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Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology
Volume 18
Issue 3 November
Article 13
Fall 1927
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Bibliography, 18 Am. Inst. Crim. L. & Criminology 451 (1927-1928)
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1. Bates, S., [Address on crime and punishment]. Proc. Amer. Prison Assn.,
1926, 19-25.
2. Bigelow, J. 0., Crime and its correction from the standpoint of the public
prosecutor. Proc. Amer. Prison Assn., 1926, 62-7.
3. Donovan, W. J., [Address on problems of crime and punishment]. Proc.
Amer. Prison Assn., 1926, 25-33.
4. Glueck, B., Significant steps in criminologic process. Pp. 631-3 of The
American Year Book . . . 1926. xxii+1178 pp. Macmillan, New
York, 1927.
5. Institute for Juvenile Research. [Chicago, Ill.] Welfare Mag. 18:88991+7 plates + organ. chart. July, 1927.
6. Kavanaugh, M., [Address on crime and punishment]. Proc. Int. Assn.
Chiefs of Police, 1927, 21-7.
7. Lashly, A. V., Crime in Illinois is subject of careful study: plans of the
Illinois Assn. for Criminal Justice. Ill. Jour. of Com., June, 1927, pp.
8. Oliver, J. R., Criminology and common sense. Proc. Amer. Prison Assn.,
1926, 116-22.
9. Pigeon, H. D., Seventh International Anti-Crime Conference, Nelson, British Columbia. Police Jour. 14:14+, July, 1927.
10. Vasaly, C. E., Crime and the criminal from the arden's standpoint. Proc.
Amer. Prison Assn., 1926, 68-78.
11. Wallis, W. D., Delinquency. Pp. 342-50 of An 7ntroduction to sociology.
xv+433 pp. Knopf, New York, 1927.
12. Dahl, F., Forbryderen,og Samfundet i historisk Belysning. Nord. Tids. I.
Strafferet 15:185-202, July, 1927.
13. De Haan, P. B., Kriminalogische stellingen. Maandbl. v. Berechting en
Reclasseering 6:179-90, July, 1927.
14. Ferri, E., La criminologie italienne aux Congr~s internationaux de Bruxelles et de Vienne. Rev. int. de droit pen. 4:135-56, 1927. Eng. transl,
Ibid., pp. 156-76. Italian orig., no. 9, Aug. bibl.
15. R6hrer, C., Zur Darstellung des sadistischen Typus in der ilteren Malerei.
Monats. f. Kriminalpsych. 18:377-80, July, 1927.
16. Bibliographia eugenica. 1:1-25, 26-66 (pts. 1-2) in Eugen. News, March
and June, 1927. See Nervous System: Criminality.
17. Bibliography on police departments and on penal and correctional institutions. P. 598 of Municipal Index, 1927. 711 pp. Amer. City Mag.
Corp., New York, 1927.
Garrison, F. H., The Quarterly Cumulative Index Medicus. What it
stands for and how to use it. Jour. Amer. Med. Assn. 89:26-9, July 2,
McCamic, C., The first edition of Blackstone's Commentaries. W. Va.
Law Quar. 33:287-97, April, 1927.
Sellin, T. (ed.), Bibliography. Jour. Crim. Law and Crimin. 18:295-318,
Aug., 1927. 517 titles, covering mainly second quarter of 1927.
Chapman, J. J., Osborne's place in historic criminology. Harvard Grad.
Mag. 35:599-605, June, 1927.
[Crowe, Pat], Spreading evil.
Pat Crowe's autobiography. xvi+331 pp.
The Branwell Co., New York, 1927.
Extracts from the writings of Fred C. Nelles. Jour. of Delinq. 11:107-14,
June, 1927.
24. MacKenzie; C., Rogues and vagabonds. 298 pp. Doran, New York, 1927.
25. Roughead, W. (ed.), Burke and Hare. 290 pp. John Day, New York,
, Trial of Oscar Slater. 380 pp.
John Day, New York, 1927.
English "Sacco-Vanzetti case."
Siringo, C. A., Riata and spurs; the story of a lifetime spent in the saddle
as cowboy and detective. xiv+276 pp.
Houghton Mifflin Co., Boston,
28. Dunoyer, L. H., Blackstone et Pothier. 165 pp. Rousseau, Paris, 1927.
29. Bodkin, Judge, Famous Irish trials. 212 pp. J. Duffy, Dublin, 1927.
Mackenzie, F. A., World-famous crimes of the twentieth century. 295 pp.
G. Bles, London, 1927. Amer. ed. entitled Twentieth century crimes.
281 pp. Little, Brown and Co., Boston, 1927. Incl. Loeb-Leopold case.
Parry, L. A., Some famous medical trials. x+326 pp. J. & A. Churchill,
London, 1927.
32. Roughead, W., Poison in the pantry; or, Dr. Pritchard revisited. Jurid.
Rev. 39:115-53, June, 1927.
Schhffer, E., Politiinspektcr Hakon Jorgensen. Nord. Tids. f. Strafferet
The Wychford poisoning case.
15:275-80, July, 1927.
An essay in criminology. 314 pp. Collins,
London, 1927.
Administrative cost of crime. U. of N. C. News Letter 13:1, Aug. 17, 1927.
Baum, J., Report of the Protective Committee. 8 pp. Amer. Bankers
Assn., New York, 1927.
The County jails. Ind. Bul. of Char. and Corr. no. 149:230-3, June, 1927.
Deardorff, N. R., The extent of child dependency and delinquency in seven
Pennsylvania counties. 22 pp.
(Repr. from Pub. no. 176.)
Children's Bur., Washington,
Hanna, F. D., Putting hands on the clock of justice. Crim. Justice 9:1-4,
April, 1927.
Hoffman, F. L., The suicide record for 1926, Spectator (N. Y,) 118:8+,
June 23, 1927.
The Indeterminate sentence and parole law. Ind. Bul. of Char. and Corr.
no. 149:216-18, June, 1927.
Jenkins, L. V., Police bureau records. Proc. Int. Assn. Chiefs of Police,
1927, 40-3.
ifead, B., Crime conditions ii the United States. Pp. 619-22 of The American Year Book . . . 1926. xxii+1178 pp. Macmillan, New York,
The Negro crime rate, Opportunity 5:160, June, 1927.
Police department statistics-places less than 5,000. Pp. 609-15 of Municipal Index, 1927. Amer. City Mag. Corp., New York, 1927.
Prentiss, M. 0., Economic consequences of crime. Northeast Phila. C. of
C. Bul., April, 1927, pp. 27-32.
Rutledge, W. P., Standardization of police crime records, Proc. Int. Assn.
Chiefs of Police, 1927, 131-3.
[Statistics of convict labor.] Proc. Amer. Prison Assn., 1926, 158-62.
The Suspended sentence law. Ind. Bul. of Char. and Corr. no, 149:215-16,
June, 1927,
Vollmer, A., Criminal statistics. Proc. Int. Assn. Chiefs of Police, 1927,
Albrecht, H., Der Selbstmord it Deutschland. Arch. f, Krim. 80:242-5,
May, 1927.
Die Kriminalitt Deutschlands im Jahre 1925. Arch. f. Krim. 81:54-60,
July, 1927.
Heindl, R., Der Selbstinord in Sowiet-Russland 1922-1925. Arch. f. Krim.
80:252-3, May, 1927.
Hiramuna, D., Der Selbstmord in Japan. Arch, f. Krim. 80:246-51, May,
Michels, R., Sexualkriminalistik and Prostitution. Pp. 710-23 of Altes und
Neues zum Problem der Moralstatistik. II. Arch. f. Sozialwiss. u.
Sozialpol. 57:701-45, 1927.
[Prison statistics of Sweden.] Nord. Tids. f. Strafferet 15:73-80, 1927.
Schneickert, H., Die Kriminalitiit it Aegypten. Krim. Moratsh. 1 ;173--5,
Aug., 1927,
Suicide in Germany. Lancet 213:140, July 16, 1927.
[Table of homicide and robbery cases in Prussia, May 1, 1925-Dec. 31, 1927,
by district, showing complaints and clearings in totals and in percentages.] Die Polizei 24:171, April 20, 1927.
Brewster, S. W., Narcotic educational work. Proc. Int, Assn. Chiefs of
Police, 1927, 182-8.
61. Bridges, J. W., A study of a group of delinquent girls. Pedag. Sem,
34:187,204, June, 1927,
62. Channing, A., Alcoholism among parents of juvenile delinquents. Soc.
Serv. Rev, 1 :357-83, Sept., 1927,
Frenay, A. D., The suicide problem in the United States. 200 pp.
R. G.
Badger, Boston, 1927. Bibl., pp. 173-80.
64. Gibbons, P. M., A study in crime. Welfare Mag. 18:1029-35, Aug., 1927.
65. Macneill, N. M., "Good and bad children." Arch. of Pediatrics 44:437-41,
July, 1927.
G., Sex perversion and its relation to crime.
42:3+; March; 2+, April; 2+, June, 1927 (cont.).
Munshaw, E. A., A challenge to the nations. Proc.,Int. Assn. Chiefs of
Police, 1927, 126-30.
Riddle, F_. M., Stealing as a form of aggressive behavior. Jour. of
Shaw, C. G., Why the wave of student suicides? McNaught's Mo. 7:104-6,
Smith, F. L., A study of egocentric behavior. Welfare Mag. 18:927-47,
Vollmer, A., The recidivist from the point of view of the police official.
•Abnorm. and Soc. Psych. 22:40-51, April-June; 157-69, July-Sept., 1927.
April, 1927.
July, 1927.
Jour. of Delinq. 11:72-87, June, 1927.
72. Why we are lawbreakers? Golden Book 5:781-7, June, 1927.
73. Williams, H. D., Truancy and delinquency. Jour. Appl. Psych. 11:276-88,
Aug., 1927.
Av6-Lallemant, Die persbnlichen und sozialen Verhidltnisse des Gauner-
tums. Krim. Monatsh. 1:122-6, June, 1927.
