates, illus., maps, index, bibliogr. p. 289 to 291.
GB: SOAS(GB959.10452/808.390 ; E Coll 3 E /5)
Barker, C. Arundel
Burmah as the scene of a possible campaign / by C. Arundel
Barker. − [Simla: s.n., 1881]. p. [1]-10. − ([Ames Library
pamphlet collection ; 112:33.] − Excerpted from Journal of
the United Service Institution of India, vol. 10, 1881 (no. 48)
− Caption title
Subject(s): Burma : Description and travel ; Armed forces
B 26
Bibliographical description
US: MnU(TC Wilson Ames (Rare Books) DS473
Ref.: OCLC 49360212
GB: BL(9172 g 5)* BL-APAC(T 18254)
OUL(BOD Camera UB 222833 e.180)
SOAS(E Coll 3 C /1)
US: CU(Kroch D767.6 B25) LC(D767.6.B3)
NcD NYPL(Research D-12 9531)
ICarbS(Basement-Social Studies 940.5425 B259H)
A thousand miles up the Irrawaddy : Burmah proper / by an
officer [i.e. C. A. Barker]. – London : The Army and Navy
Co-operative Society, 1879. 30 p. – For private circulation
Subject(s): Burma : Description and travel - Irrawaddy
Irrawaddy : Description and travel
GB: SOAS(GB 909/44.767)*
SG: ISEAS(SCR DS527.6 T52)
US: CU(Kroch DS527.6 .O33 1879a)
Barker, Randolph
The rice economy of Asia / Randolph Barker ; Robert W.
Herdt ; with Beth Rose. – Washington, D.C.: Resources for
the Future ; [Baltimore, Md.:] Distributed by Johns Hopkins
Univ. Pr., 1985. XX, 324 p., illus., map, index, bibliogr. p.
273-301. – 2. vols.
v.2 has special title: Appendix to The rice economy of Asia :
rice statistics by country, tables with notes / Beth Rose
ISBN 0-915707-14-4 ; 0-915707-15-2 (pbk.)
Herbert 595
D: HD-UB(89 K 174) HD-SAI: 1 (100 wiw 95/2644)*
US: LC(HD9066.A7B37 1985)
Barman, R. P.
A Taxonomic revision of the Indo-Burmese species of Danio
Hamilton Buchanan (pisces, Cyprinidae) / by R. P. Barman.
– Calcutta : Zoological Survey of India, 1991. VIII, 91 p.,
illus., bibliogr. p. [79]-87. – (Records of the Zoological Survey of India, ISSN 0375-1511 : miscellaneous publications ;
occasional paper 137)
Subject(s): Burma : Danio ;
Brachydanio - Classification
US: HU(Museum Comp Zoology ) & LC : QL638.C94 B37
Eine Barmanen-Familie. 3. Aufl. – Basel: Verl der Missionsbuchhandlung, 1882. 16 S. – (Kämpfe und Siege im heiligen
Kriege : 3. Reihe ; 56)
Subject(s): Judson, Adoniram <1788-1850>
Burma : Missionaries
CH: Z-ZB(Mis 6853,12)
ditto. 3 Aufl. – ibd., 1892. 16 S. – (Kämpfe und Siege im
heiligen Kriege : 3. Reihe ; 56)
D: B-SBB(15 an @Cv 5195-1881/84 U.d.L.)
ditto. : aus Missionar Judsons Arbeit. 4. Aufl. – ibd., 1893.
16 S., Illus. – (Kleine Schriften / Basler Mission; 56)
CH: BS-UB(Thl Cv 217:1:56)
US: GEU(Pitts.Theol Libr. 1893 Barm)
Ref.: OCLC 39301493
ditto. : aus Missionar Judsons Arbeit. 4. Aufl. – ibd., 1894.
16 S., Illus. – (Kleine Missionstraktate ; 56)
CH: Z-ZB(Mis 7438,12)
Barnard, Jack <b. 1909>
The hump : the greatest untold story of the war / by Jack
Barnard. – London : Souvenir Pr., c1960. 192 p., illus., map.
Herbert 363
Subject(s): Burma : World War <1939-1945> - Campaigns ;
World War <1939-1945> - Personal narratives, British
ditto. – London : Transworld Publ., 1961. 188 p. – (Corgi
books ; SB 1073)
GB: BL(X 639/492)*
US: NIU(SEA D767.6 .B31961)
ditto. – London : New English Library, 1966. 190 p. – (Four
square war) [(Four square books ; 1590)]
GB: BL(012212 a 1/1590)
US: NIU(SEA D767.6 .B31961)
Barnard, Joseph Terence Owen <b. 1872>
A handbook of the Rawang dialect of the Nung language :
containing a grammar of the language, colloquial exercises
and a vocabulary with an appendix of Nung manners and
customs / by J. T. O. Barnard. – Rangoon : Govt. Print. and
Staty., Burma (for Edn. Secy.), 1934. XI, 118 p., app.
Subject(s): Nung language
Nung : Social life and customs
Burma : Ethnology
D: HD-SAI(nsp 48.6 A 86/429)*
GB: BL(I.S.Bu.197/23*; 12911 ff 17) BL-APAC(V 4395)
OUL(Soc/Cult Anth SCA Tylor M 9:4 )
SOAS(GQE Nung 415/29.747 ; 232.693)*
US: CU(Kroch PL4001.N9 B25 ; Film 11052 Reel 1186
no.5) LC & NIU(SEA) & WU(Memorial Lib.) :
PL4001.N8 B3 MiU
NYPL(Humanities-Asian&ME Div *OY) UC(NRLF
PL4001.N8 B3 B 4 020 311 ; SRLF AA0000669911)
YU(LSF-Request Fxd N882 825)
Ref.: OCLC 31591699
Barnay, Gisèle
Les secrets du chat sacré de Birmanie / Gisèle Barnay ; Simone Poirier. – [Paris:] Bornemann, 1987. 174 p.,, illus. en
noir et en coul., couv. illus. en coul., bibliogr. p. 169.
ISBN 2-85182-335-3
Subject(s): Burma : Songs, Sacre - History
D: M-BSB(88.26267)
PA-UB(55/RR 51962 B259)
F: BNF BSG(8-T SUP-25831)
Barnes, Annie Marie <b. 1857>
The red miriok / by Anna M. Barnes ; illus. by George A.
Newman [and]
Shan folk lore stories / by W. C. Griggs ; illus. by a native
artist. – Philadelphia: American Baptist Publ. Society,
[1903]. 127, VII, 9-108 p., plates, illus.
US: CU(Annex PZ9.B17R3) LC(PZ9.B17R)
Barnes, George G.
Pirates of the China Sea / by G. G. Barnes ... 1st ed. Publ. by
the Burma Branch of the C. L. S. Rangoon, Burma. – Rangoon : American Baptist Mission Pr., 1931. 39 p., illus. –
Added title and text in Burmese
GB: BL(14302 aaa 20)*
BL-APAC(Bur B 219)
B 27
Burma Bibliographical Project
Siegfried M. Schwertner
Barnes, Helen Virginia
The mango : a list of references / comp. by Helen V. Barnes.
– [Washington, D.C., 1946.] 62 p. – (Library list / U.S. Department of Agriculture, Library ; 29)
US: AAP CoFS LC(Z881.U4L5 no.29)
Barnes, Robert Sydenham Fancourt <1849-1908>
A manual of midwifery for midwives / transl. by Maria C.
Douglass. − Rangoon, 1888. 12 p. − Added title and text in
Subject(s): Burma : Obstetrics - Systems, manuals, textbooks and treatises
US: HU(Countway Medicine 25.A.470)
Barnett, Cecil Guy
Note on the protective embankments in the Irrawaddy Delta,
1862-1912 / by C. G. Barnett [etc.]. – Rangoon : Govt.
Print., Burma (for P. W. Secy.), 1914. 142 p., map.
GB: BL(I.S.Bu 53/14)*
Protective embankments in the Irrawaddy Delta / by C. G.
Barnett. – [Rangoon : Govt. Print., Burma] (for P. W. Secy)
1. – 1915. 85 p.
4. – 22 plans.
GB: BL(I.S.Bu 53/29)*
Barnett, Lionel David
A catalogue of the Burmese books in the British Museum
British Museum < London > / Department of Oriental
Printed Books and Manuscripts
Barnouin, Barbara.
Chinese foreign policy during the Cultural Revolution / Barbara Barnouin ; Yu Changgen. − London ; New York : Kegan Paul International, 1997. XI, 252 p., index, bibliogr. p.
244-248. − A publication of the Graduate Institute of International Studies, Geneva. -- ISBN 071030580X
Contents: App. II. Documents: 4. "Ultra-left ideology interferes with Chinese foreign policy" (Excerpts of Zhou Enlai's talk with Ne Win, Prime Minister of Burma on August 7, 1971 in Beijing).
Subject(s): Burma : Foreign relations - China
China : Foreign relations - 1949-1976 - Burma
AU:MU(Matheson 327.51 B262C)
US: CU(Kroch DS777.8 .B37x 1998)
Barraud, Philip James <b. 1879>
Family Culicidae. Tribes Megarhinini and Culicini
Diptera ; 5
Barrett, Colin <b. 1930>
Wings of an angel / Colin Barrett. − London : Minerva Pr.,
2001. 327 p., illus., maps. − ISBN 0754114422
Subject(s): Barrett, Colin <b.1930>
Burma : World War <1939-1945> - Personal narratives,
English ; Prisoners of war – Biography ; History -Japanese
occupation <1942-1945> - Personal narratives
GB: BL(YK.2002.a.1252) CUL(2004.8.129)
OUL(BOD Offsite X04.G04251 (Box B133945))
SOAS(E Coll 3 I /77)
Ref.: OCLC 47037042
Barrett, H. B.
Working plan for the Bassein Forest Division, Delta Circle,
Burma for the period 1929-30 to 1938-39
Working plan < Bassein >
Barrett, Mark E.
Reducing illicit drug use in the highlands of East Asia
Barrett, Neil H.
Chinghpaw / by Neil H. Barrett. – New York [etc.]: Vantage
Pr., 1962. 173 p.
Subject(s): Kachin
Burma : World War <1939-1945>
D: HD-SAI(reg 60 D 703)*
US: CU(Kroch) & LC & MnU(TC Wilson Ames) &
NIU(SEA) & WU(Memorial Lib.) : D767.6 .B32
Barretto, William Louis
The Burman empire : a compilation of twelve lectures / delivered by W. L. Barretto. − Pyapon: Thein Co. & Pr. [193?]. 393 p., 1 fold. map.
Barra, Giovanni <b. 1914>
L'apostolo di due continenti : Monsignor Eugenio Biffi /
Giovanni Barra. - Milano: Pontificio Istituto Missioni Estere,
1960. 182 p., illus. – (Oltremare ; 19)
Subject(s): Biffi, Eugenio <1829-1896> - Biography
Burma : Mission - Biography ; Catholic Church - Missions
Italia : Missions -Burma.
P.I. M.E. – Missionaries
I: BCMP(MISS/03/0196)
Barratt, John Allan Legh
His Majesty's Service 1939-1945 / by Captain John Allan
Leigh [i.e. Legh] Barratt. – Manningtree, Essex: Status,
1983. 32 p., illus.
Subject(s): Burma-Siam Railroad
Burma : World War <1939-1945> - Personal narratives,
GB: Durham(Pam 355.9405425 BAR)
B 28
A catechism on credit cooperation / W. L. Barretto. − Rangoon : British Burma Pr., 1918. 113 p.
Subject(s): Burma : Cooperation
GB: BL-APAC(T 35030)
Distributive co-operation : or, How to raise members from
indigence to competence, increase bank accounts without
deposits, ensure value for money, manufacture one’s own
requirements, improve social conditions. – Rangoon : British
Burma Pr., 1920. 36 p.
Subject(s): Burma : Cooperative societies
GB: BL-APAC(ORW 1986 a 168)
Headman’s conference handbook / comp. by Wiliam L. Barretto. – Rangoon : British Burma Pr., 1916. – 47 p. in English ; 196 p. in Burmese, 2 plates. – Added title and text in
GB: BL-APAC(Bur D 893)
Heroes of Burma : a compilation of lectures / delivered by
W. L. Barretto. – Rangoon : Burma Union Pr., [1934?].
122 p.
Subject(s): Burma : Heroes
GB: BL(10602 pp 18)*
SG: ISEAS(DS528.3 B27)
US: CU(Kroch DS528.5 .B37 1934)
Bibliographical description
King Mindon (amya pyi thu chit kyi byu daw min) : a compilation of lectures / delivered by W. L. Barretto. – Rangoon
: Print. at the New Light of Burma Pr., [1935]. X, 127 p.,
plates, ports. – On cover: Mindon / W. L. Barretto. − A biography of Min Htōn Min, King of Burma.
Subject(s): Mindon < King, 1814-1878 >
AU:ANU(Menzies new book +2022230)
GB: BL(20031 ee 24)*
US: LC(DS485.B89B37) MiU(DS485.B89B27)
NIU(SEA DS485.B89 B37)
Note on vegetation on forest soils / by A. H. M. Barrington,
Conservator of Forests, Hlaing Circle. – Rangoon : Govt.
Print. and Staty., Burma, 1929. 31 p., maps, tables, diagrs.
Subject(s): Burma : Forest soils ; Forests and forestry
GB: BL-APAC(IOR/V/27/450/60)
OUL(IND IB. Burma O.7)
NYPL(Research *C+ p.v.1981)
UCB(BIOS fQK358 .B3)
YU(Mudd, F&ES, 3rd Floor Mb2 B27 1)
Ref.: OCLC 1574506
Working plan for Salween Forest Division for the period
1925-26 to 1934-35
Working plan < Salween >
A manual of meeting method : or, procedure of conducting
business in democratic assemblies / by W. L. Barretto. –
Rangoon : British Burma Pr., 1924. IV, 76 p.
GB: BL(8006 aa 49)* BL-APAC(Bur D 1146)
Working plan for the Allanmyo Forest Division for the period 1927-28 to 1936-37
Working plan < Allanmyo >
King Mindon … / delivered by W. L. Barretto
Working plan for the Bawgyo Working Circle in the Mandalay Forest Division, Southern Circle, Upper Burma
Working plan < Mandalay: Bawgyo >
A primer of world history with Burma background : being a
compilation of lectures delivered at Anglovernacular and
vernacular schools, headmen’s conferences and public literary meetings / by William L. Barretto. – Rangoon : Burma
Union Pr., [1938]. V, 288 p., plates.
GB: BL(9004 a 19 ; 9004 aaa 33)*
Working plan for the North Toungoo Forest Division for the
period 1920-21 to 1928-29
Working plan < North Toungoo >
Village defence scheme and drill / by W. L. Barretto. – Rangoon : Govt. Print., Burma (for C. I. D), 1924. 77 p. – Burmese text.
GB: BL(14300 ggg 24)*
World tour with Burma background : being a series of lectures delivered to the Thayetmyo Rover Scouts / by W. L.
Barretto. – [Rangoon : New Burma Pr., 1938]. 2, 252 p. –
Preface 1938
Subject(s): Burma : Description and travel
US: CU(Annex G440 .B27)
Working plan for the North Zamayi reserve in the Pegu Forest Division, Tenasserim Circle, Lower Burma
Working plan < Pegu: North Zamayi >
Working plan for the Thaton Forest Division, Tenasserim
Circle, Burma, for the period 1925-26 to 1934-35
Working plan < Thaton: Tenasserim >
Barrie, Esther.
The Ministry of Baptist women in the Myanmar context / by
Esther Barrie. − 1995. 86 p. − Trinity Theological College,
M.A. thesis
Subject(s): Burma : Women in Christianity ; Women in
church work - Protestant churches ; Women and religion ;
Barros, Cristián <b. 1975>
Tango del viudo / Cristiāan Barros. 1. ed. − Santiago, Chile:
Editorial Planeta Chilena, 2003. 359 p. − (Seix Barral biblioteca breve) − ISBN 9562473074
Subject(s): Neruda, Pablo, <1904-1973> - Fiction
Rangoon : Fiction
Burma : Biographical fiction
US: CU(Olin x) & HU & LC & NNC(Butler g) & UCB &
UCD(Shields) & UCI(Langson) & UCLA(YRL)
YU(SML) :PQ8098.412.A77 T36 2003
NYPL(Offsite JFE 04-2660)
WU(Memorial Lib.)
Barrington, Arthur Harry Manliffe
Forest administration in the Arakan Forest Division from the
1st July 1902 to the 30th June 1915 / by A. H. M. Barrington. With appendices and map. – Rangoon : Govt. Print.,
Burma (C. F., Pegu C.), 1917 [1918]. II, 227 p., app., map.
GB: BL(I.S.Bu.18/3)* BL-APAC(IOR/V/27/560/91)
Barry, Cecil Charles Stewart
Clinical lectures on abdominal gynaecological operations /
by C. C. S. Barry. – Rangoon : Govt. Print., Burma (S., C. G.
H.), 1915. 185 p.
GB: BL(07580 bb 43)
BL-APAC(T 37475* ; IOR/V/27/851/3)
Forest soil and vegetation in the Hlaing Forest Circle, Burma
/ by A. H. M. Barrington. Published under the orders of the
Chief Conservator of Forests, Burma. – Rangoon : Govt.
Print. and Staty., Burma (for C. of F. S. C.), 1931. II, 95 p.,
tables, diagrs., app. – (Burma forest bulletin ; 25 : ecology
series ; 1)
Subject(s): Burma : Ecology
GB: BL(I.S.Bu.18/12)* BL-APAC(IOR/V/25/560/81)
US: LC(SD88.B84) NYPL(Research VQO)
UC YU(Mudd Uze14I36 A13 25)
Nursing lectures on note taking after abdominal operations /
by C. C. S. Barry. – Rangoon : Govt. Print., Burma (for S. C.
G. H.), 1916. 9 p.
GB: BL(I.S.Bu.141/17)* BL-APAC(IOR/V/27/851/4)
B 29
Nursing lectures on surgical cleanliness / by C. C. S. Barry.
– Rangoon : Govt. Print., Burma (for S. C. G. H.), 1916. 9 p.
GB: BL(I.S.Bu.141/14)*
Burma Bibliographical Project
Siegfried M. Schwertner
ses en Inde en 2001] / Pablo Bartholomew. − [Paris:] Musée
de l'homme ; [s.l.] : Alliance française en Inde, [2001].
Subject(s): Nagas : Pictorial works - Exhibitions ; Social
conditions - Exhibitions
US: LC(DS432.N3 B37 2001)
The treatment of gonorrhoea and its complications in women
/ by C. Barry. – [Rangoon :] Govt. Print., Burma (for I.-G. of
C. H.), 1920. 28 p.
GB: BL(07580 bb 44)*
When and how to perform a few minor gynaecological operations / Barry. – [Rangoon :] Govt. Print., Burma (for M.
S. C. G. H.), 1918. II, 110 p.
GB: BL(07580 bb 42)*
Barter, P. G. H.
Expansion of rice consumption / Special Technical Meeting
on the Economic Aspects of the Rice Industry, Rangoon,
Burma, 11-18 Nov 1954. − FAO, 1954. 4 p. − Twenty-Fifth
Session of the Committee on Commodity Problems, Rome,
Italy, 23 May - 3 Jun 1955 − CO-CCP/ RI/54/31
FAO MFN 64405.
Subject(s): Burma : Consumer prices ; Income ; Consumers ;
Consumption ; Rice ; Agricultural products ; Plant products
Barth, Christian Gottlob <1799-1862>
A brief history of the Church of Christ / transl.. from the
English by Rev. E. A. Stevens ... publ. by the Burma Bible
and Tract Society. 1st ed. – Rangoon, 1878.
Ref.: OCLC 44040524
ditto. / by C. G. Barth. Transl. from the Burmese by Shway
Noo, compared with the English and carefully rev. by D. A.
W. Smith ... Printed for the Karen Theological Seminary.
2nd ed. – Rangoon : American Baptist Mission Pr., 1904.
271 p. – Added title and text in Sgau Karen
GB: BL(11103 b 15)* BL-APAC(Karen D.13)
Barthel, Christopher Ernest
Annual report of the State Industrial Research Institute for
fiscal year 1953-1954
State Industrial Research Institute < Rangoon >
An applied research program for Burma : final report for
Government of the Union of Burma. – [Chicago :] Armour
Research Foundation of Illinois Institute of Technology,
[1955]. XIV, 207 p., bibliogr. p. 195-198. – (ARF project no.
Subject(s): Burma : Research ; Research, Industrial
US: CU(Annex T177.B9 B28+) DS LC(Q180.B9.I18)
Barthelme, Frederick <b. 1943>
Rangoon / with illus. by Mayo Thompson. – New York :
Winter House, 1970. 194 p., illus. (part col.) – Fiction
US: CU(Annex PS3552.A782 R2) LC(PZ4.B2854 Ran)
MiU(Buhr 828 B287ra)
NYPL(Research JFD 71-1104)
UCI(SRLF) & UCSD(SSH) : PS3552.A763 R3
UoC(Regenstein PS3552.A797R19 1970
Ref.: OCLC 111054
Bartholomew, John <1890-1962>
The Oxford school atlas for India, Pakistan, Burma &
Bartholomew, Pablo
Les Nagas : marked with beauty = The Nagas : La marque
de la beauté : [exposition photographique présentée au Musée de l'Homme à Paris et dans différentes Alliances françai-
Bartke, Wolfgang.
Agreements of the People's Republic of China with other
countries 1969 – 1972 [/ transl. by Waldtraut Jarke]. − Hamburg: [Institut für Asienkunde] 1973. 50 p. − (Mitteilungen
des Instituts für Asienkunde Hamburg ; 52)
Subject(s): Burma : Foreign relations - Treaties
China : Foreign relations - Treaties.
D: B-SBB(17 Per 31-52 U.d.L.)
US: CU(Kroch DS1 .I59 Nr.52 +)
ditto. 2., rev. and enl. ed. − München [u.a.]: Saur, 1992. VIII,
231 S. − (A publication of the Institute of Asian Affairs,
Hamburg) − ISBN 3-598-10840-0
D: B-SBB(46 MA 8374 U.d.L. ; 1 A 181873 Potsdamer
Bartlett, Cecil Austyn <b. 1894>
Report of a mission appointed to investigate the clove trade
in India and Burma, Ceylon, British Malaya and the Dutch
East Indies
Kirsopp, George Dougal
Bartlett, Harley Harris <1886-1960>
Fire in relation to primitive agriculture and grazing in the
tropics : annotated bibliography / Harley H. Bartlett. – Ann
Arbor: Univ. of Michigan Botanical Gardens ; Department
of Botany
[1.] – 1955. 568 p., index. – 10 titles on Burma
2. A-G, topics in general ; H-J, South Asia and Oceania. –
1957. 873 p., index. 8 titles on Burma
3. – 1961.
GB: BL: 1-2 (11927 m 45)*
US: CU(Mann S607.B28) LC(S607.B3)
UCSD(SSH S607.B32 1 Stacks)
Barton, R. M.
Hospital evangelism / by R.M. Barton. − Mysore City:
Wesley Pr. and Publ. House 1941. 7 p. − Repr. from The
Journal of the Christian Medical Association of India,
Burma, and Ceylon, November, 1941.
Subject(s): Missions, Medical.
US: NNUT(Burke MRL Pamphlets 1382)
Bartsch, Henry
Trekking tourism and its role in a process of socio-economic
change : a Karen village in Northern Thailand as an example
/ Henry Bartsch. – Nijmegen: Third World Centre / Development Studies, Catholic Univ., 1997. 138, 6 p., illus. – (Occasionl paper ; 71) – Nijmegen, Kath. Univ., M.A. thesis
ISBN 90-72639-68-5
NL: KITLV(M 1998 A 1714)
Barua, Beni Madhab
Expositions : or, Niyama-Dipani
Ledi < Thera >
Barua, Bimalakanta
B 30
Bibliographical description
Barua, S. C.
The Buddhist meditation and certain principles of Buddhism
/ with forew. by Friedrich V. Lustig ; comp. by Sree S. C.
Barua. 1st ed. – [Rangoon : Sasana Viman,] 1975. 88 p.
Subject(s): Burma : Buddhism ; Meditation – Buddhism ;
Buddhist meditations ; Vipa´syanā (Buddhism)
GB: SOAS(GB293.43/410.284)*
US: CU(Kroch BQ5612 .B92)
YU(SML BQ5612 B833 1975 (LC))
Barua, Surendra Nath <b. 1923>
Tribes of Indo-Burma border : a socio-cultural history of the
inhabitants of the Patkai Range / S. N. Barua ; forew. by
Bipin Borgohain. 1st ed. – New Delhi : Mittal, 1991. XV,
411 p., [28] p. of plates, illus.,.index, bibliogr. p. [396]-401.
ISBN 81-7099-308-3
Subject(s): Burma : Tribes - Patkai Range
Patkai Range
Burma : Ethnology ; Social life and customs
D: HD-SAI(222 eth 94/7329) TU-UB(32 A 6776)
F: BNF(HDJ Dépt.Phil. Salle J 306.089 959 Baru t ;
RDJ Salle M 306.089 959 Baru t)
BIULO(GEN.III.54335) BMH(DS 522 .N2)
GB: BL-APAC(ORW 1992 a 17) SAS((541.1):397)
US: CU(Kroch z) & LC & NIU(SEA) & NNC(Lehman) &
WU(Memorial Lib.) : GN635.I4 B39 1991 HU(Tozzer
IND. B 289 t)
Ref.: OCLC27273666
Baruah, Tapan Kumar M.
Lik-pu-can- lan = Advice from the grandfather to
granchildren : a translation from Khampti
The Singphos and their religion / Tapan Kumar M. Baruah. –
Shillong: Director of Information and Public Relations,
Govt. of Arunachal Pradesh, 1977. II, 177, II p., [7] l. of
plates, illus., bibliogr. p. [175]-177.
Subject(s): Kachin : Religion
D: GÖ-SUB(80 A 13496)
GB: BL(T 32679) CUL(631:13.c.95.44) OUL(IND)
US: CU(Kroch BL2032.K24B29)
BL2032.K24 B37 NYPL(Hum.-Asian & Middle Eastern *OLT 79-2909)
Ref.: OCLC 5265008
The basha blabber / 1st Air Commando Association Incorporated. − Broderick, Calif. : The Association. Illus.
Quarterly July/Sept. 1990- ; bimonthly -May/June 1990
Subject(s): United States : Army - World War <1939-1945>
- Army Air Forces, Air Commando Group, 1 st - Veterans
- Periodicals
Burma : World War <1939-1945> - Campaigns - History Periodicals ; World War <1939-1945> - Veterans - Periodicals
US: WU: 1986,May/Jun 1987,Jul/Aug-to date
(Hist. Soc. Lib.)
A basic and graded word list in Burmese for guidance of
writers of reading material for new literates / (prep. by Publications Research Division of the Burma Translation Society for UNESCO) – [Rangoon, n.d.] Unpaged.
Subject(s): Burmese language : Glossraies, vocubularies, etc.
US: YU(SML PL3959 +B87)
Basic Chemicals, Pharmaceuticals & Cosmetics Export
Promotion Council < India >
Study-cum-sales team's report on Burma, Taiwan,
South Korea & Philippines
Basic data on the economy of Burma [ / prep. by George T.
Beck]. – Washington, D.C.: United States Department of
Commerce, Bureau of Foreign Commerce, 1958. 19 p. –
(World trade information service : 1, Economic reports ; 5813)
D: HD-SAI(reg 60 G 279 SD)*
Basic data on the economy of Burma. – Washington, D. C.:
U.S. Bureau of International Commerce, 1963. 7 p. – (Overseas business reports / U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of International Commerce ; 63-162)
D: KI-ZBW(YY 7669 (1963))
Basic data on the economy of Burma / prep. by Kathleen
Keim. – Washington, D.C., 1969. 11 p. – (Overseas business
reports / U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of International Commerce)
Ref.: Cumulative subject guide to U.S. Govt. bibliogr.
Basic Education Curriculum and Textbook Committee
Biology : laboratory work book, standard ten
Biology : standard …
Chemistry : standard nine
Compulsory English text : standard nine
Co-ordinated science. Standard nine
English text : standard ten
Experimental chemistry
Mathematics : standard …
Physics : standard ten
Practical physics : standard ten
Reader one
Selected poems [in English]
The basic English-Burmese dictionary
Agarwal, R. C. S.
Basic facts on the Union of Myanmar. – Yangon: Ministry of
Foreign Affairs, 1994. 25 p., illus., map.
Subject(s): Burma
GB: BL-APAC(ORW 1994 a 260)
Basic Health Services Project, Burma
Primary Health Care and Basic Health Services Project, Burma, 1977-82
Basic information about the ECA [U.S. Economic Cooperation Administration] Program. – Rangoon
[1.] The facts about the economic co-operation agreement
between Burma and the U.S.A. – 1952. 10, 9 p. – Text
in English and Burmese
Ref.: Bernot
Basic survey for promotion of official loans to Burma /
prep. for the Economic Planning Agency by Institute of Developing Economies. – [Tokyo:] The Institute, [1983]. 40 p.
– March 1983
Subject(s): Burma : Economic assistance, Japanese ; Economic conditions <1948->
US: NIU(SEA HC422 .B2741983)
B 31
Burma Bibliographical Project
Siegfried M. Schwertner
Basilikos, Basilis
Kontina kai makrina taxidia : Ellas ; Ispania ; Birmania ; Indonesia ; Kina / Basile Basilikos. – [Athena:] Estias, 1980.
207 p. – (Neoellenike logotechnia ; 250
I: Bibl. del Dipt. di filologia greca e latina dell'Univ. degli
studi di Roma La Sapienza - Roma - RM
< Bye-law under section 90 (I). – 1906 >
Bye-law by the Bassein municipality under section 90, subsection (I), of the Burma municipal act, 1898 (Burma act III
of 1898). – Rangoon : Govt. Print., Burma (for Secy.), August 1906. [1 p.]
GB: BL(I.S.Bu.232/19(24))*
Baskette, Floyd Kenneth
Burma's struggle for modern nationalism / by Floyd Kenneth
Baskette, jr. − 1968. V, 138 l., maps, bibliogr. l. [129]-134. −
Univ. of Colorado, M.A. thesis, 1968
Subject(s): Burma : Nationalism ; History.
US: CoU(Archives UA T 1968 mB292)
Ref.: OCLC 53024845
< Bye-law under section 99. – 1899 >
Bye-laws by the Bassein municipality under section 99, and
142, clause(s), of the Burma municipal act, 1898. – Rangoon
: Govt. Print., Burma (for B. S.), 1899. 5 p.
GB: BL(I.S.Bu.232/19(26))* BL-APAC(Tr 870(15))*
< Bye-law under section 99. – 1903, Sept. >
Bye-law by the Bassein municipality under section 99 of the
Burma municipal act, 1898 (Burma act III of 1898). – Rangoon : Govt. Print., Burma (for Secy.), September 1903.
[1 p.]
GB: BL(I.S.Bu.232/19(25))*
Bassein / Health Officer of the Port
Rules for the guidance of the Health Officer of the Port of
Bassein. – Rangoon : Govt. Print., Burma (for Book Depōt),
1899. 3 p.
Subject(s): Burma : Ports and Harbours
GB: BL(I.S.Bu.154/12)* BL-APAC(Tr. 870)
< Bye-law under section 99. – 1903, Oct. >
Bye-laws by the Bassein municipality under section 99, and
142, clause (s), of the Burma municipal act, 1898 (Burma act
III of 1898). – Rangoon : Govt. Print., Burma (for Secy.),
October 1903. [1 p.]
GB: BL(I.S.Bu.232/19(27))*
Bassein / Municipality
< Bye-law under section 30. – 1899, Jan. >
Bye-laws by the Bassein municipality under section 30 of
the Burma municipal act, 1898. – Rangoon : Govt. Print.,
Burma (for B. S.), Jany. 1899. 7 p.
GB: BL(I.S.Bu.232/19(18))*
< Bye-law under section 102. – 1904 >
Bye-laws by the Bassein municipality under section 102 of
the Burma municipal act, 1898 (Burma act III of 1898). –
Rangoon : Govt. Print., Burma (for Secy.), September 1904.
3 p.
GB: BL(I.S.Bu.232/19(28))*
< Bye-law under section 30. – 1899, April >
Bye-laws by the Bassein municipality under section 30 of
the Burma municipal act, 1898. – Rangoon : Govt. Print.,
Burma (for B. S.), April 1899. 7 p.
GB: BL(I.S.Bu.232/19(19))*
< Bye-law under section 102 (a, b, d, e, f). – 1900 >
Bye-laws by the Bassein municipality under section 102,
clause (a), (b), (d), (e) and (f), of the Burma municipal act,
1898. – Rangoon : Govt. Print., Burma (for Secy.), Dec.
1900. 2 p.
GB: BL(I.S.Bu.232/19(30))*
< Bye-law under section 30. – 1905 >
Revised bye-law by the Bassein municipality under section
30 of the Burma municipal act, 1898 (Burma act III of of
1898). – Rangoon : Govt. Print., Burma (for Secy.), June
1905. [1 p.]
GB: BL(I.S.Bu.232/19(20))*
< Bye-law under section 102 (Ia, b, c, g). – 1907 >
Bye-laws by the Bassein municipality under section 102,
sub-section (I), clause (a), (b), (c) and (g) of the Burma municipal act, 1898 (Burma act III of 1898). – Rangoon : Govt.
Print., Burma (for Secy.), June 1907. 3 p.
GB: BL(I.S.Bu.232/19(29))*
< Bye-law under section 86. – 1903, Sept. >
Bye-laws by the Bassein municipality under section 86, 92,
93, and 142, clauses (a), (b), (c), (d), (e), (g), (h), (i), (k), (l),
(n), (o), (p), (q), (r) and (s), of the Burma municipal act,
1898 (Burma act III of 1898). – Rangoon : Govt. Print.,
Burma (for Secy.), September 1903. 27 p.
GB: BL(I.S.Bu.232/19(21))*
< Bye-law under section 86. – 1903, Oct. >
Bye-laws by the Bassein municipality under section 86, 92,
93, and 142, clauses (a), (b), (c), (d), (e), (g), (h), (i), (k), (l),
(n), (o), (p), (q), (r) and (s), of the Burma municipal act,
1898 (Burma act III of 1898). – Rangoon : Govt. Print.,
Burma (for Secy.), October 1903. 27 p.
GB: BL(I.S.Bu.232/19(22))*
< Bye-law under section 90 (I). – 1902 >
Bye-law by the Bassein municipality under section 90, subsection (I), of the Burma municipal act, 1898 (Burma act III
of 1898). – Rangoon : Govt. Print., Burma (for Secy.), April
1902. [1 p.]
GB: BL(I.S.Bu.232/19(23))*
< Bye-law under section 143 (I). – 1906 >
Amendment of bye-law 5 of the Bassein municipality under
section 143, subsection (I), of the Burma municipal act,
1898 (Burma act III of 1898). – Rangoon : Govt. Print.,
Burma (for Secy.), July 1906. 2 p.
GB: BL(I.S.Bu.232/19(31))*
Bassein District
Burma gazetteer
Bassein Karen Normal and Industrial Institute
Prospectus of the Bassein Karen Normal and Industrial Institute. – Rangoon : Pegu Pr.
Bassein Mission
American Baptist Missionary Union / Bassein Mission
B 32
Bibliographical description
The Bassein Port manual : a collection of rules and orders
specially concerning the Port of Bassein. 1st ed. – Rangoon :
Govt. Print., Burma (for B. S.), 1897. 35 p.
GB: BL-APAC(V 8691 ; IOR/V/27/751/150)*
Reisen in Birma in den Jahren 1861-1862 / von Adolf Bastian. – Leipzig: Wigand; London : Truebner, 1866. XIII, 521
S., Beil. – (Die Völker des östlichen Asien : Studien und
Reisen / von Adolf Bastian ; 2)
Subject(s): Burma : Description and travel ; Social life and
AU:ANU(Menzies DS485.B81.B3)
D: GÖ-SUB(8° H As II, 3043) HD-SAI(pol 53 C 11.2)*
GB: BL(010055 gg 7) SOAS(GB 909/56.977)*
N: UHS(K311 ETNO 397(5) Bas/2 ; Mag314 Kc 27/2)
NL: KITLV(M rr 588)
US: CU(Kroch & Kroch Rare & Ms. DS507 .B32 ; Annex
DS527.6 .B32) HU(Widener Ind 8118.62)
LC(DS507.B32) UC(SRLF A0005232160)
ditto. 2nd ed. – ibd., (for Secy.), 1915. 46 p.
GB: BL(I.S.Bu.154/6)* BL-APAC(IOR/V/27/751/151)
ditto. : containing the Burma outports act (II of 1914) and a
collection ... 3rd ed. Corr. up to the 22nd July 1929. – ibd.,
(for F. R. S.), 1929. 65 p.
GB: BL(I.S.Bu.154/6)* BL-APAC(IOR/V/27/751/152)
Bassett, David Kenneth <1931-1989>
Britain and South-East Asia
British attitudes to indigenous states in South-East Asia in
the nineteenth century / by D. K. Bassett. – Hull: Centre for
South-East Asian Studies, 1980. 71 p. – (Occassional paper /
Univ. of Hull, Centre for South East Asian Studies, ISSN
0269-1779 ; 1)
D: PA-UB(55/RR 50977 B319 B8)
US: CU(Kroch +DS518.4.B31)
Sprachvergleichende Studien : mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der indochinesischen Sprachen / von Adolf Bastian. – Leipzig: Brockhaus, 1870. XXXVIII, 344 S.
p. 108-190: Das Birmanische
Subject(s):Burmese language.
D: HD-UB(E 1213.2) GÖ-SUB(8° Ling I,2196)
R-UB(00/EG 6600 B326)
GB: BL(12910 dd 1)
US: CU(Annex PL3521.B32)
HU(Widener Harv.Depos. 1233.45) LC(4PL 181)
The British in South-East Asia during the seventeenth and
eighteenth centuries / by D. K. Bassett. – [Hull:] Centre for
South-East Asian Studies, c1990. IX, 94 p., port. – (Occassional paper / Univ. of Hull, Centre for South East Asian
Studies, ISSN 0269-1779 ; 18) − ISBN 0-85958-577-8
D: HD-SAI(215 wiw 96/3673)
US: CU(Kroch DS518.4.B314 1990)
LC(DS514.3.B38 1990)
Travels in South-East Asia / Adolf Bastian
1 A journey in Burma, 1861-1862 / Adolf Bastian
Die Völker des östlichen Asien : Studien und Reisen / von
Adolf Bastian. – Leipzig: Wigand; London : Truebner.
1 Die Geschichte der Indochinesen
2 Reisen in Birma
Bassien, M.
All-India travellers guide, 1931-32
Bassin du Mékong inférieur, débits pour 1959 et années précédentes : rapport
Lower Mekong River Basin discharge data prior to
1960 : a report
Bastian, Adolf <1826-1904>
Die Geschichte der Indochinesen : aus einheimischen Quellen / von Adolf Bastian. – Leipzig: Wigand ; London :
Truebner, 1866. XVI, 576 S., Beil., Ind. – (Die Völker des
östlichen Asien : Studien und Reisen / von Adolf Bastian ; 1)
p. 9-201, 533-544: Burma
Subject(s): Burma : Ethnology
D: GÖ-SUB(8° H As II, 3043) HD-SAI(300 his 67/8)*
GB: BL(010055 gg 7)
US: CU(Kroch & Rare & Ms.) & LC : DS507.B32)
UC(SRLF A0005232160)
Bastian, Philipp Wilhelm Adolf
Bastian, Adolf
Bastin, John Sturgus <b. 1927>
The emergence of modern Southeast Asia
A journey in Burma, 1861-1862 / Adolf Bastian ; transl. by
Walter E. J. Tips ; text ed. by Christian Goodden. – Bangkok: White Lotus Press, c2004. IX, 323 p., illus. – (Adolf
Bastian's travels in South-East Asia ; 1) – Originally published as: Reisen in Birma in den Jahren, 1861-1862.
ISBN 9744800585 (pbk.)
Subject(s): Burma : Description and travel
SG: ISEAS(DS530.63 B32)
TH: CU(DS527.6 B326J)
US: UCB(DS527.6 B3713 2004)
B 33
A history of modern Southeast Asia : colonialism, nationalism, and decolonization / John Bastian and Harry J.
Benda. – Englewood Cliffs, N. J.: Prentice-Hall, 1968. IX,
214 p., index, bibliogr. p. 203-209. – (Spectrum books ; S180)
Subject(s): Burma : History ; Decolonization ; Nationalism History
AU:ANU(Menzies DS511.B3) NLA(N 959 B326h)
D: HD-SAI(300 his 69/1576)*
GB: BL(X 708/7155) SAS((59):091)*
SOAS(G945/253214 ; 255950 ; 476897))
NL: KITLV(M 3b 105 N)
SG: NRL(959 BAS)
US: CU(Kroch and Uris: DS511.B32 H6) HU-EWC
IU(Main Stacks 959 B29H)
ditto. / John Bastin and Harry J. Benda. 2nd ed. – Sydney:
Printice-Hall of Australia, c1977. IX, 190 p., maps, index,
bibliogr. p. 176-184. − ISBN 0-7248-0553-2
AU:ANU(Menzies DS511.B3 1977)
NLA(N+ 959 B326-2)
Burma Bibliographical Project
Siegfried M. Schwertner
GB: SAS((59):091)*
US: CU(Kroch DS511 .B34x 1977)
The study of modern Southeast Asian history / by John Bastin. – Kuala Lumpur: Univ. of Malaya, 1959. 26 p., incl. bibliogr. ref. – An inaugural lecture delivered in the Univ. of
Malaya in Kuala Lumpur on 14 December 1959.
Subject(s): Burma : History - Study and teaching
US: CU(Kroch S510.7 .B32)
NIU(SEA DS510.7 .B377)
Bates, Herbert Ernest <1905-1974>
The jacaranda tree / H. E. Bates. – London : M. Joseph,
1949. 223 p. – Herbert 667
Subject(s): Burma : History <1824-1948> - Fiction
D: HD-SAI(322 mil 84/1612)*
GB: BL(NN 39072)*
SOAS(GB 830/643.341)*
NL: KB(1078 E 15)
SG: ISEAS(PR6003 A965J1)
US: CU(Kroch Rare Books PR6003.A86 J16)
LC(PR6003.A965j3 1949)
The Western element in modern Southeast Asian history / by
John Bastin. – Kuala Lampur : Univ. of Malaya in Kuala
Lampur, Dept. of History, 1960. 27 p., ref. p. 25-27. – (Papers on Southeast Asian subjects ; 2) – This paper is an abbreviated version of an inaugural lecture publ. under the title: The study of modern Southeast Asian history in l959. –
Label mounted below imprint: Eastern Universities Pr. Ltd.,
Subject(s): Burma : History - Study and teaching
GB: SOAS(G930/148612)
US: CU(Kroch DS503 .K95 no.2 +)
Basu, Durga Das <b. 1910>
Specific relief act (act I of 1877) in India, Pakistan and
Basu, Nrisinha Das <1882-1960>
Basu's law of evidence (in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh,
Burma and Ceylon) : being exhaustive commentary on The
Indian Evidence Act, 1872 (1 of 1872) as amended by (Information Technology Act, 2000) / thoroughly rev. by P. M.
Bakshi ; rev. ed., S. C. Sarkar. 6th ed. in 4 vols. − New Delhi
: India Law House, 2001. CLXIII, 4, 3488, 208 p., index,
incl. bibliogr. ref. − ISBN 818714100X (v. 1) 8187141018
(v. 2) 8187141026 (v. 3) 8187141034 (v. 4) 8187141042
Subject(s): Burma : Evidence
US: NcD(KNS3542.A31872 B37 2001)
Basu, Provash Chandra
A report on the human relics recovered by the Naga Hills
(Burma) Expedition ...
Guha, Biraja Sankar
Bateman, H. R.
Reports by Military Police officers accompanying the
Triangle Expedition
Bateman, Michael Elliott
Elliott-Bateman, Michael
Bates, A. S.
The flying carpet salesman / by A S Bates. − 1998. 45 p.,
illus., maps, index, incl. bibliogr. ref.
Subject(s): Burma : World War <1939-1945> - Campaigns Military operations, Aerial, British
GB: SOAS(E Coll 3 U /4)
Bates, Alice Buhl
For all time : the story of Ann Judson / by Alice Buhl Bates.
– Birmingham, Al.: New Hope, c1998. 28 p.
ISBN 1563092573
Subject(s): Judson, Ann Hasseltine <1789-1826>
Burma : Missions
US: CU(Kroch BV3271.J81 B37x 1998) LC
B 34
ditto. 1st publ. – Boston, Chicago : Little, Brown, 1949. 299
p. – (An Atlantic Monthly Pr. book)
GB: BL(NN 39170)*
US: CU(Annex & Uris: PR6003.A86 J16 1949)
ditto. – Harmondsworth: Penguin Books, 1955. 251 p. –
(Penguin books ; 1034)
GB: BL(12208 a 1/1034)
ditto. – London : M. Joseph, 1961. 223 p. – (Evensford edition / H. E. B.)
GB: BL(11663 d 28)*
US: UCI(Main Lib PR6003.A965J3)
UCSC(McHenry PR6003.A965J32)
ditto. / abridgement and introduction by G. M. Gore Little. –
London : Longmans, 1961. VIII, 198 p. – (Longmans’
abridged books)
GB: BL(11314 d 13/12)
ditto. [: with exercises and glossary]. – ibd., 1961. VIII, 235
p. – (Longmans’ abridged books)
GB: BL(11314 d 13/31*; 11314 d 13/23)
ditto. / abridged and simplified by G. C. Thornley ; illus. by
R. S. Embleton. – London : Longmans, 1962. IX, 115 p.,
map. – (Longmans’ simplified English series)
GB: BL(W.P.6494/58)*
ditto. – London : Transworld Publ., 1963. 225 p. – (Corgi
books ; GN 1302)
GB: BL(W.P.12745/1025)*
ditto. – London : M. Joseph, 1964. 223 p. – (Evensford edition / H. E. B.)
D: FR-UB(GE 68/173-9)
ditto. – Bath: Chivers, 1972. 223 p. − ISBN 0-85594-642-3
GB: BL(X 989/14763)
ditto. Large print ed. – ibd., 1974. 386 p.
ISBN 0-85997-033-7
GB: BL(Nov.45809 ; Nov.23146*)
ditto. – Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1980. 250 p.
GB: BL(X 0908/621)
ditto. Large print. ed. – Bath: Chivers, 1982. 386 p. – (A new
portway large print book)
GB: BL(Nov.45809)
Bibliographical description
The purple plain / H. E. Bates. – London : M. Joseph, 1947.
224 p. – Herbert 667
Subject(s): Burma : World War <1939-1945> - Military operations, British - Fiction ; Air pilots - Fiction ; War stories
GB: BL(NN 37650)* SOAS(E Coll 3 V /9)
NL: KB(1112 b 59)
US: CU(Kroch Rare Books PR6003.A86 P9)
LC(PZ3.B3145 Pu2)
UCLA(SpecColl PR6003.B308pu 1947)
ditto. Repr. – Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1980. 232 p.
D: DUUB(ECBB1370 (01))
ditto. – London : Hale, 1997. 224 p. – (A Black Horse western) − ISBN 0-7090-6005-X
GB: BL(Nov.1997/783)
Purpursletten / overs. af Henning Buhl-Nielsen. − København ; Aarhus, 1948. 208 s. − Originaltitel: The purple plain
Note: Roman fra Burma under verdenskrigen 1939-45
Subject(s): Burma : World War <1939-1945> - Military operations, British - Fiction ; Air pilots - Fiction ; War stories
DK: KB(58,-29 8°)
ditto. – Boston: Little, Brown, 1947. 308 p. – (An Atlantic
Monthly Pr. book) – "A serial version ... appeared in the
Saturday evening post." - Dust jacket.
D: HD-SAI(reg 60 D 704)*
US: CU(Kroch & Uris: PR6003.A86 P9 1947)
UCB(Main 961.B329.pur)
NIU(Main - FML PR6003.A965 P81947)
ditto. / på dansk ved Henning Buhl-Nielsen. Ny udgave. −
[København:] Fremad, 1970. 225 s. − (Fremads folkebibliotek. Bogringen ; 184)
ISBN 87-557-0051-9 ; 87-557-0053-5
DK: KB(8-ba ; Germ. 52220/10 8°)
ditto. – London : Reprint Society, 1949. 256 p.
SG: ISEAS(PR6003 A965P1)
Rückkehr ins Leben : Roman. 1. Aufl. – Bern: Scherz, 1948.
269 S. – Übers. von: The purple plain
Subject(s): Burma : World War <1939-1945> - Military operations, British - Fiction ; Air pilots - Fiction ;
A: ÖNB(786.801-B)
ditto. – London : News of the World, 1952. 231 p.
GB: BL(012635 de 33)
ditto. – Harmondsworth: Penguin Books, 1956. 248 p. –
(Penguin books ; 1152)
GB: BL(12208 a 1/1152)
Træet med de blå blomster / overs. af Jørgen-Bent Kistorp. −
København, 1949. 255 s. − Originaltitel: The jacaranda tree
Abstract; Under en lille flok englænderes og burmeseres
flugt efter japanernes invasion af Burma afsløres europæernes egoisme og racefordomme
Subject(s): Burma : History <1824-1948> - Fiction
DK: KB(58,-29 8°)
ditto. – London : M. Joseph, 1956. 192 p.
ditto. – London : Transworld Publ., 1963. 222 p. – (Corgi
books ; GN 1303)
GB: BL(W.P. 12745/1006)
ditto. / H. E. Bates ; på dansk ved Jørgen-Bent Kistorp.
Fotografisk optryk. − [København:] Fremad, 1975. 256 s. −
(Fremads folkebibliotek. Bogringen ; 245)
ISBN 87-557-0514-6 ; 87-557-0516-2
DK: KB(8-76/903)
ditto. – London : Nelson, 1964. 196 p. – (Reading today)
GB: BL(X 989/642)
ditto. Repr. – London : Nelson, 1969. 196 p. – (Reading today)
Ref.: Bookseller
Vlucht uit Birma / H. E. Bates [; vert. uit het Engels door A.
J. Richel]. – Utrecht [etc.]: Spectrum, c1961. 207 p. – (Prisma-boeken ; 670) – Vert. van: The jacaranda tree
Subject(s): Burma : History <1824-1948> - Fiction
NL: KB(2143864 Depotexp.)
ditto. – London : Transworld Publ., 1969. 222 p. – (Corgi
books : war)
D: SB-UB(00/HN 1903 P98.969)
GB: SOAS(GB 830/439.804)*
ditto. – Bath: Chivers, 1972. 192 p.
ISBN 0-85594-631-8
GB: BL(X 989/14670)
ditto. 2e dr. – ibd., 1996. 207 p. – (Prisma-boeken ; 670)
NL: KB(213864) KITLV(M ss 178 N)
Bates, Miner Searle
Missions in Far Eastern cultural relations : Eighth Conference of the Institute of Pacific Relations, Mont Tremblant,
Quebec, Canada, December, 1942. – New York : American
Council, Institute of Pacific Relations, 1942. 40 p., bibliogr.
p. 40. – (American Council paper ; 6)
D: HD-SAI(reg 60 M 103 Kp)
ditto. Large print ed. – ibd., 1975. 453 p.
ISBN 0-85997-139-2
GB: BL(Nov.31039 Woolwich)
ditto. : heroism, courage and romance in wartime Burma / H.
E. Bates. Repr. – Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1980. 233 p.
ISBN 0-14-001152-8
D: SI-UB(L4211 = ECBB1338)
GB: BL(X 0908/621)
ditto. Large print ed. – Bath: Chivers, 1981. 453 p. – (A New
Portway large print book)
GB: BL(Nov.45011 Woolwich)
Bates, Richard F. <b.1925>
Memories of military service : a teenage in Burma / Richard
F Bates. − 1995. 178 p., illus.
Subject(s): United States ; Army - World War <1939-1945>
- Military operations - Burma - Composite Unit (Provisional), 5307th ; Burma : World War <1939-1945>
GB: SOAS(E Coll 3 F /4)
B 35
Burma Bibliographical Project
Siegfried M. Schwertner
ditto. Dec. 1995 revision. − [Baraboo, Wis.: R. Bates,] 1995.
177 p., illus.
US: Hedburg Public Library
Veterans Mus Res Ctr(SG D811.838 1995)
tuut voor Taal-, Landen Volkenkunde. − Transl. of: Yair
Sultan Maulana. – ISBN 906750668
Subject(s): Phuket < Thailand > : History - Burmese invasions, 1809-1810
Thailand : Foreign relations - Burma
Burma : Foreign relations – Thailand ; History <to 1824>
D: PA-UB(00/RR 56977 S628)
TU-UB(27 A 4003)
GB: CUL(843:01.c.1.37
SG: ISEAS(PL5131 S98) NUS(PL5133.6 SSm.S)
Bather, Francis Arthur <1863-1934>
The Lower Palaeozoic fossils of the Northern Shan States,
Reed, Frederick Richard Cowper
Batlivala, J. C.
The "Star of Burmah" Lodge No 614 E.C. : fifty years’ record, 1853-1903 [/ by J. C. Batlivala]. – Rangoon : British
Burma Pr., 1911. III, II, 343 p.
GB: BL(4788 dd 7)
Batson, Richard Traber
Potentials for influencing Burmese Foreign Policy / by Richard Traber Batson. − 1962. III, 50 l., incl. bibliogr. ref. −
Washington, D.C., George Washington Univ, MA thesis,
US: DGW(GW Gelman 5780)
Batten, Henry Hallet
Report on the second settlement of Katha District ... , season
Settlement < Katha > 1923-26
Report on the settlement operations in the Tavoy District,
season 1904-05
Settlement < Tavoy > 1919-20
Batten, Jennie Rowena
Golden foot : the story of Judson of Burma / by J. R. Batten.
– London : Lutterworth Pr., 1956. 95 p. – (Stories of faith
and fame series)
Subject(s): Judson, Adoniram, 1788-1850 - Fiction - Juvenile literature
GB: BL(WP.D.345/5)*
OUL(BOD Camera UB 1339 e.113)
SG: NLB(Lee Kong Chgian English 275.91 JUD.B)
US: CU(Annex PZ7.B33 G6)
NNUT(Burke MRL Day Rare Ek J921 B33)
TxFS(Roberts PZ7.B33 G6)
Ref.: OCLC 2289597
ditto. 2nd impr. – ibd., 1958. 95 p., illus., map. – (Stories of
faith and fame series)
ditto. 3rd impr. – ibd., 1960. 95 p., illus., map. – (Stories of
faith and fame series)
D: HD-SAI(320 rel 92/386)*
Battersby, Henry Francis Prevost <1862-1949>
India under royal eyes / by H. F. Prevost Battersby ... , with
165 illus. from photographs especially taken by the author. –
London : G. Allen, 1906. XX, 453 p.
GB: BL(010057 g 46)* BL-APAC(T 4086)
UCSB(Main Lib DS413.B33)
The battle for Junk Ceylon : the Syair Sultan Maulana ; text,
transl. and notes / ed. by C. Skinner. – Dordrecht [etc.]: Foris
Publ., 1985. VIII, 325 p., bibliogr. p. [320] to 325. – (Bibliotheca Indonesica ; 25) – Published by the Koninklijk Insti-
Battle of Walawbum in Burma, 1944
Chao, Chen-yu
Batty, Alexander
Tour book of Their Excellencies the Viceroy and Countess
of Reading in Burma
Reading, Alice Isaac < Countess >
Batuk Lal
[Law of evidence ]
Batuk Lal's law of evidence : in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh,
Burma, Ceylon, Malaysia, and Singapore: as amended by the
Information Technology Act, 2000, w.e.f. 18.10.2000. 4th
ed., repr. / rev. by P. K. Majumdar, Mohd. Shabbir. − New
Delhi : Orient Publ. Co. 2001. CCLXXI, 1264 p., index. −
The only single volume commentary on the Indian Evidence
Act, 1872 with Exhaustive case law ... - Rev. ed. of: Law of
evidence in India / Batuk Lal, Satya Prakash Srivastava. 2nd
ed. 1987
Subject(s): Burma : Evidence (Law)
US: HU(Law School: IN 394B G01)
Baty, John A.
Surgeon in the jungle war / John A. Baty ; with an introd. by
Ambrose Meneces. – London : Kimber, 1979. 196 p., illus.,
maps. − ISBN 0-7183-0057-2 – Herbert 364
Subject(s): Baty, John A.
Burma : Surgeons - Biography ; Biography - Surgeons ;
History - Japanese occupation <1942-1945> ;
World War <1939-1945> - Campaigns ; World War
<1939-1945> - Medical and sanitary affairs ; World War
<1939-1945> - Personal narratives, British
Great Britain : Army - World War <1939-1945> - Military operations - Burma - Indian Mobile Surgical Unit,
D: HD-SAI(322 mil 88/1121)*
GB: BL(X 320/12086 Woolwich)*
OUL(RSL Stack 15085 d. 348 N1 0643983)
SOAS(GB959.10452092 /849984 ; E Coll 3 N /3)
Well(HMC LV.229.AA9)
IRL:TCD(HL- 35-464)
US: CU(Annex RD27.35.B33 A3)
HU(Widener Harv.Depos.) & LC & UCLA(YRL) :
RD27.35.B37 .A33
YU(Medical/Historical, Stacks Biog B323 A3 1979)
Bauer, Aaron M.
Descriptions of seven new Cyrtodactylus (Squamata:
Gekkonidae) : with a key to the species of Myanmar
(Burma) / Aaron M. Bauer. – San Francisco, Calif.: California Academy of Sciences, c2003. p. 463-498, illus. (some
B 36
Bibliographical description
col.), col. map, bibliogr. p. 496-498. − (Proceedings of the
California Academy of Sciences, ISSN 0068-574X ; 54.25).
Subject(s): Cyrtodactylus
Burma : Identification ; Classification.
US: CAS(Ref. & Mailliard Q11 .C25 ser.4 v.54:22-27 S)
UCB(Main Q11 .C29 v.54:25)
UCSC(S & E Lib Q11 .C254 v. 53 no. 7)
Two new species of Cyrtodactylus (Squamata: Gekkonidae)
from Myanmar / by Aaron M. Bauer. − San Francisco,
Calif.: California Academy of Sciences, c2002. p. 73-86,
illus. (some col.), map, bibliogr. p. 86. − (Proceedings of the
California Academy of Sciences, ISSN 0068-574X ; 53.7) −
July 1, 2002
Subject(s): Burma : Cyrtodactylus ; Geckos - Classification.
US: CAS(Ref & Mailliard Q11 .C25 ser.4 v. 53:7 Ser.)
NAL(500 C12P v. 53.7) UCB(Main Q11 .C29 v.53:7)
UCSC(S & E Lib Q11 .C254 v. 53.7)
Bauer, Christian
A guide to Mon studies / by Christian Bauer. – Clayton:
Centre of Southeast Asian Studies, Monash Univ., Dept. of
Linguistics, 1984. 84 p., 3 l. of plates, illus., bibliogr. p. 4175. – (Working papers / Centre of Southeast Asian Studies,
ISSN 0314-6804 ; 32) − ISBN 0-86746-348-1 – Herbert 831
Subject(s): Mon : Study and teaching
D: HD-SAI(300 inf 85/1867 Kp)*
F: BIULO(BR.8.951(8)) EFEO(ASIE MIN 71)
GB: BL(ZA 9 b 17)
BL-APAC(BUR c 18 ; ORW 1987 a 1062)
SOAS(L.GA 001.2/513.872)
US: CU(Kroch Asia Ref. +Z3229.M7 B34)
Bauer, Eddy
De hel van Birma
Die Hölle von Birma [/ Originaltext: Eddy Bauer ;
Hauptred.: John Preger]. – Rotterdam: Lekturama ; Glarus:
Christoph-Columbus-Verl., c1979. 144 S., Illus. – Originally: Partworks and encyclopedia of World War II
CH: SLB(Nq 121823)
Gli inglesi in Birmania ; Vittoria in Birmania / Eddy Bauer.
– Novara: Istituto geografico De Agostini, 1985. 95 p., illus.
– (Storia controversa della seconda guerra mondiale ; 34)
I: RM-BNC Vittorio Emanuele II
Bauer, Jan <b. 1943>
Item 12 question of the violation of human rights and fundamental freedoms in any part of the world : oral intervention by / Article 19, International Centre Against Censorship
; delivered by Jan Bauer. − London : Article 19, 1995. 4 p. –
At head of title: UN Commission on Human Rights - 51st
session. – February, 1995.
Subject(s): Burma : Human rights
ditto. Microform. − Leiden : IDC, 2000. 1 microfiche. −
(Human rights documents : General focus ; 2210, doc. 144).
US: CSdU(Legal Res Ctr JC571 .H93 2210 Doc.144 Fiche
Baugh, Timothy Gene
Du Kak Si : the structural implications of matrilateral cross
cousin marriage ; the Tlingit case. – 1978. 161 p. – Univ. of
Oklahoma, Ph.D. (anthropology) thesis
DAI.A 39.4, Oct. 1978, 2381. - UM 78-17891 - Shulman 39
Baum, Willy D.
Prospects for economic development in Burma and Thailand. – 1969. III, 137 l., bibliogr. l. 129-136. – Southern Illinois Univ., Dept. of Economics, M.A. thesis.
Subject(s): Academic Theses - SIUC - Economics
US: SIUC(3rd fl-Social St thesis Q. EC1969B347)
Bauman, C. G.
An extension training program for Burma : with suggestions
concerning the extension program and organization / C. G.
Bauman. − 1952. [I], 31 l.
Subject(s): Burma : Agricultural extension work
US: YU(LSF-Request S544.5 B9 B38 (LC))
Bauman, James John <b. 1943>
Pronouns and pronominal morphology in Tibeto-Burman /
by James John Bauman. – 1975. XIX, 319 l., tables, bibliogr.
l. 309-319. – Berkeley, Calif., Univ. of California, Ph.D.
(linguistics) thesis 1975. – DAI-A 37.1, 1976, 262 - Coppell
p. 30. - Shulman 529 - UM 76-15.103.
Subject(s): Tibeto-Burman languages : Grammar
Academic Thesis < Berkeley, Univ. of California > - Linguistics
D: HD-SAI(nsp 50.23 E 82/1958)*
GB: SOAS(GP410/377.092* ; L GP415 /609.010)
US: CU(Kroch Film 5261)
NIU(Microforms-2nd FLFMLMICROFILM AC801 .B34651976)
Baumann, Michael
Birma : Ringen um eine Demokratie und Frieden mit den
Baumgartner, Alexander <1841-1910>
Geschichte der Weltliteratur / von Alexander Baumgartner. –
Freiburg im BreisgAU:Herder
2. Die Literaturen Indiens und Ostasiens. 1. und 2. Aufl.
– 1897. XV, 650 S.
S. 395-402: Die birmanische Literatur
2. ditto. 3. und 4. verb. Aufl. – 1902. XVI, 650 S.
S. 406-419: Die birmanische Literatur
2. ditto. 3. und 4. verb. Aufl., unveränd. Nachdruck. – 1925.
XVI, 650 S.
D: 1. u. 2.Aufl.: A-UB(60/EC 5100 B348-2)
3. u. 4.Aufl.: A-UB(01/EC 5100 B348-2)
HD-UB(F 111)
Nachdr.: BA-UB(40/EC 5100 EQ 579-2)
GB: 1. Aufl.: BL(011851 f 25)*
US: 1. u. 2. Aufl.: LC(PN553.B3)
3. u. 4. Aufl.: MB UC(PN553 B38 1901)
Baumgartner, Barbara
Burma - Myanmar : Buddhismus - im Kloster der heiteren Nonnen ...
Bausani, Alessandro <b. 1921>
Le letterature del sud-est asiatico : birmana, siamese, laotiana, cambogiana, viêtnamita, giavanese, malese-indonesiana,
filippina / Alessandro Bausani. – Firenze: Sansoni ; Milano:
Accademia, 1970. 442 p., index, bibliogr. p. [413]-420. –
(Le letterature del mondo ; 37)
p. 78-113: La letteratura birmana
Subject(s): Burma : Literature - History and criticism
D: HD-SAI(nsp 0 G 76/658)*
F: Nice-BU Lettres Arts Sci.Hum.
B 37
Burma Bibliographical Project
Siegfried M. Schwertner
GB: BL(15012 ee 9)
US: CU(Kroch PL493 .B35) UoC LC(PL493.B3)
Bautze-Picron, Claudine
The Buddhist murals of Pagan : timeless vistas of the cosmos / Claudine Bautze-Picron ; with photogr. by Joachim K.
Bautze. − Trumbull, CT: Weatherhill ; Bangkok: Orchid Pr.,
c2003. XIV, 242 p., illus. (some col.), maps, bibliogr. p.
227-232. − ISBN 0834805332 (N. America) ; 974-524-025-7
(Asia, Europe, UK)
Note: Treasures hide in the temples of Pagan - treasures in
part never meant to be seen, enshrouded in the darkness of
high vaults. They compose a unique ensemble in the Buddhist world of the eleventh to fourteenth century, giving us
a glimpse of a lost splendour, and providing evidence of
the major political, religious and artistic position that Pagan then held. Adorning the walls and ceilings of those
monuments, they constitute a prayer to the Buddha: to the
Buddha as a human being, to his last life, but also to his
numerous lives when he was in search of the truth.
This comprehensive study covers, for the first time, not
only the murals found within temples near the historic city
of Pagan, but also those within the monuments scattered
elsewhere over the Pagan plain. Following an initial
iconographic analysis, the author proceeds to reconstruct
the overall vision of the murals within the broader context
of the interior spaces of the temples, revealing these
monuments as visualizations of the Buddhist cosmos and
reflecting the cosmological nature of the Buddha. Author
Bautze-Picron is an authority on early Indic Buddhist art
and her erudite descriptions of these lost treasures are
complemented by a magnificent photographic record of
the surviving murals themselves. Essential reading for all
with interest in the history and diversity of Buddhist art.
Subject(s): Burma : Mural painting and decoration, Buddhist
– Pagan ; Buddhist art and symbolism - Pagan
SG: ISEAS(ND2832.6 Z9P12B35)
US: CU(Kroch x) & NIU(SEA) & NNC(Barnard) & UCB &
UCLA(YRL) & UCSB(Arts Lib) & UCSC(McHenry) &
YU(SML Oversize) : ND2832.6.Z9 P343 2003
HU(Fine Arts)
Bautze, Joachim Karl
The Buddhist murals of Pagan
Bautze-Picron, Claudine
A brief guide to biographical sources / Ian A. Baxter. India
Office Library and Records. – London : India Office Library
and Records, 1979. IV, 53 p., index. − ISBN 0-903359-18-9
D: HD-SAI(inf 8 I 11)*
GB: BL(RR: BB.O.a 15 ; BS 21/97 ; OPL)
SOAS(L.Ref. JA 016/417.724)
Baxter, James <b. 1886>
Fiscal Committee : Interim report
Report on Indian immigration / by James Baxter. – Rangoon
: Govt. Print. and Staty., Burma (for Finl. Adviser), 1941.
VII, 192 p., 17 app., tables, diagr., maps. – Report of a
Commission of Inquiry to Examine the Question of Indian
Immigration into Burma appointed by the Government of
Burma, Department of Commerce and Industry
Subject(s): East Indians : Burma ; Emigration and immigration
Burma : Foreign population ; Emigration and immigration
AU:ANU(Menz microfim JV8509.B94.B35 1976)
D: HD-SAI(reg 60 R 20 GF)*
GB: BL(I.S.Bu.24)* LSE(BLPES GovtPubl.591(140))
BL-APAC(W 158 ; IOR/V/27/820/20)
SOAS(L.JA 325.25409591/542.358)
SG: ISEAS(Microfilm Mfm 72)
US: CU(Kroch Film 1348) LC(JV8509.B94B35)
NIU(SEA JV8509.B94 B351990Z)
UC(NRLF f JV8509.B9 .B3 $D 1 425 ; SRLF
M0001408194) WaU
YU(SML, Microform Film B409 1)
Ref.: OCLC 24644760 ; 40146603
Baxter, Richard
Burma post : a personal story of air mails and other activities
in the Burma campaign ; 1944-1945. – Worthing: Churchman, 1989. 150 p., map. – Herbert 365
Baxter, Walter
Blick gnädig herab : Roman (/ übers. von S. Neumann). –
Wien: Zsolnay, 1953. 406 S. – Übers. von: Look down in
A: ÖNB(828.053-B)
Bawihrin, Thla-Awr
The impact of missionary Christianity on the Chins / by
Thla-Awr Bawihrin. − 2002. VII, 217 l., leaves 209-217 −
(Theological Research Exchange Network (TREN) ; #0280153) − Ashland Theological Seminary, D. Min. thesis,
Subject(s): Chin : Religion ; Social life and customs ; Missions - History
Burma : Missions - Chin State - History ; Christianity and
US: Cincinnati Christian Univ, OH(Microfiche 266.009591
B354i) Western Seminary, OR Masters Seminary
Libr, CA
Bawla, L. R.
History of the Presbyterian Church of Burma / by L. R.
Bawla. Rev. ed.
Subject(s): Burma : Presbyterian Church
GB: Birmingham(285.09591)
Baxter, Ian A.
B 38
Look down in mercy / by Walter Baxter. – London [etc.]:
Heinemann, 1951. 288 p. – Herbert 668
Subject(s): Burma : World War <1939-1945> - Fiction
GB: BL(NNN 2422)* SOAS(E Coll 3 V/11)
ditto. 2nd impr. – ibd., 1952. 308 p.
GB: BL(12651 ff 13)*
ditto. Repr. – London : Viking Pr., 1957. 320 p. – (Viking
war special ; 502)
GB: BL(WP 10805/47)
NL: KITLV(M 3n 1422 N)
ditto. – London : World Distributors, 1961. 317 p. – (Consul
books ; WS 502)
GB: BL(11540 a 57)*
ditto. [Repr.] – ibd., 1965. 318 p. – (Consul books ; 1403)
GB: BL(X 907/2980)*
Bibliographical description
ditto. – London : Hutchinson, 1975. 288 p.
ISBN 0-09-123290-2
GB: BL(Nov.30069)
Baxter, James
The report on Indian immigration
Bay of Bengal cyclone of May 20th – 28th, 1887 / publ. by
the Meteorological Department of the Government of India.
– Calcutta : Govt. Print., India, 1888. 43 p., 6 plates. – (Cyclone memoirs ; 1)
GB: BL-APAC(IOR/V/18/302)*
The Bay of Bengal pilot : or, sailing directions for the coasts
of Ceylon, India and Siam ; with the Nicobar and Andaman
Islands / comp. from various authorities [by J. R. H.
MacFarlane]. Publ. by order of the Lords Commissioner of
the Admiralty. 4th ed. – London : Printed for the Hydrographic Office, Admiralty, by Taylor, Garnett, Evans, 1910.
XXXII, 644 p., plates, fold. map, app., index.
GB: BL(10496 r 11)*
Supplement 1913 : relating to the Bay of Bengal pilot. 4th
ed. 1910. – ibd., 1913. 31 p.
GB: BL(10496 r 11)*
US: DNW: 1913
Bay of Bengal pilot : Bay of Bengal and the coasts of India
and Siam, including the Nicobar and Andaman islands /
publ. by Hydrographic Office under the authority of the Secretary of the Navy. – Washington: Govt. Print. Off., 1916.
492 p., tables. – ([Publication / Hydrographic Office ;] 160)
Subject(s): Pilot guides - Bengal, Bay of
Bengal, Bay of : Navigation
US: LC(VK901.U6 1916) NYPL
Supplement 1916 : ... – ibd., 1916. 64 p., app., index.
GB: BL(10496 r 11)*
Rev. supplement (2), 1917 : relating to the Bay of Bengal pilot. 4th ed. 1910. – ibd., 1917. 67 p., app., index.
GB: BL(10496 r 11)*
Rev. supplement (3), 1918 : ... – ibd., 1918. 72 p., app., index.
Supplement ... Including a summary of notices to mariners
and other information from date of publication (July 2, 1916)
to ... – ibd.
US: LC(VK901.U6 1916 Suppl.) NYPL
ditto. : comprising Bay of Bengal and the coasts of India and
Siam, including the Nicobar and Andaman islands. 2nd ed. /
publ. and sold by Hydrographic Office under the authority of
the Secretary of the Navy. – ibd., 1923 VII, 500 p., tables,
fold. map. – ([Publication / Hydrographic Office ;] 160) –
3rd ed. has title: Sailing directions for the Bay of Bengal
US: DN ICJ LC(VK901.U6 1923)
NYPL(Rs. KAK U.S. HJydrographic Officce)
The Bay of Bengal pilot : including South-West coast of Ceylon, North coast of Sumatra, Nicobar, and Andaman Islands /
comp. from various authorities [by L. S. Dawson]. Publ. by
order of the Lords Commissioner of the Admiralty. – London : Print. for the Hydrographic Office, Admiralty, by Potter, 1887. IX, 422 p., map, tables, index, app.
GB: BL(10496 f 5)*
Supplement no. 5, 1920 : ... – ibd., 1920. 78 p., app., index.
GB: BL(10496 r 11)*
Admiralty notices to mariners issued during 1921 relating to
the Bay of Bengal pilot. 4th ed., 1910. – London : Potter,
1921. 8 p.
GB: BL(10496 r 11)*
The Bay of Bengal pilot : or, sailing directions for the coasts
of Ceylon, India and Siam ; from Colombo to Salang Island ;
with the Nicobar and Andaman Islands [/ prep. by F. C.
Hanning Lee]. Publ. by order of the Lords Commissioners of
the Admiralty. 5th ed. – London : Publ. for the Hydrographic
Department, Admiralty, by H. M. S. O. to be obtained from
Potter, 1921. XXVI, 656 p., map, plates, app.
GB: BL(10498 s 2)*
ditto. 2nd ed. – ibd., 1892. XIX, 476 p., map, tables,
GB: BL(10496 f 31)*
The Bay of Bengal pilot : or, sailing directions for the coasts
of Ceylon, India and Siam, from Colombo to Junkseylon ;
the Northwest coast of Sumatra ; and the Nicobar and Andaman Islands / comp. from various authorities [by H. S.
Penn]. 3rd ed. – London : Printed for the Hydrographic Office, Admiralty, by Eyre and Spottiswoode 1901. XXVIII,
508 p., maps, app.
GB: BL(10496 ee 13)*
NL: KITLV(M rr 967)
Supplement no. 1, 1922 : relating to Bay of Bengal pilot. 5th
ed., 1921. Corr. to 4th December 1922 / publ. by order of the
Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty. –
GB: BL(10498 s 2)*
Supplement no. 2, 1923 : ... Corr. to 24th Dec. 1923. – ibd.,
1923. 15 p.
GB: BL(10498 s 2)*
Supplement no. 3, 1925 : ... Corr. to 4th Feb. 1925. – ibd.,
1925. 20 p.
GB: BL(10498 s 2)*
Supplement no. 4, 1926 : ... Corr. to 20th Feb. 1926. – ibd.,
1926. 26 p.
GB: BL(10498 s 2)*
Supplement no. 5, 1927 : ... Corr. to 7th May 1927. – ibd.,
1927. 32 p.
GB: BL(10498 s 2)*
Suppplement. – ibd., 1903.
GB: BL(10496 ee 13)
Rev. supplement ... Corr. up to March 1908. – ibd., 1908
GB: BL(10496 ee 13)
Supplement no. 6, 1928 : ... Corr. to 27th Aug. 1928. – ibd.,
1928. 37 p.
GB: BL(10498 s 2)*
B 39
Burma Bibliographical Project
Siegfried M. Schwertner
Supplement no. 7, 1929 : ... Corr. to 31th Dec. 1929. – ibd.,
1929. 59 p.
GB: BL(10498 s 2)*
US: CU(Annex VK901 .G78 1940)
LC(VK901.G7 1940a)
Ref.: OCLC 32481109
Admiralty notices to mariners issued during 1930 relating to
the Bay of Bengal pilot. 1st [=5th] ed., 1921. – London : Potter, 1930. 2 p.
GB: BL(10498 s 2)*
ditto. – ibd. [1943].
US: LC(VK901.G7 1940)
Supplement no. 1, 1942 : relating to the Bay of Bengal pilot;
7th ed., 1940, corr. to 5th August, 1942. – ibd. 1942. 11 p.
GB: BL(10497 c 64)*
The Bay of Bengal pilot : comprising the coasts of Ceylon,
India and Siam from Colombo to Junkseylon Island ; with
the Andaman and Nicobar Islands [/ prep. by R. A. Richards]. Publ. by order of the Lords Commissioners of the
Admiralty. 6th ed. – London : Publ. for the Hydrographic
Department, Admiralty by H. M. S. O., 1931. XXXII, 522
p., illus., fold. map, index, app.
GB: BL(10497 b 1)*
US: UoC LC(VK901.G7 1931)
Supplement no. 3, 1945 : ... Corr. to 7th April, 1945. – ibd.,
1945. 26 p.
GB: BL(10497 c 64)*
Supplement no. 1, 1932 : relating to the Bay of Bengal pilot ;
6th ed., 1931 ; corr. to 29th July, 1932. Publ. by order of the
Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty. – ibd., 1932. 15 p.
GB: BL(10497 b 1)*
Supplement no. 4, 1947 : ... Corr. to 21th July, 1947. – ibd.,
1947. 61 p.
GB: BL(10497 c 64)*
US: CU(Annex VK901 .G78 1940)
Supplement no. 2, 1933 : ... Corr. to 3rd October 1933. –
ibd., 1933. 23 p.
GB: BL(10497 b 1)*
Bay of Bengal pilot : comprising the southern and eastern
coasts of Ceylon, the eastern coast of India, the coast of East
Pakistan, the coast of Burma, and the western coast of Thailand from Pakchan river to Ko Phuket, also the Andaman
and Nicobar islands [/ prep. by J. N. Tait]. 8th ed. – London :
Hydrographic Department, Admiralty, 1953. XLVI, 527 p.,
illus., tables, index, app., bibliogr. p. IV.
GB: BL(B.S.1 a/62)*
SG: NUS(CL Closed Stacks VK901 Gre)
US: DAS LC(VK901.G7 1953)
Ref.: OCLC 30185807
Supplement no. 3, 1935 : ... Corr. to 8th January, 1935. –
ibd., 1935. 32 p.
GB: BL(10497 b 1)*
Supplement no. 4, 1936 : ... Corr. to 23rd October 1936. –
ibd., 1936. 46 p.
GB: BL(10497 b 1)*
Supplement no. 5, 1937 : ... Corr. to 21st December 1937. –
ibd., 1938. 54 p.
GB: BL(10497 b 1)*
Supplement no. 6, 1939 : ... Corr. to 31st January 1939. –
ibd., 1939. 60 p.
GB: BL(10497 b 1)*
Admiralty notices to mariners issued during 1939 : relating
to the Bay of Bengal pilot. 6th ed. – ibd., 1940. 8 p.
GB: BL(10497 b 1)*
Supplement no. 2, 1943 : ... Corr. to 4th December, 1943. –
ibd., 1943. 20 p.
GB: BL(10497 c 64)*
Bay of Bengal pilot : comprising the southern and eastern
coasts of Ceylon, the eastern coast of India, the coast of East
Pakistan, the coast of Burma, and the western coast of Thailand from Pakchan river to Ko Phuket ; also the Andaman
and Nicobar Islands [/ prep. by C. W. Sabine]. 9th ed. –
London : Hydrographer of the Navy, 1966. VIII, 528 p.,
illus., maps, index, bibliogr. p. IV. – (N.P. ; 21)
GB: BL(B.S.1 a/62(2))* SOAS(A623.8929/204.236)
US: CU(Kroch VK901 .G78 1966)
LC(VK901.G7 1966) UC(SRLF)
UC(SRLF A 0013819032)
Ref.: OCLC 30276604
ditto. : 1940. – ibd., 1941. 3 p.
GB: BL(10497 b 1)*
Supplement no. 1. 1967- . – ibd.
GB: BL(B.S.1 a/62(2))
ditto. : 1941. – ibd., 1942. 3 p.
GB: BL(10497 b 1)*
Supplement no. 5, 1973 : ... Corr. to 20th Feb. 1973.
US: CU(Kroch VK901 .G78 1966)
Bay of Bengal pilot : comprising the southern and eastern
coasts of Ceylon, the eastern coast of India, the coast of
Burma, and the western coast of Thailand from Pakchan
river to Goh Puket ; also the Andaman and Nicobar Islands
[/ prep. by F. M. Hodgson]. 7th ed., 1940 ... – London : Hydrographic Department, Admiralty, [1941]. XXX, 454 p., illus., plates, tables, fold. map, bibliogr. p. IV, index, app.
AU:NLA(S 656.6 GRE)
D: HD-SAI(200 rei 95/138)*
GB: BL(10497 c 64)*
SG: NUS(CL Closed Stacks VK901 Gre
Suppl.1 42-43) RUBC(623.894 GRE)
Supplement no. 6, 1974 : ... Corr. to 20th March, 1974.
US: CU(Kroch VK901 .G78 1966)
Supplement no. 7, 1975 : ... Corr. to 18th April, 1975.
US: CU(Kroch VK901 .G78 1966)
Supplement no. 8, 1976 : ... Corr. to 12th June, 1976.
US: CU(Kroch VK901 .G78 1966)
Bay of Bengal pilot : the east coast of India north of Point Calimere, the coast of Bangladesh, the coast of Burma, the west
B 40
Bibliographical description
coast of Thailand from Pakchan river to Chong Pak Phra,
Andaman Islands, and Nicobar Islands. 10th ed. – [London :]
Hydrographer of the Navy, 1978. IX, 187 p., [32] p. of plates
(some folded), illus., maps, index, bibliogr. p. III. – (NP ;
21) – "This edition supersedes the ninth edition, pages 3 to
55 and pages 159 to 528, and Supplement no. 8 of 12th June,
D: B-SBB(4° 493819 und Suppl. 1-)
GB: BL(Bs.1a/62(3))
US: CU(Kroch +VK901 .G78 1978 and Suppl.no.3-5;
7-10 ( -1997))
LC(VK901.G69 1978) UCLA(SRLF)
UCSD(Scripps VK901.G69 1978)
Ref.: OCLC 7733736
Bayly, Christopher Alan <b. 1945>
Atlas of the British Empire
Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften / Philosophisch-Historische Abteilung
Buddha im Fürstenschmuck : Erläuterungen hin- terindischer
Scherman, Lucian
Bayfield, George Thomas
The British political relations with Ava
Pemberton, Robert Boileau
Report on the Eastern frontier of British India
Historical review of the political relations between the British Government in India and the Empire of Ava : from the
earliest date on record to the end of the year 1843 / comp. by
G. T. Bayfield ... and rev. by Burney ... – Calcutta : Samuel
Smith, 1835. 75 p.
GB: BL(I.S.Bu.116/2) BL-APAC(T 399940)
in: Pemberton, Robert Boileau
Report on the Eastern frontier of British India. –1835.
Suppl. p [I]-LXXIII
The Eastern frontier of India. − 1979. Suppl. p [I]LXXIII
Baylis, Harry Arnold <b. 1889>
Nematoda / by H. A. Baylis. – London : Taylor and Francis.
– (The fauna of British India : including Ceylon and Burma)
1. Ascaroidea and strongyloidea. – 1936. XXVI, 408 p., figs.,
index, map, bibliogr. p. XI-XXIX.
2. Filarioidea, dioctophymoidea and trichinellopidea. – 1939.
XXVIII, 274 p., figs., index, map, bibliogr. p. VII-XXIII.
Subject(s): Burma : Nematoda
D: B-SBB(Lv 12910 Potsdamer Str. NfLS)
ER-UB(10GB01/WP 6000 B358-1)
GB: BL((B)FQ 555/501835008)*
BL-APAC(V 7588)
OUL(RSL Stack 189941 d. 2z/1-2)
US: CU(Annnex QL391.N4 B35)
HU(Museum Comp Zoology: T-IA-B)
ditto. Repr. – New Delhi : Today & Tomorrow’s Print. and
Publ., 1978. 2 v. – (The fauna of British India : including
Ceylon and Burma)
GB: BL-DSS (v.1: 79/31504 ; v.2: 79/21461)
US: LC(QL391.N4B27 1978)
B 41
Forgotten armies : the fall of British Asia, 1941-1945 /
Christopher Bayly and Tim Harper. – London : Allen Lane,
2004. XXXIII, 555 p., [16] p. of plates, ill., map, index, bibliogr. p. 517-534. − ISBN: 0712994630
Contents: Maps. xi - Some Key Characters. xix - Preface:
The Many Forgotten Armies'. xxix
Prologue, part I: escaping colonialism. 1
Japan's Asian vision and the coming of war. 1 - Aung San's
Far Eastern odyssey. 9 - Signor Mazzotta' flees to Berlin.
15 - Mr Tan Kah Kee visits Mao. 19
Prologue, part II: journeys through empire. 30
The great crescent. 30 - A Malayan pastorale. 37 - The new
world' of Singapore. 50 - Malaise. 59
1. 1941: Last of the Indian and Burmese Days. 71 - India on
the brink. 72 - Indian politics as usual?. 78 - Burma unready. 81 - The world of the hills and the tribes'. 83 Dorman-Smith reaches his backwater'. 85 - Burmese and
others. 89 - Endgame: the governor and the politicians. 96
2. 1942: A Very British Disaster. 106 - The fortress that
never was. 106 - The arrow leaves the bow. 113 - The battle of Malaya. 126 - The modern Pompeiians'. 131 - Flotsam and jetsam. 144
3. 1942: Debacle in Burma. 156 - The road to Rangoon. 156
- From scorched earth to green hell. 167 - Burma's false
dawn. 178 - Death of the innocents. 181 - Would India
hold?. 190 - Total defence in the hills: the Lushai levies.
197 - The Nagas, the Kachins and the anthropologists. 202
- The monsoon of 1942: an unnoticed turning point. 206
4. 1942: The Abyss and the Way Back. 208 - The rape of
Malaya. 208 - The New Malai'. 217 - Desperate journeys:
Burma in late 1942. 230 - India ablaze. 244 - The forgotten armies mobilize. 253
5. 1943: Valleys of the Shadow of Death. 269 - Uneasy allies. 270 - Another fiasco in Arakan. 272 - India in the doldrums. 276 - The great starvation. 282 - The slow fight
back begins. 291
6. 1943: Personal Wars. 307 - Ba Maw's apotheosis. 307 The Spirit of Asia' and the Malay nation. 315 - The second
coming of the Indian National Army. 321 - Life in the time
of tapioca. 327 - Life without salt'. 336 - War by proxy.
343 - High councils: Tokyo, Cairo and Tehran. 356
7. 1944: The Pivot of the Fighting. 360 - Japan's final throw.
360 - India on the offensive. 362 - Battle commences: Imphal and Kohima. 370 - The politics of war. 383 - Japan's
forgotten army. 388
8. 1944: The Nemesis of Greater East Asia. 393 - Heroism
and murder in the hills. 394 - The crumbling of Free
Burma'. 396 - Roads to the death railway. 405 - Silent armies. 409 - The peninsular war. 414 - New balls at Wimbledon. 419
9. 1945: Freedoms Won and Lost. 423 - India mobilized.
424 - Ba Maw's last stand. 427 - Aung San's revolt. 433 Rangoon falls again. 435 - The fading light of the new
Asia. 448
10. August 1945: An End and a Beginning. 456 - Final journeys down the crescent. 457 - Forgotten armies, forgotten
wars. 462
Notes. 465 - Bibliography. 517 - Index. 535
Note: In the early stages of the Second World War, the vast
crescent of British-ruled territories stretching from India to
Singapore appeared as a massive Allied asset. It provided
scores of soldiers and great quantities of raw materials and
helped present a seemingly impregnable global defense
Burma Bibliographical Project
Siegfried M. Schwertner
against the Axis. Yet, within a few weeks in 1941-42, a
Japanese invasion had destroyed all this, sweeping suddenly and decisively through south and southeast Asia to
the Indian frontier, and provoking the extraordinary revolutionary struggles which would mark the beginning of the
end of British dominion in the East and the rise of today's
Asian world.
More than a military history, this gripping account of
groundbreaking battles and guerrilla campaigns creates a
panoramic view of British Asia as it was ravaged by warfare, nationalist insurgency, disease, and famine. It
breathes life into the armies of soldiers, civilians, laborers,
businessmen, comfort women, doctors, and nurses who
confronted the daily brutalities of a combat zone which extended from metropolitan cities to remote jungles, from
tropical plantations to the Himalayas. Drawing upon a vast
range of Indian, Burmese, Chinese, and Malay as well as
British, American, and Japanese voices, the authors make
vivid one of the central dramas of the twentieth century:
the birth of modern south and southeast Asia and the death
of British rule. – Publisher note
Subject(s): Burma : World War <1939-1945>
GB: CUL(539:1.c708.12) LSE(D767 B35)
OUL(RHO S.103 r. BAY 2004)
SOAS(A940.5425/919732 ; E Coll 3 B/43)
ditto. – Cambridge, Chicago : Harvard Univ. Pr., 2005.
XXXIII, 555 p., [16] p. of plates, ill., map, index, bibliogr. p.
517-534. − ISBN: 0-674-01748-X
US: HU(Widener WID-LC D767 .B39 2005)
ditto. : Britain's Asian empire & the war with Japan / Christopher Bayly and Tim Harper. – London : Penguin 2005. 592
p. – Originally publ.: London Allen Lane, 2004. XXXIII,
555 p., [16] p. of plates, ill., map, index, bibliogr. p. 517 to
534. − ISBN 0140293310
GB: OUL(BOD M05.G02822)
IRL:TCD(Santry PB-246-9)
Bible Churchmen’s Missionary Society < London >
Burma Civil Service
Burma Democratic Council International
Be Bin Htu
Working towards the development of lay ministry in the
church of the Province of Myanmar / by Be Bin Htu.-1998.
105 l. − Singapore, Trinity Theological College, M.Th. thesis 1998
Subject(s): Burma : Lay ministry ; Anglican Communion ;
Church history.
US: ViAlTh(BX5680.5 .A44 M9)
Beach, Harlan Page <1854-1933>
A geography and atlas of Protestant missions : their environment, forces, distribution, methods, problems, results and
prospects at the opening of the twentieth century / by Harlan
P. Beach .... − New York : Student Volunteer Movement for
Foreign Missions,
1. Geography. − 1901. VIII, [II], 571 p., index, bibliogr.
Contents: Aborigines of America - Mexico - C America W Indies - S America - Oceania - New Zealand & Australian aborigines & New Guinea - Malay archipelago Japan - Korea - China - Siam, Laos, Straits settlements Burma & Ceylon - India - Persia, or Iran - Turkey or Ottoman Empire - Africa - Madagascar &c - Fields practically unoccupied - Missions to Jews - Japanese & Chinese in Christian lands - Appendix: Missionaries who
have contributed to this vol.
Subject(s): Burma : Missions
Knights of the labarum : being studies in the lives of Judson,
Duff, Mackenzie and Mackay / by Harlan P. Beach. – Chicago : Student Volunteer Movement for Foreign Missions,
1896. 111 p., incl. bibliogr.
Subject(s): Judson, Adoniram <1788-1850>
Burma : Missionaries – Biography ; Biography - Missionaries (sw)
US: HU(Widener: Harv.Depos. C 10028.7 )
LC(BV3271.A1.B42 1896 ; BV3700.B4)
YU(Mudd WB 784 ; Divinity NK8 B352k)
Rangoon (Yangon) 1939-49 : the death of a colonial metropolis / Christopher Bayly. − Cambridge: Centre of South
Asian Studies, Univ. of Cambridge, 2003. 20 p., incl. bibliogr. ref. − (Occasional paper / Univ. of Cambridge, Centre
of South Asian Studies ; 3, 2003)
Subject(s): Burma : World War <1939-1945> ; British - History - 20th century
Rangoon : History
GB: BL-DSS(6222.100, Vol. 3) CUL(L628.d.90.9)
OUL(BOD NBookstack M03.F09785 ; IND Burma 5 d
133) SOAS(GB959.10452 /900284)
US: CU(Kroch DS530.9.R3 B39 2003)
NIU(SEA DS486.R35 B395 2003)
WU(Memorial Libr. DS331 O3yr.2003 no.3)
Ref.: OCLC 53347824
Bayne, Charles Gerwin
Rules under the Upper Burma ruby regulations, 1887
in respect of the Sagyin Hills stone-tract, Ruby Mines
Bazant, Wayne
Drugs and HIV in South East Asia : a review of critical geographic areas of HIV/AIDS infection …
Bezziccheri, Sonia
ditto. Microform of 1896 ed. – Chicago : American Theological Library Association, 1986. 1 microfiche ; 11 x 15
cm. – (ATLA Monograph Preservation Program ; ATLA
fiche 1986-0323) − ISBN 0-8370-6323-X (microfiche)
US: CBGTU(Mfiche cab) & HU(Andover-Harv. Theol Microfiche) & NNUT(Burke Microfiche) & YU(Divinity,
Stacks Fiche B4000) : ATLA fiche 1986-0323
Ref.: OCLC 18331346
Beale, R. A.
A scheme of classification of the varieties of rice found in
Burma / by R. A. Beale. – Calcutta : Govt. of India, Central
Publ. Branch, 1927. 1, 14 p., 4 plates. – (Bulletin / Agricultural Research Institute, Pusa ; 167)
Subject(s): Burma : Rice and rice culture ; Rice - Varieties
GB: BL-APAC(IOR/V/25/500/132)
US: DNAL HU(Botany Econ. Botany: 63.6)
B 42
Bibliographical description
UCB(Main S539.I4 .P83 no. 167)
YU(MUDD Uz15 I3 A13 167)
Beamish, Joannes
Burma drop [: an account of the author’s experience during
the second world war as a British secret agent behind the
Japanese lines in Burma] / John Beamish. – London : Elek
Books, 1958. 222 p., map, illus. – Herbert 366
Subject(s): Burma : World War <1939-1945> - Campaigns
AU:NLA(940.5486591 BEA)
D: B-SBB(497305 Potsdamer Str.)
HD-SAI(reg 60 D 705)*
GB: BL(9100 l 42) BL-DSS(W14/6588)
CUL(539:1.c.610.56) BL-APAC(T 17042)
OUL(BOD Camera UB 222833 e.151)
SOAS(E Coll 3 H /4)
SG: ISEAS(SCR D767.6 B36) RUBC(940,5425 BEA)
US: CU(Kroch D811 .B36x) HU(Widener HB 393.97.100)
LC(D767.6.B4 1958) MnU(TC Wilson Ames D767.6
.B4) NIU(SEA D767.6 .B41958) NYPL(Research D11 3086) UCLA(YRL D 767.6 B372b)
YU(SML, L&B kwa 768)
ditto. – ibd., 1960. 222 p., map. – (Bestseller library)
GB: BL(WP 14965/59)*
IRL:TCD(ZN 299 2)
Beans in Burma / Department of Agriculture. – [Rangoon,]
1938. 3 p. – Cover missing
GB: SOAS(GB 630/183.140;1)*
Beard, Richard <1909-1997>
From Calcutta with love : the World War II letters of Richard and Reva Beard / ed. by Elaine Pinkerton ; forew. by
Wendall A. Phillips ; introd. by Otha Spencer. − Lubbock,
Tex.: Texas Tech Univ. Pr., c2002. XXVI, 352 p., illus., index, bibliogr. p. 329-333. – ISBN 0896724689 (cloth)
Note: "The saga of China-Burma-India - World War II's forgotten theater - is as heroic as it is seldom told. CBI
ground troops were charged with the Herculean task of
carving a road from India to China, and the treacherous
flight pattern over the Himalayas, crucial to supplying the
Allied effort, was a virtual suicide mission. Pilots who
"flew the Hump" braved violent monsoon rains and deadly
wind shifts."
"Richard Beard, an Army psychologist assigned to the
142nd General Hospital in Calcutta, dealt daily with emotional trauma. While American and British soldiers hacked
their way through dense tropical forests to build a supply
route, Beard immersed himself in the internal jungles of
those he treated. A pillar to the men he served, Beard was
an astute listener and observer, pleased to be playing his
part. But his own pillar was his wife, Reva, half a world
away in Findlay, Ohio. In daily letters to Reva, he poured
out not only his own longing and passions but also the unfolding drama of war in painfully exquisite detail tempered
with tenderness and humor." − Book jacket.
Subject(s): Beard, Richard <1909-1997> : Correspondence ;
Beard, Reva <b. 1914> - Correspondence
Burma : World War <1939-1945> - Personal narratives,
American ; World War <1939-1945> - Campaigns
United States : Army - World War <1939-1945> - Military
operations - Burma - Clinical psychologists - Correspondence
US: LC & NNC(Butler) : D811.5 .B28 2002
Beard, Reva <b. 1914>
From Calcutta with love : the World War II letters of Richard and Reva Beard
Beard, Richard
Beasley, Ina
Pagodas and prisons : the life of Ann Hasseltine Judson ;
1789-1826 / by Ina Beasley. – London : LLRS Publ., 1982.
21 p. – (Fawcett library papers ; 5) − ISBN 0-904264-62-9
Subject(s): Judson, Ann Hasseltine <1789-1826>
Burma : Missionaries - Biography ; Biography - Missionaries ; Women missionaries - Biography ; Christian missions
D: B-SBB(Ser. 32 623-5 Potsdamer Str.)
GB: BL(X 529/47306)*
OUL(BOD St Cross 2474 d.455/5)
IRL:TCD(PL- 70-947)
US: HU(Widener WID-LC) & LC & NNUT(Burke) &
UCLA(YRL) & WU(Memorial Lib.) & YU(SML) :
BV3271.J81 .B4 1982
IU(Main Stacks 266.610924 J921B)
UCB(Main BV3271.J81 B41 1982)
Ref.: OCLC 9119073
Beatificationis et canonizationis Servi Dei Clementis Vismara Sacerdotis Pontificii Instituti pro Missionibus Exteris (1897-1988) Positio super vita, virtutibus et fama sanctitatis / postulatore: p. Piero Gheddo ; collaboratrice:
dott.ssa Francesca Consolini ; relatore della Causa: fr. Daniel
Ols, op. – Roma, 2001. LVII, 552 p., [11] p. di c., illus. – In
testa al frontespizio: Congregatio de Causis Sanctorum. P.N.
1982 - Mediolanen. seu Kengtunghen.
Subject(s): Vismara, Clemente
Burma : Missionaries - Biography
I: BCMP(MISS/03/0316)
Beaton, Cecil Walter Hardy < Sir, 1904-1980 >
Far East / by Cecil Beaton. 1st publ. – London : Batsford,
1945. VI, 110 p., illus., 17 tables.
p. 22-35: Assam, Burma and the Arakan front
Note: The author's impressions of India and China gained on
a mission as photographer for the Ministry of Information.
Subject(s): Burma : Description and travel : World War
<1939-1945> - Campaigns
Arakan : Description and travel.
D: B-SBB(70 668 Potsdamer Str.)
HD-SAI(reg 60 C 5)*
GB: BL(10055 d 30) SOAS(E Coll 3 M /6)
US: AzU CoU LC(DS413.B363) OO Or PPULC
UCB(Main DS413.B4)
B 43
Indian diary & album / Cecil Beaton ; with an introd. by
Jane Carmichael. – Oxford ; New York ; Delhi: Oxford
Univ. Pr., 1991. IX, 170 p., chiefly illus.
ISBN 0-19-212299-1
p.41-60: Assam, Burma and the Arakan front
Subject(s): Burma : World War <1939-1945> - Campaigns ;
Photography ; Pictorial works ; Description and travel
GB: BL(YK.1991.b.6308)
OUL(IND 25 D 70)
SOAS(L GB959.10452 /808.439* ; E Coll 3 M /82)
US: IU(Undergrad Stacks 915.400222 B38I)
UoC(Regenstein DS413.B36440 1991)
Burma Bibliographical Project
Siegfried M. Schwertner
Beauchamp, Gerry <b. 1930>
Mohawks over Burma / Gerry Beauchamp. – Earl Shilton,
Leicester: Midland Countries Publ., 1985. 311 p., plates,
illus., index, app. − ISBN 0-904597-58-X – Herbert 269
Subject(s): Burma : World War <1939-1945> - Personal narratives, British ; World War <1939-1945> - Campaigns ;
World War <1939-1945> - Air operations, British
D: HD-SAI(322 mil 88/1126)*
GB: BL(X 800/42835)* CUL(539:1.c.421.64)
BL-APAC(V 26199) OUL(IND Burma 5 d 76)
IRL:TCD(HL- 76-779)
OUL(BOD St Cross 247933 d.23/17193 501902346)
SOAS(GB959.10452 /808406 ; E Coll 3 N /4)
Well(HMC BZP(Beaumont)
SG: ISEAS(D807 G7B37) NUS(D807 Gre.B)
RUBC(940.547541 BEA)
US: CU(Kroch D807.G7 B37) HU(Widener WID-LC) &
LC & OAU(Alden SE Asia) : D807.G7 .B43 IU(Main
Stacks B.B3793 B1) NYPL(Research JFE 78-125)
UC(NRLF D807.G7 .B43 B 3 487 874)
Ref.: OCLC 03541169 .
A nurse in khaki / Winifred Beaumont. – Bath: Chivers,
1988. 234 p. – (A Lythway book) (A large print memoir) –
Originally publ. under title: A detail on the Burma front
ISBN 0-7471-0796-6
Subject(s): Burma : World War <1939-1945> - Campaigns ;
World War <1939-1945> - Military operations, British
Great Britain : Army - World War <1939-1945> - Military operations - Burma - Queen Alexandra's Royal Army
Nursing Corps
GB: CUL(1988.8.3076)
OUL(BOD Nuneham X91.F01183 400564112)
ditto. – Stittsville, Ont.: Canada’s Wings, c1985. 311 p., [44]
p. of plates, illus., index. – ISBN 0-920002-18-8
D: B-SBB(720 490 Potsdamer Str.)
M-BSB(Orient. 86.275)
US: LC(D767.6.B44 1985)
YU(SML D767 B44 1985 and D767.6 B44 1985)
Beaudouin, Patrick
Une monographie du Bisu / Patrick Beaudouin ; sous la direction de J-Pierre Angoujard. – 1991. 2 vol. – Nice, thèse
doct. (nouveau doct.), linguistique, 1991. – The Bisu : a monograph. – Abstract s. sudoc
Subject(s): Bisu (language)
Tibeto-birman (language)
Thailand, North : Ethnologie ; Linguistique ; Dialectology,
Beaumont, Cyril William <1891-1976>
A Burmese pwè at Wembley : some impressions of Burmese
dancing / by Cyril W. Beaumont ... with decorations by
Wyndham Payne. – London, [1924]. 6 p. – British Empire
Exhibition (1924-1925 : Wembley, London, England). –
Repr. from: "Opera and the ballet" and publ. at their offices
Subject(s): Burma : Dance
GB: BL(D-7904.bbb.39) National Art Libr.(20th Century
Gallary 24.C Box II)
US: LC(GV1703.B95B4)
ULCA(YR GV1703 B95B3)
Ref.: OCLC 5030448
Beaumont, Stuart
Flash points verses of nostalgia / Stuart Beaumont. – London
: Squadron Association, 1994. 31 p.
Subject(s): Burma : World War <1939-1945> - Campaigns Poetry
GB: SOAS(GB959.10452 /808415 ; E Coll 3 S /2)
Beaumont, Winifred Hilda
A detail on the Burma front / Winifred Beaumont. – London
: British Broadcasting Corporation, 1977. 160 p., map. –
Later ed. under the title: A nurse in khaki. – ISBN 0-56317193-6
Subject(s): Beaumont, Winifred Hilda
Burma : World War <1939-1945> - Personal narratives,
British ; Nurses - Biography ; Biography - Nurses ; World
War <1939-1945> - Campaigns ; World War <19391945> - Medical care
AU:ANU(Chifley D807.G7.B43)
D: B-SBB(399 881 Potsdamer Str.)
HD-SAI(322 mil 87/1022)*
GB: BL(X 800/26146)*
BL-DSS(77/22476) BL-APAC(V 20467)
Beautiful Burma. − London : S.P.C.K. [1937]. 1 v. − (Camera
series ; 1)
B81 9701UZ4916)
Ref.: OCLC 35525321
Beautiful Burmah : an album of thirty-four views of the
country and its people. – Rangoon : Whiteaway, Laidlaw,
[192-?]. 30 l., illus.
Subject(s): Burma : Description and travel – Views ; Pictorial works
US: CU(Kroch DS527.3 B38)
Beauty magazine. 1.2000- . – [Yangon:] Mahar Media Group
Co. Ltd. v., illus. (some col.). – Monthly. – Spine title:
Beauty, for the world. – Chiefly in Burmese; some in English.
Subject(s): Burma : Beauty, Personal ; Cosmetics - Periodicals
US: LC(RA778.A1 B42 Bur)
Beaver, Raymond W.
The history of Baptist missions among the Pwo Karens of
Burma / Raymond W. Beaver. − [Rangoon : U Mg U, 1960].
69 p.
Subject(s): Pwo Karen : Burma - Missions
Burma : Baptists - Missions
US: NNUT(Burke MRL Day FM B371)
Ref.: OCLC 55757778
Bechert, Heinz <b. 1932>
Birmanische Handschriften
B 44
Der Buddhismus : Geschichte und Gegenwart
Buddhismus, Staat und Gesellschaft in den Ländern des Theravāda-Buddhismus / von Heinz Bechert. – Frankfurt, M.:
Metzner ; (Bd. 2-3:) Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz. – (Schriften
des Instituts für Asienkunde in Hamburg, ISSN 0073-8387 ;
Bibliographical description
1. Grundlagen. Ceylon. – 1966. XIV, 347 S., Kt.
2. Birma, Kambodscha, Laos, Thailand. – 1967. X, 377 S.,
S. 3-178: Birma
3. Bibliographie, Dokumente, Index. Mit Beiträgen von
Hellmuth Hecker und Vu Duy-Tu. – 1973. XVII, 662 S.
ISBN 3-447-01492-X
Subject(s): Burma : Buddha (The concept) ; Buddhism ; Bibliographie - Buddhism ; Buddhism and State ; Hinayana
Buddhism ; Theravāda Buddhism
AU:NLA(s23 016.091 VER)
D: GÖ-SUB(LS1:CBK 200:k = ZA 15885:17)
PA-UB(55/RR 50962 B391/1-3)
HD-SAI(190 rel 67/229,1-3)*
F: BNF(8° O2 2006(17)) BNUS Cujas
Nice-BU Lettres Arts Sci.Hum
GB: BL(Ac 9234 pu ; 15012 g 12 ; 14302 bbb 46*)
OUL(BOD L Floor 24498 d.82/17)
NL: KITLV(M 3f 69 N)
SG: ISEAS(HL1475 S7B39) NUS(294.3 B387)
US: CU(Kroch DS501 H19 v.17) DAU
HU: 1-3 (Widener R 1150.14 ; Andover-Harv. Theol
BQ322 .B36 ; Law School Harv.Depos. COMP 978
BEC) 4 (Widener WID-LC BQ322)
LC(BQ322.B4 1966 ; Z6605.O7V4 Bd.23)
OAU(Athens Library Annex BL1451.2 .B36 V.1)
YU(SML DS1 I58 17:1-3)
Establishing a business in Burma
Beck, Kent
Burma, Malaya and Singapore, East Asia-Pacific Region, Cambodia
Beck, Lily Adams [pseud.] <d. 1931>
The ninth vibration and other stories / by L. Adams Beck. –
New York : Dodd, Mead, 1922. 4., 3-313 p.
Contents: The ninth vibration. - The interpreter. - The incomparable lady. - The hatred of the queen. - Fire of
beauty. - The building of the Taj Mahal. - "How great is
the glory of Kwannon!" - "The round-faced beauty."
Subject(s): Fiction
US: HU(Widener Harv.Depos. 23538.13.182)
LC(PZ3.B3876 Ni)
ditto. – ibd., 1926. 313 p.
US: CLSU OCU UCB(NRLF 961.B393.nin)
UCLA(YRL PZ2.4 .B388n)
ditto. – London : Unwin, 1928. 280 p. – Herbert 693
p. 175 – 202: The hatred of the queen : a story of Burma
GB: BL(NN 13688) BL-APAC(T 7537)
OUL(BOD Nuneham 25612 e.8435)
Ref.: OCLC 6593114
ditto. – Göttingen: Seminar für Indologie und Buddhismuskunde der Univ. – (Veröffentlichungen des Seminars für Indologie und Buddhismuskunde der Univ. Göttingen ; ...)
1. Grundlagen : Ceylon. Mit einem Register versehener
Nachdruck der Ausg. 1966. – 1988. XXI, 404 S. – (Veröffentlichungen ... ; 5)
2. Birma, Kambodscha, Laos, Thailand. Neuausg. mit Suppl.
sowie Personen- und Sachreg. − 2000. − (Veröffentlichungen ... ; 8)
D: BA-UB: 1 (45/EV 485 FX 9692-1)
FR-UB(TM 89/1836-1+2) GÖ-SUB: 1 (ZB 44571:5)
HD-SAI: 2 (190 rel 67/229,2a)
SP-LB: 1 (12.9039/1) TU-UB(41 A 314)
US: LC(BQ322.B4 1988)
Burmese manuscripts
Catalogue of Cambodian and Burmese Pāli manuscripts
Pāli Nīti texts of Burma
Die Welt des Buddhismus
The world of Buddhism
Bechtold, Heinrich
Staaten ohne Nation : Sozialismus als Macht-Faktor in Asien
und Afrika / Heinrich Bechtoldt. – Stuttgart: Klett-Cotta,
1980. 589 S., Index, Bibliogr. S. 557-573.
ISBN 3-12-915260-1
S. 401-411: Sozialistische Republik der Union von Burma :
Militär-Sozialismus unter dem Mantel des Zivilismus
D: HD-SAI(550 his 80/1585)*
Beck, George T.
Basic data on the economy of Burma
Economic developments in Burma, 1956
ditto. – New York : Arno Pr., 1976. 313 p. – (Supernatural
and occult fiction) – Herbert 693
US: LC(PZ3.B3876Ni7)
Rubies / by Louis Moresby [pseud.]. – London : Harrap,
1927. 287 p. – Herbert 693
GB: BL(NN 13011)
OUL(BOD Nuneham 25612 e.8102)
ditto. – New York : Doran, c1927. 287 p.
US: CU(Annex PR6003E19 R8)
Becka, Jan
Historical dictionary of Myanmar / by Jan Becka. – Lanham,
Md. ; London : Scarecrow Pr., 1995. XXI, 328 p., map, bibliogr. p. 222-327. – (Asian historical dictionaries ; 15)
ISBN 0-8108-2840-5
Subject(s): Burma : History – Dictionaries ; Dictionaries History
AU:NLA(RF 959.1003 B393)
D: B-SBB(OLS Ea SOA bur 105 Potsdamer Str.)
GÖ-SUB(LS1:PNC 1992=97 A 16164)
HD-SAI(inf 3 B 309)*
TU-UB(35 A 21168 = soas E 302)
S-WLB(45/2824 = LS Gesch 748/3)
F: BNF(HDJ Dépt.Phil. Salle J 959.1 Becka h & RDJ
Dépt.Phil. Salle L 959.1 Beckah)
BIULO(COL.10561(15) ; GEN.III.56919)
BSG(8 M SUP 16487)
GB: BL(HLR959.1) BL-DSS(1742.437, v.15)
CUL(R620.B50) BL-APAC(RR: OIJ959.1)
OUL(IND Main Libr Burma gen d 7 502654837)
IRL:TCD(REF 959.1 N5)
NL: KB KITLV(M L Leeszaal R 8)
B 45
Burma Bibliographical Project
Siegfried M. Schwertner
SG: ISEAS(Ref DS528.34 B39) NUS(Ref. DS530.2 Bec)
US: CU(Kroch x) & HU(Widener WID-LC) &
LC & NIU(SEA Ref.) & OAU(Alden SEA Re) &
UCD(Shields) & UCLA(YRL) & UCSB(Main Lib) :
DS528.34 .B43 1995 LC(So Asia Ref. & Alc)
NNC(Butler Ref. R959.1 B38)
UCB(S-S/EAsia) & UCI(Main Lib) & UCR(Rivera) &
UCSC(McHenry) & UCSD(SSH) : DS528.34 .B43 1995
Ref. YU(Divinity, Day Missions Room, Ref. DS4 A8
no.15 (LC) ; SML, Starr Main Ref. Room DS528.34
B43X 1995)
Contains: pt.2. Some Burmese figures
Biography of a Sentence: A Burmese Proverb - p. 185
The Figure a Classifier Makes: Describing a Particular
Burmese Classifier - p. 211
The Elusive Figures of Burmese Grammar - p. 231
Subject(s): Burma : Translating and interpreting ; Discourse
analysis ; Philology ; Semantics ; Traduction et interprétation ;
AU:ANU(Chifley reserve 2 HR P306.2B4 1995)
D: GÖ-SUB(FMAG 2001 A 2256)
F: BIULO(GEN.III.72260) Compiegne-BU
GB: BL(YC.2001.a. 2190 ; 16953) BL-DSS(95/30796)
OUL(BOD M99.E06073)
HK: HKU(418.02 B39)
NL: KITLV(M 1996 A 1222)
US: CU(Kroch x) & HU(Widener WID-LC) & LC &
MnU(TC Wilson) & NIU(Main) & NNC(Butler) &
OAU(Alden SE Asia) & UCLA(YRL) & WU(Memorial
Lib.) : P306.2 .B4 1995 MiU(Hatcher P 306.2 B41
1995) NYPL(Research JFE 95-17897)
UCB & UCI & UCSB(Main) : P306.2 1995
YU(CCL P306.2 B4X 1995)
Military rule in Burma : a political analysis of General Ne
Win’s Revolutionary Council, 1962-1969 / Jan Becka. –
Bruxelles: Centre d’Étude du Sud-Est Asiatique et de
l’Éxtrême-Orient, Institut de Sociologie de l’Université Libre de Bruxelles, 1970. p.43-61. – (Courrier de l’ÉxtrêmeOrient ; 3.37)
Subject(s): Ne Win <b. 1911> ;
Burma : Politics and government <1948->
AU:NLA(pf 915.008 B393)
D: HD-SAI(inf S 57,3.37)
GB: BL(W 3479) BL-DSS(7131.95 v.1970, v.37)
BL-APAC(W 3479) SOAS(Per 24 L/228.679)
NL: KITLV(M ss 111 N+)
US: CU(Kroch DS1 C86 no.37+) LC(HC411.C66 no.37)
YU(SML DS1 C68 37+)
The national liberation movement in Burma during the Japanese occupation period : 1941-1945 / Jan Becka. – Prague:
Publ. by the Oriental Institute in Academia, Publishing
House of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, 1983. 387
p., bibliogr. p. 363-387. – (Dissertationes orientales ; 42)
Herbert 256
Subject(s): Burma : World War <1939-1945> ; National liberation movements ; History - Japanese occupation <19421945> ; History - Autonomy and independence movements
D: B-SBB(31 SA 2162-42 U.d.L.)
M-BSB(A.or.7054 i-42) GÖ-SUB(ZA 29941:42)
PA-UB(55/RR 51977 B393 (55))
HD-SAI(322 pol 85/852)*
F: BNF(16-O2-2174(42))
GB: BL(YA 1986 a 6486) CUL(849.c.108.35)
BL-APAC(T 48492 ; MYAN A 466) OUL(BOD H
Floor Or. e.112/42) SAS((591):301.152)
SOAS(GB949/484952 ; E Coll 3 I /13)
SG: ISEAS(DS527.6 B39) NUS(DS530.63 Bec)
US: CU(Kroch DS529.8 .B39)
HU(Widener Harv.Depos. D802.B8 B43 1983)
LC(D802.B8.B43 1983) NNC
NIU(SEA DS528.6 .B4531983)
UCLA(YRL D 802 B8 B43 1983)
YU(LSF-Request D802 B8 B43 1983)
Particles and postpositions in modern Burmese. – 1962. 130
p. – Praha, Univ., Phil. Fac., Phil. Diss. 1962.
Ref.: Coppell p. 33-34
Becker, Alton L.
Beyond translation : essays towards a modern philology / A.
L. Becker. – Ann Arbor: Univ. of Michigan Pr., 1995. XII,
438 p., index, bibliogr. − Collection of sixteen previously
published essays, 1974-1993.
ISBN 0472105736
ditto. 1st pbk. ed − ibd., 2000. X, 438 p., illus., incl. bibliogr.
ref. – Collection of sixteen previously published essays,
1974-1993. – 0472105736 ; 0472087525 (pbk.)
Ref.: OCLC 47122822
Becker, Brian
Lines of fire
Becker, Jo
"My gun was as tall as me" : child soldiers in Burma
Becker, Stephen D. <b. 1927>
The blue-eyed Shan / Stephen Becker. 1. ed. – London : Collins, 1982. 270 p., map. − ISBN 0-00-222138-1
Subject(s): Burma : Fiction
D: HD-SAI(328 ldk 90/1893)*
GB: BL(Nov. 46901)
ditto. – New York : Random House, 1982. 270 p., map.
US: CU(Kroch PS3552.E19 B6)
ditto. – New York : T. Doherty : Distributed by Pinnacle,
c1982.382 p., map. – "A TOR book."
ISBN 0812580753 (pbk.)
US: NIU(SEA PS3552.E26 B6841982)
ditto. – London : Sphere, 1984. 272 p., maps.
ISBN 0-7221-1546-6
GB: BL(H.84/712)
Beckmann, Frank Harrison <b. 1887>
Dust of India / by Frank Harrison Beckmann. – Boston, Chicago : Stratford, [1937]. X, 300 p., front., plates.
Subject(s): Burma : Description and travel
US: LC(DS413.B365) NB
UCLA(YRL DS413 B389d) UU
WU(Memorial Lib. DS413 B365)
Ref.: OCLC 3992294
Beckmann, Georg
Thailand, Burma, Hongkong, Macao
Gloaguen, Philippe
B 46
Bibliographical description
Beddome, Richard Henry <1830-1911>
The ferns of British India : being figures and descriptions of
ferns from all parts of British India (exclusive of those figured in The fern of southern India and Ceylon’) / by R. H.
Beddome. – Madras: Gantz, 1866-1868. 345, CCCXLV p. –
2 v.
Subjects: Burma : Ferns
GB: BL(7032 i 5)
ditto. – ibd., 1870. 2 vols.
US: UCB(BioSci fQK529.B4 v.1-2,1870)
ditto. : being figures and descriptions of ferns from all parts
of British India, including Bangla Desh, Burma, Ceylon, India and Pakistan / by R. H. Beddome. Repr. – New Delhi :
Oxford & IBH Publ. Co., 1973. 2 v., illus.
US: UCR(Science QK529.S64 B43 1973)
ditto. Repr. – Chronica Botanica International, 1973. 2 vols.
ISBN 0-685-3838-4 ; 0-685-36846-7
Ref.: BiP
NYPL(Research MYT) PHatU
UCLA(Biomed QH179 B141p 1927)
YU(Mudd S26 23 ; Ornithology QH179 B4)
ditto. – New York : Blue Ribbon Books, 1932. VII, 248 p.,
Beebe, Lucius
The foreign policy of the People’s Republic of China toward
the Afro-Asian bloc. – 1969. 563 p. – College Park, Univ. of
Maryland, Ph.D. (government and politics) thesis. – DAI-A
30.7, Jan. 1970, 3072 - Shulman 464 - UM 69-16,603
Beebe, M. A.
How we got our Bible / by M.A. Beebe. – [Burma, s.n., 198?] 88 p., illus., bibliogr. ref. p. 4. – In Karen
Subject(s): Karen language : Texts ; Bible
US: NIU(SEABS445 .B4341980Z)
Beebe, William
Beebe, Charles William
Supplement to The ferns of southern India and British India :
containing a revised list of all the ferns of India, Ceylon,
Birmah, and the Malay peninsula and 45 plates of hitherto
unfigured species / by R. H. Beddome. − Madras: Gantz
Brothers, 1876. 28 p., 346-390 l. of plates, illus.
Subject(s): Burma :Pteridophyta ; Botany
US: MoSB TxU(Mcfiche 9895 285F6-287A2 Life Science
Libr - Herbarium)
Beebe, Brent A. <b. 1950>
Yesterday in Burma / by Brent A. Beebe. − 1992. IV, 192 l.,
illus. – Amherst, Univ. of Massachusetts, M.F.A. thesis,
US: MU(LD3234.M268 1992 .B4145)
Ref.: OCLC 26594349
Beeson, Cyril Frederick Cherrington <1889-1975>
The beehole borer of teak : a preliminary note on the ecology
and economic status of Duomitus Ceramicus, Wlk. in Burma
(Lepidoptera, Cossidae) / by C. F. C. Beeson. Publ. by order
of the Government of India. – Calcutta : Govt. Print., India
(for P. F. R.), 1921. III, 105 p., 3 diagr., 4 plates, bibliogr. p.
105. – (Indian forest record ; 8.3)
Subject(s): Burma : Teak - Diseases and pests ; Cossidae
D: HD-SAI(322 nat 88/1206)
GB: BL(I.S.252/9)*
US: CU(Annex SD1 .I38 v.8,3 ; Entomology SB608.T4
B41) HU-A NYPL(Research VQO India)
The ecology and control of the forest insects of India and the
neighbouring countries. – [Dehra Dun: Print. by J. Singh,
1941.] II, 107 p., illus., bibliogr. p. 16.
Beebe, Charles William <1877-1962>
Im Dschungel der Fasanen / William Beebe ; [aus dem Englischen von Max Müller-Iserlohn]. Mit 51 Abb. – Leipzig:
Brockhaus, 1930. 183 S., Ports. – Transl. of: Pheasant jungles.
Note: Adventures in Sri Lanka, Sikkim, Gahrwal, Burma,
Tibet, Yunnan, Pahang and Borneo while gathering material for a monograph on the pheasants.
Subject(s): Burma : Natural history ; Description and travel
D: COFHS(OO/RR 50953 B414)
US: CU(Annex DS506 .B42 1930)
NYPL(Research MYT)
Pheasant jungles / by William Beebe ; with 60 illus. from
photogr. by the author. – New York ; London : Putnam,
1927. XIII, 248 p., index.
Note: Adventures in Ceylon, Sikhim, Garhwai, Burma, Tibet, Yunnam, Pahang and Borneo while gathering material
for a monograph of the pheasants. - Pref.
Subject(s): Burma : Natural history ; Description and travel
D: HD-SAI(reg 60 C 6)*
GB: BL(010055 c 5) CUL(632.c.92.20)
OUL(RSL Stack 18961 d. 225 ; ZOO Alexander Voyages & Travels)
US: CU(Annex DS508 .B42) LC & NIU(SEA) & OAU(Alden SE Asia) & UCD(Shields) : DS508 .B4
NNC(Offsite 591.95 B39)
ditto. [2nd ed.] – [New Delhi : Govt. of India, 1953.] Illus.,
plates, diagrs.
1. The ecology of forest insects
Forest zoologist’s report on the beehole borer investigations
of 1918 [/ C. Beeson] – Rangoon : Govt. Print., Burma (for
C. C. F.), 1918. 4 p., diagr.
GB: BL(I.S.Bu.98)*
Beets, Nicolaas <1915-1986>
Niet meer aan denken : Burma-Thailand 1943 ; twee verhalen / Nic Beets. – Baarn: Hollandia, 1980. 107 p., map. –
Eerder verschenen in de bundels "De ene dag en de andere"
en "Niet meer aan denken", uitg. onder het pseudoniem L. A.
Koelewijn bij de Arbeiderspers in 1958 en 1959
ISBN 90-6045-109-0
NL: KB(1456 d 74) KITLV(M cc 683 N)
US: CU(Kroch PT5881.12.E26 N6)
Beevor, John Grosvenor
SOE : recollections and reflections 1940-45 / J. G. Beevor. –
London : Bodley Head, 1981. 269 p., maps, index, bibliogr.
p. 240-243. − ISBN 0-370-3014-4 – Herbert 264
B 47
Burma Bibliographical Project
Siegfried M. Schwertner
Burma p. 220-222 ; 249-252
GB: BL(X 809/52652)
US: LC(B810.S8B44 1981)
Herbert 513
GB: BL-APAC(ORW 1990 a 2824)
US: LC(HV5840.G65B45 1989)
Begbie, William Henry
A vocabulary, English, Burmese, Hindustani & Tamil in
English characters ; with the Burmese also in native letters ;
to which are added a few sentences likely to be useful in
daily life ; designed for the use of visitors and others who are
not familiar with the languages spoken in Burma / comp. by
William Henry Begbie and Abraham Joseph. 1st ed. – Rangoon : Albion Pr., 1877. a-j, XII, 153 p.
Subject(s): English language : Dictionaries - Burmese
Burmese language : Dictionaries - Hindustani
Burmese language : Dictionaries - Tamil
Burma : Dictionaries - English-Burmese
GB: BL(12906 ee 39)* BL-APAC(V 4398)
SOAS(GPC 413/41.820)*
US: UCB(Main PL3957.B4)
Belda, Luis Sánchez
Guía de fuentes para la historia de Asia en España
Belden, Jack <1910-1989>
Il est toujours temps de mourir. – Paris: La Jeune Parque,
1946. 251 p. – (FeneÌ‚tres sur le monde ; 6) – Transl. of: Still
time to die
Subject(s): Burma : World War <1939-1945> - Campaigns ;
World War <1939-1945> - Personal narratives, American
US: LC(D811.5 .B342)
ditto. AES repr. – New Delhi : Asian Education Services,
1996. a-j, XII, 153 p. − Designed for the use of visitors and
others who are not familiar with the languages spoken in
Burma. − ISBN 81-206-1249-3
D: HD-SAI(inf 4 B 367)*
GB: BL-APAC(ORW.2000.a.540) OUL(IND 59 C 27)
US: HU(Widener Harv.Depos. PL3957 .B4)
LC(PL3957 .B38 1996)
NIU(SEA PL3957 .B4431996)
Beginner’s English-Burmese dictionary
Appleton, George
Beiträge zur Überlieferungsgeschichte des Buddhismus in
Birma. – Göttingen: Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht. – (Nachrichten der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Göttingen : Philologisch-Historische Klasse ; ...)
1 Hinüber, Oskar von
Notes on the Pali tradition in Burma
2 Guillon, Emmanuel
Notes sur le Bouddhisme Mon
Bekker, Sarah McInteer <b. 1923>
The Burmese concept of Anade : its function and meaning in
interpersonal relations / by Sarah McInteer Bekker. – 1964.
IX, 461 l., bibliogr. l. 459-461. – Washington, D. C., George
Washington Univ., Ph. D. thesis 1964. – Shulman 622
Subject(s): Burma : National characteristics ; Social life and
customs ;
Interpersonal relations
US: CU(Kroch film 4113 ; Annex film N4113)
DGW(Gelman Stacks &SpecColl 6985) IU MiU
Belak, Brenda
Gathering strength : women from Burma on their rights /
Brenda Belak. − [Muang Chiangmai, Thailand:] Images
Asia, [c2002]. 306 p., illus., map, incl. bibliogr. ref.
ISBN 9748513102
Subject(s): Burma : Women's rights ; Women
US: CU(Kroch Oversize) & NHC(LASR) : HQ1236.5.B93
B45 2002 MiU(Hatscher HQ1236.5 .B9 B45 2002 )
Belanger, Francis W. <b. 1933>
Drugs, the U.S., and Khun Sa / Francis W. Belanger. –
Bangkok: Editions Duong Kamol, 1989. 146 p., illus., map,
index, bibliogr. ref. p. 143. − ISBN 974-210-480-8
B 48
Retreat with Stilwell / by Jack Belden. 1st ed. – New York :
Knopf, 1943. VI, 368 p., 1 fold. map.
Subject(s): Stilwell, Joseph Warren <1883-1946>
Belden, Jack <b. 1910>
Burma : World War <1939-1945> - Personal narratives,
American ; World War <1939-1945> ; History - Japanese
occupation <1942-1945>
D: B-SBB(368 510 Potsdamer Str.)
HD-SAI(reg 60 D 706)*
GB: LSE(BLPES D767.6 B42) OUL(BOD 22283. e.302)
SOAS(E Coll 3 C /2)
NL: KITLV(M 3n 20 N)
SG: ISEAS(D767.6 B42) NUS(D767.6 Bel)
US: C CU(Kroch & Uris: D767.6 .B42) CWiN
HU(Widener HB 1310.15) LC & NIU(SEA) &
OAU(Alden SE Asia) & UCSD(SSH) : D767.6 .B45
NYPL(Research BZAS) UCD(Shields D767.6 .B4)
UCLA(YRL) & UCLA(College) : D811.5 .B41r
UCR(Rivera D767.6 .B44)
WU(Memorial Lib.Cutter Coll. F09386 B41)
YU(LSF-Request for Bia84 A968 B41)
ditto. With 2 maps. − London ; Melbourne ; Toronto [etc.]:
Cassell, 1943. 262 p., 2 maps. – Herbert 397
AU:ANU(Hope Store & Chifley D767.6.B45)
GB: BL(9059 aa 30) BL-DSL(W5/3239)
OUL(BOD Camera UB 222833 e.16)
SOAS(CC000?/ 654588 ; I,1.182.21/291750 ;
E Coll 3 C /2)
IRL:TCD(Santry 124.e.149)
US: LC(D767.6B45 1943a) MnU
ditto. – Garden City, N.Y.: Blue Ribbon Books, 1944. VI,
368 p., 2 maps on fold. l. − (Blue ribbon books)
US: HU(East Asian Res Ctr: Harv.Depos. D767.6.B45x)
NIU(Main Stacks- FML D767.6 .B451944)
ditto. Repr. – London ; Melbourne: Cassell, 1944. 256 p.
US: LC(D767.6.B45 1944)
ditto. Repr. – New York : Da Capo Pr., 1975. VI, 368 p.,
fold. map. – (China in the 20th century) – Repr. of the ed.
publ. by Knopf, New York. – ISBN 0-306-70734-9
US: LC & UC(NRLF) & UCI(Main) : D767.6 .B45 1975
Ref.: OCLC 1177663
Still time to die / by Jack Belden. 1st ed. – New York ; London : Harper, [1944]. IX, 322 p.
Bibliographical description
Note: An account of various battles in China and in the
Mediterranean, 1937-1942
Subject(s): Burma : World War <1939-1945> - Campaigns ;
World War <1939-1945> - Personal narratives, American
GB: OUL(BOD 22283 e.302)
US: CU(Olin & Annex: D811.5 .B427)
HU(Widener HB 393.102) LC & UC(SRLF) &
UCI(Irvine) : D811.5 .B34
D: HD-SAI(reg 60 G 8 GF)*
GB: BL(7817 r 4)* BL-APAC(X 62 ; IOR/V/27/612/7)
OUL(BOD K Floor 1799 c.12)
HK:HKU(Hing Wai XLB 739.4 B43 m)
S: NNC(Butler TS304.B93 B45 1907g & Microform F h34
no.5) YU(MUDD, Stacks WE 2782)
Ref.: OCLC 43068294
Bell, George <1794-1877)
Rough notes by an old soldier, during fifty years’ service,
from Ensign G. B. to Major-General, C. B. – London : Day,
1. – 1867. XII, 367 p.
Burma p. 217-249
2. – 1867. VIII, 382 p.
GB: BL(10826 f 1)*
US: CU: 1 (Annex CT788.B43 A3)
ditto. − Philadelphia: Blakiston, [1944]. IX, 322 p.
US: UC(SRLF) UCD(D811.5 .B34)
ditto. − London : Gollancz, 1945. 288 p.
GB: BL(09059.a.38) BL-DSS(W12/8544)
CUL(9538.d.347) SOAS(E Coll 3 F /5)
IRL:TCD(Santry 89.t.194)
ditto. – New York : Da Capo Press, 1975, c1944. 322 p.
ISBN 306707357
US: LC & UC(NFLF & SRLF) & UCI(Irvine) & YU(SML) :
D811.5 .B34 1975
Soldier’s glory : being Rough notes of an older soldiers / arr.
and ed. by Brian Stuart. – London : G. Bell, 1956. 325 p.,
US: ULCA(YRL U55.B41A2 1956)
UCSD(SSH U55.B4A3 1956,XX)
Beleidsplan voor de periode 1992-1995 / DirectoraatGeneraal Internationale Samenwerking. − ['s-Gravenhage:
Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken,
12. Regio Mekong : Thailand, Cambodja, Laos, Myanmar
(Birma), Vietnam. − [1992.] 56 p., kt., tab., Lit. opg. p.
Subject(s): Mekong : Economic development
Burma : Economic development
NL: KB(5117413 Depotexp.)
Bell, George James Hamilton
Burma jail ration calculator / G. J. H. Bell. – Rangoon :
Govt. Print., Burma (for Secy.), 1913. 136 p., tables.
Subject(s): Burma : Jails ; Jail ration ; Prisons and prisoners
- Food ; Prison administration ; Prisons
GB: BL(I.S.Bu.115/2)*
BL-APAC(V 3396)*
Believe it or not : a folktale from Burma / retold and illustrated by Joanna Troughton. – [Glasgow:] Blackie, 1991.
[32] p. – (Folk-tales of the world) − ISBN 0-216-93094-4
GB: BL(YK 1991 b 7546)
OUL(BOD Nuneham X93.D01128)
SG: CL(398.2 TRO)
Bell, Gerard
Side-show / by Gerard Bell. – London : F. Muller, [1953].
221 p. – Novel
Subject(s): Burma : World War <1939-1945> - Campaigns Fiction
GB: BL(NNN 5274)*
US: CU(Kroch PR6052.E44 S7) NYPL PPULC PU
Bell, Archibald Colquhoun
History of the Manchester Regiment, First and Second
Batalions, 1922-1948 / by Lieut.-Commander A. C. Bell. 1st
publ. – Altrincham: Sherratt, 1954. XX, 554 p., illus., ports.,
maps, index.
p.417-463: Second Battalion in the battle for Mandalay
Subject(s): Great Britain : Army - Manchester Regiment History ;World War <1939-1945> ; World War <19391945> - Campaigns - Burma
Burma : World War <1939-1945> - Military operations,
D: HD-SAI(425 mil 99/808)*
GB: BL(8838 aa 44) SOAS E Coll 3 K/15)
US: CU(Kroch UA652.M26B43)
LC(UA652.M3 B45 1954)
Bell, Brian
Burma, Myanmar
Klein, Wilhelm
Bell, Edward Nevinon
A monograph on iron and steel work in Burma / by E. N.
Bell. Illus. – Rangoon : Govt. Print., Burma (for Rev. Secy.),
1907. 30 p., 12 figs.
Subject(s): Burma : Products and Industries - Iron and Steel
Work ; Ironwork ; Metal-work ; Decorative arts
ditto. Repr. – ibd. 1954.
ditto. – London : Transworld Publ., 1956. 250 p. – (Corgi
books ; T 148)
GB: BL(WP 12745/270)* SOAS(E Coll 3 V /13)
ditto. – ibd., 1956. 221 p. – "A Corgi book"
GB: OUL(BOD Nuneham 25615 f.134)
US: LC(PZ4.B435 Si)
NIU(SEA PR6003.E426 S51956)
ditto. Repr. – ibd., 1957.
ditto. – ibd., 1960. 221 p. – (Corgi books ; SB 918)
GB: BL(WP 12745/883)
Bell, Henry Glasford <1803-1874>
An account of an embassy to the Kingdom of Ava, in the
year 1795
Symes, Michael
B 49
An account of the Burman empire ...
A narrative of the late military and political operations in the
Burmese Empire : with some account of the present condition of the country, its manners, customs and inhabitants / by
Burma Bibliographical Project
Siegfried M. Schwertner
Henry G. Bell. With a coloured map. – Edinburgh: Constable, 1827. 87 p. – (Constable's miscellany ; 8-9)
Herbert 237
Symes, Michael : An account of an embassy to the Kingdom of Ava in the year 1795 ...
An account of the Burman Empire ...
Subject(s): Burma : History ;
Description and travel
GB: BL(1157 c 3)
Bell, Horace <1839-1903>
The Government of India : a primer for Indian schools / by
H. B. ... Translated ... and published under the authority of
the Text-Book Committee. – Rangoon : American Baptist
Mission Pr., 1891. 138 p. – Added title and text in Burmese
GB: BL(14302 h 24(1))*
BL-APAC(V TR 2751/3)
Bell, John William Anderson <1873-1938>
Committee Appointed to Enquire into the Allegations
of Inconvenience and Hard-Ship Suffered by Deck Passengers Travelling between Burma and India : Report
Bell, John Keble
Howard, Keble
Bell, Jonathan <b. 1954>
The complete guide to countertrade and offset in South East
Asia, China and the Far East / Johnathan Bell. – London :
Countertrade and Offset Intelligence, c1988. 399 p.
Burma p. 53-60
Herbert 609
GB: BL(YC 1990 b 2927)
Bell, P. S.
The ferns and fern allies of Rangoon-Insein area / by P. S.
Bell. − Rangoon : Burma Research Society, 1953. 70 p., ill.
SG: ISEAS(QK529 B9B43)
Bell, Thomas Reid Davys
Moths : Sphingidae
Hampson, George Francis
Bender, Friedrich
Geology of Burma / by Friedrich Bender ; with contributions
by Dietrich Bannert ... [etc.]. With 29 figs. in the text and on
8 folders, and 9 tables. – Berlin ; Stuttgart: Borntraeger,
1983. VIII, 293 p., [9] folded p. of plates, 2 maps, indexes,
bibliogr. p. 226-260. – (Beiträge zur regionalen Geologie der
Erde, ISSN 0522-7038 ; 16)
ISBN 3-443-11016-9
Herbert 98
Subject(s): Burma : Geology
AU:ANU(Hancock QE295.2.B45)
D: B-SBB(31 SA 857-16 U.d.L.; Ser.11162-16 Potsdamer
Str.) M-BSB(Hbks K 16) BSUB(2611-0767)
HD-UB(83 H 514) GÖ-SUB(LS1:VE:J)
HD-SAI(320 geo 83/6858)
TIB(RN 294(16))
F: BNF(RDJ Dépt.Siences Salle R. Scienes de la Terre
555.9 Bend g) BIUSJ(S 14(16)) MNHN
GB: BL-DSS(1887.300 v.16)
BL-APAC(ORW 1995 a 1726)
OUL(RSL OpenShelf Geos. M 14 (Bd.16))
US: CU(Annex QE295.2 .B45)
HU(Kummel Geological Sci) & LC & OAU(Alden SE
Asia) & UC(NRLF) : QE295.2 .B47 1983
UCD(PhySciEng QE1 .B45 v.16)
UCLA(SEL/Geology QE 295.2 B46 1983)
UCSD(Scripps QE295.2 .B45 Floor 3)
UCSB(Main Lib QE2 .B45 v.16 SciEngLibr)
YU(Geology, Stacks QE1 B44 16)
Beneath the Shwedagon, and other oddments / by D. A. –
Rangoon : British Burma Pr., 1913. 110 p. − Repr. from the
Rangoon Gazette
Subject(s): British - Burma - Social life and customs - Anecdotes
GB: BL-APAC(T 39340)
Benedict, Paul King
Kinship in Southeastern Asia. – 1941. X, 526 l. – Cambridge, Mass., Harvard Univ., Dept. of Anthropology, Ph.D.
(anthropology) thesis, 1941. – Shulman 43 - HRAF(AL 123)
US: CU(Olin Ref. Microfiche 887) HU IU
UCB(Anthropol Microfilm 13141.GN)
Belletty, Manuel
An index to Aitchison’s Collection of treaties, engagements,
and sunnuds, relating to India and neighbouring countries
[Collection of treaties]
Rhyming dictionary of written Burmese / compil. under the
supervision of P. K. Benedict. – Berkeley, CA: Linguistics
of the Tibeto-Burman Area, [1976]. X, 93 p. − (Linguistics
of the Tibeto-Burman area ; 3.1)
Subject(s): Burmese language : Dictionaries.
GB: BL-APAC(SEA 1986 a 1501)
US: YU(SML PL3551 A15 3:1)
Bellew, Henry Walter <1834-1892>
Views in India / by Captn. Bellew. – London : The Author,
1833. [79] p.
p. 21-40 and 78: (Arracan)
GB: BL(10058 l 14)*
Sino-Tibetan : a conspectus / Paul K. Benedict ; contributing
ed.: James A. Matisoff. – Cambridge: Univ. Pr., 1972. XI,
230 p., illus., bibliogr. p. 221-230. – (Princeton-Cambridge
studies in Chinese linguistics ; 2)
ISBN 0-521-08175-0
NL: KITLV(M 31 28 N)
US: CU(Kroch PL1025.P95 v.2)
UCB&UCLA&UCSB(MainLib PL3521.B4)
Benda, Harry Jindrich
Aung San of Burma
A history of modern Southeast Asia
Bastin, John Sturgus
The world of Southeast Asia
Bendefy, I.
