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A Newspaper {footed 1 0 t|,e Community Interett Full Local GweWage XI.II- 43 llartmt Cfirlrrrt, New Jersey, Thursday, March 4, 1965 pie You Should Know 1 Presented Fairly, dearly And Impartially Each Week Complete News Picture* PiiMishrd WrrM On Thursday Fnlrrrd u Jd« Clin Mill At P 0 . C»rUm, N. J PRICE TEN CENTS New Jobs Greet Milkman Council ClltS$35,000 Along Carteret Route ip r o m ^ ^ j g u d t l n n s a 24 hour ,1,1,1's lift i» ' " day" ""'^ Kabbi Abraham A si'Vi'n day-week colors his life. He is cnunwlor. ,',' m( | student of nncient lnw. H|.* home ndjointng the Jewish Community Onter, \!jitim told a Carteret Pre«g reporter. Here h<> talks, i ;ilmil his w<""k in hli own words: Rnbhi" means teacher That is primarily the ulHj ,,l ;, Hiilihi, in the rlaMlcol nense. A Jewish spiritunl hmvrvTi, muit also serve Its an example of the Jewish , hcsid« imparting information. i"n Ix-Cins nt B: 15 a.m. nt which time two of my (l;iii«h '.',. un'.-tnd tffltlnK «*adv l 0 cat(%h t h c 7 : 1 R h l l s '" v * .. unlit lo mnke the (1:30 rlnw at Yeshiva trmpiMiy lHi| I nm at my Study at 7 15 for my morninc pr.iycrs „ | m rently to take my youn«e*t dwmhtrr to school i,'...,ish Kducational Center in Elifabclh. and I'm usii.-dly ,. i i»i ,i m. for hrenkfrnt. durlnR which time 1 rrad the .,.,|HT< In keep up with world events AftPr hriMkf:i<ii. v *i trip to any on* of the hoapitnls in the area lu ..,'t Perth Amhoy General, Elliaheth Genera!. Hah I ,,i times Newark or New York. Sometimes I visit ':,;I.I:> in OIK morning I have to be back bv i no p m :/.r a religiout ichool that operates daily. Mondn\ rhuiMlay from 3-« p m II I have time in between. I in study, part of the time, and the rent to planning .i tnr rt*ftavy<ir W W t l i m Wpefi. Somcwher*- hen ,iml sundown. I fit In the Mincha prayer* t'AUTKKKT - .lames .1. Relates Start ducts. But above and beyond i l.uknch. :(1 (Jrant Avenue, Mr. l.ukach related to a that call of duly is where Hit* i wintrd to Ix' (inijjKisI but he- Carteret Press reporter the fun begins. •: (iimc a milkman instead and other day how he not his start At certain times, a milkman '\ now is observing his 40th an- in the milk ^usintss. is the answer to a housewife's \ niversary in Ihe milk business. "My brother, John" he said, prayer and she doesn't hesitate I .Jim Luknch is known to one "wanted to follow the sea. He to ask his aid in such homely \ and all. Hi' lias been a morn- liked to work on ships and emergencies as moving the I tier of tho Borough Council for see the world. My mother was furniture, minding the baby •; :!(i years, served on the Board heartbroken because of his and putting up the clothesline. ; nf Education a dozen years, long absence from home. After Complicated gadgets some- ; wus elected assessor for a pleading with him and cry- times get out of order around four-year term and was head ing her heart out, John decid- the house and if a milkman ; (if Ihe Carteret Civic Defense ed to stay home and go into happens along the right time, : the milk business. He wanted he becomes an emergency : duriiiK World Wnr II. me to join him and to satisfy It w;i, Jim I 'ikr'i'h who per- my mother, I did But John electrician, plumber, carpen- : w.ided the late f'rank Born. did not want to t>e a land- ter and what have you for the health ins'iector to inaugurate lubber. Soon, he was off again baffled housewife. Feeds Cat .mniial baby parades wtiich for to pursue hit seamnnship We years a favorite event. After put in a little money and I did Mr Lukach has patiently fed Hie iini-ides. th'1 babies gurgled not want to lore it. so 1 decid- a cat while the customer was away on vacation. He recalled ill the milk they could with ed to carry on the milk busihow he came just in time in ih" cnmi tlm«ms of Jim ',uk- ness." hold s baby while the mother John now lives in Youngs- warmed its bath water. M h Later on for mnny years, town, 0.. and another brother, 't was Jim Lukach who pro"I once got a note" sp.id Mr. uded all the free milk for a Uuis, eventually became a Lukach which was nrint:i! in druggist and he is in that busivarietv of events given for the pencil and said; "Milkman, benefit of cjiildten. He is the ness in Mllltown. aims bye kolecking wunst." Chores for Milkman father of four girls and s boy. I figured she wanted to pay Mr. Lukach related some of me. I was right. lie has been active in many And that's the life of mil1 [(immunity enterprises and his experiences of the trade. When-you come right down to man, from furniture mover to civic organizations and served it. the primary duty of the an all-around handy man. Beis president of the Carteret milkman in Carteret is to da- sides everything else, he someLtuis Club. liver milk and other dairy pro- how finds lime to deliver milk. CARTF.RET - In consideration nf the mandate of the public, which twice defeated the School Board budget, Mayor and Counrtl lnst night voted to chop $35,000 from the amount the Board had asked for. It was Councilman Nicholas Dei Vacchk) who introduced a reoo'u* tion to this effect and it was immediately seconded by Council" man Charles Bohanek. Mayor Andrew Banick said that he was "not. too happy about the cut" explaining that he had expected it would CAHTERET - All Carteret Holy Name Societies are making go deeper. Del Vacchk) said that careful arrangements to participate in trje annual dinner honoring the spiritual dirertors of units of the Middlesex County Federation stuck/ of the budget items h i d of Holy Name Societies to be held April 2a at 7 p.m. in St. been made and suggested that a major reduction in the $31,000 inThomas the Apostle Church Auditorium in Old Bridge, crease in custodian services cm'iij. , In addition to honoring Ihe spiritual directors of the 69 parish be affected, and other reductions units in the county, the federation will cite Kenneth J. Becker could be made in other items in Mmr Median of Metuchen, communications chairman of the Diocesan Union the general expenses, Both be : m I leave ajjaln for Eliiabrth to pick up my sin of Holy Name Societies, lor his service as literature and com- and Bohanek were in agreement .,,-,! .,! nhnut 7 I'm home for nipper. Them in always munications chairman for the county unit as well, that they did not want the school • „ . df some » r t ' Youth Group, Center Board. Heliwinus Edward S Zrebiec of South Amboy and Joseph E. Luongo of children to be hurt. •>,,• Educational Committee. Men* flub, etr These Middlesex are co-chairmen of the dinner. Joseph Indyk of HelmIn seconding the motion, BoU',:in at nhnut 1:30 p.m. and last until before or ,ifter etta, a past federation president, will be toastmaster. hanek s?'d that it would now he • depending on the amount of buniiWM At the CIHI of Speaker for the dinner will be-Bishop'Stephen J. Kocisko of up to the School Board to reduce \wr\nft emergency call* I ran lit down,in the quiet IN 1,1 KM It the Byzantine Rite Eparchy of Passalc. It will be the first time the budget m whatever area .: hi\ and plan my anrnons for the Friday (Owning a bishop of the Byzantine Rite has addressed the Middlesex they feel." , held at tnt Jevriih Community (enter every Kndn> federation. Councilman Charles Bonceiet r s .w p.m - or a talk for thr Junior rotij-reuiitinn stated that it was a difficult probTickets are available through the respective parish societies. , |.,.;,| every Saturday morntni at 1 G « a m. - Occasionlem for the Council to took into mmanother budget and then reduce it. -mjnin for tbr worshipper* at the CongreifHiion of l«v"However," he said, "it was a •he on Hoo»evelt Avenue, where I jto in pray ever) clear indication that the citiiens r.uirnms at 9 00 a.m. On Friday nt sundown. I am at wanted it cut — we don't want it , , • »f ihe ConRrecation of Brotherhood of Israel CAHTERET - Struck by a kit and run driver at 2 a.m. Mon- taken out of the educational facil! Sen lies for the departed, where the ion say* the day, Alfred Tampa, 31, of 62A Larch Street, Carteret, was in ities, and don't believe the bufc ni.iy rome any dny of the week, iyahn«>it' Then we critical condition in the Elizabeth General Hospital, service wiH be affected." M , it night and on the following mominif This has Continuing, he declared that i State Pojice, Newark,, reported* Tampa was struck at Linden A.II.I iiitn the hut) whadule of the Rabbi Mile Posl 99 in/the southbound lane of the New Jersey Turn- "very definite cut could be m H e .•mlrr iif the rLibbinknl Couadl of America and of in the custodial services with f a pike, t : CARTP.RET - ("arieret lifu ini.-i-n Hesion. I attend their meetings whenever poaThey said he jjivas watching a garage man service his car at use of high school seniors work n? > ti r time is le/l, is devuted lo tfody and during the wrance man I'eler r. AnfyrN part time under tne supervlsi^i a City Service station when mowed down. ... .ition. I spend my time In the New York Book shop* ha*, been elected tn the Tampa suffered scalp multiple lacerations, requiring 68 su- of a custodian." He felt in tKs ! ! Sidi ami in UV Cnd St Puhlk library or the advisory hoard nf The Mutual tures, and multiple abrasions of the right leg, hospital authori- category, $25,0flO culd be s a v r i Benefit Ufe Insurance Company,,| •..WMK library. Stttiflg in at the meeting where ties said (hi Newark company hns anA k M B r WUe a number of Board of Educat ~i Tin' errant driver drove off in the direction^ Newark. members, including, Joseph Lar V i,l wiirk of the Rabbi II not complete without the nounced president; Superintendant f'\ r • i|..)ti,.ii ;ind poaftivt nittUkW of hit wtfe to the Mr Arfyri* will serve a lbree> 1 Schools Edwin Quin, and Bi/; d .ommunit) in which he nenrex Mr* Album come* year term on the FTeltf Advisory Council, an educational and reSecjltary Mrs. Josephine O'Brien, • .l; A demendwil of a list of Rabbi* that foes SMTeli body made up of none of whom made any comment -I'vi .veart to Rabbi S h k p * YJlH-hak. bHI« known during the meeting. ; i 4i It was ,Io*ph Zimmerman, lie i ' :ustodian at the high school, « i CARTERET - At the general : « * exception to the sugges i Hihbi Elijiih. th» Sa«e af n | j » of the 17th Ceotury. before horne office manafiftincnt !' V. K. W. SONS INSTAM. OKKH KK.V ln:,,4ll;itio.; o f f i c e r s ol Suns ol the VI « Unit i t l l was held .-t .-»U>. K«bbi Uaar FVrn&i Kpedot. vhief Rabbi CARTF.RET — In this borough meeting of the Carteret Chapter reductions in his department. . s Mr. Argyrij, an a s w i a t e of! recently wrtb Pout Commander Lawrence ltou^her v us hisl.illiit:: officer. I'icluiid nhove. top row. fm whom U K H.iljbfajc.il School of.the Yethiva the Edward L Rosenb.ium Adviser* Charles Auker. Kdward Kiilnis. .Jdsrph II;-ycana Allied Oiiklcv. Second row. LIT McDer- we are doing a lot of talking by of Hadassah held thursday eve- pointed out that the emplo> 3 ning, Mrs. Elsie Walker, 198 Per- itarted out at $4,000 and gradually i nii'd «r« mtTnbifs of thi.s line of Habhis. Her Aiienry in N w York City, and is mult, adviser, and Lawrence Dougherty, 1'iist (' unmundcr and (ieori;c (iiiodrich, executive officers itelenhone This was revealed in the 1964shing Ave,, was declared the win- reached $5,600, and "it was nst *.„ .i nrarlinng Hjibttt and her lather wan or-a .member of Mutual llennfit's top Ut the Sons. Third row: Rolwrt Hedesh.Uaiuel Domivan, William Scloliyt. Ken Surich, Past Unit • MM^i-d in busitit^K Mr* Allwin ai»is»s m Ihe He- 'sales production croup. Ihe Prcv Commander (Jus h'ubian, Kabert I.jndeman, (je«r•<# Milrhcll, Jr. Vice (uiiinuutdcr Ilicluird Pack- report of the New Jersey Bell ner of the portable TV set with air to have children take, over stand awarded by the chapter for hese duites." •"»•< fw ;i !iitpninj! pott lor the HnbbiL« Meat JMienT* Club He has been with ard, (Ivde Carl, t'ronl nm: Mascot IIJVIIIOIHI kulnis, Kuyiuiiiid liolicl, Teddy Surich, Unit Com- Telephone Company made public the benefit of the Hadassah Meditoday. the company since !£>6 mander Michael Wuint, Hurry Ueini. St., Vice Coininundcr Allen (ioodrich and William Carl, •"• . i«Mier s»-nire to the c-onimuruty, and as his cal organization. Mrs. Abraham The capital outlay and evening Carteret residents made 49,796 A nativi of Newark, he attended service for foreign born Hems, daily phone calls last year, the re> Album gave the opening prayer. remain the same. HutKers 1'niversity and served llWlwy A Ceremonial on Youth Aliyah iwrt sliows. It was also revealed '"'•• Jewish Community ha* a very inlertating hw- with the United States Army durResigns that the company has installed 250 was read by Mrs. Jack Stein. ; Th* t * o Orthodox Synagoguti are witness to ing Work) WjJr II. He is married, Carmine ^iccardi sent in his additional phones in Carteret dur-! Mrs. William Knifel. announced iu«' during the pa* J acore year*. Within, U« la.it and lives at 34 Chestnut StmH in' 1st year. | a joint meeting of Hadassah sup- letter of resignation as a commisCarteret I - h the arrival o< young faroilkt \tm surrounding central office has just plies and Youth Aliyah would sioner and chairman of the Re''•"•"•m-y ii towards Conaervalive Strvket. Th* dibeen ij^ned in the borough by the sponsor the Puritn Bazaar and development Agency, and Cduncil •••^nent* with labels of Orthodox, Conservative and telephone company. jCarnival at the, next, regular meet- appointed William Iinderman in - imported from a country in Europe, and has little ing of the group Thursday eve- his place. Growth Is Cited 1 n <hr red d the world Particularly ia this useless On the average business day ning, March 25. Mrs. Charles Robert Moss of Metuchen w:.s ' '.-ommunitiM in the United Stales, where the during 1964. New Jersey Bell Kuritz was the winner in the lin- appointed as attorney for the Plan"••••I'IH-MJ come from varied badurounds. from the Telephone Company, customers en club drawing. A report of the ning Board at an annual salary of ": r'-:iiiious adherence. made 14,700.000 calls, 4.4 per cent mid-winter conference held by the $1,200, Speaking against the ap! CAHTERKT - At a regular more than t,he 1963 average and a South N. J. region of Hadassah, pointment was Councilman John ••" 'l«l and ordained in the New Israel Rabbinical jaiwembl) the following awards new high in the 38-year history Mrs. Morris Ulman announced Hutnick, declaring that it was a "'""»*"*; iOrthodox' with special qualiftcatior* to :were made at A Lincoln School: the Carteret group was the first "crying shame that we cannot apof the company. "•• la««s of Jewish law Theae degrees are «cog- I Safely'in the Halh Pixter ConThis is one of the highlights of chapter to receive an award for point a mail from Carteret." •" 'Pied throughout the world, and Including Israel le»t 1st pbee — Judith Hr.irnoNew Jersey Bell's anual report paid up membership. The award '••••"'"I w k »n the Hebrew Theological College in wici, 5th grade in Mr Ttwht'twas presented to Mrs. Joseph '*•"<!» a doctorate ia Hebrew letters and Talmudic sky's room 2nd place - Itobert, LKAUtK CHAMPS KKCKIVK JACKKTS: The VFW Post MU in t'arteret, recently presented jaok- for 1964, issued 'today by E. Hornsby Wasson, Company presi- Weiss, presidept; Mrs. William ' " ^ continue to serve also Conservatives Urban, 5th grade in Mrs Sh;tl-| fts to their sponsored team which wus Ihe champion af the Jot Mt'dwick League in 1964. Pictured In the summary, Wasson LeBouj, membership vice presiow's 3rd place — Evelyn Cham- above, sitting are Mike Derezo. Alan Sumutka, Joe Terebetski Sr., Manager. Charles Kranlz, coach dent, if the Mmmwflty with varied shades of dent and Mrs. Edward Ulmap. and observance, but with a positive ap- ra, 8th, grade in Mrs Semenza's. J and BUI Klliolt. SUndinR are Lawrence Dou^beriy, Post Commander, Leslie Krantz, Richard Dote- said: "We have achieved significant j Mrs. Morris Ulmah ( was appoint, 4th place — Marilyn Vit.de. 5th! Kow^ki, Jake KUmek, Tom Hasel, Joe Terebetski Jr., Ed Lower, George Malek, Gordon Baldwin, progress in making oun service ed as delegate to the regional grade in Mrs, Shallow's, 5th place! Steve Wuy, posl chairman, and Tom CmighlUi, recreation director. Missing are Gary Smith and e» oot, thank Q-d, emphuiie better as the customer! measures spring conference tofibe held April CARTERET - If leverythin* Te ach ach rr n n Sharai Br»chka, fith grade inj works according to plan, the trafJunes Batts. <« ,,,nn.m " , ff ''' bn»l. ••rive to emphaaiie the it."« 26-27-28 at the Laurel and the J fic light on Roosevelt Avepue, •" «a»uau» Jewlah tducation for «J|tadivUuaUre- Mrs, Semenza's room. Pines. Characterizing last year "as a This contest was judged by Mr.' West Carteret, should be in place year of recoi}d accomplishment" y announced Mrs. Philip w a s _ | Peters. Miss Pavero and Mrs. by Saturday. for New Jersey Bell,,he pointed chodosh would chair the nominShallow f ating committee. Those serving Councilman Nicholas Del Vacout that: | The school also jutt completed a with Mrs. Chodosh are Mrs. Gar-chio explained to his fellow mem"The telephone job.in 1964 Poster Contest for 'five PTA "Book bers at last night's Council meeti us to undertake and carry out the son Gruhin, Mrs. William Knifel ing that the reason for the hold-'ra Fuir" The winntrs; CAHTEHET.-Carteret Post largest expansion and improve-! M r s W i l l i a m and Mrs. Ir-in reparing the light was the wait 1st pri» - Jack Weiss. 7th • CAHTERET - The Hebrew 2(i;i. American Legion, has re- W P r o = r a m , i n t h e h i s t o r >' of ! vinj Rader. W<% Philip Drourr for new parts, which come from grade in Mrs Frita's class. 2ndMen's Club of the Cartertu ., wceived more than 150 essays on the Company." . Walter King, 7th grade in ish Community Center presented and Mrs. Lewis Lehrer are tak- the west coast. He said that th°y :Th*CarU( were being sent by air express, Mrs Fritz's class. 3rd prize — its third annual "Man of the The Foster-Wheeler Corpora-, safety in connection with its eoning reservations ! for the annual andf he had been assured t H y Paul Ostt'r. Nth grade jn Mr. Y«ar" Award on February 26th, tion reported yesterday that it test, William V. Larrison, chairI won man Said. Fift? Boro Children donor luncheon to be held Tues- woujd arrive >he/e toiporrow or Brown's. 4th prize - Joan to Sam GevirUman, 381 Carteret operated profitably last year , •*ki. 6th grade in Mrs. Brandon's Avenue. Presentation was made after incurring a large deficit Most of the essays have been r Set for iV. Y. Tri/Ji'day noon, March 30 qt the Hilton heVext day. ! Hi, i_l ! _ IT V 1, f l i t , , class 5th(..priie - Diane Banko. during the regular Friday Night inj 1963. sent by students of St. Joseph's HB said that as soon as the, (Hotel in New York City. CAHTERET Plans have been > -He Cartere, U.lxir 4th tirade in Miss Markowiu's Services by last year's recipiont, The producer of oil refinery and Holy Family Parochial to take fifty children A hat social followed the meet parts' arrived, the 'contractw fomolet ' "' i» the " " 7th Irv Levitz. „-.„, ... Diane Balka. and utility equipment said it schools. '' ing. Winners were: Mrs. Al Kest- would immediately get to mak'-ig president; Jo-' CAHXERET - The last pan of Mr. Larrison said he is being on a triii to New York City to theenbaum, prettiest, tMrs. Jack the repairs. In the meantime, tlia , MrS Fritz's cta». Mr. Gevirtzman has been ex- cleared $1,600,732, equal to "Just for Fun" T.V. show on Elim'the annual testing program will his contest were ceptionally active in the Jewish $2.21 a share, on billings of Masted with the judging by Fran- March 8th, according to Council- Stein and Mrs. William Knifel councilman said that' he would "1> orren-be held at Carteret High School qs Tomczuk and Robert Saigeti, $181,609,973 in 1964. This eomIr. Brown, Mrs. Community for more than a d«most original, Mrs. Sidney Fox vocate hiring a school trtjs '^ 1 man John Brechks of the Car, , . ienW. ; u n Saturday, March' 1.1.' at B:30 par* with a net .loss of $3,248,- both members ol the Carteref ter»t llecreation Department The most comical. Judges were Mrs. transport the school child, a Miss Fyne and u Qade. His endeavors in fund re acros this busy and dangerous in•'•"•Kl|y and poUticul ni- « " ' At that time the National raising for the erection of the 821, on billings of $139,409,8"" a Histi sVhool faculty. bus will leave the Youth Center Lewis | Lehrer, Mrs, Aaron Sack1 1 ,"" liuisFUep, trust-'Merit Test will be administered Ha siiid results of the competi- t 10:30 A. M. Community Center were cited in year earlier. helm, Mrs, David Wohlgemuth tersection. .; ''wuvan, trustee; A l ' « Junior students and the Councilman Thomas Devi : 3 the TWisentation. Mr. Gevtrtznuui John E. Kenney; president, I'nii stimild be known within two The ehanerons will be Mrs. Em-A most interesting Wig & llu slw ; : and J a m w Ir- Notional Educational Develop STORY HOUR weeks. , declared that the was, not a"- t has served in ejirery capacity ofj said "By the beginning of 1964 ,ma Lucas, counselor at the Cen- fashion show' directed by Mr, Mrs. '"'t "t-arm* , men! Test wiU be given to fresh-1 CAR]TEKET Mr. Larrisim nottd, "A preliml honor and i s at urestnt an elected Mark Harris, I owner of the Flair Jhe bus transportainn, hi't ' "t iCr will be the stoi toller member oi the Community Center we Li) eliminated the majOflv ir.irv sc:i.iimns of me efcsays has ter, Mrs. Kay Symchik. of the : ! 0 1 ""' action was adujpt "''A; ™ sophomores. Participa-|»«» difficulty in nuclear munu&c-' 1 Carteret School of Dancing, andFashion Salon in Rahway con- that the Bound of Educ: ' i library Saturday Board and Chairman of the Re- hiring responsible for our loss- Indicated that the It-13 year-old Mrs. w. Kursincyski of Wood- cluded the evening's entertain- should do It oi| the basia nf ;• '•is altogether voluntary, but ; i t ' students are keen ubseruers of surance risks, |.etc., since • j ligious Committee for the Center es of the previous year. ment. and parents an' 10 z vifctv habits, every Council would have to enter i» 'i . ""nuiilty a contract that might be for on'y ment on national norm*. a couple of days at $10 per d?y. * N xt w e e k fr l"'^i iim tonwrni Itself * ^ «*J™*" will Mayor Andrew Banick said tr."t r "' issues a j MMU-'K'VW an aptitude test which will | he would check with the Bgari | . quest. He wondered if the Fire pole is usually a top attraction iiri' btations, but usually CAIU'EHKT - "Why are you ;i| on a fire station visit. "Of first and if necessary the Council l the war against1 Wic^te the! indlvlduul's strwngthi (here is a united chant for a Department would get in touch a firciiwn"'" would furnish the transportaion, with him the ne,xt time there course" he . added "every and on «n<i {rip down the firehudse pole. ••Will there be a fire today?" youngster tries out the tiller's' Councilman Charles Boncebt, 'was a big fire and let him ride At Fire House 1 on the Hill, "Ut me try on your fire in agreeing with the mayor, deplace un the'hook and ladder alontt. "'•"•'>I«<1 the children are .chunked by hat." The EAKNINQ8 RUE number was over, clared that it was wise to trana*, Fire Capt Jim Vonah at the truck. "Did you evjr get your feet the book and laHder. At Fire chii.il 'ut4j« b« mat taken for another iwrt them" while we are without" At Fire House 3, Capt. Pat | Chrome firehouse says the boys ol Gen burned?" House No. 2 in Chrome and the boy benefit of the light, "and that; it 10 Donovan explain* all the pieces "Canna slide down the fire- Fife House No. 3 In West Car- visiting the firehouse want tu ^ i e r a l American Tranaportaiion wa.s not a matter of "who proaround the pumper. "When git awhile at the helm of the house pole? Canna please, canSdt»wy teret, the pumiiers hold their vides the transportaion ?- but that. Corporation in (664 reached an all and the band, made a hurschool children come to Uw na mister?" engine. Girls like to hear the jt be provided." chief attention. in go on time hifb o< WW.W or H » These are a few questions firehouse for a visit, the place One of the boys 'who led the ^ l l and fire sirens. Del Vacchfc stated fortlttr that with which firemen are boardpw ihare, w iacrtoH q/ 18.1 pet Fire Capt. Frtd Gotnbos at is pierced with sudden excite"we haven't been asleep oo this movement' to slide down the ed when school children pay a out over 1863 .when |J«,«7,0M or Fire House 1 says the sliding ment and high tension." problem and have been taking 4 visit to any of the three Car- pole, had one «th«r small re- Boro Holy Name Units to Attend County« HNS Fete Carteret Man Pictorial Highlights of the Week Borough Man is Hurt h Elected To Insurance Post Hadassak Unit Safety Posters Winners Listed Traffic Light Expected Soon Cevirtzman Is Foster Wheeler Legion Contest Wan of Yejar' Business Better Nets 150Essaiys Report Shows <»leret Labor Council ; Richert It's Head . Test Slated For March 13 '«•*>"• STAe Dance Must Go OnChildren's roonu Afdl H.W per thax« wsi earned, it wu announced la th# annual re port to itockboklerl. » Blu. B»d Hour at Fire House: Sliding Pole is Tops ^.pendent-LeaderJE-B) • Carter* Thursday, March 4, 1965 \Martha Szymonifka Weds Edward Holobinko Lenlen Communion Service$ Slated CARTERET-The Lord's Table will be prepared for Lenten Communion in the Hungarian Reformed Church this coming Sunday CARTKHET - Mis* Martha I.i morning at both worship services. To Attend | Szymonifka, daughter of Mr. and Plan . A The service in English will hefiln n ,, Mrs. Joseph S*ymonifta, 54 Lin-: „ P a s s i o n I aly. / • / » • * promptly at 9:30, in Hungarian at ilcu street became the bride of CARTERET - The Knclish A1-, io:45. There will be no Sunday Edwiird E, Holobinko, son o( Mrs.tar-Rosary Society of Sacred| School, confirmation class, how Joseph Rartosh, Houtwlnle, Pa., Heart Church has made, plan* tO: j|) i, jt morning ses w Saturday at 3 p.m. in St. De-see the Passion Play performed by | e v c r w o a v e )s sion a t g ; 3 a s u s u a netrius Ukrainian O r t h o d o x the Seminarians of the Mother of ^•preparatory service will he 'hmrh. The Revs. John Hunriiak Our Saviour Seminary in Black- held Saturday evening at 7 o'inrl Peter Melech officiated at wood, New Jersey April 4. leaving clock, in both Hungarian and Engie double ring ceremony. from the church at 12:30 p.m. Tic- lish. TV bride, escorted to the altar kets may be purchased from Mrs. The customary I^enten M idy her fath«r, wdre a bell shaped! Julius Kovacs, Mrs. George Ma- Week Services will begin next own of riulcie s?tin trimmed witn rola, Mrs. John Sulek, Mrs. John Thursday, March 11th. These lac* on th* bodice, skirt Resko and Mrs. Frank Knssnk. l in Hungarian i services, held as hbl Inng sleeves, A detachable for aa inEnglish, English,will willcomrr commence Lhrain « i featured Plans were also marie lor wwell e l! aas s ta •hapel length minthe in lu nyiu ^"*" in/,.- • , uico 5»?ij m vith _.. pm at the General Stefan* Lenten Season, pen pill-box trimmed with . ib on lower Pershin? Avenue.' md crystals to which a silk illu useable items are to be brought I riion veil was attached. She caro the premises. I .hflSSifliP I tilt ried an orchid, stephanotis nnd The annual Mother's Day ™ m - | V t I M » M U H . L J I I l l pompoms on a prayerbook. ^ , , ,,... v M iriM-y Theatre i M p i * ' ! one ; ,,t j,|J The bride's maid of honor was munion breakfast will be heldi Hiss Rosemary Petras, of Avenel, May 9th with Mrs. Julius Kovacs Mrs. John Riter, Roselle Park, as chairman. CARTERET-The Youth Group KIKST CAII - Mayor An.lr*w Banlck o. CarUret makes the first telephone call a u - was matron of honor. The attendjf the Carteret Jewish Community jnt was Miss Patricia Ssymonifka, Virag Completes Center will present a gatehering Carteret, bride's sister. The flower Course at Army with the "Lubavitcher Chassidim" girl was. Miss Kimberly Milavec, FORT SAM HOUSTON, TEX. - Saturday evening, March 6th. at Central City, Pa. Pvt. Joseph Virag, Jr., whose 8:30 P. M., at the Center. Serving as best man for his oarents live at 74 Longfellow St., CARTERET - On Sv... uncle was Sam Holobinko, Dis- •Carteret, completed a six-week The group will present an inThe new centra! office bexan operation on Feb. 2». March B, the Saint i . spiring evening of discussions of irict Heights, Md. The ushers medical records and reports CARTERET - Five Carteret Players of Carteret u were Robert Gavlek, Linden and course at the Brooke Army Med- Chassidic doctrine, Chassidic High School seniors wtre notified *rivate laremhski part in the New Jersey v. songs, Chassidic stories and a Richard Karlinchak, North Arling ical Center, Fort Sam Houston JVoit) in Germany league's one net plnv ••<• question and answer period. Th« of their college acceptances • ton. The page boy was Michael Tex., Vtb.lt. 8TH INFANTRY 4WV., tifr^ ment to b« heW at the i • J. S^rriorulka, bWthw of Ore During the course Virag re- Youth Group expects to share «& Miss nona Jane Weiss iiany — Army Pvt. Michael Vf. Dramatic Club, Crandr ; the joyous spirit of Chassklus and bride. ceived instruction in the proce- i the intellectual manifestation ok of her admission to Douglass Col '.aremski, son of Mr. and Mrs play to be presented The bride was graduated from dures and techniques of maintain- "Chabad" (wisdom, understand- Iege and plans to major in psych lohn H. Zaremski, 47 Elmwood Serafin and Joaquin A Carteret High School and is em-ing Army medical records and re-ing, knowledge). ology While in attendance at \venue, Carteret, was assigned SUNNY MORNING" »n:,: | ployed by Hess Oil k Chemical ports, Virag entered the Army Carteret ffl*h School, Dona o the 8th Infantry Division in Quintero and directed k. Corp., Port Reading as a secre- [last July and completed basr , Admission twill be free and anproved active as the feature edi 'Urmany, Feb. 16th. Hallowell. Memben o( n» | unforgettable evening is promised tor of the Annscott News, member ta* training at Fort Dix. Zarembski is a records clerk include Ethel Helm, Joiu. i>i to all adults and children attendMr. Holobinko, a graduate o The 21-year-old soldier was gn I ing. Retreshmtnts will be served of the literary staff of the Loud in the division's 8th Administra- eri, Bernedatte Schmoii speaker, the National Honor So tion Company. Bob Merelo. Moshannon Valley High Schoo duated from St. Mnry's High I by the Youth Group. ciety, junior play cast and sec re He entered the Army in August Houtzdale, served four years ii School, Perth Amboy, in 1962 a™ the U. S. Marine Corps. He is em from North Jersey Industrie The Panama Canal was opened tary of the French Club. Ilona 1964, completed basic training at Stage Manager is Hueston; Asst., Stage M,i lives with her parents, Mr. and •jloyed by General Aniline am Drafting School, Bloomfield, li on Aug., IS, 1911 Mrs. .Joseph Weiss at 30 East Oak .Fort Dix, N. J., and was last sta is Val McGrath; proi»rij 1964. Fiim Corp., Linden. Itioned at Fort Gordon, da. Chas. Laughery; makeup 14 Street. The 18-ytar-old soldier was raine Palumbo; set tonyr Uuis Kottridge. of 56 Larch Street, was granted admission by graduated in 1964 from Carteret ion Harry Helm and light*. Hueston. Seton Hall University. High High School. school activities for Louis include Friday, March 5th • 2 Adar II the freshment tea committee. TO SEE TV SHOW 5725. honor roll, physical education CARTERET - A busload of Stragapede Joints Light the Sabbath candles before teacher for Students' Day, choral children will be transported to Evening Srk group, health careers club, j a u New York on March 8th to sec 5:33 p.m. MISS KORNELUK . arnl folk music club. Louis was the television show, "Just for CARTERET - Eighty sui* SIDRAH: Pekudei, Ex. 35:21 • j CARTERET - The annual blue i previously accepted by the Uni-Fun." Councilman John Brwhka launched their college caws 40:38. ENGAGEMENT TOLD HAFTORAH: Kings I, 7:51 • 8:land gold dinner of Cub Scout Pack versity of Maryland and plans to of the RecreaUoo Department Iw m e j t f f ta #86 was held at St. Joseph An21.rrujor in social studies. He issaid the bus will leave from tbei of• •• .— Union Junior College, fnrf Michael Korneluk has a n the son of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Youth Center at 10:50 A.M. including Beraadino Str.in nounced the engagement of his Services on Friday at the Jew-, nex, Sunday. Guest speakers were Chaperons for tho group will be of TS Louis Street, Carters t daughter, Margaret Mary Korn- ish Community Center at 8:30 p.|Rev. Victor M. Grabrian, Rev. AnJKottridRe. eluk, of IS Vermont Avenue, West m. An Oneg Shabbat will follow thony M. Gaydas, ,'oseph Lamb. I Walter Pelc son of Mr. andMrs. Erma Lucas, counselor ofj Union Junior CoHece Carteret, to Ronald Edward Wat- the services. Students of the He-Bill Walsh, Don Razzo. George Mrv Walter Pelc of 23 George the center, Mrs. Kay Symchik of rolled 1,235 in its Day ami K-, i ras, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward brew School will participate in the Stima and Tora Connelly. 