75. Bonger, W. A., Over sociale pathologie. Mensch en Maats. 3:364-80, Sept.,
1927 (cont.).
Brokhansky, N., La frequenza e le cause del suicidio in Russia. Arch. di
Dosenheimer, E., Die Ursachen der Verbrechen und ihre Bekiimpfung.
Gleispach, W., Die Erforschung der Verbrechensursachen. Z. f. die ges.
Herbertz, Der Juwelenriduber Spruch und seine Tat.
1:105-8, May, 1927.
Keulers, P. H., Der Berufsverbrecher. Deuts. Richterztg 19:183-6, May,
Klein, M., Crimninal tendencies in normal children. Brit. Jour. Med. Psych.
Kley, Zur Psychologie des Mordes.
158-61, July; 181-5, Aug., 1927.
Koch, R. von, et al., L~sdrivaren och samhiillet. Inldgg i en aktuell samhillsfriga. 87 pp. Norstedt, Stockholm, 1927.
Lanza, C.. Criminalit militare. Responsabilitl civile dello stato. (Leggi
Lombroso, G., Les crimes contre les parents et l'influence de la fenifne.
antr. crim. 47:366-77, May-June, 1927.
Natur u. Gesellschaft 14:25-8, 1927.
Strafrechtswiss. 48:99-148, 1927.
Krim. Monatsh.
7:177-92, July, 1927.
di reclutamento.) vi+69 pp.
Krim. Monatsh.
Fratelli Bocca, Turin, 1927.
Rev. de droit pen. et de crimin. 7:737-41, July, 1927.
Ludovici, A. M., 11an: an indictment. xxi+374 pp. Constable, London,
1927. (See p. 322.)
7Maronda, E. I., El rapto. Rev. de crim. psiq. y med. leg. 14:287-309. MayJune, 1927.
88. Branham, V. C., Notes on the classification of defective delinquents. Psychiatric Quar. 1:59-69, Jan., 1927.
89. Coughlin, J. D.. Heredity as a cause of crime. Proc. Int. Assn. Chiefs of
Police. 1927, 33-5.
90-1. Held, W., Sex and crime. Med.-Leg. Jour. 44:39-42, March-April, 1927,
and in Amer. Med. 33:290-4, May, 1927.
92. McKenna, G. M., Are inherited mental or emotional defects the principal
cause of criminal delinquency. Dak. Law Rev. 1:2-14. April, 1927.
93. Richmond, F. C.. First biennial report of psychiatric field service of the
State Board of Control of Wisconsin. Med.-Leg. Jour. 44:43-54, MarchApril, 1927.
94. Solomon, M., The moron problem. Clin. Med. and Surgery 34:501-7, July,
Birnbaum, K.. Die krimnalistische Bedentung der Hysterie. Krim,
Monatsh. 1:79-81. April, 1927.
96. Bonne, G., Das Verbrechen als Krankheit. vii+197 pp. Reinhardt, Munich, 1927.
97. Cicala, G., Malattie celtiche e reati venerci. Scuola pos. n. s. 7:225-38,
May-June, 1927.
98. Feis, 0., Verhandlungen iiber einen Fall sexueller Perversion aus dent
Jahre 1776. Arch. f. Geschichte der Medizin 19:293-7, July, 1927.
99. Clemmesen, C., Tilfcelde af.kriminel abort med paralytisk ileus. Ugeskr. f.
Laeger 89:293-4. April 14, 1927.
100-2. Ferri, E., La pcrsonalita di Violet Gibson. Scuola pos. n. s. 7:127-34,
March-April, 1927. French traisl. in Rev. de dro:t pen. et de crimin.
7:475-85, Mfay, 1927. Sp. transl. in Rev. de crimin. psiq. y med. leg.
14:259-68, May-June, 1927.
103. Florian, E.. La teoria psicologica della diffamazione. 294 pp. Fratelli
Bocca, Turin, 1927.
104. Klee, K., Vorsatz und Triebhaftigkeit der Handlung. Z. f. die ges.
Strafrechtswiss. 48:1-10, 1927.
105. Lombroso, C., and Ferroro, G.. La donna delinqu5izte, la prostituta e la
donna normale. 5th ed. + posthumous notes. 502 pp. Fratelli Bocca,
Turin. 1927.
106. Rojas, N., Capacidadde los debiles de espiritu. Rev. de crim. psiq. y med.
leg. 14:322-35. May-June, 1927.
107. Sanctis. S. de. El concepto moderno de la alienacion mental en la criminologia. Rev. de crim. psiq. y med. leg. 14:269-86, May-June, 1927. Sp.
transl. of no. 145, Aug. bibl.
L Den retspsykiatriske
108. Wimmer, A.. Retspsykiatriske forelaesningcr.
Erklaering. II. Det almindelige Forhold mellem Lovovertraedelser og
siaelelig Abnormitet. 111. Dementia paralytica. IV, Senile Saedelighedsforbrydere. Ugeskr. f. Laeger 89:191-7, March 10; 327-35, April
21; 446-52, May 26; 558-64, June 23, 1927.
Blanchard, P., and Paynter, R. H., Socio-psychological status of children
from marginal families. The Family 8:3-10, March, 1927.
Borough, R., Law and order in Los Angeles. Nation 125:12, July 6, 1927.
Budenz, L. F., There's mud on Indiana's white robes.
Nation 125:81-2,
July 27, 1927.
, Indiana's Anti-Saloon League goes to jail. Nation 125:177-8, Aug.
24, 1927.
113. Burney, J. B., Crime waves. Proc. Int. Assn. Chiefs of Police, 1927, 37-40.
114. Cole, V. L., Newspaper and crime. (U. of Mo. Bul., vol. 28, no. 4.) 84 pp.
U. of Mo., Columbia, Mo., 1927. Bibl., pp. 77-84.
115. Comnittee of Fourteen [New York, N. Y.], Annual report for 1926. 54 pp.
New York, 1927. (Prostitution.)
116. Confirmed Criminal, Why pick on prohibition? Outlook 146:439, Aug. 3,
1927. (Law, as factor.)
Crooks, E. B., Law enforcement and burglary insurance. Jour. Crim. Law
Fuller, R. G., The question of delinquency. Pp. 36-9 of Fourteen is too
early. Some psychological aspects of school-leaving and child labor.
Germany's "Feme" mystery solved.
Gray, G. W., Quick on the draw! Amer. Mag. 104:52-4+, Oct., 1297.
Herman, A. C., Murder, money, and the spotlight.
"and Crimin. 18:180-90, Aug., 1927.
118. Finnegan, R. J., The city of many Main Streets. Welfare Mag. 18:863-71,
July, 1927. Apology for Chicago's crime rate.
40 pp. Nat. Child Labor Com., New York, 1927.
Lit. Dig. 94:17, July 2, 1927.
McNaught's Mon
7:9-11, Jan., 1927. The press, in a famous murder case.
Hobson, L., Pirates in parchment. Atl. Mon. 140:208-15, Aug., 1927.
Iago, J. J., Underwriting burglary insurance. Weekly Underwriter 117:
133+, July 16, 1927.
Irwin, W., How red is America? 219 pp. J. H. Sears & Co., New York,
Jazzing justice. N. A. Rev. 224:189-90, June-Aug., 1927. Press and court.
127. Johnson, J. W., Mob violence and lynching. Pp. 637-8 of The American
Year Book . . . 1926. xxii+1178 pp. Macmillan, New York, 1927.
128. Johnson, S., Does the public need a code of ethics too? Amer. Bar Assn.
Jour. 13:425-9, Aug., 1927.
129. Justice endangered by sensational press. Jour. Amer. Judic. Soc. 11:50-2,
Aug., 1927.
Kellogg, M. P. S., Is prohibition being enforced? Current Hist. 27:49-54,
Oct., 1927.
131. McMahon, J. R, Is your house burglar proof? Pop. Sci. Mon. 111:67-8+,
Oct., 1927.
132. Merz, C., Bigger and better murders. Harper's Mag. 155:338-43, Aug.,
1927. Press and court.
133. Mills, C. P., Dry rot. Collier's W. 80:5-6+, Sept. 17, 1927. Prohib.
, Wine and beer preferred. Collier's W. 80:8-g+, Oct 1, 1927.
Prohib. enforcement.
Murphy, J. P., The crime of banditry. Proc. Int. Assn. Chiefs of Police,
1927, 161-2.
Platt, C., Leisure and crime. Playground 21:142-6, June, 1927.
Purdunn, C., Benny. Welfare Mag. 18:799-827, June, 1927. Case hist.
Relation of daily press to crime and the administration of justice. [Report
of N. Y. State Crime Corn., Sub-com. on Causes.] Amer. Bar Assn.
Jour. 13:390-7, July, 1927.
Salvemini, G., Murder by "persons unknown." Nation 125:34-5, July 13,
"Scarface Al" Capone. Forum
Sargent, K., Chicago, hands up!
78:522-31, Oct., 1927.
Seitz, D. C., [Address on newspapers and crime]. Proc. Amer. Prison
Assn. 1926, 34-44.
Thomas, N. M., Is conscience a crime? xiii+303 pp. Vanguard Press,
New York, 1927.
A .Warning for scofflaws. Lit. Dig. 94:34, Aug. 6, 1927.
White, F. A., On the firing line at Herrin. McNaught's Mon. 7:70-2,
March, 1927.
Why there is less crime in Europe. Lit. Dig. 94:14, Sept. 3, 1927. See no.
Wood, C. W., American industry and crime. Welfare Mag. 18:1219-25,
Sept., 1927. Same as no. 106, Aug. bibl.
147. Byloff, F., Die Blutgenossenschaft des Zaubereriackl. Monats. f.
Kriminalpsych. 18:401-29, Aug., 1927.
148. Grosse, Der Einlluss der Grossstadt auf die Kriminalitat der Jugendlichen.
Die Polizei 24:260-1, June 5, 1927.
149. Hentig, H.v., Die soziale Grossstadt und das kriminelle Land. Monats. f.
Kriminalpsych. 18:440-2, Aug., 1927.