Establishment of a pilot plant for pesticide formulation
Benedikt, Alexander
Theses and dissertations on Southeast Asia : an international
bibliography in social sciences, education, and fine arts
Sardesai, Damodar Ramaji
B 50
Bibliographical description
Benet, Philippe
Bonjour la Birmanie, Myanmar
Holzbachova, Renata
p., illus. – Repr. 2722 from Public health report 61.24, June
14, 1946.
Ref.: Cumulative subject guide to U.S. Govt. bibliogr.
Descriptive ethnology of Bengal
Dalton, Edward Tuite
Notes on the manufacture of salt in the Tumlook
Report on the teak forests of the Tenasserim Provinces
Falconer, H.
Report on the teak plantations of Bengal
Falconer, H.
Bengal / Commissioner Tenasserim and Martaban Provinces
Report on the revenue administration of the Tenasserim Province
Report on the state of the police of the Tenasserim
Bengal / Legislative Assembly
Extract from the proceedings of the Bengal Legislative Assembly dated the 2nd September, 1941 on the special motion
of Mr. Abdur Rahman Siddiqi on The Indo-Burma immigration agreement
Siddiqi, Abdur Rahman
Bengal / Revenue Department
Reports on the revenue administration of Hazareebaugh, Arracan, Tenasserim provinces and Assam
Benge, Geoff <b. 1954>
Adoniram Judson : bound for Burma
Benge, Janet
Benge, Janet <b. 1958>
Adoniram Judson : bound for Burma / Janet & Geoff Benge.
– Seattle, WA: YWAM Publ., c2000. 230 p., 1 map, bibliogr. ref. p. [231]. – (Christian heroes, then & now) As America's first foreign missionary, Adoniram Judson worked to
translate the Bible into Burmese. He survived starvation, imprisonment, and torture both on land and at sea only to watch
his family, coworkers, and friends succumb to death.
ISBN 1576581616 (pbk.)
Note: As America's first foreign missionary, Adoniram
Judson worked to translate the Bible into Burmese. He
survived starvation, imprisonment, and torture both on
land and at sea only to watch his family, coworkers, and
friends succumb to death.
Subject(s): Judson, Adoniram <1788-1850> - Juvenile literature
Burma : Missionaries - Biography - Juvenile literature ;
Bible - Burmese - Judson
US: NIU(SEA BV3271.J7 B464 2000)
Gordon-Conwell Theol Lib, Hamilton, MA (MSohG:
BV3703 .B45 1999)
Bengtsson, Jesper <b. 1968>
I diktaturens och turistparadisets skugga : om flyktingkatastrofen i Burma och Thailand / Jesper Bengtsson. − Stockholm: Utrikespolitiska Inst., 2003. 32 p., kt. − (Världspolitikens dagsfrågor, ISSN 0042-2754 ; 2003.5)
ISBN 91-7183-759-0
Subject(s): Minorities ; Politics and government
D: HH-SUB(A/363470)
N: UBB(SV Z Vær/2003:5)
UHS(Ser Vær/2003:5)
S: Dh(Koc) La(rapp 110:2003:5) G(br 03/376 G03f)
H(PLAN 5 K.5 Världspolitikens ... 2003:5)
S(kP 243/2003:5 plikt EBj 030805)
Kd(Oc(rapport) Världspolitikens dagsfr¯ gor. 2003:5
Nästa år i Rangoon : kampen för demokrati och mñskliga
rättigheter i Burma
Ben-Hamida, Pascal
De la difference culturelle a l'inegalite sanitaire et sociale : a
propos d'une action de sante chez les Karens, ethnie du sudest asiatique / Pascal Ben-Hamida. – 1986. 202 f., illus. –
Bordeaux 2, doct. med. 1986
Subject(s): Karen : Health public
Burma : Health public - Karen
F: BIUM Bordeaux2-BU Santé
Benjamin, Daniel Elijah
List of synagogues and prayer halls in South Asia (India,
Burma, and Pakistan)
Kolet, Ezra
Benjavun Ratanasthien
University < Chiang Mai > / Department of Geological
Sciences / Technical Meeting
<1989, Chiang Mai University>
Proceedings of the Annual Technical Meeting, 1989
Bennett, Allan
Ānanda Maitrêya < Bhikkhu >
Bennett, Cephas <b. 1804-1885>
An Anglo-Karen vocabulary : monosyllables / by C. Bennett. For the use of Karen schools. – Tavoy: Karen Mission
Pr., 1846. IV, 188 p.
Subject(s): Karen language : Dictionaries - English
English language : Dictionaries - Karen
Burma : Dictionaries - Karen
GB: BL(12907 b 1)*
US: HU(Tozzer Spec.Coll. IND. B 43) MNtCA NYPL
Bengtson, Ida A.
Serological study of 37 cases of tsutsugamushi disease
(scrub typhus) occurring in Burma and Philippine Islands /
by Ida A. Bengtson. – Public Health Service, FSA, 1946. 8
B 51
ditto. 2nd ed. – Rangoon : American Mission Pr., 1875. VI,
148 p. – Herbert 458
GB: BL(12910 c 17)* BL-APAC(ORB 30/627)
Brief history of the Burman Mission
Burma Bibliographical Project
Siegfried M. Schwertner
Life of Gaudama
Bennett, Don C.
Temperature change with elevation in Burma
Huke, Robert Edward
A life of the Buddha from a Burmese manuscript
Mercy & [and] faithfulness of God : a discourse delivered at
the dedication of the English [and] native chapel, Tavoy,
June 25, 1848. – Tavoy, 1848. 15 p.
Notes on the languages and dialects spoken in British
Rangoon fifty years ago, 1833 : a lecture delivered at the
Rangoon Young Men’s Institute Sept. 2nd, 1884 / by C.
Bennett. – Rangoon : American Baptist Mission Pr., 1884.
18 p.
Subject(s): Rangoon : Description and travel
GB: BL-APAC(Tr 607)*
US: NRCR-S PCA RPB(HAY Metcalf vol.1174)
Short tour among the Karens : in a series of letters to two
Sabbath Scholars. – 1832.
Ref.: McIntyre (s. Starr B 2254)
A vocabulary and phrase book in English and Burmese, and
Burmese and English / by C. Bennett. – Maulmain: American Mission Pr., 1857. 214 p.
Subject(s): Burmese language : Conversation and phrase
books - English ; English language : Conversation
GB: SOAS(EB 85.233/42.132)
ditto. – Rangoon : American Mission Pr., 1864. 214 p.
GB: BL-APAC(T 6849)*
US: CU(Kroch PL3933.B47 1864)
Vocabulary and phrase book in English and Burmese / by C.
Bennett. 3rd ed., rev. by M. H. Eveleth. – Rangoon : American Baptist Mission Pr., 1886. 155 p.
D: HD-SAI(reg 60 Q 1)*
GB: BL(14302 h 12)* BL-APAC(T 6924)
SOAS(GPC 413/11.146 ; 11.147* ; 234.126*)
RPB(Rock Strorage Cutter XZEB B43)
YU(SML, Microform Fiche B1244 Fiche N.2.1.607)
ditto. 4th ed. – ibd., 1901. 162 p.
GB: SOAS(GPC 413/9.381)*
US: CU(Kroch PL3933 .B47 1901)
Bennett, Jefferson Fraser
Metrical foot structure in Thai and Kayah Li : optimalitytheoretic studies in the prosody of two Southeast Asian languages / by Jefferson Fraser Bennett. – 1995. IX, 197 p., bibliogr. p. 186-196. – Urbana-Champaign, Ill., Univ. of Illinois, Ph.D. thesis
NL: KITLV(M 1997 A 5556)
Bennett, MacGregor
Ānanda Maitrêya < Bhikkhu >
Bennett, Merrill Kelley
The rice economy of monsoon Asia
Wickizer, Vernon Dale
Bennett, Paul Jerome <b. 1934>
Conference under the tamarind tree : three essays in Burmese history / Paul J. Bennett. – [New Haven, Conn.:] Yale
Univ., Southeast Asia Studies, 1971. VII, 153 p., map, bibliogr. p. [145]-153. – (Monograph series / Yale Univ., Southeast Asia Studies ; 15) – Herbert 144
Subject(s): Burma : History
AU:ANU(Menzies DS528.5.B45)
D: BI-UB(IQ170&GV00 B472)
PA-UB(55/RR 51977 B472)
HD-SAI(320 his 71/504)*
Aix-Marseille1-BU Lettres(Z 4721)
GB: BL(Ac 1805 c/4 Pending; 14302 bbb 23* ; SM/966)
OUL(BOD L Floor 24624 d.31)
SOAS(GB930/277.395 ; 278.000)*
J: TYB(XII-25-E-40)
NL: KITLV(M ss 127 N)
SG: ISEAS(DS530.6 B47)
NUS(DS530.6 Ben)
TH: CU(CL 959.C472C ; Pol 959 B472C)
US: CU(Kroch DS485.B86 B47)
HU(Widener Ind 8019.71)
NYPL(Research D-20 7383)
LC & NIU(SEA) & OAU(Alden SE Asia) &
UCR(Rivera) & UCSB(Main Lib) & YU(SML, Stacks
& SEA Ref. Room 315) : DS485 B86 B45
UC(NRLF DS503.4 .Y2 no.15 B 3 286 382 ; SRLF
AA0008801086) UCB(Bus&Econ DS503.4 .Y2 no.15)
UCD(Shields HC411 .Y3 no.15)
UCLA(YRL DS485.B86 B43)
[A volume of tracts in Sgau Karen, etc.]
The "fall of Pagan" : continuity and change in 14th-century
Burma / Paul J. Bennett. – [1970?] 39 l., bibliogr. l. 37-39. –
Draft of essay later publ. in his Conference under the tamarind tree: three essays in Burmese history. Yale Univ. Pr.,
Subject(s): Pagan : History
Burma : History <to 1824>
US: NIU(SEA DS529.3 .B4661970)
Bennett, Chester
Bennett, Cephas
Bennett, Chuck
Heroes on the frontline : dramatic stories of God at work
around our world / by Chuck Bennett ; research and writing
assistance, Elaine Gallun ; editing, Joey Scanapico. − San
Jose, CA: Partners International, 1995. 78 p., illus., ports.
Contains: Miracles in Myanmar, Burma
Subject(s): Burma : Biography - Christian
Ref.: OCLC 37577783
Bennett, Paul Jerry
Selections from the Bennett Collection, Exhibition notes
Northern Illinois University < DeKalb, Ill. > / Art Museum / Burma Gallery
B 52
Bibliographical description
Bennett, Richard
Narrative of the captivity of an officer, who fell into the
hands of the Burmāhs during the late war [/ Richard Bennett]. – Madras: Male Asylum Pr., 1827. II, 145 p.
Herbert 355
Subject(s): Burma : History - 1824-1826
GB: BL(10057 bb 37)*
US: NYPL(Research BGD)
Ref.: OCLC 34994895
Bennett, Roy R.
Tobacco in Burma / Roy R. Bennett. – [1957?] 36 p. – Based
upon observations of the author during a six weeks study in
Burma during May and June 1957.
Subject(s): Burma : Tobacco
US: CU(Kroch)
NIU(SEA SB278.B9 B4551958)
Benz, Ernst <b. 1907)
Buddhas Wiederkehr und die Zukunft Asiens / Ernst Benz. –
München: Nymphenburger Verlagshandlung, 1963. 274 S.
p. 79-93: Die Renaissance des Buddhismus in Burma
Subject(s): Burma : Buddhism and state ; Communism and
Buddhism ; Philosophy, Buddhist ; Sociology, Buddhist ;
Buddhist ethics ; Buddha (The concept); Buddhism ; Politics and government
D: HD-SAI(rel 52 A 15)*
GB: BL(X 100/1547)
US: CU(Annex BL1451.2 .B47)
GTU(Librar BL1451.2.B449b) UoC NjPT
IU(Main Stacks 294.3 B44B)
Buddhism or communism : which holds the future of Asia? /
Ernst Benz ; transl. from the German by Richard and Clara
Winston. – Garden City, N. Y.: Doubleday, 1965. 234 p. –
Translation of: Buddhas Wiederkehr und die Zukunft Asiens
p. 70-82: The revival of Buddhism in Burma
Subject(s): Burma : Buddhism and state ; Communism and
US: CU(Annex BL1451.2 .B47 1965)
HU(Widener R 1020.279)
UCB(Main BL1459.S7B462)
IU(Main Stacks 294.3 B44BEW)
Bennett, Stella Kneeland
A dictionary of the Sgau Karen language
Wade, Jonathan
The house I live in
Alcott, William Andrus
Bennington-Cornell Anthropological Survey of Hill Tribes
in Thailand
A preliminary report on upland villages from the valley of the Mae Kok to the Burma border ...
ditto. – ibd., 1966. XIV, 185 p. – (Anchor books ; A515)
A report on tribal peoples in Chiengrai Province, North of
the Mae Kok River
Hanks, Lucien Mason
Bennison, John Jennings
Census <1931>
Report of an enquiry into the standard and cost of living of
the working classes in Rangoon / by J. J. Bennison. – Rangoon : Govt. Print. and Staty., Burma (for L. S. B.), 1928. V,
221 p., diagrs., tables, app.
Subject(s): Burma : Labor - Rangoon
Rangoon : Cost and standard of living ; Working class ;
Labor movement
D: HD-SAI(reg 60 R 19)*
GB: BL(I.S.Bu.103/15)*
LSE(BLPES GovtPubl.591(28)) BL-APAC(V 7169 ;
IOR/V/27/801/26) SOAS(GB 339.4/542.348)*
SG: ISEAS(SCR HD7049.7 Z8R3B47)
US: CU(Annex) & LC & WU(Memorial Lib.) : HD7051 .B8
1928 HU(Widener Soc 1415.128) MB NcD
NYPL(Research TFI) NIU(SEA HD7051 .R566 1928)
UC(NRLF $ B 46 589) YU(Mudd Nds56 I36 028b)
Ref.: OCLC06172117
Bentley, Charles William <b. 1864>
Anglo-Chinese phrase-book and vocabulary : Yunnanese
dialect / C. W. Bentley. − Rangoon : American Baptist Mission Pr., 1901. iv, 74 p.
Subject(s): Chinese language - Dialect – Yünnan
Enlish language : Terms and phrases
GB: BL(11095.a.28) CUL(FH.411.16) BL-APAC(T 6893)
US: YU(SML, Chinese Ref. Coll., Rm 219 PL2231 B45)
ditto. – London : Allen and Unwin, 1966. 234 p.
D: HD-SAI(rel 52 A 15 A)*
GB: BL(X 100/3144)
US: LC(BL1459.S7B43 1966)
Bequaert, Joseph Charles <b. 1886>
Fresh-water shells from cave deposits in the Southern Shan
States,Burma. – Philadelphia, 1943. p 431-436, pl. 33. −
Repr. from the Transactions of the Amer. Philos. Soc. 32, p
431-436, pl. 33, 1943.
US: HU(Museum Comp Zoology: MCZ-B)
Beretning om en undersøgelse af udviklingsbistanden til
Burma : beretning fra rigsrevisor fremsendt til folketinget i
henhold til § 18, stk. 1, i lov om revisionen af statens regnskaber m. m. − København: Statsrevisoratet, 1985. 34 s. −
(De af Folketinget valgte statsrevisorer ; 12.1983)
Note: Ud over statsrevisorernes besigtigelsesrejse, hvor en
del af projekterne blev vurderet, bygger beretningen på
en gennemgang af sagsakterne i DANIDA. Resultaterne
er blevet meddelt DANIDA, hvis svar ...
Subject(s): Burma : Development aid ; Development projects ; Fishery ; Agriculture
Beretninger om engelske fangelejre i Indien og Birma, der i
februar, marts ag afvril 1917 besogtes af Rode Kors Internationale Udvalg Autoriseret oversaettelse ved Otto Wadsted.
– København: V.Pios Boghandel, 1918. 46 p. – Transl. of:
British prison camps in India and Burma
Subject(s): Burma : World War, 1914-1918 - Prisoners and
prisons, British
A: ÖNB(530015-B. NEU Mag)
US: LC(D627.I4A412)
B 53
Burma Bibliographical Project
Siegfried M. Schwertner
Berg, Bea van den
Abschlußseminar für Sportfachkräfte aus Birma, Jamaika
und Somalia in Berlin (West), 10. bis 13. Juli 1988 : Bericht
/ Bea van den Berg ; Amee Vlam. Zentralstelle für Erziehung, Wissenschaft und Dokumentation. – Bonn: ZED,
1989. 39 S., Illus.
D: ZB der Sportwissenschaften (93/1753)
ditto. – ibd., 1942. XXIV, 618 p., illus., diagrs.
US: NIU(Main Stacks-FML HC412 .B4)
Bergdahl, Birgitta <b. 1937>
The advancement of librarianship : a workshop to identify and assess needs in Indochina and Myanmar and to
formulate project proposals
ditto. 5th print. – ibd., 1942. XXIV, 618 p., illus., diagrs.
US: CU(Annex HC412 .B49) LC(HC412.B4)
UCD(Shields HC412.B4)
UCSD(SSH HC412.B4 1942)
Berger, Barbara
Reel guide to the holdings of the John M. Echols Collection
on Southeast Asia ...
Cornell University < Ithaca, N.Y. > / Libraries
ditto. – ibd., 1944.
Berger (Louis) Inc.
Rangoon-Mandalay Highway Project
Bergeron, Randy G.
Operation THURSDAY : birth of the Air Commandos
Mason, Herbert A.
Bergh, Louis van den <b. 1920>
Commissaris Rousseau in Birma / Aster Berkhof [pseud.] –
Utrecht: Uitgeverij de Lanteern, [1961]. 216 p. – (Lanteernreeks ; 68)
US: CU(Kroch PT6407.B49 C7)
Subject(s): Burma : Economic geography ; Economic conditions
US: CU(Annex HC412 .B49) UCLA(YRL HC412.B45e)
UCSB(MainLib HC412.B4)
ditto. – ibd., 1947. XXIV, 618 p., illus., diag
Beri, Kailash K.
History and culture of South-East Asia : ancient & medieval
/ K. K. Beri. – New Delhi : Sterling Publ., 1994. VIII, 401
p., illus., maps, index, bibliogr. p. [395]-396.
ISBN 81-207-1650-7
p.136-160: Political history : The Republic of Burma
p.350-391: Cultural heritage : Cultural development of
Burma, Thailand, Vietnam and Champa
GB: SAS((59):091)*
US: CU(DS511.B46w 1994)
History and culture of South-East Asia : modern / K. K.
Beri. – New Delhi : Sterling Publ., 1994. VII, 346 p., index,
bibliogr. p. [329]-331. − ISBN 81-207-1650-7
D: LUB HD-SAI(300 his 95/2124)*
GB: SAS((59):091)*
US: CU(Kroch DS511.B47w 1994)
ditto. / Aster Berkhof. – Antwerpen: Vlaamsche Boekcentrale, 1962. 214 p.
US: HU(Widener Harv.Depos. KE 38855)
Moord in Mandalay / Aster Berkhof. 8e dr. − Schoten: Hadewijch, 1988. 151 p. − Eerder verschenen o.d.t.: Commissaris Rousseau in Birma. − 1961 – SBN 90-70876-75-2
Subject(s): Netherlands : Novel - Mandalay
Mandalay : Novel
NL: KB(2016960 Depotexp.)
Berghaus, Heinrich Karl Wilhelm <1797-1884>
Historisch-geographische Beschreibung von Assam und seiner Nachbarländer Bhotan, Djyntia, Katschar, Munipur ... ;
nebst Bemerkungen über die nördlichen Provinzen des Birma-Reichs / Heinrich Karl Wilhelm Berghaus. – Gotha:
Perthes, 1834. 182 S. – (Asia / H. K. W. Berghaus ; 9)
D: HalULB(Oc 4441,4)
Bergman, J.
De Karenen / door J. Bergman. − [Rotterdam, J.M. Bredée,
1898.] 24 p.− (Lichtstralen op den akker der wereld ; 4.
jaarg., 1898)
Subject(s): Karen : Missions
Burma : Mission - Karen
US: YU(Div, Day Missions Rm MU14B454k)
Ref.: OCLC 38944128
Beriault, Jean
Les objectifs de la politique étrangère chinoise à l’égard de
la Birmanie, 1949-1972 / Jean Beriault. – 1976. IV, 354 f.,
tabl. dt. 2 dépl., cartes. – Univ. de Paris IV E.H.E.S.S., thèse
doct. 3e cycle, histoire, 1976.
Shulman 461
F: Cujas Sorbonne(I 4= 3832)
Berkhof, Aster [pseud.]
Bergh, Louis van den
Berlie, Jean A. <b. 1936>
The Dai : sinicization or civil society ? / Jean A. Berlie. –
Amsterdam: International Institute for Asian Studies, 1999.
6 p. – Thai Studies Conference Secretariat. - International
Conference on Thai Studies < 7th : July 4-8, 1999 : Amsterdam >
TH: CU(TIC 61045)
Bergsmark, Daniel Rockman <1898-1945>
Economic geography of Asia / by Daniel R. Bergsmark. –
New York : Prentice-Hall, 1935. XXIV, 618 p., illus.,
diagrs., ref. at end of each chapter.
p. 218-225: Burma
B 54
Les dai de Chine / Jean Berlie. – Metz: Cercle de Culture et
de Recherches Laotiennes, [1991?] V, 132 p., illus., bibliogr.
p. 89-126. – (Peninsule: etudes interdisciplinaires sur l'Asie
du Sud-Est peninsulaire ; 22, 1991) – Cover title: Les Tai de
Chine. – Parallel in Chinese.
Subject(s): Shan - China
Tai - China.
China : Ethnology
Bibliographical description
Islam in China : Hui and Uyghurs between modernization
and sinicization / Jean A. Berlie. – Bangkok: White Lotus
Press, c2004. XII, 17 p., illus.
Contents: The setting - Islam's ubiquity in China – Hui identoty and modernity - Hui in Yunnan - The Hui in Northern
Thailand and Burma (Myanmar). Burmese Muslims in
Yunnan - Uyghurs in Xinjiang: Modernization, sinicization, or separatism? - By way of a conclusion : Perspectives on Islam's future in China
Subject(s): Muslims : Social conditions
China : Islam
TH: CU(297.0951 B514I ; TIC 67690)
Berliner Bank < Frankfurt am Main >
ASEAN, Indochina
Bernard, Charles
[Address delivered by the Chief Commissioner at the Durbar
held in the Eastern Audience Hall of the Palace, Mandalay,
on Friday, the 5th August, 1887. Burmese]. − Mandaly,
1887. − The Chief Commissioner was Sir Charles Bernard.
GB: CUL(Scott.LL9.32)
Bernard Free Library < Rangoon >
Catalogue / The Bernard Free Library. – Rangoon : Govt.
Print., Burma (for R., E. Syndicate)
I. General Department. – 1903. 136, XIX p., index of authors.
– 1903. 7 p.
Addenda 2. – 1905. 11 p.
Addenda 3. – 1906. 10 p.
Addenda 4. – 1907. 11 p.
Addenda 5. – 1908. 14 p.
Addenda 6. – 1909. 17 p.
Addenda 7. – 1910. 8 p.
Addenda 8. – 1911. 8 p.
Addenda 9. – 1912. 13 p.
Addenda 10. – 1913. 14 p.
Addenda 11. – 1914. 10 p.
Subject(s): Bernard Free Library : Catalogs
Burma : Libraries - Catalogs ; Bibliography
GB: BL(11908 e without add.)*
BL-APAC(V 3691 without add.)
SOAS(Ref.GB 017/1.525)*
Catalogue of the Bernard Free Library : General Department.
– [Rangoon :] Print. for the Education Syndicate, by the
Govt. Print., Burma, 1917. 235, LX p., index to authors. −
Printed slips with additions and corrections inserted
GB: BL(011903 cc 38)
BL-APAC(V 8951)
SOAS(GB 017/459.109)*
US: UCB(NRLF Z846.R3 B4)
Ref.: OCLC 28241692
Claims of the Bombay-Burma Corporation against the Government of Upper Burma : memorandum by C. Bernard
dated the 29th January 1886. – 17 p., annexures. – Title-page
GB: BL-APAC(Tr 728)*
Reply by the Bombay Burmah Trading Corporation Limited,
to memorandum dated 29th January 1886 / by Charles Bernard (with app. and comments). – Rangoon, 1886. 6, 5, 3,
6 p.
GB: BL-APAC(Tr 728)*
Bernard, Charles Edward
Papers on the geology and minerals of British Burmah. reprinted by order of C. E. Bernard
Bernard, Doran
Developments after Jomtien : EFA in the South-East
Asia and Pacific region ; report of a seminar on "Education for All: development after Jomtien" organized in
Bernard, Patrick <b. 1956>
Karennis : les combattants de la spirale d’or / Patrick Bernard [texte]; Michel Huteau [photographies]. – Paris:
L’Harmattan, 1988. 127 p., illus., carte. – (Partir là-bas,
ISSN 1140-0676) − ISBN 2-7384-0167-8 – Herbert 413
Subject(s): Kayah
Kayah State : History - Autonomy and independence
Burma : Insurgency ; Politics and government <1948->
D: B-SBB(1 B 5343 Potsdamer Str.)
M-BSB(4 Art 90.1611) HD-SAI(327 eth 91/8491)*
F: BN Impr.(4-R-20257) BN C Pret(DL8-83544)
BIULO(GEN.II.6491 ; GEN.II.8202)
BMH(DS 520.55 Karens) Lille3-BU
GB: BL(YA 1989 b 6770) SOAS(L.GB306/585.902)*
NL: KITLV(M 1998 B 1105)
US: CU(Kroch +DS530.8.K38 B47x 1988)
LC & NNC(Butler) & NNC(Butler) & OAU(Alden SE
Asia) & WU(Memorial Lib.) & YU(SML Oversize) :
DS530.8.K38 B47 1988
Bernard Free Library < Rangoon > / Manuscript Department
Alphabetical list of palm-leaf manuscripts, paper manuscripts and parabaiks (Pali, Burmese and Sanskrit) preserved
in the Manuscript Department of the Bernard Free Library,
Rangoon. – Rangoon, 1906. 60 double pag.
GB: SOAS(Ref. GPC 1526 ; 231360 ; L.GPC 091/14.661)*
Alphabetical list of palm-leaf manuscripts, paper manuscripts and parabaiks in Talaing preserved in the Manuscript
Department / prep. by Maung Saw Pe ... under the direction
of Ahmad Casesim. – [Rangoon, 1920?]. 60 p. – Added title
and text in Burmese
D: B-SBB(OLS Bb SOA bur 700)
GB: BL-APAC(G 12) SOAS(Ref.GB 090/18.889)
Mon manuscripts in the Bernard Free Library, Rangoon :
typed in the library from a copy sent to the School [of Oriental and African Studies] by Mr. H. L. Shorto while on studyleave in Burma. – [London, 1951.] 27 l. – Typescript
GB: SOAS(Ms 74.353)
Bernatzik, Emmy Winkler
De geesten van de gele bladeren, ontdekkingsreizen in Achter-Indië
Bernatzik, Hugo Adolf
B 55
Die Geister der gelben Blätter
Bernatzik, Hugo Adolf
The spirits of the yellow leaves
Bernatzik, Hugo Adolf
Burma Bibliographical Project
Siegfried M. Schwertner
Viajes de exploracion por las selvas de la Indochina
Bernatzik, Hugo Adolf
D: HD-SAI(301 eth 66/1703)*
R-UB(00/RR 52029 B524)
F: BNF(8° O2 l.1028)
GB: BL(010056 d 7)*
NL: KITLV(M tt 237)
US: CU(Annex DS569.B52) HU-P LC(DS569.B4)
NYPL(Research QPB) OCl
Bernatzik, Hugo Adolf <1897-1953>
Akha and Miao : problems of applied ethnography in Farther
India / Hugo Adolf Bernatzik ; transl. from the German by
Alois Nagler. – New Haven, Conn.: Human Relations Area
Files, 1970. VII, 772 p., 431 figs., 108 illus., index, bibliogr.
p. 755-762. – Transl. of: Akha und Meau
HRAF AO1, Thailand , 39
Subject(s): Hmong ; Akha
D: F-DB(F 65542) HD-SAI(eth 63 C 262 A)
F: Sorbonne
GB: SOAS(GA306/463.490)*
US: CU(Kroch DS569 .B52a 1970 ; Olin Ref. Microfiche
887) LC & OAU(Alden SE Asia DS731.M5B413
YU(LSF-Request & Kline, Anthropology : GN630 K38
B4713 (LC))
Ref.: OCLC 115073 ; 12170125
ditto. – Leipzig: Koehler und Voigtländer, 1941. 239 S., 104
Illus., Kt., App.
D: PA-UB(55/RR 52953 B524)
US: YU(Nkd72 I5 938bb)
ditto. – ibd., 1942. 239 S., Illus.
D: GÖ-SUB(8° Itin.II,3514)
US: LC(DS569.B4 1942) OrU YU
ditto. – Gütersloh: Bertelsmann, 1951. 239 S., Ill.
US: LC(DS569.B4 1951) UoC TNJ
Akha und Meau : Probleme der angewandten Völkerkunde
in Hinterindien / Hugo Adolf Bernatzik. Mit über 550 Abbildungen, 4 Farbtafeln, 1 Karte und vielen Zeichnungen. –
Innsbruck: Wagner, 1947.
1. – 258, IV S., Kt.
2. – S. 259-568, V-X, Index, Bibliogr. S. 561-568.
Subject(s): Miao ; Akha
D: B-SBB(3 V 217 U.d.L. ; 108208 Potsdamer Str.)
GÖ-SUB(8° Geogr.70) HD-SAI(301 eth 62/10)*
PA-UB(55/RR 52959 B524,1-2)
F: BNF: 1 (8° O2 l.1106(1))
BMH(DS 528.55 .Akha B52)
GB: BL(010058 i 34) BL-APAC(T 16454)
NL: KITLV(M tt 298)
US: CU(Kroch DS569.B52a) LC(DS731.M3B4) MnU
YU(MUDD Stacks Nkd71 A46 947b)
Ref.: OCLC 2708643 ; 10810280 ; 56233153
ditto. – ibd., 1952. 205 S., Ill.
US: NSyU(DS569 B4 1952)
De gule blades aander : forskningsrejser i Bag-Indien / Hugo
Adolf Bernatzik. – [København:] Erichsen, [195-?]. 260 p.,
illus. – Transl. of: Geister der gelben Blätter
US: CU(Kroch DS569.B52 1950z)
The spirits of the yellow leaves / Hugo Adolf Bernatzik with
the coll. of Emmy Bernatzik. Transl. by E. W. Dicks. Illustrated. – London : Hale, 1958. 222 p., 56 illus. – Transl. of:
Die Geister der gelben Blätter
D: HD-SAI(reg 60 S 2)*
GB: BL(10059 f 35) FOL(LB 911.2/27.822)
SOAS(GB 306/117.661)*
SG: NUS(GN635 Tha.B)
US: CU(Kroch DS569.B52 1958) NYPL(Research D-11
2454) YU(Nkd72 I36 958B)
ditto. 5.-10. Tsd. – München, 1951.
D: BA-UB(22/L: 51.701)
Les esprits des feuilles jaunes / traduit de l’allemand par Alphonse Tournier. Notes et bibliographie de Georges Condominas ... – Paris: Plon, 1955. VI, 273 p., figs., plates, cartes,
– (Terre humaine ; 2) – Transl. of: Die Geister der gelben
F: BNF(16° G 1870(2))
Viajes de exploración por las selvas de la Indochina : los
"Espiritus de las Hojas amarilla" / por Hugo Adolf Bernatzik
; en colaboración con Emmy Bernatzik. Version española
por Francisca Payarols. – Barcelona: Labor, 1957. III, 271
p., [80] p. of plates. illus., ports., map. – (Coleccion de
Libros viajes). – Transl. of: Die Geister der gelben Blätter
US: CU(Annex DS569.B52 1938a) NB
ditto. – ibd., 1944. 238 p., pl., krt.
US: CU(Kroch DS569.B52 1944)
LC(DS569.B42) YU
Bernet Kempers, August John <b. 1906>
The kettledrums of Southeast Asia : a bronze age world and
its aftermath / by A. J. Bernet Kempers. – Rotterdam ;
Brookfield, Virg.: Balkema, 1988. XXXIV, 599 p., 126 p. of
plates, bibliogr. p. 437 to 462. – (Modern quaternary research in Southeast Asia, ISSN 0168-6151 ; 10)
ISBN 90-6191-541-4 – Herbert 756
Karen and Shan culture p. 389-402
AU:ANU(Menzies GN778.32.A785K45 1988 ;
Hancock QE696.M63 v.10) NLA(739.51205959 B526)
D: HD-SAI(300 kul 88/16)*
GB: SOAS(FN/551.451)
Die Geister der gelben Blätter : Forschungsreisen in Hinterindien / von Hugo Adolf Bernatzik unter Mitarbeit von Emmy Bernatzik. Mit 204 Bildern. – München: Bruckmann,
1938. 239 S., Kt., App.
Bernhardt, Friedrich
Die "Kollaboration" asiatischer Völker mit der japanischen
Besatzungsmacht im Zweiten Weltkrieg als Glied im Dekolonisationsprozess / Friedrich Bernhardt. – Hamburg: Institut
De geesten van de gele bladeren : ontdekkingsreizen in Achter-Indië / door Hugo Adolf Bernatzik ; met mede-werking
van Emmy Bernatzik. Met 104 afbeeldingen. – sGravenhage: Holle, 1938. 288 p., [27] p. pl., illus., krt. –
Transl. of: Geister der gelben Blätter
NL: KITLV(M 3b 1517 M)
B 56
Bibliographical description
für Asienkunde, 1971. 103 S., Bibliogr. S. 92-102. – (Mitteilungen des Instituts für Asienkunde Hamburg ; 40)
D: HD-SAI(inf S 52,40)*
US: LC(DS1.I55 no.40)
GB: CUL(R620.B58) BL-APAC(OIJ959.1 ; V 24338)
SAS((591):01) SOAS(Ref. GB 016/255.288)
US: CU(Kroch Reference Z3216 .B52 1982)
HU(Widener Harv.Depos. DS527.4.Z99 B47x 1982)
LC(Z3216.B43 1982) NNC OU
NIU(SEA DS527.4 .B46461982 & Ref.)
YU(SML, SEA Ref., Room 315 Z3216 B46 1982 (LC) ;
Stacks, Z3216 B46 1982 (LC))
Ref.: OCLC 9577277
Bernice P. Bishop Museum < Honolulu > / Department of
A bibliography of the land mammals of Southeast Asia,
Jones, Gwilym S.
Bernmore, H.
Statistical report of the Martaban Province
Bernot, Denise
Bibliographie birmane : années 1950-1960 / Denise Bernot.
– Paris: Éditions du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, 1968. 228 p., index. – (Atlas ethno-linguistique / Centre de Documentation sur l’Asie du Sud-Est: Recherche cooperative sur programme no. 61 : 3ième série, Bibliographies)
– About 1300 titles. – Herbert 832
Subject(s): Burma : Bibliography
AU:ANU(Menzies Ref. Z3216.B4 & Asian Ref.)
D: B-SBB(OLS Ca SOA bur 100 ; 4° 218 553 Potsdamer
Str.) GÖ-SUB(BIB:QGK/46Bi/:a)
HD-SAI(inf 40 B 301+a)*
F: BNF(4° Q.6241(1)) BMH(DS 515.3 B52)
Sorbonne(BSR 4= 316)
GB: BL(2771 eg 13 ; 1500 b 12 ; 15012 k 1)
BL-DSS(Wq84/0663) CUL(R620.B58)
BL-APAC(RR) OUL(IND Burma bibl 4)
SOAS(Ref.GB 016/225.288)*
J: TYB(XII-25-A-26)
NL: KB KITLV(M 31 117 N+)
NL: KITLV(M 3l 117 N)
SG: ISEAS(Ref. Z3216 B52)
US: CU(Kroch Ref. + Z3216 .B52) DNLM
HU(Widener Ind 8003.6)
LC & OAU(Alden SE Asia) & UCA : Z3216.B4 MiU
NYPL(Research F-11 5743)
NIU(SEA DS527.4 .B46461968 & Ref.) YU(SML,
SEA Ref., Room 315 Z3216 B46+ ; Stacks, Yale Class.
X865 +968B)
Ref.: OCLC 7404370
ditto. : années 1960-1970 / Denise Bernot, avec la collaboration de Gilles Garachon ... [et al.]. – ibd. – Herbert 832
Partie méthodique.
Fasc. 1. – 1982. XXX, 293 p. – ISBN 2-222-03133-8
Fasc. 2. – 1983. XXVI, p. 291-581. – ISBN 2222032423
Partie auteurs.
A – F. – 1984. XXVII, 346 p.
ISBN 2-222-03547-3
G – L. – 1984. XXVII, p. 347-643.
ISBN 2-222-03548-1
AU:ANU(Menz Z3216.B4&Asian Ref.Z3216 B42)
D: B-SBB(OLS Ca SOA bur 100 ; 4° 218 553 Potsdamer
Str.) A-UB(10/AD 82450 B529)
M-BSB(Hbor Ind. 915e) GÖ-SUB(KS: Rb 672)*
HD-SAI(inf 40 B 301)* PA-UB(55/RR 51003 B529)
F: BNF(8° imp.or.12152 ; 8° Q.16653 ; Tolbiac H.de J.
Ser.de Rech. Salle I Bibl. 016.95 Birm b)
BIULO(USU.BIR.ref.2(2))* BDIC(O 144477)
BMH BSG(4-Qb SUP-1401 (3)) Lille3-BU
Sorbonne(BSR 8= 2051-<1- >)
Dictionnaire birman-français / Denise Bernot. – Paris: Selaf. –
(Langues et civilisations de l’Asie du Sud-Est et du Monde
Insulindien / Collection du Centre de Documentation et de
Recherches sur l’Asie du Sud-Est et le Monde Insulindien –
CeDRASEMI – ; Institut National des Langues et des Civilisations Orientales, ISSN 0224-2680 ; 3) – Publié avec le
concours du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique. –
Collaborating authors vary. – Summaries in English, German, Russian, and Spanish. – Herbert 446
1. ka – kya. / comp. par Denise Bernot, Jean-Pierre Sribnai
et Daw Yin Yin Myint ... revue par U Hla Tin ... – 1978.
227 p., illus. − ISBN 2-85297-020-1
2. kya – kha / comp. par Denise Bernot, U Sein Aye et
Daw Yin Yin Myint ... revue par U Hla Tin ... – 1979.
209 p., illus. − ISBN 2-85297-053-8
3. kha – na. – 1980. 195 p., figs. − ISBN 2-85297-087-2
4. na – cann. – 1981. 206 p. − ISBN 2-85297-111-9
5. cann – jo. – 1982. 199 p. − ISBN 2-85297-140-2
6. jo – tac. – 1982. 200 p. − ISBN 2-85297-152-6
7. tann – duin. – 1983. 201 p. − ISBN 2-85297-154-2
8. duin – nhann. – 1984. 204 p. − ISBN 2-85297-162-3
9. nhat – put. – 1985. 200 p. − ISBN 2-85297-180-1
10. pad – phrai. – 1986. 205 p. − ISBN 2-85297-191-7
11. phro – muh. – 1988. 206 p. – (Selaf [Société d'études
linguistiques et anthropologiques de France] ; 278)
ISBN 2-85297-207-7
12. me – mhum. – 1988. 221 p. – (Selaf ; 301)
ISBN 2-85297-207-7
13. mrvā – la. – 1989. 209 p., figs. – (Selaf ; 308)
ISBN 2-87723-021-X
14. lã – sa´. – 1990. 219 p., figs. – (Selaf ; 320)
ISBN 2-87723-027-9
15. sa – ussu·m. – 1992. 324 p., figs., bibliogr. p. [17] to 22.
– (Selaf ; 336) − ISBN 2-87723-046-5
Subject(s): Burmese language : Dictionaries - French
French language : Dictionaries - Burmese
AU:ANU(Menzies PL3957.B47)
D: B-SBB(OLS Dd SOA bur 150 Potsdamer Str.)
M-BSB(Orient. 284k-3) EI-UB(EG 7550 B529)
GÖ-SUB(KTF 300:b) HD-SAI(inf 4 B 359)*
F: BNF(8° Z.49425(3) ; 8° imp.or. 10743(3))
BIULO(USU.BIR.Ling.2* ; COL.9527(3) M ;
GEN.III.21021) BMH(DS 516)
BSG(8-COL-4083 (3) (1-))
GB: BL(14302 d 27) CUL(843:01.c.6)
BL-APAC(BUR.B.86 ; V 23009)
SOAS: 1-7 (Ref.GPC 413.41/416.854)*
8-12 (Ref.GPC 413.41/537.890)*
13-14 (Ref.GPC 413.41/623.789)*
US: CU: 1-15 (Kroch Ref. PL3957.F8 B52)
HU(Widener WID-LC PL3957 .B47 1978)
LC(PL3957.B47 1978)
NIU(SEA PL3957 .B471978)
B 57
Burma Bibliographical Project
Siegfried M. Schwertner
Dictionnaire français-birman / Denise Bernot ; Cristina
Cramerotti ; Marie Yin Yin Myint. – Paris: Langues &
Mondes, l’Asiathèque, 1997. 311 p. – (Dictionnaires des
langues O’, ISSN 1159-1323) − ISBN 2-911053-29-X
Subject(s): French language : Dictionaries - Burmese
D: HD-SAI(inf 4 B 363)*
F: BIULO(USU.BIR.Ling.17 ; GEN IV 11530)
BNUS BSG(8 Y SUP 61590) CIUP(P22059)
GB: SOAS(Ref.GPC413.41/749.857)*
NL: KITLV(M 1998 A 787)
SG: ISEAS(Ref PL3957 F8B52)
US: CU(Kroch PL3957.F8 B521 1997)
HU(Widener Harv.Depos. PL3957 .B471 1997x)
NIU(SEA Ref. PL3957 .B4721997)
F: Sorbonne(W 1973(123)-4°)
Paris5-BU Sci.Humaines
Le prédicat en birman parlé / Denise Bernot. – Paris: SELAF, 1980. 381 p., bibliogr. p. [373]-375, summary in English etc. – (Langues et civilisations de l’Asie du Sud-Est et
du monde insulindien, ISSN 0224-2680 ; 8)
ISBN 2-85297-072-4
Subject(s): Burmese language : Dialects ; Syntax ; Verb
phrase ; Spoken Burmese
AU:ANU(Menzies PL3943.B47 1980)
D: GÖ-SUB(ZA 50017:8)
HD-SAI(nsp 32.26 E 88/1453)*
F: BNF(8° Z 49425(8) ; 8° imp.or.10743(8))
BIULO(USU.BIR ling 11 ; COL.9527(8))
BSG(8-COL-4083 (8))
GB: CUL(843:01.c.6.31) BL-APAC(V 24890 ; BUR.B.54)
SOAS(GPC 415/506.166)
SG: ISEAS(PL3933 B52)
US: CU(Kroch PL3943 .B52)
LC HU(Widener Harv.Depos. PL3941 .B4 1980)
Études birmanes : en hommage à Denise Bernot
Les Khyang des collines de Chittagong, (Pakistan oriental) :
matériaux pour l'étude linguistique des Chin / par Denise et
Lucien Bernot. Avec 2 croquis et 1 carte dans le texte. – Paris: Plon, 1958. 148 p., bibliogr. p. [147]-148. – (L’homme :
cahiers d’ethnologie, de géo-graphie et de linguistique ;
nouvelle série 3)
Subject(s): Khyang language ; French language : Dictionaries - Khyang language
D: GÖ-SUB(ZA 16425:3) HD-SAI(281 eth 62/4142)*
F: BNF(8° R 60250(3))
BIULO(GEN III 1382 ; QQ VII 159)
GB: BL(Ac 9233 mt/4)* BL-APAC(T 17386)
SOAS(GPE Chin 410/138.083)*
US: CU(Kroch PL4001.K6 B52) LC(PL4001.K6B4)
NIU(SEA PL4001.K6 B4)
Littérature orale : Birmanie, Corée, Japon, Mongolie,
Manuel de birman : langue de Myanmar / Denise Bernot ;
Marie-Hélène Cardinaud ; Marie Yin Yin Myint. – Paris:
Langues et mondes-L'Asiathèque.
1[,1. Texte.] – 1990. XXXIV, 246 p., carte. – (Langues de
l’Asie-INALCO, Paris) − ISBN 2-901795-36-6
1[,2.] Cassette 1 A. Chapitre 1
Cassette 1 B. Chapitre 2, 3 et 4
Cassette 2 A. Chapitre 5, 6 et 7 (leçons 1 et 2
Cassette 2 B. Chapitre 7 (suite de leçons 2 et leçon 3),
chapitre 8 et leçon annexe. – ISBN 2-901795-70-6
2. Grammaire birmane. – 2001. 165 p., bibliogr. 159 to 160)
– (Langues INALCO, ISSN 1264-1057)
ISBN 2-911053-76-1
Herbert 447
Subject(s): Burmese language : Manuels ; Grammar ; Textbooks for foreign speakers - French
D: HD-SAI: 1 (nsp 32.26 A 96/165 rara)
F: BNF BIULO(USU.BIR ling 12 ; BIR.III.798 ;
BIR.D.III.98(2) (Dauphine) & 154(2) (Dauphine) &
155(2) (Dauphine)) BNUS(CA.101.780,1-2)
GB: SOAS(GPC608976 & MV1582)
SG: ISEAS(PL3933 B521)
US: CU(Kroch) & UCB & UoC : PL3833 .B476 2001
LC(PL3931 .B4 2001)
NIU(SEA PL3933 .B454 1990)
Ref.: OCLC 50387348
Rapports phonétiques entre le dialecte marma et le birman. –
[Paris, 1957/58.] p. [273]-294, tabl. – Extrait de: Bulletin de
la Société de linguistique de Paris, t. 53, fasc.1, 1957-1958
F: BMH(DS 499 zb)
Le rire de la terre … : anthologie de nouvelles birmanes
Bernot, Lucien <1919-1993>
Les Cak : contribution à l’étude ethnographique d’une population de langue loi / Lucien Bernot. – Paris: Édition du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, 1967. 267 p., 8
planches, chartes, figures, cartes, index, vocabulaire. – (Atlas
ethno-linguistique / Centre de Documentation sur l’Asie du
Sud-Est : 2ième série, Monographies ; 1)
Subject(s): Burma : Ethnology
Chittagong Hill Tracts < District > : Ethnology
D: GÖ-SUB(ZA 28469:1) HD-SAI(281 eth 68/262)*
F: BNF(4° O2 2113(1) ; 8° O2 K 3O89)
GB: BL(X 0800/259 b(1))*
US: LC(DS485.C57B38)
YU(MUDD, Stacks WC 28489)
Le prédicat en birman parlé / Denise Bernot. – 1973. V, 447
p. – Paris, Univ. de Paris V (René Descartes), thesis 1973. Shulman 521
B 58
Ethnic groups of Chittagong Hill Tracts / by Lucien Bernot.
– Dacca: Asiatic Society of Pakistan, 1960. p. [113]-140. –
Reprint from: Social research in East Pakistan / ed. by Pierre
Bessaignet. – Dacca: Asiatic Society of Pakistan, 1960. p.
[113]-140. – (Asiatic Society of Pakistan publication ; 5)
F: BIULO(Mél 8 1510(29))*
Les Khyang des collines de Chittagong
Bernot, Denise
Les paysans arakanais du Pakistan oriental : l’histoire, le
monde végétal et l’organisation sociale des réfugiés Marma
(Mog) / Lucien Bernot. – Paris ; La Haye: Mouton, 1967. –
(Le monde d’Outre-mer passé et présent / École Pratique des
Hautes Études, Sorbonne, 6ième section, Sciences Économiques et Sociales : 1ière série, Études, ISSN 0077-0310 ; 16)
– Paris, thèse 1967
1. – 451 p., [4] p. de pl., illus., cartes.
2. – p. [455]-793, illus., graphs., index, bibliogr. p. 755 to
Bibliographical description
Subject(s): Arakanais : Bangladesh - History ; Social conditions ; Agriculture ; Alimentation
AU:ANU(Menzies DS380.A7.B4)
D: GÖ-SUB(ZA 17527 : 16)
R-UB(52 / MS 1630 B529)
HD-SAI(281 eth 67/209,1-2)*
F: BNF(8° G 16150(I,16) ; 8° O2 K 3075 ; HDJ Dépt.
Phil. Salle j 306.089 953 Bern p1-2) Cujas
BMH(DS 520.55 .Arak. B52)
Paris3-BU(V 4858-1 et 2) Sorbonne
GB: BL(X 800/2375) SOAS(JR 301.451958/219.908)
US: LC(DS380.A7B4)
Voyage dans les sciences humaines : qui sont les autres ? /
Lucien Bernot. – Paris: Pr. de l'université de Paris-Sorbonne,
2000. 602 p., illus., cartes, index, ref. bibliogr. – (Asie, ISSN
1242-5761) – Recueil d'articles, résumés des cours et travaux du Collège de France. – Publie avec le concours de
Centre national du Livre. − ISBN 2-8405-0169-4
Subject(s): Langues tibéto-birmanes
Burma : Ethnology ; Ethnic groups ; Ethnic relations
F: BIULO(GEN.III.70489 ; GEN.D.III.705 (Dauphine)
BNF BMH(DS 505.5 .R2) BNUS(D.239.016)
BSG(8 R SUP 45777)
Sorbonne(M 8= 14227 ; M 8= 15930)
GB: BL(YA.2002.a.18473)
US: HU(Widener Harv.Depos. x) & NIU(SEA) &
NNC(Butler) & UCB & YU(SML) : GN625.B475 2000
LC & UCLA(YRL) : GN625 .B47 2000
Berrier, Jean-Claude
La maison des dieux : chez les Lapons nomades, chez les
Toubbons du Sahara, chez les Karens de la frontière Birmane, chez les derniers Mayas / Jean-Claude Berrier. – Paris: Le Livre Contemporain, 1961. 286 p., chart, illus.
p. 151-218: Chez les Karens ...
D: GÖ-SUB(62 A 1268)
GB: BL(10164 ff 10)*
US: LC(G530.B533)
Bert, Wayne Eugene
Mobilization politics, revolutionary ideology, and Chinese
foreign policy in South and Southeast Asia. – 1972. 395 p. –
Univ. of Kansas, Ph.D. (political science) thesis. – DAI-A
11, May 1973, 6425-26 - Shulman 469 - UM 73-11,854
Bertacchi, Cosimo
La Birmania e il viaggio di Leonardo Fea / Cosimo Bertacchi. – Roma : Societa geografica italiana, 1896. 46 p. – Estr.
da: Memorie della Societa geografica italiana, v. 6., 30 agosto 1896
I: Biblioteca comunale - Palazzo Sormani - Milano - MI
Bertelli, F.
An abridgment of the Catholic Christian doctrine in Burmese. – Maulmain: Chronical Pr., 1846. IV, 162 p.
Ref.: Bernot
An abridgement of the Holy Bible
Bible : Selection < B u r m e s e >
Bertoletti, Antonio
Discorso letto in occasione dei solenni suffragi fatti nella
prepositurale di s. Pietro in Viadana all'anima del compianto
sac. Cesare Ruberti, delle missioni estere di S. Calogero,
naufragato in un fiume della Birmania il giorno 5 luglio
1893, vittima del proprio dovere. – Milano: Tip. Pont. Di S.
Giuseppe, 1893. 16 p., con ritratto.
Bertolli, Jeanne Marie
A case-control study of the effectiveness of BCG vaccine for
preventing clinical leprosy in Yangon, Myanmar / by Jeanne
Marie Bertolli. − 1994. XVIII, 186 l., illus. − Los Angeles,
Univ. of California, Ph. D. thesis
Subject(s): Dissertations, Academic < Los Angeles, Univ. of
California >
Burma : Epidemiology
US: UCLA(Biomed W4C B4634c 1994)
Berton, Peter Alexander Menquez <b. 1922>
Soviet works on Southeast Asia : a bibliography of nonperiodical literature, 1946-1965 / Peter Berton ; Alvin Z.
Rubinstein ; with a contribution by Anna Allott. – Los Angeles, Calif.: Univ. of Southern California Pr., 1967. 201 p. –
(Far Eastern and Russian research series / School of Politics
and International Relations, Univ. of Southern California ; 3)
p. 113-123: Burma (48 titles)
Subject(s): Burma : Study and teaching - Soviet Union ; Bibliography ; Imprints - Soviet Union
D: GÖ-SUB(ZA 29824:3) HD-SAI(inf 40 S 879)*
GB: BL(Ac 2689 gk/2(3); 15012 e 17)
SOAS(Ref.G 016/220.817)*
NL: KITLV(M 3l 124 N)
US: CLSU CU(Kroch Ref. Z3221 .B54)
KyU LC(Z3221.B43) NIU(SEA Z3221 .B43)
Bertrand, Gabrielle
A la recherche des éléphants souvages / Gabrielle Bertrand ;
photographies de Gabrielle Bertrand ; Jean Naz; Jean Jacques Flori. – [Paris:] Hachette, 1960. 95 p.
F: BNF(16° S.1552)
GB: BL(7212 d 17)*
La route aux armes. – Paris: Amiot-Dumont, 1953. 190 p.,
illus., map. – (Bibliothèque des voyages)
Birmanie: p. 90-97
F: BNF(8° G.15528(8))
US: NNC NYPL(Research BEM)
Bertrand, Guillaume
Tectonique cenozoique de l'escarpement du plateau Shan
(Myanmar) la collision oblique entre l'Inde et l'Asie en Birmanie / Guillaume Bertrand ; sous la dir. de Claude Rangim.
− 1999. 284 p. − Paris 6, thèse doctorat, 1999.
National Thesis number : 1999PA066060
Abstract : Si la collision frontale entre l'inde et l'eurasie a ete
le sujet de nombreuses etudes, les effets de la convergence
tres oblique entre l'inde et l'asie du sud-est sont encore mal
connus. a ce titre, la birmanie (aussi appelee myanmar)
occupe une position privilegiee, tant sur le plan geographique que scientifique. le but de ce travail a ete de
contraindre l'histoire tectonique, au cenozoique, de la region de l'escarpement occidental du plateau shan (ou escarpement shan, birmanie centrale), ainsi que les relations
et la signification des structures geologiques majeures que
l'on y retrouve (faille de sagaing, ceinture metamorphique
de mogok, escarpement et plateau shan). cette etude, basee
sur des observations de terrain, le traitement d'images satellites et des analyses geochronologiques et microtectoniques, a permis de mettre en evidence deux etapes majeures
B 59
Burma Bibliographical Project
Siegfried M. Schwertner
dans l'histoire cenozoique de la region d'etude. la premiere
est marquee par un tres fort etirement ductile nnw-sse (lineations minerales, boudins, plis en fourreau, plans de cisaillement simple) que l'on retrouve essentiellement le
long de la ceinture metamorphique de mogok. les resultats
radiochronologiques montrent qu'elle a ete active entre 30
et 17 ma le long de l'escarpement shan et dans la region de
mogok. la seconde est marquee par une tectonique cassante qui s'exprime sous la forme de failles n-s dextres decrochantes (dont la failles de sagaing), de failles n160 dextres transpressives (escarpement shan), de plis et chevauchements associes, et de failles n070 senestres. cette tectonique cassante est encore active, et a debute au miocene
moyen ou superieur. ainsi, sur la base de criteres tant geometriques que chronologiques, je deduis que la faille de
sagaing et la ceinture metamorphique qui borde le plateau
shan sont des structures tectoniques independantes l'une de
l'autre. la ceinture metamorphique, le long de l'escarpement shan et dans la region de mogok, est interpretee
comme une zone de cisaillement ductile transtensif dextre
qui accompagne la migration vers le nord du poincon indien. elle fait partie d'une large bande de deformation distribuee, qui inclut notamment le bassin central birman, et
qui accommode une partie du mouvement relatif entre
l'inde et le bloc de sundaland. la faille de sagaing et les
structures cassantes qui lui sont associees viennent ulterieurement recouper ce systeme, et sont encore actives aujourd'hui. la transition entre ces deux phases tectoniques se
fait au miocene moyen ou superieur, a la faveur de la reorganisation cinematique majeure qui affecte l'ensemble de
la region.
Subject(s): Tectonique ; cenozoique ; escarpement ; birmanie
; etat shan ; collision plaque ; plaque indienne ; plaque eurasienne ; datation ; ceinture metamorphique ; microtectonique ; analyse structurale ; teledetection spatiale ; deformation polyphasee ; faille decrochement ; pli ; faille chevauchement ; zone cisaillement ; deformation ductile ; deformation cassante ; cinematique ; Plateau Shan ; Myanmar ; convergence oblique ; ceinture metamorphique Mogok ; faille sagaing ; escarpement Shan
F: Paris-BIUSJ-Thèses
Bese, Lajos
Hungarian publications on Asia and Africa
Apor, Eve
Besøk i India, Burma og Afganistan november - desember
Bulganin, Nikolai Aleksandrovich
Bessaignet, Pierre
Tribesmen of the Chittagong Hill Tracts / by Pierre Bessaignet. – Dacca: Asiatic Society of Pakistan, 1958. 109 p.,
plates, tables, bibliogr. p. 107-109. – (Asiatic Society of
Pakistan publications ; 1)
Subject(s): Bangladesh : Tribes
Chittagong Hill Tracts < District > ; Ethnology ; Social
life and customs
AU:NLA(Luce 593 ; S 950 ASI)
D: HD-SAI(281 eth 63/263)
F: BIULO(Pér. 7919(1))
GB: BL(Ac 9234 bg/2)*
US: LC(DS485.C57B4)
Besse, Léon
List of Portuguese Jesuit missionaries in Bengal and Burma,
1576-1742 / L. Besse and H. Hosten. – [Calcutta, 1911.]
35 p.
Bessie, Alvah Cecil <b. 1904>
"Objective, Burma" : screenplay
Best, Allena
Barry, Erick [pseud.]
Best, Antony <b. 1964>
Britain, Japan and Pearl Harbor : avoiding war in East Asia,
1936-41 / Antony Best. − London ; New York : Routledge :
LSE, 1995. XII, 260 p., maps, bibliogr. p. [236]-248.
ISBN 0415111714
Contents: 1. Introduction - 2. Halting a policy of drift: January 1936 to July 1937 - 3. New circumstances, new problems: July 1937 to September 1938 - 4. Growing tensions:
October 1938 to August 1939 - 5. A false dawn: September 1939 to June 1940 - 6. The Burma Road crisis: June
1940 to October 1940 - 7. Confrontation: October 1940 to
June 1941 - 8. Conflict: June 1941 to December 1941 - 9.
Subject(s): World War <1939-1945> - Burma Road
US: NNC(Butler D741 .B477 1995g)
Bestall, A. H.
The New Testament in Burmese ...
Bible, N.T. < B u r m e s e : Bible Society version >
Bestall, Arthur <b. 1874>
Leper's harp : an incident in Mandalay / by Arthur Bestall. −
[Edinburgh:] Mission to Lepers in India and the East, [n.d.]
4 p. − (Mission to lepers tinted leaflets ; 8)
Subject(s): Burma : Missions, Medical ; Leprosy Patients ;
Missions to leprosy patients
US: YU(LSF-Request A320.219)
Bestedingen in Indonesië, Filippijnen, Maleisië, Thailand,
Singapore en Myanmar via WB, AsDB en EU / EVD −
Den Haag : EVD. 1996. 166 p., index. − Netherlands Foreign Trade Agency
Notet: Samengesteld met medew. van de Nederlandse Ambassades te Washington en Manilla en de Permanente
Vertegenwoordiging in Brussel
Ref.: Brinkman B9739012
Besterman, Theodore
A world bibliography of bibliographies and of bibliographical catalogues, calendars, abstracts, digests, indexes, and the
like / by Theodore Besterman. 4th ed., rev. and greatly enl.
throughout. – Lausanne: Societas Bibliographica , 19651966. 5 vols.
1. col. 1062-1065: Burma. – 19 titles
1st publ. – 1939/40
2nd ed. – 1947/49 (repr. 1950)
3rd ed. – 1955/56 (repr. 1960)
4th ed. – 1965/66 (repr.1971)
Subject(s): Burma : Bibliography of bibliographies
D: HD-UB(IZA: Bib C 7)*
GB: BL(B.B.T.a.1 ; S.P.R.Ia/o ; 2720 aa 10)
A world bibliography of Oriental bibliographies / by Theodore Besterman. Rev. and brought up to date by J. D. Pear-
B 60
Bibliographical description
son. – Oxford: Blackwell, 1975. 727 col., index. – A majority of the bibliographies were listed previously in the 4th ed.
of the author’s A world bibliography of bibliographies
ISBN 0-631-16890-7
col. 441-451: South-East Asia (about 100 titles)
col. 451-457: Burma (52 titles)
Subject(s): Burma : Bibliography of bibliographies
D: HD-UB(IZA Or AA 1)* GÖ-SUB(KS Ht4)*
GB: BL(AA.S.b)*
US: CU(Kroch Ref. +Z3001.A1 B56)
Beswick, Leslie S.
Two roads in Burma / Leslie S Beswick. − [19- ?] 66 p.,
illus., maps. − Privately published.
Subject(s): Burma : World War <1939-1945> - Personal narratives, British
GB: SOAS(E Coll 3 M /84)
Beth Shalom songs ... / Burman Woman’s Bible School, Insein ... – Rangoon : American Baptist Mission Pr., 1917. 46
p. – Added title and text in Burmese. Index also in English
GB: BL(14300 a 34)*
Bethkenhagen, Jochen
Die Rolle Asiens in der sowjetischen Außenwirt- schaftspolitik / Jochen Bethkenhagen ; Heinrich Ma- chowski. – Köln:
Bundesinstitut für Ostwissenschaftliche und Internationale
Studien, 1986. IV, 49 S. – (Berichte des Bundesinstitutes für
Ostwissenschaftliche und Internationale Studien ; 48-1986
Subject(s): Soviet Union : Foreign economic relations –
Burma ; Burma : Foreign economic relations – S.U,
D: M-BSB(4 Z 68.247-1986,45/50)
GÖ-SUB(NR ZB 1109:1986,48 EXE:01)
PA-UB(51/MG 800000 B511-1986,48)
US: CU(Kroch +HF1558.15.A8 B56)
Bethlen, Edmund
Eine Reise nach Rangoon : Bericht des Grafen Edmund
Bethlen an die Handels- und Gewerbe-Kammer in Trient
und auf Veranlassung dieser veröffentlicht. – Triest: Die
Kammer, 1874. 45 p., bibliogr. Angaben. – "Streng nach
dem italiensichen Originaltexte übersetzt."
Subject(s): Bethlen, Edmund : Journeys - Burma
Burma : Description and travel
Rangoon : Description and travel
US: CU(Annex +DS527.6 .B56 1874a)
Burma : Economic assistance ; Economic conditions.
US: CU(Kroch HC 441 .B48 1995z)
Bevan, Anthony John Stone
The story of Zarak Khan / A. J. Bevan. 2nd impr. – London :
Jarrolds, 1949. 176 p.
GB: BL(10608 e 11)*
US: HU(Widener Ind 1111.5)
ditto. – London, New York : Jarrolds, [1950]. 176 p., port.
US: CoDU LC(DS485.N7B4)
ditto. (2nd ed.) – ibd., 1965. 254 p. – (Arrow books ; 422)
GB: BL(X 639/467)*
Bevans, Charles Irving <1908-1986>
Treaties and other international agreements of the United
States of America : 1776-1949
United States / Department of State
Beyer, Erwin
Die ersten Phoriden von Burma (Dipt. Gewerbe-Kammer in
Trient und auf Illus. – (Commentationes biologicae / Societas Scientiarum Fennica ; 18.8)
Subject(s): Burma : Diptera ; Phoridae
D: B-SBB(Ser. 2745-18,8 Potsdamer Str.)
HD-UB(H 247-3-1)
US: LC(Q60.F553 vol.18 no.8)
OU(OSU Book Despos.) & UoC(Crerar) : QH301 .F52
v.18 WaU(Natural Sci. QH1 .F553 v.18-19)
Beylié, Léon Marie Eugène de <1849-1910>
L'architecture hindoue en Extrême-Orient / L. de Beylié ; illus. de Tournois et Doumeng. – Paris: Leroux, 1907. 416 p.,
illus., bibliogr. foot-notes.
Contents: Inde - Le royaume de Cambodge et le Champa Siam et Laos - Birmanie - Java - Ceylan
Subject(s): Burma : Architecture
F: BAA(4 Ee 76)
GB: BL(7817 l 29) OUL(EAL East. Art IWa Bey)
US: CLU CU(Annex NA1501 .B57 +)
HU(Fine Arts FA1823.5) LC(NA1501.B4)
SIUC(2nd fl-Humanities stacks Q. 720.959 B573A)
WaS YU(LSF-Request Jad96 I3 +907B0)
Bethlenfalvy, Géza
A painter’s pilgrimage
Bettman, Siegfried
A glance at India : haphazard reflections of a traveller
through India, Burma and Ceylon / by S. Bettmann. – [s.l.:]
Privately publ., c1930. 139 p.
Subject(s): Burma : Description and travel
US: MnU(TC Wilson Ames DS413 .B4)
Beusch, Dirk
Das "Mekong-Projekt" der Vereinten Nationen : Möglichkeiten und Problematik internationaler Entwicklungszusammenarbeit in Südostasien / Dirk Beusch. – Münster:
Lit, 1995. 132 S., Illus., Bibliogr. S. 77 - 91. – (Südostasien ;
5) – Enthält Texte in Englisch
Subject(s): Mekong River Watershed : Economic development projects
B 61
Fouilles à Prome (Birmanie) / Général de Beylié. – Paris:
Leroux, 1907. 33 p., figs., planches. – Éxtrait de la Revue
archéologique ; 1907.2
F: BNF(8° O2 l.310) BIULO(Mél 8° 480)
Prome et Samara : voyage archéologique en Birmanie et en
Mésopotamie / par le général L. de Beylié. – Paris: Leroux,
1907. 146 p., 100 illus., 17 planches, 1 carte. – (Publications
de la Société Française des Fouilles Archéologiques ; 1)
Subject(s): Prome : Art – Architecture ; Description and
Burma : Antiquity ; Description and travel - Prome
D: GÖ-SUB(4° Arch I, 302:1) HD-SAI(320 pha 62/508)*
SBULB(4 Z 57-825:1)
F: BNF(4° G.1085(1)) BAA(4 M 272 1)
BIULO(HD I 47) Paris-IF(4 Schlumberger 527)
Sorbonne(HARD 4= 103-1)
Burma Bibliographical Project
Siegfried M. Schwertner
GB: BL(Ac 5334/2) BL-APAC(V 9719)
Newcastle(Robinson, SpecColl ; B913.592 BEY)
OUL(BOD G Floor 1732 d.6 590080646)
US: CU(Annex DS485.B83 B57 +)
HU(Widener Arc 416.10)
NIU(SEA DS485.B83 B4)
NYPL(Research *OFXA+) YU(LSF-Request Bj35Y
P94 +907B ; SML AOS R.329)
Ref.: OCLC 4547167
Theory of soul, self, atta, ego and spirit. – Rangoon : Buddhist Mission, 1916. 187 p. – Added title and text in Burmese
GB: BL-APAC(Bur D 104/1)
Beynon, John H.
Myanmar : the management process for constructing primary schools and providing school furniture. – Bangkok:
UNESCO Asia and the Pacific Regional Bureau for Education, 2002. 49 p.
Subject(s): Burma : Educational systems
TH: CU(TIC 62979)
Beyond all endurance : the breakup of Karen villages in
southeastern Pa'an District. − [Chiangmai:] Karen Human
Rights Group, 1999. 98 p., maps.
Subject(s): Karen State
Burma : Forced migration - Karen State ; Human rights Karen State
US: CU(Kroch +) & YU(SML) : HB2096.7.K37 B49 1999
Ref.: OCLC 50157277
Beyrer, Chris
War in the blood : sex, politics and AIDS in Southeast Asia /
Chris Beyrer. – Bangkok: White Lotus ; London, New York
: Zed Books, c1998. X, 246 p., index, bibliogr. p. 225-237
ISBN 9748434311 ; 1856495310 ; 1856495329
Contains: Countries: Thailand: the descending Buddha ;
Burma: going to Myanmar, being in Burma ; Cambodia:
aIDS and thee torn society ; Laos: travels in the Cold War
; Malaysia: ethnicity, activism, and AIDS ; Vietnam: the
Thai model in action ; Yunnan: China's Southeast Asia –
People, risks: Women ; Flesh trade ; Military studies ;
Chasing the dragon ; Tribes – Relativity and culture: Drug
wars and the war on drugs ; Medical ethics, human rights,
Asian values ; Democracy, empowerment, and health
Subject(s): Burma : Sex customs - History ; Health policy ;
HIV infections -Epidemiology ; AIDS (Disease) - Political
TH: CU(CL 614.599392 B573W ; Pol 614.5993920959
B573W ; TIC 54529)
US: CU(Kroch RA 644.A25 B49x 1998)
Bezziccheri, Sonia
Drugs and HIV in South East Asia : a review of critical geographic areas of HIV/AIDS infection among injecting drug
users and national programme responses in Cambodia,
China, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Thailand and Viet Nam / prep.
by Sonia Bezziccheri, Wayne Bazant. – Bangkok: Regional
Centre for East Asia and the Pacific, Office on Drugs and
Crime, United Nations, 2004. 65 p.
Subject(s): Burma : HIV infections ; AIDS (Disease)
TH: CU(Pub Health RA644.A25 D794 2004)
Bha Mo`
The marriage laws of Myanmar : the Myanmar Buddhist,
Muslim, Christian, and Hindu marriage laws … / Ū´´ Bha
Mo`. − Ran` kun`: Van`´´ Cā pe, 1992. 358, [2] p., bibliogr.
p. [359-360].− Added title and text in Burmese
Subject(s): Burma : Marriage law ; Marriage, Hindu law ;
Marriage, Islamic law
US: LC(KNL543 .A28 1992)
YU(SML KNL543 A28X 1992 (LC))
Bha Phe
Civics for high schools … / U" Bha Phe. – Ran` kun`: Bhā
sā pran` Cā pe a san`´´, 1953-1954. 2 v., illus. (some col.) –
Added title and text in Burmese
Subject(s): Burma : Civics, Burmese
US: CU(Kroch BJ1185.B8 .B11 ; Film 11052 reel 1988
Middle school Burmese history … / U" Bha Phe. Abridged.
– Rangoon : Burma Translation Society, 1952. XVI, 287 p.,
[1] l. of plates, illus., map, bibliogr. p. VI. – Added title and
text in Burmese
Subject(s): Burma : History
GB: OUL(BOD Nuneham)
SOAS(GPC 930/94.945 ; 215.608)
ditto. Abridged. − ibd., 1954. XVI, 287 p., [1] l. of plates,
illus., map, bibliogr. p. VI.
US: CU(Kroch DS528.5.B446 1954 , Film 11052 reel 1705
no.5) NIU(SEA DS528.5.B446 1954)
Bha Ran` < Hamsavati U >
Life of Let We Thon Dara and his yadus. – Ran` kun`: Sudhammavati, 1940. – Added title and text in Burmese
GB: BL-APAC(SEA 1987 a 391)
Bhalerao, G. D.
Helminth parasites of the Indian elephant from the Andamans and Burma / by G. D. Bhalerao. – Calcutta : Imperial Council of Agricultural Research, 1935. 14 p. – (The
Indian journal of veterinary science and animal husbandry ;
SG: NUS(Microform QL391.Bha)
Bhamo / Municipality
< Bye-law under section 30 >
Bye-laws by the Bhamo municipality under section 30, 86,
89, 90, 92, 99, 102, clause (a), (b), (c), (e) and (g), and section 142, clause (a), (e), (f,), (g), (i), (k), (l), (n), (q), (r) and
(s) of the Burma municipal act, 1898 (Burma act III of
1898). – Rangoon : Govt. Print., Burma (for B. S.), Nov.
1907. 27 p.
GB: BL(I.S.Bu.232/19(32))*
Bundesstelle für Außenhandelsinformation <Köln>
< Rule under section 3>
Revised rules by the Bhamo municipality under section 3 of
the Hackney carriage act, 1879. – Rangoon : Govt. Print.,
Burma (for B. S.), July 1900. [1,] p.
GB: BL(I.S.Bu.232/19(310))*
Bghai Karen
The catechism : transl. from the Sgau
B 62
Bibliographical description
< Rule under section 12 >
Rule by the Bhamo municipality under section 12 of the Upper Burma municipal regulation, 1887. – Rangoon : Govt.
Print., Burma (for B. S.), July 1900. [1 p.]
GB: BL(I.S.Bu.232/19(311))*
History of Burma made easy / by L. Bharadwaja. – Rangoon
: Bharadwaja, 1959. 113 p., fold. chart, maps. – Repr. of
1951 ed. publ. by the Rangoon Gazette
US: CU(Kroch DS528.5 .B45z 1959)
Bhargava, Krishna Dayal
The reconquest of Burma
Bhamo / Municipal Committee
Bhamo Municipal Committee
Bhamo District
Burma gazetteer
Bhamo expedition
Bowers, Alexander
Bhamo Municipal Committee
Rule made by the Bhamo Municipal Committee under section II of the Upper Burma municipal regulation, 1887. –
Rangoon : Govt. Print., Burma (for Comr. of Mandalay),
Nov. 1900. 4 p.
GB: BL(I.S.Bu.232/19(312))*
Bhargava, Moti Lal
Indian National Army secret service / Motilal Bhargava &
Americk Singh Gill. – New Delhi : Reliance Publ. House,
1988. 136 p., [4] p. of plates : map, ports., index, bibliogr. p.
[129]-131. – With reference to the activities of the Indian
National Army during the World War <1939-1945>, and the
subsequent trials. − ISBN 81-85047-33-2
Subject(s): Indian National Army : History - World War II
World War <1939-1945> - Secret service - India
GB: SOAS(E Coll 3 O /4)
US: CU(Annex D810.S7 B57)
IU(Main Stacks 940.548654 B469I)
Indian National Congress : its affiliates in South and East
Asia / M. L. Bhargava. – New Delhi : Reliance Publ. House,
1986. VII, 192 p., illus., bibliogr. p. [177] to 181.
ISBN 81-85047-04-9 – Herbert 437
Burma p. 68-86
Subject(s): Indian National Congress : History
East Indians : Burma - Politics and government
Burma : Politics and government
D: B-SBB(723 636 Potsdamer Str.)
M-BSB(Orient. 88.851)
GB: BL-APAC(T 49413)
US: CU(JQ298.I5 B57 1986) LC(JQ298.I5B55 1986)
UCB(Main) & UCLA(YRL) : JQ298.I5B55 1986
IU(Main Stacks 324.2540309 B46I)
Bhamo Tengyueh road
Notes, Bhamo Tengyueh road
Bowers, Alexander
Bhamo-Tengyèueh (Momein) Railway Project (2 feet 6
inches gauge) 122'5 miles : report. – [n.p., n.d.] 71 p.
US: LC(4He 1071)
Bhandhachat, Prasert
A study of Karen student mobility to north Thai cities
Bhansoon Ladavalya, M. L.
Economic and political development : Mayanmar [i.e.
Myanmar] … / M.L. Bhansoon Ladavalya. − Krung Thēp,
[1999]. IX, 8, 126 p., illus., map, index, bibliogr. p. 120-122.
– (Research series, economic and political development in
Southeast Asia) – Added title and text in Thai; abstracts in
English and Thai. − ISBN 9747798042
Subject(s): Burma : Economic conditions <1948-> ; Politics
and government <1948->
GB: CUL(1999.8.9036)
US: CU(Kroch HC422 .B44 1999)
LC & YU(SML) & WaU(Suzzallo/Allen) : HC422 .B54
1999 Thai
MiU(Hatcher HC 441 .K36 no.7)
NIU(SEA HC422 .B536 1999)
Ref.: OCLC 43653059
Bhanumathi, Ivatury
Repatriates from Burma : a community study with particular
reference to adjustment and integration. – 1979. – Andhra
Univ., Ph.D. (social work) thesis 1979. – Shulman 40
Bharadwaja, Latta
History of Burma made easy : for matriculation students / by
L. Bharadwaja. – Rangoon : Bharadwaja, 1951. 136 p., fold.
chart, maps.
Subject(s): Burma : History
US: NIU(SEA DS528.5 .B451959)
UCB(Main DS528.5.B45)
Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose in South-East Asia and India’s
liberation war 1943-45 / Moti Lal Bhargava. – New Delhi :
Vishwavidya Publ. ; New Delhi : Exclusively distributed by
V. P. Book Service, [1982]. XV, 286 p., indexes, bibliogr. p.
Subject(s): Bose, Subhas Chandra <1897-1945> : Journeys Burma
Burma : World War <1939-1945>
GB: BL-APAC(T 44370)
US: CU(Kroch DS481.B74 B55 1982)
LC(DS481.B6B45 1982)
UC(NRLF B4 304 139 ; SRLF AA 2112787)
UCLA(YRL DS481,B6B45 1982)
Bharucha, Fardunji Rustomji
Precipitation effectiveness in relation to the vegetation of India, Pakistan and Burma / by F. R. Bharucha and G. Y.
Shanbhag. – Bombay: Univ. of Bombay, [1957]. 109 p.
maps, tables, diagr. – (Botanical memoirs / Univ. of Bombay
; 3)
Subjects(s): Burma : Vegetation and climate ; Botany
GB: CUL(Geography Lib. FA - 27) ULL(H 195-7)
US: UC(BioSci QK1.B488 no.3)
UCD(Main Lib QK358.B4)
Bhasin, G. D.
A list of insect pests of forest plants in India and adjacent countries
B 63
Burma Bibliographical Project
Siegfried M. Schwertner
Bhaskaran, Suku
Agrifood sector in Myanmar : market review and analysis of
trends / by Suku Bhaskaran and Stephanie Fahey. – Barton,
ACT: Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation, 1998. 125 p., illus., map, bibliogr. p. 121-125. –
(RIRDC publication ; 98/49) – RIRDC project no. AFM-1A
ISBN 064254073X
Subject(s): Burma : Agricultural productivity ; Economic
AU:NLA(Nq 338.10994 RIR)
Bhat, D. N. Sankara
Shankara Bhat, D. N.
Bhatia, Bihari Lal <b. 1884>
Protozoa / by B. L. Bhatia. – London : Taylor and Francis. –
(The fauna of British India : including Ceylon and Burma)
[1] Ciliophora. – 1936. XII, 493 p., figs., plates, map,
index, bibliogr. p. [437]-483
[2] Sporozoa. – 1938. XX, 497 p., gloss., figs., index,
bibliogr. p. 390-489.
Subject(s): Burma : Protozoa ; Protozoa, Pathogenic
D: B-SBB(Lv 12910 Potsdamer Str. NfLS)
GB: BL((B)FQ 555*) BL-DSS(L60/623-624))
CUL(384:5.c.85.52-53) BL-APAC(V 7590)
OUL(RSL Stack 189941 d. 2ab & 2ac)
US: CU(Annex QL367.5 .B57)
LC & NIU(Main Stacks-FML) : QL367.5 .B5
NNC(Offsite 593.1 B46) UC(SRLF A0002860351)
UCB(Biosci QL367.5 .B4)
WU(Memorial Lib. OK B46 cutter)
YU(Kline QL367.5 I5 B52 1936)
ditto. Repr. – New Delhi : Today & Tomorrow’s Printers &
Publ. 1979. 2 v., illus. (some col.), indexes, incl. bibliogr.
1. Ciliophora
2. Sporozoa.
GB: BL-DSS(80/15877 ; 80/29195)
US: LC & UCD(Shields) : QL367.5.I4B43 1979
Bhatta, Kodavovru Anantarama
Die Wirtschaft Südostasiens im englischen Krieg : mit 2
Karten / von K. A. Bhatta und Ch. Schlötke-Schröer. Mit 2
Karten. – Leipzig [etc.]: Lutzeyer, 1942. 76 S., Bibliogr. S.
76. – (Wirtschaftsschlaglichter ; 5)
D: GÖ-SUB(8° stat.3782 lw:5) TIB
Bhattacharjee, Srinatha Nath
The law and practice of evidenc, civil and criminal (in
India, Pakistan and Burma)
Bhattacharji, Amal <1919-1970>
Far East in turmoil / Amal Bhattacharji. – Calcutta : Saturday mail, 1947. VI, 110 p., map.
Contents: Malaya. - Burma. - Indonesia. - Indo-China.
Subject(s): Burma : History <1824-1948> ; Politics and government - 1834-1948
US: CU(Kroch DS513 .B57)
Ref.: OCLC 6444417
Bhattacharya, Swapna <b. 1952>
India-Myanmar relations, 1886-1948 / Swapna Bhattacharya
(Chakraborti). 1. publ. – Kolkata : Bagchi, 2007. XX, 438 p.,
index, bibliogr. p. [394]-424.
ISBN: 81-7074-290-0 ; 9788170742906
Subject(s): India : Foreign relations - Burma ; India : History
- British occupation, 1765-1947 ; Burma : Foreign relations India ; Burma : History <1824-1948>
AU:NLA(YY 327.540591 B575)
D: B-SBB(1 A 659879 Potsdamer Str.)
F-UB(13.578.43) HD-SAI(216 bez 2008/432)*
GB: SOAS(GB327/711707)
US: HU(Widener Harv. Depos.) & LC & MnU(TC Wilson
Ames) : DS450.B93 B53 2007
Bhaumik, Jahnabi Charan
The Indian court-fees act, VII of 1870, as amended by the
local governments and, The suits valuation act, VII of 1887 :
with a critical commentary, uptodate [sic] circular orders,
rules and notifications by the local governments and the high
courts, Bengal, Bihar and Orissa, Bombay, Burma, Madras
and N.W.P. / by Jahnabi Charan Bhaumik. 3rd ed. – Calcutta
: M. C. Sarkar. 1929. XVIII, 425 p.
Subject(s): Burma : Costs (Law)
GB: BL-APAC(T 202) SOAS(A345.40824/106993/2)
US: LC(Law)
Bhaumik, Mokshada Charan
Registration law in India, Pakistan & Burma : containing a
critical, elaborate commentary on the Indian registration act,
1908, with relevant provisions of the transfer of property act,
1882, and of various other acts, by Mokshada Charan
Bhaumik, assisted by Tapash Kumar Bhaumik. With a
forew. by Radha Binod Pal. – Calcutta : Modern India Pr.,
[1954]. XXXII, 352 p.
Subject(s): Burma : Land titles - Registration and transfer
US: HU(Law School: Harv.Depos. IN 316.7B F54)
Bhaumik, Tapash Kumar
Registration law in India, Pakistan & Burma
Bhaumik, Mokshada Charan
Translation method for Burmans … / U" Bhe [re" saññ’]. –
Ran` kun`: Ma Khan’ Tan’´ Ca pe tuik’, [1960]. 168 p. –
Added title and text in Burmese
Subject(s): Burmese language : Translating
SG: ISEAS(PL3948 P34)
US: CU(Kroch PL3755 .P38)
Dictionary of business terms … / Mon‘ Bhoga pru cu saññ‘.
− Ran` kun`: Rvhe Pu ra puik‘ Ca pe, 1996. 466 p., incl. bibliogr. ref. − Added title in Burmese
Subject(s): Burmese language : Dictionaries - Business ;
Dictionaries - Commerce ; Dictionaries - Economics
English language - Dictionaries - Burmese
Burma : Business - Dictionaries ; Economics - Dictionaries ; Commerce - Dictionaries
US: LC NIU(SEA Ref. HF1002 .B468 1996)
Bhonsle, Rahul K.
The Japanese offensive 1941-43 : an analytical study. − New
Dehli: Himalayan Books, 1990. 263, [1] p., illus., maps, bibliogr. p. 264. − ISBN 81-7002-056-5
Subject(s): Burma : World War <1939-1945> - Campaigns ;
History – Japanese occupation <1942-1945>
GB: BL(YA.1995.a.11799)
SOAS(D940.54 /740240 ; E Coll 3 B /4)
B 64
Bibliographical description
Wingate and Thimayya : a biographical analysis / R. K.
Bhonsle. 1st publ. – New Delhi : Himalayan Books, 1989.
226 p., maps, bibliogr. p. 225-226. − ISBN 81-7002-053-0
Subject(s): Wingate, Orde Charles <1903-1944>
Thimayya, Kodendera Subayya <1906-1965>
Burma : World War <1939-1945> - Campaigns ; World
War <1939-1945> - Campaigns - Biographies
D: HD-SAI(322 biog 93/1141)
GB: BL-APAC(ORW 1992 a 2491)
Bhruksasri, Wanat
Highlanders of Thailand
Bhui: Ran
Buddhism for beginners / by U Bhui: Ran. – Rangoon : Sun
Pr., 1917. 86 p. – Added title and text in Burmese
GB: BL-APAC(Bur B 557)
Bhui Sa
The evidence act ...
Bhui´´ Van`
Economics of cooperation … / U" Bhui". Van’ Samavayama Van’man’" nhan’´ U" Thvan’" San’ Boga bedapamokkha. [2nd ed.] – Ran` kun`: Bhasa pRan`Ca pe A
san’", 1952. 2 v. in 1 (311 p.). – Added title and text in Burmese
Subject(s): Burma : Economics ; Cooperation ; Economics
of co-operation
US: CU(Kroch Film 10336 Reel 203 no.8 ; Annex Film
N10336 Reel 203 no.8)
ditto. ... / U" Bhui" Van’nhan’´ U" Thvan’" Tan’ [re" saññ’].
[3rd ed.] – ibd., [1953]. 2 v. – Added title and text in Burmese
US: CU(Kroch Pamphlet HC9 ; Film 11052 Reel 1830
no.6 ; Annex Film N11052 Reel 1830 no.6)
Principles & practice of co-operation ... / U" Bhui" Van‘.
[1st ed.] – Ran` kun`: Bhasa pRan` Ca pe A san’", 1951. 333
p. – Added title and text in Burmese
Subject(s): Burma : Cooperation
US: CRL(SEAM monogr. MF-10289 SEAM reel 204 item
7) CU(Kroch Film 10336 Reel 204 no.7 ; Annex Film
N10336 Reel 204 no.7)
ditto. 2 a krim‘. – ibd., [1954]. 237 p.
US CU(Kroch HD3230.B8 P73 1954 ; Film 11052 Reel
2011 no.4 , Annex Film N11052 Reel 2011 no.4)
UCB(NRLF HD3072.7.A4.B4 1954)
Ref.: OCLC 36596799
Biak Chhunga
Growing toward women's ordination in the Methodist
Church, Upper Myanmar / by Biak Chhunga. − 1994. V, [6]
98 l., bibliogr. l. 96-98. − Pittsburgh, PA, Pittsburgh Theological Seminary, D.Min. thesis 1994
Subject(s): Upper Myanmer Methodist Church
Upper Burma : Ordination of women - Upper Myanmer
Methodist Church ; Women in church work - Upper
Myanmer Methodist Church
US: PPiPT(BV4070.P583 C531 1994 ; Archives DMn0
Bianchi, A. T. J.
De mechanische eigenschappen van Java-, Siam- en Burmadjati − Buitenzorg, 1937. 37 p. − (Korte meded.
Boschbouwproefstation / Dept. v. Econ. Zaken in Ned.-Indie
; 60) − Overdruk uit: Tectona, Dl. 30, 1937, Afl. 5/6
Subject(s): Burma : Construction Mamaterial - Timber ;
Timber - Construction material
NL: DelftTU(CB 494 D)
Bianchi, Linda Noreen
United States Army nurses in the China-Burma-India theater
of World War II <1942-1945> / by Linda Noreen Bianchi. –
1990. XIII, 325 l., illus., map, bibliogr. p. 318 to 323. – Chicago, Univ. of Illinois, Health Sciences Center, Ph.D. thesis
UMI 9114987
Subject(s): Burma : World War <1939-1945> - Participation,
Female ; World War <1939-1945> - Women ; World War
<1939-1945> - Campaigns ;
World War <1939-1945> - Military nursing - United
US: DCU(Nursing Lib. UH490 .B52 1990a)
NIU(Microforms-2nd FL-FML MFilm. UH493
WU(Hist. Soc. Lib. Micro film P91-3418)
Bible < A k h a >
Bible < K a w >
Bible < B u r m e s e >
The Bible in Burmese. – Rangoon : British and Foreign Bible Society, Printed at A. B. M. Pr., 1926. 1262 p.
Subject(s): Burmese language : Texts - Bible
GB: BL(14300 b 35)* BL-APAC(Bur D 1465)
SOAS(GPC 220/73.474)*
US: UC(NRLF BS315 B8 1926)
Ref.: OCLC 49300432
ditto. – ibd., 1933. 873, 300 p.
GB: SOAS(L.GP 220/345.818)*
Bhumichitr, Vatcharin
Vatcharin Bhumichitr
ditto. – ibd., 1952. 873, 300 p., 4 col. maps.
US: LC(BS315.B8 1952)
Bhun, Gautam
Southeast Asia, 2002
Bi Aung < Shwei Dōn >
The return of Bo Aung Din / by Shwedon B. Aung ; ed. by
Shwe Min Wun, U Phone Myint ... − Ran` kun`: Rvhe
Man`´´ Van` Cā pe, 2000. 86 p., illus. − Added title and text
in Burmese. − Novel.
US: CU(Kroch PL3988.S57 B85 2000)
The heart of the Bible. 2. a krim`. – Ran` kun`: The Christian
Literature Society, 1947. 220 p., [4] l. of plates, illus. –
Added title and text in Burmese
Subject(s): Burmese language : Texts - Bible
US: CU(Annex BS315 .B8 1947)
Bible < B u r m e s e : Judson >
The Holy Bible : containing the Old and New Testaments ;
transl. into the Burmese from the original tongues ... [/ by F.
B 65
Burma Bibliographical Project
Siegfried M. Schwertner
Carey, A. Judson and G. H. Hough]. 2nd ed. Publ. for
American and Foreign Bible Society and American Baptist
Board of Foreign Missions. – Maulmain: American Baptist
Mission Pr., 1840. 880, 318 p. – N.T. has special title-page.
The O.T. is the 2nd ed., the N.T. the 3rd ed.
Subject(s): Burmese language : Texts - Bible
GB: BL(14300 bb 5)* BL-APAC(F 1 ; F 2; F 3)
SOAS(EC 84.74/41.742 ; MMSL IN-BU14)
US: HU UoC LC(BS315.B8) MNtcA YU
mese and English, half-title in English and Burmese to the
New Testament. − ISBN 962-327-327-252-9
D: HD-SAI(nsp 2.26 W 98/1084)*
GB: CUL(BSS.650.F97)
ditto. / transl. into Burmese from the original tongues by A.
Judson. [3rd ed.] – Rangoon : American Baptist Mission Pr.,
1890. 976, 350 p. – Added title-page in Burmese
US: CU(Wason BS315 B8+ 1890) MeWC
NYPL(Research *OY)
Bible < C h i n : Haka >
Holy Bible in Lai (Hakha) language ... Rev. ed. − [s.l.,] Bible
Society of Myanmar, 1999. 1419, 543, [9] p. − With introduction to, and outline of contents of, each book, chapter and
section headings, text in double column format, inter-Gospel
references, references, glossary, note on the Hebrew Calender, maps, colour endpaper maps.
Subject(s): Haka Chin language : Texts - Bible
GB: CUL(BSS.652.4.F99)
ditto. 3rd ed. − ibd., 1891. (6,) 1326 p. − The New Testament
has special title-page with the imprint Boston.
US: HU(Widener Harv. Depos. 1286.54)
ditto. – New York : American Baptist Foreign Mission Society, 1924. 1326 p.
US: CLamB(Sem 220.4958 A1 J92 1924)
ditto. : issued in one volume, also separately / transl. into the
Burmese by A. Judson. Rev. ed. with references. – Rangoon
: American Baptist Mission Pr., 1933. I, 1051, I, 384 p.
GB: BL(14300 bb 4)* BL-APAC(Bur D 1655)
ditto. – [s.l.,], ibd., 2002. 1 v. − Title on t.p. verso: Holy Bible in Myanmar (Burmese). – ISBN 9623273509
US: Cincinnati Christian Univ(220.5958 H761bur)
Ref.: OCLC 54385647
Bible < J i n g h p a w >
Bible < K a c h i n >
Bible < K a c h i n >
The Holy Bible … / transl. into Kachin out of the original
tongues by O. Hanson. – Rangoon : America Htang Dip
Gaung E, 1918. 257 p. – In Kachin also known as Jingpho.
Genesis to Joshua only publ.
Subject(s): Kachin language : Texts - Bible
GB: BL(11103 b 32)*
ditto. [Re-issue] – ibd., 1938.
GB: BL(03068 f 10) CUL(9843.c.3)
ditto. − ibd., 1927. 1010 p. − Volume contains the Old Testament only despite general title for the complete Bible.
GB: CUL(BSS.656.2.F27
Ref.: OCLC 54333379
ditto. – Rangoon : British and Foreign Bible Society, 1938.
ditto. – Ran` kun`, 1943. 1051, 384 p., 4 col. maps. – This
ed. ist produced by a photo-engraving process from the ed.
AU:NLA(Luce 441)
US: LC(BS315.B8 1943)
The Holy Bible in Kachin : Jinghpaw ... – Rangoon : British
and Foreign Bible Society, 1951. 1010, 326 p. − Reproduced
from the 1927 edition by permission of the ABFMS. - New
Testament has separate t.p.
Subject(s): Kachin language : Texts - Bible
GB: CUL(BSS.656.2.F51)
Manchester(Deansgate Ref.)
US: CU(Wason BS315 KiiJ6 1951)
LC(BS315 .K14 1951 Kach)
Ref.: OCLC 50714533
ditto. [3rd ed.] – ibd., 1951. 964, 340 p., 4 col. maps. –
Added title-page in Burmese
SG: ISEAS(Microfiche 95/63557)
US: CRL(Monographs Fiche) & LC(Microfiche) : 95/63557
(B) CU(Wason BS315 .B8 1951 ; Kroch Fiche 887 95
ditto. − Rangoon : Bible Society of Burma, 1965. 1010,
326 p.
US: NIU(SEA BS315 .K151965)
ditto. / transl. into Burmese from the original tongues by A.
Judson. − Rangoon, 1953. 964, 340 p.
GB: Manchester(Deansgate Ref.)
ditto. – ibd., 1959. 964, 340 p., maps. − Added title-page in
GB: Manchester(Deansgate Ref.)
US: CU(Wason BS315 .B8 1959)
YU(MUDD Divinity CB53 B929)
ditto. – ibd., [s.l.,] United Bible Society, 1994. 964, 340 p., 4
col. maps. – Added title-page in Burmese
ISBN 962-327-327-188-3
D: HD-SAI(nsp 2.26 W 98/664 GF)
ditto. – [s.l.,] United Bible Society, 1997. 964, 340 p., –
Added title-page in Burmese, heading to each book in Bur-
ditto. − [S.l.:] United Bible Societies, 1997. 1010, 326 p.
GB: CUL(BSS.656.2.F97
Bible < K a r e n : Pwo >
The Holy Bible in Pwo-Karen : having been prep. on the basis of the Sgau translation / carefully compared with the
original and rev. by D. L. Brayton ; assisted by Mrs. A. T.
Rose, and the Karen teachers Kong-Louk, Myat-Thah, and
more or less by several other Karen teachers ... – Rangoon :
Publ. by American Baptist Missionary Union at their Mission Pr., 1883. 819, 272 p. – N.T. has a separate title-page,
appears 3rd rev. ed.
Subject(s): Pwo Karen dialect : Texts - Bible
GB: BL(11103 b 3)*
B 66
Bibliographical description
ditto. – ibd., 1894. 1105 p. − Second edition [of complete
Bible, sixth edition of New Testament.] Title-page in English and Karen. New Testament title-page dated 1895, and
"Second reference edition."
GB: CUL(BSS.657.2.E94)
ditto. – Rangoon : American Baptist Mission Union, 1915.
1267 p. – The O.T. is the 4th ed., the N.T. the 10th ed. –
N.T. has a separate title-page
GB: BL(11103 b 30)* BL-APAC(Karen F.1)
US: MNtcA(Vault BS315.K2 1915)
ditto. – Rangoon : Anglo-Burmese Mission Pr., 1896. 1105 .
Ref.: Cordier
ditto. – ibd.: American Baptist Mission Pr., 1921. 1070 p. –
The O.T. is the 3rd ed., the N.T. the 10th ed. − Title-page in
English with a Karen sub-title.
GB: CUL(BSS.657.1.F21)
US: NYPL(Research *OXE)
The Holy Bible in Pwo-Karen. – London British and Foreign
Bible Society, 1943. 1105 p.
Subject(s): Pwo Karen dialect : Texts - Bible
AU:NLA(Luce 443)
ditto. − Rangoon : British and Foreign Bible Society, 1921.
1070 p. − Old Testament 3rd ed. ; New Testament 10th ed. −
Title-page in English with a Karen sub-title.
GB: CUL(BSS.657.1.F21
ditto. – ibd., 1948. 1105 p.
US: CU(Wason BS315.K16 P9 1948)
ditto. – Rangoon : British and Foreign Bible Society, 1950.
1070 p.
US: CU(Wason BS315.K18 S5 1950 ; Kroch Fiche 887
95 63563)
ditto. 4th ed. – Rangoon : American Baptist Mission Pr.,
1926. 2 vols. in 1. – The N.T. is the 11th ed.
ditto. 5th ed. – ibd., 1935. 1189 p.
Bible < K a r e n : Sgau >
The Holy Bible transl. into Sgau Karen. – Tavoy, 1833. 3
Subject(s): Sgaw Karen dialect : Texts - Bible
Ref.: Cordier
The Holy Bible : containing the Old and New Testaments, in
Sgau Karen ... / transl. by Francis Mason. 3rd ed. Publ. by
American and Foreign Bible Society, and printed by the
American Baptist Missionary Union. – Tavoy: Karen Mission Pr., 1853. VIII, 1032 p. – The N.T. has special titlepage. The O.T. is the 1st ed., the N.T. the 3rd ed. – Preface
in English
Subject(s): Sgaw Karen dialect : Texts - Bible
GB: BL(11103 b 37)*
US: CU(Kroch Asia Rare +BS315.K185 1853 ;
Annex Film 11499)
ICN(Eames X337.09) UoC
LC(BS315.K2 1853) LU MB
NYPL(Research *OXE+) YU
ditto. 2nd ed. Publ. by American and Foreign Bible Society ;
Burmah Bible Tract Society ; American Baptist Missionary
Union. – Rangoon : American Mission Pr., 1867. 810, 271 p.
– Title-page in English with a Karen sub-title. New Testament with separate title-page
GB: BL(11103 b 36 only O.T.)
BL-APAC(Karen F.3)
CUL(BSS.657.1.E67 +E67.2)
Manchester(Deansgate Ref. only O.T.)
US: CU(Kroch Asia Rare BS315 .K18 1867)
ditto. / rev. by the authority of the American Baptist Missionary Union. O.T. 3rd ed. ; N.T. 9th ed. – Rangoon :
American Baptist Mission Pr., 1892. 1070 p.
GB: BL(11103 b 4)*
ditto. O.T. 3rd ed. ; N.T. 9th ed. – Rangoon : American Baptist Mission Pr., 1905. 1070 p. − Title-page in English with a
Karen sub-title. New Testament title-page dated 1901, continuous pagination.
GB: CUL(BSS.657.1.F05)
[Bible in Sgau Karen] – London : British and Foreign Bible
Society, 1937. 1070 p. – This ed. of the Sgaw Karen Bible is
produced ... from the 1921 ...
Subject(s): Sgaw Karen dialect : Texts - Bible
GB: SOAS(GPE Kar 220/41.071)*
Bible in Sgau Karen. – London : British and Foreign Bible
Society, 1941. 1070 p. – Section for New Testament has
separate title-page
AU:NLA(Luce 442)
ditto. – Rangoon : British and Foreign Bible Society, 1950.
1070 p., 4 col. maps. – Section for New Testament has separate t.p. – Title and text in Sgaw Karen
US: LC(Kroch Fiche 887 95 63563 12 fiches)
Bible < K a w >
The Bible in Akha. − [Bangkok:] United Bible Societies,
2001. [VI], 1298, 446 p., [8] p. of plates : maps. − A common language transl. prepared by Noel Kya Heh
ISBN 8748781313
Subject(s): Kaw language : Texts - Bible
Ref.: OCLC 49377012
Bible < L i s u >
WU-S SI XY TO L. 1st ed. – [Rangoon :] Bible Society of
Burma, 1968. III, 1368, 424, 12, [4] p., in J. O. Fraser phonetic script i.e. upper case characters with diacritics. With
chapter and section headings, inter-Gospel references, glossary, maps. − The Old Testament (excluding the Psalms) was
transl. by A. B. Cooke, Allan W. Crane, L. Evelyn Crane, all
of the Overseas Missionary Fund, Joshua Fish, Job Fish and
Zim Wa Gam, assisted by a Lisu committee; the New Testament and Psalms is a further revision of that done originally in 1950 by A.B. Cooke, Allan W. Crane and a Lisu assistant, Moses, with the Psalms by A.B. Crooke and Lisu assistant Job (all of the then Church Inland Missions)
Subject(s): Lisu language : Texts - Bible
GB: CUL(BSS.647.2.F68)
B 67
WU-S SI XY TO L Lisu common language Bible. – [England?:] United Bible Society, 1997. 816, 288 p., maps.
Burma Bibliographical Project
Siegfried M. Schwertner
ISBN 9623272456
US: CU(Kroch BS315 .L57 1997)
A digest of Scripture : consisting of extracts from the Old
and New Testaments ; on the plan of Brown’s "Selection of
Scripture passages" / by A. Judson. 1st Burmese ed. ... –
Maulmein: American Baptist Mission Pr., 1838. 136 p.
Subject(s): Burmese language : Texts – Bible - Digest
US: UoC(BS1141.N55 cop.2)
Bible < L u s h a i >
The Holy Bible in Lushai … / prep. by H. W. Carter and F.
J. Raper. − Rangoon, 1959.
Subject(s): Lushai language : Texts - Bible
ditto. 2nd Burmese ed. – Rangoon : American Baptist Mission Pr., 1867. 170 p.
ditto. - ibd., 1964. 1571 p., 4 p. of maps. − A corr. version of
the 1959 Bible prep. by Carter and Raper. In Mizo formerly
known as Lushai. Old Testament transl. by F. J. Raper, H.
W. Carter, J. M. Lloyd, D. E. Jones and others, New Testament transl. by J. H. Lorrain, F. W. Savidge, D. E. Jones and
Edwin Rowlands.
GB: BL(X.100/703) CUL(BSS.592.F64 ; 9840.c.36)
ditto. 3rd ed. – ibd., 1883. Unpaged
A digest of Scripture : Old and New Testament / Rev. A
Judson. 2. a krim`. – [s.l., s.n.], 1986. 126, IV p. – Added title and text in Burmese
US: CU(Annex BS315 .B86 1986)
Bible < M o n >
[The Holy Bible in Mon] … – Rangoon : British and Foreign
Bible Society, 1951. 1240, 575 p. maps. − In Mon also
known as Talain or Peguan. Title in Mon, imprint in English.
Repr. from the New Testament transl. by J. M. Haswell in
1847 and the Old Testament transl. by Robert Halliday in
1928. – This ed. of the Mon Bible is produced in London ...
by kind permission of the American Baptist Foreign Mission
Subject(s): Mon language : Texts - Bible
GB: CUL(BSS.658.F51) Manchester(Deansgate Ref.)
US: CU(Wason BS315 M73 1951)
LC(Microfiche 95/63558 (B))
Extracts (...) from the Old Testament with the Book of Tobias, formerly transl. in Burmese verses / by a Catholic
priest. – Rangoon, 1859. 161 p.
Subject(s): Burmese language : Texts - Bible - Selection
Scripture passages / transl. by W. E. Wiatt. – Rangoon :
American Baptist Mission Pr., 1916. 48 p.
Subject(s): Burmese language : Texts – Bible – Selection
GB: BL-APAC(Bur B 203)
Bible < P e g u a n >
‘Bible < M o n >
Bible < S h a n >
The Holy Bible : containing the Old and New Testament ...
transl. into Shan from the original languages [/ by Josiah
Nelson Cushing]. 1st ed. – Rangoon : American Baptist Mission Pr., 1892. 1226, 391 p. – Added title-page in Shan
Subject(s): Shan language : Texts - Bible
GB: BL(11103 b 1)* CUL(BSS.666.E92)
ditto. – Rangoon : The British and Foreign Bible Society,
1951. 1226, 391 p. – Title-page is in English; added titlepage in Shan. – This edition of the Bible in Shan is reproduced [from the 1892 ed.] in London by photography
with the kind permission of the American Baptist Foreign
Mission Society. - Title-page verso
GB: CUL(BSS.666.F51) Manchester(Deansgate Ref.)
US: CU(Wason BS315 S53 1951 ; Kroch Fiche 887 95
63562 18 fiches) LC(Microfiche 95/63562 (B))
Bible : Selection < B u r m e s e >
An abridgement of the Holy Bible, with morals divided in 24
lessons / transl. into Burmese by F. Bertelli ... – [Rangoon :
Friend of Burma Pr.,] 1891. 148 p.
Subject(s): Burmese language : Texts - Bible - Selection
GB: BL(14300 b 10)*
Scripture texts arranged / comp. by the Religious Tract and
Book Society for Ireland; transl. by J. H. Vinton. 2nd ed. –
Rangoon : American Baptist Mission Pr., 1897. 515 p.
Subject(s): Burmese language : Texts - Bible - Selection US:
YU(Mlp191 B8 897v)
Bible : Selection < C h i n : Haka >
Bible stories for children, Haka Chin : combined Old and
New Testament volumes / a let tu David Van Bik. – Rangoon : Baptist Board of Publ., 1956. IV, 418, 197 p., col.
illus. – Section for N.T. has separate title page: New Testament Bible stories
Subject(s): Haka Chin language : Texts - Bible - Selection
US: CU(Kroch Fiche 887 95 63564)
LC(Microfiche 95/63564 (B))
Bible : Selection < K a c h i n >
Daily reading in Kachin ... / selected and arranged by H. W.
Smith. – Rangoon : American Baptist Mission Pr., 1932. 370
p. – Added title and text in Kachin
Subject(s): Kachin language : Texts - Bible - Selection
GB: BL(11103 a 69)*
BL-APAC(Kachin B.24)
Buddhist and Christian scriptures
Tha Din
Bible : Selection < K a r e n >
The child’s story Bible. – Rangoon : Burma Baptist Convention, 1959. 241 p., [16] p. of plates, col. illus.
Subject(s): Karen language - Texts - Bible - Selection
US: NIU(SEABS315 .K31959)
Child story Bible … – Ran` kun`, 1990. 156 p., illus. –
Added title and text in burmese
Subject(s): Burmese language : Texts - Bible stories - Juvenile literature
Bible : Selection < K a r e n : Pwo >
A digest of Scripture : on the plan of Brown’s "Selection of
Scripture passages" in Pwo-Karen [/ ed. by Mrs. M. M.
Rose] ... 1st ed. − Rangoon : Print. at the American Mission
Pr. for the Burmah Bible and Tract Society, aided by the
B 68
Bibliographical description
London Tract Society, 1876. 214 p. − Text in Karen characters, title-page in English and Karen.
Subject(s): Pwo Karen dialect : Texts. - Bible - Selection
GB: CUL(BSS.657.2.E76)
ditto. 2nd ed. – Rangoon : American Baptist Mission Pr.,
1916. 208 p.
GB: BL(11103 aaa 2)* BL-APAC(Karen B.36)
ditto. – ibd., 1917.
GB: BL-APAC(Karen B.36)
Responsive readings from the Holy Bible / arranged by C. L.
Conrad ... – Rangoon : American Baptist Mission Pr., 1937.
8, 86 p. – Text in Pwo Karen, index also in English
Subject(s): Pwo Karen dialect : Texts. - Bible - Selection
GB: BL(11103 a 107(4))* BL-APAC(Karen B.123)
GB: BL(14300 b 40)*
US: CU(Lock.Pr.Wason BS315 B82 1834)
HU(Houghton 1286.54.9*) ICN MB
Bible, O.T. < K a r e n : Sgau >
The Old Testament in Sgau Karen / transl. by Francis Mason. – Tavoy: Karen Mission Pr., 1853. 780 p.
Subject(s): Sgaw Karen dialect : Texts – Bible - Old Testament
Bible, O.T. < M o n >
[The Old Testament / transl. by R. Halliday and A. C. Darrow.] – Rangoon : American Baptist Mission Pr., 1909.
Separate pag.
Subject(s): Mon language : Texts - Bible - Old Testament
GB: BL(11103 b 26)
Bible : Selection < K a r e n : Sgau >
Adapted from "Our daily homily" ... / by F. B. Meyer. –
Rangoon : American Baptist Mission Pr., 1917. 43 p.
Subject(s): Sgaw Karen dialect : Texts - Bible
GB: BL(11103 a 31(5))*
The Old Testament : transl. into Peguan from the Hebrew ...
The book of Psalms is included by kind permission of the
British and Foreign Bible Society. − Rangoon : American
Baptist Mission Pr., 1928. Var. pags. − In Mon also known
as Talain or Peguan. Title in English and Peguan. − Translated by Robert Halliday. − Separate books bound together
with general title, only Exodus has its own title page dated
GB: CUL(BSS.658.F28)
Rangoon Sgawkaren preachers’ Bible
Bible : Selection < L a h u >
The way of Salvation in Lahu ... − London : Scripture Gift
Mission, [1939] 42 p. − Romanized text. – Inscription of
transl. on t.p.: The way of salvator’ Scripture texts in Lahu
without commentary. Transl. by James Haxton Telford, Loimwa, Burma 1939. – Back cover: American Baptist Missen
Press Rangoon Burma
Other name: Telford, James Haxton
Subject(s): Lahu language : Texts - Bible - Selection
Ref.: OCLC 48959261
Bible : Selection < M o n >
A digest of Scripture : consisting of extracts from the Old
and New Testaments ; on the plan of Brown’s "Selection of
Scripture passages" ... 1st Peguan ed. – Maulmain: American
Baptist Mission Pr., 1840. 222 p. – In Mon also known as
Talain or Peguan. Text in a form of the Burmese character,
title-page in English and Peguan.
Subject(s): Mon language : Texts - Bible - Selection
US: CU(Kroch Rara & Mss BS399 .M73 A51 ; Film 10336
Reel 199 no.7)
WU(CTR MF-10289 SEAM reel 198 item 7)
ditto. / transl. from the Burmese by Ko Mam-boke ; rev. by
J. M. Haswell. 2nd Peguan ed. – Maulmain: American Mission Pr., publ. for the American and Foreign Bible Society,
1855. 220 p.
GB: BL(11103 a 84)* CUL(BSS.658.E55)
Bible, O.T. < B u r m e s e >
The Old Testament in Burmese ... [/ transl. by Adoniram
Judson]. – Maulmein.
1. Gen.-Ruth. – 1835.
2. 1 Sam.-Job. – 1834.
3. Ps.-Mal. – 1835.
Subject(s): Burmese language : Texts - Bible - Old Testament
F: BN: 1 (A 5989)
Bible, O.T. : Selection < B u r m e s e >
Epitome of Old Testament. 3rd ed. – [Maulmein: Mission
Pr., 1836.] 85 l.
Subject(s): Burmese language : Texts - Bible - Old Testament - Selection
US: NYPL(Research *OY)
A few extracts from the Old Testament with the Book of
Tobias ; formerly transl. in Burmese verses / by a Catholic
priest. – Rangoon, 1859. 161 p.
Subject(s): Burmese language : Texts - Bible - Old Testament - Selection
Ref.: Bernot
Bible, O.T. : Selection < M o n >
Epitome of the Old Testament : Peguan. – Rangoon : American Baptist Mission Pr., 1906. 92 p.
Subject(s): Mon language : Texts - Bible - Old Testament Selection
GB: BL(11103 a 28)*
Bible, O.T. : Selection < W a >
Old Testament Bible stories in Wa / by M. Vincent Young. –
Rangoon : Baptist Board, 1959. VI, 892 p.
Subject(s): Wa language : Texts - Bible - Old Testament Selection
Ref.: Cordier
Bible, O.T. : Hexateuch < B u r m e s e >
Five books of Moses : or the Pentateuch and the book of
Joshua / transl. by Adoniram Judson. – Rangoon : American
Mission Pr., 1876. 240 p.
Subject(s): Burmese language : Texts - Bible - Old Testament - Hexateuch
GB: BL-APAC(F 13/2)
Bible, O.T. : Hexateuch ; Selection < K a r e n >
Patriarchs. – [Warrenton, Mo.: Child Evangelism Fellowship
B 69
Burma Bibliographical Project
Siegfried M. Schwertner
headings, a few references. − Translated by R.G. Johnson
and David Van Bik, both of the American Baptist Foreign
Missionary Society.
Subject(s): Haka Chin language : Texts - Bible - Old Testament - Genesis
GB: BL(3044 b 25)*
CUL(BSS.652.4.F59; CCC.21:4.4)
US: LC(Microfiche 85/63402 (B))
Pr., c1989.] 64 p., illus. – In Karen.
Subject(s): Karen language : Texts
Patriarchs (Bible)
US: NIU(SEA BS573 .P3741989)
The Promised land. – [United States?:] D.C. Cook Publ. Co.,
c1978. 256 p., col. illus. – (The picture Bible for all ages ; 2)
– In Karen.
Subject(s): Karen language : Texts - Bible - Old TestamentSelection - Comic books, strips, etc.
US: NIU(SEA BS558.K37 P7651978)
Bible, O.T. : Pentateuch < K a r e n : Sgau >
The Pentateuch : or, five books of Moses, commonly called
Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy ; in
Sgau Karen ... / transl. by F. Mason. 1st ed. Publ. by the
American and Foreign Bible Society, and printed by the
American Baptist Missionary Union. – Tavoy: Karen Mission Pr., 1852. [196] p.
Subject(s): Sgaw Karen dialect : Texts - Bible - Old Testament - Pentateuch
Bible, O.T. : Genesis < B u r m e s e >
Books of Genesis, Psalms and Isaiah / transl. by Adoniram
Judson. – Rangoon : American Mission Pr., 1876. Various
Subject(s): Burmese language : Texts - Bible - Old Testament - Genesis
GB: BL-APAC(F 13/1)
Genesis and Exodus in Burmese : with Dr. Judson’s last
emendations. Printed for the Burmah Bible and Tract Society ; aided by the British and Foreign Bible Society. –
Rangoon : American Mission Pr., 1864. 195 p. − Date on
cover: 1865
Subject(s): Burmese language : Texts - Bible - Old Testament - Genesis
US: KyLoS(SBGEN PAMPH 222.1105958 .J921g)
MB YU(SML, AOR Rm 329)
Ref.: OCLC 50626924
Genesis and Exodus in Burmese ... [/ transl. by A. Judson.]
2nd ed. Publ. for the Burma Bible and Tract Society. – Rangoon : American Mission Pr., 1873. 397 p. – The wrapper
bears the date 1874
Subject(s): Burmese language : Texts - Bible - Old Testament - Genesis
GB: BL(14300 a 52)* CUL(BSS.650.E73)
Manchester(Deansgate Ref.) BL-APAC(Bur B 661)
Genesis and Exodus, from Dr. Judson’s Burmese Bible ...
3rd ed. Printed for the Burma Bible and Tract Society, aided
by the British and Foreign Bible Society. – Rangoon :
American Baptist Mission Pr., 1888. 385 p.
GB: BL(14300 a 53)*
Genesis. – Rangoon : British and Foreign Bible Society,
1920. 147 p.
GB: BL-APAC(Bur D 1375)
Bible, O.T. : Genesis < C h i n : Haka >
Genesis and Exodus in Chin : Haka ... – London : British
and Foreign Bible Society, 1959. 171 p. − With section
Bible, O.T. : Genesis < K a c h i n >
Genesis / transl. into Kachin by O. Hanson ... – Rangoon :
American Baptist Mission Pr., 1897. 210 p. − In Kachin also
known as Jingpho.
Subject(s): Kachin language : Texts - Bible - Old Testament
- Genesis
GB: BL(11103 a 3(1))
SOAS(GPE Kach 221/38.796)*
Ref.: OCLC 43269391
ditto. – [s.l., s.n., 1915.] 63 p.
GB: BL(11103 b 27(1))* BL-APAC(Kachin D.1)
ditto. – ibd., 1918.
GB: BL-APAC(Kachin D.3)
Bible, O.T. : Genesis < K a r e n >
Beginnings. – [Warrenton, Mo.: Child Evangelism Fellowship Pr., c1989.] 52 p., music.
Subject(s): Karen language : Texts - Bible - Old Testament Genesis - Commentaries
US: NIU(SEA BS1235.4 .B4361989)
Bible, O.T. : Genesis < K a r e n : Sgau >
The first book of Moses, called Genesis / transl. by F. Mason. 1st ed. – Tavoy: Karen Mission Pr., 1848. 129 p.
Subject(s): Sgaw Karen dialect : Texts - Bible - Old Testament - Genesis
The books of Genesis and Exodus : in Sgau Karen ... / transl.
by Francis Mason ... – Rangoon : American Mission Pr.,
1864. 92 p.
Subject(s): Sgaw Karen dialect : Texts - Bible - Old Testament - Genesis
US: ICN(Eames X335.095) YU
Bible, O.T. : Genesis < M o n >
The book of Genesis ... 1st ed. – [/ transl. by R. Halliday and
Arthur C. Darrow.] – Rangoon : American Baptist Mission
Pr., 1909. 201 p. – At head of title: Talain. In Mon also
known as Talain or Peguan. No title-page, cover title in English and Peguan.
Subject(s): Mon language : Texts - Bible - Old Testament Genesis
GB: BL(11103 b 26)*
BL-APAC(Mon B.4)
Bible, O.T. : Genesis < S h a n >
Genesis and Exodus (Shan) ... 1st ed. − Rangoon : American
Baptist Mission Pr., 1884. 445 p. − Title in Shan and English. Translated by J. N. Cushing.
Subject(s): Shan language : Texts - Bible - Old Testament Genesis
GB: CUL(BSS.666.E84)
B 70
Bibliographical description
Bible, O.T. : Exodus < B u r m e s e >
Genesis and Exodus in Burmese : with Dr. Judson’s last
emendations. Printed for the Burmah Bible and Tract Society ; aided by the British and Foreign Bible Society. –
Rangoon : American Mission Pr., 1864. 195 p.
Subject(s): Burmese language : Texts - Bible - Old Testament - Exodus
Genesis and Exodus in Burmese ... [/ transl. by A. Judson].
2nd ed. Publ. for the Burma Bible and Tract Society. – Rangoon : American Mission Pr., 1873. 397 p. – The wrapper
bears the date 1874
GB: BL(14300 a 52)* BL-APAC(Bur B 661)
Genesis and Exodus, from Dr. Judson’s Burmese Bible ...
3rd ed. Printed for the Burma Bible and Tract Society, aided
by the British and Foreign Bible Society. – Rangoon :
American Baptist Mission Pr., 1888. 385 p.
GB: BL(14300 a 53)*
Bible, O.T. : Exodus < C h i n : Haka >
Genesis and Exodus in Chin : Haka ... – London : British
and Foreign Bible Society, 1959. 171 p. − With section
headings, a few references. − Translated by R.G. Johnson
and David Van Bik, both of the American Baptist Foreign
Missionary Society.
Subject(s): Haka Chin language : Texts - Bible - Old Testament - Exodus
GB: BL(3044 b 25)* CUL(BSS.652.4.F59)
US: LC(Microfiche 85/63402 (B))
Bible, O.T. : Exodus < K a c h i n >
Exodus : transl. into Kachin / transl. into Kachin by Rev. O.
Hanson.... – Rangoon : American Baptist Mission Pr., 1898.
178 p.
Subject(s): Kachin language : Texts - Bible - Old Testament
- Exodus
GB: BL(11103 a 3(2))
Ref.: OCLC 43274599
ditto. – [ibd., 1915.] 49 p.
GB: BL(11103 b 27(2))* BL-APAC(Kachin D.2)
ditto. – ibd., 1918.
GB: BL-APAC(Kachin D.3)
Bible, O.T. : Exodus < K a r e n : Sgau >
The second book of Moses, called Exodus / transl. by F. Mason. 1st ed. – Tavoy: Karen Mission, printed for the American and Foreign Bible Society, 1849. 186 p.
Subject(s): Sgaw Karen dialect : Texts – Bible - Old Testament - Exodus
US: MB NYPL(Research *OXE) YU
The books of Genesis and Exodus : in Sgau Karen ... / transl.
by Francis Mason ... – Rangoon : American Mission Pr.,
1864. 92 p.
Subject(s): Sgaw Karen dialect : Texts - Bible - Old Testament - Genesis
US: ICN(Eames X335.095) YU
Bible, O.T. : Exodus < M o n >
The book of Exodus ... / transl. into Talain from the original
Hebrew by Robert Halliday. − Rangoon : American Baptist
Mission Pr., 1912. 60 p. − In Mon also known as Talain or
Peguan. Title in English and Peguan.
Subject(s): Mon language : Texts - Bible - Old Testament Exodus
GB: CUL(BSS.6548.F12)
Bible, O.T. : Exodus < S h a n >
Genesis and Exodus (Shan) ... 1st ed. − Rangoon : American
Baptist Mission Pr., 1884. 445 p. − Title in Shan and English. Translated by J. N. Cushing.
Subject(s): Shan language : Texts - Bible - Old Testament Exodus
GB: CUL(BSS.666.E84)
Bible, O.T. : Exodus : Selection < B u r m e s e >
The ten commandments ... 6th ed. – Rangoon : American
Tract Society, 1866. 24 p. – Added title and text in Burmese
Subject(s): Burmese language : Texts - Bible - Old Testament - Exodus - Selection
US: NYPL(Research *OY p.v.1,no.2)
ditto. 8th ed. – ibd., 1873. 22 p.
GB: BL-APAC(Bur D 1281)
US: LC(BS315.B83)
Bible, O.T. : Leviticus < K a c h i n >
Leviticus in Kachin : transl. into Kachin out of the original
tongues / by O. Hanson. – Rangoon, 1918.
Subject(s): Kachin language : Texts - Bible - Old Testament
- Leviticus
GB: BL-APAC(Kachin D.3)
Bible, O.T. : Leviticus < M o n >
The book of Leviticus in Talain ... – Rangoon : American
Baptist Mission Pr., 1917. 40 p. – At head of title: Peguan
Subject(s): Mon language : Texts - Bible – O.t. - Leviticus
GB: BL(1 in: 11103 b 26)* BL-APAC(Mon D.28)
Bible, O.T. : Numbers < L u s h a i >
Leviticus ; leh Numbers ; leh Deuteronomy [/rev. transl. by
F.J. Raper .. (et al.)] – Calcutta : Bible Society of India,
Pakistan and Ceylon, 1956. 316 p.
Subject(s): Lushai language : Texts - Bible - Old Testament Leviticus
US: CU(BS315 .L85 1956)
Bible, O.T. : Numbers < K a c h i n >
Numbers in Kachin : transl. into Kachin out of the original
tongues / by O. Hanson. – Rangoon, 1918.
Subject(s): Kachin language : Texts - Bible - Old Testament
- Numbers
GB: BL-APAC(Kachin D.3)
Bible, O.T. : Numbers < L u s h a i >
Leviticus ; leh Numbers ; leh Deuteronomy [/rev. transl. by
F.J. Raper .. (et al.)] – Calcutta : Bible Society of India,
Pakistan and Ceylon, 1956. 316 p.
Subject(s): Lushai language : Texts - Bible - Old Testament Numbers
US: CU(BS315 .L85 1956)
Bible, O.T. : Numbers < M o n >
The book of Numbers in Talain [/ transl. by Arthur C. Darrow] ...– Rangoon : American Baptist Mission Pr., 1918. 61
p. – At head of title: Peguan
B 71
Burma Bibliographical Project
Siegfried M. Schwertner
Subject(s): Mon language : Texts - Bible - Old Testament Numbers
GB: BL(2 in: 11103 b 26)* BL-APAC(Mon D.32)
Bible, O.T. : Deuteronomy < K a c h i n >
Deuteronomy in Kachin : transl. into Kachin out of the
original tongues / by O. Hanson. – Rangoon, 1918.
Subject(s): Kachin language : Texts - Bible - Old Testament
- Deuteronomy
GB: BL-APAC(Kachin D.3)
Bible, O.T. : Deuteronomy < L u s h a i >
Leviticus leh Numbers leh Deuteronomy [/rev. transl. by F.J.
Raper .. (et al.)] – Calcutta : Bible Society of India, Pakistan
and Ceylon, 1956. 316 p..
Subject(s): Lushai language : Texts - Bible - Old Testament
– Deuteronomy
US: CU(BS315 .L85 1956)
Bible, O.T. : Deuteronomy < M o n >
Deuteronomy in Talain [/ transl. by Arthur C. Darrow] ... –
Rangoon : American Baptist Mission Pr., 1919. 52 p. – At
head of title: Peguan
Subject(s): Mon language : Texts - Bible - Old Testament Deuteronomy
GB: BL(3 in: 11103 b 26)* BL-APAC(Mon D.29)
Bible, O.T. : Deuteronomy : Selection < K a r e n : Sgau >
Adaption from Our daily homily : Deuteronomy ... / by F. B.
Meyer. – Rangoon : American Baptist Mission Pr., 1922. 38
p. – Added title and text in Sgaw Karen
Subject(s): Sgaw Karen dialect : Texts – Bible - Old Testament - Deuteronomy
GB: BL(11103 a 31(5))*
Bible, O.T. : Joshua < K a c h i n >
Joshua in Kachin : transl. into Kachin out of the original
tongues / by O. Hanson. – Rangoon, 1918.
Subject(s): Kachin language : Texts - Bible - Old Testament
- Joshua
GB: BL-APAC(Kachin D.3)
Bible, O.T. : Judges : Selection < K a r e n : Sgau >
Adaption from Our daily homily : Joshua, Judges, Ruth ... /
by F. B. Meyer. – Rangoon : American Baptist Mission Pr.,
1922. 47 p. – Added title and text in Sgau Karen
Subject(s): Sgaw Karen dialect : Texts - Bible - Old Testament - Judges - Selection
GB: BL(11103 a 31(6))*
Bible, O.T. : Ruth < K a r e n >
[Ruth.] – [Warrenton, Mo.: Child Evangelism Fellowship
Pr., c1989.] 65 p., illus. − In Karen.
Subject(s): Karen language : Texts - Bible - Old Testament Ruth
US: NIU(SEA BS580.R8 R8741989)
Bible, O.T. : Ruth < M o n >
Ruth in Talain [/ transl. by Arthur C. Darrow] ... – Rangoon :
American Baptist Mission Pr., 1921. 5 p. – At head of title:
Subject(s): Mon language : Texts - Bible - Old Testament Ruth
GB: BL(6 in: 11103 b 26)* BL-APAC(Mon D.10)
Bible, O.T. : Ruth : Selection < K a r e n : Sgau >
Adaption from Our daily homily : Joshua, Judges, Ruth ... /
by F. B. Meyer. – Rangoon : American Baptist Mission Pr.,
1922. 47 p. – Added title and text in Sgau Karen
Subject(s): Sgaw Karen dialect : Texts - Bible - Old Testament - Ruth - Selection
GB: BL(11103 a 31(6))*
Bible, O.T. : Samuel < M o n >
Samuel in Talaing / transl. by Arthur C. Darrow. – Rangoon,
Subject(s): Mon language : Texts - Bible - Old Testament Samuel
GB: BL-APAC(Mon D.9)
ditto. – ibd., 1921.
GB: BL-APAC(Mon D.20)
The first book of Samuel in Talain ... – Rangoon : American
Baptist Mission Pr., 1920. 48 p. – At head of title: Peguan
Subject(s): Mon language : Texts - Bible - Old Testament Samuel I
GB: BL(7 in: 11103 b 26)* BL-APAC(Mon D.17)
Bible, O.T. : Joshua < M o n >
Joshua in Talain [/ transl. by Arthur C. Darrow] ... – Rangoon : American Baptist Mission Pr., 1919. 35 p. – At head
of title: Peguan
Subject(s): Mon language : Texts - Bible - Old Testament Joshua
GB: BL(4 in: 11103 b 26)* BL-APAC(Mon D.31)
Bible, O.T. : Joshua : Selection < K a r e n : Sgau >
Adaption from Our daily homily : Joshua, Judges, Ruth ... /
by F. B. Meyer. – Rangoon : American Baptist Mission Pr.,
1922. 47 p. - Added title and text in Sgau Karen
Subject(s): Sgaw Karen dialect : Texts - Bible - Old Testament - Joshua - Selection
GB: BL(11103 a 31(6))*
Bible, O.T. : Judges < M o n >
Judges in Talain [/ transl. by Arthur C. Darrow] ... – Rangoon : American Baptist Mission Pr., 1921. 37 p. – At head
of title: Peguan
Subject(s): Mon language : Texts - Bible - Old Testament Judges
GB: BL(5 in: 11103 b 26)* BL-APAC(Mon D.18)
II. Samuel in Talain ... – Rangoon : American Baptist Mission Pr., 1920. 41 p. – At head of title: Peguan
Subject(s): Mon language : Texts - Bible - Old Testament Samuel II
GB: BL(8 in: 11103 b 26)*
Bible, O.T. : Samuel : Selection < K a r e n : Sgau >
Adaption from Our daily homily : 1st and 2nd Samuel ... / by
F. B. Meyer. – Rangoon : American Baptist Mission Pr.,
1922. 61 p. – Added title and text in Sgaw Karen
Subject(s): Sgaw Karen dialect : Texts - Bible - Old Testament - Samuel - Selection
GB: BL(11103 a 31(5))*
Bible, O.T. : Chronicle : Selection < K a r e n : Sgaw >
Our daily homily : 1st and 2nd Chronicles. – Rangoon :
American Baptist Mission Pr., 1926. 148 p. – Added title
and text in Sgaw Karen
B 72
Bibliographical description
Subject(s): Sgaw Karen dialect : Texts - Bible - Old Testament - Chronicle - Selection
GB: BL-APAC(Karen B.33)
Bible, O.T. : Ezra < M o n >
Ezra in Talain [/ transl. by Arthur C. Darrow] ... – Rangoon :
American Baptist Mission Pr., 1921. 15 p. – At head of title:
Subject(s): Mon language : Texts - Bible - Old Testament Ezra
GB: BL(9 in: 11103 b 26(1))* BL-APAC(Mon D.19)
Bible, O.T. : Psalms < B u r m e s e >
Psalms and Proverbs ... [/ transl. by A. Judson]. 3rd ed. Published by Burmah Bible and Tract Society. – Rangoon :
American Mission Pr., 1870. 336, 111 p.
Subject(s): Burmese language : Texts - Bible - Old Testament - Psalms
GB: BL(14300 a 55)*
Bible, O.T. : Nehemia < M o n >
Nehemia in Talain ... – Rangoon : American Baptist Mission
Pr., 1921. 21 p. – At head of title: Peguan
Subject(s): Mon language : Texts - Bible - Old Testament Nehemia
GB: BL(10 in: 11103 b 26(2))* BL-APAC(Mon D.7)
Bible, O.T. : Esther < B u r m e s e >
The books of Esther, Daniel and Jonah [/ transl. by A.
Judson] ... Publ. by Burma Bible and Tract Society. – Rangoon : Mission Pr., 1875. 107 p.
Subject(s): Burmese language : Texts - Bible - Old Testament - Ester
GB: BL(14300 a 54)*
BL-APAC(Bur B 492)
Bible, O.T. : Esther < K a r e n >
The Books of Esther, Daniel and Jonah ... 1st ed.− Rangoon :
Burmah Bible and Tract Society, 1875. [100] p. − Title in
English and Karen
Subject(s): Karen language : Texts - Bible - Old Testament Essther
GB: Glasgow(Temporary storage ; B2-h.9)
Bible, O.T. : Historical books : Harmony < K a r e n : Sgau >
A harmony of the books of Samuel, Kings, and Chronicles ...
arranged in Sgau Karen / by Anna Haven Smith. – Rangoon
: American Baptist Mission Pr., 1916. 700 p.
Subject(s): Sgaw Karen dialect : Texts - Bible - Old Testament - Historical books - Selection
Bible, O.T. : Job < B u r m e s e >
The book of Job ... 1st ed. – Rangoon, 1879.
Subject(s): Burmese language : Texts - Bible - Old Testament - Job
Notes on the Book of Job / by John McGuire ... 1st ed. –
Rangoon : American Baptist Mission Pr., 1912. 200 p. –
Added title and text in Burmese
Subject(s): Burmese language : Texts - Bible - Old Testament - Job - Commentaries
GB: BL(14300 b 21)* BL-APAC(Bur D 531)
US: LC(Microfiche 96/63564 (B)) NRU
Bible, O.T. : Job < K a r e n >
The Book of Job with annotations and references / transl.
from the annotated paragraph Bible by D. A. W. Smith ... 1st
ed. Publ. by the Burmah Bible and Tract Society ... – Rangoon : American Mission Pr., 1879. 127 p.
Subject(s): Karen language : Texts - Bible - Old Testament Job - Commentaries
GB: BL(11103 aa 15)*
B 73
ditto. / publ. by the American Baptist Missionary Union, in
connection with the Burma Bible and Tract Society. – Rangoon : American Baptist Mission Pr., 1903. 334, 108 p.
GB: BL(14300 a 7)
The book of Psalms : in Burmese. – Rangoon : British and
Foreign Bible Society, 1912. 283 p.
Subject(s): Burmese language : Texts - Bible - Old Testament - Psalms
GB: BL(14300 a 68(3))*
Books of Genesis, Psalms and Isaiah / transl. by Adoniram
Judson. – Rangoon : American Mission Pr., 1876. Various
Subject(s): Burmese language : Texts - Bible - Old Testament - Psalms
GB: BL-APAC(Bur F 13/1)
The Psalms ... ./ transl. by Adoniram Judson. Print. for the
British and Foreign Bible Society, Burma Agency. − Rangoon : cAmerican Baptist Mission Pr., 1903. 324 p. – Titlepage in English and Burmese
Subject(s): Burmese language : Texts - Bible - Old Testament - Psalms
Ref.: OCLC 54336091
ditto. – ibd., 1909.
Ref.: OCLC 54337189 ; 54337150
Psalms and Proverbs with references [/ ed. by Mrs. E. O.
Stevens] ... Publ. by the American Baptist Foreign Mission
Society. – Rangoon : American Baptist Mission Pr., 1918.
290, 90 p.
Subject(s): Burmese language : Texts - Bible - Old Testament - Psalms
GB: BL(14300 a 33)*
BL-APAC(Bur B 120)
New Testament and Psalms in Burmese ... – Rangoon : British and Foreign Bible Society, 1938. 384, [589]-689 p. –
This ed. is produced in London by a photo-engraving process from the ed. of 1933, by the kind permission of the
American Baptist Foreign Mission Society
Subject(s): Burmese language : Texts - Bible - Old Testament - Psalms
GB: BL(14300 b 48)*
ditto. – Ran` kun`, 1943. 384, [589]-689 p.
US: CU(Kroch Fiche 887 95 63555)
LC(Microfiche 95/63555 (B))
ditto. – Rangoon : British and Foreign Bible Society, 1958.
340, 558-646 p. − Added title page in Burmese
US:HU(Andover-Harv. Theol Harv.Depos. BS315 .B85
Burma Bibliographical Project
Siegfried M. Schwertner
Bible, O.T. : Psalms < C h i n : Haka >
Psalms and Isaiah in Lai (Haka) Chin ... − Rangoon : Bible
Society of Burma, 1968. 288 p. − With section headings, a
few footnotes. − Translated by R.G. Johnson and David Van
Bik, both of the American Baptist Foreign Missionary Society.
Subject(s): Haka Chin language : Texts - Bible - Old Testament - Psalms
GB: CUL(BSS.652.4.F68)
Bible, O.T. : Psalms < C h i n : Tiddim >
Psalms in Tiddem Chin / translated by K. K. Thang ; assisted
by a committee of the Tiddim Baptist Association. – Rangoon : The Bible Society of Burma, 195-?. 213 p.
Subject(s): Tiddim Chin dialect : Texts - Bible - Old Testament - Psalms
US: CU(Annex BS315.T6 1950)
Subject(s): Kachin language : Texts - Bible - Old Testament
- Psalms
GB: SOAS(GPE Kach 221/232.086)*
Bible, O.T. : Psalms < K a r e n : Sgau >
The Psalms in Sgau Karen / transl. by F. Mason ... – Maulmain: American Mission Pr., 1849. 150 p. – Preface in English
Subject(s): Sgaw Karen dialect : Texts - Bible - Old Testament - Psalms
GB: BL(11103 aa 16)*
ditto. 3rd ed. / printed for the Burmah Bible and Tract Society, aided by the British and Foreign Bible Society. – Rangoon, 1865. – On cover: Psalms and Proverbs
The Book of Psalms : arranged for responsive reading [/ rev.
by E. B. Cross]. – Rangoon : American Baptist Mission Pr.,
1901. 216 p.
Subject(s): Sgaw Karen dialect : Texts - Bible - Old Testament - Psalms
GB: BL(11103 a 19)*
ditto. − ibd., 1964. 213 p.
GB: CUL(BSS.651.2.F64)
Ref.: OCLC 31638308
The New Testament & Psalms in Tiddim Chin ... − Rangoon
: Bible Society of Burma, 1967. 780 p. – The New Testament in Tiddim Chin is printed from Dr. J. H. Cope's translation by the kind permission of the Burma Baptist Convention. - The Psalms translated by K.K. Thang et al
Subject(s): Tiddim Chin dialect : Texts - Bible - Old Testament- Psalm
Ref.: OCLC 31638292
Bible, O.T. : Psalms < J i n g p h o >
Bible, O.T. : Psalms < K a c h i n >
Bible, O.T. : Psalms < K a c h i n >
The Psalms / transl. into Kachin by O. Hanson ... – Rangoon
: American Baptist Mission Pr., 1901. 274 p.
Subject(s): Kachin language : Texts - Bible - Old Testament
- Psalms
GB: BL(11103 a 20)*
Bible, O.T. : Psalms < K a w>
New Testament and Psalms in Akha / [trad. in lingua Akha
di] fr. Stephen Ano. – Yangon, 1999. 1021 p. – For private
Subject(s): Kaw language : Texts - Bible - Old Testament Psalms
I: BCMP(REL/02/0528)
Bible, O.T. : Psalms < L a h u >
The Book of Psalms / transl. by J. Haxton Telford ; assisted
by Sala David and Sala Ai Pun ... – Rangoon : American
Baptist Mission Pr., 1939. 100 p.
Subject(s): Lahu language : Bible - Old Testament - Psalns
GB: BL(11103 aa 20)* CUL(BSS.662.F39)
ditto. ... – Rangoon : British and Foreign Bible Society,
1953. 100 p. − On t-p verso is a note "This edition of the
Psalms in Lahu is produced in London by a photo-offset
process ..."
GB: BL(3091 c 5)* CUL(BSS.662.F53)
Manchester(Deansgate Ref.)
OUL(BOD Ps. Lahu d.1)
ditto. 2nd ed. – ibd., 1923. 192 p.
GB: BL(11103 aaa 16(2))* BL-APAC(Kachin B.27(b))
The New Testament in Kachin … [and The Psalms] / transl.
from the original by O. Hanson. 3rd ed. − Rangoon : American Baptist Mission Pr., 1928. 585, 192 p. − In Kachin also
known as Jingpho. Volume includes the Psalms though not
mentioned on title-page.
Subject(s): Kachin language : Texts - Bible - Old Testament
- Psalms
GB: CUL(BSS.656.F28)
Ref.: OCLC 54333798
The New Testament in Kachin/Jinghpaw ... [and The
Psalms] − Rangoon : British and Foreign Bible Society
Burma Agency, 1945. 736 p. − Publ. by the BFBS by permission of the ABFMS. − Psalms with separate title-page
Subject(s): Kachin language : Texts - Bible – Old Testament
- Psalms
GB: CUL(BSS.656.2.F45)
Ref.: OCLC 31674368
[Psalms in Kachin]. – Rangoon : British and Foreign Bible
Society, 1951. p. 554-736. – This ed. of the Psalms in Kachin/Jinghpaw is produced in London
Bible, O.T. : Psalms < M a r u >
The New Testament, Psalms and Proverbs in Lhaovo common language ... – [Yangon] : Bible Society of Myanmar,
2003. 474, 175 p., col. map.
