Preisliste 2011-01 - CHF


Preisliste 2011-01 - CHF
DR 'Veritas' Acoustic Guitar Series
VTA-10 ........................ veritas phosphor bronze with accurate core ........................ extra-lite ...... 010/048 ..... CHF
VTA-11 ........................ veritas phosphor bronze with accurate core .................... custom-lite ...... 011/050 ..... CHF
VTA-12 ........................ veritas phosphor bronze with accurate core .................................. lite ...... 012/054 ..... CHF
VTA-13 ........................ veritas phosphor bronze with accurate core ......................... medium ...... 013/056 ..... CHF
DR 'Pre-Alloy' Acoustic Guitar Series
PL-10 ........................... pre-alloy phosphor bronze with hexcore ......................................... lite ...... 010/048 ..... CHF
PML-11 ....................... pre-alloy phosphor bronze with hexcore .......................... medium-lite ...... 011/050 ..... CHF
PM-12 ......................... pre-alloy phosphor bronze with hexcore ................................ medium ...... 012/054 ..... CHF
PMH-13 ....................... pre-alloy phosphor bronze with hexcore ..................... medium-heavy ...... 013/056 ..... CHF
DR 'Rare' Acoustic Guitar Series
RPL-10 ........................ rare phosphor bronze with hexcore ................................................ lite ...... 010/048 ..... CHF
RPML-11 ..................... rare phosphor bronze with hexcore ................................. medium-lite ...... 011/050 ..... CHF
RPM-12 ....................... rare phosphor bronze with hexcore ....................................... medium ...... 012/054 ..... CHF
RPBG-12/56 ................ rare phosphor bronze with hexcore .................................... bluegrass ...... 012/056 ..... CHF
RPMH-13 .................... rare phosphor bronze with hexcore ............................ medium-heavy ...... 013/056 ..... CHF
RPL-1012 .................... rare phosphor bronze with hexcore 12-string ................................ lite ...... 010/048 ..... CHF
DR 'Sunbeam' Acoustic Guitar Series
RCA-10 ........................ sunbeam phosphor bronze with roundcore .................................... lite ...... 010/048 ..... CHF
RCA-11 ........................ sunbeam phosphor bronze with roundcore ..................... medium-lite ...... 011/050 ..... CHF
RCA-12 ........................ sunbeam phosphor bronze with roundcore ........................... medium ...... 012/054 ..... CHF
RCA-13 ........................ sunbeam phosphor bronze with roundcore ................ medium-heavy ...... 013/056 ..... CHF
DR 'Hi-Beam 80/20' Acoustic Guitar Series
HA-11 .......................... hi-beam 80/20 acoustic with roundcore .......................... medium-lite ...... 011/050..... CHF
HA-12 .......................... hi-beam 80/20 acoustic with roundcore ................................ medium ...... 012/054..... CHF
HA-13 .......................... hi-beam 80/20 acoustic with roundcore ..................... medium-heavy ...... 013/056 ..... CHF
DR 'Zebra' Electric-Acoustic Guitar Series
ZE-09 ........................... zebra electric-acoustic with roundcore ................................. extra-lite ...... 009/042 ..... CHF
ZEH-09 ........................ zebra electric-acoustic with roundcore ............................. lite-n-heavy ...... 009/046 ..... CHF
ZE-10 ........................... zebra electric-acoustic with roundcore ..................................... lite-lite ...... 010/046 ..... CHF
ZAE-10 ........................ zebra electric-acoustic with roundcore ........................................... lite ...... 010/048 ..... CHF
ZAE-11 ........................ zebra electric-acoustic with roundcore ............................ medium-lite ...... 011/050 ..... CHF
ZAE-12 ........................ zebra electric-acoustic with roundcore .................................. medium ...... 012/054 ..... CHF
ZAE-13 ........................ zebra electric-acoustic with roundcore ....................... medium-heavy ...... 013/056 ..... CHF
DR 'K3' Coated Acoustic Guitar Series
Dragon Skin Clear
DSA-10 ........................ dragon skin clear coated phosphor bronze .................................... lite ...... 010/048 ..... CHF
DSA-11 ........................ dragon skin clear coated phosphor bronze ..................... medium-lite ...... 011/050 ..... CHF
DSA-12 ........................ dragon skin clear coated phosphor bronze ........................... medium ...... 012/054 ..... CHF
DSA-12/56 .................. dragon skin clear coated phosphor bronze ........................ bluegrass ...... 012/056..... CHF
DSA-13 ........................ dragon skin clear coated phosphor bronze ................ medium-heavy ...... 013/056 ..... CHF
DSA-10/12 .................. dragon skin clear coated phosphor bronze 12-string.................... lite ...... 010/048 ..... CHF
Musik Olar AG PO Box CH-4800 Zofingen Tel +41 62 745 8050 Fax +41 62 745 8055 [email protected]
Pricelist 2016/2017
DR 'K3' Coated Acoustic Guitar Series (continued)
Black Beauties
BKA-10 ........................ black beauties coated phosphor bronze ........................................ lite....... 010/048 .... CHF
BKA-11 ........................ black beauties coated phosphor bronze ..........................medium-lite....... 011/050 .... CHF
BKA-12 ........................ black beauties coated phosphor bronze ................................ medium....... 012/054 .... CHF
BKA-13 ........................ black beauties coated phosphor bronze ..................... medium-heavy....... 013/056 .... CHF
Red Devils
RDA-10 ........................ red devils coated phosphor bronze ................................................ lite....... 010/048 .... CHF
RDA-11 ........................ red devils coated phosphor bronze ..................................medium-lite....... 011/050 .... CHF
RDA-12 ........................ red devils coated phosphor bronze ........................................ medium....... 012/054 .... CHF
RDA-13 ........................ red devils coated phosphor bronze ............................. medium-heavy....... 013/056 .... CHF
Silver Stars
SIA-11 .......................... silver star coated phosphor bronze ..................................medium-lite....... 011/050 .... CHF
SIA-12 .......................... silver star coated phosphor bronze ........................................ medium....... 012/054 .... CHF