, Die jahreszeitliche Periodizitit der weiblichen Selbstm6rder.
150. Monats. f. Kriminalpsych. 18:434-7, Aug., 1927.
151. Hoffmann, W., Schundliteratur und Schundfilm. Z. f. pidag. Psych.
28:284-95, June, 1927.
152. Koppenfels, S. v., Zur Gestaltung der Kriminalitt in Sachsen seit der
Inflation. Monats. f. Kriminalpsych. 18:437-8, Aug., 1927.
153. Lanzac de Laborie, L. de, La m9re Chupin et le refuge de Chatillon. Correspondant 306:286-8, Jan. 25, 1927.
154. Schneickert, H., Ehe und Kriminalitiit. Krim. Monatsh. 1:157-8, July, 1927.
155. Weinberger, H., Verbrecher und Dirue. Arch. f. Krim. 81:33-7, July, 1927.
156. Weir, J. G., A question of corruption. Chambers' Jour. pt. 193:41-3, Jan.,
157. Basuino, F. M., The International Association of Chiefs of Police. Convention news and notes. Police Jour. 14:16-19, June, 1927.
Jr., Police protection in Cicero, Ill. Police Jour. 14:4-6, June, 1927.
Bee, R. V., The twenty-seventh annual convention of the New York State
Association of Chiefs of Police. Police Jour. 15:14-15±L, Sept., 1927.
160. Beggans, J., Fine example of a modern police station. [Jersey City, N. J.]
Amer. City 37:91, July, 1927.
161. Birdsall, S., Elgin's police department. Police Jour. 14:20-2, June, 1927.
162. Brownlow, L., Police and the causes of crime. Amer. City 36:797-8, Aug.,
163. Bruce, J., Tattlings of a retired police officer. 124 pp. [Everett Gazette],
Everett, Mass., 1927.
164. Burbridge, J. E., Athletics in the police department. Proc. Int. Assn.
Chiefs of Police, 1927, 48-50.
165. Carmichael, G. A., The policeman as a witness. Police "13-13" 2:9+, July,
166. Carter, P. J., The police force of Adams, Massachusetts. Police Jour.
14:12+, Aug., 1927.
167. Catton, J., Some medical aspects of police work. Proc. Int. Assn. Chiefs
of Police, 1927, 208-22.
168. Charters, G., Danville, Illinois, small but efficient department. Police Jour.
14:17-18, July, 1927.
169. Cohen, L. A. A., Convention of the International Criminal Police Commission. Police Jour. 15:16-17+, Sept., 1927.
, Dutch police systems. The Amsterdam police department. Police
Jour. 14:3+, July, 1927.
171. The Crime Commission of New York State,. Report to the Commission of
the Sub-Commission on Police. 43 pp. Albany, 1927.
172. Draheim, P., Herkimer police department and official board. Police Jour.
15:18+, Sept., 1927.
173. Dyczus, A., The city of Lynn, Mass. Police Jour. 14:24, June, 1927.
174. Edwin, C., The police of Kearney, N. J. Police Jour. 14:10-12, July, 1927.
175. Enforcement of customs, narcotic, and prohibition laws. (Hearing, Com. on
Ways and Means, H. of Rep., 69th Cong., 2nd sess., on H. R. 17205, Feb.
21 and 24, 1927.) 58 pp. Govt. Print. Off., Washington, 1927.
176. Fay, J. M., Pull boxes placed in department in 1880. Police "13-13" (Chicago, Ill.) 2:36-7, July, 1927.
177-9. Funston, W. H., Educational problems of a police force. Proc. Int.
Assn. Chiefs of Police, 1927, 44-7. Also in Police Jour. 14:15-16+,
July, 1927. Abridged in Amer. City 37:370, Sept., 1927.
180. Galloway, F. W., Adventuring with India's native police. Travel 49:31-3,
July, 1927.
181. Gepoo-Russia's secret police. Lit. Dig. 95:19-20, Oct. 1, 1927.
182. Gilson, A. I., North Adams, Massachusetts,a growing police force. Police
Jour. 14:13+, Aug., 1927.
, Goshcn, Indiana---a city of peace. Police Jour. 14:12-13, June,
184. Griffith, E. S., Police. Pp. 466-9, 593-5, et passim, of The modern development of city government in the United Kingdom and the United States.
2 vol. Oxford U. Press, London, 1927. Bibl., p. 650.
185. Haager, J. H., Relationship of private detective agencies to police departments. Proc. Int. Assn. Chiefs of Police, 1927, 76-8.
186. Haney, G., Irksome police tasks well done in Saratoga Springs. Police
Jour. 14:18, Aug., 1927.
, Efficient police force at Little Falls, New York. Police Jour. 14:3+,
Sept., 1927.
188. Hanna, F. D., Chicago's police department. Crim. Just. 9:14, July-Aug.,
189. Higgins, W. R., The Cohoes, New York, police force. Police Jour. 14:7+,
Aug., 1927.
190. International Association of Chiefs of Police, Proceedings, 34th Convention, Windsor, Canada, June 6, 7, 8, 9, 1927. 264+ii pp. Chief Geo.
Black, Secy., Wilmington, Del., 1927.
191. 'Keliher. T. T.. Permanency and respect for police organizations a necessity. Proc. Int. Assn. Chiefs of Police, 1927, 192-6.
192. Kesler, D. S., The police force of Quincy, Ill. Police Jour. 15:10-12, Sept.,
193. Lakin, H., Blue Island, Illinois, police force. Police Jour. 14:3+, Aug.,
194. A Light-weight bullet-proof vest for policemen. Amer. City 36:881, Aug.,
195. Maddux, P. S., Cook, J. B., and Murphy, J. A., Bank protection. Proc.
Int. Assn. Chiefs of Police, 1927, 154-6.
196. Matheson, D., The other fellow. Proc. Int. Assn. Chiefs of Police, 1927,
197. Moran, W. H., How police departments can aid the secret service. Proc.
Int. Assn. Chiefs of Police, 1927, 101-3.
198. Morris, W. A., The medieval English sheriff to 1300. 291 pp. U. of Manchester Press, Manchester, 1927.
199. A New specially designed police patrol. Amer. City 36:877, Aug., 1927.
200. O'Brien, J., Responsibilities of a police commissioner. Proc. Int. Assn.
Chiefs of Police, 1927, 70-1.
201. Police department headquarters, Boston. Arch. Forum 46:539-44, June,
202. Police protection. Pp. 323-36 of Bedford, S. E. W. (ed.), Readings in
urban sociology. xxxiv+903 pp. Appleton, New York, 1927.
203. Rankin, R. B., La Salle, Illinois, progressive police department. Police
Jour. 14:15, Aug., 1927.
204. Rapacz, M. P., Protection of officers who act under unconstitutional statutes. Minn. Law Rev. 11:585-604, June, 1927.
205. Raymond, F., Centralia-a city of cleanliness and order, Police Jour.
15:7+, Sept., 1927.
206. Reynolds, J. M., The splendid police force of East St. Louis, Illinois.
Police Jour. 14:5, Aug., 1927.
207: Rioux, G. H., Police problems of today. Proc. Int. Assn. Chiefs of
Police, 1927, 115-19.
208. Saunders, R. C., Town guard protection: how to equip guards. Bankers
Mon. 44:42-5, July, 1927.
209. Stead, R., The romance of the Royal Mounted. The Rotarian 31:22-3+,
July, 1927.
210. Steam, F. A., The traditional name of "Aurora" immortalized by modern
progress. Police Jour. 14:5-7, July, 1927.
211. Stillman, W. M.; Police power in New Jersey. N. J. Law Jour. 50:205-8,
July-Aug., 1927.
212. Vorse, M. H., [Police and strikes]. Chs. 9-10 of The Passaic textile
strike. 128 pp. Gen. Relief Com. of Text. Strikers, Passaic, N. J., 1927.
213. Waite, J. B., Distrust of police officers by the public and the remedy. Proc.
Int. Assn. Chiefs of Police, 1927, 228-31.
214-15. Walker, W. G., Should chiefs of police be appointed subject to the civil
service regulations. Proc. Int. Assn. Chiefs of Police, 1927, 123-5; and
in Police Jour. 14:20-1, July, 1927.
Warren, E., Relationship between district attorney's office and the police
department. Proc. Int. Assn. Chiefs of Police, 1927, 141-4.
217. Wheeler, H. M., Decatur, Illinois, efficient police department. Police Jour.
14:10+, Aug., 1927.
218. Wilks, R., Prohibition in Detroit: all wet! McNaught's Mon. 7:169-70,
June, 1927.
219-20. Young, J. W., Various experiences of police departments with tear gas.
Proc. Int. Assn. Chiefs of Police, 1927, 205-8. Abridged in Amer. City
37:326, Sept., 1927.
221. D'Almeras, H., Un policier sous le Consulat. La Rev. Mondiale 178:122-30,
July 15, 1927.
222. Bibl, V., Die Wiener Polizei. Eine kulturhistorische Studie. xi+387 pp.
Stein-Verlag, Leipzig, 1927.
223. Das Polireiverordnungswesen in Gegenwart und Zukunft. Arch. f. Strafrecht u. Strafproz. 71:81-92, March, 1927.
224. Demoll, Lehrinittel bei der Polizeischule. Die Polizei 24:230-2, May 20,
225. Grzesinski. A., Das neue Polizeibeamten-Gesetz. Die Polizei 24:97-9,
March 5, 1927.
226. Hartung, F., Untersuchungsrichter und Polizei. Die Polizei 24:23-7, Jan.
20, 1927.
227. Heimannsberg, Verkehrspolizei und Psychotechnik. bie Polizei 24:16-17,
Jan. 5; 41-3, Jan. 20, 1927. Illustr.
228. Jahresbericht der Kriminalpolizei von Elberfeld-Barmen fuir das Jahr 1926.
Arch. f. Krim. 80:259-62, May, 1927.