Subject(s): Maru language : Texts - Bible - Old Testament Psalms
US: CU(Kroch BS315 .M41 2003)
Bible, O.T. : Psalms < M o n >
The Psalms : Peguan ... [/ transl. by R. Halliday]. Publ. by
the British and Foreign Bible Society. – Rangoon : American
Baptist Mission Pr., 1904. 288 p. − In Mon also known as
Talain or Peguan. Text in a form of the Burmese character,
title-page in English and Peguan.
Subject(s): Mon language : Texts - Bible - Old Testament Psalms
GB: BL(in: 11103 b 26)* CUL(BSS.658.F04)
BL-APAC(Mon B.2)
B 74
Bibliographical description
Bible, O.T. : Psalms < T a n g s a >
Naga Hawa New Testament with Psalms & Proverbs, a
translation in Common Language / prep. by G. W. Daniel et
al. … Bible Society of Myanmar. − [Bangkok:] Vhvlx Thuic
Thaungc, 2001, (c)2000. [II], 466, 170 p., [4] p. of plates,
maps. − United Bible Societies language: Hawa Naga
ISBN 9748762726
Subject(s): Tangsa language : Texts - Bible
Ref.: OCLC 49590795
Bible, O.T. : Proverbs < B u r m e s e >
Psalms and Proverbs with references [/ ed. by Mrs. E. O.
Stevens] ... Publ. by the American Baptist Foreign Mission
Society. – Rangoon : American Baptist Mission Pr., 1918.
290, 90 p.
Subject(s): Burmese language : Texts - Bible - Old Testament - Proverbs
GB: BL(14300 a 33)*
BL-APAC(Bur B 120)
Bible, O.T. : Proverbs < B u r m e s e : Judson >
Psalms and Proverbs ... [/ transl. by A. Judson]. 3rd ed. Published by Burmah Bible and Tract Society. – Rangoon :
American Mission Pr., 1870. 336, 111 p.
Subject(s): Burmese language : Texts - Bible - Old Testament - Psalms
GB: BL(14300 a 55)*
Bible, O.T. : Proverbs < M o n >
Proverbs in Talain [/ transl. by Arthur C. Darrow] ... – Rangoon : American Baptist Mission Pr., 1921. 34 p. – At head
of title: Peguan
Subject(s): Mon language : Texts - Bible - Old Testament Proverbs
GB: BL(11 in: 11103 b 26)* BL-APAC(Mon D.8)
Bible, O.T. : Proverbs < T a n g s a >
Naga Hawa New Testament with Psalms & Proverbs, a
translation in Common Language / prep. by G. W. Daniel et
al. … Bible Society of Myanmar. − [Bangkok:] Vhvlx Thuic
Thaungc, 2001, (c)2000. [II], 466, 170 p., [4] p. of plates,
maps. − United Bible Societies language: Hawa Naga
ISBN 9748762726
Subject(s): Tangsa language - Texts - Bible.
Ref.: OCLC 49590795
Bible, O.T. : Ecclesiastes < K a w >
The Book of Ecclesiastes, and the Song of Solomon in the
Akra (Gā-) language, transl. from the original Hebrew. –
Stuttgart: Printed for the British & Foreign Bible Society
[by] Steinkopf, [186-?]. 38 p.
Subject(s): Kaw language : Texts - Bible - Old Testament Ecclesiastics
F: BIULO(in: OO IX 143)*
ditto. / publ. by the American Baptist Missionary Union, in
connection with the Burma Bible and Tract Society. – Rangoon : American Baptist Mission Pr., 1903. 334, 108 p.
GB: BL(14300 a 7)
Bible, O.T. : Song of Solomon < K a w >
The Book of Ecclesiastes, and the Song of Solomon in the
Akra (Gā-) language, transl. from the original Hebrew. –
Stuttgart: Printed for the British & Foreign Bible Society
[by] Steinkopf, [186-?]. 38 p.
Subject(s): Kaw language : Texts - Bible - Old Testament Song of Solomon
F: BIULO(in: OO IX 143)*
Proverbs ... Printed for the British and Foreign Bible Society. – Rangoon : American Baptist Mission Pr., 1909. 108
p. – In Judson’s version
Subject(s): Burmese language : Texts - Bible - Old Testament - Psalms
GB: BL(14300 a 18)*
Bible, O.T. : Song of Solomon < M o n >
The song of Solomon in Talain ... – Rangoon : American
Baptist Mission Pr., 1921. 7 p. – At head of title: Peguan
Subject(s): Mon language : Texts - Bible - Old Testament Song of Solomon
GB: BL(12 in: 11103 b 26)*
Bible, O.T. : Proverbs < K a c h in : Jinghpaw >
New Testament with Psalms and Proverbs : Kachin/Jinghpaw / transl. by O. Hanson. − [Reading, UK] :
United Bible Societies, 1987. 736, 56 p.
Subject(s): Kachin language - Texts - Bible.
Ref.: OCLC 31674283
Bible, O.T. : Isaiah < B u r m e s e >
Books of Genesis, Psalms and Isaiah / transl. by Adoniram
Judson. – Rangoon : American Mission Pr., 1876. Various
Subject(s): Burmese language : Texts - Bible - Old Testament - Isaiah
GB: BL-APAC(F 13/1)
Bible, O.T. : Proverbs < K a w >
The Proverbs transl. from the original Hebrew into Akralanguage. – Stuttgart: Printed for the British & Foreign Bible
Society [by] Steinkopf, 1861. 66 p.
Subject(s): Kaw language : Texts - Bible - Old Testament Proverbs
F: BIULO(OO IX 143)*
Bible, O.T. : Proverbs < M a r u >
The New Testament, Psalms and Proverbs in Lhaovo common language ... – [Yangon] : Bible Society of Myanmar,
2003. 474, 175 p., col. map.
Subject(s): Maru language : Texts- Bible - Old Testament Proverbs
US: CU(Kroch BS315 .M41 2003)
Bible, O.T. : Isaiah < C h i n : Haka >
Psalms and Isaiah in Lai (Haka) Chin ... − Rangoon : Bible
Society of Burma, 1968. 288 p. − With section headings, a
few footnotes. − Translated by R.G. Johnson and David Van
Bik, both of the American Baptist Foreign Missionary Society.
Subject(s): Haka Chin language : Texts - Bible - Old Testament - Isaiah
GB: CUL(BSS.652.4.F68)
Bible, O.T. : Isaiah < K a r e n : Pwo >
Isaiah in Pwo Karen / having been transferred from Sgau by
Karens and carefully corr. by D. L. Brayton ... 1st ed.− Rangoon : American Mission Press , 1867. 96 p. Title page in
English and Karen.
B 75
Burma Bibliographical Project
Siegfried M. Schwertner
Subject(s): Pwo Karen dialect : Texts. - Bible - Old Testament - Isaih
GB: CUL(BSS.657.2.E67) Glasgow(Temp.storage ; B2-d.2)
Bible, O.T. : Isaiah < K a r e n : Sgau >
A commentary on Isaiah / by J. Wade ... Publ. by the Burma
Baptist Missionary Convention with the Wade Printing
Fund. – Rangoon : American Baptist Mission Pr., 1904. 531
p. – Added title and text in Sgau Karen
Subject(s): Sgaw Karen dialect : Texts - Bible - Old Testament - Isaiah
GB: BL(11103 b 14)*
Bible, O.T. : Isaiah < K a w >
The Book of the prophet Isaiah in the Akra language. –
Stuttgart: [Print. for the British & Foreign Bible Society by]
Steinkopf, 1866. 159 p.
Subject(s): Kaw language : Texts - Bible - Old Testament Isaiah
F: BIULO(in: OO IX 143)*
Bible, O.T. : Jeremia < K a w >
The Book of prophet Jeremia and the Lamentationes of
Jeremia, transl. from the original Hebrew into the Gā- or
Akra-language. – Stuttgart: Print. for the British & Foreign
Bible Society [by Steinkopf, 186-?]. 191 p.
Subject(s): Kaw language : Texts - Bible - Old Testament Jeremia
F: BIULO(in: OO IX 143)*
Bible, O.T. : Ezekiel < K a w >
The Book of prophet Ezekiel in the Gā- (Akra-) language. –
Stuttgart: Printed for the British & Foreign Bible Society
[by] Steinkopf, 1864. 157 p.
Subject(s): Kaw language : Texts - Bible - Old Testament Ezekiel
F: BIULO(in: OO IX 143)*
Bible, O.T. : Ezekiel < M o n >
Ezekiel in Talain. – Rangoon : American Baptist Mission
Pr., 1922. 72 p. – At head of title: Peguan
Subject(s): Mon language : Texts - Bible - Old Testament Ezekiel
GB: BL(13 in: 11103 b 26)*
Bible, O.T. : Daniel < B u r m e s e >
The books of Esther, Daniel and Jonah [/ transl. by A.
Judson] ... Publ. by Burma Bible and Tract Society. – Rangoon : Mission Pr., 1875. 107 p.
Subject(s): Burmese language : Texts - Bible - Old Testament - Daniel
GB: BL(14300 a 54)* BL-APAC(Bur B 492)
Bible, O.T. : Daniel < K a r e n >
The Books of Esther, Daniel and Jonah ... 1st ed.− Rangoon :
Burmah Bible and Tract Society, 1875. [100] p. − Title in
English and Karen
Subject(s): Karen language : Texts - Bible - Old Testament Daniel
GB: Glasgow(Temporary storage ; B2-h.9)
Daniel. – [Warrenton, Mo.: Child Evangelism Fellowship
Pr., c1989.] 44 p., illus.
Subject(s): Daniel (Biblical character)
Karen language - Texts - Bible
US: NIU(SEABS580.D2 D3541989)
Bible, O.T. : Daniel < K a r e n : Sgau >
Commentary on the book of Daniel / by E. B. Cross. Printed
by the Burma Baptist Missionary Convention with the
“Wade Printing Fund”. – Rangoon : American Baptist Mission Pr., 1892. 121, 29 p. – Added title page and text in
Subject(s): Sgaw Karen dialect : Texts - Bible - Old Testament - Daniel
GB: BL(11103 b 24)*
Bible, O.T. : Daniel < K a w >
The Book of prophet Daniel, in the Akra (Gā) language. –
Stuttgart: [Printed for the British & Foreign Bible Society
by] Steinkopf, 1866. 40 p.
Subject(s): Kaw language : Texts - Bible - Old Testament Daniel
F: BIULO(in: OO IX 143)*
Bible, O.T. : Daniel < M o n >
The book of Daniel in Talaing [/ transl. by Arthur C. Darrow]. – Rangoon : American Baptist Mission Pr., 1914. 22 p.
– At head of title: Peguan
Subject(s): Mon language : Texts - Bible - Old Testament Daniel
GB: BL(14 in: 11103 b 26)* BL-APAC(Mon D.30)
Bible, O.T. : Hosea < M o n >
Hosea in Talaing [/ transl. by Arthur C. Darrow]. – Rangoon
: American Baptist Mission Pr., 1920. 13 p. – At head of title: Peguan
Subject(s): Mon language : Texts - Bible - Old Testament Hosea
GB: BL(15 in: 11103 b 26)* BL-APAC(Mon D.12)
Bible, O.T. : Joel < M o n >
Joel in Talaing [/ transl. by Arthur C. Darrow]. – Rangoon :
American Baptist Mission Pr., 1920. 5 p. – At head of title:
Subject(s): Mon language : Texts - Bible - Old Testament Joel
GB: BL(16 in: 11103 b 26)* BL-APAC(Mon D.13)
Bible, O.T. : Amos < M o n >
Amos in Talaing [/ transl. by Arthur C. Darrow]. – Rangoon
: American Baptist Mission Pr., 1921. 9 p. – At head of title:
Subject(s): Mon language : Texts - Bible - Old Testament Amos
GB: BL(17 in: 11103 b 26)*
BL-APAC(Mon D.11)
Bible, O.T. : Obadiah < K a c h i n >
Books of Obadiah and Jonah / transl. into Kachin by Ola
Hanson. – Rangoon : American Baptist Mission Pr., 1899.
15 p. − In Kachin also known as Jingpho.
Subject(s): Kachin language : Texts - Bible - Old Testament
- Obadiah
GB: BL(11103 a 3(3))*
Ref.: OCLC 54331763
Bible, O.T. : Obadiah < M o n >
Obadiah in Talain [/ transl. by Arthur C. Darrow]. – Rangoon : American Baptist Mission Pr., 1921. 3 p. – At head of
title: Peguan
B 76
Bibliographical description
Subject(s): Mon language : Texts - Bible - Old Testament Obadiah
GB: BL(18 in: 11103 b 26)* BL-APAC(Mon D.16)
Bible, O.T. : Jona < B u r m e s e >
The books of Esther, Daniel and Jonah [/ transl. by A.
Judson] ... Publ. by Burma Bible and Tract Society. – Rangoon : Mission Pr., 1875. 107 p.
Subject(s): Burmese language : Texts - Bible - Old Testament - Jona
GB: BL(14300 a 54)* BL-APAC(Bur B 492)
Bible, O.T. : Jona < K a c h i n >
Books of Obadiah and Jonah / transl. into Kachin by Ola
Hanson. – Rangoon : American Baptist Mission Pr., 1899.
15 p. − In Kachin also known as Jingpho.
Subject(s): Kachin language : Texts - Bible - Old Testament
- Jona
GB: BL(11103 a 3(3))* CUL(BSS.656.2.E99))
Bible, O.T. : Jona < K a r e n >
The Books of Esther, Daniel and Jonah ... 1st ed.− Rangoon :
Burmah Bible and Tract Society, 1875. [100] p. − Title in
English and Karen
Subject(s): Karen language : Texts - Bible - Old Testament Jona
GB: Glasgow(Temporary storage ; B2-h.9)
Bible, O.T. : Jona < L a k h e r >
The books of the prophets Jonah and Malachi in Lakher, or
Mara ... – Calcutta : British and Foreign Bible Society, 1934.
GB: BL(14180 c 57)
Bible, O.T. : Jona < M o n >
Jona in Talaing / transl. by Arthur C. Darrow. – Rangoon,
Subject(s): Mon language : Texts - Bible - Old Testament Jona
GB: BL-APAC(Mon D.15)
Bible, O.T. : Micah < M o n >
Micah in Talaing [/ transl. by Arthur C. Darrow]. – Rangoon
: American Baptist Mission Pr., 1921. 7 p. – At head of title:
Subject(s): Mon language : Texts - Bible - Old Testament Micah
GB: BL(19 in: 11103 b 26)* BL-APAC(Mon D.14)
Bible, O.T. : Zephaniah < M o n >
Zephaniah in Talaing [/ transl. by Arthur C. Darrow]. – Rangoon : American Baptist Mission Pr., 1921. 4 p. – American
Baptist Mission Pr.,
Subject(s): Mon language : Texts - Bible - Old Testament Zephaniah
GB: BL(22 in: 11103 b 26)* BL-APAC(Mon D.23)
Bible, O.T. : Haggai < M o n >
Haggai in Talaing [/ transl. by Arthur C. Darrow]. – Rangoon : American Baptist Mission Pr., 1921. 3 p. – At head of
title: Peguan
Subject(s): Mon language : Texts - Bible - Old Testament Haggai
GB: BL(20 in: 11103 b 26)* BL-APAC(Mon D.24)
Bible, O.T. : Zechariah < M o n >
Zechariah in Talaing [/ transl. by Arthur C. Darrow]. – Rangoon 1921. 14 p. – At head of title: Peguan
Subject(s): Mon language : Texts - Bible - Old Testament Zechariah
GB: BL(24 in: 11103 b 26)* BL-APAC(Mon D.26)
Bible, O.T. : Malachi < L a k h e r >
The books of the prophets Jonah and Malachi in Lakher, or
Mara ... – Calcutta : British and Foreign Bible Society, 1934.
GB: BL(14180 c 57)
Bible, O.T. : Malachi < M o n >
Malachi in Talaing [/ transl. by Arthur C. Darrow]. – Rangoon : American Baptist Mission Pr. – At head of title:
Subject(s): Mon language : Texts - Bible - Old Testament Malachi
GB: BL(25 in: 11103 b 26)*
BL-APAC(Mon D.25)
Bible, N.T. < B u r m e s e : Bible Society version >
The New Testament in Burmese ... [/ rev. by a Bible Society
Committee comprising A. H. Bestall ; Rickard and others]. –
Rangoon ; London : British and Foreign Bible Society, 1912.
891 p.
Subject(s): Burmese language : Texts - Bible - New Testament
GB: BL(14300 a 21)*
ditto. – ibd., 1913.
Bible, O.T. : Nahum < M o n >
Nahum in Talaing [/ transl. by Arthur C. Darrow]. – Rangoon : American Baptist Mission Pr., 1921. 3 p. – At head of
title: Peguan
Subject(s): Mon language : Texts - Bible - Old Testament Nahum
GB: BL(20 in: 11103 b 26)*
BL-APAC(Mon D.22)
Bible, O.T. : Habakkuk < M o n >
Habakkuk in Talaing [/ transl. by Arthur C. Darrow]. – Rangoon : American Baptist Mission Pr., 1921. 4 p. – At head of
title: Peguan
Subject(s): Mon language : Texts - Bible - Old Testament Habakkuk
GB: BL(21 in: 11103 b 26)*
BL-APAC(Mon D.21)
ditto. – ibd., 1916. 891 p.
D: TU-UB(16 A 9512)
GB: SOAS(GPC 225/1.477)*
ditto. – ibd., 1952. 300 p.
GB: SOAS(GPC 22/197.695; 233.959)*
Bible, N.T. < B u r m e s e : Judson >
The New Testament in Burmese ... [/ transl. by A. Judson. –
Maulmein: American Baptist Mission Pr., 1832.] I, 619 p.
Subject(s): Burmese language : Texts - Bible - New Testament
GB: BL(14300 b 41)*
US: CU(Kroch Asia Rare BS315 .B85 1832)
HU(Houghton *42-5577)
B 77
Burma Bibliographical Project
Siegfried M. Schwertner
ditto. – [Serampore?,] 1836. 853 p.
US: UoC(BS2215.B8 1836)
ditto. – Rangoon : British and Foreign Bible Society, 1952.
300 p.
GB: SOAS(GPC 225/197.695)*
The New Testament of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
2nd ed. ... – Maulmein: American Baptist Mission Pr., 1837.
I, 652 p.
Subject(s): Burmese language : Texts - Bible - New Testament
GB: BL(14300 b 42)* SOAS(EB 83.579 / 345.882 ;
EB 83.580 / 345.819)
NNUT(Burke Union Rare CB53 B96 1837)
The New Testament of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ /
transl. into the Burmese, from the original Greek by A.
Judson. – Boston: American Baptist Foreign Mission Society, 1913. 350 p.
Subject(s): Burmese language : Texts - Bible - New Testament
US: CU(Annex BS315.B855 1913 ; Kroch Film 10336
reel 135 no.2 ; Annex Film N10336 Reel 135 no.2)
ditto. ... transl. into Burmese from the original Greek ... 4th
ed. – Rangoon : American Baptist Mission Pr., 1866. 610 p.
GB: BL(14300 b 44)*
New Testament and Psalms in Burmese ... – Rangoon : British and Foreign Bible Society, 1938. 384, [589]-689 p. –
This ed. is produced in London by a photo-engraving process from the ed. of 1933, by the kind permission of the
American Baptist Foreign Mission Society.
Subject(s): Burmese language : Texts - Bible - New Testament
GB: BL(14300 b 48)
IRL:TCD(Santry PAM RB.43 no.2)
The New Testament of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ /
transl. into the Burmese, from the original Greek by A.
Judson, and edited, with contents of chapters and marginal
references, by E. A. Stevens ... – Rangoon : American Mission Pr., 1871. IV, 619 p.
Subject(s): Burmese language : Texts - Bible - New Testament
GB: BL(14300 b 43)*
BL-APAC(Bur D 442)
US: LC(BS315.B85 1871)
ditto. – Ran` kun`, 1943. 384, [589]-689 p.
US: CU(Kroch Fiche 887 95 63555)
LC(Microfiche 95/63555 (B))
ditto. – Rangoon : British and Foreign Bible Society, 1958.
340, 558-646 p. − Added title page in Burmese
US:HU-AH(Harv.Depos. BS315 .B85 1958)
ditto. 2nd ed. – Rangoon : American Baptist Mission Union,
1885. 726 p.
GB: BL-APAC(Bur D 441) SOAS(GPC 225/73.144)*
US: CU(Wason BS315 B855 1885)
ditto. – Boston: American Baptist Missionary Pr., 1891. 979
to 1326 p. − Added title page in Burmese followed by Burmese text.
GB: Glasgow(Temporary storage ; B2-d.7)
BL-APAC(SEA 1990 a 85)
ditto. 3rd ed. – Rangoon : American Baptist Missionary Union, 1907. 726 p.
US: NYPL(Research *OY)
The New Testament / transl. by A. Judson. – Rangoon :
American Baptist Mission Pr., 1884. 424 p.
Subject(s): Burmese language : Texts - Bible - New Testament
GB: BL-APAC(Bur B 624)
The New Testament in Burmese ... – Rangoon : British and
Foreign Bible Society, 1909. 891 p.
Subject(s): Burmese language : Texts - Bible - New Testament
GB: SOAS(GPC 225/233.947)*
ditto. – ibd., 1912. 891 p.
GB: SOAS(GPC 225/1.477; 230.291)*
IRL:TCD(Santry PAM RB.40 no.49
ditto. – ibd., 1916.
US: LC(BS315.B85 1916)
ditto. transl. by A. Judson. – ibd., 1965. 212 p.
N: UHS(Mes ORIE 895.8 Bib)
Bible, N.T. < B u r m e s e : Tun Nyein >
The New Testament of the Lord / transl. from the latest English versions by Tun Nyein ... – Rangoon : Hanthawaddy Pr.,
1903. 841 p.
Subject(s): Burmese language : Texts - Bible - New Testament
GB: BL(14300 b 12)* SOAS(GPC 225/14.805)*
US: LC(BS315 .B85 1903 (I))
Bible, N.T. < C h i n : Asho >
Bible, N.T. < K h y a n g >
Bible, N.T. < C h i n : Haka >
The New Testament in Chin : Lai dialect … / transl. by
Chester U. Strait [assisted by Saya Sang Ling]. − Rangoon :
American Baptist Mission Pr., 1940. 769, IV p. − The first
New Testament in the Lai dialect of Chin, Haka. With preface, chapter and section headings, some references in the
text, index, maps.
Subject(s): Haka Chin language : Texts - Bible - New Testament
GB: CUL(BSS.652.4.F40)
ditto. − [s.l.:] British and Foreign Bible Society Burma
Agency, 1947. 592, IV p.
GB: CUL(BSS.652.4.F47)
Bible, N.T. < C h i n : Hmar >
The New Testament in Hmar. Rev. – Bangalore: India and
Ceylon Bible Society, 1959.
GB: BL(3071 e 38)
B 78
Bibliographical description
Bible, N.T. < C h i n : Kamhau >
The New Testament in Chin : Kamhau dialect / transl. by J.
H. Cope ... – Rangoon : American Baptist Mission Pr., 1932.
772 p., map.
GB: BL(11103 a 75)* BL-APAC(Chin B.1)
SOAS(GPE Chin 225/37.207;58.824)*
120, 311, 129 p. – Added title-page and text in Kachin also
known as Jingpho. Volume comprises various editions of
New Testament books, (some with separate title-pages,) with
general titles in English and Kachin.
Subject(s): Kachin language : Texts - Bible - New Testament
GB: BL(11103 a 52)* CUL(BSS.656.2.F12) BLAPAC(Kachin B.22)
Ref.: OCLC 54333026
ditto. 2nd ed. – ibd., British and Foreign Bible Society, 1945.
617 p.
GB: CUL(BSS.651.2.F45) Manchester(Deansgate Ref.)
ditto. 2nd ed. – ibd., 1922. 585 p. – Added title-page and text
in Kachin
GB: BL(11103 aaa 16(1))* BL-APAC(Kachin B.26, 27(a))
Ref.: OCLC 44097307
ditto. – ibd., 1948. 578 p.
US: LC(BS315.T (II:1948))
Bible, N.T. < C h i n : Khumi >
(The New Testament in Chin-Khumi) ... – London : British
and Foreign Bible Society, 1959. 545 p.
GB: BL(11103 aaa 28)*
The New Testament in Kachin … [The Psalms] / transl.
from the original by O. Hanson. 3rd ed. − Rangoon : American Baptist Mission Pr., 1928. 585, 192 p. − In Kachin also
known as Jingpho. Volume includes the Psalms though not
mentioned on title-page.
Subject(s): Kachin language : Texts - Bible - New Testament
GB: CUL(BSS.656.F28)
Bible, N.T. < C h i n : Lai >
Bible, N.T. < C h i n : Haka >
ditto. 4th ed. – ibd., 1933. 585, 192 p. – Added title-page and
text in Kachin
AU:NLA(Luce 446)
US: CU(Wason BS315 K13 1933)
Bible, N.T. < C h i n : Laizo >
The New Testament in Laizo Chin : tentative transl. ... −
[Rangoon :] British and Foreign Bible Society Burma
Agency, 1951 637 p. − The first New Testament in the Laizo
dialect of Chin Falam. With chapter and section headings.
Transl. by J. Herbert Cope of the American Baptist Missionary Union and Saya Aung Dwe, inspector of schools, together with two Chin Pastors.
GB: CUL(BSS.652.45.F51)
New Testament ... Psalms ... – Madras: Bible House, 1944.
The New Testament and Psalms in Kachin also known as
Jinghpaw ... transl. by O. Hanson. − Rangoon : British and
Foreign Bible Society Burma Agency, 1945. 736 p. − Publ.
by the BFBS by permission of the ABFMS. − Psalms with
separate title-page.
Subject(s): Kachin language : Texts - Bible - New Testament
GB: CUL(BSS.656.2.F45)
Bible, N.T. < C h i n : Siyin)
Thuciam Thak : Salan Late le Paunakte = Siyin (Chin) New
Testament with Psalms & Proverbs : a translation in common languag. − [Yangon?:] Bible Society of Myanmar,
1999. 339, 126 p. − ISBN 9623273053
Subject(s): Siyin language - Texts - Bible.
US: CU(Kroch BS315 .S59 1999)
Ref.: OCLC 53894931
ditto. − Rangoon : British and Foreign Bible Society, 1957.
736 p
Ref.: OCLC 31674347
Bible, N.T. < C h i n : Tiddim >
The New Testament & Psalms in Tiddim Chin ... − Rangoon
: Bible Society of Burma, 1967. 780 p. – The New Testament in Tiddim Chin is printed from Dr. J. H. Cope's translation by the kind permission of the Burma Baptist Convention. - The Psalms transl. by K.K. Thang et al
Subject(s): Tiddim Chin dialect : Texts - Bible - New Testament
. Ref.: OCLC 31638292
Bible, N.T. < C h i n : Vaiphei >
The New Testament in Chin : Vaiphei ... – Bangalore: Bible
Society of India and Ceylon, 1957. 524 p.
GB: BL(3070 k 33)* SOAS(GPE Chin 225/233.481)*
Bible, N.T. < J i n g h o>
Bible, N.T. < K a c h i n >
Bible, N.T. < J i n g h p a w>
Bible, N.T. < K a c h i n >
Bible, N.T. < K a c h i n >
The New Testament : transl. from the original / by O. Hanson. – Rangoon : American Baptist Mission Pr., 1912. 438,
ditto.– Rangoon : Bible Society of Burma, 1965. 736 p.
US: NIU(SEA BS315 .K151965B)
New Testament with Psalms and Proverbs : Kachin/Jinghpaw / transl. by O. Hanson. − [Reading, UK:]
United Bible Societies, 1987. 736, 56 p.
Subject(s): Kachin language : Texts - Bible - New Testament
Ref.: OCLC 31674283
Bible, N.T. < K a r e n : Smith >
The annotations of the annotated paragraph Bible ... The
New Testament ... / transl. into Karen by D. A. W. Smith ...
2nd and enl. ed. – Rangoon : American Baptist Mission Pr.,
1900. 647 p. – Title-page and preface in English only. – 1st
ed. 1882
GB: BL(11103 b 7)*
Bible, N.T. < K a r e n : Wade-Mason >
The New Testament in Karen … − Tavoy: Karen Mission
Press. Printed for the American and Foreign Bible Society,
1843. 576 p. − Title-page in English with a Karen sub-title. −
Transl. begun by Jonathan Wade of the ABMU, who
adapted Burmese characters to form an alphabet, and completed by Francis Mason with help from San Quala.
B 79
Burma Bibliographical Project
Siegfried M. Schwertner
GB: BL(11103 a 90)* CUL(BSS.657.1.E43)
US: CSmH UoC(Easmes X337.1) MB
Subject(s): Sgaw Karen dialect : Texts - Bible - New Testament
Bible, N.T. < K a r e n : Pwo >
The New Testament in Pwo Karen ... / rev. by D. L. Brayton.
2nd ed. Printed for the American and Foreign Bible Society.
– Rangoon : American Baptist Mission Pr., 1873. 611 p. −
Title-page in English and Karen.
Subject(s): Pwo Karen dialect : Texts. - Bible - New Testament
GB: BL(11103 a 83)* CUL(BSS.657.2.E73)
ditto. 3rd ed. / carefully re-rev. by D. L. Brayton, assisted by
A. T. Rose and Karen teachers. – ibd., 1883. 272 p.
GB: BL(11103 b 3)*
ditto. 4th ed. – ibd., 1890. 817 p.
GB: BL(11103 a 1)*
The New Testament of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ :
in Pwo Karen / by D. L. Brayton. 7th ed. – Rangoon :
American Baptist Mission Pr., 1919. 433 p.
GB: BL(11103 aaa 14)* BL-APAC(Karen B.1)
ditto. 8th ed. – ibd., 1921. 433 p. − Title-pages in English
and Karen.
GB: CUL(BSS.657.2.F21)
The New Testament in Pwo Karen. Produced, with slight alterations, by a photo-engraving process from the ed. of 1895,
by the kind permission of the American Baptist Foreign
Mission Society. – London : British and Foreign Bible Society, 1942. p. 813-1105.
GB: SOAS(GPE Kar 22/79.889)*
ditto. – ibd., 1944.
ditto. – ibd., 1948. p. 813-1105
US: CU(Wason BS315 K165 1948)
ditto. – [Rangoon,] 1950. 923 p.
US: LC(Microfiche 95/63559 (B))
Pwo Karen reference Testament / D. L. Brayton ... 5th ed. ;
1st reference ed. − Rangoon : American Baptist Mission Pr.,
1893. 671 p. − Title-page in English and Karen.
Subject(s): Pwo Karen dialect : Texts. - Bible - New Testament
GB: CUL(BSS.657.2.E93)
Bible, N.T. < K a r e n : Sgau >
The New Testament in Karen … − Tavoy: Karen Mission
Press. Printed for the American and Foreign Bible Society,
1843. 576 p. − Title-page in English with a Karen sub-title. −
Transl. begun by Jonathan Wade of the ABMU, who
adapted Burmese characters to form an alphabet, and completed by Francis Mason with help from San Quala.
Subject(s): Sgaw Karen dialect : Texts - Bible - New Testament
GB: BL(11103 a 90)* CUL(BSS.657.1.E43)
US: CSmH UoC(Easmes X337.1) MB
The New Testament of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ in
Sgau Karen ... / transl. by Francis Mason. – Maulmain:
American Mission Pr., 1850. 294 p.
B 80
ditto. 3rd ed. – Tavoy: Karen Mission Pr., publ. by the
American and Foreign Bible Society, and print. by the
American Baptist Missionary Union, 1853. p. 781-1132.
GB: BL(11103 b 38 ; in: 11103 b 37)*
US: CU(Kroch Asia Rare BS315 .K185 1853 +) UoC
LC(BS315.K25 1853) MB YU
ditto. 6th ed. – Rangoon : American Mission Pr., 1867.
271 p.
The New Testament in Sgau Karen / transl. by F. Mason and
rev. by E. B. Cross. Publ. by the American and Foreign Bible Society. – Rangoon : American Mission Pr., 1880. 888 p.
Subject(s): Sgaw Karen dialect : Texts - Bible - New Testament
GB: BL(11103 a 94)* SOAS(GPE Kar 225/73.151)*
ditto. 2nd rev. ed. – Rangoon : American Baptist Missionary
Union, 1884. 444 p.
GB: BL-APAC(Karen D.6)
US: CU(Kroch Asia Rare BS31.K185 1884)
NNUT(Burke MRL Outline D B.Kn)
NYPL(Research *OXE)
ditto. [microform]. – Bethlehem, Pa.: Mid-Atlantic Preservation Service, 1990. On 1 microfilm reel with other items ; 35
mm. – (Great Collections Microfilming Project. Phase I:
John M. Echols Collection). – Reprod. of 2nd rev. ed. 1884.
US: CRL(SE Asian MF-10289 SEAM reel 156 item 2
SEAM) CU(Film 10336 reel 157 po.2)
The New Testament of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ /
transl. into Sgaw Karen from the original Greek by Francis
Mason and rev. by the authority of the American Baptist
Missionary Union ; with references by E. B. Cross. – Rangoon : Publ. by the American Baptist Missionary Union at
their Mission Pr., 1903. 602 p.
Subject(s): Sgaw Karen dialect : Texts - Bible - New Testament
GB: BL(11103 b 12)* BL-APAC(Karen D.19)
US: NYPL(Research *OXE)
ditto. – ibd., 1912. 602 p.
ditto. – Rangoon : Publ. by the American Baptist Missionary
Society at their Mission Pr., 1917. p. 954 to 1267.
GB: BL(in: 11103 b 30)*
[Sgau New Testament.] – London : British and Foreign Bible Society, 1923. p. 813-1070. – This ed. of the Sgaw New
Testament is produced ... from the ed. of 1921.
Subject(s): Sgaw Karen dialect : Texts - Bible – N.T.
GB: SOAS(GPE Kar 225/19.738)*
[New Testament and Psalms in Sgaw Karen.] – Rangoon :
British and Foreign Bible Society, [1935]. p. 907 to 1189,
Bibliographical description
Subject(s): Sgaw Karen dialect : Texts - Bible - New Testament
US: CU(Kroch Asia Rara BS315 K185 1935)
US: CU(Kroch Fiche 887 95 63554)
LC(Microfiche 95/63554 (B))
ditto. – ibd., 1962. 765 p., maps.
GB: BL(4386 c 16)* SOAS(GPE Lahu 225/170.172)*
New Testament in Sgaw Karen. – London : British and Foreign Bible Society, 1941. p. 813-1070. – Added title and text
in Sgaw Karen.
US: CU(Kroch Fiche 887 95 63556 3 fiches)
ditto. – London : British and Foreign Bible Society, 1944.
The Sgaw Karen New Testament and Psalms. New ed. −
Rangoon : The Bible Society of Burma, 1966. 180 bl.
Subject(s): Sgaw Karen dialect : Texts - Bible - New Testament
N: UHS(Mes ORIE 895 Bib)
Bible, N.T. < K a r e n : Taungthu >
The New Testament transl. into Taung Thu : from the Shan
Bible. Burmese Bible, Dr. McGuires and Judsons English
Bible Authorise [sic] and rev. / by Maung Maung. − (Taunggyi: Aungzayya Print. Pr., 1961.) 591 p. − In Pao or Karen
Pao, also known as Black Karen or Taungthu.Title in Karen
and English.
GB: CUL(BSS.665.F61)
ditto. – Rangoon [etc.], 1974. 571 p., maps.
GB: SOAS(GPE Lahu 225/471.518)*
Bible, N.T. < L a k h e r >
The New Testament in Marapa, Shandoo or Lakher. 2nd ed.
– Calcutta : British and Foreign Bible Society, 1939. 658 p.
GB: SOAS(GPE Chin 225/41.151)*
Bible, N.T. < L i s u : Hwa >
The New Testament in Hwa Lisu. – Hongkong, 1938.
Subject(s): Lisu language : Texts - Bible - New Testament
Ref.: Bernot
Bible, N.T. < M a r u >
The New Testament, Psalms and Proverbs in Lhaovo common language ... – [Yangon] : Bible Society of Myanmar,
2003. 474, 175 p., col. map.
Subject(s): Maru language : Texts - Bible - New Testament
US: CU(Kroch BS315 .M41 2003)
Bible, N.T. < K a w >
The New Testament in Akha / transl. by Paul Lewis and others. – Rangoon : Bible Society of Burma, 1968. 743 p.,
Subject(s): Kaw language : Texts - Bible - New Testament
GB: BL(11103 n 2)* CUL(BSS.666.1.F68)
IRL:TCD(E 650)
Ref.: OCLC 49376851 ; 4204341
Bible, N.T. < M o n >
The New Testament of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ :
transl. into Peguan from the original Greek 1st ed. ... [/
transl. by J. M. Haswell]. – Maulmain: American and Foreign Bible Society, 1847. Var. pag. − In Mon also known as
Talain or Peguan. Title in English and Peguan.
Subject(s): Mon language : Texts - Bible - New Testament
GB: BL(11103 aa 18 ; 19)* CUL(BSS.658.E47)
ditto. − Rangoon : Bible Society of Thailand, 1979. 743 p.,
[2] l. of plates, maps
Ref.: OCLC 49376897
ditto. – Rangoon : British and Foreign Bible Society, 1950.
575 p., maps.
US: CU(Wason BS315 M735 1950)
New Testament and Psalms in Akha / [trad. in lingua Akha
di] fr. Stephen Ano. – Yangon, 1999. 1021 p. – For private
I: BCMP(REL/02/0528)
Bible, N.T. < K h y a n g >
The New Testament in Asho Southern Chin ... – [Rangoon :]
British and Foreign Bible Society, Burma Agency, [1954].
724 p. − Text in Burmese character, Title-page in English
with Chin text at head of title. Translat. by Hla U with advice from E. C. Condict.
Subject(s): Khyang language : Texts - Bible - New Testament
GB: CUL(BSS.652.5.F54)
SOAS(GPE Chin 225/421.162)
Bible, N.T. < N a g a H a w a >
Bible, N.T. < T a n g s a >
Bible, N.T. < N i c o b a r e s e-Car >
The New Testament in Car Nicobarese … − Rangoon : British and Foreign Bible Society, 1940. 636 p. − Gospels and
Acts transl. by G. Whitehead and John Richardson, Romans
to Revelation by Richardson alone.
GB: CUL(BSS.668.2.F40.2)
ditto. – ibd., 1950. 636 p. − A repr. of the 1940 ed.
GB: CUL(BSS.668.2.F50) Manchester(Deansgate Ref.)
Bible, N.T. < L a h u >
The New Testament in Lahu / transl. by J. H. Telford and
teachers. – Rangoon : American Baptist Mission Pr., 1932.
904 p.
Subject(s): Lahu language : Texts - Bible - New Testament
GB: BL(11103 a 68)* BL-APAC(Lahu B.7)
Bible, N.T. < S h a n >
The New Testament transl. into Shan from the original
Greek / by J. N. Cushing ... [1st ed.] – Rangoon : American
Baptist Mission Pr., 1882. Var. pag. − Title in Shan and English.
Subject(s): Shan language : Texts - Bible - New Testament
GB: BL(11103 aa 17)* CUL(BSS.666.E82)
BL-APAC(Shan D.4)
ditto. … / transl. by J. H. Telford, Po Tun and Chit Swe.–
Rangoon : British and Foreign Bible Society, 1949. 709 p.
GB: CUL(BSS.662.F49)
The New Testament in Shan. 2nd ed. – Rangoon : American
Baptist Mission Pr., 1887. Var. pag.
GB: SOAS(GQE Shan 225/46.804)*
B 81
Burma Bibliographical Project
Siegfried M. Schwertner
(The New Testament in Shan) .. / transl. and rev. by J. N.
Cushing. – Rangoon : American Baptist Mission Union,
1905. Var. pag. − Text and title page in Shan character, English on title page verso.
GB: BL(11103 a 30)
BL-APAC(Shan B.1)
ditto. – ibd., [1911]. 923 p.
GB: BL(11103 a 42)* BL-APAC(Shan B.20)
ditto. – Madras: Bible House, 1945.
Bible, N.T. < T a n g s a >
Naga Hawa New Testament with Psalms & Proverbs, a
translation in Common Language / prep. by G. W. Daniel et
al. … Bible Society of Myanmar. − [Bangkok:] Vhvlx Thuic
Thaungc, 2001, (c)2000. [II], 466, 170 p., [4] p. of plates,
maps. − United Bible Societies language: Hawa Naga
ISBN 9748762726
Subject(s): Tangsa language - Texts - Bible
Ref.: OCLC 49590795
Bible, N.T. < W a >
The New Testament in Wa … / transl. by M. Vincent Young
with the assistance of Sara Yaw Su and other Wa teachers. −
Rangoon : American Baptist Mission Pr., 1938. 688 p. − The
first New Testament in Wa. With occasional footnote references.
Subject(s): Wa language : Texts - Bible - New Testament
GB: CUL(BSS.661.F38)
ditto. − Rangoon : British and Foreign Bible Society, 1950.
688 p. − Produced in London by a photo-offset process from
the transl. made by Rev. M. Vincent Young and Wa helpers,
by kind permission of the American Baptist Foreign Mission
GB: CUL(BSS.661.F50) Manchester(Deansgate Ref.)
ditto. – [S.l.,] Bible Society of Myanmar, 1994. 688 p. − A
re-set reprint of the first (1938) New Testament in Wa. −
With occasional footnote references. – ISBN 9623272057
GB: CUL(BSS.661.F94)
Bible, N.T. : Selection < B u r m e s e >
Epistles and gospels for the Sundays and principal festivals
throughout the year. – 1878. 269 p.
Subject(s): Burmese language : Texts - Bible - New Testament - Selection
Ref.: BLC
Bible, N.T. : Selection < K a c h i n >
New Testament stories / transl. into Kachin by Geo. J. Geis.
– Rangoon : American Baptist Mission Pr., 1913. 180 p.,
Subject(s): Kachin language : Texts - Bible - New Testament
- Selection
GB: BL(11103 b 25)*
BL-APAC(Kachin B.19)
Bible, N.T. : Selection < K a r e n >
[New Testament stories.] – [Burma, 198-?] 45 p., illus.
Subject(s): Karen language : Texts - Bible - New Testament
- Selection
US: NIU(SEA BS2405.K37 N4831980Z)
Bible, N.T. : Selection < K a r e n : Sgau >
The autobiography of Paul
Bible, N.T. : Selection < R a w a n g >
Some books of the New Testament in Rawang ... − [Rangoon : Bible Society of Burma, 1970.] 92 p. − Translated by
Robert Morse and a committee. − Text in Roman character,
parts of title-page and verso t-p in Burmese character.
Contents: Mark to Acts, Ephesians, James, I John to Jude.
GB: CUL(BSS.656.3.F70)
Bible, N.T. : Gospels < B u r m e s e >
The four gospels / transl. by A. Judson. – Rangoon : American Mission Pr., 1877. 138 p.
GB: BL-APAC(F 13/4)
(St. Matthew, St. Mark, St. Luke, St. John, the Acts of the
Apostles in Burmese, reproduced ... from the edition of
1909.) – Rangoon : British and Foreign Bible Society, 1912.
501 p. – Each part has own title-page
Subject(s): Burmese language : Texts - Bible - New Testament - Gospels
GB: BL(14300 a 22)*
Bible, N.T. : Gospels < C h i n : Lai >
The four Gospels and the Acts of the apostles in the Lai dialect of the Chin language / transl. by L. H. Carson. – Rangoon : American Baptist Mission Pr., 1920. 300, 93, 118 p.
GB: BL(11103 a 39)*
St. Matthew, St. Mark, St. Luke, St. John in the Lai dialect
of the Chin language transl. by Mrs. L. H. Carson. – Rangoon, 1920.
GB: BL-APAC(Chin B.5)
Bible, N.T. : Gospels < K a r e n, Pwo >
The four Gospels in Pwo Karen ... − Rangoon : British and
Foreign Bible Society, 1923. Var. pags. − Title-page in English with a Karen sub-title. The Gospels by W. C. B. Purser,
publ. separately between 1919 and 1922, now issued as one
GB: CUL(BSS.657.2.F23)
Bible, N.T. : Gospels : Selection < B u r m e s e >
Harmony of the gospels / ed. by W. H. S. Hascall. – Rangoon : American Baptist Mission Pr., 1910. 257 p.
Subject(s): Burmese language : Texts - Bible - New Testament - Gospels - Selection
GB: BL(14300 b 19)
[Selections, chiefly from the New Testament, in Kachin.] ...
– Rangoon : Baptist Mission Pr., 1933. 29 p.
Subject(s): Kachin language : Texts - Bible - New Testament
- Selection
GB: BL(11103 a 100)
B 82
His life / by H. H. Tilbe. – Rangoon : American Baptist Mission Pr., 1923. 265 p. – Added title and text in Burmese
Subject(s): Burmese language : Texts - Bible - New Testament - Gospels - Selection
GB: BL-APAC(Bur B 220)
Bibliographical description
The life of Christ in pictures / by Elsie Anna Wood. – [Rangoon, 1949.] 30 p.
Subject(s): Burmese language : Texts - Bible - New Testament - Gospels - Selection
The life of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ : in the form of
a continuous narrative, from the text of the four gospels, on
the plan of White’s Diatesseron, and Newcome’s Harmony /
by the London Tract Society. – Maulmain: American Baptist
Mission Pr., 1837. 334 p. – Text in Burmese
Subject(s): Burmese language : Texts - Bible - New Testament - Gospels - Selection
US: MB NYPL(Research *OY) YU
Subject(s): Mon language : Texts - Bible – New Testament Selection
GB: CUL(BSS.658.E37)
Bible, N.T. : Matthew < B u r m e s e >
The gospel by Matthew … / publ. by the American Baptist
Missionary Union. − Rangoon : American Baptist Mission
Pr., 1883. 157 p. − Title page in Burmese and English
Subject(s): Burmese language : Texts - Bible - New Testament - Matthew
GB: Glasgow(Temporary storage ; B2-h.20)
The Holy Gospel of Jesus Christ according to St. Matthew ...
[With notes for the use of Roman Catholics.] – Bassein: St.
Peter’s Institute Pr., 1895. 156 p.
Subject(s): Burmese language : Texts - Bible - New Testament - Matthew
GB: BL(14300 b 4)*
The life of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ in Burmese /
by a catholic missionary. – Tavoy, 1843. 112 p.
Subject(s): Burmese language : Texts - Bible - New Testament - Gospels - Selection
(St. Matthew, St. Mark, St. Luke, St. John, the acts of the
Apostles in Burmese, reproduced ... from the edition of
1909.) – Rangoon : British and Foreign Bible Society, 1912.
501 p. – Each part has own title-page
Subject(s): Burmese language : Texts - Bible - New Testament - Matthew
GB: BL(14300 a 22)*
The life of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. In verses. In
Burmese. – Bassein, 1872. 360 p.
Subject(s): Burmese language : Texts - Bible - New Testament - Gospels - Selection
Bible, N.T. : Gospels : Selection < C h i n : Lai >
His life ... [/ comp. from the gospels by W. E. Barton ; T. G.
Soares and S. Strong,] in the Lai dialect of the Chin language. Transl. by L. H. Carson, assisted by Ngai Lien. –
Rangoon : American Baptist Mission Pr., 1912. 311. p.
GB: BL(11103 a 48)* BL-APAC(Chin B.9)
Bible, N.T. : Gospels : Selection < K a c h i n >
Golden tales, Kachin ... – Rangoon : Burma Christian Literature Society, 1949. 44 p., illus.
Subject(s): Kachin language : Texts - Bible - New Testament
– Gospels - Selection
GB: SOAS(GPE Kach 225/232.092)*
Bible, N.T. : Gospels : Selection < K a r e n : Sgau >
Harmony of the gospels / by Stevens and Burton. Arranged
in Sgaw Karen by David Gilmore ... – Rangoon : American
Baptist Mission Pr., 1905. 247 p.
Subject(s): Sgaw Karen dialect : Texts - Bible - New Testament - Gospels - Selection
GB: BL(11103 b 16)*
BL-APAC(Karen D.1)
US: CU(Annex BS315 .K186 1905) OGranD
Words and works of Jesus : Sgaw Karen ... 1st ed. Publ. in
India by the Burma Christian Literature Society by special
premission of S.P.C.K. in India. – Madras: Diocesan Pr.,
1946. 35 p., illus.
Subject(s): Sgaw Karen dialect : Texts - Bible - New Testament - Gospel - Selection
GB: BL(11103 a 115)*
Bible, N.T. : Gospels: Selection < M o n >
The life of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ : in the form of
a continuous narrative, from the text of the four Gospels - on
the plan of White's Diatesseron, and Newcome's Harmony /
by the London Tract Society. 1st Peguan ed. − Maulmain:
American Mission Pr., 1837. 334 p. − In Mon also known as
Talain or Peguan. Title-page in English and Peguan.
Bible, N.T. : Matthew < B u r m e s e : Bible Society version >
The Gospel according to St. Matthew ... [/ rev. by a Bible
Society Committee comprising T. Rickard, A. H. Bestall,
and others]. – Rangoon : British and Foreign Bible Society,
1903. 154 p.
Subject(s): Burmese language : Texts - Bible - New Testament - Matthew
ditto. – ibd., 1909. 109 p.
GB: BL(14300 b 17(1))
Bible, N.T. : Matthew < B u r m e s e : Judson >
The Gospel of Matthew ... / publ. by American Missionary
Union. – Rangoon : American Baptist Mission Pr., 1903.
157 p.
Subject(s): Burmese language : Texts - Bible - New Testament - Matthew
GB: BL(14300 a 10)*
Bible, N.T. : Matthew < B u r m e s e : Stevens >
The Gospel by Matthew / ed. by E. O. Stevens. – Rangoon :
American Baptist Mission Pr., 1909. 154 p.
Subject(s): Burmese language : Texts - Bible - New Testament - Matthew
GB: BL-APAC(Bur B 29)
Bible, N.T. : Matthew < C h i n : Haka >
Matu. − Rangoon : British and Foreign Bible Society, Burma
Agency, 1946. 78 p. − From the American Baptist Mission
1940 New Testament. With chapter and section headings,
some references in the text. − Translated by Chester U. Strait
assisted by Saya Sang Ling.
Subject(s): Haka Chin language : Texts - Bible - New Testament - Matthew
GB: CUL(BSS.652.4.F46)
B 83
Burma Bibliographical Project
Siegfried M. Schwertner
Bible, N.T. : Matthew < C h i n : Laizo >
Matthew, Acts, I Corinthians in Chin, Laizo dialect ... [/
transl. by John Herbert Cope.] – Rangoon : American Baptist Mission Pr., 1933. 212 p. − In the Laizo dialect of Chin
GB: BL(11103 a 88)* CUL(BSS.652.45.F33)
SOAS(GPE Chin 225/30.364 ; 37.208)*
US: PU(225.15V CC)
Bible, N.T. : Matthew < C h i n : Si Zang >
Gospel of Matthew in Chin : Si Zang dialect ... [/ transl. by J.
H. Cope]. – Rangoon : American Baptist Mission Pr., 1916.
77 p.
GB: BL(11103 aaa 3)*
Bible, N.T. : Matthew < C h i n : Tiddim >
The Gospel of Matthew : Tiddim dialect ... [/ transl. by J. H.
Cope]. – Rangoon : American Baptist Mission Pr., 1915.
78 p.
Subject(s): Tiddim Chin dialect : Texts - Bible - New Testament - Matthew
GB: BL(11103 a 60)* CUL(BSS.651.2.F15)
Manchester(Deansgate Ref.) BL-APAC(Chin B.12)
Bible, N.T. : Matthew < C h i n : Zotung >
The Gospel according to St. Matthew in Zotung Chin …
Tentive transl. − [Rangoon :] British and Foreign Bible Society Burma Agency, 1951. 119 p. − Transl. by Khua Mying.
GB: CUL(BSS.652.75.F51) Manchester(Deansgate Ref.)
Bible, N.T. : Matthew < K a c h i n >
Matthew and Mark … / transl. into Kachin by O. Hanson ...
– Rangoon : American Baptist Mission Pr., 1903. 202 p. – In
Kachin also known as Jingpho.
Subject(s): Kachin language : Texts - Bible - New Testament
- Matthew
GB: BL(11103 a 3(4) ; in: 11103 a 52)*
CUL(BSS.656.2.F03) BL-APAC(Kachin B.10)
St. Matthew in Kachin ... – Rangoon : British and Foreign
Bible Society, 1932. 110 p. − Publ. with the permission of
the American Baptist Foreign Mission Society
Subject(s): Kachin language : Texts - Bible - New Testament
- Matthew
GB: BL(11103 a 73(4))* CUL(BSS.656.2.F32)
Ref.: OCLC 48984739
The gospel by Matthew / publ. by the American Baptist Foreign Mission Society. – Rangoon : American Baptist Mission Society, 1933. 80 p.
Subject(s): Kachin language : Texts - Bible - New Testament
- Matthew
GB: BL(11103 a 82(1))* BL-APAC(Kachin B.40 & 43)
[St. Matthew in Kachin / Jinghpaw]. – Rangoon : British and
Foreign Bible Society, 1950. 70 p. – This ed. of the gospel
according to St. Matthew in Kachin/Jinghpaw is produced in
Subject(s): Kachin language : Texts - Bible - New Testament
- Matthew
GB: SOAS(GPE Kach 225/232.087)
Bible, N.T. : Matthew < K a r e n >
The Gospel according to St. Matthew in Pwo Karen. − Rangoon : British and Foreign Bible Society Burma Agency,
1948. 87 p. − Paper cover with no title-page, text and front
cover in Karen characters, title from back cover in English.
Subject(s): Karen language : Texts - Bible - New Testament
- Matthew
GB: CUL(BSS.657.2.F48)
Bible, N.T. : Matthew < K a r e n : Roman Catholic Mission
Pr. >
The Gospel of St. Matthew with annotations. – Toungoo,
GB: BL-APAC(Karen B.18)
Bible, N.T. : Matthew < K a r e n : Pwo : Brayton >
The Gospel of Matthew in Pwo Karen : transl. from the
original Greek / by D. L. Brayton. 1st ed. – Maulmain:
American Mission Pr., 1845. 106 p.
Subject(s): Pwo Karen dialect : Texts. - Bible - New Testament - Matthew
Questions on Matthew : with explanatory notes and practical
remarks in Pwo Karen / by D. L. Brayton. 1st ed. – Tavoy:
Karen Mission Pr., 1852. 443 p. – With complete text
Subject(s): Pwo Karen dialect : Texts. - Bible - New Testament - Matthew - Commentaries
GB: BL(11103 a 14)*
Bible, N.T. : Matthew < K a r e n : Pwo : Mason >
The Gospel of Matthew in Pwo Karen ... / transl. by F. Mason. – Tavoy: Karen Mission Pr., 1851. XVI, 84 p.
Subject(s): Pwo Karen dialect : Texts. - Bible - New Testament - Matthew
US: LC(BS315.K27 1851 incompl.) MB
The Gospels of Matthew and Mark, in Pwo Karen : transl.
from the Sgau / by Karens, and rev. by F. Mason and D. L.
Brayton ... 1st ed. – Tavoy: Karen Mission Pr., print. for the
American and Foreign Bible Society, 1852. 122 p.
Subject(s): Pwo Karen dialect : Texts. - Bible - New Testament - Matthew
GB: BL(11103 a 97)*
Bible, N.T. : Matthew < K a r e n : Pwo : Purser >
The Gospel according to St. Matthew in Pwo-Karen ... −
Rangoon : British and Foreign Bible Society, 1922. 88 p. −
Title-page in English with a Karen sub-title. − Transl. by W.
C. B. Purser.
Subject(s): Pwo Karen dialect : Texts. - Bible - New Testament - Matthew
GB: CUL(BSS.657.2.F22)
Bible, N.T. : Matthew < K a r e n : Pwo : Thomas >
A commentary on the Gospel according to Matthew / by B.
C. Thomas. 2nd ed. – Rangoon : American Baptist Mission,
1916. 392 p.
Subject(s): Pwo Karen dialect : Texts. - Bible - New Testament - Matthew
GB: BL(11103 aa 6) BL-APAC(Karen D 16)
Bible, N.T. : Matthew < K a r e n : Sgau >
The Gospel by Matthew ... – Rangoon, 1877.
Subject(s): Sgaw Karen dialect : Texts - Bible - New Testament - Matthew
GB: BL-APAC(Karen B.27)
B 84
Bibliographical description
Subject(s): Lahu language : Texts - Bible - New Testament Matthew
GB: BL(11103 a 123)*
OUL(BOD A Floor Bodl. Burm. e.651)
US: CU(Annex BS315.L187M4 1962)
ditto. / publ. by the American Baptist Foreign Mission Society. – Rangoon : American Baptist Mission Pr., 1933. 103 p.
GB: BL(11103 a 108)*
St. Matthew (in Sgaw Karen).− [s.l.,] British and Foreign
Bible Society, Burma Agency, 1943. 103 p.
Subject(s): Sgaw Karen dialect : Texts - Bible - New Testament - Matthew
Ref.: OCLC 54332105
Bible, N.T. : Matthew < K a r e n : Sgau : Conti >
The Gospel of St. Matthew, with annotations. In Karen ... [/
transl. by G. Conti]. – Toungoo: Roman Catholic Mission
Pr., 1888. 111 p.
Subject(s): Sgaw Karen dialect : Texts - Bible - New Testament - Matthew
GB: BL(11103 b 2)*
I: BCMP(AS 07/02/0075)
Bible, N.T. : Matthew < K a r e n : Sgau : Cross >
The Gospel by Matthew in Sgau Karen ... [/ rev. by E. B.
Cross]. Publ. by American and Foreign Bible Society. –
Rangoon : American Mission Pr., 1877. 116 p.
Subject(s): Sgaw Karen dialect : Texts - Bible - New Testament - Matthew
GB: BL(11103 a 91)*
Bible, N.T. : Matthew < K a r e n : Taungthu >
St. Matthew in Taungthu … − Rangoon : British and Foreign
Bible Society, 1926. 101 p. − In Pao or Karen Pao, also
known as Black Karen or Taungthu. Title-page in English
with a Karen sub-title. Translated by William Sherratt and
Tun Pe.
GB: CUL(BSS.655.F26 & .2)
Bible, N.T. : Matthew < K a w >
St. Matthew - Akha … / transl. by P. Lewis and Sala Mose.
− Rangoon : British and Foreign Bible Society (Burma
Agency), [1963?]. 120 p. − [Mimeographed]
Subject(s): Kaw language : Texts - Bible - New Testament Matthew
GB: CUL(BSS.666.1.F63.6)
Ref.: OCLC 21113578
Bible, N.T. : Matthew < K h y a n g >>
The gospel according to St. Matthew in Ashö Chin. − [Rangoon :] British and Foreign Bible Society, 1951. [88] p. − Title page in English; text and cover in Ashö Chin script. −
Translated by Samo Hla U.
Subject(s): Khyang language : Texts - Bible - New Testament - Matthew
GB: Manchester(Deansgate Ref.)
US: HU(Widener Harv.Depos KC 14944)
Bible, N.T. : Matthew < L i s u >
Lishu Matthew. 1st ed. – Shanghai: British and Foreign Bible Society, 1912. 128 p.
Subject(s): Lisus language : Texts - Bible - New Testament Matthew
GB: SOAS(GPE Lisu 225/40.268)*
Bible, N.T. : Matthew < M o n >
Gospel by Matthew : Talaing ... Publ. by the British and
Foreign Bible Society. – Rangoon : American Baptist Mission Pr., 1923. 77 p. − In Mon also known as Talain or
Peguan. − No title-page, cover title in English and Peguan.
Repr. from the New Testament transl. by J. M. Haswell in
Subject(s): Mon language : Texts - Bible - New Testament Matthew
GB: BL(11103 aaa 19)* CUL(BSS.658.F23)
Bible, N.T. : Matthew < M r u >
Saint Matthew in Mro … (tentative translation). − Rangoon :
British and Foreign Bible Society, 1934. 104 p. − In Mru
also called Mro. − Transl. by Saptawka.
GB: CUL(BSS.654.1.F34)
Bible, N.T. : Matthew < N i c o b a r e s e - Car >
St. Matthew in Car-Nicobarese ... – Rangoon : British and
Foreign Bible Society, 1926. 88 p. − In the Car dialect of Nicobarese. − Transl. by G. Whitehead and John Richardson.
GB: CUL(BSS.668.2.F26)
SOAS(Pam Indo-Chinese Langs A/58.878)*
Bible, N.T. : Matthew < N i c o b a r e s e : Nancowry >
The Gospel of Matthew in Nicobarese, Nancowry dialect /
transl. by the Moravian missionaries about A.D. 1780 ; ed.
and rev. by the late F. A. de Roepstorff and his widow in
1884. 3rd ed. – Rangoon : British and Foreign Bible Society,
1949. 81 p.
US: LC(Microfiche 95/63560 (B))
Bible, N.T. : Matthew < S h a n >
The Gospel according to Matthew : Shan ... [/ transl. by J. N.
Cushing]. 1st ed. – Rangoon : American Baptist Mission Pr.,
1871. 127 p. − No title-page, cover title in Shan and English.
Subject(s): Shan language : Texts – Bible - New Testament Matthew
GB: CUL(BSS.666.E71 + .2-3)
US: LC(BS315.S47 1871) MB
Bible, N.T. : Matthew < L a h u >
Mathew [sic] in Lahu ... − Rangoon : American Baptist Mission Pr., 1928. 134 p. − Transl. by American Baptist missionaries.
Subject(s): Lahu language : Texts - Bible - New Testament Matthew
GB: CUL(BSS.662.F28)
(St. Matthew’s Gospel in Lahu) ... – Rangoon : British and
Foreign Bible Society, 1962. 97 p.
B 85
ditto. – ibd., 1887.
GB: BL-APAC(Shan B.14)
ditto. / publ. by the British and Foreign Bible Society. –
Rangoon : American Baptist Mission Pr., 1902. 95 p.
GB: BL(11103 a 21(1))* CUL(BSS.666.F02)
BL-APAC(Shan B.11)
ditto. – Rangoon : American Bible Society, 1918. 93 p. − No
title-page, cover title in Shan and English.
GB: CUL(BSS.666.F18)
Burma Bibliographical Project
Siegfried M. Schwertner
Burma Agency, 1951. 78 p. − In Atsi, also known as Zaiwa.
No title-page, title from cover, title in English on back cover.
GB: CUL(BSS.666.5.F51)
ditto. – ibd., 1925. 93 p.
GB: BL(11103 a 66(1))* BL-APAC(Shan B.4)
St. Matthew in Shan ... – Rangoon : British and Foreign Bible Society, 1921. 93 p. − Transl. and rev. by J. N. Cushing.
− Text in Shan character, title in Shan and English.
GB: CUL(BSS.666.F21) SOAS(GQE Shan 225/12.305)
ditto. − [Rangoon :] British and Foreign Bible Society
Burma Agency, 1944. 93 p. − Repr. from the 1921 edition.
GB: CUL(BSS.666.F44)
Ref.: OCLC 54320428
Bible, N.T. : Mark < B u r m e s e >
The gospel by Mark … / publ. by the American Baptist Foreign Mission Society. − Rangoon : American Baptist Mission Pr, 1884. 97 p. − Title page in Burmese and English.
Spine title: Mark - Burmese
Subject(s): Burmese language : Texts - Bible - New Testament - Mark
GB: Glasgow(Temporary storage ; B2-h.20)
Bible, N.T. : Matthew < W a >
Gospel of Matthew in Wa / transl. by M. Vincent Young
with aid of Wa teachers ... – Rangoon : American Baptist
Mission Pr., 1935. 70 p.
Subject(s): Wa language : Texts - Bible - New Testament Matthew
GB: BL(11103 a 99(1)* CUL(BSS.661.F35)
ditto.. – ibd., 1936. p. 103-163.
GB: BL(14300 a 59)*
(St. Matthew, St. Mark, St. Luke, St. John, the acts of the
Apostles in Burmese, reproduced ... from the edition of
1909.) – Rangoon : British and Foreign Bible Society, 1912.
501 p. – Each part has own title-page
Subject(s): Burmese language : Texts - Bible - New Testament - Mark
GB: BL(14300 a 22)*
ditto. – Rangoon : British and Foreign Bible Society, 1951.
80 p. − Other titles: St. Matthew in Wa
US: CU(Annex BS315.W2 1951)
NIU(SEA BS335 .W3 1951)
St. Mark in Burmese. – Rangoon, 1920.
Subject(s): Burmese language : Texts - Bible - New Testament - Mark
US: LC(BS315.B87 1920)
Bible, N.T. : Matthew : Selection < K a r e n >
Sermon on the Mount ... – Tavoy, 1842. 96 p.
Subject(s): Karen language : Texts - Bible - New Testament
- Matthew - Selection
Burma : Miniature books (Printing) - 1842
US: HU(Houghton: m 505.35* Miniatures box 5, sec. 4)
Bible, N.T. : Matthew : Selection < K a r e n : Bghai >
The sermon on the mount. Bghai Karen / transl. by Francis
Mason ... 1st ed. – Maulmain: American Mission Pr., 1857.
45 p
D: GÖ-SUB(8 Bibl II, 6915)
GB: BL(11103 a 11(1))*
Bible, N.T. : Mark < A b o r : Miri >
The gospel of the Mark in Abor-Miri. 1st ed. – Calcutta :
British and Foreign Bible Society, 1935. 38 p.
GB: BL(14180 bb 31) SOAS(GPE Abor 22/41.141)*
Bible, N.T. : Mark < A r a k a n e s e >
The Gospel according to Mark in Mogi ... − [Rangoon :]
Printed by the American Baptist Mission Press for the Bible
Translation Society, 1914. 77 p. − In Arakanese, formerly
known as Mogi, Maghi or Rukheng. No title-page; text in
Burmese character, cover title in English with Arakanese
sub-title. Translated by Mang Nyu.
GB: BL(14300 a 30) CUL(BSS.654.F14)
Bible, N.T. : Mark < A t s i >
The Gospel of Mark (Atsi-Kachin.) / transl. by F. J. Fitzwilliam. − Chefoo, N. China: James McMullan, 1918. 59 p. −In
Atsi, also known as Zaiwa. In Fraser script. − The Gospel
was publ. privately as the translator desired to use for "baptism" the phrase "wi nop" "wi" meaning "water" and "nop"
"put into and take out of".
Ref.: OCLC 54325216
The Gospel according to St. Mark in Atsi … / transl. by F. J.
Fitzwilliam. − Rangoon : British & Foreign Bible Society
ditto. 4. a krim`. – Yangon: The Bible Society of Myanmar,
1989. 117 p. – Title on added title-page: The gospel according to St. Mark. – Parallel Burmese text and English translation
GB: BL-APAC(MYAN.A.639) OUL(BOD Burm. e.855)
US: CU(Kroch BS315.B88 M3 1989)
Bible, N.T. : Mark < B u r m e s e : Bible Society version >
The Gospel according to St. Mark ... – Rangoon : British and
Foreign Bible Society, 1904. 94 p.
Subject(s): Burmese language : Texts - Bible - New Testament - Mark
ditto. 6th ed. – ibd., 1905. 91 p.
ditto. [/ rev. by a Bible Society Committee comprising T.
Rickard ; A. H. Bestall and others]. – Rangoon : British and
Foreign Bible Society, 1909. 55 p.
GB: BL(14300 a 17)*
Bible, N.T. : Mark < B u r m e s e : Eveleth >
Commentary on the Gospel of Mark ... / by W. N. Clarke ;
abridged and transl. into the Burmese by F. H. Eveleth. –
Rangoon : American Baptist Mission Pr., 1919. 247 p.
Subject(s): Burmese language : Texts - Bible - New Testament - Mark
GB: BL(14300 b 24)
Bible, N.T. : Mark < B u r m e s e : Judson >
The Gospel by Mark ... Rev., 1907 / publ. by American Baptist Missionary Union. – Rangoon : American Baptist Mission Pr., 1907. 104 p.
Subject(s): Burmese language : Texts - Bible - New Testament - Mark
GB: BL(14300 a 11)* BL-APAC(Bur B 52)
B 86
Bibliographical description
GB: BL(11103 a 82(2))*
BL-APAC(Kachin B.37 & 44)
Bible, N.T. : Mark < B u r m e s e : Tilbe >
Commentary on Mark / by H. H. Tilbe. – Rangoon : American Baptist Mission Pr., 1923. 251 p. – On cover: 1924
Subject(s): Burmese language : Texts - Bible - New Testament - Mark
GB: BL(14300 b 31)*
BL-APAC(Bur D 869)
Matthew and Mark … / transl. into Kachin by O. Hanson ...
– Rangoon : American Baptist Mission Pr., 1903. 202 p. – In
Kachin also known as Jingpho.
Subject(s): Kachin language : Texts - Bible - New Testament
- Mark
GB: BL(11103 a 3(4) ; in: 11103 a 52)*
CUL(BSS.656.2.F03) BL-APAC(Kachin B.10)
Bible, N.T. : Mark < C h i n : Anal >
[The gospel according to St. Mark] ... − [Rangoon :] British
& Foreign Bible Society Burma Agency, 1949. 42 p. − "This
first printing of a Christian Scripture in Anal Chin is from a
translation by the Rev. Dengkunga of the Methodist Church
in Upper Burma [, a Mizo, and Bekung, an Anal] under the
rules prescribed by the British and Foreign Bible Society." title-page verso.
GB: CUL(BSS.651.7.F49) Manchester(Deansgate Ref.)
St. Mark (in Kachin) ... – Rangoon : British and Foreign Bible Society, 1932. 68 p. − In Kachin also known as Jingpho.
Text of the 1912 New Testament, transl. by O. Hanson.
Publ. with the kind permission of the American Baptist Foreign Mission Society
Subject(s): Kachin language : Texts - Bible - New Testament
- Mark
GB: BL(11103 a 73(5))
Ref.: OCLC 48990786
Bible, N.T. : Mark < C h i n : Haka >
St. Mark in the Lai dialect of the Chin language / transl. by
L. H. Carson. – Rangoon : American Baptist Foreign Mission Society, 1920.
Subject(s): Haka Chin language : Texts - Bible - New Testament - Mark
GB: BL-APAC(Chin B.5)
The Gospel according to St. Mark in Chin, Lai dialect. –
Rangoon : British and Foreign Bible Society, Burma
Agency, 1946 p. 79-122. –This edition of the Gospel of St.
Mark in Lai (Haka) Chin is published by the British & Foreign Bible Society with the kind permission of the American
Baptist Foreign Mission Society - p. [2] of cover. - With
chapter and section headings, some references in the text. –
Transl. by Chester U. Strait assisted by Saya Sang Ling.
Subject(s): Haka Chin language : Texts - Bible - New Testament - Mark
GB: CUL(BSS.652.4.F46.2)
US: CU(Kroch BS315 .L19 1946) LC(85-921858)
Bible, N.T. : Mark < C h i n : Hmar >
The gospel according to St. Mark : Hmar dialect. 1st ed. –
Calcutta : British and Foreign Bible Society, 1920. 47 p.
GB: SOAS(GPE Chin 225/41.147)*
Bible, N.T. : Mark < C h i n : Lai >
Bible, N.T. : Mark < C h i n : Haka >
Bible, N.T. : Mark < C h i n : Southern Chin >
The Gospel of St. Mark in Chin : Southern dialect. Tentative
ed. [/ transl. by George Whitehead]. – London : British and
Foreign Bible Society, 1921. 69 p.
GB: BL(11103 a 98)*
ditto. − ibd., 1943. 85 p. − Reproduced by photography from
the 1932 edition.
GB: CUL(BSS.656.2.F43)
St. Mark in Kachin : Jinghpaw. – Rangoon : British and Foreign Bible Society, 1950. p. 71-114.
Subject(s): Kachin language : Texts - Bible - New Testament
- Mark
GB: SOAS(GPE Kach 225/232.088)*
Bible, N.T. : Mark < K a r e n : Pwo >
The Gospels of Matthew and Mark, in Pwo Karen / transl.
from the Sgau by Karens, and rev. by F. Mason and D. L.
Brayton ... 1st ed. – Tavoy: Karen Mission Pr., print. for the
American and Foreign Bible Society, 1852. 122 p.
Subject(s): Pwo Karen dialect : Texts. - Bible - New Testament - Mark
GB: BL(11103 a 97)*
Bible, N.T. : Mark < K a r e n : Pwo >
The Gospel according to St. Mark in Pwo Karen ... − Rangoon : British and Foreign Bible Society, 1921. 54 p. − Titlepage in English with a Karen sub-title. A new version by W.
C. B. Purser.
Subject(s): Pwo Karen dialect : Texts. - Bible - New Testament - Mark
GB: CUL(BSS.657.2.F21.2)
Bible, N.T. : Mark < C h i n : Zanniat >
(Mark in Chin Zanniat) ... − [Rangoon : Bible Society of
Burma], 1972. 91 p.. − Transl. by Forth R. Naisang.
GB: CUL(BSS.652.7.F72)
Bible, N.T. : Mark < K a c h i n >
The gospel by Mark ... / publ. by the American Baptist Foreign Mission Society. – Rangoon : American Baptist Foreign
Mission Society, 1933. p. 80-125. – Added title and text in
Subject(s): Kachin language : Texts - Bible - New Testament
- Mark
B 87
ditto. – Rangoon : British and Foreign Bible Society, Burma
Agency, 1948. 52 p. − Paper cover with no title-page, text
and front cover in Karen characters, title from back cover in
GB: CUL(BSS.657.2.F48.2)
SOAS(GPE Kar 226.3/420.850)
St. Mark in Pwo Karen. − [Rangoon :] British and Foreign
Bible Society Burma Agency, 1945. 104 p. − Title in English
and Karen character, text in Karen
Subject(s): Pwo Karen dialect : Texts. - Bible - New Testament - Mark
GB: CUL(BSS.657.2.F45)
Burma Bibliographical Project
Siegfried M. Schwertner
Bible, N.T. : Mark < K a r e n : Sgau >
The Gospel by Mark ... / publ. by the American Baptist Foreign Mission Society. – Rangoon : American Baptist Mission Pr., 1930. 56 p.
Subject(s): Sgaw Karen dialect : Texts - Bible - New Testament - Mark
GB: BL(11103 a 109)*
St. Mark (in Sgaw Karen). – Rangoon : British and Foreign
Bible Society, 1937. 56 p.
Subject(s): Sgaw Karen dialect : Texts - Bible - New Testament - Mark
AU:NLA(Luce pam 3)
US: HU(KC 14945)
Bible, N.T. : Mark < L a h u >
(St. Mark (Bunan).) 2nd ed. – Lahore: British and Foreign
Bible Society, 1923. 75 p.
Subject(s): Lahu language : Texts - Bible - New Testament Mark
GB: BL(11103 aaa 18)*
Gospel by Mark in Lahu … − Rangoon : American Baptist
Mission Pr., 1925. 64 p. − Transl. by American Baptist missionaries.
Subject(s): Lahu language : Texts - Bible - New Testament Mark
GB: CUL(BSS.662.F25)
Bible, N.T. : Mark < K a r e n : Sgau : Smith >
A commentary on the Gospel according to Mark ... / by D.
A. W. Smith. 1st ed. – Rangoon : American Baptist Mission
Pr., 1919. 222 p. – Title and text in Sgau Karen
Subject(s): Sgaw Karen dialect : Texts - Bible - New Testament - Mark
GB: BL(11103 b 34)* BL-APAC(Karen D.49)
Mark (Lahu) / transl. by J. Haxton Telford, ABMU, assisted
by Potun, David Sala, Ai Pun Sala, Saya Chit Swe … −
Rangoon : American Baptist Mission Pr. [; London : Scripture Gift Mission], 1938. 95 p., [16] p. of plates, illus. − Romanized script
Subject(s): Lahu language : Texts - Bible - New Testament Mark
Ref.: OCLC 48940265
Bible, N.T. : Mark < K a r e n : Taungthu : Hackett >
The Gospel according to St. Mark in Pao (Taungthu) / transl.
by Marion S. Hackett. − [S.l.:] British and Foreign Bible Society Burma Agency, 1951. 50 p. − In Pao or Karen Pao,
also known as Black Karen or Taungthu.
GB: CUL(BSS.665.F51)
St. Mark in Lahu ... − Rangoon : British & Foreign Bible
Society, 1950. 59 p. − Rev. by M.V. Young.
Subject(s): Lahu language : Texts - Bible - New Testament Mark
GB: CUL(BSS.662.F50)
Bible, N.T. : Mark < K a r e n : Taungthu : Sherratt >
St. Mark in Taungthu (Bao) ... − Rangoon : British and Foreign Bible Society, 1912. 54 p. − In Pao or Karen Pao, also
known as Black Karen or Taungthu. Text in a modified form
of Burmese characters, title-page in English with a Karen
sub-title. Translated by William Sherratt.
GB: CUL(BSS.665.F12)
(St. Mark’s Gospel in Lahu.) – Rangoon : British and Foreign Bible Society, 1962. 61 p.
Subject(s): Lahu language : Texts - Bible - New Testament Mark
GB: BL(11103 a 122)*
ditto. − ibd., 1917. 56 p. − Rev. by William Sherratt from
his 1912 transl.
GB: CUL(BSS.665.F17)
ditto. − ibd., 1921. 54 p.
GB: SOAS(GPE Kar 225/79.880)
Bible, N.T. : Mark < K a w >
The gospel according to St. Mark in Akha ... – Rangoon :
The British and Foreign Bible Society, 1955. 71 p. − Transl.
by P. Lewis and Sala Mose
Subject(s): Kaw language : Texts - Bible - New Testament Mark
GB: CUL(BSS.66.1.F55)
SOAS(GPE Akha 225/345.871)*
US: CU(Wason BS2584 A4 1955)
Bible, N.T. : Mark < K h u m i >
St. Mark in Khumi : Arakan Hills. Tentative ed. – [Rangoon
: Vinayagar Pr.,] 1935. 50 p. – Transl. by E. Rowlands et al.
Subject(s): Khumi language − Texts - Bible.
GB: CUL(BSS.652.2.F35)
Ref.: OCLC 31625374
Bible, N.T. : Mark < K h y a n g >
The gospel according to St. Mark in Ashö Chin. – [Rangoon
:] British and Foreign Bible Society, Burma Agency, 1951.
Subject(s): Khyang language : Texts - Bible - New Testament - Mark
Bible, N.T. : Mark < L i s u >
The Gospel of Mark : Western Lisu. – Shanghai: British and
Foreign Bible Society, 1921. 80 p.
Subject(s): Lisu language : Texts - Bible - New Testament Mark
GB: SOAS(GPE Lisu 22/41.073)*
Bible, N.T. : Mark < L u r >
St. Mark Gospel and 1, 2 St. Peter in Lur. Tentative ed. –
London : British and Foreign Bible Society, 1928. 86 p.
GB: BL(11103 a 96)*
Bible, N.T. : Mark < M a w k e n >
St. Mark in Mawken … − Rangoon : British and Foreign Bible Society, 1913. 49 p. − In Mawken also known as Moken,
Salong etc. Translated by Walter G. White.
GB: CUL(BSS.660.F13)
Bible, N.T. : Mark < M o n >
The Gospel by Mark : Talain ... [Repr. from the translation
of the N.T. / by J. M. Haswell]. Publ. by the American Baptist Missionary Union. – Rangoon : American Baptist Mission Pr., 1907. 87 p.
Subject(s): Mon language : Texts – Bible- New Testament Mark
GB: BL(11103 a 5(2))* BL-APAC(Mon B.5)
B 88
Bibliographical description
The Gospel according to St. Mark in Talaing ... − Rangoon :
Publ. by the British and Foreign Bible Society, [1923?]. 48
p. − In Mon also known as Talain or Peguan. Title in English
and Peguan. Repr. from the New Testament transl. by J. M.
Haswell in 1847.
Subject(s): Mon language : Texts - Bible - Mark
GB: CUL(BSS.658.F23.2)
The Gospel according to St. Mark in Mon ... – Rangoon :
British and Foreign Bible Society, Burma Agency, 1945. 48
p. – In Mon also known as Talain or Peguan. "Reprinted by
kind permission of the A.B.F.M.S. from their 1847 edition of
the New Testament in Talaing."
Subject(s): Mon language : Texts - Bible - Mark
GB: CUL(BSS.658.F45)
SOAS(Pam Indo-Chinese Langs A/64.378)*
US: CU(Annex BS315.M77 Mark 1945)
Bible, N.T. : Mark < N i c o b a r e s e : Car >
St. Mark in Car-Nicobarese ... – Rangoon : British and Foreign Bible Society, 1918. 58 p. − In the Car dialect of Nicobarese. − Transl. by G. Whitehead and John Richardson.
GB: CUL(BSS.668.2.F18)
SOAS(Pam Indo-Chinese Langs A/58.876)
Bible, N.T. : Mark < S h a n : Yunnanese >
(St. Mark’s Gospel in Shan : Yunnanese) ... – London : British and Foreign Bible Society, 1931.
Subject(s): Shan language, Yunnanese : Texts - Bible - New
Testament - Mark
GB: BL(11103 aa 12)*
Bible, N.T. : Mark < W a >
Gospel of Mark in Wa … / transl. by M. Vincent Young
with aid of Wa teachers. – Rangoon : American Baptist Mission Pr., 1935. 47 p.
Subject(s): Wa language : Texts - Bible - New Testament –
GB: BL(11103 a 99(2))* CUL(BSS.661.F35.2)
Bible, N.T. : Luke < B u r m e s e >
The Gospel by Luke ... 1st ed. – Rangoon, 1876.
Subject(s): Burmese language : Texts - Bible - New Testament - Luke
ditto. / publ. by the American Baptist Missionary Union. –
Rangoon : American Baptist Mission Pr., 1888. 174 p. − Title from cover; spine title: Luke - Burmese. Title page in
Burmese and English.
GB: Glasgow(Temporary storage B2-h.20)
Bible, N.T. : Mark < R i a n g-T a n g >
St. Mark in Riang-lang ... − Rangoon : British and Foreign
Bible Society, 1950. 47 p. − Translated into Riang Lang by
Kham Pang; based on the Shan version prep. by J. N. Cushing.
Subject(s): Riang-lang language − Texts
GB: OUL(BOD N.T. Riang-lang f.1)
IRL:TCD(115.q.68 no.17)
Luke. – [Rangoon : American Baptist Missionary Union,
1887.] 174 p.
Subject(s): Burmese language : Texts - Bible - New Testament - Luke
US: CU(Wason BS315.B87 L9 1887)
Bible, N.T. : Mark < S h a n >
The Gospel by Mark ... 1st ed. – Rangoon : Print. for the
Burmah Bible and Tract Society, 1878.
Subject(s): Shan language : Texts – Bible - Nw Testament Mark
The Gospel according to St. Luke ... – Rangoon : British and
Foreign Bible Society, 1902. 158 p.
Subject(s): Burmese language : Texts - Bible - New Testament - Luke
(St. Matthew, St. Mark, St. Luke, St. John, the acts of the
Apostles in Burmese, reproduced ... from the edition of
1909.) – Rangoon : British and Foreign Bible Society, 1912.
501 p. – Each part has own title-page
Subject(s): Burmese language : Texts - Bible - New Testament - Luke
GB: BL(14300 a 22)*
The Gospel according to Mark : Shan ... [/ rev. by J. N.
Cushing]. Publ. by the British and Foreign Bible Society. –
Rangoon : American Baptist Mission Pr., 1902. 61 p. − No
title-page, cover title in Shan and English.
GB: BL(11103 a 21(2))* CUL(BSS.666.F02.2 & 3)
BL-APAC(Shan B.10)
St. Mark in Shan. – Rangoon : British and Foreign Bible Society, 1921. 59 p. – Transl. and rev. by J. N. Cushing. Text
in Shan character. Cover title: in Shan and English.
GB: CUL(BSS.666.F21.2)
SOAS(GQE Shan 225/12.306 ; 233.248)*
ditto. – ibd., 1925. 59 p.
GB: BL(11103 a 66(2))* BL-APAC(Shan B.3)
ditto. – ibd., 1936. 73 p. − Text of the 1921 ed. enl. and
mimeographed to resemble the style of Buddhist books,
printed on one side of the paper only.
GB: CUL(BSS.666.F36)
ditto. – [S.l.,] British and Foreign Bible Society Burma
Agency, Diocesan Pr., 1944. 59 p. − Repr. from the 1921 ed.
GB: CUL(BSS.666.F44.2)
Ref.: OCLC 54320566
Bible, N.T. : Luke < B u r m e s e : Bible Society version >
The Gospel according to St. Luke ... [in the Bible Society’s
rev. version / prep. by T. Rickard, A. H. Bestell, and others].
3rd ed. – Rangoon : British and Foreign Bible Society, 1906.
165 p.
Subject(s): Burmese language : Texts - Bible - New Testament - Luke
GB: BL(14300 a 9)* BL-APAC(Bur B 737)
Bible, N.T. : Luke < C h i n : Falam >
Good News & its power written by Luke : (Luke and Acts in
Chin: Falam) ... − Rangoon : Bible Society of Burma, 1973.
284 p. − A new translation of Luke and Acts. With introduction, section headings, inter-Gospel references, footnote references, illustrations by Annie Vallotton. Translated by Edward Kyon Bill and others.
GB: CUL(BSS.652.45.F73)
B 89
Burma Bibliographical Project
Siegfried M. Schwertner
Bible, N.T. : Luke < C h i n : Haka >
Luke. − Rangoon : British and Foreign Bible Society, Burma
Agency, 1946. p. 123-198. − From the American Baptist
Mission 1940 New Testament. With chapter and section
headings, some references in the text. − Translated by Chester U. Strait assisted by Saya Sang Ling.
Subject(s): Haka Chin language : Texts - Bible - New Testament - Luke
GB: CUL(BSS.652.4.F46.3)
Bible, N.T. : Luke < C h i n : Khumi >
St. Luke in Khumi ... − Rangoon : British and Foreign Bible
Society Burma Agency, 1949. 79 p. − Translated by E. W.
GB: CUL(BSS.652.2.F49)
Bible, N.T. : Luke < C h i n : Lai >
St. Luke in the Lai dialect of the Chin language / transl. by
Mrs. L. H. Carson. – Rangoon, 1920.
GB: BL-APAC(Chin B.5)
Bible, N.T. : Luke < K a c h i n >
The Gospel according to Luke / transl. into Kachin by O.
Hanson ... – Rangoon : American Baptist Mission Pr., 1896.
147 p. – In Kachin also known as Jingpho
Subject(s): Kachin language : Texts - Bible - New Testament
- Luke
GB: BL(11103 a 3(5))*
Ref.: OCLC 54331436
Bible, N.T. : Luke < K a r e n : Pwo >
The Gospel according to St. Luke in Pwo Karen ... − Rangoon : British and Foreign Bible Society Burma Agency,
1948. 90 p. − Paper cover with no title-page, text and front
cover in Karen characters, title from back cover in English.
Subject(s): Pwo Karen dialect : Texts. - Bible - New Testament - Luke
GB: CUL(BSS.657.2.F48.3)
Ref.: OCLC 54331863
Bible, N.T. : Luke < K a r e n : Pwo, Purser >
St. Luke in Pwo Karen ... − Rangoon : British and Foreign
Bible Society, 1919. 100 p. − Title-page in English with a
Karen sub-title. − A new version by W.C.B. Purser.
Subject(s): Pwo Karen dialect : Texts. - Bible - New Testament - Luke
GB: CUL(BSS.657.2.F19)
Bible, N.T. : Luke < K a r e n : Sgau >
The Gospel by Luke and the first Epistle of Peter : in Sgau
Karen / rev. by E. B. Cross. – Rangoon : Mission Pr., 1874.
VIII, 206 p. – Title-page and preface in English only
Subject(s): Sgaw Karen dialect : Texts - Bible - New Testament - Luke
GB: BL(11103 b 41)*
A commentary on the Gospel according to St. Luke / by A.
W. Smith. 1st ed. – Rangoon : American Baptist Mission Pr.,
1920. 394 p. – Added title and text in Sgaw Karen. – With
the text in Sgau Karen
Subject(s): Sgaw Karen dialect : Texts - Bible - New Testament - Luke – Commentaries
GB:BL(11103 aa 7)* BL-APAC(Karen D.29)
The Gospel by Luke ... / publ. by the American Baptist Foreign Mission Society. – Rangoon : American Baptist Mission Pr., 1933. p. 125-202.
Subject(s): Kachin language : Texts - Bible - New Testament
- Luke
GB: GB(11103 a 82(3))*
BL-APAC(Kachin B.39 & 41)
St. Luke (in Kachin) ... – Rangoon : British and Foreign Bible Society, 1932. 115 p. − In Kachin also known as Jingpho. Text of the 1912 New Testament, transl. by O. Hanson.
Publ. with the kind permission of the American Baptist Foreign Mission Society
Subject(s): Kachin language : Texts - Bible - New Testament
- Luke
GB: CUL(BSS.656.2.F32.3)
Ref.: OCLC 48987332
(St. Luke in Singpho) [/ transl. by T. M. Johnson] ... – London : British and Foreign Bible Society, 1907. 118 p.
Subject(s): Kachin language : Texts - Bible - New Testament
- Luke
GB: BL(11103 b 40(1))*
Ref.: OCLC 30935582
Bible, N.T. : Luke < K a r e n >
The Gospel by Luke ... / publ. by the American Baptist Foreign Mission Society. – Rangoon : American Baptist Mission Pr., 1933. p. 160-255.
Subject(s): Karen language : Texts - Bible - New Testament
– Luke
GB: BL(11103 a 76)*
St. Luke (in Sgaw Karen). − [s.l.,] British and Foreign Bible
Society Burma Agency, 1943. p. 160-255
Subject(s): Sgaw Karen dialect : Texts - Bible - New Testament - Luke
Ref.: OCLC 54332184
Bible, N.T. : Luke < K a r e n : Taungthu, Hackett >
The Gospel according to St. Luke in Pa-O (Taung thu) /
transl. by Marion S. Hackett and Mary Nang Mat. − [s.l.:]
British and Foreign Bible Society Burma Agency, [1964?].
134 p. − In Pao or Karen Pao, also known as Black Karen or
GB: CUL(BSS.665.F64)
ditto. − ibd., [197-?]. 134 p.
GB: SOAS(GPE Kar 226.4/420.844)*
Bible, N.T. : Luke < K a r e n : Taungthu, Sherratt >
St. Luke in Taungthu (Bao) ... − Rangoon : British and Foreign Bible Society, 1929. 105 p. − In Pao or Karen Pao, also
known as Black Karen or Taungthu. Title-page in English
with a Karen sub-title. − Transl. by William Sherratt and
Tun Pe.
GB: CUL(BSS.665.F29)
Bible, N.T. : Luke < K a w >
St. Luke in Akha / transl. by P. Lewis et al. − London : British and Foreign Bible Society, 1966. 105 p.
Subject(s): Kaw language : Texts - Bible - New Testament Luke
Ref.: OCLC 49376802 ; 21123326
B 90
Bibliographical description
Bible, N.T. : Luke < K h y a n g >
The Gospel according to St. Luke in Ashö Chin … − [S.l.:]
British and Foreign Bible Society Burma Agency, 1953. 96
p. − In the Asho or Southern dialect of Chin. No title-page;
text and front cover in Burmese character, title from back
cover in English. − Translated by Hla U.
Subject(s): Khyang language : Texts - Bible - New Testament - Luke
GB: CUL(BSS.652.5.F53)
Boston, Mass. 1st ed. – Rangoon : American Mission Pr.,
1880. 107 p.
Subject(s): Shan language : Texts - Bible - New Testament Luke
Gospel by Luke : Shan [/ rev. by J. N. Cushing]. – Rangoon :
American Baptist Mission Pr., 1887. 166 p.
Subject(s): Shan language : Texts - Bible - New Testament Luke
GB: BL(11103 a 24)* BL-APAC(Shan B.15)
Bible, N.T. : Luke < L a h u >
Luke in Lahu ... − Rangoon : American Baptist Mission Pr.,
1928. 141 p. − Transl. by American Baptist missionaries.
Subject(s): Lahu language : Texts - Bible - New Testament Luke
GB: CUL(BSS.662.F28.2)
St. Luke in Shan … [/ transl. and rev. by J. N. Cushing]. –
Rangoon : British and Foreign Bible Society, 1921. 104 p. −
No title-page, cover title in Shan and English.
Subject(s): Shan language : Texts - Bible - New Testament Luke
GB: CUL(BSS.666.F21.3)
SOAS(GQE Shan 225/12.307)*
(St. Luke’s Gospel in Lahu) ... – Rangoon : British and Foreign Bible Society, 1962. 106 p.
Subject(s): Lahu language : Texts - Bible - New Testament Luke
GB: BL(11103 a 121)*
ditto. Repr. − [s.l.:] British and Foreign Bible Society Burma
Agency, 1944. 104 p.
GB: CUL(BSS.666.44.3]
Ref.: OCLC 54320615
Bible, N.T. : Luke < M o n >
The Gospel according to St. Luke in Talaing ... − Rangoon :
Publ. by the British and Foreign Bible Society, [1923?]. 85
p. − In Mon also known as Talain or Peguan. Title in English
and Talaing. Repr. from the New Testament transl. by J. M.
Haswell in 1847.
Subject(s): Mon language : Texts - Bible - New Testament Luke
GB: CUL(BSS.658.F23.3)
Bible, N.T. : Luke < N i c o b a r e s e-Car >
St. Luke in Car-Nicobarese ... – Rangoon : British and Foreign Bible Society, 1913. 95 p. − In the Car dialect of Nicobarese. Translated by G. Whitehead and John Richardson.
GB: CUL(BSS.668.2.F13)
SOAS(Pam Indo-Chinese Langs A)
ditto. − ibd., 1940. 88 p. − An orthographical revision of the
1913 Luke prep. by Richardson.
Bible, N.T. : Luke < R a w a n g >
St. Luke in Rawang … − Rangoon : British and Foreign Bible Society, 1961. 134 p.
Subject(s): Bible. N.T. Luke - Commentaries
GB:OUL(BOD Nuneham Indo-Chin e.5005)
Bible, N.T. : Luke < S h a n >
The Gospel according to Luke ... − Rangoon : British and
Foreign Bible Society, 1903. 106 p. − Translated by J. N.
Cushing. − No title-page, cover title in Shan and English.
Subject(s): Shan language : Texts - Bible - New Testament Luke
GB: CUL(BSS.666.F03)
The Gospel of Luke. – [Rangoon, 1873?]. 109 p. – Shan text
by J. N. Cushing
Subject(s): Shan language : Texts - Bible - New Testament Luke
The Gospel by Luke [/ transl. by J. N. Cushing] ... A gift to
the Shan from the Clarendon St. John the Baptist’s School,
The Gospel according to Luke ... – Rangoon : American
Baptist Mission Pr., 1925. 24 p.
Subject(s): Shan language : Texts - Bible - New Testament Luke
GB: BL(11103 a 66(3))*
BL-APAC(Shan B.5)
Gospel of St. Luke. – Madras: Bible House, 1944.
Bible, N.T. : Luke < S h a n : Yunnanese >
.The Gospel according to St. Luke in Yunnanese Shan. –
[Calcutta :] British and Foreign Bible Society, Burma
Agency, 1943. 229 p.
Subject(s): Shan language, Yunnanese : Texts - Bible - New
Testament - Luke
GB: SOAS(GQE Yun 226.4/420.860)*
Bible, N.T. : Luke < W a >
Gospel of Luke in Wa ... / transl. by M. Vincent Young with
aid of Wa teachers. – Rangoon : American Baptist Mission
Pr., 1935. 77 p.
Subject(s): Wa language : Texts - Bible - New Testament Luke
GB: BL(11103 a 99(3))*
St. Luke in Wa / transl. M. Vincent Young. – Rangoon :
British and Foreign Bible Society, 1951. p. 135-213.
US: CU(Kroch BS315 .W2 1951ba ; Microfiche 887 SEI 90
63472) LC(Microfiche 85/77917(B))
Bible, N.T. : Luke : Selection < L u s h a i >
Notes on St. Luke’s parables in Lushai ...
Rowlands, Edwin
Bible, N.T. : John < A b o r : Miri >
The Gospel of St. John in Abor-Miri. 1st ed. – Calcutta :
British and Foreign Bible Society, 1932. 52 p.
GB: BL(14180 bb 30) SOAS(GPE Abor 22/41.142)*
B 91
Burma Bibliographical Project
Siegfried M. Schwertner
Bible, N.T. : John < A n g a m i N a g a >
The Gospel according to John in Angami Naga transl. from
the Greek with the revisers’ readings / by S. W. Rivenburg
and native assistants. 2nd ed. – Kohima, Assam: American
Baptist Mission Pr., 1907. 60 p.
GB: SOAS(Pam Indo-Chinese Langs A / 65.515)*
Bible, N.T. : John < B u r m e s e >
The gospel by John / publ. by the American Baptist Missionary Union. − Rangoon : American Baptist Mission Pr.,
1884. 127 p. − Title from cover ; spine title: John - Burmese.
Title page in Burmese and English
Subject(s): Burmese language : Texts - Bible - New Testament - John
GB: Glasgow(Temporary storage B2-h.20)
Subject(s): Burmese language : Texts - Bible - New Testament - John - Commentaries
GB: BL(14300 b 18)* BL-APAC(Bur D 478)
Bible, N.T. : John < B u r m e s e : Judson >
The Gospel by John [/ transl. by A. Judson] ... Publ. by the
American Baptist Missionary Union. – Rangoon : American
Baptist Mission Pr., 1904. 135 p.
Subject(s): Burmese language : Texts - Bible - New Testament - John
GB: BL(14300 a 12)* BL-APAC(Bur B 330)
ditto. – ibd., 1908. 216 p.
GB: BL-APAC(Bur D 478)
St. John : Burmese version of the Rev. A. Judson and Revised Standard version. – Rangoon : Bible Society of Burma,
1979. 155 p. − In Burmese and English
Subject(s): Burmese language : Texts - Bible - New Testament - John
SG: ISEAS(Microfiche 94/63403)
US: CU(Kroch Fiche 887 94 63403 2 fiches)
LC(Microfiche 94/63403 (B) So Asia)
The Gospel by John in Burmese, and Jameson’s grammatical
annalysis and vocabulary. – Rangoon : American Baptist
Mission Pr., 1888. 127, 39 p.
Subject(s): Burmese language : Texts - Bible - New Testament - John
US: UoC(PL3991.B6J3)
The Gospel according to St. John ... – Rangoon : British and
Foreign Bible Society, 1903. 122 p.
Subject(s): Burmese language : Texts - Bible - New Testament - John
St. John. 4. a krim`. – Yangon: Bible Society of Myanmar,
1989. 155 p. – Title on added title-page: The gospel according to St. John. – Parallel Burmese text and English translation
US: CU(Annex BS315.B81 J6 1989)
A grammatical analysis and vocabulary of the gospel by
John in Burmese : with references to Dr. Judson’s grammar
of the Burmese [/ by M. Jameson]. – Rangoon : American
Baptist Mission Pr., 1888. 89 p.
Subject(s): Burmese language : Texts - Bible - New Testament - John - Analysis
US: CU(Kroch BS2860.J6 B8 1888)
A grammatical analysis and vocabulary of the gospel by
John in Burmese, with references to Dr. Judson’s grammar
of the Burmese language, bound with John : for the use of
beginners in translation / by M. Jameson. – Rangoon :
American Baptist Mission Pr., 1888. 88, 131 p.
GB: BL(14300 a 14)*
BL-APAC(Bur B 49)
SOAS(GPC 225/14.800)*
(St. Matthew, St. Mark, St. Luke, St. John, the acts of the
Apostles in Burmese, reproduced ... from the edition of
1909.) – Rangoon : British and Foreign Bible Society, 1912.
501 p. – Each part has own title-page
Subject(s): Burmese language : Texts - Bible - New Testament - John
GB: BL(14300 a 22)*
Bible, N.T. : John < B u r m e s e : Eveleth >
Notes on the Gospel of John / comp. and transl. into Burmese by F. H. Eveleth ... – Rangoon : American Baptist Mission Pr., 1908. 216 p.
Bible, N.T. : John < C h i n : Haka >
John. − Rangoon : British and Foreign Bible Society, Burma
Agency, 1946. p. 199-252. − From the American Baptist
Mission 1940 New Testament. With chapter and section
headings, some references in the text. − Translated by Chester U. Strait assisted by Saya Sang Ling.
Subject(s): Haka Chin language : Texts - Bible - New Testament - John
GB: CUL(BSS.652.4.F46.4)
Bible, N.T. : John < C h i n : Kamhu >
The Gospel of John in Chin : Kamhu dialect [/ transl. by J.
H. Cope]. – Rangoon : American Baptist Mission Pr., 1923.
82 p.
GB: BL(11103 aaa 6)*
Bible, N.T. : John < C h i n-Khumi >
St. John in Ahraing Khumi … − Rangoon : British and Foreign Bible Society, 1947. 51 p. − Transl. ed by E. W. Francis, his wife and E. Cof.
GB: CUL(BSS.652.2.F47)
Bible, N.T. : John < C h i n : Lai >
The Gospel of John in the Lai dialect of the Chin language /
transl. by L. H. Carson ... – Rangoon : American Baptist
Mission Pr., 1920. 93 p.
GB: BL(11103 aaa 11)* BL-APAC(Chin B.3; 5)
Bible, N.T. : John < H k u n >
Bible, N.T. : John < K h u n >
Bible, N.T. : John < J i n g h p a w >
Bible, N.T. : John < K a c h i n >
Bible, N.T. : John < K a c h i n >
The Gospel according to John : transl. into Kachin / by O.
Hanson ... – Rangoon : American Baptist Mission Pr., 1896.
108 p. . − In Kachin also known as Jingpho.
Subject(s): Kachin language : Texts - Bible – N.T. - John
GB: BL(11103 a 3(6))* CUL(BSS.656.2.E95)
BL-APAC(Kachin B.6)
B 92
Bibliographical description
Ref.: OCLC 42002906
The Gospel by John ... / publ. by the American Baptist Foreign Mission Society. – Rangoon : American Baptist Foreign
Mission Society, 1933. p. 202-261.
GB: BL(11103 a 82(4))* BL-APAC(Kachin B.38 & 42)
St. John in Kachin ... – Rangoon : British and Foreign Bible
Society, 1932. 90 p. − Text of the 1912 New Testament,
transl. by O. Hanson. − In Kachin also known as Jingpho.
GB: BL(11103 a 73(2))* CUL(BSS.656.2.F32.4)
Bible, N.T. : John < K a r e n : Sho : Bullard >
The Gospel of John in Sho Karen / transl. from the original
Greek by E. B. Bullard ... 1st ed. – Maulmain: American
Mission Pr., 1846. 86 p.
Bible, N.T. : John < K a r e n : Taungthu >
The Gospel according to St. John in Pao (Taungthu) / transl.
by Marion S. Hackett, Maung Maung and Mary Nang Mat. −
[s.l.:] British and Foreign Bible Society Burma Agency,
1950. 63 p. − In Pao or Karen Pao, also known as Black
Karen or Taungthu.
GB: CUL(BSS.665.F50)
St. John in Kachin/Jinghpaw. – [Rangoon :] British and Foreign Bible Society, Burma Agency, 1945. p. 187-242.
Subject(s): Kachin language : Texts - Bible - New Testament
- John
GB: SOAS(GPE Kach 225/232.089)*
Gospel of St. John. – Madras: Bible House, 1944.
St. John in Taungthu (Bao) ... − Rangoon : British and Foreign Bible Society, 1914. 79 p. − In Pao or Karen Pao, also
known as Black Karen or Taungthu. − Title-page in English
with a Karen sub-title.
GB: CUL(BSS.665.F14) Manchester(Deansgate Ref.)
(St. John in Singpho) ... [/ transl. by T. M. Johnson]. – London : British and Foreign Bible Society, 1907. 89 p.
Subject(s): Kachin language, Singpho : Texts - Bible - New
Testament - John
GB: BL(11103 b 40(2))*
ditto. − ibd., 1919. 79 p. − Rev. by William Sherratt from his
1914 transl.
GB: CUL(BSS.665.F19) BL-APAC(Karen D.32)
Bible, N.T. : John < K a r e n : Pwo >
The Gospel according to St. John in Pwo Karen ... − Rangoon : British and Foreign Bible Society, 1920. 74 p. − Text
in Karen characters, title-page in English with a Karen subtitle. A new version by W. C. B. Purser.
Subject(s): Pwo Karen dialect : Texts. - Bible - New Testament - John
GB: CUL(BSS.657.2.F20)
ditto. − Rangoon : British and Foreign Bible Society Burma
Agency, 1948. 70 p. − Paper cover with no title-page, text
and front cover in Karen characters, title from back cover in
GB: CUL(BSS.657.2.F48.4)
Ref.: OCLC 54331891
Bible, N.T. : John < K a r e n : Sgau >
Commentary on the Gospel by John in Sgaw Karen / by E.
B. Cross. 1st ed. – Rangoon : American Baptist Mission Pr.,
1907. 355 p. – Pref. in English
Subject(s): Sgaw Karen dialect : Texts - Bible - New Testament - John
GB: BL(11103 b 20)* BL-APAC(Karen B.4)
The Gospel by John : Sgau Karen ... [/ rev. by E. B. Cross].
Publ. by the American Foreign Bible Society. 1st ed. – Rangoon : American Mission Pr., 1879. p. 299-389.
Subject(s): Sgaw Karen dialect : Texts - Bible - New Testament - John
GB: BL(11103 a 89)*
The Gospel by John ... / publ. by the American Baptist Missionary Union. – Rangoon : American Baptist Mission Pr.,
1897. 113 p. – At head of title: Sgau Karen
GB: BL(11103 a 2(1))*
St. John (Sgaw Karen) / Myanmar Bible Society. – [Yangon:] Myanmar Bible Society, 1986. – [134] p.
Subject(s): Sgaw Karen dialect : Texts - Bible - New Testament - John
NL: KITLV(M 1998 A 5226)
ditto. − ibd., 1923. 79 p. − Title-page in English with a
Karen sub-title. − A new edition of the 1919 version rev. by
William Sherratt from his 1914 transl.
GB: CUL(BSS.665.F23)
ditto. − [S.l.:] British and Foreign Bible Society Burma
Agency, 1945. 79 p. − Title-page in Karen with English on
verso. A repr. of the 1923 edition rev. by William Sherratt
from his 1914 transl.
GB: CUL(BSS.665.F45)
Manchester(Deansgate Ref.)
Bible, N.T. : John < K a w >
St. John in Akha ./ transl. by P. Lewis et al. – [London :] Bible Societies, 1965. 75 p.
Subject(s): Kaw language : Texts - Bible - New Testament John
GB: BL(X.108/2809)
Ref.: OCLC 49376768 ; 21123280
Bible, N.T. : John < K h ü n >
St. John in Hkun ... – Rangoon : British and Foreign Bible
Society, 1938. [51] p. − Transl. and publ. by Raymond B.
Subject(s): Khun, language : Texts - Bible - New Testament
- John
GB: BL(11103 aa 21)*
Manchester(Deansgate Ref.)
US: HU(Widener 1286.69)
Bible, N.T. : John < L a h u >
The Gospel according to St. John in Lahu ... − Rangoon :
British and Foreign Bible Society Burma Agency, 1951. 86
p. − No title-page, title in Lahu on front cover and in English
on back cover.
Subject(s): Lahu language : Texts - Bible - New Testament John
GB: CUL(BSS.662.F51)
B 93
Burma Bibliographical Project
Siegfried M. Schwertner
John in Lahu ... − Rangoon : American Baptist Mission Pr.,
1928. 108 p. − Cover title, no title-page. − Transl. by American Baptist missionaries.
Subject(s): Lahu language : Texts - Bible - New Testament John
GB: CUL(BSS.662.F28.3)
St. John in Shan ... – Rangoon : British and Foreign Bible Society, 1921. 78 p. − Transl. and rev. by J. N. Cushing. No titlepage, cover title in Shan and English.
GB: CUL(BSS.666.F21.4)
SOAS(GQE Shan 225/79.875;188.883)*
ditto. – ibd., 1930. 78 p.
GB: BL(11103 a 65)* BL-APAC(Shan B.2)
(St. John’s Gospel in Lahu) ... – Rangoon : British and Foreign Bible Society, 1962. 79 p.
Subject(s): Lahu language : Texts - Bible - New Testament John
GB: BL(11103 a 120)*
Bible, N.T. : John < L a k h e r >
The Gospel according to St. John in Mara, Lakher. Tentative
ed. [/ transl. by R. A. Lorrain]. – London : B. & F. B. S.,
1912. 91 p.
GB: BL(03068 ee 88)
Bible, N.T. : John < M o n >
The Gospel by John : Talaing ... – Rangoon : American Baptist Mission Pr., 1899. 107 p. − No title-page, cover title in
English and Peguan. Repr. from the N.T. transl. by J. M.
Haswell in 1847. − In Mon also known as Talain or Peguan.
Subject(s): Mon language : Texts – Bible - New Testament John
GB: BL(11103 a 5(1))*
ditto. − ibd., 1924. 73 p. − No title-page, cover title in English and Peguan.
GB: CUL(BSS.658.F24)
Bible, N.T. : John < N i c o b a r e s e-Car >
St. John in Car-Nicobarese ... – Rangoon : British and Foreign Bible Society, 1926. 69 p. − In the Car dialect of Nicobarese. − Transl. by G. Whitehead and John Richardson.
GB: CUL(BSS.668.2.F26.2)
SOAS(Pam Indo-Chinese Langs A/58.875)*
Bible, N.T. : John < S h a n : Cushing >
The Gospel of John ... [/ transl. by J. N. Cushing]. – Rangoon, 1880. 80 p.
Subject(s): Shan language : Texts - Bible - New Testament John
GB: BL-APAC(Shan D.1)
ditto. – ibd., 1947. p. 311-405.
GB: CUL(BSS.666.F47.2)
St. John’s Gospel. – London : British and Foreign Bible Society, 1938.
Bible, N.T. : John < S i n g p h o >
Bible, N.T. : John < K a c h i n >
Bible, N.T. : John < T h a d o K u k i >
The Gospel according to St. John in Thado Kuki. 1st ed. –
Calcutta : British and Foreign Bible Society, 1924. 53 p.
GB: SOAS(Pam Indo-Chinese Langs A/65.508)*
Bible, N.T. : John < W a >
Gospel of John in Wa / transl. by M. Vincent Young with aid
of Wa teachers. – Rangoon : American Baptist Mission Pr.,
1934. 90 p.
Subject(s): Wa language : Texts - Bible - New Testament John
GB: BL(11103 a 95)* CUL(BSS.661.F34)
St. John in Wa ... – Rangoon : British and Foreign Bible Society, 1951. p. 217-274
US: CU(Kroch BS315 .W2 1951ca ; Microfiche 887 SEI
90 63490)
Bible, N.T. : John : Selection < B u r m e s e >
The resurrection ... 1st ed. – Rangoon, 1866.
Subject(s): Burmese language : Texts - Bible - New Testament - John - Selection
US: YU(Kg B47j)
ditto. – ibd., 1887.
GB: BL-APAC(Shan B.17)
Bible, N.T. : John : Selection < C h i n >
The opening chapters of John’s Gospel in Chin / transl. from
the Burmese by Sayah Pyizo ... Publ. by the American Baptist Missionary Union. Tentative ed. – Rangoon : American
Baptist Mission Pr., 1898. 23 p.
GB: BL(11103 a 4)*
The Gospel according to John ... [/ transl. and rev. by J. N.
Cushing]. Printed for the British and Foreign Bible Society.
– Rangoon : American Baptist Mission Pr., 1903. 80 p.
GB: BL(11103 a 23)* CUL(BSS.666.F03.2+3)
Glasgow(Temporary storage B2-d.8)
Bible, N.T. : Acts < A n g a m i N a g a >
The Acts of the Apostles in Angami Naga. ... 1st ed. –
Kalakata: British and Faren Baibel Socaieti Fhuo, 1925.
67 p.
GB: SOAS(Pam Indo-Chinese Langs A / 65.507)*
ditto. – ibd., 1904. 80 p.
GB: CUL(BSS.666.F04.2)
ditto. – ibd., 1919. 78 p.
GB: CUL(BSS.666.F19)
Bible, N.T. : Acts < B u r m e s e >
Acts of the apostles. 1st ed. – Rangoon, 1865.
Subject(s): Burmese language : Texts - Bible - New Testament - Acts
ditto. – ibd., 1931. 78 p.
GB: BL(11103 a 67)*
(St. Matthew, St. Mark, St. Luke, St. John, the acts of the
Apostles in Burmese, reproduced ... from the edition of
B 94
Bibliographical description
1909.) – Rangoon : British and Foreign Bible Society, 1912.
501 p. – Each part has own title-page
Subject(s): Burmese language : Texts - Bible - New Testament - Acts
GB: BL(14300 a 22)*
Outline of studies : acts and the epistles of Paul
Tilbe, Henry H.
Bible, N.T. : Acts <B u r m e s e : Bible Society version>
The Acts of the apostles in Burmese ... [In the Bible Society
rev. version.] – Rangoon : British and Foreign Bible Society,
1909. 113 p.
Subject(s): Burmese language : Texts - Bible - New Testament - Acts
GB: BL(14300 b 17(2))*
Bible, N.T. : Acts < B u r m e s e : Eveleth >
Notes on the Acts of the apostles / comp. and transl. into the
Burmese by F. H. Eveleth ... – Rangoon : American Baptist
Mission Pr., 1922. 241 p. – With the text
Subject(s): Burmese language : Texts - Bible - New Testament - Acts - Commentaries
GB: BL(14300 b 27)* BL-APAC(Bur D 1360)
The four Gospels and the Acts of the apostles in the Lai dialect of the Chin language / transl. by L. H. Carson. – Rangoon : American Baptist Mission Pr., 1920. 300, 93, 118 p.
GB: BL(11103 a 39)* CUL(BSS.652.4.F20)
Bible, N.T. : Acts < C h i n : Laizo : Cope >
Matthew, Acts, I Corinthians in Chin, Laizo dialect ... [/
transl. by John Herbert Cope]. – Rangoon : American Baptist Mission Pr., 1933. 212 p.
GB: BL(11103 a 88)*
SOAS(GPE Chin 225/30.364 ; 37.208)*
US: PU(225.15V CC)
Bible, N.T. : Acts < K a c h i n >
The Acts of the apostles [/ transl. by Ola Hanson] ... – Rangoon : American Baptist Mission Pr., 1902. 120 p. − In Kachin also known as Jingpho.
Subject(s): Kachin language : Texts - Bible - New Testament
- Acts
GB: BL(11103 a 22 ; in: 11103 a 52)*
ditto. : in Kachin. Publ. by the American Baptist Foreign
Mission Society. – Rangoon : American Baptist Mission Pr.,
1918. p. 439-538. − Text of the 1912 New Testament, transl.
by O. Hanson.
GB: BL(11103 aaa 9) BL-APAC(Kachin B.13)
Bible, N.T. : Acts < B u r m e s e : Judson >
[The Acts of the apostles / transl. by A. Judson.] ... – [Rangoon?, 1826.] 2 pt.
Subject(s): Burmese language : Texts - Bible - New Testament - Acts
GB: BL(14300 b 46)
ditto. – Rangoon : British and Foreign Bible Society, 1932.
106 p. − Publ. with the kind permission of the American
Baptist Foreign Mission Society
GB: BL(11103 a 73(1)* CUL(BSS.656.2.F32.5)
BL-APAC(Kachin B.36)
Ref.: OCLC 48983305
ditto. – Rangoon : American Mission Pr., 1877. p. 139 to
GB: BL-APAC(F 13/6)
(The Acts of the apostles in Singpho) [/ transl. by T. M.
Johnson] ... – London : British and Foreign Bible Society,
1907. 107 p.
Subject(s): Kachin language : Texts - Bible - New Testament
- Mark
GB: BL(11103 b 40(3))*
The Acts of the apostles ... Publ. by the American Baptist
Foreign Mission Society. – Rangoon : American Baptist
Mission Pr., 1921. p. 352-451.
Subject(s): Burmese language : Texts - Bible - New Testament - Acts
GB: BL(14300 a 40)* BL-APAC(Bur B 310)
Bible, N.T. : Acts < C h i n : Falam >
Good News & its power written by Luke : (Luke and Acts in
Chin: Falam) ... − Rangoon : Bible Society of Burma, 1973.
284 p. − A new translation of Luke and Acts. With introduction, section headings, inter-Gospel references, footnote references, illustrations by Annie Vallotton. Translated by Edward Kyon Bill and others.
GB: CUL(BSS.652.45.F73)
Bible, N.T. : Acts < K a r e n : Sgau >
Notes on the acts of the apostles in Sgau Karen ... / by E. L.
Abbott. – Maulmain: American Mission Pr., 1853. 685, 4 p.
– Index in English
Subject(s): Sgaw Karen dialect : Texts - Bible - New Testament - Acts - Commentaries
GB: BL(11103 a 8)*
Bible, N.T. : Acts < C h i n : Khumi >
The acts of the Apostles in Ahraing Khumi … − Rangoon :
British and Foreign Bible Society Burma Agency, 1950. 78
p. − Cover title. Translated by E. W. Francis.
GB: CUL(BSS.652.2.F50)
Manchester(Deansgate Ref.)
Bible, N.T. : Acts < K a r e n : Taungthu >
The Acts of the Apostles in Pao (Taungthu) … / transl. by
Marion S. Hackett and Mary Nang Mat. − [s.l.:] British and
Foreign Bible Society Burma Agency, 1955. 89 p. − In Pao
or Karen Pao, also known as Black Karen or Taungthu. No
title-page, title in Karen on front cover and English on back
GB: CUL(BSS.665.F55)
Bible, N.T. : Acts < C h i n : Lai : Carson >
The Acts of the apostles in the Lai dialect of the Chin language ... / transl. by L. H. Carson. – Rangoon : American
Baptist Mission Pr., 1919. 118 p.
GB: BL(11103 aaa 10)*
BL-APAC(Chin B.8)
Bible, N.T. : Acts < K a w >
Acts of the Apostles, Akha. − [Rangoon :] British & Foreign
Bible Society, 1963. 138 p.
Subject(s): Kaw language : Texts - Bible - New Testament Acts
Ref.: OCLC 4349027
B 95
Burma Bibliographical Project
Siegfried M. Schwertner
Bible, N.T. : Acts < K h y a n g >
The Acts of the Apostles in Ashö Chin ... − [S.l.:] British and
Foreign Bible Society Burma Agency, 1953. 92 p. − In the
Asho or Southern dialect of Chin. No title-page; text and
front cover in Burmese character, title from back cover in
English. − Translated by Hla U.
Subject(s): Khyang language : Texts - Bible - New Testament - Acts
GB: CUL(BSS.652.5.F53.2)
Bible, N.T. : Acts < L a h u >
Acts of the apostles in Lahu ... – Rangoon : American Baptist Mission Pr., 1926. 132 p. − Uniform with the 1925 Mark.
− Translated by American Baptist missionaries.
Subject(s): Lahu language : Texts - Bible - New Testament Acts
GB: CUL(BSS.662.F26) BL-APAC(Lahu B.2)
ditto. − ibd., British and Foreign Bible Society, 1958. 113
p.− Reproduced from typescript. Rev. by M. V. Young and a
GB: CUL(BSS662.F58)
Bible, N.T. : Acts < L u s h a i >
The Acts of the Apostles (in Lushai) ... – London : British
and Foreign Bible Society, 1899. 110 p. – Transl. by J. Herbert Lorrain and a committee
Subject(s): Burmese language : Texts - Bible - New Testament – Acts
US:CU(Kroch Library Rare & Manuscripts arV14327)
Bible, N.T. : Acts < N i c o b a r e s e : Car >
The Acts of the Apostles in Car-Nicobarese … − Rangoon :
British and Foreign Bible Society, 1926. 88 p. − In the Car
dialect of Nicobarese. − Transl. by G. Whitehead and John
GB: CUL(BSS.668.2.F26.3)
Bible, N.T. : Acts < S h a n >
(The Acts in Shan : Yunnanese character) ... – London : British and Foreign Bible Society, 1948. 118 p.
Subject(s): Shan language, Yunnanese : Texts - Bible - New
Testament - Acts
GB: BL(11103 a 112)*
Bible, N.T. : Acts < S h a n : Cushing >
The Acts of the apostles [/ transl. by J. N. Cushing]. – Rangoon, [1882?]. 99 p.
Subject(s): Shan language : Texts - Bible - New Testament Acts
Bible, N.T. : Acts < S i n g p h o >
Bible, N.T. : Acts < K a c h i n >
Bible, N.T. : Acts < W a >
The Acts of the apostles in Wa / transl. by M. Vincent
Young with aid of Wa teachers. – Rangoon : American Baptist Mission Pr., 1934. 75 p.
Subject(s): Wa language : Texts - Bible - New Testament Acts
GB: BL(11103 a 99(4))*
Bible. N.T. : Epistles : Selection < B u r m e s e >
Improvements in Tun Nyein's N.T. suggested by the revisers
in Burma - 1906. − Rangoon : The Hanthawaddy Pr.,] 1906.
24 p. – In Burmese. – Title in manuscript at head of first
page. Text is lists of suggested amendments to some of the
Epistles. Presumably printed in Rangoon.
Subject(s): Burmese language : Texts - Bible - New Testament - Epistles - Selection
Ref.: OCLC 54336700
Bible. N.T. : Epistles : Selection < K a r e n : Taungthu >
Epistles to the Ephesians, Philippians, I-II. Timothy, and the
Epistle of St. James in Pa-o (Taungthu) / transl. by Marion S.
Hackett and her husband. – [Rangoon :] British & Foreign
Bible Society, Burma Agency, 1957. 59 p. – In Pa-O (subdialect of Taungthu Karen)
GB: CUL(BSS.665.F57)
US: CU(Kroch BS315 .K196 1957)
Bible, N.T. : Epistles of Paul < B u r m e s e >
Outline of studies : acts and the epistles of Paul
Tilbe, Henry H.
Bible, N.T. : Epistles of Paul: Selection < K a r e n :
Sgau >
Annotations on the epistles to the Corinthians, Galatians,
Ephesians, Philippians and Colossians / transl. into SgauKaren from the annotated Paragraph Bible by D. A. W.
Smith ... Publ. by the Burma Bible and Tract Society, aided
by the Religious Tract Society, London. 1st ed. – Rangoon :
American Mission Pr., 1881. 190 p.
GB: BL(11103 b 42)*
Commentary on the epistles of Paul to the Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, Thessalonians, Timothy, Titus
and Philemon in Sgaw Karen / by E. B. Cross. – Rangoon :
American Baptist Mission Pr., 1900. 512 p. – Title page and
preface in English only
GB: BL(11103 b 6(1))*
Bible, N.T. : Epistles of Paul : Selection < K a r e n >
The autobiography of Paul
Bible, N.T. : Epistles of Paul : Selection < M o n >
The Epistles from Galatians to Titus, inclusive : transl. from
the original Greek into Peguan ... 1st ed. − Maulmain:
American Baptist Mission Pr., 1843. 140 p. − In Mon also
known as Talain or Peguan. Title-page in English and
Peguan. − Transl. by J. M. Haswell.
Subject(s): Mon language : Texts - Bible - New Testament Epistles of Paul - Selection
GB: CUL(BSS.658.E43)
Bible, N.T. : Epistles of Paul : Romans < B u r m e s e >
The epistle to the Romans : with annotations and references.
– Rangoon, 1879.
Subject(s): Burmese language : Texts - Bible - New Testament - Epistles - Romans
Notes on the epistle to the Romans / by E. A. Stevens ... 2nd
ed. – Rangoon : American Baptist Mission Pr., 1916. 147 p.
– With the text in Burmese
Bible, N.T. : Acts: Selection < K a r e n >
The autobiography of Paul
B 96
Bibliographical description
Subject(s): Burmese language : Texts - Bible - New Testament - Epistles - Romans - Commentaries
GB: BL(14300 b 23)
BL-APAC(Bur D 47)
Subject(s): Burmese language : Texts - Bible - New Testament - Epistles - Corinthians
GB: BL(14300 b 45(2))
Bible, N.T. : Epistles of Paul : Romans < B u r m e s e :
Judson >
The epistle to the Romans ... [/ transl. by A. Judson]. Burma
Bible and Tract Society. – Rangoon : American Mission Pr.,
1875. 76 p. – 1st ed., 5,000
Subject(s): Burmese language : Texts - Bible - New Testament - Epistles - Romans
GB: BL(14300 b 45(1))*
BL-APAC(F 13/3)
US: YU(Mlp760 B8 875j)
Ref.: OCLC 54331870 ; 43189204
Bible, N.T. : Epistles of Paul : Corinthians< B u r m e s e :
Eveleth >
Notes on the first epistle of Paul to the Corinthians / comp.
and transl. by F. H. Eveleth ... – Rangoon : American Baptist
Mission Pr., 1922. 122 p. – With the text in Burmese
Subject(s): Burmese language : Texts - Bible - New Testament – Epistles - Corinthians - Commentaries
GB: BL(14300 b 26) BL-APAC(Bur D 1359)
The epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Romans ... / transl. by
Adoniram Judson. − Rangoon : Publ. by the Burma Bible
and Tract Society, (American Baptist Mission Press), 1887.
64 p.
Subject(s): Burmese language : Texts - Bible - New Testament - Epistles - Romans
GB: CUL(BSS.650.E87)
Ref.: OCLC 54335756
Bible, N.T. : Epistles of Paul : Romans < K a r e n >
A study book of Paul’s epistle to the Romans / prep. by V.
R. Peterson ... – Rangoon : American Baptist Mission Pr.,
1932. 34 p. – In Karen – Added title and text in Karen
Subject(s): Karen language : Texts - Bible - New Testament
- Romans
GB: BL(11103 aa 13)*
Bible, N.T. : Epistles of Paul : Romans < K a r e n : Sgau >
A commentary on the epistle of Paul to the Romans in Sgau
Karen / by E. B. Cross. – Rangoon : American Baptist Mission Pr., 1896. 238 p.
Subject(s): Sgaw Karen dialect : Texts - Bible - New Testament- Romans - Commentaries
GB: BL(11103 b 9)*
US: NNUT(Burke Union Stacks BP41K C95)
YU(Mudd Divinity FN38 C884c)
Bible, N.T. : Epistles of Paul : Romans < K a w >
The book of Romans - Akha. − Rangoon : British and Foreign Bible Society, 1963. 60 p. − Translated by P. Lewis and
Sala Mose. − Mimeogr.
Subject(s): Kaw language : Texts - Bible - New Testament Romans
GB: CUL(BSS.666.1.F63.7
Ref.: OCLC 21123368
Bible, N.T. : Epistles of Paul : Corinthians < B u r m e s e :
Judson >
Epistles to the Corinthians / transl. by Adoniram Judson. –
Rangoon : American Mission Pr., 1877. p. 197-226.
Subject(s): Burmese language : Texts - Bible - New Testament - Epistles - Corinthians
GB: BL-APAC(F 13/5)
Bible, N.T. : Epistles of Paul : Corinthians < C h i n : Laizo >
Matthew, Acts, I Corinthians in Chin, Laizo dialect ... [/
transl. by John Herbert Cope.] – Rangoon : American Baptist Mission Pr., 1933. 212 p.
GB: BL(11103 a 88)*
SOAS(GPE Chin 225/30.364 ; 37.208)*
US: PU(225.15V CC)
Bible, N.T. : Epistles of Paul : Corinthians < K a r e n : Sgau >
Commentary on the epistles of Paul to the Corinthians in
Sgau Karen / by E. B. Cross. – Rangoon : American Baptist
Mission Pr., 1896. 352 p. – Title-page in English only, preface also in English
Subject(s): Sgaw Karen dialect : Texts - Bible - New Testament - Corinthians
GB: BL(11103 b 8)*
Bible, N.T. : Epistles of Paul : Ephesians < B u r m e s e >
Epistles of Paul written in the first imprisonment at Rome :
commentary on Philippians and commentary on Philemon,
Colossians and Ephesians / by H. H. Tilbe. – Rangoon :
American Baptist Mission Pr., 1924. 211 p.
Subject(s): Burmese language : Texts - Bible - New Testament - Epistles - Ephesians
GB: BL-APAC(Bur D 1358)
Bible, N.T. : Epistles of Paul : Ephesians < K a r e n : Sgau >
The epistle to the Ephesians : Sgaw Karen ... [/ transl. by F.
Mason ; rev. by E. B. Cross]. Publ. by the Burma Bible and
Tract Society. – Rangoon : American Baptist Mission Pr.,
1895. 20 p.
Subject(s): Sgaw Karen dialect : Texts - Bible - New Testament - Ephesians
GB: BL(11103 a 2(2))*
Bible, N.T. : Epistles of Paul : Philippians <B u r m e s e>
Epistles of Paul written in the first imprisonment at Rome :
commentary on Philippians and commentary on Philemon,
Colossians and Ephesians / by H. H. Tilbe. – Rangoon :
American Baptist Mission Pr., 1924. 211 p.
Subject(s): Burmese language : Texts - Bible - New Testament - Epistles - Philippians
GB: BL-APAC(Bur D 1358)
Second Corinthians, Philippians, 1st and 2nd Thessalonians
... [/ transl. by A. Judson]. Publ. by the Burma Bible and
Tract Society. – Rangoon : American Baptist Mission Pr.,
1884. 82 p.
B 97
Second Corinthians, Philippians, 1st and 2nd Thessalonians
... [/ transl. by A. Judson]. Publ. by the Burma Bible and
Tract Society. – Rangoon : American Baptist Mission Pr.,
1884. 82 p.
Subject(s): Burmese language : Texts - Bible - New Testament - Epistles - Philippians
GB: BL(14300 b 45(2))
Burma Bibliographical Project
Siegfried M. Schwertner
Bible, N.T. : Epistles of Paul : Philippians< K a r e n : Sgau >
The Epistle to the Philippians : Sgau Karen ... [/ transl. by F.
Mason ; rev. by E. B. Cross]. Publ. by the Burma Bible and
Tract Society. – Rangoon : American Baptist Mission Pr.,
1895. 15 p.
Subject(s): Sgaw Karen dialect : Texts - Bible - New Testament - Philippians
GB: BL(11103 a 2(6))* CUL(BSS.657.1.E95)
Ref.: OCLC 54319904
Bible, N.T. : Epistles of Paul : Colossians <B u r m e s e>
Epistles of Paul written in the first imprisonment at Rome :
commentary on Philippians and commentary on Philemon,
Colossians and Ephesians / by H. H. Tilbe. – Rangoon :
American Baptist Mission Pr., 1924. 211 p.
Subject(s): Burmese language : Texts - Bible - New Testament - Epistles - Colossians
GB: BL-APAC(Bur D 1358)
Bible, N.T. : Epistles of Paul : Thessalonians <B u r m e s e>
Second Corinthians, Philippians, 1st and 2nd Thessalonians
... [/ transl. by A. Judson]. Publ. by the Burma Bible and
Tract Society. – Rangoon : American Baptist Mission Pr.,
1884. 82 p.
GB: BL(14300 b 45(2))
Bible, N.T. : Epistles of Paul : Pastoral epistles < Burmese >
First and second Timothy, Titus, Philemon [/ transl. by A.
Judson]. Publ. by the Burma Bible and Tract Society. – Rangoon : American Baptist Mission Pr., 1884. 43 p. – On
cover: 1885
Subject(s): Burmese language : Texts - Bible - New Testament - Epistles – Pastoreal Epistles
GB: BL(14300 b 45(3)) CUL(BSS.650.E84.4)
Ref.: OCLC 54335093
Bible, N.T. : Epistles of Paul : Philemon < K a c h i n >
Philemon in Kachin / transl. by O. Hanson. – Rangoon,
Subject(s): Kachin language : Texts - Bible - New Testament
- Philemon
GB: BL-APAC(Kachin B.8)
Bible, N.T. : Epistles of Paul : Hebrews < B u r m e s e >
Commentary on the Epistle to the Hebrews / by H. P. Cochrane. – Rangoon : American Baptist Mission Pr., 1923. 218
Subject(s): Burmese language : Texts - Bible - New Testament - Epistles - Hebrews
GB: BL(14300 b 25)*
BL-APAC(Bur D 836)
US: LC(PL3999.13C6)
Bible, N.T. : Epistles of Paul : Hebrews < K a c h i n >
Hebrews in Kachin / transl. by O. Hanson. – Rangoon, 1912.
Subject(s): Kachin language : Texts - Bible - New Testament
- Hebrew
GB: BL-APAC(Kachin B.8)
Bible, N.T. : Epistles of Paul : Hebrews < K a r e n : Sgau>
A commentary on the epistle to the Hebrews, and on the
epistles of James, Peter, John and Jude in Sgaw Karen / by
E. B. Cross. – Rangoon : American Baptist Mission Pr.,
1900. p. 513-834. – Title-page and preface in English only
Subject(s): Sgaw Karen dialect : Texts - Bible - New Testament - Hebrews
GB: BL(11103 b 6(2))*
The Epistle to the Hebrews : Sgau Karen [/ transl. by F. Mason ; rev. by E. E. B. Cross]. Publ. by the Burma Bible and
Tract Society. – Rangoon : American Baptist Mission Pr.,
1895. 46 p.
GB: BL(11103 a 2(3))*
Bible, N.T. : Epistles of Paul : Pastoral epistles <K a c h i n>
Timothy, Titus, Philemon, Hebrews in Kachin [/ transl. by
O. Hanson]. – Rangoon : American Baptist Mission Pr.,
1912. p. 249-311. – Title in English only
GB: BL(11103 a 51)* BL-APAC(Kachin B.8)
Notes on the epistle to the Hebrews : in Karen / by E. L. Abbott ... – Tavoy: Karen Mission Pr., 1851. V, 238 p. – Preface in English
Subject(s): Commentaries
GB: BL(11103 a 17)*
Bible, N.T. : Epistles of Paul : Titus < K a c h i n >
Titus in Kachin / transl. by O. Hanson. – Rangoon, 1912.
Subject(s): Kachin language : Texts - Bible - New Testament
- Titus
GB: BL-APAC(Kachin B.8)
Bible, N.T. : Epistles of Paul : Titus < M o n >
Epistles from Galatian to Titus, inclusive, transl. into
Peguan. – Maulmein: American Baptist Mission Pr., 1843.
Subject(s): Mon language : Texts - Bible - New Testament Titus
F: BNF(A 8666)
Bible, N.T. : Epistles of Paul : Philemon < B u r m e s e >
Epistles of Paul written in the first imprisonment at Rome :
commentary on Philippians and commentary on Philemon,
Colossians and Ephesians / by H. H. Tilbe. – Rangoon :
American Baptist Mission Pr., 1924. 211 p.
Subject(s): Burmese language : Texts - Bible - New Testament - Epistles - Philemon
GB: BL-APAC(Bur D 1358)
ditto. : in Sgau Karen / by E. L. Abbott. 2nd ed. – Maulmain:
American Mission Pr., 1858. V, [231] p., illus.
US: LC(PL4054.Z9S52 1858)
Bible, N.T. : Catholic Epistles < B u r m e s e >
James, Jude, the second Epistle of Peter / transl. by A.
Judson. Publ. by the Burma Bible and Tract Society. – Rangoon : American Baptist Mission Pr., 1884. 33 p. – and likewise dated 1885 on paper cover
Subject(s): Burmese language : Texts - Bible - New Testament - Epistles - Catholic Epistles
GB: BL(14300 b 45(4))
Ref.: OCLC 54335210
Bible, N.T. : Catholic Epistles < K a c h i n >
The Catholic Epistles ... [/ transl. by O. Hanson]. – Rangoon
: American Baptist Mission Pr., 1904. 129 p.
Subject(s): Kachin language : Texts - Bible - New Testament
- Catholic Epistles
GB: BL(11103 a 27 ; in: 11103 a 52*)
B 98
Bibliographical description
Bible, N.T. : Catholic Epistles: James <B u r m e s e : Judson>
James, Jude, the second Epistle of Peter ... [/ transl. by A.
Judson]. Publ. by American Baptist Mission aided by the
British and Foreign Bible Society. – Rangoon : Burma Bible
and Tract Society, 1884. 33 p.
Subject(s): Burmese language : Texts - Bible - New Testament - Epistles - James
GB: BL(14300 b 45(4))
Bible, N.T. : Catholic Epistles: James < B u r m e s e : Tilbe >
Commentary on James / by H. H. Tilbe ... – Rangoon :
American Baptist Mission Pr., 1924. 58 p.
Subject(s): Burmese language : Texts - Bible - New Testament - Epistles - James
GB: BL(14300 b 32)* BL-APAC(Bur D 1357)
Bible, N.T. : Catholic Epistles: James < K a r e n : Bghai >
The Epistles of James in Bghai Karen / transl. by Francis
Mason, with native assistants ... 1st ed. – Maulmain: American Mission Pr., printed for Calcutta Bible Society, 1858.
32 .
GB: BL(11103 a 92)*
Bible, N.T. : Catholic Epistles: James < K a r e n : Sgau >
The Epistle of James : Sgau Karen ... [/ transl. by F. Mason ;
rev. by E. B. Cross]. Publ. by the Burma Bible and Tract Society. – Rangoon : American Baptist Mission Pr., 1895. 16 p.
− No title page. Cover title in English and Karen.
Subject(s): Sgaw Karen dialect : Texts - Bible - New Testament - James
GB: BL(11103 a 2(4))* CUL(BSS.657.1.E95.2)
A commentary on the epistle to the Hebrews, and on the
epistles of James, Peter, John and Jude in Sgaw Karen / by
E. B. Cross. – Rangoon : American Baptist Mission Pr.,
1900. p. 513-834. – Title-page and preface in English only
Subject(s): Sgaw Karen dialect : Texts - Bible - New Testament – Peter - Commentaries
GB: BL(11103 b 6(2))*
Bible, N.T. : Epistles of John < B u r m e s e >
The three epistles and the revelation of John [/ transl. by A.
Judson]. Publ. by the Burma Bible and Tract Society. – Rangoon : American Baptist Mission Pr., 1885. 90 p.
Subject(s): Burmese language : Texts - Bible - New Testament - Epistles - John
GB: BL(14300 b 45(5)) CUL(BSS.650.E85.2)
Ref.: OCLC 54335250
Bible, N.T. : Epistles of John < K a r e n : Bahai >
The epistle of John in Bahai Karen / transl. by Francis Mason ; with native assistance ... Maulmain: American Mission
Pr., printed for Calcutta Bible Society, 1858. p. 35-72.
GB: BL(in: 11103 a 92)*
Bible, N.T. : Epistles of John < K a r e n : Sgau >
The three epistles of John : Sgau Karen [/ transl. by F. Mason ; rev. by E. B. Cross]. Publ. by the Burma Bible and
Tract Society. – Rangoon : American Baptist Mission Pr.,
1895. 23 p.
Subject(s): Sgaw Karen dialect : Texts - Bible - New Testament - John
GB:BL(11103 a 2(5))*
A commentary on the epistle to the Hebrews, and on the
epistles of James, Peter, John and Jude in Sgaw Karen / by
E. B. Cross. – Rangoon : American Baptist Mission Pr.,
1900. p. 513-834. – Title-page and preface in English only
Subject(s): Sgaw Karen dialect : Texts - Bible - New Testament - John - Commentaries
GB: BL(11103 b 6(2))*
A commentary on the epistle to the Hebrews, and on the
epistles of James, Peter, John and Jude in Sgaw Karen / by
E. B. Cross. – Rangoon : American Baptist Mission Pr.,
1900. p. 513-834. – Title-page and preface in English only
Subject(s): Sgaw Karen dialect : Texts - Bible - New Testament - Commentaries
GB: BL(11103 b 6(2))*
Bible, N.T. : Catholic Epistles: James < C h i n : Khumi >
The epistle of St. James in Ahraing Khumi ... − Rangoon :
British and Foreign Bible Society Burma Agency, 1948. 8 p.
− Transl. by E. W. Francis and his wife.
GB: CUL(BSS.652.2.F48)
US: CU(Annex BS315.K47 J2 1948)
Bible, N.T. : Catholic Epistles : Peter <B u r m e s e : Judson>
James, Jude, the second Epistle of Peter ... [/ transl. by A.
Judson]. Publ. by American Baptist Mission aided by the
British and Foreign Bible Society. – Rangoon : Burma Bible
and Tract Society, 1884. 33 p.
Subject(s): Burmese language : Texts - Bible - New Testament - Epistles - Peter
GB: BL(14300 b 45(4)) CUL(BSS.650.E84.5)
Bible, N.T. : Catholic Epistles : Peter < K a r e n : Sgau >
The Gospel by Luke and the first Epistle of Peter : in Sgau
Karen / rev. by E. B. Cross. – Rangoon : Mission Pr., 1874.