DR 'NEON HiDef' Coated Acoustic Guitar Series
Neon Blue
NBA-10 ........................ neon hidef blue coated with hexcore .............................................. lite....... 010/048 .... CHF
NBA-11 ........................ neon hidef blue coated with hexcore................................medium-lite....... 011/050 .... CHF
NBA-12 ........................ neon hidef blue coated with hexcore ...................................... medium....... 012/054 .... CHF
Neon Green
NGA-10 ........................ neon hidef green coated with hexcore ........................................... lite....... 010/048 .... CHF
NGA-11 ........................ neon hidef green coated with hexcore .............................medium-lite....... 011/050 .... CHF
NGA-12 ........................ neon hidef green coated with hexcore ................................... medium....... 012/054 .... CHF
Neon MultiColour
NMCA-10 ..................... neon hidef multicolour coated with hexcore .................................. lite....... 010/048 .... CHF
NMCA-11 ..................... neon hidef multicolour coated with hexcore ....................medium-lite....... 011/050 .... CHF
NMCA-12 ..................... neon hidef multicolour coated with hexcore .......................... medium....... 012/054 .... CHF
Neon Orange
NOA-10 ........................ neon hidef orange coated with hexcore ......................................... lite....... 010/048 .... CHF
NOA-11 ........................ neon hidef orange coated with hexcore ...........................medium-lite....... 011/050 .... CHF
NOA-12 ........................ neon hidef orange coated with hexcore ................................. medium....... 012/054 .... CHF
Neon Pink
NPA-10 ........................ neon hidef pink coated with hexcore .............................................. lite....... 010/048 .... CHF
NPA-11 ........................ neon hidef pink coated with hexcore ................................medium-lite....... 011/050 .... CHF
NPA-12 ........................ neon hidef pink coated with hexcore ...................................... medium....... 012/054 .... CHF
Neon Red
NRA-10 ........................ neon hidef red coated with hexcore ............................................... lite....... 010/048 .... CHF
NRA-11 ........................ neon hidef red coated with hexcore .................................medium-lite....... 011/050 .... CHF
NRA-12 ........................ neon hidef red coated with hexcore ....................................... medium....... 012/054 .... CHF
Neon White
NWA-10 ....................... neon hidef white coated with hexcore ............................................ lite....... 010/048 .... CHF
NWA-11 ....................... neon hidef white coated with hexcore ..............................medium-lite....... 011/050 .... CHF
NWA-12 ....................... neon hidef white coated with hexcore .................................... medium....... 012/054 .... CHF
Neon Yellow
NYA-10 ........................ neon hidef yellow coated with hexcore .......................................... lite....... 010/048 .... CHF
NYA-11 ........................ neon hidef yellow coated with hexcore ............................medium-lite....... 011/050 .... CHF
NYA-12 ........................ neon hidef yellow coated with hexcore .................................. medium....... 012/054 .... CHF
Musik Olar AG PO Box CH-4800 Zofingen Tel +41 62 745 8050 Fax +41 62 745 8055 [email protected]
Pricelist 2016/2017
DR 'Tite-Fit' Electric Guitar Series
LLT-08 ......................... tite-fit roundwound nickel-plated with roundcore..................... lite-lite ...... 008/038 ..... CHF
LT-09 ........................... tite-fit roundwound nickel-plated with roundcore........................... lite ...... 009/042 ..... CHF
LH-09 .......................... tite-fit roundwound nickel-plated with roundcore............. lite-n-heavy ...... 009/046 ..... CHF
HT-9.5 ......................... tite-fit roundwound nickel-plated with roundcore................... half-tite ... 009.5/044 ..... CHF
MT-10 .......................... tite-fit roundwound nickel-plated with roundcore.................. medium ...... 010/046 ..... CHF
JH-10 .......................... tite-fit roundwound nickel-plated with roundcore............. Jeff Healey ...... 010/056 ..... CHF
BT-10........................... tite-fit roundwound nickel-plated with roundcore............. big-n-heavy ...... 010/052 ..... CHF
MH-10 ......................... tite-fit roundwound nickel-plated with roundcore....... medium-heavy ...... 010/050 ..... CHF
EH-11 .......................... tite-fit roundwound nickel-plated with roundcore...................... heavy ...... 011/050 ..... CHF
JZ-12 ........................... tite-fit roundwound nickel-plated with roundcore.............extra-heavy ...... 012/052 ..... CHF
MEH-13 ....................... tite-fit roundwound nickel-plated with roundcore............mega-heavy ...... 013/056 ..... CHF
LT7-09 ......................... tite-fit roundwound nickel-plated with roundcore 7-string ............ lite ...... 009/052 ..... CHF
MT7-10 ....................... tite-fit roundwound nickel-plated with roundcore 7-string ... medium ...... 010/056 ..... CHF
TF8-10 ......................... tite-fit roundwound nickel-plated with roundcore 8-string ... medium ...... 010/075 ..... CHF
TF8-11 ......................... tite-fit roundwound nickel-plated with roundcore 8-string ....... heavy ...... 011/080 ..... CHF
DR 'Pure-Blues' Electric Guitar Series
PHR-09 ........................ pure blues roundwound pure nickel with roundcore ...................... lite ...... 009/042 ..... CHF
PHR-09/46 .................. pure blues roundwound pure nickel with roundcore ........ lite-n-heavy ...... 009/046 ..... CHF
PHR-10 ........................ pure blues roundwound pure nickel with roundcore ............. medium ...... 010/046 ..... CHF
PHR-10/52 .................. pure blues roundwound pure nickel with roundcore ........ big-n-heavy ...... 010/052 ..... CHF
PHR-11 ........................ pure blues roundwound pure nickel with roundcore ................. heavy ...... 011/050 ..... CHF
PHR-12 ........................ pure blues roundwound pure nickel with roundcore ........extra-heavy ...... 012/052 ..... CHF
DR 'Hi-Beam' Electric Guitar Series