'Street, lias been admitted to Ohio and Mrs. W. Kursincyski ISessions for the current At a Webelo ceremony of the I Watras of Oxford, NeV Jersey. services. University. Some of his school Woodbridge. semester, Dr. Kenneth W • Miss Korneluk was graduated Services on Saturday at theArrow of Light tho following were! activities are the senior and junior sen, dean, reported. from Carteret High School and IsJewish CommunityCenter at 10:45awarded Webelo Badges and Scout! pby committees, German Club, Eskimos presently a senior at Douglas Col- a.m. Mrs. Kltzls will help with the handbooks: Kenneth Wright, Jo(freshman football and a dance Between 30,000 and 40,090 Eski- Mr. Stragapede, a gradi lege in New Brunswick, New Jer- children's Kiddush. sepu Petresino, Wayne Pusillo, i committee. Walter will major in mos are scattered from Greenland Carteret Hlih School, ii sey. She is a member of the So- Melave Malke - special evening Edmond Satkowski. Robert Talalat a specialjgudent, H. « | ^nginecriiif. iwst. across N ciology Honor Society, Alpha KapRichard Wadiak's application northeastern Siberia, Iccordinsj »on of Mrs. by the Youth Group of ai, James Thompson and Kgvin Stras;.1 pa Delta, and^plans^fo begiWlhe^Scoiimunity Center" for Coyle. was accepted by Richmond Col- 'to Britannica Junior Encydopaeand the latf Mr. teaching in Perth Amoby in " Saturday. March 6th, at 8:30 p.m. Lion Badges were awarded . l i e ami he will study ill the field tember. A group of Young Lubavitcher Kenneth Wright, Joseph Petrosino of science. While in high school Her fiance, Ronald Watras, was Chassidim will'present a Chassid- and James Thompson. he was a student teacher of Gergraduated from Washington High ic sang and dance program, ac- Bear Badges were awarded to: man. Richard is the son of Mr. School, atended Rutgers Univers- companied<by a book fair, Mem Frances Judack, Theodore Onu- HOME FROM BAHAMA CRUISE: Mr. and M s . Thomas Uag«rty and their daughter, Domthj- and Mrs. Edward Wadiak, of 46 ity, and is now a member of IPhe bers of the Center are invited: lak, George Smith, Jphn Good- Aon, aboard RMS Queen Elizabeth in New York upon their return from 1 cruise to the Baha- New York Avenue. United States Armed Forces, sta- Services on Friday at 5:40 p.m.man, Vincent Barillp, and.Robert mas.. Mr. Hagerty, who operates a service station at 1139 R»osevtlt Avenue, Cartatt, Is one William Witte, son of Mr. and for National Business Women's Week tioned at Pace Air Force Base, at Cong. Brotherhood of, Israel, Molarz. of 41 Sunoco dealers and their wives who were awarded 1 jet plane round trip to New York Mrs. Richard Witte, of 113 Poplar i WHEREAS, working women consutuie ^ Portsmouth, New Hampshire. He and at the Cong, of Levfog Jusand a cruise by Sun Oil Company for brighten ing the apptarance «f service itaUms to their Street, was favorably considered Wolf Badges were awarded to: million of the Nation's working f o r c e , ^ . * is also attending the University of tice on Saturday at 9 a.m. for admission by Rutgres Univer,|Carl Mazzola, Robert Hansen, An- tommnaittet. New Hamshire. sity. His school activities are (he constantly striving to serce their commurjt We congratulate Mr. Sam Gev-thony Mosca, Kevin Boyle, Michjunior play the senior paly, Ger- their states and their nation in civic and culturael Lynam, James Stone, Lawirtzman on receiving "The Man man Club, and danc* ticket comLENTEN SERVICES al programs, and .rence Bettinger, Charles Boyle, mittees, William will major in CARTERET—Yesterday marked of the Year" award "presented by I William Gerristead, Mark Higglns WHEREAS, a major goal of JWjJJJ the .beginning of the 4Cxlay peni- «*.HebrewMen. CUk mathematics. and James Ronan. professional women is to help create better con tential season of Lent, and in On March 26th, we will have the CarUret itSi observance is being dedication of the Yahneit Plaque. Gold Arrows were awarded to: ditlons for men and women throupi .tue«u-. CARTERET - Several resi Marwnette Show marked wim special services in All items to appear in this col- Francis Carl, Francis Judack, CARTEP&T - Girl Scout Ca- Mary Lou Macioch, K Karen Hasek lents of the 12th and 13th disof social, educational, economic and pom" ^ . , , fi M Edward McFadden, Robert Talalumn Set or the churches. rii Connelly, C l l C t h r i n e Ra Patricia Catherine umn are to be submitted to Mr. March problems; to help them be of g w f t e r j g j ' ai, John Goodman, Robert Ni?ro, dette Troop 341 of Crossroads zillard, Kathleen Ozmore, Patricia tricU, known as the Parkview CARTERET - lTo raise funds Herb Zimmer at 969-0722. their community; to promote lJruU partoersh Michael Cawley, ^ohn VanGlahn, Council in Carteret under the lead- Ringvrood, Linda Parsons, Bonnie .irea met last night at the City I for the mission in which Sister ership of Mrs. William Gurney Line Club, and formed a new and Michael Lynam. in all phases of daily living;tofurther WewMU! WE 0 0 NOT MAKE SPECIAL MEETING and Mrs. Gus Bonavita, welcome Lausmohr, Judith Sabo, Deborah trganization which will be known Mary Louis is interested, arrangewith women throughout the world; and Silver Arrows were awarded to: Joseph Comba and Andrew Hila Hudak, Janis Lanzano, Lucille a the "Parkview Democratic ments were made to present the &iedOBSQF CARTERET — Mrs. Anne Cls-Francis Carl 2, John Thaete, Ed- of the Carteret Volunteer Firatj Mallette, Ellen Finkel, Linda [world famous Doiari Marionettes WHEREAS, all of us are proud of their l and Social Club." jak, president of the Ladies Aux- ward MeFadden, Robert Talalai, Aid Squad to their meeting this Parsons, Bonnie Lausmohr, Juin a production entitled "Jack, ershlp in many fields of endeavorj £ d their a Thomas McWatters was apiliary to Star Landing Post #2314, John Goodman 2. Michael Rlcciar- we*. dith Sabo, Deborah Hudak, Janis lointed acting chairman, Mrs, and the Beanstalk" at. the High ceptance of "THE RESPOKSIBlLrrY announced that a special meeting di, Christopher Coyle, Kevin School Auditorium Sunday, March Lanzano, Lucille Mallette, Ellen will be held on March 8 at 8 p.m.Coyle, Michael Cawley, John Van The girls appreciate the Oppor Finkel, Linda Cinege, Patricia Hildred_ Greenberg acting sec 14 at 1:30 P.M. and again at 3:15 PARTNERSHIP," at the VFW post rooms and urged Glahn, and Robert Gazdowicz. tunity given them to earn their Kiesling, Dara Simister, Nancj retary and Michael Gugliemetti P.M. NOW, THEREFORE, I, Walter Zirpo is acting treasurer. First Aid Badges and their ChalI memebrs to attend. Denner Stripes were awarded lenge in Emergency Prepared- Doiinicb. Mayor of the Township of Woodbridge, -by \ Sister Mary Louis is leaving At the next scheduled meeting, to: Anthony Briguglio and Jamei ness By various members of the March 15th, 8:30 PM. City line 1soon, for new missionary post in authority vested In me, do hereby procia Storie. IROSARIANS TO MEET Carteret First Aid Sa.uad volun- Ukrainian Group Club a slate of officers will be Colombia, and funds are needed| •March 7 through 13,1965 as • to help her on her way. Den 4 received a trophy for teering one hour of instruction NATIONAL BUSINESS WOMEN'S WEEK In Brooklyn Fet presented by the newly appointed DANCING CARTERET - The regular tbeir candy sales. Prizes were CLASS .monthly meeting of the Altar- awarded to all the boys for their each week for 10-12 weeks, the CARTERET — The Ukrainiai nominating comrhftiet, consisting sponsored by the National Federation of m ' II ness and Professional Women's Clutx, Inc an I Rosary Society of Holy Family splendid1 job in the candv sale girls who qualify will also earnl dancers of this area will particl of the. 4 Democratic District the Junior First Aid Card from Leaders, Mrs. Michael Spoliiino Chinese-Soviet feud appears t o Roman Catholic Church wHl be pate in the United Vkrainian pro Den 1 received the, honor flag fo the American Red Cross. urge all citizens in Woodbridge Townsh I held Sunday, March 7 at 1:30 p.m.the moith. gram of singers and dancers oi and Ro|ert Harris from the l«hhave been revived. district and Mrs. Richard Ebert civic and fraternal groups, all educational ^ Brook The Cadettes who are working M a r c h u / 2 p.m. flt at the after recitation of the Rosary. LEGAL NOTIC and Charles McKernan from the At the dinner a raffle was held ciations, all news media and other comnumi lyn Academy 0( Muskl Brooldya Mrs. Edwin Yanke, president, SLhka" N y M r sOjga R o B a M U > o ( y,, 13th district and Thomas McWat- IOTICI , NOTICE TO BIDDERS, Brecnka, ; organizations to join In thh "SPRINGHN 23 Main Street, Woodbridge requested all members to receive with gifts from local merchants Roberta S , U htrtby glveu th«t m ) - n ters. and friends. Music was played b> Geraldine Roman, C h r i s t i n e A & 0 Swe^t s h o p of 61 ppersl^ni l ed bid* will be revived by t)w MaT I SALUTE TO WORKINO WOMEN," by encounp holy communion in a body at the the Blue Velvets. (Next to State Theatre)! Fondi, F d i Deborah D b h Stuart, Stuart Catherine AveflU6| carteret iis taking res After the business meeting re- of and Council of Un Bon/ufh o i l ing and promoting the celebration of u 7 o'clock Mass on Sundayj Oarl»r»t (or the rtLuc*iiou <iii., J.IDyciewski, Michele Roanysjow- e r v a u o n s for L , transportaSot freshments were served. 4itillsttoc of new flonllliibtlng i t achievements of all business fcnd profession s k i , Elizabeth Brooks, Carol ^ b |dyn Academ" WalMr BullUan UunorUl Meld. recently l o roo Angina pectoris if a paroxysm •MlXl bldt will M oponed uid women as they contribute dally; to our econonw Wright Joy Schxflef Joyce Gur^ HIGH S C O R E S Music The wU1 l e a v e lm [of pain in the ahest usual!; niusui, ««/ » ^ " f i «•-<— r— of re«d in public for catMlaemlon by QI MUSIC, me DUS WU1 leave uu civic and cultural development. th« U»yor ind Qauncll i t UM Borbrought on by exertion in patient. ney, Ca pp ney, Claire Kappock, BozykowsJu, Helene Me-l o w e r e n d of CarUiKi a t i2 ; , C A R T E R E T - Jean N. Slotwin- ough Hatll, Cook* A«fnu*. Ckrttnt, pick u p Date: March 4,1985 with diseased coronary arteries Fadden, . Margaret Margare Bozytowsb a ndd mill also ski is this year's Betty Crocker Fdd New Jeney an Mardh 17, lWi. »» i i k ., , Ink tlrie. I at the shopping center at 12: Homemaker of Tomorrow for Car' WALTER ZIRPOLO, Ma)vor \ ELEANOR TR06KO, teret high school. She scored high| Sunday, March 14. • Purchuln til>e<Ut«r Mrs. Kay Symchik, director est here in a written homemaking $3.00 Does Your Chevrolet Have the Cprteret School of Dancin examination taken Dec. 1 by 552,7M senior girls in 14, 236 of the has eleven participants from tiif nation's high schools. She is now area, namely: Kathymae Harrov eligible for state and national 1. Slippage Z, Leaks J, Abnormal Notse Kaster Is Just Around The Corner! Joanne Symchik, Diane Decibus scholarship awards ranging from ceUkrates its 4. No Reverse S. No High (or Low (.Clanking NOIM Connie Kilyk, Annemaria Shym. I $500 to $5,000. We have CHEVROLET! Factory Trained Specialists wa* ski, Lydia Zubenko, Patty II FOR EASTER will give you a m e Estimate for repairs II y o u AntomaU* row, of (Jarteret aod Olga Choi mut and Walter Ijeoniw of New with an twitiif Trausmlwsion netds any major woi" ut, Lesia Tornopolska, Beniiy Ch Brunswick. DELIVERY WE WILL OVERHAUL ANY 19S9 TO \ki CHEVROLET PAS8BNSAVE on these EASTKR SPECIALS! GKK CAR. AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION, (or only 8 Spring Shade* presented by OFF All Other Make Auto, Transmission! 59.99 pins parti rtr 4 Pattern* All Repair* Guaranteed 100% Set fill Entertain mmm Seniors Plan to Pursue Carteret Playr Education in Colleges In League Sli Jewish Community News Carteret Blue and Cold Fete for Scouts PROCLAMATION orm New First Aid is Studied In Parkview By Girt Scout Cadettes STATE JEWELERS DISCOUNT SPECIAL! AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION TROUBLE? CHRISTINE LEE'S G'-SLIGHT 4th ANNIVERSARY Spring Fashion Show Tuesday, March 16th MASON - EDWAHUS COMPLETE AUTO BODY SERVICE voe of New Jersey's must exclusive shops A SHOWS AT 7:M A It P.M. * Special C o m p l e t e D i n n e r » " Including UwmjuiKue SK95 Axl nterulmnent t j IUt«rvaUoa* Keqiilrcd: Godeny Chevrolet 30 Roosevelt Ave., Carteret Phon* Kl I 5123 OHM tvttv in.L 1 r.M. u c p n S*TU»D*I CHRISTINE LEE'S GASLIGHT 66 Cherry Street, Elizabeth ORDER NOW BERNAT SWEATER KIT '199 »••»• THE SEWING KIT 59 E. Chen? St., Rafcw.y, NJ. Custom Tailored SLIPCOVERS Custom Tailored si 00 REUPHOLSTERY = ' _ I'ltKK SI1OP-AT HOME SKKV1CE ONB OV NHI.'S MOST CONPLE1K ABT NEEDLKHORK SHOPS j Uik ad for Knitting • Gauge with your purchase. ERNEST Decorators /\v«iH St., Aveurl Mont: iK „ ;lM ,„%Mj ,,M S81-57D7 M()N lhru g/ir .S. BV AlKJIMMtM ONLY urtent-Leader (KB.) - Cartaret Press Thursday, March 4, PAGE THREB Clubwomen See Historical Film rORREOTION AVKNKli — The new hours for the Avenrl Branch of the WoodbridRe Free Public Library were listed incorrectly last ww*. The new schedule is as follow!: AVKNKI, The Sixth Wnrd Mondays, 1(1 A.M., - 1 P.M., aad Sixth District Democratic Club nf 2 • D P.M : Tuesday 2 - 9 P.M.; Avpnrl at ils recent meeting at Wednesdays. 10 - 1 A.M., and I • ; Tivern, heard Joseph 9 P.M.; Thursdays, 2 - 9 P.M.: V. Viilenli Township Fridays, 2 - 5 P.M., Saturday!, invinirip.il clerk, mplain his duties 10 A.M. - 1 P.M. Third Ward Cluh Hears Valenti AVRNEI. - An address by Tlinmns O'Brien, of the Now Jersey Bell Telephone Company, on the founding of Now Jersey and n film, "This is Now Jersey" were featured at the recent meeting of the Junior Woman's Cluh of Avenel, IIK! tho problems involved in the •hnnsini: nf the voting districts. The history of the Junior Membership Department of the New Jersey State Federation of Women's Clubs was explained by Mrs. Ernest Oonzylik. Fanwood, recording secretary for the state organization. Florida, Idaho, Iowa, Minne- The installation dinherl sota, New York, Ohio, South Dawill lie April in ;it Whitey's. Perth kota, Texas nnd Wisconsin have Amlxiy Tickets may be purbig honey producton. chnsed fn>m the committee. A Chinese auction will be heldj| M.irch :il nt School 2.1. announced Mrs, Leo l,a Salic, chairman. Her committee indudos Mrs. Ralph!1 Astn. Mrs. Frnnk Rlash, Mrs! Joseph Accardi, Mrs. Thomas i Butler, Mrs. Peter Dacchile, Mrs. Michael Freda. Mrs. Michael Florin, Mrs. Edward Jensen, Jr., Mrs. Frnnk Murphy, Mrs. Walter Sobicski, Mrs. Joseph Stawinski nnd Mrs. Donald Crilly. For Ethical Prescription Service . . . Prospective members. Mrs. Richard Kambach and Mrs. Philip Frnnko, were introduced to SM New Brunswick Ave. the membership by Mrs. James Phone: HI 2-4568 - Fords Mnzza, membership chairman. ZOI.TAN M. SZAL*\, B.P., Further plans were made for SAMUEL S. KATZ, F.A.C.A. he theatre party scheduled for ATHII Toiirneit of onr protnpl April 19. Mrs. Al Atkins, chair plrk-np and delivery. FTM p»rt ini unrt llandl-Charic WtTlen mnn, announced the cluh will OPEN DAILY dine nt Patricia Murphy's CandleHospitality was provided by FROM 9 A.M. TO I t P.M. "ight Restaurant and see "I Had Mrs. Reilly and Mrs. Blash. will W FASHIONS (1A1-ORK: The committee above, has oumplfted plans lor the an- a Ball." HONORED SK('ONF) TIMK: Herbert B. Williams, Jr., rlffM, is shown accepting the "Jaycees of „, ovw of SI. Anne's Unit of Trinity Kpitropnl Church In Iw hHd March 9 at « p.m., In the It was announced that Mrs. the Month" nward from Donald fi. Rniter. president of Ul« Woodbrldge Township Jnyrrcs. Williams, ,',"..,. left lo right. Mm. Lester Krrshnw. Mr*. .Faron Hcnndt and Mrs. Gforn* Knopf, reorge Pospisil will represent the an Iselin resident ami a patri)lm:m in the Wornlbridge Police Department, won the award fnr his \, 1 V | M e n e Kiel, rhiilrmnn. cluh at talent night at the annual chairmanship nf the ItisthiRiiishrd Service. Award project. Mr. Williams was previously ciU'd for his i '"" spring convention of the New Jer- work on a Christmas party for the children nf the Township. last year he was presented a Cersey Junior Membership Depart tificate of Merit from the local chapter for his outstanding accomplishments during the year. ment of the State Federation of Col, Robert E. Lee was in com- Although experimental use Women'* Clubs. The conclave will and nf the troops that raptured camels in southwestern be held May 14-16 at Atlantic City Dr. Zullo to Address ohn Brown after his seizure of deserts was successful and will have as its theme, "Holiday Island." Mrs. Pospisil School PTA Members ie federal armory at Harpers ject.was'abondoned with advent \\nW\% h m beon of the War Between the States, will perform a Hawaiian routine. PORT READING - Dr. Robert erry. p«Ro:int VfOODBUlDGE - Final pbnsl Zullo, whose specialty is internal (or the annual fashion show were' Hostesses were: Mrs. Robert medicine and tumors, will be the March IB. « 30 mnde Monday nt a meeting of St. Salundi and Mrs.Atkins. Mrs. speaker at a meeting of School ,1 hv Ihr Lidics of Trinity Church. Satandi won the dark horse prize, 9 PTA, Tuesday. The next meeting will be Tues- Dr. Zullo is affiliated with St. The affair entitled. "New York day at the Avenel and Colonia Peters Hospital, Middlesex Gena S u m m e r FMUV81 chairman. I to ' " **" N ,ifWfl 0n« wrufeinc day 'n M it takes to witch to mod«m gas h u t III MMt First Ajd Squad building. Instal- erl and Middlesex Rehabilitation cases it simply means a quick switch of the burner—everything list Tuesday, 8 P.M. Mr*. AVENEL - The officers of thelation of new members will take Hospital and is clinical assistant \ i , n Mrs Hotx-rt slays put— and, presto, you have clean, dependable, quiet gas het}, place and a Chinese auction will at Memorial Center for Cancer, \\ ili.iin Dwycr. Mrs. Eugene Kiel and Mm. George Junior High Fellowship of the No more worry about costly repairs. No mom delivery problems. Afld be held. I r s t Presbyterian Church will New York, Medical Neoplesia Knopf HIT serving as co-chair\\,s Walter Hank*. the cost of new gas equipment is surprisingly low. Call your local Gat Clinic, Sloan-Kettering Division of present a program, "Ship Ahoy" men. I Yum. Mrs. Mlchncl Now at Black-and-White Prices! Company office or your plumbing-heating contractor for t h t facts. N t Cornell Medical School. at tomorrow's meeting at 7:30 •k Marker. Mrs. Other committee member, inobligation, of course. After a talk on cancer, a movie p.m. Installation of the new of' clude Mrs James Bennett in ,,n Mrs. George will be shown. fleers will also take place. Rec chart* of decorations. M n . Michael Tctenco. Chvlet Ruge, refreshmenli; M n . reation program will be held in Thompson, and Masked Mummers K e n h a w a n d Mrr Law- Westminister Hall until 10 p.m ,,s commentator. Exclusively Color Sunday, the Rev. John M Mummers were bands of mask' ,!i be created by « « • Desch. tickets, and Mrs. Robertson, assistant minister, wil AVENEL Nomination of ofMatthew Park Jr., tables. ed persons who, during Euro336 State St., Perth Amboy Mcnlo Park ll.'Ml Plans for March also include preach at the t and 9 a.m. «erficers wa« held at the general pean winter festivals, paraded 'IllZMITH I MCTUCHU I HUTU MUST MHWAT I ...... v m.\) be purchased, a n d vices on "God'- Father and Crea- meeting of Congregation B'nai W North Irad Stml M B Miln S M I l a H « W Stnri itt Cwtnl <Ma» I I N D a •* made the streets and entered houses to UM100 | MEUnO | MCIM0 K t n 1 ~~ ,, ; l Ur und will be-"*™ dance or dine In silence. Lenten season: :or." The preacher at the 10 andJacob. • h, .loor I " * 1d u r i n < l h e II a.m. services will be Dr. NorJules later, chairman of nomiMrs h* awarded man Hope. Professor of Church ;k>ns. presented the 196546 slate nt, 'served by th»M«»« B*™*; * , 1 * » * » = • * • History at Princeton Seminary, as follows: Lester Jacobs, presidinner will be held. March 17. 1'nun.tlif will speak on "The Problem dent; Dr. Abraham Rothman, reTicked a n available (ran M nwho . ligwui vice president; Terry of Judas Iscariot." Joaepb Karnai. ii/rcr ln»irfr«iry Glinn, fund-raising vice president; At the cooduikM o( the buai- Musk for the services, under Michael Robin, membership vice the direction of Kenneth Bell, ir lilnvrd Hudzikt ness meeting conducted by Mr* president; Martin Utinger, treas«\y In colcbrationlR"»«« *»*' president, the pro- minister of music, will be 8 urer; Mr. Isler, financial secrer « tl l.ling amu'vers-it™" * " 'u™* 1 w e r to Mr».a.m., Richard Kerr, soloiat; 9 tary; Mrs. Benjamin Gdowitz, reMrs Kdward Hud- Harry Schrump who preaented a a.m.. Westminister Choir with cording secretary; Mrs. Morton rr.irt- Avenue, will aetoctioo of gunea for the group "My Lord. What A Morning;" 10 Weil, corresponding secretary. a.m., Choral Choir, "Little Da.man and then to enjoy. Refreshmenti were Trustees nominated included Sol vid"; 11 a.m. Chancel Choir slotokk, sergeant-at-amu; Abe • «crk stay in aenred by M n . George Murray "God If a Spirit." chairman; Mr*. Andrew Shaffer, Kramer, Hebrew School; Charles service Sunday at Stein, youth activities; Mrs. DaMr», C Christian ;..• who ;tre the pro-1 Mr*; 1 p.m.. will present the Rev. Rob- vid Narfield, bulletin; Donald • H;t > Hut in Avenel. ert A. Bonham as the guest speak' Riven, house committee; George ..( en Marrh 31, 1940 church as assistant minister for Miller, community relations; II.•.,!•! Church, Irvingfour yean, leaving behind many Herman Kunkes, historian and . Linko friend* and many fond memories Leonard Leiber He will speak on "Tht the Weak " A reception wff be j held after the service and all1 NominatJoBS from the Boor in elude* Morton Diamond, memberAVENEL - A dedication cere-'frknds and members are Invited, ship vice president; Mrs. Jack r o w opening the library of] The first In a series of special Schneider, recording secretary. School 8 was held Monday. P a r > W w e e k lenten services began g Additional nominations may be n j e t Dr. D J. Christy C r s y Wilson, s , eot by registered or certified ticpattng were Harry Lund d i r e e - i ^ nijeht. J minls w and tor oTwoodbridge Towwihip's d-! ''< missionary to mail to Mr. Isler, IS Neptune ementary education; Mrs Joseph,Afghanistan, spoke on "The Place, Colonia. Election of of-, W. K*(le>'. principal; Mrs Mel ! s «;f* t o(_Si«erjngJoyfully The ficers will be held March 21 at a let'. Cater ISnom vin Schlesinger. P T A . i ^ w t d e n l !: ; w r i « w i l ] « " l t i n u e f o r t h e ^ general congregational meeting. Mn. Mary Moore, P T A . library•*«*• «f ' * n t *?*" Wfdneiday tad chairman and Mrs William P * - ! 3 ' 8 P L M - A t e , f h rf ••» * " ' « » . . i ! ; i i l - t ntutgr the chun-h will present a differ- Monsignor Addresten enka. procram chairman. with Volunteers from the PTA " " H>wter. culminating the Holy Innocents Unit Eagter have worked tqwanb thii opefr Sunday «rvic« in WOODBRIDGE - Rt. Rev, 14* f.M ins since the «|art of this school ;"•* M n d u a r V , M&gr. James S. Foley was guest year with (he assistance apd' *" speaker at a meeting of Holy InKuidonce o' Mrs George Mark*. I 1 1 tgl*. nocents Society held in St. Mary's SWITCH TO GAS HEAT IN 8 HOURS! :ashion Show St. Anne's Unit Plans Models Selected Fashion Show on Tuesday Complete Wedding Albums (: By fellowship IN NATURAL LIVING COLOR! B'nai Jacob To Name Slate FORDS PHARMACY THE FOTOSHOP UzabethtownGas HI 2-2104 GOT "LACK OF MONEY" PROBLEMS? library Opened At School 23 The Greatest! 3RASS BUCKET T h EVEN THE U.S. GOVERNMENT BORROWS MONEY... DINNER to i i ' woedbndiK Township, school j e n o v a t i r.M, Jill I* P.M. BRASS BUCKET i.in i»al S t r a k h o u w " * A MAIN STHKK1 Witness cafeteria. Perth Amboy. He spoke on his trip to India where he atsyjtletn's library co-ordinator. | tended the Eucharistic Congress. parents and friends visited the Mrs. Ann Trzeciak, Colonia was w w l;br;iry from 10 A.M.. to 2 15 P.M Mondnj viewing the ussort- W00I1BR1DG? - Mr. Lyle E accepted as a new member. Members were reminded to pay « f book*, reference librar.es and (wyclopedian which have beenlKeusch, district representative of dues as soon as possible to Mrs. donated by the scbool Miiff.'^he Watrhlower Society, arrived Edward Grossman, 'Iselin, memP T A member* nnd tntervsted^hia ww|t to direct the three-day bership chairman who is anxious parent* assembly ro be held in the tyood to have a lbp% report to turn in YOU CAN BORROW MONEY.., from our bank for almost any reason, YOU can also get a FREE consultation with, our experienced lending staff on your taoney problems. Maybe a loan is the answer. Maybe it i s n ' t . , , come in and find out! borrow up to $2500 at low bank rates. Take up to 2 i months, to repay. QUICK DECISIONS — ONE-BAY Selfishness will break up any' bridfie HiKh School. N|r. Rcuach '"..lion. MK 4-9IU partnvrship ever formed INTtRNAT ) W Sketu AT THE COLISEUM COLUMBUS CIRCLE, NEW YORK MARCH 6 TO 1 4 * i - «<* l i 7—210 pa l Mm I -11-10 «•»» 10 P" Mo, u - l I—to' P" (trm mv\ SATIIBAT 2 P.M. M I M I I OOTu Young Men! Want to Build a Future in Your Own Business? w||( i l ^^ -1SQ^lntln o( the prnRram directing all activities.) Keiitiuvs of the' assembly prbi.:r.nn will highlight the therhe. Willingly Fulfill Your Ministry" tomorrow evening. Talks and (lemoiutrations will be presented for the practical application of Flower* For AH this in the ministry of Jehoyah's OceuloM . . . Witnmef Saturday afternoon] Call for flowers] birththere will be a baptism service days, anniversaries, .md the highlight of the three day weddings, etc., to add program will be the principal adextra joy {to the event ilress delivered by Mr. Reusch on -*nd other time* to 'The Moral Breakdown • What express your 'sympathy ' 'Can Be Done About It?" at 3:00 a n d thoughtpnea 'p.m., Sunday. Be assured of the finest I Arthur G. Stevens, circuit sup-call us. ' ervisor and travelling minister of New Jersey Circuit No. 4, will Mr. Keusch in handling the details of the convention. Mr. FLOWERS Stevens directs the ministry work of the 18 congregations represen- S0» Amboj Av*. ME 4-1CM ted. Service OR Sf)ONER. Arrangements can be made to have payments automatically deducted from your First Bank checking account without extra charge. life insurance isavailable to cover unpaid balance of the* loan. Stop in todfy for a FREE consultation on your money WALSHECK'S! Irst Bank in the fttail tire buBinesa with FirvHtone the quality tine. H'B U rcctatuon-proof. that will oontinua to grow. You can ., *nd prosper with it under the Firottan* Mark of QuaUty.w With Fireatone tin* and M ""(«r parts, accessories and uervices, you build a ptoapttouB, aatiafying future tor and family. required $15,000 to $30,000. vtmfn noiiuu. oiwtrr ntwnum W0ONM0QC OFFICE or write m for the complete on the Firestone guaranteed 'ranchse. Avtmw * Btrry Street Avtmomcc OPKN _JNitrkt Manager M FlrttlQM TIM A Rubber Co. M> RANIEL8 Territory Manager Central Avenue, Newark, N. J. MA 2-6250 n TRUST COMPANY**), 1333 ST. GEORGE AVE COLONIA » A.M w « IKIOAY till CLOSED MOKDAYS 419 km* StfMt •V- AVENELCOLONIA OFFICE 4379 St. Gwrg* AvtnW FORDS OFFKE 875 King G a w p Row) ISEUN OFFICC 79 Middtatjx Awiut PERTH AMBOY OFFW 214 Smith fad«>endfflt-Leftder (1-B.) - Cwtart — —— Thursday, March 4,1905 PAGE FOUR B'nai BVith Women Gets INewMembers St. John's Church Gets Gift from Fords Lions FORDS - Robert Whnrtnn, In introduced Jerome Irvine of the tcrnntional Counsellor, was the WoodbridRe I.ions Club who is guest, speaker nt a mectinc of the seeking election us the Deputy Fords Lions Club Monday at I-opes Restaurant. Mr. Whnrtnn spoke on District Governor of Iirgion 2, Lionism, Its foundation and its ob- District lfi-D. jectives to help proplo ami oivtc Snfety chairman, Alex Melko endeavors. announced the spotlight ordered Edward Stern, president, pre- for the Main Street-Ford Avenue sented the Rev. W. Leslie Hewett, intersection will soon be installed. rector of St. John's Episcopal Get well wishes were extended Church, and parish officials, Tho- by the Club to Jack Boerer, a mas L, Hanson, warden, George patient at Overlook Hospital, Sum. Ferdinandsen and Leroy Olsen, mit. with a donation for lighting fuBUte Presented tures for the church. A plaque A slate of officers was presented commemorating the gift is to be by lion Charles Sehwehla in the placed in the church at a future absence of nominating chairman, dale. Joseph Fritsche. Nominated were Harry Syring read the Lions Martin May, president; Frank Bulletin # 5 explaining the work Grahmann, nrsi. vice president; of the Lion Headquarters staff in Ernest BlanchRrd, second vice president; Robert Benham, third Chicago. : /Miuiuny M. ieiencaict (leHi, uoart pr"'m'nt lor We proposed John F. Rev. William H. S c h m a u s , vice president; Robert (iawroniak, Kennedy Memorial Hospital, sl«n<i contract with Richard M. Hale, president of the Halecrest Woodbridge Lion, originally a treasurer; John Kocegi, Lion .aniCompany, for site clenring and rough grading. Work at the proposed hospital's 40-acre member of the Fords Lions Club, er; Leo Handefhan, secretary, and lite wi" begin this week. Looking on ir* Leo WetaB, hospital chairman, and Joseph Sherber, admlnliU'.ttor. Pastor Lists Construction Work Begun Lenten Theme On JFK Memorial Hospital Albert Qundt, tail twister. Appointed to serve for two years on the hoard of directors vcre Alex kn and Charles Schwehla. Installation of officers is scheduled for! Wwlnesdny. May 2fi. Tickets for the annual show March 31 at the Our Lady of Peace cafetorium were distributed to the members and will be on sale throughout the area. Featured will be Monk Watson, master of ceremonies, who will intrHure the acts and entertain as a comedian, master magician, wireless GETS SII.VKB WINGS: Second personality and video celebrity. A joint meeting with the Wood- Lieutenant Robert J. McMillan, bridge I.ions Club will be held son of Mr. and Mrs. Robwt J. Monday, March R, at Kenny Acres McMillan, 501 Ford Ave., Fords, at 6:30 p.m. V. J.. has been awarded V. S. Twenty-one students of the John, Air Force silver pilot wings UP1 oh graduation from flying trainguests at a meeting ef the Lions ing school at Moody AFB, Ga. Mirrh 22 at Lores RestauLieutenant McMillan h beta* asslgned to Larson AFB, Wash., for flying doty In a unit which supports Uie Strategic Air Command mission of keeping ttw nation'!i intercontinental mlisilcs and Jet bomben on constant alert, A graduate d Betou Hall Preparatory High School, swtti Orange, the lieutenant received bis B.S, degree from Setoa Hall I'niverslty. He wal coiniMIsloned is 1963 upon completion of Officer Training School. Miktui It Elected By Political (rfn FORDS — James Milan, elected president of the formed Cltioni for Chiri,n elation. Other officeri am | mln Caao, vice president \ u Fleck, secretary; Ben,U1,f senthine, treasurer and s ( F.WSON-Ramot Chapter B nal Denaro, sergeant-at-nrn,. IVr'ith Women inducted now momThe group is plannhv hers in a candlelight ceremony at John P. Chlrlco In his , i the February meeting. Mr.. obtain the Second V, , , Cerstein, membership p cratlc nomination for i,, assisted by Mrs nonwlllr;son cipal council. and Mrs. Kugent , , Mr. Chirlco addressed r,, and said his "only desr, W r r in charge of Ihc initiation A new slate of officers or he represent properly lh<> ,,, coming year wns presented to \w the Second Ward. members by Mrs. Stanley Uvinf. nominating committee chairman. A playlet entitled "1HM m ten and directed by Mrs. Theodore Blumberg was presented to an appreciative audience. Included in the cast were Mrs. Seymour Friedman, Mrs. Harry Class. Mrs. Howard Resnick and Mrs. Ivan Saeff. The playlet won the Northern New Jersey Council B'nai B'rith Women award for the best dramatic presentation. Following the skit a group discussion wai led by Mrs. Norbert Belfer, Anti-Defamation League Chairman of Ramot Chapter. CANDIES Neckerchief Design Contest for Scouts FORDS - Boy Scout Troop 52 Is planning to maka iU own troop neckerchief design and a contest Is now underway. t h e rwt»aretotubmft <*»«l« nal designs to Scoutmaster Raymond Sniink no later than March . . . to fin am) rnjor,| 8. AMORTED CHOUH Under the direction of the Scoutff omen's Democratic mester, the boyj will be taught 1 lb. $1.60 2 lbs j Club Meets Tonightthe art of silk screening the win nlng design on their neckerchiefs.' and Son FORDS-The board of directors of the Fords Woman's Democratic The winner of the contest will Club wi] meet tonight at 8 o'clock nceiva a free week of camping at the home of the president, Mrs. at Camp Cowaw along the Dein ! m MAIN a m KT Vincent Novak, 30 Ling Street. w a « Water Gap at the Case Scout WOODBRIDGF Reservation. The regular meeting of the club WE 4-OiM is scheduled for Monday evening, Rebellion in Southern Sudan is March 8, at St. Nicholas Church, spreading. Hall. FORDS - The general theme for Sunday morning worship during Lent at Our Redeemer Luther- EDISON -r- Buoyed by the was $488,000 for a nursing center an Church will be "Living the award last week of $1.4 million in in Paramus. Lord's Prayer." This Sunday Pas- federal funds, officials of the John Besides the large Hill Burton tor Stohs' topic -»rmon is "Lead F. Kennedy Memorial Hospital grant, the hospital has raised $2 Ui Not Into Temptation." The sa- have authorized immediate work 200,000 in pledges and gifts in a campaign among families, busicrament of Holy Communion will to clear and grade the 40-acre nesses and industries in the three be celebrated at the 10:45 a.m. hospital site In the Menlo Park municipalities. and 7:30 p.m. services. Anthony M. Yelencsics, presisection of Edison. The youth of the church will dent of the Board of Trustees, meet for their monthly meeting at The contract for the site clearing and rough grading has been noted that the hospital project 7 p.m. awarded to the Halecrest Com- still needs $1.5 million to meet the The Wednesday evening servi pany of Metuchen, which will total cost. ces will continue every Wedneshave the project underway this "We have made arrangements," day during Lent at 7 and 8:15. The week. said Yelencsics, "to borrow this Kcond eye witness of the passion amount as a temporary measure Joseph Sherber, administrator will tell his story in the form of so that there is no delay in our the first person. The topic is "I, of the proposed hospital, said the site work represents first stage in construction plans. Peter." a construction schedule aimed at ''However, we are counting on Children from the Junior Pre- opening the 203-bed hospital by the genorosity of everyone in the teen department of Sunday School the summer of 1967. Sherber said hospital service area to help us will sing at the 7 p.m. service. actual construction will start this raise the balance so that our hossummer on a project which will pial does not suffer this huge require two years to complete. financial burden when it opens The site overlooks Route 27 and its doors." SIXTH GRADE PUPPETEERS; Shown at Scowl T, Fords, left to right, Keith Flemingloss, Patty is a short distance from the Menlo In his appeal for renewed public Moore, Lorraine Radln and Dennis Llcbta. Park shopping center. support, Yelencsics said, "This 'Our site is ideally located for magnificent gift from the federal Rose Homsbr the people we will serve - the government is the threshhold from 40 Egan Avenoe families of Edison, Metuchen *nd which all of us -must now step off to share in the construction and fords Woodbridge," Sherber said. HI 2-4739 He pointed out that the Edison reality of our own hospital." location u only 100 feet from the -The P.T.A. of Our Lady of Metuchen line and less Oat one FORDS - Chief Raymond MartPeace School will hold a fashion half mile from the Woodbridge FORDS - In anticipation of learned how to manipulate the ensen of the Fords Fire Departshow in the cafetorium Tuesday He said thct the hotthe puppets per- ment reported seven calls were the coining of "Hiawatha," played string* If: rmak* evenings March 16, I TS has a population form. ^ ' - t h e Fords-Clara Barton B o p by theyNieolft Marionettes which • M ^ J » •• :h he described" as Mn. Ludewig, answered daring February. IncH.' Baseball League will meet in the 'a big city without hospital facilwas presented in the auditorium school, says she ded were two meetings, one drill, principal cafefarlum of Our Lady of Peace ities," for all children in grades kinder- likes to encourage these types of one false alarm, one assistance Church Wednesday, March 10, at Sherber, who joined the Edison garten through sixth, Fords School enriebioent activities because '8 p.m. call for a house fire iniiopelawn, I project on February 1st as full # 7 youngsters engaged In var- they provide the "horizontal ex-Methodist Youth Fellowship of tithe administrator, said that a brush fire and a truck fire. ious enrichment projects correlat- pansion" which motivates the Wesley Methodist Church meets architectural plans are nearing Sunday, March 7. ing nearly every subject in toe elementary school child in the Chief Martensen announced the completion and will be revealed developmental reading program, Fire Company hos accepted an in—Fords Fire Company's annual to the public .with the next two FORDS - Mrs. Frank Payti, curriculum. chairman of the nominating com- Language arts.classes empha- as well as being ttanendoSis as- vltation to participate in the Perth Chief's Banquet will take place weeks. this Saturday, the 6th, at The The hospital will be built on mittee, will present the slate sized the life and history of Htnry sets toward; developing well Amboy Loyalty Day Parade on lews at the regular meeting of Wadsworth Longfellow, studying rounded personalities. Pines. Sunday, April a . The Department five levels at a cost of $5,200,000 will march in the Fords-Clara Barincluding furnishings and hospital the Woman's Club of Fords Wed- several of .his poems Besides nesday evening, March 10, at 8:15 'Hiaffatha. ton Little League Baseball AssociChildren experiequipment. ation Parade on May 2. mented with play writing and creThe new surge in activity for in tee clubhouse. Irwin Blanehard reported plans the proposed hospital came last A white elephant sale will be ated their own puppets. were complete for the annual Exweek when officials Of the fund featured under the direction of the Fifth grade children staged an Chief s Banquet which will be held raising organization were notified chairman, Mrs. Stephen B a l m Indian pageant in connection with this Saturday, the 6th, at the Pines hat their project had been award- Members planning to attend the their social studies lessons and ed a Hill Burton grant of $1,461,- 6lh District Spring Conference of children in Art classes drew and KEASBEY - Mrs. Andrew Ka- in Edison. John Mizemy, ex-chief 400, the largest single construc- the New Jersey State Federation painted wall murals showing the zarda, chairman of the March of and newly elected fire commisDIMtion amount ever given a New' of Women's Clubs on March 23 at various themes in the poem "Hia- Dimes campaign, reported a total sioner, will be honored. ME 44333 of $143.70 contributed by Keas- S. William Hornsby and Rudolph Jersey hospital by the federal Scotch Plains are requested to watha." make reservations with Mrs. Ches- Mr, Laubach's sixth grade class bey residents. Kulehinsky were elected as delegovernment. The grant to the John F. Ken- ter Baginski, club president, designed a compact marionette ' The sum of M7 was collected gate and' alternate, respectively, nedy Memorial Hospital dwarfed Mrs. Oliver Callaway is taking theater, complete with foot lights, by teenager! Jeanette Kazarda, to represent the Company at the awards made, at the game time reservations for the May dinner curtains .props and stage scenery. Mary Ann Kesa and Carol New Jersey Firemen's Association to some 17 other New Jersey nos- to be held at The Cobblestones The children created and dressed Rusaayk in the door-to-door can- Convention in Atlantic City Sepw umrimr • yiotmm pitals. The second largest award lan'Route K> Middletown on May puppets for a performance of vass; $49 was collected at the tember 10-n. -2, 1 JO. Guests are invited. Rumpelstilsken which was shown school; contributions by mail, A card of thanks was sent to for the entertainment of the $26; coin containers, $16.70, and Miss Anna Kaminski, 71' Loretta Street, Hopelawn, for serving cofyounger children in the school. contributions from clubs. Bonn urged to curb scientists Fhey wrote their own scripts and Mrs. Kazarda advised contribu- fee to the firemen at the scene of 0. A.R. tions will be accepted to assist a fire in that town on February 24. The National Foundation - March of Dimes organisation in the fight ENTERTAIN VETERANS against crippling birth defects FORDS - Representatives from and continued aiq to polio victims. the Ramot Metuchen, B'nai B'rith She also expressed her apprecia- '.iris assisted the B'nai B'rith tion to those who helped conduct Women at the Veterans Home, the campaign and those who con- Menlo Park, with the playing of bingo and serving refreshments tributed. to the patients. RAYMOND JACKS! •RUGGISTS 1895 CHRISTENSENS 1965 4t The Friendly Store' 'Hiawatha' Program Theme Firemen Make Parade Plans Of Fords School 7 Pupils Fords Club To Get Slate Of Officers Dimes Chairman Reports Results or small ^ Mi*'em Ml! FOR HOME IMPROVEMENT I OANSloRT YOUR NEEDS THE INSURANCE EDITORS CORNER Guest Editor — Gerard Greaux Now you can add on that room or finish your basement the way you always wanted with a "low coif home Improvement loan designed to fit your budget. Our home improvement officer Is anxious to serve you, won't you »top by today? RUMMAG STERN & DRAGOSET 54 Main Street, Woodbridge AUTO INSURANCE POLICIES PROVIDE COVERAGE FOR MEDICAL EXPENSES A mother who participates in a car pool asks: "Would my auto insurance pay the medical bills for my passengers if they were injured in an automobile accident that is ray fault?" Cuban soldiers talk of weapons. their l Moscow denounces parutruop i landing in Congo. "Andy" Is Back! Continues By Popular Demand FINAL REDUCTIONS At the close of each season, we find a numbrr of ODDS and EM»S our s h e l v e s . . . In order to dispose of these we are running our TIME RUMMAGE SALI Tremendous Savings Throughout The Store! BARGAIN TABLES and FLOOR RACKS (ASSORTED MERCHANDISE FROM ALL DEPARTMENTS) Values to 3.98 Values to 5.98 Vals.to5.98ip NOW NOW NOW OPEN % Ladm >RE80CL.OM VALUES I' NOW STILL OPEN FOR THIS SALK BARGAIN BASEMENT! Colonia Dairy Maid i USE YOUR HANDI-CHARGE! You Ye», if medical payments coverage is purchased with your automobile insurance. This coverage pays medical bills for the passengers riding in your car, and also, it pays Uie bills for you and all members uf your immediate family, whether you are riding in the family car or in any other auto. ul ,„„ |( Men's Department. u ANDICHflRc] Under the terms of Uie policy, the insurance company agrecM to pay all reasonable expenses, incurred within one yeaT of the accident, for necessary medical, surgical, X-ray and dental services, ambulance, hospital, professional nursing and funeral services, up to the limits declared in the policy. Payment is made regardless of who is at fault. FIRStSAVINGS AND MM UMCUUOII 01 m a t JOUOT rurm AMMY WOODBRIDOI IW kilt IttM «31 Amko, Av.nif K Ami*, AvmM All Offlcwi D»l(y, >*i, 8itwd.,i, 11» 12 imm. "Whtn fira in the utm mean$ You" The choice of limits ranges from $500 to $5,000 for each person injured, Th« cost is nurpriiungty low. You should check with your insurance agent or broker to determine the amount of coverage appropriate for you, and its cost. > This column will be glad to answer questions you may have about property and casualty insurance. Si-nd them to On-'' '•'••"••'iix, Stern & Dragoset, 54 Mai" ' "Hlbridge. NOW 40 FLAVORS HOME MAl)l<: ICE CUKAM Tarty Ordtiji Taken On M Hwu Notice • Phuiie FlTl-KW SMc !