VIII, 206 p. – Title-page and preface in English only
Subject(s): Sgaw Karen dialect : Texts - Bible - New Testament - Peter
GB: BL(11103 b 41)*
Bible, N.T. : Epistles of John < K a w >
1, 2, 3 John (Akha). − Pangwai: [Sala Yohan?], 1962. 1 v.
Subject(s): Kaw language : Texts - Bible - New Testament –
Epistles of John
Ref.: OCLC 21123472
Bible, N.T. : Epistle of Jude < B u r m e s e : Judson >
James, Jude, the second Epistle of Peter ... [/ transl. by A.
Judson]. Publ. by American Baptist Mission aided by the
British and Foreign Bible Society. – Rangoon : Burma Bible
and Tract Society, 1884. 33 p.
Subject(s): Burmese language : Texts - Bible - New Testament - Epistles - Jude
GB: BL(14300 b 45(4))
Bible, N.T. : Epistle of Jude < K a r e n : Sgau >
A commentary on the epistle to the Hebrews, and on the
epistles of James, Peter, John and Jude in Sgaw Karen / by
E. B. Cross. – Rangoon : American Baptist Mission Pr.,
1900. p. 513-834. – Title-page and preface in English only
Subject(s): Sgaw Karen dialect : Texts - Bible - New Testament - Jude - Commentaries
GB: BL(11103 b 6(2))*
B 99
Burma Bibliographical Project
Siegfried M. Schwertner
Bible, N.T. : Revelation < K a c h i n >
Revelation in Kachin [/ transl. by O. Hanson]. – Rangoon :
American Baptist Mission Pr., 1912. 129 p.
Subject(s): Kachin language : Texts - Bible - New Testament
- Revelation
GB: BL(11103 a 50)* BL-APAC(Kachin B.7)
Psalms in Tiddem Chin
Bible, O.T. : Psalms < C h i n : Tiddim >
The Bible Society of Burma report. − Yankonmyo, Myanma
Pyi Kyansa Athin. – Added title and text also in Burmese
US: LC(BV2370 M914)
Ref.: OCLC 3286164
Bible and Tract Society < Burma >
The golden balance : or, the Christian and Buddhist system
Judson, Adoniram
Bible Churchmen’s Missionary Society < London >
Burma, land of many tongues
Crittle, Wilfred
Burma month : an impression of B. C. M. S. work in North
Pollock, John Charles
Dawn on the Kachin Hills
Denyer, Charles Henry
St. John, Burmese version of the Rev. A. Judson and Revised Standard version
Bible, N.T. : John < B u r m e s e : Judson >
Bible Society of India and Ceylon
The New Testament in Chin : Vaiphei ...
Bible, N.T. < C h i n : Vaiphei >
The New Testament in Hmar
Bible, N.T. < C h i n : Hmar >
Bible Society of Myanmar
Bible Churchmen's Missionary Society : 1922-47
Hooton, Walter Stewart
The gospel according to St. Mark
Bible, N.T. : Mark < B u r m e s e >
Full fifty years : the BCMS story
Russell, Stanley Farrant
The gospel according to St. John
Bible, N.T. : John < B u r m e s e >
Look on the field series
Naga Hawa New Testament with Psalms & Proverbs, a
translation in Common Language
Bible, N.T. < T a n g s a >
Tailum Jan : Christian widow in the wild mountains of Upper Burma
Houghton, Arthur Theodore
Bible Churchmen’s Missionary Society <London > / Burma
Dense jungle green : the first twelve years of the B. C. M. S.
Burma Mission
Houghton, Arthur Theodore
A Bible dictionary / transl. into Sgau Karen by E. B. Cross. –
Rangoon, 1867.
GB: BL-APAC(Karen D.10)
Bible dictionary … / comp. by G. A. Sword. – Rangoon :
American Baptist Mission Pr., 1935. 132 p., illus., maps. –
Added title and text in Kachin
Subject(s): Bible - Dictionaries
GB: SOAS(GPE Kach 220/32.169)* OUL(Burma.e.501)
Bible history from the Old Testament ... [/ transl. by F. Perroy]. – Thonze: Universal Electric Pr., 1923. 10, 388 p.,
illus. – Added title and text in Burmese
GB: BL(14300 a 41)* BL-APAC
Bible Society
The New Testament in Burmese ...
Bible, N.T. < B u r m e s e : Bible Society version >
Bible Society of Burma
Psalms and Isaiah in Lai (Haka) Chin ...
Bible, O.T. : Psalms < C h i n : Haka >
The New Testament & Psalms in Tiddim Chin
Bible, N.T. < C h i n : Tiddim >
Siyin (Chin) New Testament with Psalms & Proverbs
Bible, N.T. < C h i n : Siyin)
Bible studies in evangelism
Scott, A. A.
Bibliographie birmane
Bernot, Denise
Bibliographie bouddhique. 1.1928/29-32.1967. – Paris:
Geuthner ; Maisonneuve
Vol. 1-3 in: Buddhica 2e series tom 3 ; 5 ; 6
D: HD-UB(IZA Or-O 001) HD-SAI(inf 87 H 1)
GÖ-SUB: 1,1928/29–28/31,1954/58 (KS Cb 590)
7-20 (4° H.E.E. 1036/2 KS)
GB: BL(15011 c 1)*
NL: IK: 1-32
US: CU(Annex +Z7835.B9B58)
LC: 1928- (Z7835.B9B6) YU(Mba+B849 II)
Bibliographie courante d’articles de périodiques postérieurs à 1944 sur les problèmes politiques, économi-ques et
sociaux / Fondation Nationale des Sciences Politiques. –
Boston, Chicago : Hall, 1968. 17 vols.
Added title-page: Index to post-1944 periodical articles on
political, economic, and social problems
v. 2, p. 503-520: Birmanie
B 100
Bibliographical description
D: HBSUB FR-UB(HBA 60 A 530)
F: BNF(Fol. Q.927)
US: LC(AI7.F6)
Annotated bibliography on Southeast Asia
Fireside, Harvey F.
Bibliographie des oeuvres de Henri Cordier .... : publiée à
l’occasion du 75 anniversaire de sa naissance. – Paris:
Geuthner, 1924. VIII, 151 p.
GB: BL(011902 i 18)*
Bibliographies of Mon-Khmer and Thai linguistics
Shorto, Harry Leonard
An annotated bibliography on the climate of Burma
Grimes, Annie E.
The annual bibliography of Oriental studies
Annual lists and general index of the parliamentary papers
relating to the East Indies
Great Britain / Parliament
Bibliographies on Southeast Asia
Kemp, Herman C.
Asia : a guide to books for children
Bibliography [heading]
also Catalogue
Agriasia : a current bibliography of Southeast Asian agricultural literature
Asia : a guide to paperbacks
Asia : a selected and annotated guide to reference works
Nunn, Godfrey Raymond
American dissertations on foreign education
Parker, Franklin
Asia : reference works
Nunn, Godfrey Raymond
Annotated bibliography of books and research papers on
banking and finance in Burma
San Yin Yin
Asia and the Far East
Annotated bibliography of Burma
Asian libraries and librarianship
Nunn, Godfrey Raymond
Asian literature in English : a guide to information sources
Anderson, George Lincoln
An annotated bibliography of Burma philately
Meech, Alan
Asian mass communications : a comprehensive biblioraphy
Lent, John A.
An annotated bibliography of Burmese chronicles
Thidā Sarayā
An annotated bibliography of Burmese sources 1750 to 1900
Than Tun
A bibliographical essay on the Burmese sources for the
history of the Konbaung period , 1752-1885
An annotated bibliography of climatic maps of Burma (supplement)
Grimes, Annie E.
Annotated bibliography of Burmese drama published between 1872-1922
Kyawt Kyawt
Annotated bibliography of health literature on Burma
Annotated bibliography of Htin Lin (pen-name of U Thein
Soe Soe Aung
An annotated bibliography of material concerning Southeast
Asia from Petermann’s Geographische Mitteilungen, 18551956
Sternstein, Larry
Annotated bibliography of medical literature on Burma,
Khin Thet Htar
An annotated bibliography of theses and dissertations on
Asia accepted at Syracuse University
University < Syracuse, N.Y. > / Library
B 101
Asian social science bibliography
Australian theses on Asia
Bishop, Enid
Austronesian and other languages of the Pacific and SouthEast Asia : an annotated catalogue of theses and dissertations
Coppell, W. G.
Baptist authors : a manual of bibliography ; 1500 to 1914
McIntyre, W. E.
A Baptist bibliography : being a register of printed material
by and about Baptists
Starr, Edward C.
Best books on the British Empire
Lewin, Percy Evans
Bibliographical ...
A bibliographical essay on the Burmese sources for the history of the Konbaung period, 1752 to 1885
Than Tun
also Bibliographie ...
Bibliographie birmane
Bernot, Denise
Bibliographies of Mon-Khmer and Tai linguistics
Shorto, Harry Leonard
Burma Bibliographical Project
Siegfried M. Schwertner
also Bibliography ...
Bibliography and index of mainland Southeast Asian languages and linguistics
Huffman, Franklin E.
A bibliography of geographical literature on Southeast Asia,
Carlson, Alvar W.
A bibliography of Indian geology. – 1888
Oldham, Richard Dixon
Book of needs
Books on Asia
Baqai, I. H.
Books on Southeast Asia : a select bibliography. – 1956
Embree, John Fee
Books on Southeast Asia : a select bibliography. – 1959
British parliamentary papers relating to India : 1662 to 1947
Great Britain / Parliament
Bibliography of Indian geology. – 1917-1920
LaTouche, Thomas Henry Diggs
A bibliography of Japanese works on the overseas Chinese
in Southeast Asia, 1914-1945
Hicks, George L.
Bibliography of statistical sources on Southeast Asia : c.
Brewster, Jennifer
A bibliography of the land mammals of Southeast Asia,
Jones, Gwilym S.
Bibliography of the peoples and cultures of mainland Southeast Asia
Embree, John Fee
Bibliography of the peoples and culture of Pyu
Buddhismus, Staat und Gesellschaft in den Ländern des Theravāda-Buddhismus ; 3. Bibliographie, Dokumente, Index
Bechert, Heinz
A Buddhist bibliography
March, Arthur C.
Bulletin of Far Eastern bibliography
Burma. – 1970 – (Bibliographical introduction to legal history and ethnology ; E 7)
Gledhill, Alan
Burma. – 1991. – (World bibliographical series ; 132)
Herbert, Patricia M
Burma : a selected and annotated bibliography
Trager, Frank Newton
Burma : a study guide
Bibliography on Buddhism
Hanayama, Shinsho
A bibliography on land, peasants, and politics for Burma and
Scott, James Cameron
The bibliography on Southeast Asian materials in the Japanese language
Ton Ajia hobun shiryo mokuroku, 1946-1983
Bibliography on the economic conditions of Burma
Ah Win
Burma : an annotated bibliographical guide to international
doctoral dissertation research 1898-1985
Shulman, Frank Joseph
Burma campaign memorial library : a collection of books
and papers about the war in Burma 1942-1945
Graham, William Gordon
Burma Research Society
Publications of the Society during the past fifty years
Canada and Southeast Asia : a compendium of sources on
Canada-Southeast Asia Relations
Sebastian, Leonard C.
Bibliography on the Karen people in Burma and Thailand
Tapa, Kennedy
also Catalogue ...
Bibliography to floras of Southeast Asia
Reed, Clyde Franklin
Catalogue of books relating to ...
Edwards, Fr.
Bibliotheca Catholica Birmana
Hosten, Henry
Catalogue of leaflets dropped over Burmese civilians 19421945 produced by P.W.D. / S.E.A.C.
Auckland, Reginald George
Bibliotheca indosinica : dictionnaire bibliographique
Cordier, Henri
Catalogue of parliamentary papers
Great Britain / Parliament
Bibliotheca indo-sinica : essai d’une bibliographie
Cordier, Henri
The China-Burma-India campaign, 1931-1945 : historiography and annotated bibliography
Rasor, Eugene L.
Books are for reading
Bixler, Paul Howard
B 102
Bibliographical description
Chinese historical sources on Burma : a bibliography of primary and secondary works
Sun, Lai-chen
The Chinese in Southeast Asia
Nevadomsky, Joseph-John
German Far East bibliography
Deutsche Fernostbibliographie
A guide to books on Southeast Asian history : 1961 to 1966
Morrison, Gayle
A guide to paperbacks on Asia
Christianity in Southeast Asia : a bibliographical guide
Anderson, Gerald Harry
Historical periodicals : an annotated world list of historical and related serial publications
Cumulative bibliography of Asian Studies
The Hmong : an annotated bibliography, 1983 to 1987
Smith, J. Christina
Cumulative list of doctoral dissertations and masters’ theses
in foreign missions and related subjects as reported by the
Missionar Research Library in the Occasional bulletin, 19501960
Person, Laura
Current research on Southeast Asia
Hochschulschriften zu Süd- und Südostasien
Grünendahl, Reinhold
HRAF source bibliography
Human Relations Area Files < New Haven, Conn. >
Hungarian publications on Asia and Africa, 1950 to 1962
Apor, Eve
Deutsche Bibliographie des Buddhismus
Held, Hans Ludwig
India and Burma. – (Book list ...)
Deutsche Fernostbibliographie
The international population census bibliography
Goyer, Doreen S
2000 [deux mille] revues d’Asie
Pélissier, Roger
Dictionaries in the languages of Southeast Asian countries ;
a selected bibliography
National Library of Australia < Canberra > / Asian Collections Section
Islam and Muslims in Southeast Asia
Horvatich, Patricia
Japanese and Chinese language sources on Burma
Japanese contributions to Southeast Asian studies
Saito, Shiro
The district gazetteers of British India
Scholberg, Henry Caesar
Die Karen : eine kommentierte Bibliographie
Fritsch, Julia
The economic conditions of East and Southeast Asia
Chen, Virginia
Elements of the megalithic complex in Southeast Asia : an
annotated bibliography
Loofs, Helmut Herman Ernst
Exploration in the Eastern Himalayas and the river gorge
country of Southeastern Tibet : Francis (Frank) Kingdon
Ward (1885-1958)
Schweinfurth, Ulrich
The Far East and Southeast Asia : a cumulated list of
periodical articles 1954/55-
Karenni : une courte bibliographie ; avec des commentaires
Rastorfer, Jean-Marc
Land tenure and agrarian reform in East and Southeast Asia : an annotated bibliography
Learned periodical publications in South Asia ...
A list and index of parliamentary papers relating to India,
Great Britain / Parliament
List of books on Burma
Nu Nu
Far Eastern bibliography : 1941-1953
Fire in relation to primitive agriculture and grazing in the
tropics : annotated bibliography
Bartlett, Harley Harris
Fisheries : FAO publications and documents, 1945 to
Food and agricultural industries
List of non-confidential publications
List of official publications (other than confidential) issued in Burma
List of publications (for official use only)
List of the newspapers and periodicals published in
Furnivall of Burma : an annotated bibliography
Trager, Frank Newton
Literature on Burma : a selected list list of references to
books and periodicals
B 103
Burma Bibliographical Project
Siegfried M. Schwertner
The Luce Collection
National Library of Australia < Canberra > / Asian Collections Section
Research bibliography of books, documents and pamphlets
on Burma
Fisher, Joseph
The second world war : the Burma campaign ; a list of
periodical articles
The mango : a list of references
Barnes, Helen Virginia
Masters’ essays and doctoral dissertations on Asia,
Monash Univ. theses on Southeast Asia, 1961 to 1987
Monash University < Clayton, Vic. >
A select bibliography for the study of Buddhism in Burma in
Western languages
Gard, Richard Abbott
Select bibliography of books in English on British Burma,
Khin Thet Htar
Myanmar marionettes (Burmese puppets) : a list of references in the English language
Macallister, John
Selected bibliographies on labour and industrial relations in Burma, Indonesia, Korea, Malaya ...
On the development of Kayah and Kayan national identity :
a study and a bibliography
Rastorfer, Jean-Marc
Selected bibliography : Burma and adjacent regions ; agriculture
Davis, John Henry
Oriental and Asian bibliography
Pearson, James Douglas
Selected bibliography : Burma and adjacent regions ; biology, natural history
Davis, John Henry
Peninsular Southeast Asia : a bibliographic survey of literature ; Burma, Cambodia, Laos, Thailand
La péninsule indochinoise : la Birmanie, la Thailande, la
Malaysia, Singapour, le Cambodge, le Laos, le Viêtnam
A preliminary bibliography of Southeast Asian literatures in
Jenner, Philip Norman
Preliminary bibliography of the fish and fisheries of
A preliminary list of Southeast Asian bibliographies
Hart, Donn
A preliminary survey of British literature on South-East Asia
in the era of colonial decline and decolonisation
Christie, Clive J.
A selected bibliography of Burmese historical records in the
National Library
National Library < Rangoon >
Selected bibliography of English-language publications
on Burma
Selected bibliography on education in Southeast Asia
Neff, Kenneth Lee
A selected bibliography on South-East Asia
Embree, John Fee
A selected bibliography on Southeast Asia ; 1933 to 1945
Hobbs, Cecil Carlton
Selected bibliography on the geography of Southeast Asia
Pelzer, Karl J.
Premiers élements bibliographiques relatifs aux problèmes actuels du sud-est de l’Asie
Selected bibliography on water balance of monsoon Asia
Tsuchiya, Iwao
Publications on external trade statistics
A selected list of books and articles on Farther India
A reading check list ...
Hoover Institution on War, Revolution, and Peace /
Program on Overseas Development
Selected list of materials for the study of the language
of Burma
Regiments : regiments and corps of the British Empire and
Commonwealth, 1758-1993 : a critical bibliography of their
published histories
Perkins, Roger
Regiments of the Empire : a bibliography of their published
Perkins, Roger
Report on Burmese Christian literature : with catalogue
in the various languages of the province
B 104
A selective bibliography of the State University College of
Forestry, Syracuse, New York
University < Syracuse, N.Y. > / College of Forestry
Selective bibliography on public administration in
Snakes of Burma : checklist of reported species and bibliography
Dowling, Herndon Glenn
Soils of Burma, 1930-1974
Bibliographical description
South and Southeast Asia : a bibliography of bibliographies
Nunn, Godfrey Raymond
Subject catalogue of the House of Commons parliamentary
papers : 1801-1900
Great Britain / House of Commons
The South Asia and Burma retrospective bibliography (SABREB)
Shaw, Graham
A survey of bibliographies in Western languages concerning East and Southeast Asian studies
South Asian bibliography
Theses and dissertations on Southeast Asia
Sardesai, Damodar Ramaji
South Asian civilizations : a bibliographic synthesis
Patterson, Maureen L. P.
Theses on Asia : accepted by universities in the United
Kingdom and Ireland, 1877-1964
Bloomfield, Barry Cambray
Southeast Asia : a bibliography for undergraduate libraries
Southeast Asia : a bibliography on the Third World
Miller, Eugene Willard
Theses on South-East Asia : 1965-1985 ; accepted by universities in the United Kingdom and Ireland
Stephens, Helen L.
Southeast Asia : a critical bibliography
Tregonning, Kennedy Gordon Phillip
The Third World : Thailand, Burma, and Bangladesh
Miller, Eugene Willard
Southeast Asia : a selected bibliography
Embree, John Fee
Travel in Asia : a guide to information sources
Edgar, Neal L.
Southeast Asia : a selected bibliography on the geography of
the region
Rumney, Thomas A.
Twentieth century Chinese works on Southeast Asia
Shu, Austin Chi Wei
Understanding the peoples of Southeast Asia : a bibliographical essay
Hobbs, Cecil Carlton
Southeast Asia : an annotated bibliography of selected reference sources
Hobbs, Cecil Carlton
Verzeichnis indienkundlicher Hochschulschriften
Janert, Klaus Ludwig
Southeast Asia : bibliographic directions in a complex area
Bixler, Paul Howard
Vivian Ba of Tavoy Burma : selected bibliography of his papers on Burmese history and other subjects of interest
Ba, Vivian
Southeast Asia : history and politics, with emphasis on
Burma, Indonesia, Malaya and Vietnam
Chan, Thye-Seng
Women in Southeast Asia : a bibliography
Fan, Kok-Sim
Southeast Asia : 1935-45 ; a selected list of reference books
Hobbs, Cecil Carlton
A world bibliography of bibliographies and of bibliographical catalogues, calendars, abstracts, digests, indexes, and the
Besterman, Theodore
Southeast Asia : selected annotated bibliography of Japanese
Irikura, James K.
Southeast Asia and the Pacific : a select bibliography ; 19471977
Attar Chand
Southeast Asia viewed from Japan : a bibliography of Japanese works in Southeast Asian societies, 1940 to 1963
Ichikawa, Kenjiro
Southeast Asian history : a bibliographic guide
Southeast Asian literatures in translation : a preliminary bibliography
Jenner, Philip Norman
Soviet works on Southeast Asia : a bibliography of nonperiodical literature, 1946-1964
Berton, Peter Alexander Menquez
Statement of books and pamphlets published in the
several divisions of British Burma
A world bibliography of Oriental bibliographies
Besterman, Theodore
Bibliography of Asian studies. 1956- . – [Ann Arbor:] Association for Asian Studies, 1957ISSN 0067-7159 – Herbert 815
1956-1968 as part 5 of:
Journal of Asian Studies 16,1957-28,1969
< Far Eastern bibliography
D: GÖ-SUB: 1956- (KS Rb 801)*
HD-SAI: 1956- (inf Zs 122; inf 40 A 670)
GB: BL: 1969 1972- (RR)
US: LC(Z3001 .B49 DS5)
Bibliography of food and agricultural marketing in the developing countries : publications in West European languages with summary contents. – Rome: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
1st series. 1950-1969
B 105
Burma Bibliographical Project
Siegfried M. Schwertner
2nd series
6. – 1985. VII, 144 p., indexes. – 4 titles on Burma
ISBN 92-5-102217-8
D: HD-SAI: 2,6 (inf 51 G 33)
A bibliography of Japanese books on the Burma Campaign
: war in Burma 1942-1945 … / All Burma Veterans Association of Japan. – Tokyo: Zen Biruma Sen'yu Dantai Renraku
Kaigi, 2000. XV, 111 p. – Added title and text also in Japanese. – 825 books on the Burma Campaign were donated in
May 1999 to the Library of the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), Univ. of London ... and a catalogue of
this collection has been published. - p. VII-VIII.
Subject(s): Burma : World War <1939-1945> - Campaigns Bibliography ; History - Japanese occupation <19421945> - Sources
GB: OUL(Bod.Japanese BJL Ref. JM.F02472)
Sheffield(J REF ; 940.92 (B))
US: HU(HarvardYenching (J) x) & UCSD(SSH East Asia
Ref.) : D767.6 .B57 2000
NIU(SEA D767.6 .B578 2002)
UCSD(SSH D767.6 .B57 2000 East Asia Ref.)
Ref.: OCLC 45236333
Bibliography of Oriental studies
The annual bibliography of Oriental studies
Bibliography of scientific publications of South and South
East Asia. 1,1955-10.12,1964,Dec. – New Delhi : Unesco
Science Cooperation Office for South and South East Asia ;
National Physical Laboratory
Author and subject index 10, 1964
< Bibliography of scientific publications of South Asia
> Indian science abstracts
Subject(s): Burma : Science – Bibliography - Periodicals ;
Technology – Bibliography - Periodicals ; Imprints
D: GÖ-SUB: 1-10 (4° Z.Gen.703/1)
TÜ-UB: 1-10 (Ba 231 b.4)
HD-SAI: 1-10 (inf 40 S 656 incomplete)
F: BNF(4° Q.3476)
GB: BL: 1-10 ((A) BW 56-E(34))
BL-APAC: 1955-1964 (SV 108)
OUL: 1.1955-10.1964
(RSL Nuneham Per 1991 d 273)
US: CU(Kroch +Z7403 .U371 ; Annex Z74903 .B58B)
LC(Z7403.U372) MiU MnU
NNC: 1-12 (Health Sci. Serial U)
NYPL: 4.9-10 (SIBL OAB) OU
UoC: 1-10 (Regenstein Z7401.B58)
YU: 4.10,1958-10.1964 (incompl.)
(SML Yale Class. Xq16 A16 +B471)
Ref.: OCLC 1612087 1491577
Bibliography of scientific publications of South Asia : India,
Burma, Ceylon 1,1949/50-12,1951/54. – New Delhi : (19491950,Jan.-June:) Science Co-operation Office for South Asia
; (1950,July-Dec.-1954,July-Dec.:) Unesco South Asia Science Co-operation Office ; (No. 12:) Indian National Scientific Documentation Centre.
ISSN 0409-4166
> Bibliography of scientific publications of South and
South East Asia
Subject(s): Burma : Science – Bibliography - Periodicals ;
Technology – Bibliography - Periodicals ; Imprints
D: B-SBB: 1,1949-8,1952 12,1954
(OLS Ac SA 100 Potsdamer Str.)
2,1949-12,1954 (4° 12 Per 300 U.d.L. NfLS)
Index 1/4,1949/50
(Zsn 44585; Ind. Potsdamer Str. NfLS)
KI-ZBW: 1-12 (YY 5064)
GÖ-SUB: 1-12 (4° Z.Gen.703)
TÜ-UB: 1-12 (4 Z Gen 703)
F: BNF(4° Q.3476)
GB: BL-DSS: 1,1949-12,1954 (2010.000000)
BL: 1-12 ((A) BW 56-E(33))
BL-APAC: 1949-1954 (SV 208)
OUL: 2-12 (RSL Nuneham Per 1991 d 273)
HU: HKU: 1-12 (Hing Wai XR 016.5 U58b)
SG: NUS: 1-12 (SC Closed stacks Z7403 BSP n1-4
49-50 ; Ref. 10 Z7403 BSP n5-12 51-54)
US: CU: 1-12 (Kroch +Z7403 .U37; Annex Z7403.B58)
HU: 1-12 (Widener S 5.78) LC(Z7403.U37) MiU
NNC: 1-12 (Health Sci. Serial B)
UoC: 1-12 (Regenstein Z7401.U5)
YU: 2-11 (Xq16 A16 B47)
A bibliography of selected Rand publications
Rand Corporation < Santa Monica, Calif. >
Bibliography of Sino-Tibetan languages / editor: Robert
Shafer, associate editors: Pentti Aalto ... – Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz
[1.] – 1957. XI, 211 p., index
2. – 1963. IX, 141 p., index
AU:NLA : [1] (Luce 953 ; 016.495 SHA)
HD-SAI(inf 78 G 14) TU-UB
GB: BL(12912 d 26 ; 15010 v 6/3)
SOAS(Ref.C400/109.321 ; I.2 j 40/109.440 ;
US: CU(Kroch Z7049.I4S52) HU LC(Z7049.I3S5)
Bibliography of South Asian bibliographies in the Ames
Library of South Asia
University of Minnesota < Minneapolis > / Ames Library of South Asia
Bibliography of statistical sources on Southeast Asia : c.
Brewster, Jennifer
Bibliography of the statistical materials on South-East
Asia. – Tokyo: Institute of Asian Economic Affairs, 1960
IX, 66 p.
Burma: p. 9-12
US: LC(Z7554.A75A34 1960 Orien Japan)
A bibliography on Chinese language materials relating to
Burma, 1931-1953 / Burma Research Project, Frank N.
Trager, director and ed.., New York University. − [New
York :] New York Univ; Pr., [1956]. V, 32 l.. − 52 titles
Subject(s): Burma : Bibliography - Chinese language
US: LC(Z3216.N4) NNC(East Asian Z3216 .N49)
Ref.: OCLC 44667891
Bibliography on land tenure = Bibliographie des régimes
fonciers = Bibliografía sobre tenencia de la tierra. − Rome:
Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations,
1955. 386 p. − Text in English, French and Spanish.
B 106
Bibliographical description
Jungle pilot / Richard Townshend Bickers. − London :
Brown, Watson , [194-]. 158 p .
Subject(s): Burma : World War <1939-1945> - Fiction
GB: SOAS(E Coll 3 V /90)
Subject(s): Burma : Land tenure - Bibliography
US: CU(Annex Z7164.L3 F68 ; Z6482 .F68Tr)
ditto. : [suppl. 1958-1970] / Rural Institutions Division ... –
ibd., 1972. XII, 374 p., index.
p. 93-94: Burma. – 11 titles
D: ZBLW(L/Wirt 9-2010)
US: CU(Mann Z6482 .F68Tr 1972)
Bibliography on the ethnic minorities in Southeast Asia,
1991-1995 : Thai-English volume. – [Chiang Mai:] Center
for Ethnic Studies and Development, Social Research Institute, Chiang Mai Univ., 1996. 190 p.
Subject(s): Burma : Minorities - Bibliography ; Ethnology Bibliography
US: CU(Kroch Ref. +DS523.3.A12 B52w 1996)
Bibliotheca catholica Birmanica
Hosten, H.
Bibliotheca Orientalis : Burma. – Bangkok: (White) Orchid
1 Bigandet, Paul Ambrose Bigandet
An outline of the history of the Cathlic Burmese Mission
from the year 1720 to 1887. – 1996
2 Sangermano, Vincentius
The Burmese empire a hundred years ago. – 1995
3 Scott, James George
Burma : a handbook of practical information. – 1995
4 Hall, Daniel George Edward
The soul of a people. – 1995
5 Temple, Richard Carnac
The thirty-seven nats. – 1995
6 Taw Sein Ko
Burmese sketches. – 1995
7 Phayre, Arthur Purves
History of Burma. – 1998
Bibliothèque Nationale < Paris > / Département des Manuscrits
Catalogue sommaire des manuscrits indiens, indo-chinois et
malayo-polynésiens / par A. Cabaton. Bibliothè-que Nationale, Département des Manuscrits. – Paris: Leroux, 1912. II,
319 p. – (Catalogues des manuscrits orientaux de la Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris)
p. 149-166: Manuscrits Birmans (nos. 1-78)
AU:NLA(016.091 FRA)
D: KN-UB(zz884) TU-UB(p 5 A 86)
GB: BL(11899 d 34)*
SOAS(Ref J016.091/14.646 ; J016/52.089)
NL: KITLV(M ee 11)
US: CU LC(Z6621.P22I6) YU
Bickers, Richard Leslie Townshend <b. 1917>
Ginger Lacey, fighter pilot / Richard Townshend Bickers. −
London : Hale, 1962. XII, 189 p., plates, prots.
Subject(s): Lacey, James Henry
Burma : World War <1939-1945> - Campaigns - Aerial
operations, British - 10th (Princess Mary's Own) Gurkha
GB: BL(12522.b.51)
ditto. − London : Pan Books, 1969. 188 p. [2] l. of plates,
illus. − (Battle of Britain series)
GB: SOAS(E Coll 3 U /84)
ditto. − London : Brown, Watson, [1958]. 158 p. − [Digit
books ; D143]
GB: BL(W.P.9655/56)
Bickersteth, Anthony Charles <1920-1948>
Odtaa : being extracts from the diary of an officer who
served with the 4/10th Gurkha Rifles in Manipur and Burma
/ Anthony Charles Bickersteth. With forew. by Sir Douglas
Gracey. – [Aberdeen:] Privately print. at the Aberdeen Univ.
Pr., 1953. X, 258 p., maps, port., app.
p. 95-240: Burma
Subject(s): Great Britain : Army - 10th (Princess Mary's
Own) Gurkha Rifles ; World War <1939-1945> II
GB: BL(09059 f 29)* BL-APAC(T 15677)
OUL(Bodleian BOD Camera UB 222833 e.123)
SOAS(E Coll 3 J /1)
US: CU(Kroch D767.6 .B58) NcD
NIU(SEA D767.6.B514X) NYPL(Research BZAM)
Bickersteth, Jane
Myanmar (Burma) handbook
Eliot, Joshua
Bickley, Verner Courtenay
The training of primary and middle school teachers of English as a foreign language in Singapore and Burma 1950-59 :
with some references to the teaching methods advocated in
these countries / by V. C. Bickley. – 1963. V, 280 l., bibliogr. l. 274-180. – Cardiff, Univ. of Wales, M.A. thesis 1963
Subject(s): Burma : English language - Study and teaching ;
Teachers - Training of
SG: NUS(Microform LB1727.12 Bic)
US: CU(Kroch Film 7809 ; Annex N7809)
Bickner, Robert J.
Papers from a conference on Thai studies in honor of
William J. Gedney
Bidwell, Reginald George Shelford
Bidwell, Shelford
Bidwell, Shelford <b. 1913>
The Chindit war : the campaign in Burma, 1944 / Shelford
Bidwell. – London [etc.]: Hodder and Stoughton, 1979. 304
p., [8] l. of plates, illus., index, maps, sources p. 287-290.
ISBN 0-340-22213-1 – Herbert 258
Subject(s): Stilwell, Joseph Warren <1883-1946>
Wingate, Orde Charles <1903-1944>
Great Britain : Army - South-East Asia Command - Special Force
Burma : World War <1939-1945> - Campaigns ; Japanese
occupation <1942-1945>
AU:ANU(Chifley D767.6.B52)
D: B-SBB(507 320 Potsdamer Str.) GÖ-SUB(79 A 11674)
BDIC(O 131763)
GB: BL(X 800/28253) BL-DSS(79/26528)
CUL(539:1.c.173.34) BL-APAC(V 21837)
OUL(BOD G Floor 222833 d.102 502227102)
SOAS(GB949/413.937* ; E Coll 3 G /57)
B 107
Burma Bibliographical Project
Siegfried M. Schwertner
IRL:TCD(115.q.68 no.17)
SG: ISEAS(D767.6 B58) NUS(D767.6 Bid)
US: CU(Kroch D767.6 .B583)
HU(Widener Harv.Depos.) MiU
OAU(Alden SE Asia D767.6 .B52 1979x)
UC(SRLF A0009516063) UCSD
WU(Memorial Lib.)
Biennial survey of occupation and directory of Christian
missions in India, Burma and Ceylon. – Ajmer, Rajputana:
Scottish Mission Industries Comp.
Subject(s): Burma : Missions - Directories
GB: Birmingham: 15.1926 (Stack 266.00954, Reference)
The Chindit war : Stilwell, Wingate and the campaign in
Burma ; 1944 / Shelford Bidwell ; with an introd. by John
Masters. 1st American ed. – New York : Macmillan, 1980,
c1979. 304 p., [8] l. of plates, illus., maps, index, sources p.
287-290. − ISBN 0-02-510600-7
Subject(s): Stilwell, Joseph Warren <1883-1946>
Wingate, Orde Charles <1903-1944>
Great Britain : Army - South-East Asia Command - Special Force
Burma : World War <1939-1945> - Campaigns ; Japanese
occupation <1942-1945>
D: HBSUB(a hist 219.5 bur/913)
HD-SAI(322 mil 86/2110)*
GB: SOAS(GB959.10452 /837835 ; E Coll 3 G /4)
NL: KITLV(M ss 176 N)
US: HU(Widener WID-LC) & LC & NIU(SEA) &
NNC(Butler) & UCB(Main) & UCD(Shields) &
UCLA(YRL) & UCR(Rivera) & YU(LSF-Request) :
D767.6 .B52 1980 MnU(TC Wilson 940.9322 B4745)
NYPL(Research JFE 80-2261)
Ref.: OCLC 5777149 ; ocm6953286
Bierman, John
Fire in the night : Wingate of Burma, Ethiopia, and Zion /
John Bierman and Colin Smith. 1st ed. – New York : Random House, c1999. 434 p., [16] p. of plates, illus., index,
bibliogr. p. [417]-419. − ISBN 0-375-50061-8
Subject(s): Wingate, Orde Charles <1903-1944>
Burma : World War <1939-1945> - Campaigns ; World
War <1939-1945> - Campaigns - Soldiers, British - Biography
AU:ANU(Chifley D767.6 .B54 1999
D: M-BSB(200.19501)
BT-UB(05/Nq 3460 B588)
US: CU(Olin D 767 .6 .B54x 1999) HU(Widener) & LC &
NIU(Main Stacks-FML) & OAU(Alden SE Asia) &
UCR(Rivera) & UCSC(McHenry) & UCSD(SSH) :
D767.6 .B54 1999
ditto. – London : Macmillan, 1999. 434 p., [16] p. of plates.,
illus., ports., index, bibliogr. p. [395]-419.
ISBN: 0-333-72576-X
D: GÖ-SUB(2000 A 13354)
GB: BL(YC.2000.a.7258) CUL(9006.c.8112)
OUL(BOD L Floor M01.E07872)
US: NNC(Butler) & UCD(Shields) : D767.6.B54 1999
UCLA(YRL DA585.W6 B54 1999)
Ref.: OCLC 42791593
ditto. [Book club ed.] – New York : Macmillan, c1979. 304
p., [8] l. of plates, illus., maps.
US: NIU(SEA D767.6 .B521979)
ditto. Complete and unabridged. 1st large print ed. – Leicester: Ulverscroft, 1982. 513 p., bibliogr. p. 493-499. − Originally publ. in London by Hodder & Stoughton, 1979
ISBN 0-7089-0770-9
US: CF COc CSf MnM(Central D767.6.B52 1982)
Biehl, Max
Das Entwicklungspotential der Bewässerungswirtschaft in
Pakistan und Hinterindien / von Max Biehl. Institut für
Weltwirtschaft an der Universität Kiel. – Kiel, 1970. XIII,
222 S., 40 Tab., 14 Abb., 16 Kt., Fußn., Bibliogr. S. 216222.
S. 122-144: Birma.
D: HD-SAI (300 agr 71/346)*
US: HU-PA LC(HD1741.P13B53)
Bieber, Joey <b. 1956>
Melting the stars : an exhibition of photographs of the people
of Burma / by Joey Bieber ; forew. by Maureen Lipman. −
[London :] Christie's, 2001. 108 p., illus. − Publ. to accompany the exhibition : Melting the stars, held at the Brunei
Gallery, SOAS - p. 7. − Previously exhibited under the title:
The brave people of Burma. – ISBN 0903432692
Subject(s): Burma : Pictorial works - Exhibitions ; Social
conditions - Pictorial works - Exhibitions
D: B-SBB(1 B 79499 Potsdamer Str.)
GB: OUL(BOD M02.C01097)
US: NcD(Lilly - 779.209591 B586, M528, 2001
OAU(Alden SE Asia DS527.9 .B54 2001x)
UCLA(YR * DS527.7 .B54 2001 Stacks Oversize*)
YU(SML TR647 .B527 2001 (LC)+ Oversize)
ditto. – London : Macmillan, 2000. 434 p., illus., index, bibliogr. p. [395]-419. − ISBN 0-333-72576-X
D: LUB(51/295) S-WLB(51/295)
GB: BL-DSS(m00/27116)
SOAS(GB959.10452 /849782 ; E Coll 3 L /34)
SG: Woodlands(English 940.5423 BIE [WAR])
US: YU(SML D767.6 B547 2000)
ditto. – London : Pan, 2001. 434 p., index, incl. bibliogr. ref.
ISBN: 0330367552
GB: CUL(2001.8.5042) OUL(BOD L Floor M01.G00738)
Ref.: OCLC 45328530
Burma Information Group < Bangkok >
Bigandet, Paul Ambrose <Bishop, 1813-1894>
"In memoriam" [: the press on] Right Reverend Dr. P. A.
B 108
The life or legend of Gaudama, the Budha of the Burmese :
with annotations. Notice on the Phongies, or Budhist religious, and the ways to Niban / by P. Bigandet ... – Rangoon :
Pegu Pr., 1858. VII, 324, III p. – Herbert 470
Note: Life or legend of Gaudama is transl. from the Burmese
version ("Mallalinkara-wou-too"’) of a Pali text ("Tathagatha-oudana") comp. by an unkown "phongyie"
Subject(s): Gautama Buddha
Burma : Buddhism ; Religion ; Monasticism and religious
orders, Buddhist
Mallalinkara-wouttoo - English. ; Buddhists - Biography
Bibliographical description
GB: BL(04504 g 10)* CUL(2:55.c.85.13)
BL-APAC(T 11564)
US: CUL(CASE Main 294 B48L) LC(BL1470.B5)
HU(Widener Harv.Depos. KE 2729 HW1W8F)
Bik, David van
Van Bik, David
The life, or legend of Gaudama, the Budha of the Burmese :
with annotations. The ways to Neibban and Notice on the
Phongyies, or Burmese monks / by P. Bigandet, 2nd ed. –
Rangoon : American Mission Pr., 1866. XI, 538, V p. –
Based on Burmese translations from the Pali of Mallalinkara Woutoo and Tatha-gathaoudana.
Mémoire sur les Phongies ou réligieux bouddhistes, appelés
aussi Talapoins / par Paul Bigandet ... – Paris: Duprat, 1865.
76 p. – Éxtrait de Revue de l’Orient
Subject(s): Burma : Buddhism ; Relgion
F: BNF(O2 m 40)
Subject(s): Burma : Temples, Buddhist
Pagodas - Rangoon - History ; Buddhist shrines - History ;
Architecture, Buddhist - Rangoon
Rangoon : Shwe Dagon - History
AU:ANU(Chifley NA6012.2.R3B5 1963)
GB: SOAS(FNA/18.350)
US: NNUT(Burke MRL Day Rare Lr3 B484)
IWW(SpecColl - Buswell: SC-38 294.3435 B484s)
Ref.: OCLC 30765616
Bill, Edward Kyon
Good News & its power written by Luke : (Luke and Acts in
Chin: Falam) ...
Bible, N.T. : Acts < C h i n : Falam >
Bigg-Wither, Ferdinand
A guide to the study of Shan / by Major F. Bigg-Wither. –
Rangoon : American Baptist Mission Pr., 1911. XI, 235 p.
Subject(s): Shan language ; Shan language - Grammar
AU:NLA(Luce 375 ; McN 1057/76)
GB: BL(11103 f 16) BL-APAC(T 7092)
OUL(C Chin.Stud W 5800.501 Big)
SOAS(GQE Shan 415/2.499 ; 4.482 ; 8.225)*
US: CU(Kroch PL4251.S6 B59 1911a)
NNUT(Burke MRL Outline Rl B4815) OCl
YU(SML Yale Class. Fxk Sh184 B48)
Ref.: OCLC 38327930
Bigland, Eileen
Into China from Rangoon / by Eileen Bigland. – London :
Collins, 1940. 314 p., map, plates.
GB: BL(010056 d 34)*
US: CoD LC(DS710.B 1940) OrCS OU
Bignamini, Luigi
Manual of piety : for use in St. Therese's Seminary
Bilan économique de la Birmanie, 1948-1954 : mise à jour
des nos. 1123 et 1161 des notes et études documentaires. –
Paris: Ministère des Finances et des Affaires Économiques,
Institut National de la Statistique et des Études Économique,
1955. 47 p. – (Notes et études documentaires / Direction de
la Documentation, La Documentation Française ; 2091) (Série économique et financière ; 332)
D: KI-ZBW(7,792)
Bilder aus Birma
Golish, Vitold de
ditto. – ibd., 1963. 63 p., [1] l. of plates, illus.
GB: BL-APAC(ORW 1994 a 2002)
SG: ISEAS(Microfiche 90/63489)
US: CU(Kroch NA6009 R2B59 ; Microfiche 978 ; Microfiche 887 SEI 90 63489)
LC(Microfiche 85/77916(B)<MicRR> ; Microf
iche 90/63489(B))
NIU(SEA NA6012.2.R35 R8431963 ; Microforms-2nd
FL-FML Microfiche NA6012.2 .R35 R8431990)
YU(LSF-Request NA6012.2 R35 B54 1963 (LC))
ditto. – New York : Macmillan, 1940. 298 p., map, plates.
F: BNF(8-O2N-2302)
US: LC(DS710.B5 1940a) Or UC
Bik, Herbert Lian <b. 1943>
A brief history of Baptist Churches in Myanmar / by Herbert
Lian Bik. − 1999. 145 l., illus., incl. abstract, bibliogr. 140144. − Cincinnati Bible College and Seminary, M.A. thesis
1999. 145 l. − Theological Research Exchange Network (Series) ; #031-0129
Subject(s): Judson, Adoniram <1788-1850>
Burma : American Baptist Mission - History ; Baptists Missions ; Missions
US: IWW(Buswell Library TREN 031-0129)
OCB(Circulation & Rare Books : 286.1591 B594b,
Thesis, 1999 ; Microfiche 286.1591 B594b)
Ref.: OCLC 42968774 ; 44002394)
A bill (as amended in Committee) intituled An act for applying to Burma the provisions of the Government of India act with respect to Governors’ Provinces’ and for
purpose connected therewith. The Earl of Lytton. Ordered
to be printed 22nd June 1921. – London : HMSO, [1921]. 2
p. – ([H.L. 1921,] 94) – At head of title: Government of
Burma. [H.L.] (11 and 12 Geo 5)
GB: BL-APAC(IOR/V/4/67)*
A bill intituled An act for applying to Burma the provisions
of the Government of India act with respect to Governors’
Provinces’, and for purpose connected therewith. The Earl of
Lytton. Ordered to be printed 1st March 1921. – London :
HMSO, [1921]. 2 p. – ([H.L. 1921,] 12) – At head of title:
Government of Burma [H.L.] (11 Geo 5)
GB: BL-APAC(IOR/V/4/67)*
ditto. Brought from the Lords 29 June 1921. Ordered, by the
House of Commons, to be printed, 5 July 1921. – [London,
1921.] 2 p. – (Bill 166) – At head of title: Government of
Burma. [H.L.] (11 and 12 Geo 5) – Parl. pap. 1921, I, 695
A bill intituled An act to amend the Government of India
act, 1935 and the Government of Burma act, 1935, in certain respects and to make a consequential amendment in the
Naval discipline act ; and for purposes connected with the
matters aforesaid. Brought from the Lords 13 December
1939. Ordered, by the House of Commons, to be printed, 13
December 1939. – London : H.M.S.O., [1940]. 18 p. – (Bill
9) – At head of title: India and Burma (Miscellaneous
B 109
Burma Bibliographical Project
Siegfried M. Schwertner
amendments) [H.L.] (3 and 4 Geo 6) – Parl. pap. 1939/40, II,
A bill intituled An act to amend the law relating to the
Burma legislature (including the law relating to the franchise in Burma). Brought from the Lords, 4 June 1946. Ordered, by the House of Commons, to be printed, 4 June
1946. – London : HMSO, [1946]. 2 p. – (Bill 134) – At head
of title: Burma legislature. [H.L.] (9 and 10 Geo. 6) – Parl.
pap. 1945/46, I, 261
A bill intituled An act to divide the Government of India
act, 1935, into portions ... Brought from the Lords 11 December 1935. Ordered, by the House of Commons, to be
printed, 11 December 1935. – London : HMSO, [1936]. 7 p.
– (Bill 11) (26 Geo. 5) – At head of title: Government of India (Reprinting) [H.L.] – Parl. pap. 1935/36, II, 191.
A bill to enable effect to be given to arrangements as to
pensions and connected matters made or to be made between Her Majesty’s Government in the United Kingdom and the Government of India or the Government of
Pakistan, and to amend the law in relation to certain pensions and other benefits arising out of service in or connected with India, Pakistan or Burma. Presented by Mr.
Dodds-Parker ... Ordered by the House of Commons to be
printed, 10 March 1955. – London : H. M. S. O., [1955]. 9 p.
– (Bill 54) – At head of title: Pensions (India, Pakistan and
Burma) (3 and 4 Eliz. 2) – Parl. pap. 1954/55, II, 537
nected matters, 1947-48. – London, 1947. – (Commons bill ;
1947/48,1) – Parl. pap. 1947 /48, I, 427
Subject(s): Burma : Politics and government.
US: CtHT(Moore III 15)
Billet, Jean
Les relations extérieures de la France avec le Vietnam,
le Cambodge, le Laos, la Taïlande et la Birmanie
Binge, Marcus
Weary Dunlop
Drummond, Allan
Bingham, Charles Thomas <1848-1908>
Butterflies / by C. T. Bingham. – London : Taylor and Francis ; Calcutta and Simla : Thacker, Spink [etc.] – (The fauna
of British India : including Ceylon and Burma) – Later ed.
Talbot, George
1. – 1905. XXII, 511 p., figs., plates, index.
2. – 1907. VIII, 480 p., plates, figs., index.
Subject(s): Burma : Butterflies - Classification ; Lepidoptera
F: BN: 1 (8° S.7125) MNHN
GB: BL((B)FQ 555)*
BL-APAC(V 7565)
OUL(OUM Entomol. 8342 d. 6 (2) ; RSL Stack 189941
d. 2g/1-2)
SG: NUS(CS Closed stacks QL309 Faubu)
US: CU(Enromology QL556 .I4B 1905)
HU(Museum Comp Zoology: T-IA-B 862)
NNC(Butler) & UCB(Biosci) : QL556.I5 B5
YU(Kline QL556 I5 B55 1905)
A bill to make emergency provision with respect to the
Government of India and Burma. Presented by Mr. Secretary Amery, supported by Mr. Attorney-General. Ordered,
by the House of Commons, to be printed, 25 June 1940. –
London : H. M. S. O., [1940]. 4 p. – (Bill 65) – At head of title: India and Burma (Emergency provisions) (3 and 4 Geo.
6) – Parl. pap. 1939/40, II, 389
A bill to make temporary amendments as respects the
Government of India, to make certain other amendments
in the Government of India act, 1935, and to make temporary provision as to certain matters connected with Burma.
Presented by Mr. Secretary Amery, supported by Mr. Attorney-General. Ordered, by The House of Commons to be
printed 30 September 1942. – London : HMSO, [1942]. 4 p.
– (Bill 43) – At head of title: India and Burma (Temporary
and miscellaneous provisions) (5 and 6 Geo. 6) – Parl. pap.
1941/42, I, 215
A bill to make temporary provision for the Government of
Burma. Presented by Mr. Secretary Amery. Ordered, by The
House of Commons, to be printed, 17 May 1945. – London,
[1945]. 2 p. – (Bill 55) – At head of title: Government of
Burma (Temporary provisions) (8 and 9 Geo. 6) – Parl. pap.
1944/45, I, 491
A bill to provide for the independence of Burma as a country not within His Majesty’s dominions and not entitled to
his Majesty’s protection, and for consequential and con-
B 110
The fauna of British India : including Ceylon and Burma
Hymenoptera / by C. T. Bingham. – London [etc.]: Taylor
and Francis [etc.] – (The fauna of British India : including
Ceylon and Burma)
1. Wasps and bees. – 1897. XXIX, 579 p., plates, index, bibliogr. p. XV-XVIII.
2. Ants and cuckoo-wasps. – 1903. XIX, 506 p., figs., plates,
3. Ichneumonidae Morley, Claude
Subject(s): Burma : Hymenoptera , Insects
F: BN: 1-2 (8° S.7125) MNHN
GB: BL((B)FQ 555)*
BL-APAC(V 7571) OUL(RSL Stack 189941 d. 2q/1-3
; OUM Entomol. 8372 d. 1 (v. 1-3))
SG: NUS-SC(Closed Stacks QL309 Fauby v.1-3)
US: CU(Entomology QL567.5.I4 B61)
HU(Museum Comp Zoology: T-IA-B)
NNC(Offsite 595.79 B513)
NYPL(Research QGW ; Offsite QGW)
UC(SRLF A0002859619)
UCB(Biosci QL567.5 .B6)
UCD(Shields QL567.5 .B5)
WU(Biol. Lib. Zool. Mus. Coll. OWX .B51 Cutter)
YU(Kline QL567.5 I5 B55 1897)
Ref.: OCLC06096011
ditto. Repr. – New Delhi : Today & Tommorow’s Print. &
Publ., 1975-1977. 3 vols. – (The fauna of British India : including Ceylon and Burma)
US: LC(QL567.5.I4B56 1975)
Bibliographical description
U Thant of Burma … / June Bingham. − Ran` kun`: Yamunā
Cāpe, 1975. 356 p.
Subject(s): Thant <1909-1974>
United Nations : Biography
Burma : Statesmen - Biography
SG: ISEAS(DS530.32 T35B11)
Note on the sea-borne export trade in timber from Tenasserim [/ sign. C. T. Bingham]. – Allahabad, 1893. 8 p. –
(The Indian forester ; 19, App. Series)
Ref.: Cordier
Bingham, John <b. 1914>
From India to Burma via England / as told by "Happy Jack"
Bingham. − Margate, Qld.: Slipstream Archives Association,
2001. 16 p., illus., port. − (Slipstream archives pocket editions) − ISBN 0957811926
Subject(s): Bingham, John <b. 1914>
Burma : World War <1939-1945> - Aerial operations,
Australian ; World War <1939-1945> - Biography, Australian ;World War <1939-1945> - Personal narratives,
AU:NLA(N & NL 940.548194 B613)
Bingham, June Rossbach <b. 1919>
U Thant : eine Biographie / June Bingham. [Aus dem Amerikanischen übers. von K. H. Abshagen]. – Düsseldorf ;
Wien: Econ-Verlag, 1967. 352 S., Bibliogr. S.346-348
Herbert 298
Subject(s): Thant <1909-1974>
United Nations : Biography
Burma : Statesmen - Biography
D: HBSUB(a pol 797 y tha/597 km.d)
KN-UB(gsx234: zu 89.g/b46)
US: LC(D839.7.T5B55)
Binney, Joseph Getchell <1807-1877>
Christianity and the Karen women. – American Baptist Missionary Union, 18-?.
Ref.: Embree; Fisher
Records of the life and work of Joseph G. Binney
Binney, Juliette Pattison
Twenty-six years in Burmah
Binney, Juliette Pattison
The Anglo-Karen dictionary
Blackwell, George E.
Wade, Jonathan
Twenty-six years in Burmah : records of the life and work of
Joseph G. Binney, D.D. / by Mrs. J. G. Binney. – Philadelphia: American Baptist Publication Society, 1880. 384 p.,
front. port., index.
Subject(s): Binney, Joseph Getchell <1807-1877>
Burma : Missionaries - Biography ; Missions - History
D: HD-SAI(reg 60 M 105)*
GB: Birmingham(Stack 266.009591, Reference)
SOAS(Mf 5631)
SG: ISEAS(BV3271 B6B61)
US: CU(Annex BV3271.B61 B61)
MnU(MNLA Ctr 266.1 B515b
NIU(SpeCol–4th FL-FML
BV3271.B45 B4551880A)
NNUT(Burke Union Stacks MU14 B614)
NYPL(Research AN)
OAU(Alden SE Asia BV3270 .B56)
PPT UC(NRLF) WU(Memorial Lib. Microforms Media Ctr Micro Fiche 4827)
YU(LSF-Request Ek B521)
Ref.: OCLC 25152736 ; 4556276
U Thant : the search for peace / by June Bingham. – New
York : Knopf, 1966. XXII, 300, VII p., map, ports., bibliogr.
p. 298-300.
Subject(s): Thant <1909-1974>
United Nations : Biography
Burma : Statesmen - Biography
AU:NLA(959.1 BIN ; 10924 T367 B613 ; Luce 196)
D: KN-UB(gsx 234:zu89:g/b46)
US: CU(Kroch & Olin & Law: D839.7.T36 B61 1966)
ditto. 1st publ. – London : Gollancz, 1966. 256 p., front.
port, maps, index, bibliogr. p. 242-248. – Title on spine: U
Thant of Burma. – 2nd and 3rd impr. 1966 also
D: B-SBB(Potsdamer Str.) HD-SAI(325 biog 68/1031)*
HBSUB(a pol 797 y tha/596 km. gb)
GB: BL(X 709/3582) CUL(632:22.c.95.10)
FOL(LD 906/37.580)
LSE(BLPES D839.7.T5 B61) OUL(BOD Camera UB
2488 e.267 ; QEH Main Libr C54/BUR BI)
SOAS(GB920/197.331* ; 536.667 ; 786795)
IRL:TCD(923.259 THA K6 ; HL- 10-944)
US: CU(Kroch D839.7.T36 B61 1966)
LC(D839.7.T5B5 1966b)
ditto. 3. impr. – ibd., 1966. 256 p., illus., map, index, bibliogr. p.242-248..
D: HD-SAI(325 biog 68/1031a)
GB: SAS((591):92)
ditto. – New York : Knopf, 1968. XXII, 300, VII p., map,
ports., bibliogr. p. 293-300.
SG: ISEAS(DS530.45 U9B61)
U Thant of Burma
U Thant : the search for peace
ditto. [Microform of 1880 ed.] – Evanston: American Theological Library Association, 1991. 1 microfiche. High reduction. Silver based film. – (ATLA monograph preservation
program ; ATLA fiche 1989-1861)
Binney, Thomas <1798-1874>
Mr. Binney's address. − [Boston, 1843.] 12 p. − (Baptist
missionary magazine : extra) − At head of caption: This address was delivered on the occasion of designation of missionaries to Burmah, in Bowdoin Square meeting-house,
Boston, Nov. 5, 1843. – Letter of Melvill Horne (at end) - p.
Subject(s): Burma : Baptists – Missions ; Missions
US: MBU-T(Theo Res BR55 Pamphlet No. 156)
Ref.: OCLC 48197635
Binns, Bernard Ottwell < Sir, 1898-1953 >
Agricultural economy in Burma / by B. O. Binns. – Simla.
1. – 1943. 122, [59] p.
Subject(s): Burma : Agriculture - Economic aspects
B 111
Burma Bibliographical Project
Siegfried M. Schwertner
US: LC(Microfilm HD-28 ; Microfilm 1986)
Government of Myanmar by FAO, acting as executing
agency for UNDP.
Subject(s): Burma : Project activities ; Pest management ;
Laboratories ; Pesticides ; Quarantine ; Programme management ; Pproject management
UNDP : Programme management
US: UNDHL(UNDP/SF(063.5)/BUR-85-006)
ditto. – Rangoon : Govt. Print. and Staty., Burma (for Secy.
A. R. E.), 1946. Var. pag. – Herbert 621
GB: BL-APAC(V 19551 ; IOR/V/27/500/45)
ditto. – ibd., 1948. III, 120 p., app. A - Q.
AU:ANU(Chifley HD2065.7.B5 1976 & microform)
NLA(338.1 BIN)
D: B-SBB(583 270 Potsdamer Str. NfLS)
HD-SAI(reg 60 H 6)*
GB: BL(I.S.Bu.197/12; 14302 bbb 55)*
SG: ISEAS(HD2115 B9B61)
US: CSt-H8 CU(Kroch HD2075.B8 B61) UoC
LC & NIU(SEA) & NNC : HD2075.B8 B5
WU(Steenbock Documents RCL B92 AG83)
YU(Mudd Nde96 I36 948B)
Biology : laboratory work book, standard ten / The Government of the Union of Myanmar, Ministry of Education. −
[Yangon:] Basic Education Curriculum and Textbook Committee, [ca. 2000]. 51 p., illus. − Special four-year national
education promotion programme (2000-01 to 2003-04)
J: Fukuoka City Pub. Libr.
Ref.: OCLC 52164997
Biology : standard nine / The Government of the Union of
Myanmar, Ministry of Education. − [Yangon:] Basic Education Curriculum and Textbook Committee, [ca. 2000]. 81p.,
illus. − Special four-year national education promotion programme (2000-01 to 2003-04)
J: Fukuoka City Pub. Libr.
ditto. : standard ten. − ibd, [ca. 2000]. 119 p., illus. − Special
four-year national education promotion programme (200001 to 2003-04)
J: Fukuoka City Pub. Libr.
Amherst District
Burma gazetteer
Report on the revision settlement of portions of the Nyaunglebin East, Daik-U, Waw, Pegu, Thanatpin and Kawa
townships of the Pegu District : season 1932-34
Settlement < Pegu : Nyaunglebin East, Daik-U, Waw,
Pegu, Thanatpin, Kawa > 1932-34
Report on the revision settlement of the Amherst District,
season 1930-33
Settlement < Amherst > 1930-33
Binyon, R. Laurence <1869-1943>
Guide to an exhibition of Indian and Persian paintings
and illuminated mss.
Biographical data of Myanmar political elites, 1971 to
1978. – [s.l., s.n., 1971-1978?] 2 microfilm reels, illus., port.
− Title from container label
Note: Biographical data on Central Committee members, on
delegates to 2nd BSPP conference, on Pyithu Hlutdaw
delegates and on Bo-gyok Aung San.
Subject(s): Burma : Politicians - Biography ; Politics and
Government <1962-1988>.
GB: BL-APAC(Or.Mic.14077)
Bird, George W.
Wanderings in Burma / by George W. Bird ; with illus. and
maps. 1st ed. – Bournemouth: Bright ; London : Simpkin,
Marshall, Hamilton, Kent, 1897. 410, IV p., [86] l. of plates,
index. – Herbert 81
Subject(s): Burma : Description and travel
AU:NLA(Luce 141 ; q 915.92 BIR)
D: B-SBB(4° 582 948 Potsdamer Str. NfLS)
HD-SAI(322 rei 66/2126)*
F: BNF(O2 l.257)
GB: BL(010055 i 7)
CUL(Rare Book Lib.4.89.582)
BL-APAC(V 10224)
OUL(BOD G Floor 20652 d.9)
HK: HKU(Rare Book U915.91 B61 w)
SG: NLB(Microfilm NL8341)
US: CU(Kroch + DS485.B81 B61) MiU
HU(Widener ind 8118.97) ICJ MB MBAt
MiU MnU NNC(Butler 959 B53)
NIU(SpeCol–4th FL-FML DS485.B81 B51897A)
UC(SRLF DS485.B8 B53 A0010173110)
Biographies of persons in Burma : prep. at therequest of Dr.
J. Russell Andrus, Division of Middle Eastern Affairs. –
Washington, D.C., May 29, 1946. Various pag. [67 p.] – ([R
and A /] Department of State, Office of Intelligence Collation and Dissemination ; 3754) – in: O. S. S., State Department : Intelligence and research reports ; Pt. II, reel 1(5)
D: GÖ-SUB(MA 82-112:17)*
GB: SOAS(M 5494)
US: LC(UB250.U33 no.3754) WU(Memorial Lib. Microforms Media Ctr Room 443 Micro Film 5305 Reel 1
Biological control of agricultural pests : Myanmar : project
findings and recommendations. − Rome: UNDP ; FAO,
1990. V, 35 p. − AG:DP/BUR/85/006 - Report prep. for the
B 112
ditto. 2nd ed. – ibd., 1897. 410, IV p., index.
GB: SOAS(GB909/42.360)*
US: IEN LC(DS485.B81B5 1897) NcD
NNUT(Burke MRL Day Oversize Lr B532)
NSyU WaU YU(Mudd Eefb 897B)
ditto. − Bangkok: White Lotus, 2001. XIX, 410, IV p., [60]
p. of plates (some folded), illus., maps (some col.) − (Burmese historical reprint series ; 2) − ISBN 9747534916
Contents: Languages of Burma - Religion in Burma - Historical summary - Burmese adminiatration
TH: CU(CL 959.1 B618W ; Arts DS527.6 B618W)
US: UCI(DS527.6 B57 2001)
Ref.: OCLC 56044734
Bibliographical description
Birds … – Rangoon : Burma Translation Society, 1955. 64 p.,
illus. − (Sippam ca cañ‘ ; 33) – Added title and text in Burmese
Subject(s): Burma : Birds - Juvenile literature
GB: BL(14302 aaa 77(5))
US: CU(Kroch Pamphlet Q50)
MiU & UCB : QL676.2 .N43 1955
Ref.: OCLC 37239702
Birds in the bigwoods … – Rangoon : Burma Translation Society, 1953. 32 p. − (Sippam ca sañ‘ a mhat‘ ; 19) – Primary.
– Added title and text in Burmese
Subject(s): Burma : Birds
GB: SOAS(GPC 590/230.946)
US: CU(Pamphlet Q43) UCB(QL691.B8 T6 1953)
Ref.: OCLC 36718830
The birds of Burma : with 8 plates in colour – London : Publ.
for the Burma Research Society by Longmans, Green, 1947.
65 p., [8] l. of plates, maps. – (Burma pamphlets ; 11)
Subject(s): Burma : Birds
D: GÖ-SUB(A 2000 A 36013) HD-SAI(reg 60 B 3 Kp)*
GB:BL(010058 m 29/11) FOL(LD 598.2/18.507)
BL-APAC(T 43813) SAS((591):308)
SOAS(GB 598/138.138)*
SG: ISEAS(DS530.1 B961)
US: CoD CU(Kroch DS485.B79 P18 no.11) EIN
HU(Widener Ind 8119.44 v.11))
LC NYPL(Research *C-2 p.v.302) TxU
NIU(SEA QL691.B8 B5741947)
UCLA(YRL DS485.B79 B9 no.11)
WU(Memorial Lib. DS485 B79 B82)
YU(SML Yale Class. Bj35 12 11)
Bi-Regional Partners Meeting on Harm Reduction among
Injecting Drugs Users in China, Indonesia, Myanmar, and
Viet Nam < 2002, Hanoi >
Report : Bi-Regional Partners Meeting on Harm Reduction
among Injecting Drugs Users in China, Indonesia, Myanmar,
and Viet Nam, Ha Noi, Viet Nam, 7-9 October, 2002 / convened by World Health Organization, Regional Office for
the Western Pacific and Regional Office for South-East
Asia.− Manila, Philippines: WHO, Regional Office for the
Western Pacific ; Regional Office for South-East Asia, 2003.
27 p. − (Report series / World Health Organization, Regional
Office for the Western Pacific ; RS/2002/GE/25(VTN))
(Report series / World Health Organization, Regional Office
for the South-East Asia ; SEA/DAC/5) (WP)/HSI/ICP/HSI/
3.5/001 - February 2003
Subject(s): Burma : HIV Infections - Prevention and control
- Congresses ; HIV Infections - Transmission - Congresses
; International Cooperation - Congresses ; SubstanceRelated Disorders - Complications - Congresses ; Intravenous drug abuse - Congresses.
NNNAM(Pamphlet NQ 12936)
Ref.: OCLC 52781311
Birgersson, Jan <b. 1936>
Burma [/ text: Jan Birgersson ; faktaunderlag: Asbjörn Olsen]. − Stockholm: Internationella sektionen, Sv. röda korset,
[1980]. 10 s., illus. − (Röda korset i världen, ISSN 02820498 ; 2)
Subject(s): Burma
S: G(br 84/2170) L(pO s1243:2)
NB(76/80 SS T, 841026) S(oP 3025/2
Birkelund, Palle <b. 1912>
Report on the development of Burmese university and research libraries : UNESCO participation programme
1967/68 / by Palle Birkelund. – Paris: Unesco, 1969. 21 p. –
Title on cover: Burma : libraries, 14 Oct.-17 Dec., 1968. –
Serial no. 1186/BMS.RD/DBA − FR/PP/ Consultant −
[Mimeogr.] – Herbert 795
Subject(s): Burma : Libraries
AU:ANU(Menzies large pamplet Z845.B8.B5)
D: B-SBB(25 B 855 U.d.L.)
HB-SUB(bc 7831)
F: BNF(4° Gw 2078[20])
GB: BL(2719.x.11393)
SOAS(L.GB 026/269.245)*
NL: KITLV(M ss 70 N)
SG: ISEAS(Z675 U5B61)
US: YU(LSF-Request Z845 B9 B57 (LC)+)
Department of Medical Research also Birmanie
also Burma
also Myanmar
also Union of Burma
also Union of Myanmar
Birma. – [s.l.: Euredit ; Bussum: Baldakijn Boeken, distr., 19?.] 128 p. – (Super reeks ; 357) – Oorlogstrip
NL: KITLV(M 1998 A 4891)
Birma. – Brüssel: Internationaler Verein für Veröffentlichung
der Zolltarife. – (Internationaler Anzeiger für Zoll-Wesen ;
D: KI-ZBW(Y 8483)
Birma. – Amsterdam: Koninklijk Instituut voor de Tropen,
Afd. Agrarisch Onderzoek, 1962. 38 p., illus. – (Landendocumentatie ; 51)
NL: KITLV(M ss 38 N)
Birma. – 1964
Pasdeloup, Bernard
Birma. – 1968Länderbericht(e) : Birma
Länderkurzbericht(e) : Birma
Birma / hrsg. von Wilhelm Klein. Fotogr. von Günter Pfannmüller. Neu bearb. Ausg. – [München]: APA Publ., 1996.
296 S., zahlr. Illus., graph. Darst., Kt. – (APA-Guides) –
Früher u.d.T.: Burma
ISBN 3-8268-1472-X
Ref.: DB
Birma : allgemeine Statistik des Auslandes
Birma : ausländische Statistik bis ... ; deutsche Statistik bis ... /
Statistisches Bundesamt, Wiesbaden. – Stuttgart: Kohlhammer. – (Der Außenhandel der Bundesrepublik Deutschland :
Ergänzungsreihe : Der Außenhandel des Auslandes ; ...)
1955 ; Deutsche Statistik bis 1956. – 1957. 31 S. – (Der Außenhandel ... ; 60)
1958 ; Deutsche Statistik bis 1959. – 1961. 73 S. – (Der Außenhandel ... ; 155)
B 113
Burma Bibliographical Project
Siegfried M. Schwertner
– 1964. 77 S.
D: KI-ZBW: 1955/1956(C 10,463)
1958/1959(C 24,770)
[1964] (C 32,596)
HD-SAI: 1958/1959 (wiw B IV 4 SD)
Birma : die volksdemokratische Revolution wird siegen ; Dokumente der Nationalen und Demokratischen Einheitsfront ;
Dokumente der Kommunistischen Partei Birma ; Dokumente
der "Stimme des Volkes von Birma". 1. Aufl. – Köln: Verlag
Internationale Solidarität, 1977. 38 p. – (Archiv Dritte Welt ;
3) − ISBN 3-88119-102-X
Subject(s): Burma : Communist Party ; Politics and government <1948-> - Sources
D: B-SBB(4° Ser.25 461-3 Potsdamer Str.)
HH-SUB(B 1979/458: 3) HBSUB(be 8226)
US: CU(Kroch DS530.4 .B61+) LC & WU(Memorial Lib.
Oversize) & YU(SML +) : DS530.4 B55
HU(Widener Harv.Depos. Consult for HW0DBA)
Birma : documentair overzicht / verstrekt door de Afdeling
Algemene Zaken van het Koninklijk Instituut voor de Tropen (Ministerie van Economische Zaken ; Econo-mische
Voorlichtingsdienst). – Amsterdam: Koninklijk Instituut
voor de Tropen, 1962. 38 p., illus. – (Landendocumentatie,
ISSN 0023- 7841 ; 51)
NL: KITLV(M ss 38 N)
Birma : Energiewirtschaft. – Köln: Bundesstelle für Aussenhandelsinformation. – (Marktinformation / Bundesstelle
für Außenhandelsinformation ; ...)
ISSN 0175-0771
1978/79. – 1980. 7 S. – (Martktinformation ... ; BS 149)
1979/80. – 1981. 7 S., Anh. – (Marktinformation ... ; BS
1980/81. – 1981. 7 S – (Marktinformation ... ; BS 227)
1981/82. – 1983. 10 S. – (Marktinformation ... ; BS 342)
1982/83. – 1984. 11 S. – (Marktinformation ... ; BS 371)
1983/84. – 1985. 11 S. – (Marktinformation ... ; BS 462)
Subject(s): Burma :Energy industries - Periodicals
D: HD-SAI: 1979/80 (325 wiw 81/1356 Kp)*
KI-ZBW: 1978/79 (C 93,552) 1979/80 (C 101,481)
1980/81 (C 106,089) 1981/82 (C 115,535)
1982/83 (C 121,740) 1983/84 (C 131,088)
GB: BL-DSS: 1985/86 (2092.570300)
US: LC(HD9502.B93B57)
Birma : Kurzbibliographie / Dokumentationsleitstelle Asien.
Asia Documentation Center. – Hamburg: Institut für Asienkunde, 1984. 15 S. – (Dokumentationsdienst Asien. Asia
Documenation Service)
D: B-SBB(4° 651 358 Potsdamer Str.)
M-BSB(4 Orient. 88.266)
HD-SAI(325 inf 99/415 Kp)*
Birma : Länderbericht(e)
Länderbericht(e) : Birma
Birma : Länderkurzbericht(e)
Länderkurzbericht(e) : Birma
Birma : Land der goldenen Pagoden
Diezemann, Eckart
Birma : Myanmar / Kreation und Leitung: Hans Höfer ; hrsg.
von Wilhelm Klein ; fotografiert von Günter Pfannmüller ;
deutsche Redaktion Dieter Vogel. 8. Aufl. – Hongkong:
APA Guides, 1994. 325 S., Illus., Index, Bibliogr. S. 299304. – (Apa guides; 211)
Earlier ed. Klein, Wilhelm
ISBN 3-575-21363-1 ; 3-8268-1363-4
D: HD-SAI(325 ldk 84/2298a)
ditto. – ISBN 3-8268-1472-X
Birma [: Myanmar] [/ dieses Buch basiert auf Texten von
Wilhelm Klein ... Red.: Sylvi Zähle]. 1 Aufl. − [München :
APA Publ. ;] Berlin ; München: Langenscheidt, 2001. 361
p., zahlr. Illus., graph. Darst., Kt., index, bibliogr. p. 352-354
− (Polyglott-APA-Guide)
ISBN 3-8268-2472-5 ; 3-8268-1917-9
Subject(s): Burma : Guidebooks
D: KA-BLB(102 A 8524) OS-SB
US: HU(Widener Harv. Depos. DS527.3 .K54 2001)
ditto. − ibd., 2003. 365 S., zahlr. Ill., Kt. − (Polyglott-APAGuide) − ISBN 3-8268-1917-9
D: B-SSB(Cgl 2 Bir)
HB-SUB(a ggr 654 d1/87)
Birma : Ringen um eine Demokratie und Frieden mit den
Minderheiten / Aung Tun ; Expertenbeiträge von einer Tagung in Hofgeismar Martin Smith ; Josef Silverstein ; Michael Baumann. – Frankfurt: Evangelischer Pr.edienst, Zentralredaktion, 1991. – (epd-Dokumentation ; 43/91 [91,43])
D: B-SBB(Potsdamer Str.)
FS-UB(Q 84.808.60)
HD-SAI(325 pol 93/2267 Kp)
TU-UB(Zs 1065)
Birma : Staatliche Morde und Folter an Angehörigen ethnischer Minderheiten. − Bonn: Amnesty International, 1988. 6
S. − (AI Index: ASA 16/05/88)
Birma : wirtschaftliche Entwicklung. – Köln: Bundesstelle für
Außenhandelsinformation. – (Marktinformation: Reihe AS /
Bundesstelle für Außenhandelsinformation)
> Myanmar (Birma) : Wirtschaftsentwicklung
Subject(s): Burma : Economic conditions <1948->
D: HD-SAI: 1984/85 1986/87 (325 wiw 86/403 Kp)*
KI-ZBW: 1971/72 1977 1978/79-1986/87 (Y 25,488)
US: LC(HC422.G47a)
Birma : Wirtschaftsdaten / Bundesstelle für Außenhandelsinformation. – Köln: Bundesstelle. – (Marktinformation)
Subject(s): Burma : Economic conditions <1948-> - Statistics - Periodicals.
US: LC(HC422.A1B56)
Ref.: OCLC 11085820
Birma : Wirtschaftsdaten und Wirtschaftsdokumentation /
Bundesstelle für Außenhandelsinformation. – Köln: Bundesstelle. – (Marktinformation)
Subject(s): Burma : Economic conditions <1948-> - Periodicals
D: HD-SAI: 1987 (325 wiw 88/724 Kp)*
US: LC: 1979 (HC422.A1B57)
Ref.: OCLC 7368529
B 114
Bibliographical description
Birma banjers. – Bussum: Baldakijn Boek, [19-?]. 64 p. –
(Oorlog mini-strip ; 202) – Stripverhaal
NL: KITLV(M ss 295 N)
Birma in Stichworten und Zahlen. – Hamburg: Institut für
Asienkunde, 1972. 3 ungez. Bl. – (Auslands-Anschriften :
Reihe Asien und Ozeanien ; 6)
D: HD-SAI(inf 6 A 650,6)
Birma (Myanmar)
Scholz, Rainer
Birma nach dem Umsturz : Hintergründe und Aussich-ten [/
bearb. von T. Grimm]. – Hamburg, 1962. 19 S. – (Mitteilungen des Instituts für Asienkunde, Hamburg ; 12) – Consists
primarily of translations of three articles from Far Eastern
economic review:
Burma, coup and aftermath / by S. C. Banerji (v.36, no.2)
Burma, revolution's face (v. 36, no. 2) and
Colonels in the economy / by Daniel Wolfstone (v. 33, no.
S. 3-10: Bericht von S. C. Banerji aus Far Eastern economic
review 12.4.1962
S. 10-15: Bericht aus FEER 12.4.1962
S. 16-18: Bericht von Daniel Wolfstone aus FEER 17. 8.
Subject(s): Burma : Politics and government ; History
D: KI-ZBW(A 48.513) GÖ-SUB(FMAG:ZB 21990:12)
R-UB(40/QG 840 B619) HD-SAI(inf S 52,12)
GB: OUL(IND Burma 7 d 59)
SOAS(Pam SEAsia 30/606.259)
US: CU(Annex D61 .I59 no.12 +)
HU(Widener Asia 9.85 Nr.12)
NNC(Offsite DS1 .I55 no.12)
NYPL(Research M-11 4612 Nr. 12 v. 11-24 inc.)
UoC(Regenstein DS2,I6 no.12)
YU(SML DS1 I56 12+)
Ref.: OCLC 5703703
Birma, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapur
Middecke, Karl-Josef
Birma, Zollvorschriften (Kurzfassung) / Bundesstelle für
Außenhandelsinformation. – Köln: Bfai, 1981. 5 S. – (BfaiZollinformation ; 1981,28)
Ref.: DB
ditto. – ibd., 1985. 4 S. – (... ; 1985,48)
D: BO-UB(ZRC816-1985,4)
also Birma
also Burma
also Myanmar
also Union of Burma
also Union of Myanmar
La Birmanie. – [Paris,] 1945. 12 p. – (Documentation française : notes et études documentaires ; 177 : série internationale ; 44)
F: BNF(Fol.G.568(177))*
La Birmanie / publ. par le Ministère de l’Information de
l’Union Birmanie. – Paris: Service de Documentation Économique, 1953. 46 p., figs., couv. illus.
Subject(s): Burma : Economic history ; Commerce - Belgium
Belgium : Commerce - Burma
F: BNF(16° O2 w pièce 1)
BIULO(Mél 8° 1223(35))
NL: KITLV(M rr 1478)
US: YU(LSF-Request Bj 1953B)
Ref.: OCLC 43712875
Birmanie [/ rédigée par Th. De Greff]. – Bruxelles: Office
Belge du Commerce Extérieur, 1954. 30 p., illus., bibliogr.
p. 30. – (Série Études de marché)
D: KI-ZBW(C 12,648)
US: NYPL(Research SIBL TB p.v.2128)
Birmanie. – 1964
Pasdeloup, Bernard
La Birmanie. – 1981. 78 p. – (Sudestasie ; 11 : spécial)
Ref.: Bookseller
La Birmanie. – 1981
Klein, Wilhelm
Birmanie / Ministère des Affaires Étrangères, Accueil et Information des Français a l’Étranger. – Paris, [1989]. Pag.
multiple, carte.
F: BN Impr.(Fol-Fw-402(102))
Birmanie / Ministère des Affaires Étrangères, Maison des
Français de l'étranger. Éd. 2000. – Paris : Ministère des affaires étrangères, 2000. 75 p., [1] f. de carte en coul., bibliogr. p. 75. − ISBN 2-11-091369-X (br.)
Subject(s): Burma : Guides, manuels, etc.
F: BNF(HDJ Dépt.Droit Salle D Pōle de Res. 088.52 Myan
Birmanie / réd. en chef, Pierre Josse ; réd., Florence Charmetant, Benoīt Lucchini, Yves Couprie... [et al.] 1999-2000. −
[Paris:] Hachette, 1999. 191 p., illus., couv. illus. en coul.,
index. – (Le guide du routard, ISSN 0768-2034)
ISBN 2-01-242979-3 (br.)
Subject(s): Burma : Guidebooks
F: BNF(Tolbia RJM, 1999-51510)
Birma-episoden : belevenissen van een Amerikaan chirurg
Seagrave, Gordon Stifler
Birmanen-Reich mit Anam, Siam & Cochin-China
Brückner, Georg M.
Handbuch der neuesten Erdbeschreibung ; Lfg. 32
Birmania. – Milano: Giorgio Mondadori, 1998. 48 p, illus. –
(Airone : monografie per vivere la natura e conoscere il
mondo : suppl. ; 207, luglio 1998)
Subject(s): Burma : Guidebooks
I: Biblioteca comunale - Anzola dell'Emilia - BO
B 115
ditto. / réd. en chef, Pierre Josse ; réd., Yves Couprie, Olivier
Page, Véronique de Chardon... [et al.]. [Éd.] 2000-2001. –
ibd., 2000. 302 p., illus., couv. illus. en coul., index. – (Le
guide du routard, ISSN 0768-2034) − ISBN: 2-01-243266-2
F: BNF(Tolbia RJM 2000-60772)
BSG(8 M SUP 19590)
Burma Bibliographical Project
Siegfried M. Schwertner
Birmanie : de Rangoon à Mandalay ; photographies c. 1873
publiées par Bourne & Shepherd = Burma : from Rangoon to
Mandalay ; photographs c. 1873 published by Bourne &
Shepherd [/ texte de John Falconer]. – Paris: Galerie Hypnos, 1999. 52 p., illus. en noir et blanc. – Exposition du 17
septembre au 16 octobre 1999, Galerie Hypnos , Paris
ISBN 2-9514296-0-6
Subject(s): Murray, Colin Roderick <1840-1884>
Burma : Photography - Rangoon - 1870-1880 ; Photography - Mandalay - 1870-1880 ; Pagodas – Rangoon 1870-1880 ; Architecture (object genre) - 1870-1880 ; Exhibition catalogs
Mandalay :Photography - 1870-1880
Rangoon : Photography - 1870-1880
F: BIULO(GEN.III.68894) BAA(8 Z 997
US: YU(SML TR140.B775 B5 1999)
Ref.: OCLC 46760796
Birmanie : le pays où souffle l’esprit [/ trad. de l’anglais par
Janine Herscher]. – Paris: Éd. Abbeville, 1996. 227 p., illus.,
map, bibliogr. p. 1. – Transl. of: Myanmar : land of the spirit
ISBN 2-87946-105-7
Subject(s): Burma : Description and travel ; Pictorial works
US: HU(Widener Harv.Depos.DS527.7 M9314 1996x F)
Birmanie : législation commerciale / France, Ministère du
commerce. 1.1864- . − Paris. − (Annales du commerce extérieur)
Subject(s): Burma : Commerce - France - Periodicals
France : Commerce - Burma - Periodicals ; Tariff - Law
and legislation - Periodicals
US: NYPL: 1-2 25,1864-1905 (Offsite TLG France. commerce, Ministère du commerce)
Ref.: OCLC 36141611
Birmanie : les arcanes de Shwedagon
Wilde, Patrick de
Birmanie : mode d'emploi [/ auteurs, Brigitte MacDonald ... et
al. ; éd.: ] Association Suisse-Birmanie, Actions Birmanie
(Belgique), Info Birmanie (France). − [Paris:] Balland, 2001.
128 p., illus., map, bibliogr. p. 119-126. − Other Titles:
Guide Birmanie; Birmanie guide. - Corp Authors: Association Suisse-Birmanie ; Actions Birmanie (Belgium) ; Info
Birmanie (France) − ISBN 2715813651
Subject(s): Burma : Tourism ; Human rights ; Civil rights ;
Politics and government <1988->
CH: SLB(Nb 92531)
US: WaU(Suzzallo JQ442 .F57 1985)
Birmanie : résumé ethnographique et linguistique ; trad. du
British Burmah gazetteer, avec annotations / par J. Harmand.
– Paris: Maisonneuve Leclerc, 1884. 81 p.
D: B-SBB(Up 4915/30 Potsdamer Str.)
F: BIULO(Mél 4° 137(1))* BMH(DS 522.9 zb)
La Birmanie à un tournant [/ dossier constitué par] Christan
Lechervy. – Paris: La Documentation Fran-çaise, 1992. 59
p., bibliogr. p. 59. – (Problèmes politiques et sociaux, ISSN
0015-9743 ; 692)
Subject(s): Burma : Politics and government <1948-> ; Economic conditions <1948-> ; Social conditions
F: Cujas(JQ) Lille1-BU
US: LC(Kroch DS530.4 .B617 1992)
Birmanie, Laos, Cambodge : 1996/97 / réd. en chef, Pierre
Josse ; assisté de Benoīt Lucchini, Florence Bouffet, Solange
Vivier ... [et al.] – Paris: Hachette, 1996. 271 p., illus., couv.
illus. en coul., cartes, index. – (Le guide du routard, ISSN
0768-2034) – At head of title: Directeur de collection, Philippe Gloaguen ; co-fondateurs, Philippe Gloaguen et Michel
Duval. – ISBN 2-01-242413-9
Subject(s): Burma : Guidebooks
F: BN Impr.(16-02-3302) BSG(8 G SUP 12235)
US: CU(Kroch DS527.3 .B61 1996) LC(DS527.3)
ditto. / Pierre Josse , Philippe Gloaguen. − Paris: Hachette,
1997. 383 p., illus., maps, index. − (Le Guide du routard)
ISBN 2012425976
US: HU(Widener Harv.Depos. DS527.3.B57 1997x)
ditto. / réd. Florence Bouffet, Benoīt Lucchini, Yves Couprie... [et al.]. 1998/99. – Paris : Hachette Tourisme, 1998.
383 p., cartes, plans, index, notes bibliogr. – (Le guide du
routard, ISSN 0768-2034) − ISBN: 2-01-242761-8
F: Lille1-BU
Birmanie (Myanmar). − Paris: Hachette, 1998. 299 p., illus.,
photogr., cartes, imdex, bibliogr. p. 286-289. − (Guides bleus
évasion,. ISSN 0762-2392) − ISBN 2-01-242540-2
Subject(s): Burma : Guidebooks ; Description and travel
Univ.de Marne-laVallée(
Ref.: OCLC 42831181
Birmanie (Myanmar) : 2001-2002 / directeur de collection
Philippe Gloaguen ; réd. en chef Pierre Josse. − Paris: Hachette, 2001. 286 p., index. − (Guide du routard)
ISBN 2012433650
Subject(s): Burma : Guidebooks ; Tourism ; Description and
US: NIU(SEA DS527.7 .B575 2001)
Birmanie une bibliographie : documentation disponible au
Centre de documentation Du Centre international des droits
de la personne et du développement démocratique
Caccia, Ivan
Birmanie – Union de Myanmar [ / Centre Français du Commerce Exterieur]. Direction de l’Approche des Marches Exterieurs, Service de l’Information Économi-que et Sociale ;
[red.] par Catherine Faudemay ... – Paris: CFCE, 1990. 101
p., carte, bibliogr. p. 101. – (Dossier d’information / CFCE)
ISBN 2-279-63075-3
F: BN Impr.(Fol.-Fw-188(68,1990))
La Birmanie vue de l’étranger à la veille de l’année du tourisme
Myanmar as seen from abroad on the eve of Visit
Myanmar Year
La Birmanie vue de Suisse [/ Centre d’Étude et de Documentation Karenni.] – Lausanne: Éditions Dao Badao, 1995. 1 v.
(unpaged) [XVIII, ca.180 p.], illus. – (Bulletin du Cédok,
ISSN [0258-7467] pour 1988 : numéro spécial) – French,
Burmese, English and German
Subject(s): Burma :
CH: SLB(Pq 25151/1988)
D: HD-SAI(inf Zs 153)*
NL: KITLV(M 1997 B 1985)
B 116
Bibliographical description
Bitsch, Jørgen
SG: ISEAS(DS527 C38 1988)
US: CU(Kroch +DS527.4 .B61)
Birmanies : bulletin de l’Association France-Birmanie. N. 0,
Sept. 1992. – Paris: l'Association France-Birmanie. –
Three no. a year
ISSN 1165-2845
F: BNF-Coll. Patrimoniales(Per.4-Jo-68463)
US: CU: 7.1994/95,nov./fev. (Kroch +DS527 .B64)
Ref.: OCLC 32514744
Birmanische Handschriften. − Stuttgart: Steiner. − (Verzeichnis der orientalischen Handschriften in Deutschland ;
23) − Vorhergehende Bde mit Titel: Burmese manuscripts
5. Die Katalognummern 901 - 1015 / bearb. von Anne Peters;
hrsg. von Heinz Bechert. − 2004. XXIX, 159 S., 4 Taf.,
Indices. − ISBN 3-515-08460-6
Subject(s): Burmese language . Manuscripts - Catalogue
Burma : Therawada
Germany : Burmese language . Manuscripts - Catalogue
D: B-SBB(4" 86534-23,5<b>) GÖ-SUBFB 2202:23,5)
GB: SOAS(Ref 091/417.629)*
N: UHS(Mes INDO Ab Ver/23)
US: NNC(Butler)
Birmanisches Strafgesetzbuch / übersetzt und mit den nöthigen, sowie einigen unnöthigen Anmerkungen versehen von
Michael Tobias Zaunschliefer. – Nürnberg
1. – 1822. XXXII, 61 S.
2/3. Mit einer Vorrede von dem Oberaufschläger
Zwickl. – 1825. XII, 180 S.
D: M-BSB(P.o.germ. 789r)
HD-JU 1-3(M 2907
TÜ-UB(Hi 225)
Die birmanische Wirtschaft im Jahr ... / Bundesstelle für Außenhandelsinformation. – Köln. – (Marktinformationsdienst
der Bundesstelle für Außenhandelsinformation ; ...)
1956 – 1957. – (...; A/128)
1957 – 1958. – (... ; A/200)
1958/59 – 1959. 175 S. – (...; A/293)
Subject(s): Burma : Economic condition
D: KI-ZBW(Y 17,055)
Birmas Lackkunst in deutschen Museen
Weigelt, Uta
Bischoff, Roger
Buddhism in Myanmar : a short history / Roger Bischoff. –
Kandy: Buddhist Publ. Society, 1995. VI, 73 p., bibliogr. p.
[71]-73. – (The Wheel publication ; 399/401)
ISBN 955-24-0127-5
Subject(s): Burma : Buddhism - History ; Theravada Buddhism - History ; Religion
D: TU-UB(11 E 4367)
GB: SOAS(GB294.3/704.633* ; 786982)
TH: CU(CL 294.309591 B621B)
US: LyLxCB 7 MWH(Dinand) : BQ418 .B57 1995)
Ref.: OCLC 37941036
Catalogue of the Burmese-Pali and Burmese manuscripts
Wellcome Institute for the History of Medicine
< London > / Library
Bishop, Edward.
Better to die : the story of the Gurkhas / Edward Bishop. −
London : New English Library, 1976. 157 p., [8] p. of plates,
illus., maps, ports. index, bibliogr. p. 145-147.
ISBN 0-450-02846-1.
Subject(s): Great Britain : Army - World War <1939-1945>
- Military operations - Burma - Gurkha soldiers
GB: SOAS(E Coll 3 J /2)
Bishop, Enid
Australian theses on Asia : a union list of higher degree theses accepted by Australian universities to 31 Dec. 1970 /
comp. by Enid Bishop. – Canberra, 1972. IV, 35 p. – (Occasional paper / Fac. of Asian Studies, The Australian National
Univ. ; 12) − ISBN 0-909879-02-8
p. 10: Burma (3 titles)
D: B-SBB(OLS Bc 130 = Ser. 7109-12)
US: LC(Z3001.B55)
Bishop, Reginald
Australia / Parliament / Mission to Burma, Bangladesh, Nepal and Sri Lanka
Official report
Bissel, Richard Pike
Goodbye, Ava. – London : Secker & Warburg, 1961. 241 p.
GB: BL(NNN 16657)
The birthday party of Aung San Suu Kyi, Burma's prodemocracy leader : the Royal Court Theatre, Sunday, 18
June 2000 / hosted by the Burma Campaign UK. – [London :
Burma Campaign UK, 2000.] 1 v. (unpaged), illus.
Subject(s): Aung San Suu Kyi
Burma : Politics and government <1988->
US: CU(Kroch DS530.53.A85 B57 2000)
Birthing a Burmese feminist theology / Feminist Theology
Workshop, 8th-10th February, 2002, Jerusalem, Hmawbi. −
[Yangon:] Women's Theologians Fellowship, Association
for Theological Education in Myanmar, [2002?] 110 p., illus.
− English and Burmese
Note: Contributed papers of a workshop organized by
Women's Theologians Fellowship, Association for Theological Education in Myanmar.
Subject(s): Burma : Feminist theology - Congresses
US: CU & LC : BT83.55 .F459 2002
Bisch, Jörgen
BIST-EC development programme : overview and sectoral
cooperation / prep. for the BIST-EC member countries by
the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific. − New York : United Nations, 1997. VIII, 100 p. −
ST/ESCAP/1818. – ISBN 9211197791
Subject(s): Burma : Economic development projects - International cooperation ; Economic conditions.
US: IU(Govt Docs UN.ST/ESCAP/1818)
Biswas, B.
Ellermann, John Reeves
Biswas, Kalipada <b. 1899>
Common fresh and brackish water algal flora of India and
Burma / by Kalipada Biswas. – Calcutta : Govt. Print., 1949.
– (Records of the Botanical Survey of India ; 15, 1-2)
B 117
Burma Bibliographical Project
Siegfried M. Schwertner
1 .– IV, 105 p., 10 plates.
p. 27-42: List of literature on Indian Algae
2. – III, 169 p.
Subject(s): Burma : Algae ; Algae - Identification
GB: BL-APAC(IOR/V/25/450/13)*
US: DNLM(W1.HE29 no.24)
HU: 1 (Botany Farlow Library B6238c)
2 (Botany Arnold (Cambr.) QK575.I4 B6238)
LC(QK385.A4 v.15, pt.1) MoU
UCB(BioSci QK358.A3 v.15)
YU(KLINE QK358 A3 15)
; Sahara ; Begyndelsen til grupperejser ; På safari i Tchad ;
Borneo safari ; Rejse i Sibirien ; Bestigning af Mt. Sangai ;
Eventyret lever
Subject(s): Bitsch, Jørgen ; eventyrere ; ekspeditioner ; rejsebeskrivelser ; erindringer
DK: KB(DA8-P2750) Roskilde UB (O 910.4 Bit b)
Hvorfor smiler Buddha? : rejse i det fjerne o sten / Jo rgen
Bitsch. – København: Gyldendal, 1963. 166 p., col. illus.,
map, bibliogr. p. [168-169].
Note: En rejsebeskrivelse fra Burma, Thailand en Cambodia
Subject(s): Burma : Monastic and religious life (Buddhism) ;
Buddha (The concept) ; Buddhism ; Description and travel
; Social life and customs
GB: BL(10054 ee 14)*
US: CU(Kroch DS508.2 .B62) LC(DS485.B84B5)
NYPL(Research E-11 8891)
UC(NRLF DS485.B81 B57)
UoC(Regenstein DS485.B84B619
Ref.: OCLC 28456209
ditto. Repr. – Delhi: Periodical Experts Book Agency ; Dehra Dun: International Book Distributors
ISBN 0-89771-555-1
1. – 1980. IV, 105 p., 10 plates.
D: HD-SAI(219 nat 88/1208)*
GB: BL-DSS(7316 v.15,1)
Handbook of common water and marsh plants of India and
Burma, 1936 / by K. Biswas and C. C. Calder. – Delhi:
Manager of Publ. (for H. C.), 1937. XIII, 140 p., gloss., 32
plates, 6 photos. – (Health bulletin series / India Medical
Department ; 24 : Malaria Bureau ; 11)
Subject(s): Burma : Botany ; Aquatic plants – Identification ;
Marsh plants - Identification ;
Plants ; Aquatic plants - Handbooks, manuals etc.
GB: BL-APAC(IOR/V/25/850/94)*
US: CU(Mann Hortium Ref. QK359 .B62) DNLM
HU(Botany Arnold (Cambr.) Fl 55 B54 49,227)
Warum lächelt Buddha? : rätselhafte Welt Hinterindiens /
Jörgen Bitsch. (Aus dem Dänischen übertragen von Christine von Kohl.) – Berlin [etc.]: Ullstein, 1964. 180 S., Illus.,
Kt., Bibliogr. p. 180-[181]. – Transl. of: Hvorfor smiler
Subject(s): Burma : Monastic and religious life (Buddhism) ;
Buddha (The concept) ; Buddhism ; Description and travel
; Social life and customs
US: CU(Kroch DS508.2 .B62 1964) UCS
Ref.: OCLC 19581405
ditto. 2nd ed., rev. and enl. / by K. Biswas. – ibd., 1954.
XVI, 216 p., gloss., 32 plates, 6 photos. – (Health bulletin ;
24 : Malaria Bureau ; 11)
AU:ANU(Hancock B'ment QK105.B57 1954)
D: HD-SAI(325 nat 88/778)*
GB: BL(I.S.434) SAS((54):58)
US: CAS HU(Countway Medicine: 10.S.1938.2 -11)
Why Buddha smiles? / Jørgen Bisch. Transl. by Gwynne
Vevers. – London : Collins, 1964. 158 p., col. illus., map,
bibliogr. p. [159]. – Transl. of: Hvorfor smiler Buddha.
Note: An account of a journey to Burma, Thailand and
Subject(s): Burma : Monastic and religious life (Buddhism) ;
Buddha (The concept) ; Buddhism ; Description and travel
; Social life and customs
AU:ANU(Menzies DS485.B84 .B53)
NLA(915.91 BIS)
GB: BL(X 809/589) CUL(632:1.c.95.6)
BL-APAC(V 15642) SOAS(GB909/188.511)*
NL: KITLV(M 3f 59 N)
SG: NUS(DS530.4 Bit)
US: CU(Kroch DS508.2 .B62 1964a)
FTaSU HU(Widener Ind 8119.64)
LC & MnU(TC Wilson Ames) & WU(Memorial Lib.):
DS485.B84 B53 NNC(Butler 959 B548)
UC(NRLF DS485.B84 B53 1964 B 2 807 206)
UCLA(YR DS485.B84 B54E)
ditto. Repr. – Dehra Dun: Bishen Singh Mahendra Pal Singh,
1984. XVI, 216 p., illus., index.
D: BT-UB(89/WL 1180 B623) FR-UB(TM 84/5294)
US: CAS CU(Mann QK358.B62 1984)
HU(Botany Arnold (Cambr.) Fl 55 B54 1984)
LC(QK358.B525 1984) MnSU
UCB(BioSci QK358.B57 1984)
UCLA(Biomed QK 358 B623h 1984)
IU(Main Stacks 574.52632 B54H1984)
Biswas, Sanjib Kumar <b. 1935>
Seminar on Petroliferous Basins of India <2. 1991,
Dehra Dun>: Proceedings
Bitsch, Jørgen <b. 1922>
Eventyr over alle grænser, på ekspedition til Jordens ukendte
egne / af Jørgen Bitsch, fotos: Jørgen Bitsch. − Lynge: Bogan, 1999. 254 sider, illus. − Emneord: rejsebeskrivelser
ISBN: 87-7466-368-2
Indhold: Sådan begyndte det ; Tværs gennem Afrika ;
Ørkenfærden ; Massanastammen ; Elefantsafari ; Tværs
gennem Amazonas ; Borneos floder ; Bag Arabiens slør ;
Rejse i Mongoliet ; Medicinmanden M'Beri ; Rejse i Burma ; Krise ; På hemmelig mission for National Geographic
ditto. – New York : Taplinger, 1966. 158 p., col. illus., map,
bibliogr. p. [159].
SG: ISEAS(DS530.4 B62)
US: C & LC & NIU(SEA) & OAU(Alden SE Asia) &
UCI(Main Lib) & UCR(Rivera) & UCSB(Main) :
DS485.B84 B53 1966 NYPL(Research E-12 8522)
YU(SML DS485 B84 B57)
Bitton, Marie
Un Birman a Tel-Aviv / Marie Bitton. – Paris: La Pr.e Universelle, 1980.
F: BN Impr(EL 8-Y-10893)
B 118
Bibliographical description
Bixby, Olive Jennie
My child-life in Burmah : or recollections and incidents /
Olive Jennie Bixby. – Boston: Corthell, 1880. XII, 172 p., illus. – Herbert 342
Subject(s): Bixby, Olive Jennie
Burma : Missions ; Missions – History ; Description and
travel ; Social life and customs
D: HD-SAI(reg 60 M 106 ; M 924 no.19)*
GB: BL(4766 bb 18)
US: CU(Annex DS485.B84 B62) MiU
NIU(SpeCol–4th FL-FML DS527.6 .B5471880A)
NNUT(Burke Union Stacks MU11 B624) PCA
UC(NRLF DS485.B84 B6 $B 294 626) UCSB(Main Lib
BV3270 .B58 Special Coll., Wyles Coll.) WaU
Ref.: OCLC 5697187 ; 4180759 ; 14452566
NLA(915.910350922 B624<00722802>)
D: B-SBB(144 697 Potsdamer Str.)
PA-UB(55/RR 51950 B624)
HD-SAI(reg 60 C 7)*
F: BNF(8° O2 l.1546)
GB: BL-DSS(75/28141)
SOAS(GB909/218.786 ; 361.265)*
J: TYB(10775)
SG: ISEAS(DS530.4 B84)
US: CU(Kroch DS485.B84 B63)
LC NIU(SEA) & NNC(Lehman) & OAU(Alden SE
Asia) & UCD(Shields) & UCI(Main Lib) &
UCR(Rivera) & UCSD(SSH) & UCSC(McHenry) &
WU(Memorial Lib.) : DS485.B84 B59
NYPL(Research E-13 1486)
UC(NRLF DS485.B84 B63 A3 $B 220 234)
UCLA(YRL DS485.B84 B55)
UCSB(Main Lib DS485.B84 B56)
YU(SML DS485 B84 B58 ; AOS K B55)
ditto. – Providence: M. H. Bixby, 1880. XII, 172 p., illus.
US: HU(Andover-Harv. Theol: Harv.Depos. Brittle Book
943 Bap.85B624 B624m 1880 IEN
OAU(Alden SE Asia DS527.6 .B63 1880x)
UC(SRLF A0009795246) UCLA(YR DS527.6 .B59
1880) YU(Mudd WA 20193)
Ref.: OCLC 6111783
ditto. 2nd print. – ibd., 1967 [1968]. 238 p.
GB: BL(X 800/10410)
Bixler, Norma
Burma : a profile / Norma Bixler. – New York : Praeger,
1971. XII, 244 p., illus., maps, bibliogr. p. 237-239. – (Praeger country profiles)
Subject(s): Burma : Social life ; Civilization
AU:NLA(915.91035 B624 <00722800>
D: B-SBB(360876 Potsdamer Str.)
PA-UB(55/RR 51953 B624)
GB: BL(A71/432) BL-DSS(A71/432)
SG: ISEAS(DS530.2 B84) NUS(DS530.6 Bix)
TH: CU(Pol 959.1 Bb)
US: CU(Kroch DS485.B81 B62)
HU(Widener Ind 8119.71)
LC & MnU(TC Wilson Ames) & NIU(SEA) &
NNC(Lehman) & OAU(Alden SE Asia) &
UCD(Shields) & UCI(Main) & UCLA(YRL) &
UCR(Rivera) & UCSD(SSH) & UCSB(Main) &
UCSC(McHenry YU(SML) : DS485.B81 B55
UCB(Main DS485.B81 B59)
WU(Memorial Lib. DS485 B81 B56)
ditto. – London : Pall Mall Pr., 1971. XII, 244 p., illus.,
maps., index, gloss., bibliogr. p. 237-239. – (Pall Mall country profiles) − ISBN 0-269-02755-6 – Herbert 4
AU:ANU(Menzies DS485.B81.B55)
D: HBSUB(a ggr 654 b7/539) HD-SAI(320 inf 71/71)*
F: BDIC(O col 2141/1) BIULO(GEN.III.10770)
GB: BL(X 809/9615; 14302 bbb 24)* CUL(632:2.c.95.9)
BL-APAC(T 25629) OUL(IND Burma 5 d 54)
SOAS(GB 031/267.682)
IRL:TCD(959.1 l1)
NL: KITLV(M ss 74 N)
SG: RUBC(959.1 BIX)
US: LC(DS485.B81B55 1971b)
NYPL(Research JFD 72-3633)
Burmese journey / Norma Bixler. – Yellow Springs, Ohio:
Antioch Pr., 1967. 238 p. – Autobiographical.
Subject(s): Bixler, Norma
Burma : Social life and customs ; Biography
AU:ANU(Menzies DS485.B84 .B59)
ditto. – Kent, Ohio: Kent State Univ., Pr., 1967.
ISBN 0-87338-061-4
ditto. Repr. of 1967 ed. – Ann Arbor, Mich.: Books on Demand, Div. of UMI. − ISBN 0-8357-7480-5
Ref.: BiP
Bixler, Paul Howard <b. 1899>
Books are for reading. – [Chicago : American Library Association, 1960.] 12 p. – First delivered as a lecture at the
Burma-America Institute, Rangoon, on March 1, 1960.
Subject(s): Burma : Books and reading ; Bibliography
GB: OUL(BOD St Cross 25891 d.223)
US: NIU(Main Stacks-FML Z1003 .B6)
NNC(Annex (SLS) 028 B55)
NYPL(Research D 13-572)
Libraries in Burma / by Paul Bixler. – [1970.] 16 l., bibliogr.
l. 16.
Subject(s): Burma : Libraries - History
US: CU(Kroch +Z846.B8 B62)
Southeast Asia : bibliographic directions in a complex area /
Paul Bixler. – Middletown, Con.: Choice, [1974]. VIII, 98
p., index. – (Choice bibliographical essay series ; 2) – A
publ. of the Association of College and Research Libraries, a
division of the American Library Association. − A rev. ed.
of: Southeast Asia studies : a basic bibliography vol. 9.9
through 10.2 − ISBN 0-914492-01-2
GB: SOAS(Ref.G 016/336.941)*
SG: ISEAS(Z3221 B62)
US: LC(Z3221.B55)
Björnson, Karin Solveig
Genocide and gross human rights violations in comparative
Jonassohn, Kurt
Bjorge, Gary J.
Merrill’s Marauders : combined operations in northern
Burma in 1944 / by Gary J. Bjorge. – Fort Leavenworth,
Kan.: Combat Studies Institute, U.S. Army Command and
B 119
Burma Bibliographical Project
Siegfried M. Schwertner
General Staff College, 1996. V, 55 p., illus., map, bibliogr.
p. 53-55.
Subject(s): United States : Army - World War <1939-1945>
– Operations - Burma - Composite Unit (Provisional),
Burma : World War <1939-1945> - Campaigns ; World
War <1939-1945> - Military operations, American
US: CU(Kroch x) & LC & UCB(Main) : D767.6 .B56 1996
HU(Documents (Lamont): D 101.2:M 32)
NIU(GovPub-2nd FL-FML D101.2:M32)
C(State Lib) & UCSB(Main Lib) & UCR(GovPub US)
& UCSC(McHenry) & UCSD(SSH) & YU(Mudd,
Govt.Doc.Ctr.) : D 101.2:M 32 Govt Pubs
UC(SRLF AA0002585917)
Black, Charles Edward Drummond
The Marquess of Dufferin and Ava : diplomatist, viceroy,
statesman / by Charles E. Drummond Black. With 24 fullpage illust. and a front. portrait in photogravure. 2nd ed. –
London : Hutchinson, 1903. XIII, 409 p.
p. 394-396: "Appendix: List of works in the British Museum
Library, under the name of Blackwood (Frederick Temple
Hamilton), marquess of Dufferin and Ava, G. C. B., etc."
Subject(s): Dufferin and Ava, Frederick Temple Blackwood ,
AU:ANU(Chifley DA17.D9B63 1903)
GB: BL(010817 ee 24) BL-APAC(T 10555)
US: CU(Annex DA17.D85 B62) LC(DA17.D9B6)
ditto. – Toronto: Morang, 1903. XIII, 409 p.
Black, Dorothy Delius
Burmese picnic / Dorothy Black. – London : Michael Joseph, 1943. 196 p. – Herbert 669
Note: This thrilling yet brutally tout story tells of a girl’s adventures and love affairs in Rangoon at the time of the
Japanese invasion.
GB: BL(NN 33712)* OUL(BOD Nuneham 25614 e.1865)
Letters of an Indian judge to an English gentlewoman [/ by
Dorothy Black]. – London : Dickson, 1934. 253 p.
Herbert 669
Note: Letters supposedly written by Nehra Arvind to Dorothy Black, but some critics believe that the correspondence
was a work of fiction by Black.
Subject(s): Nehra, Arvind : Correspondence
Black, Dorothy : Correspondence
Burma : Description and travel ;
Social life, ca 1918-1934 - Personal observations - Correspondence ; History - British occupation, 1765-1947 - Biography ; Social life and customs -Sources
AU:ANU(Menzies DS480.45 .L4)
GB: BL(X.708/22137; 10906 de 27*) CUL(9720.d.847)
BL-APAC(RL 23 ; T 36305) OUL(Ind)
US: LC & UC(NRLF) : DS479.L4
UoC(Regenstein PR6000.L65 1934)
YU(SML Yale Class. Bj49F 934L)
Ref.: OCLC 2229397 ; 2180490 ; 29120462
ditto. Repr. – ibd., 1937. 254 p.
GB: OUL(IND Retind))
US: LC(DS479.L4) NYPL(Research BGP)
ditto. – ibd., 1938. 1 v.
AU:NLA(915.4 LET)
ditto. – London : Peter Davies, [1940]. 254 p.
US: YU(Bj49F 934L)
Ref.: OCLC 46734835
ditto. – New Zealand: Whitcombe and Tombs, 1945. 158 p.
US: RPB(Rock DS479 .N43x 1934b)
Cal.State Univ.Stanislaqus(DS479 .L4 1945)
Ref.: OCLC 14589343
ditto. – London : P. Davies, [1945]. 158 p.
US: MnU(TC Wilson 915.4 L569)
Ref.: OCLC 12697524
Fantastic journey / by Dorothy Black. – London : Cassell,
1944. 191 p.
GB: BL(NN 35184)
ditto. – ibd., [1947]. 253 p.
AU:ANU(Menzies DS480.45 .L4 1947)
US: GU NRU UCSB(DS479 .L4 1947)
Ref.: OCLC 15374236
ditto. 1st Australian ed. – London ; Melbourne: Cassell,
1947. 192 p.
US: CU(Kroch PR6003.L124 F2 1947)
ditto. – ibd., [1953]. 254 p.
US: Vi U
ditto. Complete and unabbridged. – London : Cassell, 1952.
249 p.
GB: BL(12654 k 4)*
ditto. – London : Cassell, 1952 [1953]. 249 p.
GB: BL(012642 n 239)
The house without doors. – London : Cassell, 1955. 192 p.
GB: BL(NNN 6426)
Idle women / by Dorothy Black. – Philadelphia ; London :
Lippincott, 1928. 305 p.
GB: BL(012707 h 24)*
ditto. – ibd., [1959]. 254 p.
US: MiU(Buhr DS479 .L65 1959)
ditto. Print. 14th. − ibd., 1971. 255 p.
Ref.: OCLC 54767010
ditto. 2nd pr. – London : Futura, 1978. 255 p. – (A Futura
book) − ISBN 0-7088-1335-6 (pbk.)
GB: CUL(Ud.8.4297)
IRL:TCD(PB- 24-560)
US: HU(Widener Harv.Depos.)
NIU(SEA) & NNC(Butler g) & UoC(Regenstein)
WU(Memorial lib.) : DS479 .L4 1978
ditto. 3rd pr. – ibd. 1979. 255 p. – (A Futura book)
ISBN 0-7088-1335-6
GB: BL(X 708/22137)*
ditto. – London : Bles, [1929]. 285 p.
GB: BL(NN 15037)
B 120
Bibliographical description
ditto. − Glasgow: Futura, 1979. − (Futura book ; 1335)
GB: OUL(BOD 30 A 241)
Blackater, C. F.
Gods without reason / by C. F. Blackater. – London : Eyre
and Spottiswoode, 1948. 214 p.
GB: BL(9056 g 20)*
US: LC(D805.J3B6)
ditto. − London : Mandarin, 1992. 254 p.
ISBN 0749312084
GB: BL(YK 1992 a 8358) CUL(9001.d.271)
OUL(BOD M92.G03417)
The magic egg : a story for children / by Dorothy Black.
Illus. by Charles Folkard. – London : Black, 1922. 111 p.
GB: BL(12802 d 34)*
The orange robe. – London : Hale, 1960. 175 p.
GB: BL(NNN 14652)
White women / by Dorothy Black. – London : Hodder and
Stoughton, 1938. VIII, 9-286 p.
GB: BL(NN 29416)*
US: CU(Annex PR6003 L124W5)
Black, Elizabeth
Shooting an elephant
Orwell, George
Black, Jan Knippers <b. 1940>
Inequity in the global village : recycled rhetoric and disposable people / Jan Knippers Black. − West Hartford, Conn.:
Kumarian Pr., 1999. xi, 275 p., illus.
ISBN 1565491009 (cloth) ; ISBN 1565490991 (pbk.)
Contains: 18. When Democracy Fails: The Legacy of
Burma's Abortive Uprising.
Note: "As globalization rapidly replaces the cold war paradigm, disturbing aspects of this transition are often glossed
over. Jan Black illuminates the problems that have arisen
such as growing refugee populations, increased nationalism, and describes how the narrow distribution of benefits
from globalization has created a yawning gap in wealth
and power both among and within states. She works on the
premise that this disturbing and growing gap is partly the
product of a globalized capitalist system run amuck and
which she describes as "mobile money and immobilized
political leadership." - Book jacket.
Subject(s): Burma : Income distribution ; Social justice ;
Capitalism ; Competition, International ; Economic history
- 1990US: MnU(TC Wilson) & UCB & UCD(Shields) &
UCI(Langson) & UCLA(YRL) & UCR(Rivera) &
UCSD(SSH) & UCSB & UCSC(McHenry): HC79.I5
B598 1999
Blackburn, Paul Pritchard <b. 1937>
Communications and national development in Burma, Malaysia and Thailand : a comparative systemic analysis / by
Paul Pritchard Blackburn. – 1971. 3, VIII, 428 l., tables,
app., bibliogr. l. 409-428. – Washington, D.C., American
Univ., Ph.D. (international studies) thesis 1971
DissAb.A 32.4, 1971, 1249. - Herbert 801. - Shulman
562. - UMI RBB 71-24.938
Subject(s): Burma : Mass media ; Communication and traffic
; Communication policy ; Economics
AU:ANU(Chifley HN670.7.Z9.M325)
D: B-SBB(802335 Potsdamer Str.) HD-SAI(M 1071)
GB: SOAS(GB384/375.444)
SG: ISEAS(P92 A9B62)
NUS-CL(Sing/Mal Coll HM258 Bla ; Closed Stacks
301.160959B562) NRL(BLA microfilm)
US: CU(Kroch Film 5297) DAU IaU
NIU(Microforms-2nd FL-FML Microfilm
AC801.B6285) NYPL UC(SRLF M0000521229)
UCB(NewsMicro Microfilm.16911.P)
Blackburn, Terence R. <b. 1938>
Actors on the Burmese stage : a trilogy of the AngloBurmese wars / by Terence R. Blackburn. − New Delhi :
APH, 2002
The British lion and the Burmese tiger : Campbell and
Maha Bandula / Terence R. Blackburn
A sadistic scholar : Captain Latter's war / Terence R.
An ill-conditioned cad : Mr. Moylan of The Times /
Terence R. Blackburn
The black book of Burma crisis : a political analysis of barbarous brutal murders of democratic monks students nativeraces by unnative facist gunstars of a nation sinfully called
Burma / ed. by Victor M. Myonyunt
US: WU(Memorial Lib. in process)
The "‘Black Cat" Division : an account of the achievements of
the famous 17th Indian Division in Burma during the Second
World War. – New Delhi, [1945?]. 44 p. − Print. ... under the
authority of the Director of Public Relations, War Department, Government of India. – p. [4] of cover
GB: BL-APAC(ORW.1987.a.1575)
US: LC(4D 2741) PUVan Pelt D767.6 .B53 1940z)
Ref.: OCLC 3799438
B 121
The British humiliation of Burma / Terence R. Blackburn.
1st publ. – Bangkok: Orchid Pr., 2000. 166 p., illus. (some
col.), map, index, bibliogr. p. 158-161.
ISBN 974-8304-66-3
Note: This is a richly illustrated book on the outrageous behaviour of the British government, driven largely by merchant and missionary interests, towards the Kingdom of
Burma. It is a concise and useful summary of events surrounding and leading up to the three Anglo-Burmese wars
(1824-26, 1852, 1885-86), and investigates an issue long
ignored or covered up by writers until now - what happened to the fabulous riches in gold and precious stones so
shamelessly looted from the Mandalay Palace.
Subject(s): Burma : Foreign relations - Great Britain ; History <1824-1948> ; Burmese War, 1824-1826 ; Burmese
War, 1852 ; Burmese War, 1885
Great Britain : Foreign relations - Burma
GB: BL(YA.2001.a.39894) SAS((591):091)
SOAS(GB959.103 /807.742)*
SG: ISEAS(DS527.9 B62) Tampines & Woodlands & NRL
: R English 959.1 BLA
TH: CU(959.1 B628B)
US: CU(Kroch x) & NIU(SEA) & NNC(Butler g) &
OAU(Alden SEA x) & UCR(Rivera) & UCSD(SSH) &
WU(Memorial Lib.) : DS528.8 G7 B588 HU(Widener)
NcD(Perkins - 327.591041 B628, B862, 2000)
UCI(Langson DS528.8.G7 B58 2000)
Burma Bibliographical Project
Siegfried M. Schwertner
UCLA(YRL DS528.8.G7 B53 2000)
YU(SML DS528.8.G7 B545 2000)
Ref.: OCLC 48149743
NL: KITLV(M ss 323 N)
US: CU(Kroch DS485.B83 B52w 1994)
LC(NK1052.6.A1 B53 1994 ; DS485.B83B52)
The British lion and the Burmese tiger : Campbell and Maha
Bandula / Terence R. Blackburn. − New Delhi : APH, 2002.
X, 71, [7] p. of plates, illus., map, bibliogr. p. 70-71. − (Actors on the Burmese stage : a trilogy of the Anglo-Burmese
Wars ; 1) −ISBN 81-7648-338-9
Subject(s): Burma : Colonization - History ; History ; Burmese War, 1824-1826 ; Burmese War, 1852 ; Burmese
War, 1885
Great Britain : Foreign relation - Burma
GB: BL-APAC(ORW.2000.a.2484)
SOAS(GB959.103 /850.086 ; 850.090 ; 854.815)*
SG: ISEAS(DS529.7 A18)
US: CU(Kroch x) & HU(Widener Harv.Despos.) & LC
:DS475.7 .A27 2002 LC & MnU(TC Wilson Ames) &
NNC(Butler) & UCB & YU(SML) : DS475.7 .B53 2002
MiU(Hatcher DS475.7 .A271) NIU(SEA) &
UoC(Regenstein) : DS475.7 .B533 2002
NYPL(Research JFE 03-11260)
UC(SRLF DS475.7+)
WU(Memorial Lib. DS475.7 A27 2002)
Burma and the Enemy within / by Terence R. Blackburn. –
New Delhi : APH Publ., 2006. XIII, 461 p., [27] p. of plates,
gloss., bibliogr. p. 447-451. − ISBN 81-7648-998-0
GB: SOAS(GB959.103/927.282)*
An ill-conditioned cad : Mr. Moylan of The Times / Terence
R. Blackburn. − New Delhi : APH, 2002. VIII, 75, [17] p. of
plates, illus., map, bibliogr. p. 74-75. − (Actors on the Burmese stage : a trilogy of the Anglo-Burmese Wars ; 3)
ISBN 81-7648362-1
Subject(s): Burma : Colonization - History ; History ; Burmese War, 1824-1826 ; Burmese War, 1852 ; Burmese
War, 1885
Great Britain : Foreign relation - Burma
GB: BL-APAC(ORW.2000.a.2484)
SOAS(GB959.103 /850.088 ; 850.092)*
SG: ISEAS(DS529.7 A18)
US: HU(Widener Harv.Despos.) & LC :DS475.7 .A27 2002
LC & MnU(TC Wilson Ames) & NNC(Butler) & UCB
& YU(SML) : DS475.7 .B53 2002 MiU(Hatcher
DS475.7 .A271) NIU(SEA) & UoC(Regenstein) :
DS475.7 .B533 2002 NYPL(Research JFE 03-2443)
UC(SRLF DS475.7+)
WU(Memorial Lib. DS475.7 A27 2002)
A report on the location of Burmese artifacts in museums /
comp. by Terence R. Blackburn. – Gartmore, Scotland: Kiscadale, 1994. 79 p., index, bibliogr. p. 73. – (Kiscadale Asia
research series ; 2) − ISBN 1-870838-91-2
Subject(s): Museums : Burmese Antiquities - Catalogs ;
Burmese Arts, Decorative - Catalogs
Burma : Antiquities – Catalogs ; Decorative arts - Catalogs
D: PA-UB(55/RR 51974 B28)
GB: BL(YC.1995.a.3460) BL-DSS(5097.730 no.2)
HU(Widener Harv.Depos. Consult for HWQ2W3)
OUL(EAL East. Art RW Bla) SOAS(FNA/700.596)
A sadistic scholar : Captain Latter's war / Terence R. Blackburn. − New Delhi : APH, 2002. XVI, 109, [11] p. of plates,
illus., map, bibliogr. p. 108-109. − (Actors on the Burmese
stage : a trilogy of the Anglo-Burmese Wars ; 2)
ISBN 81-7648361-3
Subject(s): Burma : Colonization - History ; History ; Burmese War, 1824-1826 ; Burmese War, 1852 ; Burmese
War, 1885
Great Britain : Foreign relation - Burma
GB: BL-APAC(ORW.2000.a.2484)
SOAS(GB959.103 /850.087 ; 850.091*)
SG: ISEAS(DS529.7 A18)
US: CU(Kroch x) 6 HU(Widener Harv.Despos.) & LC &
WU(Memorial Lib.) : DS475.7 .A27 2002 LC &
MnU(TC Wilson Ames) & NNC(Butler) & UCB &
YU(SML) : DS475.7 .B53 2002 MiU(Hatcher DS475.7
.A271) NIU(SEA) & UoC(Regenstein) : DS475.7
.B533 2002 NYPL(Research JFE 03-2444)
UC(SRLF DS475.7+)
Ref.: OCLC 51087102 ; 51586896
Blackmore, Thaung
British quest for China trade via the routes across Burma :
1826-76. – [195-?]. 17 l.
Subject(s): Burma : Communication and traffic ; Trade
US: CU(Kroch Pamphlet HC Burma 3 +)
Catalogue of the Burney parabaiks in the India Office Library
India Office Library < London >
A few observations on Burmese historical literature and native and foreign scholarship. – [n.p., 195-?]. 17 l.
Subject(s): Burma : History - Bibliography
US: CU(Kroch Pamphlet DC Burma 10 +; Film 11052 reel
1703 no.10)
Blackwell, George E.
The Anglo-Karen dictionary : based on the dictionary comp.
by J. Wade and J. P. Binney / rev. and abridged by Geo. E.
Blackwell ; assisted by several Karen writers. – Rangoon :
Baptist Board of Publ., 1954. 543 p. – Added title-page in
Karen. – Herbert 458
Subject(s): English language : Dictionaries - Karen
Burma : Dictionaries - English language - Karen
AU:NLA(495.03 BLA)
D: B-SBB(102 248 Potsdamer Str.) HD-SAI(inf 40 K 60)
F: BNF(Mss.or.: 8° Imp.or.6229)
GB: BL-APAC(T 16481 ; SEA 1986 a 1487)
SOAS(GPE Kar 413/100567)*
US: CU(Kroch PL4053.B63 1954 and Ref.)
LC(PL4053.B6 1954)
YU(SML Yale Class. Fxe5 B56)
Blackwood, Hariot Georgina
Our viceregal life in India : selections from my journal 18841888. – London : Murray, 1890. 408 p., map.
Ref.: Herbert 34
B 122
Bibliographical description
Blagden, Charles Otto <1864-1949>
A dictionary of the Mon inscriptions from the sixth to the
sixteenth centuries
Shorto, Harry Leonard
Mōn inscriptions
Epigraphia Birmanica ; 3.1-4.1
Blah, U. Edingson
Chapala’s Anglo-Khasi language dictionary / comp. by U.
Edingson Blah ; planned, supervised and supplemented by
Bibhu Bhusan Chaudhuri. [2nd ed., thoroughly rev. and enl.]
– Shillong: Chapala Book Stall, 1971. IV, 400 p.
US: LC(PL4451.4.C48 1971)
Subject(s): Burma : World War <1939-1945> - Campaigns ;
World War <1939-1945> - Fiction, English
GB: BL(H 96/2600)
SOAS(E Coll 3 V /88)
Blanchard, Raphaël <b. 1857>
Hirudinées. − [Genova: Tipografia del R. Istituto SordoMuti, 1894.] 6 p. − (Viaggio di L. Fea in Birmania e regioni
vicine) (Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Genova ; (Serie 2). 14. 1894. 113-118)
US: HU(Museum Comp Zoology Worms. 103 ; Vermes)
Blanchod, Frédéric
La Croix-Rouge aux camps de prisonniers
Blair, Clay
Return from the River Kwai
Blair, Joan
La randonnée asiatique / Fred Blanchod. Éd. définitive. –
Lausanne: Payot, 1950. 289 p., [16] p. of pl., carte.
F: BNF(8° O2 l 1119)
GB: BL(YA 1992 a 1187 ; X 800/34399)
US: LC(DS508.B49)
Terugkeer van de Kwai-rivier
Blair, Joan
Rapports de F. Thormeyer, Em. Schoch et le Dr. F. Blanchod sur leurs visites aux camps de prisonniers de guerre ottomans et d’internés autrichiens et allemands aux Indes et en
Birmanie, février, mars et avril 1917
Thormeyer, Ferdinand
Blair, Eric Arthur
Orwell, George
Blair, Joan <b. 1929>
Return from the River Kwai / Joan and Clay Blair, jr. – New
York : Simon and Schuster, 1979. 338 p., [12] l. of plates,
illus., index, bibliogr. p. 315-319.
Watts 321
Subject(s): Burma : World War <1939-1945> - Prisoners
and prisons, Japanese
NL: KITLV(M 3n 1024 N)
US: CU(Kroch & Uris: D805.T5 B63)
NIU(Main Stacks-FML D805.T5 B57
Reports on British prison-camps in India and Burma
Blanford, Harry Richard <1834-1893>
An elementary geography of India, Burma, and Ceylon / by
Henry F. Blanford ... − London, ;New York : Macmillan,
1890. XII, 191 p. illus. (incl. maps.) − (Macmillan's geographical series)
US: UC(NRLF DS413 .B7 $B 194 940)
ditto. 1st publ. in Great Britain. – London and Sydney: Macdonald and Jane, 1979. 338 p., maps, index, bibliogr. p. 315319. – (A raven book) − ISBN 0-354-04417-6
GB: BL(X 800/28523)
Terugkeer van de Kwai-rivier / Joan en Clay Blair [; vertaling, Erik Pezarrol]. – Amsterdam: Becht, 1980. 221 p., [16]
p. of plates. – Transl. of: Return from the River Kwai
Subject(s): Burma : World War <1939-1945> - Prisoners
and prisons, Japanese
US: CU(Kroch D805 T5 B63 1980)
Blair, Kathryn
Conway, Celine
Blake, Henry
Narrative of a two months cruise amongst the Islands of the
Mergui Archipelago [/ Henry Blake]. – London : Henry S.
King, [n.d.] 39 p. – Title on spine: The Tenasserim Archipelago
D: HD-SAI(reg 60 C 8)*
Blake, Ian
Marine H, SBS : the Burma offensive / Ian Blake. – Rochester: 22 Books, 1996. 279 p. − ISBN 1-89812-564-3
B 123
Experiments in connection with sowing and planting teak in
taungya plantations / by H. R. Blanford ; publ. under the orders of the Chief Conservator of Forests, Burma. – Rangoon
: Govt. Print. and Staty., Burma (for C. of F. W. P. C.), 1931.
15 p. – (Burma forest bulletin ; 24 : silvicultural series 14)
GB: BL-APAC(IOR/V/25/560/81)*
US: Mn(TC Forestry Periodicals Burma forest bulletin ; 24.)
NYPL(Research VQO)
YU(Mudd Uze14 I36 A13 24)
Note on a short tour in Northern Bengal, January 1922. –
Rangoon : Govt. Print., Burma, 1922. – (Burma forest bulletin ; 5)
GB: BL-APAC(IOR/V/25/560/81)
US: NYPL(Research VQO)
Observations on the germination and behaviour of tree seedlings, with special reference to taungya plantations / by H. R.
Blanford. – Rangoon : Govt. Print., Burma (for C. of F., H.
C.), 1920. 51 l.
GB: BL(I.S.Bu.21/85)* BL-APAC(IOR/V/27/560/93)
Preparation of teak seed for early germination / by H. R.
Blanford. Publ. under the order of the Chief Conservator of
Forests, Burma. – Rangoon : Govt. Print., Burma (for C. C.
of F.), 1921. 7 p. – (Burma forest bulletin ; 1: silvicultural
series. – Publ. in April 1921)
GB: BL(I.S.Bu.151/8)* BL-APAC(IOR/V/27/560/81)
US: NYPL(Research VQO)
Burma Bibliographical Project
Siegfried M. Schwertner
Regeneration with the assistance of taungya in Burma / by
H. R. Blanford. Publ. by order of the Government of India. –
Calcutta : Govt. of India Central Publ. Branch, 1925. II, 41
p., 10 plates. – (Indian forest records ; 11.3)
GB: BL(I.S.252/9)* Edinburgh(Darwin Libr. 634.0.23)
Rough volume tables for teak, Tharrawaddy Division / by H.
R. Blanford. Publ. under the orders of the Chief Conservator
of Forests, Burma. – Rangoon : Govt. Print., Burma (for
Silv.), 1922. 6 p., tables, app. – (Burma forest bulletin ; 6 :
silvicultural series ; 6. – Publ. in June 1922)
GB: BL(I.S.Bu.151/8)* BL-APAC(IOR/V/25/560/81)
US: NYPL(Research VQO)
HU(Widener Harv.Depos. KF 24607)
ICharE(Stacks QC990.I6 B55X)
LC(QC990.I6.B55) UC(NRLF QC990.I4 B6 $B 615
240 ; SRLF A0004372371)
WU(Memorial Lib. MDF B59 Cutter)
YU(Mudd Rhh6 I51 889)
Ref.: OCLC 03115003
Blanford, William Thomas <1832-1905>
Account of a visit to Puppá doung : an extinct volcano in
Upper Burma. – [London, 1861?] 12 p., front., plates.
Oates, Eugene William
Thinnings in teak plantations / by H. R. Blanford. Published
under the orders of the Chief Conservator of Forests, Burma.
– Rangoon : Govt. Print., Burma, 1923. 8, 2 p., app. –
(Burma forest bulletin ; 9 : silvicultural series ; 8. – Publ. in
July 1923)
GB: BL(I.S.Bu.151/8)* BL-APAC(IOR/V/25/560/81)
US: NYPL(Research VQO) YU(Uze14 I36 A13)
The distribution of vertebrate animals in India, Ceylon, and
Burma. – London, Published for the Royal Society by Dulau
and Co., 1901. 335-436 p. incl. tables. 1 fold. map. − (Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London : Series B ; v. 194, p. 335-436)
Subject(s): Burma : Zoology - Vertebrate
US: HU(Widener LSoc 1816.12 ser.B, vol.194 ; Museum
Comp Zoology V-B 6425)
UoC(Crerar Dewey Coll. 596 Q100)
Working plan for Mohnyin forest reserve, Katha Forest Division, 1921-1930
Working plan < Katha: Mohnyin >
The fauna of British India : in cluding Ceylon and
Working plan for Yoma reserves in the Tharrawaddy Division
Working plan < Tharrawaddy: Yoma >
Mammalia / by W. T. Blanford. – London [etc.]: Taylor and
Francis [etc.]. – (The Fauna of British India, including Ceylon and Burma)
Later ed. Pocock, Reginald Innes
1. – 1888. XX, 250 p., figs., index, bibliogr. p. XI-XII.
2. – 1891. p. 251-617, figs., index.
Subject(s): Burma : Animals - Mammals
D: B-SBB(Lv 12910 Potsdamer Str. NfLS)
HD-SAI(216 nat 89/4445, mamm.)*
GB: BL((B)FQ 555)* BL-DSS(L60/625 ; 626)
BL-APAC(V 7586)
NL: KITLV(M rr 1166)
US: CU(Mann QL729.I4 B64)
LC(QL729.I4B5 ; Microfilm 77504 QL) YU-KS
Blanford, Henry Francis <1834-1893>
An elementary geography of India, Burma and Ceylon / by
Henry F. Blanford. – London : Macmillan, 1890. XII, 191 p.,
illus., tables. – (Macmillan’s geographical series) – Short
bibliography included in preface.
p. 162-175 : Burma
Subject(s): Burma : Description and travel. ; Geography
GB: BL(10004 b 3/4)* OUL(BOD L Floor 2064 f.4)
NL: KITLV(M rr 976)
US: CU(Annex DS407 .B63) DI-GS
HU(Widener Harv.Depos.: Ind 2008.90.5) MB
ditto. Repr. – ibd., 1894. XII, 191 p., illus., tables. – (Macmillan’s geographical series)
US: CU(Annes S407 .B63) LC(DS407.B65)
ditto. 2nd ed., rev. – ibd., 1904. XII, 210 p., front., illus.,
fold. map. – (Macmillian’s geographical series)
GB: BL(10004 b 3/5)* SOAS(J915/3172)
OUL(BOD Camera UB 2064 e.66)
US: UC(DS415 B7 1904) UC(NRLF)
A practical guide to the climates and weather of India, Ceylon and Burmah, and the storms of Indian seas ; based
chiefly on the publications of the Indian Meteorological Department / by Henry F. Blanford. – London ; New York :
Macmillan, 1889. XIII, 369 p., 32 figs., tables, diagr., index,
Subject(s): Burma : Meteorology ; Climate
D: GÖ-SUB(8 Geogr phys 8388)
F: BNF(8° V.21184)
GB: BL(8756 de 37)* BL-APAC(V 9890)
OUL(RSL Stack 15041 d. 4)
US: CSt(551.56.B642) CU(Annex QC990.I39 B64)
A manual of the geology of India
Blankenship, William Douglas <b. 1924>
Tiger ten / by William Blankenship. − New York : Putnam,
1976. 253 p. − ISBN 0-399-11679-6
Subject(s): Burma : World War <1939-1945> - Fiction, English ; World War <1939-1945> - Campaigns
GB: SOAS(E Coll 3 V /15)
UCD(Shields PS3552.L366 T5)
ditto. – St. Albans: Mayflower, 1977. 232 p.
GB: BL(H 77/888)
Blásco Ibáñez, Vicente <1867-1928>
A novelist’s tour of the world / by Vicente Blásco Ibáñez ... ;
authorized translation by Leo Ongley and Arthur Livingston
... – New York : Dutton, [1926]. VIII, 420 p., front., plates. –
Translation of: La vuelta al mundo
US: LC(G440.B635)
B 124
Bibliographical description
ditto. – ibd. − ISBN 84-01-80537-6 ; 84-01-80538-4
2. – 4. ed. – 1984. 292 p.
D: A-UB(66/IP 3367 V98.984)
ditto. – London : Butterworth, 1927. VIII, 420 p.
GB: BL(010025 ff 12)
ditto. 2nd ed. – New York : Dutton, 1929. VII, 420 p., illus.
D: EUB(FSKB1009 (11))
NL: KITLV(M 1998 A 3354)
Obras completas : con una nota biobibliografica. T. 1-6. –
Madrid: Aguilar
3 ... La vuelta al mundo de un novelista ... 8. éd. – 1972.
1765 p.
D: PA-UB(66/IP 3366.978)
US: CU(Olin PQ6603.L34 1966)
ditto. – Madrid : Jaguar Ediciones, 1999. 3 v. in one (701 p.)
, illus.
ISBN 8489960348
US: HU(Widener) OO(G440.B56 B56 1999)
A volta ao mundo / tradução de Agostinho Fortes. – Lisboa:
Livraria Peninsylar Editora, 1931. 3 vols. – Translation of:
La vuelta al mundo
2. China, Macau, Hong-Kongo, Filipinas, Java, Singapura,
Birmānia, Calcutá.
US: UC(NRLF G440 B5517)
Blatter, George John <b. 1861>
O'er oceans and continents with the setting sun / by Fiscar
Marison [pseud.] − Chicago : R.R. Donnelley.
2. From Manila to Singapore, Rangoon, Calcutta, Benares,
Bombay, Goa, Cairo and Palestine. − 1906. [8], 211 p.,
18 plates.
Subject(s): Rangoon : Voyages and travels
US: LC(G440 .B64 2d ser.)
UC(NRLF(G440 .B56)
UCSB(G440 .B64)
Ref.: OCLC 8406678
Le voyage d’un romancier autour du monde / V. BlascoIbáñez. Traduit de l’espagnol par Renée Lafont. – Paris:
Flammarion. 3 tom.
2. Chine, Macao, Hong-kong, Philippines, Java, Singapour,
Birmanie, Calcutta. – 1928. 392 p.
Burma: p. 326-358.
GB: BL(10028 p 8)*
US: LC(G44.B636)
Blau, Didier
Mahabo’ : guide pratique d’astrologie birmane / Didier Blau.
– Paris: Dervy, 1994. 321 p., illus. (some col.), carte, incl.
bibliogr. réf. − ISBN 2-85076-634-8
Subject(s): Burma : Astrology
D: PA-UB(55/RR 51962 B645)
US: HU(Widener Harv.Depos. BF1714.B8 B55 1994x)
ditto. – Paris: Flammarion
2. – 1948. 392 p.
Blaumont, Somerset
Copy of papers relating to the route of Captain W. C.
McLeod ...
La vuelta al mundo de un novelista / Vincente Blasco Ibáñez.. 3 tom. – Valencia: Prometeo
2. China, Macao, Hong-Kong, Filipinas, Java, Singapore,
Birmania, Calcuta. – 1924. 345 p.
Burma: p. 290-318.
GB: BL(010026 f 25)*
I: Biblioteca universitaria di Cagliari - Cagliari - CA
Bibl. del Dipt. di Lingue e Letterature Straniere Moderne. Univ. degli Studi di Bologna - Bologna - BO
Biblioteca della Fondazione Carlo e Marise Bo dell'Univ. degli studi di Urbino - Urbino - PU
NL: KITLV(M 3o 6 N)
US: CU(Annex 6440.B64) HU(Widener Harv.Depos. Geog
4219.24.5) LC(G44.B68)
NYPL(Research KBG) UC(SRLF G440 B61v)
Blaustein, Albert P.
Constitutions of the countries of the world
ditto. – México: Ediciones Minerva, 1942. 724 p.
US: LC(G440.B63 1942) PPULC YU
ditto. 2nd ed. – México: Editorial Prometeo, 1944. 3 vols.
US: IaU NYPL(Research KBG)
ditto. – Barcelona: Editorial Planeta, [1958]. 704 p. – (Colección omnibus ; [9])
US: LC(G440.B63 1958)
ditto. – Esplugas de Llobregat (Barcelona): Plaza & Janes,
1976-1978. 3 vols.
D: BA-UB(40/IP 3369 FE 9320)
US: CU(Olin G449.B64 1978)
UCB(Main G440.B55 1978)
UCR(Rivera G440.B56 B56 1976)
BLC to 1975
British Library < London >
The British Library general catalogue of printed books to
Bledsoe, Robert Lee <b. 1939>
The problem of contemporary China’s frontiers with particular attention to India and Burma. – 1962. VI, 157 l., illus.,
bibliogr. l. 146-156. – Univ. of Florida, M.A. thesis 1962
Subject(s): China : Boundaries - Burma
Burma : Boundaries - China
Bleeck, Alfred W. G.
Die Jadeitlagerstätten in Upper Burma / von A. W. G.
Bleeck. – Berlin: Springer, 1907. 27 p., 2 Taf. – München,
Univ., Diss. 1907. – Sonderdruck aus: Zeitschrift für praktische Geologie ; 15, 1907, 341-365
JVH 23, 1907/08, München 174
Subject(s): Upper Burma : Jadeite (Petrology)
D: B-SBB(4° Ah 9033 NfLS)
SUB(Diss. 1974/4567)
F: BNF(4° Th.Mün.ph.105 Tolbiac RDJ Magazin)
US: CRL(P-60006466/c)
HU(Kummel Geological Sci QE475.J27 B53 1907)
B 125
Burma Bibliographical Project
Siegfried M. Schwertner
Bless, Roland
"Divide et impera"? : britische Minderheitenpolitik in Burma
1917-1948 / Roland Bless ; mit einem Vorwort von Emanuel
Sarkisyanz. – Stuttgart: Steiner, 1990. XX, 376 p., illus.,
map, index, bibliogr. p. 339-364. – (Beiträge zur Kolonialund Überseegeschichte, ISSN 0522-6848 ; 45) – Zürich, Univ., Diss., 1989/90. – ISBN 3-515-05654-8
DDOA 16,1993,no.1847. - Herbert 553
Subject(s): Burma : Minorities – History ; Politics and government <1824-1948> ; Ethnic relations ; Foreign relations
- India ; Foreign relations - Great Britain
Great Britain : Foreign relations - Burma
India : Foreign relations - Burma
AU:ANU(Menzies JQ446.M5B54 1990)
NLA(YY 323.1591 B647)
CH: SLB(N 198182 ; H 16606)
D: B-SBB(1 A 50367 Potsdamer Str.)