LLTR-08....................... hi-beam roundwound nickel-plated with hexcore ..................... lite-lite ...... 008/038 ..... CHF
LTR-09......................... hi-beam roundwound nickel-plated with hexcore ........................... lite ...... 009/042 ..... CHF
LHR-09 ........................ hi-beam roundwound nickel-plated with hexcore ............. lite-n-heavy ...... 009/046 ..... CHF
MTR-10 ....................... hi-beam roundwound nickel-plated with hexcore .................. medium ...... 010/046 ..... CHF
BTR-10 ........................ hi-beam roundwound nickel-plated with hexcore ............. big-n-heavy ...... 010/052..... CHF
EHR-11 ........................ hi-beam roundwound nickel-plated with hexcore ...................... heavy ...... 011/050..... CHF
JZR-12 ........................ hi-beam roundwound nickel-plated with hexcore .............extra-heavy ...... 012/052 ..... CHF
MEHR-13 ..................... hi-beam roundwound nickel-plated with hexcore ............mega-heavy ...... 013/056 ..... CHF
LTR7-09 ...................... hi-beam roundwound nickel-plated with hexcore 7-string ............ lite ...... 009/052 ..... CHF
MTR7-10 ..................... hi-beam roundwound nickel-plated with hexcore 7-string ... medium ...... 010/056 ..... CHF
DR 'DDT Drop-Down Tuning' Electric Guitar Series
DDT-10 ........................ ddt with hexcore ...................................................................... medium ...... 010/046 ..... CHF
DDT-10/52 .................. ddt with hexcore .................................................................... big-heavy ...... 010/052 ..... CHF
DDT-10/60 .................. ddt with hexcore ................................................................. big-heavier ...... 010/060 ..... CHF
DDT-11/50 .................. ddt with hexcore .................................................................extra-heavy ...... 011/050..... CHF
DDT-11/54 .................. ddt with hexcore .................................................................extra-heavy ...... 011/054 ..... CHF
DDT-12 ........................ ddt with hexcore ..................................................................... xx-heavy ...... 012/060 ..... CHF
DDT-13 ........................ ddt with hexcore ................................................................mega-heavy ...... 013/065 ..... CHF
DDT7-10 ...................... ddt with hexcore 7-string........................................................ medium ...... 010/056 ..... CHF
DDT7-11 ...................... ddt with hexcore 7-string............................................................ heavy ...... 011/065 ..... CHF
Musik Olar AG PO Box CH-4800 Zofingen Tel +41 62 745 8050 Fax +41 62 745 8055 [email protected]
Pricelist 2016/2017
DR 'Legend' Electric Guitar Series
FL-11 ........................... legend polished flatwound with hexcore .................................. lite-lite....... 011/048 .... CHF
FL-12 ........................... legend polished flatwound with hexcore........................................ lite....... 012/052 .... CHF
FL-13 ........................... legend polished flatwound with hexcore ................................ medium....... 013/054 .... CHF
DR 'Alexi Laiho' Electric Guitar Series
AL-09 ........................... alexi laiho nickel-plated with roundcore ......................................... lite....... 009/042 .... CHF
AL-10 ........................... alexi laiho nickel-plated with roundcore ................................. medium....... 010/046 .... CHF
SAL-10 ......................... alexi laiho nickel-plated with roundcore ............................... signature....... 010/056 .... CHF
AL-11 ........................... alexi laiho nickel-plated with roundcore ........................... extra-heavy....... 011/050 .... CHF
DR 'Dimebag Darrell' Electric Guitar Series
DBG-09 ........................ Dimebag Darrell nickel-plated on hexcore ..................................... lite....... 009/042 .... CHF
DBG-09/46 .................. Dimebag Darrell nickel-plated on hexcore ....................... lite-n-heavy....... 009/046 .... CHF
DBG-09/50 .................. Dimebag Darrell nickel-plated on hexcore ........................... signature....... 009/050 .... CHF
DBG-10 ........................ Dimebag Darrell nickel-plated on hexcore ............................. medium....... 010/046 .... CHF
DBG-10/52 .................. Dimebag Darrell nickel-plated on hexcore .................. medium-heavy....... 010/052 .... CHF
DBG-11 ........................ Dimebag Darrell nickel-plated on hexcore ................................. heavy....... 011/050 .... CHF
DR 'K3' Coated Electric Guitar Series
Dragon Skin Clear
DSE-09 ......................... dragon skin clear coated with hexcore .......................................... lite....... 009/042 .... CHF
DSE-09/46 ................... dragon skin clear coated with hexcore ............................ lite-n-heavy....... 009/046 .... CHF
DSE-10 ......................... dragon skin clear coated with hexcore .................................. medium....... 010/046 .... CHF
DSE-11 ......................... dragon skin clear coated with hexcore ...................................... heavy....... 011/050 .... CHF
Black Beauties
BKE-09 ......................... black beauties coated with hexcore ............................................... lite....... 009/042 .... CHF
BKE-09/46 ................... black beauties coated with hexcore ................................. lite-n-heavy....... 009/046 .... CHF
BKE-10 ......................... black beauties coated with hexcore ....................................... medium....... 010/046 .... CHF
BKE-10/52 ................... black beauties coated with hexcore ................................. big-n-heavy....... 010/052 .... CHF
BKE-11 ......................... black beauties coated with hexcore ........................................... heavy....... 011/050 .... CHF
BKE-12 ......................... black beauties coated with hexcore ................................. extra-heavy....... 012/052 .... CHF
BKE7-09....................... black beauties coated with hexcore 7-string ................................ lite....... 009/052 .... CHF
BKE7-10....................... black beauties coated with hexcore 7-string ........................ medium....... 010/056 .... CHF
BKE7-11....................... black beauties coated with hexcore 7-string ............................ heavy....... 011/060 .... CHF