• I h titatf 1075 St. Georges Ave. Colonia OFKN DAILY and SUNDAY II A.M. hi MIDNIGHT IHJY NOW . . . PAY LATJM B MH&INU IN OHK 1.AKUK FKEK PARKING LOT . T HKAR OF STORK STORE HOURS: Open OfcUy ) ; » A.M. UBU f P.M. Friday till % P.M. Indepen-dent-Leader (KB.) - Carteret Prea Thursday, March 4,1965 Company, Elizabeth, and was a parishioner of St. Cecelia's Church. Surviving are his widow. Berilce Norton Douglas; a son, Mark; a daughter, Miss Ellen Douglas, at home; his mother, Mrs. Mary Daugela, .Ur.sey City; ind a brother, Anthony Douglas, in Florida, A native of Montreal, Canada,1 Mrs, Drennan had resided In Iselin 42 years and was a parishioner of St, Cecelia's Church. Surviving are her husband, John; two daughters, Miss Agnes Drennan, Iselin, and Mrs Alice Van Orden, Ptalnfield; two sons, John Drennan, Springfield Gardens, N. Y., end James, San Francisco, Calif.; 10 grandchildren, and a sister, Mrs. Eva Leturney, ARTHUR E. MORIN WOODBRIDGE-Funeral services for Arthur E. Morin, 303 Green Street, who died February 24 at the Perth Amboy General Hospital, were held Monday morning at Manchester, N. H. PAGE FIVE SILVESTER D'ALESfiANDRO a daughter, Mrs. Rita Saulino d in Perth Amboy, he had resided Last year the American Red Crow tpent more than $1.8 milCOLONIA - The funeral of Sil- Clifton and several grandchildren. in Fords 14 yean. lion a week in carrying out a divester D'Alessandro, 506 Chain Surviving are hi» widow, Mar- versified program of community O'Kills {load, who died last week EDWIN J. POWERS garet Brown Powers; two '•-'igh- and world-wide services. at Perth Amboy General HosFORDS - Funeral services for ters, Miss Dorothy Powers of WALTER MANAKFR pital, were held last Friday! Edwin James Powers, 247 WoodFtrrt Flight AVENEL - Funeral service' Jersey City, and Miss Thetis morning at 9 o'clock at the ThomFerdinand Von Zepelin, Mr. Morin was a retired em- as Joseph Costello Funeral Home, and Ayenu«, who died last week Powers of New York City; a son, Count o p , ;:is,oi, 39 Juliet Street a lor Wnlter Manokcr of Holly Hil, d ployee of Woodbridge Sanitary Cooper Avenue and Green Street, at Pertn Amboy General Hospital, German airship inventor, served , rl,nstruction worker, who Fla., a former resident of Avenei Edwin, Ariiona; six 1 William Pottery Works, A U. S. Army vet- Iselin, with a high Mass of re- were in the U.S. Army during the War held Friday morning ; l M at St Peter'* were held February 24 in Florid.. eran of World War I, he was a quiem at <l:TO at St. John Vian- at 11 o'clock at the Mitruaka Fun- grandchildren; a sister, Mrs. Between the States and. while h* Brunswick, was Burial was in Hollevuo Momoria WILLIAM COUGHLIN member of Woodbridge Post 87, ney Church. Burial was in St. eral Home, 5J1 New Rrunswick Anna Clancy. Marietta, Ohio; and was in the United States, mad* morning at the Park, Dnytona. DeI R Reacn Fla W ' American Legjnn, Born in Can- Raymonds Cemetery, Brooklyn. loseph Coitello Funeral Mr. Manaker moved from here WOODBRIDGE - The funeral Avenue, with the Very Rev. Can- a brother, Joseph, Dalton, Pa. hi- first balloon ascent. ada, he had moved to Woodhridge ,;rOpn Street and Cooper In 1948 to Daytona Reach, y of William E. Coughlin, 405 P-jia-i Street, who died Thursday at the JAMES E. COTTER The deceased was a parishioner on George H. Boyd. D.D., rector 17 years ago. . Wiih a high Mass of re- ra a native of Jersey City. P»rth Amboy General Hospital of St. John Vianney Church and of St. Peter's Episcopal Church SEWAREN Fnueral services, l i ' Church i si Cecelia's Church. Surviving are a sister, Mrs. Surviving are a son. Walter A was held Monday morning at the a member of its Holy Name Perth Amboy, officiating. Burial two <1nuRhters, Mr; Leon ,J. Ofcrity Funeral Homi, 4ii for James E. Cotter. R4 Wood Melina Veschesne, Lowell, Mass.; Uj<t,.i was a native of Colonla; Society. A native of Italy, be had was in Cloverl^af Park Ceme parishioner of SI. Cc- Adam Klerst, South Amboy, an Amboy Avenue, with a high Mnss bridge Avenue, who died Friday and a brother, Theodore, Man .•I at Perth Amboy General Hospital, Chester, N. H.; and several nieces resided most of his life k the tery, Woodbridge. Mm, Charles D. Straub, Keyport of requiem at St, James Church rimrrh. Bronx until coming here to reside Mr. Powers was employed were held Monday morning at the and nephews. n,C are his widow, Jo» 13 grandchildren; a brother, Car Burial was in the St. James' with his son. Gene. I*nn J. Gerity Funeral Home, 311 security guard by the Pinkerton Jerome, Los An-Avenei; and four sinters. Mis Cemetery. •xm. Amboy Avenue, Woodbridge, with Surviving also besides Gene Security Agency of Newark. Born and five grandchtl- Martha Manaker, Avenel; Mr MRS. MARY C. MORALES Mr. Coughlin vns a re! ! .ed high Mass of requiem at St. Martin Thullenen, Woodbridfa WOODBRIDGE T h e funeral of ?rane •jporator who had worked Anthony's Church, Port Reading. Mm, Carl Beck, Mare Woods, am 1 at the Metal and Thermit Com- Burial was in St. Mary's Ceme- Mrs. Mary C. Morales, 76, ol I UtOMNE MIKL088Y Mrs. I*onnrd Cnckowskl, M ennct Grove Avenue, who died Saturda; pany, Carteret. H» wos a parish- tery, Perth Amboy. , l l - Funeral service* tuchen, ioner of St. James' Church and a Mr. Cotter was an automobile night at Roosevelt Hospital, wii c-iroline Mlklowy, W, life-long resident of Wooxlbridge. salesman for Hie Amboy Ford be held this morning at 8:30 atj ,,,,! Street, who died JOHN E. DOUGLAS Motors, Perth Amboy, and a th« Greiner Funeral Home, 44 at nahway Memorial V ISELIN — Funeral lerviees (c parishioner of St. Anthony's Green Street, with a high Mass of Throughout were held Saturday MRS. GERMA1NE DRKNNAN John E. Douglas, 43, t Avon Tei Church, Port Reading. He was requiem at 9:110 at St. James' • n the Grelner Funeral ISELIN - Funeral services for Church. Burial will be in St. Street, Wood- race, formerly of Jersey Tit Mrs. Germalne (ValoiiO Drennan, a member of the Sewarne Out John's Cemetery, Middle Village, 44 who died Friday at the East 0 33, of Senora Avenue, who died board Motor Boat Club. Born in leiex C o tnfe General Hospital, were he' Thursday at Perth Amboy Gen- Perth Amboy, he had resided in Long Island, N. V. W1S UM «U« <> Tuesday at the Thomas Josepl eral, were held Monday at the Scwarcn 47 years. A resident of Woodbridge 25 sienh*n MlkloMy. She years, Mrs. Morales was a parishCostello Fun«ral Home, Grw Surviving are his widow, Bertha i,lP<l In Avenei for 45 Flynn and Son Funeral Home Street and Cooper Avenue, wl 424 East Avenue, Perth Amboy Vargo-Cotter; two daughters, Mrs. ioner of St. James1 ChurJi here. She was the wife of the late Santo M r s . ^ , ^ " ' with a high Mass of requiem at William Tyrrell, Point Pleasant, •. ;\ I f l C are a godchlM. Morales. and Miss Melody Cotter, at home; St. CtceJia's Church. Burial was and Surviving are two daughters, a son, James, serving in the U. S. Mr. DouRlns wns employed in St. James' Cemetery, Wood I wo brothers Green St. & Cooper Ave. State & Center 8ta, Mrs. Frank Figarotta with whom Army at Fort Dix. Est. 1904 - AUGUST F. GREI bridge. Director she resided, and Mrs. Anthony Di Perth Amboy, N. J. Iselin, N. J, Phone Giovanni, Avenei; two sons, ANDREW BAK Tel. LI 8-4641 HI 2-0075 ME 4-0264 Jack, Kensington, Conn., and WOODBRIDGE - The funeral John, South River; 12 grandchilI of Andrew Bak, . 7, of 225 Fulton dren and four great-grandchilStreet, who died Friday at Perth dren. Amboy General Hospital, was held Tuesday morning at the Greiner Funeral Home, 44 Green ; Street, with a high requiem Mass GET IN ON THE FUN AND THE PRIZES! at (Xir Lady of Mt, £ e Church. Burial was in St. James Cemetery. A resident of Woodbridge for 51 years, the deceased was a mem Shop F.AK1.V (or IhU UnL«• tic VALUE! her of Our I^dy of Mt. Carmel GfMllnr SII.VKH I'UIKIl vrvinK ipootu Church, its Holy Name Society, ODlr Sr rarh. HlllI.E Ql ANTITY LASTS. i and the Hungarian-American CitiIJrall I tpoon* PT ruMnnuT. zens Club of Woodbridge, He reBRIM, THIS (IH CON tired as a carpenter for the Shell Oil Company, Sewaren, in 1963. Surviving are his widow, Mary Choma Bak; Gve daughters, Mrs. Stephen Kurucz, Mrs. Michael COIDIN CAUfORNIA Bartkowiak, and Mrs. Chester Kioal, all of Fords; Mrs. William Uska, ls.'lin, and Mrs. Stephen Lohli, Colonia; a son, Andrew, Woodbridge; 10 grandchildren; land five great-grandchildren. Obituaries v Jver a ^Malf- L entury J' erional ..)<* Do \J(( JaitL THOMAS JOSEPH .ounl COSTELLO GREINER Funeral Hornet FUNERAL HOME LADIES: Don't Miss Phis Terrifir ^ SILVER PLATED PLAY FINAST EXCITING SERVING SPOONS SUPERMARKETS Hurry! Lost Week To Play Super Bingo Ends Mar. 6th Rabinowitz Hardware Roosevelt Avenue Carteret am DREAMIMP Hunt's Tomato Paste 4~49c Solid White Tuna K 3-95c Mueller's Spaghetti * 2 * 21c Finast Facial Tissues >~ 4 » 69c Uncle Ben's Quick Rice -32< Welch's Grape Jelly INS 2 2 Welch's Grapelade 4 Royal Puddings FORTWOl 5 WAITS TO WIN! TM UM wi« mra than Look for tM. y •* QNttty... at Flmt rt bw« It U.S. Oov't OfwW Chok* »»• FOR EASYFIXIN'LENTEN MEALS BRILLO SOAP PADS lib.*, 93c RANCH STYLE BACON BONELESS SHOULDER STEAK .49c BAR-B-QUE CHICKENS Boneless Roost Cross Rib Ik. When You Open A Regular Personal] CHECKING ACCOUNT 'THERE ARE NO SERVICE CHARGES of Any Kind If You Maintain A minimum Balance of $ 2 0 0 MBOY NATIONAL NATION BANK i PERTH AMBOY f CORNERS, PERTH AMBOY, N. J. Please send me Information and signature cards on your "NO CHARGE" PERSONAL CHECKING ACCOUNTS. • Individual Account • Joint'Account N A M E ... L BANK BY MAIL FREE... ADDRESS We Pay Postage Both Ways CITY Pork Butts '. , STATE b 59< -89c 35 Perth Amboy National Bank 4 25 Cooke Avenue, Carteret MEMBER m « H A I . «««» )1(VE 3Yb ™M 1AWWICH MEAB IS IKI8A UK SI*MM wit* fHllMM if 1 * < « IAK»NA BOtWM 2*39< „..« ». 23' BEECH-NUT SPfCMIS* "Dili" ROAST BEEF « - " VIRGINIA BAKED HAM POTATO SALAD * 59« MUENSTER CHEESE CHEESE CAKE plAIN CH"*r"rmAfni * 3 5 e K M) Rahway Avenue WOODBK1DGE WELCHADE GRAPE DRINK TOILETRIES AT SAVINGS PINEAPPLES CP l-AVMABLE M SlOWb WIIH Wtr WAIIIWT) fWb U HTW S1H Sr»MPS . i t * u r c l n w t l I » • « • M APPLES WRITE OR FILL OUT COUPON FOR INFORMATION AUTERET OFFIC 43 SPfCIALI AT fUSH FISH fIOUNDER HLLETS » 69 FANCr WHITING CODFISH STEAKS » 49 No. I SMELTS MCDIUM SIZE SHIIMP ' «»• NATIONAL i Ik. FIHAX EUPHRATES PIZZA « « ' « " '^ FINAST FISH STICKS « - i * - * 2 6 1Z 89* FINAST TUNA PIE 3^49* BIRDSEYE AWAKE <>>-*2' SARA LEE CHEESE CAKE - - - 6 1 FINAST BAKERY SPECIALS FINAST SCALLOP DINNER FINAST COD FILLETS FINAST FLOUNDER FILLETS FINAST HADDOCK FILLETS FINAST PERCH FILLETS I ft. 4 M. 2 CRUST •in FINAST FILLET OF SOLE LEMON PIE CHOCOLATE CHIP POUND CAKE ' £ 37< FINAST WHITING FILLETS FRESH ITALIAN BREAD 2 S 49^ FLOUNDER DINNER URGE SIZE DONUTS SSS? ZS9* 75 FRESH GROUND CHUCK JUICY LONDON BROIL BONELESS STEW BEEF BEEF SHORT RIBS ""*• CHUCK ROAST CALIFORNIA STEAK " a FINAST SKINLESS FRANKS Fresh Top Grade MEDIUM CLEANED SHRIMP BROOKSIDE CHEDDAR CHEESE BROOKSIDE SLICED MUENSTER KEEBLER SALTINE CRACKERS EDUCATOR SESAME CRACKERS NINE LIVES CAT FOOD .FELS NAPTHA SOAP — INSTANT FELS NAPTHA GENTLE FELS LIQUID HAIRDRESSINO BRYLCREAM- :• YELLOW ONIONS ^ " ' ^ 3 " FANCY TURNIPS - «*•» HORN & HARDART INSTANT COFFtt DIET DELIGHT FRUIT COCKTAIL MET DELIGHT SLICED PEACHES DIET DELIGHT BARTLEn PEARS LIIBY'S FROZEN ORANGE JUICE IQftDENS DANISH MARGARINE cmK JACK FROSTED rLrr* MAXWEU HOUSE COfFK JOl-0 GELATIN •"«•». '"~ 1 . 0 9 '~-21< 2 '.Z 29* -23< — 31« > ^ 43' "U*S9c --1.65 4^4l« SWIFTS MATS WH BABIES Menlo Pafk Shopping Center MENU) PARK ANIIJIPTIC LISTERINE 89< 98< r«g 14 U. 99c Ht. a a u n i HODORANT RIGHT GUARD rKEE couroN CftffN STAMPS 3 | WITH A PURCHASE OF $7.50 * ' 1KJUUJ - J » | U MIL> IIIMM fkut filKIS! ITAMf { Owxl thm | M « Hand M i ftK-Et tfflClm lh«U MTUtMY, rum MVH, Niw CITY «HJ (TATW MUN9 775 RpQMvelt Avena« CARTERET COUP-ICIDE letters to Editor (Eartrret WhatVPast Is Past 7 the township announced that it W!), Twenty-five years ago w ^ on g Wwkg i four persons o n n J W ^ rit fl hhistory i t o[ February J3,198S 115 Amherst Ave. n 0 one seems to know Colonia, N. J. Independent-Leader Letter to Editor: Lawrence f' Campion, Publisher 6S1 Roosevelt Ave. Dear Sir: 20 Green Street .. „ Harf Cirteret, N J. Thi« week in many communities Woodbridge, N. J. y P Frank ' A M O c l a l * P u b l l s h " Tel: Kl 1-5(MO and states throughout the natloTel: ME 4-1111 *H t h e need and desirability c SIX MONTHS C.25 10c PER COPY MAIL SUBSCRIPTIONS - ONE YEAR. $4 00 'Brotherhood" among all people is being stressed. I cannot think of a finer more in 1955 a «« l r t "* ht l o o m e d b e c a u w noble example of these virtues Salute To Working Women than Archbishop Josef Beron ! Czechoslovakia. the AU-American City Award and the Sunday marks1* the beginning of A brief history: Arrested in 1939 to I10.JO. {because of his remark "Remem year-long Tercentenary celebration National Business Women's Week, 1 I her Naiism is the anti Christ, One morning early in i960, the police department did » just completed. sponsored by the National Federation S S ™ il burner next to headojurtm explode,). h i s refusal to remain silent Although it functions efficiently in brought nbout his committal sliver aDd burilinK nm oi Business and Professional Women's " iDachan concentration camp. civic participation, the major goal of Clubs, of which the Woodbridge Busiliberated in 1945, he returned ti BPW is to help create better condiness and Professional Women's Club Prague only to be confronted witt Woodbridge teachers as memben the Communist take over of his organization in their recent urg- It is only In the last ten irmniin tions for men and women through the is a part. ing of the adoption of a state that the Education Association country in 1947. Locally, the club plans to start off. study of social, educational, economic Again his refusal to equivocate i another indication of your sen- has dramatically increased ••< and political problems; to help them the special week, a "Springtime Salon matters of principle brought on JUve devotion to the best inter- membership and It beginning t,, threats of punishment, which he ests of our community and state. to make Inroads Into trarfitian.il be of greater service to their communute to Women Who Work," with a answered by walking to a cupunion strongholds. The union. ity; to promote full partnership in all membership tea on Sunday and windboard, out of it he pulled the rag- If a truly elective source of however, still can claim n w r . revenue ii required, th», broadphases of daily living; to further ing up with the Woman of the Year ged clothes he had worn at Dachmembers than the profession ,i based tax proposals which you association. n. "let's go" he said. friendship with women throughout Award dinner-dance on Saturday, He was detained for IS years. have supported are Infinitely In your article you quoted MM March 13. the world. Lait week he landed In Rome, more sound financially than the Mary Mullen, principal of Schools Tife Wopdbridge Business and Profree and to be honored by his Our best wishes, therefore go to 1 and 16, Colonia. You not mly institution of a lottery which at church and Pope Paul VI by restated that Miss Mullen was »'. fessional Woman's Club is constantly BPW, not only in this community and ceiving the red hat of a Cardinal. best h) a stop-tap measure with tlve in the local Education Aswvstriving to serve its community nearby towns and cities, but throughThe letnm that I btlteve we I many serious moral implications ciation, but also inferred thnl ->,p through civic and cultural programs. U) all karn from man the life of that this With respect and gratitude was spokesman for the WTK \ out the nation on National Business . courageous are, THEODORE C SEAMANS Ptaue be advised that u !'•.. It gives scholarships amounting to a nation should always be i Women's Week. ident of the WTEA, I have .,u"v guard against those who preach $1,500 annually - its major gift being orited no one to speak for i-* Inddently, the dinner on March 13 hatred and foster prejudice Editor local professional organitit.,.a complete scholarship to the Charles against races and religions, that Independent-Leader will also mark the eighth birthday of MIM Mullen has not been ,n-tivi> E. Gregory School of Nursing, Perth for every Josef Beron there were I would like at this time to say in the WTEA for some time. c<\ Woodbridge BPW. A very happy birthmillions of good decent people in thanks to all who worked and supAmboy General Hospital. has no authority to speak for tb Germany, Russia, France, Aus- ported me in my try for Fire day to the club and with our hearty WTEA on this or any other mi The club also sponsors the annual tria, England and the United Commissioner in Avenel Fire Dist*r. good wishes goes the .hope that the States who remained quiet while trict # 5 . My try was unsuccessDebutante Ball which has become a members will continue to serve 'the tat forces of evil moved into and ful, by a loss of 12 votes, but the Mi«s Mullen's bouts of dep:inwelcome tradition in the community. took over power in state after support I received was heart mcrrt heads and supervisors ,\ community and their fellowmen for members of the WTEA aw n o . It has cooperated completely with state. has four. Rural Sussex County The greatest mistake we can warming. To run for an elective pletely unfounded. The WTKA many years to come. the municipality in such projects as TRENTON - The oft-repeated history of New Jersey have so office is a great experience. does not number one departm. nt .has three deaths, and Warren contention that "there ought to many compacts been entered into | County hat two. Cumberland and make is to believe it can't happen I even wish to say thanks to head in Its over three humlrH with neighboring, states to imhere. be a law" could be answered by the voters who did not support members. The vast majority .,f Hunterdon counties nave one J. J. Fay Jr. the New Jersey Legislat e which prove facilities in the northeastme, just that so many endeavored !he department beads in Wo*i traffic death each. Salem is the returns next Monday to tackle a ern section of the United States. , to vote in the election was a Wdge Township Public Sclwuis only county not marred by a trafGovernor Richard J. Hughes State Operations Are Costing More wide variety of subjects incorEditor: I great victory for our community. belong to the AFT. It is also the fic death. porated among 700 bills awaiting listed some of the cooperative Independent-Leader Everyone of age no matter what ;eneral feeling that the majority ernment would receive $244.8 million, ECONOMY: New Jersey over the "Operating costs" of New Jersey's disposition. compacts in taking Having been a faithful reader there preference should vote. No jf Woodbridge School's admiBUeconomists are looking forward an increase of $15.3 million over this Among hundreds of serious chairmanship of the Delaware state-government take the major share trators and Supervisors that beyour newspaper for many years, River Basin'Commission. This to the usual employment pickup this letter is to commend you and one should slack in their duty as i long to teachers' organization. year. The judicial branch would re- .measures pending in legislative unique Americans to show their choice of the near $650 million spending produring March to arouse the federal-interstate venture committees are a few off-beat your staff on the excellence of in leadership be it right or wrong. belong to the AFT. ceive $3.4 million as compared with I documents State's economy back to normal. gram proposed by Governor Hughes which bold great in- dedicated to the development of The Independent-Leader. ones who allow this privilege ln the future, when you are in $3.0 million currently and the legisla- terest for some of the lawmakers. the resources of the Delaware According to the Governor's Each week I look forward to its The for the 1966 fiscal year beginning July to slip through their hands are need of accurate information on River Basin is considered plan- Cabinet Economic Committee, tive branch would remain at $2.1 mil-Boards of education would be re- ning partnership «t its best. seasonal influences have domina- arrival with enthusiastic anticipa- beckoning the destruction of a cerning the local professional K 1. quired to accept kindergarten tion. I wish to add very special free and independent country. sociation, I would advise you to ted the. New Jersey economic In its Annual analysis of state bud- lion. kids who will be five years old The Governor pointed to three words of thanks and congratulatransportation compacts picture since January, but the tions for your superb editorial For if too many do not exercise contact one of the officers n Also within the operating budget, by October 1 by one pending bill major :heir privileges and rights they only they have the authority to get recommendations, the New Jersey underlying pace of the economy which provide vital links to the while another would outlaw the page, <my favorite). As I have soon find they have none. speak for WTEA. the cost of state employees' pensions continued strong. New auto regwest and south with Pennsylvania T a x p a y e r s Association shows the mentioned before, I always look | taking of menhaden fish in Deland Delaware as excellent niter- istrations were down sharply forward to reading your editorials. Thank you all, Yors truly, would rise from $22.4 million to $25 aware Bay. No longer will old breakdown of proposed spending ^mstate cooperative enterprises. from December's high volume, Lonnie V. Eidson Joseph W. Carlon ,lr, soldiers be called inmates of the Needless to say, your editorials million. An additional $11.4 million is orig the three major divisions of the New Jersey's partnerships with but compared more favorably 25 Burnett Street president: Woodbnto .State's homes for such heroes. of the February 25, issue were Avenel, New Jersey Township Education State budget as proposed for next year. included for a proposed new State sal- I They will be called members. New York State remit in the tun- with Januarys of recent yean. moat interesting. I particularly enneling and bridging of millions of Construction activity was at a Association. In all, the budget outlines total spend- ary increase program. Interest on the Teen-agers would have good vehicles across the Hudson River; seasonally low level, as were joyed, the lead one entitled "Broreason to hang around volun* r therhood-Democracy at Work." Editor, ing of $646.8 million, an increase of State's outstanding debt would drop fire houses and rescue squads be- operation of a commuter rail- farming and other outdoor activi- It was a timely one and I do hope February r.m Green Street. and a string of air, truck, ties. $56.6 million above the current fiscal to just under $7 million, however, pay- cause they would be allowed to road Editor, bus and marine terminals, polic- Wage and salary employment that W e d i t o r i a l will be read Woodbridge. N. J. year for operating costs, state aid and ment of the first year's interest on the ing of the New York Harbor dipped in January, with seasonal and re-read by everyone. In the February 35 edition of Independent-Leader. Please continue to publish edi- the Independent-Leader you re- I "have read with interest Mr capital outlays. $45 million institution and higher edu- free fishing license in New Jer waterfront and joint management layoffs in trade, construction, ser- torials such as this in your future ported in a front page story that William Btbler'a statement ;<n-i of the beautiful Palisades Inter- vices, and some lines of manuissues. Largest increase occurs in operating cation bonds sold in mid-January is |sey after they reach 70 years of state Park, two Woodbridge teacher organiza buting toe defeat of the BudiM n facturing. The factory workweek by another bill. Every good wish for your con tions. namely the Woodbridge Mayor Walter Zirpotos tactics > costs which would rise $29.8 million to not included. Rent costs would rise agfPersons "We have good cooperative rMalso showed a slight seasonal who sniff glue and betinued success, from just one o township Education Association you Mr. Bihler feel that . o a'.totel of $297,9 million in fiscal 1966. from $3.8 million this year to $4.3 mil- come intoxicated would be class- lations also with t h e , Federal | drop, but was at its highest level your many admiring readers. |and Local 8 3 American Federa- Democrats express their vie*- >'. ified as disorderly by another Government, particularly in the [for the month since 1963. The in(Miss) Rowena H. Shaw tion of Teachers (AFL-CIO) were the polls? The people of «•..!• Of this, the. executive branch of gov- lion next year. conservation field," uta the crease in joblessness was less measure. Directors of police de62 Smith Street preparing to do battle in a collec- bridge, both Democrat and !> than usual, and the number of partments could carry a concealed Governor. Perth Amboy, N. J. (W861) tive bargaining election. public in1 voted unanimously .a weapon by another proposed act. At the present time, the Gov- [persons unemployed in the State Feb. \ ry 8th. for • cut in the imMuch of what was contained in Three songs would become of- ernor said, " we are also hope- [was the lowest for any January (Editor's Note: This letter was that article, especially as it refers posed' school expenditure* TVrr ficial State songs by that number ful that legislative approval will since, 1957. to us us with i t to witt the request that to the WTEA, was inaccurate aad fore Mr. Bihler. the Board of K^: of bills pending in the Legisla- be fortcoming on even broader Seasonal slackness in the labor I fsent A Heavy Price misleading, and none of the cation should have lltttmd m t:* ture. Telephone callers who spew transportation agreements with market continued in February,|be published.) February X. 1965 statements were authorized by mandate of the people and nit M Pennsylvania on one hand and with" little change in employment, But to insist upon extremes of proof filthy language over the lines r The Pnannaceutical Manufacturers I our organization. ' expenditures and not only oVr« New York possibly on the other." but the economists hope that Mr. Donald Rfder, president cannot help but' apply a brake to'the could be sent to prison by anContrary to what was reported. led its surplus. 