229. Luca, G. De, Manuale di polizia ferroviaria. vi+92 pp. V. Morrico, Asti,
2'9. Matheson, D., The modern policeman. Chambers' Jour. pt. 198:367-8, June,
Z 1. Peters, H., Das Polizeiverordnungsrechtin Gegenwart und Zukunft. Arch.
f. Strafr. u. Strafproz. 71:121-4, April, 1927.
232. Schaewen, E. v., Wirtschaft und Recht. Betrachtungen iiber Ziele und
Wege des Unterrichts in den Wirtschaftswissenschaften im Rahmen der
Ausbildung der Polizeibeamten. Die Polizei 42:198-200, May 5, 1927.
233. Schulte, R. W., Psychotechnik und Polizei. pp. G. Stalling, Oldenburg i
0., 1927.
234. Sparkes, B., True tales of the secret service. World Rev. 4:92-3, 111-12,
March 14-21, 1927.
235. Brownlow, L.. The city and the citizen. Policewoman's Int. Bul. 3:12,
Aug.-Sept., 1927.
236. , The policewoman and the woman criminal. Nat. Mun. Rev.
16:467-8, July, 1927.
237. Clark, J. P., The policewoman and deportation. Woman Cit. n. s. 12:34,
June, 1927.
j38. Hutzel, E., Women's division in a police department. Proc. Int. Assn
Chiefs of Police, 1927, 2224.
239. Milliken, R. J., Second Regional Conference Report. Policewoman's Int.
Bul. 3:5-7, Aug.-Sept., 1927.
240. [Owings, C., chmn., Report of Committee on the qualifications of policewomen.] Policewoman's Int. Bul. 3:9-10, Aug.-Sept., 1927.
241. Pigeon, H. D., Policewomen and public recreation. Amer. City 37:448-50,
Oct., 1927.
, The policewomen meet in.conference. Police Jour. 14:14-15, June,
243. Topping, R., Counselors-at-large. Woman Cit. n. s. 11:34, April, 1927.
244. Valz, F. M., Jacksonville Women's Bureau latest in field reports progress.
Policewoman's Int. Bul. 3:3, Aug.-Sept., 1927; and Police Jour. 14:14+,
Aug., 1927.
245. Carelli, A., La polizia femminile e i suoi compiti sociali. Difesa Sociale,
Jan., 1927. Pp. 6+.
246. Gloderer, G., Die Polizeifiirsorge in Baden. Die Polizel 24:75-6,. Feb. 20,
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248. Hoover, J. E., Report of the Division of Identification and Information of
the Bureau of Investigation of the United States Department of Justice.
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251. Wilkinson, J. R., Would the. adoption of universal fingerprinting of the
people be beneficialP Proc. Int. Assn. Chiefs of Police, 1927, 179-81.
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leg. 14:129-43, March-April, 1927.
253. Barck, Die Organisation des Fernunterrichts far den Sicherheitsdienst.
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255. Bettmann and Lutz, G., Zur Anwendung der Dermato-Photographie.
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259. Heiland, G., Der Ramsdorfer Mord. Ein lehrreicher Erfolg des Fingerabdruckszerfahrens. Krim. Monatsh. 1:171-3, Aug., 1927.
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, Die Fingerabdriicke als Ueberfiihrungsmittel.
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Modus Operandi
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, Professional check crook gangs a menace to business men. Detective 42:8, March; 3,- April, 1927.
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271. Rhine, A. A., Spiritualists,mediums and fortune tellers exposed by magician police officer. Proc. Int. Assn. Chiefs of Police, 1927, 239-41.
272. Smith, E. H., Now the card sharp plies his trade. N. Y. Times Mag.,
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274. Vogel, Die Brandstiftung unter besonderer Beriicksichtigung der. sogenannten "Zeitziindung." Die Polizei 24:101-3, March 5; 122-3, March
20, 1927.
Police Technique
275. Brunskill, F. W., Science as an aid to law enforcement. Proc. Int. Assn.
Chiefs of Police, 1927, 31-3.
276. Crossman, E. C., Forensic ballistics. Detective 42:3+, June, 1927.
277. The Dogging of the D'Autremonts. Indep. 118:649, June 25, 1927.
278. Hart, W. C., The telephone-telatype. Proc. Int. Assn. Chiefs of Police,
1927, 88-91.
279. Herzog, A. W., The third degree and Dr. House's truth serum. Med.Leg: Jour. 44:34-6, March-April, 1927.
280. Higgins, J. W., The theft and recovery of automobiles. Proc. Int. Assn.
Chiefs of Police, 1927, 83:7; and Detective 42:2+, June, 1927.
281. Ketchum, E., He trapped three bandits with a microscope! Pop. Sci.
Mon. 111:29, Sept., 1927.
282. Lee, B., Blood tests for paternity. Med.-Leg. Jour. 44:57-61, MarchApril, 1927.
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287-8. Sullivan, J. L, Science versus crime. Proc. Int. Assn. Chiefs of Police,
1927, 28-30; and Police Jour. 14:19-20, Aug., 1927.
289. Barck, Neue Technik der Verbrechensbekiimpfung. Polizei-Arch. 6:137-9,
290. Bbhlhoff, Brandstiftung und deren Bekimpfung. Die Polizei 24:171-2,
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293. Eichberg, Mord oder Selbstmord. Krim. Monatsh. 1:84-7, April, 1927.
294. Feistle, Fahndungserfolg mit Hilfe der Presse. Krim. Monatsh. 1:89-90,
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295. Gennat, Die Bearbeitung von Mordsachen. Krim. Monatsh. 1:81-3, April,
296. Gerngross, 0., Ultraviolettlicht als Erkennungsmittel. Arch. f. Krim.
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97. Graff, G., Welche Feststellungen sind nach Schussverletzungen kriminalistisch besonders wichtigf Krim. Monatsh. 1:129-38, June, 1927.
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301. Hulsebosch, C. J. van L, Der Nachweis junger Tintenschrift. Arch. f.
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302. Johnsen, Das Zentralinstitut fir Edelsteinforschung. Arch. f. Krim.
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303. Julier, Die Anwendung militiirischer Kampfgrundsiitze in der Krimin-
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304. Kley, J. K., and Schneickert, H., Die Krintinalpolizei. 2nd rev. and enl.
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schen Zigeuner. Arch. f. Krim. 81:61-2, July, 1927.
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T. Fitzpatrick, ed. 846 pp.
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Pfenninger, H. F., Das Strafrecht im Kampfe gegen die Geschlechtskrankheiten. Schweiz. Z. f. Strafr. 40:209-42, 1927.
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Raniero, S., Gli aspetti de reato: Il reato come azione. Riv. pen. 105:
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Strafgesetzbuchs nebst Begriandung und 2 Anlagen. 43+212+134+46
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Rocco, M., L'assenza in rapporto ai delitti d'adulterio e di bigamia. Riv.
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Roux, J. A., Cours de droit criminel franfais. Tome 1. 2nd ed. 540 pp.
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Sandulli, A., I delitti nell'arte: ingiuria, diffamazione e oltraggio al pudore.
278 pp. A. Morano, Naples, 1927.
Schifer, L., Deutsche Strafgesetzenttiirfe von 190911927, Synoptische
Gegeniberstellng der deutschen und dsterreichischen Strafgesetzentwiirfe und des geltenden Strafrechis. x+333 pp. J. Bensheimer, Mannheim, 1927.
Schuppe, Die geschlechtliche Anstgckung als strafbare Handlung. Krim.
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Sohier, M. A., Le droit pinal des colonies. Rev. int. de droit pin.
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18:337-57, July, 1927.
Stooss, C., Der Fall Marek. Monats. f. Kriminalpsych. 18:429-34, Aug.,
1927. Fraud.
neubearb. von. H.
Strafgesetzbuch fiir das Deutsche Reich .
Schmitt. 14th ed. xii+487 pp. Beck, Munich, 1927.
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Vidal, G:, and Magnol, J., Cours de droit criminel et de science pinitentiaire. 7th ed. 1125 pp. Rousseau, Paris, 1927.
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Wunderer, R., Die Strafvorschriften fiir den Vcrkehr mit Kraftfahrzeugen. 95 pp. Stahl, Munich, 1927.
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cause in the trial court. xxxv+816 pp. The Michie Co., Charlottesville, Va., 1927.
469. Jessup, P. C., The law of territorial waters and marine jurisdiction; the
nature and extent of civil and criminal jurisdiction in marginal seas as
evidenced by decisions of national and international courts.
xxxviii+548 pp. G. A. Jennings Co., New York, 1927.
470. Johnson, F. E., Municipal court trials and practice. An outline. . .
To which is added the Municipal Court Code and the Municipal Court
Rules. viii+152 pp. Baker, Voorhis & Co., New York, 1927.
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June, 1927.
472. Langeluttig, A. G., The Department of Justice of the United States. xvi
+318 pp. The Johns Hopkins Press, Baltimore, 1927.
473. MacNeil, J. A., and Weaver, J. C., The law of evidence in civil and criminal cases in Illinois. 2nd ed. 3 vol. Callaghan & Co., Chicago, 1927.
474. Maguire, J. M., and Epstein, C. S. S., Rules of evidence in p'reliminary
controversies as to admissibility. Yale Law Jour. 36:1101-25, June, 1927.
475. McCormick, C. T., Charges on presumptions and burden of proof. N. C.
Law Rev. 5:291-310, June, 1927.
476. McKnight, A. H., The Fortieth Legislature and judicial reform. Texas
Law Rev. 5:360-7, June, 1927.
477. Montgomery, C. C., A manual of federal jurisdiction and procedure: with
statutes, rules, and forms. 3rd ed. by B. R. Davids. 1511 pp. Bancroft, San Francisco, 1927.
478-9. Munch-Petersen, H., The law of procedure from a social point of view.
N. C. Law Rev. 5:321-31, June, 1927, and Minn. Law Rev. 11:624-34,
June, 1927.