Red Devils
RDE-09......................... red devils coated with hexcore ....................................................... lite....... 009/042 .... CHF
RDE-09/46 ................... red devils coated with hexcore ......................................... lite-n-heavy....... 009/046 .... CHF
RDE-10......................... red devils coated with hexcore ............................................... medium....... 010/046 .... CHF
RDE-10/52 ................... red devils coated with hexcore ......................................... big-n-heavy....... 010/052 .... CHF
RDE-11......................... red devils coated with hexcore ................................................... heavy....... 011/050 .... CHF
RDE-12......................... red devils coated with hexcore ......................................... extra-heavy....... 012/052 .... CHF
Silver Stars
SIE-09 .......................... silver stars coated with hexcore ..................................................... lite....... 009/042 .... CHF
SIE-09/46 .................... silver stars coated with hexcore ....................................... lite-n-heavy....... 009/046 .... CHF
SIE-10 .......................... silver stars coated with hexcore ............................................. medium....... 010/046 .... CHF
SIE-10/52 .................... silver stars coated with hexcore ....................................... big-n-heavy....... 010/052 .... CHF
SIE-11 .......................... silver stars coated with hexcore ................................................. heavy....... 011/050 .... CHF
Musik Olar AG PO Box CH-4800 Zofingen Tel +41 62 745 8050 Fax +41 62 745 8055 [email protected]
Pricelist 2016/2017
DR 'NEON HiDef' Coated Electric Guitar Series
Neon Blue
NBE-09 ........................ neon hidef blue coated with hexcore .............................................. lite ...... 009/042 ..... CHF
NBE-09/46 .................. neon hidef blue coated with hexcore ................................ lite-n-heavy ...... 009/046 ..... CHF
NBE-10 ........................ neon hidef blue coated with hexcore ..................................... medium ...... 010/046 ..... CHF
NBE-11 ........................ neon hidef blue coated with hexcore ......................................... heavy ...... 011/050 ..... CHF
NBE7-09 ...................... neon hidef blue coated with hexcore 7-string ................................ lite ...... 009/042 ..... CHF
NBE7-10 ...................... neon hidef blue coated with hexcore 7-string ....................... medium ...... 010/056 ..... CHF
NBE7-11 ...................... neon hidef blue coated with hexcore 7-string ........................... heavy ...... 011/060 ..... CHF
Neon Green
NGE-09 ........................ neon hidef green coated with hexcore ............................................ lite ...... 009/042 ..... CHF
NGE-09/46 .................. neon hidef green coated with hexcore .............................. lite-n-heavy ...... 009/046 ..... CHF
NGE-10 ........................ neon hidef green coated with hexcore ................................... medium ...... 010/046 ..... CHF
NGE-11 ........................ neon hidef green coated with hexcore ....................................... heavy ...... 011/050 ..... CHF
NGE7-09...................... neon hidef green coated with hexcore 7-string ............................. lite ...... 009/042 ..... CHF
NGE7-10...................... neon hidef green coated with hexcore 7-string .................... medium ...... 010/056 ..... CHF
NGE7-11...................... neon hidef green coated with hexcore 7-string ........................ heavy ...... 011/060 ..... CHF
Neon MultiColour
NMCE-09..................... neon hidef multicolour coated with hexcore .................................. lite ...... 009/042 ..... CHF
NMCE-09/46 ............... neon hidef multicolour coated with hexcore .................... lite-n-heavy ...... 009/046 ..... CHF
NMCE-10..................... neon hidef multicolour coated with hexcore ......................... medium ...... 010/046 ..... CHF
NMCE-11..................... neon hidef multicolour coated with hexcore ............................. heavy ...... 011/050 ..... CHF
Neon Orange
NOE-09 ........................ neon hidef orange coated with hexcore .......................................... lite ...... 009/042 ..... CHF
NOE-09/46 .................. neon hidef orange coated with hexcore ............................ lite-n-heavy ...... 009/046 ..... CHF
NOE-10 ........................ neon hidef orange coated with hexcore ................................. medium ...... 010/046 ..... CHF
NOE-11 ........................ neon hidef orange coated with hexcore ..................................... heavy ...... 011/050 ..... CHF
NOE7-09...................... neon hidef orange coated with hexcore 7-string ........................... lite ...... 009/042 ..... CHF
NOE7-10...................... neon hidef orange coated with hexcore 7-string .................. medium ...... 010/056 ..... CHF
NOE7-11...................... neon hidef orange coated with hexcore 7-string ...................... heavy ...... 011/060 ..... CHF
Neon Pink
NPE-09 ........................ neon hidef pink coated with hexcore .............................................. lite ...... 009/042 ..... CHF
NPE-09/46 .................. neon hidef pink coated with hexcore ................................ lite-n-heavy ...... 009/046 ..... CHF
NPE-10 ........................ neon hidef pink coated with hexcore ..................................... medium ...... 010/046 ..... CHF
NPE-11 ........................ neon hidef pink coated with hexcore ......................................... heavy ...... 011/050 ..... CHF
NPE7-09 ...................... neon hidef pink coated with hexcore 7-string ................................ lite ...... 009/042 ..... CHF
NPE7-10 ...................... neon hidef pink coated with hexcore 7-string ....................... medium ...... 010/056 ..... CHF
NPE7-11 ...................... neon hidef pink coated with hexcore 7-string ........................... heavy ...... 011/060 ..... CHF
Neon Red
NRE-09 ........................ neon hidef red coated with hexcore ................................................ lite ...... 009/042 ..... CHF
NRE-09/46 .................. neon hidef red coated with hexcore .................................. lite-n-heavy ...... 009/046 ..... CHF