1 voted Woodbridge Township Association, in summarizing the inother bill. Railroads would be re- TRAFFIC DEATHS: - State moderating weather will bring the Education Association does; the budget because of the t discovery, production and marketing quired to pay their employees safety officials are already ex- with it the usual employeroent Junior Chamber of Commerce dustry's 1964 experiences, states that Dear Mr. Roder, does not contradict the member- of the Board • of• Education of drugs which may be of the utmost every week instead of semi- pressing fear that B6S will go pickup in March and April. thertf has been a marked slowdown in down in history as the year of COURTS: - Defendants in My compUments to you and your ship claims of the AFT. In fact, Democrats may be in powfr monthly by- another bill. value to sufferers. It discourages re- Ambulances, first aid squadron the great slaughter on the high- New Jersey courts need not to fine organixatkHi. Your recent it is generally known that over we Republicans do exist government processing of applications move as reported in the tadepeo the last few years the local teacta- A Republican against the take the stand in their own besearch, which is costly and unpredict- cars and similar vehicles ~iuld ways. for permission to market new drugs. dent Leader, to oppoie your state era* union has bad a majority «f let. Already, automobiles have half if they have the slightest speed through toll tunnels and' able at best. It enmeshes the industry over toll bridges without paying mowed down 128 persons since •feeling their testimony may be One result has been to increase the ' in red tape. And it creates problems of a few, by another bill. Juvenile January 1, many of them children self-incriminating. costs; of doing business, which ultidelinquency would legally start and pedestrians. Last year up to The Appellate Division, (Super the utmopt difficulty. A drug which mately works to the disadvantage of at 16 instead of 18 years by an- the same time 106 persons were ior Court recently ordered a benefits the majority of those for other measure. Persons who pose killed on New Jersey highways. new Jrial lor a Camden man who the ionsumer. Worse, there has oeen Essex County leads the death whom it If intended may fail in the aS representatives of veteran or- parade with 21 persons killed in was sentenced to serve 7. to 12 a drastic drop in the numbtjr of new ganizations without proper creyears in orison for holding up a drugs introduced. The figures tell the case of the few or produce, unfortunate dentials could be sent to prison KBIT accidents since January 1. Camden liquor store. by still another bill. Employees jBergen County is next in line with When he did not take the side effects. storjC During the 19$5-59 period, the would be given two hours away 12 deaths and Monmouth County stand in his own defense, the Too much caution, in other words, from work on election day with- next with ten. Eight penoos have trial judge told the jurors they industry introduced 331 new drug enout losing any pay, by a pending been killed thus far this year in could infer that he could not is proving a very real threat to prog- measure. tities") and between 1960-64 pt produced ' ' Camden, Mercer and truthfully deny the facts. The counties, and six per- Appellate court, in a recent d e - | ress in this all-important field. The Railroad cabooses would 146. But last year, as of November 30, each in Morris, Ocean and cision, in reversing the convictconstructed along certain lines laws, new or old, should be applied by a pending bill, while free __.,. a mere 15 were introduced. counties. ion, admitted that instruction with the rule of reason in mlnd-with railroad passes for Kate officers Atlantic, Burlington, Cape May, was a correct expression of the This is tjie inevitable result of nejw and employees would be taboo by Hudson, Passaic aad union coun- law of New Jersey at the time a view to producing the greatest good another. ties each have fiv« traffic deaths it was given in June, 1942, regulations and 'controls which have COMPACTS: - Never in the this year, while Gloucester County But on JIMP IS, 1964, the for the greatest numbeJ*. Otherwise, produced an excess of caution. The United States Supreme Court ruled that the exemption from numbers of people, deprived of drugs manufacturer of i drug must now self-incrimination is a privilege which never were marketed because prove] that it is effective as well as safi. protected by the 14th Amendment against abridgement by the It i£ certainly true that both safety of excessively stringent rules, will pay states. "Therefore, the right cf and effectiveness are wholly desirable. a heavy price. a person charged with crime to remain silent, unless tie chooses to speak in the unfettered exer cise of his own free will, may be impaired by the suffering of a penalty fo- such silence," said V f i o Are The Deliihuentsl the court. JERSEY JIGSAW: •-, Gover I nor Richard J. Hughes has proto graduation In -college, would h«lp. Juvenile delinquency is a much disclaimed next week as the time That rule would be: I^eep your hdnds of the Cross of Peace Crusade i missed subject nowadays. But "the real :ind also as Save Your Vision off other people and other people's toot of the pqpblem is generally soft Week . . Eleven New Jersey MEMBER, NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE property, cumpames plan to exhibit their peddled. products at the London Interna Such a rule of action instilled into Where does the blame lie for juvenile tiunal Engineering Exhibition in l/ondon next [month . . N$W Jet Will Bfe Open For Your Convenience * delinquency? It would seem that a ihe young mind could save untold sey's food processing establish misery and heartaches for young and anajor share of it can be charged to ments add A total dollar value by manufacturing of 1808.419.000 old alike. parents and schools. Both fall to teach placing the State sixth nationally Teaching this simpli rule of action mA eraphailM the importance of oourhi this type of industry . . Dr and Mrs. Mapon •W. Grosa of would be fulfilling an obligation which towy and the observance of, the rights Rutgers University are o w on adulta owe the young and would re a 79-day overseas trip whicb will «f ethers. take them into 16 East African, lieve the elders of serious delinquent One simple little rule of conduct, if Middle Eastern and European 1 countries . . .The average Fac fenpresued (HI the children by parents on their part. And it wouldn't take i (a«.,., i « . . . worker In Nev Published Weekly On Thursday By NORTH JERSEY PUBLISHING, INC • •Wl a Under the Capitol Dome By J . Jtseph firlbblii r INVITATION to INVESTORS GLAMOR GIRIS T. t . WATSON & CO. EVERY THURSDAY EVENING To9;00P.M. PERTH AMBOY NATIONAL BANK BUMPING iiul on students each day by teachers, •Vorn Hie first grade in public school* new law or more taxes to accomplisl results. HI 2-2650 "Movie and pirn money?! I^ok, YOU'UB going i j :tv, n.,«rii —I'M riot <rninv utMulv on H 7ll» Cirtewt Pfw Thuraday, March 4,1865 PAGV SEVEN Americana' Theme of Program Presented loyalty Day Qneen Deadline Set By V F I Post Auxiliary School Children for Parochial P.T.A. PTO Officials I To Sec Family \ Counsel Film TRELIN - Two new members,! Patricia Krai and Eileen De-! Mary, were accepted at the h*f! semi-monthly meeting of the i V dies Auxiliary of the VFW Post] held at the Post Hall, Route 27. Mrs, Kurt Samnelson, Loyalty Chairman, announced the (leadline for applications for the loyalty Diy Queen Contest is March 22. Applications are available at Hie Post Lounge for girls between the afcos nf 15 end 18, whoso filhers or grandfathers 'iri' members of the VFW. TSFMN R R Mrs. J. Daniels and ; Rice, of the Mlddles« « Chapter of the Family Counsel"; ing Service, will be guests at tb* • Meeting Set President's Council of Teacher and Parent Organizations to b« held tonight, « P. M., in the Board COIX)NIA - Topics relating to! race and religion w e discussed, frankly and in a spirit of goodwill; :hls morning at the home of Mrs Stanley Rothrrnn. To foster a better understanding among people Hie Queen will be chosen at of different races and religions the Loyalty Day t)ance to be held the Inter-faith Inter-Racial Group on March 27. Judges will be May- of Colonia is meeting to help gap or Walter 7iriHiIn and Committee- the bridge of misunderstanding. Mrs. James Morgan, Woodwoman Ann Mclntrye. bridge Human Rights CommisMrs Helen Krai annonuced sioner, spoke about the formation plans arc underway for a Rt. Patand purpose of the Commission rick's Day party to be held for on Human Rights. She said it was the children at the Roosevelt Park the function of the commission to Cerebral Palsy Center. The last protect the rights of all and to party, given for the children on correct any abuses brought to its Valentines Day, proved to be a attention. The Commission she success, according to Mrs continued is prepared to handle Krai. Assisting at the event were complaints concerning public acUrsula Golden, Mrs. Donald Cril commodations, housing and emly, Mrs. Edward Sherry, Mrs. Wilployment. liam Roach, and Mrs. Peggy Gor leski. Project World Wide will once of Education room of the Administration Building, Woodbridge. They will show a Him on tb« subject of Family Counseling, d Mr. Rice will speak. A committee will be appointed NAMED CHAIRMAN: Mrt. nominate a slate of officers to I^onnrd Chakrin, Colonla, has presented for vote at the meet* been name<l by B'nal B'rlth Women, Northern New Jersey The meeting el the President1* Council, as chairman U donor luncheons, March 7, 14 and 21 ouncil Is open to all president*. nl the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, ast presrdenU, and vice presfc New York City. dents of parent and faculty groupi Mrs. Chakrin Is currently Woodbridge Township schools. serving the council a second Ml principals of the townsnij vice president and donor chair^ man. Before advancing to the schools are urged to attend. executive stall she served as first president of Sinai Chapter, Colonia, Approximately 5,M0 women representing 36 chapters of thi council will attend the Tickets for the Eighth District again be sponsored by Wood- luncheons on consecutive Sun-. Fashion Show, to be held March bridge, stated Mrs. Rothman, and COLONIA - Tomorrow ifi in Edison,'are available from mes In the area are needed for U.S.Y.'s youth group of e foreign students who will act Mrs. Ijonnie Puntorno. Beth Am will sponsor tbe S*bba*. supervisors. The project will Secret Pals will be revealed at service at 8.30 p.m. ntjhe the regular semi-monthly meeting for eight weeks this summer, pie, Cleveland Avenue, to be held this evening, 8 p.m., at ny family who feels the desire seople will participate ln the. s e r e 1 MJ.Y AMERICAN: CUMrca at Nt. OcHU * Krhoot p r e v n W a serieH of Kobort Fynr, Colleen Murphy, Michael O'Brlen, Maureen Bolt, Patrick McCann, the Post Hall. help and Is abde to provide a ISELIN - A cafeteria suppe vice and also provide the spegkec^ mporary home for a student will be held by the Llla W whose topic will be "Fundain» Darlene Mastapeter, John T»mL w iurf (Unrti dirtaf • • "Anittteaiu" pro»r«tn *t a mating of thr parochial lay contact Frank Murphy at Thompson Council, Daughters Groapt I Md t U f t U rifM. ! * • • Jenkins, Krniwth Wahl, Mary Voider tals of Judaism." W dbid R t i D America, 8 P. M., Monday at thi Woodbridge Recreation DeKabbi Abraham H o r v i t t . * * irtment. Borough Improvement Hall lead the congregation in prayer wai'to the delight of over 5ftO people seventh and eighth grades, Thom Grade 5-4, Robert Pyne, Raymond Frederick Markmann, It was decided that meetings Route 27, Metuchen. Each mem and will be assisted by of a meeting of St. O In I/wrdii Hall as has been awarded an expense Warakomski, Mark Alaimo, Ken- Cassldy, Cynthia Segarra, Debor be held starting March 11 her has been asked to bring Royal Rockman. The puttie » 1 n » ITA (iroupe 1 ind I with Rev, John M. Wihu. pastor and -paid trip to Washington when neth Ellmer, Mary Volker, Dianne ah Dextores, and Nancy Berube; h grade makes its class Tomasso, Janet Rittweger, Grade 5-3, Mark Flanzbaum, John crad* rtudenU entertain- moderator, wngratulateil the chil the eighth ind every two weeks thereafter at favorite item of food, preparec vited. An Oneg Shabbat, prmrfdsA COLONIA - The tovous festive to give the recipe to whoevei by the U.S.Y, will be held dren and teachers "for a pleasant trip April 7, 8, and 9. F a r l e y , Victory Lampasona T>,e children, under U» nf Pimm will be celebrated next ;S0 a.m. The next scheduled wishes it. Members will choo services. Mrs. Snydcr Introduced Robert week with a series of events a neet will be held at the home of the dish they want and pay On Saturday Junior CongrejaMrt, Edward Sn;<ler, prcsident.jcionan, j , Cubmaster of Pack 249,, chack, John Smyth, Patrick Me firs. Woodrow Rossi. Temple Beth Am. specified price. Shields, Elen Lucas; Grade 5-4 mmented Thomai DiDia k l KenK Bolger and Mrt. T»y commented DiDia, w iinn- ] whh o w ii llhh p p c ((e r Z Zmysewskl, tion services begin at 9:15 a m l a t h candy d sale l held h l dby b the Bott. Theresa Smith, and Deborah Chardes Ackerman, Michael Sko- On Wednesday, 7:30 P. M., the Before ending the meeting, Mrs. On March 29, the group wi! fiv* xjuart d«ncef o*r off the addition, at Temple Beth Am, czylas, Ronald Oliphant, Michael Book of Esther iMe«!IUhl will he Morgan suggested an evening have a spaghetti supper at t weaented Itev. Wilns with a check read. The Book of Esther tetls meeting making it possible for the there is a daily Minyan serviw Scandon, d Susan S Olsiewski, l k i M Mary The following children home of Mrs. Jule Hollowell, B for |75. proceeds of a fair held ID the heroic story of young Queen husbands and the other Comwhich starU at 8:00 p.m. tained at the Thursday meeting: the *Mr}l hall. Ison. Grade 5-1, Robert Gutschke, Neil cino, Carol Giordano; Grade 5-5, Esther and her uncle, Mordecai. missioners of Woodbridge to atRev Steven Ferrer, Edward Cerchlaro who de'ivered the Jews from tend with their wives. Also on the bership on the death.- Children will be provided agenda is a summer picnic with en Corcoran, Susan Dwyer, Mary Keven Johnston, Eugene Delahanrole of the parent as an aide to Patricia Qiunn, Gail Metzger with "gragors," noisemalteri), so he children especially in mind. Ann Swarts, Theresa Hoar, Carol they can participate in the serv .nyone interested in joining the the child, whether it ht school. ilaney; Grade 5-2, Steven Matts, ' :e. home or social activities. He fur group or wishing to sit in on Your Prescription Charles Roberts, Jeffrey Rodgers, tber stated that "an hour a day Headquarters la The spirit and joy of Purim will discussion meeting may receive devoted especially to your chiWj IN THE BAHAMAS projects ctiaiman urged all mem >e retold by the children of the additional information from Mrs. Wnodbridge Is PubUl will mean so much to you and to, d f l l th Hebrew and Sunday Schools < Rothman, 388-8316. S the child, especially In later: projects undtr. consideration by the Temple on Sunday, March 1 pj yean" b taken t k att 7:00 P. M. Parents and friend the club. A rite will be ME 4-MM 26;000 tons, fully air-conditioned are invited to attend this evening The next meeting will be March the March It meeting. Ship It your hotel (or 2 diyi, 1 night In N I H M ISELIN - Rev. Roger D. Si and watch their children re-enact 17 and 18. Final arrangements for Pram* PIM (Mhr«7 Stopovers arranged at no extn cost the elxnth grade Washington trip COLONIA - March 10 has been tion and ganden department' chair in songs, dances and recitation! dener, pastor of the First Presbterlan Church," announced MornSalllnn trom Mm York miry Satwdty, op» tally I t J L U U aside by Mrs. Frederick M. man, nmisllUanemfaers that the the Purim tale, will he discussed. ing Worship' Services, Sunday, U'MDtTI MAR.6toAPR.17M Children partlcipatin* V the Griffe*. American Home Depart. March ramifcg irfjj be M a N M . - w a t h e held.jt 8:4B p.m. • 4JL U 1 PJL of tbe NEW MEMftKRS ' were: and 10:18 A.M. The chureh nurser M a animal !WfW!«il»w; Mrs. Samuel m Andresen, Kenneth Wahl, DBB the home Mrs. Kushmanii 4fit»tag several ar- ISELJN - Congregation Be will be available under superviiel Coughltn, Kradk Deilosa, Deb- Palrick,Dycack.. From the work- rangemenl*.' Phone VA 64661 g Sholora welcomed new members sion, during the 10:15 service. orah Traynor, Lynn Jenkins, Val h y y 303 Maple Street i The last motley making effort of to the Synagogue family recent Church school classes have been l Grade d home of Mrs. Alvaq G. John, 26, the-year. • card party April 28 erie Tirpak, Maur Mitchell; p PERTH AMBOY, N. I They are Ann and ^rthur Ladoux; set as follows: kindergarten 5-1, Edward Glover, John Pydysh P d through sixth grades, 8:45 and Morningside Road, for at the Elizatrtthtown Gas- Com WORLD WIDE TRAVEL and their two children, Evan, a K ments, and discussions. uwskl, John Tanzi, William" Kos10:15 A.M. Junior High and pany. office, Rahway, wiU require SPECIALISTS SINCE 1907 i losky, Judith Piccolo, Linda Tis8, and Steven, age 6. They residi Senior High elasses will be held "PickA-Tray" was the program the support of each member to AnneUe IMVWMMM MAIN from 11:20 A.M. to 12:20 P.M. success, stated Mrs at 62 Qreemer Avenue. Michael M n u n PACKING un LN REAR B. Hubbard,, presipi (VBrien, Edward Skanynski, Den dent, and Mrs. Charles Bottita, nis Bexdiicki, Robert Hempt, CoMurphy. Sandra Bunaski, t.ynn Sosnicki, and Joan Evers; USY to Sponsor Sabbath Service Daughters of America Set Cafeteria Supper Temple toMark Purim Festival s.s. HOMERIC SUN-WAY CRUISES NASSAU 7DAYSfrom 175 Services Announced OS|P0 Travel Bureau PUBLIX PHARMACY You Can Count On Carteret Bank &Trust WORRIED ABOUT INCOME TAXES... ? WALNUT Finish PANELING Onto * » hurn tbij lut! . . . i ' x 8' Size . . . . $3.20 Relax!...See Us For A Quick, Courteous And Confidential INCOME TAXLOAN AVENEU 1ULIH Compare Our Low Cost Rates! 4tl EAST "Our 42nd Year of Uninterrupted Service to the People of Carteret and Vicinity'* HAZELWOOD AVE., RAHWAT f m i WOODBRIDOB jiwr « f V. a i - E. HAZI-XWOOU RAMP RAHWAY BER CO. 611 KAST HAZEI-WOOO AVB- W6 ARE on the SQUARE SEBVIGE EUCTRIC AMD 6AS COMPANY/T«p-y«« s«v«.t RAHWAY Carteret Bank and Trust Company MAIN OFFICE ^__^ i~~~.—-<— 20 Cooke Avenue BANKING HOURS: Dally 8 A.M. to 3 P U Friday 9 A.M. to « P.U. Free Parking Lot mm, H. J. UiuiLwr o! rtdtni HMwf* SfMNB r»d«r»l D*tK3«lt luiuwoo* Goiponttcw BRANCH OFFICE Carteret Shopping Center BANKING HOURS: Daily ( A.M. to 4 P M. Fridiy 9 A M t o 4 P . M . tod 6 P M. to 8 P.M. Independent-Leader (E.B.) • Carteret PrOss Thursday, March 4, 1065 PAGE EIGHT ELY ON YOUR FRIENDLY : PHARMACIST... We're 1'erfeelionistfi ...If You Wanl Quality We take the greatest care to stock the finest drugs available anywhere. "The Home of Service" HILL PHARMACY Open Eves. Till 10 • Tel. KI1-5325 587 ROOSEVELT AVE., CARTERET (Corner Penhlai Arenae) PROCLAMATION WHEREAS, ORT (Organisation for Rehabilitation through Training), the vocational training agency of the Jewish people, has been dedicated for 86 years to the building of human life and the betterment of society through vocational education; and WHEREAS, ORT's network spans the globe with 600 installations in 22 nations in which scores of thousands learn modern trades, freeing themselves from dependence on charity; and •». WHEREAS, the President of the United States, Lyndon B. Johnson,, has termed the work of Women's American ORT ". . . an inspiration, an example of how the conscience and action of dedicated women can prepare the less fortunate for their rightful place in today's society" and since governments and indivdual leaders recognize the vital importance of vocational education for the entire free world — industrialized and developing nations alike? and WHEREAS, Women's American ORT, the largest ORT organization in the world, has fervently resolved to increase its membership and thus its support of the ORT program in response to the pleas for admission to ORT schools in France, Israel and aH over the world; NOW, THEREFORE, I, Walter Zirpolo, Mayor of the Township of Woodbridge do hereby proclaim the tenth day of March, 1965 to be ORT DAY ih Woodbridge in recognition of the far-reaching achievements of Women's American ORT, WALTER ZIRPOLO, Mayor ladassah Plans Mar. I! Meeting AVENEL PERSONALS COTiONIA - The board of diBetty GDIOWIU 14 George Street •octors of the Colonia Chapter Avenel, N. J. if Hadassalwmet at the home of ME 4-09S1 lirs. Tilden Isaac, 5 Savory Place. Hembers were reminded by Mrs. lerman Haberman, donor chair- —The Sixth District Republican nnn, to turn in all donor credits Club meets today at 8:30 p.m. >y the March 8 general meeting with Mr. and Mrs. William Scheuvhioh will highlight Youth Aliyah. erman, 300 Prospect Avenue. The spring weekend nt the —Tonight the Avenel Fire Combreakers Hotel, Atlantic City is set for April 30 t'irough May 1 pany meets at the firehouse. Mrs. Leonard Schlosscr, chair- —The Knights of Columbus, St. nan advi»ed members to make Andrew's Council 5068, meets to•eservations early. day at 8:30 p.m. A supper is being planned for II eye bank contributors on May —A spaghetti dinner will be held 17. Mrs. Milton Eig chairman will Saturday from 5 to 8 p.m. at the ae assisted by Mrs. Rubin Gnittz, co-chairman, Mrs. Murray Greenspan, Mrs. Tilden Isaac and Mrs. Seymour Ovsiew. The mah-jongg tournament has been set for March 1 and will run for 12 consecutive weeks. All nierested are asked to contact Mrs. Hogoff, FU 1-4614. Drop off stations for rummage are Mrs. Leonard Schlosser, 94 Ira Avenue, Colonia; Mrs. Rogoff, 6 Nelson Court, Colonia; and Mrs. Murray Greenspan, 381 West Hazelwood Avenue, Rahway. The sale is set for the first week in April and members are asked to save all salable merchandise, toys and household items. Avono! fiirhnuse, sponsored by skit. "Doing Cod's Will" will be the Avnnel Exempt Firrmnn's presented by the chinch's junior Association. The public is wet-! high girls, under the direction of come, announced Edward Ken- Mrs. Hans Neilson. After the business meeting, bandages will be nedy, chairman. -A Mother and Daughter Com- made for Bangkok Hospital. munion Breakfast will be held - T h e Ladies Auxiliary of the at 10:30 a.m. Sunday for all Ave- Avenel Fire Company meets at the local firehouse Tuesday at nel girl scout*. Those partaking of Holy Communion are to receive p.m. in a body at the 9:30 a.m. Mass. -Wednesday a Girl Scout Rally will be held at St. Andrew's —Installation of new members Church hall to commemorate and a Chinese auctioir will ho the Girl Scout Week. All Avenel troops feautres of Tuesday's meeting of will participate and provide the the Junior Woman's Club of Ave- entertainment. Refreshments will nel at the Avenel and Colonia be served. The rally will be from 7 to 9 p.m. First Aid Squad building. 8:30 —The Exempt Firemen's Assop.m. ciation will meet nt 8 p.m. Wed —The Woman's Association of nesday at the firehouse. the First Preubytepn Church - T h e midweek I^nten service will meet Tuesday at 8 p.m. A at the First Presbyterian Church in start its new hmirs next week p.m.. Monday through Thur will feature Dr. Rimer Homng- i>hich will include: Monday and 2 to 9 p.m.; Friday, 2 to -, I'm. hausi-n, dean of Princeton Semin- Vednesday mornings from 10 I" h and Saturday. ID a.m. to | ary, who will speak at 8 p.m, on "The Meaning of Lent," Wednesday. —The winners at Monday night's card party, held by the Junior Woman's Club of Avenel at the Avenel and Colonia First Aid Squad building, were announced by Mrs. Peter Dinkowitz, chairman, as follows: door prizes, Announces That His New Offices Mis Marion Anderson, Mrs. StanAre Now Located Just 2 Doors Away ley Butkewicz and Mrs. Mario Maisto; non-player, Mrs. Bruce At The Same Address McKee: special prize, Mrs. Thomas SpaldinR: table prizes, Miss Anderson, Mrs. Herman Kambach, Mrs. Anthony Graham, Mrs. Leonard I^acanic. Mrs. Mario Giannini. Mrs. Joseph Wagner and im Westerfield. "Wi'lial - T h e Avenel Branch Library DR. ALBERT RICHMAN OPTOMETRIST 100 MAIN ST., WOODBRIDGE ME 4- 8686 Coming Monday, March 8th New Touch-Tone phone The March 8 general meeting will highlight Youth Aliyah. Beth Sholom Holding Fashion Show Mar. 15 ISELIN ~- A Fashion Show will be sponsored by the Sisterhood of Congregation Beth Sholom, on Monday evening, March 15, 8:30 P. M., at the Beth Sholom auditorium, 90 Cooper Avenue. Dresses will be modeled by the Sisterhood members and their daughters. Co-chairmen of trje Fashion Show are Mrs. Robert Weinstein and Mrs. Stuart Klein. Refreshments will after the event. be served Menlo Park Veterans' Home Is Party Site ISELIN - A hospital party will be given for the patients of the Menlo Park Veterans' Home by members of the Military Order of the Cooties, Pup Tent S.O.L. 13 on March 16. Zigmund Smolen and Laurence Hull are hospital chairmen. A joint installation of the Cooties and Auxiliary has been set for Sunday, Marcn 21, 2:30 P. M., at the Iselin VFW Post 2636 Hall. AS-YOU M i l LIKE THEM! AMERICA'S FINEST CUSTOM-FINISHED SHIRT LAUNDERING AT AMERICA'S LOWEST PRICE—Undoubtedly, this is the perfect combination for thrifty, quality-conscious homemakers. AND IT'S YOURS RIGHT NOW AT MOREY LA RUE'S CONVENIENT WOODBRIDGE STORE! Complete FAMILY LAUNDERING SERVICE FOR CONVENIENT, DEPENDABLE ROiJTEMAN SERVICE DIRECT TO YOUR HOME Phone EL 2-5000 or HI 2-G161 DISCOUNT CARDS GET YOUR FKKK DISCOUNT CARDS FROM ANY MOREY LaRUE ROUTE SALESMAN OR AT ANY MOREY LaRUE QUALITY STORE! Use our FRl'lK DISCOUNT CARD . . . get ANOTHER . . . then ANOTIIF.R — no limit! injuy America s Finest Quality Laundering And Dry Cleaning While Saving More Thau Ever Before! H LAUNDERERS • CLEANERS 116-B MAIN ST., WOODBRIDGE SALES OUTLETS ONE OF AMERICA'S BIGGEST « BEST — Swving New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania! AN ym Mmoutd Store and Route Juiunuiiluii Kindly Check Y w TeUphonu Directory. with push-buttons ( Tjhe new Touch-Tone push-button phone will be \ available to customers whose telephone numbers \ . begin with Klmball 1 or 541.* / Touch-Tone service has been described as the biggest advance in telephone calling since thfe dial. It applies the speed of electronics to the placing of a call. With a TouchTone push-button phone, you can tap the buttons twice as fast as you now dial. As each button is tapped, a musical note triggers an electronic impulse to speed the connection. •• Here is a more convenient, quicker-touse, and easier-to-use phone. Yet complete •lo mik» (h* TOUCM-TOD* pushbutton phou tvuiiabt*< complvK cantrn affic* «j«pm»et will «* IniUMed grudi Touch-Tone service costs so little.iAdd just $1.50 per month to the regulajr telephone charges, plusaone-timeconnectioncharge, and you're enjoying Touch-Tone service on your residence line-including Touch-Tone service on all extensions. Now you can order this amazing pushbutton phone wt\ich comes in a widechoice of colors and styles, including a newly d * signed, streamlined wall phone. To order, just call the Telephone Business Office. in Ncw'J«it.ay, heul th« t u t u . Try Touch-Ton© service now. Visit the Perth Amboy National Bank Carteret Branch ( 25 Cooke Avenue Carteret, N.I and Exclusively NEWS FttmAJitht Community Independent - Leader Carteret Press A Newspaper Dedicated to the Best Interests of the Residents of the EDISON-FORDS BEACON Communities We Serve Thursday, March 4, 1965 lM are WINDOW On Green Street __ PAGE NINE By The Stuff — I Carteret Woman's Club UnitAFLunch^on tTopic ofTalk -.kiier for many years, Jack Manton, n former Wood an ambition and witnessed a dream come • Obituaries in profession, Jack spent much of his time glidinR "•' ,H,S of Mount Snow in Vermont and managed to Ret .', Vniincilman Robert Vogel interested in this invigorating ROBERT J. GLOFF | James Dineen, or Orange; two FORDS - The funeral of Rob-iLbrothers. Michael Uhrin, of Car',1, M> ski trips, Manton w u obsessed with the idea that a «rt J. GloU, 1118 Eleventh Street, i Mount Snow, called Hayttack, could be made into West Park, McKecs Rocks, Pa., teret and Joseph of Port Reading. rr ir Funeral services will he held | ki area. After acquiring tha property, now consisting formerly of Fifth Street, Fords, this morning at 9:00 at the fiynos tlH' Woodbridge n u n W*nt to work last year, with is being arranged by the McOer- wiecki Funeral Home, 56 Carteret Hart a New York stockbroker, and began clear mott Funeral Hnme of McKees ,-lnrt Avenue and at 9:30 a.m. a solemn to provide adequaU ski trails and construct a i Hook.* it:nn high Mass of requiem will be ofMr. ttlofl was employed at the fered in St. Joseph's Church. In.!rrn lodge nt the bottom. id, we visited Haystack and were amazed with Vulcan Dctinning Company, Pitts- terment will he in St. Gertrude ,!„,„. in less than a year's time. The first trail was burgh, Pa as an instrument, Cemetery. Colonia. , ,,n<l by'Operation Christmas," M were available man. Surviving are his widow, Helen; SCHRODER SR. FUNERAL ne of the entire Mt-up li that expert or inter a W H James of McKees Hocks; CARTERET - Funeral services get in the way of tha poorer onea, or vice- lWo 5 ' sters . Mrs. Gabriel Halasz were held for Henry Schroder Sr, ind " « • Michael Magyar Of| of 311 Washington Avenue from H ir lirnjire provided tor the entire novtee group! ' the Bizub Funeral Home. 54! Mrs. t r , „ douBle-chalr Uft that extends from the b a s e i , ^ * Pcrth I Wheeler Avenue yesterday at Amboy, and , ,< rituated up 4.500 faet to the summH of Hay-|^ l o f T ' 10:30 a.m. and at 11:00 a.m. Ke. Pittsburgh. ..... -jmup u»es the ikjpra on the other side of the!™^™1,-, quiem services were held at the .•,,n«ht and shorter hfflF0 f neral r v i c w for St. Mark's Episcopal Church with we were ftBowed to rWe the lift lo t h e L * ^ ~ !" 1SEI.IN John Edetman, chairman of the National Cot'flril of Senior Cities, spoke >n favor of the Medicare Bill, aha knowi- as the King Anderson Bi'l, at a meeting of the Fourth Waid Democratic Club. Jack Belvein, executive secretary o( the Senior Citizens Council, also criticized .in CAIiTKKKT - Two affairs are1 Independent-Leader article. ' 1 planned hy the Eveningl "Elder Care" and openly challMembership Department of the enged any member of the Ame; ii':irten'l Woman's Club. can Medical Association to doA card party is slated for March bate the issue. .'.'I ;il Hie Cathiilic Veterans Hall, Joseph Seubert, outgoing presi•hrksnn Avenue Ailh Mrs. Nielj dent, was presented with a Kurke and Mrs. Gabriel Comba as The group endorsed . Her committe in- plague "lmlcs Mrs, Dolores Lis Mrs. Gene Tomasso for the DemocratPauline Vamkrmark. Mrs. Earl ic nomination for councilman in llumpf, Mrs. Dorothy Duggan and the Fourth Ward. Mrs. Harbara Potter. Also present were William Bfh. The Chiui'sc auction is scheduled ler, president of the Board of for April 2» at the Catholic Veter- Education, Ralph McGrane, ans Hall with Mrs. John Leim- Thomas MolyneuX peter and Mrs, Warren Anderson ;is co-chairmen. Hathaway Plans for both affairs were were hosts. made at a luncheon held at the home of Mrs. 1/eimpeter. Two Affairs Slated Here By Club Unit * niiniiiin and then come back vis the chair ride At j 2.„"/" ..'^J I by a mile tag Uka where the at the: "fiating. Interment was i Hospital i n '" Cemetery, Linden. East Orange,, will be held eld Sat S a t - L L i l a n v f o r t n e ^ad w a s b T w urday morning. 9; 45 at the evening at 8 o'clock with, MAP ACTIVITY — Here is a group »f members of the Evening Department, Carteret Woman's Club Skrncki Memorial Home. State H e v William F. Forrest official-' planning for future affairs. Shown from left to right are: Mrs. John T. Vandermark, Mrs, Gabriel and William Streets, Perth A m - " * Comba, Mrs. Karl Rumpf Jr., Mrs. Thomas G. Liss andMrs. Neil Burk«. boy, with a Mlemn requiem Mass Officers aod members of the United Ancient Order of Druids at 1000 at St. Stephen's Church. Erhard bids Germans take Perth Amboy. Burial will be in Middlesex Grove No. 33 Carteret Litany for the Dead was heldj paid their respects in a body Tuesday at 8:00 P. M. with Rev. moderate path. the cliurfh cemetery. William F. Forrest officiating. A native of Pertii Amboy, t h e ! T u e s t l a y a l 7:30 p.m. Pickwick Qub Hears Student ml I , :.ikc where Manton and his group have planned TO MEET SUNDAY •, ih.it will overlook five states It will be cut out limiting down into the water* 200 f « t below. The CARTERET - The Senior. So-1 l*> via a four-passenger gondola which takes you dality of St. Mary's Ukrainian ..,:;:i. You con then enjoy the use of seven dining Church will meet Sunday in the WOODBRIDGE - Miss Susan cocktail lounges. conference room following the 8 Romano, exchange student at . general manager of the Hayttack ski area and Woodbridge High School, was the a.m. Mass. , vuv•president, claims that the summit lodge will guest speaker at Monday night's HI the United Stales. It will be able to handle 500 deceased had lived in Fords (or! dinner meeting held by the PickIIFNRY all year round. the past 15 years He was a SCHRODER SR. CARD OF THANKS wick Club. Miss Romano conWOODBRIDGE. - The 24th an1 Stephens CARTERET - Henry Schroder trasted her life in her Some, Corback downhill, you will either have to ride parishioner of St HENRY SCHRODER SR. Inual St. Patrick's Day dance Church, Perth Amboy. K e w a s a | S r . of 311 Washington Avenue, dova, Argentina, with her expeor ski down. g We wish to express our sincere j s p o n s o r e d b y t h e j ^ e g A u x j i . b off American legion Post *•*• * • February Fb 27th at the th RahRah riences here. 27th, al! far the coostrucUon of an entire ski village, member thanks to all our relatives, friends iary Division, Ancient Order of and Post n.iRs overnight lodges, shops and a Little 45. 45 Perth P h Amboy Ab d VFW WP l w a y HosP'tal after a g h o r t lUness: Mrs. Daniel Ogden installed the neighbors for their kind ex- Hibernians and Middlesex Council He was born in Germany and had S^^^^wtiiir'tlieTr'inaVv SOW of Fords. •ii the nlmosphere of an Alpine Village. newly-elected officers: Mrs. Howhoon 3 rocidnni nt c*rt*tvt inr w Pressions or sympainy, ineir many 857, Knights of Columbus, will be „ . „ „. . | ISELIN - Gera Gerald G. Kallman, He was a reporter on the Hudson ard EsMeman, president; Mrs. { kindness, spiritunl bouquets , . , . , , i> will get underway when there ia no m o n wow Surviving are his mother, Mr8. been a resident of Carteret lor 50 held Saturday March 3 at (the nt of Donald Aaron, vice-president; aniJ Dispatch from 1954 to 19S6. Kii<r.i The former Woodbridge man feels (hat It Stephanie Oblinski. Perth Amboy; Kmghts of Columbus Hal Knights Hall, Amboy Q[ Cath0,ic the In 1961 he founded the Gerald Mrs. Robert Stephen, secretary. •',• fine* ski area* in Uw Hew England States. One a lister, Mrs. Edna Bamburak, Avenue and Main Street. will be guest speaker at the Com- . Kallman Associates, establish- Mrs. Ogden, who will serve ru ii .is already been inverted ta tbe are* and an equal Fordi; two brother*. Frank and Mrs. John Cosgrove and Philip munion breakfart of St. Cecelia's ing offices in London and Frank- treasurer, was installed by Mrs. John, of Perth Amboy. into it this year. J. Boyle are co-chairmen assistC. Y. O., Sunday after the 9:45 :urt in 1963. His clients in Eu- Aaroe, who also acted as toast< M as not ai much anew a t during a normal winter, M M . ANNA STIMA ed by Mrs. Bernard Horn, Mrs. A. M. Mass. rope include Dr. Jacques Piccard, mistress of the event. CARTERET-Mrs. Anna Stima, e r w John Kennedy, Patricia Kavan...n 2.000 to 2,508 skiJers uaed Hayttack on • week member of the United Ancient ™ , Mr. Kallman, who was born in ramous submarine designer and Toasts to incoming officers were 1 • be mentioned that It it the moat southerly major We especially wish to thank augh, Patricia Roberts, Bert! St. Peter's Prep. 1948, St. Peter's holder of the world's deep diving] given bv Mrs. Clyde Wllliami, i r., m New England 33. Carter.!. He was a parish- Rev. William F. Forrest, Vicar Mosenthine, William Haug, Sr., Palisades Park, has a varied record; the Frankfurt Chamber!Mrs.-William Wright, Mrs. B. D. William Roberts and Donald Miloral Hospital, Burn in Port Read.• •tuw Here will be horseback riding, tennis courts Episcopal at the St. Mark's Episcopal : background. He is a graduate of of Commerce and Munich Fair Wittenberg and Mrs. William " ahe had-resided during most ( ; h u r ( , h | C i l r t e r e t (Church, Carteret; Officers and ler. . •» j'.'lf course, t)» latter to be opened in May. Kalbenn. Mrs. John Petrocy, College with A.B. in English, Authority. of htr life U) Carteret. She wa» Music will be furnished by the Surviving" him are his widow'members of the-United Ancient} ,i lifelong friend of Jack's, and a former Plato1 outgoing president, extended Order of Druids jliddlesex Grove >f St,. Joseph's 1952; attended Jersey City Junior Hi-Lites. Tickets may beoptainhr,,w the large ski school. He i t oat of the foremoat' welcome' to the members arid Church ; Mrs. VeraM rSlinsky Schroder; one No. 33 Carteret; Dr. John Fenick; ed from any member of the College, Providence College B a k s a ot -Mrs. Frank*'Buchold, »' p Carteret First | | l . j & n i a d ; the Surviving her are her husbud. committee or at thedooft fo4t>ro*i(ittoi, fthofce Islafid oil th* former Patricia Cranford. Her program chairman, introduced fm |Medical Stiff a a o W u h e s at RahJohn Sttma: eight (laughters. Vtft with Harttat(Me t a r ^ track scholarship and graduate*: buiineai The Joseph MUKO, Mrs. Frank Kan- Schroder Jr., A! Un.on; fee sitter way Hospital, Rahway; U. S. MelIT.