480. A new attack on the laws delays. Lit. Dig. 94:14, Sept. 10, 1927.
481. Newspaper cameras and contempt. Va. Law Reg. n. s. 13:119-22, June,
482. Palmer, B. W., May the judge sleepf Amer. Law Rev. 61:321-35, MayJune, 1927.
483. Perkins, R. M., Abridged indictments and informations. Iowa Law Rev.
12:355-92, June, 1927.
484. Pfiffner, J. M., The mayor's court and due process. Iowa Law Rev.
12:393-405, June, 1927.
485. Potts, C. S., Need of simplified form of indictment. St. Louis Law Rev.
12:281-3, June, 1927.
486. Pound, R., Cooperation in criminal justice. Proc. Amer. Prison Assn.,
1926, 103-15.
487. Power of trial judge to increase verdict. N. Y. Law Rev. 5:249-50. July,
488. The Privilege of the press and contempt of court. Va. Law Reg. n. s.
13:117-19, June, 1927.
489. Remedy proposed for ju-stice's court. Jour. Amer. Judic. Soc. 11:30-1,
June, 1927.
490. Report of the Special Calendar Committee appointed by the Appellate
Division of the Supreme Court, First Department. [New York City.]
34 pp. 1927.
491. Richardson, W. P., Selected cases in evidence. vii+1098 pp. n. p. Brooklyn, 1927.
492. Rogers, J. S., The magistrate's manual and legal advisor, giving the mode
of procedure before justices of the peace in Tennessee. 5th ed. rev. by G.
L. Evans. 781 pp. Marshall & Bruce Co., Nashville, 1927.
493. Rosenberry, M. B., Upholding the law and administering justice. Wis.
Law Rev. 4:209-16, July, 1927.
494. Shaw, G. M., Admissibility of non-testimonial evidence extorted from the
accused before and at the trial. N. C. Law Rev. 5:333-40, June, 1927.
495. Sumner, W. G., and Keller, A. G., Administration of justice. Pp. 628-94
of The science of society. vol. I. xxxii+734 pp. Yale U. Press, New
Haven, 1927.
496. Strout, R. L., Rewriting American law. Indep. 118:81-2, July 23, 1927.
497. Texas unifies trial courts. Jour. Amer. Judic. Soc. 11:38-9, Aug., 1927.
498. Vorse, M. H., Jersey justice. Ch. 11 of The Passaic textile strike. 128
pp. Gen. Relief Com. of Textile Strikers, Passaic, 1927.
499. Whittier, C. B., Regulating procedure by rules of court. Jour. Amer.
Judic. Soc. 11:15-19, June, 1927.
500. Wigmore, J. H., Why flatter our judiciary system? Ill. Law Rev.
22:170-2, June, 1927.
501. Williams, A. R., Village justice. Atl. Mon. 140:194-203, Aug., 1927.
502. Yankwich, L. R., Defenses in the law of libel. Bar Assn. Bul. (Los
Angeles) 2:5-8+, June 2, 1927.
, Dean Pound's conception of the judicial process. Bar Assn. Bul.
(Los Angeles) 2:12-13+, July 21, 1927.
504. Almquist, V., Det svenska riittegngsvisendets ombildning. Nord. Tids. f.
Strafferet 15:203-12, July, 1927.
505. Biondolillo, G., Intorno alla citazione direttissima. Riv. pen. 105:285-6,
March, 1927:
506. Blok, A. J., and Besier, L. C., Het Nederlandsche strafproces. III. viii+
264 pp. H. D. Tjeenk Willink & Zoon, Haarlem, 1927.
507. Borms, V. T. de, Procedure sommaire devant les tribunaux de police.
Rev. de droit pen. et de crim. 7:535-54, May, 1927.
508. Breyhan, C., Niederschlagung und Prozessrecht. Arch. f. Strafr. u.
Strafproz. 71:11-17, Jan.-Feb., 1927.
509. The Case of Oscar Slater. Sol. Jour. and Weekly Rep. 71:671-2, Aug. 27,
510. Concurrent jurisdiction of magistrates. Just. of the Peace 91:642-5. 1927.
511. Delitala, G., Il divieto della reformatio in pejus nel processo penale. xi+
216 pp. Soc. ed. Vita e pensiero, Milan, 1927.
512. DeSalaberry, R., The first state trial in Lower Canada. Can. Bar Rev.
5:469-77, Sept., 1927.
513. Dupeyron, H., Le juge unique et la reforme judiciaire. 205 pp. Libr. Dalloz, Paris, 1927.
514. Engstr~mer, T., Riittegangsreforien. Kort sammanfattning av processkomnimissionens betinkande. Pa offentligt uppdrag utarbetad. 52 pp.
Nord. Bokhandeln, Stockholm, 1927.
515. Faletti, P., L'ordinamento giudiziario its Italia. L L'antico ordinamento
del Piemonte. 114 pp. Tip. Sironi, Milan, 1927.
516. Friedensdorff, E., Einfiihr-ung in die staatsanwaltschaftliche Praxis. viii
+252 pp. Liebmann, Berlin, 1927.
517. Gerland, H., Der deutsche Strafprozess. Eine systematische Darstellung.
xvi+526 pp. J. Bensheimer, Mannheim, 1927.
518. Heijnsbergen, P. v., Het inquisitoire proces. Rede. . . . 26 pp. Noordhoff, Groningen, 1927.
519. Hentig, H. v., Zur Psychologie und Statistik der Privatklage. Z. f. die
ges. Strafrechtswiss. 18:206-13, 1927.
520. Levie, W. E., The administration of justice. Pp. 195-201 of Celtic tribal
law and custom in Scotland. Jurid. Rev. (Edinb.) 39:191-208, June.
521. Lucchini, L., L'avvenire del processo penale. Riv. pen. 105:400-3, May,
522. Lucifero, F., La difesa penale avanti le Preture. Scuola pos. n. s. 7:211-24,
May-June, 1927.
523. Liicking, F., Alternative Anklage und Verurtcilung. Arch. f. Strafr. u.
Strafproz. 71:161-5, May, 1927.
524. Massari, E., Lineamenti del processo penale italiano; corso di lezioni universitarie 1926-1927. Parte 1. 122 pp. N. Jovene, Naples [1927].
525. Petters, W., Praktische Strafprozcssfiillc mit Lbsungen. xiii+182 pp. J.
Bensheimer, Mannheim, 1927.
526. Polak, E., De bewijskracht van het proces-vcrbaal van den opsporingsambtenaar. Tijds. v. Strafr. 37:151-69, 1927.
527. Popple, A. E., Magisterial courts. Can. Bar Rev. 5:417-18, June, 1927.
528. Pound, R., Le problime de la justice criminelle. Rev. de droit pen. et de
crimin. 7:715-37, July, 1927.
529. Processkommissioncns betilnkande angyende riittegdngsviisendets ombildning. 3 vol. xii+239+312+ 2 46 pp. Nord. Bokhandeln, Stockholm,
530. Riddell, W. R; The state trials and contempt of court. Can. Bar Rev.
5:463-8, Sept., 1927.
531. Riddell, Lord, An address of the law and ethics of medical confidences.
Lancet 213:4-8, July 2, 1927.
532. Roberti, M., L'oralita e la pubblicita dei giudizii penali. Riv. pen. 105:
201-19, March, 1927.
533. Schlyter, K., Processreformen. Historik. Domstolsoganisation. 32 pp.
Nord. Bokhandeln, Stockholm, 1927.
534. Summary trial of indictable offenses: giving the accused the option. Just.
of the Peace 91:503, July 2, 1927.
535. Taormina, V., L'appello penale. Riv. pen. 105:390-4, April, 1927.
Taverne, B. M., Motivecring van strafvonnissen. Tijds. v. Strafr.
37:210-63, 1927.
537. Tisell, G., Ndgra anmiirkningar vid processkoininissionens betzinkande
angdende riittegangsviisendets oinbildning. 63 pp. Orebro Dagblad,
Orebro, 1927.
The Sacco-Vanzetti Case
538. "A decent respect to the opinions of mankind." Nation 125:172-3, Aug.
24, 1927.
539. A letter to President Lowell. New Rep. 52:6-8, Aug. 24, 1927.
540. Baldwin, K. W., Swiss echoes of Sacco and Vanzetti. Outlook 147:80,
Sept., 1927.
541. Berle, A. A., Jr., Commonwealth vs. Sacco and Vanzetti. Survey 58:489,
Sept. 1, 1927.
542. Bliven, B., Boston's civil war. New Rep. 51:142-4, June 29, 1927.
, In Dedham jail. A visit to Sacco and Vanzetti. New Rep.
51:120-1, June 22, 1927.
544. The Case of Sacco and Vanzetti. Ed. Research Rep., pp. 489-507, June 21,
545.- Cohn, M. A., Some questions and an appeal. 11 pp. Indep. Sacco-Vanzetti Com., New York, 1927.
546. Dos Passos, J., Facing the chair. Story of the Americanization of two
foreignborn workmen. 127 pp. Sacco-Vanzetti Defense Com., Boston,
547. Franklin, F., The logic of the Sacco-Vanzetti case. McNaught's Mon.
7:165-8, June, 1927.
548. Goddard, C. H., Who did the shooting? Pop. Sci. Mon. 111:21-2+, Nov.,
549. Grabill, E. V., Sacco and Vanzetti in the scales of justice. 37 pp. Fort
Hill Press, Boston, 1927.
550. Hays, A. G., A conference with Governor Fuller. Nation 125:285-6,
Sept. 21, 1927.
551. Herring, H. C., Have faith in Massachusetts. World Tomorrow
10:413-16, Oct., 1927.
552. Justice at midnight. Commonweal 6:372, Aug. 24, 1927.
553. Last thoughts on Sacco and Vanzetti. Indep. 119:217-19, Sept. 3, 1927.
554. The law's limit. Commonweal 6:412, Sept. 7, 1927.
555. MacDonald, W., The execution of Sacco and Vanzetti. Cur. Hist.
27:118-19, Oct., 1927.