GÖ-SUB(ZA 26871:45) HD-SAI(322 pol 90/1798)*
KN-UB(gsx 430:b619/b52) M-BSB(Z 67.279-45)
PA-UB(00/NQ 9410 B647) TU-UB(30 A 14335)
F: Sorbonne(Z 8= 2098-045)
GB: BL(X 0700/119(45)) LSE(BLPES DS530 B64)
CUL(212:01.c.1.45) BL-APAC(ORW.1991. a.804)
OUL(IND Burma 5 d 104)
SAdS(ICS JQ708 BLE ) SAS((591):091)*
SOAS(GB945/593.347 ; 766514*)
SG: ISEAS(JQ446 M5B64)
US: CU(Annex JV61 .B42 Bd.45)
HU(Widener Harv.Depos.) & LC : JQ446.M5 B54 1990
NIU(SEA-FML DS528 .B5471990) NNC
UCB(Main XM90.25052)
UoC(Regenstein Stacks JQ446.M5B54x 1990)
YU(SML JQ446.M5 B54X 1990 (LC))
Blewitt, Arthur
General report and diary of the expedition under Lieutenant
L. E. Eliott ... to the upper reaches of the Irrawaddy and subsequently to the Chinese frontier, 1890-91, with notes concerning the Kachins inhabiting that region / A. Blewitt. –
Rangoon : Govt. Print., Burma (for I. B. M.), 1891. 30 p.,
Subject(s): Kachin
Burma : Description and travel ; Boundaries - China
GB: BL-APAC(ORB 30/914(c)) SOAS(L.GB910/46733)*
Blochmann, Heinrich Ferdinand
School geography of India and British Burmah, etc. – Calcutta : Calcutta School-Book Society, 1873. IV, 100 p.
GB: BL(10002 aa 15)
Block, Lawrence <b. 1938>
Tanner on ice : an Evan Tanner novel / Lawrence Block. –
New York, N.Y.: Dutton, c1998. 248 p.
ISBN 0-525-94421-4
Subject(s): Tanner, Evan (Fictitious character) - Fiction
Burma : Smuggling – Fiction ; Rangoon :Fiction
Detective and mystery stories
US: CU(Olin x) & LC & OAU(Alden SE Asia) & UCB &
WU(Memorial Lib.) : PS3552 L63 T36 1998
ditto. – Rockland. MA: Wheeler Publ., c1998. 328.p. –
(Wheeler large print book series)
US: LC(PS3552.L63T36 1998b)
ditto. – New York : Signet, c1999. 309 p.
ISBN 0451194101
US: UCD(Shields PS3552.L63 T36 1999)
ditto.. − Harpenden: No Exit, 1998. 248 p. − (Evan Tanner
novel) − ISBN 1901982335
GB: BL(Nov.1999/1132) ) OUL(BOD Nuneham
US: WU(Memorial Lib. PS3552 L63 T36 1998c
Ref.: OCLC42620386
Bloomfield, Barry Cambray
Burma : assignment report ; strengthening of National Archives of Burma, 5 November-30 November 1983 / by B. C.
Bloomfield. – Paris: United Nations Educational, Scientific
and Cultural Organization, 1983. 1 vol. (32 p, unpaged) –
Subject(s): National Archives < Burma >
Burma : Archives ; Archivists
SG: ISEAS(CD2291 B9B65)
US: CU(Kroch +CD2291.B8 B65)
Theses on Asia : accepted by universities in the United
Kingdom and Ireland, 1877-1964 / comp. by B. C. Bloomfield. – [London :] Cass, 1967. XI, 127 p., index.
p. 84-86: Burma (no. 2090-2132)
> Stephens, Helen L.
Theses on South-East Asia : 1965-1985
Subject(s): Great Britain : Dissertations, Academic - Bibliography
Ireland : Dissertations, Academic - Bibliography
Burma : Study and teaching - Bibliography
D: B-SBB(OLS Bc 90 Potsdamer Str.)
GÖ-SUB(KS Rb 407)*
HD-SAI(inf 40 A 667)
GB: BL(RR: AA.S.a* ; 2771 eb 6)
NL: IK(XId 17)
SG: ISEAS(Ref Z5053)
US: CU(Kroch Z3001 .B65)
Bloomfield, Gary L.
Duty, honor, victory : America's athletes in World War II /
Gary L Bloomfield. − Guilford, Conn.: Lyons Pr., 2003. 394
p., illus., index, bibliogr. p. [367]-382.
ISBN 1592280676
Contains: 7. Confused beyond imagination: the ChinaBurma-India campaign
Subject(s): Burma : World War <1939-1945> - Biography,
US: HU(Widener) & LC :D810.A79 B56 2003
OCl(940.53 BLO)
Ref.: OCLC 52644387
"Blue print" for Burma : report by certain Conservative
Members of Parliament on the future of Burma. [Mr. Somerset de Clair, Chairman.] – London : National Union of Conservative and Unionist Associations, 1944. 17 p.
Subject(s): Burma : Reconstruction (1939-1951)
AU:ANU(Chifley pamphlet D829.B9.B58)
D: HD-SAI(reg 60 D 503 Kp)*
GB: BL(8024 h 9) OUL(IND Burma 5 d 123)
US: LC(D829.B9N8) UCB
Ref.: OCLC 46236686 ; 30655816
B 126
Bibliographical description
Blume, Brigitte <b. 1949>
Birma, Burma / Brigitte Blume. 1. Aufl. – München: Selbstverlag, 1981. 196 S., Illus., Gloss., Index, Kt., Bibliogr. S.
187-193. – (Globetrotter schreiben für Globetrotter ; 17) −
ISBN 3-9800464-0-0
Subject(s): Burma : Guidebooks ; Description and travel
D: B-SBB(Ser. 24 604-17) HD-SAI(325 rei 84/2201)*
M-UB & PA-UB: 55/RR 51950 B658
ditto. : für Reisende ins Land der Pagoden. 2., erw. Aufl. –
München: Reisebuchverlag Blume, 1985. 280 S., Illus., Kt.,
Index, Bibliogr. S. 260-263. – (Reise Know-how ; 2480)
ISBN 3-9800464-1-9
D: B-SBB(OLS Ed SOA bur 260 Potsdamer Str.)
US: CU(Kroch DS527.3 .B65 1985)
ditto. 3., erw. und aktualisierte Aufl. – ibd., 1988. 280 S.,
Illus., Ktn., Bibliogr. S. 260-262. – (Reise-Know-how). –
Later ed. with title: Myanmar. – ISBN 3-9800464-2-7
D: M-BSB(A 92.3491) KN-UB(inf 814:ns/a03)
NL: KITLV(M s 293 N)
Myanmar : Birma, Burma ; für Reisende ins Land der Pagoden [/ Brigitte Blume]. 4., völlig aktualisierte und erw. Aufl.
– München: Blume, 1994. 272 S., Illus., Kt., Index, Bibliogr.
S. 257-260. – (Reise-Know-how). – Earlier ed. with title:
Birma, Burma. – ISBN 3-9800464-3-5
Subject(s): Burma : Guidebooks ; Description and travel
D: M-BSB(A 95.1780) IfA(14/480) OSStB
PA-UB(55/RR 51950 B658(4))
HD-SAI(325 rei 94/6301)
ditto. 5. Aufl. – Hohenthann: Reise-Know-How-Verl., 1996.
432 S., Illus., Kt. – (Reise-Know-how)
ISBN 3-89662-600-0
D: M-BSB(A 97.3255) M-UB(001/8 N 80784)
R-UB(16/OR 6401 B658(5)
ditto. [: Birma, Burma ; das komplette Handbuch für individuelles Reisen und Entdecken auch abseits der Hauptreiserouten in allen Regionen Myanmars / Brigitte Blume]. 6.,
komplett überarb. und aktualisierte Aufl. – ibd., 1999. 456
S., Illus., Kt. – (Reise-Know-how) − ISBN 3-89662-600-0
A: ÖNB(ZKAR 1556984-B)
CH: BE StUB(FHB_RR_52012 1)
D: M-BSB(PVB 98.7260) M-UB(001/8 N 91295)
PA-UB(55/RR 51950 B658(6)
HD-SAI(325 rei 94/6301a)*
ditto. 7., aktualisierte Aufl. – Bielefeld: Reise-Know-HowVerl. Rump, 2000. 480 S., Illus., Kt., Bibliogr. S. 456-458. –
ISBN 3-89416-807-2
D: M-BSB(PVB 2001.1066) M-UB(001/8 N 01-8949)
US: HU(Widener Harv. Depos. DS527.3)
ditto. – ibd., 2003. 464 S., Illus., Kt.
ISBN 3-8317-8940-1
CH: BE StUB(FHB_RR_52012 5)
Blurton. T. Richard
Burma : art and archaeology
Visions from the golden land : Burma and the art of lacquer
Isaacs, Ralph
Blyth, Edward <1810-1873>
Catalogue of mammals and birds of Burma / by E. Blyth.
With a memoir, and portrait of the author. – Hertford: Austin, 1875. XXIV, 167 p. – (Journal of the Asiatic Society of
Bengal ; 44, 1875. Part 2 : Extra number)
p. XVII-XXIV: List of Mr. Blyth's published papers in the
Journal of the Asiatic society of Bengal and other journals,
with the necessary references.
Subject(s): Blyth, Edward <1810-1873>
Burma : Mammals - Catalogs ; Birds - Catalogs
D: HD-SAI(inf Zs 125)*
GB: BL(Ac 8826) Wellcome(Med. XQL)
US: CU(Annex QL729.B8B66) HU(Widener: LSoc 2436.3
vol.44 ; Museum Comp Zoology: V-B.661)
LC(AS472.C2195 v. 43.2) MnU
Remarks on the zoology of the Tenasserim provinces, designed for the guidance of investigators of the natural history
of that region / by Edward Blyth. − Calcutta : Bishop's
College Pr., 1843. 26 p., incl. bibliogr. ref.
Subject(s): Burma : Zoology - Tenasserim provinces ; Natural history
Tenasserim provinces : Zoology
US: HU(Museum Comp Zoology: Spec. Coll.)
Blyth, Edward
Report on some fishes received chiefly from the Sitang
River and its tributary streams, Tenasserim Provinces / by
Ed. Blyth. − [1800-1899?.] 38 p.
Subject(s): Tenasserim provinces : Fishes
Sitang River : Fishes
Burma : Fishes – Tenasserim provinces
Ref.: OCLC 38117345
Blyth, Ernest William
San Kwa : a Karen boy ... Illustrated. – London : S. P. G.,
1920. 39 p.
GB: BL(4763 aa 32(1))
Blyth, George Francis Popham
The apostolic ministry : a sermon preached at the primary
ordination of the Right Reverend John Miller, Lord Bishop
of Rangoon ... / G. F. Popham Blyth. − Rangoon : Hanthawaddy Pr., 1883. 10 p. – Publ. by request of the Bishop
Subject(s): Miller, John, 1819-1895.
Burma : Ordination sermons, English ; Sermons, English
Ref.: OCLC 40860362
Bo Hla
Myanma – Ingaleik abidan (Burmese & English dictionary) /
U Bo Hla. – Rangoon : U So Min, 1975. 402 p.
Blunt, Edward Arthur Henry <1877-1941>
The I.C.S. : the Indian Civil Service / by Sir Edward Blunt ...
with a forew. by Lord Hailey. – London : Faber and Faber,
1937. XIII, 291 p., app., index, bibliogr. p. 273-277.
GB: BL(20030 h 17)
US: LC(JQ247.B55)
Bo Kyin
Country report for Conference on New and Renewable
Energy Information on Policy, Planning, Technology
and Equipment
B 127
Burma Bibliographical Project
Siegfried M. Schwertner
Bo Let Ya
Committee Appointed to Examine the Question of Instituting a New System of Awarding Titles and Decorations: Report
Board of Trade < Great Britain >
Burma : economic and commercial condition. – 1957
Cook, Bernard Christopher Allen
Burma : review of commercial conditions, Febrary 1953
Message ... on the occasion of the Independence day, 4th
January, 1948 ... – Nanking: The Burmese Embassy, [1948].
1 l. – Signed: Bo Let Ya
Bo Thanmani
Sam ma ni < Buil >
Bo Thaung
A guide to reorganizing the curriculum for elementary
schools of the Union of Burma. – 1950. 173 l., bibliogr. l.
[157]-164. – Denver, Col., Univ. of Denver, Ed.D. thesis
1955. – Shulman 237
Subject(s): Burma : Curriculum change ; Education, Elementary - Curricula
US: UC(SRLF M0000743559) CoDU(PHD 1950 Reel 1)
Ref.: OCLC 53338632
Bo Thein < Taungdwin, b. 1948 >
Peaceful and beautiful Kachin State achieving rapid development / Taungdwin Bo Thein. – Yangon: Tine Lin Sarpay,
2000. 204 p., illus.
Note: Economic development in Kachin State since 1994.
Subject(s): Kachin State . Economic conditions
US: LC(HC422.Z7 K333 2000)
UCB(ain HC437.B8 B4813 2000)
Ref.: OCLC 47893712
Bo Yang <b. 1920>
Golden Triangle : frontier and wilderness / Bo Yang ; transl.
by Clive Gulliver. 1st publ. – Hong Kong: Joint Publ, 1987.
II, 204 p., plates, illus., maps. − ISBN 962-04-0291-X
Subject(s): Golden Triangle : Opium trade ; Narcotics, Control of ; History
Burma : Opium trade ; Narcotics, Control of ; History
D: HD-SAI(300 wiw 97/147)*
SG: ISEAS(DS508.2 B66) NUS(DS526.9 Bo)
US: CU(Kroch DS526.9.P55 1987)
NIU(SEA DS526.9 .P613 1987)
Burma. – 1970. – (Hints to businessmen)
Report to the President
United Kingdom Industrial Delegation to Burma
Boardman, George Dana
A father’s advice ... / by G. D. Boardman. 6th ed. Publ. by
the American Tract Society. – Rangoon : American Mission
Pr., 1873. 24 p. – Added title and text in Burmese
GB: BL(14300 a 5(3))*
ditto. 10th ed. – ibd., 1878. 22, I p.
GB: BL(14300 a 5(19))*
Memoir of George Dana Boardman
King, Alonzo
Ship of grace ... / G. D. Boardman. Stereotype ed. Publ. by
American Baptist Missionary Union. – Rangoon : American
Mission Pr., 1877. 24 p. – Added title and text in Burmese
GB: BL(14300 a 5(10))* BL-APAC(Bur B 458)
Boas, Taylor C.
Open networks, closed regimes : the impact of the Internet
on authoritarian rule
Kalathil, Shanthi
Boat Club < Rangoon University > (R.U.B.C.)
Report for ... – Rangoon
GB: BL: 1930/31- (PP 2572 i)
OUL: 1930/31- (Bodleian BOD L Floor Per. 38442 f.20)
Bockenheimer, Philipp
Rund um Asien / von Ph. Bockenheimer. – Leipzig: Klinkhardt & Biermann, [1909]. XV, 479 S., 198 Illus., Index.
S. 180-207: Unterbirma und Oberbirma
D: SLB(Hist.Asiae 220 d) HD-SAI(100 ldk 88/7732)*
Inscriptions copied from the stones collected by king
Bodawpaya and placed near the Arakan Pagoda, Mandalay
Board of Censors
Burma / Board of Censors
Board of Film Censors
Burma < Union > / Board of Film Censors
Original inscriptions collected by King Bodawpaya in
Upper Burma
Board of Management for the Port of Rangoon
Annual report and accounts. – Rangoon
US: LC: 1954/55 (HE560.R4A4)
Report and accounts 1952/53- . – Rangoon.
< Rangoon / Commissioner for the Port of Rangoon Report
US: IU LC(HE560.R4A4)
Report for the year ... – Rangoon
not publ. 1941/42-1944/45
US: LC: 1940/41 1945/46 (HE560.R4A4)
Schedules of charges, bye-laws and general information
Bode, Mabel Haynes
A Burmese historian of Buddhism / by Mabel Haynes Bode.
– Woking and London : Unwin Brothers, [1898]. 68 p. –
Bern, Univ., Phil. Fak., Diss. 1898. -- Shulman 628
Subject(s): Pannasami : Sasanavamsa
Burma : Buddhism – History ; Buddhist literature, Pali History ans criticism ; Literature - History and criticism
AU:ANU(Menzies BL1443.1 P33B6)
F: BNF(8° Th Bern.ph.383)
GB: BL-APAC(V 10931) Edinburgh(8913701 Bod)
SOAS(GB293/14657 ; 31963)*
B 128
Bibliographical description
The Pali literature of Burma / by Mabel Haynes Bode. –
London : Royal Asiatic Society, 1909. XV, 119 p., index,
bibliogr. p. VII-VIII. – (Prize Publication Fund ; 2)
Herbert 647
Subject(s): Burma : Buddhism ; Buddhism (The concept) History ; Buddhist literature, Pali - History ans criticism ;
Literature - History and criticism ; Literary collections
D: B-SBB(OLS Ec SA 3410 ; Ser.6816-2 Potsdamer Str.
NfLS) GÖ-SUB(8° SVA I, 8510:2)
R-UB(61/EV 414 B666)
F: BNF(8° Z 17934; 8° imp.or.3479(2))
BMH(DS 516.5 B66)
GB: BL(Ac 8820/6) CUL(849.c.66.2) BL-APAC(ST 451)
OUL(BOD H Floor Or. e.17/2 N12385489)
N: UHS(Mes INDO Pc Bo)
NL: KB(879 E 37)
SG: ISEAS(PK4641 B66)
US: CU(Annex PK4641 .B66)
HU(Widener IndL 4000.5) LC(PK4641.B6)
NIU(SEA PK4509 .B644X)
NNUT(Burke Union Stacks ON42 B66)
OUA(Alden PK4641 .B634x)
UC(NRLF) & UCB : PK4503 .B63
UCSC(McHenry PK4641.B63)
YU(SML Yale Class. Fpq20 B63)
ditto. Photographic repr. – Rangoon : Burma Research Society ; Universities’ Central Library, 1965. XV, 119, II p., index, app., bibliogr. p. [VII]-VIII. – Review ... by Charles
D: HD-SAI(nsp 16.9 W 72/161)*
GB: BL(X 909/25378)
NL: KITLV(M ss 63 N)
US: CU(Annex PK4641 B66 1965)
HU(Widener IndL 4000.5.1)
LC(BQ1029.B82B62 1965)
NIU(SEA BQ1029.B82 B621965)
ditto. Repr. – London : Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland, sold by Luzac, 1966. XV, 119 p., index,
bibliogr. p. VII-VIII. – (Prize Publication Fund ; 2)
D: HD-SAI(nsp 16.9 W 72/161a)*
GB: SOAS(GB800/217.719)*
J: TYB(XII-25-G-17)
US: NIU(SEA PK4503 .B61966)
ditto. Repr. of 1909 ed. – New York : AMS Pr., 1977. XV,
119 p. − ISBN 0-404-16796-9
Ref.: BiP
ditto. [microform]. – Evanston: American Theological Library Association, 1992. 1 microfiche. High reduction. Silver based film. – (ATLA monograph preservation program ;
ATLA fiche 1990-2837)
ISBN 0524020736 (microfiche)
US: GTU HU(Andover-Harv. Theol: Mfiche ATLA
YU(Divinity Fiche B4000 ATLA fiche 1990-2837)
Boeckh-Behrens, Wend-Uwe
Kompaktstudium Birma 1984/85
Andresen, Rolf
Boeddha’s brug. – Naarden: Classics Nederland, 1972. 64 p.,
illus. – (Strijd classics ; 1190)
NL: KITLV(M 1998 A 4893)
Bøe, Eva Kristina
"Hvilket samfunnsansvar står norske turoperatører
overfor ved å tilby reiser til Burma?"
Boehm, Eric H.
Historical periodicals
Bökemeier, Rolf
An den Ufern des Mekong : Vietnam, Kambodscha, Thailand, Laos, Burma / Text und Fotos: Rolf Bökelmeier. – Vevey: Mondo-Verlag, 1995. 141 S., Illus., Index.
ISBN 2881685900
Subject(s): Burma : Description and travel - Mekong
Mekong : Description and travel
CH: SLB(Nq 140098)
D: B-SBB(1 B 46282 Potsdamer Str.)
Sur les rives du Mékong : Vietnam, Cambodge, Thaïlande,
Laos, Birmanie / texte et photos: Rolf Bökemeier. – Vevey:
Éd. Monde, 1995. 141 p., index. – Trad. de: An den Ufern
des Mekong. – ISBN 2881685919
Subject(s): Burma : Description and travel - Mekong
Mekong : Description and travel
CH: SLB(Nq 140096)
Boele van Hensbroek, P. A. M.
Hensbroek, P. A. M. Boele van
Boelganin, N. A.
Bulganin, Nikolai Aleksandrovich
Boes, Helge Philipp <b. 1970>
The right to union : the concept of self-determination and the
Karen of Burma / by Helge Ph. Boes. – 1992. 88 l., bibliogr
l. 85-88. – Georgia State Univ., thesis (honors), 1992
Subject(s): Karen : Burma - History
Burma : Self-determination, National ; Politics and government <1948->
Ref.:OCLC 28260452
Bogaerts, Johannes Hubertus Hendricus Maria <b. 1948>
De onzichtbaren in beeld / Jan Bogaerts ; met een voorw.
van Karel Glastra van Loon. − Amsterdam [etc.]: Veen,
2003. 94 p., illus., foto's. − Fotoboek bij de roman "De onzichtbaren" van Karel Glastra van Loon
ISBN: 90-204-0605-1
Subject(s): Burmese : Refugees - Thailand - Mae Sot - Pictorial works
Burma : Refugees - Pictorial works
Thailand : Refugees - Pictorial works - Burmese
Karen; SE Asian; ethnography; social conditions; resistance movements; refugee camps; Thailand; exhibition
NL: KB(6101 D 38 ; 2245204 Depotexp.)
US: CU(Kroch) & LC : DS527.4 .B64 2003
Ref: OCLC 55615764
B 129
Burma Bibliographical Project
Siegfried M. Schwertner
ditto. : tentoonstelling – Amsterdam: Burma Centrum Nederland (BCN), [2005]. 8 p., foto’s, op tabloid formaat. –
Brochure van de reizende tentoonstelling "De onzichtbaren
in beeld", half maart tot eind dec. 2005
NL: KITLV(M 2005 B 554)
Bogg, C. T.
Acclimatized annual seeds and flowering perennial plants
obtainable at the Government Botanical Gardens, Maymyo
Government Botanical Gardens < Maymyo >
Bogor Conference <1954>
The Bogor Conference. – [Djakarta:] Ministry of Information, [1955]. 51 p., illus., ports. – Addresses delivered by the
Primi Ministers of Burma, Ceylon, India, Indonesia, Pakistan, and a speech by the President of Indonesia.
Subject(s): Asian-African Conference. (1st, 1955, Bandung,
US: CU(Kroch DS35 .B67 1954a) LC(DS35 .B6 1954a)
YU(LSF-Request Bj3D 1 1955)
Bogue, David <1750-1825>
The voice of God to the churches : a sermon on the death of
the Reverend Georg Cran, Augustus Desgranges, and Jonathan Brain, missionaries in India from the Missionary Society, preached at Gosport, March 17, 1811 / by David Bogue.
– Romsey: Printed by Samuel Jackson ; Boston: S. T. Armstrong 1 811. 35 p.
Summary: On deaths of Cran and Desgranges, who established a Telugu mission in Andhra Pradesh, and Brain,
who served for 4 months in Burma (Rangoon).
Subject(s): Brain, Jonathan Couch <1786-1810>
London Missionary Society : Missions - Burma
Burma : Missions ; Missionaries
GB: SOAS(Ref.J016.954/713578 ; CWML G437 ; G440)
Bogue, Donald Joseph <b. 1918>
Burma : illustrative functional projections 1975-2000
Tsui, Amy Ong
Bohlmann, Siegfried
Dr. Rabbit
Hare, Eric B.
Boisselier, Jean
Essays offered to G. H. Luce by his colleagues and
La statuaire khmère et son évolution / par Jean Boisselier. –
Saigon: École Française d’Éxtrême-Orient, 1955. – (Publications de l’École Française de Éxtrême-Orient ; 37)
1. Texte. – 322 p., index, ref. bibliogr. p.[296]-302.
p. 273-274: Rapports avec l’art de Ceylan et de la Birmanie
2. Planches. – 12 p., 114 plates.
D: GÖ-SUB(4° Z.Geogr.194:37)
HD-SAI(330 kun 61/360)*
US: CU(Kroch +N7315.B68 ; Annex NB1015 .B63 S7)
Boller, Wolfgang
Willkommen in Fernost : unterwegs mit Wolfgang Boller. –
Lübeck: Touristik-Service der Holsteinischen Druck- und
Verlagsgesellschaft, 1975. 167 S., Illus., Index, Kt. – (Neckermann-Fernreisen)
p. 27-34: Zwischen den Sprossen des Bambusvorhangs :
D: HD-SAI(300 rei 97/48)*
Bolt, David Langstone <b. 1927>
Gurkhas / David Bolt. – London : Weidenfeld & Nicolson,
[1967]. 128 p., illus. (incl. ports.), map, bibliogr. p. [125]. (Pageant of history).
Subject(s): Gurkhas
Gurkha soldiers
D: HD-SAI(163 mil 67/701)
GB: BL(X.639/2024) CUL(631:55.c.95.27)
BL-APAC(T 22812)
OUL(IND Nepal 5 d 15)
SOAS(JT356.162 /215812)
US: CU(Annex DS485.N4 B69 1969)
MnU(TC Wilson) & UCD(Shields) & UCSD(SSH) :
DS485.N4 B57 UC(NRLF DS485.N4 B585)
UCLA(YRL DS485.N4 B63)
ditto. – London ; New York : White Lion Publ., 1975. 96 p.,
[32] p. of plates, illus., ports., map. – ISBN 0-85617-799-7
D: TÜ-UB(16 A 6416)
GB: CUL(631:55.c.95.40)
OUL(IND 28 E 102)
Bolton, Leonard
China call / Leonard Bolton. – Springfield, Mo.: Gospel
Publ. House, c1984. 221 p., [8] p. of plates, illus., bibliogr.
p. 221. − ISBN 0-88243-509-4 (pbk.)
Subject(s): Bolton, Leonard ; Bolton, Ada
Lisu : Missions
Burma : Missionaries - Biography
Great Britain : Missionaries - Biography
US: LC(BV3271.A1.B65 1984)
Bombay Burma(h) Trading Corporation Ltd.
Articles of association with memorandum of association of
the Bombay Burmah Trading Corporation, Limited, late the
Burmah Trading Company, Limited / Bombay Burmah
Trading Corporation. − Bombay: Times Pr., 1908. 66, [5] p.
of plates.
Subject(s): Burma : Trading companies - Law and legislation
; Corporation law
Ref.: OCLC 27017650
Boissevain, Charles
Open letter to the Duke of Devonshire. – Amsterdam,
[1900]. 16 p. − Repr. from: No. 22500 of the Algemeen
Subject(s): Burma : History
GB: LSE(BLPES, Pamphlets ; Folio FD(6)/1, Special)
B 130
The Bombay Burmah Trading Corporation Limited : 18631963
Pointon, Arnold Cecil
The Bombay Burmah Trading Corporation Limited in Burmah, Siam and Java : teak the cutting and marketing
Andrews, Ernest
The Bombay Burmah Trading Corporation Limited to his
Excellency the Viceroy and Governor-General of India in
Council. – Rangoon, 1886. 8 p. – Title-page missing
GB: BL-APAC(Tr 728)*
Claims of the Bombay-Burma Corporation against the Government of Upper Burma
Bernard, Charles
Bibliographical description
History of the Bombay Burmah Trading Corporation, Ltd.
MacAulay, R. H.
parents. The first half deals with the Nisei on the West
Coast at the outbreak of World War II; the second part
deals with Jerry's experiences in the U. S. Army fighting
to secure the Burma Road.
Subject(s): Burma : World War <1939-1945> - Campaigns Juvenile fiction
United States : Army - World War <1939-1945> - Military
operations - Burma - Composite Unit (Provisionalm,
5307th) - Juvenile fiction
D: HD-SAI(reg 60 D 709)*
GB: BL-APAC(T 18465)
SOAS(GB959.10452 /808385; E Coll 3 F /6)
SG: RUBC(813.54 BON)
US: CLU CU(Annex PZ7.B71 B9)
LC & Mn(TC Andersen Childrens Lit) & OAU(Athens
Annex) & UCSD(SSH) : PZ7.B6415 Bu 1960
NIU(Juvenile Coll. FIC. B714B)
NNC(Butler PS3503.O4315 B8 1960g) OCl
UC(SRLF AA0002827111)
UCB(AsianAmer PS3552.O5 B8)
UCLA(YRL PS3503 B6385b)
WU(School of Library/Info Studies. General Collection
C+ B641b)
In the Privy Council : on appeal from the Court of the
Recorder of Rangoon
Made in Burma : the current activities of the Bombay
Burmah Trading Corporation limited
Reply by the Bombay Trading Corporation Limited to
memorandum dated 29th January 1886
Bernard, Charles
Bombay Education Society
Native account of the thirty-seven nats
Bombay Natural History Society
Circumventing the mahseer and other sporting fish in India
and Burma
McDonald, A. St. J.
The game-birds of India, Burma and Ceylon
Baker, Edward Charles Stuart
ditto. – New York : Berkley Publ. 1965. 174 p. – (A Berkley
highland book)
US: ICarE(A-H 3000; J-L 2000; P-Z 1000 Level
PS3552.O6x B8)
UC(NRLF 308t 1963 8 C 2 943 366)
UCSB(Main Lib PZ7.B6415 Bu 1965)
Ref.: OCLC 15699945
Bonar, Horatius Lundie <1808-1889>
A missionary of the apostolic school : being the life of Dr.
A. Judson of Burma
Wayland, Francis
Bonar, Mary Lundie
A missionary of the apostolic school : being the life of Dr.
A. Judson of Burma
Wayland, Francis
The bond of equal strength
Phillips, E. A. W.
Bond, Brian <b. 1936>
Secret letters from the railway : the remarkable record of
Charles Steel, a Japanese POW / by Brian Best − Barnsley:
Pen and Sword Military, 2004. VII, 184 p., [16] p. of plates :
illus. – ISBN 1-84415-118-2
Subject(s): Steel, Charles : Correspondence
Burma : World War <1939-1945> - Prisoners and prisons,
Japanese ; World War <1939-1945> - Personal narratives,
British ; World War <1939-1945> - Conscript labor
US: UC(SRLF D805.J3 B47 2004 AA0012102323)
Bonham, Frank
Attack i Burma / Frank Bonham [; övers.: Thor-Leif
Dahnielson]. − Stockholm: B. Wahlström, 1978. 240 s. −
([Wahlströms krigsserie]) − Transl. of: Burma rifles
ISBN 91-32-30783-7 (inb.)
Subject(s): Burma : World War <1939-1945> - Campaigns Juvenile fiction
United States : Army - World War <1939-1945> - Military
operations - Burma - Composite Unit (Provisionalm,
5307th) - Juvenile fiction
S: NB(28 BI B) G(Hc 20571) L(H s79/765)
S(hb78 260) U(Sv H f.352
Burma rifles : a story of Merrill’s Marauders / by Frank
Bonham. – New York : Crowell, 1960. VII, 260 p.
Note: A young adult novel comprising two stories both centering on Jerry Harada, the American-born son of Japanese
Bonjour, Jules Frederick
Military regimes in Southeast Asia : a comparative study of
Burma and Indonesia / by Jules Frederick Bonjour, Jr. –
1963. 178 l., bibliogr. l. 167-178. – Berkeley, Calif., Univ. of
California, M.A. (political science) thesis 1963
US: UC(NRLF 308t 1963 8 C 2 943 366)
UCB(Main 308t 1963 8)
Bonnet, Gabriel Georges Marcel
Les campagnes dans la jungle de Birmanie et leurs enseignements / Gabriel Bonnet. Avec 6 croquis. – Paris: BergerLevrault, 1949. 325 p., cartes, bibliogr. p. 318-320. – (La seconde guerre mondiale : histoire et souvenirs)
Subject(s): Burma : World War <1939-1945> - Campaigns
AU:NLA(940.542 BON)
D: HD-SAI(reg 60 D 710)*
F: BNF(8° G.14736(20))
Metz-BU Lettres
US: CU(Kroch D767.6 .B71)
WU(Memorial Lib. D767.6 B6)
YU(SML D767.6 B65)
Bons d'Anty, Pierre Remi
Excursions dans le pays Chan chinois et dans les montagnes
de thé / P. Bons d’Anty ; avec carte en couleur des régions
parcourues par l’auteur dessinée par J. E. Lemière d’après
l’original de E. Giffault. – Shanghai: Impr. de la Presse
Orientale, 1900. 63 p., [1] l. of plates (fold. col.), map. −
(Serie d'orient ; 3)
Subject(s): Shan
Shan State : - Description and travel
Yunnan Sheng : Description and travel
US: HU(Widener Harv.Depos. Ch 230.25.13)
B 131
Burma Bibliographical Project
Siegfried M. Schwertner
Boody, Robert T.
Food-bomber pilot : China-Burma-India ; personal responsibility in daily effort ; the subtle World War II romance of a
China-Burma-India pilot with the nurse who saved his life /
Robert T. Boody. – Staten Island, N.Y.: R. T. Boody, c1989.
VII-C, 73 p., illus., maps, index. − ISBN 0-9625-5940-7
D: HD-SAI(322 mil 96/2434)*
US: LC(MLCS 95/5641 (D))
Book circular
Burma / Department of Police
The book in Southeast Asia : Brunei, Burma, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand,
Vietnam. – [Ithaca, N.Y.:] Cornell Univ. Library, [1990]. 17
p., illus.
Subject(s): Cornell University, John M. Echols Collection on
Southeast Asia : Exhibitions
Burma : Books - History - Exhibitions - United Sates
. US: CU(Kroch Z8.A785 B66 1990)
Book Industry Council of South India
Book trade manual for South Asian countries
Thathachari, C. S. S.
The book of analysis (Vibhanga) : the second book of the
Abbhidamma Pitaka, transl. from the Pali of the Burmese
Chatthasangiti / ed. by Pa.thamakyaw Ashin Thittila (Setthila). – London : Publ. for the Pali Text Society by Luzac,
1969. LXXVIII, 573 p., port. – (Translation series / Pali Text
Society ; 39) − ISBN: 0718905792
Subject(s): Tipitaka - Abhidhammapitaka
F: Sorbonne(LPO 8= 332.C-39)
US: ICarbS(294.31 V624TE) IU(294.31 V624ET)
LC(PK451.P5 no.39)
NNUT(Burke Union Stacks ON61.2 ET4)
WU(Memorial Lib. BL1405 P35 no 39)
ditto. − Oxford: Pali Text Society, 1995. LXXVIII, 573 p.,
port. − (Pali Text Society translation series , 39)
ISBN 0860130304
US: IPB(BQ1162.V43 T5)
The book of calendars
Parise, Frank
A book of certain acts of the legislative Council of India :
applicable to British Burmah ; or useful for reference, 18351863 ; judicial, magisterial, and police [/ comp. by Thomas
Philip Sparks. Repr., updated. – Akyab:] Akyab Pr., 1864.
252 p. – Repr. of: Index to acts applicable to British Burmah
D: HD-SAI(reg 60 D 303)*
[Book of common prayer]
The book of common prayer and administration of the sacraments, and other rites, and ceremonies, according to the
use of the Church of England ; together with part of the Psalter, or Psalms of David in Sgau Karen. Printed for the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. – Toungoo: S.
Luke’s Mission Pr., 1883. 97 p. – Added title-page and text
in Sgaw Karen
GB: BL(11103 b 10)* BL-APAC(Karen B.21)
[Book of common prayer]
A book of common prayer : (Church of India, Pakistan,
Burma, and Ceylon). − [India: S.P.C.K., 1950?] IX, 132 l. −
A draft of the proposed form of the Book of common prayer
for the Church of India, Pakistan, Burma, and Ceylon
Subject(s): Church of India, Pakistan, Burma, and Ceylon :
Liturgy - Texts
Burma : Church of India, Pakistan, Burma, and Ceylon −
Prayer-books and devotions, English ; Prayer-books Texts
Ref.: OCLC 33260624
[Book of common prayer]
The book of common prayer and administration of the sacraments and other rites and ceremonies of the church : according to the use of the Church of India, Pakistan, Burma
and Ceylon, together with the psalter and the form and manner of making, ordaining, and consecrating of bishops,
priests, and deacons. − Madras: I.S.P.C.K., 1961. XLIII, 723
p. − The Book of Common Prayer, presented by the Episcopal Synod to the General Council of the Church of India,
Pakistan, Burma, and Ceylon for concurrence on January
13th, 1960 − T.p. verso.
Subject(s): Church of India, Pakistan, Burma, and Ceylon :
Liturgy - Texts
Burma : Church of India, Pakistan, Burma, and Ceylon −
Prayer-books and devotions, English ; Prayer-books
US: HU(Andover-Harv. Theol: BX5680.5.Z55 A14 1961)
Virginia Theol Seminary(BX5680.5.Z5 A3 1961)
ditto. − ibd., c1963. XLIII, 723 p.
US: PPEB(A K de Blois Ref. BX5680.5.Z5 A3 1963 60212)
Virginia Theol Seminary(BX5680.5.Z5 A3 1963)
YU(Divinity, Stacks UP95 C475b)
ditto. − ibd., 1970. XLIII, 723 p
US: Virginia Theol Seminary(BX5680.5.Z5 A3 1970)
[Book of common prayer]
A proposed prayer book
[Book of common prayer < Burmese >]
[The Book of Common Prayer in Burmese.] − London :
S.P.C.K., 1948. 550 p.
GB: BL(14300 a 63)
[Book of common prayer: supplement]
The supplement to the Book of Common Prayer. − Madras,
Delhi & Lahore: Indian Society for Promoting Christian
Knowledge, 1961. IV, 355, [1] p. − Printed: Madras: Diocesan Press.
Subject(s): Church of India, Pakistan, Burma, and Ceylon :
Liturgy - Texts
Burma : Church of India, Pakistan, Burma, and Ceylon −
Prayer-books and devotions, English ; Prayer-books Texts
IRL:TCD(OLS 192.p.66)
Book of Ecclesiastes
Bible, O.T. : Ecclesiastes
The book of English conversation ... – Rangoon : British
Burma Pr., 1912.
1. for standard I, II and III : containing easy words and
phrases. – 47 p.
2. for standards IV and V. – 75 p.
3. for standards VI and VII. – 84 p.
GB: BL(14302 h 63)*
B 132
Bibliographical description
Book of forms referred to in the Burma public works account code / issued by authority of the Auditor-General. 2nd
ed. – Rangoon : Govt. Print. and Staty., 1962. IV, 165 p., tab.
Books on Southeast Asia [from 1992/93:] and the AsiaPacific / Institute of Southeast Asian Studies. – Singapore:
ISEAS. – Annual
Subject(s): Institute of Southeast Asian Studies : Catalogs
Burma : Bibliography - Catalogs - Periodicals
US: CU: 1986/87-1989/90 1991/96 1999/2000
(Annex Z3221.B72)
ditto. – ibd., 1962. IV, 165 p., tab.
The book of history : a history of all nations from the earliest
times to the present, with over 8,000 illustrations. – New
York : The Grolier Society, [1914?-1921] 14 v., illus., maps,
plates (some col.) ports.
1. The Middle East. India after the mutiny. Ceylon. Burma,
Siam, etc.
US: HU(Widener)
Books on Southeast Asia : a select bibliography. Rev. ed.,
with supplements covering the period June 1956 to March
1959. American Institute of Pacific Relations. – New York,
1959. 62 p. – Earlier ed. s. Embree, John Fee
Subject(s): Burma : Bibliography
US: CU(Kroch Z3221 .A51 1959 +)
IU(016.9159 B644) LC(Z3221.A5 1959)
Book of medicine. – Rangoon : Misssion Pr., 1873. 112 p. –
Added title and text in Burmese
GB: BL-APAC(Bur B 612)
Book of needs : list of essential apparatus and teaching materials urgently required. – Rangoon : Faculty of Education,
Univ. of Rangoon, 1952. 13 l. – [Mimeogr.]
D: HD-SAI(reg 60 L 3 GF)*
The book of numerical sayings ... / transl. by A. D. Jayasundere; ed. by F. L. Woodward. – Adyar: The author
2. – X, 328 p.
GB: BL(14099 cc 4)
The book of the jubilee of the Rangoon Diocese, 1877 to
1927 / ed., W. C. B. Purser ; forew. by Theodore Winton. –
Rangoon : Hanthawaddy Print. Works, 1927. 87 p., illus.
Contents: Bishopcourt / R. S. Rangoon – The Bible and
Prayer Book in Burmese / C. E. Garrad – Work among
soldiers / W. Delahay – Work among the blind / W. E.
Jackson – The formation of a native ministry / G. E. West
– Christ Church Mission, Mandalay / W. R. Garrad – Bible Churchmen's Missionary Society / W. T. Houghton –
Women's work in the diocese / Mrs. Cowper Johnson –
English work in Rangoon / N. K. Anderson – The missions
to seamen / J. W. Doherty – Mission schools / Rev.
Hughes – An up-country chaplaincy / L. Ford – St. Michael's Kemmendine and the Delta mission / W. C. B.
Purser – The Chin Mission / W. C .B. – The Karen Mission, Toungoo / W. R. Menzies.
Subject(s): Church of England, Diocese of Rangoon
Burma : Missions
Rangoon : Church history
US: CU(Kroch Pamphlet B 1628)
Ref.: OCLC 49015487
A book of U Naw day sermons by representative preachers of
the Burma Baptist Mission Society : respectfully dedicated
to our brother and friend Harold Walther Smith ... / comp. by
U Mg. Gale. – 141 p. – Added title and text in Burmese
GB: BL(14300 a 61)*
Books on Asia
Baqai, I. H.
Books on Buddhim
550 books on Buddhism : translations, studies, and general
Cook, Elizabeth
ditto. Rev. ed., with supplements covering the period June
1956 to April, 1960 / forew. by B. Lasker. – ibd., 1960. 69 p.
NL: KITLV(M 3l 9 N)
US: NIU(SEA Z3221 .A51960)
NjP(Firestone 1750.032.11)
Books on Southeast Asia
also Embree, John Fee
Boorstin, Daniel Joseph <b. 1914>
Democracy and its discontents : reflections on everyday
America ... / by Daniel J. Boorstin. – Ran` kun`, c1974. 192
p. – Added title and text in Burmese
US: LC(E169.12 .B65813 1977)
Booth, Anne
Bibliography of statistical sources on Southeast Asia : c.
Brewster, Jennifer
Bor, Norman Loftus <1893-1972>
The grasses of Burma, Ceylon, India and Pakistan (excluding Bambuseae) / by N. L. Bor ; forew. by George Taylor. – Oxford ; London ; New York ; Paris: Pergamon Pr.,
1960. XVIII, 767 p., figs., index, bibliogr. p. 703 to 725. –
(International series of monographs on pure and applied biology : division botany ; 1)
Subject(s): Burma : Grasses ; Botany
AU:ANU(Hancock QK495.G74.B65)
D: B-SBB(13 Per 498/2-1 U.d.L.) GÖ-SUB(ZB 17501:1)
HD-SAI(190 nat 61/125)*
F: MNHN Bordeaux1-BU Sciences-Talence
GB: BL(7085.e.14 ; (XB) DW 21)
BL-DSS(4549.26074 v.1) CUL(379:01.c.16.1)
BL-APAC(V 14431) OUL(PLS Closed ac 582.52
Gram (5) BOR /FD ; RSL Stack 19129 d. 58)
ULL(H 156-3)
SG: ISEAS(QK495 G74B72) NUS-SC(QK495 Bor)
US: CU(Annex QK495.G74 B72)
HU(Botany Gray/Arnold: MH 19 B64.5)
ICarbS(Books, 6th Floor 580.8 I61)
LC & MnU(TC Magrath) & UCD(Shields) &
UCR(Science) & WU(Biology Lib) : QK495.G74 B65
UCB(BioSci QK495.G74 B63)
UC(SRLF A0010152353)
UCLA(Biomed QK495.G74 B644g 1960)
UCSB(Main Lib QK495.G74 B6 Sci. Eng. Lib.)
YU(Kline QK495 G74 B6)
B 133
Burma Bibliographical Project
Siegfried M. Schwertner
ditto. Repr. with author’s new addenda and corrigenda. –
Königstein: Koeltz, 1973. XVIII, 767 p., figs., index, bibliogr. p. 703-725. – (International series of monographs on
pure and applied biology : botany ; 1)
ISBN 3-87429-043-3
D: B-SBB(Ser. 14632-1 Potsdamer Str.)
HBSUB(a bot 977 5id/82)
KN-UB(bio 416.70/b67) R-UB(00/WL 9680 B726)
GB: BL((B) CW68 (G1) 1973 / 264911)
Ref.: OCLC 787476
ditto. Repr. – New York : State Mutual Book and Periodical
Service, 1979. − ISBN 0-89771-562-4
Ref.: BiP
ditto. Indian repr. – Dehradun: International Book Distributors, 1979. XIII, 767 p., illus. − (International series of
monographs in pure and applied biology : Botany division ;
1) − ISBN: 3874290433
Ref.: OCLC 27210158
GB: Royal Botanical Gardens, Kew(200(5)
Borland, Andrew
Crusaders for Christ in heathen lands : short biographies of
six noble men and women who went forth into the dark
places of the earth with the light of the gospel. With original
poems / by Andrew Borland. – Kilmarnock: Ritchie, [1928].
192 p., illus., ports.
p. 97-128: With Adoniram Judson in Burma
GB: BL(4956 aa 41)*
With Adoniram Judson in Burma : with original poem / by
Andrew Borland. – Kilmarnock: Ritchie, [s.a.]. 31 p. – (Excelsior series of biographies ; 4)
D: HD-SAI(reg 60 M 107 Kp)*
Bormans, A. de
Dermapteres / par A. de Bormans. – Genova: Sordomuti,
1888. 18 p. – (Viaggio di Leonardo Fea in Birmania e regioni vicine ; 7) – Estr. da Annali del Museo civicio di storia
naturale di Genova, 2.s., vol 6(5-25 gui. 1888)
Subject(s): Burma : Einsetti
I: FI R-Bibl. della Soc. geografica italiana
TO-Bibl. dell'Accad. delle scienze
Boroli, Achille
Asia : Birmania, Thailandia, Laos, Cambogia, Vietnam,
Cina, Macao, Hong Kong
ditto. – Scientific, 1988. − ISBN 0-685-22291-8
Ref.: BiP
Manual of Indian forest botany / N. L. Bor. – Bombay: Oxford Univ. Pr., 1953. XV, 441 p., 31 plates, illus.
Subject(s): Burma :Forest plants ; Trees ; Botany
GB: BL(7081 c 10 ; (B) CW05/208857)
BL-DSS(X27/4467) CUL(372:4.b.95.11) BLAPAC(V 12871) OUL(RSL Stack 19163 d. 17)
SOAS(IV.3.1.8/97585) (B) CW05/208857)
US: CRL CU(Annex QK490.I4 B72)
LC & UCSB(Main Lib Sci. Eng. Lib.) : QK358.B64
1980 UCB WU(CTR 82-907017)
Ref.: OCLC 5923053 : OCLC09730977
ditto. Repr. – Delhi: J. J. Reprints, 1980. XV, 441 p., [31] p.
of plates, illus.
US: CRL(GenCollec 82-907017)
LC & UCD(Shields) : QK358 .B64 1980
Ref.: OCLC 9730977
New Indian and Burmese species / by N. L. Bor. – Delhi:
Manager of Publ., 1941. p. 144-150, 4 plates. – (Indian forest records : new series : botany ; 3.5)
D: HD-SAI(agr 52 D 17,3.5 Kp)*
Borchsenius, Poul
Partisan i 2. verdenskrig / Poul Borchsenius. 1. udgave, 1.
oplag. − [København:] Munksgaard, 1981. 56 s., illus., port.,
bibliogr. s. 54-55. – (Blåtand) − ISBN 87-16-08619-8
Note: Den engelske officer Orde Wingate og hans bedrifter
før og under 2. verdenskrig i Sudan, Palæstina, Etiopien og
til slut i Burma, hvor han omkommer
DK: KB(9k-84/25)
Borderline Video
A question of security
Borgohain, Bipin
Tribes of Indo-Burma border : a socio-cultural history of the
inhabitants of the Patkai Range
Barua, Surendra Nath
Borsa, Giorgio
Le ultime trincee del comunismo nel mondo : Asia
Major 1992
Borstal and Senior Training School < Thayetmo >
Annual report of the combined Borstal and Senior Training
School, Thayetmyo, Burma. – Rangoon : Govt. Print.
Subject(s): Burma : Juvenile delinquents - Rehabilitation
GB: BL-APAC: 1939- (IOR/V/24/1019)
US: LC(HV9192.7.A5B67a)
Ref.: OCLC 2441421
Borton, Hugh
The Far East 1942-1946
Jones, Francis Clifford
Bosco, Teresio
Gli eroi del fiume Kwai ... – Torino Leumann: Elle Di Ci,
1970. 32 p. – (Collana Camploni ; 7)
US: LC(D805.J3B615)
Bose, B. K.
A guide to pension procedure
Bose, J. K.
Social organisation of the Aimol Kukis / by J. K. Bose. –
Calcutta : Univ. Pr., 1934. 24 p. – Repr. from: The journal of
the Department of Letters, Univ. of Calcutta ; 25. 1934
D: HD-SAI(229 eth 68/1319)*
Bose, Sisir Kumar <b. 1920>
The essential writings of Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose
Bose, Subhas Chandra
Bose, Subhas Chandra <1897-1945>
The essential writings of Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose / ed.
by Sisir K. Bose ; Sugata Bose. − Delhi: Oxford Univ. Pr.,
1997. IX, 338 p., illus. − Note: Netaji Research Bureau, Calcutta.
B 134
Bibliographical description
Contains: 3. Prison Life in Burma (excerpts of letters to his
brother Sarat Chandra Bose, sister-in-law Bivabati Bose,
friend Dilip Kumar Roy and novelist Sarat Chandra Chattopadhyay, 1924-27) − ISBN 0195639820
Subject(s): Bose, Subhas Chandra, 1897-1945 : Political and
social views
US: UCLA(YR) & UCSB(Main) DS481.B6 A3 1997
UCR(Rivera DS481.B6 A5 1997)
Indian struggle, 1920-1934 / by Subhas C. Bose. – London :
Wishart, 1935. 353 p., app., incl. bibliogr. ref.
p. 149-163: In Burmese prisons, 1925-27
Subject(s): India : History - Autonomy and independence
movements ; Politics and government - 1919-1947
GB: BL(20017 l 11)* LSE(BLPES DS480.45 B74)
BL-APAC(T 15056 ; T 16153) OUL(IND 34 F 1)
US: IU(954.B651I)
The Indian struggle, 1920-1942 / Subhas Chandra Bose.
Comp. by the Netaji Research Bureau, Calcutta. – London
[etc.]: Asia Publ. House, 1964. XII, 476 p., port., index. −
Comprising "The Indian Struggle 1920-1934" and other
writings by Subhas Chandra Bose.
p. 128-141: In Burmese prisons, 1925-27
Subject(s): India : History - Autonomy and independence
movements ; Politics and government - 1919-1947
GB: BL(X 709/1012)* BL-DSS(W25/1106)
CUL(628:56.c.95.36) BL-APAC(T 20334)
LSE(BLPES DS480.45 B74 ) OUL(IND 34 F 1p)
SAdS(DS482.2 B6 BOS )
US: NIU(Main collection-FML DS480.45 .B61964)
ditto. – Calcutta, 1967.
US: IU(954.035 B65I1967)
ditto. / ed. by Sisir Kumar Bose and Sugata Bose. – Calcutta
: Netaji Research Bureau ; Delhi ; Oxford: Oxford Univ. Pr.,
1997. XII, 418 p., illus. – (Netaji : Collected works ; 2)
ISBN 0195641493
GB: BL(YC.1998.a.2201) BL-DSS(99/33517)
CUL(628:56.c.95.229) OUL(IND 34 F 2)
Netaji speaks to the nation (1928 to 1945) : a symposium of
important speeches and writings of Netaji Subhas Chandra
Bose. His broadcasts, addresses and orders of the day from
Berlin, Rangoon, Synon and Burma with proper introductions surveying the history of the period when they were delivered or written / introductory notes and arrangements by
the author of The Rebel president. 1st publ – Lahore: The
Hero Publ., 1946. 336 p. ports. – Singh, Durlab, ed.
Subject(s): Burma : Politics and government <18241948>
GB: OUL(IND 30 A 96d)
US: CU(NRLF DS481.B65 A29 B 4 302 460)
WU(Memorial Lib. DS481 B6 A465)
with a further appendix containing the India and Burma
(miscellaneous amendments) act 1940, July 1940.
Subject(s): Burma : Constitution ; Politics and government –
1919-1947 ; Laws, statutes, etc.
US: CU(Kroch JQ215 1940 .B74)
LC(JQ215 1940 .B6)
NNUT(Burke Union Stacks MT26.5 B73)
YU(LSF-Request Ota12 939bc)
Ref.: OCLC 1344066
Bose, Sugata
The essential writings of Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose
Bose, Subhas Chandra
Botataung Pagoda. 1st ed. – [Yangon:] Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation, 1998. 32 p., col. illus., bibliogr. p. 32. –
English and Burmese
Note: History and description of Botataung Pagoda, Buddhist temple in Rangoon
Subject(s): Botataung Pagoda < Rangoon >
Burma : Temples, Buddhist – Rangoon - History
Rangoon : Temples, Buddhist - History
US: LC(BQ6335.R362B683 1998)
Botanical Society of India
Indian Botanical Society
Botanical Survey of India
India / Botanical Survey
Botschaften an die Götter : religiöse Handschriften der Yao :
Südchina, Vietnam, Laos, Thailand, Myanmar [; Ausstellung
4. November - 22. Dezember 1999] / hrsg. von Thomas O.
Höllmann und Michael Friedrich ; mit Beiträgen von Lucia
Obi, Shing Müller, Xaver Götzfried. – München: Bayerische
Staatsbibliothe, 1999. 96 S., zahlr. Illus., Kt., Bibliogr. S. 9496. − (Ausstellungskataloge / Bayerische Staatsbibliothek ;
71) − ISBN: 3-447-04203-6
Subject(s): Yao : Religion ; Manuscrits
Germany : Taoismus – Yao - Handschrift - Exhibition München - Bayerische Staatsbibliothek
D: DDSU LUB S-WLB(50C/80862)
GB: BL(YA.2001.a.34821)
OUL(BOD M00.E13380)
UCB(Main DS523.4.Y36 B68 1999)
UCLA(YRL PJ5 .A83 v.138)
UCSD(SSH DS501 .A87 v.138 Stacks)
Bose, Sudhansu Mohan <b. 1878>
The working constitution in India : a commentary on the
Government of India Act, 1935 <26 Geo. 5, ch. 2> / by S.
M. Bose. – [London ; New York :] H. Milford, Oxford Univ.
Pr., [1940]. XXIV, 689 p. – First published 1939. Issued
with an additional appendix containing the Government of
India act (amendment) act 1939, January 1940 ; re-issued
B 135
ditto. − Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 1999. 96 S., Illus.,
zahlr. Illus., Kt., Bibliogr. S. 94-96. – (Asiatische Forschungen, ISSN 0571-320X ; 138) − ISBN: 3-447-04203-6
BE StUB(PN 758 a : 138)
D: FR-UB(GE 99/11226)
F: BIULO(COL.7293.BIS(138))
Sorbonne(M 8= 3266)
GB: BL(WP.7705.a/138)
OUL(BOD H Floor Or. d.442/138)
N: UHS(299.594 Bot)
S: U(Öppen samling Cm 30)
US: LC(DS523.4.Y36 B68 1999) IU(915 As42)
HU(Widener Harv. Depos. BL1914.A7 B67 1999x)
NIU(SEA) & ViU(Alderman Ald-Stks) &
WU(Memorial Lib.) : DS523.4.Y36 B677 1999
Burma Bibliographical Project
Siegfried M. Schwertner
NNC(East Asian DS19 .A8 Bd.138)
Ref.: OCLC43035425
Boucaud, André <b. 1947>
Birmanie : sur la piste des seigneurs de la guerre / André et
Louis Boucaud. – Paris: L'Harmattan, 1985. 215 p., carte, [8]
p. de pl., abrév., bibliogr. p. 215. − ISBN 2-85802-550-6
Herbert 527
Subject(s): Burma : Minorities ; Opium trade ; Politics and
government <1948-> ; History - Autonomy and independence movements ; Ethnic relations ;
Drug traffic ; Guerrillas ; Economic conditions ; Social
AU:ANU(Menzies DS530.4.B68 1985)
D: B-SBB(799 169 Potsdamer Str.)
M-BSB(Orient. 87.1395)
HD-SAI(325 pol 86/334)*
PA-UB(55/RR 51983 B752)
F: BN Impr.(8-02h-1646) BIULO(GEN.III.37471
BDIC(O 155629)
BSG(8-M SUP-11660)
GB: BL(YA 1987 a 9714)
SOAS(GB950/521.552 ; 600.860)
I: BCMP(AS /07/01/0002)
SG: ISEAS(DS530.4 B75)
US: CU(Kroch DS530.4 .B75 1985)
HU(Widener WID-LC) & LC & NNC(Butler) &
WU(Memorial Lib.) & YU(LSF-Request) :
DS530.4.B68 1985 UCB(Main) & UCD(Shields) :
DS530.4.B681 1985
Ref.: OCLC14097584
Burma’s golden triangle : on the trail of the opium warlords /
André and Louis Boucaud. [English transl. by Diana LeeSimon ; rev. and ed. by Lesley D. Clark.] – Bangkok: Asia
Book ; Hong Kong : Asia 2000, 1988. 187 p., [16] p. of plates, illus., maps, bibliogr. p. [187]. – (Burma reader series) –
Transl. of: Birmanie : sur la piste des seigneurs de la guerre
ISBN 962-7160-05-9 – Herbert 527
Subject(s): Burma : Minorities ; Opium trade ; Politics and
government <1948-> ; History - Autonomy and independence movements ; Ethnic relations ;
Drug traffic ; Guerrillas ; Economic conditions ; Social
D: BI-UB(IE390&EV00 B752 (128))
PA-UB(00/RR 51983 B752)
HD-SAI(325 pol 91/8354)
GB: BL(YC.1990.a.8356)
SOAS(GB950/597.775 ; 764.297*)
SG: CL & NRL : 959.105 Bou
NUS(DS530.4 Bou)
US: CU(Kroch DS530.4 .B75 1988 ; Film 12193 reel 36
no.5) HU(Widener WID-LC x) & NIU(SEA) &
UCB(Main) & WU(Memorial Lib.) : DS530.4 .B6813
OAU(Alden SE Asia DS530.4 .B68 1988x)
Ref.: OCLC20148892
ditto. Rev. ed. – ibd., 1992. 224 p., illus., maps, bibliogr. ref.
p. 223-224. − ISBN 9748303012
D: HD-SAI(325 pol 96/1016)*
GB: BL-DSS(97/03109)
SG: ISEAS(DS530.4 B751)
US: CU(Kroch DS530.4 .B75 1992)
HU(Widener WID-LC X) & LC & NIU(SEA) &
OAU(Alden SE Asia x) & UCB(Main) & UCD(Shields)
& WU(Memorial Lib.) & YU(SML) : DS530.4 .B6813
Ref.: OCLC27421484
ditto. Rev. ed. – ibd., 1994. 224 p., illus., maps, bibliogr. ref.
p. 223-224. − ISBN 974-8303-01-2
GB: BL-DSS(97/03109)
Boucaud, Louis <b. 1947>
Boucaud, André
Burma’s golden triangle
Boucaud, André
Boucher, Sandy
Discovering Kwan Yin, Buddhist goddess of compassion /
Sandy Boucher. − Boston: Beacon Pr., c1999. 132 p., illus.,
music,, bibliogr. p. [121]-128. − ISBN 0807013404
Contents 1. Invitation - 2. A Thousand Hands. Kwan Yin in
Men's Clothes: The Trial and Transformation of Thi Kinh.
"Leaving Home": Princess Miao Shan. Where She Lives:
Kwan Yin and the Peacock. Familiar Energy. A Problematical Relationship. Kwan Yin in Burma. Oh Goddess,
Give Us Strength to Cut Through - 3. She Carries Me. A
Catholic Opens Her Heart. Rite of Passage. The Essence
of Kwan Yin. Kwan Yin as Comforter and Healer. The
Kwan Yin Revolutionary Army: Give Me a Hand, Kwan
Yin. Battling the Dogs of Hell. The Mount Shasta Communications. Kwan Yin/The Prostitute: The Woman of
Yen-chou. A Kwan Yin Pagan Goddess Mass - 4. Meditations, Songs, and Practices. Making a Kwan Yin Altar.
Begin the Day with Kwan Yin. Traditional Chant. A Divination Tool. Praise to Kwan Yin (Song). Bowing to Kwan
Yin. Willow Willow (Song). Guided Meditation on Kwan
Yin. The Mount Shasta Communications: Texts to Meditate Upon. "Give Me a Hand, Kuan Yin" (Song). "She
Carries Me" (Song). A Flower for the Goddess.
Subject(s): Avalokitesvara (Buddhist deity) : Cult - United
Burma : Buddhist deity ; Women in Buddhism
US: UCLA(YR) & UCR(Rivera) & UCSD(SSH) & UCSB &
UCSC(Internet) & UCSC(McHenry) : BQ4710.A84
U623 1999
Bouchery, Pascal
"Les Hani : introduction a l'étude d'une population de langue
tibeto-birmane du Yunnan en relation avec la Chine" / Pascal
Bouchery ; sous la direction de Alexandre Mac Donald. –
1995. – Paris 10, doct. (nouveau doct.) (ethnologie), 1995. –
Other variant titles: The Hani : introduction to the study of a
Tibeto-Burman speaking people of Yunnan and its relation
to China.
Subject(s): Han
ethnologie : religion, rites funeraires organisation
sociale, politique generalites, methodologie /chine. yunnan/hani (peuple)/pouvoir politique/pouvoir
religieux/pretrise/dieu du sol/chine antique
F: Nanterre-BU Paris 10
Bouchon, Geneviève
Les premiers voyages portugais à Pasai et à Pegou, 15121520. – [Paris: Assoc. Archipel,] 1979.
GB: BL-APAC(T 34197)
B 136
Bibliographical description
Voyage dans les deltas du Gange et de l’Irraouaddy :
relation portugaise anonyme (1521)
and opposition cultures available to dissidents and, in turn,
influenced their effectiveness. He includes first-hand research as well as the the social movements' literature to
consider the interactions between the regimes in the wake
of repression, and the subsequent emergence of democracy. Boudreau offers a genuinely comparative study of
dictatorship and resistance in South East Asia.
Subject(s): Burma : Dictatorship ; Politics and government
D: B-SBB(1 A 544347 Potsdamer Str.)
GB: BL-DSS(m04/.39494) OUL(BOD M04.E17799
SAS((59):321.63) SOAS(G321.9 /928174)
US: CU(Kroch) & LC & HU(Widener) & NIU(SEA) &
OrU(Knight) & UCI(Langson) & UCSC(McHenry) :
DS530.6 .B68 2004
Ref.: OCLC 54371431
Boucot, Arthur J.
Eifelian brachiopods from Padaukpin, Northern Shan States,
Anderson, Michael Marchmont
Bouddhisme et sociétés asiatiques : clergés, sociétés et pouvoirs / Alain Forest ... [et al.] – Paris: Harmattan [etc.], 1990.
206 p., illus. – (Collection recherches asiatiques)
ISBN 2-7384-0544-4
D: HD-SAI(180 soz 92/838)
Boudet, Jacques .Réd.
Le Million : l'encyclopédie de tous les pays du monde
Boudignon, Françoise
A letter from Burma / by Françoise Boudignon. – Rangoon :
UNICEF, 1984. 98 p., illus., maps. − English and some
Subject(s): Burma : Juvenile literature
N: HIØ(rem b 915.91 Bou)
US: CU(Kroch DS527.7 .B68 1984)
Boudreau, Thomas Eugene
Sheathing the sword : the U.N. Secretary-General and the
prevention of international armed conflict / Thomas E.
Boudreau ; forew. by James S. Sutterlin. – New York ;
Westport, CT ; London : Greenwood Pr., 1991. XV, 188 p.,
index, bibliogr. p. [181]-184. – (Contributions in political
science, ISSN 0147-1066 ; 273) – In part Ph.D. thesis 1985
ISBN 0-313-26109-1
DDOA 15.1/2, 1992, 27384
D: HD-MPI HD-SAI(pol 96/48)
US: LC(JX1977.A362B68 1991)
Watchman of the peace : the United Nations SecretaryGeneral and the prevention of international armed conflict /
Thomas Eugene Boudreau. – 1985. IV, 425 p. – Syracuse,
Univ., Ph.D. (social science) thesis 1985.
p. 130-161: U Thant and Waldheim : the struggle ebbs
DDOA 15.1/2, 1992, 27384. - UM 9023058
D: HD-SAI(pol 96/1079)*
Boudreau, Vincent
Resisting dictatorship : repression and protest in Southeast
Asia / Vincent Boudreau. − Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge Univ. Pr., 2004. XV, 290 p., map, index, incl. bibliogr. ref. − ISBN 0-521-83989-0
Table of contents: 1. Introduction
2. Protest, repression and transition in Southeast Asia
3. Authoritarian attack and dictatorial rise
4. Protest in socialist Burma
5. New Order repression and the Indonesian opposition
6. The Philippine new society and state repression
7. Repression and protest in comparative perspective
8. People power and insurgency in the Philippine transition
9. Protest and the underground in Burma
10. Indonesia's democracy protests
11. Democracy protest and state repression.
Note: Vince Boudreau compares strategies of repression and
protest in post-war Burma, Indonesia and the Philippines
because these alternative strategies shaped the social bases
Bouffet, Florence
Birmanie, Laos, Cambodge
Thaïlande, Birmanie
Thaïlande, Birmanie, Hong-Kong, Macao
Boulenger, George Albert <1858-1937>
Concluding report on the reptiles and batrachians obtained in
Burma ... – Genoa, 1893. 44. 6 plates. − (Viaggio di Leonardo Fea in Birmania e regioni vicine ; 52) − Publ. in: Annali
del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Genova ; 1893. (2).
13. 304-347. pl. 7 to 12
US: HU(Museum Comp Zoology: Herp.-Boulenger rep.)
Reptilia and Batrachia / by George A. Boulenger. – London
[etc.]: Taylor and Francis [etc.], 1890. XVIII, 541 p., figs.,
index, bibliogr. p. XVII-XVIII. – (The fauna of British India
: including Ceylon and Burma)
F: BNF(8° S.7125)
Subject(s): Burma : Reptiles ; Amphibians
D: B-SBB(Lv 12910 Potsdamer Str. NfLS)
GB: BL((B)FQ 555)* BL-DSS(L60/631)
BL-APAC(V 7561) OUL(RSL Stack 189941 d. 2u)
US: CU(Annex QL661 .B76) LC(QL661 .B7)
HU(Museum Comp Zoology: T-IA-B)
Boulenger, Jacques Romain <1879-1944>
Les voyages advantvrevx de Fernand Mendez Pinto
Pinto, Fernão Mendes
Boulganin, N.
Bulganin, Nikolai Aleksandrovich
Boulle, Pierre <b. 1912-1994>
Aux sources de la rivière Kwaï / Pierre Boulle. – Paris: Julliard, 1966. 250 p., cart.
p. 62-76: La route de Birmanie
D: ER-UB(H00/92 A 12097) HD-SAI(302 rei 66/603)*
GB: BL(X 708/2934)
US: CU(Kroch D767.45 .B76)
UCI(Main Lib D767.45.B65)
UCLA(YRL D767.45 B664a) UCR(Rivera)
B 137
The bridge on the River Kwai / Pierre Boulle ; transl. from
the French by Xan Fielding. – London : Secker and Warburg, 1954. 170 p. – Transl. of: Le pont de la rivière Kwaï
Subject(s): Burma-Siam Railroad : Fiction
Burma : World War <1939-1945> - Prisoners and prisons,
Japanese, Fiction
Burma Bibliographical Project
Siegfried M. Schwertner
ditto. [10th impr.] − London : Secker & Warburg, [1970].
171 p.
SG: ISEAS(PQ2603 O754)
GB: OUL(BOD Nuneham Fic. 27526 e.1358)
BL(12519 f 36)*
IRL:TCD(SHB- 42- 93)
US: CU(PQ2603.O755 .B8 1954) HU
Ref.: OCLC 6491620
ditto. – London : Collins, 1973. 157 p. − ISBN 0006132510
GB: BL(H.73/321)
IRL:TCD(Fontana 613251)
ditto. – New York : Grosset & Dunlap, 1954. 224 p.
US: CU(Uris PQ2603.O93 .B8 1954a)
ditto. − New York : Bantam Books, 1975, c1954. 184 p.
ISBN 0553148575
Ref.: OCLC 8790017
ditto. – New York : Vanguard Pr., 1954. 224 p.
US: LC(PZ4.B764Br 2)
SIUE(Stacks PQ2603.O754 P62)
ditto. – London : Collis, 1956. 189 p. – (Fontana books ;
GB: BL(12520 cc 42)*
ditto. – Ontario: Science Research Association, 1959. 288 p.
– (Laurel and gold series)
ditto. / illus. by Alan Bowyer. – Glasgow: Collins ClearType Pr., 1959. 256 p. – (Laurel and gold series ; 198)
GB: BL(012208 ccc 1/181)
ditto. – New York : Bantam Books, 1963. 150 p.
ditto. – New York : Time Inc., 1964. XIV, 234 p. – Time
reading program special edition
Ref.: OCLC 16720564
ditto. – London : Collins, 1965. 256 p., illus. − (Laurel and
gold series)
IRL:TCD(JP 9293)
ditto. – [London,] 1965. – (Laurel and Gold paperbacks ; 1)
− A reissue of the ed. of 1959
GB: BL(X 0907/14(1))
ditto. – London : Collins, 1965. 189 p. – (Fontana books ;
GB: BL(X 907/2205)
ditto. − London : Heinemann Educational Books, 1965. 170
p. − (New Windmill series)
ISBN 0435120859
Ref.: OCLC 26048284
GB: Univ of Wales, Bangor
ditto. New ed. 16th impr. – London : Collins, 1968. 189 p. –
(Fontana books)
GB: BL(H.68/172)
IRL:TCD(Fontana 1726)
US: LC(PZ4.B764Br8 ; PQ2603.O754)
Ref.: OCLC 39420
ditto. − Louisville, Ky.: American Print. House for the Blind,
1969. 2 v.
US: Indiana Sch for the Blind Libr
Montana Sch for the Deaf & Blind Libr
Ref.: OCLC 37968125
B 138
ditto. Large print ed. – Bath: Lythway Pr., 1976. 278 p.
ISBN 0-85046-650-4
GB: BL(Nov.32015 Woolwich) OUL(Bodleian)
IRL:TCD(HL- 4- 70)
ditto. – [London :] Fontana, 1978. 157 p.
ISBN 0-00-61220-1
GB: BL(H.78/138 Woolwich)
IRL:TCD(PB- 12-371)
ditto. − [London :] Viaduct, [c1982]. 64 p., illus. − (Complete bestsellers ; 2.8) − ISBN 0863260144
GB: BL(X.955/1570)
ditto. – London : Mandarin, 1995. − ISBN 0749322713
IRL:TCD(PB-138- 50)
ditto. – London : Mandarin, 1996. 170 p.
ISBN 0749322713
GB: OUL(BOD Nuneham X98.H00724)
ditto. – London : Vintage, 2002, c1952. 176 p.
ISBN 0099445026 (pbk.)
GB: BL(H.2002/5579) NLS(NPB1.203.1279)
The bridge over the River Kwai / by Pierre Boulle ; transl.
by Xan Fielding. − New York : Vanguard Pr. [1954]. 224 p.
) – Transl. of: Le pont de la rivière Kwaï
Note: Focuses on a prison camp during WWII. The main
character of the book, although a prisoner of war, becomes
totally committed to building the best bridge possible
eventhough it is for the enemy. After the bridge is complete, soldiers from his country are brought in to destroy it.
Subject(s): Burma-Siam Railroad : Fiction
US: LC(PZ4.B764 Br2 FT Mead)
Ref.: OCLC 55227958 ; 51906774
ditto. Large type ed., compl. and unabridge. – New York :
Watts, [c.1954]. 224 p. − (A Keith Jennison book
US: LC(PZ4 PQ2603.O754)
ditto. − New York : Time, c1964. XIV, 234 p. − (Time reading program special edition)
US: YU(Mudd Zeta Coll. AC5 T55B 2 (LC))
ditto. : a novel / by Pierre Boulle ; transl. by Xan Fielding. −
New York : Gramercy Books, 2000. 224 p. − (Cinema classics) − ISBN 0517207419
US: DePaul Univ.(Barat Stacks 843.91 B764pEg2000)
Ref.: OCLC 43845579
Bibliographical description
Broen over floden Kwai / pa dansk ved Mogens Boisen. –
København: Gyldendal, 1958. 208 p. – Transl. of: Le pont de
la rivière Kwaï
Subject(s): Burma-Siam Railroad : Fiction
GB: Univ. of Essex(Store A PQ 2603.O76)
Ref.: OCLC 23191778
ditto. / ed. by Georges J. Joyaux. Avant-propos by Pierre
Boulle. Illus. by Gil Walker. – New York : Scriber, 1963.
XX, 208 p.
US: LC(PQ2603.O754.P6 1963)
Die Brücke am Kwai: Roman / übers. von Gottfried Beutel.
– Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1956. 156 S. – (rororo-Taschenbuch ;
195) – Transl. of: Le pont de la rivière Kwaï
Subject(s): Burma-Siam Railroad.
D: B-SBB(4º Per 659-195 U.d.L.)
ditto. / Pierre Boulle. – [Paris: Grasset et Fasquelle,] 1973.
313 p. – (Collection Étoiles)
F: BNF(8° Z 43522(2))
ditto. − Paris: Presses Pocket, 1979, c1958. 217 p.
ISBN 2266001566
Ref.: OCLC 6010565
ditto. – Gütersloh: Bertelsmann-Lesering, 1958. 194 S.
D: B-SBB(16 A 13586 U.d.L.)
ditto. – Hamburg: Blüchert, 1958. 194 S. 213
ditto. – Wien: Buchgemeinschaft Donauland, 1960. 241 S.
Ref.: DB
ditto. − Paris: Julliard, 2000, (c)1958. 217 p. − (Pocket ;
1405) − ISBN 226610442X
US: Phoenix Pub Libr,AZ Seton Hall Univ, NJ
Ref.: OCLC 51009675
Die brug oor die rivier Kwai / Pierre Boulle. (Uit de Frans
vertaal deur André P. Brink.) – Kaapstad: TafelbergUitgewers, 1962. 239 p., plates. – Transl. of: Le pont de la
rivière Kwaï
Subject(s): Burma-Siam Railroad : Fiction
GB: BL(X 989/34429)*
El puente sobre el río Kwai / traducción de Fausto de Tezanos Pinto. 4. ed. – Buenos Aires: Emecé, 1962. 180 p. –
(Coleción Piragua ; 51) – Transl. of: Le pont de la rivière
Subject(s): Burma-Siam Railroad : Fiction
De brug over de river Kwai : het drama van de Birmaspoorweg / Pierre Boulle [; vert. uit het Frans door J. F. Kliphuis]. 1e Ned. uitg. – Amsterdam: Scheltens en Giltay,
1958. 184 p., [8] p. pl., illus.– (Gouden ketting reeks) – Vert.
van: Le pont de la riviere Kwai
Subject(s): Burma-Siam Railroad : World War <1939-1945>
- Fiction
NL: KB(2131722 Depotexp.)
The source of the River Kwai / transl. from the French by
Xan Fielding. – London : Secker and Warburg, 1967. 214 p.
– Transl. of: Aux sources de la rivière Kwaï
Subject(s): Burma-Siam Railroad : Fiction stern
GB: BL(X 639/1806)
CUL(9538.d.699) OUL
IRL:TCD(V9-67 343)
US: CU(Kroch D767.45 .B76 1967)
ditto. 7e dr.− ibd., [ca.1960]. 184 p., [8] p. pl., foto's uit de
NL: KB(BJ 02298 ; 1505 bed)
Boulton, Laura <1899-1980>
Burmese musical instruments / by Laura Boulton ; an exhibition at Louise E. Thorne Memorial Art Gallery, Keene State
College, Keene, New Hampshire, August 14 - September 24,
1976. − [Keene, NH: The Gallery, 1976.] [16] p., illus.
[p.14-15:] Works by Laura Bolton: Books [and] albums
Subject(s): Louise E. Thorne Art Gallery
Burma : Musical instruments - Exhibitions
US: HU(Loeb Music Seeger Room Mus 340.881)
ditto. 8e dr.− ibd., [n.d.]. 184 p., illus.
NL: KITLV(M tt 918 N)
ditto. − ibd., [1980]. 184 p., [8] p. pl., illus.
ISBN 90-204-0212-9 (geb)
NL: KB(FD 1980/1077 Depotexep.
En las fuentes del rio Kwai. – Barcelona: Plaza and Janes,
1968. 223 p. – Transl. of: Aux sources de la rivière Kwai by
José M. Zaingui
My own River Kwai / transl. from the French by Xan Fielding. – New York : Vanguard Pr., 1967. 214 p. – Transl. of:
Aux sources de la rivière Kwaï
US: CU(Kroch D767.45 .B76 1967a)
Bourgeois, Willy
De slag om Birma / Willy Bourgeois; [; illus. Dino Attanasio]. – Verviers: Gerard, c1961. 156 p., illus. – (Maraboe
pockets ; G22) – On cover: De slag om Birma : de glorieuze
overwinning op de Jappaners in Birma. – Transl. of: Wingate : raider en Birmanie
NL: KITLV(M ss 27 N)
Le pont de la rivière Kwaï : roman / Pierre Boulle. – Paris:
Julliard, 1952. 236 p.
Subject(s): Burma-Siam Railroad : Fiction
US: HU LC(PQ2603.O753P6) NYPL
ditto. / Pierre Boulle. − ibd., c1958. 217 p.
ISBN 2266023055 (pbk.)
B 139
Wingate : raider en Birmanie / Willy Bourgeois ; illus. de
Dino Attanasio. – Verviers: Gérard, c1957. 157 p., illus. –
(Marabout junior ; 113)
Subject(s): Wingate, Orde Charles <1903-1944>
Burma : World War <1939-1945> - Campaigns
D: HD-SAI(reg 60 D 711)
US: CU(Kroch D767.6 .B77)
UC(NRLF D767.6 .B65 $B 174 547)
YU(Mudd WA 28760)
Ref.: OCLC 11725163
Burma Bibliographical Project
Siegfried M. Schwertner
Bourges, Charles Doris de
Doris de Bourges, Charles
US: CU(Kroch ++Z665.2.B9 B78 1993)
Bourke, Joanna
The Second World War : a people's history / Joanna
Bourke.− New York : Oxford University Pr., 2001. VIII, 270
p., illus., maps , indes, incl. bibliogra. ref.
ISBN 0192802240
Contains: 5. War in China, Burma, and India - 6. War in
South-East Asia and the Pacific
Note: "The Second World War surpassed all previous wars
in the sheer cost of many millions of lives, the majority of
them civilian. It left a world reeling from physical destruction on a scale never experience before or since, and from
the psychological traumas of loss, of imprisonment and
genocide, and permanent exile from home.". "In this short
book, Joanna Bourke turns an unblinking eye on the events
and outcomes in the vast number of places where the war
was fought: throughout Western and Central Europe, on
the Eastern Front in the Soviet Union, in the Pacific, in Africa, in Asia. She shows where the strategic decisions
came from and how they were implemented. In addition to
the facts of this global conflict, she details the human, individual cost. Through diary entries and recorded oral history, we experience how ordinary people felt when they
witnessed or heard of events, from the declaration of war
on the radio to the mass murders carried out by Nazi soldiers in Russian villages." "Our understanding of the past
conflict and our own age of violence and human atrocity
into which the Second World War thrust us will be greatly
enhanced by the scope and detail of this book." − Book
Subject(s): Burma : World War <1939-1945>.
US: LC & NNC(Butler) : D743 .B62 2001
Bourne, Jeremy
Soldier, I wish you well : the military poems of A E Housman and the letters from Burma of G H Housman
Housman, Alfred Edward
Bousquet, Sandra
Within the pale - beyond the pale : a metaphor and significant motif structure in colonial literature, analysed in Daniel
Defoe's "Robinson Crusoe", Joseph Conrad's "Heart of darkness", George Orwell's "Burmese days", E. M. Forster's "A
passage to India", Rudyard Kipling's "Beyond the pale" and
William Trevor's "The news from Ireland" / verfaßt von
Sandra Bousquet. – 2000. 142 Bl. – Wien, Univ., Dipl.-Arb.,
Subject(s): Orwell, George : Burmese days
A: ÖNB(ZNEU MAG 1612465-C)
Bouwcentrum International Education (BIE) <Rotterdam>
A method of providing a better environment for low-income
Aung Myint
Bovay Engineers, Inc.
Okkyin Teak Mill Project, Rangoon, Burma
Bowden, Russell
Myanmar and current library and information services development : some observations / by Russell Bowden. –
[London?:] Library Association on behalf of the International Federation on Library Association, [1993]. 18 p.
Subject(s): Burma : Library science ; Information services ;
Bowen, Arthur Riley
A study of the refining of a Burmah crude oil : with special
regard to the colour reversion characteristics of the lubricating oil distillates. – London : Speaight, [1933]. 12 p. – Repr.
from: Journal of the Institution of Petroleum Technologists
GB: BL(07109 aa 38)
Bowen, C. G.
West African way : the story of the Burma Campaigns,
1943-1945 / by C G Bowen. – [s.l., s.n., 194-?] 84 p, illus.
Subject(s): Burma : World War <1939-1945> - Campaigns Arakan
Arakan : World War <1939-1945> - Campaigns
GB: SOAS(E Coll 3 D /3)
Bowen, John
Undercover in the jungle / John Bowen. – London : Kimber,
1978. 206 p., [4] l. of plates, illus., maps, ports., index.
ISBN 0-7183-0226-5
Subject(s): Bowen, John
Burma : World War <1939-1945> - Underground movements , World War <1939-1945> - Personal narratives,
British , World War <1939-1945> - Campaigns - Special
Operations Executive, British ; Guerrillas
GB: BL(X 800/27425) BL-DSS(78/32678)
CUL(9538.c.460) OUL(BOD G Floor 222833 d.97)
SOAS(E Coll 3 H /5)
IRL:TCD(HL- 28- 22 ; HL- 22-171)
US: CU(Kroch D802.B8 B78) NYPL
UC(NRLF B 3 512 354 ; SRLF AA0007898240)
Bowen, Robert Sidney <b. 1900>
Red Randell in Burma / by R. Sidney Bowen. – New York :
Grosset & Dunlap, 1945. 210 p., front. − [(Red Randall series ; 7)]
Subject(s): Burma : World War <1939-1945> - Aerial operations - Juvenile fiction.
US: FTS(Spec.Coll. Boys REDR 7 ; Microform S263, reel
SF297) LC(PZ7.B674 Red FT MEADE))
Boven, Theo van
Civil and political rights : including the questions of torture
and detention ; torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading
treatment or punishment / report of the Special Rapporteur,
Theo van Boven. Addendum. Summary of information, including individual cases, transmitted to Governments and
replies received. − Geneva: UN, Economic and Social Council, 23 Mar. 2004. 420 p. − Commission on Human Rights ;
Sixtieth session - Item 11 (a) of the provisional agenda. - UN
Document Symbol: E/ CN.4/2004/56/Add.1 - The present
document is being circulated in the languages of submission
only as itgreatly exceeds the page limitations currently imposed by the relevant General Assembly resolutions. p. 213-219: Myanmar
Note: Summary of information, including individual cases,
transmitted to Governments and replies received.
Subject(s): Burma : Prisoner treatment
US: UNDHL(E/CN.4/2004/7/Add.1)
Bower, Ursula Graham <b. 1914>
Drums behind the hill. – New York : Morrow, 1950. VI, 270
p., illus., maps. – Autobiographical. – London ed. has title:
Naga path
B 140
Bibliographical description
Subject(s): Naga
US: LC(DS432.N3B6)
Naga path / Ursula Graham Bower. 1st ed. – London :
Murray, 1950. X, 260 p., plates, maps, index, gloss. – Autobiographical. – American ed. has title: Drums behind the hill
Note: Experiences amongst the Nagas-hill tribes on the frontiers of Assam and Burma.
Subject(s): Naga
Burma : Ethnology ; Social life and customs
GB: BL(010056 b 56)* BL-DSS(W52/3426)
SOAS(JMB301.2/64966 ; E Coll 3 E /7)
US: LC(DS432.N3B6 1950a) IEN LU MiU MoU
ditto. Repr. – ibd., 1950. X, 260 p., plates, maps, index,
China : Commerce
D: GÖ-SUB(8° itin I, 3136/a)*
J: TYB(XII-25-E-16)
US: CSt NYPL(Research BEI p.v.12,no.4)
Ref.: OCLC 25059206
Report on the practicability of re-opening the trade route, between Burma and Western China
Bhamo expedition … / by A. Bowers
Bowers, Faubion <b. 1917>
Theatre in the East : a survey of Asian dance and drama /
Faubion Bowers. – London [etc.]: Nelson, 1956. X, 374 p.,
p. 108-129: Burma
D: BT-UB(00/EG 6510 B786)
US: LC(GV1680.B6) YU
ditto. – New York : Grove Pr. ; London : Evergreen Books,
1960. X, 374 p., plates, ports., index, bibliogr. p. 361-363. –
(Evergreen encyclopedia ; 8, no. E247)
GB: BL(7925 h 1)*
ditto. Repr. – ibd., 1951. X, 260 p., plates, maps, index,
D: HD-SAI(256 eth 62/2601)*
F: BMH(DS 432 .N3 B78)
ditto. – London : Readers Union : John Murray, 1952. VII,
238 p., [8] p. of plates, gloss., map, index.
D: HD-SAI(229 ldk 65/735)*
ditto. – ibd., 1969. X, 374 p., illus.
US: CLU LC(GV1689.B6 1969) InU KU
ditto. Repr. ed. – New York : Arno Pr., 1980. X, 374 p., illus.
D: MTUB(2500/CW 10 c 53)
Bowers, Alexander
Bericht über die Möglichkeit einer Wiedereröffnung der
Handelsstraße zwischen Birma und West-China
Bhamo-Expedition / by A. Bowers
Bhamo expedition : report on the practicability of re-opening
the trade route, between Burma and Western China / by A.
Bowers. With an appendix. – Rangoon : American Mission
Pr., 1869. 165 p., [2] folded leaves of plates tables, fold.
maps. – Herbert 35
Subject(s): Burma : Trade routes ; Commerce - China ; Description and travel.
China : Commerce
GB: BL(10056 g 17) BL-APAC(Tr 881)*
IN: IP(164 B 27)
US: LC(DS485.B81B7)
HU(Widener Harv.Depos. XP 9412)
NIU(SpeCol-4thFL-FML HF3770.7 .B6841869A)
UC(NRLF DS485.B81 B7 $B 52 119)
YU(Mudd Eefb 868 ; SML, AOS)
Ref.: OCLC 26365883
ditto. Microform. − Cambridge: Chadwyck-Healey Ltd.,
1995. 4 microfiches. − (The nineteenth century : books on
China ; 7.1.54)
Ref.: OCLC 51370513
Bhamo-Expedition : Bericht über die Möglichkeit einer
Wiedereröffnung der Handelsstrasse zwischen Birma und
West-China / erstattet vom Captain A. Bowers ... Ins Deutsche übersetzt von [Johann F.] Merzdorf. – Berlin: Heymann, 1871. IV, 180 p.
Subject(s): Burma : Trade routes ; Commerce - China ; Description and travel.
ditto. – New York : Books for Libraries, 1980. X, 375 p.,
[16] l. of plates, illus., index. bibliogr. p. 361-363. – Repr. of
the 1956 ed. publ. by the Grove Pr., New York
ISBN 0-8369-9278-4
US: LC(GV1689.B6 1980)
Bowers, Richard Thomas <b. 1930>
A study of physical fitness of Burmese youth ages fifteen,
sixteen, and seventeen / by Richard T. Bowers. – 1961. VIII,
137 l., bibliogr. l. 130-134. – Nashville, Tenn., George Peabody College for Teachers, Ph.D. thesis 1966. – DissAb
22.9, 1962, 3085-86. - Shulman 272. - UMI RBB61-05800
Subject(s): Burma : Physical fitness ; Youth - Health and
D: HD-SAI(325 päd 88/1329)*
US: UC(SRLF A 0008216285) NIU(Microforms
Microfilm AC801 .B78691991)
Bowker, Estella Knowles.
Stepping onward : the life of Adoniram Judson. – [n.p., s.n,
s.d.] 2 p. – In verse
Subject(s): Judson, Adoniram, 1788-1850.
Burma : Mission : Missionaries
Ref.:OCLC 23155100
Bowlby, H. S.
Random reminiscences : B. O. C. [Burmah Oil Company],
1919-1940 [/ by H. S. Bowlby]. – [196-?]. 45 p., [4] p. of
Subject(s): Burmah Oil Company : Correspondence, reminiscences, etc.
Burma : Description and travel.
GB: SOAS(L.GB945.092/643.331)*
B 141
Burma Bibliographical Project
Siegfried M. Schwertner
Bowman, David S. J. <b. 1922>
Welcome to the Bay of Bengal : a true war story / by David
S J Bowman. − Belleville, Ont.: Epic Pr., 2002. 64 p., illus.
ISBN 1553063996 :
Subject(s): Bowman, David S. J. <b. 1922>
Burma : World War <1939-1945> - Aerial operations, Canadian ; World War <1939-1945> - Personal narratives,
CAN: CNL(D8911 940.54/8171 21)
Ref.: OCLC 51839767
Bowman, Vicky
Burmese phrasebook. 3rd ed.
Bown, Arthur Mervyn
Fishery settlement report, 1929 [/ by A. M. Bown]. – Rangoon : Govt. Print. and Staty., Burma (for F. C.), 1929. 119
GB: BL(I.S.Bu.16/2)*
Fishery settlement report for the year 1929-30 / by A. M.
Bown. – ibd., 1931. XV, 286 p., index.
GB: BL(I.S.Bu.160/2)*
Photographs of some Burmese fishing implements : supplement to the Note on revision of fishing implement schedules,
1929 / by A. M. Bown. – [Rangoon :] Govt. Print. and
Staty., 1931. 36 p., illus.
SG: NUS(SH307 Bur.B)
Report on the communal tenure system of the Katha District
Richards, Cecil John
Bowrey, Thomas <ca. 1650-1713>
A geographical account of countries round the Bay of Bengal, 1669-1679 / by Thomas Bowrey ; ed. by Sir Richard
Carnac Temple. – Cambridge: Printed for the Hakluyt Society, 1905. LVI, 387 p., map, index, bibliogr. p. [327]-332. –
(Works issued by The Hakluyt Society ; 2nd series ; 12)
D: HD-SAI(inf S 52,12)
GB: BL(Ac 6172/87)*
NL: KITLV(M rr 996)
US: LC(G161.H2 no.12)
YU(E10 H15) UCB(Main G161.H2 ser.2.v.12)
UCD(Shields G161.H2 ser.2 no.12)
Francisco Vieira de Figueiredo : a Portuguese merchant –
adventurer in South East Asia, 1624-1667 / C. R. Boxer. – sGravenhage: Nijhoff, 1967. IV, 117 p., plates, gloss., index,
bibliogr. p. 110-113. – (Verhandelingen van het Koninklijk
Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde ; 52)
GB: BL(Ac 7519/32)*
Francisco Vieira de Figueiredo e os portuguêses em Macassar e Timor na epoca de restauração, 1640-1668 / pelo C. R.
Boxer. – Macau, China: Escola Tipográfica do Orfanato Salesiano, 1940. 18 p.
GB: BL(X 700/16322)*
Boxwallah [pseud.]
The Leopard’s leap : a story of Burma / by Boxwallah, author of An Eastern backwater. – London : A. Melrose, 1919.
316 p.
GB: BL(NN 5502)
US: UC(NRLF 961.B7883.leo $B 299 676)
Ref.: OCLC 30148694
The boy who asked questions
Jones, B.
Boyd, Andrew
Baroness Cox : a voice for the voiceless / Andrew Boyd. −
[Oxford: Lion, 1998]. 448 p., [8] p. of plates, illus., maps,
ports., index. − Covers particularly Baroness Cox's work in
providing relief and highlighting oppression in Poland, Nagorno Karabakh, Burma and Sudan. – ISBN 0745937349
Subject(s): Cox, Caroline <b. 1937>
Burma : Human rightsat Britain, Biography
GB: CUL(9006.c.2795)
OUL(BOD L Floor M99.E07664 ; CMS 323.092 Boy)
ditto. − Oxford: Lion, 1999. 435 p., [8] p. of plates, illus.,
maps, ports. − ISBN 0745937357
GB: OUL(BOD L Floor M99.G01764)
Boyd, Andrew Kirk Henry <b. 1920>
Guide to 14 Asiatic languages / by Andrew Boyd. – London
: Pilot Pr., 1947. X, 262 p.
Burmese p. 88-143
Subject(s): Burmese languages : Glossaries, vocabularies,
etc. ; English language : Dictionaries - Burmese
GB: BL(12912 ee 36)* OUL(BOD H Floor Or. e.66)
US: CU(Annex P361 B78) LC(P361.B6)
ditto. Repr. – Nendeln: Kraus, 1967. LVI, 387 p., map, index, bibliogr. p. [327]-332. – (Works issued by The Hakluyt
Society ; 2nd series ; 12)
D: HD-SAI(231 geo 67/728)*
US: LC(G161.H23 2d ser., no 12)
Bowyer, Chaz
The flying elephants : a history of No. 27 Squadron Royal
Flying Corps, Royal Air Force, 1915-69 / forew. by Sir Andrew McKee. – London : Macdonald, 1972. 286 p., illus.,
index, bibliogr. p. 277-278. − ISBN 0-356-03816-5
p. 155-203: Malaya, Burma
GB: BL(X 809/14251)
US: LC(UG635.G7B66)
Boxel, Frances van
Van Boxel, Frances
Boxer, Charles Ralph
ditto. Repr. – New Delhi : Asian Educational Services, 1999.
x, 262 p. − ISBN 8120613171
Note: Guide to fourteen Asiatic languages
US: LC(P361 .B6 1999)
IU(Main Stacks 413.21 B692g1999)
Boyd, John <b. 1918>
Tenko! Rangoon Jail : the amazing story of Sgt. John Boyd’s
survival as a POW in a notorious Japanese prison camp / by
John Boyd with Gary Garth. Limited ed. – Paducah, KY:
Turner Publ. Co., c1996. 168 p., illus.
Subject(s): Boyd, John <b. 1918>
Burma : World War <1939-1945> - Prisoners and prisons,
Japanese ; Prisoners of war
US: CU(Kroch x) & WU(Hist. Soc. Lib.) : D805.B9 B69
B 142
Bibliographical description
Boyden, Jo
Myanmar children in especially difficult circumstances : a
report / by Jocelyn Boyden. – [1992.] 48 l.
Subject(s): Burma : Homeless children ; Street children ;
Abused children ; Child welfare
US: CU(Kroch +HV887.B9 B78 1992)
TH: CU(Arts D805.B9 B792R)
US: HU(Widener Harv.Depos.)
ditto. Repr. – ibd., 1991. XVI, 198 p., illus., port., maps, index.
US: CU(Kroch D811.B75 A32z 1991)
Boyer, Orlando
Biografias de grandes cristianos / Orlando Boyer ; [traduccion al castellano: Shily Kjellgreen]. – Miami, Florida: Editorial Vida, 2001. 156 p. – Transl. of: Herois da fe
ditto. 2nd impr. – ibd., 1992. XVI, 198 p., illus., port., maps,
index. − ISBN 1-86373-008-7 ; 0-04-442151-6
D: HD-SAI(322 mil 99/809)*
GB: BL(YA.1995.a.13575)
Boyes, Jon
A life apart : viewed from the hills / Jon Boyes and S. Piraban. – Chiang Mai: Jareuk ; [distr. by] Suriwongs Book Centre, 1989. 222 p., illus., bibliogr. p. 222.
ISBN 9742765685
Note: Based on interviews with hilltribe people from six
tribes in northern Thailand - the Yao, Akha, Lahu, Hmong,
Lisu, and the Karen."
Subject(s): Thailand : Ethnology ; Social life and customs
SG: NUS(GN635 Tha.B)
US: CU(Kroch GN635.T4 B79)
LC & OAU(Alden SEA) : GN635.T4 B69 1989
YU(SML GN635 T4 B69X 1989 (LC)
Boyle, Patrick Reginald
Jungle, jungle, little Chindit / by Patrick Boyle and Jon
Musgrave-Wood ; illus. by the authors ; with a forew. by W.
D. A. Lentaigne. 1st publ. – London : Hollis and Carter,
[1944]. VII, 97 p., illus., gloss., maps.
Subject(s): Burma : World War <1939-1945> - Campaigns ;
World War <1939-1945> - Humor, caricatures, etc.
D: B-SBB(Potsdamer Str.) HD-SAI(322 mil 83/515)*
GB: BL(12332 dd 10)* BL-DSS(W35/2975
CUL(9538.b.23) OUL(BOD L Floor 27001 d.142)
SOAS(GB959.10452 /849991 , EB94.27/605981 ;
E Coll 3 G /5)
NL: KITLV(M 3n 1223 N+)
US: CU(Kroch D745.2 .B79+) LC(D745.2.B63)
ditto. Repr. and enl. – Bangkok: Silkworm Books, 1992. 236
p., [8] p. pl., illus., map. − ISBN 974-276-568-5
NL: KITLV(M tt 2191 N)
Ref.: OCLC 28774935 ; 29122876
Hmong voices
Opium fields / by Jon Boyes and S. Piuraban. 1st publ. –
Bangkok: Silkworm Book, 1991. VIII, 134 p., illus., [6] p. of
plates, maps, bibliogr. p. 134. − ISBN 974-7047-00-4 (pbk.)
Subject(s): Burma : Opium poppy ; Opium trade
Golden Triangle : History
GB: SOAS(GA364.177/689.522)
SG: ISEAS(HV5816 B78) NUS(DS530.4 Boy)
US: HU(Widener Harv.Depos.) & NIU(SEA) & OAU(Alden
SE Asia #) & UCB(Main)& WU(Memorial Lib.9 :
HV5816 .B694 1991
Ref.: OCLC 27395055
Boyington, Gregory
Tonya / by Gregory "Pappy" Boyington. 1st ed. – Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1960. 315 p.
Subject(s): Burma :World War <1939-1945> ; World War
<1939-1945> - Campaigns - Fiction
GB: SOAS(GB959.10452/808372 ; E Coll 3 V /92)
US: CU(Kroch PS3552.O98 T6) LC(PZ4.B7926 To)
Boyle, James <b. 1918>
Railroad to Burma / James Boyle. – Sydney: Allen & Unwin, 1990. XVI, 198 p., illus., ports., maps, index.
ISBN 0044421516
Subject(s): Boyle. James <b. 1918>
Burma : World War 2 <1939-1945> - Prisoners of war
Burma-Siam Railroad : Construction
AU:NLA(NL 940.547252 B792)
SG: CL(940.547252 BOY)
ISEAS(D805 T4B79)
Boyles, James R. <b. 1886>
A program of adult education for Twante, Burma / James
Richard Boyles. – 1938. 88, 6 l.. – Denver, Col., Univ., M.A.
thesis 1938
US: NNUT(Burke Union stacks NT6.5 B792)
Ref.: OCLC 53470604
A boy's life in Burma. – London : S.P.G., 19 – ?. 28 p. –
(Missionary stories ; 12) − This story is abridged from a serial story by the Rev. Dr. Marks, published in the King's
Messengers, 1905-6
Subject(s): Burma : Social life and conditions ; Missions
GB: Aberdeen(Spec.Lib. & Archives, King's College ; Nicoll
266.009591 Mar b)
Bozman, Cuthbert Alfred <b. 1899>
Note on public health organisation in Burma
Bozzani, Daniela
Birmania (Myanmar) / Daniela Bozzani ; Federico Klausner.
– Milano: UTET Libreria, 1997. 342 p., illus. – (ClupGuide)
ISBN 88-7005-985-5
Subject(s): Burma : Guidebooks ; Description and travel
I: Biblioteca nazionale Vittorio Emanuele III - Napoli –
NA CRVG(915.91 BOZ)
Brac de La Perrière, Bénédicte
Eternal Rangoon : contemporary portrait of a timeless city /
photogr. by Thomas Renaut ; text by Bénédicte Brac de La
Perrière. − Paris : Les Editions d'Indochine, 1990s. 94 p.,
illus. − (City heritage)
ISBN: 2911589033
Subject(s): Burma : Guidebooks - Rangoon ; Description and
Rangoon : Description and travel ; Guidebooks.
Ref.: OCLC 51367436
B 143
Étude d’une communauté urbaine de basse Birmanie / Bénédicte Brac de la Perrière. – 1984. 410, 20 p. – Paris, École
Burma Bibliographical Project
Siegfried M. Schwertner
Song of war / Russell Braddon. − London : M G Scott,
Subject(s): Burma : World War <1939-1945> – Fiction ;
World War <1939-1945> - Campaigns
GB: SOAS(E Coll 3 V /17)
des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, doct. de 3e cycle en
DDOA 14.1/2, 1991, 25419 ; 16, 1993, no.1848
Subject(s): Burma : Ethnology
F: Cujas Sorbonne
Études birmanes : en hommage à Denise Bernot
Rangoon éternelle : portrait d'une ville au passé toujours présent / texte et légendes de Bénédicte Brac de La Perrière ;
photogr. de Thomas Renaut. – Paris: Les Éd. d'Indochine[ASA éd., 1998]. 93 p., illus. en coul., couv. illus. en coul. –
(Villes éternelles, ISSN 1292-1599)
ISBN 2-911589-02-5
Subject(s): Rangoon : History - Pictorial works ; Description
and travel ; Social life and customs - Pictorial works
F: BNF Aix-Marseille1-Inst.Médit.tech.(915.9 RAN)
US: HU(Widener)
Ref.: OCLC 52138259
Les rituels de possession en Birmanie : du culte d’état aux
cérémonies privées / Bénédicte Brac de la Perrière. – Paris:
Éd. Recherche sur les Civilisations, 1989. 227 p., [16] p. de
pl., illus., index, bibliogr. p. [219]-221.
ISBN 2-86538-201-6 (invalid) – Herbert 488
Subject(s): Burma : Religious life and customs ; Rites and
ceremonies ; Buddhism - Customs and practices ; Nats
AU:ANU(Menzies BL2030.B8B73 1989)
CH: BS UB(HU 3136)
D: B-SBB(1 A 138 835 Potsdamer Str.)
M-BSB(91.33993) PA-UB(55/RR 51962 B796)
HD-SAI(320 kul 93/617)* TU-UB(31 A 360)
F: BN Impr.(8-02h-1853) BN C Pret(DL8- 94576)
BNF(Tolbiac Dept. de l’Homme 306.6 BRAC r)
BIULO(GEN.III.33447) BMH(DS 520.5 .R4)
BNUS BSG(8-D SUP-29080)
GB: BL-APAC(ORW.1991.a.1397) CUL(632:17.c.95.5)
OUL(IND Main Libr Burma 11 d 19 401056302)
SAS((591):294.3)* SOAS(GB294.3444/608.981)*
NL: KITLV(M ss 168 N)
SG: ISEAS(BL2030 B9B79)
US: CU(Kroch x) & HU(Widener: Harv.Depos.) & LC &
YU(SML X) : BL2030 B8 B73 1989
Brackney, William H.
A Guide to manuscript collections in the American Baptist
Historical Society
American Baptist Historical Society
Braddon, Russell <1921-1995>
The naked island / Russell Braddon. − Paris: Flammarion,
[1955]. 1 v.
Subject(s): Braddon, Russell <1921-1995>
Burma-Siam Railroad.
Burma : World War <1939-1945> - Prisoners and prisons,
Japanese ; World War <1939-1945> - Personal narratives,
Australia Prisoners of war - Biography.
Changi < Singapore > : Concentration camp
AU:NLA(940.547252 BRA)
ditto. / presented by E. E. (Weary) Dunlop. [New ed.] −
Ringwood, Vic.: Penguin Books, 1993. 266 p. − (Australian
war classics) − Previous ed.: Hawthorn, Vic. : Lloyd O'Neil,
1975. − ISBN 0140149759 (pbk.)
AU:NLA(N & NL : 940.547252092 B798)
Bradford, C. S.
In life’s byways / by C. S. Bradford. – London : Alston Rivers, 1905. 245 p.
GB: BL(012631 d 21)*
Bradford, E. J., Rev.
Lecture T 1 to accompany Burmese curios / by Rev. E. J.
Bradford. – [s.l.: s.n., n.d.] 1 v. (unpaged). – : Reproduced
from type-written copy
Other Name: Muang Po Chaw.
Other Title: The biography of Muang Po Chaw.
The first Burmese candidate for the ministry.
Note: "It is suggested that whenever these Curios are exhibited, a Missionary Collecting Box should be placed near
by, so that friends may have an opportunity of shewing
their practical appreciation."
Subject(s): Pastoral theology - Anecdotes
Burma : Miscellanea
US: NIU(SEA BV2087.B7 T1X)
Lecture U1 to accompany Burmese curios / by Rev. E. J.
Bradford. – [s.l.: s.n., n.d.] 1 v. (unpaged). – Reproduced
from type-written copy.
Other Title: U. Paw. Din. A Burmese fisher of men from dacoit to catechist.
A Burmese fisher of men from dacoit to catechist.
Notes: "It is suggested that whenever these curios are exhibited, a Missionary Collecting Box should be placed near
by, so that friends may have an opportunity of shewing
their practical appreciation."
Subject(s): Pastoral theology - Anecdotes
Burma : Miscellanea
US: NIU(SEA BV2087.B7 U1X)
Bradford, H. M.
Women's missionary work in Ceylon, India and Burma : report of secretarial visit, 1920-1921 / by H. M. Bradford and
M. V. Hunter. – London : Women's Auxiliary, [1921]. 32 p.
− Cover title: "Report of the visit of Miss Bradford & Miss
Hunter to the stations of the Women's Auxiliary in India,
Ceylon & Burma. − From cover: "Private and confidential"
Subject(s): Wesleyan Methodist Missionary Society.
Woman's Auxiliary
Burma : Women Missionaries ; Missions
GB: Birmingham(Stack p 266.00954, Reference)
Bradford, Jeffrey P.
Learning from past defence logistics experience : is what is
past prologue? : a Whitehall paper
Moore, David M.
Bradford Junior College < Bradford, Mass. >
Memorials of Rufus Anderson, D.D. ; Mrs. Harriet
Newell and Mrs. Ann H. Judson
Bradley, David <b. 1947>
Akha and Southern Loloish / David Bradley. – [between
1975 and 1983.] 44 p., bibliogr. ref. – Caption title.
AU:NLA(Luce pam 2)
B 144
Bibliographical description
Burmese phrasebook. 1st ed.
p.23-65: Akha and Southern Loloish
D: HD-SAI(nsp 50.23 F 80/853)*
GB: SOAS(L.GP410/373823)
A dictionary of the northern dialect of Lisu (China and
Southeast Asia) / David Bradley. – Canberra, A.C.T.: Dept.
of Linguistics, Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, the Australian National Univ., 1994. XII, 257 p., bibliogr. p. XII. – (Pacific linguistic : Series C, ISSN 0078-7558 ;
126) − ISBN 0-85883-423-5 (pbk.)
Subject(s): Lisu langue : Dictionnaires
AU:ANU(Menzies PL4001.L64B73 1994)
NLA(N 405 LIN)
US: CU(Kroch PL4001.L6 B717w 1994)
HU(Widener WID-LC PL4001.L64 B73 1994x)
YU(SML LC Class. PL4001 L64 B72 1994)
Proto-Loloish / David Bradley. – London ; Malmö: Curzon
Pr., 1978. XI, 452 p., bibliogr. p. 407-452. – (Monograph series / Scandinavian Institute of Asian Studies, ISSN 00691712 ; 39) – Based on the author's thesis (Ph.D), Univ. of
London. − ISBN 0-7007-0128-1 (pbk.)
Subject(s): Proto-Loloish language
Lolo language : Grammar
AU:ANU(Menzies PL3311.L7.B7)
NLA(s39-40 915 SCA)
D: HD-SAI(nsp 42.31 F 81/427)
F: BIULO(COL.9270(39) EFEO(COLL 137(39)
GB: BL(X 0700/317(39))* BL-DSS(8087.479 v.39)
BL-APAC(V 22563) SOAS(GPE Lolo 415/429.304)
US: LC(PL3916.B7)
Hill tribes : phrasebook : Lahu, Lisu, Karen & other hill
tribes / David Bradley. 2nd ed. − Hawthom, Vic, Australia ;
Oakland, Calif.: Lonely Planet Publ., 1999. 172 p., illus.,
maps. – On cover: Hill tribes of South-East Asia
ISBN 0864426356
Subject(s): Loloish languages : Conversation and phrasebooks - English
Karen language : Conversation and phrasebooks - English
Lahu language : Conversation and phrasebooks - English
Burma : Minorities - Languages - Conversation and phrase
books - English
Thailand, Northern : Tribes - Languages - Conversation
and phrasebooks - English
AU:NLA(N 495 B811-2)
US: HU(Widener Depository HNLMZT)
Lahu dialects / David Bradley. 1st publ. – Canberra: Faculty
of Asian Studies in association with Australian National
Univ. Pr., 1979. IX, 291 p., [6] l. of plates, illus., maps, bibliogr. p. 213-251. – (Oriental monograph series ; 23) – A revision of author’s thesis, London, 1975
ISBN 0-7081-1077-0
Subject(s): Lahu language : Dialects
AU:ANU(Menzies PL3311.L35.B7)
NLA(N+ 495.9 B811)
D: HD-SAI(nsp 42.6 B 79/3818)*
GB: CUL(839:34.c.95.17) BL-DSS(6291.1768 v. 23)
BL-APAC(V 21983) SOAS(GPE Lahu 410/615.889)
US: CU(Kroch PL3311.L35 B81)
LC(PL3311.L35B7 1979)
HU(Widener WID-LC L3311.L35 B7 1979)
NIU(SEA PL3311.L35 B71979)
YU(LSF-Request PL3311 L35 B7 1979)
ditto. – ibd., 1979, c1878. XI, 452 p., bibliogr. p. 407 to 452.
– (Monograph series / Scandinavian Institute of Asian Studies, ISSN 0069-1712 ; 39) − ISBN 0-7007-0128-1
US: HU(Widener WID-LC PL3916 .B7)
NIU(SEA PL3916 .B735)
YU(SML LC class. PL3916 B73 1979)
Studies in Burmese languages
Thai hill tribes : phrase book ; Lahu, Lisu, Karen & other hill
tribes / David Bradley ; Paul Lewis ; Nerida Jarkey & Chris
Court. 1st ed. – Hawthom, Vict. ; Berkeley, Calif.: Lonely
Planet Publ., 1991. 181 p., illus., maps, indexes. – (Lonely
Planet language survival kit) − ISBN 0-86442-131-1
Subject(s): Loloish languages : Conversation and phrase
books - English
Burma : Minorities - Languages- Conversation and phrase
books - English.
AU:NLA(NL 495 B811)
US: LC(PL3919.B7 1991)
Bradley, James <b. 1911>
Cyril Wild: the tall man who never slept … / James Bradley.
– Fontwell: Woodfield, 1991. VIII, 168 p., [8] p. of plates,
illus., maps, ports. − ISBN 1873203209 (pbk.).
Subject(s): Wild, Cyril Hew Dalrymple <1908-1946>
Burma : World War <1939-1945> - Personal narratives,
British ; World War <1939-1945> - Prisoners and prisons,
Japanese ; Prisoners of war - Biography
US: HU(Widener Harv.Depos.)
Lahu dialects and Proto-Loloish. – 1975. 541 l. – London,
Univ. of London, School of Oriental and African Studies,
Ph.D. (arts, linguistics) thesis 1975.
Coppell p. 50. - Shulman 705. – BLLD D14336/ 76
Subject(s): Lahu language : Dialects ; Proto-Lolo
Linguistics of the Sino-Tibetan area
Papers in South-East Asian linguistics. – Canberra: Dept. of
Linguistics, Research School of Pacific Studies, Australian
National Univ. – (Pacific linguistics : series A ; ...)
5. / by David Bradley. – 1977. IV, 98 p., tab., notes, app., bibliogr. p. 96-98. – (Pacific ... ; 49)
ISBN 0-85883-158-9
p. 1-22: Proto-Loloish
B 145
Towards the setting sun : an escape from the ThailandBurma railway, 1943 / James Bradley. – London ; Chichester: Phillimore, 1982. XVIII, 139 p., 14 illus., map.
ISBN 0-85033-467-5 – Herbert 401
Subject(s): Bradley, James <b. 1911>
Burma : World War <1939-1945> - Prisoners and prisons,
Japanese ; World war <1939-1945> - Personal narratives,
British ; Prisoners of war - Biography, British
AU:NLA(N & NL 940.5472520924 B811)
GB: BL(X 809/55730) BL-APAC(T 45455)
OUL(BOD Nuneham M89.F00256 000025307)
US: CU(Kroch) LC(D805.B9.B73 1982)
Ref.: OCLC 10951067
Burma Bibliographical Project
Siegfried M. Schwertner
ditto. – Wellington, N.S.W.: Fuller, 1984. XIII, 145 p., [8] p.
of plates, maps. − ISBN 0-9590187-0-0
GB: SOAS(GB949.092/619280 ; E Coll 3 M /8)
US: WU(Memorial Lib. D805 B9 B73 1984)
Ref.: OCLC 12725436
SG: ISEAS(DS530.2 B79)
US: CU(Kroch DS793 Y9B81) LC(DS793.Y8B7)
HU(Widener Harv.Depos. KE 25742)
MiEM MiU MnU(TC Wilson Library Ames) &
NIU(SEA) & NNC(Butler) & UCSD(SSH) &
WU(Memorial Lib.) : DS793.Y8 B7
NNUT(Burke Union Stacks MU11 B81)
NYPL(Research Humanities-Genrl. Res. BKM)
YU(Mudd Eeb Y92 930B ; Divinity NT8.3 B728o)
ditto. – Bath: Chivers, 1987. XX, 209 p. – (A New Portway
large print book) − ISBN 0-7451-7095-1
GB: BL(YC.1988.a.34) CUL(1987.8.2822)
IRL:TCD(HL- 98-691)
US: LC(D805.J3)
UCB(S-S/EAsia D805.B9 B731 1987)
Bradley, John
A narrative of travel and sport in Burmah, Siam and the Malay Peninsula / by John Bradley. – London : Tinsley, 1876.
VI, 338 p. – Herbert 36
F: BNF(O2 548)
GB: BL(7907 e 6)* SOAS(G909/18326)
J: TYB(XII-25-I-1)
US: CU(Kroch Asia Rare DS524 .B81) EIN
Bradley, John H.
The Second World War . Asia and the Pacific / John H.
Bradley ; Jack W. Dice, contributing author ; Thomas E.
Griess, series editor. – Wayne, N.J.: Avery, 1984. – (The
West Point military history series)
Contents: Toward a new order in the Far East - From Versailles to Pearl Harbor: development of the American
Armed Forces - "East wind, rain": Japan strikes - Centrifugal offensive: Japan victorious - Waltzing Matilda: the
early Carrier War - Legacy of Midway: the Jungle War Atolls, volcanoes, and carriers: Nimitz strikes - "I shall return" - China-Burma-India: the war for East Asia - Allied
victory: toward a newer order in the Far East.
Subject(s): Burma :World War <1939-1945> - Campaigns
ditto. − [Garden City Park, NY:] Square One Publishers,
2002, 1984. XVI, 328 p., illus., maps, , index, bibliogr. p.
315-318. – (The West Point military history series) – Department of History, United States Military Academy, West
Point, New York. – ISBN 0757001629
US: Santa Clara City Libr, CA
Ref.: OCLC 55083862
Bradley, Neville
The old Burma Road : a journey on foot and muleback ;
from the diary, notes and reminiscences of Doctor Neville
Bradley, for many years a medical missionary in China ;
with a forew. by Lady Erskine Crum. 1st publ. – London ;
Toronto: Heinemann, 1945. VII, 138 p., front, 6 plates.
Subject(s): Burma Road
China : Physicians - Biography ; Physicians - Correspondence, reminiscences, etc.
Yunnan Province : Description and travel
AU:NLA(Luce 131 ; 915.92 BRA)
D: B-SBB(54 620 Potsdamer Str. NfLS)
HD-SAI(322 rei 67/1253)*
GB: BL(010055 b 51) BL-DSS(W10/1993)
CUL(632:1.c.90.2) BL-APAC(T 2575)
OUL(BOD Camera UB 20659 e.118
SOAS(CC910.4/46990 ; GB959.10452 /808389 ;
E Coll 3 F /7)
ditto. – London : The Travel Book Club, 1946. VII, 138 p.,
front., plates.
GB: BL-DSS(X26/0907)
J: TYB(10968)
US: NcU NIU(SEA) & OAU(Alden SE Asia) &
UCB(Main) : DS793.Y8 B7 1946
Bradshaw, Eric J.
Organisation and functions of the Burma Geological Department / by E. J. Bradshaw. – Rangoon : Govt. Print. and
Staty., 1948. 29 p.
Subject(s): Burma : Geological Department
US: LC(QE295.2 .B87 1948)
Brady, John <b. 1910>
Eastern Encounters : memoirs of the Decade, 1937-46 / John
Brady. – Braunton: Merlin, 1992. 170 p., [4] p. of plates,
illus. − ISBN 0-86303-579-5 (pbk.).
Subject(s): Brady, John <b. 1910>
Burma : World War <1939-1945> - Personal narratives,
British ; World War <1939-1945> - Campaign
D: S-WLB(B 80618)
US: HU(Widener Harv.Depos. D811.B694 1992)
Bräker, Hans
Birma 1969 : die gegenwärtige politische Lage und eini-ge
ihrer Hintergrundprobleme / Hans Bräker. – Köln, 1970. 29
S. – (Berichte des Bundesinstituts für Ostwissenschaftliche
und Internationale Studien ; 5/1970 [1970, 5]))
Subject(s): Burma : Politics and government ; History 1939D: B-SBB(4° Ser. 7848-1970,5)
GÖ-SUB(NR ZB 1109:1970,5)*
US: CU(Kroch Pamphlet DS Burma 22+)
HU(Widener Harv.Depos. Soc 827.47 v.1970, 5)
LC(HX15.G468 1970, Nr.5)
YU(MUDD, Stacks Nx10 +G233 1970:5)
B 146
Südostasien : Ceylon, Birma, Thailand, Kambodscha (Angkor), Indonesien (Bali und Java) / Hans Bräker ; [Photos,
Hans und Ilse Bräker ; Karten und Pläne, Werner Stucki]. –
Olten ; Freiburg, Br.: Walter, 1974. 642 S., Illus., Kt., Index,
Bibliogr. S. 612 - 625. – (Walter Reiseführer)
ISBN 3-530-09920-1
S. 168-285: Birma, goldenes Land zwischen Indien und China
Subject(s): Burma : Guidebooks
CH: SLB(N 131884)
D: B-SBB(320528:OLS Potsdamer Str.)
FR-UB(FZ 153/3) KN-UB(inf 814:n/a10)
HD-SAI(300 kul 76/20)*
GB: BL-DSS(F2/1729)
NL: KITLV(M 3b 362 N I)
US: CU(Kroch DS504 .B81) LC(DS504.B7)
Bibliographical description
ditto. 2. Aufl. – ibd., 1978. 642 S.
D: OLStB PA-UB(55/RR 50950 B812(2)
WUUB(55/RR 50012 B812(2)
Braimer Jones, Charles
Jones, Charles Braimer
Braga, Maurizio
Clemente, missionario in Birmania / Maurizio Braga e Piero
Gheddo ; pref. del card. Carlo Maria Martini ; introd. del
sindaco di Agrate Brianza (MI) Franco Mattavelli ; sceneggiatura e disegni di Filippo e Renzo Maggi. – Milano: Centro Ambrosiano, 1998. 64 p., disegni. – ISBN 88-8025-160-0
Subject(s): Vismara, Clemente <1897-1988>
I: BCMP(MISS/03/0269 ; 0272)
Bragg, Melvyn, 1939A son of war / Melvyn Bragg. − London : Sceptre, 2001.
426 p. − ISBN 0340734159
Note: "The upheavals of the Second World War reverberated
in the peace that followed, and many found a return to the
old life more difficult than they had anticipated. Like Sam
Richardson, who was determined to break free of the constraints of his background and leave Cumbria for the
promised land of Australia. Yet now, a few months on, he
has settled for a job in Wigton's paper factory, and believes he has put both his aspirations and his memories of
fighting in Burma behind him. His wife, Ellen, begins to
know better, realising how close to the brink their marriage had come. Between them their young son Joe strives
to fulfil their conflicting expectations for him, as he meets
the hurdles of childhood and adolescence and confronts his
own demons." "A Son of War portrays a family forever altered by an experience subsequent generations can
scarcely imagine, yet whose individual hopes, compromises and quiet triumphs form the fabric of everyday, universal life." - book jacket.
Subject(s): Burma : Teenage boys - Fiction.
US: MnU(TC Wilson Library PR6052.R263 S66x 2001)
Brahma, Keshav Vaman <b. 1878>
The law of co-operative societies in India and Burma, based
on the Co-operative societies act, 1912 / by Dewan Bahadur
K. V. Brahma ; with a forew. by Lallubhai Samaldas. – Amraoti: The autor, 1932. XVI, 239, XXXI p. – (The Indian cooperative series / The All-India Co-operative Institutes Association ; 2)
Subject(s): Burma : Cooperation - India ; Cooperative societies - Law and legislation
India : Cooperation – Burma
GB: BL(20019 eee 28)
BL-APAC(T 12168)
US: HU(Law School: Harv.Depos. IN 338.7B F32)
LC(HD3539.B7) NYPL UCLA(YRL HD3539 B731)
Ref.: OCLC 12336497
Brambilla, Gerardo <1866-1943>
Toungoo e Kengtung : memorie / P. Gerardo Brambilla. –
Milano: Pontificio Istituto Missioni Estere, 1942. 638 p., tav.
Subject(s): Burma : Mission
I: BCMP(MISS/03/0118 ; 0337)
Brambilla, Tito
Un giovane apostolo : il P. Antonio Farronato del P.I.M.E. :
[opuscolo] / T. Brambilla. – Milano: Pontificio Istituto Missioni Estere, 1933. 63 p., illus. – (Bibliotechina missionaria :
. serie biografica ; 29 bis)
Subject(s): Farronato, Antonio <1898-1931>
Burma – Mission - Biography
I: BCMP(MISS/03/0171 op)
Brand, Willem
Besoins et ressources de dix pays d’Asie en personnel scientifique et technique / par W. Brand. – Paris: Unesco, 1961.
35 p. – (Statistical reports and studies. Rapports et études
statistiques ; ST/S/6)
F: BNF(4° Gw 59(6))
Requirements and resources of scientific and technical personnel in ten Asian countries / W. Brand. – Paris: Unesco,
1960. 29 p., tables, app., bibliogr. p. 26. – (Statistical reports
and studies)
p. 14-15: Burma
F: BNF(4° Gw 59)
D: HD-SAI(100 päd 62/45)*
US: LC(AS4.U8A15 ST/S/6A)
Brander, William Browne
Conspectus of operations for an increase of wolfram output
in the Tavoy District during the year 1917 [/ by W. B.
Brander]. – [Rangoon : Govt. Print., Burma] (for R. Secy.),
1918. 38 p., maps.
GB: BL(I.S.Bu.47/10)* BL-APAC(IOR/V/27/610/27)
Brandi, John
At the world’s edge : thirty-one short ones from India,
Burma, & Nepal / John Brandi. – Tesuque, N.M.: Painted
Stork Publ., 1983. [32] p. – An edition of 55 copies for
friends & friends of friends’
US: UCSC(Spec Coll PS3552.R328A83 1983)
Brandis, Dietrich < Sir, 1824-1907 >
The Burma teak forests. – [New York, 1896.] 32 p. – Repr.
from: Garden and forest ; 9
US: HU(Botany Gray/Arnold MH 253 B73)
ditto. 2nd ed. – Mylapore: Madras Law Journal Pr., 1940.
XXXII, 272 p.
GB: BL(05319.k.63) BL-APAC(V 1512)
US: LC(Law)
Brailey, Nigel J.
The Thailand-Burma Death' Railway in Thai history / Nigel
J. Brailey. – Bangkok: Chulalongkorn Univ., 1999.
12 l. – International Conference on Europe-Southeast Asia in
the contemporary world : mutual influences and reflections :
1940s-1960s < 25-27 August 1999, Bangkok >
TH: CU(TIC 56231)
B 147
Demarcation of state forests in British Burma : memorandum / by D. Brandis. – [Calcutta,] (for R., A and C), 1874. 5
p. – (Government of India, Department of Revenue, Agriculture and Commerce, Forests ; 1874)
GB: BL-APAC(IOR/in: V/27/560/71)*
List of specimens of some of the woods of British Burmah :
sent to England for the International Exhibition of 1862. –
Rangoon : Mission Pr., 1862. 17 p. – "Notice" signed: D.
Subject(s): Burma : Wood ; Timber - Burma
GB: BL(7956 g 1)
Burma Bibliographical Project
Siegfried M. Schwertner
ditto. – Rangoon : City Pr., 1875. 17 p.
US: LC(SD516.B8B7)
[Guide to theatre in Asia]
Brandon’s guide to theatre in Asia / James R. Brandon. –
Honolulu: Univ. Pr. of Hawaii, 1976. 178 p., illus., incl. bibliogr. − ISBN 0-8248-0369-8 – Herbert 769
Burma p. 9-14
D: B-SBB(363419 Potsdamer Str.)
US: LC(PN2860.G8 1976)
Progress report of forest administration in British
Report on the teak forests of Pegu, with a memorandum on
the teak in the Tharawaddy forests, 1856 / by Brandis. –
London : H. M. S. O., 1860. 54 p.
GB: BL(7074 m 32)* BL-APAC(IOR/V/27/560/77)
Theatre in Southeast Asia / James R. Brandon. – Cambridge,
Chicago : Harvard Univ. Pr., 1967. XIII, 370 p., illus., maps,
bibliogr. p. 335-338. – Herbert 769
D: B-SBB(22 A 4220 H.1) HD-SAI(300 kul 69/477)*
BA-UB(00/AP65640 B819)
R-UB(00/AP64964 B819)
GB: BL(X 900/2940)
US: CU(Kroch & Uris: PN2860.B81) LC(PN2860.B7)
Report on the teak forests of Pegu for 1856 [/ D. Brandis]. –
Calcutta : Baptist Mission Pr., 1860. IV, 82 p., tables. – (Selections from the records of the Government of India [: Foreign Department] ; 28)
Subject(s): Burma : Teak - Pegu
Pegu : Teak
GB: BL-APAC(V 9141)
Ref.: OCLC 7151518
ditto. : 1857-58 to 1859-60 with app. – ibd., 1861. VIII, 171
p., tables, plans. – (Selections from the records of the Government of India : Foreign Department ; 31)
GB: BL(I.S.358(28))*
Ref.: OCLC 13574188
Reports on the teak forests in Pegu and the Tenasserim and
Martaban provinces, 1860-61 ... / by D. Brandis to which is
added correspondence regarding the opening of the Pegu
forests to private enterprise. – Rangoon : Public Works Department Pr., 1862. IV, 45, 24, LXII p. – (Selections from
the records of the Government of India : Public Works Department ; 35)
GB: BL(I.S.358)* BL-APAC
US: IaAS(SD397.T2 B7r)
Revised plan of working the forests of British Burma. –
Rangoon : Govt. of India, 1868. 28 p.
Ref.: Negi: Sir D. Brandis p. 156
Suggestion regarding forest administration in British Burma
/ by D. Brandis. – [Rangoon : Govt. Print., Burma] (for R.,
A. of C.), 1876. 26 p.
Subject(s): Burma : Forests and forestry
GB: BL-APAC(W 5001(e))*
ditto. – [Simla:] Govt. Print., 1876. 26 p. − Pub. for the Dept.
of Revenue, Agriculture and Commerce, India
Subject(s): Burma : Forests and forestry ; Forest management ; Forest reserves - Management
GB: BL-APAC(IOR/V/27/560/72)
US: HU(Botany Gray/Arnold Tbe B73F S Libr.has 2 pt.)
ditto. / by D. Brandis (inspector general of forests to the
government of India). − [Calcutta?]: Home, Revenue and
Agricultural Dept. Pr., 1881. 168 p., illus., maps. – Dated
Calcutta, the 20th January 1881. –
Ref.: OCLC 45762101
What area should be demarcated as state forest in Burma
Baden-Powell, Baden Henry
The forest system of British Burma
Brandon, James R.
The Cambridge guide to Asian theatre
ditto. 2nd print. – ibd., 1974. XIII, 370 p., plates, illus.,
maps. – (Harvard paperbacks ; HP 68)
ISBN 0-674-87587-7
D: PA-UB(55/RR 50974 B819)
GB: BL(X 900/16153)
Brandon, John J.
Burma / Myanmar towards the twenty-first century :
dynamic of continuity and change
Brandow, Chr. J.
The precedents of princess Thoodamma Tsari
Branfill, Brydges Robinson
Notes on the Aneroid barometer, for the use of travellers and
others in determining the relative heights of places in Southern India : with tables and a list of trigonometrical heights in
and about the Province of Mysore / by Major B. R. Branfill.
– Rangoon : Govt. Print., Burma (for P. W. S.), 1902. 13 p.
GB: BL(I.S.Bu.34/5)* BL-APAC(W 6880)
Brang Seng
Obstacles to development and the future of Burma / a speech
by M. Brang Seng. – Ottawa, 1991. [15] l.
Contents: Plus attachments:
1. A message to Burma's expatriates
2. Statement by the second annual meeting of the Central
Committee of Democratic Alliance of Burma (DAB)
3. Press release (1), February, 25, 1991
4. Press Statement by the Central Executive Committee, Foreign Affiars Committee, Democratic Alliance of
5. Position paper, Foreign Affairs Committee, Democratic
Alliance of Burma.
Subject(s): Burma : Politics and government <1948->
US: CU(Kroch +DS530.4 .B82 1991)
UCB(Main DS530.4 .B73 1991)
Branson, Clive <1907-1944>
British soldier in India : the letters of Clive Branson. − London : The Communist Party, 1944. 118 p., [4] p. of plates,
Subject(s): Burma : World War <1939-1945> - Campaigns ;
World War <1939-1945> - Personal narratives, British.
GB: BL(10922.ee.3) BL-DSL(W33/3785)
BL-APAC(T 2555)
SOAS(JA808.86 /655435 ; 379221 ; E Coll 3 S /4)
B 148
Bibliographical description
Brant, Charles Sanford <b. 1919>
Tadagale : a Burmese village in 1950 / by Charles S. Brant.
– Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell Univ., Southeast Asia Program,
Dept. of Far Eastern Studies, 1954. VI, 41 p. – (Data paper /
Department of Far Eastern Studies, Southeast Asia Program,
Cornell Univ. ; 13) – HRAF(AP 1-14) - Herbert 517
Subject(s): Burma : Villages - Case studies ; Social conditions - Case studies
Tadagale : Social conditions
D: B-SBB(4º 27182 H.2) HD-SAI(reg 60 R 3 Kp)
GB: COL(HN 690.B9) SOAS(L.Ref.GB306/370760)*
SG: ISEAS(HN670.7 Z9T12B82 ; Mfm 912)
NUS(DS530.4 Bra)
US: CU(Kroch & Annex: HN690.B8 B82+ ; Annex Film
N487 ; Olin Microfiche 887)
HU(Widener Ind 8300.125 no.13)
LC & NIU(SEA) & OAU(Alden SE Asia) &
UCB(Anthropol) : HN690.B8 B7
NYPL(Research M-10 1061, no.13)
UCLA(YRL DS503 .C81 no.13)
UCSC(McHenry DS503.4.C67D3 no.13)
YU(SML DS501 C6 13+)
Braund, H. B. L.
Riot Inquiry Committee : Final report
Braund, Harold Ernest Wilton
Calling to mind : being some account of the first hundred
years (1870 to 1970) of Steel Brothers and Company Limited / comp. by H. E. W. Braund from material received from
many sources. 1st ed. – Oxford ; New York : Pergamon Pr.,
1975. 151 p., [20] l of plates, illus., index, bibliogr. p. 138142. − ISBN 0-08-017415-9 – Herbert 220
Note: Established in Rangoon, the company had extensive
interests in rice, oil and forestry
Subject(s): Steel Brothers and Company
Burma : World War <1939-1945> - Campaigns ; Commerce - History
AU:ANU(Chifley HD9505.G74.S743)
D: B-SBB(4° 489 794 Potsdamer Str.)
GB: SOAS(E Coll 3 I/14)
US: CU(Kroch HF497 B7+) LC(HF497.B7 1975)
Distinctly I remember : a personal story of Burma / Harold
Braund ; with a forew. by Sir Bernard Fergusson. – Mount
Eliza, Vic.: Wren, 1972. 296 p., maps, illus., ports., index,
gloss. − ISBN 0-85885-006-0 – Herbert 303
Subject(s): Braund, Harold Ernest Wilton
Burma : World War <1939-1945> - Campaigns ; World
War <1939-1945> - Personal narratives, British ; Description and travel
AU:ANU(Menzies DS527.6.B72 1972)
NLA(N+ 915.9104 B825 ; HER 1478)
D: B-SBB(366 857 Potsdamer Str.)
HD-SAI(322 mil 73/582)*
F: BNF(8° O2 l.1559)
GB: BL(X 809/16391) BL-APAC(T 27136)
SOAS(GB949.10452/309.659* ; 808.376 ; E Coll 3
SG: ISEAS(DS530.2 B82) NUS(DS530.63 Bra)
US: CU(Kroch DS485.B82 B81)
HU(Widener Harv.Depos. HB 393.132.450) NIU(SEA
DS485.B82 B72) LC(DS485.B82B72)
Braun, Heinz
Burmese manuscripts
Catalogue of Cambodian and Burmese Pāli manuscripts
Dhammanīti and Mahārahanīti : zwei Texte aus der Spruchliteratur aus Birma / von Heinz Braun. – 1975. 235 S., Bibliogr. S. 9-16. – Göttingen, Univ., Phil. Fak., Diss. 1975. –
Enthält den birmesischen Text
DAI 38.2, 1977/79, C 2, 1488c. - Shulman 633. – U75.7647
Subject(s): Dhammanīti ;: Mahārahanīti
Burmese languag: Proverbs
Burma : Proverbs
AU:ANU(Chifley PN6519.B8.B6)
D: FR-UB(DS 75/1769) HH-SUB(75 U 6043)
GÖ-SUB(Diss.75 A 2057) HD-SAI(ind 56 A 82/375)*
F: Marne La Vallee-CTLES
GB: OUL(BOD Osney 1974 Gött. 2 (Box 3009))
SOAS(GPC 807/330.214)*
US: CU(Kroch Film 8216)
Tales of Burma
Three years with the Chin levies / H E W Braund. − Simla:
Directorate of Public Relations [1946?].
Subject(s): Burma : World War <1939-1945>
GB: SOAS(E Coll 3 H /6)
Pāli nīti texts of Burma
Braun, Ilse
Braun, Rolf
Braun, Rolf <b. 1942>
Opiumgewichte = Opium weights = Poids d’Asie / Rolf und
Ilse Braun. – LandAU:Pfälzische Verlagsanstalt, 1983. 239
S., Illus., Kt., Bibliogr. S. 117-118. – Text in English,
French, and German. – Herbert 753
Subject(s): Burma : Weights and measures ; Opium ; Art ;
AU:ANU(Chifley large book NB1012.B72 1983)
D: HD-SAI(300 kul 84/2245 GF)
OUL(IND Burma 1 d 17) SOAS(FNA.L/492370)
US: OAU(Alden SE Asia) & WU( Memorial Lib. Oversize) :
QC89.B9 B73 1983x
UC(SRLF D0004494811 ; D0003687597)
Brauns, Claus-Dieter
Mru : Bergbewohner im Grenzgebiet von Bangladesh /
Claus-Dieter Brauns ; Lorenz G. Löffler. – Basel ; Boston ;
Stuttgart: Birkhäuser, 1986. 248 S., Illus., Bibliogr. S. 245246. − ISBN 3-7643-1781-7
D: HD-SAI(232 eth 87/12)* TU-UB(27 B 251)
B 149
Mru : hill people on the border of Bangladesh / Claus-Dieter
Brauns ; Lorenz G. Löffler ; transl. from German by Doris
Wagner-Glenn. – Basel ; Boston ; Berlin: Birkhäuser, 1990.
248 p., coll. illus., map, bibliogr. p. 245 to 247. – Rev. transl.
of: Mru : Bergbewohner im Grenzgebiet von Bangladesh
ISBN 0-8176-1816-3 ; 3-7643-1816-3
D: HD-SAI(292 eth 87/12 A)* S-WLB(40a/146)
SG: NUS(GN635 Ban.B)
Burma Bibliographical Project
Siegfried M. Schwertner
Bible, O.T. : Isaiah < K a r e n : Pwo >
Bray, John
Burma : the politics of constructive engagement / John Bray.
– London : Royal Institute of International Affairs, 1995. 69
p., map, bibliogr. p. 68-69. – (RIIA discussion papers, 09514171 ; 58)
Subject(s): Burma : Politics and government <1988-> ; History <1948-> ; Economic policy
AU:ANU(Menzies pamphlet DS528.7.B72 1995)
D: HH-SUB(Y/10208:58) KI-ZBW(W 333(58))
GB: BL-DSS(3597.629 v.RIIA-DP - 58)
CUL(L214.b.316.58) LSE(BLPES DS530.4 B82)
OUL(BOD L Fl. M96.E06632 , QEH C5/BUR BR)
SG: ISEAS(JX1395 R88D no. 58) NUS(DS530.64 Bra)
US: CU(Kroch DS530.4 .B73w 1995)
HU(Widener WID-LC) & LC & NIU(SEA) &
UCSD(IR/PS) & WU(Memorial lib.) & YU(SML) :
DS530.4 B73 1995
The New Testament in Pwo Karen ...
Bible, N.T. < K a r e n : Pwo >
Pwo Karen reference Testament
Bible, N.T. < K a r e n : Pwo >
A primer of the Pgho, or Sho, Karen language. 2nd ed., rev.
– Maulmain: American Mission Pr., 1845. Illus.
Pwo Karen spelling book
Questions on Matthew : with explanatory notes and practical
remarks in Pwo Karen
Bible, N.T. : Matthew < K a r e n : Pwo : Brayton >
Reading lessons : or, instructor in Pwo Karen ; no. 2. 2nd ed.
/ by D. L. Brayton. – Rangoon, 1875.
GB: BL-APAC(Karen B.71)
Brayne, William Frederic
Notes on the effect of plague driving etc., in the Pegu Division on human mortality during the plague seasons 1909-10
and 1910-11 / by W. F. Brayne. – Rangoon : Govt. Print.,
Burma (for Sany. Commr.), 1911. II, 52 p., tables, charts.
GB: BL(I.S.Bu.13/4)* BL-APAC(IOR/V/27/856/19)
Reading lessons in Pwo Karen / by D. L. Brayton. – Rangoon, 1875.