-' Mrs. James Sherrard hld FFnsy. le and Tammie, seven, wbo •inr children. and M r s ' M r s J ° n a " n a Radomski of Ger- ais Refifliag Co.. Carteret; Carwas chairman. Magna Cum Laude from Fordham COLONIA Dr. Antoine Attaly tor n 1 ! naiiy and three grandchildren. teret Smelter and Refining Workt skien. live a few mfl*i from tbe kxWte. John Bryer all of Carteret; University with master of science la director of Woodbridge Divijon ,il attorney. U a director and the counael lor the: J o s e ppnn CC rr oo M ( Cocoa, Fl« Fl«.;| Funeral service* w«re held ers Union Local 837, Carteret; 00 of Health will be guest speaker TO ADDRESS HOLY NAME M degree in 1954. ntrols trols the Haystack area. area He maintains and and ldjjmr, Casimir Kolod«ejski K l d j k i of Rob Rob-: from the Bizub Funeral Home, M Jersey Machine Mfg. Co., Newat the Greater Colonia Demo- COLONIA - Roy Faber, golf Mr. Kallman taught English Si Whl A y s t e yesterday r d a y at arjt: Employees at Jersey MachWilminKton. Vt., about flvt miles from the «ki|ertvill« Miss Margaret Stima. off Wheeler Avenue,, New arrivals as recorded at and Latin at Xavier High School cratic Club, tonight at School 17, professional at the Colonia Coun* Services were held ine Mfg. Co.. Newark; Employees of ui rtayed. •' • I Carterel, and Mrs."Raymond Val-j 10 30 A. M. 3 o'clock. the Perth Amboy General Hospital try Club, will be4he speaker at a M u il>n and her bukbaod. Gerard Klotr operate the^ntine of EnKlishtnwn: fodr sons.1 at the St. Mark's Episcopal at the Precision Resistor Co,, Un- during the past week include the New York; St. Michael's Higl According to Seymour Oyster, School, Jersey City, and BellevilL publicity chairman, nominations meeting of St. John Vianney Holy and sleeping lodae. about two miles from Michael, George, Jamet and Jo-Church at 11:00 A. M. with Rtv. ion; McCracen BJdneral Home following: „ generous . „ weekend seph. all of Carteret; and 27 William F. Forrest officiating. Union; Staff at McCracen Funeral A daughter born to Mr. and High School. He was track am of officers for the forthcoming Name Society Monday in the our moat boats over tbe neither .intend to come back to Wood-tKrandchiktren; two sister, Mrs. Interment was in RosehiH Ceme- Home, Union; Kneffter Auto Ser- Mrs. Robert McLaughlin, I Spruce school cafetorium at 8:30 P. M. field coach at St. Peter's Prep year will also take place. vice, Elizabeth; Union Little LeaMary Doleiar. of Carteret, Mrs. tery. Linden. Street, on February 23. gue, Union; Scutch Plains Lunch'• ''*• party Maying over the weekend at Vocel's Born to Mr. and Mrs. Brigido eon Group: Carteret Products.; Perez, 57 Jackson Avenue, a son ••-riu. Jerry Greaux and Mr. and M M Maynard Inc.. Carteret. Employees at Caron February 24. ;' -to appears on (be apart p a r > teret Products Inc., Carteret; On February 28 a daughter was •'••MMon who had U M thrill ti her life Sunday when Neighbors on Washington Avenue born to Mr. and Mrs. John Zsam• : '^n ihat steep chair-lift with her husband She and Liberty Street, Carteret; ba, 22 Tennyson Street. • i 'orninj; down that aba kept her fyes shut all the Neighbors on Redwood Road, taken one look at the bottom of the hill. Scotch Plains: those who donated "•" lov« showen, be bad three at Vogel's plaw, their cars; the Pall Bearers; the •• ihi- soft water there and how difficult h was to] Carteret Police Escort and the Bizub Funeral Home for satisfacit-dutiful state. kMMled wW, iki areas. We never1 tory services rendered. <tv wwe to many w t e took to this fine winter FAMILY OF THE LATE CARTERET - A film on water "i ten c a n In the area and aU the way down the HENRY S6HR0DER, SR. pollution was presented Tuesday ii*.i) carried sail, at the luntheon meeting of the '-•nw to have different liquor laws and we were Carteret Rotary Club in the Gypsy :> Camp.' ^ w W it) o r d e r i o have a cocktail or a beer. CARTERET Mrs. WilUam The film was shown by Ray J, " a hot meal w i U t l t Another interesting aspect of • r:.ii Campbell has been named chair- .jhaffery who. was recently proall alomj ttf Mfbwayi you saw signs saying •l«-v man of the covered dish supper to moted >to production superintendmount just that. We found out that this was be held March 21 at 8 p.m. in the ent at the Carteret plant of FMC. ••"w »Peed within the limit, and we repeat-those Columbian Club by the ladies of A question and' answer period •-: what they said. Court Carey, Knights of Colum- followed. "•ftt'«n. that we could not (et ovtr tbe 'lubeilevable The film, prepared by the soap bus. * ernplom at the Hkyatack lodfe and wherever and detergent industry depicted <lw stol ^ ^ the problem of water pollution in I DAUGHTERS TO MEET every day life, and is befog done 'at Ike Gnws L a a t e n . Rakway CARTERET Mrs. Harold by industry to cope with the situ» • the aew Big 8 « a d la muslc-"tb« Huber, Bernard Street will en aton. a a i u u s o a l kind «i sound eqnlgmMl, tertain the Daughters of St Vince Kaehler, manager of the ef dollars, gives Uw lUgsloa tl a Big Mark's Church at her home at 8 FMC here and president of the club introduced Mr. Shaffery. p.m. Friday. St. Patrick Day Dance Scheduled Public Relations Expert To Address Iselin C.Y.O. Attalla to A4dr<*^, 384 Greater Colonia Club STORK CLUB Water Pollution Is Rotary Theme CHE'" TERMITE DftMAf I •"»-, ( U, d. U deee year eyea, aad list*, i s * ye. m ,[ to ° " ' l - r t i u ^ ' a m Lawre.ee WUk's • «rst I. Ifcta » « , . "INSURE TO. BE S^JRE" The ( L t al repauV Ur »iceedt the cost of treatment and IH >•'•' ' j will be inducted into the Woodbridge i\\\, ' ' O.. near Wedneeeday hi«ht at the Rahway ""vgiition from this area plans to attend. * * * "'*"*»•' c«*u«rillat, la gees flfbw with dtlay. SPECIALIZING IN TERMITE CONTROL ONLY We jlniure Everything The Mortgage That Fits /M/* Needs For Other Insects Call An Exterminator For Termites - Call Us! f'resting Program is '"lure of PTA Session At the Founder's Mii» Kthel SnyUer, faculty mem ' 1 " Carteret High ber will attend the vwational M| John Kilyk, teitumdj tfducutKNial Spring work • • * » i « l a book for shop at HutgeiM un Man ti IS, '"•'"•>; t Robert O'<iJluwi(i(C the IHHIIW,SS me«liiuj, | • —i-ui, ui iiiciji- mt>mb«ri» were entertained with u 11 'wniie Ruciuiegel variety sjhuw, directed by Mrs Ai '• l( *al PT.A. Miss ex t'zuto. »'hool librarian Solo rumlitiuns were given by ''ased the book. Mrs. Cwtto, student Kathy Wttlsh Bergman, fund and faculty member MUs Ami her Gibney wbo sang tlw N. J. P.T.A members for song. Mr. Waron's mhool dance • 'he drivo. band also enteitauiwl the group Found- Musk for tbe ahpw wns played by student Dennis Canto, lighting aud curtains by Dennis Kilyk and scenery, Mrs. Edward Moore Mrs, Andrew (Innira. Alltlr i ' w Chamra, ink stiakes , ' k n t ; Ma. Edwin All thtur W n 10 Year Written Guarantee Private Passenger Commercial fleets BONDS Surety t Court Bonds Contractor license fermit SPECIFICATIONS IN WRITINJQ AS TO WHAT YOU ARE PAYING FOR MAKINH FREE INSPECTION SERVICE I Our Equipment Bears No Advertising Mutter TERMITE CONTROL SYSTEM CALL NEW BRUNSWICK CAM, PRRTII AMBOY Outboard* & Uboardt Ocean Cargo Ins. SPECIAL KISKS AH Kinds FINANCIAL I RESPONSIBILITY Young & Over Ag« Drivers Special Rates For Careful Driven HOME ! Fire Liability - Theft Home Owueri PERSONAL Life Insurance Groap Pension Fund Accident x Health HoBpitallzatlun Call 548-7270 1430 Oak Tree Rd. ISELIN for you, so why not get the Mortgage Loan to match? Let one of our Mortgage Specialists talk over yfiur plans with vou, and tailor a loan to lit your personal requirements. That new home can be yours souner than you think. FREE PARKING FOR OUR PATRONS IN OUR MAPLE STREET U ) T The Perth Amboy GoAheed Savings Institution TIE MVTiAL MVMIS I U K PERTH AMUOV, NEW JERSEY Way Mciubci fedora! Ucpuiii Ci>f|KjnU<>u SERVICE TO SAVERS SINCE 1869 545-1977 826-8367 The style of home you choose we're sure will be the best CONVENIENT TERMS Ir NKKDKl) (KB.) • Carteret Thursday, March 4,1965 PAGE TEN Speaking About Sports By Meyer Friday's The Day Tomorrow (Friday) March 5th, at exactly 8 p.m., Wes Spewak's high-flying Carteret high school basketball cagers will trot out on the floor to engage battle with Watchung Hills Regional in the opening round of the 47th New Jersey Interscholastlc basketball tournament, to be played at South Plainfleld's gym. Should the Ramblers win, and we are all rooting for a Carteret victory, the locals will meet South Plainfield, which drew a bye in the opening round, in the Central Jersey Group 3 semi-flnfials at Woodbridge next Tuesday, March 9th, at 8:30 p.m. A big crowd of the old faithful will accompany the team to South Plainfield on Friday night. Frosh-Soph Loop HARVARD QUINTET . . . CARTERET - Harvard's quintet moved into first place in the Recreation Freshmen • Sophomore basketball league by defeating Columbia, 28-a, as Cornell lost to Yale and dropped to second posi tion. Katchur, Buxbaum and Kudrick all shared In the scoring, Kudrick getting nine points and the other two, eight apiece. Gilbert scored ten for Columbia F HARVARD ( » ) 1 DeGrace 0 Katchur 0 Pedak 0 Buxbaum 1 Kudrick COLUMBIA (tt) Gaaior Gilbert Flintosh TerebeUU Egan Central Jersey has more than its share of outstanding teams in Group IV. As one fan put it, "we are loaded" with great Group IV clubs. Among the elite are Neptune 22-0, Perth Amboy 23-1, Cranford 21-1, Trenton 19-2, Hamilton 173, and Bridgewater-Raritan 19-3. These teams should provide for some interesting play before the tourney is over. Jerry Molloy, basketball and baseball coach at St. Mary's High of Paterson, who is well known by most sports writers in the state as a fourstar master of ceremonies, will be on the receiving end on March 13 when a testimonial dinner m his honor will be held at the Westmont Country Club. The "Hoboken Hurricane" who has coached at St.* Mary's for 33 years, and is a life-long friend of our own Frank McCarthy, who retired la$ June after a long service here, Is a fonner referee and is Hoboken Commisioner of Youth. Here's as odd twist on General Manager Ralph Batik of the New York Yankees. At a recent dravicg at the Sports Vacation and Travel Show at the Coliseum in New York recently, Hook vu the winner of a "Let's Go, Mets" license plate. * i 13 1 9 G 1 S 1 F P 1 * 10 0 1 0 3 4 3 4 8 Congrats to the Decathlons for winning the Carteret Recreation Senior basketball title this PRINCETON (51) year. The team copped Its eleventh straight win Cuaha last week to take the crown. The 8#m«nwi brothers Dan and Tony, who figured prominently in SDOMBO Bert the1 success of the club, scored 18 points apiece ROM "to" the recent "win. "••• Ralph Houk, the Yankee's general manager, after remaining silent about the Yogi Berra Incident, finally came out the other day and spoke more freely about the affair. According to Houk, Berra was never ready to manage the club and it was a mistake to give him the job. Of course, the Phil Linz incident in Chicago, did not contribute in itself to the decision to let Berra go, although some felt it had some affect. Houk said the decision to fire Berra was made long before this incident. Decathlons Senior Loop Champs Yale 5 Upsets G 15 1 0 1 I F P < M » 1 » 0 1 S 0 i 3 • 0 ( 22 7 51 G 10 5 1 1 0 r p 17 1 35 DARTMOUTH (35) Zirpolo Burns Monanan KDmek Spiegel 1 Rec Standings BASKETBALL STANDINGS (As of Saturday Feb. 27) Seokr League Decathlons 11 A * 0 Sweet Shop # 1 7 7 Ukrainian A.C.C. 4 Aces A&OSweetShop # 2 1 0 Wheeler Inn Junior Leagie A k G Swtet Shop 9 7 St. Joseph # 1 5 Rolling Stones 5 Chargers 5 Oilers 5 Donnie Dees 4 Cagers Warriors J St. Joseph # 1 « All Stars Freshmei-Sopbomore League Harvard 7 Cornell « Columbia 5 Yale 3 Princeton 2 Dartmouth 1 MMgtt "A"' League Lincoln School 7 Columbus Holy family If h u e School ' 1 Caggy Pinners Hold Lead in Major League CARTERET - Yale pulled one of the biggest upsets of the sea son in the Recreation Frosh-Soph basketball league by defeating the first place Cornell tossers, 30 to 16 The lo%s dropped the Cornell contingent to second place in the league standing. Ralph Peters was high scorer for the winners with a total of 14 points. YALE (30) G F Smith 1 0 West 4 0 Peters 7 0 Rush 2 1 Electrical. 5 King 0 Booth's .rolled a high game of LocVett 1 Smarro 1 1049 as P h i Cerone led the team 14 2 36 S 58 with 205-213-219 for a second high of the night with 637. Captain and :ORNELL (16) G F WHEELER INN (33) sponsor Kurt Booth chipped in Fedroff 1 1 luggeri 1 0 2 with a 622 and Gus MacKay had Kindzierski 4 2 Sweda 4 1 203-234. Lou Butkocy and Hmer Kravet 1 1 Zuback 2 2 Resko starred for Leo's Inn with Hasek 0 0 reenberg 1 1 3 616 and 226-213 respectively. 0 SkrocH 0 'otl> • 1 0 2 Reggie Johnson rolled a pin Urban 0 0 )5t 1 0 2 AWARDED TROPHY: As P»rt of higher than Phitl Cerone as he Zaiworski 3 3 phy was awarded to John pounded the pins for a 638 for 4 16 Marooey 0 0 Cutters Amoco pinners who scored a clean syeep over Tami Contrac13 7 33 tors. Sam Salvaggio of the Carteret ! Lanes rolled the highest game of ! the night with a big 253 in leading his team to a doable victory over Sitars Auto Service. Clark Electrical moved into a tie for third place with G fc G CARTERET-The Carteret high by d e f e a t i a f * * . ft*** T * " * school jayvees won their ninth WOODBWDGE - The big attwo games. Mike Makella led game of the current season to the game with 200-202. traction at the Amboy Avenue even their record at 9-9. Their Bob Pazur hit a 618 to set the gym during the past week was the itest conquest was Metuchen, 61 pace as the A. G. Miller Masons S t . James Little Basketball AVENEL - Colorful b New Jersey to 40. prevailed along the u-v. won a pair over the Hollywood State Interscholartlc Athletic As- League game between Manhattn The game was fairlyy close Barber Shop. and Notre Dame, wich the Jaspopular routes after thr sociation, basketball tournament h fi pers won 16-14 on Allen Glucho- Freshmen-Sophomore League drew's basketball team L throughout the first half as Caropens this week. After an absence ski's field goal during the over- Princeton 51 • Dartmouth 35 - SL Cecelia's of Iselin 47 teret led by only two points, 28of four yars, Carteret High has Doug Cunha 36 pts. time period. A big third period surge in capture the* Amboy Arc. been invited to participate. Will It was 14-14 at the conclusion Harvard 28 • Columbia 22 — Tournament for the which the Ramblers rolled up a play against Watchung Hills on 11 pts.; Kudrick of four quarters of play — a situ- Bob Terebetski avorable lead brought victory to straight year. Friday evening 8:00 p j n . t t the ation which sent the game be- 9 pts. Carteret At the coodmion of the South Plainfield High School gym. Midget "A" League tween the Jaspers and Irish into Bob Reddlngton led the scoring St. Andrew's coach Nel*m The winner of this game plays Cojumbus » Lincom 25 P h i l j J an overtime session. Midway with 14 points. Vic Masi was secnealnst South Plainfield High at upon through the extra period, Allen Chiera 13 pts. ond with U and Ron Kinney folscorers, Robert Price ; Woodbnage gym on March 9th Gluchoski found himself in the Aces 41 • All Stars 10 - Greg- Marciniak, who chalked lowed with eleven points. CARTERET - Bills Gulf Ser- it I: SO p.m. Chances are good open and lost little tossing in hisory 17 pts. IARTERET JV's (61) of 14 and U, respectively, against the Watchung Hills team, 6 12 vice increased its lead in the Nine hot will be tough against the accurate shot which decided the Minue 25 • St. Joseph 22 - John be also took time to mt:,t Has! O'Ckck Keglers league to eigth game. Zh-pob 3 Spoganetz 15 pts. aggressive play of Larry c, games. Victory Barth, the young Sontt Plainfield team, which has The high sojrers for coach: )unha 0 Holy Family » • Nathan Halc| Ken Morgan and Roium<si fine record of 18 wins and two star of league, led the rout over Charlie Farr's winning team were 20 - Ken Brozowski 12 pU. Kinney 5 11 the Price's Mens Store with a sses. Ramblers at present have St. Cecelia's held-the Gluchoski with eight, and Richie Preikshat 1 Midget "B" League 570 set on games of 207, 203 andwon nine games but have lost five Webb and Dennis Sequine with Columbus No. 2,7 - Nathan Hale hand In the first period by" Morton 2 160. Bob Streek recorded a big times to Group 4 teams. Have a shooting the Aveoel quintet is J teddington 6 14 set of 571. Lenny Talalai also chance to increase the win col- four apiece. Joe DeMuro and Lee6 -Amundson 5 pts. Hackett split offensive honors for Lincoln 18 - Columbus No. 1 II and it appeared as though aa| Gross 0 pitched in with games of 200-212. umn by beating Highland park set was In tbe making. Notre Dame after flipping in six— Bama 6 pts. Flintosh 1 Babe Istofc was high for tbe Price- this week. digits. j St. Joseph N o L l 23 • St. Joseph It was • different story in| men with a 535 set. Some tournament statistics. second period, however, w! 21 19 61 With Dave Gerity accumulating; »jo. 2 10,— G, Penksa 1 pts. Featuring this week's actioo Carteret won the Class B state] St Andrew's attack ca™ 10 points, St. John's, skippered | Minue 12 • Columbus No. 1 2. was tbe heavy pinning o W o n y title in U S under Coach Trank iTETUCHEN (40) to take over by a U • w : Cub "A" League DeCarlo who blasted tbe pins for McCarty and won the Group two by Jack Schubert, encountered Jesina 2 Little opposition romping to a de- Nathan Hale 8 • Globe Trotters the halftone intermissior, championship under Coach Joe games of J3MJWQ7 and a specRobinson 0 Tbe rugged' St Andrew 11 tacular set of 659. The DeCarlo Comba. Since taking over the cisive JO-2 victory over Fordham. 6 — Pascal 5 pts. Jkeldina 4 pinners scared a twin-win orer the coaching duties in 1951, Wes Spe-It was the Saints' second victory Lincoln 23 • Gladiators 3 - Ha- played a strictly defc S Jatina ,n the third Period awl ur.h I Center Bar team. Jack Delaney wak has won Central Jersey in three starts since the Inaugur- milton 6 pts. 1 Shay ation of the second half schedule. Columbus 2 1 . Holy Family 1 5 - tee rebouvltrs, Demu tallied a 164 ipr the losers. championship four time*, but lost 1 Pace • 6! and J«n| fallen, cent roll Sterling Construction u p s e t each tiimJB,tBt,ttatt<*«nirinal: St Bonaventurt took a nine G, Black 11 pts. 1 Lodge [DsckboftrisiThe best belli Cab"B"teagne Kay's HesURffaat a t Tony Rosso three timfe to R r w S c Y Last Cen-1 point lead at the halftime inter 0 Smith rolled J0WJ5 and John Lukas had tral Jersey title « t s in I860, when mission and from three coasted Lakers 11 • Bullets 4-Dmytriew do was score only one pom: I tbe foul Use. 213-534 in a dean sweep. Booth Highland Park was defeated 60 OT to an 18-9 conquest over Seton : KranU 4 pts. each. 14. 12 40 Elect™ scored a double win over to S3 at Asbury Park. Ball. Knicks M • Warrior* 17 - Gay It was ifl SL Andre* s i Valiants and landed into second Directions to South Plainfield Tbe BoninieV most accurate final session at the place as a result. Sam Semenxa school Take Inroan Avenue shooters from the floorboards 76'ers 21 • Celjics 8 - McDevit! champs played control b.r: J | rolled 235-563 apd was high for tbe Colonia, all the way to Plainfield were John Tirpak, and Dom Anway to injure lbs victory & Manhart 8 pts. each. Valiant team.Avenue then turn right to the derson with toUls of eight and Pee WeeLeagM Coach Avery and his \ Giants 10 • Eagles 3 - Coke 9 Bun Ued a n currently : six, respectively. Agrico swept the Tropper the St Andrew's team as John Kelly (ecorded a 550 set Indoor track team completed in League director James Keating pis. CARTERET — The Rambler Bill Stekman, Jr. scored heavily county relays on Saturday, scor- announced that three games will Braves 8 • Hawks 4 — Lawlor 6 State CYO tournament •• ing two points in eight lap relay. be played at the St. James court pts. scheduled to start this « frosh dropped an overtime game for the losers with 202-203-559. J Of HHg MORI?*, &JT $0M£ For Crown Sat Rec Games Tony. DeCarlo Hits 659 Set In Pin League Rambler Frosh Bow In OT Came Will meet Edison this week in to Metuchen recently, by the narSaturday morning. In tbe opener, Jets 8 - Cannon Ball* S - Sabo dual meet. Expect to get started row margin of one point, 42-41. Manhattan fates Fordham at nine ( pts. for outdor track, as soon as Tbe game was played at Metucho'clock and from there. Seton Hall Royals 15 - Indians 1 weather gets better. Walter Gasen. It was a return engagement engages St. John's at 10, and NoGirls Class "B' lor to coach outdoor track again. between tbe two dubs, with Car tre Dame battles St Bonaventure Too Cats 22 - Orbits U - KinRecreation basketball doings teret taking the opener. In the finale at 11. ney 1( pts. Decathlons defend their Senior The locals led by one point at Bombers 8 • Way Outs 6. League championship, winnin halftime, 18 to 17. The score was Sub Debs 20 - Rockettes < the title for the second straight tied at the end of the regulation Freeman 10 pts. year. Playoffs will take place on play, but tbe Ramblers lost out in CARTERET - Mary Sawreka, Monday March 8th, first place Swingers 10 - Beatles 1 - Pow the overtime. ers 10 pts. Fran Bennett, and Iris DeVito all meeting fourth place; while in the Jim Kondrk scored 15 points for came through with good scores in second game, it will be A & O the Carteret Lanes Friday Nile No. 1 vs. Ukrainian A. C. winners1 Carteret. Mixed League last week. Mary to meet on Wednesday March 10th OILERS (43) CARTERET FR, (41) Borusavic Kondrk 7 1 15 Sawreka hit the pins for a 51! for the playoff trophy. round on games of 147-200-166. A & O Sweet Shop held on toSabo Lower l 1 Terebetsky 3 4 10 Frank Bennett rolled MM9S-503 its second game lead in the Jun-Sipos and Iris DeVito also totalled 503. ior League over the St.' Joseph Sliztevki Slotwinski " 4 1 Ferenchiak 0 2 2 Otherwise things were normal No. 1 team. An upset took place A.Sumutka in the competition. Tbe league in the Freshmen-Sophomore Lea/ Witkowski 0 ,0 3 43 leading Fox's Mens Store scored i gue, as the Yale team won over It j l 41 dean three-game sweep over Sa- tbe Cornell five leaving the Har-WARRIORS!. to's to move Into a game vard team in first place by a full Scibetta lead, as the second place Leo' game. Sigfaerio METUCHEN FRi (42) Inn split a l'i game decitioi with Bell 0 0 Lincoln schol lost its first Rttndte Dugan 7 2 16 the Kolibas Cardinal*. game in tbe Midget A league to Sloan The metis (honor roll included second place Columbus school, Buckworth Lacoe • 0 Ski Wisoewjkf 184-200-209-593 each team having: loaf first game. Honing ft 1 Joe Koza 225 and Ray Wasilkow. The postponed game (between Col Smela 1 1 .Saddier » 0 It ski 209. ROLLING STONES i umbus and St. JosepH will be "This house is modtri\ in W. Coanbock Woerner 2 0 The team standing follows: on Wednesday March 10 at 6 Kozma 0 0 every taped. It's even'^ot Fox's Mens' Store 44 25 a m . at the High school gym. D. Coansbock Leo's Inn 42 a ipite fence!' St. Joseph No. 1 team won Its DotegowtU 19 4 42 Carteret Lanes 40 8th straight game in the Midget Rindosh Sawreka, DeVito And Bennett Hit Big Pin Scores Aces Nathan Halt St Joteph All Stan Junior Scores Midget "B" LMgnt St Joseph # 1 Iftaue School Nathan Hale Columbus # 1 ' iumbus # 3 Cotambus # 3 Nathan Hale Globe Trotters Lincoln Gladiators Cub "B"" Wen Celtics Lakers Warriors Knicks Bullets Pee Wee Braves Royals Giants Indians Eagles Cannon Balls Hawks J.is Girls Clau "A" League Mustangs Chromettes The Mob Comets Sure Shots Rebels Girls Class B" League Swingers Sub Debs1 Bombers Beatles Top Cats Roekettes Orbits Way Outs MWIRNII f£RR£U At MAP* fii CfaA5o Orf /ttAffC/tfy 1& tee WHAT -rngyout oo MOOT fo ?Ng Writ?* ry" fi/U£P THft A* A eodffta* m w> mvytf&dr nut. Girls Class "C" Oranges Peart Grapes Strawberries Rasbtrrlw Huckleberriis Peaches Pineapplei Melons, limes Bananas Autos Notre Dame Edged 16-14 St Andrew By Manhattan in League Upends hv\ Metuchen, 61-40 Almost every week one reads in the papers ft Joseph #!__ where another guy, has won some" fantastic sum Cub "A" Leagie on a twin double. It must be a real thrill; to say Holy Family the least. Columbus IN BOXING HEADLMR • - By AJan M o w Leaders 30-16 CARTERET — The Decathlons, avorites at the start of the seaon, ran true to form and won the 964-65 Senior Recreation basketall league championship by delating the Wheeler Inn quintet, 58 i 33, for their eleventh straight .ctory of the current season. Danny Semenza and his brother, 'ony, shared scoring honors for CARTERET - Carry's Cortilvictors, each scoring 18 points. llon won two games to G ktween them they scored more Excavating to hold their 2'4 game lead over Booth Electric in the han the entire opposing team. Carteret Major bowline league. 'ECATHLONS (58) Booth Electric slipped back into Stise 3 second place on a double win over l Sullivan Leo's Inn as G and G dropped 9 D. Semenza into a third-place tie with Clark 7 T. Semenza Freshmen Trim Madison, 49-29 1 CARTERET-The Carteret high school freshmen had an easy oae the other night—trimming Madi'son Township's frosh quintet by a big 49-29 score. The game was played away from home. Two of the Carteret players hit in the double figures. Joe Terebetsky led- the scoring with 21 points, while Ed Lower scared 13 points. Richard Beauty School Kolibas' Cardinals Budweiser Sabo's Sport Shop Walt lc Genes 40 28 28 26 16 a 11 7 Weber Piertsak Pokncsak Koy Resko DeMarcv 7 29 4 « 1 Cagers Beat Aces, 59-44 ices, 59 to 44, llast t W«e%, % Richey \*oh gained scopng hun ors for the A and O toaerS, as he Sard* was high for Madison with rang up 20 points on nine baskeU 15 points. and two fouls. CARTERET FR. (49) . The score Kpndnk AtO #1 Resko Porzio Carmkhael Lower TerebeUky PottS MedveU Slotwinski Zulk) Ferenchiak Baniuvk Witkowski MADISON TWP. FR, <») Roblason . • Doering Sards iPostaU INemisch AndenoD 7 1 4 1 t 0 2 U Iselin Grouj To Register ISEUU - During a meeting, the Iseita Youtn V.-J Chib voted unanimously t > annual registrations .it ' Shell SUtkM on Ctt* March 7. 14 and 21 Boys ran nine to 13 >»• are requetted to'regisvthe afternoon front oac o til 1 Each appUanl u ' U> produce bis birth «rt 'proof of age tnd_mu«t <.- St. Jo St. Bonaventun Seton Hall I Notre Dame Manhattan Ever use a doughnut (fitting out baking <niits? B league, to bold a two g a m e j * f a l e ' t edge over Lincoln school j Cub A — Holy Family team up-j (4*1 set by Columbus school to h them their first loss and a Gallo for first place with Columbus. 76'ers have a two game lead over Feleaur tbe Celtics in Itht Cub B League. Kitci The Braves and the R o \ a tinue to share the lead in the. 5 4) Pee Wee league,'each having won eight games,. while losing ooe. CARTERET - The A and 0 Sweet Shop No. 1 team won its The Mustangs hold first place by! Gossip Would be less dangerous |xth game in the Senwf' Recrea- one game in the Girls Claw AI if there were more good people unwilling to believe it. ion basketball league, bfating Ihej league over the Chrocnettes. U 11 South River. at TOPLESS BATHING SUITS BARRED FROM OPENING OF BOYS! U S ! . . . Ages 8-11 Agea 12-15 WOODBRIDGE ELKS Sixth Annual Woodbridge TOWtublp TEENAGE BOWLING TOURNEY - ? , V " BOWL MOR LANB| WoeoWdge* N. OFFICIAL ENTRY FORM (CUT AND KJUL) WOODBRIDUE (.III! RANGE 826 KaliHuy \veuut-, Wo 1 would like to Mter THE WOODB&UK3I JOM* BOWLING TOLRNAMENT. 1 understand that 1 must lor two 12) games and shoe rental I certify ttat 1 Wuodbridge Tgvmsblp. , NAME ^ »* ,. II Mill UniilM vl l u u ivtwatokllc liuixtUiia THURSDAY, MARCH 4tb From 1UA.M. to 11 P.M. • GOLf KilUlTMlSNT 8AU!S • VMJf ADDRESS TOWN SCHOOL INaTUUCTUma • RUBBER MATS m l (iKAtt AREA AVAILABLE PHONE 634-7172 JOE LE1S8, PGA. ProfcatfotuU Ag« u of-March 21 Phone fltuc mill tU t OR LEAVR AT pWWL-MOK •v" (EB.) • Cartert-t Press Thursday, March '4, PAGE ELEVEN I,E(JAI, NOTICES four-mnn committee hns been NOTICES I.KCIAI, N O T I C E S ! I.I;<;AI, N O T I C E S named to selerl the onlstnmlinK AN ORDINANCE TO AUTHORIZE THE I.EOAI, NOTICES I,E0A!< NOTICES I.EfiAI, NOTICES EASTERLY SIDE nINSTRUCTION IIF n m n s IN A FOR soil conservation district in Now Chain <>' Hill Road In South Hill lln.id . a n d parcels ol renl cslalo shall I I mm Edit TWIN OK RI.00MFIF.Ln AVENUE, ISEPlan and Profile ol proposed Sireot,ln ordinance shall at any tlnw ejeeed the and Delaware clurinfi erly Mile of cllntmi Krairea (or Elm Street, drawn hy Charles ,., ,1,,,-itifi the mid- Jersey iment. infi I.IN, AND CERTAIN OTIIF.R STREETS 'Ol aum firs! mentioned In this section, the VARIOUS SECTIONS OF TIIK TOWN ul n—~iT i i .K. . . . January, lltfi'i men!* so levied shall not exceed the cost Swthm S, It 11 hereby ilflirmlnoil lUM . . .New N Jersey's J ' fi .Attor-jlUM first out- IN NAS'iAII STRKKT, ISE1JN JOSBPH v. VAtnm andmoneys rnlieil hy Ihi' Isauance o( laid mlnoil and RAfrrlSfi'v SIDE SHIP OP" wonnBRiixjir, IN THE nlffl that mnnoys m l W hinKtnn Avenue t.f said 'iiiprovomr.nl. The. portion nf "Inlffl „ „ rvcwlinit SSflOO. honria shall, In not less lhan the amount Municipal Clfrt of the From the Southerly OF MIDDLESEX. AS K I.OCAI, nl Chain O1 s u n cost which shall nnt he afl assessed appropriated tor down \rlliu ,1. Sills h a s of-State office nfter six months COUNTY of such egress, he applied to Inn payment, on nnrl Profile nt propose* Town ship oi Woodhrldf*. IMPROVEMENT. TO MAKE AN Al' Hill Ro I rn ffie snfety of operntlon at Rockefeller O n ment ol such notei Ihrn nulttandlni;. shnll be paid hy the Township an in Ihe for Harrlaon Avenue and NPW Jersey Mil Road i from the. i (iiiniy . drawn hy Charles W. . ..ease ol ;i Ronorfll Improvement which ment land In huitKetn heretofore adopted Section 0. H is hereby determined and T nn-PHsed sup- ter, New York, has been descrlhBeaile.iWeithlU R o i d to Ihe Northerly side of;la to tip pnld for hy general taxation " M ^ K F . .. DOWN.T. K ., dated ftMemhcr 10Mdeclared Ihnl the period (if usefulness for laid Township are now nvalla PAYMENT TO MITIIORIZF. THE IS-, NORTHERLY SIDE South HUI Road, iSlirh portion nl the cml shall be In ncldl finance >ald purpone. The sum of of H W ninpose, m-i hirtinx to Ita rea Lowest joint in Australia is snfety pro- ed aa nn unqualified success WESTERLY SrOE « IO F'lNANCK S|i(:ll Sl;il jllnn to Ihe rnntrlhtitlon. II any nf the Is hereby BPoinprlated from such mnneyj .sonahle life, is n period of 1 10 y years •« MM. IM, i at Governor Richard J. Mujjhes is From the Southerly iin> of Chain 0';Tov.nshlp, herein.iller provided, to the p»yn*>nt of Ihe rnsl nf said pur rnmpiltPfl [mm tllp d.ilt- o( taiit bonds, I,ako Tnrrens, in South Australia, HIM to • he Northerly jut il Beech Si r e e d ; Sertinn 4 1N Spcllnn In It Is hi'i-ehy determined whirh is 25 feet above sea level sticking hy the Waterfront ComION NOTES IN ,l,iinkcn driver and italnl Ihil ll pplemenlal I>eht Section /. Tn finanee ...atod lh.il i'l'ION OF THE ISSUANCE OK SUCH »id purpnae, nl Cedar Street icil h\ qqjii I/H-III Bond 309M, hniirlH of sakl Township < i i ; l ffir tlcaths since mission of New York Harbor in "i ajKrejate lia duly niide Mtl (lied In I.11I 2 A . principal nmoiml not e t rlil-IK Sim.OOO. Ihe RE IT ORDAINED hy 111" Mlinlrl„,. f;n- iintl nway o- the current move to oust it Ihn Miinli-lpul Clerk nl ntflre are hereliv ;uithori/erl tn eel pft] (JolHW'l) nl Hie T.owiiflhln ot BKEKMAN AVENUE. said Township, rl Dint such statement Henry W. Bihus. Jr., of Wrichtssliant to salrl I.or^l I V I,an Said ., s i m p period Insi W lh.it Woo1hrl(li(e. In ihe County ol Mid- Hawthorn Avenue, gross debt bonda shall hear iiilcro^l ,,i ; , rate so filed shim ' Ian and Prnflle lmrd ,n Section ,v Hunkinj, Cnmmin- town, has been reelected presi- dlesex. New Jer."".. HR follows which shall not enceerl SK per reotll |<.radea and Storm [)i ill id I ' Hmin IJIW. Is In Section I, The pnrllona n| the Inl I^'I) per nnnum All mailers viillr respect lowinijmM Avenue, drawn ,,,. | | Unwell wnnts dent of the New .Jersey Council nubile si reels In I he Tnwnlhlp of Woodrren^crt liv llni nrili jnce hy SlW.imn tr> said bonds not rletcrnirnrrl hv and thai the i%su.i!nr' n| i.| Ihe bonds anil of Farmer C'ooperntinves krld«e, In Ihr County nf Mlrfdleici, shall Ordinance shrill he determined M y n ,Hy msiirancp c o m Mi notes .H]lhoti/eil liv Ihi' K nrdimncp will herehv determined ond linns [n be trrrenfter nrld|ite<l ihe Municipal Clerk and is o,ien In public! ^ J 1 " " »• " he Improved hy ennslnictlnji therein con!be within nil ileht limil ie m s k l n j of such '~ f r o m the. Northerly tide ol Hawthorn . r n n'.'isonnblc rules CAPITOL CAPERS: _ ir y 0 l , crete curhs »s Inllous Section « Tn piir|Kise,! , ,| | ,..,| „ , „ „ , , , hv ai n Avrnt.. to llw Southtrly ilde of Inman Section 2. The Mm ol Sloo.MO I, hereby Provemenl Iherei mifler* referred In ^Inrnd anlirllKilion rrntr.' of • „ uilly-nillywhims' 1 are not Intelligently careful while nUMIMKIEI.II AVENUE. ISELIN Avenue linn II This nulie apprnprlnted lo the payment nf Ihe cost j'"rp?Jc. ' 'V 'ol fi current exp «hall f>n nKHICRnle prir nipt not effeel tuenty rl.'iy^ :• ^h + • r From Crecn Street t<> Washington Av«WESTERLY SIDE first i jot conrtrucllnfi meh curb improvement. |™ *"'" rownanip .-intl 121 It ciinccl nny performing home rlry cleaning illlmrlied •nllon (hereof ,ifi<r fm; by thn Is From the Northerly »lde nf Hawthorn Such appropriation shall nue. mft from sary tn ilnnmv wld purposp ,- 11., he Issued pnrsniint In ••;! i-.il Itnnil .The New you may not only eliminate Ihe Pl«n anil Profile nf prnpoard Street venue to th« Southerly aide of Inman the proceeds of id Township T h | , a w l n Hn ||<-i|i:illnn of tin thp Imnds anance ot nMi«atlnnii off said RODEHT K I unnre of Dome W l Sfe. •s LIQUORS pursuant to the Lot-. Bond L o w of N e w l , , ^ honrli Salil notes Otill authorized, and Ihp dnwn payment President, nf • roiinrll -Inn' is scheduled j spot but yourself an well, claims (irade tm lllrHimlleld Avenue drawn by Avenue. Jersey, and f l ) the prnprlated, hy this onliiiiittre. estlmnleii cost of |., t f1 r , , | r n-hirh shall not . MORNIWiSIDF, ROAD, COMMA ••'I sh per Cnrl F Wheeler T, E. dated December, STATKMf NT larlea ' , ™ . and Ml K.00O , , . „ „ „ „ KV ) per .u,,,,.-,,. Mmul-iy to con-;'he Medical Society of New • J c r l ^ i £ a v i r \ N V m b " Laitraatcr filled to Weilerly termlnui. I may be Tile Hon'lrl Orriiinive pillill'ilied Section 3. Said Imprmement shnll he '""surd"sTitii lie provided hy t h e n-np^p,) [ „ „ „ | , m e In tlm iirMinnl to Plan and Profile prnpwi Street Grades Undertaken aa a Inrsi iinprovemenl and rlnwn payment ,,t the yenr . . . ' w y . . New Jersey may he!NORTHERLY S I W V |,,,«se,l hv •innfliT apprnpri,iti'il|,,,,,| u,,, liiiiiifiri.ins ttiin|n tciihcrl hy hrrcwlth lins hri' !'"r Momlnialde Road drawn' by . , .arles „ , , . , . the coat thereof not home hy ihe Town lo fioan'ce u i i l the T n w n rjmse, and Tn fhc I , : i H | |,, 11V M | m n l t e r s uith i iiKKi nf New .ler-thankful il floes not include:.-F'.l?-m.!!".K^*"r!? s"'">< ei-1 In snld the Miililclpiil fii to Iht Westerly side oi Mirch 1 ship (if Wnntllirld e r n u n t v (if mouill of hnnils•.„,„>, n n t , | p t P n , , i , l ( . , | \ Ihi'. (l> BMinono per-1 coyotes ;imonK its troiihles like ;, ™ ">.: v-»*;r\y j«* m woydrafi street Mlclrtlr^cx, In t h e i.'. New . I I T issued for .,1,1,11 he lli'lcrniiin'il hv wm rv ^nlilltons In be 1 In ihe Weiterly ildp tf Waihlniton Ave,.|,| n l ,i,.,| I,, M i i r r h , IPfi.'i i. , w " " r | y "'o'e ol Lancaiterly. l c l n ' t S ; » ' »» l(1 Imprmemenl which mnymaM pnrt»»«r- is smiofm and li) the i n s l | l i , , ( . , 1 f | r r I.' event that .spy o n t h e v.nil nf Sabin oral i many western s t a i p S which "" ""—'--••• terminus. *"' """ : ' ' ' ore stated.it,,,,,,!, a r P | s s m . , | ,,„,•„ ' rule ;ml i'f Hull In I his orrll and I h c t w c t i t v ! of SM.sno!,,.,,,,.^ ,,, r .„,,.„,,';,,„ ;iss immunl7.;i j nnt attacking Ihe little bnd p ; i . •u-riim nr 'illnl of rinliT tntUin w i t h i n wlil SIIW • r e s s n r v t i i | | l r T l . h y j i u l l l i i i l / c i l I n I- •.surd sh.-itl br . ...... ..H- nrmeny aide ol Lftocaller Ihe lillltlHv F r o m I h e FlaMerly nide o t G r e e n Street Street Green , .A with birth control. j Botil to Ihe Eaulerly «:de nf Joritin i.il Ir. Ihe p r | n 'll I h e »nlerly » n l e r l y ..lij, l i j , „( ( Woodrulf W d l f SStreet t t shall In each caw be nr.irly , r , .nylltlU .IM-Illtcrf') fr ,,lo Ihe „( uril n. 111' nf ' ' " I " l" nniiinl nl III" f th N ipn h II proportion tn aur] l not id off W ~ — ;froin the Nailerly side WoodniH Rondi from the Westerly aide of Jordan ho 'sSineertllK and n u p r of the riectltlnr beneFII, ai!v:inij Ireet i n it,, WeMi-rly side ol Rebecei Road to Ita Westerly termlnui. n-penses ;ind other c nuMnndlnitlRnnd ELM STREET, COIX1NIA 'lacf crease In value vvhieh the roMif. cKt'Tt bnn'l? .Tnrl notes ml lo this! I V (1 ISKLIN Pleasant Avenue to Grand Avenue. Plan and Profile ol promoted Strut imdes fm Clinton street. Drawn by h«rle« W, Reniile T. K. dated ffceembe/, «>4 NtlllTIIKHI.Y SII1K r'rnm ihe KaiUrly aide ol (innd Avenue to ihe Wtaterly aide of Hirrtam A^enue; from Ihe Kaaierly lld« ol Har* nsoti .\ienue lo the Weaterly ltd* bt •le;iitiint \i-enue. VOODRITK ST1IKKT, ISELIN 81 PONTIAC 9-Ptm 8t*tlon crcemrr Avenue to Ellfabcth Avenue. Wagon Auto Plan nnd Prollle nf prnpoied 8treel P i , ft PB irartes for Wontmfl Street, drawn by MI0. J Dr.. harle, W IXajle. T. E. '61 OLUflMOBIU '".I 4 Door HT Telephone MKrcury 4-1WB Rentals • Service - Sales KASTKRI.V SIDE h'rnm the Southrrly line of EUubetb tl UIRCURT .mire |n ihe Northerly ilde M Bloom cHKVXUJt 4 Doot S«da.n (lrl«l Avenue; from the Southerly ride ol •" nmlleld Avenue, to the Norttxrlr at* 'II BUJCK I n t l r u Creemer Avenue. *^tl HT . . . w«™ L & ^ ^ V ' " Oldsmobile Appliances »2995 'II n.TMOUTH B«lr«ier» 4-door M T-B1RD IDt.ET • ; •2195 n R A u a u R ciMti« at*. Wagon DO OUM . D»lm» 4 Dr >r He<|,n Auto -H <V H P S t PB Orl| H/1695 . •1395 11.000 H I I M » I M! IT '1395 •795 •2195 POrmAC Auto • RAH PB k PA J Dr '1095 Knodbridge Oldsmobile SALKS A SF.RViri! iv, UMIHW AVKNI'K OPEN MKi•UN EVKNIN<;S SALE OPEN SUNDAYS 9-2 P.M. Only i lit 1 xl2 Pin* SHELVING LUMBER .3 . 7 >3 . 8 i4 (6 .4 . 