NRE-10 ........................ neon hidef red coated with hexcore ....................................... medium ...... 010/046 ..... CHF
NRE-11 ........................ neon hidef red coated with hexcore ........................................... heavy ...... 011/050 ..... CHF
NRE7-09 ...................... neon hidef red coated with hexcore 7-string ................................. lite ...... 009/042 ..... CHF
NRE7-10 ...................... neon hidef red coated with hexcore 7-string ........................ medium ...... 010/056 ..... CHF
NRE7-11 ...................... neon hidef red coated with hexcore 7-string ............................ heavy ...... 011/060 ..... CHF
Musik Olar AG PO Box CH-4800 Zofingen Tel +41 62 745 8050 Fax +41 62 745 8055 [email protected]
Pricelist 2016/2017
DR 'NEON HiDef' Coated Electric Guitar Series (continued)
Neon White
NWE-09 ....................... neon hidef white coated with hexcore ............................................ lite....... 009/042 .... CHF
NWE-09/46.................. neon hidef white coated with hexcore .............................. lite-n-heavy....... 009/046 .... CHF
NWE-10 ....................... neon hidef white coated with hexcore .................................... medium....... 010/046 .... CHF
NWE-11 ....................... neon hidef white coated with hexcore ........................................ heavy....... 011/050 .... CHF
NWE7-09 ..................... neon hidef white coated with hexcore 7-string ............................. lite....... 009/042 .... CHF
NWE7-10 ..................... neon hidef white coated with hexcore 7-string ..................... medium....... 010/056 .... CHF
NWE7-11 ..................... neon hidef white coated with hexcore 7-string ......................... heavy....... 011/060 .... CHF
Neon Yellow
NYE-09 ........................ neon hidef yellow coated with hexcore .......................................... lite....... 009/042 .... CHF
NYE-09/46 ................... neon hidef yellow coated with hexcore ............................ lite-n-heavy....... 009/046 .... CHF
NYE-10 ........................ neon hidef yellow coated with hexcore .................................. medium....... 010/046 .... CHF
NYE-11 ........................ neon hidef yellow coated with hexcore ...................................... heavy....... 011/050 .... CHF
NYE7-09 ...................... neon hidef yellow coated with hexcore 7-string............................ lite....... 009/042 .... CHF
NYE7-10 ...................... neon hidef yellow coated with hexcore 7-string.................... medium....... 010/056 .... CHF
NYE7-11 ...................... neon hidef yellow coated with hexcore 7-string........................ heavy....... 011/060 .... CHF
Musik Olar AG PO Box CH-4800 Zofingen Tel +41 62 745 8050 Fax +41 62 745 8055 [email protected]
Pricelist 2016/2017
DR 'Hi-Beam' Electric Bass Series
XLR-30 ........................ hi-beam stainless steel with roundcore ................................ extra-lite ...... 030/090 ..... CHF
LLR-40 ......................... hi-beam stainless steel with roundcore .................................... lite-lite ...... 040/095 ..... CHF
LR-40 ........................... hi-beam stainless steel with roundcore .......................................... lite ...... 040/100 ..... CHF
MLR-45 ....................... hi-beam stainless steel with roundcore ........................... medium-lite ...... 045/100 ..... CHF
MR-45.......................... hi-beam stainless steel with roundcore ................................. medium ...... 045/105 ..... CHF
SMR-45 ....................... hi-beam stainless steel with roundcore short scale ............. medium ...... 045/105 ..... CHF
LMR-45 ....................... hi-beam stainless steel with roundcore long scale .............. medium ...... 045/105 ..... CHF
ER-50 ........................... hi-beam stainless steel with roundcore ..................................... heavy ...... 050/110 ..... CHF
LR5-40 ......................... hi-beam stainless steel with roundcore 5-string............................ lite ...... 040/120 ..... CHF
MR5-45 ....................... hi-beam stainless steel with roundcore 5-string................... medium ...... 045/125 ..... CHF
LMR5-45 ..................... hi-beam stainless steel with roundcore 5-string xl scale .... medium ...... 045/125 ..... CHF
MR5-130 ..................... hi-beam stainless steel with roundcore 5-string................... medium ...... 045/130 ..... CHF
MR6-30 ....................... hi-beam stainless steel with roundcore 6-string................... medium ...... 030/125..... CHF
MR6-130 ..................... hi-beam stainless steel with roundcore 6-string................... medium ...... 030/130 ..... CHF
R-025 / R-030 / R-035 / R-040 ................................... hi-beam stainless steel with roundcore single string ..... CHF
R-045 / R-050 / R-060 / R-065 / R-070 ...................... hi-beam stainless steel with roundcore single string ..... CHF
R-075 / R-080 / R-085 / R-090 ................................... hi-beam stainless steel with roundcore single string ..... CHF
R-095 / R-100 / R-105 / R-110 ................................... hi-beam stainless steel with roundcore single string ..... CHF
R-120 / R-125 / R-130 / R-135 ................................... hi-beam stainless steel with roundcore single string ..... CHF
TR-120 / TR-125 / TR-130 / TR-135 ........................... hi-beam stainless steel with tapercore single string ..... CHF
Single Strings
DR 'Lo-Rider' Electric Bass Series
XLH-30 ........................ lo-rider stainless steel with hexcore ...................................... extra-lite ...... 030/090 ..... CHF
LLH-40 ........................ lo-rider stainless steel with hexcore .......................................... lite-lite ...... 040/095 ..... CHF
LH-40 .......................... lo-rider stainless steel with hexcore ................................................ lite ...... 040/100 ..... CHF
MLH-45 ....................... lo-rider stainless steel with hexcore ................................. medium-lite ...... 045/100 ..... CHF
MH-45 ......................... lo-rider stainless steel with hexcore ....................................... medium ...... 045/105 ..... CHF
EH-50 .......................... lo-rider stainless steel with hexcore ........................................... heavy ...... 050/110..... CHF