556. Martyrs or murderers? Indep. 118:607-10, June 11, 1927. Pict. summary.
557. Massachusetts' reputation at stake!!! 19 pp. Sacco-Vanz. Def. Com.,
Boston, 1927.
558. Massachusetts the murderer. Nation 125:192-3, Aug. 31, 1927.
559. Musmanno, M. A., The Sacco-Vanzetti case. Pub. Affairs 9:8, July, 1927.
560. The Ominous execution. New Rep. 52:30-1, Aug. 31, 1927.
561. Penalties of the Sacco-Vanzetti execution. New Rep. 52:57-9, Sept. 7,
562. Press comment on the Sacco-Vanzetti execution. Nation 125:252-3, Sept.
14, 1927.
563. Reaffirming the guilt of Sacco and Vanzetti. Lit. Dig. 94:5-7, Aug. 20,
564. The Sacco-Vanzetti case. Lit. Dig. 94:9, Aug. 13, 1927.
565. The Sacco-Vanzetti case. Inform. Serv. 6:1-2, April 30, 1927.
566. Sacco-Vantzetti-next steps. Nation 125:220, Sept. 7, 1927.
567. Sacco and Vanzetti-the aftermath. Inform. Serv. 6:1-2, Sept. 17, 1927.
568. Schwarz, H. F., On the Sacco-Vanuzetti case: L From a layman's standpoint. Outlook 147:16-17, Sept. 7, 1927.
569. [Shaw, A.], Aspects of the Sacco-Vanzetti case. Amer. Rev. of Rev.
76:227-34, Sept., 1927
570. Stark, L., The grounds for doubt. Survey 58:38-41+, Oct. 1, 1927.
571. Stern, S. R., On the Sacco-Vanzetti case. II. From a lawyer's standpoint. Outlook 147:17-18, Sept. 7, 1927.
572. Terrorism vs. Law. Outlook 146:500-1, Aug. 17, 1927.
573. What does the Sacco-Vanzetti case teach? Lit. Dig. 94:5-7, Sept. 3, 1927.
574. World opinion on Sacco and Vanzetti. Nation 125:174, Aug. 24, 1927.
Detention of the Accused
575. The Token system in the Tombs prison. Panel 5:2, June, 1927.
576. Lobe, A., and Alsberg, M., Die Untersuchungshaft. Kommentar zum 9.
Abschnitt des 1. Buches der Strafprozessordnung in der Fassung von
27. Dez. 1926. vii+95 pp. Heymann, Berlin, 1927.
577. Curd, T. H., Elimination of general verdicts and instructions to juries.
W. Va. Law Quar. 33:298-303, April, 1927.
578. [Lynch, H. J.], "Trying" mental cases by jury. Ment. Hyg. Bul. 5:5,
June, 1927.
579. Phillips, R. le C., Our jury system again under fire. N. Y. Times, sec. 7,
July 24, 1927.
580. Rocca, H., Three weeks' jury service. Woman Cit. n. s. 12:25, Aug., 1927.
Clapperton, D. W., Some thoughts on the usefulness of trial by jury.
Can. Bar Rev. 5:478-82, Sept., 1927.
Labriola, T., Su [a riforma della giuria. Corr. dei Tribun. (Naples),
March 15, 1927.
Lega!l Aid
583 Legal aid in criminal cases. Jour. Amer. Judic. Soc. 11:29-30, June, 192.7.
(Chicago, Ill.)
581. Legal aid societies in the United States. For. Lang. Inform. Serv. Interpreter Release (List no. 75, pp. 1-5, June 28, 1927.
585. Van Schaick, G. S., The handicap of poverty in litigation. Cornell Law
Quar. 12:460-6, June, 1927.
586. The Crime Commission of New York State, Report to the Commission of
the Sub-Commission on Adjustment of Sentences. 30 pp. Albany, 1927.
Gibson, K., Enlisting the state for probation. Proc. Amer. Prison Assn.,
1926, 166-72.
588. Kirby, J. P., Educating the public as to probation. Proc. Amer. Prison
Assn., 1926, 87-90.
589. Stern, L., Pennsylvania's needs in probation. Proc. Amer. Prison Assn.,
1926, 91-102.
590. Charry, E., The probation system and the juvenile delinquent: supervision
and care of juvenile offenders. Social and Industr. Rev. (S. Afr.)
3:339-48, Aprili 1927.
591. Foltin, E. M., Bedeutung und Anwendungsgebiet dcr Schutzaufsicht gegeniiber Erwachsenen. Monats. f. Kriminalpsych. 18:289-301, June, 1927.
Science in the Courtroom
592. Glueck, S., Psychiatric examination of persons accused of crime. Mental
Hyg. 11:287-3.05, April, 1927. Same as no. 309, Aug. bibl.
593. Herzog, A. W., The Bontkosky case. Med.-Leg. Jour. 44:54-6, MarchApril, 1927.
594. Larson, J. A., and Huges, M. Y., The efficacy of the present judicial system as a method for the determination of innocence or guilt. Police
Jour. 14:19, June, 1927 (concl.).
595. O'Neill, A. A., A plea for the complete medical, psychological and psychiatric examination of all persons accused of crime. Proc. Int. Assn.
Chiefs of Police, 1927, 156-61.
596. Rosanoff, A. J., Medico-legal questions in psychiatry. Pp. 445-52 of Manual of psychiatry. 6th ed. rev., enl., illustr. xviii+697 pp. J. Wiley &
Sons, New York, 1927.
597. Bohne, Die strafrechtliche Verwertbarkeit der Psychoanalyse. Deut. Jur.Ztg. 32: col. 919-23, 1927.
598. Del Vecchio, G., La prova della verita nella diffamnazione. Riv. pen. 105:
572-82, June, 1927.
599. Edlin, G., Rechtlich-psychiatrische Grenzfragen. Monats. f. Kriminalpsych.
18:301-16, June, 1927.
600. Ferrari, U., La ricercd della verita nel processo penale. Riv. pen. 105:5-23,
Jan., 1927.
, La verita penale e la sua ricerca nel diritto processuale italiano.
xxiii+418 pp. Ist. Edit. Scient., Milan, 1927.
602. Fiore, U., La psicologia giudiziaria. Scuola pos. n. s. 7:135-43, MarchApril, 1927.
603. Gorphe, F., La critique du timoignage. 2nd ed. 470 pp. Libr. Dalloz,
Paris, 1927. Bibl. of 601 titles.
604. Hellwig, A., Psychologie und Vernehmungstechnik bei Tatbestandserrnittlungen. Eine Einfiihrung in der forensischen Psychologic. . . . 317
pp. Langenscheidt, Berlin, 1927.
605. Luetgebrune, Parteifunktioniir und Zeuge. (Ein Beitrag cur Lehre von
der Zeugnisfahigkeit.) Arch. f. die ges. Psychologie 59:163-72, June,
Monats. f.
606. Maier, H. W., Rechtlich-psychiatrische Grenzfragen.
Kriminalpsych. 18:316-22, June, 1927.
607. Moll, A., Eine notwendige Kritik der forensischen Aussagepsychologie
Sterns. Krim. Monats. 1:76-9, April, 1927.
608. Pfreimbter, R., Leichen5ffnungen und Rechtspflege. Krim. Monats.
1:100-2, May, 1927.
609. Schoenherr, H., Der Wach-und Polizeihund als Bezveismittel vor Gericht.
Krim. Monatsh. 1:108-12, May, 1927.
610. Sklarz, E., Mcdi-inisches-Forensisches zum Reichsgesetz zur Bekampfung
der Geschlechtskrankhciten. Krim. Monatsh. 1:87-9, April, 1927.
611. Stern, W., Albert Mall und der psychologische Sachverstandige. Krim.
Monatsh. 1:138-41, June, 1927.
612. The Testimony of spies. Just. of the Peace 91:578-9, July 30, 1927.
613. Wolff, K., Wiedererkennungs-Zeugen. Krim. Monatsh. 1:180-1, Aug.,
Special Courts
614. Curry, H. I. [Juvenile courts in Minn., N. C., and N. Y.]. In Public
child-caring work in certain counties of Minnesota, North Carolina and
New York. (U. S. Dept. of Labor--Children's Bureau, Pub. no. 173.)
vi+96 pp. Govt. Print. Off., Washington, 1927.
615. Greenebaum, B., The court of "another chance." Woman Cit. n. s.
12:12-14, Aug., 1927. (Chicago Juv. Court.)
616. Inside annals of Denver Juvenile Court. Prob. Bul. 6:1+, Aug., 1927.
617. Judge Lindsey out but not down. Survey 58:468, Aug. 1, 1927.
618. Lou, H. H., Juvenile courts in the United States; their law and practice.
xx+277 pp. U. of N. C. Press, Chapel Hill, N. C., 1927. Bibl., pp.
619. Andreae, H. W. W., De rechtspraak der Gezinsrechtbanken
Courts) in de Vereenigde Staten van N. Amerika. Maandbl. v.
ting en Reclasseering 6:211-23, 239-51, Aug., Sept., 1927.
620. Haeckel, H., Jugendgerichtshilfe. 194 pp. Herbig, Berlin, 1927.
621. Sharp, E., Being naughty. Pp. 198-229 of The London child.
John Lane, London, 1927.
622. Weyl, R., Des deutsche Jugendrecht. viii+330 pp. Hirschfeld,
254 pp.
V"3. Brown, J. A., The Indiana system of charities. Welfare Mag. 18:1075-6,
Aug., 1927.
E24. Carver, R., The twin forces of opposition. Welfare Mag. 18:741-4, June,
625. Debs, E. V., Walls and bars. 248 pp. Socialist Party, Chicago, 1927.
626. Doll, E. A., Some principles of correctional treatment. Jour. Crim. Law
and Crimin. 18:197-206, Aug., 1927.
627. Directory of correctional and penal resources of the State of Pennsylvania. 28 pp. Pa. Coam. on Penal Affairs, Philadelphia, 1927.
Kellogg, C. P., State welfare organization in Connecticut. Welfare Mag.
18:828-30, June, 1927.