7 ' PANELING nwwMVf BIKES 25 aad « WBrrEXLY STOE Sotk » AA, n. Plan aad Profile ol propoeed Street Oradei tor Harrttoo ATtaa* dram bj Clurlet f . Beafto, T. C . dated January, IM WESTERLY SII1E Blork MB. LoU TO. 174. XX, m . HARDBOARD r 5? COVERING 4 FRESH BAKERY GOODS LINCOLN KEY SHOP • • • • • INCLUDING SUNDAYS /4". CON-TACT SFII-ADIIIS1VE PLASTIC 18" wld« -ontKeielepkone? -I tW^kt you said from - MEDICINE CABINET C0LUS10N WORK 99: 4 49 BUSINESSMEN'S Estimates Served Dally ALUMINUM FOIL INSULATION 1 AM Til UlMtaf. U:U LM Suodny from 3:00 P.M. to ('losing (Midnight) AUTHENTIC U" p«f rail. 4 75 HOMK MADE l.u»»gtu, Kavloll, Vim Pies Uul or Cold iJAodwkbes NOW l'ROMPT fJKHVICE UN ALL with a wiaiMitM $20 artier (ffUn irhctiti man M«(» 11 I TAKK 01)1 OKUKHI C A U MK iTIM Op.ii daily until * ' « • ThurMiay » hM«i wnrl. » PJi 2 r.M. LUNCH, DINNER BREAKFAST l«r*td la Oui Utou HU6-2S00 VILLAGE INN LUMBER OOMPANY Bar & Restaurant * • taint OcorgM Av«m*«, IIIMIM Onto Mitel, Waodaiid|a (Cor. Rahway Call MErcury 44449 CHAIN SAWS • VIBRATORS lncluiti labor Klrmtt, locked Kami *nd I ilppera. PORTABLE HEATERS Dnptu Up To 144 W. • 108 L. CUSTOM T. R. STEVENS Booting and 8ta«wt MtUI Won 685 ST. GEORGE AVE. Repairs ol all MECHANIC PLUMBING Beginners and Advanced Students Accepted Imported Auto Call ME 4-5446 SALES & SERVICE Authorized and Alr-Conditlonln| Warm Air Heat InlntttlaJ Exbauit 8jit«ro Motor Guards FOR FREE ESTIMATES ME 4-2145 1010 St. Gtorge Avenue AVENEL (Near Cloterlenf) Daltj I:M 4. M. to «:H F. K Saturday »M A. H. to CM P. ft Henry Jansen & Son Sheet Metal Work Roofing Gutters and Leaders 588 Alden Street Woodbridge, N. J. ELECTRIC SEWER SERVICE Telephone MErcury 4-1246 HI Hamll Avenue JARDOT Service Stations - Woodbrtdie, N, t. PIANO COMPANY Just Dial 448 Rahwa; Avenue Woodbridge MErcury 4-1738 OPEN DAILY I I . I • Sat, M • TOWNE GARAGE J. F. Gardner & Son Fueral Hone 485 AMBOY AVENUE Moving & Storage Cosselin USED CARS Plumbing and Heating Funeral Home 186 Remsen Ave. Parking ,On Premises Pbont Fi; 1-5858 Toilets Kitchen Faucets Gas Water Heaters REPAIRSj and MOVING Corner New Dovw Road A Wood A?«ne PlMkter • BEAR WHEEL NUT or STOVE PEA COAL BUCK COAL $23-95 2195 21.00 premium (Ml National Bnol 14-Hour Scnlc* oa All Makei ol Burnera 13-7 Fur Fast Service IDEAL WAY MOVERS Why Nm t e l T l » "7" McCoUeyt M a n ; Jobs A n To« Large None Are Too Small Sewer Cleaning - Paved Driveways - Move Yon Don't Wait It Is ASPHALT DRIVEWAYS SPECIAL • BRAKEi SERVICE All Types Mason Work Types ol Glasi Repaired LINDEN, N. J. HL 6-2726 HL 64)059 Bl RECTORY ADS 81lr.fi RESULTS WATCH REPAIRS with Full Guarantee Expert Repairs on all Jewelry FU 8-1667 GOLDBLATTS Eahway's Oldest Established Jeweler M E. CHERRY ST.. KAHWA\ Water Proofing BASEMENT Water Proofing I AGENTS NATIONAL VANS Local mid World Wide Mown 1286 St. George Ave. Avenel ft J-JSH ' J. C HENRY U 8-3247 Real Estate Replace- Plexiglass - Fibreglass ? IS IT A SECRET ? Von know it's for SALE! Your KKOKER CmUim Picture Framing. KNOWS l i b FOK 8ALEI Mirrors Custom Made, BUT Framed. Kollvcied A tiu«g. Dues Ibe buyer know It's Katlrutti I'hterluUj Ulvcu lui Sale,? Windshields, Ant* Glass and Components. Carteret Glass Co. KI 1-5815 181 Roosevelt Avenue Carteret Industrial Commercial RAHWAY FASHION FABRICS — Free Estimates — "interior Deconton" EIMER Castom-raade Slipcovers LABORATORIES, Ino, DRAPERIES • • BGDSPKBADS YARD GOODS Call For Pn« EsUmaU FU 8-3311 1421 Main Si. Rahway LET MLS Tell Your Story RahwW WA A Attention I Mr. Merchant: Von Are Only One a t 44,1)00 Readera Reading Call Jiut Give Us a Call SIMONE BROS. Watch Repairs Residential - Slipcovers CURTAINS and Sealed GettingLate! Including • Commercial • Industrial • Residential 821 Milton Blvd. Driveways U DRAPERIES FU 8-682S Glass All Call ME 4-6U0 ALIGN- MENT and BALANCE ME 4-6080 Vow Coal Bin Wfth Decorators 83 Main St., WwdbrldKe LIFETIME GUARANTEE $10 Per Hour Day or Night Duce We're Specialists in Avenel ME 4-3098 A Air Conditioned /son-ot ei Woodbridge MErcury 4-3540 SMITH BIG Upholstery CUSTOM-MADE,. HEATING Sales & Service CONN ORGANS KIMBALL PIANOS innal Types "Service With a Smile" (Formerlj With Chatlej Fan) FU 1-5797 387 Avenel St. WOODBRIDGE - Plomblig & Heating - ED FREY REUPHOLSTERf SHOP AT HOME SGRV1CB 120 • 620 • 127 With Each Roll Developed and Printed SEE GALLARD For All Your Photo Needs Private Instruction* by Qualified Teachers RUROFEAN TRAipiED Agent LUNCH and Dinners & COAL CO. PIANO-ORGAN ACCORDION L«Ugh Premium Anthracite HOME COOKED Sola and 8 Chain Demonstrations SPECIAL 19.95 - Roofing & Siding - Learn To Play The COLONIA (Next to St*!* Ttt«a<re) 13 "xlfl', SuHac* Mount On-The-Job FOREIGN, CAR n Main Sir**., Wwdbridft Miami-Car«y Cuton-made SBpcovett - Music listructioi - , Decorator* AVENEL, N, J. Firelgi Cars 382-0963 STATE JEWELERS (Itf. 44c I Ernest »« King Georges Rd., Fonb • 1, t, k 1 Family Flan»olei • Wrought I n n KalUnfs • CALL ANYTIME! Coil S F u l Oil - 1006 St. George Ave. (Rt. U> North of Woodhridga Clonrleif Insulation Plywood • Panelling Roofing • Garage Doora Shingles Mill work a Builders' Supplies Hardware • Mason'i Suppllei Fuel Oil & Coal Hlllcrest 2-0180 CI»Hd Wednf«daj' AH Day ME 6-9070 ME 4-9752 5" Made by FREE FILM Opca 8 A.M. to 9 P.M. STEEL GLOTHESPOLE SERVICE DRAPES Also Black and White Plctnret At Reasonable Prices SALADS at Their Best PLYWOOD 3 FORDS Woodbridge SODA FOUNTAIN and • GENERATORS In Natural Color (Opp. Wlilt* Church) • SLIPCOVERS ME 4-3651 3-8x10 613 Bahway Avenue • Slipcovers BUILDERS' HAMMERS 547 Amboy Avenue Lumber TREAT SHOPPE SAW FILING 7.W CHAIR II TUMI'S WOODBRIDGE. N. J. Delicatessen AMI Repair Clithesitles onyo(3iiztM (AHTERKT $71 AMBOY AVENUE V Alley $-4830 11(3 Green St, bdiii DOOR CERAMIC TILE L a n Mowtr Serrlc* m. 4l!' I In/* Kan.lolph HOMELITE B e e n and Llqoon 40 Mary Avenue, Fords m-iut ; 6" FEt.%*. (HKRBY, QAK. . r WALSl'T | CROSS-BUCK SCAUOffO LITE COMBINATION ATHER GALLARD'S PHOTO and Imported Wioei Repairs of All Kinds Bearty Slip We. .Social ^STIC WOODBRIDGE Liquor Store, Inc. WE DELIVER! New Job* and PESTH AMBOY V* &-1212 1 ir«6T Photography including Mosaic tiles io>( fnr C.rarvl Avniiw and Part Avenue. Drawn by Chtrlti W. Bcafle, T. E., dated December, I M . EASTKB1.Y SIDE Blork 3MA. Ixiti US lo 117. Nt M*My Dow* WESTERLY SIDE I lor It W E , Loti Hi. SM, m, 340, Ml p y and XI FrWar ''II ' PARK AVENim. ISELJN Chain O' HUI Road to 5oatberly UrrSO SMITH ST. mlnui Plan and Pmfllt ol pnpoMd Stmt C,rMe» lot artnt Avenue anil Park Av*no*. Drawn In Clurlei W. Bufat, T. E., dated December, 19M. EASTERLY SIDE Block M E , [Mi IRA, MS, WA, IMA, IX, W and W9 WESTERLY SIDE Work mi. LoU 4U, W . « 4 . « , « , 410/47] u d 4T4 Blork 1MH. Lot 4C. Block 3MM. Lot 551 SWING WTO GRAND 8TRERT, ISELIN Railroad Averme to Henlamla Avtnoe Anns*. SPRING! . . . Plaa and PraAle ot imiiaiii Kract Gratka u d Slorm Drilnaf* lor ffnad With a New jUrett. iHawn br Cturle* W. T V... November. 1«H. Hftlr-Do by NORTHERLY SIM". rrom Ik* Cuterly1 aid* at Railroad A n STELLA A noe to UM Wtfttrly i)d« M Benjamhl I \VMBe JACK •tolfTHEHI.Y SIDE From Uw Eulrrly atd« at Railroad • Avimu Is in* Wtattrly aid* ot BMjamli Newm hair lajhloni hj ddllet itjUiti. i convenient loclUoni! KUIABETM AVEME, WELIN HAIR DESIGNS l i n n Street lo Wnodrall Street flan and Profile o( rrtpoa* f . by Stella aw) Jack lir«4rt lof Ellubetb Aveno* and 1MI lUilwaT An., ATtM) Mnsil Iframi by Charita W. Hated nrrember, I9M. UI-11M SORTHERLY SlUK UU KMMTtlt ATe, CarUret Mock VIA, Lot WA SOimiERLY SIDE Blork MG, Lot 38 u d J t BRnOME ITR1TT. UKUN PUtunl A r m * to Grand AmtM*. PUi, tad PnMa •( pmpaaarf tirade* for Ellubftb AT*MW aad Street Drain by Qiaria* W. T E., daUd DarcnMr VMi .TO)E Blwt JW). Uot IN, MJ. Block « M . IH at • " ! HARBISON AVTNUE. B»3JN Ch4in (V HUI Roitf Id Braon. MraiL H M and Pmflli tt Dfopond * n 4 tradn tor Harrtm. AvrtOj, NwaM S i n * . Hrami by Clurlaa W. Btu|h. T t- o»ed Oannbw, 1N4. n 29cM 39cM 49c „ 33cM 55cM 69cM <3 . 4 CERAMIC TILE CONTRACTOR Bicycles > f-nmin*i bytewwtR k* ••l«f' IVrshinfjat Rentals Liquor Stores Omplct* Stork ot Domwtfc < • :n # H ; EDWARD SWANICK iork 3920 Lota 12B Mid Lot 1 vlt 392C, l o t f U, 1C and IB. Oil AMI AVENUK. 1SEUN (hiln li' Hill Roul to Broom* moon ;MI'AI.A " Ceramic Tile •1595 •1495 '109f> •1995 ,, ,„ BUSINESS and SERVICE DIRECTORY USED CAR VALUES Auto, '"" l ^ r ^ ' l s X z r l E ^ i ^ t ; ^ ^ FREE Customer Parking NEWEST 1965 SUP COVERS CHOOSE FROM OUR LOVELY SELECTION OF NEW FABRICS T h i s Section. Why Not .Call Today u u l p l a c e Your Ad. ' It C o s U tu Uttle M 18.00 per month. SULO BROS. 1850 Elizabeth Avenue Rahway FU 8-1790 Ask Fur Uept. 11 WANT ADS LOOKING TO RENT, HIRE, todependent-Le&dw (E.B.) Thursday, March 4,1985 PAOE fWELVE LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NGfXES LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES futurama New Charter Presented Court. Sold subject to condition* of .if Victory Acres" dated JUM, IMS By rlrtut of Hit above a NOTICI Building Inspector, Salary sals. Pile — No." * 800 T»i« notlct thst Dsumrit*. Inc. Writ, to me directed and delivered Map No. 1JW. — per year (Part Time). HOBIRT H JAMI80W. t/» Whltsbouss Tsvcrn, hss applied I will eipoet to aalt at public known also a* Lot 29-A In BlpC* Open to male cltliena, 12 monttii WOODBRIDGE - Cub Scout under bear, and assistant den Sheriff. 433-J O K the Woodbrlrtge Townshlr rendue on WEDNESDAY, THE to tbs Munlrioal council or the resident In the Boro of Carteret. IiIHOT 8. THROCTCMORTOM. Pack 33 hold its annual bhie and ner; Glen Feller, denner «tripe; Township of Woodbrldg* for a 24TH, DAT OF MARCH AD.. IMS Tax and Assessment Map and r«c Park Patrolman, Salary. 11.28 pei Attorney tnnstM of Plenary Retail Consump- at the hour of t»o o'clock by theordl. gold dinner recently at the Charles Poyssich, assistant denI.L. tion llwrue No. O-lo heretofore is- then prevailing (Standurd or D*y- Also knewn and designated a» 18hour. First Presbyterian Church with ner; Richard Kauffman, assistC.p. 3/4-18/65 MM llght Raving) Ume. In the afternoon tusd to Anthony Andtrsch and Sadie Oak Avenue Ieelln, New •>««»• Andersch t/a Whitehouse Tavern, of the mid day, at the Sheriff* Of- The approximate amount of Hit CORMCTED NOTICK Victor Thompson, Institutional ant denner. NOTICE fire In the City of New Brunswick, for premises situated at 551 Weft Notice la hereby given that the fol Representative accepting the new Judgment to be satisfied by aald J Also Dante Natale, gold arrow Avenue, Sew»ren. New Jprsey aale la the aum of Thirteen Thoua- Take Notice that the C»rt»ret Zon- lowing Ordinance w a s regularly N. J. n noivrd of Adjustment passed the passed and adopted at a regular charter for the Pack from AI Pb'ft'ons, If MIV, nhoulcl hr AM. than tract or parcel parcl of land and, B(ht Hundred, Fifty (I3.8S0.00; AM. under wolf, wolf, lion badge, and i l Immsdlatslv In writing to Joseph v and pn-mlBea, hereinafter particularDollars more or less, plus Interes. fnllowltiK revolution nt the Febru- meeting of Mi» Municipal Council of Baker, neighborhood commissionI 23, IMS meeting. gold and silver arrow under lion the Townthlp of Woodhrldge. In the Vulentl, Municipal Clerk. Wnod- ly described, iltimt* In the Town- together with the cost* of tmi «*le. briage, N J. ship of Woodbrldge In the County Th« subscriber reserved the right WHERFJAS. AMERICAN AntUCtJIi- County of Middlesex. New Jersey, on er. badge; David Black, two-year 81gn«d: Daumfltt:. Inc. t/a Whlt*- if Middlesex and State of Newto adjourn eald n l e from Mm* to TURAT, CHEMICAL CO., lias applied the lflth day nf February IMS. hoi! ' Tivern Thorrms Fiizpntrlrk. TSPV: time subject only ti wirh llmlta- tn the 7KIII1IIK Board of Adjustment AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND AN Thomas* Feller, assistant cub- pin; Robert Stlakowski, wolf upon the exer- of the Borough of CnrUret, Middle- nnnmANcz ENTITMTO "TOWN. master, introduced the leaders badge; William Gardner, denner PrM'flfnt. Edwnrd Daum, Sucrewrv n*iNd at a point on the easterly tlona or re»trlctlon» upon a* may be spe spe_ sex County, New Jprwy for a Useamp O F woonnRinos KONINO IX. 1/15-5/4/M $8 30 ilde line of Oak Avenue therein dls- cise of such p ay be and the Cubs presented a wedding stripe; Bruce Basehart, assistant by law ntit southerly 250.0 feet from the dally provided by law or or rule* of Permit for the purpnw of erecting ORDINANCE. 1900." diti f a phonphorlr aclil niniinfactiirlnif Rift to trie cubmaster and hisdenner; Ned Keating, lion badge; IHERIFT'8 fiALR .nternectlon of the materly drte Court. Sold aubnect to condition* of Office Pulldlnp plant consisting of st (Unless »t«el line of Oak Avenue and Hi« south- sale SUPERIOR COURT I HEREBY CERTIFY that th« above bride, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Sin- David Bieter, linn badge, gold erly Hide lino of Willow Avenue Or NEW JERSEY ' ROBIHT H. JAMISON, Sheriff tanks and ve*sel« on ntnirt\ir»l steel Ordinance v u ntroduced at the and silver arrow under lion, and di CHANCERY DIVISION thence proceeding: HKRRKML, BOLAN A HTCRRKML supports, and meeting of the Municipal Council nott. MIDDLESEX COUNTY 8 de gree* 10 minutes A t t y (II South 84 WHEHEAS, the Zoning Board of or the Township ot Wixnltn Ige, New graduation certificate Attorneys. Entertainment was furnished rra.79 East •150.00 feet to a point; thence Docket No. f 5091 61 I.L. 1/U-J/4-U-18/M 00 f Adjustment of the Hornunh of Jersey, held on Junuary 1J h, 1965, 1/UJ/4 Invtttori Savings »nd Loan As- (2) South S degree* 50 minutes Cmteret, hn» examined the alt* and and after publication noc ,-dlnn to by Roger Peterson, local magic- William Faceone, Robert Har•oclstlon of Mlllburii «. New Jtrsev Went 50.00 feet to a point; thenre reviewed the plans ami held a pub- law WM further Mins1<iere< for final ian, and songs were sung by thened, and Joseph Dalton were inIHERIFF'S SALE corporation, la Pluntlff. mid Wll-(3) North M degrees 10 mlnutM lic meeting thereon ntid are of the SUPERIOR COt'RT passage and WM flnally nnopted on ducted into the Bobcats. Uim D. CTOOM. Eunlctt M. Crouse West 150.00 feet to the eauterly side opinion that mid use will not be'cbninry lJtft, 19fl5 after » public Pack. Or NEW JERSEY his wife, E»fft»ni Mercantile Asso- linn of Oak Avenue; thence detrimental to the publlr safety, hearing at H meeting of the MuniciCBANCERV DIVISION The benediction was given by, Awards were presented by Mr. ciate* Inc., CIMes Serrlre on Co., a (4) North 5 degree* 50 mtnutea health and welfare of the public of pal Council of the Township of MIDDLESEX COUNTY . Ftniiiylvsnl* corporation. Irrlnn Ewb along the enter!)' aid* line of the Borough of Carteret and will Woodbrldg* New .ter*ey. Bald Ord- Sinnoft to the following: Mrs. the Rev. Alex N. Nemeth. No. F 4040 « Breslow. Andrew Schmidt, and Wil- oak Avenue WOO feet to the point UnitedDocket States Saving* Bank Of not abnormally nffert the purpose inance WM approved ny the Mayor, H u * Basehart, den mother key; liam C. Zlegentmtg, Jr., »re d«fcn<1- • place of BBOWNINO. N J , n (-orpomtmn of New Of the Zoning Ordlnm\re of the and returned on February nth. 1945, anti, Writ of Execution for the BEING also known and dwlenat- N»»«rk U Basic English Plaintiff and Delmar Borough of Tnrteret ni\d now and will tike effect on March 10th. Davra Shaw, dep chief braid; »al« of mortgaged premises duted 1 n.i the westerly 150 feet of laxjerwy, Mota and JennoMe Mota, hli wife THEREFORE, be Itre-mlvedby the January 2«th. 1MB. Steven Kovach, silver arrow un- The simplified version of the . Block 43S-J u Ihown on "Map Monrsn Compflny, n corporntlon of Zoning Board of Adjuntmpnt ot theIMS BOpordlng to law. JOSEPH V VAI.EN'n New Jersey. unrtTTie National SUM Borouch of Carteret. fhat said Use English language known as Basic der wolf, bear badge, and twoMunicipal Clerk D»nk, Ellubeth. NJ., a National Permit In hereby permitted under II,, S/4/B tlM year pin; Clifford Wittenberg, English was originated by C. K, nuiklnir AmftrHtlnn, »nd American the follolng terms nntl ronHltlons: Title Iiuurnnro Comimny, a cor- To utlll?*- I!"1 preml.ws known silver arrow under Wolf; George Ogden, who reduced the language CORRECTED NOIirR ooratlon of Tlorlria are Defendants. nnd lorntetl t t Enstplrle of RooaeWrit nf Exwntlon for the s»le of velt Avenue dlRtance fiOO feet of Notice Is nerehy (rtvn thnl the fol- Superior, one-year, pin; William to 850 words. Basic English has mortRWied promise* d&led Jiinuary corner formed by Intersection of lowing Ordinaries w» * regularly Black, denner stripe: Richard been proposed as a logical Interpae»e<l and adopted nt 9 regular Lle1>ls I-ane and Roosevelt Avenue (netting •<• i % ; , of ttie Munlrtpnl Cnunrll of Yanik, bear badge, sold arrow national language. BT virtue of the above stated and designated ns Block No. 5. Lot the Townahln of W<Kxlbrldp<>, In the Writ, to me directed nnil delivered, No. 1 on the Borough of Cnrteret County of Mlddl<*px. New Jfrwy, on 1 will eipnw to sale at public ven- Tax Map. pursuant to the state- the ISth d»v of Frbninrr ldfl.V M\f on WEDNESDAY. THE 24t»l ments contained In the, application AN ORDINAN(TB TO AMTWD AN DAT OP MARCH A D,, IMS. »t theon file. ORDINANCE ENTlTl.m "TOWN•lour of two o'clock by the then preThe owner of (aid premises Is Che SHIP or woonBRirxiE zoNMa vnlllnn (.Stsjidflrd or Dnyllght Bav!nRl time In the afternoon of the Permit 1B hereby grunted to theORDFUANCB. 1«M).' (Truck TermlnaH) will day. at the Sheriff's Office In appllc&nt subject to the following conditions: I HTCREBT CERTIFY thnt the above the City of New Brunswick, N.J. 1. Trie petitioner shall forthwith Ordinance WM Introduced at ttie All tint tract or parrel of land. A College Preparatory School for Boys «itu»fc. lyine and being In the supply to the building Inspector n.11 msttln« ot the Municipal Council Tmtnshtp of Woodbrldne, In th« plans and spoclflcaUana as amend- of th« Township of Wmxfbridge, New *"* 215 North Avenue, Hillside Jersey, ntld on Jammrv ldih. 1MB. r-ounty of MlddleMi. in tile State of ed NEW JfttEVS Tills Use permit is to take effect mi after publication according to Sew Jersey: law Was further considered for final announces that »t t point of t » n -from the date above written. American Agricultural Chemical n a s s w and wui final ly adopted on In the easWrty ildeUne of FAVORITE CLEANERS K February 19th, 1985 after a puollc .Tracy Drive, whlrh point of t a n -Company. hetrlng at s meeting of the Munlclgency Is dUUnt 25 feet mea*ured C.P. 3/4/M Dal Council of the Township of southerly from a corner formed by For the fall oi 1965 Woodbrldt*. Hew Jersey. Said OrdNOTICE tbe lnMrMotlon of the prolongation I northerly of Tracy Drl»e and the TAKE NOTICE THAT on Friday, inance WM approved by the Hfeyor, For Admission to Grades 8 through 11 ! prolongation westerly of Burnham Marob 19 1M9 at 9:30 o'clock In the and returned on February lTth. 1M9, forenoon I BENJAMTN CABDILLO, and wlU Uke effect on Uftrch 10th, I Drln. u d rusning thence (1) South 1' 20' east and along shall apply to the Mlddlesei County IMS aooordlnt to law. Will be given on JOSXPH V. VATJDfTI tin euterly dcMUne of Tracy Drive, Court at the MldJlesex County Mualttlbal Olerk Court House 1n the City of New 73 feet; running thence Bruntwlck New Jersey, for a Judg>. i/4/as rr.M (2) North 88* 40' c u t , dS.H I ment authorizing me to assume the to a point: running thence (3) Horth l " 20' met, 100 f««t to name of BBNITO CAODILLO. For further information BENJAMIN CAUDriAO Major John Andre, arrested as a point In t h e southerly sideline of KAPLAN FEINQOLD & KAPLAN Buroham Drive, running thenoe a BiitUfa ipy in connection with Write or call the School (4) South 88° 40' nest and along 5-7 Cooke Avenue Benedict Arnold's treason was rh» (outherly sideline of Burnbam Oarteret. New Jersey Telephone EL 5-6990 Attorneys for Petitioner Drt«, 41M feet to a point; running convicted Wd hanged at Tappan, C.P. l/lS-25-3/frll/«5 thence Pn, iBODBMIZE BflfflROOMj | MMOPtt KHCHI J L ' ——. RT. 9 636-00< WOOOBRIOGE ARE YOU A LITTLE SHOI "WE ARE YOUR CLOTHES FRIEND!" The PINGRY SCHOOL • Instead of getting a refund, ar* you one of the many who owe a tax this year? K to, w t cordially invite yow totakeadvantage of our TAX MONEY* SPECIAL! Aat •< twin*! •— - " IM.0O $I7I.M I10.M iMt.oe U.00 431.00 JM.OO 11.00 M.OO 4U.W 17.00 104 00 A*!.«f Uw 6 1 Shirt Lmfcriig Available ALL WEEK SPECIAL 'ANY CHILD? 1-PC. PLAIN Garment Up to She 10 Professionally Dry Cleaned and Finished SHIRTS PERFECTLY.LAUNDERED 3 or more WE0 0 THE HARD ^W 0 R K 0 N v/ASHDAY cupFTQ O / l O n t t l 0 JLfea PILLOW GASES THERE'S A BOND CLEANER NEAR YOU! WOODBR1DGK 114 Main S t ©pp. AAP 131 Amboj Ave, neit to F l n t Savingi K0 New Broniwlck AfC FORDS COLONU I n m u Are. Shoppikf Center (Next U AAP) ISEL1N OBk TrteRd. (Opp. beUn n m t e r ) •Shlrii ti CARTERET $9 Washington Ave. (Cor. Perghing Are.) Carteiet Shopping Center •(ORCHID CLEANERS) All ipeciili honored at thli I address. RAHWAY 13W Irvtag Street Grand * Ining fit. •(ORCHID CLEANERS) AS spedali honored at tldi| •ddms. EDISON Hwy. n * PUUafleM AT*. ( N o t to Grand Unloa) bese addreiNi. >Ml| New Jersey SUM Department of Civil Service Examinations Announced closing «at* for nlln applications, March 31, IM5. For applications, duties, and minimum qualifications, apnrr to Department of Civil Service, State House, Trenton, New Jersey. Open to cttlxena, 12 months reel dent In the Boro of Oarteret. NOW THRU TOES'. Carj Grant - LeiU» Caron "Father'Goose'1 and Tommy Kirk - Annette Funltello "Father Goose" DRIVE-IN DAVE CLARK FIVE • SHORT ROUIl 1 WOODBRIDGE, N. J . _ Free In-Car Heaters • 2~GREAT SHOWS • 1 L FIRST SHOWING IN THE AREA - NEVER BEFORE SEEN ON THE SCREEN "SLAVE TRADE IN THE WORLD TODAY" - 2ND HG HIT "YOUNGBLOOD HAWKE" ' with James FmucUcus Extra — Color Cartooua EARLY BIRD SHOW EVERY SUNDAY AT 6:00 (iHltDREN ALWAYS T R E E 37 minutes 30 seconds wtet 100.00 feet to a point; thence (1) north 72 degrees 23 minute) 30 second* wet, 50.00 feet to a Dolnt: thence (3) norfh 11 decrees. 37 minute* 30 seconds east 100.00 feet to a point In the southerly side line of Burnet Street; and thence ft) along the said southerly side lme of Burnet Street south Ti degrees 2a mlnutet 30 neconds east MOO feet to the point or place of Beginning. RBTNQ known and designated ae Lots 1M and 187 on "Ulan of Avenel Park, SeeMorj. 1, Woodbrldge Town. ship Middlesex Countv, N. J." dated September 1st 1>19, Wed In th« office ot the Clerk of Middlesex Countv on December 23rd, 1816, M Map 832. File J97 BEINQ further knows and destg nated as Lots 186 and 187, In Block 855 -R. on the Woodbrldge Township Tax Mao BEING generaHv knows as 5 Burnet. Street Avenei N. J. The foregoing description Is In ac cordani* with a survey oreoared by Peter 1 M. Kuban, 249 South Park Drive. Woodbrldge. N e w Jersey, dated March I4tb, IDAS. ' J The approximate amount of tne Judgment to be satisfied by said sale Is the su.n of Ten Thousand. Five Hundred Fifty-Eight (110.991.00) Dollars more or leas, plus Interest together wtn the cost* of tW sale. The subscriber reserve the tight to adjourn said aale from time to time subject only to such limitations or restrictions upon the exercise of such power as may be spe-'••"" nivwirtwi h? IRW or niliw nf «t;: ' • ' ; • : % ; ' ' • WHAT IN THE WORLD 'Do these signs mean? NOW THRU TUESDAY MENLO PARK 8AT. 2:00 . 7:80 • 9:10 SUNDAY 1:30 -3:30 •»:*>. i 7:30 • };30 Cary Grant • Leslie Caroa "FATHER GOOSE" ChUdren's Admission 50c NOW 3RD P0FP1M WEEK ACADEMY AWAHD 4 o 1 O NOMINATIONS ^ BEST ACTRESS - ^ BEST PICTURK falrtisneTs] 2.• mmr* i SBaiiMr Si?H C .L*.^. w IITNENETHEMJWN 4 !!il*i!-w^. I0.IN8PIUN TO THE NEW 6. IN PORTUGAL _, 8. IN AUSTRIA Color & Stereo Sound < ~""~ " I I . IN SWEDEN This ilgn n n i i llttU; lMvk Olivia dc lluvillaiul Ju»cpU (ultuu MADISON TWP. "HUSH...HW SWEET i VLjt&. J SBSLk • A IvMft H M | I f t M I B S ^ ^ I B isssVtt Blsssssssssilsst ilsssssl 1 fopft'ns "NONE BUT THE BRAVE" 7.IN DEMURK IsSsU BSSSSSsl BSS^lSSSSSSsl " ^ L & U ^ B ^ i a ^A L^^g^S^^L. '« ^r ^ ^ * ^ VsV^Vv^v BivWvsfllP wt n H s s W I B * 8TARTS WEDNESDAY Frank Sinatra I.HJFJUIIOE^ i TM» tlfn WMW» AWARD » ELIZABETH (Lie N«. B9, r 1MB Etttabctt ATC. . !')*' SWEET CHARLOTTE" Murluu Ufttudu Muulguuiery OUft l)«aa Marttn 'THE YOUNG LIONS' • • • • P f R (Wans] I"In**, I W 12. IN FINUND TW, Mly(-)H THrATHt'PAHHWAYl-MoiJ NtnOaattd For ACADEMY Cor of (5) On a c u n e to the left harSHERIFF'S SALE lng a radluji of 25 feet, an arc dlstSUPERIOR COURT OF anoe ofX39.27 fret to tbe point and NEW JERSEY place of BEQIKNINQ CHANCERY DIVISION BHraa known and designated MIDDLESEX COUNTY Lot 15 ID Block 339-K u shown on Docket No. F « I N the Official T a i and Astessmen SHADOW LAWN BAVTNOfl AND Map of the Township of Woodbrldge In the County of Middlesex and LOAN ASSOCIATION, a corporation State of New Jersey; BErnO also of tne State ol New Jersey, 1B Plaintiff, and QEOROB P. HANSON and known and designated as Lot 15 In Block 339-K on map entitled "Map LORRAINE HANSON, his wife, and the STATE OF NEW JERSEY, are of Roowrelt Estates" BEINd more commonly known Defendants Writ of Execution lor the sale of and designated as No. 119 Burnbam mortgaged premises dated December Drive, Fords, New Jersey BEING the same premise* c o n - 31st, 19M. By virtue ot (be above stated veyed to Delmar Mota and Jeanette Mota, his wife, by deed from Cath- Writ, to me directed and delivered, erine Janowskt, unmarried, dated I will expose to tale at publlo fenJanuary 33. 1M3 and recorded In due on the office of the Clerk of Mlddletex WEDNESDAY THE 17th DAT OF MARCH AD., 1083. County on January 28, 1W3, In book at the hour of two o'clock by tne 2MB of Deeds at page 300. The approximate amount of tbethen prevailing (Standard of DayJudgement to be satisfied by Aidlight Saving* time In the afternoon sale Is the sum of Twenty-One of the said day. ai the Sherlffa OfThousand, Three Hundred. Five «ce In ths City of New Brunswick, (21.305.00) Dollars more or less, ALL that certain tract or parcel of plus Interest together with JM coat land and premUes. hereinafter parnl this sale The subscriber reserre» t i t rlgh ticularly described, situate. W M and to adjourn nald aale from Ume to being In the Township of Woodtime subject only to «udl limita- brWge, In the County of Middlesex tions or restrictions upon the «xer and Suite of New Jersey: cln of such pover as nua^bftajM BEOIHNTNO at a point In the lally provided by law W-tOtM southerly side line of Burnet Btrtet Court. Sold subject to oondttloDi Ol which point Is distant 133.15 feet sale. westerly from rh« point of IntersecROBERT H. JAMBOrT. Sheriff tion of the said southerly side line 3TTTSON. QROMLBT A DOYLB of Burnet street with the westerly Attorneya, side Hue of Rshwty Avenue, and 2/25 3/4—11-18/65 »M.O8 "inning thence 111 south 17 denreei SAT. & 8LN. MATINEE 2:00 P.U WOODDRIDGETIVTAT Both Box Offices Open at 6:30 P.M. Open-FRI., SAT., SUN. Only JM, 1 and St. George Ave. LOCAI F«ANa Co. • CARTERET (Lie. Ho. MO. 92 RooWTtlt Are. SATURDAY, MARCH 13, 1965 "Pajama Party" A WALTER READE ITEKLING THEATRE Ji r»ot«M.,, h> • N.Y. MARCH 6th tkn MARCH I3ti u r W ' Q RUCINESS MEN b B U 5 1 N » a titjr mi, UULKiltOMYI (HI) ENTRANCE EXAMINATIONS Hoir Cleaning Every Day liclodlig Sat All Ucatlou TH, M TH MOHET* B:JNNEWJERSEY... OF SEEBURG MUSIC EVENINGS, AFTER CONTINUOUSLY! At The GREEN LANTERN 473 Railway Ave, Wuodbridge ME 4-9763 MONARCH RAMBLER ***** m m4thm m NO Niwirk k n m ELIZABETH • FL I-IIW "WBLER DEALER - — (E B.) - Carteret Press Thursday, March 4, 1985 CLASSIFIED VDVEKTISING' HATES • leance and pariltt Sunday by appointment nnly. Open « to 9. Call 3B2-3179 tor informntion ISM IrvlnR Street, Railway I• MALE HELP WANTED • Slate Nominated Ro(ird Meetln«Sel A D I LL 1 COI,ON1A-An executive board At Beth Sholom meeting of Schools 2 and Ifi PTA streamer n PAGE THIRTEEN T f c h MAURO MOTORS P ISKMN will ho held tonight at 9:30 at TlOORBof WANTED - Must " O f the home of Mrs. Edward ?lmonbe out of school. ORTKN SPORTS-' iq F . i son. 91 West Hill Road. A com mittec meeting will be hold beginning 9:00 to discuss plans for the ISfir. VM. the «hool fair to be held in May. for nchicvinE 75'< men. Resides Edwin Colin, nominated To ntahlitfit the general meetbersnln during January, hv T'r;i>ii for presidrnt, the slate includes: ing, Tuesday, Mrs. Charles HOTPOINT ELECTRIC STOVE, Rlshl. Senior Vice-rnmmr,ndeiStuart Klein, first vire-presidont; Schwewer. program chairman, b 4-burner, the inst rewilar meeline. Joseph Ginnrv. second vice presi- has arrnnqcd for the school choir condition. Vory reasonable—must New members welcomed hv id, dcnl: Hubert FilV, third Vice- to present a program nf 'unps sarriflre. Call ME 4-2B65 after j Post were: Thomas M;i president: Albert Herbst, fourth both old and new. 7:00 p.m. 3/4«..lames F. nussell. Willinm vice president; 1,011 is I«wis, finan' rams icial wrctnry; Milton Sablatzky, condi- The 'treasurer; Mrs. Cell Siherry, rec- John Adams and vJohn Quincy Cnll 1,1 8-771B. , tne „„„„_,, <,, ording secretary; Mrs. Dora Sab- Adams were the onl u s ^resiJ/f dance, Snfurdny, March IS , nt th Ini/.kv, corresponding secretary; dent! who failed to be re-elected! Hnl1 ROOM AND BOARD t ^f - Houtc 27. and Herman Hodes, aergeant-at- In the first SO years of I' S his ! "lans are being m;ide to r tory. arms. ItAHWAY - Ronm and board'C'Me in the lyiynltv Day P;ir,iHc Trustees nominated for t*on I'KOMOTK.I*: I rank C. llm-kfor elderly lady or gentleman.j" April 25. The event is twine yenr terms am Meyer PlaskowCnlMaWOKI. 3/4-3/25 held this year in Perth Amboy rnbury, son of Mr. ;mil Mrs. sky. Robert Freeman, Herbert John llockenbrrrv, IIW (iinilytl For Rent CARTERET ,UNK CABS S, TOUCIS Vitriol. David Weissman, Herbert • SERVICES • i Memorial MEh I c h o d Bnn7w!il Avenue <nloitl;i, Ims been pro- SeliR, David lnleson, Joseph Wal* W« Tow • Roosevelt Avenue > leading the Isedin contingent. moted to airman "second class EXCEMJENT PIANO TUNING The regular semi-monthly meet- in the i;. S. Air Force at George lerstcin, and Mrs. Seymoor DerCall FU 1-3911 - « to 5 echin. Aim Piano Letsoni ing of the Post will be held Thnrs- AFB, Calif, Call 3S7-1M3 Incumbent trustee* are David Airman llockrnherry It a supday, March II, fl P. M., nt the Convissor, Morris Heller, Aflen 3/4-3/25 p , ply invtntory specialist in a MA IK HELP WANTED • fts Hall. Route 27. 6,000 sq. ft. Offire space. Will 11 Moskowitz, Dr. Samuel Hoffman, unit that support* the Tactical 1 I subdivide to suit. IT YOUR DRINKING ku b« \ll COVENTRY needs woAir Command mission of pro- Jerry Blacker, David Jacobs, and '-, ,H time work. Miserable CMM • problem Alcoholics Anony viding firepower and other air Mrs. Jack Lain-r long can help fou Call Bl 1-1515 support to U. S. Army forces. A decision was made to join the tr wrtu Bo» B3 WoodMI-WM. The airman attended Wood- Inter-Community Relations Counkrtdft. ll/H-l/7/U' bridge Stnlor High School. cil composed of neighboring syti-1 New Store. 960 sq. ft. Heat & Hot Water supplied. Air Con ogogues. \ WANTED to do lron- MRS. CURTIS - READINGS ISF.MN - Class Alton of the ditioning. Off Street parking Proposed constitutional changes MK 4-O57. AND ADVICE oo all problems *l Congregation Beth Sholom He-, were made and will be presented For more details rail: Uf«. Open • to I No appoimmmt brew School will conduct Sabbath j to the general membership at the p""^'Services tomorrow. 8 P. M.. at Hcewarj MR Smith. Sr ill N WORKER- murt to next meeting March 21. Temple [leth Sholom. Candles ,,„„ n n d rtltabte. HOB- Amboy, 443 - 9KI1 wi liRhterl at 5:30 p.m. 3-4-3/25 " ;,,.fcrred. Hour* 7 a.m Uwest in U. S. I Norman Kleinman, »pir• < M.ipletnn Nunlng Home Alice CnthbertMD INCOtffi TAX RETURNS pre-Jltual leoder.. announced Junior REALTORS Ldng Key, one of the Florida i| 1606 Oak Tree Road ! :u V I pared in your home at yuur con-K'omcrexHtum nwvtwi wlttfie heW Keys, reported a barometric presIselln, New Jersey venience. Renjonnble. Call 283-!Saturday, 10:30 A. M. sure of 26.^5 inches during a hur388-5020 WON CALLING" Tele.: LI R-Mfi* 1/14-4/81 Plans are being made for the ricane on Sept. 2, 1935; lowest 1608 Irving St., Rahway >•,• M r walls closing In onOIK. Purim carnival and parade, on —Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Masreeolever recorded United 1 VIM need to get out and CONTRACTING March 14,1 services and Mr. and Mrs. John MazzeojStates, , P., M. Purim se ;,!.^ Be a Beauty Advtor ; will be held. March 17, 7 P. M. and children Olympia, Daniel, vos' COSMETICS. For perTIBOR BERENCSI Theresa ,and Maria, Brooklyn, ••enic* in your home call Mason • Contractor - Builder 'The Festival of Purim will were guests Sunday of Mr. and > V4 All Brick. Stom and Concrete celebrated on March 18. Purim commemorates the day,Mrs. George R. Huneycutt, Worth Work - New and Repairs Fully when through the intervention of Street. K)K RENT Insured and Guaranteed. Call ^"jMordecai and Queen Esther, the -Sandra and Paul Messina, I III USE SPACE AVAIL-FU 1-8306 Colonia. * / l l w ' J e w s of Persia narrowly escaped children of Mr. and Mrs. Charles •, Fords 3.000 sq. ft. ' victims of Haman'i plot to Messin*, Falmouth Road, celeparking lot. Calllf/ffffc School MfotOft being exterminate (hem. A fast day, brated their birthdays last week. ISELIN - The High School Stu- the Fad of Esther, ii held on theSandra was thre years old 3/4-1/M dents' Mission is being conducted day before Purim, the day that Wednesday and Paul one year old nightly at St Cecelia's Church by Hainan was lo carry out his plan Saturday. Weekend guests were lliiKOSCOPF. READINGS • Mrs. and Mrs. Gerry Cordiero the Precious BIowl Fathers, this of extermination. week. Mivuon lervicet start at The Meglllah. or Story of Purim. nd sons, Joh and Gerry East MUS IATIN M Orange. .<<* ,ind advaer. Artrtct o«| 7 : 3 0 , M A Mau ii held each it read in the Synagogue. During 8 P M . The jolemn the re.tding. the children make .Keiiii (A We such a i tow,i«ve"lnc »' cloiini: of the. Miuktn will take noise with "gragers" or noiscbtuioen. All plucc Saturday evtnmg. | makers, whenever the name of •II i V ,u> and conlidtotiikL SatH(i (ju-u-anteed. WUhthliad Find Frtd.iy will be observed llanun ii mentioned. — '.j you are entitled to a this we*>k. Confeismns will be;——ltM beard Thursday from 4 lo 5 3 0 |» " -''flfmoon: 7:00 to 7:30 rending. Availabia ! P. M . and again from 8:30 to 9:30 P. M Alice Cothbemoa Masses have ben set for Fri'JM Oak Tree Road day morning as follows: 6:30. 7:00, tsella. New Jersey 8 00. awl 10:43 A. M. Tele.: LI Ma*MM Saturday morning will he at 7. It. and 9 A. M. The No- -Mr. and Mrs. William Cassidy vena to Our Lady of Fatima will and ion, Thomas, and Mrs. Kurt I* held after the t o'clock Mass Klein, Wood Avenue, motored to Saturday morning, Gosh$n, New York, Sunday, where Confessions will be heard Satur they visited Mrs. Frieda Goldday from 3:30 to 5:30 in the after- berg. They also visited Mr. and noon; 7:00 to 7:30 P. M. and 8 : »Mrs. Frank Smith and Mrs. Glen Cassidy of Maybrook, N. Y. |to 9:30 P .M. Maues Sunday, March 7, will —Friday evening guests at the' be said at 6:30. 7:15, »:00. 8:45,home of Mr, and Mrs. Henry Hap,!»15. 10 30, 11:15 and 12 noon in pel Adams Street, were Mrs, HelI the upper church: 9:15, t0;00, en Rohlfs and Mr. and Mrs. RoVJ. II JO and 12 noon in the bert Fitasimmons. The occassion mrt church, Lourdes and Fatima was Mrs. Happels birthday. —Happy anniversary to Mr. and | Halls. Mrs. Robert Neale, Adams Street. The Neales, whose tenth wedding anniversary was Tuesday, cele•68 MONACO m W brated Saturday by dinning out [and attending a show. ; - A meeting of the St. Vincent de Paul Society will be held Tuesday 8 p.m., in St. Cecelia^s School, Room 207, -The Jersey Aire Chorus will meet Tuesday 9:15 p.m. at the IVFW Post Hall. j - S t . Cecelia's Altar Rosary Soiciety will sopnsor a bus trip to Fro* I Mother of the Savior Seminary, ; Blaekwood, March 28, to see "The j Passio nof the Savior," by the Seminarians Reservations should : be made early with Mrs. Charles [Regenye, Rosary Society presi•63 CHEVROLET ~ dent, at LI 8-2978. Bel Atr 2Dr., BUck -Bingo games will be held in finish, R&H, sharp! St, Cecelia's Lourdes and Fatima Sale price MCflC Halls, Tuesday. Early bird games begin at 7 p.m. and regular games at 8 p.m. -Boy Scout Trop 70 will meet •83 CHRYSLER Wednesday 7:30 p.m. at Temple Newport 4 Dr. Auto. Beth Sholom, 90 Cooper Avenue. 