LH5-40 ........................ lo-rider stainless steel with hexcore 5-string ................................. lite ...... 040/120..... CHF
MH5-45 ....................... lo-rider stainless steel with hexcore 5-string ........................ medium ...... 045/125 ..... CHF
MH5-130 ..................... lo-rider stainless steel with hexcore 5-string ........................ medium ...... 045/130 ..... CHF
MH6-30 ....................... lo-rider stainless steel with hexcore 6-string ........................ medium ...... 030/125..... CHF
MH6-130 ..................... lo-rider stainless steel with hexcore 6-string ........................ medium ...... 030/130 ..... CHF
H-025 / H-030 / H-035 / H-040........................................ lo-rider stainless steel with hexcore single string ..... CHF
H-045 / H-050 / H-060 / H-065 / H-070 .......................... lo-rider stainless steel with hexcore single string ..... CHF
H-075 / H-080 / H-085 / H-090........................................ lo-rider stainless steel with hexcore single string ..... CHF
H-095 / H-100 / H-105 / H-110........................................ lo-rider stainless steel with hexcore single string ..... CHF
H120 / H125 / H130 / H135 ............................................ lo-rider stainless steel with hexcore single string ..... CHF
Single Strings
DR 'Pure Blues' Electric Bass Series
PBVW-40 ..................... pure blues quantum-nickel with roundcore .................. victor wooten ...... 040/095 ..... CHF
PB-40 .......................... pure blues quantum-nickel with roundcore .................................... lite ...... 040/100 ..... CHF
PB-45/100 .................. pure blues quantum-nickel with roundcore ..................... medium-lite ...... 045/100 ..... CHF
PB-45 .......................... pure blues quantum-nickel with roundcore ........................... medium ...... 045/105 ..... CHF
PB-50 .......................... pure blues quantum-nickel with roundcore ............................... heavy ...... 050/110 ..... CHF
PB5-40 ........................ pure blues quantum-nickel with roundcore 5-string ...................... lite ...... 040/120..... CHF
PB5-45 ........................ pure blues quantum-nickel with roundcore 5-string ............. medium ...... 045/125 ..... CHF
PB5-130 ...................... pure blues quantum-nickel with roundcore 5-string ............. medium ...... 045/130 ..... CHF
PB6-30 ........................ pure blues quantum-nickel with roundcore 6-string ............. medium ...... 030/125 ..... CHF
Musik Olar AG PO Box CH-4800 Zofingen Tel +41 62 745 8050 Fax +41 62 745 8055 [email protected]
Pricelist 2016/2017
DR 'Nickel Lo-Rider' Electric Bass Series
NLLH-40 ...................... nickel lo-rider nickel plated with hexcore ................................. lite-lite....... 040/095 .... CHF
NLH-40 ........................ nickel lo-rider nickel plated with hexcore ....................................... lite....... 040/100 .... CHF
NMLH-45 ..................... nickel lo-rider nickel plated with hexcore .........................medium-lite....... 045/100 .... CHF
NMH-45 ....................... nickel lo-rider nickel plated with hexcore ............................... medium....... 045/105 .... CHF
NLH5-40 ...................... nickel lo-rider nickel plated with hexcore 5-string ......................... lite....... 040/120 .... CHF
NMH5-45 ..................... nickel lo-rider nickel plated with hexcore 5-string ................. medium....... 045/125 .... CHF
NMH5-130................... nickel lo-rider nickel plated with hexcore 5-string ................. medium....... 045/130 .... CHF
NMH6-30 ..................... nickel lo-rider nickel plated with hexcore 6-string ................. medium....... 030/125 .... CHF
NMH6-130................... nickel lo-rider nickel plated with hexcore 6-string ................. medium....... 030/130 .... CHF
DR 'Sunbeams' Electric Bass Series
NLLR-40 ...................... nickel lo-rider nickel plated with roundcore ............................. lite-lite....... 040/095 .... CHF
NLR-40 ........................ nickel lo-rider nickel plated with roundcore ................................... lite....... 040/100 .... CHF
NMLR-45 ..................... nickel lo-rider nickel plated with roundcore .....................medium-lite....... 045/100 .... CHF
NMR-45 ....................... nickel lo-rider nickel plated with roundcore ........................... medium....... 045/105 .... CHF
SNMR-45 ..................... nickel lo-rider nickel plated with roundcore short scale ....... medium....... 045/105 .... CHF
NLR5-40 ...................... nickel lo-rider nickel plated with roundcore 5-string ..................... lite....... 040/120 .... CHF
NMR5-45 ..................... nickel lo-rider nickel plated with roundcore 5-string ............. medium....... 045/125 .... CHF
NMR5-130 ................... nickel lo-rider nickel plated with roundcore 5-string ............. medium....... 045/130 .... CHF
NMR6-30 ..................... nickel lo-rider nickel plated with roundcore 6-string ............. medium....... 030/125 .... CHF
NMR6-130 ................... nickel lo-rider nickel plated with roundcore 6-string ............. medium....... 030/130 .... CHF
DR 'Long Necks' Electric Bass Series
TLH-40......................... long necks taper core stainless steel with hexcore ....................... lite....... 040/100 .... CHF
TMH-45 ....................... long necks taper core stainless steel with hexcore ............... medium....... 045/100 .... CHF
TEH-50 ........................ long necks taper core stainless steel with hexcore ................... heavy....... 050/110 .... CHF
TLH5-40 ...................... long necks taper core stainless steel with hexcore 5-string ........ lite....... 040/120 .... CHF
TMH5-45 ..................... long necks taper core stainless steel with hexcore 5-string medium....... 045/125 .... CHF
TMH5-130 ................... long necks taper core stainless steel with hexcore 5-string medium....... 045/130 .... CHF
TMH6-30 ..................... long necks taper core stainless steel with hexcore 6-string medium....... 030/125 .... CHF
TMH6-130 ................... long necks taper core stainless steel with hexcore 6-string medium....... 030/130 .... CHF
DR 'DDT Drop-Down Tunig' Electric Bass Series