GB: BL-APAC(Karen B.60)
Report on Prome plague drive / by W. F. Brayne. – Rangoon
: Govt. Print., Burma (for Secy.), 1910. 34 p., tab., map.
GB: BL(I.S.Bu.13/3)* BL-APAC(IOR/V/27/856/18)
ditto. 2nd ed. – Rangoon, 1875.
GB: BL-APAC(Karen B.60)
ditto. – Rangoon, 1876.
GB: BL-APAC(Karen B.71)
Brayton, D. L.
A brief view of the elements of Christianity in Pwo Karen /
by D. L. Brayton. 1st ed. – Tavoy: Karen Mission Pr., 1852.
32 p.
GB: BL(11103 a 15(3))*
US: YU(Kv B76)
A catechetical history of the Saviour according to the four
evangelists in Pwo Karen. 1st ed. / by D. L. Brayton. – Rangoon, 1865.
US: YU(Kv B76c)
ditto. – ibd., 1875.
GB: BL-APAC(Karen B.70)
A catechism in the Selong language : with a few hymns. 1st
ed. – Maulmain, 1846.
An elementary geography in Pwo-Karen / by D. L. Brayton.
– Rangoon, 1875. – Added title and text in Sgau-Karen
GB: BL-APAC(Karen B.69)
The Gospel of Matthew in Pwo Karen
Bible, N.T. : Matthew < K a r e n : Pwo : Brayton >
The Gospels of Matthew and Mark, in Pwo Karen
Bible, N.T. : Matthew < K a r e n : Pwo >
The Holy Bible in Pwo-Karen
Bible < K a r e n : Pwo >
Introduction to arithmetic
Goodell, S. T.
An arithmetic on the basis of ...
Isaiah in Pwo Karen
A scripture catechism : in Pwo Karen ; no. 3 / by D. L. Brayton. 4th ed. Publ. by the Burma Bible and Tract Society. –
Rangoon : American Mission Pr., 1877. 132 p.
GB: BL(11103 a 13)* BL-APAC(Karen B.63)
Brayton, M. H.
The child’s catechism : no. 2 / by M. H. Brayton ... – Tavoy:
Karen Mission Pr., 1852. 80 p. – Added title and text in
GB: BL(11103 a 15(4))*
Brayton Clarke Case. − New York : Agricultural Missions,
Inc., 1944. 2 p. – Extract from Agricultutral Missions Oct.,
1944, No. 52, p.1-2.
Subject(s): Case, Brayton Clarke <1887-1944>
Burma : Missions, Rural
Ref.: OCLC 53398804
Bread and Roses Cultural Project < New York >
International women of hope : study guide
Reese, Lyn
Breaking through the clouds : a Participatory Action Research (PAR) project with migrating children and youth
along the borders of China, Myanmar and Thailand / Save
the Children (UK). − [London :] Save the Children (UK),
2001. viii, 106 p. − (Participatory Action Research (PAR)
project of Save the Children (UK))
Subject(s): Burma : Refugee children ; Immigrants
GB: OUL(RSC Main Libr E/DC-86.22 SCF)
SOAS(GA362.87 /910332)
TH: CU(Pub Health HB2160 B828 2001)
Ref.: OCLC 51084022
B 150
Bibliographical description
Breakspear, Oliver T.
Twentieth century impressions of Burma : its history, people, commerce, industries, and resources
Brendon, George
The charm of Mambas / George Brendon. – London ; Melbourne ; Toronto: Heinemann, 1959. 279 p. – Herbert 670
GB: BL(NNN 14092)*
Burma Railways Corporation
The fighting Mambas / George Brendon. – London : Four
Square Books, 1961. 223 p. – (Four Square Books ; 283) –
1st ed. with title: The charm of Mambas. – Herbert 670
Subject(s): World War 2
GB: BL(012212 a 1/283)*
Breakthrough in Burma
Ba Maw
Brecher, Michael
The new states of Asia : a political analysis / by Michael
Brecher. – London ; New York ; Toronto: Oxford Univ. Pr.,
1963. XIV, 226 p., index.
D: B-SBB(107861 H.2) HD-SAI(100 pol 64/998)*
GB: BL(8030 dd 46)
US: LC(JQ96.B7 1963)
Brent, Charles Henry <1862-1929>
Report of the Committee appointed by the Philippine Commission to Investigate the Use of Opium and the Traffic
therein and the rules, ordinances and laws regulating such
use and traffic in Japan ...
United States / Philippine Commission <1900 to 1916> /
Opium Investigation Committee
ditto. [Reissue.] – ibd., 1964. XIV, 226 p.
GB: BL(X 709/3771)
Use of opium and traffic therein
Brecknock, Marjorie Minna Jenkins Pratt < Countess of >
Edwina Mountbatten : her life in pictures / comp. and ed. by
the Countess of Brecknock ; forew. by Sir Arthur Bryant. –
London : Macdonald, 1961. 112 p., chiefly illus.
Subject(s): Mountbatten of Burma, Edwina Ashley Mountbatten, Countess <1901-1960> - Pictorial works
D: B-SBB(1 B 47500 Potsdamer Str.)
GB: BL(10866 n 7) OUL(BOD G Floor 22893 d.88)
US: LC(DA585.M6.B73) UC(SRLF)
Breijer, J. F.
Verslag eener zending naar Opper-Burma / van J. F. Breijer.
– [Batavia, 1887.] VII, IV, 219 p., tables, app., maps.
Subject(s): Burma : History, Military
F: BNF(O2 l.216)
GB: BL(10056 e 8)* BL-APAC(V 9232)
Brenton, Cyril
De batterij van Birma. − [Brussel: Warnotte, 1945.] 16 p.,
illus. − (Reeks OK ; 4)
US: UC(NRLF 961.B839.batD.1945 $B 86 096)
Brereton, Lewis Hyde <b. 1890>
The Brereton diaries : the war in the air in the Pacific, Middle East and Europe, 3 October 1941-8 May 1945 / by Lewis
H. Brereton. – New York : Morrow, 1946. 450 p., maps.
GB: BL(9102 c 6)
US: LC(D790.B67)
Guerrilla operations : behind the Burma Road
Peers, William Raymond
Bressan, Luigi
Don Domenico Tarolli : da malgaro a Venerato Padre dei
Cariani di Birmania / Luigi Bressan e Vittorino Tarolli. –
Trento, 1999. 264 p., illus. alc. a col.
Contiene: Il 150° Anniversario della fondazione della Missione di Myaungmya (1999)
Subject(s): Tarolli, Demenico <1797-1882>
Burma : Missions – Myaungmya
Myaungmya : Mission
I: BCMP(AS 07/02/0034)
RM-BNC Vittorio Emanuele II
The mission / Dean Brelis. – New York : Random House,
1958. 180 p.
Note: A novel of guerrilla warfare behind the Jap lines in
Subject(s): Burma : World War <1939-1945> - Fiction ;
World War <1939-1945> - Campaigns
US: LC(PZ4.B835Mi) YU
Bretéché, Guy
Torpeur des maisons jaunes en Birmanie : Trilogie / Guy
Bretéché. − Nantes: Petit Véhicule, 1998. 182 p.
ISBN 2-84273-104-2
Subject(s): Burma : Novel
F: BNF(Tolbiac RDJ 1999-36093)
US: YU(SML LC Class. UNCAT085644)
ditto. – New York : Pocket Books, [1959]. 145 p. – (Pocket
books ; 1246)
GB: SOAS(E Coll 3 V/18)
US: CU(Kroch PS3503 R38M6)
Bretholz, Wolfgang
Indien : Pakistan, Indien, Burma, Thailand
Keusen, Hans
Brelis, Dean <b. 1923>
Behind the Burma road
Peers, William Raymond
ditto. – London : Constable, 1959. 180 p.
GB: BL(NNN 13081)*
Mission im Dschungel : Roman [/ übertr. von G. Gross]. –
Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1962. 148 S. – (rororo Taschenbch
Ausgabe ; 498) – Übers. von: The mission
A: ÖNB(801.287-B.498)
Brett-James, Anthony <b. 1920>
Ball of fire : the Fifth Indian Division in the Second World
War / Antony Brett-James ; forew. by Earl Mountbatten of
Burma. – Aldershot: Gale and Polden, 1951. 481 p., illus.,
maps, index, app.
Subject(s): Burma : World War <1939-1945> - Campaigns
B 151
Burma Bibliographical Project
Siegfried M. Schwertner
India : Army - World War <1939-1945> - Military operations - Burma - Campaigns 5th Division
GB: BL(9102 fff 19)* SOAS(E Coll 3 K /19)
US: LC(D767.6.B68) NYPL(Research BZAP)
Imphal : a flower on lofty heights
Evans, Geoffrey Charles
Race to Rangoon : victory in Burma, March-May 1945 / Anthony Brett-James. – London : Purnell, 1968. p. 2593 to
2599, map, illus. – (History of the second world war / ed. by
Barrie Pitt ; 6.13)
Subject(s): Burma : World War <1939-1945> - Campaigns Burma
GB: BL(P.633/5)* SOAS(E Coll 3 E /36)
Report my signals / by Antony Brett-James. – London ;
Sydney: Locke, 1948. VIII, 352 p., illus., ports., maps, index. – Herbert 367
Subject(s): India : Army - World War <1939-1945> - Military operations – Burma - 5th Division ; World War
<1939-1945> - Military operations - Communications
GB: BL(09059 cc 32)
SOAS(GB 949/299.798* ; E Coll 3 M /9)
US: CU(Kroch D767.6 .B84) LC(D767.6.B7) YU
Brett-James, Eliot Antony
Brett-James, Anthony
Bribery and Corruption Enquiry Committee < 1940 >
Report of the Bribery and Corruption Enquiry Committee,
1940. – Rangoon : Govt. Print. and Staty., Burma (for H. P.
D.), 1941. 62 p. – Chairman: B. W. Swithinbank
Subject(s): Burma : Civil service ; Misconduct in office ; ;
Bribery ; Administrative responsibility ;
Political corruption ; Politics and government <18241948>
D: HD-SAI(reg 60 F 18 Kp)
GB: BL(I.S.Bu.176)*
BL-APAC(Bur D 1753)
OUL(BOD A Floor Bodl. Burm. d.340)
US: CU(Annex JQ452 A45) LC(JQ452.A45)
LC(JQ452.A45) NIU(SEA HV6306 .B8751941 ;
JQ452 .A45) NYPL(Research E 12-4158)
OAU(Alden SE Asia JQ452 .A45 1941x)
UCB(Documents JA452.A2 ; JQ452.A2)
Ref.: OCLC 23801645 ; 26466893 ; 4952847
ditto. – ibd., (for H. P. D.), 1940. 73 p. – Added title and text
in Burmese
GB: BL(14300 hh 17(4))* BL-APAC(MYAN.A.1774)
SOAS(GB351 /397681)
Ref.: OCLC 43238948
Bridel, Renée
Neutralité : une voie pour le tiers monde? / Renée Bridel.
Préf. de Louis Hamon. – [Lausanne:] Éd. l’A`ge de
l’Homme, 1968. 287 p. – (Collection mobiles)
p. 94-98: La Birmanie et le neutralisme
F: BNF(8° 71826(14))
GB: BL(X 200/3128)
Breunig, Helen Louise Dibble
Burmese embroidery : an historical and illustrated study of
the "Kalagā" / by Helen Louise Dibble Breunig. – 1967.
VIII, 89 l., bibliogr. l. 80-83. – Fullerton, California State
College, M.A. (fine arts) thesis 1967
Herbert 763. - UMI RBB13-01237
Subject(s): Burma : Embroidery -History
D: B-SBB(1 A 111 386 Potsdamer Str.)
HD-SAI(320 kul 88/1325)*
GB: SOAS(FNA/592.394)
US: CU(Kroch +NK9277.6.A1 B84 1967a ; Kroch Film
10022) NIU(Microforms-2nd FL-FML Microfilm
TT770 .B7381968)
Bridges, F. D.
Journal of a lady’s travels round the world / by F. D. Bridges
... With illus. from sketches by the author. – London : John
Murray, 1883. XI, 413 p., front., illus., plates, fold. maps.
GB: BL(10024 e 12)
US: HU LC(G440.B86) MB NYPL(Research KBG)
Breve discurso em que se conta a conquista do reino do Pegu
Mousinho, Manuel de Abreu
Brewer, James F.
China-airlift – the hump
Brewster, Jennifer
Bibliography of statistical sources on Southeast Asia : c.
1750-1990 / comp. by Jennifer Brewster and Anne Booth. –
Canberra: Economic History of Southeast Asia Project, Research School of Pacific Studies, Australian National Univ.,
1990. VIII, 120 p.
AU:ANU(Chifley large book & Menzies Asian ref.
HAZ3221.B74 1990)
US: CU(+Z7554.A8 B84 1990)
Bridges, James Emile <d. 1922>
Burmese grammar / by James E. Bridges. – Rangoon : British Burma Pr., 1915. XXXVII, 146, IV p.
Subject(s): Burmese language : Grammar
D: HD-SAI(reg 60 P 1 ; nsp 32.26 B 10)*
GB: BL(12907 ppp 6) BL-DSS(X8/3788)
BL-APAC(T 6945) SOAS(GPC 415/ 74442 ; 232.671 ;
307.633 ; 308.610)*
J: TYB(XII-25-G-17)
NL: KITLV(M 3i 20 N) IK(XVIbf 6)
US: CU(Kroch PL3933 .B85 1915a) InU
LC(PL3933.B68) OU UCB
YU(LSF-Request Fxa3 B76 1965)
Brewster, Paul G.
The Egyptian game Khazza Lawizza and its Burmese counterpart / von Paul G. Brewster. – [Braunschweig, 1960.] p.
[211]-213, illus. – Repr. from: Zeitschrift für Ethnologie ;
F: BMH(GN 458 zb)
B 152
ditto. Repr. – [s.l.: s.n., ca.1969.] XXXVIII, 146 p.
NL: KITLV(M 3i 20 N)
ditto. : method of using the exercises
Method of using the exercises
The Burmese manual / by J. E. Bridges. – London : Luzac ;
Rangoon : British Burma Pr., 1906. VIII, 309 p.
Subject(s): Burmese language : Grammar
Bibliographical description
D: B-SBB(Zw 20079/15)
F: BNF(8° X.13167)
GB: BL(12906 de 30; 14302 h 41)*
BL-APAC(T 3330 ; T 7010) OUL(IND Retind)
SOAS(GPC 415/42;232.666;254.520)*
US: CU(Kroch PL933.B85 B9 ; Kroch Film 11052 Reel
645 no.1) LC(PL3933.B7)
NIU(SEA PL3933 .B7)
OCl UCB YU(LSF-Request Fxa3 B76)
A brief description of the method of assessing land revenue
in Burma and of the work of the Settlement and Land Records Departments. – Rangoon : Govt. Print. and Staty.,
Burma (for C. S. L. R.), 1937. 18 p.
GB: BL(I.S.Bu.142/26)*
A brief guide to biographical sources
Baxter, James
Burmese petitions, letters and other papers
Burmese stories and other papers for beginners. – [London :
The author, 1913.] VII, 153 p.
GB: SOAS(GPC418/232.651 ; 307.739)
Method of using the exercises / by James E. Bridges. – Rangoon : British Burma Pr., 1915. II, 127 p.
D: HD-SAI(reg 60 P 1 ; nsp 32.26 B 10)*
GB: SOAS(GPC 415/1.441 ; 232.670 ; 307.634 ;
307.716 ; 308.611)
US: NNC(Offsite 899.2 B764) OU
YU(SML Yale Class. Fxa3 B76 1965)
Report on settlement operations in the Bassein and Henzada
Districts : season 1883-84
Settlement < Bassein > 1883-84
Report on settlement operations in the Bassein District ...
Settlement < Bassein >
Bridson, Douglas Geoffrey
A brief account of the religion and civil institutions of the
Burmans : and a Description of the Kingdom of Assam,
formely part of the Empire of Ava, under the King of Pegu,
transl. from the Alumgeernameh. To which is added, an Account of the petroleum wells, in the Burmah dominions, extracted from the journal from Rangoon up the river Eraiwaddy to Amarapoorah, the present capital of the Burmah
Empire. – Calcutta, [1827?]. 151 p.
p. 1-93: A brief account of the religion and civil institutions
of the Birmans : from Lt. Colonel Symes’ Embassy to
p.94-128: Description of the kingdom of Assam, taken from
the Alemgeernameh of Mohammed Cazim, and trans lated
by Henry Vansittart : extracted from Gladwin’s Asiatick
p.129-151: An account of the petroleum well’s, in Burmah
dominions : ex tracted from the Journal of a voyage from
Rangoon up the Erai-Wuddy to Amara-poorah, the present
Capital of the Burmah empire / by Hirma Cox.
Subject(s): Burma : Religion.
GB: BL(1298 d 20)
US: YU(LSF-Request for use at Divinity OM27 P539t)
Ref.: OCLC 39355387
Progress in Asia
Brief description of education reforms / Government of the
Union of Myanmar, Ministry of Education. − [Yangon,]
2000. 22 p., [15] l. of plates, col. illus.
Subject(s): Burma : Educational change ; Education and
US: LC(LA1241 .B75 2000)
Ref.: OCLC 47964870
A brief guide to sources for the study of Burma in the India
Office Records
Griffin, Andrew
Brief histories of some of the Burmese Baptist Churches in
Lower Burma ... – Rangoon : American Baptist Mission
Pr., 1904. 162 p., plate. – At head of title: Jubilee volume. –
Added title and text in Burmese
GB: BL(14300 a 8)* BL-APAC(Bur B 150)
Brief history of the American Baptist Mission in Burmah.
− [S.l.: s.n., n.d.] 36 p. − Title from caption.
Subject(s): Burma : Missions
US: NNUT(Burke MRL Pamphlet 1075)
WU(Hist. Soc. Lib. Pamphlet Collection 50- 4038)
Ref.: OCLC13199600
Brief history of the Burman Mission [/ C. Bennett ... et al.] –
Philadelphia: Baptist General Tract Society, [1832?]. 36, 4 p.
Subject(s): Karen : Missions to Karens
Burma : American Baptist Mission - History ; Missions ;
Baptists - Missions
US: LC(BV3270.B7 Office)
Ref.: OCLC 17008292 ; 26971241
Brief history of the K.G.V's own Bengal Sappers and Miners Group, R.I.E., August 1939-July 1946
Pearson, G.
Brief history of the Myanmar Army. – [Yangon:] Defence
Services Museum and Historical Research Institute, 1999.
19 p.
Subject(s): Burma : Army
US: LC(UA853.B93 B75 1999)
Brief history of the operations in Burma, 1st November
1944-3rd May, 1945. − [n.p.:] TAC Headquarters, Allied
Land Forces, South East Asia [1945?]. 27 p.
Subject(s): Burma : World War <1939-1945> - Campaigns
GB: SOAS(E Coll 3 E /47)
Ref.: OCLC 22098202
US: CSt-H(D767.6 .A435)
Brief histories of the states in the Southern Shan States,
Carey, Bertram Sousmarez
Brief information of Myanma agriculture and exportable
items of agricultural produce of Myanmar / Government
of the Union of Myanmar, Ministry of Agriculture. – [Rangoon,] 1993. 31 l., map.
Note: Farm produce during 1992-93.
Subject(s): Burma : Farm produce
SG: ISEAS(Microfiche 95/68875)
US: CU(Kroch Fiche 887 95 68875)
LC(Microfiche 95/68875 (H) So Asia)
B 153
Burma Bibliographical Project
Siegfried M. Schwertner
Brief narrative of an embassy from the Governor-General
[Earl Amherst] of India to the King of Ava, in 1826-27
Crawfurd, John
Interim report to the Government of the Union of Burma on
the teak industry, saw-milling and related operations. –
Rome: FAO, 1964. 47 p., tables.
Ref.: Bernot
A brief review of disturbances in Burma / the Director of Information, Union of Burma. – [Rangoon : Govt. Print. and
and Staty.,] (for Min. of Informn.)
– up to 30th Sept. 1948. – 1949. 4 p.
– for the quarter ending 31st Dec. 1948. – 1949. 4 p.
– for half-year ending 30th June 1949. – 1949. 9 p.
Subject(s): Karen
Karen National Defence Organization
Burma : Politics and government
D: B-SBB: 30th June 1948 (584247 Potsdamer Str. NfLS)
HD-SAI: 30th Sept. 1948 31st Dec. 1948
30th June 1949 (reg 60 E 100 SD)
GB: BL: 31st Dec.1948 30th June 1949 (I.S.Bu.215/4)*
BL-APAC: 1949 (ORW 1998 a 2401)
US: CSt-H: 30th June 1949 (DS485.B892 A34)
LC: 31st Dec. 1948 30th June 1949
Ref.: OCLC 38811973) : 30th June1949
Brief review on progress in education in the Union of
Burma during 1953-1954. – [Rangoon, 1954?] 18 l., illus.
US: CU(Kroch Pamphlet L Burma 15+)
Brief summary of the police administration report for 1928
... [/ signed R. W. Macdonald]. – [Rangoon : Govt. Print.
and Staty., Burma] (for I. G. of Police), 1924. 24 p. – Added
title and text in Burmese
GB: BL(14300 ff 17(11))*
A brief vocabulary to the Pali text of Jatakas i - xl
Gilmore, David Chandler
Briefing on Burma / United States, Congress, House. 83rd,
1957. Committee on Foreign Affairs. Subcommittee on the
Far East and the Pacific. − Washington: U.S. G.P.O., 1957.
38 p. – (Unpublished U.S. House of Representatives committee hearings ; (85)HFo-T.34) – May 16, 1957
Subject(s): Nu < U >
Burma : Politics and government -– 1948ditto. Microform. – Bethesda, Md.: CIS Documents on Demand, Congressional Information Service, 1998. 1 microfiche. – Other Titles: Special collection on China, 1789-1969
HK: Univ of Hong Kong(MPT 2613322 + R951.S7 guide)
Ref.: OCLC 51376914
A briefing on the boycott of Lonely Planet Publications / issued by the Burma Campaign UK and Tourism Concern. −
[2000]. [10] p. − Includes "Ideas sheet."
Subject(s): Lonely Planet Publications < Firm >
Burma : Tourism ; Politics and government <1988->
US: CU(Kroch G155.B93 B75 2000+)
Ref.: OCLC 53108913
Brieux, Eugène <1858-1932>
Voyage aux Indes et en Indo-chine : simples notes d'un touriste / Eugene Brieux. − Paris: Ch. Delagrave, [c. 1910]. 350
Subject(s): Burma : Description and travel
F: BNF(Tolbiac RJM Z 8-O2-1185 ; Barres - 17032)
Bibliothèque des arts décoratifs. Paris
SG: ISEAS(SCR DS525 B85 ; Microfiche Mfc A687)
Briggs, J. L.
Briggs, John Patrick
Heathen and holy lands : or, Sunny days on the Salween,
Nile, and Jordan / by Captain J. P. Briggs. – London : Smith,
Elder, 1859. IV, 387 p.
Subject(s): Briggs, John Patrick : Journeys
Burma, Lower : Description and travel
D: HD-SAI(322 ldk 81/639)*
GB: BL(10028 d 57)
Edinburgh(Main Library Spec.Coll. Bh.4.13)
IN: IL(164 A 4)
Statistical report of Province Amherst
Brigham, Joan Betsey <b. 1934>
The pattern of educational policies in Burma. – 1962. II, 121
l. – Univ. of Massachusetts, M.A. thesis 1962.
Subject(s): Burma : Education
Ref.:OCLC 32230560
Bright, William, 1928The world's writing systems
Bright are the promises : a pageant for the sesquicentennial
celebration, 1813-1963, Baptist work in Burma / written by
Erville and Genevieve Sowards ; Rosemary Gilson. − Rangoon : Baptist Board of Publ., 1963? 35, [40] p. − Accompanied by a pageant program ([4], [4] p.) in English and Burmese
Subject(s): Burma : Baptists – Missions ; Missions
US: CBGTU(Storage BV3270 .B7 1963
Brightwell, Cecilia Lucy
Romance of modern missions : a home in the land of snows,
and other sketches of missionary life / by Miss Brightwell ...
– London : The Religious Tract Society, [1870]. VIII, 262
p., incl. front., illus., plates.
p. 169-200: Some passages in the life of Mrs. Boarman
GB: BL(4765 aaa 44)*
ditto. – ibd., 1888. 190 p., illus. – (The R. T. S. library)
GB: BL(4419 aa 20/10)
Brimmell, Jack Henry
Communism in Southeast Asia / by J. B. [i.e. H.] Brimmell.
– London : Royal Institute of International Affairs ; New
York : Institute of Pacific Relations, 1958. 10 l. – (United
Kingdom paper [1958.]2)
AU:ANU(Menzies lge pamph DS518.1.B7)
NL: KITLV(M 3b 1 N)
US: HU LC(HX382.B7)
B 154
Communism in South East Asia : a political analysis / J. H.
Brimmell. Issued under the auspices of the Royal Institute of
International Affairs. – London ; New York ; Toronto: Oxford Univ. Pr., 1959. IX, 415 p., maps, index, bibliogr. p.
Bibliographical description
p. 116-121: Communist beginnings in South East Asia : (VI)
p. 155-158: The second Communist forward movement in
South East Asia : (VI) Burma
p. 185-194: The period of Communist confusion in South
East Asia : (II) Burma
p. 308-320: The Communist parties of South East Asia in the
transition to peaceful coexistence : (II) Burma
Subject(s): Burma : Communism
AU:ANU(Menzies DS518.1.B7)
D: HD-SAI(300 pol 62/862)*
GB: BL(8025 ccc 21)*
US: CU(Kroch & Uris: HX63.A8 B85) HU
LC(DS518.1.B7) NYPL YU
Brinckerhoff, Isaac W. <1821-1910>
The spirit of Christ : or, William Thomas Biddle, accepted
missionary to Burmah, in his efforts to do good at home, and
in his consecration to the work of missions abroad / by Isaac
W. Brinckerhoff. − Boston : American Tract Society, 1858.
212 p.
Subject(s): Biddle, William Thomas <1824-1851>
Burma : Missionaries - Biography ; Baptists - Biography
Ref.: OCLC 45998504
Brinckmann, Jörn
On the geology of the Bawdwin lead-zinc mine, Northern
Shan State, Burma / Jörn Brinckmann and Carsten Hinze
Rb-Sr age determination (total rock) of rocks of the Bawdwin volcanic formation, Northern Shan State, Burma / Heinz
Lenz and Peter Müller ... – Stuttgart: Schweizerbart, 1981.
64 p., illus., graphs. – (Geologisches Jahrbuch : Reihe D,
Mineralogie, Petrographie, Geochemie, Lagerstätten-kunde ;
D: OLBIS(Z geo 320 ja ZA 2371)
R-UB(00/TE 4350.D-43) SUB(3N 311-43)
Brink, F. G.
Far Eastern warfare, combat methods ... / prep. by Colonel
F.G. Brink, C.S.C. Chinese translation ... by Colonel I.W.
Dooh ... United States, Army, Forces in China, Burma, India. − [1943.] XIV, 146, [1] p. illus. (incl. plans). − At head
of title: Restricted. − Added title and text also in Chinese
Subject(s): Burma : Tactics
US: YU(MUDD Uxa14 943u)
Brink, G. N.
Stewardship of possessions / by G. N. Brink ; transl. by Ba
Te. – Rangoon, 1927. – Added title and text in Sgaw Karen
GB: BL-APAC(Karen B.38)
Brioschi, Pietro Adamo < 1860-1943>
Un apostol de dos continentes : vida del Excelentisimo Sr.
Eugenio Biffi de Las Misiones Extranjeras de Milan / Exmo.
Sr. Pedro Adan Brioschi, arzobispo de Cartagena. – Cartagena: Editora Bolivar, 1940. – 547 p., [2] tav.], illus.
Subject(s): Biffi, Eugenio <1829-1896> - Biography
Catholic Church : Missions - Burma
P.I. M.E. : Missionaries
Burma : Mission – Biography ; Missions
I: BCMP(MISS/03/0164)
no: Alfieri & Lacroix ; Istituto delle Missioni Estere, 1912.
501 p., illus., facsim., maps (1 fold.), ports. part mount.
Subject(s): Biffi, Eugenio <1829-1896> – Biography
Catholic Church : Missions - Burma
P.I. M.E. : Missionaries
Burma : Mission
I: BCMP(MISS/03/0138 ; 0219)
US: YU(Mudd Divinity MN63 B389 Xb77a)
Ref.: OCLC 26989841
Cenni biografici di Mons. Eugenio Biffi
Briscoe, D. A. Peter
The Friendly Firm remembers: stories by the members
of 194 squadron RAF in South East Asia
Bristow, Robert Charles B. < Sir >
Memories of the British Raj : a soldier in India / R.C.B.
Bristow. − London : Johnson, 1974. 208 p., 16 p. of plates,
illus., ports., incl. index. − ISBN 0-85307-132-2
Subject(s): Bristow, Robert Charles B. < Sir >
Burma : World War <1939-1945> - Campaigns ; World
War <1939-1945> - Personal narratives, British
GB: BL(X.809/19683)
BL-APAC(T 28072)
BL-DSS(75/5183) OUL(IND 30 D 123)
SOAS(JA923.5 /BRI/325406 ; E Coll 3 M /11)
Britain and South-East Asia : special issue / ed. by D. K.
Bassett and V. T. King. – [Hull:] Centre for South-East
Asian Studies, 1986. XI, 90 p., bibliogr. p. 89-90. – (Occassional paper / Univ. of Hull, Centre for South East Asian
Studies, ISSN 0269- 1779 ; 13) − ISBN 0-85958-549-2
Evolution of British scholarship on South-East Asia 18201970 / Ralph Smith
British colonial legacy in South-East Asia / D. K. Bassett
Relations between Thailand and Britain, September 1945 /
Judy Stowe
"Leaving the sinking ship" : a comment on Burma and the
end of empire / Louis Allen
British imperial strategy and decolonization in South-East
Asia 1947-1957 / A. J. Stockwell
Subject(s): Great Britain : Relations – Burma ;
Burma : Relations - Great Britain
D: HD-SAI(300 bez 89/704 Kp)
TH: CU(327.41059 B862)
US: CU(Kroch +DS518.4 B86)
LC(DS525.9.G7B75 1986)
Britain-Burma bulletin. 1.1,1959 [-1.9,1968]. – London :
Britain-Burma Society
Subject(s): Burma :Periodicals
GB: SOAS: 1. 1-2,4-5,8-9 (Per.21.L/428.780)
US: CU: 1.1-9 (Annex DS485.B79 B56+)
Ref.: OCLC 33412349
Britain-Burma Society < London >
Britain-Burma bulletin
Un apostolo di due continenti : vita di mons. Eugenio Biffi
delle Missioni Estere di Milano / Pietro A. Brioschi. − Mila-
B 155
Lines from a shining land
Report / Britain-Burma Society. – London.
Subject(s): Burma : Periodicals
US: CU: 1966/67 1967/68 (Annex DS485.B79B57)
Burma Bibliographical Project
Siegfried M. Schwertner
Britisch-Burma : Rangoon 1911. – [Wien:] Reisser, 1911. –
(Berichte der K. u. K. Österr.-ung. Konsularämter über das
Jahr ... Hrsg. im Auftrage des K. K. Handelsministeriums
vom K. K. Österr. Handelsmuseum)
D: KI-ZBW(I 15,629)
XXIII, 1849 p., index.
1. Acawoio to Grebo. – XIII, 572 p.
p. 166-71: Burmese
p. 181: Chin
2. Greek to Opa. – p. 573-1168.
p.859-60: Kachin
p.871-75: Karen
3. Ora to Zulu. – p. 1169-1849.
p.1359-61: Shan
p.1565-66: Talaing
Subject(s): Bibel - Translation - Bibliography - 1521-1961
London : Bible House Library - Catalog
AU:ANU(Menzies Z7771.E5.H4)
D: B-SBB(HBS 9,203 NfLS) KA-BLB(p64 B 95)
TU-UB(5 B 514)
GB: BL(X 200/11804 ; N.L.4 b)*
BL-DSL(W38/9237 ; q016.22 *613*)
US: CU(Kroch Rare & Mss.ref.) LC(Z7770.B73)
British Academy / Oriental Documents Committee
Oriental Documents Committee
British and Faren Baibel Socaieti Fhuo < Kalakata >
The Acts of the Apostles in Angami Naga
Bible, N.T. : Acts < A n g a m i N a g a >
British and Foreign Bible Society
also heading Bible
Bible revision among the Telugus : a reply to "Correspondence with Burma"
Downie, D.
ditto. Repr. with the permission of the British and Foreign
Bible Society. – New York : Kraus, 1963. 2 vols., vol. 2 in 3
parts. − ISBN 0-564-00130-9
D: B-SBB(4º 108909) M-BSB(4 80.793)
HD-UB(65 B 3419)
GB: BL(RR:AA.B e)*
[Correspondence of the American missionaries in
Burma with the British and Foreign Bible Society]
Historical catalogue of the printed editions of Holy Scriptures
British and Foreign Bible Society / Library
ditto. In 2 vols. Repr. – Cambridge, Chicago : Martino, [ca.
1985]. – Vol. 2 in 3 parts.
D: GÖ-SUB(93 A 3579)
Judson’s Burmese Bible : correspondence between the British and Foreign Bible Society and the Baptists
Judson’s Burmese Bible
ditto. rev. and expanded from the ed. of T. H. Darlow and H.
F. Moule, 1903 / by A. S. Herbert. – London : The British
and Foreign Bible Society, 1968. XXXI, 549 p. – On spine:
Historical catalogue of the printed Bibles. − A rev. and expanded ed. of vol.1 of Historical catalogue of print. ed. of
Holy Scripture in the library of the British and Foreign Bible
Society. – ISBN 0-564-00130-9
D: B-SBB(HB 1 Ko 350 NfLS) M-BSB(4 69.46)
HD-UB(88 A 2585) GÖ-SUB(88 A 6304)
GB: BL(2719 x 1116) BL-DSL(W33/5911))
[Reports of tract societies and of auxiliary societies to the
British and Foreign Bible Society in India, Sri Lanka and
Madras and Bombay Tract Society
British and Foreign Bible Society / Burma Agency
Annual report. – Rangoon
Subject(s): British and Foreign Bible Society / Burma
Agency : Periodicals.
US: YU(Divinity School Library)
British Asian Socialist Fellowship
Burma. – 1955
heading Bible
Report for the year ... / British and Foreign Bible Society. –
[Rangoon.] – Partly in Burmese and English. – Annual
Subject(s): British and Foreign Bible Society / Burma
Agency : Periodicals
Burma : Christianity - Societies, etc.
US: CU: 1953 (Annex BV2370.B8 B86)
LC(BV2370. B752 ; BV2370.T513)
YU: 39.1936/1937-42.1940 1948-1951 1953-1954
1956 (Mudd, Divinity Bdc1 B76bu)
British Association for Cemeteries in South Asia
Burma : register of European deaths and burials
Burma : supplement to register of European deaths and
The Burma of "AJ" : memoirs of A. J. S. White
White, Arthur John Stanley
Far frontiers : people and events in North-Eastern India ;
Whitehead, John
British and Foreign Bible Society / Library
Catalogue of the library of the British and Foreign Bible Society / by George Bullen. – London : Society’s House, 1857.
X, 329 p.
GB: BL(4999 p 10 ;* 823 i 36)
Historical catalogue of the printed editions of Holy Scripture
in the library of the British and Foreign Bible Society /
comp. by T. H. Darlow and H. F. Moule. In 2 vols. – London
: Bible House
1. English. – 1903. XIII, 428 p., index.
2. Polyglots and languages other than English. – 1911.
Peacock dreams
Tydd, Bill
British Broadcasting Corporation
A detail on the Burma front
Beaumont, Winifred Hilda
British Broadcasting Corporation / Burmese Section
Libraries in Burma
B 156
Bibliographical description
British Burma [/ Government]
The British Burma manual : or, A collection of departmental
rules, orders and notifications in force in the Province of
British Burma ; together with the treaties concluded with the
kingdoms of Ava and Siam / comp. and arranged by C. B.
Cooke. – Calcutta : Thacker, Spink. – No more publ..
1. Corr. up to the 31st December, 1878. – 1879. LXXVIII,
784 p., index, app.
Subject(s): Burma : Politics and government <1824-1948> ;
D: B-SBB(4° 496564 Potsdamer Str. NfLS)
GB: BL(5319 ee 11)* BL-APAC(V 9874 ;
OUL(BOD Old Class 226 l.192)
British Burma advertiser. – Rangoon : British Burma Pr.
US: LC: 44.54, 3rd Mar. 1894 (Newspaper)
Ref.: OCLC 19840566
British Burma civil list. – Rangoon : Secretariat Pr.
> Quarterly civil list for the province of British Burma
GB: BL-APAC: 1866-1872 (IOR/V/13)
The British Burma code : consisting of the regulations and
local acts in force in British Burma / Government of India,
Legislative Department. – Calcutta : Govt. Print., India (for
L. D.), 1877. VI, 189 p.
> Burma code
GB: BL(I.S.364/2)*
LSE(BLPES 591 (52))
BL-APAC(V 4588 ; IOR/V/8/489)*
OUL(LAW Burma 030 1877)
SOAS(A 345.91082/55.741)*
US: HU(Law School) YU(School of Law)
The British Burma gazette. 1875[-1886]. – Rangoon : Govt.
Print., Burma
> Burma gazette
Issues numbered within the year. – Issued in pts:
pt. I. Extracts from the Gazette of India (varies)
pt. II. Local gazette (varies)
pt. III.Notifications by the Judicial Commissioner & other
departmental officers (varies)
pt. IV. Advertisements (varies).
GB: BL(Ref. in BUCOP)
BL-APAC: Jan. 2, 1875-Sept. 25, 1886 (IOR/V/11)
US: DLC(microfilm)
The British Burma gazetteer. In 2 vols. / comp. by authority.
– Rangoon : Govt. Pr. – Preface signed by H. R. Spearman.
1. – 1880. X, 716, XXXV p., table, index. – Contains history
and general description
2. – 1879. 859, XVIII p., tables, app. – Contains the Gazetteer proper
Herbert 112
Repr. Gazetteer of Burma
also Birmanie : résumé ethnographique et linguistique ;
trad. du British Burmah gazetteer, avec annotations
Subject(s): Burma : Gazetteers ; Social life and customs ;
Description and travel ; History - 1824-1968
AU:NLA(Luce 220 ; McN 1057/79)
D: B-SBB 2 (4° Up 4915 Potsdamer Str. NfLS)
GÖ-SUB(4° H As II, 3314)
HD-SAI(reg 60 A 12,1-2)*
F: BNF(4° Nt.1508) MNHN
GB: BL(10057 df 26*; 10058 g 13)
BL-APAC(V 3558 ; IOR/V/27/60/2-3)
OUL(IND IB. Burma Pa. 1)
SOAS(EC88.51 /379155 ; EB88.221 /4526)*
NL: KB KITLV(M rr 19)
SG: ISEAS(Microfiche Mfc A2073)
US: HU(Widener Ind 8122.23)
LC(DS527.4.G38 ; DS485 .B8S7 ; Microfilm 9448 DS)
NIU(SEA DS485.B8 S7 ; Microforms-2nd FL-FML Mfiche DS527.3 .B7551979)
YU(Eefb 879 ; SML, Microform B1244 Fiche.N.1.1.661
; Fil, B144)
British Burman Association
Memorandum presented to the Royal Indian Statutory
(Simon) Commission : being a sketch of the proposed constitution for responsible self-government with dominion
status for Burma, etc. – Rangoon, 1929. 25 p.
Subject(s): Burma : Politics and government <1824-1948> ;
Constitutional history
GB: LSE(BLPES, Pamphlets JF(5)/98, Special ; Microfilm
M (Pamphlets 338))
British Council / English Language and Literature Division
English teaching profiles from the British Council
British Council Studio < Rangoon >
Exhibition of recent Burmese art
British Consultants Bureau
BCB mission to Myanmar, 4-7 October 1995
Mission to India, Malaysia and Myanmar
British documents on foreign affairs : reports and papers
from the Foreign Office confidential print. – Frederick, Md.:
Univ. Publ. of America. – ISBN 0-89093-606-4 (set)
Subject(s): Great Britain : Foreign relations Burma –
Sources ; Great Britain / Foreign Office : Records and correspondence
Burma : Foreign relations - Great Britain - Sources
Pt.1. From the mid-nineteenth century to the First World
War / general eds. Kenneth Bourne ; D. Cameron Watt
and Michael Partridge. 30 vols
Ser. E. Asia, 1860-1914 / ed. Ian Nish
ISBN 0-89093-603-X ; 0-89093-606-4
v.26. South-East Asia : China, India, Burma, Siam and
Tibet, 1850-1908. – c1995. XXIV, 304 p.
D: B-SBB(1 B 8194-1,E,26 Potsdamer Str.)
GÖ-SUB(FB 13312:1,E,26)*
F: BIULO(GEN.I.1183(1,26))
GB: CUL(OP.1.017(51-)) Liverpool
OUL(BOD L Floor M97.B00513)
US: CU(Olin ++JX632.B864) LC(JZ633.B745 1989)
IU(Main Stacks Q. 327.4105 B777)
NNC(Butler) & WU(Memorial Lib.) : JX632 .B748
1989 v. 26
UCLA(YRL * JZ633 .B745 1989)
YU(SML JX632 +B7483 1989 (LC)+)
Ref.: OCLC19975456
B 157
Pt.2 From the First to the Second World War.
Ser. E, Asia, 1914-1939 / editor, Ann Trotter. − 1991- .
ISBN 0890936129 (set)
GB: CUL(OP.1.017(249-))
US: IU(Main Stacks Q. 327.4105 B7772)
Burma Bibliographical Project
Siegfried M. Schwertner
Pt.3. From 1940 through 1945.
Ser. E. Asia / general ed., Paul Preston and Michael Partridge ; ed., Anthony Best. − 1997. – ISBN 1556556748
v.1-v.8 Far Eastern affairs
GB: CU(OP.1.017) OUL
US: CU LC UCLA(YRL JZ632 .B775 2000) WU YU
Pt.4. From 1946 through 1950. − 2000-2001
Ser. E, Asia / general ed., Paul Preston and Michael Partridge ; ed., Anthony Best.
ISBN 155655768X (set)
v.7. Burma, Ceylon, India and Pakistan, October 1947December 1948.
GB: CU(OP.1.017(575-583)
OUL(BOD L Floor M02.B00178)
SG: NUS(Reference 8 JZ632 Bdf 4/E v.7)
US: CU(Kroch x) & LC & NNC(Butler) & UCLA(YR) &
YU(SML X) : JZ632 B775 2000
British Empire Exhibition < 1924-1925, Wembley >
A Burmese pwè at Wembley
Beaumont, Cyril William
0-86291-275-X set of suppl.
Burma: v. 48, p. 197-222
D: B-SBB(HB 1 Be 4600 Potsdamer Str.)
M-BSB(Hbk A 2 gr) HD-UB(IZA:Abi F-GRO 1)*
D: GÖ-SUB(Bib:ANF/09 Lond/=FB 10152)
SG: NUS(Ref. Off. Z921 Brl.Bg)
US: LC(Z921.L553.B74 1979)
ditto. 1976 to 1982. – ibd., 1983. 50 vols.
ISBN 0-86291-485-X (set)
Burma: v. 7, p. 338
D: HD-UB(IZA:Abi F-GRO 1)*
US: LC(Z921.L553.B74 1983)
ditto. 1982 to 1985. – ibd., 1986. 26 vols.
ISBN 0-86291-540-6 (set)
Burma: v. 5, p. 3-8
D: HD-UB(IZA:Abi F-GRO 1)*
US: LC(Z921.L553.B74 1986)
ditto. 1976-1985. Microfiche ed. – ibd., 1986. 471 microfiche
D: B-SBB(HB 1 Be 4600 Potsdamer Str.)
Catalogue of India and Burma forestry & timber exhibits,
etc. – London, 1924, 97 p.
GB: BL(7957 bbb 34)
Miscellaneous pamphlets describing the Indian and Burmese
sections of the exhibition, and the resources of the various
Indian states. – Wembley, 1924. 5 p.
GB: BL(7959 gg 5)
A short description of Burma
A short description of some of the principal handicrafts of Burma
British Empire report : Burma / Great Britain, Naval Intelligence Division. − [London,] 1942. 4 v. in 1 (638 p.), illus.,
maps, diagrs. − At head of title: Confidential (equals British
secret) Secret. C.B. 04189 (X) (2/42).
Contents: Pt. 1-2. Lans. – pt. 3. Photographs. – pt. 4. Plans.
Subject(s): Burma :
Ref.: OCLC 38809512
US: CSt-H(DS485.B81 G78 F)
British Information Services
Christian, John LeRoy
Fifty facts about Burma
Victory in Burma
British intelligence reports on Burmese political leaders
from about 1941 : copied from originals with Thakim Kyaw
Sein. Microform − Rangoon : Universities' Central Library,
1986. 1 microfilm reel ; 35 mm.
SG: ISEAS(Microfilm Mfm 1015)
British Library < London >
The British Library general catalogue of printed books to
1975. – London, München, New York, Paris: Sauer, 19791988. 360 vols, 6 suppl. vols. – On spine: BLC to 1975. – v.
1-75 also: London : Bingley
ISBN 0-85157-520-X and 0-86291-000-5 (set)
B 158
ditto. 1986 to 1987. – ibd., 22 vols. – Spine title: BLC 1986
to 1987. – ISBN 3-598-32740-4 ; 0-86291-730-1
D: GÖ-SUB(Bib:ANF/09 Lond)
US: LC(Z921.L553 B74 1988)
ditto. 1986-1987. Microfiche ed. – ibd., 1988. 98 microfiche
Burma: fiche 13
D: B-SBB(HB 1 Be 4600 Potsdamer Str.)
ditto. 1988 to 1989. – ibd., 1990. 28 vols.
ISBN 3-598-33050-2
D: GÖ-SUB(Bib:ANF/09 Lond)
ditto. 1990 to 1992. – ibd., 1993. 27 vols.
ISBN 3-598-33640-3
D: GÖ-SUB(Bib:ANF/09 Lond/=ZC 35530)
ditto. 1993 to 1994. – ibd., 1995. 27 vols.
ISBN 3-598-33640-2
D: GÖ-SUB(Bib:ANF/09 Lond)
US: LC(Z921.L553 B74 1979 Suppl.)
The British Library general subject catalogue : 1975 to 1985.
– London ; New York : Sauer, 1986. 75 vols. – Spine title:
BLC subject catalogue, 1975 to 1985
ISBN 0-862191-650-x
< British Library < London >
Subject index of modern books
Burma: vol. 8, p. 228-230
D: BO-UB(125 KDA 150)* KA-BLB(ZC 29,Subj.)
GÖ-SUB(Bib anf 09/Lond)
US: LC(Z921.L553 B74 1986a)
ditto. Microform ed. – ibd.: The British Library, Reference
Division Publ., 1985. 437 microfiches
Burma: Mf. 48, M-2 to E-3
D: B-SBB(HB 1 Be 4700)*
HD-UB(IZA Abi F-GRO 003)*
Bibliographical description
ditto. 1986 to 1990. – ibd.: Sauer, 1991-1992. 42 vols.
ISBN 3-598-31810-3
Burma: vol. 5, p.307-310
D: KA-BLB(ZC29,Subj.) GÖ-SUB(Bib:ANF/09 Lond)
US: LC(Z921.L553 B74 1991)
The British Library general catalogue of printed books to
British Library < London >
The British Library general subject catalogue
British Library < London >
ditto. 1985-1990. Microfiche ed. – ibd.: The British Library,
1991. 261 microfiches.
Burma: Mf. 30, O03 to G04
D: HD-UB(IZA Abi F-GRO 003)*
British Military Administration, Burma
Burma <Territory under British Military Administration>
General catalogue of printed books
The British Library general catalogue of printed books
British Museum < London >
Buddhism : art and faith
Zwalf, Wladimir
The life of the Buddha
Herbert, Patricia M.
The nineteenth century. Books on China [microform] :
specialist collection
Catalogue of printed books in the Library of the British Museum
now British Library
The British Library general catalogue of printed books to
Guide to an exhibition of Indian and Persian paintings
and illuminated mss.
South Asia and Burma retrospective bibliography (SABREB)
Shaw, Graham William
Subject index of modern books : acquired 1961-1970. – ibd.:
The British Library, 1982. 12 vols.
ISBN 0-904654-55-9
< British Museum
Subject index of the modern works
Burma: vol. 2, p. 1058-1060
D: B-SBB(HB 1 Be 4700 Potsdamer Str.)*
GB: BL(RR) BL-APAC(RR 15000 aa)
US: CU HU LC(Z1035.P38) YU
ditto. : 1971-1975. – ibd., 1986. 14 vols.
ISBN 0-7123-0090-2
> British Library < London >
The British Library general subject catalogue
Burma: vol. 2, p. 1228
D: B-SBB(HB 1 Be 4700 Potsdamer Str.)*
GB: BL(RR) BL-APAC(RR 15000 aa)
US: CU HU LC(Z1035.P38) YU
Index catalogue of Indian official publications in the Library,
British Museum / comp. by Frank Campbell. – London : Library Supply ; New York : Stechert, [1900]. 314, 16, 72 p.
– App. 1-3. 16 p.
– App. 4-5. 72 p.
Burma: p. 111-137
D: B-SBB(Potsdamer Str.) HD-SAI(M 991)
GB: BL(OPL Index , 15000 g 22; 11909 W 13)
BL-APAC(OIH011.53 ; W 2342 ; 2343 ; 2614 ; 3745 ;
US: LC(Z3205.C18) YU
Accessions. – London
No. 1. (Nov. 30, 1899). – 1900. 16 col.
col. 10: Burma
Theatrical literature in Burma and a bibliography of Burmese drama in the British Library published between 18751922
Kyaw Kyaw
British Library < London > / Department of Oriental
Manuscripts and Printed Books
Publications proscribed by the Government of India
British Library < London > / Humanities and Social Sciences
British Library < London >
British Library < London > / India Office Library
India Office Library < London >
British Library < London > / Newspaper Library
Catalogue of the Newspaper Library, Colindale / The British
Library. – London : Publ. for the British Library Board of
British Museum Publ., 1975. 8 vols. − ISBN 0-7141-0352-7
Burma: Vol. 3, col.168-170
D: HD-UB(IZA Zss O.1)
US: CU(Olin Ref. ++Z6945 .B855)
B 159
Subject index of books : publ. before 1880 ; A – Z / by R. A.
Peddie. [Library of the British Museum.] – London : Grafton, 1933. XIV, 745 p.
Burma: p. 88
D: HD-UB(IZA Abi F-Gro 2)*
GB: BL(RR) BL-APACR(RR 15000 aa)
US: CU LC(Z1035.P37) MiU NYPL YU
ditto. : publ. up to and including 1880. 2nd series ; A to Z /
by R. A. Peddie. – ibd., 1935. XV, 857 p., suppl. [823]-857.
Burma: p. 117-118
D: HD-UB(IZA Abi F-Gro 2)*
GB: BL(RR) BL-APAC(RR 15000 aa)
US: LC(Z1035.P37 2ser) YU
ditto. : 3rd series; A – Z / by R. A. Peddie. – London : Grafton, 1939. XV, 945 p.
Burma: p. 164-165
GB: BL(RR) BL-APAC(RR 15000 aa)
US: HU LC(Z1035.P37 3d ser.) YU
ditto. [Repr.] – London : Pordes, 1962. XV, 945 p.
D: HD-UB(IZA Abi F-Gro 2)*
ditto. : new series ; A – Z / by R. A. Peddie. – London :
Graftton, 1948. VII, 872 p.
Burma Bibliographical Project
Siegfried M. Schwertner
> Subject index of the modern works
GB: BL(RR) BL-APAC(RR 15000 aa)
US: CU LC(Z1035.P38) HU YU
ditto. Repr. – London : Pordes, 1965. IV, 1161 p.
D: B-SBB(HB 1 Be 4700 Potsdamer Str.)*
ditto. [Repr.] – London : Pordes, 1962. VII, 872 p.
Burma: p. 114
D: HD-UB(IZA Abi F-Gro 2)*
Subject index of modern books : acquired 1941 to 1945 /
British Museum. – London : Trustees of the British Museum, 1953. VII, 1175 p.
< Subject index of the modern works
Burma: p. 167-168
D: B-SBB(HB 1 Be 4700 Potsdamer Str.)*
HD-UB(IZA Abi F-Gro 3)*
GB: BL(RR) BL-APAC(RR 15000 aa)
SG: NUS(CL Ref. Z1035 BM)
US: CU LC(Z1035.P38) HU YU
ditto. : 1946-1950. – ibd., 1961. 1869 p. in 4 vols.
Burma: vol. 1, p. 268-269
D: B-SBB(HB 1 Be 4700 Potsdamer Str.)*
GB: BL(RR) BL-APAC(RR 15000 aa)
US: CU LC(Z1035.P38) HU YU
ditto. : 1906-1910 / ed. by G. K. Fortescue. – London : The
Trustees of the British Museum, 1911. 1307 p.
Burma: p. 165
D: HD-UB(IZA Abi F-Gro 3)*
GB: BL(RR) BL-APAC)RR 15000 aa)
ditto. Repr. – London : Pordes, 1965. 1307 p.
D: B-SBB(HB 1 Be 4700 Potsdamer Str.)*
ditto. : 1911-1915. – London : The Trustees of the British
Museum, 1918. 1567 p.
Burma: p. 196
D: HD-UB(IZA Abi F-Gro 3)*
GB: BL(RR) BL-APAC)RR 15000 aa)
ditto. Repr. – London : Pordes, 1965. 1567 p.
D: B-SBB(HB 1 Be 4700 Potsdamer Str.)*
ditto. : acquired by the British Museum ; in the years 19161920. – London : The Trustees of the British Museum, 1922.
1012 p.
Burma: p. 127
D: HD-UB(IZA Abi F-Gro 3)*
GB: BL(RR) BL-APAC)RR 15000 aa)
ditto. Repr. – ibd., 1968. 1869 p.
ISBN 0-7141-0280-6
D: HD-UB(IZA Abi F-Gro 3)*
ditto. : 1951-1955. – ibd., 1965. in 6 vols.
ISBN 0-7141-0345-4
Burma: vol. 1, p. 470-471
D: B-SBB(HB 1 Be 4700 Potsdamer Str.)*
GB: BL(RR) BL-APAC(RR 15000 aa)
US: CU LC(Z1035.P38) HU YU
ditto. Repr. – London : Pordes, 1965. 1012 p.
D: B-SBB(HB 1 Be 4700 Potsdamer Str.)*
ditto. : 1921-1925. – London : The Trustees of the British
Museum, 1927. 1569 p.
Burma: p. 204-205
D: HD-UB(IZA Abi F-Gro 3)*
GB: BL(RR) BL-APAC)RR 15000 aa)
ditto. : 1956-1960. – ibd., 1966. 3096 p. in 6 vols.
< British Library < London >
Subject index of modern books
Burma: vol. 1, p. 486-487
D: B-SBB(HB 1 Be 4700 Potsdamer Str.)*
HD-UB(IZA Abi F-Gro 3)*
GB: BL(RR) BL-APAC(RR 15000 aa)
US: CU LC(Z1035.P38) HU YU
ditto. Repr. – London : Pordes, 1965. 1569 p.
D: B-SBB(HB 1 Be 4700 Potsdamer Str.)*
Subject index of the modern works : added to the Library of
the British Museum ; in the years 1881 to 1900 / ed. by G.
K. Fortescue. – London : The Trustees
< Subject index of books
1. A – E. – 1902. VII, 1015 p. – Burma: p. 381-383
2. F – M. – 1903. 1010 p.
3. N – Z. – 1903. 945 p.
D: B-SBB(HB 1 Be 4700 Potsdamer Str.)*
GB: BL(RR) BL-APAC(RR 15000 aa)
SG: NUS(CL Ref. Z1035 BM)
US: HU LC(Z1035.B86) UC
ditto. Repr. – London : Pordes, 1965. 3 vols.
D: HD-UB(IZA Abi F-Gro 3)*
ditto. : 1901-1905 / ed. by G. K. Fortescue. – London : The
Trustees of the British Museum, 1906. IV, 1161 p.
Burma: p. 152-153
D: HD-UB(IZA Abi F-Gro 3)*
GB: BL(RR) BL-APAC(RR 15000 aa)
B 160
ditto. : 1926-1930. – London : The Trustees of the British
Museum, 1933. 1759 p.
Burma: p. 237
GB: BL(RR) BL-APAC)RR 15000 aa)
ditto. Repr. – London : Pordes, 1965. 1759 p.
D: B-SBB(HB 1 Be 4700 Potsdamer Str.)*
HD-UB(IZA Abi F-Gro 3)*
ditto. : added to the Library of the British Museum in the
years 1931-1935. – London : The Trustees of the British
Museum, 1937.
1. A – H. – VII, 982 p.
Burma: p. 258
2. I – Z. – 930 p.
D: B-SBB(HB 1 Be 4700 Potsdamer Str.)*
GB: BL(RR) BL-APAC)RR 15000 aa)
ditto. Repr. – London : Pordes, 1968.
D: HD-UB(IZA Abi F-Gro 3)*
Bibliographical description
ditto. : added to the British Museum Library ; 1936 to 1940. –
ibd.: British Museum, printed by order of the Trustees, 1944.
> Subject index of modern books
1. A – H. – VII, 1356 p.
Burma: p. 371
2. I – Z. – 1268 p.
BL-APAC(RR 15000 aa)
British National Sound Archive < London >
A field guide to the bird songs of South-East Asia
White, Terry
British occupation of Burma. − [S.l., n.d.] 12 p. − Caption title
Subject(s): Burma : British ; History
Ref.: OCLC 38811329
US: CSt-H(DS485.B89 B86 F)
ditto. Repr. – London : Pordes, 1965. 2 vols.
D: B-SBB(HB 1 Be 4700 Potsdamer Str.)*
HD-UB(IZA Abi F-Gro 3)*
British Overseas Trade Board
Burma. – 1976
Visions from the golden land : Burma and the art of lacquer
Isaacs, Ralph
British Museum < London > / Department of Oriental
Printed Books and Manuscripts
A catalogue of the Burmese books in the British Museum /
by L. D. Barnett... keeper of the Department of Oriental
printed books and mss. Printed by order of the Trustees. –
London : British Museum [etc.], 1913. VII p., 346 col., 2 index. – 2500 titles
Subject(s): British Museum / Department of Oriental Printed
Books and Manuscripts : Catalogs
Burmese literature : Bibliography - Catalogs
Burmese language : Bibliography - Catalogs
Burmese imprints : Catalogs.
AU:ANU(Menzies large book Z7049.I3B82 1913)
D: B-SBB(OLS Ba SOA bur 200 Potsdamer Str.)
GÖ-SUB(4° HLL IX, 2480)
HD-SAI(reg 60 A 3 ; inf 10 C 25)*
F: BNF(4° Q.1465 ; Mss 4° impr.or.549)
GB: BL(2181 d 40 ; 11925 dd 11)
BL-APAC(W 364 ; W 968)
OUL(BOD Orient RR RETZ 2590 d. Lond. 1d.17)
SOAS(L.GPC 016/14.660 ; Ref. GPC016/931 ; 51.246)
SG: ISEAS(SCR fZ3216 B26)
US: CU(Z7049.I3B82) HU(Widener OL 64600.5)
ICJ LC & WU(Memorial Lib. Ref.) : Z7049.I3B82
YU(LSF-Request for X865 +913B)
British Museum < London > / Natural History
Eifelian brachiopods from Padaukpin, Northern Shan States,
Anderson, Michael Marchmont
On the Leptocerinae of the Indian sub-continent and North
East Burma (Trichoptera)
Kimmins, Douglas Eric
Some Tipulidae from Tibet and Upper Burma in the British
Museum (Natural History) (Diptera)
Alexander, Charles Paul
British Museum < London > / Natural History / Department of Zoology
Descriptive catalogue of the spiders of Burma
Thorell, Tord Tamerlan Theodor
British Overseas Trade Board / South East Asia Trade Advisory Group
SEATAG bulletin / South East Asia Trade Advisory Group,
British Overseas Trade Board. 1977- . – London : SEATAG
Secretariat. – Herbert 619
GB: BL(B.S.41/1060)
British Parliamentary Human Rights Group
Uncertainty and dispair : the plight of Karen refugees on the
Thai-Burmese border
Martin, Gordon
British parliamentary papers
Great Britain / House of Commons
Papers by command
British parliamentary papers relating to India : 1662 to
Sever, Adrian
British Philatelic Trust
An annotated bibliography of Burma philately
Meech, Alan
British policy and the transfer of power in Asia : documentary perspectives ; papers from a symposium at the India
Office Library and Records Division of the British Library,
September 1985 / ed. by R. B. Smith and A. J. Stockwell. –
London : School of Oriental and African Studies, Univ. of
London, 1988. VIII, 143 p., incl. bibliogr. ref.
ISBN 0-7286-0145-1
p.19-29: Burma : power transferred or exacted? : reflections
on the constitutional process / Hugh Tinker
p. 30-76: Some contrasts between Burma and Malaya in British policy in South-East Asia, 1942-1946 / R. B. Smith
Subject(s): Burma : Politics and government <1824-1948>
D: HD-SAI(300 his 96/131)*
SG: ISEAS(DS479 B86)
NUS(DS480.83 Bri)
US: LC(DS480.82 .B75 1988)
NNC(Butler DS480.82 .B75 1988)
UCLA UCR YU(SML DS480.82 B758 1988)
British policy in Asia : India Office memoranda. – London :
Mansell. – Memoranda selected from the numbered series
now classified in the India Office Records as IOR L/P&S/18
[Introductory booklet.] – 1980. 61 p. – Includes notes on
sources, lists of office holders, biographical notes, and lists
of the memoranda. – ISBN 0-7201-0827-6
1. The Middle East 1856-1947 / edited by Penelope Tuson. −
39 microfiches
B 161
Burma Bibliographical Project
Siegfried M. Schwertner
2. Tibet, Burma and Indo-China 1862-1940 / ed. by Anthony
Farrington. – 24 microfiches. – ISBN 0-7201-0827-6
Subject(s): Great Britain : Foreign relations –Burma
Burma : Foreign relations - Great Britain
Great Britain / India Office : Archives
Burma : Foreign relations - Great Britain
D: HD-SAI(inf 11 G 4 rara)*
GB: CUL(Microfiche Mfc 1185)
BL-APAC(T 40736+Photocopy Order Room)
SG: ISEAS(Microfiche Mfc A176)
US: CU(Kroch DA47.9 A7 B86 ; Fiche 3844))
HU(Microforms (Lamont): Microfiche W 2005 Microfilm) NIU(Microforms -FML Microfiches DS33.4.G7
B747 1980)
NYPL(Humanities-Micro *XM-15,977)
OAU(Alden SE Asia DS33.4.G7 T52x Fiche)
WU(Memorial Lib. Microforms Media Ctr Room 443
Micro Fiche 3819)
YU(SML, Microform Fiche B3944)
British Social Hygiene Council
Report of the Delegation of the British Social Hygiene
Council, Inc., to the Government of Burma [on the question
of venereal disease]. – Rangoon : Govt. Print. and Staty.,
Burma (for Ed. Secy.), 1927. 76 p.
Subject(s): Burma : Sexually transmitted diseases
GB: BL(I.S.Bu.149/10)*
The British Society for International Understanding
Subject Burma
Briton and Burman : a play for closer intercourse in social
Clayton, H.
Brittan, Dolly
The Hmong / Dolly Brittan. 1st ed. – New York : PowerKids
Pr., 1997. 24 p., col. illus., col. map, index. – (Celebrating
the peoples and civilizations of Southeast Asia / Dolly Brittan) – Introduces the history, language, religion, and customs
of the people that originated in China and now live in other
areas of Southeast Asia as well.
Subject(s): Hmong : Juvenile literature
US: CU(Kroch DS 570 .M5 B75x 1997)
Britz, Ralf
A new species of the Asian catfish genus Pseudolaguvia
from Myanmar (Teleostei:Ostariophysi: Siluriformes: Erethistidae) / Ralf Britz & Carl J. Ferraris, Jr. − Auckland,
N.Z.: Magnolia Pr., 2003. 8 p., illus., bibliogr. p. 8. − (Zootaxa, ISSN 1175-5326 ; 388)
Note: A new species of the erethistid catfish genus Pseudolaguvia from Myanmar is described. Pseudolaguviatenebricosa, new species, from Pathe Chaung, Lower
Myanmar, differs from the only congenerP. tuberculata
(Prashad & Mukerji, 1929) in having an adipose fin not
reaching dorsal fin, and anarrower head with a shorter
Subject(s): Burma : Catfishes - Classification ; Catfishes Identification.
Ref.: OCLC 55632520
"Paradox lost" : skeletal ontogeny of Indostomus paradoxus
and its significance for the phylogenetic relationships of In-
dostomidae (Teleostei, Gasterosteiformes) / Ralf Britz and
G. David Johnson. − New York, NY: American Museum of
Natural History, c2002. 43 p., illus. (some col.), bibliogr. p.
36-37. − (American Museum novitates,0003-0082 ; 3383) −
December 27, 2002.
Note: Specimens of Indostomus paradoxus first discovered
in Lake Indawgyi, Upper Burma, in 1926.
Subject(s): Burma, Upper :Indostomus paradoxus ;
Gasterosteiformes - Phylogeny ; Fishes - Classification
US: CAS(Mailliard QH1.A5 A16 no.3383 serials)
GU(Q11 .A5112 no.3383)
NNM(QL .A436 no.3383, 2002)
Ref.: OCLC 51301884
Broadbent, Ed <b. 1936>
Situation of human rights in Burma : memorandum to the
annual consultations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and
International Trade prior to the 51st session of the UN
Commission on Human Rights / presented by Edward
Broadbent. − Montréal, Québec: International Centre for
Human Rights and Democratic Development, 1995. 5 p. −
January 17, 1995
Subject(s): Burma : Human rights
ditto. Microform. − Leiden: IDC, [2000]. 1 microfiche. −
(Human rights documents : General focus ; 4208, doc. 62).
Ref.: OCLC 54373788
Broadus, John Albert <1827-1895>
A catechism of Bible teaching / by John A. Broadus ; transl.
into Sgau Karen by H. Morrow. – Rangoon : American Baptist Mission Pr., 1895. 56 p.
Subject(s): Burma : Bible study , Bible - Examinations,
questions, etc.
US: CU(Annex BS591 .B86 1895)
Brock, Horace
More about Pan Am : a pilot's story continued / by Horace
Brock. 1st ed. – Lunenburg, Vt.: Stinehour Pr., 1980. 101 p.,
[3] p. of plates, ports., bibliogr. p. 44.
C.B.I. (China-Burma-India) theater, 1938-1942
Subject(s): Pan American World Airways, inc. :− History
US: LC(HE9803.P36 B76)
WU(Hist. Soc. Lib. Pamphlet Coll. 83- 4290)
Brockbank, Nancy Ellena
The context of heroism : the African American experience on the
Ledo Road / by Nancy E. Brockbank. − 1998. IV, 190 l., maps
(some col.), abstract, bibliogr. p. 167-190. − Eastern Michigan
Univ., M.A. thesis 1998. -- UMI 1388988
Subject(s): Stillwell Road
Burma : World War <1939-1945> - Participation, African
American ; World War <1939-1945> - African American
Academic Dissertation - Eastern Michigan Univ.
US: MiYEM(Theses-South Soc Sci Theses 1997 .B76)
Brockett, Eleanor Gertrude <b. 1913>
Burmese and Thai fairy tales
Brockett, Linus Pierpont <1820-1893>
The story of the Karen Mission in Bassein, 1838-1890 : or,
the progress and education of a people from a degraded heathenism to a refined Chistian civilization / L. P. Brockett. –
Philadelphia: American Baptist Publ. Society, 1891. XX, 21160 p., [4] l. of plates, 2 maps.
B 162
Bibliographical description
Subject(s): Karen : Missions - Bassein <District>
Burma : Baptists - Missions ; Missions - Bassein <District>
Bassein < District > : Karen - Missions ; Missions
GB: BL(4765 de 13)*
US: LC-P 4 NNUT(Burke Union Stacks MU14 B86 ; MRL
.B69 NYPL(Research BZAD (Far East) PPUL
UC(NRLF DS518 .B69)
UCB(Moffitt DS545.B74) UCR(Rivera DS518 .B75)
YU(LSF-Request for Bj3 564r)
Ref.: OCLC 526250 ; ocm33063461
ditto. Repr. – ibd., 1945. 112 p., front. plate, index.
AU:NLA(915.9 BRO)
D : B-SBB(486 479 Potsdamer Str.)
GB: Aberdeen(Queen Mother Libr x9(59) Bro b)
LSE(BLPES DS518 B86) BL-APAC(T 2782)
SOAS(GB 945/464.416)*
NL: KITLV(M rr 1455)
US: CU(Kroch DS518 .B86 1945)
UC(NRLF DS515 .B74 $B 52 281 [1945]) ViU
ditto. Microform ed. – Evanston : American Theological Library Association, 1993. 160 p., [4] l. of plates, illus. 2 microfiche. High reduction. Silver based film. – (ATLA monograph preservation program ; ATLA fiche 1991-3055)
ISBN 0524073953 (microfiche)
US: CBGTU(Mfiche cab) & HU(Andover-Harv.Theol
Mfiche) & NNUT(Burke Microfiche: 84-B1) &
YU(Divinity Fiche B4000) : ATLA fiche 1991-3055
Brockman, Richard Arthur
The economic development of Burma under a socialist state.
− Urbana, 1957.
US: IU(Main Stacks 330.9591 B78E)
Ref: OCLC(uc 17034368
Brohm, John Frank <b. 1923>
Buddhism and animism in a Burmese village / John Frank
Brohm. – Ann Arbor, Mich.: Association for Asian Studies,
1963. p. 155-167. − Repr. from the Journal of Asian Studies,
v. 22 no. 2, Feb. 1963
Subject(s): Burma : Buddhism ; Religion
Brodbeck, Emma <b. 1892>
Chicago missionary on the Burma Road : letters of Emma
Brodbeck, Ipin, Szechwan, West China / ed. and publ. by
Louise Hayes. – Chicago, 1941. 35 p., illus., map, bibliogr.
p. 29-34.
Subject(s): Burma Road
Burma : Description and travel
US: HU(Widener Harv.Depos. Ch 75.141.10}
YU(LSF-Request Ma2 B784)
Ref.: OCLC 28687752
Burmese religion and the Burmese religious revival / by
John Frank Brohm. – 1957. XI, 507 l., illus., bibliogr. l. 467477. – Ithaca, N.Y., Cornell Univ., Ph.D. (anthro-pology)
thesis 1957. – Herbert 471 - DissAb 17.8, 1957, 1644. Shulman 631. - UM 20.831
Subject(s): Burma : Religion ; Social life and customs
Academic, Dissertation – Ithaca, N.Y. Cornell Univ.
AU:NLA(294.31 BRO ; Mfm 126)
D: PA-UB(55/RR 51962 B866) HD-SAI(M 1120)*
GB: SOAS(GB293/286.328*; M 559)
SG: ISEAS(Microfilm Mfm 46)
US: CU(Kroch Thesis DS503 C81 1957 B866+ ; Rare
Archives Thesis 1957 B866)
HU(Tozzer Microfilm IND. B 786 b)
NIU(Microforms-2nd FL-FML Microfilm
SIUC(1st FL-Dewey-class coll. 275.91 B866B)
UC(SRLF M0001323807)
UoC(Microforms, Regenstein microfm BL20)
YU(SML, Microform Film B460 no.3)
Brodbeck, Laura Emma
Brodbeck, Emma
Brodrick, Alan Houghton
Beyond the Burma Road / by Alan Houghton Brodrick ; with
16 illus. – London ; New York ; Melbourne: Hutchinson,
1944. 112 p., front. plate, map.
p. 33-45: Burma
Note: An aging actress whose life is falling apart, losses her
job as the character she plays in a TV soap series is killed
off. Worse still she suspects her young lesbian lover is
having an affair
Subject(s): Burma Road
Burma : World War <1939-1945> ;
Description and travel ; Politics and government.
AU:NLA(Luce 200 ; BRA 1397 ; McN 1057/102)
D: HD-SAI(302 mil 63/2328)*
GB: BL(10055 s 30)
OUL(BOD Camera UB 24717 e.19)
SOAS(GB959.051/52321 ; 464416 ; E Coll 3 F 46)
J: TYB(617)
SG: ISEAS(Microfiche Mfc A2036)
NUS(DS518 Bro)
RUBC(940.5425 BRO)
US: CU(Kroch DS518 B86) MB NBC
HU(Widener Harv.Depos.) & LC & MnU(TC Wilson
Ames) & NIU(SEA) & OAU(Alden SE Asia) : DS518
The function of basic religious roles in Burmese culture. –
1952. 121 l., map. – Ithaca, N.Y., Cornell Univ., M.A. thesis
(anthropology) 1952.
Subject(s): Burma : Religion
US: CU(Kroch Thesis DS503 C81 1952 B866+ ; Rare
Thesis 1952 B866)
The problem of law and order in modern Burma : a reassessment of views previously held / John Frank Brohm. −
[1958?] 14 l.
Subject(s): Burma : Law ; Politics and government <1948->
Religion, education and public information in Burma
Broman, Barry Michael <b. 1943>
Bagan / Barry Broman. − Reading: Paths, 2004. 80 p., col.
illus. − ISBN 1844640019
Subject(s): Burma : Temples - Bagan - Pictorial works
Pagan : Antiquities ; Pictorial works.
Ref.: OCLC 53390361
B 163
Burma Bibliographical Project
Siegfried M. Schwertner
Faces of Myanmar [: a photographic mosaic of Burma] /
words and photographs by Barry Broman. − Bangkok: Book
Promotion and Service Co. ; Reading: Paths International
[distr.], 2004. 78 p., chiefly col. illus.. ports. (some vol.)
ISBN 1-8446-4000-0 (pbk.) ; 1-8446-4009-4
Subject(s): Burmese : Pictorial works
Burma : Ethnology
D: B-SBB(1 B 94850 Potsdamer Str.)
GB: YK.2005.b.1632)
Ref.: OCLC 53390243
Longhouse of Tears 194 - 15 The Man Is Born 210 - 16 I
Have a Dream 228 - 17 Journey's End 243 - Epilogue 258
Note: In 1942, as war spread in the Far East and the British,
Japanese and Chinese fought ferocious battles on Burmese
soil, an 11-year-old Anglo-Burmese boy and his family
found themselves trapped in the path of the advancing armies. Like hundreds of thousands of other refugees abandoned by the civil administration, their only hope of survival was to try to escape on foot to India through the
dense jungles of Northern Burma.
Stephen Brookes was that young boy, and in this book he
describes the flight from his affluent home and the fearful
3,000-mile journey that partially destroyed his family.
Those eight months of fear, sickness and starvation turned
him from a boy into a man as he witnessed the death of his
father and took on responsibility for his mother and sick
brother and sister, until they finally reached safety at
Jhansi in India. - Book jacket.
Subject(s): Brookes, Stephen : Childhood and youth, British
Burma : World War <1939-1945> - Children ; World War
<1939-1945> - Refugees ; World War <1939-1945> - Personal narratives, British ; Children and war ; Escapes ;
History - Japanese occupation <1942-1945>
D: B-SBB(1 A 404035 Potsdamer Str.) S-WLB(50/5059)
F: BIULO(GEN.III.74912 ) Lille3-BU(ZE 37272)
GB: BL(YK.2000.a.2727) CUL(C200.d.561)
OUL(BOD Nuneham X02.F01915)
NL: KITLV(M 2000 A 3311)
S: Mill(FHS 92 Brookes)
SG: ISEAS(D767.6 B87)
NUS(Main Shelves D767.6 Bro)
RUBC(R) & Tampines & Woodlands : English
940.548141 BRO -[WAR]
US: CU(Kroch x) & NIU(SEA) & NNC(Butler g) & UCB &
UCD(Shields) & UCI(MainLib) & YU(SML): D767.6
.B76 2000
HU(Widener x) & LC / WU(Memorial Libr.) :
D811.5.B7553 2000
NYPL(Research JFD 00-7243)
OAU(Alden SE Asia D767.6 .B75 2000x):
Irrawaddy : benevolent river of Burma
Stevenson, John
Myanmar / Barry Broman. − Reading: Paths, 2004. 96 p.,
col. illus. – ISBN 1844640027
Subject(s): Burma : Architecture ; History ; Civilization ;
Description and travel.
Ref.: OCLC 53390340 BL 0412 oo
Myanmar architecture : cities of gold
Bronze Age Culture in Myanmar
Workshop on Bronze Age Culture in Myanmar <1999,
Brooke, Micool <b. 1962>
Captive of the River Kwai / Micool. – Bangkok: Merman
Books, 1995. 127 p., illus., index. – ISBN 9748924416
Note: On the prisoners of World War <1939-1945> at
Kanchanaburi Province, Thailand.
Subject(s): Burma-Siam Railroad : History
Burma : World War <1939-1945> - Prisoners and prisons,
Japanese. ; World War <1939-1945> - Conscript labor ;
World War <1939-1945> - Atrocities
SG: ISEAS(D805 T4B87)
US: HU(Widener Harv.Depos.) & LC : D805.T5 B76 1995
Brooke-Wavell, Derek
Lines from a shining land
Brooker, Paul
Twentieth-century dictatorships : the ideological one-party
states / Paul Brooker. − New York, N.Y.: New York Univ.
Pr., 1995. VII, 311 p., index, bibliogr. p. 294-301.
ISBN 0814712339 ; 0814712517 (pbk.)
Contains: 8. Third World Socialist Case Studies. 1. Nasser's
Egypt. 2. Ne Win's Burma
Subject(s): Burma : Dictatorship ; Politics and government
US: LC & NNC(Butler & Lehman) : D445 .B77 1995
Brookes, Stephen
Through the jungle of death : a boy's escape from wartime
Burma / Stephen Brookes. 1st publ. – London : J. Murray,
2000. XVIII, 253 p., illus., ports., maps.
ISBN 0-7195-5445-4 ; 0-7195-6029-2
Contents: 1 Soldiers of the King 9 - 2 Bombers over Paradise 17 - 3 Chasing the Serpent 32 - 4 Sawbwa Fang of
Mangshih 47 - 5 Fly Me to India 66 - 6 Prelude to Disaster
86 - 7 The Rat Trap 96 - 8 Racing the Monsoon 110 - 9
The Butterflies of Kumon 121 - 1O In the Valley of Death
136 - 11 Through the Chinese Ambush 154 - 12 The
Scarecrows Arrive 167 - 13 Shingbwiyang 181 - 14 The
ditto. − New York : Wiley, c2000. IX, 261 p., [4] p. of
plates, map. − ISBN 0471415693 (cloth)
US: IU(Main Stacks 940.53161092 B79t)
LC & MnU(TC Wilson Lib Ames) & WU(Memorial
Lib.) : D811.5 .B7553 2000
ditto. − New York : Wiley, c2001. IX, 261 p., [4] p. of
plates, map.
ISBN 0471189111 (electronic bk.)
US: ViRVU(D811.5 .B7553 2001 EB) NNC(EBooks)
West Texas A&M Univ. Cornette Libr, TX
Ref.: OCLC 49414977 45806406
ditto. − London : Murray, 2001. XVIII, 253 p., illus., 1 map.
ISBN 0-7195-6029-2 ; 0-7195-5445-4
GB: CUL(2004.8.4433) OUL(BOD Nuneham
X02.G01922) SOAS(E Coll 3 M /109)
Brooklings Institution < Washington, D.C. >
The United States and the Sino-Soviet bloc in Southeast
Clubb, Oliver E.
B 164
Bibliographical description
Brooten, Lisa B.
Global communications, local conceptions : human rights
and the politics of communication among the Burmese opposition-in-exile / by Lisa B Brooten. − 2003. XX, 396 l., illus. , bibliogr. l. 366-389. − Ohio Univ., Ph.D. thesis, March
2003. – DAI-A 645/02, p.322, Aug. 2003
Note: This study examines the impact of new information
technologies (NITs) on the Burmese opposition movement-in-exile based in Thailand. The intent of the research
is to determine whether NITs, primarily computers and the
Internet, are helping to reduce, maintain, or intensify ethnic conflict within the movement. The study explores implications for political mobilization by examining what
groups within the movement have access to which technologies, and how these groups understand and use global
media and the discourses they produce. The research is a
multi-sited ethnography conceived within the epistemological framework of standpoint theory, providing an empirically grounded exploration of the Burmese opposition
movement in both its local and global contexts. It employs
participant observation, in-depth interviews and discourse
analysis to examine the impact of global communications
at the local level. The work begins with an historical examination of the development of the modern state in
Burma, which provides the context for exploring how
militarization, gender and ethnicity have affected the development of nationalisms and conflict defined largely as
ethnic in nature. This is followed by a discussion of how
the history and current state of communications both inside and outside Burma constrain attitudes toward the possible uses of communications technologies and media
among the opposition-in-exile. An overview of opposition
media investigates the degree to which these media have
opened a space for dialogue between groups. Interviews
with opposition activists and refugees from Burma demonstrate how the Burmese regime's militaristic values are
both perpetuated and countered within the opposition
movement itself. The research finds that the introduction
of NITs and patterns of foreign funding have reinforced
existing hierarchies within the opposition movement. Finally, this study demonstrates how the local reinvents the
global through the use of a global discourse of human
rights which acts subtly but powerfully to shape social
conventions within the movement. This results in an unstated hierarchy of human rights that perpetuates the inequitable gender and ethnic composition of the opposition
political groups and the hierarchy of access and use of
technologies among these groups.
Subject(s): Burma : Human rights ; Opposition (Political science) ; Governments in exile ; Communication ; Violence
; Politics and government <1988->
US: OAU(Alden Theses & Archiv Thesis D 2003 Broo)
Ref.: OCLC 53318805
Brosnahan, Irene Teoh
Interrogative structure in Amoy Chinese : a transformational
approach. – 1972. 199 p. – Georgetown Univ., Ph.D. thesis
Ref.: Coppell p. 60
Brothers of the Christian Schools in Burma
Centenary souvenvir, 1860 – 1960, of the Brother
Schools, Burma
Brough, Bill <b. 1919>
To reason why ... / by Bill Brough. − Whickham, Newcastle
upon Tyne : Hickory Tree Pr., 2001. IX, 218 p., illus
ISBN 0951962639 (pbk.)
Subject(s): Brough, Bill <b. 1919> : Biography
Burma : World War <1939-1945> ; World War <19391945> - Personal narratives, British
United States : Army - World War <1939-1945> - Military
operations - Burma
GB: BL(YK.2002.a.7536) SOAS(E Coll 3 F /59)
Ref.: OCLC 49036847
Broussard, Stéphanie
Stratégie d'implantation et morale des affaires : exemple des
investisseurs étrangers au Myanmar / Stéphanie Broussard. –
Paris: L'auteur, 1998. 90 f. – Dissertation: Mémoire de DEA
: Stratégies de l'entreprise / Paris II, session de 1998
F: Cujas(LG BRO)
Brouwer, Hendrik Albert
Practical hints to scientific travellers
Brouwers, Pierre
Asie du Sud-Est : Bangkok, Rangoon, Kuala Lumpur, Singapour, Hong-Kong, et Macao, Manille / textes de Pierre
Brouwers. – Paris: Vilo, 1978. 427 p., illus. en noir & en
coul., plans, cartes. – (Les Guides Fodor)
D: HBSUB(a all 036.0/805)
F: BMH(DS 502.8)
Brown, A. F. R.
Working plan for the Yamethin Forest Division for the period 1930-31 to 1939-40
Working plan < Yamethin >
Brown, A. M.
Photographs of some Burmese fishing implements
Brown, Arthur Judson <1856-1963>
The nearer and farther East : outline studies of Moslem lands
and of Siam, Burma, and Korea
Zwemer, Samuel Marinus
Siam-Burma-Korea [: a study of missionary effort].
GB: BL(4765 de 45)
Brown, Atholl Sutherland <b. 1923>
Sutherland Brown, Atholl
Brown, Charles Barrington
The rubies of Burma and associated minerals : their mode of
occurrence, origin, and metamorphoses ; a contribution to
the history of corundum / by C. Barrington Brown and John
W. Judd. – London : Publ. for the Royal Society by Dulau,
1896. p. 151-228, plates, illus., maps. – Repr. from: Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London ; 187,
1896, A.
US: HU(Kummel Geological Sci: QE394.R8 B7) PSt
Brown, David <b. 1945>
The state and ethnic politics in Southeast Asia / David
Brown. 1st publ. – London ; New York : Routledge, 1994.
XXI, 354 p., index, bibliogr. p. [322]-343. – (Politics in Asia
series) − ISBN 0-415-04993-8
B 165
Burma Bibliographical Project
Siegfried M. Schwertner
p. 33-65: The ethnocratie state and ethnic separatism in
D: HD-UB(94 A 3163) HD-SAI(300 pol 93/2138)
GB: BL(YC 1994 a 210)
SOAS(G950/682.231 ; 752.248 ; 752.249)
NL: KITLV(M 3b 1613 N)
SG: NUS(Main Shelves & RBR DS523.3 Bro)
TH: CU(CL TH & Pol: 305.800959 B877S ; Arts at CL
+ Fine Arts DS526.7 B877S ; TIC 52067)
US: NNC(Butler & Lehman: DS526.7 .B76 1994)
LC & NIU(SEA) & UCD(Shields) & UCI(Main Lib) &
UCLA(YRL) : DS485.B81 B8 NYPL(Research BGD9
UCR(Rivera DS485.B81 B76)
YU(SML Yale Class. Bj36 85)
Ref.: OCLC 27114532
ditto. Repr. – ibd., 1994.
ditto. Repr. – ibd., 1995.
ditto. 1st publ. in paperback. – ibd., 1996. XXI, 354 p., index, bibliogr. p. [322]-343. – (Politics in Asia series)
ISBN 0-415-12792-0 (pbk.)*
Brown, Donald Edward <b. 1934>
Social classification and history : India and Burma / by D. E.
Brown. − Norman, OK: Univ. of Oklahoma Pr., 1977. [1 v.]
− (Papers in Anthropology / Univ. of Oklahoma, Norman,
Dept. of Anthropology, Anthropology Club. ; 18.2) − Essays
in Anthropology in Honor of Morris Edward Opler
Subject(s): Burma : History ; Social conditions
US: Heard Mus Libr & Arch, AZ
Ref.: OCLC 50213473
Brown, Dyke
Indonesia and Burma
Arnold, Edwin A.
ditto. – London : Methuen, 1926. XV, 234 p., illus., map, index.
AU:ANU(Menzies DS527.4.B76)
D: B-SBB(Up 4915/300 Potsdamer Str.)
KI-ZBW(II 6633)
GB: BL(01055 f 43) BL-DSS(W4/3912)
CUL(632.c.92.15) FOL(LD 916/17.560)
BL-APAC(V 10122 ; T 41406)
SG: NRL(959.1 BRO)
US: CU(Kroch DS485.B81B87)
HU(Widener Ind 8050.15) IU
LC & NIU(SEA) : DS485.B81 B8 1926 MBAt MnU
NBC TxU UCR UCSB(Main Lib DS485.B81 B7)
Education in Burma / by "Cypher". – Rangoon : British
Burma Pr., 1917. 81 p.
Subject(s): Burma : Education - Economic aspects ; Education and state ; Education
GB: BL(8355 de 33) BL-APAC(T 36364)
ditto. / by "Cypher." – ibd.: Govt. Print and Staty., Burma,
1929. 29 p.
US: NIU(SEA LC67.B93 G7251929)
Ref.: OCLC 26971033
Brown, Etta Irene.
Burma and Kipling. − 1926. − Univ. of South California,
Masters thesis 1926.
GB: BL(MFR/4632 *3982*)
US: CLSU(Co 26 1)
Brown, Francis Charles Claypon Yeats
Yeats-Brown, Francis Charles Claypon
Brown, George Eustace Riou Grant <b. 1868>
Lowis, Cecil Champain
Burma as I saw it, 1889-1917 : with a chapter on recent
events / by R. Grant Brown ; with 36 illus. and a map. 1st
publ. – London : Methuen, 1925. XV, 234 p., front., plates,
ports., map. – Herbert 304
Subject(s): Description and travel ; Social life and customs
D: B-SBB(Up 4915/300 Potsdamer Str. NfLS)
PA-UB(00/RR 51977 B879)
HD-SAI(322 ldk 67/1250)*
GB: BL-DSS(W48/6093) BL-APAC(T 41406)
OUL(IND Burma 4 d 11)
SG: ISEAS(SCR DS527.6 B87)
US: CU(Kroch DS485.B81 B87) NcD
UC(NRLF DS485.B81 B8 $B 52 113)
UCLA(YRL) & UCSD(SSH) : DS485.B81 B8 ViU
Ref.: OCLC 37244002
Half the battle in Burmese : a manual of the spoken language
/ by R. Grant Brown. – London ; New York ; Toronto and
Melbourne: Oxford Univ. Pr., 1910. X, 149 p., index.
Subject(s): Burmese language : Grammar
AU:ANU(Menzies PL3947.B7)
D: HD-SAI(nsp 32.26 B 9)*
GB: BL(12907 a 30) CUL(843:14.d.90.2)
Edinburgh(49588 Bro) BL-APAC(T 6994)
OUL(IND Main Libr RETIND 590171186)
SOAS(GPC 415/232.779 ; 307.575)
US: CLSU CU HU(Widener Harv.Depos. 1286.52.5
LC(Microfilm 4820 PL) MB OCl PPULC
UC(NRLF 709.B877 $D 19 897)
YU(LSF-Request for Fxa3 B81)
Instructions for assessment and collection of Thathameda, Pakokku District
Northern Arakan District
Burma gazetteer
The pre-Buddhist religion of the Burmese / R. G. Brown. –
(London,) 1921. 24 p.
Upper Chindwin District
Burma gazetteer
ditto. – New York : Stokes, [1925]. XV, 234 p., front., plates, ports.
D: GÖ-SUB(8° H.As.II,3300/b)*
US: CU(Annex DS485 B81 B87 1925)
The use of the Roman character for Oriental languages / by
R. Grant Brown. – [n. p.] Presented by the International
B 166
Bibliographical description
Phonetic Association, [1912?]. p. 647-663. – Repr. from:
The journal of the Royal Asiatic Society ; July 1912
GB: BL(012902 f 28(3))*
US: IU LC(P226.B7)
Brown, Georgina Chadwick
Chadwick-Brown, Georgina
Brown, H. A.
Statistical and historical account of the Thayetmyo, Pegu division of British Burma. − 1873.
GB: SOAS(GB031/18438)
GB: BL-DSS(D93035)
Ref.: OCLC 53566640
Brown, John Coggin <1884-1962>
The Burma earthquakes of May 1912 / by J. Coggin Brown
... – Calcutta : Office of the Geological Survey of India,
1914. II, 147 p., plates, fold. maps, bibliogr. foot-notes. –
(Memoirs of the Geological Survey of India ; 42.1)
Subject(s): Burma : Earthquakes
F: BNF(4° S.46)
GB: BL((P) NX 055-E(2)) BL-APAC(IOR/V/20/42)
US: DI-GS LC(QE295.A4 vol.42.1) MU ViU
YU(QE295 A13) ViU
Brown, Ian <b. 1947>
A colonial economy in crisis : Burma's rice delta and the
world depression of the 1930s / Ian Brown. − London ; New
York, NY: RoutledgeCurzon, 2005. 126 p., index, 1 map,
bibliogr. p. [121]-124. − (RoutledgeCurzon studies in the
modern history of Asia ; 28) − ISBN 0-415-30580-2
Contents: Prologue: finding the question - The long view:
growth and weakness in Burma's rice economy - The
course of the depression crisis - Credit contraction and
foreclosure - Survival strategies and material circumstances - The economic foundations of rebellion - Epilogue: memory and perspective.
Subject(s): Burma : Rice trade - History ; Rice trade - Government policy - History ; Financial crises - History ;
Peasantry - Political activity - History ; Economic conditions
AU:ANU(HD9066.B92 B76 2005)
GB: SOAS(GB338.17318 /947885 ; 947886)
HK: HKBU(338.17318 B813C 2005)
NL: KITLV(M 2005 A 3611)
SG: ISEAS(HD9066 B92B87)
US: CU(Kroch) & HU(Widener) & MnU(TC Wilson) &
NIU(SEA) & UCB & UCD(Shields) & UCLA(SRLF) &
UCSD(SSH) & UoC(Regenstein) 6 YU(SML x) :
HD9066.B92 B76 2005
Ref.: OCLC 55886393
Brown, J.
The new mission in upper Burma
Jenkins, Ebenezer Evans <1820-1905>
Brown, Janet Welsh <b. 1931>
Annotated bibliography of Burma
Burmese policy in the United Nations : an analysis of five
selected political questions, 1948-1960 / by Janet Welsh
Brown. – 1964. IX, 506 l., bibliogr. l. 492-506. – Washington, D.C., American Univ., Ph.D. (Political Science, international law and relations) thesis 1964. – DissAb 26.10,
1965/66, 6146. - Shulman 425. - UM 65-4545
Subject(s): United Nations : Foreign relations - Burma
Burma : Foreign relations - United States
D: HD-SAI(325 bez 82/1978)
SG: NUS(DS530.64 Bro)
US: CSt CU(Kroch Film 1492)
NIU(Microforms-2nd FL-FML Microfilm
AC801 .B8785) UC(SRLF M0001327618)
Brown, Jennifer Mary
The molecular basis of beta-thalassaemia in Burma / Jennifer
Mary Brown. – 1990. 314 p. – Oxford, Univ., D.Ph. (clinical
medicine) thesis 1991. – DAI.B 52.4, 1991, 1945-46 DDOA 15.1/2, 1992, 27385
B 167
The geology and ore deposits of the Tavoy District / by J. C.
Brown and A. M. Heron. – Calcutta : Geological Survey of
India, 1923. VII, p. [167]-354, plates, maps. – (Memoirs of
the Geological Survey of India ; 44.2)
GB: BL-APAC(IOR/V/20/43)
BL( (P) NX 055-E(2)/24614400x)
US: LC(QE295.A4 v.44.2) MU NYPL ViU
YU(QE295 A13)
India’s mineral wealth / by J. Coggin Brown. – London
[etc.]: Milford ; Oxford Univ. Pr., 1923. 121 p., index. – (India of to-day ; 4)
Subject(s): India : Mines and mineral resources ; Precious
GB: BL(010055 a 107/4)* BL-APAC(T 12473)
ditto. : a guide to the occurrences and economics of the useful minerals of the Indian empire / by J. Coggin Brown. (2nd
ed.) – London ; New York : Oxford Univ. Pr., 1936. X, 335
p., 8 plates, 6 fold. maps, fold. tables, diagr.
GB: BL(07109 aaa 41)* BL-APAC(T 1096)
ditto. : a guide to the occurrences and economics of the useful minerals of India, Pakistan and Burma / by J. Coggin
Brown and A. K Dey. [3rd ed.] – Bombay: Oxford Univ. Pr.,
1955. XXIV, 761 p., plates, maps, diagr., tables, bibliogr. p.
AU:ANU(Hope Store Bliss DOq B878)
D: B-SBB(Mg 2419/40:3 U.d.L. NfLS) SBGeogr.
KI-ZBW(II 30,843)
GB: BL(8234 k 33)* BL-DSS(W4/4730)
CUL(365:62.c.95.1) BL-APAC(T 16187)
LSE(BLPES HD9506.I4 B87)
OUL(IND 26 D 51 ; RSL Stack 18882 e. 15)
US: C(General Coll) & LC & MnU(TC Wilson Ames) &
NIU(Bradley Stacks-Basement) & WU(Memorial Lib.) :
TN103 .B72 1955
CU(Annex TN103.B87 1955)
HU(Widener: Econ 7745.555.5)
UC(NRLF TN103 .B7 1955 $B 79 101 & SRLF
A0006406664) UCD
UCLA(SE /Geol TN103 B81i 1955)
YU(LSF-Request Un56 I3 955B ; Geology TN103 B76
Ref.: OCLC 41937127 ; 562465
Lisu (Yawyin) tribes of the Burma-China frontier
Rose, Archibald
Burma Bibliographical Project
Siegfried M. Schwertner
The mineral and nuclear fuels of the Indian subcontinent and
Burma : a guide to the study of the coal, oil, natural gas, uranium, and thorium resources of the area / J. Coggin Brown ;
A. K. Dey. – Delhi ; Bombay ; Calcutta ; Madras: Oxford
Univ. Pr., 1975. XIX, 517 p., [10] l. of plates, illus., maps,
index, bibliogr. ref. − ISBN 0-19-560172-6
Subject(s): Burma : Mines and mineral resources ; Fuel ;
Nuclear fuels ; Power resources
AU:ANU(Hancock TN103.B76)
D: B-SBB(393801 Potsdamer Str.) BO-UB(TYB5438)
HBSUB(a geo 710 yfa/595) GÖ-SUB(LS1:VTJ:m)
HD-SAI(219 geo 88/1200)*
F: Orleans-BRGM
GB: BL(NR 145) BL-DSS(76/24490)
OUL(RSL Stack 18882 d. 36) SAS((5-12):553)
IRL:TCD(553.2 L54)
SG: ISEAS(HD9540.5 B87)
US: CRL(GenColl 76-900971) CU(Annex TN103 B87)
HU(Kummel Geological Sci: TN103.B723)
LC & NIU(Main Stacks-FML) & NNC(Engineering) &
UCD(PhySciEng Annex) & UCSB(Main Sci Eng Library) & UCSC(S & E Lib) & WU(Geology and Geophysics) & YU(Geology) : TN103 .B74 1975
MnU(MNLA Ctr 622.0954 B813)
NYPL(SIBL JSF 78-200 or 699)
UCLA(SEL/Geol TN103 B813 1975)
Ref.: OCLC 2441024
The Pyu earthquakes of 3rd and 4th December, 1930, and
subsequent Burma earthquakes up to January, 1932 / by J.
Coggin Brown and P. Leicester. – Calcutta [etc.]: Office of
the Geological Survey of India [etc.], 1933. III, 140, IX p.,
illus. tables, graphs, fold. map, notes, 6 plates. – (Memoirs
of the Geological Survey of India ; 62.1)
Subject(s): Burma : Earthquakes
D: HD-SAI(inf Zs 552,62.1)*
GB: BL((P) NX 055-E(2)) LSE(BLPES GovtPubl. 54
(148/62.1)) BL-APAC(IOR/V/20/51)
Sheffield(B ; 555.4)
US: DI-GS LC(QE295.A4 vol.62.1) MU
Brown, John Terry
Life has no bottom line : dumpster doggerel with a Burma
shave twist / John Terry Brown. – Chicago, Ill.: Chaudiere
Pr., 1991. 57 p. − ISBN 0-938742-02-7
Subject(s): US, Chicago : Artist’ book
US: ICN(Spec.Coll Wing ZP 983 .V63)
NjS(Summit 811 BRO)
Ref.: OCLC 48476439
Brown, Lilian (MacLaughlin)
I married a dinosaur / by Lilian Brown ; with a forew. by
Roy Chapman Andrews. – New York : Dodd, Mead, 1950.
XV, 268 p., illus., ports.
US: LC(DS413.B87)
ditto. – London, Sydney, Toronto, Bombay: Harrap, 1951.
208 p., front., plates.
p. 125-200: Burma
D: HD-SAI(216 ldk 94/5817)*
GB: BL(10891 a 34) BL-APAC(T 14599)*
SOAS(JA 920 BRO/474.978)
Verheiratet mit Dinosauriern : auf Fossilienjagd im indischen Dschungel / Lilian Brown. Mit 32 Bildtafeln. (Ins
Deutsche übertragen von Helga Treichl.) – Wien: Ullstein,
1951. 239 S. – Transl. of: I married a dinosaur
D: GÖ-SUB(8° Geogr.N.673)*
Brown, Max H.
The new divinity : the theological context for Adoniram
Judson, Jr. / by Max H. Brown. − 1993. 128 l., bibliogr. p.
125-128. − Atlanta, Ga., Candler School of Theology-Pitts
Theol. Libr., thesis
Subject(s): Judson, Adoniram <1788-1850>
Hopkins, Samuel <1721-1803>
Burma : Missionaries
Ref.: OCLC 28143862
US: GEU-T(Brow B)
Brown, Michael
Wingate’s phantom army
Burchett, Wilfred Graham
Brown, Nathan
Comparative vocabulary of the Sgau and Pwo Karen dialects. – 1852.
D: HD-SAI(200 arc 84/504 GF)
Brown, R. J. R.
Elementary hand-book of the Red Karen language / by R. J.
R. Brown. – Rangoon : Govt. Print., Burma (for Capt.
Brown), 1900. 84 p.
Subject(s): Karen language
GB: CUL(839:34.b.90.2) BL-APAC(V 4379)*
SOAS(GPE Kar 415/38.773)*
US: CU(Kroch PL4052 .B88 1900a)
YU(SML PL4052 S68)
Brown, Richard Arthur 1918-1985
Playing card to freedom : Private R. A. Brown's story as a
Far East prisoner of war. – [S.l., s.n.,] (Brooklyn Pr.), 2001.
28 p., [4] p. of plates, illus., ports.
Subject(s): Brown, Richard Arthur <1918-1985>
Burma-Siam Railroad : History
Burma : World War <1939-1945> - Personal narratives,
British ; World War <1939-1945> - Prisoners and prisons,
GB: BL(YK.2002.a.3340
Ref.: OCLC 49240242
Brown, Riou Grant
Brown, George Eustace Riou Grant
Brown, Robert
Illustrated encyclopaedia of peoples and cultures of the
world : a graphic account of the characteristics, customs,
languages, religions and folklore of the human family /
Robert Brown. Repr. − New Delhi : Aryan Books Intern.
ISBN 81-7305-043-0
4. [India, China, Tibet, Burma, Sri Lanka and Mongolia]. −
1999. VIII, 320 p., illus. − ISBN 81-7305-040-6
D: DD-SU HD-SAI(inf 54 C 32,4)
Brown, Robert Neal Rudmose <b. 1879>
Report to the Government of Burma on the pearl oyster fisheries of the Mergui Archipelago and Moskos Islands / by R.
B 168
Bibliographical description
N. Rudmose Brown ... and Jas. J. Simpson. – Rangoon :
Govt. Print., Burma (for Rev. Secy.), 1907. 27 p., tables,
fold. map.
Subject(s): Burma : Pearl fisheries - Mergui Archipelago ;
Pearl fisheries – Moscos Islands
Mergui Archipelago : Pearl fisheries
Moscos Islands : Pearl fisheries
GB: BL(I.S.Bu.16/3)*
BL-APAC(W 1844* ; IOR/V/27/550/23)
US: LC(SH377.B8B7)
Ref.: OCLC 25071894
Brown, Robin <b. 1952>
A guide to buying antiques, arts & crafts in Thailand : including hilltribe, Burmese, Cambodian and Laotian artefacts
/ Robin Brown. – Singapore: Times Books, c1989. 180 p.,
plates, illus., maps, gloss. − ISBN 9971-65-553-5
Subject(s): Thailand : Antique dealers - Directories ; Antiques, Burmese - Directories ; Shopping - Directories ;
Handicraft, Burmese - Directories ; Art, Burmese - Directories
NL: KITLV(M tt 1553 N)
SG: NUS(CL Ref. NK1125 Bro)
US: CU(Kroch NK1055.A1.B88)
HU(Widener Harv Depos. NK1055.A1 B768 1989)
NIU(SEA NK1055.A1 B7681989)
GB: BL(9056 ee 11) CUL(RA.24.51)
BL-APAC(T 3328 ; T 38914) OUL(BOD Camera UB
24624 e.2) SOAS(GB945/4443 ; 439806)*
J: TYB(XII-25-E-12) RKD
NL: KITLV(M ss 392)
SG: ISEAS(DS530.62 B88)
US: CU(Annex DS485.B86 B88)
HU(Widener Ind 8043.5)
LC & NNC(Butler) & UCB(Main) : DS485.B86 B8
MiU NYPL(Research BGD)
NIU(SpecColl DS529.7 .B7681888A)
UC(NRLF DS485.B86 B8 $B 52 094 ; Microfilm.66267
JR 68 047) YU(SML Yale Class. Bj36 12)
Ref.: OCLC 30050334 ; 2306126)
ditto. Repr. – New York : AMS Pr., 1977.
ISBN 0-404-16798-5
Ref.: BiP
Browne, Horace Albert <1832-1914>
Complete Manual of Rules, Regulations, etc. in Force in the
Province of Pegu. − Rangoon, 1861. 203 p.
US: HU(Law School Harv. Depos.)
Manual of rules, regulations ... in force in the Pegu Division of British Burmah
Brown, Roxanna M. <b. 1946>
The ceramics of South-East Asia : their dating and identification / Roxana M. Brown. – Kuala Lumpur ; New York :
Oxford Univ. Pr., 1977. XIV, 82 p., [44] l. of plates, illus.
(some col.), incl. index, bibliogr. p. [71]-76. – (Oxford in
Asia studies in ceramics) − ISBN 0195803159
Subject(s): Burma : Pottery - Expertising
US: CU(Kroch +NK4154.B87)
Reminiscences of the Court of Mandalay : extracts from the
diary of General Horace A. Browne, 1859-1879. – Woking:
The Oriental Institute, 1907. 196 p. – Herbert 305
Subject(s): Mandalay : Politics and government - 19th century
Burma : Description and travel.
D: B-SBB(Up 4769 Potsdamer Str.)
HD-SAI(reg 60 D 304)*
GB: BL(010055 f 1) BL-APAC(V 10018)
OUL(BOD L Floor 24624 d.8)
SOAS(GB 909/196.760)*
J: TYB(XII-25-B-13) TYB
US: CU(Wason DS485.B89 B88)
HU(Widener Ind 8045.10) LC(DS485.B89B8) MnU
NYPL(Research Or.Div.BGD)
ditto. 2nd ed. – Singapore ; New York : Oxford Univ. Pr.,
1988.. XXIV, 130 p., 50, 63 p. of plates, illus., index, bibliogr. p. 113-124. – (Oxford in Asia studies in ceramics)
ISBN 0-19-588889-8 – Herbert 748
Burmese ceramics p. 99-112
GB: BL(YV 1989 b 931)
US: CU(Kroch +NK4154.B87 1988)
LC(NK4154.B77 1988)
ditto. 2nd ed. Repr.– Chicago, Ill.: Art Media Resources,
c2000. XXIV, 130 p., 50, 63 p. of plates, illus., index, bibliogr. p. 113-124.
US: CU(Kroch NK4154 .B77 2000+)
Statistical and historical account of the District of Thayetmyo, Pegu Division of British Burma / by Horace Albert
Browne. With two maps. – Rangoon : Albion Pr., 1873. XI,
251, VI p., index, app.
Subject(s): Thayetmyo
AU:NLA(Luce 252)
GB: BL-APAC(IOR/V/27/64/174) SOAS(GB 031/18.348)*
US: HU(Widener Ind 8239.5)
Brown, Daltas and Associates
Architectural report : Burma
Browne, Edmond
Upper Burmah : its defences and warlike resources. – London : Royal United Service Institution, 1875.
Browne, Edmond Charles <b. 1843>
The coming of the great queen : a narrative of the acquisition
of Burma / by major Edmond Charles Browne. – London :
Harrison, 1888. 451 p., fold. front., [17] l. of plates, maps.
Herbert 356
Subject(s): Burma : British - History ; History ; Politics and
government <1824-1948>
D: HD-SAI(reg 60 D 2 ; 322 his 76/41)*
Browning, Tod
The Road to Mandalay, etc. / Tod Browning and H. J.
Mankiewicz. – London : Jacobsen Hodgkinson Corp.,
[1926]. 132 p. – (Popular plays and screen library)
GB: BL(12648 aa 1/23)
Brownstone, David M.
Across Asia by land
Franck, Irene M.
B 169
To the ends of the earth
Franck, Irene M.
Burma Bibliographical Project
Siegfried M. Schwertner
Bruce, Colin John
Invaders : British and American experience of seaborne
landings <1939-1945> / Colin John Bruce. – Annapolis,
Md.: Naval Institute Pr., c1999. 286 p., illus. – Publ. in Great
Britain by Chatham Publishing. − ISBN 1557503958
Contains: 12. Backwaters : the Burma campaign
Subject(s): Burma : World War <1939-1945> - Campaign,
Amphibious operations ; World War <1939-1945> - Personal narratives, British ; World War <1939-1945> - Personal narratives, American
US: CU(Olin x) & NNC(Butler g) & OAU(Alden 6th Floor)
& UCR(Rivera) & WU(Memorial Lib.) & YU(SML) :
D770 .B78 1999 SIUC(Basement-Social Studies
940.5412 B886i 1999)
Ref.: OCLC42639893
Bruce, George Ludgate <b. 1910>
The Burma wars, 1824-1886 / by George Bruce. – London :
Hart-Davis, MacGibbon, 1973. X, 178 p., illus., map, index,
bibliogr. p. 169-171. – [(Colonial wars series ; 1)]
ISBN 0-246-10547-X – Herbert 238
Subject(s): Burma : British
Burmese War <1824-1826>
Burmese War <1852>
Burmese War <1885>
AU:NLA(959.103 B88b)
D: B-SBB(Ser. 18 918-1 Potsdamer Str.)
HBSUB(gc 9167) GÖ-SUB(74 A 10513)
HD-SAI(321 mil 73/870)*
GB: BL(14302 bbb 17) BL-DSS(73/13139)
CUL(628:42.c.95.8) BL-APAC(T 27527)
OUL(IND Burma 5 d 62) SAdS(ICS DS559 BRU)
SAS((591):355.48) SOAS(GB945/306.022)
IRL:TCD(V9-3 432)
J: TYB(XII-25-E-38; Cd 5)
NL: KITLV(M ss 96 N)
SG: ISEAS(DS530.62 B88) NUS(DS475 Bra)
US: CU(Kroch) & YU(SML) : DS475 B88
LC & MnU(TC Wilson Ames) & NIU(SEA) &
NNC(Offsite) & OAU(Alden SE Asia) & UCD(Shields)
& UCI(Main Lib) & UCSD(SSH) & WU(Memorial
Lib.) : DS475.B8 NYPL(Research JFD 74-6116)
UCB(Main DS475 .B81)
UCLA(YRL DS475 B83b)
Ref.: OCLC 16235485
ditto.[/ transl. into Burmese by Du-tiya Bo-hmu Gyi Hla Mo.
− Rangoon, Kaw-kanú, 1979]. 266 p., llus., maps.
Ref.: OCLC 45819844
Bruce, H.
Copy of the report upon the income and expenditure of
British Burma
Bruce, Jean <1921-1963>
Avontuur in Birma : met O.S.S. 117 / Jean Bruce [; vert. uit
het Frans door Caspar Hendriks]. – Utrecht: Bruna & Zoon,
1962. 192 p. – (Zwarte beertjes ; 536) – Transl. of: Le Sbire
de Birmanie
NL: KITLV(M ss 282 N)
Jean Bruce & [e] Segretissimo presentano Inverno spia 1988
/ copertina di Carlo Jacono. – Milano: Mondadori, [1988].
367 p. – [Titolo originale:] Le sbire de Birmanie ...
Contiene: Formosa: caccia all'atomica, Birmania: ufficio cifra, Missione dischi volanti
Pelle di spia : 7 avventure di OSS 117 / a cura di Laura Grimaldi. – Milano: A. Mondadori, 1968. 808 p., tav. – (Omnibus) – Trad. B. Just Lazzari
Contiene: Berlino linea del terrore ; Formosa caccia all'atomica ; Le mani nel sacco ; Birmania ufficio cifra ; Egitto
missione B ; Baby-Luna missione C ; Missione dischi volanti
Biblioteca nazionale centrale Vittorio Emanuele II Roma – RM Biblioteca statale di Trieste - Trieste - TS
ditto. 2. ed. – ibd., 1970. 808 p. – (Omnibus gialli)
I: Biblioteca nazionale centrale Vittorio Emanuele II Roma – RM
ditto. 3. ed. – ibd., 1974. 809 p. – (Omnibus gialli)
I: Biblioteca civica – Cassine - AL
Le Sbire de Birmanie (O.S.S. 117) / Jean Bruce. – Paris: Pr.
de la Cité, 1958. 188 p. – (Un mystère ; 403)
F: BNF(16° Y2 9327 (403))
ditto. [Texte imprimé] : O.S.S. 117 / Jean Bruce. – Paris : Pr.
pocket, 1976. 188 p. : couv. illus. en coul. – (Pr. pocket ;
1371) – Titre at cover: "O.S.S. 117 et le sbire de Birmanie"
ISBN 2-266-00138-8 (Br.)
F: BNF(EL 8- Z- 15 (1371) support imprimé)
Bruce, Lisa
Burma. – Hong Kong: Apa Publ., 1996.
SG: CL+NRL(915.9104 B-[Tra] 1996)
ditto. New ed. – ibd., 1997.
SG: CL+RUBC(915.9104 B-[Tr] 1997)
Bruce, Victor Alexander <9th Earl of Elgin, 13th Earl of
Kincardine, 1844-1897>
Copy of the despatch of the late Governor General of
India, Lord Elgin, relative to the proposed construction of
a commercial way from Rangoon to Kianghung
Brücken nach Südostasien : Beiträge zum interkulturellen
Verstehen / Südostasien-Institut e.V. – Heidelberg: J. Gross,
[1990]. 160 p., graph. Darst., Kt. – Contributions in German
and English. – ISBN 3-87276-639-2
Table of Contents:
Verstehen anderer Kulturen als Bedingung wirtschaftlicher
Zusammenarbeit / Detlev Karsten, Hartmut Schweitzer
Verständigung in Südostasien / Hans A. Poetzelberger
Höflichkeit in Südostasien / Manfred Kummer
Überlegungen zur Planung von Orientierungskursen für
südostasiatische Länder / Manfred Kummer
Vermutungen über das Sprachenlernen / Josef Rohrer
Zu den Aussichten der wirtschaftlichen Zusammenarbeit
zwischen EG und Ost- sowie Südostasien / Rüdiger Machetzki
ASEAN and the EC / Sharon Siddique
Nationalstaat, nationale Identifikation und Nationalsprache
in Südostasien / Heinrich P. Kelz
Myanmar (Birma) / Günter Siemers
Buddhas Land am Irawaddy / Bernward Mankau
Traditional medical practice in the Philippines / Cecilia D.
B 170
Bibliographical description
Philippine music / Helen Samson-Lauterwald.
AU:NLA(G 39285)
D: HD-UB(91 A 2191) TU-UB(31 A 17066)
SG: NUS(DS521.23 Bru)
US: CU(Kroch DS521 .B78x 1990)
LC(DS521 .B78 1990)
Brückner, Georg M.
Handbuch der neuesten Erdbeschreibung : mit einer Menge
Tabellen, erklärender Figuren in Holzschnitten, in Stahl gestochener Charten, und einem alphabetisch geordneten Register / von G. Brückner.-- Hildburghausen [etc.]: Bibliogr.
Inst., 1837. VIII, 395 S., [66] Bl., zahlr. Kt.
Enthält: 32 Lfg. Birmanen-Reich mit Anam, Siam und Chochin-China’
Subject(s): Burma : Geography ; Map
Bruen, Kathleen Elizabeth
The agricultural geography of the Irrawaddy Delta, with special reference to rice / Kathleen E. Bruen. – 1939. X, 223 l.,
49 figs., maps, bibliogr. l. 196-198. – London, Univ. of London, M.A. (geography) thesis 1939
Subject(s): Burma : Rice - Irrawaddy Delta ; Agricultural
geography - Irrawaddy Delta
Irrawaddy Delta : Agricultural geography ; Rice
US: CU(Annex Film N7991)
Bruggeman, H. Y.
Methodology for Regional Analysis of Physical Potential for
Crop Production
Nachtergaele, F. O.
Brumberg, Joan Jacobs
A mission for life : the Judson family and American Evangelical culture, 1790-1850 / Joan Jacobs Brumberg. – 1978.
XII, 325 l., bibliogr. l. 308-325. – Univ. of Virginia, Ph.D.
(history) thesis 1978. – DAI.A 40.2, 1979, 1024. - Shulman
311. - UM 79-16231
Subject(s): Judson family
Judson, Adoniram <1788-1850>
United States : Missionaries - Biography
Burma : Missionaries - Biography
Academic Dissertation - Univ. of Virginia
US: ViU(Alderman Diss Hist 1978 .B7 Thesis-Dis AldStks & Spec-Coll Archives Sc-IVY)
Mission for life : the story of the family of Adoniram
Judson, the dramatic events of the first American foreign
mission, and the course of evangelical religion in the nineteenth century / Joan Jacobs Brumberg. – New York, N.Y.
[etc.]: Free Pr. [etc.], 1980. XVI, 302, 16 p., [8] l. of plates,
illus., index, bibliogr. p. 291-295. – Univ. of Virginia, Ph.D.
thesis 1978.
ISBN 0-02-905100-2
Herbert 499
Subject(s): Judson family
Judson, Adoniram <1788-1850>
United States : Missionaries - Biography
Burma : Missionaries - Biography
AU:NLA(286.10922 B893)
D: HD-SAI(320 rel 81/2964)*
US: CU(UNDERGR BX6493 B89 1980)
FU & HU(Widener WID-LC) & LC & YU(SML & Divinity) : BX6493 .B73 1980
Bruneau, Michel
Une population lacustre : les Intha de lac Inlé, Etats Shan du
sud, Birmanie / par Michel Bruneau et Lucien Bernot. − Paris: Laboratoire d'ethnobotanique, Muséum national d'histoire naturelle, 1972. p. 402-441, 4 p. of plates, illus., maps.
− Offprint from: Journal d'agriculture tropicale et de botanique appliquée, t. 19, no. 10-11 (Oct./Nov. 1972). − Lake
Inle, Burma and the people of its environs.
Subject(s): Intha
Burma : Lake ecology - Inle Lake
Inle Lake : Lake ecology
SG: ISEAS(Doc B115)
Brunetti, Enrico
Brunei Gallery < London >
Melting the stars : an exhibition of photographs of the people
of Burma
Bieber, Joey
Brunialti, Attilio
Gl' inglesi in Birmania : Conferenza tenuta alla societa geografica italiana il Giorno 13 Dicembre 1885. – Roma: Presso
La Societa Geografica Italiana, 1886 20 p.
I: FI-BNC Biblioteca civica Bertoliana - Vicenza - VI
Brunhuber Robert <1878-1908>
An Hinterindiens Riesenströmen / Robert Brunhuber. Mit
einem Vorwort von Sven Hedin, 2 Porträts, 30 Abb. und 1
Karte. – Berlin-FriedenAU:Ledermann, 1912. 120 p.
D: HD-SAI(324 rei 68/2886)*
GB: BL(10056 i 4)*
J: TYB(XII-25-B-25)
US: LC(DS525.B8) NYPL(Research BGT)
Brunner, Elizabeth <b. 1910>
A painter’s pilgrimage
Brunner, Jake.
Logging Burma’s frontier forests : resources and the regime
/ Jake Brunner ; Kirk Talbott ; Chantal Elkin. – Washington,
DC: World Resources Institute, c1998. VII, 48 p., col. maps,
bibliogr. p. 35-36. – August 1998. − ISBN: 1-569-73266-3
Subject(s): Burma : Exploitation ; Logging - Environmental
aspects ; Logging - Government policy ; Forests and forestry ; Forest management ; Politics and government ; International business enterprises - Corrupt practices
GB: CUL(2000.11.3040) OUL(RSL Stack 01.B00457)
SOAS(L GB333.75/784413 ; 793555)
US: CU(Mann x) & LC & OAU(Alden SE Asia) &
UCB(Biosci) & UCD(Shields) & UCLA(YRL) &
UCR(Science) & UCSD(SSH) & UCSC(S & E Lib)
WU(Steenbock Lib.) : SD538.3 B93 B78 1998
HU(Kennedy Sch of Gov: SD538.3.B93 B7 1998
Ref.: OCLC40509097
ditto. – Washington, D.C.: World Resources Institute ; London : Kogan Page, 1999. 56 p. − ISBN 1569732663
Ref.: OCLC 41018290
Brunner von Wattenwyl, Karl <1823-1914>
Révision du système des orthoptères et description des espèces rapportées par M. Leonard Fea de Birmanie / par Brun-
B 171
Burma Bibliographical Project
Siegfried M. Schwertner
ner de Wattenwyl. − Genova: Tipografia del R. Istituto Sordo-Muti, 1893. 230 p., 6 plates, illus. − (Annali / Genoa.
Museo civico de storia naturale Giacomo Doria, Genoa ; 33)
− Estratto dagli Annali des Museo civico de storia naturale
di Genova : ser. 2a ; v. 13 (33), 1892-93 (1893) p. 5-230, pl.
Subject(s): Fea, Leonardo <1852-1903>
Burma : Orthoptera
GB: BL(Ac.2809)
OUL(OUM Entomol. 821 d. 3 N10085961)
US: HU(Museum Comp Zoology E.D. Orth.)
Brunnschweiler, Rudolph O.
On the geology of the Indoburman ranges : Arakan Coast
and Yoma, Chin Hills, Naga Hills / by R. O. Brunnschweiler. With 2 plates and 17 text-figures. – Adelaide,
1966. p. 137-194, gloss. – Repr. from Journal of the Geological Society of Australia ; 13.1
Subject(s): Burma : Geology
Arakan Coast : Geology ; Yoma : Geology ;
Chin Hills : Geology ; Naga Hills : Geology
D: HD-SAI(320 geo 71/501 Kp)*
Ref.: OCLC 25265811
Bruns, Axel
Birma (Myanmar) : een actuele reisgids
Köllner, Helmut
Birmanie (Myanmar) : un guide de voyage actualisé
Köllner, Helmut
Birmanisches Marionettentheater / Axel Bruns ; Hla Thamein. – Berlin: Systemdruck, 1990. 163 S., Illus., Gloss. S.
160-163, Bibliogr. S. 160-163. − ISBN 3-926520-24-8
(pbk.) – Herbert 770
Subject(s): Burma : Puppets ; Puppet making ; Puppet theater ; Marionettes - History
D: B-SBB(1 A 54817 Potsdamer Str.)
GB: BL-APAC(O RW.1991.a.742)
NL: KITLV(M ss 252 N)
US: CU(Kroch PN1978.B8 B78w 1990)
HU(Tozzer IND. B 838 b)
MiU(Hatcher PN 1978 B5 B26 1990)
NIU(SEA PN1978.B85 B786 1990)
YU(SML PN1978 B8 B78 1990)
Ref.: OCLC 27335756
Burmesische Marionettenkunst : Entwicklung und soziale
Funktion des Marionettentheaters unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der letzten zweihundert Jahre / von Axel Bruns. –
1999. 141, 60, [96] S., [12] S. Taf., Illus., Gloss., Bibliogr.
S. 138-141. – Hamburg, Univ., Phil. Diss., 2000.
Subject(s): Burma : Puppets ; Puppet making ; Puppet theater ; Marionettes - History
CH: BE Schweiz. Theatersammlung(TS 16.1: 316)
D: DDSU(2001 B 012878)
TU-UB(US 101.682)
US: CU(Kroch) & LC : PN1978.B85 B78 1999
MiU(Hatcher Grad. PN 1978 .B5 B26 2001)
Ref.: OCLC 50780204
Myanmar (Burma) : ein aktuelles Reisehandbuch
Köllner, Helmut
Brunsdale, Mitzi M.
Student companion to George Orwell / Mitzi M. Brunsdale.
− Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Pr., 2000. XIII, 173 p., index, bibliogr. p. [159]-165. − (Student companions to classic
writers, ISSN 1522-7979) − ISBN 0313306370
Contents: Becoming Orwell - His only real education - Getting ready to write: Down and out in Paris and London Settling down and writing books: Burmese days, A lergyman's daughter, Keep the aspidistra flying - From Mandalay to Wigan Pier: "Shooting an elephant" and The road
to Wigan Pier - Spilling Spanish beans: Homage to Catalonia - Orwell's war: Coming up for air and The lion and
the unicorn - All animals are equal, but: Animal farm – In
front of our noses: Nineteen eighty-four - Halfway to
2050: It depends on you.
Subject(s): Orwell, George <1903-1950> : Criticism and interpretation ; Examinations - Study guides
F: Metz-SCD(823.91 BRU)
Montpellier-BU Lettres(XB 14125)
GB: CUL(725:29.c.200.75) OUL(BOD M00.F05225)
HK: Hong Kong Baptist Univ
US: LC& OAU(Alden) & UCB & UCI(Langson) &
UCSC(McHenry) & WU(College Lib.) : PR6029.R8
Z5895 2000 UoC(Regenstein PR6029.R8 Z5895 2000)
Ref.: OCLC 42643591
Brush, John E.
Land tenure and the agrarian problem in Burma / by John E.
Brush. − [Madison, Wis.,] 1948. 21 p. − Paper prep. for a
seminar in land tenure, Dept. of Agricultural Economics,
Univ. of Wisconsin, 1947/1949
Subject(s): Burma : Economic history ; Land tenure
US: WU(Steenbock 3rd Floor, South Files Burma 58 B78)
Bryan, Charles R.
Checklist of periodicals in Southeast Asian studies and
Asian studies in general currently received by Yale Univ.
Yale University < New Haven, Conn. > / Library /
Southeast Asia Collection
Bryan, Ronald W.
Your Christian calling : an explanation of the Rule of life of
the Church of India, Pakistan, Burma and Ceylon / by the
Bishop of Barrackpore. – Delhi: I. S. P. C. K., 1960. 137 p.
Subject(s): Church of India, Pakistan, Burma, and Ceylon :
Ceremonies and practices ; Catechisms
Burma : Christian life – Anglican authors
US: PU(BX5680.5.Z5B79 1960)
UCLA(YRL BX5680.5 Z5 B84)
Bryant, Raymond Leslie <b. 1961>
Contesting the resource : the politics of forest management
in colonial Burma. – 1993. 372 l., app. l. 340-351. − London,
Univ. of London, School of Oriental and African Studies,
Ph.D. thesis 1993.
Subject(s): Burma : Forest management ; Forest policy
GB: SOAS(Thesis/1751)
ULL(PhD(Econ) 1993 SOAS)
Myanmar (Birmania) : un manuale aggiornato di viaggio
Köllner, Helmut
The political ecology of forestry in Burma, 1824 - 1994 /
Raymond L. Bryant. – Honolulu: Univ. of Hawaii Pr., 1997.
B 172
Bibliographical description
XIV, 257 p., index, map, index, bibliogr. p. 230 to 246. –
Based on author’s thesis. − ISBN 0-8248-1909-8
Contents: 1. Contesting the Resource - 2. Pre-Scientific Forestry, 1824-1855 - 3. Scientific Forestry: Control and Resistance, 1856-1881 - 4. The Era of Expansion, 1882-1901
- 5. The Era of Consolidation, 1902-1922 - 6. Forests and
Nationalism, 1923-1947 - 7. Restoring Order in the Forests, 1948-1994 - 8. Burmese Forest Politics in Comparative Perspective - Appendix. A Note on Forest Lands and
Note: The history of Burma's forests is a paradox. No other
country has been so closely identified in the popular
imagination with its forests, yet the political processes that
govern their fate are even today scarcely - understood.
This book addresses the paradox, analysing the politics of
forest management in Burma between 1824 and 1994. The
central question is: what have been the political consequences of the advent of a Forest Department in 1856 on
forest access and conflict in Burma? To answer it three notions, which serve as the analytical framework of the book,
are differentiated: forests as a contested resource: the Forest Department as a resource manager; and conflicting perceptions of forest use.
Subject(s): Burma : Forest policy - History ; Forests and
forestry - Political aspects - History ; Forest management - History ;
Logging - Management ; Logging - History ; Ecology Political aspects ; Environmentalism
AU:ANU(Hancock SD657.B93.B78 1997)
F: BIULO(GEN.III.312209)
US: CU(Kroch SD657 .B93B78x 1997) DCU
HU(Widener WID-LC) & LC & NIU(SEA) &
NNC(Lehman) & OAU(Alden SE Asia) & UCB(Biosci)
& UCD(Shields) & UCLA(YRL) & UCSD(SSH) &
UCSB(Main Sciences Engineering Lib.) &
WU(Geography Library) : DS657.B93 B78 1997
NYPL(SIBL-B. Altman Des JBD 97-1359)
Ref.: OCLC 35229159
Burma : World War <1939-1945>, Personal narratives,
British ; World War <1939-1945> - Campaigns - Biography
GB: SOAS(E Coll 3 M /120)
Burma Socialist Programme Party
Bstan-‘dzin-rgya-mtsho < Dalai Lama XIV, b. 1935 >
Burma : the next killing fields?
Clements, Alan
Burma’s revolution of the spirit : the struggle for democratic
freedom and dignity
Clements, Alan
Dossier noir Birmanie : autour d’une enquête d’Alan
Buajitti, K.
Upper winds over Southeast Asia and neighbourings areas
Bunnag, Charoon V.
Buchanan, George Cunningham <Sir, 1865-1940>
Description of the Rangoon River training works ... − [Rangoon : British Burma Pr., 1914?] 15, [1] p., plates (part.
fold.) fold. maps, plan in pocket. − At head of title: Insignia
of The commissioners for the Port of Rangoon.
Subject(s): Rangoon
US: RPB(Hay Star 1-Size TC504.R5 B9)
Ref.: OCLC 31767231
Note on foreshore accommodation at the port of Rangoon,
with proposals for further acquisition / by George C. Buchanan ... Chairman, Port Commissioners. − [Rangoon,
1905.] 4, [1], VIII p. 34 cm.
US: YU(LSF-Request Uch36 I36 +905b)
Ref.: OCLC 43712485
ditto. – London : Hurst, 1997. XIV, 257 p., map, index,
bibliogr. p. 230-246. − ISBN 1-85605-283-X
D: B-SBB(1 A 317320 Potsdamer Str.) FR-UB(SW
2001/1490) GÖ-SUB HD-SAI(320 agr 99/729)*
GB: BL(YC.1997.a.3498)
LSE(BLPES, Course Collection SD657.B93 B91)
OUL(IND Burma 6 d 37) SAS((591):634)*
SOAS(GB333.75/750055 ; 751.543* ; 772087)
NL: KITLV(M 1997 A 3510)
SG: NUS(SD657 Bur.B)
US: UCI(Sci Lib b Bar) & UCSC(S & E Lib) & YU(SML x)
: SD657 B93 B78 1997
Ref.: OCLC 37792453
Note on the accommodation at the port of Rangoon, with
proposals for improvements & extensions / by George C.
Buchanan ... Chairman and Chief engineer, Port Commissioners ... − Rangoon, British Burma Pr., 1902. 2 p. l., 11,
VII p.
US: YU(LSF-Request Uch36 I36 +902b)
Ref.: OCLC 43712516
A note on the administration of the Rangoon port trust by the
chairman. − Rangoon : British Burma Pr., 1901. Var. pags,
US: YU(SML Microform Film B11348:5)
Papers in connection with proposed river training
works ...
Rangoon river training works. – London : Institute of Civil
Engineering, 1917.
Bryden, Bill
Bryden, William McC.
Bryden, William McC. <b. 1921 or 2>
Shell-shocked! from Arakan to Mandalay (1942-1945) / Bill
Bryden. − Ilfracombe: Arthur H. Stockwell Ltd, 2004. 86,
[10] p., illus., ports. − ISBN 0722336217 (pbk)
Note: 130th Field Regiment RA and 1st Bn The Royal Scotts
Subject(s): Bryden, William McC. <1921 or 2>
Buchanan, Keith
The Southeast Asian world : an introductory essay / Keith
Buchanan. – London : Bell, 1967. 176 p., illus., graphs., index, bibliogr. p. 164-170.
AU:NLA(309.159 B918s)
GB: BL(X 809/3853) BL-APAC(T 22514)
B 173
Burma Bibliographical Project
Siegfried M. Schwertner
NL: KITLV(M 3b 50 N)
SG: NUS(DS511 Buc)*
US: CU(DS511.B91 1967)
ditto. Repr. – ibd., 1970. 176 p., illus., graphs., index, bibliogr. p. 164-170.
ISBN 0-7135-0154-5
SG: NUS(DS511 Buc)*
Buchanan, William W.
Cumulative subject index to the monthly catalog of United
States Government publications
United States
ditto. – Wakefield, RI: Moyer Bell ; Emeryville, CA: Distr.
in North America by Publ. Group West, 1997. 248 p.
ISBN 1559212098 (pbk.)
US: LC(PS3503.U198 P7 1997) UCD
UCD(Shields PS3503.U33 P7 1997)
Buck, R. L.
Report to the Government of Burma for the Shan States on
the mechanization of agriculture / by R. L. Buck. – Rome:
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations,
1961. 10 p. – (FAO report / Expanded Technical Assistance
Program ; 1338)
D: HD-AWI(F VI 56-1338)
Bucher, Alois N.
Der Kreislauf von Sonne und Mond in Mythus und Kult bei
den Völkern Assams, Burmas und benachbarter Gebiete. –
1964. – Fribourg, Univ., Fac. des Lettres, Diss. 1965
Shulman 33. – Jahresverz. der schweiz. Hochschulschriften
68, 1965, no.394
Der Kreislauf von Sonne und Mond in Religion und Magie
bei den Völkern Assams, Burmas und benachbarter Gebiete /
von Alois Bucher. – 1964. S. 721-758. – Repr. from: Anthropos 59, 1964. – Part of: Fribourg, Univ., Ph.D. thesis
D: HD-SAI(eth Zs 32,59)*
Buck, Pearl Sydenstricker <1892-1973)
Das Gelöbnis : Roman (/ übertragen von Ursula von Wiese).
3. Aufl. − Bern: Scherz, 1950. 317 S. − Übers. von: The
A: ÖNB(826.934-B)
Report to the Government of Burma on the mechanization of
agriculture. – Rome: Food and Agriculture Organization of
the United Nations, 1961. 14 p. – (FAO report / Expanded
Technical Assistance Program ; 1340)
D: HD-AWI(F VI 56-1340)
Buckland, Charles Edward <1847-1941>
A handbook for travellers in India, Burma and Ceylon.
– 9th-10th ed.
Buckland, William <1784-1856>
Description of fossil remains
Crawfurd, John
Journal of an embassy from the Governor General of India
to the court of Ava
Geological account of a series of animal and vegetable remains and of rocks : collected by J. Crawfurd, Esq. on a
voyage up the Irawadi to Ava, in 1826 and 1827. − [n.p.,
1834. 377]-392 p., plates. – From: Transaction of the Geological Society ; 2nd series, v. 2
GB: BL(1425 g 19)
US: YU(SML Yale Class. A101 05 6)
ditto. Ungekürzte Lizenzausg. [für die Buchgemeinde
Alpenland]. – [Klagenfurt :] Kaiser, [1969]. 317 S.
A: ÖNB(1,045.655-B)
Promesse / trad. de l’anglais par Jane Fillion. – Lausanne:
Société Coopérative des Éd. Rencontre ; Genève: Jeheber,
[1945]. IV, 285 p. – Transl. of: Promise
Ref.: Schweizer Buch
ditto. 3rd ed. – ibd., 1946. 297 p.
D: HD-SAI(322 mil 86/295)*
Buckman, Sydney Savory <1860-1929>
The Brachiopoda of the Namyau beds, Northern Shan States,
Burma / by S. S. Buckman. – Calcutta : Office of the Geological Survey, 1917. 299 p., 21 plates. – (Memoirs of the
Geological Survey of India : Palaeontologia Indica ; N.S.
Subject(s): Shan States, Northern : Paleontology ; Brachiopoda
CH: BS UB(Zs.Mag NatG 315 NS:3:2)
D: B-SBB(4° Mk 12525/30 NfLS)
BO-UB(TYD 90-NS3.2)
HD-UB(O 2457-8 Großformat)
GÖ-SUB(+2+MIN II,6379 NS 3.2)
GB: OUL(OUM Geolog. AL L XIV 11 ; RSL Nuneham
Per. 18934 c. 17 (n.s.3:2))
NL: Leiden - Nat National Natuurhist. Mus.(Pa 11/51)
SG: NUS(Microform QE756 Bur*B)
US: CU(Engineering ++QE756.I4 P15 n.s.v.3 no.2)
DSI(Natural History q QE796 .B92 1917)
LC(QE756.I4 v.3.2) NNC(Geology 560.954 In2 n.s.
UCB(Earth Sci f QE796 .B8 Locked Cage)
Ref.: OCLC 10164858
ditto. – London : Arrow Books, 1961. 288 p. – (Grey Arrows
; G.106)
GB: BL(012213 z 1/106)
Budan, Philippe
Mission medicale clandestine en Birmanie /Philippe Budan.
– 1984. – Paris 12, Creteil, doct. d'etat, medecine, 1984
The promise [: novel of China and Burma] / by Pearl S.
Buck. – New York : Dasy, [1943]. 248 p. – Sequel to:
Dragon seed.
Subject(s): Burma : History - 1937-1945 - Fiction
GB: BL(12727 d 20)*
ditto. – London : Methuen, 1944. 297 p.
GB: BL(12728 aa 23)
SOAS(CC823 /145366 ; E Coll 3 V/21)
US: CU(Kroch PS3503.U17pr 1944 ; Olin PS3503
ditto. Repr. – London : Methuen, 1945. 297 p.
ditto. 2nd ed. – ibd., 1945. 297 p.
B 174
Bibliographical description
Subject(s): Burma : Medecine ; Aide medicale internationale
; Mission medicale
F: BIUM Creteil-BU Médecine Paris12
Buddha and his religion : compiled from the works of
Gogerly, Hardy, Kellogg, Titcomb, Davids, Oldenberg, Bigandet and others. 1st. ed. – Madras: The Christian Vernacular Education Society,1887. 57 p. – On cover: An account of
his life and the three Pitakas; with an examination of his
doctrines and threefold refuge, etc. For educated Christians
in Ceylon and Burma.
Subject(s): Burma : Buddha (The concept) ; Buddhism.
Ref.: OCLC 39061412
translation). – Rangoon : Govt. Print. and Staty., Union of
Burma (for Min. of S. S. and R. A.), 1959. 17 p.
GB: BL(I.S.Bu.124)
SOAS(Pam Law O/360.946 ; 352.901)*
Buddha Sāsanā Nuggaha Organisation < Rangoon >
Culavedalla sutta
Sobhana < Mahāthera >
A discourse on Mālukyaputta Sutta
Sobhana < Mahāthera >
Discourse on Sakka-panha Sutta
Sobhana < Mahāthera >
Buddha, Buddhism and Burma.
1. The Buddhism of the Buddha and the Buddhism of Burma
/ by John McGuire.
2. Gotama Buddha and the changing of the truth / by F. D.
– Rangoon : American Baptist Mission Pr., 1912. 46 p. −
First publ. under different titles, the first [article] in the Missionary review of the world, New York, and the second in
the Missionary magazine, Boston. - Pref. note
Subject(s): Burma : Buddhism ; Buddha and Buddhism
AU:NLA(Main RR P 294.3 MCG
GB: BL-APAC(ORW.1986.a.3850)
US: CBGTU(BQ4022 .B833 1913) KKcB
KyLoS(SBGEN BKS01 294.3 .B859bb) NRU(Rare
Bks LD4750.P57 B83 1912) NNUT(Burke Union
Stacks ON71 M21 & MRL Pamphlet 2117)
UoC(Regenstein BL1455.M15)
Ref.: OCLC 39815760 ; 6287668
A discourse on Sallekh Sutta
Sobhana < Mahāthera >
A discourse on Samma Paribbajaniya Sutta
Sobhana < Mahāthera >
A discourse on Silavanta Sutta
Sobhana < Mahāthera >
A discourse on Vammika Sutta
Sobhana < Mahāthera >
Fundamentals of vipassana meditation
Sobhana < Mahāthera >
The great discourse on the wheel of dhamma : dhammacakkappavattana sutta
Sobhana < Mahāthera >
Buddha Sāsanā Association
Practical vipassanā meditational exercises
Sobhana < Mahāthera >
Nibbanapatisamyutta katha, or On the nature of nibbana
Sobhana < Mahāthera >
Buddha Sāsanā Council
Ledi Sayadaw
Purpose of practising kammatthāna meditation
Sobhana < Mahāthera >
Satipaṭṭhāna Vipassanā meditation : criticisms and
Buddhism in a nutshell
Nārada < Maha Thera >
Tuvaṃaka Sutta
Sobhana < Mahāthera >
A Buddhist manual of psychological ethics of the
fourth century B.C.