629. May, C. L., What should be done to rehabilitate the criminal? Bar Assn.
Bul. (Los Angeles) 2:12-14+, Jan. 20, 1927.
630. McCormick, A., Penal conditions. Pp. 626-9 of The American Year Book
1926. xxii+1178 pp. Macmillan, New York, 1927.
631-4. Niles, Blair, The land of "The Dry Guillotine." A visit to the grim
penal colonies of Guiana. N. Y. Times Mag., July 3, 1927. On the
isle that is world's end. Ibid., July 10, 1927. Forgotten men of the
'jungle prisons. Ibid., July 24, 1927. The drama of Guiana, real and
unreal. Ibid., Aug. 7, 1927.
635. Overholzer, W., Psychiatry and the treatment of offenders. Mental Hyg.
11:306-23, April, 1927.
636. Palmer, L. J., The defective delinquent as a state problem. Psychiatric
Quar. 1:91-5, Jan., 1927.
637. Patterson, M., The application of recent social legislation in law enforcement. Proc. Int. Assn. Chiefs of Police, 1927, 174-9.
638. Platt, C., Principles of penal reform. Proc. Amer. Prison Assn., 1926,
639. Proceedings of the 56th Annual Congress of the American Prison Association-Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, October 15th to 21st, 1926. 370 pp.
Amer. Prison Assn., New York [1927].
640-2. Robinson, L. N., European methods and ideas of penal treatment. A
report submitted to the sub-committee of the National Crime Commistion on pardons, paroles, probation, penal laws and institutional correction. 14 pp. Nat. Crime Com., New York, 1927. See also Amer. City
37:285-9, Sept., 1927, and Pub. Affairs 9:7-8, Oct., 1927.
643. Social adjustment of delinquents. Pp. 788-802 of Bedford, S. E. W. (ed.),
Readings in urban sociology. xxxiv+903 pp. Appleton, New York,
644. Weak spots in the penal system. Penal Affairs (Phila.) no. 15:2-8, June,
645. White, W. A., Psychiatry as an element in protective penology. Proc.
Amer. Prison Assn., 1926, 216-24.
646. Amtlicher Entwurf eines Strafvolzugsgesetzes nebst Begriindung.
Teil 2. Begriindung. 95 pp. W. de Gruyter, Berlin, 1927.
647. Aschaffenburg, G., Erfolgshaftung und Versuchsstrafe. Monats. f.
Kriminhlpsych. 18:502-13, Sept., 1927.
648. Bromberg, R., Die niederliindischen Gesetzbestimmungen gegen anomale
Kriminelle. Monats. f. Kriminalpsych. 18:480-4, Sept., 1927.
649. Bruzin et al., La riorganisation judiciaire et pinitentiaire. Rev. p~nit.
51:11-45, 48-93, Jan.-April, 1927.
650. Crime and punishment in bygone days. Just. of the Peace 91:463-4, June
18, 1927.
651. Delaquis, E., Die Verfahrung von Gewohnheitsverbrechern nach den kantonalen Rechten der Schweiz. Monats. f. Kriminalpsych. 18:468-75,
Sept., 1927.
652. Eichler, H., Ncuzcitlicher Strafvollzug. Z. f. die ges. Strafrechtswiss.
18:171-94, 1927.
653. Ewald, 0., Rechtskrdftige Einziehung im Strafverfahren und Verdusserung. Z. f. die ges. Strafrechtswiss. 18:194-206, 1927.
654. Frede. I., Der Stufenstrafvollug in Thiiringen und der Entwurf eines
Reichsstrafvollzugsgesetzes. Arch. f. Rechtspfl. in Sachsen, Thiir u.
Anhalt 4:244-64, 19-77.
and Griinhut," M. (eds.), Reform dcs Strafvollzuges. Kritische
Beitrdge zu, dem amt!ichen Entwurf eines Strafvollzugsgesetzes. vii+
264 pp. W. de Gruyter, Berlin, 1927.
656. Friedrichs. K., Polizeiliche Strafverfiigungen im Lichte des Allgemeinen
Rechtes. Arch. f. Strafr. u. Strafproz. 71:201-4, June; 241-4, July, 1927.
657. Marsich, P., L'esecuzione penale. Saggio introduttivo. 93 pp. A. Milani,
Padua, 1927.
658. The Penal Servitude Act, 1926. Just. of the Peace 91:522-3, July 9, 1927.
659. Reuss, M., Der Strafvollzug an Frauen vor, in und nach dem Kriege unter
Beriicksirhtigung der Wechselwirkungen zwischen Verwaltungs-und
Fiirsorgearbeit. 62 pp. Reinhardt, Munich, 1927.
660. Saporito, F., La riforina penale. (Rifiessione di un biologo.) Scuola pos.
n. s. 7:144-53, March- April, 1927.
661. Wagner, R., Ubee' schweizerische Strafpraxis im Aufklirgngszeitalter.
Zeits. d. Bern. Juristen-vereins 63:193-215, 241-57, 1927.
662. Wolter, L., Der bedingte Strafnachlass in Polen. Z. f. die ges.
Strafrechtswiss. 48:92-8, 1927.
663. Zahdi, M. I., De la sentence inditerininie ou de l'indetermination dans la
sentence. 299 pp. Libr. gin. de Droit et de Jurispr., Paris, 19-7.
664. Zui Stufenvollzug. Monats. f. Kriminalpsych. 18:438-40, Aug., 1927.
665. Beasley, N., Aren t we all kitlersf Interview with Henry Ford. Collier's
Weekly 79:7, July 11, 1927.
666. Brigance, W. N., A life for a life. Indep. 200:2+, Aug., 1927.
667. Burnstead, E. W., Census and the death penalty. Crim. Justice 9:11,
April, 1927.
668. Bye, R. T., Shall we put them to death? World Tomorrow 10:248-50,
June, 1927.
669. Capital punishment. Ind. Bul. of Char. and Corr. 149:218-19, June, 1927.
670. Forbes, H. C., The death penalty from a scientific point of view. Sci.
Mon. 25:80-3, July, 1927.
671. Hanna, F. D., Penitentiary murderers are to hang. Crim. Justice 9:11-12,
July-Aug., 1927.
Herzog, A. W., The Snyder case, capital punishment and other topics.
Med.-Leg. Jour. 44:36-8, March-April, 1927.
673. Leach, E. J., The lash. Proc. Amer. Prison Assn., 1926, 78-81.
674. Tasker, R. J., A man is hanged. Amer. Mercury 11:162-70, June, 1927.
675. Parnisetti, C., La pena capitale in Alessandria e la Confraternitd di S.
Giovanni Decollato. Arch. di antr. crim. 47:340-65, May-June, 1927.
676. American Prison Association, comp., State and national penal and correctional institutions of the United States and Canada-Official-April,
1927. [22 pp.] Amer. Prison Assn., New York, 1927.
677. Atlanta convicts turn to art. Lit. Dig. 93 -38, June 4, 1927.
678. Barger, E. H., What good do state prisons do? Proc. Int. Assn. Chiefs
of Police, 1927, 137-41.
679. Barton, G., Mass in the penitentiary. Commonweal 6:398-9, Aug. 31, 1927.
680. Beatty, F. N., The woman's prison. [Joliet, Ill.] Welfare Mag. 18:921-6.
+6 plates. July, 1927.
681. Booth, M. B. [Religion in prison work]. Proc. Amer. Prison Assn., 1926,
682. Campbell, G. P. [How can a penal institution aid in lessening crime?]
Dept. of Corr. [Mass.] Quar. 3:3-4, July, 1927.
683. Castro, P. B., Education of prisoners in Peru. Bul. Pan-Amer. Union
61:679-84, July, 1927.
684. Chisolm, B. 0., About prisons. Welfare Mag. 18:1083-6, Aug., 1927.
685. Convict 999, On curing criminals. McNaught's Mon. 7:41-3, Feb., 1927.
686. Groome, J. C. [The Eastern Penitentiary of Pennsylvania]. Proc. Amer.
Prison Assn., 1926, 265-75.
687. A Handbook of public social welfare agencies and institutions in Indiana.
Ind. Bul. of Char. and Corr. 160:288-311, Oct., 1927.
688. Hart, H. H., chmn., Report of the committee on jails . . . on the distribution of the cost of maintaining United States prisoners between the
Federal Treasury and the taxpayers of local counties. Proc. Amer.
Prison Assn., 1926, 276-86.
689. La Du, B., New ideals in prison management. Proc. Amer. Prison Assn.,
1926, 202-15.
690. Latude and Linguet, Memoirs of the Bastille. 220 pp. Brentano, New
York, 1927.
691. Laws relating to the penal and insane institutions. 1927. 77 pp. Dept. of
Welfare, Baltimore, 1927.
692. Lewis, W. J., The crime and prison problem in Illinois. Manuf. News,
Aug, 1927, pp. 21+.
693. MacCormick, A., Inmate participation in prison management. Proc. Amer.
Prison Assn., 1926, 192-201.
694. Moore, F., Education in. prisons. Proc. Amer. Prison Assn., 1926, 81-6.
695. Mulcahy, G. F. A., How can a penal institution aid in lessening crime? "9
pp. [Suffolk County House of Corr., Boston, 1927.]
696. Penitentiary health problems. Nation's Health 9:55-6, June, 1927.
697. [Report of Committee on Penal and Reformatory Institutions.] Ind. Bul.
of Char. and Corr. 149:125-31, June, 1927.
698. Scarborough, A. M., What has a state the right to expect of its penitentiary or penitentiaries? Proc. Amer. Prison Assn., 1926, 56-61.
699. United States, 69th Congress, 2nd Session, Senate Doc. no. 207, Charitable
and reformatory institutions in the District of Columbia. History and
development. . . . iv+375 pp. Govt. Print. Off., Washington, 1927.
700. Wahlquist, J., Education in the prisons of Utah. School and Soc. 26:45-6,
July 9, 1927.