DDT-45 ........................ ddt stainless steel with hexcore ............................................. medium....... 045/105 .... CHF
DDT-50 ........................ ddt stainless steel with hexcore ................................................. heavy....... 050/110 .... CHF
DDT-55 ........................ ddt stainless steel with hexcore .............................................. heavier....... 055/115 .... CHF
DDT-65 ........................ ddt stainless steel with hexcore ....................................... extra-heavy....... 065/125 .... CHF
DDT5-45 ...................... ddt stainless steel with hexcore 5-string ............................... medium....... 045/125 .... CHF
DDT5-55 ...................... ddt stainless steel with hexcore 5-string ................................... heavy....... 055/135 .... CHF
DR 'K3' Coated Electric Bass Series
Dragon Skin Clear
DSB-40 ........................ dragon skin clear coated with hexcore .......................................... lite....... 040/100 .... CHF
DSB-45/100................. dragon skin clear coated with hexcore ............................medium-lite....... 045/100 .... CHF
DSB-45 ........................ dragon skin clear coated with hexcore .................................. medium....... 045/105 .... CHF
DSB5-40 ...................... dragon skin clear coated with hexcore 5-string ............................ lite....... 040/120 .... CHF
DSB5-45 ...................... dragon skin clear coated with hexcore 5-string .................... medium....... 045/125 .... CHF
DSB6-30 ...................... dragon skin clear coated with hexcore 6-string .................... medium....... 030/125 .... CHF
Musik Olar AG PO Box CH-4800 Zofingen Tel +41 62 745 8050 Fax +41 62 745 8055 [email protected]
Pricelist 2016/2017
DR 'K3' Coated Electric Bass Series
Black Beauties
BKB-40 ........................ black beauties coated with hexcore ................................................ lite ...... 040/100 ..... CHF
BKB-45 ........................ black beauties coated with hexcore ....................................... medium ...... 045/105 ..... CHF
BKB-50 ........................ black beauties coated with hexcore ........................................... heavy ...... 050/110 ..... CHF
BKBT-50 ...................... black beauties coated with hexcore ................................. heavy taper ...... 050/110 ..... CHF
BKB5-40 ...................... black beauties coated with hexcore 5-string ................................. lite ...... 040/120 ..... CHF
BKB5-45 ...................... black beauties coated with hexcore 5-string ........................ medium ...... 045/125 ..... CHF
BKB6-30 ...................... black beauties coated with hexcore 6-string ........................ medium ...... 030/125 ..... CHF
Red Devils
RDB-40 ........................ red devils coated with hexcore ........................................................ lite ...... 040/100 ..... CHF
RDB-45 ........................ red devils coated with hexcore ............................................... medium ...... 045/105 ..... CHF
RDB-50 ........................ red devils coated with hexcore ................................................... heavy ...... 050/110 ..... CHF
RDB5-40 ...................... red devils coated with hexcore 5-string ......................................... lite ...... 040/120 ..... CHF
RDB5-45 ...................... red devils coated with hexcore 5-string ................................ medium ...... 045/125 ..... CHF
RDB6-30 ...................... red devils coated with hexcore 6-string ................................ medium ...... 030/125 ..... CHF
Silver Stars
SIB-45.......................... silver stars coated with hexcore ............................................. medium ...... 045/105 ..... CHF
SIB5-45 ....................... silver stars coated with hexcore 5-string .............................. medium ...... 045/125 ..... CHF
SIB6-30 ....................... silver stars coated with hexcore 6-string .............................. medium ...... 030/125 ..... CHF
DR 'NEON HiDef' Coated Electric Bass Series
Neon Blue
NBB-40 ........................ neon hidef blue coated with hexcore .............................................. lite ...... 040/105 ..... CHF
NBB-45 ........................ neon hidef blue coated with hexcore ..................................... medium ...... 045/105 ..... CHF
NBB-50 ........................ neon hidef blue coated with hexcore ......................................... heavy ...... 050/110 ..... CHF
NBB5-40...................... neon hidef blue coated with hexcore 5-string ................................ lite ...... 040/120 ..... CHF
NBB5-45...................... neon hidef blue coated with hexcore 5-string ....................... medium ...... 045/125 ..... CHF
NBB6-30...................... neon hidef blue coated with hexcore 6-string ....................... medium ...... 030/125 ..... CHF
Neon Green
NGB-40........................ neon hidef green coated with hexcore ............................................ lite ...... 040/105 ..... CHF
NGB-45........................ neon hidef green coated with hexcore ................................... medium ...... 045/105 ..... CHF
NGB-50........................ neon hidef green coated with hexcore ....................................... heavy ...... 050/110 ..... CHF
NGB5-40 ..................... neon hidef green coated with hexcore 5-string ............................. lite ...... 040/120 ..... CHF
NGB5-45 ..................... neon hidef green coated with hexcore 5-string .................... medium ...... 045/125 ..... CHF
NGB6-30 ..................... neon hidef green coated with hexcore 6-string .................... medium ...... 030/125..... CHF
Neon MultiColour
NMCB-40 .................... neon hidef multicolour coated with hexcore .................................. lite ...... 040/105 ..... CHF
NMCB-45 .................... neon hidef multicolour coated with hexcore ......................... medium ...... 045/105 ..... CHF
NMCB-50 .................... neon hidef multicolour coated with hexcore ............................. heavy ...... 050/110 ..... CHF
NMCB5-40 .................. neon hidef multicolour coated with hexcore 5-string .................... lite ...... 040/120 ..... CHF
NMCB5-45 .................. neon hidef multicolour coated with hexcore 5-string ........... medium ...... 045/125 ..... CHF