The Venerable Mahasi Sayadaw, Chatta sangiti pucchaka
Agga Maha Pandita, biography
Sīlānandābhivamsa < Ashin >
Buddhist meditation and its forty subjects
Sobhana < Mahāthera >
The Dhammapada commentary
Buddha Sāsanā Nuggaha Organization < Rangoon > /
Mahāsi Thāthana Yeikthā
An abridged translation of the Venerable Mahasi Sayadaw’s
discourse on Ariyavasa sutta
Sobhana < Mahāthera >
Kamala lectures delivered by the Hon’ble U Nu
Nu <U; Thakin>
Magganga dīpanī
Ledi Sayadaw
Bhāra sutta : or, the discourse on the burden
Sobhana < Mahāthera >
Pagodas of Pagan
Lu Pe Win
Practical basic exercises in satipatthāna vipassanā meditation
Sobhana < Mahāthera >
The Buddha Sāsana Council act 1312 B.E. (1950) (Act no.
LVI of 1950) / Government of the Union of Burma. (English
B 175
A discourse on Ariyavasa sutta
Sobhana < Mahāthera >
Discourse on Ariyavasa Sutta
Sobhana < Mahāthera >
An abridged translation ...
Burma Bibliographical Project
Siegfried M. Schwertner
A discourse on Hemavata Sutta
Sobhana < Mahāthera >
GB: BL(14098 b 54)
US: LC(PK4541.P5 pt.8,9)
A discourse on Lokadhamma
Sobhana < Mahāthera >
ditto. Repr. – ibd., Publ. for the Pali Text Society by Luzac,
[1958] 2 v. – (Pali Text Society translation series ; 8-9)
US: CU(PK4541 .P16 no.8, 9 1958)
UCB(Main BQ2502.E5 P4 1958 v. 1-2 ([1958])
UCD(Shields) & UCSD : SSH PK4541 .P5 v.8
A discourse on To nibbāna via
Sobhana < Mahāthera >
An English rendering of the Venerable Mahasi Sayadaw’s
discourse on Lokadhamma
Sobhana < Mahāthera >
The path of purity : being a translation of Buddhaghosa’s
Visuddhimagga / by Pe Maung Tin ... – London ; New York
[etc.]: Oxford Univ. Pr. – (Translation series / Pali Text Society ; ...)
1. – 1923. 95 p. – (Translation ... ; 11)
2. – 1929. 96-504 p. – (Translation ... ; 17)
3. – 1931. 505-882 p. – (Translation ... ; 21)
GB: BL(14098 b 55) SOAS(III.4.f.8/15.430 ; 59.204)
US: LC(PK4541.P5 no.11,17,21)
UC(NRLF BQ2632.E5T562)
UCB(Main BQ2632.E5T562)
UCSB(MainLib BQ2632.P4)
Purpose of practising kammaṃṃhāna meditation
Sobhana < Mahāthera >
Buddha Sāsanā Samagama
Buddhasasana Samagama
Buddhadharma Meditation Center < Hinsdale, IL >
Sallekha Sutta : a discourse on the refinement of character
Sobhana < Mahāthera >
Buddhaghosha’s parables [: contained in his commentary on
the "Dhammapada"] / transl. [from Pali into Burmese and]
from Burmese by Captain T. Rogers ; with an introduction,
containing Buddha's Dhammapada, or "Path of Virtue",
transl. from Pāli by F. Max Müller. – London : Trübner,
1870. CIXXII, 206 p., index.
Subject(s): Tipitaka : Suttapitaka - Khuddakanikaya Dhammapada - Commentaries
F: BNF(Ya 880; Z.Renan 8855)
GB: BL(14300 ddd 49)*
BL-APAC(Bur D 453 ; Bur D 1489)
SOAS(GB 293/49.314)*
NL: KITLV(M 3f 107)
US: CU(Kroch BL1411 B7R72)
LC & WU(Memorial Lib.) : BL1411 B7 R6
NIU(SpeCol BL1411.B8 R6 1870)
NNUT(Burke 892.2B851 O8 ; MRL Outline Cd5 R633)
ditto. – London : Pali Text Society ; London & Boston : distributed by Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1971. XIV, 907 p. –
(Translation series / Pali Text Society ; 11, 17, 21)
US: IU(Main Stacks 294.3 B859VET)
ditto. – London : Pali Text Society ; London & Boston : distributed by Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1975. XIV, 907 p. –
(Translation series / Pali Text Society ; 11, 17, 21)
US: CU(PK4541 .P16 no.11, 17, 21)
UCB(Moffitt BQ2632.E5 T562 1975)
UCD(Shields PK4541.P5 no.11 etc.)
Buddhaghosatthera < Badanta Maha >
The Dhammapada commentary
Buddhasasana Samagama
Constitution and rules of the Buddha Sasana Samagana. –
Rangoon : Buddha Sasana Samagama, 1956. 12 p.
GB: SOAS(Pam.GB 293/317.500)*
ditto. [A reissue.] − London : Publ. for the Pali Text Society
by Luzac, 1969. − (Harvard Oriental series ; 28-30)
GB: BL(X.802/1413)
ditto. Microform ed. − Evanston: American Theological Library Association, 1993. 1 microfiche. High reduction. Silver based film. − (ATLA monograph preservation program ;
ATLA fiche 1993-4012) − ISBN 0524084025 (microfiche)
US: NNUT(Burke Microfiche 84-B1 ATLA fiche 19934012)
The Dhammapada commentary
The expositor (Atthasālinī) : Buddhaghosa’s commentary on
the Dhammasanganī, the first book of the Abhidhamma Pitaka ; transl. by Maung Tin ... ed. and rev by Rhys Davids ...
– London ; New York [etc.]: Oxford Univ. Pr. – (Translation
series / Pali Text Society ; ...)
1. – 1920. – (Translation ... ; 8)
2. – 1921. – (Translation ... ; 9)
Subject(s): Tipitaka : Abhidhammapitaka - Dhammasngani Commentaries
B 176
The constitution of the International Buddhist Society,
Burma ... – Rangoon, 1950. 16, 16 p. – Added title and text
also in Burmese
Subject(s): International Buddhist Society < Burma > : Constitution ; Burma : Buddhism
US: LC(Microfiche 84/72678 (B))
SG: ISEAS(Doc B102)
An outline of Buddhism : or, religion of Burma
Ānanda Maitrēya < Bhikkhu >
Publ. of the Buddhasasana Samagama. – Rangoon : Hanthawaddy Pr.
Revised prospectus of the Buddhasasana Samagama
2 Ānanda Maitrēya < Bhikkhu >
On religious education in Burma
3 Ānanda Maitrēya < Bhikkhu >
The four noble truths
4 Ānanda Maitrēya < Bhikkhu >
Animism and law
Bibliographical description
5 Ernest, R.
Buddhism and science
6 Rhys Davids, Caroline Augusta Foley
On the will in Buddhism
pada, the Abhidhammattha-Sangaha, the Culla-Vagga, the
Akankheyya-Sutta, the Kevaddha-Sutta, the Udana, the
Digha-Nikaya, and the Anagata-Vamsa.
Subject(s): Tipitaka - English
Burma : Buddhism - Sacred books
GB: BL(14003 l 3) BL-DSS(4268.370 v.3 ; 294.3 *32*)
Edinburgh(CSCNWW Library ; 04.04.00 WAR)
OUL(BOD Bookstack Or. d.6(3))
Revised prospectus of the Buddhasasana Samagama or International Buddhist Society. – Rangoon : Hanthawaddy Pr.,
1903. 35 p. – (Publications of the Buddhasasana Samagama ;
GB: BL(Ac 2092(1))* BL-APAC
ditto. − ibd., 1900. XX, 520 p., [1] l. of plates, illus. − (Harvard oriental series ; 3)
GB: OUL(OIL 514.3 Warr)
A series of lectures given before the Rangoon College Buddhist Association
Ānanda Maitrēya < Bhikkhu >
ditto. 4th issue. − ibd., 1906. XX, 520 p., [1] l. of plates,
illus. − (Harvard oriental series ; 3)
GB: BL-DSS(294.3 *30*)
Birmingham(Stack ; 294.3, Reference)
Buddhasāsanā to 2500. – Ran` kun`: Amerikan Pran
Krāthana, [1995?]. 1 v., unpag., illus., map. – Added title
and text in Burmese
US: CU(Kroch +BQ418 .B94 1995)
ditto. − ibd., 1909. XX, 520 p., [1] l. of plates, illus. − (Harvard oriental series ; 3)
GB: SOAS(S.III 4/165697)
Buddhasāsanānuggaha Organization < Rangoon >
Buddha Sāsanā Nuggaha Organisation <Rangoon>
ditto. : passages selected from the Buddhist sacred books and
transl. from the original Pali into English by Henry Clarke
Warren. − ibd, ibd., 1915. XX, 523 p., [1] l. of plates, illus. −
(Harvard oriental series ; 3)
GB: OUL(REG 294.3182 War)
Buddhism : an illustrated quarterly review / ed. by Bhikkhu
Ananda Maitriya. 1,Sept. 1903-2.2,March 1908. – Rangoon :
Publ. for the International Bhuddhist Society by the Hanthawaddy Printing Works. – Subtitle varies slightly. – Accompanied by separately paged supplements, those in v.1
having title: Prospectus.
Subject(s): Burma : Buddhism - Periodicals
F: Musée Guimet: 1.1,1903 (PIII 25564)
GB: BL: 1-2.1 (PP 636 co)
BL-APAC: 1.1-1.4 (ST 1168)
SG: ISEAS: 2.1 (BL1400 B92)
US: CU: 1.1903/1904 (Kroch BL1400 .B96)
LC: 1903-1908 (BL1400.B6)
YU: 1-2.2 (Mudd Mbn B854)
ditto. 8th issue.− ibd., 1922. XXVI, 496, [4], 16, [2], 378391, [1]p., [1] l. of plates, illus. − (Harvard oriental series ;
Contents: Buddha - Sentient existence - Karma & rebirth Meditation & nirvana - The order - Appendix
GB: Birmingham(Stack ; 294.3, Reference)
OUL(LMH 294.3 21)
IRL:TCD(OLS l-6-888) ULL(PJB War)
Buddhism : art and faith
Zwalf, Wladimir
ditto. − New York : Atheneum, 1970. XX, 496 p. − (Harvard
oriental series ; 3)
GB: Edinburgh(Moray House (Holyrood) 294.3 WAR)
Buddhism handbook / ed. by U Han Htay. − Rangoon : Tetlan Sarpay , 1997. 190 p., index, incl. bibliogr. ref.
Subject(s): Burma : Buddhism
GB: SOAS(GB294.3/787092)
ditto. 1st Indian repr. − Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 1987.
XVIII, 520 p., [1] l. of plates, illus.
ISBN 8120803353 ; 8120811178
GB: Durham(294.38 BUD)
Newcastle(Robinson 294.38 WAR)
Buddhism in Burma
also Charles, G. P.
The Buddhism in Burma : a sacred organ of the International
Buddhist Mission, Thaton, Burma … 1.1,1932- . – Thaton:
I. B. M. Pr.
US: LC: 1.1, July to August 2476 (1932)
Buddhism of Burma : 2500. – [s.l. : s.n., 1956] 82 p. – : Buddhist Council (6th : 1954-1956 : Rangoon)
US: CU(Annex BQ418 .B98 1956)
Ref.: OCLC 52177313
Buddhism in danger
Der Buddhismus : Geschichte und Gegenwart / mit Beiträgen
von Heinz Bechert ... Hrsg. von Heinz Bechert ... Neuausgabe. – München: Beck, 1989. 400 S. – Transl. of: The world
of Buddhism. – Frühere Aufl. u.d.T.: Die Welt des Buddhismus
D: HD-SAI(rel 52 A 89/1845)*
Buddhism in translations / by Henry Clarke Warren. – Cambridge, Chicago : Harvard Univ., 1896. XX 520 p., [1] l. of
plates, illus − (Harvard oriental series ; 3)
Note: The materials for this book are drawn ultimately from
the Pali writings of Ceylon and Burma. Extracts from the
Jataka, the Maha-Vagga, the Sumangala-Vilasini, the
Maha-Parinibbana-Sutta, the Majjhima-Nikaya, the Milindapanha, the Visuddhi-Magga, the Maha-Nidana-Sutta, the
Samyutta-Nikaya, the Anguttara-Nikaya, the, Dhamma-
Buddhist and Christian scriptures
Tha Din
Buddhist art and architecture
Than Tun
B 177
Burma Bibliographical Project
Siegfried M. Schwertner
Buddhist Commercial School
English grammar explained in Burmese and thoroughly exemplified
Maung Maung
Buddhist Council <6th, 1954-1956, Rangoon>
Buddhism of Burma : 2500
Rakhaing guardian
Buddhist religious instruction for students. – Rangoon :
Govt. Print. and Staty., Burma. – Added title and text in
Subject(s): Burma : Religious education, Buddhist - Textbooks for children.
US: LC: 4 v. in 1, 1940-1947 (BQ192.B83 (Orien Bur)
Sangīti commemorating the Chattha Sangāyanā,
Burma 2498 – 2500, 1954-1956
Primary department. – 1935. 22, 43, 42 p.
GB: BL(14300 de 27)*
BL-APAC(Bur D 1730)
US: LC(BQ192.B83)
Buddhist India. 1.1,1927- . − Rangoon : Rangoon Print.
Works. Illus. − Quarterly. − v.1.no.1 publ. by S. C. Talukder,
Subject(s): Burma : Buddhism - Periodicals ; Buddhism Periodicals.
US: WU(Memorial Lib. BL1400 B83)
Middle department. – 1935. 88 p.
GB: BL(14300 de 27)*
BL-APAC(Bur D 1733)
US: LC(BQ192.B83)
Buddhist Lodge < London >
Selected Buddhist scriptures from the Pali canon of the
Thera Vada School
A Buddhist of psychological ethics of the fourth century
B.C. : being a translation, now made for the first time, from
the original Pali, of the first book in the Abhidhamma Pitaka
entitled Dhamma-sangani (compendium of states or phenomena). With introductory essay and notes / by Caroline A.
F. Rhys Davids. – London : Royal Asiatic Society, 1900.
XCV, 393 p., index, app. – (Publications / Oriental Translation Fund : new series ; 12)
Subject(s): Tipitaka : Abhidhammapitaka - Dhammasangani
- English
Burma : Buddhist ethics ; Buddhism - Burma
GB: BL(14003 bb 7)*
ditto. Repr. – Rangoon : Buddha Sāsana Council Pr., 1963.
CXII, 393 p. – (Publications / Oriental Translation Fund :
new series ; 12)
US: CU(Kroch BL1411 .D55 1963) MiU
The Buddhist meditation and certain principles of Buddhism
Barua, S. C.
High department. – 1935. 71 p.
GB: BL(14300 de 27)*
BL-APAC(Bur D 1734)
US: LC(BQ192.B83)
Buddhist Scholars Society
Buddhist Scholars Society publication. – Rangoon : Buddhist Scholars Society
1 Hpe Aung
Selected papers on Buddhism
2 Hpe Aung
Selected lectures and papers on Buddhism ; [1]
3 Hpe Aung
Selected lectures and papers on Buddhism ; [3]
Buddhist sermons / transl. by Thuwunna. – Rangoon, [1915].
– Added title and text in Talaing
GB: BL-APAC(Mon D.4)
Buddhist spirituality : Indian, Southeast Asian, Tibetan, and
early Chinese / ed. by Takeuchi Yoshinori in association
with Jan Van Bragt ... – New York : Crossroad, 1993.
XXVI,, 428 p., illus. – (World spirituality ; 8)
ISBN 0824512774
US: LC(BQ266.B834 1993)
Buddhist metaphysics : text and translation arranged and explained / Saya Pi ... – Rangoon, 1905. 434 p. – Added title in
Ref.: Cordier
Buddhist Publication Society < Kandy >
Buddhism in Myanmar
Bischoff, Roger
The coming Buddha : Ariya Metteyya
Chit Tin < Saya U >
Manual of insight
Ledi Sayadaw
The noble eightfold path and its factors explained MaggangDīpanī
Ledi Sayadaw
Buddhist Rakhaing Cultural Association
The Rakhaing
Tha Hla
ditto. – London, 1994.
ditto. 1st Indian ed. – Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 1995.
XXVI, 428 p., illus., gloss., index. − ISBN 81-208-1255-1
p. 102-108: Burma / Winston L. King
D: HD-SAI(rel 52 A 96/1741)*
Buddhist temples, shrines, and monasteries in Burma [: a
collection of pamphlets]. [Microform.] – New Delhi : Library of Congress Office ; Washington, D.C.: Library of
Congress Photoduplication Service. – (Southeast Asia
ephemera collection. Burma ; I-CLR-8) – In English and
Burmese. – Contents list arranged alphabetically by title.
Additional material with other date of publication may be
found in this collection. Collected and organized by the Library of Congress Office, New Delhi.
Pt.1 [Pamphlets publ. during 1961-1994.] – 1999. 7 microfiches. – (... ; Br-CLR-8.1)
Subject(s): Burma : Temples, Buddhist ; Monasteries, Buddhist ; Buddhist shrines
US: LOC(Microfiche 99/63414 (B))
B 178
Bibliographical description
Buddhist Tract Society
Buddhism : the highest religion
Egoroff, Sophia
D: B-SBB: 1959/60 (Zsn 76 434 Potsdamer Str.)
HD-SAI: 1951/52 (reg 60 G 237 Kp)
1954/55 (reg 60 F 55 Kp)
1959/60 (reg 60 G 238 Kp)
1960/61 (reg 60 G 239 Kp)
GB: BL: 1953/54 (I.S.Bu.111/10)*
1957/58 (I.S.Bu.206/3)*
CA/U20: 1950/51
FOL: 1957/58- (LD 336.05/26.358)
BL-APAC: 1956/57-1957/58 19/59/60 1961/62 (ST
SOAS: 1953/54 1955/56 (Pam GB 336/330.246)*
SG: ISEAS: 1953/54-1956/57 (HJ68 B9B96)
1961 (HC422 T971)
NUS(Closed Stacks HJ79.5 Bur.B)
US: CU: 1954/55-1957/58 (Kroch HJ2155.B9 A18)
HU: 1954/55 (Widener Harv.Depos.)
LC: 1951/52 1953/54 NYPL: 1950/51- (TIB)
YU: 1961 (SML HC422 E36 (LC))
The Buddhist women’s special marriage and succession act
: Burma act XXIV of 1939, 30th December, 1939. – [Rangoon : Govt. Print., Burma,] 1940. 10 p.
Subject(s): Burma : Marriage law ; Buddhist women
GB: SOAS(Pam GB 340/100.216)
ditto. – ibd.: Govt. of the Union of Burma, 1948. 14 p. –
Added title and text in Burmese
D: B-SBB(610 727 Potsdamer Str. NfLS)
US: CU(Kroch KNL543 .B84 1948)
Ref.: OCLC 52438253
Rangoon College Buddhist Association
Buddhistische Kunst : Katalog zur Ausstellung des Staatlichen Museums für Völkerkunde München / hrsg. von Andreas Lommel. – München: Staatliches Museum für Völkerkunde, 1968. 159 S., Fig., Taf., Kt. – Beil.: Führer durch die
Räume der Ausstellung. – 16 S.
Subject(s): Burma : Buddhism - Art ; Religion - Art
D: A-UB(75/BB 1620 L845 B9)
N: UHS(ETMU Hummel A/Bud)
ditto. 2. Aufl. – ibd., 1974. 90 S., Illu., Kt.
D: PA-UB(55/RR 50974 L845 B9(2))
Buddhists find Christ : the spiritual quest of thirteen men and
women in Burma, China, Japan, Korea, Sri Lanka, Thailand,
Vietnam / comp. and ed. by Patrick O’Connor. – Rutland,
Vt. ; Tokyo: Tuttle, c1975. VIII, 180 p. – (Tut books ; R) −
ISBN 0-8048-1146-6
Subject(s): Burma : Christian converts from Buddhism
D: B-SBB(502563 Potsdamer Str.)
GB: BL(X 108/14408 ; X 108/17012)
SG: ISEAS(BV2618.3 B82)
US: CU(Annex BV2618.3 .B92) CBGTU &
FTS(McAlister) & LC & NNUT(Burke LC Stacks) &
UCLA(YRL) & UCSB(Main lib) & YU(LSF-Request) :
BV2618.3 B82
ditto. Microform. – Ithaca, N.Y.: Photo Science Studios,
Cornell Univ., 1965. – (Western language publications on
Burma on microfilm ; 11)
US: CU: 1953/54 (Kroch Film 1050, no.11)
[Budget estimates]
Budget estimates of the Government of Burma ... [to
1947/48]. – Rangoon : Govt. Print. and Staty., Burma (for F.
and R.)
Book 1. Revenue and expenditure
Book 2. Ways and means
Subject(s): Burma : Budget - Periodicals ; Economic conditions, 1948- - Periodicals ; Social conditions –Statistics –
Periodicals ; Finance - Periodicals
GB: BL: 1947/48 (I.S.Bu.206)
US: LC(HJ66.B83B14)
Buddicom, Jacintha Laura May
Eric and us : a remembrance of George Orwell / Jacintha
Buddicom. – London : Frewin, 1974. XXI, 169 p., plates,
illus., facsims., geneal. tables, map, ports.
ISBN 0-85632-076-5
GB: BL(X989/28243)
US: LC(PR6029.R8Z59)
Budewig, Eckhard <b. 1924>
Wird Asien rot? : Rubel und Dollar im Wettlauf mit Peking ;
ein Bericht aus Südostasien / Eckhard Budewig. – Stuttgart:
Seewald, 1961. 237 S., Kt.
S.129-151: Von Marx zu U Nu : ein Bericht aus Burma
Subject(s): Burma : Communism ; Politics and government
D: HD-SAI(300 pol 66/1972)*
US: CU(Annex DS511 B92) DS HU(Widener Ind
8330.40) UoC LC(DS518.1.B8) NYPL NNU
Budget : Hon’ble Finance Minister’s speech. – Rangoon : Union Govt. Print. and Staty., Burma (for Min. of F. and R.)
Subject(s): Burma : Budget - Periodicals ; Finance, Public Periodicals ; Economic conditions - Periodicals
B 179
<1948/49-1962/63 >
Budget estimates of the Government of the Union of Burma.
1948/49- . – Rangoon : Govt. Print., Burma
>[Report on the budget estimates]
Book 1. Union estimates
Book 2. States estimates
Book 3. Estimates of state-managed boards and corporations
Subject(s): Burma : Budget - Periodicals ; Economic conditions, 1948- - Periodicals ; Social conditions –Statistics –
Periodicals ; Finance - Periodicals
D: KI-ZBW(Y 14,307)
HD-SAI: 1951/52(Bk.2) (reg 60 G 240 GF)
1955/56(Bk.2) (reg 60 G 240 GF)
GB: BL: Bk.1: 1948/49 1949/50 1951/52
1952/53 1957/58-1960/61
Bk.2: 1953/54 1955/56 1957/58-1960/61
Bk.3: 1958/59-1960/61 (I.S.Bu.206)
CA/U20: 1950/51
FOL: 1951/52- (LD 336.05/F/2.841)
BL-APAC: [1951]- (SW 200)
SAS: 1950/51 ((591):336.12)
SOAS: 1960/61 (Bk.1-3) (L.GB 336/193.878)*
J: AJK: 1951/52,1 1952/53,1 1953/54,1-2
1954/55,1-2 1955/56,2 1956/57,1
1958/59,1-3 1959/60,3
HTK: 1953/54,1-2 1954/55,1-2 1955/56,2
1956/57,1 1957/58,1-2 1958/59,1 1960/61,1-3
Burma Bibliographical Project
Siegfried M. Schwertner
KBK: 1953/54,1-2 1954/55,1-2 1955/56,2
1957/58,1-2 1958/59,1-2
SG: ISEAS(fHJ66 B9B96 ; Microfiche (o)93/63472)
US: CU: 1948/49-1950/51 1951/52(Bk.1)
1952/53(Bk.1) 1953/54 1955/56-1961/62
(Annex + HJ66.B8 B15)
LC: 1950/51 1953/54(Bk.1-2) 1958/59
1959/60(Bk.3) (HJ66.B83B15 ;Microfiche (o)
MiU NIU(Microfiche HJ64.8 .B875)
NYPL: 1949/50- (TIB+) NNUN
YU: 1947/1948.2 1948/1949-1951/1952 1952/1953.1
1953/1954-1959/1960 1962/1963.2
(SML HJ66 B83 B15 (LC)+)
Budget estimates of expenditure on Burma Defence Services (Army and Royal Navy) for the year 1937 to 1938 and
of connected receipts. Final edition. – Rangoon : Govt. Print.
and Staty., Burma (for F. D.)
> Burma / Defence Department
Defence Department estimates ...
Subject(s): Burma : Finance - Budget Estimates
GB: BL(I.S.Bu.111/9)* BL-APAC(IOR/V/16/493)*
Budget estimates of the Government of the Union of
Budget estimates
Buergin, Reiner
Die Karen : Ideologie, Interessen und Kultur : eine Analyse
der Feldforschungsberichte und Theorienbildung / Reiner
Buergin. − 2000. 246 Bl., Bibliogr. Bl. 234-245. − Freiburg,
Br., Univ, MA Diss. 2003.
Note: The ethnic category "Karen" encompases very diverse
groups of ethnic minorities. Most of the Karen speakers
live in Burma, where they fight for national selfdetermination since the middle of the 20th century. In Thailand, together with various other ethnic minority groups, the
Karen are categorized as "hill tribes" and are socially marginalized. The study analyses publications and field research reports on Karen groups up to the beginning 1990s.
Against the background of the historic differentiation of
the main Karen groups, the study is concerned with the
constructions of general patterns of Karen culture as well
as the differentiations between the various groups. Furthermore, theoretical conceptualizations discussed and
disputed in the texts about Karen are analysed. The focus
here is on the ancestor cults and matrilineal groups of the
Karen as well as dependencies of ethnic identities on social and economic aspects of the Karen communities.
Subject(s): Karen : Thailand, Northern ; Burma
Thailand, Northern : Karen
Burma : Karen
Bugyi Experimental Plot
Report of the Bugyi Experimental Plot for the year ... / by E.
Thompstone. – Rangoon : Govt. Print., Burma (for D. of A.)
GB: BL: 1914/15-1915/16 (I.S.Bu.118/6)*
CUL: 1914/15-1915/16 (OP.3200.630.05)
c2000. 251, [1] p., [16] p. de pl., illus., bibliogr. ref. p. 251[252]. – (Reportages, ISSN 1272-0038)
ISBN 2-87730-374-8
Subject(s): Aung San Suu Kyi
Burma : Politics and government <1988->
CH: SLB(N 252708)
F: BIULO(GEN.III.71244 ; BIR.D.III.196 (Dauphine))
GB: CUL(632.22.d.200.1)
US: CU(Kroch DS530.53.A85 B84 2000)
LC(DS530.65 .B84 2000) NYPL(Research JFD 0120914)
WU(Memorial Lib. DS530.53 A85 B85 2000)
Ref.: OCLC 45324508 ; 52121091
ditto. Ed. rev.. − ibd., 2003. 310, [16] p. de pl. − (Reportages, ISSN 1272-0038) (Picquier poche)
ISBN: 2877306879
CH: SLB(N 265577)
US: HU(Widener)
Ref.: OCLC 54041090
Building the death railway : the ordeal of American POWs in
Burma, 1942-1945 / ed. by Robert S. La Forte & Ronald E.
Marcello. 1st publ. – Wilmington, Del.: Scholarly Resources, 1993. XXIII, 300 p., illus., map, index, bibliogr. p.
291-294. − ISBN 0-8420-2428-X
Subject(s): Burma-Siam Railroad : History
Burma : World War <1939-1945> - Prisoners and prisons,
Japanese ; World War <1939-1945> - Conscript labor ;
Prisoners of war - History - 20th century ; World War
<1939-1945> - Concentration camps
AU:NLA(YY 940.54725209591 B932)
D: B-SBB(1 A 176 624 Potsdamer Str.)
M-BSB(93.33930) GÖ-SUB(94 A 1894)
HD-SAI(322 mil 94/7177)*
GB: BL(YA.1993.b.6227)
NL: KITLV(M ss 313 N)
SG: ISEAS(D805 B9B93)
NRL(940.54725209591 BUI)
US: CU(Kroch x) & HU(Widener WID-LC) & LC &
NIU(SEA) & UC(NRLF) & UCB & UCD(Shields) &
UCI(Langson) & UCLA(YRL) & UCR(Rivera) &
UCSD(SSH) & WU(Hist. Soc. Lib.) & YU(SML X) :
D805.B9 B85 1993
Buker, Raymond B. <b. 1899>
St. John (in Hkun.) …
Bible, N.T. : John < K h ü u >
Buker, Richard Steele
Ana te hpa awlawn : a summary of the important diseases in
the practice of medicine in the Lahu language / by Richard
S. Buker; assited by Vincent Young.. − Rangoon : American
Baptist Mission Pr., 1939. 249 p., illus., index.
Subject(s): Burma : Diseases
US: Denver Seminary Libr, CO
Ref.: OCLC 52809581
Buhrer, Jean Claude
Aung San Suu Kyi, demain la Birmanie / par Jean-Claude
Buhrer, Claude B. Levenson. – Arles: Editions P. Picquier,
B 180
The epidemiology of leprosy with special reference to the
findings in Kengtung State, S.S.S., Burma. – 1950. XVIII,
147 p. – Cambridge, Mass., Harvard Univ., Ph.D. thesis
1950. – Shulman 268
Bibliographical description
Bukkyo Dendo Kyokai < Tokyo >
Ten suttas from Dīgha Nikāya : long discourses of the
Bulganin, Nikolai Aleksandrovich <1895-1975>
Bericht N. A. Bulganins über die Reise nach Indien, Birma
und Afghanistan ; Rede N. S. Chruschtschows vor der 4. Tagung des Obersten Sowjets der UdSSR. – Wien: Presseabteilung der Botschaft der UdSSR in Österreich, 1956. 56 S. –
(Sowjetunion heute ; 1956.3 : Beilage)
Subject(s): Soviet Union : Foreign relations - Burma
Burma : Foreign relations - Soviet Union ; Visits of state
D: BI-UB(DI106 B933(148)) KI-ZBW(A 33,577)
Besøk i India, Burma og Afganistan november - desember
1955 / N. A. Bulganin, N. S. Khrustsjov. − Oslo, 1956. 2
Subject(s): Burma : Foreign relations - Soviet Union ;
Visits of state
Soviet Union : Foreign relations - Burma
N: UBB(HF I box 20 - (B. 1-2))
Discours de N. Boulganine et de N. Khrouchtchev sur le
voyage de la délégation gouvernementale soviétique en Inde,
en Birmanie et en Afghanistan, à la session du Soviet Supréme de l’U.R.S.S. 29 dec. 1955. – Paris: Études soviétiques, 1956. 61 p. – (Études soviétiques : supl. à no. 94, jan.
Subject(s): Burma : Foreign relations - Soviet Union ;
Visits of state
Soviet Union : Foreign relations - Burma
AU:NLA(P 327.47095 BUL)
F: BNF(16-M-2625(17))
GB: BL(PP 4331 ehg(3))*
Freundschaftsbesuch in Indien, Birma und Afghanistan
Friendship visit of N. A. Bulganin and N. S. Khrushchev to India, Burma and Afghanistan (NovemberDecember 1955)
Full texts of speeches and statements in India, Burma and
Afghanistan / N. A. Bulganin and N. S. Khrushchov. – London : Soviet News, 1955. 47 p.
Subject/s): Burma : Foreign relations - Soviet Union
Visits of state
Soviet Union : Foreign relations - Burma
GB: BL(8093 h 26) BL-APAC(P/V 1517)*
LSE(BLPES, Pamphlets ; COLL. P 13713, Special)
NL: Amsterdam UB(172: OEI Br.155)
KITLV(M 3n 554)
US: CU(LC(DS341.3.S65B84 1955)
NcDPerkins/Bostock Pamphlet Coll. 18874)
NYPL(Research F-10 671) UCB(Main DK68.B8)
UCR(Rivera DK68 .B85)
Ref.: OCLC 30173477 ; 26642743 ; 11971703
Joint statement by the Chairman of the Council of Ministers
of the U.S.S.R. N. A. Bulganin, and the Prime Minister of
the Union of Burma U Nu. – [n.l.:] New Times, 1955. 2 p. –
(Supplement to New Times ; 1955, no. 46, Nov. 10)
Subject(s): Burma : Foreign relations - Soviet Union
Visits of state
Soviet Union : Foreign relations - Burma
B 181
Ref.: OCLC 15241933
Joint statement by N. A. Bulganin, Chairman of the U.S.S.R.
Council of Ministers, N. S. Khrushchov, Presidium member
of the U.S.S.R. Supreme Soviet, and Jawaharlal Nehru,
Prime Minister of India [and]
Joint statement by N. A. Bulganin, Chairman of the U.S.S.R.
Council of Ministers, N. S. Khrushchov, Presidium member
of the U.S.S.R. Supreme Soviet, and U Nu, Prime Minister
of the Union of Burma. – [n.p.:] New Times, 1955. 6 p. –
(Supplement to New Times ; 51, Dec. 15, 1955)
Subject(s): Burma : Foreign relations - Soviet Union
Visits of state
Soviet Union : Foreign relations - Burma
Ref.: OCLC 13114604
N. A. Bulganin and N. S. Khrushchev in Burma and Afghanistan : selected addresses and statements made by N. A.
Bulganin, Chairman of the U.S.S.R Council of Ministers,
and N. S. Krushchev, member of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the U.S.S.R. and joint statements with Minister U Nu of the Union of Burma and Mohammed Daoud,
Prime Minister of Afghanistan. – [San Francisco: American
Russia Institute,] 1955. 31 p.
Subject(s): Burma : Foreign relations - Soviet Union
Visits of state
Soviet Union : Foreign relations - Burma
US: CU(Micro-text) IaU MnU(MLACtr 341.947 B871)
NYPL(Research *XM-14179 Microfiche. FSN 36,379)
UC(NRLF B 31 113 ; SRLF AA0001258045)
Ref.: OCLC 49315365
N. A. Bulganins og N. S. Khrustsjovs besøk i India,
Burma og Afganistan
N. A. Bulganin-N. S. Khrushchov friendship visits to
India, Burma and Afghanistan
On the trip to India, Burma and Afganistan. − Ottawa, Press
Office of the U.S.S.R., Embassy in Canada, 1956. 61 p.
Contents: Bulganin, N.A.: Report, at the session of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on Dec. 29. 1955. – Khrushchov, N.S.: Speech, at the session of the Supreme Soviet
of the USSR on Dec. 29, 1955. – Resolution of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR
Subject(s): Burma : Foreign relations - Soviet Union ;
Visits of state
Soviet Union : Foreign relations - Burma
CAN: CaAEU(DS 33.4 S65 O5 1955)
CaQMBN(327.4705 B7638o 1956)
US: NYPL(Research D 12-952)
Peace and friendship
Speeches ...
Rede op de politieke bijeenkomst te Rangoon : gemeenschappelijke verklaring / van N. A. Boelganin ; N. S.
Chroestsjow en Oe Noe. Officiële mededeling omtrent de
Sowjet-Birmaanse economische betrekkingen. – sGravenhage, [1955].
Subject(s): Burma : Foreign relations - Soviet Union ;
Visits of state
Soviet Union : Foreign relations - Burma
NL: KITLV(M 3n 551)
Burma Bibliographical Project
Siegfried M. Schwertner
Reden während des Besuches in Indien, Birma und Afghanistan, November und Dezember 1955 : mit einem Anhang /
N. A. Bulganin ; N. S. Chruschtschow. 1. Aufl. – Berlin:
Dietz, 1956. 328 S. – Transl. of: Reci vo vremja prebyvanija
v Indii, Birme, Afganistane
Subject(s): Burma : Foreign relations - Soviet Union ;
Visits of state
Soviet Union : Foreign relations - Burma
D: B-SBB(10 F 262 H.1 ; 810.036 H.2)
R-UB(00/ML 6500 B933)
US: DS KU LC & WU(Memorial Lib.) : DK68.B814
NYPL(Research D-10 3216) RPB
Ref.: OCLC 36372695
Redevoeringen tijdens hun verblijf in India, Birma en Afghanistan / N. A. Boelganin ; N. S. Chroestsjow [; nov.-dec.
1955]. – Amsterdam: Uitgave van de Vereniging NederlandU.S.S.R. [1956]. 237 p.
Subject(s)>: Burma : Foreign relations - Soviet Union ;
Visits of state
Soviet Union : Foreign relations - Burma
AU:ANU(Chifley DK68 .B8)
NL: KB(1405 C 43 ; 1155 II h ; 2169930 Depotexp.)
KITLV(M 3n 553)
US: CU(Kroch DK68 B93)
Séjour de N. Boulganine et de N. Khrouchtchev en Inde, en
Birmanie et en Afghanistan, 18 nov.-19. déc. 1955. – Paris:
C.D.L.P., 1956. 141 p., figs., portr. – (Collection Études soviétiques, ISSN 0014-2220 ; 93, suppl.)
Subject(s): Burma : Foreign relations - Soviet Union ;
Visits of state
Soviet Union : Foreign relations - Burma
AU:NLA(327.47095 BUL)
F: BNF(16° M.2625(7)) Nice-BU Lettres Arts Sci. Hum.
et Droit Sci.Econ.Gestion
GB: BL(P.P.4331.ehg.(3.))
Speeches by N. A. Bulganin and N. S. Krushchov in Burma,
India and Afghanistan, November-December, 1955. [Transl.
From Russian.] – Ottawa: U.S.S.R. Embassy in Canada,
[1956?]. 234 p., illus. – Cover title: Peace and friendship
Subject(s): Burma : Foreign relations - Soviet Union ;
Visits of state
Soviet Union : Foreign relations - Burma
US: DS IU(327.47 B87Re) NNU
Ref.: OCLC 7084464
Report on the visit ...
The visit of N. A. Bulganin and N. S. Khrushchov to
India, Burma, and Afghanistan
Speeches during sojourn in India, Burma and Afghanistan :
November-December, 1955 / N. A. Bulganin ; N. S. Khrushchev. – New Delhi : Representative of Tass in India, 1956.
208 p., illus.
Subject(s): Burma : Foreign relations - Soviet Union ;
Visits of state
Soviet Union : Foreign relations - Burma
CAN: CaBVaU CaNfSM(Queen Elizabeth II DS 33.4 S65
B86 1956)
D: HD-SAI(474 bez 83/829)*
US: LC(DK68.B813)
Report to the Supreme Soviet on the trip to India, Burma and
Afghanistan / by N. A. Bulganin and N. S. Khrushchev. –
New York : New Century Publ., [1956]. 63 p.
Subject(s): Burma : Foreign relations - Soviet Union ;
Visits of state
Soviet Union : Foreign relations - Burma
AU:NLA(P 327.47095 BUL)
US: HU(Widener Slav 1714.246.7) MiEM
MnU(TC Wilson Library Annex Sub-Basement (Pamphlet Collection) J1900) YU(LSF-Request Bj 1956B)
Ref.: OCLC 2516289
Statements by N. A. Bulganin and N. S. Khrushchov in India, Burma, and Afghanistan. – [n.p.:] New Times, 19551956. 2 v. – (Supplements to New Times ; 1955, no. 52,
Dec. 22, 1955 and 1956, no. 1, Jan. 1)
Subject(s): Burma : Foreign relations - Soviet Union ;
Visits of state
Soviet Union : Foreign relations - Burma
NL: Amsterdam-UB(172: OEI Br.fol 422)
US: UCB(Main DK68.B8 1956)
UCLA(YRL DK 65 B87s)
Ref.: OCLC 13108078 ; OCLC 56330514.
Reports by N. A. Bulganin and N. S. Krushchev on visit to
India, Burma and Afghanistan, to the Supreme Soviet of
USSR, Dec. 29, 1955. – New Delhi : Issued by Representative of Tass in India, [1956?]. 71 p., illus.
Subject(s): Burma : Foreign relations - Soviet Union ;
Visits of state
Soviet Union : Foreign relations - Burma
Tal under besöket i Indien, Burma och Afghanistan november-december 1955. − Stockholm: [Sovjetunionens ambassad, pressavd.], 1956. 250, [7] s. − Other author: Chruscov,
Nikita Sergeevic
Subject(s): Burma : Foreign relations - Soviet Union ;
Visits of state
Soviet Union : Foreign relations - Burma
S: Q(94-2755) S(k56 2)
Umdp(9981) Ya(14611
Report by N. A. Bulganin and speech by N. S. Khrushchev
on their visit to India, Burma and Afghanistan, November 18
– December 19, 1955 ...
The visit to India, Burma and Afghanistan ...
Séjour de N. Boulganine et de N. Khrouchtchev en Birmanie, 1er décembre-7 décembre 1955. – Paris: Collection Études soviétiques’, 1955. 23 p. – (Collection Études soviétiques) – "Supplément à Études soviétiques ; no. 93, dec.
Subject(s): Burma : Foreign relations - Soviet Union ;
Visits of state
Soviet Union : Foreign relations - Burma
GB: BL(PP 4331 ehg (3))*
US: LC(DK68.7.B8B8)
B 182
Viaggio in India, Birmanie e Afghanistan / N. Bulganin ; N.
Khrustciov. – Roma: Riuniti, 1956. 329 p. – (Problemi del
giorno : documenti)
Subject(s): Burma : Foreign relations - Soviet Union ;
Visits of state
Soviet Union : Foreign relations - Burma
GB: BL-APAC(T 16326)*
US: Biblioteca di storia moderna e contemporanea - Roma RM DS LC(DK68.B83)
Bibliographical description
ditto. 2. ed. – ibd., 1956. 329 p. – (Problemi del giorno : documenti)
I: Biblioteca di storia moderna e contemporanea - Roma RM RM-BNC Vittorio Emanuele II
cover: Report by N. A. Bulganin and speech by N. S. Khrushchev on their visit to India, Burma and Afghanistan, November 18 – December 19, 1955, addressed to the Supreme
Soviet of the U.S.S.R., session of December 16-29, 1955
Subject(s: Burma : Foreign relations - Soviet Union ; Visits
of state
Soviet Union : Foreign relations - Burma
D: KI-ZBW(A 33,458)
GB: BL (8096 aa 29)* BL-APAC(P/T 3945)
US: CSt-H CU(Wason Pamphlet D226)
HU(Law School: Harv.Depos. 76f 4165) IEN MiU
NcD LC(DS33.4.R8 V54) NYPL(Research C-10
Ref.: OCLC 30173493
Viaggio in India Birmania e Afghanistan / N.Bulganin ; N.
Khrustciov. – Roma: Editori riuniti, 1956. 329 p. – (Problemi del giorno : Documenti)
Subject(s): Burma : Foreign relations - Soviet Union ;
Visits of state
Soviet Union : Foreign relations - Burma
BCUD(33.X.A.97) ISML(GEN G 70)
Visit of friendship to India, Burma and Afghanistan :
speeches and official documents, November to December
1955 / N. A. Bulganin ; N. S. Khrushchov. – Moscow: Foreign Languages Publ. House, 1956. 327 p., illus., ports., app.
– Transl. of: Vizit druz by v Indiju, Birmu i Afganistan.
p. 147-195: Visit to Burma, Dec. 1-7, 1955
Subject(s): Burma : Foreign relations - Soviet Union ;
Visits of state
Soviet Union : Foreign relations - Burma
D: HD-SAI(100 bez 79/2045)*
US: LC & NNC(Lehman) & WU(Memorial Lib.) &
YU(LSF-Request) : DK68 .B843
NNC(Butler 947.083 B87 NYPL(Research GLP)
UCB UCSB(Library DK68 .B8)
The visit of N. A. Bulganin and N. S. Khrushchov to
India, Burma, and Afghanistan
Visit to Burma and Afghanistan / by N. A. Bulganin and N.
S. Khrushchev. – New York : New Century Publ., [1956]. 46
p. – Speeches and interviews ... together with text of joint
Soviet-Burmese and Soviet-Afghan statements, communiques and treaties.
Subject(s): Burma : Foreign relations - Soviet Union ;
Visits of state
Soviet Union : Foreign relations - Burma
AU:NLA(P 327.47095 BUL)
US: HU(Widener Slav 1714.246.7)
IEN(Dprc.Coll. Pol. Pamphlets P203345) MiEM
UCD(Shields(o-010 AOL 11:4) YU(LSF-Request Bj
Ref.: OCLC 2516330
Visit to Burma of N. A. Bulganin, Chairman of the U.S.S.R.
Council of Ministers, and N. S. Khrushchov, member of the
Presidium of the U.S.S.R. Supreme Soviet : speeches and
visit to Burma of N. A. Bulganin, official documents, December 1-7, 1955. – Moscow: Foreign Languages Publ.
House, 1956. 151 p. – Transl. of: Prebyvanie N. A. Bulganina i N. S. Khrushcheva v Burme
Subject(s): Burma : Foreign relations - Soviet Union ;
Visits of state
Soviet Union : Foreign relations - Burma
D: HD-SAI(reg 60 K 4)*
US: CSt-H CU(Kroch JX1555Z7 B9 1956) NcD
NYPL(Research C 10-8596) NNU
The visit to India, Burma and Afghanistan, November 18 –
December 19, 1955 : report to the Supreme Soviet of the
U.S.S.R. on December 29, 1955 / by N. A. Bulganin ; speech
by N. S. Khrushchov ; resolution adopted by the Supreme
Soviet of the U.S.S.R., December 29, 1955. – London : (Soviet News), 1956. 63 p. – (Soviet news booklet ; 1) – On
Voyage d’amitié en Inde, Birmanie et Afghanistan : discours
et documents officiels ; Novembre – Décembre 1955 / N.
Boulganine ; N. Khrouchtchev. – Moscou: Éditions en Langues Étrangères, 1956. 350 p. – Traduit du: Vizit druz by v
Indiju, Birmu i Afganistan
Subject(s): Burma : Foreign relations - Soviet Union ;
Visits of state
Soviet Union : Foreign relations - Burma
D: HD-SAI(100 bez 79/2045 A)*
NL: Amsterdam-UB(UBM: P 30-8027)
US: PPiU(Hillman DK68 B844)
Bull, John
Neighbour squaring up
Laurie, William Ferguson Beaton
Burma, the foremost country. – p. 47-71
Bull, John Allen
Palm oil chop : a West African dish of many ingredients :
Sierra Leone, British Cameroons, India, Burma, 1935-1955 ;
the journal of a white African in colonial days / by John Allen Bull. – Pietermaritzburg: Teeanem Printers, [1987?].
214 p.
Bull, L. C.
Survey operations in unadministered areas of Assam and
Burma, 1935-36 / report by L. C. Bull ... and diary of E. T.
D. Lambert ... – [Calcutta?,] 1936. 19, V, 35 p. 1 fold. map.
Subject(s): Burma : Surveys
D: HD-SAI(M 14)
GB: SOAS(L.JMA 526.3/143.632)*
US: NIU(Microforms-FML Microfiche GA71.I4 B8551970Z
Bullard, E. B.
The Gospel of John in Sho Karen
Bible, N.T. : John < K a r e n : Sho : Bullard >
Bullard, E. H. < Mrs. >
Child's book on natural history. Part first. − Maulmain, 1846.
Subject. Burmese literature
US: HU(Widener 1286.53.9 Burmese)
Bullen, George
Catalogue of the library of the British and Foreign Bible Society
British and Foreign Bible Society / Library
Bulletin of an institution
under the institution
B 183
Burma Bibliographical Project
Siegfried M. Schwertner
Bulletin du CÉDOK
Centre d’Étude et de Documentation sur le Karenni <
Lausanne >
Bulletin of export trade ... (and progressive totals for ...) /
(Revolutionary) Government of the Union of Burma. – Rangoon : Central Statistical and Economics Department. – (Statistical paper ; 1)
< Monthly bulletin of trade statistics
Subject(s): Burma : Commercial statistics ; Commerce - Statistics
AU:ANU: 1959-1972 (OD HF41.B8)
1953-1976 (Microform HF41.B8)
D: KI-ZBW: 1955-1961,Okt (incomplete YY 5118)
1966 1968-1969 (Qz 1028)
HD-SAI: 1954.4/6 1955.1-2 1956.12
1957.1 6-9 12 (reg 60 G 241 GF)
F: BN: 1958. Jan. (Fol O2 w.37)
BIULO: 1960.2 (GEN.I.346)
1960.12 (GEN.I.343)
GB: BL: 1955.8-1959.12 1960.12 1961.12
1963.1/3 (I.S.Bu.220/6)*
BL-APAC: 1959-1963 (SW 318 incompl.)
SOAS: 1959-1963 (incompl.) (Per 63L/188.527)
J: AJK: 1954-1957
SG: ISEAS: 1970 1975 1978/79 (Sta abr HF259 B9B962)
US: CU: 1953-1963 1959-1965(incompl.) 1991/92
(Annex HF240 .8 B52+)
1961 1975 1976 (Kroch Fiche 887 (o) 93 63470)
LC(HF3789.B8A3 ; Microfiche (o) 90/6024)
1961- (Microfiche (o) 93/63470)
NYPL: 1954- (Econ.Div.)
YU: 1959-1972 (SML HF236.7 A2 (LC)+)
Bulletin of Far Eastern bibliography / American Council of
Learned Societies, Committee on Far Eastern Studies. 1,
1936-5.4/5, 1940/41. – Washington, D.C. ISSN 0090-2705
> Far Eastern quarterly
D: B-SBB(Potsdamer Str.) TU-UB(ZB 512)
US: CU(Kroch Ref. +Z3001.B93)
LC(Z3001 .B8 ; Microfilm 02740)
YU: 1-5 (X851 +B89)
ditto. Repr. – New York : AMS Pr., 1968. 5 vols.
US: LC(Z3001 .B812 DS504.5)
Bulletin of import trade / (Revolutionary) Government of the
Union of Burma. 1954- . – Rangoon : Office of the Collector of Customs, Rangoon, and the Department. – (Statistical
paper / Central Statistical and Economics Department ; 1)
1966-1972: (Statistical paper / Central Statistical and Economics Department, New Secretariat ; 1)
1973- : (Statistical paper / Central Statistical Organization,
New Secretariat ; 1)
1978/79?: (Statistical paper / Central Statistical Organization
; 1)
< Quarterly bulletin of import trade
Subject(s): Burma : Imports - Statistics - Periodicals ; Commerce - Statistics - Periodicals ; Commercial statistics
AU:ANU: 1959 1961-1964 1967-1972
1979-1980 (Menzies OD HF41.B81)
D: KI-ZBW: 1955-1956 1958-1959 1961 (YY 5120)
1966-1969 1976-1978/79 (Qz1027)
HD-SAI: 1954.4/6 10/12 1955.1-3
1957.1-9 12 (reg 60 G 252 GF)
F: BN: 1958. Jan. (Fol.O2 w.36)
BIULO: 1961 (GEN.I.346)
GB: BL: 1955.Jan.-1956.Feb.; 1956.Apr.-Oct.
1957.Feb.-Mar. Sept.-Dec.
1959.Feb.-June Dec. 1961.Dec.
1963.Jan.-June Oct.–Dec. (I.S.Bu.220/7)*
SOAS: 1972-1974 1979-1980 (Per 73L/459.768)
SG: ISEAS: 1970 1974 1980/81 (Sta abr HF259 B9B961)
US: CRL: 1954-1960 (MF-388)
CU: 1953/54-1959.Apr. 1959.Sep.-1961.Dec.
1979/1980:v.1 1991/1992 (Annex HF240.B8
1970 1974 1975 1979/80(Kroch Fiche 887(o) 93
LC (HF240.B8A47 ; HF240.B8A47a)
1970- (Microfiche (o) 93/63471)
YU: 1960-1962 1966-1972
(SML LC Class. HF236,7 A25 (LC))
YU(Econ. Growth Center 9A HA37-7 B81)
Bulletin of statistics / Central Statistical and Economics Department, Ministry of National Planning, (Revolutionary)
Government of the Union of Burma. – Rangoon : Govt.
Print. and Staty., Burma. − (Statistical paper ; 2)
< Quarterly bulletin of statistics
Subject(s): Burma : Finance - Statistics ; Statistics - Finance
AU:ANU: 1952.2- (Menzies OD HA1693.A27)
D: KI-ZBW: 1967 (YY 5180)
GB: BL: 1967 (I.S.Bu.310/1)*
HU(Documents (Lamont) Ind Doc 3507.5 F)
SG: ISEAS: 1967 (Sta abr HA4570.7 B93)
Bulletin of statistics / Union Bank of Burma. 1962 to 1963. –
Rangoon. – Annual
< Union Bank of Burma : Bulletin
Subject(s): Burma : Finance - Statistics ; Economic conditions - Periodicals
AU:ANU: 1960-1963 (Chifley serial HG41.U53 (closed
D: B-SBB: 1962 (Zsn 70 636 Potsdamer Str.)
GB: BL: 1962 1963 (I.S.Bu.205/3)*
SG: ISEAS: 1962.4- (HG187 B9B93)
US: CU: 1962 (Annex HG3289.B8 U58+)
HU: [1.]1952-11.1963 (Hist.Coll-Baker KA 596.9 U58)
LC: 1962 (WMLC 91/148)
NNC(HG188.B9 Un44)
NYPL: 1.1962/63 (Offsite L-11 1568)
YU: 1962 (SSL EGCC 9A HA37.8 U5)
Bulsara, Jal Feerose <b. 1899>
Some problems of social welfare in the Far Eastern region. –
Rangoon : Govt. Print. and Staty., Burma, 1951. 19 p.
Subject(s): Burma : Public welfare
US: CU(Kroch HV383 .B83) LC & WU(Memorial Lib.) :
HV383 B8 YU(MUDD Nva96 951B)
Ref.: OCLC 43703789
Bulwer-Lytton, Edward George
Lytton, Edward Bulwer Lytton < Baron >
Bunce, Edwin H.
Report on the Burma food and drugs act, 1928 with recommendations for food standards / by Edwin H. Bunce. – Rangoon : Govt. Print. and Staty., Burma (for L.G.D.), 1933. 26
p., app.
GB: BL(I.S.Bu.103/18)*
B 184
Bibliographical description
Bundesanstalt für Bodenforschung
Paleontological evidence of triassic age for limestones from
Southern Shan and Kayah States of Burma
Gramann, Franz
Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe <Hannover>
Die Entdeckung und Exploration der Nickel-LateritLagerstätte Tagaung Taung, Birma
Bannert, Dietrich N.
Bundesforschungsanstalt für Forst- und Holzwirtschaft <
Hamburg >
Dynamic growth and yield models for Burma teak
Kyaw Tint
Bundesinstitut für Ostwissenschaftliche und Internationale
Studien < Köln >
Birma 1969
Bräker, Hans
Birma zwischen der Sowjet-Union und der Volksrepublik
Fleischmann, Klaus
Die Rolle Asiens in der sowjetischen Außenwirtschaftspolitik
Bethkenhagen, Jochen
Bundesstelle für Außenhandelsinformation < Köln >
Birma : Energiewirtschaft
Birma : wirtschaftliche Entwicklung
Birma : Wirtschaftsdaten
US: MeWC(Spec.Coll. Robsn BV3270 .C33) RPB
Ref.: OCLC 23466982
Self-help in Toungoo, Burma / Alonzo Bunker. − Boston:
American Baptist Missionary Union, 1800s. 8 p.
Subject(s): Burma : Baptists - Missions ; Missions
Karen : Missions
US: KyLoS(SBGEN RST01 266.61591 .B884s)
Ref.: OCLC 44105931
Sketches from the Karen Hills / by Alonzo Bunker. With an
introduction by Henry M. King. – New York ; Chicago
[etc.]: Revell, 1910. 215 p., [12] l. of plates illus.
Herbert 500
Subject(s): Burma : Missions - Karen State
Karen : Missions
Karen State : Religion
D: B-SBB(580 544 Potsdamer Str.)
HD-SAI(reg 60 M 109)*
GB: BL(4767 aaaa 4) SOAS(GB266/31.697)*
J: TYB(XII-25-F-10)
US: CU(Kroch BV3270 B94) HU(Widener Ind 8100.5.5)
IU LC(BV3270.B8 1910)
NNUT(Burke MRL Day Rare Lr B884s) OCl
ditto. Microform of 1910 ed. – Chicago : American Theological Library Association, 1986. 1 microfiche ; 11 x 15
cm. High reduction. Silver based film. – (ATLA monograph
preservation program ; ATLA fiche 1986-0029)
ISBN 0-8370-6029-X (microfiche)
US: UC(GTU) HU(Andover-Harv. Theol: Mfiche ATLA
1986-0029) NNUT(Burke Microfiche 84-B1) &
YU(Divinity Fiche B4000) : ATLA fiche 1986-0029
Soo Thah : a tale of the making of the Karen nation / by
Alonzo Bunker ; with an introduction by Henry C. Mabie. –
New York ; Chicago ; Toronto ; London ; Edinburgh: Revell, 1902. 280 p., [12] l. of plates, illus., ports. – Herbert 500
Subject(s): Soo Yah
Karen : Missions
Burma : Missions - Karen State
Karen :Social life and customs
Karen State : Biography
D: HD-SAI(reg 60 M 109)*
J: TYB(XII-25-C-8)
US: CU(Annex DS432.K2 B94 ; Film 2600 1901-1905
reel 32, no.320) LC(PZ3.B884 S) MiU
Birma : Wirtschaftsdaten und Wirtschaftsdokumentation
Birma, Zollvorschriften
Die birmesische Wirtschaft im Jahr ...
Hinweise zum Myanmar-Geschäft
Bagoglu, Necip C.
Myanmar (Birma) : Wirtschaftsentwicklung
Südostasiatische Entwicklungsgebiete
Weltwirtschaft am Jahreswechsel 1981/82 : Birma
Rastalsky, Hartmut J.
ditto. – London and Edinburgh: Oliphant, Anderson & Ferrier, 1902. 280 p., plates.
D: HD-SAI(327 rel 67/2338)*
GB: BL(4767 e 28) BL-APAC(T 8299)
SOAS(GB 266/18.349)*
Wirtschaftslage in Birma
Rieger, Horst
Bunge, Frederica M.
Burma : a country study
Bunker, Alonzo <1837-1912>
A review of Rev. C. H. Carpenter’s "Self-support" and our
mission policy / A. Bunker. – Toungoo: Karen Mission Pr.,
1885. 19 p.
Subject(s): Carpenter, Chapin Howard <1835-1887> : Selfsupport.
Karen : Missions
Burma : Missions ; Baptists : Missions
B 185
ditto. Microform of 1902 ed. – Chicago : American Theological Library Association, 1986. 1 microfiche. – (ATLA
monograph preservation program ; ATLA fiche 1986-0324)
ISBN 0837063248
US: GTU HU(Andover-Harv. Theol: Mfiche ATLA 19860324) NNUT(Burke Microfiche 84-B1) & YU(Divinity
Fiche B4000) : ATLA fiche 1986-0324
The Toungoo Baptist Karen Mission, the S.P.G. and the
Bishop of Calcutta
Burma Bibliographical Project
Siegfried M. Schwertner
Bunnag, Charoon V.
Upper winds over Southeast Asia and neighbourings areas /
by C. V. Bunnag and K. Buajitti. – Bangkok: Meterological
Dept., Royal Thai Navy, Aug. 1961. VII, 48 p.
US: DAS(M57.2 B942 up) HU
[Pilgrim’s progress < Kachin >]
Pilgrim’s progress / transl. and adapted into Kachin by J. F.
Ingram. 1st. ed. – Rangoon : American Baptist Mission Pr.,
1918. 198 p. – Added title and text in Kachin
GB: BL(11103 aaa 13)*
BL-APAC(Kachin B.18)
Bunsen, Marie von <1860-1941>
Im fernen Osten : Eindrücke und Bilder aus Japan, Korea,
China, Ceylon, Java, Siam, Kambodscha, Birma und Indien /
von Marie von Bunsen. – Leipzig: v. Hase und Koehler und
Amelang, 1934. 156 p., Taf.
p. 102-110: Birma
Subject(s): Burma : Description and travel
D: HD-UB(A 4848.45)* BO-UB(YYA360)
MR-UB(T 93/86)
GB: OUL(C Chin.Stud W 2439 Bun)
US: CU(Kroch DS508 .B94) LC(DS508.B87)
ditto. 1st post-war ed. – Rangoon : Baptist Board of Publications, 1952. 179 p.
GB: SOAS(GPE Kach 243/232.094)*
[Pilgrim’s progress < Karen : Sgaw >]
Bunyan’s pilgrim’s progress. Translated from the London
Translation Society’s edition into Sgaw Karen / by J. Wade.
1st ed. – Rangoon : Burmah Bible and Tract Society, 1863.
381 p., plates, illus.
US: LC(PL4054.B8 Rare Bk coll) YU
ditto. – ibd., 1891.
GB: BL-APAC(Karen F.2)
ditto. 2 nd ed. − ibd., 1934.
GB: Aberdeen(Queen Mother Library ; x91(5) Bun)
ditto. 3rd ed. – ibd., Burma Baptist Mission Convention,
Wade Print. Fund, 1922.
ditto. Repr. – ibd., 1935. 155 p., illus.
Ref.: Bookseller
Pilgrim’s progress : abridged ... – Rangoon : American Baptist Mission Pr., 1931. 75 p. – Added title and text in Karen
GB: BL(11103 aaa 27)*
ditto. – ibd., 1943. 155 p.
D: PASU(50/RR 65029 D 2462)
HD-SAI(190 ldk 93/2251)* SI-UB(MRS1036(05))
US: LC(DS508.B87 1943) PPULC PSC
ditto. 4. Aufl. – Leipzig: von Hase und Koehler, 1943. 155 p.
Ref.: Domschke, R. Andreas ; Rudolf Goosman: KoreaBibliogr. I
Bunyan, John <1628-1688>
[Pilgrim’s progress < Burmese >]
Bunyan’s pilgrim’s progress ... – Maulmain: American Baptist Mission Pr. – Added title and text in Burmese
1. – 1840
2. Translated by Moung Hpay. – 1891. 350 p. – At cover
F: BN: 1 (D2 6330)
GB: BL: 2 (14300 b 7)*
ditto. 2nd ed. – ibd.
1. Translated into Burmese by Sarah B. Judson ... – 1855.
292 p.
GB: BL(14300 a 2)*
Burchett, Wilfred Graham <1911-1983>
Bombs over Burma / W. G. Burchett. – Melbourne:
Cheshire, 1944. 260 p., front., [27] p. of plates, ports.
Herbert 259
Subject(s): Burma : World War <1939-1945> ; World War
<1939-1945> - Personal narratives, Australian
AU:ANU(Chifley D767.6.B77)
NLA(N 940.542 BUR) ; HER 1256 940.542 BUR)
D: B-SBB(503 222 Potsdamer Str. NfLS)
HD-SAI(reg 60 D 712)*
GB: BL(X 809/21283) CUL(539:1.c.173.3)
OUL(IND Burma 5 d 18)
BL-APAC(T 21885)
SOAS(E Coll 3 C /3)
SG: ISEAS(D767.6 B94) NUS(D767.6 Bur)
R-UBC(940.5424 BUR)
US: CSt(940.9402.B9B94t) CU(Annex D767.6 B94)
HU(Widener Harv.Depos. HB 393.145)
LC(D767.6.B77 1944 and 1944a) NcD NRLF
ditto. 3rd ed. – Rangoon : American Bapist Mission Pr.
1. – 1875. 299 p., plates.
GB: BL-APAC(Bur B 609/1)
ditto. 4th ed. – ibd.
1. – 1906. 171 p.
GB: BL(14300 bb 1)* BL-APAC(Bur D 1729/1)
ditto. : a new transl. 1st ed. – Rangoon : American Baptist
Mission Pr., 1932. 173 p. – Added title and text in Burmese
GB: BL(14300 c 34(1))*
[Pilgrim’s progress < Chin : Kamhau >]
The pilgrim’s progress in Chin : Kamhau dialect / John Bunyan. – Rangoon : American Baptist Mission Pr., 1933. 139 p.
GB: BL(11103 a 86)* BL-APAC(Chin B.4)
B 186
Democracy with a tommygun [: on the political problems of
India, Burma, China, the Philippines and Japan] / by Wilfred
G. Burchett. – Melbourne ; London : Cheshire, 1946. 291 p.
p. 22-42: The Burmese and their problems
D: HD-SAI(180 mil 88/779)*
GB: BL(8024 bb 25)* BL-APAC(T 3105)
OUL(BOD 24498 e.57)
US: LC(D811.5.B88)
Trek back from Burma / by W. G. Burchett. – Allahabad:
Kitabistan, [1943]. 330 p. – Herbert 259
Subject(s): Burma : World War <1939-1945> ; World War
<1939-1945> - Personal narratives, Australian
AU:NLA(N 940.542 BUR)
D: HD-SAI(322 his 75/28)*
Bibliographical description
GB: BL(X 809/23997) BL-APAC(T 14631)
SOAS(GB959.10452 /808394 ; E Coll 3 C /4)
SG: ISEAS(D811.5 B94)
US: CU(Annex D767.6.B94 T7) LC(D767.6.B79) NBC
YU(LSF-Request Bia98 A968 B89)
Burgess, G. D.
Notes on the languages and dialects spoken in British
Wingate adventure / by W. G. Burchett. – Melbourne:
Cheshire, 1944. 188 p., front. port.
Subject(s): Wingate, Orde Charles <1903-1944>
Burma : World War <1939-1945> - Campaigns
AU:ANU(Chifley D767.6.B79)
D: B-SBB(Potsdamer Str.) HD-SAI(322 mil 90/794)*
GB: BL(X 800/11438) SOAS(E Coll 3 G /7)
US: CU(Annex D767.6.B94 W7) LC(D767.6.B8)
HU(Widener HB 1310.40) MiU NcD OCl OClW
UCLA(YRL D767.6 B893w) UCSD
Burgess, Grace Mary
Burmese cats / by Grace Burgess. – [Wellington: The author,] 1970. 106 p., illus., bibliogr. p. 105-106.
US: LC(SF449.B8B87)
Translation of a digest of the Burmese Buddhist law
concerning inheritance and marriage
Wingate’s phantom army / W. G. Burchett. – Bombay:
Thacker, 1944. 240 p., illus., ports., plates, fold. map.
Herbert 259
Subject(s): Wingate, Orde Charles <1903-1944>
World War <1939-1945> – Campaigns ; World War
<1939-1945> - Personal narratives, British
AU:ANU(Chifley D767.6.B82)
GB: BL(X 809/20469)
SOAS(GB959.10452 /808420 ; E Coll 3 G /6)
SG: NUS(D767.6 Bur)
US: CU(Annex D767.6.B94 W8) ViU
LC(D767.6.B82 1944 and 1944a) NIU(SEA D767.6
YU(SML D767.6 B88)
ditto. 2nd impr. – ibd., 1944. 240 p., illus., ports., plates,
fold. map.
D: HD-SAI(reg 60 D 713)*
GB: SOAS(GB 949/299.801)*
ditto. 3rd impr. – ibd., 1944. 245 p.
US: LC(D767.6B82 1944a) MiU
ditto. – London : F. Muller, 1946. 195 p., plates, ports., map.
p. 181-193: Postscript by Michael Brown
GB: BL(O9101 aaa 15)* OUL(BOD 222833 e.74)
US: CU(Kroch D767.6.B94 W8 1946) FTaSU
HU LC(D767.6.B82 1946) MB PPULC
UC(SRLF) UCB(Main D767.6.B8 1946)
ditto. – Bombay: Thacker, 1949.
ditto. [2nd ed.] – Wellington: Price Milburn, 1976. 106 p.,
illus., bibliogr. p. 105-106. − ISBN 0705506495
US: LC(SF449.B8B87 1976)
Burgess, James
A handbook for travellers in India, Burma and Ceylon.
– 4th ed.
Burggrabe, Hilmar
Laboratory for Structural Engineering, Rangoon Institute of
Technology : project of co-operation in higher education between the Socialist Republic of the Union of Burma and the
Federal Republic of Germany / Text: Hilmar Burggrabe ;
with assistance of U Nyi Hla Nge. – Rangoon [Eschborn] :
German Agency for Technical Cooperation, 1976. 22 p., illus., graphs. − ISBN 3-88085-022-4
D: B-SBB(472296 Potsdamer Str.) F-DB
Burghard, Georges
La Birmanie et la colonisation anglaise. – Paris: ChevalierMarescq, 1902. 28 p. – Repr. from: Revue internationale de
Ref.: Cordier
Burgoyne, Eric
The tattered remnants / Eric Burgoyne. − Lewes: Book
Guild, 2002. XVIII, 448 p., [8] p. of plates, illus., maps,
ports. − ISBN 1-85776-666-0
Subject(s): Burgoyne. Eric
Burma-Siam Railroad. : History
Burma : World War <1939-1945> - Prisoners and prisons,
Japanese ; World War <1939-1945> - Personal narratives,
British ; Prisoners of war - Great Britain - Biography
D: GÖ-SUB(2002 A 12402)
GB: BL-DSS(m032/29820)
Ref.: OCLC 49206624
Burma Human Rights Information and Documentation Centre
Burdwan Experimental Farm
Experimental Farm < Burdwan >
Burgess, Ebenezer
Burgess, F. G.
Working plan for Pyinmana Forest Division for the period
1927-28 to 1936-37
Working plan < Pyinmana >
Working plan for the Shwebo Forest Division for the period
1937-38 to 1946-47
Working plan < Shwebo >
Burjorjee, D. M.
Burma : fiction or fact? / by D. M. Burjorjee. − [1984]. – A
talk delivered at the Britain-Burma Society, London, on June
6, 1984.
Subject(s): Burma in literature
Burke, Frederick
Capital flows along the Mekong
Burkill, Isaac Henry <1870-1965>
Report on cotton in Burma. − [s.l.,] 1904. 8 p.
GB: Royal Botanical Gardens, Kew(pgBUR)
B 187
Burma Bibliographical Project
Siegfried M. Schwertner
Burling, Robbins <b. 1926>
A Garo grammar. [1st ed.] – Poona: Deccan College, Postgraduate and Research Institute, 1961. X, 95 p. , incl. bibliogr. – (Deccan College monograph series ; 25)
Subject(s): Garo language : Grammar
GB: SOAS(GPE Garo 415/173.907)
US: CU(Kroch PL4001.G2 B96)
LC(PL4001.G2 B8)
UCLA(YRL PL3861 .B925p ; GN4 .I391p no.43)
UCR(Rivera GN4 .I55 no.43 1967)
UCSD(SSH PM101 .I51 v.43 CIRC Annex)
UCSC(McHenry GN2.I52 no.43)
UC(NRLF GN4 .I48 no.43 B 4 426 774)
WU(Memorial Lib. GN2 I5 v.43)
YU(LSF-Request Fx82 B925)
Proto-Karen : a reanalysis / Robbins Burling [and]
Lahu and proto-Lolo-Burmese / James A. Matisoff. – Ann
Arbor, Mich.: Dept. of Linguistics, Univ. of Michigan, 1969.
221 l., incl. bibliogr. ref. – (Occasional papers of the Wolfenden Society on Tibeto-Burman Linguistics ; [1])
Subject(s): Karen language ; Lahu language
Proto-Lolo-Burmese language
F: BMH(DS 516 B961)
GB: SOAS(L.GP 410/275.133)*
N: UHS(Mes ORIE 495.4 Wol/1)
NL: KITLV(M 3i 23 N)
US: CU(Kroch PL3551 A47 v.1+)
WU(Memorial Lib. PL4051 B86)
ditto. – Poona: Linguistic Society of India, 1961. X, 95 p.,
illus. , bibliogr. p. [82]-84. – (Indian linguistics. Monograph
series ; 2)
US: CU(Kroch PL4001.G2 B96 1961)
LC(PL4001.G2 B8 1961a)
Hill farms and padi fields : life in mainland Southeast Asia /
Robbins Burling. – Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall,
1965. VIII, 180 p., map, index, bibliogr. p. 170-174. – (A
spectrum book; S-110)
p. 79-92: Buddhism and the Burmese
Subject(s): Burma : Ethnology ; Social life and customs ;
AU:ANU(Menzies DS509.5.A1.B8)
NLA(572.959 BUR)
D: HD-SAI(300 eth 69/168)*
GB: FOL(LB 930/36.813) SOAS(G 301/196.341 ; 265.946 ;
US: CU(Kroch & Annex & Uris: DS509.5 B96) HU-P
LC(DS509.5.B8) NjP UoC
Rengsanggri : family and kinship in a Garo village. – Philadelphia, Univ. of Pennsylvania Pr. [c1963]. 377 p., illus.,
p. [367]-370: Bibliography of Garo ethnography
HRAF AR5, Garo ; 1
Subject(s): Garo
US: CU(Kroch GN635.I39 B96 ; Annex GN635.I4 B96 ;
Olin Ref. Microfiche 887 AR5, Garo ; 1)
LC(GN635.I4 B8)
ditto. [Repr. ed.] – Tempe, AZ: Arizona State Univ., Program for Southeast Asian Studies, 1992. X, 168 p. – (Monographs in Southeast Asian studies) − ISBN 1-881044-00-9
GB: SOAS(G301/703375-703377 ; 704916)
US: CU(Kroch DS509.5 .B96 1992)
LC(DS523.3 .B88 1992)
Proto Lolo-Burmese / by Robbins Burling. Indiana Univ.,
Research Center in Anthropology, Folklore, and Linguistics.
– Bloomington: Indiana Univ. ; The Hague: Mouton, 1967.
101 p., bibliogr. p. 101. – (Publication / Indiana Univ., Research Center in Anthropology, Folkore and Linguistics ;
43). – Also: (International journal of American linguistics ;
33.2.2 1967)
Subject(s): Proto-Lolo-Burmese languages ; Tibeto-Burman
languages - Phonology ; Loloish languages
AU:NLA(Luce 345)
D: GÖ-SUB(8° Z.Lit.52/2:43)* PA-UB(00/EQ 2550-33)
HD-SAI(nsp 32.26 B 1+a)*
F: BIULO(COL.7942(43) BMH(DS 516 B96) BNUS
GB: BL-APAC(V 16683 , SEA.1986.a.810)
OUL(BOD Nuneham Indo-Chin. d.250)
SOAS(L.GP414/217903* ; Per.L/56774)
N: UBB(HF Z Int/33:2:2)
UHS(Mag313 Hø 90 Int/33:2:2)
SG: ISEAS(PL3559 B96)
US: CU(Kroch PL3935 B96)
HU(Widener 1286.51.10 ; Tozzer L.SOC.120.11
(33:2:2)) ICarbS(Books, 3rd Floor 572.08 I396P)
ICNE(Stacks PL3311L7 B8)
LC(PM101.I5 v.33,no.2.,pt.2) InU(GN2 .I6 no.43)
OAU(Athens Library Annex PM101 .I5 v.33.1)
UC(SRLF A0012038022)
UCD(Shields P25 .I52 no.43)
UCI(Main Lib GN4 .I45 no.43 1967)
The strong women of Modhupur / Robbins Burling. – Dhaka
: Univ. Pr., 1997. 274 p., illus., index, bibliogr. ref. p. [267]268. − ISBN 9840513788
Note: On Garo, Indic people of Madhupur, Bangladesh.
Subject(s): Garo : Bangladesh - Madhupur
Madhupur : History
US: CU(Kroch DS393.83.G37 B87x 1997)
LC(DS393.83.G37 B87 1997)
Burma, H.
Collection of plants from Upper Burma and the Shan States /
by H. Burma and W. Botting Hemsley. – Bishan Singh,
1979. 150 p.
Ref.: IBiP
Burma [/ Government]
Burma act
Administration report / British Burma. – Rangoon : Secretariat Pr.
Subject(s): Burma : Politics and government <1824-1948> Periodicals.
GB: BL-APAC: 1869-1873 (IOR/V/10)
B 188
Agriculture in Burma
Aid to land-surveying
Clancey, John Charles
Amended list of ancient monuments in Burma
Annual financial statement of the Government of
Bibliographical description
Annual report on the administration of the Province of British Burmah for the year 1861/62 [-1862/63]. – Calcutta :
Home Secretariat Pr.
> Report on the administration of the Province of British
GB: BL: 1861/62-1862/63 (I.S.Bu.1)*
CUL: 1861/62-1862/63 (OP.1200.351.01)
OUL(IND IB. Burma B 1)
SOAS: 1861/62-1862/63 (India papers / 476.001)
SG: ISEAS(Microfilm 171)
US: NYPL(Research *SES)
YU: 1861/62-1862/63 (07535+R1)
Appropriation accounts of the Government of Burma
The British Burma gazetteer
Subject(s): Burma : Finance, Public - Accounting - Periodicals ; Finance, Public - Auditing - Periodicals ; Appropriations and expenditures - Periodicals
D: KI-ZBW(X 14,827)
F: BIULO: 1948/49 (GEN.III.52893)
1951/52 (GEN.III.52894)
1953/54 (GEN.III.52889 ; GEN.III.52895)
1954/55 (GEN.III.52896)
GB: BL: 1937/38 (I.S.Bu.111/10)*
BL-APAC: 1937/38-1939/40 (ST 429)
1936/37-1939/40 (IOR/V/16/570)
US: CU: 1948/1949 1952/1953-1954/1955 (Annex HJ66.B8
1947/48 (Kroch Fiche 887 (o) 93 63428)
LC: 1939/40 (HJ66.B8A45)
YU: 1947/48 (MUDD Nj66 B9 A8)
History of services of gazetted and other officers in
Budget estimates
also: Burma ...
A list of gramophone records of Burmese dialects presented to the Harvard College Library by the Government
of Burma
Burma act
Burma gazetteer
Memoranda submitted by the Government of Burma to the
Indian Statutory Commission, pts. 6 and 7, 1928. – Rangoon
: Govt. Print. and Staty., Burma (for L. G. D.), 1928. 34, 5
p., tables.
GB: BL-APAC(W 4119)*
US: YU(Mudd Ota13 A2 930 6-7)
Burma handbook, 1943
Burma through the eyes of an American friend
Christian, John LeRoy
Burma treaty
Burma’s progress
Catalogue of official publications
Civil appropriation accounts and the audit report
Commercial agreement between the Government of
Burma and the Government of the Union of South Africa
Communiqué on talks between Chinese and Burmese
premiers and other documents
Compendium of eight acts
[Memoranda submitted to the Indian Statutory Commission]
/ Burma. – [Rangoon : Govt. Print. and Staty., Burma]. –
Without title pages
1. Introduction. – (for C. Secy.,) [1928]. 22 p.
2. The existing system of government. – (for L. G. D.,) 1928.
163 p.
3. Growth of representative institutions : the legislature. –
(for Jdl. Dept.,) 1928. 112 p.
4. Local self-government. – (for L. G. D.,) 1928.
5. Note on the working on the meston settlement in Burma. –
(for F. D.,) 1928. 34 p.
7. Excluded areas, and minor adjustments of the electorate,
etc. – (for L. G. D.,) 1928. 5 p.
GB: BL-APAC(IOR/V/26/261/36)*
Memoranda submitted to the Statutory Commission by the
Government of Burma. – [Rangoon : Govt. Print. and Staty.,
Burma] (for Chief Secy.), 1930. 590 p.
Subject(s): Burma : Politics and government
GB: BL(I.S.Bu.119/19)* SOAS
US: LC(JQ440 1930) UCB(Documents JQ449 1930)
YU(Mudd Ota13 A2 930 11)
Compendium of governor’s acts
Digest of the Government of Burma act
Eggar, Arthur
The district police training depotlaw manual
The drill and musketry manual
Drill manual for the use of the Burma Police
Memorandum. – [Rangoon : Govt. of Burma,] (for H. P. D.),
19.1.1929. 12 p.
GB: BL-APAC(IOR/in: V/26/261/36)*
Exchange of notes ... between the/His Government of
United Kingdom of Great Britain (and Northern Ireland) and ...
Memorandum containing the views of the Government of
Burma on reference of the Indian Cinematograph Committee
Indian Cinematograph Committee, 1927-1928
Finance accounts ... and the audit report ... / Government of
Burma. – Rangoon : Govt. Print. and Staty. (for Ad.-Genl.).
– Report of the Auditor-General of Burma.
Memorandum submitted by the Government of Burma to the
Indian Statutory Commission. – London : H. M. S. O., 1930.
590 p. – (Indian Statutory Commission ; 11)
B 189
Burma Bibliographical Project
Siegfried M. Schwertner
Subject(s): Burma : Politics and government <1824-1948> ;
Colonial influence
D: B-SBB(Up 296/503-11 Potsdamer Str. NfLS)
GB: BL-APAC(IOR/V/26/261/27)*
NL: KITLV(M rr 1183)
US: NIU(SEA DS530 .M4561930)
YU(Mudd Ota13 A2 +930 11)
Notes on agriculture in Burma
Port of Akyab
Gibb, Alexander
Report by the Government of Burma for the calendar year
1937 on the traffic in opium and other dangerous drugs /
Government of Burma. – Rangoon : Govt. Print. and Staty.,
Burma (for Def. Secy.), 1938. 15 p.
GB: BL(I.S.Bu.177/5)*
Report of the North-Eastern frontier
Report on the administration of British Burma during
1872/73 [-1884/85] : in 3 parts. – Rangoon : Govt. Pr. ;
(1884/85:) Govt. Print., British Burma
1. Summary.
2. Departmental chapters.
3. Statistical returns.
< Burma / Foreign Department
Administration report
> Burma < Lower Burma >:
Report on the administration of Lower Burma
D: B-SBB: 1873/74 (8° Up 4911 Potsdamer Str.)
GB: BL: 1872/73-1876/77 (I.S.Bu.119)*
1877/78-1884/85 (I.S.Bu.1)*
CUL: 1872/73-1876/77 (OP.3200.351.01)
1877/78-1884/85 (OP.1200.351.01)
LSE: 1856/57-1884/85 (BLPES,Off.Publ. 591(R2) Per.)
SOAS: 1873/74 1875/76 (India pap/476.001)
SG: ISEAS(Microfilm 171)
US: CU(Kroch Film 541)
HU: 1878/79 1882/83 NYPL(Research *SES)
YU: 1873/74-1884/85 (07535+R1)
Report on the administration of Burma during (for the year)
1887/88 [-1935/36] : in 3 parts. – Rangoon : Govt. Print.,
Burma (for B. S. ; C. Secy ; F. and R. Secy. ; F. D.)
1. Summary.
2. Departmental chapters.
3. Statistical returns.
< Burma < Lower Burma >
Report on the administration of Lower Burma
AU:ANU: 1911/12 1913/14-1918/19
(Hope Store serial JQ448.R46)
D: B-SBB: 1891/92-1895/96 1897/98-1909/10
1918/19 (2°, 4° Up 4911 Potsdamer Str. NfLS)
1919/20 1921/22 1922/23
1925/26-1929/30 1931/32-1934/35 1935/36
(8° Up 4911 Potsdamer Str.)
1935/36 (8° OLS 7.7814 Potsdamer Str.)
KI-ZBW(X 7484)
HD-SAI: 1898/99 1915/16 1922/23
(325 adm 75/908 GF)*
F: Montpellier-BU Droit: 1924/25 1927/28 1935/36
(PG 80854 mag)
GB: BL: 1887/88-1918/19 (I.S.Bu.1/2)*
B 190
1919/20-1935/36 (I.S.Bu.119/44)*
CUL: 1887/88-1918/19 (OP.1200.351.01)
1919/20-1935/36 (OP.3200.351.01)
LSE: 1887/88-1892/93 1894/95-1896/97
1899/1900-1935/36 (BLPES, Off.Publ. 591 (R2)
BL-APAC: 1887-1937 (IOR/V/10)
SAS: 1915/16 (G (591):35 (Official Publ. Coll.)
SOAS: 1893/94 (L.GB 351/52.159)
1924/25 1926/27-1935/36 (GB 351/68.980)*
1935/36 (GB350/643.329)*
SG: ISEAS(Microfilm 171)
US: CU: 1920/21-1933/34 1935/36 (Kroch Film 541)
HU: 1922/23 (Law School: Harv.Depos. BUR 764.7)
LC: 1866/67- (incompl., J535.R3) NYPL: 1- (*SES)
YU: 1861/62-1918/19 (Mudd O7535+R1)
1919/20-1935/36 (Mudd O7535 R1)
Report on the administration of the Province of British Burmah for the year 1863/64 [-1867/68]. – Calcutta : Military
Orphan Pr. ; Foreign Department Pr. ; Rangoon : Central
Gaol Pr.
< Annual report on the administration of the Province of
British Burma
> Burma / Foreign Department
Administration report
GB: BL: 1863/64-1867/68 (I.S.Bu.119)*
OUL(IND IB. Burma B 1)
SOAS: 1863/64-1867/68 (India papers / 476.001)
SG: ISEAS(Microfilm 171)
US: NYPL(Research *SES)
YU: 1863/64-1867/68 (07535+R1)
Report on the frontier affairs of Burma
Report on the rebellion in Burma
Rules ...
Speeches by Sir Reginald Craddock, Lieutenant-Governor,
Burma, 1917-1922
Craddock, Reginald Henry
Traffic in opium and other dangerous drugs
[Treaty <1940.10.1>]
Exchanges of notes between His Majesty’s Government
in the United Kingdom and the Government of Thailand regarding the boundary between Burma and
Thailand, Bangkok
[Treaty <1941.6.18>]
Exchanges of notes between His Majesty’s Governernment in the United Kingdom and the Government of Burma, and the National Government of the
Republic of China, concerning the Burma-Yunnan
[Treaty <1947.10.17>]
Treaty between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Provinsional Government of Burma : with
annex and exchange of notes. London, 17 October 1947
[Treaty <1947.10.17>]
Treaty between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Provisional Government of Burma re-
Bibliographical description
garding the recognition of Burmese independence and
related matters
[Treaty <1955>]
Agreement for reparations and economic co-operation
between the Union of Burma and Japan
Burma / Accountant-General
Administration report of the Public Works Department,
Burma (Irrigation Branch)
Burma / Public Works Department / Irrigation Branch
Annual review of the working of the treasuries in
Appropriation accounts of the Government of Burma
Appropriation report on the accounts of Burma
Burma / Military Police Audit Department
Burma / Pre-audit Department
The Burma account manual
The Burma local funds accounts manual
The Burma ready reckoner
Sen, B. N.
The Burma sub-treasury manual
The Burma supplement to the Civil Service regulations
Compilation of the fundamental rules made by the
Secretary of State in Council
Executive report on the accounts of the Government of
Explanations on government audit and accounts
Extracts from the Burma treasury manual
Gradation list of the Office of the Accountant-General
Gradation list of the offices of the Accountant-General,
Burma, and Commisioner of Paper Currency, Rangoon
Lik Smin* Asah
Burma / Accountant-General / Account Current Section
Manual of the Account Current Section / Office of the Accountant-General, Burma. 2nd ed. (rev.). – Rangoon : Govt.
Print. and Staty., Burma (for A. G.), 1925. 46 p., index.
Subject(s): Burma . Government - Handbooks, manuals, etc.
GB: BL(I.S.Bu.113/12)*
Burma / Accountant-General / Bill and Deposit Section
Manual of the Bill and Deposit Section / Office of the Accountant-General, Burma. 2nd ed. (rev.). – Rangoon : Govt.
Print. and Staty., Burma (A.G.), 1925. 23, III p.
GB: BL(I.S.Bu.113/13)* BL-APAC(IOR/V/27/301/295)
Burma / Accountant-General / Compilation, Book and
Budget Sections
Office manual of the Accountant-General, Burma : Compilation, Book and Budget Sections. 1st ed. – Rangoon :
Govt. Print., Burma, 1909. 67 p.
GB: BL(I.S.Bu.113/14)*
Burma / Accountant-General / Forest Section
Manual of the Forest Section of the Office of the Accountant-General, Burma. – Rangoon : Govt. Print., Burma (A.
G.), 1909. 59 p.
GB: BL(I.S.Bu.113/17)*
ditto. 2nd ed. rev. – ibd., 1925. 70, V p., index.
GB: BL-APAC(V 10198 ; IOR/V/27/301/296)
Burma / Accountant-General / Local Audit Department
Office manual of the Local Audit Department of the Office
of the Accountant-General, Burma. – Rangoon : Govt. Print.,
Burma (for A.-G.)
ditto. 3rd ed. – ibd., 1905. II, 131 p., app.
GB: BL(I.S.Bu.111/3)*
ditto. 4th ed. – ibd., 1914. II, 194 p., app.
GB: BL(I.S.Bu.111/3)*
List of corrections to the compilation of the fundamental rules and supplementary rules
List of government promissory notes in the custody of
the Accountant-General
Manual of appointments and allowances in Burma
Manual of appointments and allowances of gazetted officers
Manual of appointments and allowances of officers of
the Posts and Telegraphs Department
Manual of instructions for the inspection of treasuries
Office manual of the general procedure and of the Record
Department of the Accountant-General, Burma. 2nd ed. –
Rangoon : Govt. Print., Burma (for A. G.), 1916. VII, 170 p.
Subject(s): Burma . Government - Handbooks, manuals, etc.
Report on the resources and currency operations in the
Province of Burma
Rules for the guidance of sub-treasury officers
Burma / Accountant-General / Pension Department
Office manual of the Accountant-General, Burma : Pension
Department. – Rangoon : Govt. Print., Burma (for A. G.),
1909. IV, 127 p.
GB: BL(I.S.Bu.113/15)*
Burma / Accountant-General / Police and Marine Sections
Office manual of the Accountant-General, Burma : Police
and Marine Sections.
1. Rules regarding Police audit ;
2. Rules regarding Marine audit.
1st ed. – Rangoon : Govt. Print., Burma (for A. G., B.),
1909. II, 48 p.
GB: BL(I.S.Bu.113/11)*
Burma / Accountant-General / Provident Fund Section
Manual of the Provident Fund Section / Office of the Accountant-General, Burma. 1st ed. – Rangoon : Govt. Print.
and Staty., Burma (for A.-G.), 1925. III, 103 p.
GB: BL(I.S.Bu.113/8)*
Burma / Accountant-General / Record Department
Office manual of the general procedure ...
Burma / General-Account
B 191
Burma Bibliographical Project
Siegfried M. Schwertner
Burma / Accountant-General / Special Audit Department
Office manual of the Special Audit Department of the Office
of the Accountant-General, Burma : containing chapter I:
General ;
chapter II: Gazetted and non-gazetted Audit Department;
chapter III: Preaudit.
1st ed. – Rangoon : Govt. Print., Burma (for A. G.), 1909. 58
p., app.
GB: BL(I.S.Bu.113/7)*
Burma / Accountant-General / Treasury Account Department
Manual of the Treasury Account Department of the Office of
the Account-General, Burma. – Rangoon : Govt. Print.,
Burma (for A. G.), 1909. 245 p., app.
GB: BL(I.S.Bu.113/4)*
ditto. 2nd ed. – ibd., 1915. 267 p., app.
GB: BL(I.S.Bu.113/4)*
ditto. – ibd., 1925. 239, XII p., app., index.
GB: BL(I.S.Bu.113/6)*
Burma / Account-General / Works Audit Department
Manual of the Works Audit Department of the AccountGeneral’s Office, Burma. – Rangoon : Govt. Print., Burma
(for A. G.), 1924. II, 144 p., app.
GB: BL(I.S.Bu.113/5)*
Burma / Accounts Audit Department
Burma / Customs Department
D: HD-SAI: 1923-1924 1926-1928 1930-1933
(322 agr 79/1531 Kp)*
GB: BL: 1922-1933 (I.S.Bu.114/12)*
BL-APAC: 1922-[1933?] (IOR/V/24/1573)
Burma / Agricultural Finance Committee
Agricultural Finance Committee
Burma / Air Raid Precautions Department
A.R.P. series. – Rangoon : Govt. Print. and Staty., Burma
(for Ch. A. R. P. C. A.)
GB: BL: 1-5 (I.S.Bu.178)
US: LC: 1,1941- (UG635.B8A3)
1 The duties of air raid wardens
2 Information and advice to the public on air raid precautions
3 Pamphlet on garden trenches
4 The elements of passive air defence
5 Directions for the erection of domestic surface shelters
Burma / Ajmere Irrigation Committee
Ajmere Irrigation Committee
Burma / Allowance Committee
Burma Allowance Committee
Burma / Archaeological Department
Inscriptions collected in Upper Burma
Inscriptions copied from the stones collected by King
Bodawpaya and placed near the Arakan Pagoda, Mandalay
Burma / Accounts Department
The Burma treasury manual
Inscriptions of Pagan, Pinya and Ava deciphered from
the ink impressions found among the papers of the late Dr.
E. E. Forchhammer
List of major and minor heads of account of receipts
and disbursements of the Government of Burma
The Po U Daung inscription erected by King Sinbyuyin
in 1774 A.D.
A manual of the Cash and Accounts Departments, Custom
House, Rangoon
Burma / Customs Department
Precis of the old records of historical interest in the Office of the Commissioner of Arakan
Burma / Agricultural Chemist
Annual reports of the Agricultural Stations, the Assistant Botanist of the Northern Circle, the Assistant Entomologist, and the Agricultural Chemist to Government
Report of the Agricultural Chemist, Burma, for the year ending the 31st March ... – Rangoon : Govt. Print. (and Staty.),
Burma (for D. of A.)
D: HD-SAI: 1922-1924 1926-1933 (322 agr 79/1554 Kp)*
GB: BL: 1922-1933 (I.S.Bu.114/9)* BL-DSS(7369.400000)
BL-APAC: 1917-[1933?] (IOR/V/24/1573, 1578)
Publications of the Archaeological Department. – Rangoon :
Govt. Print.
1 Index inscriptionum Birmanicarum
2 List of pagodas at Pagan under the custody of government
Report on archaeological work in Burma
Burma / Archaeological Survey
Account of the discovery of the Piprahwa Stupa ...
Burma / Agricultural Committee
Agricultural Committee
Burma / Agricultural Department
Burma / Department of Agriculture
Burma / Agricultural Engineer
Annual report of the Agricultural Engineer, Burma, for the
year ending 31st March ... – Rangoon : Govt. Print. (and
Staty.), Burma (for D. of A.)
B 192
Annual report of the Superintendant, Archaeological Survey,
Burma for the year ending 30th September 1953. − Rangoon
: Govt Print. and Staty, 1954. 34 p., 5 plates, illus., tables p.
35-54. − Added title and text in Burmese text
Subject(s): Burma : Excavations (Archaeology)
GB: SOAS(FNA /396679)
Ref.: OCLC 45558170
Archaeological notes on Mandalay
Taw Sein Ko
Bibliographical description
Archaeological notes on Pagan
Taw Sein Ko
1958 (Kroch Microfiche 17)
1958/1959 (Kroch Film 9331)
LC(Microfiche (o)94/63409)
Archaeological survey of Burma
Report of the Superintendent, Archaeological Survey, Burma
for the year ending 31st March 1906 (from? : 30th September) ... [-30th September 1954]. – Rangoon : Govt. Print. and
Staty., Burma (for S.A.S.)
< Report on archaeological work in Burma
for 1925/26 to 1936/37:
India / Archaeological Survey : Report
> Report of the Director, Archaeological Survey, Burma
Subject(s): Burma : Excavations (Archaeology) - Periodicals
; Antiquities - Periodicals
AU:ANU(Menzies DS485.B83.A2)
D: B-SBB: 1906-1913 1918-1926 1937/38
(8° Up 4915/72 Potsdamer Str.)
1907-1913 1923 (4° Up 4915/72(a) U.d.L.)
1947-1954 (Zsn 58813 Potsdamer Str.)
1947-1948 1950 1953-1954
(4° u.8° Up 4915/72 U.d.L.)
GÖ-SUB: 1907/08-1912/13 1920/21-1925/26
1940/41 (4° H.As II,3316)
1952/53 (8° Z Hist 951)
HD-SAI: 1925/26 1940/41 (reg 60 D 133 GF)
F: BNF: 1906 (Fol Nt.2838)
1906/07-1922/23 (Fol O2 w.131)
1923/24-1925/26 (8° O2 w.53)
1937/38 1940/41 1946/47-1947/48
1954/55 (Fol O2 w.131)
BIULO: 1912-1926 (PER.600)
BAA: 1911-1923 (668U7)
Musée Guimet: 1901/02-1922/23 1925/26 1934/35
1940/41-1959 (P IV .32629)
GB: BL: 1907-1923 1937/38-1938/39 1940/41 (I.S.Bu.6)*
BL-APAC: 1937/38- (incompl.) (SW 42)
1905/06-1908/09 (IOR/V/24/299)
1909/10-1915/16 (IOR/V/24/300)
1915/16-1920/21 (IOR/V/24/301)
1921/22-1925/26 1937/38-1938/39 1940/41
SOAS: 1907-1926 1937/38-1940/41
1947-1954 (Ref.FNA.L/2.248)*
ULL: 1921-1937 (C5n)
MY: UL: 1906-1922
NL: KITLV: 1906-1926 (3h 133)
SG: ISEAS: 1948 1953-1954 1958-1962
(SCR fDS527.8 B96)
1948-1952 (Microfiche Mfc A2067)
US: CU: 1911/12 1924/25 1937/38 1939/40-1940/41
(Annex + DS527.8 .B96)
1906/07-1922/23 (Kroch Film 9331)
1923/24-1925/26 1947-1953 (Kroch Microfiche 17)
HU(Widener Arc 435.51 F) ICN LC(DS485.B83A2)
NIU(SEA Oversize DS485.B83 A22)
NYPL: 1918-1921 (*OHN+)
OCl: 1912-1939 (incompl.) (Ref. 402.92 IN28)
YU: 1908/09 1911/12 1913/14-1915/16 (Bj36 O86)
1923/1924-1925/1926 (SML DS485 B83 A25)
Catalogue of coins in the Phayre Provincial Museum
Phayre Provincial Museum < Rangoon >
Epigraphia Birmanica
Guide to the Mandalay Palace
Duroiselle, Charles
List of ancient monuments in Burma
List of archaeological photo-negatives of Burma stored in
the Office of the Superintendent, Archaeological Survey,
Burma Circle, Mandalay ; corr. up to 31st March 1935. –
Delhi: Manager of Publ., 1936. 65 p.
Subject(s): Archaeological Survey of India / Burma Circle :
Photograph collections - Catalogs ; Photography - Negatives – Catalogs ; Burma : Antiquities - Catalogs
D: HD-SAI(320 pha 64/4203)
GB: BL-APAC(V 681 ; IOR/in: V/27/941/17)
SOAS(FN.Pam A/90.103)
SG: NUS(DS530.3 Bur)
US: CU(Kroch DS527.8 .A66) LC(DS485.B85A75 1935)
NIU(SEA GN855 .B8)
NNC(Butler Microform RR F h406)
Ref.: OCLC 41665668
A list of inscriptions found in Burma
Duroiselle, Charles
List of protected monuments in the Burma circle
Original inscriptions collected by King Bodawpaya in
Upper Burma
Pictorial guide to Pagan
Preliminary report on the excavation at Peikthanomyo, 1959
Aung Thaw
Report of the Director, Archaeological Survey, Burma for
the year ending 31st September 1955- . – Rangoon : Govt.
Print. and Staty., Burma. – Added title and text in Burmese
< Report of the Superintendent, Archaeological Survey,
Subject(s): Burma : Excavations (Archaeology) - Periodicals
; Antiquities - Periodicals
AU:ANU: 1954/55 (Menzies DS485.B83.A2)
D: B-SBB: 1956 (4° Up 4915/72 U.d.L.)
GÖ-SUB: 1954 1957 (8° Z Hist 951)
HD-SAI: 1957/58 1959/60-1964/65
(nsp 2.26 U 93/2185 SD)*
F: BN: 1954/55-1956/57 (Fol O2 w.131)
1952/53-1953/54 (8° O2 w.53)
GB: BL-DSS(7374.000000)
OUL: 1954/55 (BOD A Floor Bodl. Burm. b.2)
1953 1954 (BOD A Floor Bodl. Burm. d.235)
SOAS: 1955-1961 1963-1965 (Ref.FNA.L/2.248)*
SG: ISEAS(Microfiche (o)94/63409)
US: CU: 1954/55-1964/65 (Fiche 997 (o) 94 63409)
1955 1957 1959-1961(Annex DS527.8 B96+)
Votive tables of Burma
Burma / Army
Return of non-commissioned officers borne on the
Burma unattached list
B 193
Burma Bibliographical Project
Siegfried M. Schwertner
Burma / Army / General Staff
Routes in Burma
Burma / Botanist
Annual reports of the Agricultural Stations, the Assistant Botanist of the Northern Circle, the Assistant Entomologist, and the Agricultural Chemist to Government
Routes in Central Lower Burma
Routes in Central Upper Burma
Burma / Bribery and Corruption Enquiry Committee
Bribery and Corruption Enquiry Committee
Routes in Tenasserim
Routes in the Chin-Lushai Tract
Burma / British Military Administration
Burma < Territory under British Military Administration
Routes in the Southern Shan States
Burma / Army / Intelligence Department
Diary of events of military interest in Burma
Burma / Building and Roads Department
Administration report of the Building and Roads Department
for the year ... – Rangoon : Govt. Print., Burma (for C. E. (B.
and R.))
< Burma / Public Works Department / Building and
Roads Branch : Administration report
GB: BL: 1946/47-1951/52 (I.S.Bu.155/3)*
J: HTK: 1946/47-1949/50 1951/52 1953/54
Irrawaddy column, Upper Burma, 1891-92
Peebles, E. C.
The Kachin gazetteer
Burma / Audit Department
Audit code
Classified list of establishment (Buildings and Roads
Finance accounts ... and the audit report ...
Burma [/ Government]
Burma / Auditor-General
Book of forms referred to in the Burma Public Works
Account code
Burma / Bureau of Accounts and Audit
Statement of accounts and the audit report
Burma / Burma Allowance Committee
Burma Allowance Committee
Finance accounts ... and the audit report
Burma [/ Government]
Burma / Burma Committee ...
Burma Committee ...
List of major and minor heads of account of receipts
and disbursements of the Government of Burma
Burma / Burma Economic Aid Committee
Burma Economic Aid Committee
Railway audit code
Burma / Burma Educational Syndicate
Burma Educational Syndicate
Burma / Board of Censors
Manual of the Burma Board of Censors / publ. by authority.
– Rangoon : Govt. Print., Burma (for C. of P.), 1923. 40 p.
GB: BL(I.S.Bu.175)*
BL-APAC(T 39007 ; IOR/V/27/970/3)
ditto. – Rangoon : Govt. Print. and Staty., Burma (for C. of
P.), 1938. 40 p.
GB: BL(I.S.Bu.175)*
BL-APAC(T 1526* ; IOR/V/27/970/4)
Burma / Burma Forest Committee
Burma Forest Committee
Burma / Burma Frontier Force
The Burma frontier force act, 1937
The half-yearly Burma Frontier Force list
Recruit and remount training at the Equitation School,
Manual / publ. by authority. – Rangoon : Govt. Print. and
Staty., 1947. 40 p., forms.
US: LC(Law)
Report on the administration of the Burma Frontier Force for
the year 1937- . − Rangoon : Govt. Print. and Staty., Burma
(for I. G. B. F. F.)
Subject(s): Burma : Defenses - Periodicals
D: HD-SAI: 1937-1938 (reg 60 F 28 Kp)*
GB: BL: 1937-1939 (I.S.Bu.153/7)*
BL-APAC: 1937 (IOR/V/24/1684)
OUL: 1937- (IND IB. Burma Eb.7)
US: CU: 1937-1939 (Annex +UA853.B8 B96)
LC(UA844.B8A3) NNC(Annex 355.59 B92)
Burma / Board of Management for the Port of Rangoon
Board of Managment for the Port of Rangoon, Burma, established since 1879 by the Rangoon Port Commissioner's Act
of the year. − [Rangoon :] The Board, [19-?]. 20 p., illus.
Subject(s): Rangoon : Port
Burma : Harbors - Rangoon
Burma / Book Depot
Burma / Government Book Depot
Burma / Burma Intelligence Bureau
Burma / Intelligence Bureau
B 194
Bibliographical description
Burma / Burma Legislative Council
Burma / Legislative Council
Burma Secretariat Office code
Office code
Burma / Burma Medical Examination Board
Burma Medical Examination Board
Bye-law(s) by / of the ... municipality
under the ... municipality
Burma / Burma Military Police
Burma / Military Police
The cantonment code
The cattle-trespass act
Burma / Burma Police Enquiry Committee
Burma Police Enquiry Committee
The Chin Hills
Carey, Bertram Sousmarez
Burma / Burma Posts and Telegraphs Department
Burma / Posts and Telegraphs Department
Chinese equivalents for names of places
Circulars of the Local Administration
Burma / Burma Public Health Department Reorganization Committee
Burma Public Health Department Reorganization
A collection of circulars issued from the Judicial Department
Burma / Judicial Department
Burma / Burma Public Works Department
Burma / Public Works Department
A collection of papers on settlement questions in Upper
Burma / Burma Railway Board
Burma Railway Board
Committee Appointed to Ascertain and Advise how the
Imperial Idea May be Inculcated and Fostered in
Schools and Colleges in Burma : Report
Burma / Burma Recruiting Committee
Burma Recruiting Committee
Burma / Burma Retrenchment Committee
Burma Retrenchment Committee
Committee Appointed to Enquire into the Allegations
of Inconvenience and Hardship Suffered by Deck Passengers Travelling between Burma and and India : Report
Burma / Burma Round Table Conference
Burma Round Table Conference
Divisional reports on the working of the Indian factories act in Lower Burma
Burma / Burma Rubber Licensing Committee
Burma Rubber Licensing Committee
Elementary hand-book of the Burmese language
Taw Sein Ko
Burma / Burma Secretariat
also Burma / Chief Secretary
The enemy trading (winding up) order
Glass mosaics of Burma
Tilly, Harry I.
Account of dyes and dyeing in Burma
Fraser, James Denholm
The Bassein Port manual
The Indian Christian marriage act and births, deaths
and marriages registration act, manual
Burma / Excise Department : Report
The Indian paper currency act
The Burma commercial marine rules manual
The inland steam-vessels act manual
The Burma forest act
Inscriptions collected in Upper Burma
Burma inspection manual
Inscriptions copied from the stones collected by King
The Burma petroleum manual
Inscriptions of Pagan, Pinyo, and Ava
Burma report
Census <1891>
The Kachin Hills manual
The Burma rules manual
The Kachin hill-tribes regulation
Burma Secretariat circulars, 1888-1901
Secretariat circulars, 1888-1901
The Kalyani inscriptions erected by King Dhammaceti at
B 195
Burma Bibliographical Project
Siegfried M. Schwertner
Land acquisition manual
Notes on dyes and dyeing in the Southern Shan States
Leveson, Henry George Ashworth
The Lepers act, 1898
List of non-confidential publications exempted from
registration which were issued in Burma
List of objects of antiquarian and archaeological interest in British Burma
List of the botanical names of trees and plants of which the
Burmese names have been determined ...
Corbett, G. Q.
Lower Burma inspection manual
Notes on the mineral resources of Upper Burma
Noetling, Fritz
Office code / Burma Secretariat. – Rangoon : Govt. Print.,
Burma (for Secy.), 1902. III, 128, XX, XV p., app., index.
Subject(s): Burma : Executive departments ; Officials and
GB: BL(I.S.Bu.119/9)*
US: YU(LSF-Request Ota56 A75 1902)
Ref.: OCLC 43707866
The Lower Burma registration of deeds manual
On the preservation of health : for the guidance of young officers on their arrival in India
Calvert, John Telfer
The Lower Burma town and village lands manual
The opium act, 1878
The Lower Burma village act
Pages 23 to 32 of the Lower Burma forest pamphlet of
Lower Burma village manual
Particulars of local certificates which have been issued
in Burma under the Indian steam ships act, VII, and
Inland steam vessels act, VI of 1884
Manual of examination rules for government officers
Manual of the Siyin dialect spoken in the northern Chin Hills
Rundall, Fank Montagu
Memorandum as to the procedure in Burma under the
Fugitive offenders act, 1881
Memorandum of a tour in parts of the Amherst, Shwegyin
and Pegu District
Taw Sein Ko
Monograph on cotton fabrics and the cotton industry in
Arnold, George Frederick
Monograph on the brass and copper wares of Burma
Tilbe, Henry H.
Progress report of forest administration in British
Progress report of forest administration in Upper
Burma ...
Progress reports on forest administration in Burma
Rangoon Foreshore Committee : Report
The Rangoon port manual
The registration of enemy property rules
A regulation to amend the Upper Burma criminal justice regulation, 1892
Monograph on the pottery and glassware of Burma, 1894/95
Taw Sein-Ko
Moulmein port and pilot rules
A regulation to consolidate and amend the law providing for the registration of documents in Upper Burma
Regulations for preventing collisions at sea ...
The Moulmein port manual
Regulations for preventing the spread of the Bubonic
Note on a tour in Burma in March and April 1892
Oertel, Frederick Oscar
Report on public instruction in Lower Burma
1932 Wa précis
Harvey, Godfrey Eric
Report on public instruction in Upper Burma
Note on a tour in Burma
Oertel, Frederick Oscar
Report on the administration of Burma
Note on the dyes and process of dyeing in Karenni
Giles, Francis Henry
Report on the administration of salt revenue in Burma
Report on the administration of the Rangoon Cantonment
Rangoon Cantonment Fund
Note on the proposed Linguistic Survey of Burma
Linguistic Survey of Burma
B 196
Bibliographical description
Report on the civil dispensaries and police hospitals of
Rules for the assessment and collection of taxes on ...
Report on the civil dispensaries of Burma
Rules for the assessment, collection, remission, and refund of taxes leviable under the Burma municipal act,
Report on the famine in Burma
Rules for the collection of tolls on vehicles in municipalities where such tolls have been imposed
Rules for the custody and control of government steam
and motor-launches and vessels in Burma
Report ... on the fresh-water fisheries of British Burma
Day, Francis
Report on the local funds of Burma
Rules for the disposal of building-sites in railway and
certain other towns in Lower Burma
Report ... on the Mergui pearl-field
Jardine, Frank L
Rules for the encouragement of the study of the Karen
and Shan languages
Report on the North-Eastern frontier
Burma <North-Eastern Frontier>
Report on the sanitary condition of schools and school
hostels in Burma
Rules for the encouragement of the study of the languages of the frontier tribes bordering on or having relations with Burma
Report on the working of the Indian factories act in
Lower Burma
Rules for the guidance of municipal committees in the
appointment of clerks
Report on tin-mining in the protected Malay states of Perak
and Selangor and Mergui
Parry, Robert
Rules for the management of the district port in Lower
Reports on civil justice in Burma
Rules for the offer and payment of rewards in criminal
Reports on government steamers
Rules for the prevention of cattle disease
Revised rules under section 8 of the Burma municipal
Rules for the proper enforcement of the vaccination act
Rule(s) by the ... municipality
under the ... municipality
Rules for the raising of loans by the local authorities in
the open market
Rules and bye-laws framed and notifications issued
under the Burma municipal act of 1898
Rules for the regulation and control of hackney carriages within the limits of the Thonze Municipality
Rules and orders under the Indian Post Office act, no.
VI of 1898 ...
Rules regarding jinrikishas framed by the Rangoon
Rules as to load-line marks, seasons, certificates,
draught of water and freeboard ...
Rules regarding the erection and repair of monuments
of stone ...
Rules for awarding certificates in drawing to teachers
in anglo-vernacular and vernacular schools
Rules regarding village sanitation and the prevention
of fires in the Northern Division
Rules for licensing and for regulating the conduct of
pilots at the port of Akyab
Rules under the Upper Burma ruby regulations
Rules for qualifications, administration and certificates
of pleaders of the Chief Court of Lower Burma ...
Rules for quarantine against plague
Rules for regulating the grant of leave for transshipment of goods and the manner of such transshipment
and rates of transshipment fees to be levied on goods
Rules for the appointment of clerks in Burma
B 197
Secretariat circulars, 1888-1901, rev. up to the 30th June
1901. – Rangoon : Govt. Print., Burma (for C. Secy.), 1901.
LXXV, 374, XI p., index. − The volume of "Circulars of the
local administration issued during the years 1886-1896" is
superseded by the present compilation. - Pref.
< Circulars of the local administration
Subject(s): Burma : Politics and government ; Executive departments ; Officials and employees
GB: BL(I.S.Bu.119/27)* BL-APAC(IOR/V/27/244/20)
US: HU(Law School) LC(J535R2)
YU(LSF-Request O7535 R24)
Ref.: OCLC 43712267
Burma Bibliographical Project
Siegfried M. Schwertner
ditto. – ibd., (for Secy.), 1903. I, I, IX, 148. – Added title
and text in Burmese
GB: BL(14300 gg 4)*
Secretariat Office code / Burma. – Rangoon : Govt. Print.,
Burma (for C. Secy.), 1908. V, 207, XXIII p., app., index.
GB: BL(I.S.Bu.119/34)*
Settlement < name of district >
The stage-carriages act, 1861
Tables for the translation of Burmese into English
Tables for the translation of Shan names into English
The Upper Burma land and revenue regulation
Upper Burma land revenue manual
The Upper Burma municipal manual
The village headman’s manual, Lower Burma
The village headman’s manual, Upper Burma
Burma / Burma Secretariat / Library
Catalogue of books in the Burma secretariat library, together
with appendices. – Rangoon : Govt. Print., Burma, 1913. 4
p.l., [V]-IX, 308 p. – Printed by order of the government of
Subject(s): Burma : Government publications - Bibliography
US: UCB(Main f Z846.B8 C2)
Revised catalogue of books in the Burma Secretariat Library,
15th July 1895 ... – Rangoon, 1896. Interleaved.
US: YU(LSF-Request X328 B92 +896)
Ref.: OCLC 43715125
Burma State Railway Volunteer Corps
Burma / Central Settlement Library
Central Settlement Library < Rangoon >
Burma / Central Statistical and Economics Department
Consumer price index at Rangoon
Burma / Chemical Examiner
Report of the Chemical Examiner to the Government of
Burma for the year ... – Rangoon : Govt. Print., Burma (for
I.-G. of C. H.)
< Burma / Chemical Examiner and Bacteriologist
> Burma < Union > / Chemical Examiner
GB: BL: 1916-1921 (I.S.Bu.9)*
1922-1936-1940 (I.S.Bu.171)*
BL-APAC: 1916-1921 (IOR/V/24/425)
1922-1930 (IOR/V/24/426)
1931-1940 (IOR/V/24/427)
OUL(IND IB. Burma Y 2)
MY: DMRL: 1916-1930 1932-1934
Burma / Chemical Examiner and Bacteriologist
Report of the Chemical Examiner and Bacteriologist to the
Government of Burma for the year ... [-1915]. – Rangoon :
Govt. Print., Burma (for I.-G. of C. H.)
> Burma / Chemical Examiner : Report
Subject(s): Burma : Medicine - Geographical
GB: BL: 1911-1915 (I.S.Bu.171)*
BL-APAC: 1901-1903
1906-1915 (IOR/V/24/425)
OUL(IND IB. Burma Y 2)
MY: DMRL: 1907-1915
US: DNLM: 1911?-1915 (W2 JB8 Z6)
1913 (HMD Collection W2 JB8 Z6)
Burma / Chief Air Raid Precautions Authority
The elements of passive air defence
Burma / Burma Text-book Enquiry Committee
Burma Text-book Enquiry Committee
Burma / Chief Civil Affairs Officer
Burma < Territory under British Military Administration
> / Chief Civil Affairs Officer
Burma / Burma University Committee
Burma University Committee
Burma / Chief Collector of Customs
Burma / Customs Department
Burma / Capitation and Thathameda Taxes Enquiry
Capitation and Thathameda Taxes Enquiry Committee
Burma / Chief Commissioner
Burma, its people and productions
Mason, Francis
Civil justice report 1867
Burma / Cash Department
Burma / Customs Department
Claims of the Bombay-Burma Corporation against the Government of Upper Burma
Bernard, Charles
Burma / Census Operations
Copies of all correspondence by telegram or letter, relating to the late treaty with the court of Ava
Copies of correspondence that passed between the
Secretary of State for India in Council and the Government of India, and also between the Viceroy of India and the Chief Commissioner of Burmah, relating to
the issuing of licences for the sale of intoxicating liquors and of opium in Upper Burmah
Burma / Central Board of Irrigation
Central Board of Irrigation
Burma / Central (Jail) Revisory Board
Central (Jail) Revisory Board
B 198
Bibliographical description
Copies of letter from Captain Williams, Public Works
Department, Rangoon, to the Commissioner of British
Burmah ...
List of trees, shrubs, and principal climbers, etc.
Manual of standing orders for forest subordinates
Criminal justice report 1867
Notes and statistics in four parts
Memorandum on departmental extraction v. co-operation
with traders for the development of trade in Burma hardwoods
Leete, Frederick Alexander
Reply by the Bombay Burmah Trading Corporation Limited,
to memorandum dated 29th January 1886
Bernard, Charles
Note on a tour of inspection in the South Tenasserim forest
Rogers, Charles Gilbert
Sea-borne trade of British Burma
Note on a tour of inspection through the Kamase, Yitkangyi
and Alangon reserves in the Pegu Forest Division, Tenasserim Circle, Lower Burma
Rogers, Charles Gilbert
List of unrepealed acts and rules and notifications
Translation of act no. X of 1870 : code of civil procedure
Vaccination report 1867-68
Note on the inspection in December 1918 of the river training works on the Myitmaka ...
Rogers, Charles Gilbert
Burma / Chief Conservator of Forests
The Burma forest bulletin
Burma Forest Conference
Proceedings of the first Burma Forest Conference
Note on the inspection of the training works of the Myitmaka
Rogers, Charles Gilbert
The Burma forest manual
The Burma game manual
A note on the seasoning of Burmese timbers
Teesdale, Lawrence Victor
Burma supplement to the Forest Department code
Notes on instruction in forest works
Departmental instructions for forest officers
Burma / Forest Department
Proceedings in 1919 with regard to the preparation of
working plans in Burma
Director’s standing orders
Burma Forest School
Progress reports on forest administration in Burma
A project for improvements to the Sale Depot
Economic timber research
Pearson, R. S.
Report on forest administration in Burma
An elementary manual of silviculture for the use of the
Burma Forest School, Pyinmana
Shirley, Geoffrey Stanhope
Reports on forest administration in Burma
Review of forest administration in Burma
Exploitation of jungle woods in Burma
Lafon, J.
Rough volume tables for teak (tectona grandis), pyinkado (xylia dolabriformis), in (dipterocarpus tuberculatus), taukkyan (terminalia tomentosa) in Burma
The flowering of Kyathaung
Kermode, Charles William Daly
Rudiments of forestry for Burmans ...
Forest Enquiry Committee : Report
Forest zoologist’s report on the beehole borer investigations
of 1918
Beeson, Cyril Frederick Chanington
Rules for the Burma Forest School
Burma Forest School
Scheme for girdling over the teak forests not under
working plans, East of the Dawnas Thaungyin Division
Forestry and other terms used at the Burma Forest School
Burma Forest School
Scheme for paddy-field teak girdling : Myitkyina Forest
Forms required for the purposes of the rules under the
Burma forest act
A simple key to one hunderd common trees of Burma
Smales, Charles Bertram
A handbook of the forest products of Burma
A simple key to trees of Burma
Smales, Charles Bertram
Index to standing orders and index of powers
B 199
Burma Bibliographical Project
Siegfried M. Schwertner
Standing orders for the commercial accounts of the
Utilization Forest Circle, Burma
Memoranda submitted to the Statutory Commission
Burma [/ Government]
Syllabus of courses of instruction, 1921
Burma Forest School < Pyinmana >
Memorandum for the guidance of subdivisional and
township officers, Pegu Division
Working plan ...
Miscellaneous rulings, etc., affecting the Shan States
and Karenni
Burma / Chief Secretary
also Burma / Burma Secretariat
Note on the rules concerning the extradition of criminals
Addition to the Burma motor-vehicle rules, 1915
Annual report on the working of the Indian factories
act, 1911, in Burma
The Burma district office manual
Notes and statistics in four parts
Notes on the great war
Precautions against the importation into, and the
spread of plague in municipalities, notified areas, and
The Burma land and revenue act
The Burma leadman’s manual
Precautions against the importation into and the
spread of plague in villages and non-municipal towns
The Burma petroleum manual
The quarterly civil list for Burma
The Burma village manual
The Rangoon hired motor vehicles rules, 1927
Bye-law(s) by / of the ... municipality
under the ... municipality
Report on the Kyaukku temple at Pagan
The Chin Hills manual
Report on the administration of Burma during
Burma [/ Government]
Commercial report on the Province of Yünnan
Litton, George John Letablere
Report on the prevention of crime and the treatment of the
criminal in the province of Burma
Paterson, Alexander
Drill manual for the use of the Burma Police
The Government servants’ conduct rules
The Indian arms rules
Report on the system of municipal administration of the City
of Bombay with suggestions for its adoption in Rangoon
Scott, Gavin
The Indian motor vehicles act
Reports on civil justice in Burma
The Kachin Hills manual
List of ancient monuments in Burma
Rules and regulations for the election of representatives of Burma on the Council of State and Legislative
List of official publications (other than confidetial) issued in Burma
Rule(s) by the ... municipality
under the ... municipality
List of publications (for official use only)
Rules for the election and nomination of members to
the Burma Legislative Council ...
The local authorities loan act, ... and the rules framed
thereunder 1879
Local government circulars
Local rules and orders made under enactments applying to Burma
Rules for the mangement and supervision of the Burma Police Training School at Mandalay
Police Training School <Mandalay>
Rules of executive business
Manual of examination rules for government officers
Rules to regulate the importation, possession, sale and
transport of carbide of calcium in Burma
A manual of shorthand in Burmese
Shuttleworth, Edward Cheke Smalley
[Rule to regulate the manufacture, possession and sale
of explosives in Burma]
[Memoranda submitted to the Indian Statutory Commission]
Burma [/ Government]
Rules under the Burma steam-boilers and prime movers act
B 200
Bibliographical description
Rules under the freight (railways and inland steam
vessel) tax act
1 Mitchell, David Thomas
Interim report on the immunisation of draft animals in
Burma against Anthrax
1 Pfaff, George
Surra in horses
Secretariat circulars
Burma / Burma Secretariat
Selection from speeches delivered by Sir Harvey Adamson
Adamson, Harvey
Tables for the translation of Shan names into English
Code of directions for the Superintendent, Civil Veterinary
Department, Burma. – Rangoon : Govt. Print., Burma (for F.
C.), 1893. 3 p.
GB: BL(I.S.Bu.105/20)*
BL-APAC (Tr 726)*
Town and village census tables
Census <1911>
Elephants and their diseases
Evans, Georg Henry
The village headman’s manual, Lower Burma
Instructions for the guidance of veterinary assistants
Evans, George Henry
The Shans
Cochrane, Wilbur Willis
The village headman’s manual, Upper Burma
Report of the Veterinary Instructor 1891/92 [-1892/ 93]. –
Rangoon : Govt. Print.
> Annual report on ...
GB: BL-APAC: 1891/92-1892/93 (IOR/V/24/4409)
US: LC: 1891/92-1892/93 (SF70.4.B8A27)
Burma / Circle Pay Office < Rangoon >
Instructions for the guidance of officers drawing pay
through the Circle Pay Office
Burma / Civil Medical Department
Circulars issued by the Inspector-General of Civil Hospitals
Burma / Inspector-General of Civil Hospitals
Report on the Civil Veterinary Department (including
1913/14-1929/30 the Insein Veterinary School), Burma, for
the year ended the 31st March ... – Rangoon : Govt. Print.,
Burma (for S., C. V. D.)
< Annual report on ...
Subject(s): Burma : Veterinary medicine - Periodicals
D: HD-SAI: 1924 1926 1928 (322 agr 79/1560 Kp)*
GB: BL: 1914-1922 (I.S.Bu.93/3)*
1923-1941 (I.S.Bu.168)*
BL-APAC: 1913/14-1925/26 (IOR/V/24/4410)
1926/27-1940/41 (IOR/V/24/4411)
US: CU: 1916/1917-1920/1921(Annex SF713.B8 A26+)
Notes on treatment of venereal diseases : for the use of
medical officers of the Civil Medical Department
Thein Maung
Burma / Civil Veterinary Department
Annual report on the Civil Veterinary Department, Burma,
for the year ending 31st March ... – Rangoon : Govt. Print.,
Burma (for S., C. V. D.)
< Report of the Veterinary Instructor
> Report on the Civil Veterinary Department
Subject(s): Burma : Veterinary medicine - Periodicals
GB: BL: 1910-1913 (I.S.Bu.93/2)*
BL-APAC(IOR/V/24/4409 & 4410)
US: LC(SF70.4.B8A27)
NNC: 1920/1921-1928/1929 1930/1931-1938/1939
1940/1941 (Offsite 619.05 B927)
Bulletin / Civil Veterinary Department, Burma. – Rangoon :
Govt. Print. and Staty., Burma (for D. of A.)
GB: BL(I.S.Bu.168/2)
BL-APAC: 1-7 1930.1 1933.1 (IOR/V/25/541/30)
US: LC(SF704.B8A3)
1 Mitchell, David Thomas
2 Mitchell, David Thomas
The method of taking blood smears ...
3 Edwards, James Thomas
Autogenous vaccines
4 Mitchell, David Thomas
Black quarter
5 Rippon, Steward Ross
6 Mitchell, David Thomas
Lymphangitis in horses
7 Mitchell, David Thomas
Parasitic worms of domestic animals
Report on work at institutions visited during study leave
Mitchell, David Thomas
Reports on the investigation of diseases of elephants
Pfaff, George
Veterinary materia medica
Evans, George Henry
Burma / Collector of Customs
Burma / Customs Department
Burma / Commerce and Industry Department
Burma / Department of Commerce and Industry
Burma / Commerce and Industry Secretary
Burma Sugar Industry Enquiry Committee
B 201
Burma Sugar Industry Protection Committee
Burma trade journal
Burma Bibliographical Project
Siegfried M. Schwertner
Commercial agreement between the Government of
Burma and the Government of the Union of South Africa
Memorandum of tariff charges on goods
Quinquennial wages census in urban and rural areas in
Burma. August 1916
The relief of distress occasioned by famine, floods and
other causes
Oil-fields Labour Enquiry Committee : Report
The payment of wages act [1936]
Report on the communal tenure system of the Katha District
Richards, Cecil John
Burma / Commission ...
Commission ...
Report on (the first, second, third, regular, original, revision,
summary) settlement (operations) ...
Settlement < name of district >
Burma / Commissioner, Arakan Division
Burma < Arakan Division > / Commissioner
Report on the land records administration of Burma
Burma / Commissioner in the Tenasserim Division
Burma < Tenasserim Division > / Commissioner
Report on the trans-frontier trade of Burma
Season and crop report of Burma
Burma / Commissioner of Magwe
Burma < Magwe > / Commissioner
Selections from the Burma land records manual
Burma / Commissioner of Police
Abridged law for the use of European sergeants
Survey manual ...
The Rangoon Police manual
Rangoon / Police
Burma / Commissioner of Settlements and Land Records /
Central Settlement Library
Central Settlement Library
Safety first hint
Burma / Commissioner of Port
Rangoon / Commissioners for the Port of Rangoon
Burma / Commissioner of Settlements and Land Records /
Statistical Department
Statistical bulletins
Burma / Commissioner of Settlements and Land Records
Agricultural statistics of Burma
Burma / Commissioners for the Port of Rangoon
Rangoon / Commissioners for the Port of Rangoon
Atlas of the Province of Burma
Burma civil budget estimates
Burma / Committee ...
Committee ...
Burma gazetteer
Burma / Comptroller
The Burma travelling allowance manual
The Burma land records manual
Burma settlement instructions
The Burma treasury manual
Catalogue of the Central Settlement Library
Central Settlement Library < Rangoon >
Manual of appointments and allowances in Burma
Burma / Comptroller of Munitions
Resolution on the measures needed to encourage the
building of wooden ships in Burma and connected papers
Daily rainfall recorded in Burma
Final report on the revision settlement (operations)...
Settlement < name of district >
Burma / Comptroller of Posts and Telegraphs Accounts
Gradation list of the Office of the Comptroller of Posts
and Telegraphs Accounts
Half-yearly return of wages paid
Handbook prescribed for the subordinate revenue and
land records examination in Burma
Index to the land records manual
Initial report on (the second, revision) settlement (operations) ...
Settlement < name of district >
Manual relating to the registration of the external land
trade of Burma
Burma / Conservator of Forests
Aero-photo survey and mapping the forests of the
Irawaddy Delta
List of the Burmese names of trees and plants given in
Kurz’s Forest flora of British Burma
Burma / Conservator of Forests / Hlaing Circle
Note on vegetation on forest soils
Barnard, Joseph Terence Owen
B 202
Bibliographical description
Observations on the germination and behaviour of tree seedlings ...
Blanford, Harry Richard
Rudiments of forestry for Burmans ...
Working plan for the Kadat, Letpan, Aungmya, Pyinma, Talaingma, Shwelaung-Kodugwe and Kalein Reserve in the
Pegu Forest Division
Working plan < Pegu: Zaungtu >
Working plan for the Tharrawaddy Forest Division for the
period 1928-29 to 1942-43
Working plan < Tharrawaddy >
Burma / Conservator of Forests / North Pegu Forest Division
Scheme for the tending of teak plantations (established during the period 1899-1911) in the North Pegu forest division
Collings, F. W.
Burma / Conservator of Forests / Northern Circle
Manual of arboriculture for Burma
Working plan for the Satpōk, Sitkwin and Thindawyo Working Circles in the Tharrawaddy Forest Division
Working plan < Tharrawaddy: Satpōk, Sitkwin, Thindawyo >
Burma / Conservator of Forests / Prome Circle
History of the Wegyi Boom and Depot Prome
Leete, Frederick Alexander
Working plan for the Taungdwin reserve in the Myittha Forest Division
Working plan < Myittha: Taungdwin >
Working plan for the Thingadon-Yama and Patolon working-circles in the Lower Chindwin Forest Divison, Northern
Circle, Upper Burma
Working plan < Lower Chindwin: Thingadon-Ya Patolon
Working plan for the Waye Matu Bon reserve in the Myittha
Forest Division
Working plan < Myittha: Waye Matu Bon >
Burma / Conservator of Forests / Pegu Circle
Forest administration in the Arakan Forest Division
Barrington, Arthur Harry Manliffe
Inspection note on teak fellings and extraction in the Nawin
Forests ...
Leete, Frederick Alexander
Working plan for the Nawin forests of the Prome Division
Working plan < Prome: Nawin >
Working plan for the Prome Forest Division for the period
1925-26 to 1934-35
Working plan < Prome >
Burma / Conservator of Forests / Research and Working
Plans Circle
A hand-book of the forest products of Burma
Rodger, Alexander
Burma / Conservator of Forests / Sittaing Circle
Scheme for the tending of teak plantations ...
Collings, F. W.
Burma / Conservator of Forests / Southern Circle
Forest soil and vegetation in the Hlaing Forest Circle, Burma
Barrington, Arthur Harry Manliffe
Manual of forestry for Burmans
Working plan for Maingtha, Kunchaung and Nanme reserves
in the Ruby Mines Division, Southern Circle, Upper Burma
Working plan <Ruby Mines: Maingtha, Kunchaung>
Note on departmental extraction of teak in Prome, Zigon
and Tharrawaddy Divisions, Pegu Circle, Lower Burma
Watson, Hugh Wesley Allen
Working plan for the Bawgyo Working Circle in the Mandalay Forest Division, Southern Circle, Upper Burma
Working plan < Mandalay: Bawgyo >
Note on the floating of timber in the Myitmaka and its
branches during the rains 1914
Leete, Frederick Alexander
Working plan for the Kyaw and Yawdwin Working Circles
in the Yaw Forest Division
Working plan < Kyaw and Yawdwin >
Note on the silting up of streams flowing into the Myitmaka
and the measures necessary to make it possible to continue
to use them for floating timber
Leete, Frederick Alexander
Working plan for the Maymyo fuel reserve in the Mandalay
Division, Southern Circle
Working plan < Mandalay: Maymyo >
Working plan for the North and South Gangaw Working
Circles in the Yaw Forest Division, Southern Circle, Upper
Working plan < Yaw: North and South Gangaw >
Pegu Circle Conference ... on the Departmental Extraction of Teak in the Prome, Zigon and Tharrawaddy divisions in 1914 and 1916
Portable tramways and timber skidding machines in the Pegu
Circle, Burma, 1914-1916
Leete, Frederick Alexander
River training works in 1914 and 1915 for the floating of
teak down the Myitmaka and its tributaries in the Prome,
Zigōn and Tharrawaddy Forest Divisions
Leete, Frederick Alexander
Working plan for the plains reserves (Meiktila Working Circle) in the Meiktila Forest Division, Southern Circle, Upper
Working plan < Meiktila >
Burma / Conservator of Forests / Tenasserim Circle
List of trees, shrubs and principal climbers, etc.
B 203
Burma Bibliographical Project
Siegfried M. Schwertner
List of useful timbers other than teak found commonly in the
Tenasserim Forest Circle
Muriel, C. E.
Working plan for the North Zamayi reserve in the Pegu Forest Division, Tenasserim Circle, Lower Burma
Working plan < Pegu: North Zamayi >
Working plan for the Pyu-Kun Working Circle of the Toungoo Forest Division to be known as Pyu Chaung and PyuKun Reserves
Working plan < Toungoo: Pyu-Kun >
Working plan for the Upper Thaungyin Working Circle in
the Thaungyin Forest Division, Tenasserim Circle
Working plan <Thaungyin: Upper Thaungyin>
Burma / Conservator of Forests / Upper Burma Circle
Memorandum on the forest laws in force in Upper Burma
Hill, Harry Charles
Annual report on game preservation in Burma
Burma Working plan manual
Catalogue of ornamental and flowering trees, shrubs, climbing plants, bulbous and tuberous plants, cannas, fruit plants
and orchids obtainable at the Government Botanical Gardens, Maymyo, Burma
Government Botanical Gardens < Maymyo >
The common oaks and chestnuts of Maymyo and Kalaw
Scott, Charles Winter
Departmental instructions for forest officers. 2nd ed.
Burma / Forest Department
Diary of Mr. C. W. D. Kermode, Silviculturist, Burma ...
during a special tour of the north-east frontier of Burma
Kermode, Charles William Daly
Felling scheme for the Tavoy Western Range Reserved
Forest, Tavoy Forest Division
Memorandum on the forest laws in Upper Burma
Hill, Harry Charles
Girdling plan for ...
Burma / Conservator of Forests / Utilization Circle
Air drying tests on Burma timbers
Barber, H.
Girdling scheme for teak in areas not under working
Burma timbers for the Bengal market
Villar, A. R.
A guide to the borers of commercial timber in Burma
Garthwaite, Peter Fawcett
A hand-book of the forest products of Burma
Notes on the Burmese species of plants yielding chaulmugra oil
Insect damage to the timber of teak (Tectona grandis)
Atkinson, Denis Jackson
Interim report on certain tests on various species of Burmese
timbers carried out by the Timber Seasoning Section, Government Timber Depot, Ahlone, Rangoon, Burma
Pemberton, Frederick
A note distinguishing the three trees called Maulettanshe
(Anthocephalus Cadamba Miq.), Mau-Kadon (Sarcocephalus cordatus Miq.), Myaukngo (Duabanga sonneratioides Ham.)
Parkinson, Charles Edward
Key to the identification by hand lens of 29 of the chief timbers of Burma
Scott, Charles Winter
A note on Burmese lagerstroemias
Parkinson, Charles Edward
Photographs of the timbers of Burma
A note on the Burmese species of the genus dipterocarpus
Parkinson, Charles Edward
Report on a tour in Tavoy and Mergui divisions
Robertson, Wheatley Alexander
A note on the Pegu yoma forests
Watson, Hugh Wesley Allen
A simple key to one hunderd common trees of Burma
Smales, Charles Bertram
Plan for cleaning and thinning of plantations in
Thaungyin Forest Division, Tenasserim Circle 1924-25
to 1933-34.
Tests in the Rangoon River on the damage by marine
borers to various woods
Plan for the extraction of hardwoods other than teak ...
A text book of botany for use at the Burma Forest School,
Long, Arthur
Report on aerial reconnaissance, stockmapping and photography of the forests of the Tavoy and Mergui Districts ...
Scott, Charles Winter
Burma / Conservator of Forests / Working Plans Circle
Acclimatized annual seeds and flowering perennial plants
obtainable at the Government Botanical Gardens, Maymyo
Government Botanical Gardens < Maymyo >
Aero-photo survey and mapping the forests of the
Irawaddy Delta
B 204
Revised girdling plan for Mansi Forest Division
Revised girdling plan for teak in areas not under working plan, Upper Chindwin Division
Revised teak girdling plan for the Bhamo Forest Division
Bibliographical description
Rough volume tables for teak (tectona grandis)
Bye-laws of the Upper Burma Central Co-operative Bank,
Upper Burma Central Co-operative Bank
Scheme for girdling over the teak forests not under
working plans, East of the Dawnas, Thaungyin Division
Bye-laws of the Urban Co-operative Credit Society, Limited
Urban Co-operative Credit Society
Scheme for paddy-field teak girdling : Myitkyina Forest
Collection of reports on the Yitkangyi forest reserve
colonisation scheme in the Hanthawaddy District
Scheme for teak selection girdlings outside the Mohnyin Working Circle
A hand-book of co-operation for Burma
Season and crop report of Burma
The law and principles of the co-operation in Burma
Selections from the Burma land records manual
Model bye-laws for a rural co-operative credit society
Some experiments on the control of the bamboo shot-hole
borer Dinoderus spp. in bamboo dunnage (Bostrychidaecoleotera)
Atkinson, Denis Jackson
Report on cotton growing, ginning, spinning and weaving in
Clague, John
Report on the working of the co-operative societies act
in Burma
Survey manual ...
Taungya plantation plan for the Bhamo forest division 192526 to 1929-30
Plan for the extraction of hardwoods other than teak ...
Teak girdling plan for the Thayetmyo Forest Division
Unclassed forests and paddy field teak girdling schema
1928-43, Lower Chindwin Division
Working plan ...
Working plans manual
Burma / Constituent Assembly
Conclusions reached in the conversations between His
Majesty’s Government and the Delegation from the
Executive Council of the Governor of Burma ...
The constitution of the Union of Burma
Burma < Union >
[Constitution 1947.09.28 <English>]
Burma / Constitution Revision Committee
Government Advisory Committee on the Amendment
of the Constitution
Burma / Co-operative Societies Department
Agricultural and Cooperative Conference : Report
Annual report on the working of the Co- operative
credit societies act in Burma
Bye-laws of the Rural Co-operative Credit Society (Luzzatti)
Rural Co-operative Credit Society (Luzzatti)
Report on the working of the co-operative societies in
Burma / Cottage Industries Department
Report. – Rangoon : Govt. Print. – Annual
US: UC(HC437B8A3 Documents Dept.)
Ref.: OCLC 1779616
Burma / Council of the Lieutenant-Governor of Burma
Abstract of the proceedings of the Council of the LieutenantGovernor of Burma, assembled for the purpose of making
laws and regulations under the provisions of the Indian
Councils Act, 1861 (Government of India Act). [Nov. 1897Nov. 1922]. – [Rangoon : Govt. Print., Burma] (for S. L. D.),
1900 to 1922. 1094 p. – Publ. in parts without covers
> Burma / Legislative Council
Burma Legislative Council proceedings : report
Subject(s): Burma : Politics and government
GB: BL(I.S.Bu.32)*
OUL(IND IB. Burma Ra. 1)
US: WU(Memorial Lib. Microforms Media Ctr Room 443
Micro Fiche 312)
YU: 1.1897-3.1922 (SML, Microform Fiche S57)
Ref.: OCLC 33229979
Burma / Court of Small Causes, Rangoon
Court of Small Causes < Rangoon >
Burma / Court of the Judicial Commissioner
Criminal judgments of the Court of the Judicial Commissioner and the Special Court of Lower Burma
Bye-laws of the Tenancy Co-partnership and Credit Society
Tenancy Co-partnership and Credit Society
Bye-laws of the Union of Co-operative Credit Societies
Union of Co-operative Credit Societies
B 205
Judgements and rulings of the Court of the Judicial Commissioner of British Burma on points of Buddhist law from the
institution of the court down to the end of the first quarter of
the year 1875. Printed under the authority of the Court. –
Rangoon : Govt. Pr., Burma, 1875. II, 47 p., index.
GB: BL-APAC(V 5265)*
US: HU(Law School)
Burma Bibliographical Project
Siegfried M. Schwertner
Judgments and Rulings, Court of Judicial Commissioner on
Points of Buddhist Law. 1873-75. – Rangoon, 1875.
US: HU(Law School)
GB: BL(I.S.Bu.143/25)*
BL-APAC(V 10205 ; IOR/V/27/151/107)
US: HU(Law School: Harv.Depos. Unclassed
Revised list of villages : Minhla East Township
Circular orders, judgements and rulings of the Court of the
Judicial Commissioner, British Burma commencing from
1872 till the close of 1880. – Rangoon, 1881. 36, V, 337 p.