75 V-8. RtH. PS., PB., —Brownie, Junior, and Cadette TOf QUALITY Sale price Girl Scout Troops, sponsored by U(U CAM St. Cecelia's PTA will meet Wedonly — HI STOCK! nesday. March 10, from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at the school. A now slate of off i c c r - ! iiinl ii'ilci's were presented by the iinmin.'itinR committee .it the tnonihly CnncrcK.'ttion Hoard meeting held at Beth Sholom Synns'oiTup WedlN'idny Purim Services Set March 17 Westbury Park News IMMACULATE TOP QUALITY CARS aio a lot of used cars around but where do you buy thr Ix-st? We handle only thr. best, buy only if you feel satisfied with the car & the price. '63 Chev. Corvair '61 Valiant 2 Dr. H.T. '63 Valiant 2 Dr. Sdn. '63 Plymouth Conv, IIS 1 Approved '58 Imperial 4 Dr. *575 Servtc* DOWN AT- You'll Believe It When You Check Out The Deals On New Dodges -Darts Renaults And Used Cars JUST IN CASE TH& IS ONLY TEMPOKARY INSANITY- om mm rmt NO MONEY POWN RENAULTS '65 RENAULT Dauphin* 4.Doofj W.W. Tliti; Vinyl Inltiior; Saul Btlljj Elicliic Wiptri 4 Waihirn Healtr 1 Oefrofftr; Full Synchromnh 4-Sp«ed Tranimil- usi PKin:yi78i SAVE Our Price-*I442 Call For- '65 RENAULT R g iDoor; Automuric Iionimiulon; Vinyl lnl»;iul: W.W. Tlf.i, Saa) B.lti; EUctMc Wipan I, Crfidit O.K. I IS I PHH i; $2035 S A V E I. Hurdlop, Vinyl InlarioM W. W. Tlr.l; Scut B lit; Houlo 1 Dtlioitir; iltclrlc Wip.n 1 Topi. fi i; »2.i57 SAVE , '3329 Ou. ,rC6-s2l95 »IH»5 41)1 Milr Guai»ii(ee. All '63 ( IIIIYSIM 2 1>i l i t , K i l l . A u l o . . l'. Tlii-s,, Ou« DMIlvt, S-Yr ur M '•O VALIANT ,t«llni. W.W. Mll U l APPUANCK SKKVICK CO. SKRVIMi MIMHKSEV MIMH.KSEV a UNION CODN1IKS. CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH VHP CM WCATION nauNMMCK mm** - 4414M3 Thru W d . y • A. M. HI • *• M - Liberty 9-6969 Hlllcrest 2-7166 FUlton 2-2020 ,., 30.00U Mile dan i III WIOLLT An B»«l*!w«l C « . OM OWajaf. U H . «.IX» Ori«ln»l UiM •«1 KU1BLEU 4-Di. Ou »>MI U 1 0 0 E. ST. GEORGE AVE^ LINDEN f »»K tDr.. On. Owuri Oftii u l mm: R4H Aulo '•O HODGE ••ASSOCIATED" U U mo, USED CAR SALE TELEVISION & RADIO • Sltlilr Hay $265 CHRYSLER — PLYMOUTH - yALIANT - IMPERIAL DEALER 611 AMBOY AVE. WOODBRIDGB ME 4-1651 Open Evenings i,iO'- 'I'1 hi»W" M UltVHUlAl • t-'uftury '58 Ply. 9 Pass. Wgn. (Real Decent) '65 RENAULT Why Pay More '195 875 $ 775 $ 875 '60 Imp. 4 Dr. H.T, Gray SAVE The Edict of Nantes, signed by King Hflnry IV of France, was first official' lfecognition of religious toleration by a European nation. _ _ _ _ ^ ^ D- '60 Comet 4 Dr. White (Extremely Clean) '60 Chry. NY 4 Dr. Sdn. $ MAURO MOTORS SAVE •995 1675 $ 975 $ 975 H675 H675 '63 Plymouth Fury 2 Dr, H.T. '62 Studebaker 2 Dr. H.T. $ Q 7 C u (Grand Turlsmo) ' ° '62 Plymouth Fury 6 Passanger Wagon SAMUELS CHRYSLER* PLYMOUTH Mtv Tuiltr 2375 *1250 icmmmits DODGES 1 nr., rtdk>, Uw, sold and serviced by us. $ 2-'62 Imperials 4 Dr. HT. Each '62 Plymouth Custom 9 Pass. Wagon '61 Chry. NY 4 Dr. Sdn. $ | J 7 g ** DISCOUNT PRICIf ped and have originally been "64 Imperial Cnupr '65 Mustang 2 Dr. H . T . $ 9 4 . 7 ^ 4 speed (like new) ^ ^ ' ° $ '63 Chr.v. Wagon ABIE AGENCY Woodbridge Oaks Most cars listed are fully equip- '«O BlICk P»w« MHrinli OM DMtrl -11198 Independent-Leader Thursday, March 4, 1965 PAGE FOURTEEN UKOATNOTirKs" LEfSAI. NOTICES LEGAL NOTICE tionisfflregat* ai.iount of ll J jbonds r t »nd d notes note lIssued put,,,,'" and Scott, dMed as may be in proportion this ordinance shall at. any i',tllj man, Allgalr A copy of this Ordinance^ hni Southerly tide not In excels of « • NOTICE and herebyy de- II The acquisition of the following hu i h . extent ..tent P per-iceed the m m ,flftt ,nuiui.i,,,,,, iew automotive neMoles Including, been posti-d on the Bulletin Board I From the WenteTly side of Oreen February 19M. 1 J - t h l ( nfrtioni natter li ticreby elvfn that the termines thut (1) the h conitnictlon t l t h moni y, m | such obllgatlonii ^ )the J'. Southerly Sloe ^ ' v f t r i E ? Ss^SS" !** ^uch obligation^ 1 lollo*Ins OnUnanei WM regularly of »ueh building, together »ith or- irlglnal apparatus and equipment: .upon whlon public notlcefi are ais-.stree.t to Its Westerly terminus. mltted by Section 40A.JBlock «2-F. LotlOO the Issuance of aald bonds , | , , estate ahall be ; One II) 5-ton dump truck ! torn art ly posted in theMpmnrlal C h t r l e i Street, liflln jMJMd unrt Adoptrd at a regular lirtnnl furnishing* and equipment Loeai Bond Law, Block 4M, Lot 1-C, 1-D, 1-E not leas than the amount ,,| deemed lo receive by reason of such Three (3| refuse collections truck* Municipal Building of the Tnwn-1 Prom Corrtja Avenue to Norther mealing of the Municipal Council (hereinafter duacrlbtd u "purpose') ciceaa, bt applied to the pnvnr,, Block « 3 . Lot 1 is and O 1) street sweeper, double d h l h l i, nhd d a copy o i available i l b l up toiiy t j l Terminus. Plan P d profile fil for fo , i i.o total amount Of One (1) at the Township of WoodbrkUt*. In It not a current exptiue of Mid Valley Hoad, Colonla nnd ana IncludlnK the time of such! proposed construction of Charles gutter broom the aaWssments so levied shall not W.9S0. appropriated for down pay- »uch notes then outatanrilii(tin County of Mlddlewx, New Jer- Township, and (3) it 1> necessary ' St. " — ~ " section 8 It la hereby detp.,,, meeting tn the members of the | street, drawn by Carl F, Wheeler. Two U) trsctoi mowem exceed the coat of said ^prnH- ment* on capltnl Improvement nr . »ey. on thp 2ml dnv of March, IW5. to lamia ohllKaMons pursuant to the general public of the Township who T E. Three (3) 1-ton dump trucks ment. The portion of Mich coat for the capital lmprovempnt fund and declared that the perlrnt |, ( AN ORDINANCE PROHIBITING loral Bond Law to finance such fulneae of said purpose, accor-u. shall reqiifrt such copies at the K*Mterly Side Appropriation and Estimated Coit which shall not be *o ameaaed shall In budgets heretofore adopted for THE I1.I.R0M SALE AND U 8 I OP purpone, and (3) the srtlmated cost reasonable life, la a perlmi „ offlee of the Municipal Clerk In the Mom the Northerly aid* of Dinz be nnld by the Township, as In the «*lrl Township are now available to I105.S00 •OI.UEP TONTAINJNO A flOLVKNT nf Fiirh purpose li $197,500. and (4) 1 computed from the ihr, Memorial Municipal Bulldlnn In street to the Southerly side of > »• Dewn Payment ease of » general Improvement fmance"sald"'purpo»e: The HAVING THF P H P P R R T Y OF RE- «(i 300 nf 'such sum li to be provided ,, .herlj »l*e . . . w l d bonds. 1 : Woodbrlrtnc New "Jersey. EMt James Place. •5.100 v. li. li In m be paid for by J ' n ™ ' i) TOXIC VAPORS OR in- ihp down payment h«rflnnfter |s-hereny""approprlared jrom Sfctlon 10. It Is hereby drip,-,,,.. rrom the Westerly iod« J*^J& Amount of Uondi and Notes taxation. Such portion of the cost such money* to FUMES. appropriated lo ftnnnce »uoh_ piirAN ORDINANCE TO AUTHORIZE'•, From the Northerly aJd* of East ieorje's Avenue nonevn to the p a V " " 1 " r und stater! that the Suppli.,,,/, tlOO,SOO . shall he In addition to the con the coat I K..REBY CERTIFY Mint the pose, and i5) ttie estimated m i l l THE CONSTRUCTION OF CURBS I James Place to the Houtherly Hide j m of Bastcllff mrpow of I ,|d purp rww statement required hv w,]\ t'lhiitlons, If any, of the TownPeriod of I!sefulnei> nbuve Ordinance <vi\s Introduced ftt: mum amount of bonds or notes n«IN A PORTION OF C1RADY DRIVE. of Bi«t aeorge Place. "section 7, Ti'o nn»nire aald p»r- ral Bond Law has been dn'v „. Sld« , . , ship, hereinafter provided tide From the Northerly side of East (ontherlyth« 9 yean ihr mertlnu nf tlie Municipal Coun-jreasarv !o be issued for »uon purWOODBR1IX1E. AND CURTAIN p j Westerly fide o f S t p ,nd riled in the office of u,c \{ „ Swt.lon 4 It h lierehv di dhld RS 000. 000 and d (61 61 no part off 2) The acquit:,lion of additional OTHSR STREETS IN VARIOUS, George -.. Place t o t h e Southerly side Oeorg'e'* Avenue to t * •• Ewworly c 11 nf the Towii:-hip off W Woodhrldfie. Is SIRS ripsl Clerk of said Towiini,^ ', * ed and ntated that i l l the TownNew Jfr-j>v, helci nn Kftlmiin1 W lflth.ltne cost off such heen equipment consisting of one new IECTIONB OF THE TOWNSHir OF( of_East Henry h purpose tins h b that mrh statement «o nieii ,., N J hl aide of SasttfUff Ro""ship will contribute no part of the From the Northerly aide nf East Oreenbrook Avenue, « OODDRIDOE, IN THE COUNTY IMl, mid nrtfr iMihlli'titicm arnird-lor Is lo be nasessed upon property mow plow that the gro«s debt of mWl i,", cost of said purpose, If being ex- Ired ~ MIDDLESEX. AS A LOCAL IM- Henry Place to the floutherlv Mtie int- m i:\tt- was fiirtlitr consideredi jpsclallv benefited. »nd 17) the perl- Appropriation and Estimated roil From Florida Orove Road to 1M1* ited that the special aweMment* Local Bond Law. Said bonn> shall , h lp as defined In Section ih\ 'ROVEMErTT, TO MAKE AN AT>- nf East Irfiuls Plac* • for • fin 11 |in«Kme and was finally io d nf riv fulness of sftld purpose, $2,000 Worterly Termlr.ua Plan _and__ pro- .-.led ther»for will equal IIB7.45O bear Inter** at a ratr which slmll of said Loeai Bond U j , is i,,r r, ;. r 'ROriUATION OF 1187,450 TO PAY adopted on March 2nd, 196S after jccordlnir to 1M reaaonablt life. l( Down .ijment .'lie for proposed curb and (31 no special aawMmenVs for not exceed »lx per centum l» : I hV mis ordinance b ) n n « ; M , "HE COST THEREOF TO MAKI" • «• fnibllr licnriiiR lit a meeting of a period of thirty years, computed S100 Oreenbrook Avenue. Df* w " such purpose have been levle-d or per annum. All matters with re- t h«t the humane* of t i e homi , the Municipal Council o[ the Town- 'mm the dnt« of said hnnds, and Amount of lion ill and Notes DOWN PAYMENT AND AUTH of Eairt Inelin Parkway. Charlw W. Bttmle, T.E,, February confirmed and 13) mien special as- spect to aald bond* not determined n o t " authorised by this nniv ,, ship of Woodbrlrtur. New Jersey. 8) Hie, cost of such purpose, as Prom the Northerly Hide of East 11.900 IRIZE THE ISSUANCE OF HONIW sessments may be putd In ten »n- by thi* ordinance shall he de- will t>* within all debt llmi-,., 186). Said Ordinance wan approved By hereinbefore atM«d, Includes the Period of Usefulness by said Local nn O FINANCE SUCH, APPROPHIA- Imlln Parkway to the Southerly termined by resolutions to be herenual Installment*. Northerly ilde M the Mayor, and returned on March •urn of S30.000 which la estimated side of U«st Arthur Place. IS years ON AND TO PROVIDE FOR TUB Seotlon 11. This ordlnanr» From ihe WesWrly side of Florida Section J. It In hereby deter after adopted, :trr> IM5. and will tflke effect on o be necessary to finance the cost 31 The acquisition and Installation Prqm the Northerly side of 8UAN0E OF BOND ANTICIPA8«c.l.l<ii> (. 8«ctl(» I To finance »ald purpow.I take enect t-wenty days after t- , March J4Mi. IBM according to law of such purpose, Including archi- if the following additional equipON N O T E S IN ANTIOIPA- Arthur Place to the Southerly »1de Orove Road to the Easterly <*<* <* mined and »t*t»d that i l l the bond nol*s of f mid i-llc»tlon thereof after dm, making of such Improvement inn anticipation notes Highland Avenue JOSEPH V VAUSNTI tect'! fees, accotiptlng, engineering ment In the public parks and pl«v:ON OF THK ISSUANCE OF SUCH of East Warren Street, Townnhlp off an aggr«Rat« principal h g i hereinafter referred to as "purFrom the Westerly side «* » » " .rf'aire and Inspection costs, legal expenses irounds maintained by the TownProm the Northerly side of East 0ND8 Municipal CleTk amount not exceeding (171,500 are nn^"i, is not a current expense of ROBIBT 1 . JACKS ship as places of public resort and and Avenue to it* Westerly » r and other expenses Including InterWarren Street to lt« Northerly terpur U.V1/65 ' »1M BE IT ORDAINED by the Munlclthori»e<l to be Insue Mid Township, and (2) It IK nivesPresident of the Con,,, est on mich obligations to the en- -ecreatlon: mlnua. il Council of the Township of minus. o riimnce u i d purpoee by Ihe Raid ordinance remains on • (nt permitted by Section 4OA:2-20 Nnv Jersey.Stile Department of ioutherly Side Werterly Hide Four (4) baseball backstops s.140' 'oodbrldge. In the County of Mldnf obligation* of *ald ' the Municipal c: of th* Local Bond Law. Civil Service Examinations of chain link fence Playground From the Northerly aide of eeex, New Jersey, aa follows: Township pursuant to the local Announced closltic date for Mint equipment BECTION 3 It Is hereby deterBectlon I. The portions of the Street to the Southerly aide of Honrl Law of New Jersey, and HI applications, Marrh 31, IMS. For ap- mined «nd stated t-hM nnt less thnn Appropriation and Estimated Cost jllowlnx publlo streets In the Enst J i n n Place. the estimated cost of said purpow la UliHiipns. duties, and minimum $9,500 of the moneys appropriated IU.400 From the Northerly side of East land Avenue to IK Westerly Ter- 1187,490 and '41 W.9M or aald xum ownship of Woodbridge, In the flimjjncations apply to Department under the caption "flown payment" Down Payment ounty of Middlesex, shall be Im- James Place to the Southerly *Ke la to be' provided by the down minus. nt Civil Service, State House, Tren- or "capital Improvement fund" In |l,300 unved by constructing therein con- of Eaat George Place payment hereinafter appropriated tlom prescribed by Mid Law llntjn avenue Kenber ton,. New Jersey. budgets of said Township heretoAmount of Bonds and Notes rete curbs as follows: From the Northerly aide of Ka»t' From Florida drove Road to its fc> flnpince »M(1 purpose, and IS' matterti with respect to said not« be held In the Council Chi:, Open to citizens, 12 months resi- fore udoptwl la available to finance irndy Drive, Woodbrldge Oeorge Place to the southerly aide werterly Terminus. Plan and pro- the estimated maximum amoun not determined ny thla ordinance rhe Munlelpsd BulMlni, Wooih SH.ioo N J on Tu«<nlay, March lmii dent' In Woodbrldire Township, said purpose, the sum of H9.500 Is From Grove Street to Clinton of Bast Henry Place. Period of UsefulntM file of proposed curb trades for of bonds or notes necetmry to be shall be determined by resolution! Inspector (Field), Salary, herehy appropriated from such :reet. Plan and profile of proposed 13 years From the Northerly aide of East Clinton Avenue, drawn by Charles laaued for aald purpow In I17BJ0O, to be hereafter adopted tn the at g o'clock In the evening at • time and plaet all persons In'/ moneys to the payments of the cost ,., J per year. ^reet grades for Orady Drive, drawn TOTALS Henry Place to the Southerly aide W. Beagle, T.E„ Aupist ISS3. anrf HI the cost of such purpose, event that bonds art Issued purmiCarpenter, Salary, KM - #3.10 per of aild purpose. iy Charles W Beagle. T.E. Novem- of East Louis Place. Appropriation and Estimated Coit M hereinbefore stated, Includes the ant to this ordlnnnoe, the aggregate will be given an opportunity Northerly Bide hour. 'heard ooncenOni said ordl ber 1964 (133,000 From the Northerly side of East amount of K4 450 which amount of notes hereby authotined SUCTION 4. To fln»nce said purFrom the Westerly side of Florid* Maintenance Repairman, Salary, Tortherly Hit JOfllPH V. V VA AL Down Payment Louis Place to the Southern aide to be Issued shall b* nduced by un pose, bonds of said Township of an Orove Road to the Easterly side of be necessary M.120-14,800 per year. Prom the easterly side of Orove Is estimated to Municipal Clerk of Bast Iselln Parkway. *a,Mo Highland Avenue. Mechanical Broom Maker, Salary, aggregate principal amount not exfinance the cost u n u i n m i oom oi aucn pui|iM.imiira'" «M"-; — ~ f^,.«j' tf the IL J From the Northerly ride of East Amount of Bonds and Notes ceeding 1188.000 art hereby authorto the westerly side of BerFrom the Westerly side ot High- Inoludlng architect's fee*, account-ount of the bonds ao Issued ii_rn »I.S»-t3.47 per hour. Iselln Parkway to the Southerly 1126,900 11 street. land Avenue Mi Its Westerly terPublic Worts Superintendent,. Sal- ised and shajl be issued pursuant to Section 4. The oost of such puraald Local Bond Law. Said bonds From the easterly side of Bergen side of lest Arthur Place. ary, 112,500 per year. minus. From the Northerly side of East shall bear interest at a rate which poses, as hereinbefore stated. In- treet to the westerly side of Sherry Relocation Assistant, Salary. W.JOO- shall not exceed six per centum cludes tbe aggregate amount of treet. Arthur Place to the Southerly «id« of Southerly Site Fran the Westerly dOe of Florida tS.OOO per year. Bust Warren Street. 16%) per annum. All matters with $13,190 which Is estimated to be neFrom the easterly side of Sherry Open to dtlaens, 12 months resi- respect to said bonda not determ- cessary to, finance the cost of such From *he Northerly aide of East Orove Road •» the easterly side ot dent In Woodbridge Township. Open ined by this ordinance shall be de purposes, including architect's fees, treet to the westerly tide of Clln- Warren Street to Its Northerly ter- Highland Avenue, on Street. to citizens, resident In the United termlned by resolution! to be here accounting, engineering and InspecFrom the Westerly side of Hifhminus. ioutherly Bide 8t»te«. NOTE: 'Two lists wtll be es- after adopted. ' tion costf, legal expenses and other Innd Avenue to Its Westerly terFrom the easterly side of Orove Jordan Road, Colonla ttbllshed «s a result of this examinexpenses, Including interest on such From Inman Avenue to Morn minus, ation . The first list wilt contain the SUCTION 5. fro finance laid pur- obligations, to the extent permitted tTeet to the westerly side of Ber- lngstds Road. Revised .plan and A copy of such plans and pro'Mines of residents; the second, non- pose, bond ftMpelpatlon- not** et by Section «A:J-ao of the Local en street. profile of promasd turb endss for files described above is on file tn 10th day of February, 1966, From the easterly side of Bergen • residents. It there is not a sufficient aald Township of an aggregate prin- Bond Law. JOSEPH .#LENTC. Clerk Itreet to the westerly side of Clln- Jordan Road, drawn by Carl F. the office of the Municipal Clerk number of ellglblea available on the cipal amount not exceeding $188,000 Wheeler. T.E., October "" Section J. It Is hereby determined on Street. and li open to public Inspection. Municipal Building. resident list, the non-resld«nt list are hereby authorlMt .and shall be and stated that moneys exceeding Ea«terl7 814* Section 1. The Him of 1187.490 Issued pursuant toTmld Local Bond W.500, appropriated for down pay- lt^ Georie'i Avenue, W«odbrU|e will t » used." Woodbridge. New Jenay From the Northerly side of fnma^ Is hereby appropriated to the payFro h y Avenue to Freeman, From Principal PluniiM, Salary. »10,*00- law. In anticipation rrf -the issu- ments m r e i p t w i improwmenw or ment of the catt ot conetroctlnf ME 4-4500. 0 ^ Smrth«rly ance of said bonds. Said notes shall for the capital Improvement fund 113.000 per year. such emu. curb Improvement, such suca «.. K . W ., bear Interest at s rate which shall Ip budgets heretofore adopted for urb grades for 8 t : Georges Ave- Sand; Lane. IX. 374-11-18/M Certified by me not exceed six per centum («%) per said Township are now available to iue, drawn by Charles W. Beagle, ' From the Northerly side of Sandy appropriation shall b« met from the Lane to the'Southerly tide of Tu- proojedt of the sale of the bonds annum, and may' be renewed from finance said purposes. The sum of '.E., September 19*5. SHERIFF'S RALE This 10th day of February, 196$ authorised, and the down payment dor Lane. time to time pursuant* to and with- M.500 Is hereby appropriated from lasterly Side SUPERIOR COURT OF From th* Northerly side of Tudor appropriated, by thla ordlnanot. in the limitations prescribed by such moneys to the payment of the From the Southerly Side of FreeNEW JERSEY Section 3 Said Improvement said Local Bond Law. All matters cost of said purposes, It is hereby certified that the approved budget annexed hereto and hereby made i part __jan Stteet to the Northerly aide Lane to the Southerly side of Lan (hall be undertaken a> a local Im- CHANCERY DIVISION with respect to sold notes not decaster Road of North Street. MIDDLESEX COUNTY hereof is an exact copy of the original on file with the clerk of the g o w n i n g body, that provement and the cost thereof Section t. To finance said purpostermined by this ordinance shall be From the Northerly side of L»n From the Southerly aide of North Docket No. F 475 M not borne by the Township shall determined by resolutions to be es, bonds of said Township of an all addition*, are correct and that all statements contained hereto are in proof. ' J.-'I. KISLAK MORTGAGE OOR hereafter adopted. In the event that aggregate principal amount not ex- itreet to the Northerly side of Lot caster Road to the Southerly side be assessed upon the lands and of Mornlnvstde Road. FORMATION, a corporation of tbe bonds are Issued pursuant to this ceeding «12e,J00 are hereby author' an. Block 572. real estate upon the line and In JOSEPH J. SEAMAN, Registered Muokiptf Accountant. Westerly Side Winterly Side vicinity of said Improvement 'flute of New Jersey, w i t the Plalr- ordinance, the aggregate amount of Ized and shall be Issued pursuant to 410 Market Street, Perth Amboy, N. J. From the Northerly aide of In which may be benefited by said Prom the Southerly side of St. -ttff.-tind WALTER J. HAMILTON, notes hereby authorlied shall be re- said Local Bond Law. Said bonds •«V» HAMILTON hli wife, and duced by an amount equal to the shall bear Interest at a rate which 3eorge's Avenue to the Northerly man Avenue to the Southerly sldi Improvement, as provided In ChapHI 2 • 1638. of Mornlngslde Road. property line ot Lot 8. Block 40J-AA. ter H ot Title 40 of the Revised JIAN 8HILLKR also known u JXAN shall not exceed six per centum Bramhall Road, Colonla Certified by me Statutes of New Jeney. All rlnclpal amount of the bonds so <6%) per annum. All matters with Mawbey Street, Woodbridge BCHILLBR, w e n the Defendants. From Amboy Avenue to Lyman , Writ of execution for the Mle of sued. If the aggregate amount respect to said bonds not determ This 10th day of February, 1966. .venue. PIsn and profile of pro- ind Dukes Road, drawn by Oood- ahall in etch case be as I M I I J mortgaged premises dated Decenv shall at any time exceed the sum lned by this ordinance shall be de first mentioned In this section, the termlned by resolutions to be here- sosed rurb (trades for Mawbey ber 35nd. 19»4. LOCAL BUDGET NOTICE treet. drawn by Charles W. Beagle, By virtue of the above stated moneys raised by the Issuance of after adopted. NOTICE OF TAX SALE T.E.. June 190J. said bonds shall, to not lees than Section 1. fro roe directed and delivered, the amount of such excess, be apSection 7. To finance said purpos- Northerly Slrle TOWNSHIP OF WOODbaUvCI, 1 expose to aale at publlo ven- plied to the payment of the prin- es, bond anticipation notes of aald From the Easterly side of Lyman Local Budget of the Township of Woodbridge, County of Middlesex for the (deal year 1965. <lue o n SMttoa # » 7 cipal of such notes then outstand- Township of an aggregate principal .venue to the Westerly side of amount not exceeding »126.JOO are '..WEDMBDAY. THE 10th DAT OF. ing. Be It Resolved, that the following statements of revenues and appropriations shall con Incoln Avenue. Notice is hereby given that th« underiigDed CoUedor of Taiet hereby authorized and shall be IsMARCH A.D., IKS From the Easterlv side of Lincoln stitute the local budget for the year 1965. SECTION « It is hereby deter- sued pursuant to said Local Bond at tjie hour of two o'clock by the venue to the Westerly side of of the Township of Woodbridge, in tbe County of Middlesex will thea pwvalUng (Standard or Day- mined and stated that the Supple- Law, in anticipation of the Issuance Washington Avenue Be It Further Resolved, that said budget be published in The Independert-Leider in th* d a public sale at the Tax Office, Memorial Muni6ipal Building, hold light Saving) time, In tbe after- mental Debt Statement required by of said bdnds. Said notes shall bear From the Easterlv side of Wash issue of March 4th, 1965, ain Street, Woodbridge, New Jersey, March 16.1965, at 2 o clods noon of the said, day, at the Sheriff's aald Local Bond Law has been duly Interest ai a rate which shall not Ington Avenue t# the Westerly side Main Offlee In the City of New Brunswick, made and flleo In the office of the exceed six per centum I8<11 per an Notice is hereby given that the budget and tax resolution wai approved by the Council in the afternoon. Eastern Standard Time, to satisfy municipal liens Municipal Clerk of said Township, num, and may be renewed from •f Amboy Avenue. N. t and that such statement so filed time to time pursuant to and with- inntherlv Side of the Township of Woodbridge. County of Middlesex, on February 10th. 1MB. ALL that tract or parcel of land, shows that the gross debt of said in the limitations prescribed by From the BssWrlv side of Lyman now in arrears. A hearing on the budget and tax resolution will be held at Municipal Building, on March altimte, lying and being In the Township, as defined In Section 40- said Local Bond Law. All matters ivenue to the Westerly side of The parcels to be sold are listed below, being described by lot Township of Woodbridge. in the A:2-43 of said Local Bond Law, lj with retwect to said notes not de Incoln Avenue. 18th. 1%, at 8 o'clock <P. M.), at which time and place objections to said budget and U i and block number shown on the Township Assessment Map, and in County of Middlesex, In the State increased by this ordinance by $188,- termlned by tb,Ls ordinance shall be From, the Easterlv side of Lincoln resolution for the year 1965 may be presented by taxpayers or other interested persons of New Jersey: 000. and that tht Issuance of the determined by resolutions to be Avenue to the Westerly aide olj accordance with the last tax duplicate giving tbe owner's name at BEGINNING at a point In the bonds and notes authorized by this hereafter adopted. In the event that Washington Avenue. de of wash-1 shown on the last tax duplicate, together with the total amount due EXPLANATORY STATEMENT northerly .side of Fourth Street ordinance will be within all debt bonds are Issued pursuant to this From the Easterly _ distant 200 feet from th« corner limitation.! prescribed by said Local ordinance, the aggregate amount of ngton Avenue to the Westeriy side thereon as computed to THE FIRST DAK OF JULY, 1IM. Somm»rT of Current Fowl Sectioa «t Approved Bodget Bond Law. notes hereby authorized shall be formed by the intersection of tuld if Amboy Avenue. Said respective parcels of land will be sold to make the amounts General Appropriations for: Year 1 M Year 19(4 reduced by an amount equal to thi Northerly side of Fourth Street with >mes Street, Woodbrtdfe SECTION 7 This ordinance shall the Easterly'side of Carteret Street take effect twenty days after the principal amount of the" bonda si 1. Municipal Purposes t8,8M,0l4.«l 18,171,71721 From School Street to Amboy severally chargeable against the same on said FIRST DAK OF Issued, If the aggregate amount o: and running thence: first publication thereof after final outstanding bonds and notes Issuer ivenue. Plan and profile of pro- JULY, 19M as computed in said list together with interest on said 3. Reserve for Uncollected Taxes — Based on Estimated 95 Perposed Street erodes for James (1) North 32 degrees 92 minutes passage, pursuant to this ordinance shall *< Jtreet. drawn bv Charles W. Beagle, amount FROM SAID FIRST DAY OF JULY TO THE DATE OF cent of Tax Collections «B9,OOB.O9 IMJIOOOO 30 seconds East 100 feet; thence ROBERT I. JACKS any time exceed the sum flrat men T.E,. duted February 19M. (2) South 5T degrees 71 minutes 4. Total General Appropriations 7315,014.6s) 7,0*4,73728 SALE, and the cost of sale. President of the Council tloned in this section, the money; Northerly Bide 30 seconds East SO feet; thence STATEMENT raised by the Issuance of said bondi Said parcels will be sold in fee to such persons as will purchase From the Easterly Side of Amboy (3) South 32 degrees 32 minutes The ' Ordinance published shall, to not less thon the amoun 30 seconds West 100 feet to the herewit 5. Leu: Anticipated Revenues Other Than Current Property been finally passed of such excess, be applied to th' Ivenue to the Westerly side of Ross the same, subject to redemption at the lowest rate of interest, but .treet. Northerly side ol Fourth Street; by thr »al Council of payment of the principal of < , Tax (i.e. Surplus, Miscellaneous Revenues and Receipts From the Easterly aid* of Ross not exceeding eight per cent per annum. thence Towns!-. Woodbridge In notes then outstanding. Btnet- to <<4)e Westerly aide of from Delinquent Taxes MM,Q14JI IJtW'J idlesex, In the State ol 141 Along the same North SI de IjDounty o. Said sales will be subject to municipal liens accruing AFTER School Street. grees i f m i n i n e s 30'seconds' West [New Jersey o n t h e 28th day of Feb .SECTION 8. It is hereby tjeterm Southerly Side JULY l, 1964, including assessments confirmed after that date lary. 1995 and the twenty day pef50 feet to the point or place of Prom the Eafterlv tide of Amboy and 1964 taxes, and to the right of interested parties to redeem 6. Difference: Amount to be Raised by Taxes for Support of 3d of limitation within which a lned* and stated that the average BEGINNING period of usefulness of said purpos DESCRIBED in accord wit-he, sur- ult, action or proceeding queatlod- es. according to their reasonabli Avenue to the Westerly side of Municipal Budget (as follows): School StTeet. within the time fixed by law. K the Validity of such otdlnanoe vey mnde.by Edward C. Rellly and (i) Local Tax for Municipal Purposes Including Reserve be commenced, u provided In lives, taking Into consideration thi Church Street, Woodbridge Associates, P.E. undyL-S., Perth TOTAL LIENS respective amount Qf bonds or notei From Amboy Avenue to Linden for Uncolleeted Taxes 1J01.00MD Amboy, New Jersey, dated March M Local Bond Law, has begun to to be Issued for said purposes. Is Avenuo and from Lincoln Avenue WITH un from the date of the first pub28,- IWS3. period of seven years, cornputei to Lyman Avenue, Plan and profile BEING Commonly known as 14 'otlon of this statement. INTEREST TO from the date of said bonds. of proposed curb grade lor Church IsadCaaMllai JOSEPH V. VALENTI Summary <* 19M Appt Fourth Street, Port Reading, New Section >. It Is hereby determine* Street, drawn by Charles W Beagle. BLOCK LOT OWNEB JULY 1.1164 Municipal Cler* of the Jersey, and designated as tax lots Water and declared that the Supplemental T.E.. dated February 19M. Township of Woodbridge, N. J. 387 B 13 and 14 In block 107) on the tax 1 to 3A Incl . Karly Investment Co 55957 Debt Statement required by said Lo Northerly Bide VHHty $45.31 map of the Township of Wood- .L. 3/4/65 cal Bond Law has been duly mad. Mars Realty Co. 555.57 From the Westerly side of Linden 4 8 7 B . 3B to 5A Incl. bridge, 'Mew Jersey. Budget Appropriations - Adopted Budget .' 17,048,717.11 $ 1MO00 and filed In the office of ttie Mimic Avenue to the Easterly side of Am- 387 B NOTICE 5B to (A lncL Karly Investment Co 55557 BEING the sune premises conpal Clerk of said Township «nd sue bov Avenue Notice Is hereby given that tbe 387 B veyed t o the mortgagors herein by 8Btol0AIncl. Mars Realty Co., 555.57 statement so filed stfows that th From the Westerly aide of LinTotal Appropriations . . < ^ t7,0*J,7?Mt $ deed ot Andrew Shlller and Jean allowing proposed Ordinance was gross debt of said Township as coln Avenue to the Easterly side 387 B 10B to 12 Ind. . Karly Investment Co 555.57 traduced and passed on first read6hlller, bis wife, dat*d July -30. fined In Section 40A.:2-43 of sail of Lvman Avenue. Expenditures: Paid or Charged 387 B 19 to 21 Incl. Karly Investment Co 665.24 1963 and recorded In the Oftlce of Ing at a meeting of the Municipal Law. Is Increased by this ordlnanci Southerly Side 4*666 (Including Reserve for Uncouected Taxes) tUtUfe* I the Clerk of Middlesex County on Toundl of the Township of Wood- by (120.500 an4 that the Issuance c 22 to 24 Ind. Margaret Csaki From the Westerly dde of Lin- 387 B August 1, 1983, In Deed Book 342J Tldge, In the County of Middlesex, said obligations will be within a den Avenue to the Easterly Side 367C Reserved , 801,4710 'ew Jersey held on the 2nd day of 1 to 3A Incl. Karly Investment Co 555.57 at page 373 this being s purchase debt limitations prescribed "by " of Noe Avenue. Unexpended Balances Cancelled 10s.MO.tt 387 C 3B to 5A Incl. Mars Realty Co 555.57 money mortgage given to secure March, 1965, and that said Ordin- Local Bond Law. From the Westerly side of Noe the oonaderatlon for the aforesaid ance will be taken up for further Section 10. This ordinance sh&l! Avenue to the Easterly Side of Am- 387 C 5B to 8A Incl. Kariy Investment Co 555.57 lonslder&tlon for final passage at a conveyance. nesting of said Municipal Council take effect twenty* days after thi *iov Avenue. Total Expenditures and Unexpended Balances Cancelled I7.046.7J7Jl I 430686 387C BB to 10A Incl. Mars Realty Co 555.57 From the Westerly side of Lincoln The approximate amount of the 0 be held at 1U'meeting room In first publication thereof after flm 10B to 12 I n d Karly Investment Co 555.57 Avenue to the Easterly Side of 387C Judgment to be satisfied by said ' - Memorial Municipal Building, passage. ROBERT E. JACKS Lyman Avenue. 387 C •ale tl tbe sum of Fifteen Thous- 'oodbrldge, New Jersey, qn the 16th 13 to 15 Incl. Margaret Csaki 661.59 Overexpenditures* President of the Council Hunt Street, Iselln ! and. Six Hundred, Sixty-Three1 ay of March. 1063, at 8 o'clock p. 387C . 16 to 18 Ind. Karty Investment Co. . . Said Ordinance remains on file 1 Middlesex Avenue to Autl^ Ave(*15,W3.00) Dollars more or less, i. or as soon thereafter as said mat5 to 21 Ind. Karty Investment Co. . . . . . . . 649.36 nue. Flan and. profile of proposed 387C 'See Budget Appropriation Items so marked to tht right of i plus Interest together with the tor can be reached, at 'Which time the office of the Municipal Clerk fi Street Grades for Hunt Street, 387C coats of this sale. and place all persons who may be public Inspection, 22 to 24 Incl Margaret Csaki 666.68 "Expended 1964 • Reserved." Notice Is rtirthet given that sal drawn by Charles W. Beagle, T.I., The subscriber reserves the right hterested therein will be given an 387D 1 to 3A Incl Karly Investment Co 555.57 EpplwuUM «f ApprtfriatttM ftr "Other I to adjourn said sale from time to opportunity to be heard concerning ordinance will be further considerei November 1944., for final passage by said, Council - Northerly Side 387 D 3B to 5A Incl. Mar; Realty Co 555.57 time subject only to such limita- 'he same, The amounts appropriated under the title of "Other Expenses" a n (or operating costs a Regular Meeting of that body From the Easterly side of Middletions or restrictions upon the exer- A copy of this Ordinance has been 387 D 5B to 8A IocL Karly Investment Co 555.57 other than "Salaries and Wage*." I sex Avenue to the Westerly side of cise of such power as ma; be spe- osted on the Bulletin Board upon be held In the Council Chamber 387 D 8B to 10A Ind. Man Realty Co 555.57 cially provided by law or rules of rhlch public notices are customarl- the Municipal Building, WoodbridRi Auth Avenue. Some of the items included in ''Other ExpenMs" art: 387 D Court. Sold subject to conditions of posted in the Memorial Municipal N. J. on Tuesday. March 18th, 196: Southerly Side 10B to 12 b d . Karly Investment Co 555.57 Material, supplies and noobondable equipment. From the Easterly tide of Middle•SI*. Building of the Township, and a at J o'clock In the evening at whlcl 13 to 15 Incl. Karly Investment Co 648,25 time and place all persons lnterestei sex AVenue to the Westerly side 387D Repairs and maintenance of buildings, equipment, roads, etc. opy Is available up to and IncludRQBSRT H. JAMISON. will be given an opportunity to " of Auth Avenue. 