NMCB6-30 .................. neon hidef multicolour coated with hexcore 6-string ........... medium ...... 030/125 ..... CHF
Neon Orange
NOB-40........................ neon hidef orange coated with hexcore .......................................... lite ...... 040/105 ..... CHF
NOB-45........................ neon hidef orange coated with hexcore ................................. medium ...... 045/105 ..... CHF
NOB-50........................ neon hidef orange coated with hexcore ..................................... heavy ...... 050/110 ..... CHF
NOB5-40 ..................... neon hidef orange coated with hexcore 5-string ........................... lite ...... 040/120 ..... CHF
NOB5-45 ..................... neon hidef orange coated with hexcore 5-string .................. medium ...... 045/125 ..... CHF
NOB6-30 ..................... neon hidef orange coated with hexcore 6-string .................. medium ...... 030/125 ..... CHF
Musik Olar AG PO Box CH-4800 Zofingen Tel +41 62 745 8050 Fax +41 62 745 8055 [email protected]
Pricelist 2016/2017
DR 'NEON HiDef' Coated Electric Bass Series (continued)
Neon Pink
NPB-40 ........................ neon hidef pink coated with hexcore .............................................. lite....... 040/105 .... CHF
NPB-45 ........................ neon hidef pink coated with hexcore ...................................... medium....... 045/105 .... CHF
NPB-50 ........................ neon hidef pink coated with hexcore .......................................... heavy....... 050/110 .... CHF
NPB5-40 ...................... neon hidef pink coated with hexcore 5-string ............................... lite....... 040/120 .... CHF
NPB5-45 ...................... neon hidef pink coated with hexcore 5-string ....................... medium....... 045/125 .... CHF
NPB6-30 ...................... neon hidef pink coated with hexcore 6-string ....................... medium....... 030/125 .... CHF
Neon Red
NRB-40 ........................ neon hidef red coated with hexcore ............................................... lite....... 040/105 .... CHF
NRB-45 ........................ neon hidef red coated with hexcore ....................................... medium....... 045/105 .... CHF
NRB-50 ........................ neon hidef red coated with hexcore ........................................... heavy....... 050/110 .... CHF
NRB5-40 ...................... neon hidef red coated with hexcore 5-string ................................. lite....... 040/120 .... CHF
NRB5-45 ...................... neon hidef red coated with hexcore 5-string ......................... medium....... 045/125 .... CHF
NRB6-30 ...................... neon hidef red coated with hexcore 6-string ......................... medium....... 030/125 .... CHF
Neon White
NWB-40 ....................... neon hidef white coated with hexcore ............................................ lite....... 040/105 .... CHF
NWB-45 ....................... neon hidef white coated with hexcore .................................... medium....... 045/105 .... CHF
NWB-50 ....................... neon hidef white coated with hexcore ........................................ heavy....... 050/110 .... CHF
NWB5-40 ..................... neon hidef white coated with hexcore 5-string ............................. lite....... 040/120 .... CHF
NWB5-45 ..................... neon hidef white coated with hexcore 5-string ..................... medium....... 045/125 .... CHF
NWB6-30 ..................... neon hidef white coated with hexcore 6-string ..................... medium....... 030/125 .... CHF
Neon Yellow
NYB-40 ........................ neon hidef yellow coated with hexcore .......................................... lite....... 040/105 .... CHF
NYB-45 ........................ neon hidef yellow coated with hexcore .................................. medium....... 045/105 .... CHF
NYB-50 ........................ neon hidef yellow coated with hexcore ...................................... heavy....... 050/110 .... CHF
NYB5-40 ...................... neon hidef yellow coated with hexcore 5-string............................ lite....... 040/120 .... CHF
NYB5-45 ...................... neon hidef yellow coated with hexcore 5-string.................... medium....... 045/125 .... CHF
NYB6-30 ...................... neon hidef yellow coated with hexcore 6-string.................... medium....... 030/125 .... CHF
DR 'Fat Beams' Electric Bass Series
FB-40 ........................... fat beams stainless steel with roundcore ...................................... lite....... 040/100 .... CHF
FB-45/100 ................... fat beams stainless steel with roundcore ........................medium-lite....... 045/100 .... CHF
FB-45 ........................... fat beams stainless steel with roundcore .............................. medium....... 045/105 .... CHF
FB5-40 ......................... fat beams stainless steel with roundcore 5-string........................ lite....... 040/120 .... CHF
FB5-45 ......................... fat beams stainless steel with roundcore 5-string................ medium....... 045/125 .... CHF
FB5-130 ....................... fat beams stainless steel with roundcore 5-string................ medium....... 045/130 .... CHF
FB6-30 ......................... fat beams stainless steel with roundcore 6-string................ medium....... 030/125 .... CHF
DR 'Bootsy Collins Bootzillas' Electric Bass Series
BZ-45 ........................... Bootsy Collins bootzillas stainless steel with hexcore.......... medium....... 045/105 .... CHF
BZ-50 ........................... Bootsy Collins bootzillas stainless steel with hexcore........ signature....... 050/110 .... CHF
BZ5-45 ......................... Bootsy Collins bootzillas stainless steel with hexcore 5-stringmedium .. 045/125 .... CHF
BZ5-130....................... Bootsy Collins bootzillas stainless steel with hexcore 5-stringmedium .. 045/130 .... CHF
DR 'Jonas Hellborg' Electric Bass Series
JH-40 ........................... Jonas Hellborg single nickel wrap wound with roundcore ........... lite....... 040/100 .... CHF
DR 'Rare' Acoustic Bass Series
RPB-45 ........................ rare phosphor bronze with roundcore .................................... medium....... 045/105 .... CHF
RPB5-45 ...................... rare phosphor bronze with roundcore 5-string...................... medium....... 045/125 .... CHF
Musik Olar AG PO Box CH-4800 Zofingen Tel +41 62 745 8050 Fax +41 62 745 8055 [email protected]
Pricelist 2016/2017