GB: BL-APAC(V 4882 ; IOR/V/27/140/19)
Revised list of villages : Nattalin Township
Revised list of villages : Zigon Township
Criminal circulars
Sanctioned rates of assessment on land in the Ma-ubin
District ...
Rulings on Buddhist law
Selected decisions and circulars (civil and criminal) of the
Court of the Judicial Commissioner and the Special Court,
British Burma : 1881-1882 / ed. by G. E. Ward-Jones. –
Rangoon : Jail Pr., 1883. XVI, 228 p.
GB: BL-APAC(IOR/V/27/140/20)*
US: HU(Law School)
Burma / Currency Board
Burma Currency Board
Burma / Customs Department
also Custom House < Rangoon >
Annual statement of the sea-borne trade and navigation of Burma with foreign countries and Indian ports
Burma / Crime Enquiry Committee, 1923
Crime Enquiry Committee, 1923
Burma / Criminal Investigation Department
The abridged law manual for Sub-Inspectors of Police,
Criminal Investigation Department manual ... 2nd ed. / issued under the authority of the Inspector-General of Police,
Burma. – Rangoon : Govt. Print., Burma (for Dy. I.-G. of
Pol. and Rlys. ; C. I. D.)
1. – 1923. 29 p.
2. – 1922. 60 p.
3. – 1923. 58 p.
4. – 1923.
Subject(s): Burma : Criminal investigation - Handbooks,
manuals, etc.
GB: BL: 1-3 (I.S.Bu.143/6)*
BL-APAC: 1, 4 (V 5934)
1-2 4 (IOR/V/27/151/103-105)
ditto. – ibd., (for I. G. of P. Ry. and C. I. D.). – Added title
and text in Burmese
2. – 1922. 83 p.
4. – 1922. 82 p.
GB: BL: 2, 4(14300 ggg 53)*
BL-APAC: 2 (D 1744/2)
Annual statement of the trade and navigation of
Appraisers’ and wharf manual
Audit manual / Rangoon Custom House
Custom House < Rangoon >
The Burma sea customs manual
The commercial annual
The customs duty calculator, Rangoon
Pillay, A. Vengoo
The customs preventive service manual
Customs rules and regulations relating to the war
Customs tariff guide
Gradation list of customs establishment in Burma
A guide to open-general-licence notices
Hand book on the Haka Chin customs
Head, William Raleigh
ditto. 2nd ed. – ibd.
1. – 1924. 46 p.
GB: BL(14300 ggg 53)* BL-APAC(MYAN.A.2193)
List of goods assessed at market value
ditto. – ibd.
1. Crime, arms, note forging, counterfeiting, crime classification, and finger print branches. – 1925. 131 p.
GB: BL(I.S.Bu.143/23)*
BL-APAC(V 10196 ; IOR/V/27/151/106)
TH: CU(CL rarebook 364.12 B962C)
List of records to be preserved in the record room
A manual of the Accounts Audit Department, Custom
House, Rangoon. – Rangoon, 1917. 25 p.
GB: BL(I.S.Bu.138/8)
A manual of the Cash and Accounts Departments, Custom
House, Rangoon. 1st ed. – Rangoon : Govt. Print., Burma
(for A. C. H. A.), 1917. 46 p., app.
GB: BL(I.S.Bu.138/9)* BL-APAC(IOR/V/27/322/136)
ditto. – ibd., (for C. I. D.) – Added title and text in Burmese
1. – 1926. 210 p.
GB: BL(14300 fff 39)* BL-APAC(Bur D 964/1)
ditto. – ibd.
1. Crime, crime classification, finger prints and Detective
Training School. – 1929. 134 p., app.
B 206
Monthly bulletin of export trade
Monthly bulletin of import trade
Bibliographical description
Office directions, Burma Customs / comp. by order of the
Chief Collector of Customs, Burma. – Rangoon : Govt.
Print. and Staty., Burma (for C. C. of C.), 1912. 3, 185 p.
Subject(s): Burma : Customs
GB: BL(I.S.Bu.138/7)*
Burma / Defence Department
Army list for Burma
Burma / Burma Frontier Force
Report on the administration ...
Convention between His Majesty in respect of the
United Kingdom and the Emperor of Japan regarding
trade and commerce between Burma and Japan
ditto. 2nd ed. : corr. up to 1st July 1918 / comp. by order of
the Chief Collector of Customs, Burma. – ibd., 1918. XXI,
189 p.
GB: BL(I.S.Bu.138/7(2))*
Defence Department estimates ... : estimates of expenditure
charged on the revenues of Burma with reference to section
59 (3) (a) and (e) and to section 59 (3) read with section 68
(2) (b) and (3), of the Government of Burma act. – Rangoon
: Govt. Print. and Staty., Burma (for Def. Secy.) – Title varies: Budget estimates of expenditure on Burma defence services (Army and Royal Navy)
< Budget estimates of expenditure on Burma Defence
Services (Army and Royal Navy)
D: HD-SAI: 1940/41 (reg 60 F 12 Kp)*
GB: BL: 1938/39 (I.S.Bu.111/9)*
US: LC(UA844.B8A25)
ditto. – ibd.
1. Correspondence and office procedure. Corr. up to the 12th
June 1923. – 1923. 11 p., app.
2. Records, forms and stationary. Corr. up to 18th Oct. 1923.
– 1923. 25 p., index.
3. Exports. Corr. up to the 31st March 1925. – 1925. 42 p.,
app., index.
4. Import Department. Corr. up to 30th June 1925. – 1925. 94
p., app., index.
5. Accounts and cash. Corr. up to 31st October 1925. – 1926.
II, 140 p., app., index.
GB: BL: 1-5 (I.S.Bu.138/7(3))*
BL-APAC: 3 (IOR/V/27/322/141)
4 (V 10053) 5 (V 10054)
4 (IOR/V/27/322/142)
5 (IOR/V/27/322/130)
Hand book of instructions for the guidance of superintendents of jails and district magistrates
The Kachin Hills manual
The registration (European British subjects) act, 1940
ditto. [2nd ed.] – Calcutta : Govt. of India Pr. (for Collr. of
Cus. Rangoon)
2. Records manual : records, forms and stationary. Corr. up
to 31st August 1926. – 1926. 36 p., app.
GB: BL(I.S.Bu.138/7(4))*
BL-APAC(V 10052 ; IOR/V/27/322/140)
Report by the Government of Burma for the calendar year
1937 on the traffic in opium and other dangerous drugs
Report of the proceedings of the Burma Mission to China,
January 1941
Burma Mission to China
Quarterly bulletin of export trade
Quarterly bulletin of import trade
Report on a tour in the Naga Hills District (Burma)
Mitchell, R. T. O’Connor
The Rangoon monthly commercial guide to imports
and exports by sea
Report on the position of lac industry in Burma
Rangaswami, M.
Report on the maritime trade and customs administration of Burma
Report on the tours in the Naga Hills from 8th Jan. to 7th
April, 1940
Porter, A. W.
Report on the maritime trade of Burma
Report on the trade and customs administration of
Treaty of commerce and navigation between His Majesty in respect of the United Kingdom and His Majesty
the King of Siam
Report on the trade and navigation of Burma
Rules under the sea customs act
Schedule of differential customs-duties
Burma / Department of Agriculture (D.A.)
Agricultural and Co-operative Conference, Burma :
The sea customs act
Agricultural College < Mandalay >
Calendar and prospectus
The silverwork of Burma
Tilbe, Henry H.
Agricultural College Farm < Mandalay > : Report
Agricultural leaflets
The wood-carving of Burma
Tilbe, Henry H.
Agricultural Station < Akyab >
Combined report
Burma / Defence Council
The Rangoon civil evacuation scheme
B 207
Burma Bibliographical Project
Siegfried M. Schwertner
Agricultural Station < Allanmyo > : Report
Agricultural Station < Hmawbi > : Report
Agricultural Station < Hopin > : Report
Agricultural Station < Kanbalu > : Report
Agricultural Station <Mahling> : Report
Agricultural Station < Mandalay >
Scientific report
Agricultural Station < Myaungmyo > : Report
Agricultural Station < Mudon > : Report
Agricultural Station < Padu > : Report
Agricultural Station < Pyinmama > : Report
Agricultural Station < Tatkon > : Report
Agricultural Station < Yawnghwe > : Report
Agricultural survey(s)
Annual reports of the Agricultural Stations, the Assistant Botanist of the Northern Circle, the Assistant Entomologist, and the Agricultural Chemist to Government
Arrowroot, Maranta Arundinacea, in Burma
Beans in Burma
Black thread disease of Hevea, in Burma
Dastur, Jehangir Fardunji
Bugyi Experimental Plot : Report
Bulletin / Burma, Department of Agriculture. 1.1894Rangoon : Govt. Print. and Staty.
Subject(s): Burma : Agriculture
[Old series]
Names of the principal field crops grown in Burma
[New series]
1 Thompstone, Edward
Granary pests
2 Warth, Frederick John
Climatological tables for Burma
3 MacKenna, James
Papers on the manufacture of jaggery from the juice of
the toddy-palm
4 Mackenna, James
The Rhinoceros Beetle ...
5 Thompstone, Edward
Notes on tree cotton cultivation in Burma
6 Mackenna, James
Sugarcane in Burma
7 Sawyer, Arthur Manuel
The cultivation and preparation of para rubber in
B 208
Revised and rewritten ed.
The cultivation and preparation of para rubber
in Burma
Shroff, Kalidasa Daruodas
Cotton-pests in Burma.
1st rev. ed. Ba Te, A.
Sawyer, Arthur Manuel
Cultivation of the grape vine
Warth, Frederick John
The chemical compositions of paddy mill products
Sawyer, Arthur Manuel
Cultivation of the coconut palm in Burma
Rewritten ed. Watson, Robert
Thompstone, Edward
The peas and beans of Burma
Warth, Frederick John
Note on the soil of experimental farms
Dastur, Jehangir Fardunji
Black thread disease of hevea in Burma
Rewritten ed.
Rhind, Donald:
The diseases of pararubber in Burma
Warth, Frederick John
The Mandalay milk supply
Thompstone, Edward
The "gwabo" disease of paddy
Ghosh, Charu Chandra
Instructions on bee-keeping
Sawyer, Arthur Manuel
Result of investigation made by the Department of
Agriculture, Burma, into the extent of the damage...
Ghosh, Charu Chandra
The palm beetles in Burma
McKerral, Andrew
The commoner grasses of Burma
Ghosh, Charu Chandra
Instructions on silk-worm rearing
Watson, Robert
Notes on a tour in the coconut planting districts of the
Madras Presidency
Economic survey of the sugarcane industry in the
East Central, Tenasserim and Northern Agricultural Circles
Notes on "homesteads" in Burma
Hendry, David
Fertilizers for paddy
Charlton, James
Small pumping sets for irrigation purposes
Clark, William Morrison
Manuring of paddy in Upper Burma
McKerral, Andrew
Sugar cane cultivation and present prospects of a
white sugar industry in Burma
Watson, Robert
Manurial experiments carried out in Burma
Grant, John William
Burma fruits and their cultivation
Ba Maung
Onion cultivation in the Northern Circle
Odell, Francis David
Market survey of Burma crops
Aiyar, Subrahmanya Parameswara
The preparation of starch and dextrin from broken rice
Aiyar, Subrahmanya Parameswara
The preparation of useful products from citrus fruits
Bibliographical description
35 Menon, Maniketh Madhava
The composition of some cattle feeds of Burma
37 Nitrogenous fertilizer experiments
Report on manurial experiments carried out in Burma by the
Agricultural Department
Watson, Robert
Burma / Agricultural Chemist : Report
Report of the agricultural stations
Burma / Agricultural Engineer : Annual report
Burma / Civil Veterinary Department : Bulletin
Report of the agricultural stations of the Southern Circle
Burma / Economic Botanist : Report
Report of the sericulture operations
Burma / Entomologist : Report
Report on the agricultural work in the Southern Shan
Burma / Mycologist < Mandalay > : Report
The grasses of Burma
Rhind, Donald
Report on the operations of the Department of Agriculture,
Burma, for the year ended the 30th June (from 1929: 31st
Mar.) ... – Rangoon : Govt. Print. (and Staty.), Burma (for D.
of A.)
Subject(s): Burma : Agriculture -Periodicals
AU:ANU: 1918 (Chifley serial HD101.B87)
D: KI-ZBW(X 2976)
HD-SAI: 1923 1924 1926-1940 (322 agr 79/1528 Kp)*
GB: BL: 1907-1922 (I.S.Bu.8/2)*
1923-1940 (I.S.Bu.114/3)*
BL-APAC: 1907-1940 (IOR/V/24/150-157)
SOAS: 1907-1922 (L.GB 630/496.626)
1923-1926 1930-1937 (L.GB 630/496.621)
SG: ISEAS: 1919 1932-1936 1938-1940
(SCR fS280 B961)
US: CRL: 1912, 1914-1920, 1922-1936, 1938-1940
(SEAM MF-10422)
CU: 1915/1916-1916/1917,1918/1919-1932/33
1934/35-1935/36 1937/38-1939/40
(Annex S280.B9 A3)
IU LC(S280.B9A3) NYPL: 1906/07- (VPW+)
YU: 1911/12 1913/14-1935/36 1937/38-1939/40
(SML Microform Film S2437)
Groundnuts in Burma
Report on the pump irrigation at Chaungu (Sa-gaing)
Insect pests of Burma
Ghosh, Charu Chandra
Report of the sericulture operations, Burma
Burma / Rice Research Officer : Annual report
Burma / Superintendent, Stock Breeding
Annual report
Burma agricultural calender
A classified list of the plants of Burma
Sawyer, Arthur Manuel
Cotton in Burma
Cultivators’ Leaflet
Enquiry into the condition of agricultural tenants and
Flora of the Agricultural College Station, Mandalay
Sawyer, Arthur Manuel
Report on the source, supply and agricultural value of silt in
Warth, Frederick John
Market survey
Markets Section bulletin
Burma / Department of Agriculture / Markets Section
Reports of the various bureaus on agriculture, sericulture, entomology, etc. and of the experiment stations
Markets Section survey
Burma / Department of Agriculture / Markets Section
Rice Export-Trade Enquiry Committee : Report
Rice in Burma
Occasional papers / Department of Agriculture, Burma. –
Rangoon : Govt. Print., Burma
2 Burmese equivalents for terms connected with agricultural science
Proceedings of the ... half-yearly Conference of the Agricultural Department held at ... – Rangoon : Govt. Print., Burma
(for D. A.)
6th. Mandalay, 4th December 1914. – 1915. 8 p.
7th. Mandalay, 10th – 11th June, 20th August 1915. – 1915.
21 p.
8th. Maymyo, 17th – 18th April 1916. – 1916. 8 p.
9th. Maymyo, 10th – 11th August 1916. – 1916. 8 p.
GB: BL: 6-9 (I.S.Bu.114/7)*
Rippon, Steward Ross
Sa-aing Farm : Report
Sa-aing Sub-station : Report
Seed Farm < Pwinbyu > : Report
Burma / Department of Agriculture / Marketing Branch
Agricultural marketing bulletin
B 209
Burma Bibliographical Project
Siegfried M. Schwertner
Extracts from the India and Burma – transitory provisions – order
Burma / Department of Agriculture / Markets Section
Markets Section bulletin / Department of Agriculture,
Burma. – Rangoon : Govt. Print. and Staty.
Subject(s): Markets ; Produce trade ; Farm produce - Marketing
GB: BL-APAC(ST 39 A ; IOR/V/25/501/47: 1-7)
US: CU: 1A-7(Annex HF5475.B8 A32)
NYPL: 1-5 NNC: 1-5
1ATrade in agricultural products, 1934/35 to 1936/ 37
1BTrade in agricultural products, 1937/38 to 1939/ 40
2 Discrepancies in market prices
3 Marketing improvement
4 Experiments in marketing : Magwe-groundnut
5 Experiments in marketing : the Shwebandaw
6 Development of standards : quantity
7 Development of standards : quality
Markets Section survey / Department of Agriculture, Burma.
– Rangoon : Govt. Print. and Staty., Burma.
>Market survey
Subject(s): Burma : Markets ; Produce trade ; Agriculture Economic aspects - Periodicals
GB: BL-APAC: 3, 6, 7 (IOR/V/25/501/48)*
18 (IOR/V/25/501/49)*
US: CU: 9 13-15 (HF5475 B8 A32)
1-3 6-14 (HF5475.B8 A3)
LC(HF5475.B8A32) NYPL: 1-12 (Offsite TLG)
Ref.: OCLC 30942266
1 Tobacco
2 Groundnut
3 Linseed
4 Markets and fairs
5 Co-operative marketing of agricultural produce
6 Plantain
7 Orange
8 Eggs
9 Rice
10 Wheat
11 Potato
12 Coffee
16 Palm jaggery
18 Sheep and goats
Burma / Department of Agriculture / Superintendent,
Stock Breeding
Burma / Superintendent, Stock Breeding
Burma / Department of Agriculture and Forests
Working plan ...
Fiscal Committee : Interim report
The India and Burma (transitory provisions) order,
The merchant shipping (registrars of British ships in
Burma) order, 1937 ...
The merchant shipping (registration of Burma government ships) order, 1937, etc.
Report on Indian immigration
Baxter, James
Report on the Burma government stand at the British Industries Fair, 1939
Myat Tun
Report on the mineral production of Burma
Rubber control act
Rules framed under section 42 of the state aid to industry act
Burma / Department of Commerce and Industry / Burma
Sugar Industry Enquiry Committee
Burma Sugar Industry Enquiry Committee
Burma / Department of Commerce and Industry / Commission of Inquiry to Examine the Question of Indian Immigration into Burma
Commission of Inquiry to Examine the Question of Indian Immigration into Burma
Burma / Department of Commerce and Industry / Statistical Branch
Monthly statement of the sea-borne trade of Burma
Burma / Department of Education, Local Government and
Public Health
Review of the reports on the working of district councils [from 1925/26:] and of deputy commissioners’ local
funds in Burma
Burma / Department of Finance and Revenue
Burma customs tariff
Burma / Department of Health and Public Work
Progress report on rural uplift schemes
Burma / Department of Commerce and Industry
Agricultural Committee : Report
Rangoon General Hospital Departmental Enquiry
Committee : Report
Annual report on the working of the Indian factories
act, 1911, in Burma
The Burma carbide of calcium rules, 1937
Burma customs tariff
Report on the malaria survey of ...
Burma / Department of Industry
Exports of timber, rice and paddy from Moulmein
Instructions for special officers appointed for economic
Burma trade journal
B 210
Bibliographical description
Kapok (eriodendron anfractuosum)
Report on the Department of Land Records and Agriculture
for the year ... [-1900/01]. – Rangoon : Govt. Print., Burma
< Report of the Department of Land Records and Agriculture
> Land records administration report
Subject(s): Burma : Surveying Public lands ; Agriculture
GB: BL: 1888/89-1892/93 1895/96-1900/01 (I.S.Bu.8)
US: CRL: 1890/91-1900/01 (SEAM MF-10423)
LC: 1890/91-1893/94 1896/97 1898/99 (HB879.B8)
YU: 1890/91-1900/01 (Mudd Ndb76 I36 +A11 ;
(SML, Microform Film S2705)
Burma / Department of Land Records and Agriculture
Aid to land-surveying
Clancey, John Charles
Atlas of the Province of Burma
Burma / Department of Agriculture : Bulletin
Burma famine code
Report on the international trade of Burma
Calculating tables ...
Clancey, John Charles
Report on the land records administration of Burma
Report on the rainfall in Burma
Circulars of the director, Department of Land Records and
Agriculture, Burma, issued between the 9th August 1888 and
18th June 1894. – Rangoon : Govt. Print., Burma (for D., L.
R. of Agr.), 1894. II, XXX, 220 p.
Subject(s): Burma : Land value taxation ; Agriculture
GB: BL-APAC(V 10447)
Report on the trade between Burma and the adjoining
foreign countries
Reports by district officers on the waste-lands of
Burma available for immigrants, with short accounts of
the methods of cultivation, the crops now grown, the climate, and the nature of communications ...
ditto. : issued between the 19th June 1894 and 30th April
1896. – ibd., 1896. XXXVIII, 175 p.
GB: BL(I.S.Bu.114)* BL-APAC(V 10471)
Revised tables showing the comparison between village
baskets and the standard 9-gallon basket in the Maubin District, ...
ditto. : issued from August 1888 to October 1899. – ibd.,
1899. 2, LXXIV, 255, XVI p.
GB: BL(I.S.Bu.114/2)*
BL-APAC(V 10177)
US: YU(Ndb76 136 899b)
Rules for the appointment of subordinate land records
officers in Upper Burma
Conspectus of insects pests which affect crops in Burma
Clancey, John Charles
Rules for the appointment of subordinate revenue and
land records officers in Burma
Directions to revenue officers concerning supplementary survey in Lower Burma
Season and crop report of Burma
Statement showing the monthly and annual rainfall at
rain (recording) stations in Burma
Directions to revenue officers concerning supplementary survey in Upper Burma
Table of conversion, village to standard baskets ...
Experimental Farm < Burdwan > : Annual report
Burma / Department of Lands and Revenue
The famine manual for Burma
Hand-book of agriculture for Burma
Instructions concerning revision survey
Instructions for holding-marking where under taken
by special or revision survey parties ...
Land records administration report
Instructions for revision settlements in Lower Burma
Manual of the more deadly forms of cattle disease in
Land Legislation Committee : Report
Note on the internal trade of Burma
List of technical terms in surveying
Note on the rail-borne and river-borne trade returns of
Rangoon Development Trust Enquiry Committee
Note on the river-borne and railborne trade of Burma
Report of the Department of Land Records and Agriculture
1886/87. – Rangoon : Govt. Print., Burma
> Report on the Department of Land Records and Agriculture
Subject(s): Burma : Surveying Public lands ; Agriculture
GB: BL: 1886/87 (I.S.Bu.8)*
Burma / Department of Medical and Public Health
Annual report on mental hospitals in Burma
B 211
Committee of Enquiry into the Indigenous System of
Medicine : Report
Reports on the dietary and nutritional surveys
Maung Gale
Burma Bibliographical Project
Siegfried M. Schwertner
Burma / Department of Meteorology and Hydrology
Agricultural-climatic atlas for Burma
Earthquakes in Burma and neighborhood
Police circulars, British Burma. 1.1862- . – Rangoon
Subject(s): Burma : Police
US: CU: 2,1863-297,1887 (incompl.) (Kroch HV7808.B8
Burma / Department of Police
The abridged law manual for Sub-Inspectors of Police
Police duty at air-raid incidents
Turner, C. E.
Annual police report
Police report, British Burma 1867
Book circular / Police Department, Burma. 1. 1887- . –
Subject(s): Burma : Police
US: CU: 1,1887-1d,1889 (Annex HV7806 B8A23)
Police supply and clothing manual for Burma
The Police Training School manual for Burma
Police Training School < Mandalay >
Brief summary of the police administration report for
1928 ...
Quarterly catalogue of books
Burma Military Police manual
Burma / Military Police
Rangoon / Town Police : Report
The Burma police manual
Rangoon Traffic Enquiry Committe : Report
The Burma Police Training Depot manual
Police Training Depot
Report on the police administration in / of British
The Burma Police Training School manual
Police Training School < Mandalay >
Report on the police administration of Lower Burma
Resolution on the report of the Crime Enquiry Committee,
Crime Enquiry Committee, 1923: Report
Circular of 1918 / issued by the Inspector-General of Police,
Burma. – Rangoon : Govt. Print., Burma, 1920. 115 p.
Subject(s): Burma : Police - Handbooks, manuals, etc.
GB: BL-APAC(V 10110 ; IOR/V/27/151/88)
Rules for the administration of the police
Committee to Advise on Murders and Dacoities Report
Rules for the appointment and training of assistant superintendents, dy. superintendants, inspectors and subinspectors
District police office manual
The district police training depōt law manual
Drill manual for the use of the Burma Police
Rules for the mangement and supervision of the Burma Police Training School at Mandalay
Police Training School < Mandalay >
The drill and musketry manual
The village headman’s manual, Lower Burma
Extract from the proceedings of the Government of Burma
in the Police Department, No. 40C23, dated the 15th October
Crime Enquiry Committee, 1923: Report
The village headman’s manual, Upper Burma
Burma / Department of Public Health
The Burma public health inspectors’ guide
Manual of preventive law
Committee of Enquiry into the Indigenous System of
Medicine : Report
Note on the crime classification system
Fisher, E. A.
Memorandum on the public health report
Office code for the Office of the Inspector-General of Police,
Burma. – Rangoon : Govt. Print., Burma (I.-G. of P.), 1910.
41 p.
GB: BL(I.S.Bu.143/11)*
Pamphlet of instructions for the working of the habitual offenders restriction act
Pamphlet of instructions for the working of the habitual restriction act
The pocket criminal index
Anderson, Cuthbert William Berry
Note on public health organisation in Burma
Notes and statistics on vaccination in Burma for the
year ...
Notes for the use of vaccinators Entrican, James
Pamphlet of advice on hygiene
Rangoon / Port Health Department :
Annual report on the transactions
Rangoon / Port Health Officer : Annual report
B 212
Bibliographical description
Report of the investigation on the pollution of the Rangoon
river water
Moitra, G. C.
List of geographical names of which the Burmese orthography has been authorized
List of officers in the provincial and subordinate educational services, Burma
Report on the mosquito survey of Rangoon
Jolly, Gordon Gray
List of terms used in arithmetic algebra and geometry
Rules and regulations concerning the training and appoinment of public health inspectors in Burma
Logarithmic and other tables for schools
Rules for the medical inspection of vessels
Manual for the MacKenzie School course in first aid, hygiene and sanitation
MacKenzie School
Rules for the medical inspection of vessels and instructions for the guidance of masters of vessels detained
under those rules and of port health officers
Triennial report on vaccination in Burma
Manual of office procedure / Office of the Director of Public
Instruction, Burma. – Rangoon : Govt. Print. and Staty.,
Burma (for D. P. I.), 1925. 10 p., app.
GB: BL(I.S.Bu.116/6)* BL-APAC(IOR/V/27/860/75)
Vital statistics of the districts
Manual of vernacular educational rules
Burma / Department of Public Instruction (D.P.I.)
Annual report on public instruction in Burma ...
Anthology of Burmese literature
Burma educational calendar
Burmese design
Burmese translation of the amendments in the Burmese education code
Chin reader : Kamhau dialect
Chin reader in the Lai dialect of Chin
Chin reader in the Lai Haka dialect of Chin
Chin reader in the Laizo dialect
Code of regulations for European schools in Burma
Committee Appointed by Government to Consider the
Syllabus in Buddhist Religious Instruction for Vernacular and Anglo-vernacular Schools : Report
Committee on Technical Departmental Instructions :
A complete set of question papers for the Burma Civil
Service examination
Education code, Burma
Educational plan for a welfare state
Educational rules for anglo-vernacular and European
Handbook of the rules and practice of the Department of
Public Instruction in British India [/ comp. in the Office of
the Director of Public Instruction]. – Rangoon : Govt. Pr.,
1883. 2, IV, 133, XXII p.
US: DHEW(LB2947.B9A3)
ditto. / comp. in the Office of the Director of Public Instruction. 2nd ed. – ibd., 1885. IV, 157, XXV p.
GB: BL-APAC(V 4876* ; IOR/V/27/860/55)
US: DHEW(LB2947.B9A31)
Hough’s general outlines of geography in Burmese
Hough, George Henry
Nature study in Chinbok dialect
Note on teaching of decimal fractions
Quinlan, P. B.
Notes for the use of teachers of general science
Peacock, David Henry
Notes to drawing and art masters on the new curriculum
Quinquennial report on public instruction in Burma ...
Reader : Chinbok dialect of Chin
Reader in the Chinbok dialect of Chin
Reader in the Laizo dialect of Chin
Reformatory < Insein> : Annual report
Report of a tour to visit various university and college buildings in India
Seton-Morris, Henry
Report on public instruction in British Burma
Report on public instruction in Burma
Report on the teaching of Burmese and Pali in schools in
Lu Pe Win
Report on the Training College of Scotland, and a
comparison with the work of training in Burma
Reprint from Dalrymple’s Oriental repertory, 1791 to 7 of
portions relating to Burma
Dalrymple, Alexander
Imperial commerce
Horswell, Edmund
Rudiments of forestry for Burmans ...
Imperialism in modern history
Hall, Daniel George Edward
Rules for the guidance of examiners
B 213
Burma Bibliographical Project
Siegfried M. Schwertner
Rules relating to the award of Burma state scholarships
Burma / Director of Public Instruction
Burma / Department of Public Instruction
A school garden in the making
Vronin, John Joseph
Burma / Director of Public Relations
Burma / Public Relations Department
Section I of the syllabus of lessons on temperance
Burma / Directorate of Public Relations
Burma / Public Relations Department
Syllabuses for high schools, Burma
Burma / Director-General, Posts and Telegraphs
Burma / Posts and Telegraphs Department
Syllabuses for middle schools, Burma
Syllabuses for primary schools, Burma
Burma / District Administration (Reconstruction) Committee
District Administration (Reconstruction) Committee
Synopsis of lectures on the war
Covernton, James Gargrave
Burma / District Commissioner Pakokku
Instructions for assessment and collection of Thathameda, Pakokku District
Three months’ hard labour
Appleton, George
200 English sentences illustrating common errors due to imitation of Burmese usage
French, Frederick George
Vernacular and Vocational Education Reorganization
Committee : Report
Burma / Economic Aid Committee < Mandalay >
Burma Economic Aid Committee
Burma / Economic Botanist
Annual report / Economic Botanist.
GB: BL-DSS(1241.050000)
The vernacular education code, 1932
Report of the Economic Botanist, Burma, Mandalay, for the
year ended ... – Rangoon : Govt. Print., Burma
Subject(s): Burma : Botany, Economic - Periodicals
D: HD-SAI: 1922-1924 1930-1933 (322 agr 79/1533 Kp)*
GB: BL: 1922-1933 (I.S.Bu.114/11)*
BL-APAC: 1917-1933 (IOR/V/24/1573, 1578)
US: CU: 1931-1933 (Annex SB108.B8 R42)
Burma / Department of Public Relations
Burma / Public Relations Department
Burma / Department of War Supplies and Economic Warfare
Control of iron and steel, machinery and millwork
Newsprint control order 1941
Burma / Education Department
Anglo-vernacular and European schools
Burma / Deputy Inspector-General of Police
Burma / Department of Police
British Social Hygiene Council
Report of the Delegation of the British Social Hygiene
Burma / Deputy Inspector-General of Military Police
Burma / Military Police
Burma Public Health Department Reorganization
Committee : Report
Burma / Deputy Postmaster-General
Burma / Postmaster-General
Burma / Development Commissioner
Annual report on the working of the Indian boilers act,
1923, in Burma
Annual report on the working of the Indian factories
act, 1911, in Burma
The Burma mineral concessions manual
The Burma rural self-government rules
Burma Text-book Enquiry Committee : Report
Committee Appointed to Consider and Report upon
the Extension of Scoutcraft and Physical Training as a
Means toward the Prevention of Crime in Burma : Report
Committee of Enquiry into the Indigenous System of
Medicine : Report
The Burma mines manual, 1921
Rubber in Burma
Burma / Director of Agriculture
Burma / Department of Agriculture
Burma / Director of Land Records and Agriculture
Burma / Department of Land Records and Agriculture
B 214
School and
on Technical and Vocational Education
on Technical Departmental Instructions :
on the Reorganisation of the Engineering
Local Government’s Orders thereon : Re-
Bibliographical description
Pamphlet of advice on hygiene
Departmental instructions / Education Department, Burma. –
Rangoon : Govt. Print. and Staty., Burma (for D. of P. I.),
1. – pt. 1-2. – V, 144 p., index.
2. – pt. 3. – V, 118 p., index.
Subject(s): Burma : Education and State
GB: BL-APAC(IOR/V/27/860/62-63)*
A practical handbook of the Chin language (Siyin dialect)
Naylor, Leonard Brown
A practical hand-book of the Kachin or Chingpaw language
Hertz, Henry Felix
Provisional Committee for the Organisation and Control of the Interim University : Report
ditto. : corr. up to 31st August 1928. – ibd., (for D. P. I.) –
For use of Inspecting Officers only
1. – 1929. XI, 295, XVIII p., index.
AU:ANU(Chifley LA1154.B8.D46)
GB: BL(I.S.Bu.116/5)
SG: ISEAS: 1 (SCR LA1490 B9D41)
US: CU(Annex L578.B8 B94)
NIU(SEA LC117.B93 B8751929)
Ref.: OCLC 40405679
Rangoon Playgrounds Committee : Report
A report on the incidence of Malaria at Maymyo, 1933
Feegrade, E. S.
Report on the malaria survey ...
Report on the public health of Rangoon
Report on the public instruction in Burma
Education Department series. – Rangoon : Hanthawaddy
Burmese reader
Report on the rat flea survey of Rangoon port area
Education code, Burma
Resolution on the reports on the working of district
councils and other rural local authorities in Burma
Education Reconstruction Committee : Report
Resolution on the reports on the working of municipalities (except Rangoon) and notified areas in Burma
Educational rules for Anglo-vernacular and European
Resolution on the reports on the working of the Indian
factories act in Lower Burma
Elementary arithmetic
Sandys, W. Shway Too
Review of the reports on the working of district councils
Elements of Pali grammar
Gray, James
Epidemic diseases act
Revised rules for regulating elections in municipalities
other than Rangoon and Mandalay
Hand-book of agriculture for Burma
Rules for the guidance of Burma state scholars
A handbook of the Rāwang dialect of the Nung language
Barnard, Joseph Terence Owen
Rules relating to the award of Burma state scholarships
Hints on the preservation of health for the guidance of officers in Burma
Middleton-West, H. S.
A school garden in the making Cronin, John Joseph
Schools in Burma
Tables for the translation of Burmese into English
The Kachin tribes of Burma
Carrapiett, William James Sherlock
University Act Enquiry Committee : Report
Kinwun Mingyi’s London diary ...
Gaung <Kìn-wun Mín-gyì>
University Organization Committee : Report
Kinwun Mingyi’s Paris diary ...
Gaung <Kìn-wun Mín-gyì>
Vernacular and Vocational Education Reorganization
Committee : Report
Mak-aw-Lam Enquiry Committee : Report
The vernacular education code, 1932
Manual of vernacular educational rules
Notes to drawing and art masters on the new curriculum
Pali University Enquiry Committee : Report
Burma / Education Department / Public Health Branch
Rules under section 6, sub-section (1), clause (p), of the
Ports act
Burma / Education Department / Text-Book Committee
Text-Book Committee
B 215
Burma Bibliographical Project
Siegfried M. Schwertner
Burma / Education (Miscellaneous) Department
Burma educational service, class II, rules
Ch. 3: Establishment – audit section. – IV, 62 p.
Ch. 4: Budget, booking, and pay section. – 4, 67 p.
GB: BL(I.S.Bu.112/2)*
Rules regulating the method of recruitment to, and the
conditions of service and pay of, the Burma educational service, class 1
ditto. 3rd ed. Corr. up to 28th February 1909. – 1909.
Ch. 1. – 5, 63 p.
Ch. 2. – 7, 84 p.
Ch. 3. – VI, 66 p.
Ch. 4. – V, 63 p.
GB: BL(I.S.Bu.112/3)*
Burma / Education Policy Enquiry Committee
Education Policy Enquiry Committee, Burma
Burma / Education Reconstruction Committee
Education Reconstruction Committee
Travelling allowance objection statement
Burma / Education Secretary
Burma / Education Department
Burma / Excise Commissioner
The Burma excise manual
The Burma opium manual
Burma / Educational Syndicate
Burma Educational Syndicate
The Burma registration of deeds manual
Burma / Entomologist
Annual reports of the agricultural stations, the Assistant Botanist of the Northern Circle, the Assistant Entomologist, and the Agricultural Chemist to Government
The Burma salt manual
Report on the excise administration in Burma
Report on the working of the revised arrangements for
the vend of opium in Lower Burma
Report of the Assistant Director of Agriculture (Entomology). – Rangoon : Govt. Print., Burma
GB: BL: 1922 (I.S.Bu.114/10)*
US: NYPL: 1921/22 (QIQ)
Report of the Entomologist, Burma, for the year ending
(ended) 31st March 1926 [-1933]. – Rangoon : Govt. Print.
and Staty., Burma (for D. of A.)
>> Burma / Department of Agriculture
Report on the operations
D: HD-SAI: 1931-1933 (322 agr 79/1559 Kp)*
GB: BL: 1926-1933 (I.S.Bu.114/10)*
BL-DSS: 1928-1933 (7463.624000)
BL-APAC: 1926-(1933?) (IOR/V/24/1571)
US: NYPL: 1925/26-1929/30 (QIQ)
Report on the working of the revised arrangements for
the vend of opium in Upper Burma
Statistical tables relating to excise and opium in the
Province of Burma
Burma / Excise Department
Note on bye-productions from the manufacture of salt in the
Amherst district
Robertson, Edward George
Burma / Entomologist < Mandalay >
Report by the Entomologist, Mandalay (from 1924:) and
sericultural work. – Rangoon : Govt. Print., Burma
GB: BL: 1923-1925 (I.S.Bu.114/10)*
BL-APAC: 1922-1925 (IOR/V/24/1571)
US: NYPL: 1922/23-1924/25 (QIQ)
Burma / Ethnographical and Linguistic Survey
Ethnographical and Linguistic Survey of Burma
Burma / Ethnographical Survey
Ethnographical Survey of Burma
Burma / Examiner of Local Funds Accounts
The Burma local funds accounts manual
Report on the sinking funds constituted for the repayment of loans ...
Burma / Examiner of Public Works Accounts
Office manual / Office of the Examiner of Public Works Accounts, Burma. 2nd ed. Rev. and corr. up to 31st Dec. 1901.
– Rangoon : Govt. Print., Burma (for Ex., P. W. A.), 1902.
Ch. 1: General and routine section. – 4, 64 p.
Ch. 2: Account-audit section. – 6, 86 p.
B 216
Report on a preliminary survey of the salt industry in the
Shwebo and Sagaing districts
Robertson, Edward George
Report on the administration of the Excise Department in
Burma. – Rangoon : Govt. Print. – 1941-1945 not. publ.
Subject(s): Burma : Excise tax - Periodicals ; Internal revenue
GB: BL-APAC: 1906/07-1939/40 (IOR/V/24/1156-59)
OUL(IND IB. Burma Nd. 7)
US: CU: 1915/16-1916/17 1918/19-1919/20 1921/22
1923/24 1946/47 (Annex ++ HJ5162.B8 A2)
1901/02-1940/41 1946/47(Kroch Film 10892)
NNC: 1921-1922, 1925-1940 (Offsite 339.8 B927)
YU: 1901/02 -1908/09, 1910/11-1939/40, 1946/47
(SML, Microform Film S2515)
Report on the Excise Department for 1868-69 / British
Burma, Financial Department (Excise). – Rangoon : Chief
Commissioner’s Office Pr., 1870. Var. pag.
< Excise report 1867-68
> Excise report for ...
Subject(s): Burma : Excise tax - Periodicals ; Internal revenue
GB: BL(I.S.Bu.140)*
Report on the Excise Department in British Burma for
1872/73 [-1876/77]. – Rangoon : Govt. Pr.
Bibliographical description
Lists of firms registered under the Burma registration
of business names act, 1920
< Report on the excise administration
> Report on the excise administration in Burma
Subject(s): Burma : Excise tax - Periodicals ; Internal revenue
GB: BL: 1872/73-1876/77 (I.S.Bu.140)*
The Moulmein port manual
Note on commercial accounts
Kaula, Gangaram
Report on the Excise Department of British Burma for the
year ... – Rangoon : Govt. Pr.
< Burma / Excise Department : Report
> Burma < Lower Burma > / Excise Department
Subject(s): Burma : Excise tax - Periodicals ; Internal
revenue ; Liquor industry
GB: BL: 1877/78-1884/85 (I.S.Bu.14)*
US: LC(HJ66.B85 A3)
Pay Commission : Final report
Report of an enquiry into the system of accounts and accounts produce of divisional offices of the Burma Public
Works Department
Kaula, Gangaram
Report of an enquiry into the system of accounts and accounts procedure of the Burma Public Works Department
Kaula, Gangaram
Report on the Excise Department of (from 1897:) in Burma
for the year 1889/90 [-1900/01]. – Rangoon : Govt. Print.,
Burma (for F. C. ; B. S.)
< Burma < Lower Burma > / Excise Department
> Report on the administration administration of the Excise
Department in Burma.
Subject(s): Burma : Excise tax - Periodicals ; Internal revenue ; Liquor traffic – Burma
GB: BL: 1889/90-1900/01 (I.S.Bu.14)*
US: CU: 1891/92-1900/01 (Kroch Film 10892)
YU: 1891/92-1900/01 (Mudd Nj66 B9 +57 ; SML,
Microform Film S2515)
Report of inquiry into the condition of agriculture tenants
and labourers
Couper, Thomas
Report of the Capitation and Thathameda Taxes Enquiry
Capitation and Thathameda Taxes Enquiry Committee
Report on the administration of Burma
Review of municipal administration in Burma
Burma / Executive Council
Conclusions reached in the conversations between His
Majesty’s Government and the Deligation from the
Executive Council of the the Governor of Burma ...
Review of the reports on the working of municipal
committees in Burma
The superior services (India) family pension fund rules
Burma / Federal Council of Shan Chiefs
Federal Council of Shan Chiefs
Burma / Finance Committee
Finance Committee
Burma / Finance and Revenue Department
The Bassein Port manual
Burma / Finance Department
Annual financial statement of the Government of
Budget estimates
The Burma budget manual
Budget estimates of expenditure on Burma Defence
Services ...
Committee on Public Accounts
Proceedings of the ... meeting
Explanatory memorandum by the
Revenue Department on Book I of
Government of Burma, 1947/48 [/
Rangoon : Govt. Print. and Staty.,
1947. 21 p.
GB: BL(I.S.Bu.206)*
Finance accounts and the audit report
Secretary, Finance and
Budget estimates of the
signed Maung Kyin]. –
Burma (for F. and R.),
The Burma fisheries manual
The Burma forest manual
Burma provincial estimates
Finance Committee
Proceedings of the ... meeting
The Burma travelling allowance manual. – 7th ed.
Fundamental rules made by the Secretary of State in Council
under section 96-b of the Government of India act
Great Britain / India Office
Instructions relating to the construction of passenger
B 217
Circulars of the Chief Commissioner in the Financial Department
Burma / Financial Commissioner
Committee for the Application of the Recommen dations of the Indo-Burma Financial Settlement Tribunal
Final report ... : press communique
Burma Bibliographical Project
Siegfried M. Schwertner
Committee on Co-operation in Burma, 1928-29
Burma famine code
The Burma ferries manual
Committee on Expenditure on the Public Services
The Burma income-tax manual
Demands for grants for expenditure of the Government of Burma on the Burma Posts and Telegraphs
Department ...
The Burma mineral concessions manual
Detailed statements in support of demands for grants
The Burma oil-fields manual
Fundamental rules made by the Secretary of State in Council
under section 96-b of the Government of India act
Great Britain / India Office
The Burma registration of deeds manual, 1914
The Government of Burma (existing railway funds) order, 1939
The Government of Burma (India-Burma financial settlement) order
The Government of Burma (miscellaneous finacial
provisions) order
The Government of Burma (Shan States Federal Fund)
The House of Representatives electoral rules
The Burma land revenue directions
Burma Revenue Office manual
Burma revenue survey class scheme
The Burma salt manual
Burma settlement instruction, 1925
The Burma stamp manual
The Burma subdivisional and township office manual
The cattle-trespass act manual
Circulars of the Chief Commissioner in the Financial Department : issued between 31st May 1888 and the 31st December 1893. – Rangoon : Govt. Print., Burma (for B. S.),
1894. XVI, 161, LVIII p.
Subject(s): Burma : Finance, Public
GB: BL-APAC(Tr 726;* V 10185)
Howard-Nixon memorandum
The Indian Civil Service family pension fund rules
Interim report on local taxation
Note by the Hon’ble Finance member on the Burma estimates for 1937-38
Lloyd, I. G.
Note on the working on the meston settlement in Burma
[Memoranda submitted to the Indian Statutory Commission] ; 5
Report on the administration of Burma
Special rules for revenue stations
Burma / Financial Commissioner
An abridgment of the laws relating to stamps and
stamped papers
Analyses of districts with reference to security against
famine in Burma 1901-02
Annual report on the working of the income-tax act
Burma / Excise Department : Report
Circulars of the Financial Commissioner, Burma, issued between (for the year ...) – Rangoon : Govt. Print., Burma (for
F. C.)
1. 1888.
5. 1892. – 1893. IV, 96 p.
6. 1893. – 1894. VI, 126 p.
8. 1888-1895. – 1896. XLII, 402, XV p.
10. 1888-1897. – 1898. IV, IV, 133 p.
11. 1898
12. 1899
13. 1900. – 1901. 3, 2, 45 p.
14. 1901.
GB: BL: 5 10 13 (I.S.Bu.111)*
BL-APAC: 6 (Tr 726)*
8 (V 10446)
10 (Tr 871* ; V 10431)
13 (IOR/V/27/244/5)
US: YU: 1-14 (Nj66 B9+A35)
Circulars of the Financial Commissioner : issued between
4th July 1888 and the 3rd April 1893. – Rangoon : Govt.
Print., Burma (for F. C.), 1893. XXVI, 275, X p., index.
GB: BL(I.S.Bu.112)*
ditto. : issued between the 4th July 1888 and the 31st December 1895. – ibd., 1896. XLII, 402, XV p., index.
GB: BL(I.S.Bu.112)* BL-APAC(V 10446)
Burma co-operative societies rules
The Burma District Office manual
ditto. : issued between the 4th July 1888 and the 31st December 1897. – ibd., 1898. XLIV, 324, XIII p., index.
GB: BL(I.S.Bu.112)* BL-APAC(V 10431)
The Burma excise manual
B 218
Bibliographical description
Code of directions for the Superintendent Civil Veterinary Department ...
Notes on keeping accounts
Holdsworth, Edward R.
Consolidated Burma land and revenue rules
[Office manual]
Financial Commissioner’s office manual. – [Rangoon :]
Govt. Print., Burma (for F. C.), 1909. 130 p., app.
GB: BL(I.S.Bu.111/6)*
Critical conspectus of the Burma fisheries manual
Directions to revenue officers concerning supplementary survey in Lower Burma
Photographs of some Burmese fishing implements
Directions to revenue officers concerning supplementary survey in Upper Burma
Report on development of industries in Burma
Morris, Arthur Percy
Directions under the local acquisition act ...
Report on indebtedness in the Irrawaddy Division
Examination questions in surveying
Clancey, John
Report on mining and mineral production in Burma
Executive instructions for dealing with the native
oilmining industry at Yenang-Yaung, Magwe District,
Upper Burma
Fishery settlement report, 1929
Bown, Arthur Mervyn
Forms under the Lower Burma town and village lands
Report on the administration of salt revenue in Burma
Report on the administration of the income tax act in
Report on the administration of the Registration Department
in Burma
Burma / Registration Department
Report on the administration of stamp revenue in
Index to Financial Commissioner’s transl. circulars for 1902,
etc. – Rangoon : Govt. Print., Burma (for F. C.), 1903. 7 p. –
Added title and text in Burmese
GB: BL(14300 g 33(4))*
Report on the mineral production of Burma
Instructions for the guidance of veterinary assistants in
the Shan States
Report on the petroleum industry in Upper Burma
Noetling, Fritz
Instructions under the land acquisition act ...
Report on the prospecting operations, Mergui District,
Land acquisition manual
Land assessment rates in the settled circles of the
Thōngwa District, Lower Burma
The local authorities loan act
Report on the land revenue administration of Burma
Report on the source, supply and agricultural value of silt in
Warth, Frederick John
Report on the Thabeitkyin stone tract
Khin Maung Gyi
The Lower Burma land revenue manual
Report on the working of the income-tax act
The Lower Burma registration of deeds manual
Manual of inspection questions relating to subjects
dealt with
Manual of rules relating to precious stones, minerals,
and mineral oils, in force in Burma
Memorandum prepared for the use of the Royal
Commission on Labour
Note on income-tax in Burma
Report on trade and customs
Revised rules 11 to 13 of the Lower Burma survey class
scheme, 1885 ...
Rules and directions for the possession and transport
of tungsten (wolfram)
Rules for imposing a water-rate on non-state land in
the Kyaukse District ...
Rules for leases of land in towns, other than scheduled
towns, for building, residential, and industrial purposes
Note on the administration of the stamp revenue in
Notes on the excise and opium acts
Rules for the disposal of buildingsites in railway and
certain other towns in Lower Burma
Note on the working of the income-tax act
B 219
Burma Bibliographical Project
Siegfried M. Schwertner
SOAS: 1868/69 1870/71-1871/72
(India papers / 476.001)
US: CU: 1869/1870-1871/72 (Kroch film 541)
YU: 1868/69-1871/72 (07535+R1)
Rules for the grant of certificates to legal practitioners
authorizing them to practice before revenue officers in
Upper Burma
Rules for the grant of licences to explore and prospect
for minerals and of mining leases
Burma / Foreign Department / Revenue
Report on the revenue settlement operations
→ Revenue report
Rules for the management of irrigation works in the
Mandalay District
Rules for the management of irrigation works in the
Meiktila and Yamethin districts
Rules for Upper Burma under the Burma boundaries
Burma / Forest Committee
Burma Forest Committee
Burma / Forest Department
Burma forest bulletin
Rules requiring European Civil Police officers in
Burma to make provision for their families
Rules to regulate the payment of rewards to persons
contributing to the detection of offences under the Sea
customs act
Rules under the Indian income-tax act
Schedule of fishing implements used in Lower Burma
Departmental instructions for forest officers in Burma. –
Rangoon : Govt. Print., Burma (for C. C. F.), 1919. X, 170
p., app.
GB: BL(I.S.Bu.151/11)*
BL-APAC(V 9130 ; IOR/V/27/561/89)
ditto. 2nd ed. Corr. to the 31st December 1922. – ibd., (for
C. of F., W. P. C.), 1923. VII, 285 p., app., index.
GB: BL(I.S.Bu.151/11)* BL-APAC(IOR/V/27/561/91)
ditto. 3rd ed. Corr. up to the 31st August 1936. – ibd., (for C.
C. of Fts.), 1936. XII, 397 p., app., index.
GB: BL(I.S.Bu.151/31)* BL-APAC(IOR/V/27/561/92)
Schedule of fishing implements used in Upper Burma
Upper Burma land revenue manual
F.R.I. leaflet
Forest Research Institute < Yezin >
Upper Burma registration of deeds manual
Burma / Financial Department
Circulars of the Chief Commissioner in the Financial Department
Burma / Financial Commissioner
Detailed statements in support of demands for grants
The forest manual
A hand-book of the forest products of Burma
Index to standing orders and index of powers
Note on a visit to the Sundarbans Forest Division
Moodie, Adam Wilson
Excise report
Scheme of constitutional reform in Burma if separated from
Joint Committee on Indian Constitutional Reform
Note on vegetation of forest soils
A note on yon as a hammer handle wood
Maxwell, H. A.
Burma / Fiscal Committee
Fiscal Committee
Progress report of forest administration in British
Burma / Floods Enquiry Committee
Floods Enquiry Committee
Progress report of (1891/92: on) forest administration
in Lower Burma
Burma / Foreign Department
Administration report for 1868/69 [-1871/72] / British
Burma, Foreign Department (General). – Rangoon : Chief
Commissioners’s Pr. ; Secretariat Pr.
< Burma
Report on the administration of the Province of
British Burma
> Burma
Report on the administration of British Burma
Subject(s): Burma : Politics and government <1824-1948> Periodicals
GB: BL: 1868/69-1871/72 (I.S.Bu.119)*
CUL: 1869/1870-1871/72 (OP.3200.351.01)
Progress report of forest administration in Upper
Burma ...
B 220
Report on forest administration in the …
Report on the forest administration in the …
Report on the progress of cotton work in Burma
Report on the progress made during the years ... in giving effect to those recommendations of the Royal
Commission on Agriculture in India, 1928, which concerns Burma
Bibliographical description
Reports on forest administration in Burma
Burma / Government
A simple key to one hunderd common trees of Burma
Smales, Charles Bertram
Tests in the Rangoon River on the damage by marine
borers to various woods
Burma / Government Archaeologist
Inscriptions collected in Upper Burma
List of objects of antiquarian and archaeological interest in Upper Burma
Working plan for the Kyaw and Yawdwin Working Circles
in the Yaw Forest Division
Dawkins, Clinton George Evelyn
Burma / Forest Department / Government Timber Depot <
Rangoon >
Government Timber Depot < Rangoon >
Burma / Forest Department / Maritime Circle
Information recorded ... on the bamboo pulp possibilities of Arakan and Tavoy Forest Divisions
Burma / Forest Department / Utilization Circle
Burma timbers for the Bengal market
Villar, A. R.
Economic series pamphlet
Key to the identification by hand lens of 29 of the chief timbers of Burma
Scott, Charles Winter
List of pagodas at Pagan under the custody of government
Report on archaeological work in Burma
Burma / Government Book Depot
Catalogue of books and maps / Govt. Book Depot. – Rangoon : Govt. Print. and Staty., Burma (for S. G. P. and Sty.)
> Catalogue of books in stock
Corr. up to 1st January 1939. – 1939. 95, IX p., index.
Corr. up to 1st January 1940. – 1940. 103, IXp., index.
Corr. up to October 1946.
Subject(s): Burma : Bibliography - Periodicals ; Imprints Periodicals ; Government publications - Bibliography ;
Maps - Bibliography
GB: BL: 1939 (I.S.Bu.232/23)* BL: 1939-1940
BL-APAC: 1940 1946 (ST 932)
US: CU(Kroch Microfiche 737)
LC(Z3217.A3) NYPL(Research *SAB)
YU: 1937-1940 (SML Yale Class. X863 B92c)
A note on yon as a hammer handle wood
Maxwell, H. A.
Burma / Forest Enquiry Committee
Forest Enquiry Committee
Burma / Forest Zoologist
Forest Zoologist’s report on the beehole borer investigations
of 1918
Beeson, Cyril Frederick Chanington
Burma / Frontier Areas Committee of Enquiry
Frontier Areas Committee of Inquiry
Burma / Frontier Force
Burma / Burma Frontier Force
Burma / General Department
Catalogue of books printed in Burma
Catalogue of books printed in Lower Burma
Quarterly catalogue of books
Rules for the medical inspection of vessels and instructions for the guidance of masters of vessels detained
under those rules and of port health officers
Burma / General Secretariat
Local Government Circulars
Catalogue of books (and pamphlets) publ. in British Burma
during the 3rd quarter of 1874 [-4th quarter 1885]. – [Rangoon,]
> Catalogue of books printed in Lower Burma
Subject(s): Burma : Bibliography - Periodicals ; Imprints Periodicals ; Government publications - Bibliography
D: B-SBB: 1874-1880 incpl. (quer-4° Am 11416 Potsdamer
Str.) 1881-1885 incompl. (2° Am 11417 Potsdamer
GB: BL: 1874.3-1885.4 incompl. (I.S.Bu.92)*
US: CU(Kroch Microfiche 737)
Catalogue of books for sale at the Government Book Depot,
Rangoon 1906- . – Rangoon. – Half-yearly to Jan. 1940, annual from 1946. Includes "not for sale" publications Dec.
1910 – Dec. 1915 and separate list of publications (for official use only) 1927, 1929, 1931-37.
Subject(s): Burma : Bibliography - Periodicals ; Imprints Periodicals ; Government publications - Bibliography
GB: BL-APAC: 1905-1913 (lacking 1906-08)
1914-1915 (IOR/V/25/2/53)
1924–Jan.1928 (IOR/V/25/2/54)
July 1928-1935 (IOR/V/25/2/55)
1936-1940 1946-1949 (IOR/V/25/2/56)
OUL: 1928- (BOD L Floor Per. 258857 e.1 ; d.20)
US: CU(Kroch Microfiche 737)
Catalogue of books in stock at the Government Book Depot.
– Rangoon : Govt. Print. and Staty., Burma
< Catalogue of books and maps
Subject(s): Burma : Bibliography - Periodicals ; Imprints Periodicals ; Government publications - Bibliography
GB: BL-APAC: [1941?-1948?] (ST 932)
Burma / Geological Survey
The mineral deposits of Burma
Clegg, Edward Leslie Gilbert
Cotter, Gerald de Purcell
B 221
Burma Bibliographical Project
Siegfried M. Schwertner
US: CU(Kroch Microfiche 737) DNLM(Z 3220 B962c)
Ref.: OCLC 50354087
Regulations made by the Governor of Burma. – Rangoon :
Govt. Pr.
GB: BL-APAC: 1937-1943 (IOR/V/8)
Monthly list of publications ... / Government of Burma. –
Rangoon : Govt. Print. and Staty.
Subject(s): Burma : Bibliography - Periodicals ; Imprints Periodicals ; Government publications - Bibliography
US: YU: Oct. 1934 (SML Yale Class. X863 B92m)
Rules and orders of the Governor-General in Council regulating the conduct of public servants in respect to borrowing
money, receipt of complimentary addresses and other matters ... 3rd ed. – Rangoon : Govt. Print., Burma (for B. S.),
1899. IV, 46 p. – Added title in Burmese
GB: BL(14300 g 11(10))* BL-APAC(Bur D 1761)
Burma / Government Dockyard < Rangoon >
Audit report on the accounts for the year ended 31st
March 1930
Government Dockyard, Rangoon : report on costing and accounting system in force with recommendations as to improvements therein / Government of Burma. – Rangoon :
Govt. Print., Burma (for Secy.), 1922. 34 p.
GB: BL(I.S.Bu.48/5)*
Burma / Government Examiner of Accounts / Burma
Contracts relating to Burma railways system
Office manual / Office of the Government Examiner of Accounts, Burma Railways. 2nd ed. – Rangoon : Govt. Print.
and Staty., Burma (for Govt. Exr. Rly. Accts.), 1912.
1. – 142 p.
2. – Appendices A to G. – 128 p.
GB: BL(I.S.Bu.185) BL-APAC(IOR/V/27/724/9)
ditto. 3rd ed. – ibd., (for G.E. of R.Accts.), 1925. 140 p.
GB: BL(I.S.Bu.185)*
Burma / Government Examiner of Railway Accounts
Contracts relating to Burma railways system
Burma / Government Examiner of Accounts / Burma
Railways : Office manual
Burma / Government Printing
The ready reckoner of piece rates
Chatterjee, G. N.
Burma / Government Technical Institute < Insein >
Government Technical Institute < Insein >
Statement by His Excellency the Governor on the appropriation accounts and the audit report thereon. – Rangoon : Govt.
Print. and Staty., Burma, [n.d.]
US: LC(HJ66.B8A42)
Burma / Health Officer
Burma / Medical Department
Burma / Health Officer of the Port of Bassein
Bassein / Health Officer of the Port
Burma / High Court
High Court of Judicature < Rangoon >
Burma / High Court of Judicature
High Court of Judicature < Rangoon >
Burma / His Excellency the Viceroy's Reception Committee
Reception ... Rangoon, 16th November, 1898 [invitations] /
(His Excellency the Viceroy's Reception Committee). −
[Rangoon,] 1898.
GB: CUL(Mss Room Scott LL4.199)
Ref.: OCLC 55568150
Burma / Hlutdaw
The catalogue of the Hlutdaw records ... [/ ed. by Taw Sein
Ko.] – Rangoon : Govt. Print., Burma (for Secy. ; G. T.),
1901. – Added title and text in Burmese
1. – 1901. 504 p.
2. – 1909. 594 p.
GB: BL: 1-2 (14302 c 3)* BL-APAC: 1 (D 1609/1)
SOAS: 2 (GPC 016/90.115)*
US: HU(Widener OL 64600.10) OCl: 1
Burma / Governor
Address by His Excellency the Governor to both chambers
of the Legislature. – Rangoon : Govt. Print. & Staty. – At
head of title: Burma Legislature Joint meeting of the Senate
and House of Representatives
Subject(s): Burma : World War <1939-1945> ; Politics and
government <1824-1948>
AU:NLA: 1937,22 Mar.- 1941.18 Feb (S 328.591 BUR)
Letters patent constituting the Office of Governor of
Ordinances made by the Governor of Burma. – Rangoon :
Govt. Pr.
GB: BL-APAC: 1938-1942 (IOR/V/8/282)
Police supply and clothing manual for Burma
The Rangoon Police manual
Rangoon / Police
B 222
Records of the Hluttaw ... [/ ed. by U Aung Thein.] – [Rangoon,] 1960. 16, 268 p. – Added title and text in Burmese
and some English. – 1st publ. under the title: Selection from
the records of the Hlutdaw or Supreme Council.
Subject(s): Burma : Local administration - Law ; Politics and
US: LC(Law) YU(SML LC Class. DS530.4 L94 1960)
ditto. 5th ed. – Rangoon : Ministry of Culture, 1977. [X,]
268 p. – Added title and text in Burmese
GB: OUL(BOD A Floor Bodl. Burm. d.233)
SOAS(GPC 351/397.554)*
US: YU(SML CL Class. DS530.4 L94 1977)
Selections from the records of the Hlutdaw / comp. by Taw
Sein Ko. – Rangoon : Govt. Print., 1889. 8, [25], 259 p. – In
Burmese with English table of contents
Subject(s): Burma : Law reports, digests, etc. ; Politics and
AU:ANU(Menzies microform DS529.7.B87 1975)
Bibliographical description
D: HD-SAI(reg 60 D 357)
GB: BL-APAC(Bur D 1607 ; D 1608 ; IOR/V/27/941/28)
SOAS(GPC351/4.486 ; 7.338 ; 183.152)*
SG: ISEAS(SCR DS530.6 H67 ; Microfiche 93/63582)
US: CU(Annex JQ451 .A3 ; Kroch Microfiche 887 SEI 93
63582 ; Annex Film 4879) ICN LC(Microfiche
93/63582 (J))
NYPL(Research *OY) OCl
UCLA(YRL JQ451 A5 1889a)
YU(LSF-Request Fxa8 B94 1889)
Ref.: OCLC 16932388 ; 30038658 ; 2098534
Reports on the fourth expedition to the "Triangle" for the
liberation of slaves
Leonard, P. M. R.
Report on the Maingkwan, Hukawng Valley, tour : season
February and March 1932
Porter, A. W.
Report on the Naga Hills, Upper Chindwin, expedition for
the release of slaves and the abolition of human sacrifice
Dewar, Terence Purvas
ditto. – Rangoon : British Burma Pr., 1914. 2, VIII, 259, 44
p. – Later ed. under the title: Records of the Hluttaw
GB: BL(14302 c 6)* BL-APAC(Bur D 1606)
Report on the sixth expedition to the Triangle : season 193132
Robert, V. G.
Reports by Military Police officers accompanying the
triangle expedition
Burma / Home and Political Department
Bribery and Corruption Enquiry Committee
Riot Inquiry Committee : Final report
The Burma Government servants conduct rules
Secretariat Incident Enquiry Committee : Report
The Burma government servants’ (secretary of state
services) conduct rules, 1938
Village Administration Committee : Report
Burma Round Table Conference <Nov. 27, 1931 to Jan
12, 1932> : Proceedings
The Government of Burma (High Court judges) order,
Village manual
Burma / Home Department
Account of the discovery of the Piprahwa Stupa
Annual gaol report
Headman’s manual
Annual report on criminal and civil justice
Letters patent constituting the Office of Governor of
Election manual 1946
Insein Jail Shooting Incident Enquiry Committee : Report
Manual of examination rules for government officers
serving under the Government of Burma
Public health and births and deaths
[Memoranda submitted to the Indian Statutory Commission]
Burma [/ Government]
Riot Inquiry Committee : Interim report
Sanitary state of the town of Rangoon
Meng Mao succession
Harvey, Godfrey Eric
Tantabin Incident Enquiry Committee : Report
1932 Wa précis
Harvey, Godfrey Eric
Burma / Home Department / Education
Report on public instruction
The origin and causes of the Burma rebellion, 1930-32
Report on the expedition to the Hukawng Valley and Naga
Hills, Burma
Porter, A. W.
Burma / Home Department / Judicial
Annual report on criminal and civil justice (civil and
criminal justice) in the courts of the recorders and in
the small cause courts of Rangoon and Maulmain
Report on civil justice
Report on the expedition to the Hukawng Valley and Naga
Hills, Burma, 1929-30
Grant, R. A.
Report on the expedition to the Hukawng Valley and Naga
Hills, Burma, 1930-31
Fletcher, R. C.
Report on the fifth expedition to the Triangle : season 193031
Robert, V. G.
Report on criminal justice
Burma / Home Department / Medical
Report on vaccination
Burma / Home Department / Police
Annual police report
Police report, British Burma 1867
Report on police administration
B 223
Burma Bibliographical Project
Siegfried M. Schwertner
Burma / Home Department / Prison
Annual gaol report
Report on the prison administration
dexes. – Rangoon : Govt. Print., Burma (for I.-G. of C. H.),
1913. XXII, 189, XIX p.
GB: BL(I.S.Bu.141/3)* BL-APAC(IOR/V/27/852/10)
Buma / Home Department / Public
Report on hospitals and dispensaries
ditto. : during the years 1908 to 1918, arranged under general headings with chronological and alphabetical subject indexes. – Rangoon : Govt. Print., Burma. – ibd., 1920. 2, XL,
440, XXV p., app.
GB: BL(I.S.Bu.141/19)* BL-APAC(V 8658)
Burma / Home Department / Sanitary
Public health and vital statistics
Report on public health and vital statistics
Description and directions for the use of the Rogers’
portable saline infusion apparatus
Report on sanitary administration
Rangoon General Hospital / Nursing Department
Burma / Hydro-Electric Survey
Report on the work of the Hydro-Electric Survey of Burma :
during the seasons 1920, 1921, 1922 and 1923. – Rangoon :
Govt. Print., Burma (for P. W. Secy.), 1924. 51 p., maps.
GB: BL-APAC(IOR/V/27/740/45)*
Health notes for government officials
Treston, Maurice Lawrence
Infant feeding
Sexton, Isabel Gertrude
Burma / Income-Tax Department
Annual report and returns of the Income Tax Department,
Burma. – Calcutta : Govt. of India, Central Publ. Branch
< Report on the working of the income tax act
> Report on the administration of the income tax act in
Subject(s): Burma : Income tax
GB: BL: 1923/24 (I.S.Bu.28/5(2))*
US: YU: 1923/24 (Mudd Nj66 B9 +A65)
Instructions regarding the methods to be adopted for
the diagnosis and treatment of cases of venereal disease
Note on the lunatic asylums in Burma
Note on the mental hospitals in Burma
Notes and statistics of the hospitals and dispensaries in
Burma / Income-Tax Office < Rangoon >
Rules for the guidance of the Income-tax Office, Rangoon. –
Rangoon : Govt. Print., Burma (for I. T. O.), 1893. 7 p.
Subject(s): Burma : Income Tax
GB: BL(I.S.Bu.100/6)* BL-APAC(Tr 728)*
Notes and statistics on vaccination in Burma for the
year ...
Pharmacopoeia for the use of dispensaries
Fink, L. G.
ditto. – ibd., 1901. 7 p.
GB: BL(I.S.Bu.100/29)*
Pharmacopoeia of the Civil General Hospital, Rangoon, Burma
Burma / Industry and Labour Department
Labour Legislation Committee : First report
Rabies and anti-rabies treatment in India
Greig, Edward David Wilson
Burma / Insein Reformatory
Reformatory < Insein >
Report on the goitre and general medical survey, Chin Hills
Raymond, Roland Lionel
Burma / Insein Shooting Incident Enquiry Committee
Insein Shooting Incident Enquiry Committee
Report on the lunatic asylums in Burma for the triennium ...
Burma / Inspector-General of Burma Frontier Force
Burma Frontier Force
Report on the working of the Burma Pasteur Institute and
Bacteriological Laboratory
Burma Pasteur Institute and Bacteriological Laboratory < Rangoon >
Burma / Inspector-General of Civil Hospitals
Aids to common laboratory methods
Annual report on hospitals and dispensaries in Burma
Rules and regulations for the management of the Burma
Government Medical School, Rangoon
Burma Government Medical School < Rangoon >
Annual report on the working of the Burma Government
Medical School
Burma Government Medical School < Rangoon >
Rules of office procedure
Calendar for 1917-18
Burma Medical Examination Board
Circulars issued by the Inspector-General of Civil Hospitals,
Burma, for the years 1908 to 1912, arranged under general
headings, with chronological and alphabetical subject in-
Rules of the Burma Medical Council
Burma Medical Council
Burma / Inspector-General of Jails
The Burma medical annual
B 224
Bibliographical description
The Burma medical manual
Report of a twelve day’s tour in the [Konkè] country
Parry, W.
Manuals of rules for the superintendence and management of jails in Burma
Report of the Intelligence Officer accompanying the Superintendent, Northern Shan States, on his tour in 1896-97
Couchman, G. H. H.
Burma / Inspector-General of Military Police
Burma / Military Police
Report of the Intelligence Officer on the Burma-China
Boundary Commission, Northern Part, 1898/99, and on a reconnaissance in Western Yunnan
Walker, H. B.
Burma / Inspector-General of Police
Burma / Department of Police
Burma / Inspector-General of Police for Supply and Clothing
Police supply and clothing manual for Burma
Report of the Intelligence Officer on tour with the Superintendent, Northern Shan States, 1895-96
MacQuoid, C. E.
Report on the Police Supply and Clothing Department for
the year ...
Burma / Police Supply and Clothing Department
Report on a tour through the Northern Shan states
Rigby, Gerard Christopher
Burma / Inspector-General of Police for Railways and
Criminal Investigation
Criminal Investigation Department manual ...
Burma / Criminal Investigation Department
Report on the Kairuma, Naring, and Daidin columns, Chin
Hills, 1895-96
Turner, C. H.
Report on the Kaukkwe police column operations during the
cold season of 1892-93
Cooke-Hurle, Edward Forbes
Note on the crime classification system
Fisher, E. A.
Burma / Inspector-General of Prisons
Burma / Prison Department
Report on the Thetta column and work in the southern Chin
Hills during the season 1894-95
Harvey, John
Burma / Intelligence Branch
Report on the operations in the Chin Hills ...
Baker, Robert Francis Cunynghame
Salween Shan States
Ainslie, Clement
Transport-native troops ...
Burma / Intelligence Branch < Mandalay >
Diary of the expedition with the Chinese deputies to find the
Huchi, Tienma, and Hanlung gates
Davies, Henry Rodolph
General report and diary of the expedition under Lieutenant
L. E. Eliott to the upper reaches of the Irrawaddy
Blewitt, A.
Report on the Kachin Hills North-East of Bhamo
Couchman, G. H. H.
Burma / Intelligence Bureau
Burma during the Japanese occupation
Burma / Interruption of Communications Enquiry Committee
Interruption of Communications Enquiry Committee
Burma / Irrigation Department Chief Engineer
Glossary of useful words for irrigation officers : EnglishBurmese
Aye Maung
Glossary of vernacular terms relating to irrigation,
embankments and waterways in Burma
Burma / Intelligence Branch < Mandalay > / Library
List of books and reports in Library, Intelligence Branch,
Burma. Mandalay, the 1st December 1892. – Rangoon :
Govt. Print., Burma (for I. B., M.), 1893. 8 p.
GB: BL(11908 i 3(2))*
Burma / Intelligence Branch < Rangoon >
Diary of E. S. Carey, Jade Mines Escort
Carey, E. S.
Manual of the Government Technical Institute, Insein
Government Technical Institute < Insein >
Report on the Meiktila Lake, 1936
Squires, Howard John
Burma / Judicial Commissioner
Notes on Buddhist law
Instructions for guidance of despatching-officers and
officers commanding native corps in Burma
Burma / Judicial Commissioner / Court
Burma / Court of the Judicial Commissioner
Irrawaddy column, Upper Burma
Peebles, E. C.
The Kachin gazetteer
Davies, H. B.
Burma / Judicial Department
Abstract of the Indian mines act, 1923
Addition to the Burma motor-vehicle rules, 1915
B 225
Burma Bibliographical Project
Siegfried M. Schwertner
The attasankhepa vannana dhammathat
Rules for the election and nomination of members to
the Burma Legislative Council ...
The Burma code
Rules to regulate the importation, possession, sale and
transport of carbide of calcium in Burma
Burma hired motor vehicles rules, 1935
The civil justice report of British Burma
Burma / Labour Legislation Committee
Labour Legislation Committee
The civil justice report of Lower Burma
A collection of circulars issued from the Judicial Department
of the Burma Secretariat between June 1888 and December
1891, with notes, an index and a chronological list. – Rangoon : Govt. Print., Burma, 1892. 122 p.
GB: BL-APAC(IOR/V/27/140/18)
Committee appointed to Consider the Treatment of
Juvenile Delinquency in Burma : Report
Effect of legislation by the Lieutenant Governor of
Burma in Council ...
The Government of Burma (adaption of laws) supplementary order, 1937 : notification
Burma / Labour Statistics Bureau (L.S.B.)
Report of an enquiry into the standard and cost of living of
the working classes in Rangoon
Bennison, John Jennings
List of industrial establishments in Burma
A pamphlet containing the Indian Trade Union act
Burma / Land and Agriculture Committee
Land and Agriculture Committee
Burma / Land and Revenue Secretary
First interim report of the Fiscal Committee
Fiscal Committee
The Government of Burma (adaption of laws)
(amendment) order, 1938
Growth of representative institutions : the legislature
Burma [/ Government]
[Memoranda submitted to the Indian Statutory Commission] ; 3
The motor spirit (duties) act, 1917
Rangoon Development Trust Enquiry Committee
Hand book of instructions for the guidance of superintendents of jails and district magistrates
Tenancy Act Enquiry Committee, 1940 : Report
An index to the acts of the Burma legislature
The Indian motor vehicles act, 1914
Burma / Land Legislation Committee
Land Legislation Committee
Note enumerating the duties of the visitors of the Rangoon
Lunatic Asylum and the rules for the management of the
Rangoon Lunatic Asylum and the care and custody of its
Lunatic Asylum < Rangoon >
Burma / Land Records Department
Circulars issued from August 1888 to October 1899. − Rangoon : Govt. Print., Burma., 1899. 255 p.
Subject(s): Burma : Land use - History
US: YU(SML, Microform Film B12233:8)
The origin and causes of the Burma rebellion, 1930-32
Burma / Land Revenue Department
The dangerous drugs (prepared opium) rules, 1938
Quarterly catalogue of books
Report on agrarian legislation
The Rangoon hackney carriage rules, 1918
Burma / Legislative Council
The amended resolution as passed by the convention of the
Anti-Fascist Peoples’ Freedom League in its plenary session
on Friday, the 23rd May 1947
Anti-Fascist Peoples Freedom League
The Rangoon hired motor vehicles rules, 1927
Report on criminal and civil justice
Report on the criminal justice of British Burma
Report on the prevention of crime and the treatment of the
criminal in the province of Burma
Paterson, Alexander
Report on the prison administration
Reports on civil justice in Burma
Reports on criminal justice in Burma
B 226
The Burma code
Burma legislature
Burma Legislative Council manual. – Rangoon : Govt.
Print., Burma (for S., L. D.), 1910. 126, XVII p. – Other title: The Burma legislative manual
GB: BL(I.S.Bu.136/2)*
US: YU(Mudd Ota51 A11)
Bibliographical description
The City of Rangoon municipal act, 1922
ditto. – ibd., (for S. L. D.)
1. – 1923. 19 p.
2. – 1923. 194 p.
3. – 1924. p. 195-413.
GB: BL(I.S.Bu.136/6)* BL-APAC(IOR/V/27/110/59-62)
SOAS: 1 (Pam S.E.Asia 9/430.807)
ditto. : 1926. – Rangoon : Govt. Print. and Staty., Burma (for
B. L. C.), 1926.
[1]. – Pt. I, II and index to pt. II. 5, 210, 5, XXXIV p., index,
[2]. – Pt. III. p. 211-418.
GB: BL(I.S.Bu.136/7)*
BL-APAC(V 10160 ; IOR/V/278/110/63-64)
TH: CU: 1 (CL 328.591 B962N)
ditto. : 1926. – ibd., (for Ch. Secy.), 1928. – Added title and
text in Burmese
Pt.1-2 and index to pt. 2. Corr. up to 24th November 1927.
– 33, 351, 5 p.
Pt. 3. Corr. up to 24th January 1927. – 318 p.
GB: BL(14300 g 59)* BL-APAC(Bur D 1423/1-3)
Committee on Public Accounts
Proceedings of the ... meeting
Debates / Burma, Legislative Council. [Microform.] − Zug:
Inter-Documentation Co., [1981?]. Microfiches ; 9 x 12 cm.
− Microreproduction of: Rangoon : Supdt., Govt. Print. &
Staty., 1923-1936.
IDC Microfiche I-39
SG: ISEAS: 1.1923-32.1936 (Microfiche I-39)
Effect of legislation by the Lieutenant Governor of
Burma in Council ...
Index to proceedings of the Burma Legislative Council. –
Rangoon : Govt. Print. and Staty., Burma (for B. L. C.)
GB: BL-APAC: 2,1923/24-18,1930 (IOR/V/9/4085)*
19,1931/32-32,1936 (IOR/V/9/4086)*
US: CU: 1/32.1923/1936 (Kroch Microfiche 13)
Manual of business and procedure
Proceedings. 1,1897 [-3,1922]. – Rangoon : Govt. Print. and
Staty., Burma
> Burma Legislative Council proceedings
IDC I-38
Subject(s): Burma : Politics and government - Periodicals
GB: HL/U-1
SG: ISEAS: 1.1897-3.1922 (Microfilm I-38) )
US: CU(Kroch Microfiche 13) UoC LC(J535.H46)
UCLA: 1.1897-3.1922
(MicroServ Microfiche J535 .H46)
Burma Legislative Council proceedings : report. 1, 1923 [16,1929]. – Rangoon : Govt. Print. and Staty., Burma
< Proceedings
> Proceedings of the Legislative Council of the Governor of
Subject(s): Burma : Politics and government - Periodicals
GB: BL: 1,1923-16,1929 (I.S.Bu.124/3)*
BL-APAC: 1897-1920 (IOR/V/9/4051)
1921-1929 (IOR/V/9/4052-4067)
SOAS: 1,1923-16,1928 (Per.53/459.894)
SG: ISEAS(Microfiche 40) NUS(J535.H46)
US: NYPL(SIBL *SES) UCLA(MicroServ Microfiche
J535 .H46)
WU(Memorial Lib. Microforms Media Ctr Room 443
Micro Fiche 313) YU: 1.1923(SML, Microform Fiche S58)
Proceedings of the Legislative Council of the Governor of
Burma. 17,1930-32.8,1936,Aug. – Rangoon : Govt. Print.
and Staty., Burma. Index 1/32.1923/1936
< Burma Legislative Council proceedings : report
> Burma legislature
Subject(s): Burma : Politics and government - Periodicals
GB: BL: 17,1930-32,1936 (I.S.Bu.124/3)*
LSE: 1.1923-32.1936(BLPES, Off.Publ. 591 (R35) Periodical)
BL-APAC: vol. 2 (2nd session) 1923/24-32
(10th session, 4th Council) (IOR/V/9/4085-4086)
1930-1936 (IOR/V/9/4069-4084)
SOAS: 1923-1936 (Per 53/459894)
SG: NUS: 1.1923-32.1936 (Microform JQ452 BLCA)
ISEAS(Microfiche 40)
US: CU: 1.1897-32.1936 + Index (Kroch Microfiche 13)
LC(J535 .H46) NYPL: 3d, sess.2-10; 4th
(v.14.1928/32-32.1932/36) (SIBL *SES)
UCLA(MicroServ Microfiche J535 .H46)
WU(Memorial Lib. Microforms Media Ctr Room 443
Micro Fiche 313)
YU(SML, Microform Fiche S58)
Burma Legislative Council proceedings. – Rangoon : Govt.
Print. and Staty., Burma. – Added title and text in Burmese
< Burma / Legislative Council
> Proceedings of the Legislative Council of the Governor
of Burma
Subject(s): Burma : Politics and government - Periodicals
2nd Council vol. 6.1-7, 1926 7.2-17, 1927
8 (19th Feb. 1927) 9.1-6, 1927
10.1-2, 1927 11.1-16, 1928 (14300 g 69)*
4th Council, 9th session: suppl. to vol. 21 (12th
Feb.- 4th March 1936), 1936 (14300 ggg 68)*
4th Council, 10th session: suppl. to vol. 32 (11th
Aug.-19th Aug. 1936)(14300 ggg 68)*
SOAS: 17-32 (Per.53/459.894)
SG: ISEAS: 1930- (SCR JQ453 M94)
US: NNC: 24.1933:Feb.9-32.1936:Aug.19
(Offsite ANNEX (GL) 328.591 A)
ditto. 2nd ed. – ibd. – Added title and text in Burmese
GB: BL: 11.1-13,1927 (14300 g 69)*
BL-APAC: 26.1933 (D 1258)
US: NNC: 24,1933:Feb.9-32,1936:Aug.19
(Offsite 328.591 A)
Rules and standing orders, 1933
The Senate manual of business and procedure
Burma / Legislative Council / Finance Committee
Finance Committee
B 227
Burma Bibliographical Project
Siegfried M. Schwertner
Burma legislature : proceedings of the Senate
Burma / Legislative Department
Burma Legislative Council manual
Burma / Legislative Council
Manual of Business and procedure 1938
The Burma municipal act
Proceedings of the first Senate / Burma Legislature.
1.1937,March- . – Rangoon : Govt. Print. and Staty. – Supersedes in part: Proceedings of the Legislative Council of
the Governor of Burma
Subject(s): Burma : Legislature - Senate - Periodicals ; Politics and government - Periodicals
GB: BL-APAC: 1.1937-7.1940 (IOR/V/9/4101-4119)
OUL(IND IB. Burma Ra. 2)
SG: ISEAS: 1937- (SCR JQ453 B96
US: CRL: 1.1937-8.1940 (S. Asian SAMP)
CU: 1,1937-8,1940 (Kroch Microfiche 41)
3,1938-9,1941 (Annex J535 .J46) LC(J535.J46)
UCLA: 1.1937-8.1940 (MicroServ Microfiche J535 .J4)
WU: 1.1937-8.1940 (CTR Fiche)
YU: 1.1937-8.1940 (SML, Microform Fiche S56)
The Burma rural self-government act
Effect of legislation by the Lieutenant Governor of
Burma in Council ...
The Rangoon Police act
Rangoon / Police
The Upper Burma civil courts regulation
Burma / Legislative Senat
The Senate manual of business and procedure
Burma / Legislature / House of Representatives
Address by His Excellency the Governor to both chambers
of the Legislature
Burma / Governor
Burma / Lieutenant-Governor
Burma Military Police manual
Burma / Military Police
Burma legislature : joint meeting of the Senate and the
House of Representatives
Effect of legislation by the Lieutenant Governor of
Burma in Council ...
Burma legislature : proceedings of the first House of
Manuals of rules for the superintendence and management of jails in Burma
Electoral roll of the European constituency of the
House of Representatives
Table showing effect of legislation
Electoral roll of the members of the Anglo-Burman
constituency of the House of Representatives
The House of Representatives electoral rules
Manual of business and procedure 1939
Proceedings of the House of Representatives / Burma Legislative. 1.1937,Feb./Mar. [-9.1941]. – Rangoon. – Supersedes
in part: Proceedings of the Legislative Council of the Governor of Burma
Subject(s): Burma : Politics and government - Periodicals
GB: BL-APAC: 1.1937-9.1941 (IOR/V/9/4087-4100)
OUL(IND IB. Burma Ra. 1)
US: CRL: 1.1937-9.1941 (S. Asian SAMP SAMP)
CU: 1st sess.,1937-9th sess.,1941 (Kroch Microfiche 42)
4th,1938 6th,1939 9th,1941 (Kroch Film 376)
LC(J535.K4 ; Microfilm 06755 J)
UCLA: 1.1937-9.1937 (MicroServ Microfiche J535
WU: 1.1937-9.1941 (Memorial Lib. Microforms
Media Ctr Room 443 Micro Fiche 275)
YU: 1.1937-9.1941 (SML, Microform Fiche S55)
Ref.: OCLC 46649526 ; 32931165 ; 26186431
Burma / Legislature / Senate
Address by His Excellency the Governor to both chambers
of the Legislature
Burma / Governor
Burma legislature : joint meeting of the Senate and the
House of Representatives
Burma / Linguistic Survey
Linguistic Survey of Burma : preparatory stage
Burma / Local Audit Department
Annual report on the working of the Local Audit Department
in Burma. – Rangoon : Govt. Print., Burma
< Report on the local funds of Burma
US: NYPL: 1927/28-1928/29 (*SY)
YU: 1924/25-1928/29 1947/48 (MudddNjq66 B9 A13)
Office manual of the Local Audit Department of the Office
of the Accountant-General, Burma. – Rangoon : Govt. Print.,
Burma (for A.-G.)
ditto. 3rd ed. – ibd., 1905. II, 131 p., app.
GB: BL(I.S.Bu.111/3)*
ditto. 4th ed. – ibd., 1914. II, 194 p., app.
GB: BL(I.S.Bu.111/3)*
Burma / Local Bodies Enquiry Committee
Local Bodies Enquiry Committee
Burma / Local Fund Accounts
The Burma Local Funds Accounts manual
Burma / Local Government (Administrative) Department
The Burma rural self-government rules : 1936
Burma / Local Government Department
The Burma municipal manual
B 228
The Burma rural self-government rules
Bibliographical description
Committee Appointed by Government to Consider the
Syllabus in Buddhist Religious Instruction for Vernacular and Anglo-vernacular Schools : Report
Government Medical School < Rangoon >
Report on the working ...
Rules and regulations for the management
Hand-book for Burmese midwives
Committee Appointed to Consider and Report upon
Buddhist Religious Instruction for Buddhist Pupils in
Vernacular Lay Schools under Buddhist Management,
1928/29 : Report
Illustrated life history of stegomyia fasciata
Lalor, Nicholas Purcell O’Gorman
Infant feeding
Excluded areas, and minor adjustments of the electorate, etc.
Burma [/ Government]
[Memoranda submitted to the Indian Statutory Commission] ; 7
Information supplied for the Simla Anti-Malarial Conference
King, Walter Gawen
Investigation of malaria at Kyaukpyu
Lalor, Nicholas Purcell O’Gorman
The existing system of government
Burma [/ Government]
[Memoranda submitted to the Indian Statutory Commission] ; 4
Investigation of malaria in the District of Katha
Lalor, Nicholas Purcell O’Gorman
General specification for electrical work in government
Malaria and its prevention
Note on medical organisation in Burma
Note on public health organisation in Burma
Geological report on the water supply of Bassein
Leicester, Peter
Notes on the statistics of vaccination in Burma for the
year ...
The geology and underground water of Rangoon
Leicester, Peter
Report on vaccination in Burma
Local self-government
Burma [/ Government]
[Memoranda submitted to the Indian Statutory Commission] ; 4
Report upon the prevalence of stegomyia fasciata
Lalor, Nicholas Purcell O’Gorman
Spleen census report for Burma
Lalor, Nicholas Purcell O’Gorman
Ward assistants’ practical handbook
Charau, Isa
Rangoon Sewage Disposal Committee : Report
Report on the Burma food and drugs act, 1928 with recommendations for food standards
Bunce, Edwin H.
Review of municipal administration in Burma
Review of the reports on the working of municipal
committees in Burma
Statistics of municipalities (except Rangoon) and notified
areas in Burma
Burma / Medical Examination Board
Burma Medical Examination Board
Burma / Meteorological Department
Administration report of the Meteorological Department for
the financial year ending 30th September ... – Rangoon :
Govt. Print. and Staty., Burma (for D. B. M. D.)
< Report on the activities
GB: BL: 1949 (I.S.Bu.172/2)* BL-APAC(IOR/V/24/3035)
Burma / Marine and Commerce Department
Particulars of local certificates
Burma monthly weather review
Burma weather review
Burma / Medical and Health Service
Report on the state of public health in Burma
Statement showing the prevalence of principal epidemic diseases in Burma
Vital statistics of the towns of Burma
Climatological summary
Daily rainfall recorded in Burma
Memorandum on the rainfall weather conditions of
Burma in 1940
Burma / Medical Department
Burma / Chemical Examiner : Report
Meteorological Organization for Airmen
Burma / Chemical Examiner and Bacteriologist
Monthly weather data
Burma / Inspector-General of Civil Hospitals
Circulars issued by the Inspector-General of Civil Hospitals
Report on the activities of the Burma Meteorological Department, during the financial year ending 30th September ...
– Rangoon : Govt. Print. and Staty., Burma (for D. B. M. D.)
< Report on the administration
B 229
Burma Bibliographical Project
Siegfried M. Schwertner
> Administration report
GB: BL: 1948/50 (I.S.Bu.172/2)* BL-DSS(7636.850000)
US: LC(QC857.B9A35)
Report on the administration of the Meteorological Department, Burma, ... – Rangoon : Govt. Print. and Staty., Burma
(for D. B. M. D.)
> Report on the activities
GB: BL: 1937-41 (I.S.Bu.172/2)*
BL-APAC: [1933?-1941?] (IOR/V/24/3035)
US: DWB: 1937-41 (M/0200 B962r)
Upper air data
Office code for the Office of the Deputy Inspector-General
of Military Police, Burma / comp. by A. W. H. Lee. – Rangoon : Govt. Print., Burma (for Dy. I.-G. Mily. Pol.), 1921.
39 p.
GB: BL(I.S.Bu.143/12)*
Burma / Military Police Audit Department
Manual of the Military Police Audit Department / Office of
the Accountant-General, Burma. 2nd ed., rev. – Rangoon :
Govt. Print., Burma (for A. G.), 1924. 42, IV p., index.
GB: BL(I.S.Bu.113/9)* BL-APAC(IOR/V/27/301/297)
Burma / Mining Advisory Board
Mining Advisory Board
Burma / Military Department
Field operations in Upper Burma
Burma / Ministry of Agriculture and Forests
Committee on Co-operation in Burma : Report
Burma / Military Department / Marine
Report on the light houses
Forest settlement instructions : forest department "L"
Burma / Military Police
Burma Military Police manual : containing orders and rules
made for the Burma Military Police with the sanction of the
Lieutenant-Governor of Burma / printed by order of the local
govenment. 2nd ed., rev. and brought up to date. – Rangoon
: Govt. Print., Burma (for I. G. of P.), 1914. II, II, 271,
XXXI p. – 1st and 3rd ed. with title: Manual for the Burma
Military Police
GB: BL(I.S.Bu.143/26)* BL-APAC(IOR/V/27/151/115)
Burma / Ministry of Finance
Financial and economic annual of Burma
Burma / Ministry of Finance and Revenue
A guide to pension procedure
Land and Agriculture Committee : Report
Burma / Ministry of Forest
Committee on Co-operation in Burma : Report
Instructions for musketry course for the Burma Military Police
Burma / Miscellaneous Department
Quarterly catalogue of books
Jungle warfare
Taylor, A. W. N.
Burma / Municipal Department
Bye-law(s) by / of the ... municipality
under the ... municipality
Manual for the Burma Military Police : containing orders
and rules for the Burma Military Police issued with the sanction of the Lieutenant-Governor of Burma / comp. by H.
Parkin, printed by order of the Local Government. – Rangoon : Govt. Print. and Staty., Burma (for I.-G., M. P.),
1901. 2, 127, XV p. – 2nd ed. with title: Burma Military Police manual
F: BNF(4° O2 w.207)
GB: BL(I.S.Bu.143/3)* BL-APAC(IOR/V/27/151/113)
US: NNU-W YU(Mudd Uxh85 I36 A3 1901)
Ref.: OCLC 43714809
ditto. : corr. up to the 31st December 1930. 3rd ed. – Rangoon : Govt. Print. and Staty., Burma (for Dy. I.-G. of M.
P.), 1932. X, 328, XLI p.
GB: BL(I.S.Bu.143/27)* BL-APAC(IOR/V/27/151/117)
ditto. : corr. up to the 31st December 1930. Repr. − ibd.,
1935. X, 328 p.
US: HU(Widener Harv. Depos.)
Rangoon Development Committee : Report
Resolution reviewing the report(s) on the working of
municipal committees in Burma
Resolution reviewing the reports on the working of
municipalities (municipal committees) in Burma
Burma / Municipal Department / Committee on Town
Suburban Development Committee : Report
Burma / Mycologist < Mandalay >
Report of the Mycologist [from 1927:] Burma, Mandalay,
for the year ended the 31st March (30th June) ... – Rangoon :
Govt. Print. and Staty., Burma (for D. of. A.)
D: HD-SAI: 1929 1931-1933 (322 agr 79/1562 Kp)*
GB: BL: 1924-1933 (I.S.Bu.114/14)*
BL-APAC: 1924-1933 (IOR/V/24/1581)
ditto. : corrections and additions list. – [Rangoon : Govt.
Print., Burma] 1901 to 1905. 15 nos. in 1 vol.
YU: 1,1901-15,1905(Mudd Uxh85 I36 A3 1901a)
Burma / National Planning Board
Extracts from season and crop report of Burma,
1923 to 1941
Manual of jungle warfare for officers of the Burma
Military Police
Burma / National Planning Ministry
Current economic problems of Burma, 1951
B 230
Bibliographical description
Burma / Nautical Adviser
List of Burma Government vessels
Office manual of the Office of the Nautical Adviser to the
Government of Burma. – Rangoon : Govt. Print. and Staty.,
Burma (for N. A.), 1936. 144 p., app.
GB: BL(I.S.Bu.154/15)* BL-APAC(IOR/V/27/751/143)
Report on government steamers, vessels and launches
in Burma
BL-APAC: 1922/23-1939/40 (IOR/V/24/3249)
US: LC(HV7809.B9A5)
YU: 1891/92-1914/15 1916/17-1921/22
(Mudd Nvr56 I36 +A2)
1923/24-1933/34 (Mudd Nvr56 I36 A2)
Burma / Police Training Depot
Police Training Depot
Burma / Police Training School < Mandalay >
→ Police Training School < Mandalay >
Burma / Office of the Accountant-General
Burma / Accountant-General
Burma / Political Department
Administration report on the Hill Tracts, Northern Arakan
Burma < Northern Arakan, Hill Tracts >
Burma / Office of the Chief Secretary
Burma / Chief Secretary
Brief histories of the states in the Southern Shan States, 1906
Carey, Bertram Sousmarez
Burma / Office of the Comptroller
Burma / Comptroller
Burma / Office of the Comptroller of Posts and Telegraphs
Burma / Comptroller of Posts and Telegraphs Accounts
Burma / Office of the Examiner of Public Works Accounts
Burma / Examiner of Public Works Accounts
Burma / Office of the Government Examiner of Accounts
Burma Railways
Burma / Government Examiner of Accounts Burma
Burma / Office of the Nautical Adviser
Burma / Nautical Adviser
Burma / Port Health Officer, Rangoon
Rangoon / Port Health Officer
Burma / Ports and Pilotage Audit Department
Manual of the Ports and Pilotage Audit Department. 2nd ed.
– Rangoon, 1924. −- For official use only
Univ. of Chicago Off. Pubs. of India database no. 12333
GB: BL-APAC(IOR/V/27/301/298)
Burma / Postal Department
Rules for branch offices, Postal Department. – Rangoon :
Govt. Print. and Staty., Burma, 1925. 205 p. – Added title
and text in Burmese
GB: BL-APAC(Bur D 963)
Burma / Postmaster-General
List of postal officials in the Burma Circle
Burma / Office of the Sanitary Commissioner
Burma / Sanitary Commissioner
Parcel sorting list
Post office manual
Burma / Oil-fields Labour Enquiry Committee
Oil-fields Labour Enquiry Committee
Reprint of extant circulars and general orders
Burma / Pali University Enquiry Committee
Pali University Enquiry Committee
Rules for branch offices
Burma / Pay Commission
Pay Commission
Rules for the guidance of depositors in Post Office savings banks
Burma / Police Committee
Police Committee
Rules for the management of the
Burma / Police Department
Burma / Department of Police
Rules relating to postal life insurance, endowment assurance and monthly allowances
Burma / Police Enquiry Committee
Burma Police Enquiry Committee
Sorting list of the Mandalay Post Office
Post Office < Mandalay >
Burma / Police Supply and Clothing Department
Report on the Police Supply and Clothing Department for
the year ... – Rangoon : Govt. Print., Burma (for I.-G. of P.
S. and C ; S. P. S.)
1887/88 in: Report on the police administration of Upper
1888/89 in: Report on the police administration of Burma
GB: BL: 1892/93-1921/22 (I.S.Bu.70)*
1922/23-1938/39 (I.S.Bu.143/10)
Village postal directory of the Burma administration,
Central Division
district post in
Burma / Posts and Telegraphs Department
Annual report for the year ... / Burma Posts and Telegraphs
Department. – Rangoon : Govt. Print. and Staty., Burma (for
D. G. P. and T.)
> Report on the working ...
GB: BL: 1937/38-1938/39 (I.S.Bu.148/9)*
B 231
Burma Bibliographical Project
Siegfried M. Schwertner
GB: BL-APAC: 1938-1940 (IOR/V/24/3383)
US: LC: 1937/38 (HE7216.B95A32)
A note on ankylostoma infection and ankylostomiasis in the
Mandalay Central Jail
Tarapore, Pheroze Kharsedji
Burma posts and telegraphs in peace and war
Nesbitt-Hawes, Ronald
Demands for grants for expenditure of the Government of Burma on the Burma Posts and Telegraphs
Department ...
Detailed statements in support of demands for grants
Hand book of radio stations in Burma
History of services of gazetted and other officers of the
Burma Posts and Telegraphs Department
Manual of appointments and allowances of officers of
the Posts and Telegraphs Department
Post and telegraph guide
Report on the working of the Burma Posts and Telegraphs
Department. – Rangoon : Govt. Print. and Staty., Burma (for
D. G. P. and T.)
< Annual report
GB: BL: 1939/40 (I.S.Bu.148/9)*
Burma / Pre-Audit Department
Manual of the Pre-Audit Department / Office of the Accountant-General, Burma, 1st ed. – Rangoon : Govt. Print.
and Staty., Burma (for A. G.), 1925. III, 51 p.
GB: BL(I.S.Bu.113/16)*
Report on cases of oedema at Myingyan and prevalence of
intestinal parasites in Bassein jail
Castor, Richard Henderson
Burma / Provincial Banking Enquiry Committee
Burma Provincial Banking Enquiry Committee
Burma / Provincial Enquiry Committee on Vernacular and
Vocational Education
Provincial Enquiry Committee on Vernacular and Vocational Education
Burma / Provisional Committee for the Organisation and
Control of the Interim University
Provisional Committee for the Organisation and Control of the Interim University
Burma / Public Health Department
Burma / Department of Public Health
Burma / Public Health Department Re-organization Committee
Burma Public Health Department Re-organization
Burma / Public Relations Department
Burma to-day
Ecclesia resurgens
Health notes for government officials
Treston, Maurice Lawrence
Burma / Principal Port Officer
Appendices relating to the report on government
steamers, vessels and launches in Burma
Health notes, medical and sanitary
Treston, Maurice Lawrence
Extract from the rules for the protection of inland
steam or motor vessels from collision
His Excellency the Governor’s address to the Legislative
Council on February 28th, 1946
Dorman-Smith, Reginald Hugh
Reports on government steamers
History of activities of the Timber Research Branch
O’Brien-Smith, E. Q.
Burma / Prison Administration Committee
Prison Administration Committee
Kachin reader for ...
Burma / Prison Department
Appendices to Burma jail manual
Three months’ hard labour
Appleton, George
Burma jail ration calculator
Bell, George James Hamilton
Wild life protection in Burma
Smith, Herbert Cecil
Combined Borstal and Senior Training School
< Thayetmyo > : Annual report
Hand book of instructions for the guidance of superintendents of jails and district magistrates
Burma / Public Service Commission
Pamphlet of the competitive examination for recruitment to Burma Civil Service
Pamphlet of the competitive examination for recruitment to the Burma Police
Instructions for the upkeep of the village crime notebook
Jail manual for British Burma
Burma / Public Works Department (P.W.D.)
Ajmere Irrigation Committee : Report
B 232
Bibliographical description
Analyses of rates
Annual progress report
Progress report
ditto. (1st repr.) : embodying all corrections issued up to the
1st August 1937. – ibd., (for Ch. Eng., B. and R.), 1937.
XLIV, 266 p.
GB: BL(I.S.Bu.155/19)*
Annual return of public buildings in the fourth circle
The Indian electricity rules, 1922 ...
The bond of equal strength
Philips, E. A. W.
The Indian motor vehicles act
Investigation of irrigation works in the Magwe District
Samuelson, Bernard Martin
The Burma boiler manual
The Burma canal manual
Kalaw water supply
Clift, F. A.
Burma irrigation manual
Kokine brickfield
Wells, Douglas Thurburn
The Burma motor vehicle act
The Burma motor-vehicles rules
List of circuit houses, circuit-rooms, dāk bungalows,
Public Works Department inspection bungalows, district bungalows and forest and other rest houses in
Burma public work manual
Burma Public Works Department (Building and Roads
Branch) Enquiry Committee : Report
Catalogue of leaflets dropped over Burmese civilians 19421945 produced by P. W. D. / S. E. A. C.
Auckland, Reginald George
Catalogue of plans on record in Executive Engineer’s
Office, Tavoy Division
List of circuit, rest, and shelter houses, and inspection
and dak bungalows in Upper and Lower Burma
List of returns in the Burma Public Works Department
List of surplus stock, tools and plant, and machinery
available for sale or transfer
Manual of arboriculture for Burma
Central Board of Irrigation
Report of the sub-committee to examine the Nyaung-Gyat
Dam Project, Burma
Mōn Canals Project
Classified list and distribution return of establishment
Mr. Culcheth’s reports on loss of water by evaporation and
Culcheth, W. W.
Committee Appointed to Advise on Measures which
Should be Taken to Improve the Salween River South
of Moulmein for Navigation Purposes : Report
Note on Mr. Gordon’s discharge scales for the Irrawaddy
River at Saiktha in 1872/73 and 1875
Samuelson, Bernard Martin
Descriptive account of irrigation works
Note on the breaching of the Nyaungyan-Minhla tank
Stuart, John Mathew Blackwood
District communications
Embankment report ...
Hand-book of circulars and general orders for the guidance
of officers of the Public Works Department, Burma. 1st ed. –
Rangoon : Govt. Print., Burma (for P. W. Secy.), 1904. 2,
31, 56, 38, 22, 6, 5, 16, 1, 102 p.
Subject(s): Burma : Public works
GB: BL(I.S.Bu.97)*
US: YU(Mudd Uda6 I36 +A3 1904)
ditto. : addenda and corrigenda to Handbook of circulars and
general orders, no. 1-231. – ibd., 1904-1906.
US: YU(Mudd Udn6 I36 +A31)
Ref.: OCLC 46614749
Handbook of Public Works Department circulars. Rev. ed.
1934 / Government of Burma. – Rangoon : Govt. Print. and
Staty., Burma (for C. E. (B. and R.), 1935. XLIV, 242 p.
GB: BL(I.S.Bu.155/2)* BL-APAC
B 233
Note on the protective embankments in the Irrawaddy Delta,
Barnett, Cecil Guy
Notes on British and French lighthouses
Cuffe, Otway Fortescue Wheeler
Notes on indents for pipes and other stores for water works
Foy, E. G.
Notes on reinforced concrete works
Hewitt, J. F.
Notes on the Aneroid barometer ...
Branfill, B. R.
Nyaunggyat Dam Project
Old Burma irrigation works
Stuart, John Mathew Blackwood
Burma Bibliographical Project
Siegfried M. Schwertner
Paper on the Alguada Reef Lighthouse
Cuffe, Otway Fortescue Wheeler
Report on sanitary work done during deputation in Europe
Petters, J. M’Farquhar
Progress report for ... / Public Works Department, British
Burma. – Rangoon : Govt. Print., Burma
Public Works Department report 1878/79: Annual progress
GB: BL: 1871/72-1874/75 1878/79-1883/84
1885/86 1887/88 (I.S.Bu.52)*
BL-APAC: 1872-1878 1880 (IOR/V/24/3343)
Report on the account drawn up for purpose of linking up
the commercial accounts set up at the Kambe Hill Brickfields, Rangoon, with the government account
Charlesworth, Allan
Report on the hydrometric survey of the Myitmaka River
and its tributaries
Tun Tin
Progress report on rural uplift schemes
Report on the survey of the village embankments on the east
bank of the Irrawaddy between Apyauk and Aingtalok, 1910
List, John Napier
Public Works Department circulars, Burma 1882 to 1903. –
Rangoon : Govt. Print., Burma. 315 p.
GB: BL(I.S.Bu.96)*
Report on the Pyinkadoh forests of Arakan
Schlich, William
Public Works Department circulars issued from the P. W. D.
Secretariat 1882-1911. Rev. up to 31st December 1911. –
Rangoon : Govt. Print., Burma (for P. W. Secy.), 1912.
1. – 227 p.
2. – III, 427 p.
GB: BL(I.S.Bu.155/2)*
Report on the waterways in the Irrawaddy Delta
Samuelson, Bernard Martin
Report on visit to hydro-electric installations in Switzerland
Stuart, John Mathew Blackwood
Public Works Department code : provisional edition 1928. –
Rangoon : Govt. Print. and Staty., Burma (for P. W. Secy.),
1. – VI, 180 p., index.
2. – Appendices. – 119 p.
Subject(s): Burma / Public Works Department : Rules and
practice ; Civil service
GB: BL(I.S.Bu.155/8)*
Report to the Government of Burma on low cost roads
Wooltorton, Francis Lesley Digby
Reports on road metal quarries in the Thaton District
Roads : their construction and maintenance
Rules for the guidance of the keepers of the Burma
coast light-house
Schedule of rates ...
Public Works Department code. 1st ed. 1933. – Rangoon :
Govt. Print. and Staty., Burma (for F. S.), 1933.
1. – V, 165 p., index.
2. – Appendices. – II, 170 p.
GB: BL(I.S.Bu.155/8(1))*
US: CU: 2 (Kroch TD103.B8 A33z 1933)
UH-Manoa(Hamilton TD103.B8 A33)
Ref.: OCLC 12412684
Soil movements
Wooltorton, Francis Lesley Digby
Specifications and rates
The Shan States motor-vehicles rules
Shwebo Canal Project
ditto. – ibd., 1958. 2 vols. – At head of title: Government of
the Union of Burma
Standard designs for minor road bridges
Innes, Charles
Public Works Department report, British Burma. 1881 to
1886. – Rangoon : Gort. Pr.
< Progress report
GB: BL-APAC: 1881-1886 (IOR/V/243344)
The strength and elasticity of some of the most common
Burmese timbers and size of scantlings ...
Holman-Hunt, Henry Lushington
Reconnaissance report on Bhamo Tāngyüeh Railway
Table of drainage areas
Anderson, R. C.
Report of an enquiry into the system of accounts and accounts produce of divisional and subdivisional offices of the
Burma Public Works Department
Kaula, Gangaram
Report of an enquiry into the system of accounts and accounts procedure of the Burma Public Works Department
Kaula, Gangaram
Report on court-houses and offices in Burma
Report ... on lighthouses
Unauthorised embankments on the east bank of the Irrawaddy river in the Upper Delta
Candy, Joseph Phelan
Ye-u Canal Project, 1904
Ye-u Canal Project
Burma / Public Works Department / Building and Roads
Administration report of the Public Works Department,
Burma, Building and Roads Branch (excluding Irrigation).
[-1921/22.] – Rangoon : Govt. Print., Burma (for P. W. S.)
B 234
Bibliographical description
Classified list and distribution return of establishment,
Irrigation Branch
< Burma < Upper Burma > / Public Works Department /
Building and Roads Branch
Public Works Department progress report (Building and
Roads Branch)
> Administration report of the Public Works Department,
Burma, Building and Roads Branch
GB: BL: 1897/98 1900/01 1911/12 1921/22 (I.S.Bu.67)
BL-APAC: 1898-1922 (IOR/V/24/3344-47)
US: LC: 1907- (TA104B8A3) NYPL
YU: 1897/98-1904/05 (Mudd Uda6 I36 +A2)
Administration report of the Public Works Department,
Burma, Building and Roads Branch for the year ... – Rangoon : Govt. Print., Burma (for P. W. S.)
< Administration report of the Public Works Department,
Burma, Building and Roads Branch (excluding Irragation)
> Burma / Building and Roads Department
Administration report
GB: BL: 1922/23-1933/34 (I.S.Bu.155/3)*
BL-APAC: 1923-1940 (IOR/V/24/3344-47)
US: YU(UDa I36 +A2)
Analyses of rates
Classified list and distribution return of establishment,
Building and Roads Branch
Manual of departmental instructions for the guidance of officers of the Irrigation Branch, Public Works Department,
Burma. – Rangoon : Govt. Print. and Staty., Burma (for C.
E. I.), 1933. 123 p.
GB: BL(I.S.Bu.155/18)* BL-APAC(IOR/V/27/731/23)
Report on the village embankments
MacKintosh, Charles Calder
Revenue report of the Irrigation Branch / Public Works Department, Burma. – Rangoon
> Administration report of the Public Works Department,
Burma (Irrigation Branch)
GB: LSE: 1897/98-1898/99 (BLPES, Off.Publ. 519 (R1),
BL-APAC: 1897-1899 (IOR/V/24/1910)
Review of the work of the Irrigation Department. –
Maymyo. – A preliminary report, with provisional statistics,
of its Administration report. − Annual
Subject(s): Burma : Irrigation ; Canals
US: LC: 1919/20 (TC904.B9A43)
YU: 1919/20-1921/22 (Mudd Ucr36 I36 +A22)
1922/23 1927/28-1932/33 (Mudd Ucr36 I36 A22)
Instructions for the guidance of executive officers
Salin Canal Remodelling Project
Completion report and schedules
Burma / Public Works Department / Building and Roads
Branch / Chief Engineer
The road book of Burma
Innes, Charles
Supplement to the Administration report for the year
1931/32 / Public Works Department, Irrigation Branch,
Government of Burma. – Rangoon : Govt. Print. and Staty.,
Burma (for C. E. B. and R.), 1933. 21 p.
GB: BL(I.S.Bu.155/4)*
Burma / Public Works Department / Building and Roads
Branch / Enquiry Committee
Burma Public Works Department (Building and Roads
Branch) Enquiry Committee
Triennial report of irrigation works
Burma / Public Works Department / Delta Circle
Report on the survey operations carried out in the
Delta Circle Public Works Department ...
Burma / Public Works Department / Irrigation Circle
Notes on subjects connected with works in the Irrawaddy
Circle, British Burma
Gordon, Robert
Burma / Public Works Department / Fourth Circle
Annual return of public buildings in the Fourth Circle
of Superintendence, Burma Public Works Department
Burma / Public Works Department / Quarrier Division
General rules to be observed for the proper organisation and working of the quarriers
Burma / Public Works Department / Irrigation Branch
Administration report of the Public Works Department,
Burma (Irrigation Branch) for the year ... – Rangoon : Govt.
Print. and Staty., Burma (for A.-G.)
< Revenue report of the Irrigation Branch / Public Works
Department, Burma
D: HD-SAI: 1935/36-1938/39 (322 adm 79/1529)*
GB: BL: 1923/24-1924/25 1931/32-1934/35
1938/39-1939/40 (I.S.Bu.155/4)*
LSE: 1902/03-1912/13 (BLPES, Off.Publ. 591 (R1)Per.)
BL-APAC: 1899-1940 (IOR/V/24/1910-23)
US: CU(Echols HD1741.B96 B96) DNAL
LC: 1901/02 1903/04 1921/22 (TC904.B9A4)
1923/34 (HD1741.B96 B96)
YU: 1899/1900 1901/02-1904/05 1912/13-1916/17
11918/19 1920/21-1922/23
(Mudd Ucr36 I36 +A2)
Burma / Public Works Department / Railway Branch
Pegu-Syriam railway survey
Lilley, Abraham Robert
Southern Shan States railway project
Lilley, Abraham Robert
Burma / Public Works Department / Sanitary Engineer
Mandalay gradation water-supply, Kinmun Scheme : specification and schedule of quantities
Foy, E. G.
B 235
Mandalay water-supply scheme, Kinmun Valley reservoir
Foy, E. G.
Report on the survey operations carried out in the
Delta Circle Public Works Department
Specifications of the Maymyo Division
Burma Bibliographical Project
Siegfried M. Schwertner
Burma / Public Works Department / Secretariat Library
Alphabetical list of books in the Library of the Burma Public
Works Secretariat. – Rangoon : Govt. Print., Burma (for P.
W. S.), 1893. 71, 8, 13 p.
Subject(s): Burma : Libraries - Public Works Secretariat
GB: BL(11908 i 3(1))*
Catalogue of books in the Burma Public Works Secretariat
Library, 1924. – [Rangoon :] Govt. Print., Burma (for P. W.
S.), 1924. Without paging.
Subject(s): Burma : Libraries - Public Works Secretariat
GB: BL(11901 ppp 21)*
Catalogue of books, periodicals, and reports, etc. in the
Burma P. W. Sectt. Library. – [Rangoon : Govt. Print.,
Burma] (for P. W. S.), 1909. II, 233 p., index.
Subject(s): Burma : Libraries - Public Works Secretariat
GB: BL(11901 ppp 22)* BL-APAC(W 4910)*
Catalogue of books, reports, periodicals, etc. in the Burma P.
W. Sectt. Library. – [Rangoon, 1900.] II, 58 l.
Subject(s): Burma : Libraries - Public Works Secretariat
US: YU(SML Yale Class. X328 B91 +900)
ditto. : additions and alterations. – ibd.
US: YU: List 1, 1st July 1900-9, 1st July 1902
(SML Yale Class. X328 B91 +900a)
Burma / Public Works Department / Third Circle
Annual report on roads and bridges of Public Works
officers ...
Burma / Public Works Department (Building and Roads
Branch) Enquiry Committee
Burma Public Works Department (Building and Roads
Branch) Enquiry Committee
Burma / Rangoon Custom House
Custom House < Rangoon >
Burma / Rangoon Development Committee
Rangoon Development Committee
Burma / Rangoon Development Trust
Rangoon / Development Trust
Burma / Rangoon Development Trust Enquiry Committee
Rangoon Development Trust Enquiry Committee
Burma / Rangoon Foreshore Committee
Rangoon Foreshore Committee
Burma / Rangoon General Hospital Enquiry Committee
Rangoon General Hospital Enquiry Committee
Burma / Rangoon Playgrounds Committee
Rangoon Playgrounds Committee
Burma / Rangoon Sewage Disposal Committee
Rangoon Sewage Disposal Committee
Burma / Rangoon Suburban Development Committee
Suburban Development Committee
Burma / Rangoon Traffic Enquiry Committee
Rangoon Traffic Enquiry Committee
Burma / Recruiting Committee
Burma Recruiting Committee
Burma / Reform Secretary
The Burma electoral rules and regulations
Digest of the Government of Burma Act, [1935]
Eggar, Arthur
Burma / Public Works Secretariat
Burma / Public Works Department
Burma / Registrar, Co-operative Credit Societies (R.C.C.S)
Annual report on the working of the Co-operative
credit societies act in Burma
Burma / Public Works Secretary
Burma / Public Works Department
Burma / Railway Board
Burma Railway Board
A hand-book of co-operation for Burma
English, Alexander Emanuel
Burma / Railway Department
Burma Railways : Annual report
A handbook of co-operative credit for Burma
English, Alexander Emanuel
Rules under the freight (railways and inland steam
vessel) tax act
Burma / Railway Police
The Railway Police manual : containing orders and rules
made for the Railway Police / issued with the sanction of the
Government of Burma. – Rangoon : Govt. Print. and Staty.,
Burma (for I.-G. Pol.), 1925. 92 p.
GB: BL(I.S.Bu.143/16)*
BL-APAC(V 10199 ; IOR/V/27/151/109)
US: HU(Law School: Harv.Depos.)
Report on the working of the Co-operative societies act
in Burma
Burma / Registrar, Co-operative Societies
also Burma / Co-operative Societies Department
ditto. – ibd., (for I. G. of Police), 1926. 142 p. – Added title
and text in Burmese
GB: BL(14300 fff 37)*
BL-APAC(Bur D 965)
B 236
Agricultural Finance Committee : Report
Co-operative Cattle Insurance and Provident Society
Co-operative Credit and Marketing Society
Co-operative Fishery Society
Co-operative Land Mortgage Credit Society
Co-operative Paddy Storage Society
Co-operative Society for Sale of Paddy
Union of Co-operative Credit Societies
Urban Co-operative Credit Society
Bibliographical description
A collection of circulars / issued by the Registrar, Cooperative Societies, Burma during the years 1947 to 1958. –
Rangoon : Govt. Print. and Staty., [1961]. IV, 96 p.
US: LC(HD3532.7.A5 A5)
Report on the Registration Department in Burma for the year
... – Rangoon : Govt. Print., Burma
< Burma < Lower Burma > / Registration Department
Note on the administration of the Registration Department
in Lower Burma
GB: BL: 1889/90-1921 (I.S.Bu.54)*
BL-APAC: 1890-1901 (IOR/V/24/3515-16)
US: CU: 1915 1918 1920-1921 (Annex HA39.I4 B961)
Co-operation in four Indian provinces
Note on the co-operative movement in Burma
Darling, M. L.
Report on the working of the Registration Department. –
Rangoon : Govt. Pr.
cf.: Note on the working of the Registration Department
in Burma
GB: BL-APAC: 1902-1912 (IOR/V/24/3514-15)
Prospectus of appointments of auditors of rural cooperative societies
Reconstruction of co-operative societies in Burma
Tin Gyi
Registrar, Co-operative Societies’ Office code. – Rangoon :
Govt. Print., Burma (for R. C. S.), 1924. VI, 79 p., app.
GB: BL(I.S.Bu.170/2)*
BL-APAC(V 10201 ; IOR/V/27/340/24)
Burma / Retrenchment Committee
Burma Retrenchment Committee
Burma / Revenue Department
The Arakan ports manual
Report on the working of the co-operative act in
Report on the working of the co-operative societies in
Burma / Registration Department
Note on the working of the Registration Department in
Burma during the year ... – Rangoon : Govt. Print. and Staty.
– Report year irregular. – Title varies slightly
Every third year a triennial report is publ. with title: Report
on the working of the Registration Department ...
GB: SOAS: 1950 (Pam.S.E.Asia 5/330.248)
US: LC: 1893/94-1894/95 1896/97-1898/99
1902-1903 1905-1907 (HD1206.I4B8)
NYPL: 1897/98-1939/40 (TE+) UC
YU: 1891/92-1894/95 1897/98-1899/1900
1899/1902-1921/22 (Mudd Ndb76 I36 +A12)
1923/24-1938/40 (Mudd Ndb76 I36 A12)
Report on the administration of the Registration Department
in Burma during the three years. – Rangoon : Govt. Print.
and Staty., Burma (for F. C.)
cf.: Report on the administration ... during the year
GB: BL: 1920 to 1922 1923 to 1925
1926 to 1928 1929 to 1931
1932 to 1934 1935 to 1937
1938 to 1940 (I.S.Bu.157/4)*
US: LC: 1893/94 to 1895/96 1896/97 to 1898/99
1902-1903 1905-1907(HD1206.I4B8)
YU: 1902-1903 1905-1906 1908-1910 1911-1912
1914-1915 1917-1918 1920-1921
(Mudd Ndb76 I36 +A12)
1926-1927 1929-1930 1932-1933
1935-1936 1938-1939 (Mudd Ndb76 I36 A12)
Report on the administration of the Registration Department
in Burma during the year ... – Rangoon : Govt. Print. and
Staty., Burma (for F. C.)
cf.: Report on the administration ... during the three years ...
GB: BL: 1923 1924 1926 1927 1929 1930 1932
1933 1935 1936 1938 (I.S.Bu.157/4)*
US: CU: 1923-1925 1949/51 (Annex HA39.I4 B961)
B 237
Audit report on the accounts for the year ...
The Burma forest manual
The Burma game rules manual
The Burma rural self-government rules
The cattle-trespass act manual
Committee Appointed to Enquire into the Rice and
Paddy Trade : Interim report
Conspectus of operations for an increase of wolfram output
in the Tavoy District during the year 1917
Brander, William Browne
District cess and district funds and the Burma steamboiler inspection fund
Forest Settlement Officer’s report on the Mayu Forest Reserve
Ownes, Francis Charles
Forest settlement report of the Maymyo Park extension reserve, Mandalay District
Forest settlement report on the Taungbyo fuel extension reserves
Geological report on the Lewa-Pyagawpu area
Leicester, Peter
The Government of Burma (immigration) order, 1937
Index to Financial Commissioner’s transl. circulars for 1902
Burma / Financial Commissioner
The India and Burma trade regulations, order, 1937 ...
Instructions for the eradication of the water hyacinth
Instructions to forest settlement officers
The Lower Burma forest manual
Burma Bibliographical Project
Siegfried M. Schwertner
The Lower Burma land revenue manual
Rules and notifications under the Burma forest act
Memorandum of errors, omissions, etc. to be guarded
against in the preparation of establishment, travelling
allowance, and contingent bills
Rules for the Burma Forest School, Pyinmana
Burma Forest School < Pyinmana >
The mines act rules (Burma)
Rules for the grant by local governments of licences to
prospect for minerals and of mining leases in British
A monograph on iron and steel work in Burma
Bell, Edward Nevison
Rules to regulate the course of instruction at, admission to, and discipline at, the Vernacular Forest School,
Tharrawaddy, Burma
A monograph on tanning and working in leather in the Province of Burma
Colston, Edward John
A summary of a report on tin mining in the Tavoy District,
Page, John James Addington
The motor spirit (duties) act, 1917
The motor spirit (duties) order, 1917
Unauthorised embankments on the east bank of the Irrawaddy River in the Upper Delta
Candy, Joseph Phelan
A note on the fisheries of the Inle Lake, Southern Shan
Annandale, Nelson
Progress reports on forest administration in Burma
Rangoon Sewage Disposal Committee : Report
Report on an examination of some Wolfram concessions in
the Thaton district, Lower Burma
Walker, H.
Report on an examination of some Wolfram concessions in
Yengan State, Southern Shan States
Walker, H.
Report on an investigation of some Wolfram concessions in
the Palauk and Tagu areas, Mergui District, Lower Burma
Walker, H.
Report on the Mawchi Mine (Mawchi Mines, Ltd.), Bawlake
State, Karenni, Burma
Walker, H.
Report on boom and mechanical appliances for getting teak
logs out of the Schwele stream at Chaunggwa, Prome division
Rogers, Charles Gilbert
Report on local allowances and special rates of travelling allowances in Burma
McCallum, James Leslie
Report on the administration of salt revenue in Burma
Report on the manufacture of paper and paper pulp in Burma
Sindall, Robert Walter
Report on the revenue administration
Report to the Government of Burma on the pearl oyster fisheries of the Mergui Archipelago and Moskos Islands
Brown, Robert Neal Rudmose
Reports on forest administration in Burma
Reports on the revenue administration
Waste land rules 1839 and 1841 (Arakan) and of 1863
and 1865 (British Burma).
Burma / Revenue Department / Commerce and Minerals
The Burma partnership (registration of firms)
Revenue Department : Commerce and Minerals Branch. –
[Rangoon : Govt. of Burma, 1933?] 11 p.
US: CU(Kroch HF3770.7 .R48 1933 +)
Burma / Revenue Department / Customs
Report on trade and customs
Burma / Revenue Department / Excise
Report on the excise administration
Burma / Revenue Department / Miscellaneous
Revenue report
Burma / Revenue Secretary
Burma / Revenue Department
Burma / Revenue Settlement Department
Report on the Revenue Settlement Department in British
Burma for the year ... – Rangoon : Govt. Pr.
GB: BL: 1879 (I.S.Bu.33)*
Burma / Rice Export-trade Enquiry Committee
Rice Export-trade Enquiry Committee
Burma / Rice Research Officer
Annual report of the Rice Research Officer, Burma, for the
year (ended 31st March) ... – Rangoon : Govt. Print. and
Staty., Burma (for D. of A.)
Subject(s): Burma : Rice - Research - Periodicals
CAN: CaOON 1932/33-1933/34 (CAL 633.1807 B962)
D: HD-SAI: 1932/33 (322 agr 79/1542 Kp)*
GB: BL: 1932/33 1934 (I.S.Bu.117/14)*
BL-DSS(1412.850000) BL-APAC: 1933-1934
J: TYB: 1933/34 (1134)
Burma / Road Transport Enquiry Committee
Road Transport Enquiry Committee
B 238
Bibliographical description
Burma / Roads Works Department
Classified list of establishment (Buildings and Roads
Burma / Secretary Census Operations
Burma / Census Operations
Burma / Senate
Burma / Legislature / Senate
Classified list of establishment (Irrigation Branch)
Burma / Round Table Conference
Burma Round Table Conference
Burma / Settlement Commissioner
Burma / Settlement Department
Burma / Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve
Burma’s Navy
Burma / Settlement Department
Final report on the revision settlement (operations) ...
Settlement < name of district >
Burma / Rubber Licensing Committee
Burma Rubber Licensing Committee
Initial report on (the second, revision) settlement (operations) ...
Settlement < name of district >
Burma / Salt Revenue Department
Report on the administration of the Salt Revenue Department in Burma.. – Rangoon : Govt. Print. and Staty., Burma
Subject(s): Burma : Salt industry and trade ; Salt -Taxation
US: CU: 1914 1916-1918 1920/1921-1923/1924
1932/1936 (Annex + HD9213.B8 A3)
LC(HD9213.B8 A3)
NYPL: 1897/98-1946/47 (Offsite TIB++)
YU: 1897-1901 1903-1906 1908-1911 1913-1919
1920/21-1922/23 (Mudd Nj66 B9 +A53)
1923/24-1927/28 (Mudd Nj66 B9 A53)
Ref.: OCLC 30129726
Instructions to revision settlement officers
Report on the operations of the Settlement Department in
British Burma for the year ... – Rangoon : Govt. Pr.
GB: BL: 1879/80 1880/81 (I.S.Bu.33)*
BL-APAC: 1870-1881 (IOR/V/24/2585-86)
Report on (the first, second, third, regular, original, revision,
summary) settlement (operations) ...
Settlement < name of district >
Burma / Sanitary Commissioner
Annual report of the Port Health Officer
Rangoon / Port Health Officer
Report on the rent settlement ...
Settlement < name of district >
Settlement < name of district >
Nomenclature of diseases in Burmese
Castor, Richard Henderson
Burma / Social Security Board
Social Security Board
Notes and statistics on vaccination in Burma
Burma / Special Court
Rulings on Buddhist law
Notes for the use of vaccinators
Entrican, James
Notes on the effect of plague driving etc., in the Pegu Division on human mortality
Brayne, William Frederic
Report on the sanitary administration of Lower Burma
Report on tube-wells in Rangoon
Foy, E. G.
Report on vaccination in Burma
Reports on plague operations carried out in Shwe-bo,
Sagaing and Lower Chindwin districts
Rules of the Office of the Sanitary Commissioner, Burma. –
Rangoon : Govt. Print., Burma (for S. C.), 1910. 21 p.
Subject(s): Burma : Civil Service
GB: BL(I.S.Bu.142/13)*
Burma / Sanitary Engineer
Burma / Public Works Department / Sanitary Engineer
Burma / Secretariat Incident Enquiry Committee
Secretariat Incident Enquiry Committee
Selected decisions and circulars (civil and criminal)
Burma / Court of the Judicial Commissioner
Burma / State Colonies Department
Report of the State Colonies Department, Burma, for the
year ending 30th June ... – Rangoon : Govt. Print. and Staty.,
Burma (for Ft. Sect.)
GB: BL: 1938/39 (I.S.Bu.114/24)*
BL-APAC: 1938/39–[1948?] (IOR/V/24/2590)
Burma / State Railway Volunteer Corps
Burma State Railway Volunteer Corps
Burma / Suburban Development Committee
Suburban Development Committee
Burma / Sugar Industry Protection Enquiry Committee
Burma Sugar Industry Protection Enquiry Committee
Burma / Superintendent, Census Operations
Burma / Census Operations
Burma / Superintendent of Cottage Industries
Report of the Superintendent of Cottage Industries, Burma,
for the year ending the 30th June ... – Rangoon : Govt. Print.
and Staty., Burma (for S. C.I.)
B 239
Burma Bibliographical Project
Siegfried M. Schwertner
D: HD-SAI: 1934 1939 (322 wiw 79/1557 Kp)
GB: BL: 1925-1935 (I.S.Bu.117/7)*
BL-APAC: 1931-1940 (ST 376)
1923/25-1937/38 (IOR/V/24/1982)
1938/39-1939/40 (IOR/V/24/1983)
J: TYB: 1937 (1128)
Ref.: OCLC 1779616
Note on the Irrawaddy River
Samuelson, Bernard Martin
Burma / Superintending Engineer < Rangoon >
Narrative completion report on the Rangoon cantonment water supply Vyall, Frederick Walter
Burma / Tantabin Incident Enquiry Committee
Tantabin Incident Enquiry Committe
Burma / Superintendent of Police Supplies
Report on the Police Supply and Clothing Department
Burma / Police Supply and Clothing Department
Burma / Superintendent, Stock Breeding
Annual report of Superintendent, Stock Breeding, Burma ...
– Rangoon : Govt. Print., Burma (for D. of A.)
GB: BL: 1922/23-1923/24 (I.S.Bu.114/8)*
BL-APAC: 1922/23-1923/24 (IOR/V/24/4412)
OUL: 1922/23-1923/24 (IND IB. Burma FF.3)
Burma / Text-book Committee
Text-book Committee
Burma / Text-book Enquiry Committee
Burma Text-book Enquiry Committee
Burma / Treasury Accounts Department
Manual of the Treasury Accounts Department. 2nd ed. –
Rangoon, 1915.
GB: BL-APAC(IOR/V/27/301/299B)
Burma / Superintending Engineer
Schedule of rates ...
ditto. 3rd ed. – ibd., 1925.
GB: BL-APAC(IOR/V/27/301/300)
Burma / Superintending Engineer < Delta Circle >
Notes on the Twante canal 1932, and other papers
Burma / University Act Enquiry Committee
University Act Enquiry Committee
Report ... on the tidal and hydraulic investigations on the
Twante canal
Kothare, V. D.
Burma / Superintending Engineer < Irrawaddy Circle >
Rules for the management of canals in the Minbu District
Burma / Superintending Engineer < Mandalay Circle >
Catalogue of plans in the Bhamo Division
List of government military buildings, let or available for
rent as residences
Pollo, J. T.
Narrative completion report on the construction of a
steel girder bridge over the Sittang River at Toungoo
Burma / University Committee
Burma University Committee
Burma / University Organization Committee
University Organization Committee
Burma / Vernacular and Vocational Education Reorganization Committee
Vernacular and Vocational Education Reorgani zation
Burma / Vernacular Education Committee
Vernacular Education Committee
Burma / Veterinary Department
Annual report. – Rangoon : Govt. Print.
US: LC(SF703.B8)
Narrative completion report on the Lashio Water-Works
Oliver, Gilbert Thomas Inglis
Monograph on the cattle and buffaloes of Burma
Evans, Griffith Henry
Rules for the Mandalay Canal
Report on the Veterinary Department, Burma, for the year
ending the 31st March ... – Rangoon : Govt. Print. and
Staty., Burma
D: HD-SAI: 1931 1933 (322 agr 79/1543 Kp)
Water-supply : British Infantry Cantonments
Oliver, Gilbert Thomas Inglis
Burma / Superintending Engineer < Maritime Circles >
Report on the completion of the Moulmein water works
Sen, P. N.
Schedule on rates in the Tavoy Division in the Maritime Circle of superintendence
Wells, W. R.
Burma / Superintending Engineer < Pegu Circle >
Note by Mr. B. M. Samuelson ... on Mr. Gordon’s gauging
of the discharge of the Irrawaddy River
Samuelson, Bernard Martin
Rules and regulations for the management of the Burma
Government Veterinary College, Insein
Burma Government Veterinary College <Insein>
Burma / Village Administration Committee
Village Administration Committee
Burma / War Supplies Secretary
Burma / Department of War Supplies and Economic
Burma / Working Plans Circle / Conservator of Forests
Burma / Conservator of Forests / Working Plans Circle
B 240
Bibliographical description
Burma / Works Audit Department
Manual of the Works Audit Department. – Rangoon, 1924.
GB: BL-APAC(IOR/V/27/301/301)
ditto. 1st rev. ed. – Calcutta, 1934.
GB: BL-APAC(IOR/V/27/301/302)
Burma < Arakan > / Commissioner
Rules for the management of government bazaars in
the Arakan Division
Burma < Arakan, Hill Tracts >
Report on the administration of the hill tracts, North Arakan.
– Rangoon
GB: SAdS: 1871/72 1872/73 (IHR A.42)
Administration report of the Hill Tracts, Northern Arakan
for the year 1873-74. − Rangoon : Government Pr., 1874. 42
Subject(s): Arakan State : Politics and government - Periodicals
Great Britain : Colonies - Administration
US: NNUT(Burke MRL Pamphlet 1003)
Burma < British >
Burma < Kachin State >
Finance accounts ... and the audit report / Government of the
Kachin State. – Rangoon : Govt. Print. and Staty., Burma
(for Audtr.-Gen.)
Subject(s): Burma : Local finance - Kachin State - Periodicals ; Finance, Public - Kachin State - Accounting - Periodicals ; Finance, Public - Kachin State - Auditing - Periodicals
Kachin State : Finance, Public
GB: BL: 1948/49 (I.S.Bu.206/6)*
BL-APAC: 1949- (ST 1784)
SOAS: 1953 (GB336/419.053)
US: CU: 1948/49 (Annex HJ9066.B8 K11)
LC: 1947/48-1954/55 (Microfiche (o) 93/63428 (H))
YU: 1948/49 (SML)
Burma < Kachin State > / Kachin Independence Council
Kachin Independence Council
Burma < Karenni State >
Report on the administration of the Shan and Karenni States
Burma < Shan States >
Burma < Kayah State >
The dossier of Karenni
Burma < Chin Hills >
Report on the administration of the Chin Hills for the year
(ended the 30th June) ... – Rangoon : Govt. Print., Burma
(for C. Secy.)
Report for 1891/92 has title: Report on the administration of
the Southern Chin Hill tribes from June 1891 to 1st July
« Report on the frontier affairs of Burma
Subject(s): Chin State : Politics and government - Periodicals
Burma : Politics and government - 1825-1948 - Sources Periodicals
GB: BL: 1894/95 1914-1923 (I.S.Bu.1/6)*
LSE: 1913/14-1922/23 (BLPES, Off.Publ. 591
(R32), Periodical)
BL-APAC: 1894-1923 (IOR/V/10)
US: CRL: 1891/1892-1923 (SEAM MF-10424)
NNC: 1899/1900-1922/23 (Offsite *SES)
YU: 1892/93-1922/23(Mudd O7535 T3+C5)
1891/92-1922/23(SML Microform Film S2439)
Ref.: OCLC 1780790 ; 34317506
Burma < Irrawaddy Division >
Report on the Plague Preventive Scheme in the Irrawaddy
Division for the year 1911-12
Chuckerbutty, Sitesa Chandra
Report on the progress of education in Irrawaddy Circle
Rules for the prevention of cattle disease under section
6 (1), of the Lower Burma village act
Burma < Irrawaddy Division > / Commissioner
Rules for the management of government bazaars in
the Irrawaddy Division
Finance accounts ... and the audit report / Government of the
Kayah State. – Rangoon : Govt. Print. and Staty., Burma (for
Subject(s): Burma : Local finance - Kayah State - Periodicals ; Finance, Public - Kayah State - Accounting - Periodicals ; Finance, Public - Kayah State - Auditing - Periodicals
Kayah State : Finance, Public - Periodicals
GB: BL: 1948/49 (I.S.Bu.206/5)*
MY:GBD: 1948/49 (1949)
Focus on successive colonialist Burman Government
and the independent Karenni State issue
Karenni Provisional Government, Karenni manifesto,
and Karenni history
Focus on successive colonialist Burman Government
and the independent Karenni State issue
The reaffirmation of Karenni independence
Burma < Kayah State > / Ministry of Foreign Affairs
The question on Karenni sovereignty and independence
Burma < Kayah State > / Provisional Government
Burma < Kayah State >
Burma < Kyauksè >
Tables for calculating assessements on state and nonstate lands in the Kyauksè District ...
Burma < Lower Burma >
The Burma land revenue act, 1876 with rules and directions framed thereunder in force in Lower Burma ...
Rules for the prevention of cattle disease
B 241
Directions to revenue officers concerning supplementary survey in Lower Burma
Burma Bibliographical Project
Siegfried M. Schwertner
Directions under the local aquisition act ...
Pamphlet containing the correction list to the code of
civil procedure
Lower Burma …
Register of third grade pleaders of the subordinate
courts in Lower Burma
Report on the administration of Lower Burma during ...
(1885/86: and on the administration of Upper Burma) during
1885/86 [-1886/87]. – Rangoon : Govt. Print., Burma
1. Lower Burma summary.
2. Lower Burma departmental chapters.
3. Lower Burma statistical returns.
(1885/86:) 4. Upper Burma.
< Burma
Report on the administration of British Burma
> Burma
Report on the administration of Burma
GB: BL: 1885/86-1886/87 (I.S.Bu.1)*
CUL: 1885/86-1886/87 (OP.1200.351.01)
LSE: 1885/86 (BLPES, Off.Publ. 591 (R2) Per.)
SG: ISEAS(Microfilm 171)
US: CU(Kroch Film 541)
NYPL(Research *SES) YU: 1885/86-1886/87
Reports on criminal justice in Burma
Reports on the administration of civil justice
A reprint of the printed judgements of the Court of the Judicial Commissioner, Lower Burma, and the Special Court
Burma < Lower Burma > / Court of the Judicial Commissioner
Rules and directions under the Provincial insolvency
act, 1907
Rules and orders applying to the Chief Court of Lower
Burma and the Court of Small Causes, Rangoon / publ. under the authority of the Chief Court of Lower Burma. Corr.
up to 1st March 1907. [1st ed.]. – Rangoon : Govt. Print.,
Burma (for C. C., L. B.), 1907. 71, VI p.
GB: BL(I.S.Bu.110/7)* BL-APAC(IOR/V/27/142/45)
Revised rules 11 to 13 of the Lower Burma survey class
scheme, 1885 ...
ditto. : corr. up to 1st November 1912. [2nd ed.] – ibd.,
1912. VIII, 206 p.
GB: BL(I.S.Bu.110/7)*
SOAS(A 345.91084/75.972)*
Burma < Lower Burma > / Chief Court
The Chief Court insolvency manual. – Rangoon : Govt.
Print., Burma (for C. C., L. B.), 1910. 132 p.
GB: BL(I.S.Bu.110/8)* BL-APAC(IOR/V/27/143/58)
Rules for qualifications, administration and certificates
of pleaders of the Chief Court of Lower Burma ...
ditto. – 1914. XVI, 174 p.
GB: BL(I.S.Bu.110/8)*
Rules providing for the visitation and inspection of the
courts subordinate to it and for the supervision of the
working thereof
The Chief Court Office manual. – Rangoon : Govt. Print.,
Burma (for C. C., L. B.), 1910. X, 129, XII p., index.
GB: BL(I.S.Bu.110/5)*
Rules relating to qualifications and admission of advocates of the Chief Court of Lower Burma and of the
subordinate courts and revenue offices in Lower
ditto. 2nd ed. – ibd., 1913. IX, 190 p., app.
GB: BL(I.S.Bu.110/5)*
Rules relating to the qualification and admission of advocates and pleaders
ditto. 3rd ed. / publ. under the authority of the hon’ble Judget
of the Chief Court of Lower Burma. – ibd., 1921. 252 p., index.
GB: BL(I.S.Bu.110/5)*
Rulings on Buddhist law
Selected judgments and rulings of the Court of the Judicial
Commissioner, and of the Special Court, Lower Burma
Burma < Lower Burma > / Court of the Judicial Commissioner
Commentaries on the bankruptcy & insolvency laws
A digest of Burma rulings (1872-1922)
The family law of the Chinese
Möllendorf, P. G. von
In the Privy Council
The Indian arbitration act
Indian cases
The Indian law reports : Rangoon series
Translation of the Lower Burma rulings of the Chief Court,
Lower Burma. – Rangoon : Govt. Print., Burma
US: LC: 1903-04 (Law)
Burma < Lower Burma > / Chief Court / Library
Chief Court Library catalogue, 1903. – Rangoon : Govt.
Print., B