16 to IS Incl. Margaret Csaki ing the time of such meeting t o the . 8n«lK. Contractual services for garbage and trash removal, fire hydrant aervig», aid to volun1 he*rd concerning said ordinance. Indiana Avenue, IteUn members of the general public of 19 to 11 Ind. Margaret Csaki 636.1J BUOKXR, BEACH & WCHLER, JOSEPH V. VALKNTI Fj«n Cqpper Avenue to E m teer fire; companies, etc. ;he Township who shall request Attomeyi. 22 to M i n d Karly Investment Co 666.68 Municipal Clerf 387 D hunt Avenue. Plan and profile of l i . J/1Y-18-M-J/4/85 W.D0 luch ooples at the office of tbe Mu- I.L. 3/4/85 Printing and advertising, utility services, insurance and mioy otter itams essential f »«0 proposed street grades and storfn 3 8 7 E itelpal Cleric in the Memorial MuI to 3A Ind. Karly Investment Co 555.57 drilnage for Indiana Avenue, to the service rendered by municipal government. AN ORDINANCE APltlOPRIATTNO ildpal Building In Woodbriflge, New 3B to 5 Ind. M a n Realty Co. 555.57 dmwn tin Charles W. Beagle, /T.I., 387 E NOTICE »l«7,5OO TO PAT TUB COST OF 'ersey. November 1994. ' 6 to 8A Ind. Karly Investment Co 55557 387E AN ORDINANCE TO AUTHORIZE Notice la hereby given that t THI CONSTRUCTION Of A Northerly Side THE ACQUISITION OF KJUIPallowing proposed Ordinance wi 8B to 10 Ind. Mars Realty Co, 555.57 387 E BUILDING FOR USE A6 A PRKE From the Easterly side of Cooper BLIO LIBRARY BUILDING AT MBNT AND- AUTOMOTIVE VEHIC- .ntroduced and paased on firs M t II to 13 I n c l Karly Investment Co 633.69 °t\ 3 8 7 E SOUTH BAST CORNER Of LES B T T H E TOWNSHIP O F reading at a meeting of the Munlc' Aventie to the Westerly 1. ferptes Aattclpated 11,300,000.00 Rldgdley Avenue. 387E 14 to 16 Ind. Margaret Csaki IMAN AVENUE AND INMAN WOODBBIIXiE, IN THE COUNTY, pal Council of the T o m s h l p < From the Easterly side of Bldgeley AVSNUB. IN THE COLONIA SEC IP MIDDLESEX, TO APPROPRIATE Woodbridge, in the County of Ml< 1. Miscefyueotts Screaaes: 387 E 17 to IB Incl Karly Investment Co 634.02 TION OF THE TOWNSHIP QP 133,000 TO PAT THE COST THERE- llesex, New Jersey held OD the 2n Avenue to the Westerly side of UrnLicenses: 387 E 20 to 22 Ind. . Margaret Csaki 666.68 WOODBRIDGE, IN THE COUNT! OF TO MAKE A DOWN PAYMENT Jay of March, IMS? and that aa' hurst Avenue. S i 166 « OP MIDDLESEX, TO MAKE A AND TO AUTHORIZE T H I IflflU- Jrdlnance will be taken up for fu /Southerly Bide Alcoholic B m t a g e s 34,100.00 387F l to 3A IncL Kariy Investment Co. 611.13 From the Westerly side of Cooper DOWN PAYMENT AND TO AUTH LNCB OF BONDS TO FINANCE, her consideration for final passai Other : 1«,U».4O 3Bto6AIncL Mars Realty Co. 611.13 17.000J0 Avenue to the Easterly side of E l m . 387F ORIZE THE ISSUANCE OF BONDS iUCH APPROPRIATION ANp TO! it a meeting of said Munlclp TO FINANCE SUCH APPROPRIA > R 0 V I D E Fees and Permits; 387F FOR T.HE ISSU-' Council to he held at Its raeeMr hurst Avenue. 6Bto9AInd. Karly Investment Co 611.; Indiana Avenue. Iselln TION. AND TO PROVIDE FOR THEINCB OF BOND ANTICIPATION room In the Memorial Munlclp 387 F Building i 93,800.00 9B to 11 Ind. M a n Realty Co. 617, 71,000.00 ISSUANCE OF BOND ANTICIPA NOTES IN ANTICIPATION OF T H I Building, Woodbridge, New Jerse From Green street to Its westerly J9.620.7S TION NOTES IN ANTICD?ATION OF -SSUAMCK OF SUCH BONDS. Terminus. Bnan and profile of pro- 387F Other , 38,400.00 12 to 14 IncL Karly Investment Co. m the 19th day of March, IMS. 30,000.(10 THE ISSUANCE OP 8UCH BONDS. posed curll grades for Indiana 387F BE IT ORDAINED hy the Munlcl J o'clock p m or as soon thereat 15 to 17 Ind. Margaret Csaki Fines: i l WHEREAS, the Township of Wood, pal Council of the Township of aa seld matter can be reached. Avenue, drawn by Charles W. Beagle. 387F bridge, in the County of Middlesex, Woodbridge, tn the County of Mid- which time and place all p«rso 18 to 20 Ind, Margaret Csaki 629.24 I I , dated! February 1989. Munidpal Court 64,700.00 48,000.00 •4.779 » lina heretofore established a Free dlesex, as follows: Northerly Side ' 387F who may be Interested therein v 21 to 23 Incl Karly Investment Co 671.47 State Road Aid, Formula Fund 46,334,00 4tJM.H0 Public Library, pursuant to law From the Wester!* aide of Section 1. The acquisition of be glvWi an opportunity to be hea: 387G 6 k 7A \ ManBealtyCo S33.S und the Trustees of the Free Pub State Road Aid, Construction Fund (1966 Street to its; w«*Urv terminus. concerning the sane. lie Library ot the Township n equipment and automotive vehicle387 G 7B to 9 Incl Karly Investment Co 515.57 i Allotment) [..: 6,010.00 Wooilbridge, In the County of Mid' described In Section 3 of this OrdNOTICE OF AUDIT 367 G inance Is hereby authorized in aclOtoUAIncL Mars Realty Co 555.57 dlesex, have determined It to be 1,854.00 Steto Library Aid ( R . i IB24AI 1.S6M0 lielln, V. }. advisable to construct a biilldln cordance with law. There Is hereby 387 G February i, IMS 12BU)141nd. Karly Investment Co 555.57 Interest and Costs on Taxes 2S.5tt.00 for vise as a Free Public Library oi appropriated to the acquisition of 387G 15 to 17A I n d Mars Realty Co 555.57 the land heretofore acquired fo such property described In Section Board of Fire Commissioners Interest and Costs on Assessments I^OO.M 367G such purpose situate In the Town 3 hereof (herelnafterCreferred to L . District No 11 17B to Is) Ind. Karly Investment Co 555.57 «,OS8.70 Bus Receipts Taxes 8,000.00 ship of Woodbrldue uud to pur- "purpose"), the respective amounts Iselln. New Jerwy 8,000.00 387 G 20 to 22 Incl. Mars Realty Co 666.(9 , chase the original furnishings am' of money hereinafter stated as the Gentlemen: Franchise Taxes . S24,6O0.O> IM.6B3" 480,000.tt In uicorUiuu e with your Instructions I ' have audited your Oash 387 G equipment for auch new building appropriation for aald respective 23 to ISA Incl. Karly Investment Co 555.57 Gross Receipts Taxes " 3,136,400,00 and' to ex'imd therefor not exceed- purposes. Such appropriation ehaV Receipts and Cash Disbursements for the year ended January 31, 1MB.367 G 1,970^00.00 25Bto27 1nd Mars Realty Co 555.57 16K.S19T.S0Or be met from the proceeds of the The rush balance shown by your records was reconciled with the Payments in Lieu of Gross Receipts Taxes — 387G bonda authorised, and the. down bank statement. 28 to SOA Ind. Karly Investment Co 555.57 Private Water Companies (R.s. S4:30A-49. v Following are the Jieoelpts and Disbursement*. 367 G NOW. THEREFORE, BB IT QR payment appropriated, by this Ord30BtoJ2Incl. Mars Realty Co 565.57 Receipts lance. et seq.) 275,008.00 DAINED by the Municipal Comic: •S.4T.M 387 G f J,91«.iB 33 to 35A Ind. Karly Investment Co 555.57 Section 2. It la hereby determined Balance February 1, 1964 df the Township of Woodbrldge, In Assessment Searches .......,,, 4,000.00 4.U4-7* 387 G tht County ot'Middlesex,,as follows and stated that 111 mine o( the pur- Appropriation 1M4 35B to 37 Ind. Mars Realty Co 555.57 1S100 0,096.on SECTION 1 The sum of 1197,501 poseh referred to In the schedule i_. Rental Income Sub-Division Applications 8,000.00 367G 38 to 40A Incl Karly Investment Co 555.571 393.75 , Is hereby appropriated to the Trust forth In Section 3 of this Ordinance Miscellaneous Iticome 10^4074 387G Motor Fuel Tax/Refund ..I..., W,80o!o0 tei of the Free Public Library o Is a current expense of jjuld Town 40Bto41Ind. Mars Realty Co 555.57 «,313.00 387 H Incwne on Investments !.,,. MNMM 1 _... — tt,7117» ,|iip, and | 2 | It is necewary to fi Total* Ricelpta • the, Tuwimhlp o' Woodb-rldKe In tl 68,000.00 1 to 3A tad. Mars Realty Co 555.57 t • Comity of Middlesex, 'to pay th aanre aald purposes U,v the Issuance 387H (Zoning Board Appeals ~IW,ia.4t 3B to 5 Ind. Karly Investment Co 555.57 Dbllis&t'lojis of said Township Total Balance und Receipts cu.st of constructing ft new bulldlni 387 H 8pe«l*i Items, of General Revenue AltJeipatwi DUbursementi nf nltijsti "B" conttruotlpn, us de puruuatit to the Local bond Law of 6 to 8A Incl MarsRealtyCo 555.57 tlueil In Section 40A:2-22 N J 8 , fo New Jersey, and (31 each of said Fire Prevention 387H I with Prior Written Contest tf Direct* «f 8B to 10 tod, Kariy Investment Co , . 555.57 J7S.00 line'an a Fre* Public- l.lbrurv on Hi purposes shall be undertaken as I Professional Fees 387 H Local Goveranmt Hlle ht>nt<>for* acquired for sncl Beneral Improvement, no part of thi Advertising and Printing lltol3AInd Mars Realty Co 555.57 nsa 387 H purpot* situate at tilic smith Km coat of which ahull h« S Salaries 1,0(0,00 13B to 15 Ind. Karly Investment Co 555.57 Capital Fund-Reserve for Payment of Bonds I«3,611t4 7J.O00O0 W.00O.6O corner of Ikekniau Avenue iuid In against uro[)«rty siHiclall> bt;neflU3Q. Ilectrio mid Power 387 H 507.91 man Avenue. In the Colimlu S •16 to 18A Ind. Mars Realty Co 555.57! Sect-Ion 3 The several i n 1.U1.U 387 H tlort of Woudbrldne al&o known hereby autruirlKetl for tho rlnanclng Total Miscellaneous Revenues 18B to 20 Ind, Karly Investment Co. 555.57 H.M4.014A •4.000.TI7JI Lot n 111 Block 490 B on the Wood ut vvhlrh fiijil nbll^atloub tire to be •r387 H 5SH 21 to 2SA Ind. Mars Realty Co 555.17 bridge Tux Mail, und to imrrtuiw l&med, tire w\ forth In the followlil[ 387 H the original furnishing* and eoulv "Brlit-duU- uf Pur[>oiH:ii timl Am 23B to 25 Ind. Karly Investment Co 555.57 4. ReeeipU from DeUaquent Taies 270,000,00 MO,0M.« incut for 0Lir.li new building. Sue' ount.s," whiih D<:b#()ule altwj btiowi 387 H Supplies and Equipment 261o28AInd Mara Realty Co 55S.57 appropriation thall be mtti from t'l: (1) the ciMumi«d cosV o( e<uh B S87H MOcesdi of Urn v,\* of the bond) puri^uie, a.nd (2) tha nmount 5. 28B to 30 Incl Karly Investment Co. . . . . . . . 555.57 SI7H ihjtborUed ssd the d o v u p« emit such w u i which I* to be p r o 31 to ISA b d Mars Realty Co, 565.J7 6. Anuoat lo be Raited hy Taxts to tappart af provided b? tbl* ordlnuw* It la ex vtded by t o i down psysieai herein 3S7H i i m t Bysttm psyi SSBtoSSInd K«riy Investment Co. &M.571, H m H f f l Baitjeii " ^ f W l to ftn>uc« ft h UlsceUuxsous iftor pecttd tbat thi Halted ths 887 H r»»i«. t.lv« purpose*, and (3) Asaeric*. setlai through otw 3 '.ho w - Bom) nuxdipal sad Inters** 36toS8Atod ManRealtyCo 558.57 (a) Local T n lor ktualdpal Purpoaes to3S7H nor* of l u tgvnelas. will contiihm Umuod maximum amount of bonds 388 to 40 Ind. Kwly Investment Co, 566.571 dudlng Rastrve for UncoUectad Tsass IJMWOiO a portion of tshs coat of such Ira .ir,.) mite* to b« taaued for0 each S«7H 1 Movement, estimated to tn fS2,iDt •ucli purpoM. tod (i) Ow vrl * ff Bdaoot January 31, MM 41 to 4SA I»d. Mars Realty Co. , 5H.57 387 H tu ih» event tint fund* »rt ao con probable uMerulnew of each sue' 4SB to 45 tod. Kariy'Investment Co 55S.67 Total Amount to bt RalMd by Taxes (or 387 H Irtbuted. the unouut received shall purpoec utcunllin t» Its reuonabli Total Dltbunements and Balance "ii-i-iitid frum tbe date 0 r» applied to the payment of th life 46, 47 4 47A Michael Csaki 555.57 387 I Support of Municipal Budget 61,201,000.08 cual of *Uch improvement and thi se^ld bonda' 1 to l i Ind. Margaret Csiiki 1555.64 amount of the bonds herein author i t n m i 11 or vuHPoaEii AMD 7. Total Oetsaral iMd reduced «ooonHn(ly I. L.2/UK - V t - I V H HAROLD f. MULUN.| AMUCII«I 1 The Muoselpal Onus PuftVMI Pi u d i b i t s * «f LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES 'VKwrerfyaiWm.*; CURRENT FUND -ANTICIPATED REVENUE* GENERAL REVENUES . mm INI HH (I.B.) • Cftrteret Preas Thursday, March 4, 1965 PAOB LEGU LEGAL NOTICES Expended MM for IBS Salnrlw nnd Wages , , ml m« W' ln * *" • ; * » z>6750 ° other Expense.;.;.....;;;;;;;;; Annual Audit Other Expenses Municipal Clerk Salaries find Wag§« Other Expenses ;,. Electkmi $ (orlM4 Total tor By 1MH u Emergency Modified by for 1964 Reflation All Transfer! 38,500.00 36,500.00 2,685.00 2,085.00 d raw! • « :.ryas-M M.,:nlf!pil CUrt d u r t n f t h . - 'ln« MMth 11. >»«. but mint t* «oeomp*Jil»d by •. imtty far «»cutloi> erf .,. h. iMampuiM bti> Otr n- »f ih« M«W)Pt Of r.wn ooum-tl „ . « • * of ")f* .'rh In Hi opinion « <* * V^i!*TB«ds»tM5* NOTir« TO BTDDWS Vrtlrf K htiwbj itWI) tt>»t - j — p «' h« rt^vtd by Ih* Town - .,.; o» •()« T0WO*lp • ( WoOd• .', ,:. u u r h H, INS, for Uw >. 'trillion A PMoOQvinivtlGv) <*f j...-•« n wfcM* kMtUon* ID th* - i•,<*!•.. icontnct i m n oonI C r .- <•' u * lollovlnit qimntltln. •<* T.mi M I S B I M M e n t e n t e IM • 1 ' i w Tom : th* ni'n—fw tppurtMMJWM In •1*' « *1lh pl&M ftAd tpvctf ••j .T, aw is UM DITMOB o* 'J r,r UM *bof« « i n b* n | •- •«! •'. th. omo* of UM M u n i * . > • > of * « Tovothip o( Wooev Vwnortal UunlefiMj Bulld" T. WUI bw OOMwd Uld Mb' - . ' bT lti» Town OMMU M P ^ PtrTtlllnf Tiro*. :.'. • m l •periButliXM will b* I>mrp«tlfi btddan until »> wqu<Jin»d. ' ;'• -i iiwii tat en • fi ••\™ win h . notiftod - ••>•!« within fortT-rtfbt •> '"»r praqtnlUlMttM tarn •*»j. «ubBiin*d M tb» Muntd•• i «•.: -'•v:.r.' witb'tfaf _ — fopiM of th* >• -iremti n » r be • iviirttwn to «M M'.:.irit)4l ottrk durini U M ' ^ » f u k r nour*> OMKMI* . .-.:•.: n« lUnrb IS. IMS. bu« ' ' <-lui« for ti plus KD4 "••• v mtunnd. • -••'• he fubmltUd 0 0 Ui« " • '""a runWhtd M UM nun b. w « a ( n » a M by •->•• ••iiwty hw t H c u n a a o* ••••*••. «i »w»rt ttteteof. TU» . • « ' « iwi >«» b i n Ma ^ t!-* imouat of bM. *n Oemxn Mwrr*. th* '•*TH w r»)«rt tor or all I la v moN i n Out on W» Mth )-"MTI in,, th* SOOIM Dlv i»ir>n of Finance-Treasurer Salaries and Wa«es Other Expenses . Division of Accounts and Control-C«nptroller Snlnriw and Wages Other Expenses ,,t ..." Bond Iwue Expense Other Expense* Assessment of Taxes Salaries and Wages Other Expeiwes "."',", 22,113,00 4,950.00 22,113.00 4.9S0.0O 31,656.14 3,902,19 456.86 1,047.81 3,788.00 8,700.00 3,420.00 8,700.06 368.00 1,026.17 35,719.00 6,150.00 35,719.00 6,150,00 34,962.58 4,850.66 736.44 1,299.34 21,800.00 12,650.00 22,800.00 12,860.00- 12,7M.0S 8,801,73 13.95 ' 4iO48.27 uwinA ' 11,866.00 17.M3.00 12,606.00 22,554.00 15,250.00 21^4.00, 15,250.00 19,074.00 16,962.00 2,797,00 12,500.00 ' 19,967.78 4,482,13 1,286,22 10,767.87 16,562,00 3,197.00 16,112.13 2,990.27 449.87 206.73 33,473.09 19,140.00 33,773.00 19,140.00 32,558.38 J,952,77 214.62 15,187.23 1,700.00 1,700.00 898.78 801.27 JJ'JJ'JJ 47,990.00 33,450.00 43,340,00 33,450,00 8S.290.90 6,583.26 8,049.10 26,866.74 1600000 15,000.00 15,000.60 13,370.00 1,630.00 44,82400 7,Ul!oO 45.063.00 6,690.00 45,063.00 6,690.00 44,404.53 IJM.15 668.47 485,85 600.(10 600.00 i 38,112.00 20,800.00 ' _ 10,000.00 10,000.00 „ 26,73i.so 5,175.00 2,825.00 21,960.00 23,960.00 22,833.36 1,116.64 _ 1822500 30,000.00 18,885.00 30,000.00 18.86S.00 5,875.63 lt.7Bl.Sl 24,424.37 7,113.49 23,500.00 3,805.00 18,500,00 1,750.00 17.000,00 1.750.00 280.25 500.00 1,369.75 1(9,201.00 35,075.00 16C.167.00 34,875.00 184.167.00 34,675.00 171,775.15 14,522.11 4,391.85 20,152,89 19,306.00 1,000.00 18,966.00 1,000,00 17,156.00 1,009.00 12,288.00 (52.64 4,888.00 337.36 S5.000.00 55,000.00 37,000,00 30,936.62 6,073.38 v 30.630.00 38.906.00 22,483.00 27,781,00 23,463.00 28,981.00 25,460 43 3t5«l5. 2.52 4,473.43 4.120.00 23,645.00 1,986.00 16,000.00 2,735.00 13,49932 2,671,53 1.474.M -63.47 11,824.82 5,319.00 38,000.00 4,951.09 85,421.00 5,218.00' 35,426.00 31,789.79 41.00 3,636.21 1000.00 3,185.00 7J90.00 500.00 8.090.00 750.00 4.000.00 1Q.5K.00 31,01 2.000.00 \ • ' 1,941.79 2,000.00 31,000.00 2,000.00 15.050 00 s.oos.oq 2.36000 84.016 00 52,080:00 40000 1,000.00 400.00 1,200.00 16.028 00 9,901.00 14,936.00 12,516.00 52,060.00 ; . 10. DEDICATED riEVENUES FROM 38.06 UB7.75 475.00 1499.00 U.1BI.0Q 44.00 7,080.15 5,1853 200.00 800.00 72,000.00 3,000.00 -,««««. 122,600.00 120,000.00 15,000.00 5,000.00 ;;::;::::"" tenance with Stale AW by Street Ughtlng Street aeanteg Salaries and Wages Other Expenses •' SANITATION' Sanitation - garbage and Trash Removal s J a r i w and Wages • Other Expenses ; Sewer System , , Salaries pnd Wages Other Expenses . K . . . <•••••• Sewage Treatment Plant* Salaries and Wages t Other Expensea ••••••••• Rahway Valley Sewerage Authority Share of CosU Other Expenses — HEALTH AND WBLTAIiE: Division o( Health Salaries ^.,.... Ote Eand p Wages Other Control Itosqalto Other Expense! Rodent Control . 189.88 19.81 1,468.38 680.U J.OOOjOO 911.359.06 180J35.00 889,498.01 123,434,91 3,000.00 3.000.00 3,000.00 J.008.W 2.175.00 15,000.00 2,075.00 15,000.00 2,079.00 15,000.00 925.05 U.500.9D 1.149.35 2,500.00 5,460.00 1,000.80 1,000.00 1,000.00 845.00 155.00 41,344.00 4,220.00 71.783.00 > 12,223.00 47,343.00 8,100.00 W.743.00 1,100.00 600.00 13 000 00 15,000.00 M.800.00 190.68 65747 59,435.n 4,t28.« 307.28 347142 294,432.00 334.725.00 344,43100 334,725.00 333,fSLOt 15,000.00 13.000.00 15,000.08 B,«00,00 14,548.94 5,601,49 J2.W0.0O 217J5.00 52,000,«9- 41,71100 8f5O0.OO 981,224. *nao4l« ' 41.7l3.O0 30,872.flQ(r 9.84844 S71,148.1«i 44.448.60* K.wo.oo 56,(00.00 132,858.00 45.710.00 87JM.0O ? 31^10.00 15.457.78 12,308.00 17,450.00 •M6«,0u 4PJO000 46,971.13 1M.H0.M »,3B.16 M10.M 10.0O0.90 3,845.00 940041 76100.00 71,295,41 76.S21.89 58,169.87 5^17^25.32 25,000.00 5,042,525.32 4,424,644.27' nm 00 5,400.00 ; # • 2,992,368.00 2,050,157.32 2,888,762.11 1,554,015,38 17. APPROPRIATIONS FOR ASSESS- MENT DEBT Payment of Bond Principal .. Total AasessmentApproprta-i ^ 6,100.00 50,000.00 23,623.00 3,140.00 63,473.00 21,578.03 2,833.54 62,47100 103JW.88 386.141.96 280,000.00 28,000.00 291,000,00 _ 298,98619 114*2.11 559418.65 MOM UfAW 1,040.00 30,000.08 944J7 , m.M W>% mil 'jj.71 85.11 1,676.78 85.11 W76.79 95,11 1JB76.79 333,428.02 ' 320,17948 S21.249.96 240,14741 81,162.64 6,171,727.28 5,470453.45 601,473.83 6,171,72748 874,000.00 7,045,72748 5,470453.45 874,000,00 6,544453.45 601,473.83 6,826,014.69 6,6B6,01i88 689,000.00 7,315,014.68 6,171,727.28 874,000.00 7,045,727.28 801,473.83 for 1MB 5,194.34 for 1964 4.000.00 805.66 6,000.00 4,000.00 h e 1954 By TeUfgrUM As Modified . By AH; Transfers 4,000,00 MH«ff 4,0M.OO 4J05.66 I Realliedm for 1964 Cash, is 19(4 60,000.00 60,000.00 30,000.00 ' 30,000.00 90,000.00 % flO.OOO.OO for 18(5 95,006.00 ^ ^ for W 90,000-00 / . . ' • • ( ' EtptSkMUM Pair or Reserved Charged 90,000,00 ^ ^ BY RIDERr-N J S 40A: 4-3? "The dedicated revenues anticipated during the year 1965 frcm DOG I X E N S J 8 J r C revenue and are hecelty appropriated for 8,821.80 legal'requirement." TO BUDGET STATEMEiT n COMPARATIVE STATEMENT OF CURRENT FUND rfPBRATWNa CURRENT FUND BALANCE SHEET AND,CHANGE IN CURRENT SUWLUSl DECEMBER 31, 1964 10,750.92 Year KM T t w l W 36,459.72 ASSETS $ 1,615.841.95 * M4.03fl.06 Surplus Balance Jaiu^ry 1st Cash an, ., CURRENT REVENUE ON A CASH BASIS: 451.06 State Road Aid Allotments Receivable Current Taxes 17,398.52 Receivable ceiva with Offsetting Resenes: •(Percentage collected: Taxes Receivable 12,033,063.33 1964 95%, 1963 96%) 59,907.77 Tax Title Liens Receivable 286,94143 271,710.95 Delinquent Taxies " ••• 23,959.44 Property Acquired by Tax" Title Lien 4,643,487.78 4,481,737.01 Other Revenue'and Additions to Income .... Liquidation '.•( 10,841.00 Othtt Receivables ...,..,...! Total Funds $18,564,204.01 $17,004,416.48 1,151,76 Total Assets } $3,098,330,26 EXPEND'lTURES AND TAX ] ; LIABIUTIES, RESERVE^ AND SURPLUS REQUIREMENTS: 11,074,24 Cash liabilities •;••'• Municipal Appropriations , • $ 6,071,727.28 $ 5,517,773.65 12,451.40 Reserve* for Receivables .1 School Taxes" (Including Local and Regional) 8,086,523.20 • 7,076,601.01 ; Surplus f County Taxes (Including Added Ii 1 4,378.71 Tax Amounts) 2,471,871,87 J,2w,608.77 15,732.22 Total LiablUUei. Renrvei and Surplus Special District Taxes . 533,962.94 499,418.63 « Other Expenditures and Deductions 2,038.50 from Income „• •. 4,725.68 1,16161 13428.87 ' Total Expenditures and Tax Requirement* $17,148,810.97 $15,388,58|).« • " | I. j l . , • ' , . I'11 I Less: Expenditures to be Raised by ; '.;. '.. '. .*•" Futur* Taxes f M-I '. i r , ' • ' • Total Adiiuted Expenditures and Tax - , .• ••' • ; i . • Requirements v ^ ' i f f l ^ t f l O i f f 13,Bm4Si,»S Surplus Balance December 31st N r t even percentage may b ;,4,120.00 11,113.00 1,540.00 62,473.00 6,86178 18.131.21 2400.00 Apprepnated / Proposed Use el Cvmnt Fiurf S a n t a . In ISO Budget Surplus Balauc* Dtcember 31, 1964 .,...^, $1,415.3*3.04 Current Surplus Anticipated In 186S'Budflt - 1,100,000.90 130.00 1,080.00 13,410.00 14,125.74 ,80.000,00 AitldpaM fo? 18H Assessment Caah $ 90.ooo.oo Deficit (General Budget) 6,000.00Total Aasessraentt Revenues R .. $ 96,000.00 9600000 t 1.WI.7J 870.09 own m.u DEDICATED ASSESSMENT BUDGET I.W27 8.306.43 130,582.00 16,300.00 «B.M 4,442,777,48 , 95.472.S4 iMM 40,006.00 Operating: Other Expanses Deferred Charges u d Statutory Expenditures: DEFERRED CHARGES: Overexpendlture of Appropriation Total Water Utility Appropriations' .33 _ Administration of Publie Aasiitance S l Other Expensei Public AMManM (Stale Aid Agreement) 196412.00 93,453.00 - ' 42.753.31 4,5610 7,678.10, 1,825.00 1,81500 1,00000 116,680,60 87,050.00 16. DEDICATED REVENUES FROM 'V 27 402 00 H'OOOQO WATER UTILITY Rents • Deficit (General Budget) Total Water Utility Revenues . . - « . 13,872.99 36,790.91 (13,359.00 160,225.00 45,867.00 5,040.00 1,925.00 1,815.00 1,000.00 I.0OMI 192.43 11. APPROPRIATIONS FOR WATER UTILITY U.40O.0O M0.Q0 13MO0.0O 30,000,00 l-,204,50 Appropriated 68,000.00 4,60800 4,741.00 3,325.00 35,000.00 DEDICATED WATER UTILITY BUDGET Anticipated Realized to for 1965 for 18(4 Cash In 1964 2,000.00 1,960.00 2,092.00 4,000.00 2,040.00 1.90B.OO , $5,000.00 $4,000.00 $4,000.00 50.00 5J.OM.90. r 17,500.00 " "let U K H 0 T I C 1 Overexjjendittm: 1963 Appropriations Improvement Authorizations Purchase of Equipment - Bank Building (2) STATUTORY EXPENDITURES: Contribution to: Public Employees' Retirement System Social Security System (O.A.S.I.) Consolidated Police and Firemen's Pension Fund : Police and Firemen's Retirement Systemof N. J. ' Volunteer Firemen's Widows Pension R.S. 43:12-28 Total Defemd Charges and Statutory Eiptnditares-Municipal (H) Total General Awtopriatless ter M n k i . pal Purposes (Items 1 (A) to (G). laetoilve) (L) Subtotal General Appropriations (Items (H) and (K) ) (M) Reserve for UncoDected Taxes ..'. 9. Total General Appropriations 548.63 127.38 • LEGAL NOTICES (C) Capital DnpreTements Capital Improvement Fund 75,000.00 200,000.00 200,000,00 Road Construction or Reconstruction with State Aid 8,890.00 28,000.00 28,000.00 Total Capital Improvements I 83,890.60 $ 228,000.00 228,000.00 (D) Municipal Debt Service Payment of Bond Principal 432,000.00 291,000.00 291,000.00 Payment of Bond Anticipation and Capital Notes 1,742.07 _ Interest on Bonds 263,947.00 238,952.00 258,981.50 Interest on Notes 117,000.00 50,000.00 29,970.50 Total MunWnal Debt Service $ 814.698,07 $ WW62.00 579,962.00 (E) Deferred Charges and Statutory Expend!' tores - Mnleipal (i) DEFERRED CHARGES ,. , Anticipated Deficit in: Water Utility Budget 4,800.00 1,040.00 2,040.00 Dedicated Assessment Budget 5,000.00 30,000.00 80,000.00 Prior Years1 Bills - See List 18,068.59 8*4.37 (44.37 1963 Middlesex Concrete Products & Excavating Co Road Material! 1963 Sinclair Refining Co ..' Ofl 1963 Sinclair Refining Co i, Fuel OB .. 1963 Newark Truck Pails, Inc Parti .... 1963 N. J. Lumber & Millwork Co Repair* .. 1863 Minnesota Mining & Manufacturing Co. Supplies .. 1962 Industrial Petrochemicals Inc Solvents .. 1863 Columbia Steel Co Materials 1962 The Independent Leader ;,„.. Advertisements 1962 Perth Amboy Evening News Advertigementi 1963 Perth Amboy Evening Newi Advertisements > 600.00 8,000.60 Other Expenses • Police Pistol Team Other Eipensea Safety Council Other Expenses First Aid Urganiiations-Contrihuuoni . . . Parking Meter Maintenance (Commissionh Salaries and ^ a « M •< f Other Expenies • ./•• Municipal Court Salaries and Wages • Other Expenses \ '• Division of Building Regulations Building inspector Salariee and W e * * Other Expenaes ••••••• Civil Delense and Disaster Control tenance Salaries and Wages Other Expenses Snow Removal Salarie. and Wagei 1,648.55 12.500.00 J4lB5 00 Coat of Revaluation Other Expenses Collection of Taxes Salaries and Wages Other Expenses Tax Sale Costs Other Expenses liquidation of Tax Title Ueiu and Foreclosed Property Other Expenses Salaries and Wages Other Expenses:, Reading Railroad Litigation , Miscellaneous Other Expenses Director of Public Worki Salaries and Wages Other Expenses Division <A Engineer! Salaries and Wages Other Expense* Revision of Tax Map Salaries and Vases Other Expenses General Project Engineering Other Expensei DtvWoo of Property, PubJ^c Buildings and Groundj Salaries and Other Expenses PUenlni Board Saline* aqd Wages Other Expenses • , Telephone Exchange Salaries and. Wage* Oth*r Bxpnues .' Board of Adjustment .Salaries and Wages Other Btptntej •• • Wredor^i Ofllce-PUming and Development Department _ , t Salaries and. Waftt .' Other E i p t a e i Division of Planning Salaries and Wales Other Expenses Division of Redevelopment Salaries tod Wast* Other Expenses Cltiwns Redevelopment Committee Salaries and Wages . Other Expenses Industrial Development Council Salaries and Wages Other Expenses Human RlgnU Commiaiion (R.S.l8:25-letc.) Salaries and Wages -....'. Othet Expenses • •••• Iniurance Group Insurance for Employees Surety Bond Premium Other-Insurance PretBlunu ,... Charter BevUioo Other Expensei SAFET\': Resemd 96,800.00 1,086,45 12,500,00 Salaries and wa«es Other Expenses Office of the Mayor Salaries and Wages Other Expenses Office of the Business Administrator Salaries and Wages . , i Other Expenses ' Division of Administration Salaries and Wages Other Expenses '.'...'.'.'.'. Paid or Charged LEGAL NOTICES Poor (Public Assistance Non-State Aid) Salaries and Wages 4,883.00 4,741.00 Other Expensei 3,185.00 3,325.00 Aid to Hospitals 35,000.00 35,000.00 Aid and Assistance Tuberculosis League 1,925.00 1,925.00 Cerebral Palsy Association 1.815.00 1.815.00 Kiddie Keep Well Camp 1,000.00 1,000.00 Family Counseling Service 8,000.00 RECREATION AND EDUCATION: Department of Parks and Recreation Salaries and Wages 205.33700 195,112.00 Other Expenses 70,750.08 93,453.00 Celebration of Public Events Anniversary or Holiday Other Expenses 4,000.00 3,845.00 Tercentenary Commission - Other Expenses . 10,000.00 Maintenance of Free Public Library Salaries and Wages 190,000.00 71,000.00 Other Expenses 240,000.00 77,798.41 Maintenance of Free Public library (State Aid) 1,854.00 1404.59 Total Operation (Itenr8<A>) $5,379,007.59 $5,018,596.00" (B) Contingent 15,000.00 25,000.00 Total Operations Including Contingent $5,394.007.89 (5,043,596.00 Detail: Salaries and Wages $3,224,238.65 $2,950,478.00 Other Expenses (Including Contingent) .. 2,169,708.94 2,093,118.00 CURRENT FUND-APPROPRIATIONS GENERAL APPROPRIATIONS (A) Operations GENERAL GOVERNMENTMunicipal Council wrnrc 1,044.87 406.66 Surplus Balance Remaining 1.L V4/95 $ 115,398.04 tmu Thursday, March 4,1965 PAGE SIXTEEN MvRtefv compacted. Although slightly over wice the diameter of earth, and Located high on the Big Horn If you are broiling 1-1% pounds! 10 times its volume, it; weighs Mountains in northern Wyoming Ash fillets, you'll need about lie fantastic amount of 250,000 the "Medicine Wheel" is construe cup of melted butter for brushing imes as much a the earth. In led of stones forming a circle 78 the^sh. more comprehensible language, feet in diameter. Other rocks, :hls means that a cubic foot of ,/hfch project from the altar-like the "earth" on Siring B would mb, form 28 spokes and fi small reign 4700 tons. As one scientist ?airns on the rim. It is a myster> ROCK xpressed it. a thimbleful would :o who built the stone wheel and veigh over a ton! This is 13,000 why. imes as heavy aa lead! THE WORLD BOOK For Water Softener* Costa Rlcan Crater ENCYCLOPEDIA $2.00 hundred lbs. ibout this mighty hunter, with his Costa Rica boasts the world's By Albert J. Blackwood • First IB Sale* $1.15 fifty lbs. bow and arrows at his side, wil1 largest volcanic crater. One mile Amateur Astronomers, Inc. , see his dog Sirius following faith • Bndget Plan icross and containing a lake of SERVISOFT of Even the most casual of sky| fully behind him - the brightest boiling water, it occasionally Call Martin Braun will be awed by thestar in our heavens Venus and spouts' steam and water 2,fiO0 feet VA 6-5868 WOODBRIDGE wntchers tall majestic and mighty hunter Jupiter are brighter, but o: into the air. course they are planets like Earth ME 4-1815 Orion as he slowly marches a921 St. George Avenue cross our sky on winter nights. rather than stars like our .Sun (Just finuth of Clomleaf) Those who know a little more a- and Sirius. But try as they will, and even if they use binoculars or a small telescope, the sky watchers wil be unable to see thaf the dog Sirius has a little puppy with him - a constant companion. But what a puppy! We don't see him because Sirius is 'so blindingly bright. Sirius is 30 times a; bright as the sun and its little companion is only 1/500 a; bright as the sun. It is like try infi tn see the face of the drive in an oncoming car with the higl hemn headlights shining in you: oyos. But the little fellow is sure ly there. } , This little star is known ti || scientists as Sirius B. You mifih think of the B as meaning baby bemuse as stars go, it is a bab> It is a little more than twice th diameter of earth, but perhap WOODBRIDGE L U M B E R C O . PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED FRgIt CITT AND SUBURBAN UMTOKT AN ESTIMATE ANYWHERE Quality Keeps Us in Business • • • • • Building Materials Mlltwork SALT Insulation Moulding Hardware Paint Doon k Wallboard Flooring Plywood Knotty Pine ThetctMotc h Lift with 6°°^ l/ition , HENRY M. WEINSTEIN, OPTICIAN • Kitchen Cabinet! MORE FOR LESS That Personal Touch... PLUS YOUR MOST VAIUABU TRADING STAMPS FREE I'M the diameter of OUT m Professional Cleaning Charles Sofman, owner, and Sam Santoro, Plant Manager of Tide Cleaners carefully inspect a delicate garment that has just been professionally dry cleaned by Tide's modern method. Mr. Sofman has operated Tide Cleaners in Woodbridge for 14 years and is a veteran of the Pacific Campaign of WWII. "Charlie," as he is affectionately known to his patrons, has the distinction of being the only plant owner in Woodbridge that is a fully qualified member of the National Institute of Dry Cleaners. He is also President of the Garden State Professional Dry Cleaners Association. And Shirt Uunderors 154 Ambor Avmirt WOODBRIDGE "Convenient Drive-up Service" which itself is quite an ordinary size star. For example, the ra' (jiant star Antares is 460 time: 'the sire of our sun. But Siriui ;B, although very small, is fr jfrom ordinary. You may soo I forget the above-mentioned num jbers about its size and brigh' ness, but one or two of the u usual things about it you new forget. I Sirius B is one of the less, than j 100 known so-called White Dwarfs which have been found among the millions of stars in the heavens. It is called white because its surface temperature is around 9.000 - 10,000 degrees centigrade, yet its internal temperature must reaoh perhaps 100 millions! of degrees of temperature, It is] believed to have once been a! giant star, which over eons of! years, successively burned upi its metals content •- first deuterium; then lithium; then berylium; then boron: and finally hydrogen - Hi a succession of long duration nuclear reactions, each one in turn raising the internal temperature to fantastically higher and higher levels. The pressures developing from this evolution, over thousands of years, apparently reached the inconceivable level of around 75 thousands of tons to the square inch. At this level of pressure and temperature, the atomic struct ure of normal solid matter col lapses into what is called a de generate state. Some scientists believe that novae, which are brilliant new stars which occas ionally are seen among the stars are white dwarfs which blow u in the process of becoming white dwarf. What happened to Sirius B at this point in its evolution as a star is utterly beyond comprehension. It became tremendously CAUf. STYLE CHUCK POT ROAST CHICKEN LEGS ^%OC CHITCK STEAK QUARTERS .45 BEEF FOR BRAISING SHORT RIBS ^pauMD CHUCK WELL TRIMMED < FIRST CUTS , IBREAST; GROUND ARMOWTS STAR UVOWURST or CASE'S MBGI COUNTRY STYLE PORK ROLL SPARE RIBS SIEWING BEEF BANAHAS 2.35' WESTERN RED DELICIOUS APPLES ICEBERG LETTUCE & 1 9 ' U.5.#1 MAINE RUSSET WHITE TUNA DAIRY DEPT. THE BEST YEAR YET KRAFT TO GO (=ORD a Natural Slices ROYAL DAIRY COTTAGE A-l USED CARS CHEESE YOU WILL ALWAYS DO BETTER HERE! Lux Liquid '62 THUNDERB1KD _ Hardtop, pawn, 14,000 original low mllea. Serviced by us since 29 2.38 22ox. % Mi & 1 4 8 98 TOILET TISSUE 4^28 APPLE JUNE 4,98 FROZEN FOOD DEPT CREAM PIES MORTON | ALL VARIETIES u-«. I 98 BOILED HAM LAND-O-LAKES AMERICAN EO< C H E E S E WHITE or YELLOW h. 9 M VIM WAIDORF 69 Ac M SEABROOKVti«HhlirttacS«a PEAS & CORN « t ^ •;•> InoffyM DfTlRGim TABLCTS Lu Toikt S«# nf. J M l t c ' 61 TWO GUYS TRADING STAMP SPECIAL WEEKLY ONE BOOK SPECIAL YOUR BOOK f WW\ TOWARD THE WORTH l i L f PURCHASE OF '1895 6 GALLON TRASH CAN Heavy duty plastic, lock lid, handles and cover. TRUCK SPECIALS •250 SANDWICH BAGS MOTT'S PASTRAMI FRESHLY SLICED c WAX PAPER PLASTIC WRAP STORAGE BAGS SOUPS APPETIZING DEPT. Sliced Free Swan Liquid '2095 '«2 POBD—Oaluxle "500" 4 door •M FORD Qdlaxle 600, 4-dOOT sedan, V-8 power steering, hardtop, R&H, auto., low Foidomatlc, R&H, w/w tires. mltaage, 1-year Superb condition. |-i -i Q I * guarantee. Only Only Il^D •94 TORD Ifalrlane. 4-door Sta•81 RAMBLER — 4 Dr. Station tion #agon, R&H standard wagon, stick shift, slillt, w.w tires. I Very cfeatt *KQe Only «>P*> Only •61 OHlSVEOllET 4-dr. SWUoo •IH COKVAlR^-2 dr. » Wapin R&H, »l|iOt Only sutomatlc. Only J.W«J '63 FORD aalarie, 4-dr. sedan, •«1 OORVAIR "700" Station tfordomatlc, R&H, power Wtgou, autnmaUc, R&H, steering, w.w. w.w. tires. . ' » « Q r tires. Only only ("J 'M l'OKD—GuJiule Convertible, '57 FORD—Country (Squire, 4V-8 stick abut, R&H. w./w, dopr Station Wagon U i C A Only ^«>W tires. Hxoeptlonul condition. Only .. '«) KIKII Kalrllnc. 2-dour. K i l l Fi.it1iiniul.lt | '62 KCQNOLINB VAN U\rt\ " Only ; Only Vt>U •m UCONOLINE — Club Wi*on '61 CHEVROLET Greeubrlur Blutlpu Bun. Van »jiq^ licelltiuti, Only Only O^«» '01 UHJSVHOIJn' «-dr. wdau, 'S6 FORD-l'^ ton pick-up. To|) automatic, RfcH, * ' Condition! V-S. w.w linns. Only Only pka. t. LEAN-WHOLE HALF or CHUNK SWISS CHEESE 99* CAMPBEU or HEINZ c PASCAL CELERY 3 88' „, CUT RITE SALE! PRODUCE DEPT TWO GUYS SOUD-(b briM) fc59* BOLOGNA BONELESS CUT IN CUBES SAIAD DRESSING 1965 FORD SnTy WELL TRIMMW »ttAK 8 8 PORTERHOUSE t T O 5 9 * LONDONBROa . 8 9 * SHOMBfiiAK SIRLOIN STEAK MIRACLE WHIP • ON .ANY '2295 4*4%- WELL TRIMMED FRESH CRISP Biggest Discounts In If. J. U---. CHICKENS POTATOES BAKING * * • » AMBOY FORD •M FORD Country Sedan 4. door V-8, Cruliomatlc, w.w Uru, r&h, power iteerlng. CUTUPorSPUT- BIGGEST DISCOUNTS IN N. J. REG. 1.29 PERSONNA STAINLESS BLADES 77 Idealy suited for any average size r o o m . VAL 79c Good thiu Sat, March. 6. WITH A FOOD PURCHASE OF $2.00 OR MORE TWO W 1RAMK S1AW MOK MJ-J Regularly 13.99 HOUSEWARES DEPT. Roufe 9 - Woodbrtd^e ROUTE 18, KASI BKUNSWICK We iMcfVe Ult ri(lii lu AIR PURIFIER Fits any double edge razor. PKG.OF5 , tint r ELECTRICAL DEfT OPEN DAILY 9:M A.M. till 10 P.M OPEN SUNDAY* 9=30 A.M. .Ul 6 PM.
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He was the only dissenter in Mr. White later denied the atKEYIPOKt - Philip Egan of HIGHLANDS - Mrs. Dorothy has been given Shrewsbury Coun- it will receive the first draft of spector, put the ques...
Leia maisDaily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1945-09-15
stul'day {AP)-Captain Tokudn, Japanese army doctor accused of experim nting on Allied pri ODl'rs of war, Bnd ix other persons on ~raeA rthur' •• want d' list of war criminal u pect were turned 0\'1...
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