701. What makes a prison. Panel 5:2-3, June, 1927.
702. Beringer, K., Versammlungsbericht. Die 19. Tagung der deutschen Strafanstaltsbeamten. Monats. f. Kriminalpsych. 18:443-8, Aug., 1927.
703. Ccl en gemeenschap in Oostenrijk. Maandbl. v. Berechting en Reclasseering 71:223-7, Aug., 1927.
704. El Cinquentenario de la Penitenciaria Nacional. [Argentine.] Rev. de
crim. psiq. y med. leg. 14:354-70, May-June, 1927. Illustr.
705. Hafner, K., Die Strafanstalt Regensdorf und die Ziircherische Zwangsversorgung. 63 pp. Ziegler, Winterthur. 1927.
706. Hentig, H. v., and Albrecht, Strafanstalten fiir junge Miitter. Monats. f.
Kriminalpsych. 18:374-6, July, 1927.
707. Legrand, E., A' propos des annexes psychiatriques des prisons. Rev. de
droit pin. et de crim. 7:675-7, June, 1927.
708. Liepmann, M., Amerikanische Gefiingnisse uIld Erziehungsanstalten. Ein
Reisebericht. xii+76 pp. J. Bensheimer, Mannheim, 1927.
709. Maagk, W., Zahniirtlich-soziale Hygiene in der Krankenfiirsorge und in
Strafanstalten. Zeits. f. Schulgesundheitspfl. u. soz. Hyg. 40:274-80,
June, 1927.
710. Van Mesdag, S., Een crimninologische bijdrage van het jaar 1819. Tijds. v.
Straf. 37:189-209, 1927.
711. Vervaeck, Las ventajas de los anexos psiquidtricos de las prisiones desde
el punto de 'vista penal y penitenciario. Rev. de crim. psiq. y med. leg.
14:287-309, May-June, 1927. Transl. from no. 479, Aug. bibl.
Convict Labor
712. Ellis, W. J., et al., To what extent should the conduct of prison industries
be controlled or modified by outside industries? Proc. Amer. Prison
Assn., 1926, 146-65.
713. Fishman, J. F., Employment for county jail prisoners. Proc. Amer.
Prison Assn., 1926, 287-99.
714. Hart, H. H., Prison labor. Pp. 629-31 of The American Year Book
* 1926. xxii+1178 pp. Macmillan, New York, 1927.
715. Jackson, H. T., Prison labor. Jour. Crim. Law and Crimin. 18:218-68,
Aug., 1927. Bibl.
716. McCullough, E. W., Manufacturing in prisons-some observations of
business. Proc. Amer. Prison Assn., 1926, 242-53.
717. Seitz, D. C., California salvages sinners. Outlook 146:186, June 8, 1927.
718. Strief, J. H., Iowa prison industries. Welfare Mag. 18:948-51, July, 1927.
719. Weyand, L. D., The Pennsylvania plan of wage payment to' prisoners.
Jour. Crim. Law and Crimin. 18:277-83, Aug., 1927.
720. Cialente, A., Raggruppamento di delinquenti abituali e lavoro obbligatorio in colonia. Scuola pos. n. s. 7:154-8,. March-April, 1927.
721. Sagarna and Gomez [Addresses on convict labor]. In La Exposicion
Industrial Penitenciaria. Rev. de crim. psiq. y med. leg. 14:371-8, MayJune, 1927.
722. Sommer, M., Der Reso-ializierungswert der Arbeit nach dem amtlichen
Entwurf eines Strafvolliugsgesetzes. Soziale Praxis 36: col. 503-9,
May 19, 1927.
723. Barnett, J. D., The grounds of pardon. Ore. Law Rev. 6:356-69, June,
1927 (conc.).
724. Burlingham, C. C., The independence of the executive practice of clemency: The New York practice. Mass. Law Quar. 12:13-14, May, 1927.
725. Hale, R. W., The independence of the executive practice of clemency:
The practice of the English Home Office. Mass. Law Quar. 12:1-12,
May, 1927.
726. Johnson, C. J., Parole as an element in protective penology. Proc. Amer.
Prison Assn., 1926, 328-31.
727. Kuhlman, A. F., Pardons, paroles and commutations in Missouri. Proc.
Amer. Prison Assn., 1926, 300-18.
728. Pollard, H. S., What the public demands of parole. Proc. Amer. Prison
Assn., 1926, 318-27.
729. Prisoners released in flood district. Welfare Mag. 18:971, July, 1927.
730. [Young, C. C.], The pardon of Charlotte Anita Whitney. 15 pp. State
Printing Office, Sacramento, Calif., 1927.
Bryon, W., Out at St. Charles! A visitor records his impression of the
St. Charles School for Boys. Welfare Mag. 18:1053-5. +7 pp. illustr.
Aug., 1927.
Dvorak, R. W., Does the reformatory help or harmf Crim. Justice
9:1-4+, July-Aug., 1927. [Pontiac, Ill., Ref.] Illustr.
Erlewine, E., Training the delinquent girl. Welfare Mag. 18:749-58, June,
1927. [Geneva, Ill., State Training School.]
Hoffman, G., Sanitation at Menard. Welfare Mag. 18:745-8, June, 1927.
[S. Ill. Penit.]
Juvenile Board Report of Dallas County, Texas, and Case Analyses by
Child GuidancC Clinic from Jan. 1, 1925, to Jan. 1, 1927. 72 pp. Juv.
Board, Dallas, 1927.
Nelles, F. C., Work at Whittier State School. Jour. of Delinq. 11:69-71,
June, 1927.
Shepard, J. B., The physical education program at the Whittier State
School. Jour. of Delinq. 11:88-99, June, 1927.
Todd, E. N., and Sheley, C. B., Girl scouting. Geneva Training School
believes its training invaluable. Welfare Mag. 18:1071-9, Aug., 1927.
Willson, G. M., Adaptation of treatment to cause in male juvenile delinquency. Jour. Crim. Law and Crimin. 18:207-17, Aug., 1927.
740. Bleidt, Der Strafvolizug an Minderiihrigen nach dem amtlichen Entwurf
eines Strafvollzugsgesetzes. Z. f. die ges. Strafrechtswiss. 48:166-71,
741. Children's republics. Rev. int. de l'enfant 3:168-72, March, 1927.
742. Thormann, P., Entwurf eines Gesetzes betreffend die Jugendstrafrechtspflege fiir dcn Kanton Bern (vor 30. Miir 1921) nebst Erlduterungen.
Schweiz. Z. f.Strafr. 40:257-96, 1927.
743. Aronoff, J. B., The constitutionality of asexualiation legislation in the
United States. St. John's Law Rev. 1:146-74, May, 1927.
744. Brown, Sanger, 2nd, Child guidance clinics. Hospital Sc. Serv.
15:149-52, Feb., 1927.
745. Daly, P., The nemesis of defaulters. Success Mag. 11:25+. July, 1927.
746. Falconer, D. P., Preventive work in delinquency. Pp. 633-7 of The American Year Book . . . 1926. xxii+1178 pp. Macmillan, New York,
747-8. Gerk, J. A., Environment as a remedy for crime. Proc. Int. Assn.
Chiefs of Police, 1927, 35-7, and Police Jour. 15:5+, Sept., 1927.
749. Hadley, H. S., Movements to check crime. Pp. 622-5 of The American
Year Book . . . 1926. xxii+1178 pp. Macmillan, New York, 1927.
750. How Tampa treats lynchers. Lit. Dig. 93:12-13, June 18, 1927.
751. Hughes, M., Auto theft prevention. Police "13-13" 2:7, July, 1927.
752. Martin, W. B.: The Child Guidance Clinic. Welfare Mag. 18:1192-8, Sept.,
753-4. Matheson, D., Character building and crime prevention. Proc. Int.
Assn. Chiefs of Police, 1927, 119-21, and Detective 42:8, June, 1927.
755. McMurray, 0. K., Nip crime. in the bud. Sunset Mag. 59:12-15, July,
756. New York's bad men not so bad now. Lit. Dig. 94:12, Aug. 6, 1927.
757. North Carolina statute: not a eugenical sterilization law. Eugen. News
12:44-5, April, 1927.
758. Orbison, T., The prevention of crime in mental deviates. Jour. of Delinq.
11:100-15, June, 1927.
759. Pangburn, W. W., Nipping crime in the bud. Manuf. News, pp. 31-2,
June, 1927.
760. Parsons, P. A., Measures looking to crime prevention. Amer. City
37:35-7, July, 1927. Repr.
761. Popenoe, P., Eugenic sterilization in California. IL The feebleminded.
Jour. of Soc. Hyg. 13:321-30, June, 1927.
762. Report of Committee on Gun Bill. Proc. Int. Assn. Chiefs of Police, 1927,
763. Ricks, J. H., Striking at the root. Playground 21:189, July, 1927.
764. Rutledge, W. P., Police as a preventive agency in juvenile delinquency.
Proc. Int. Assn. Chiefs of Police, 1927, 133-7.
765. Schumacher, H. C., The prevention of the problem child. Pub. Health
Nurse 19:187-9, April, 1927.
766. Sterilization in California. Eugen. News 12:28-9, March, 1927.
767. Uniform state laws prohibiting the importation of revolvers-the recent
federal law. N. Y. Law Rev. 5:277-9, July, 1927.
768. Beer, J., Atude comparative des projets de loi relatifs d la protection morale de renfance. Rev. de droit pen. et de'crimin. 7:587-96, June, 1927.
B6hrsch, N., Der Freiheitsentzug als sichernde Massnahme .im tschechoslowakischen Strafgesetzentwurf.
18:476-80, Sept., 1927.
Ciacdo, E., Le misure di sicurezza nel diritto italiano. Scuola pos. n. s.
7:242-9, May-June, 1927.
Delfino, V., La protection des mineurs dans la Ripublique Argentine.
Rev. de droit pln. et de crimin. 7:665-9, June, 1927.
Goguel, S., La protection de i'enfance abandonnie et criminelle apr~s la
guerre, en Russie et dans les autres pays d'Europ'e et d'Anzrique. Bul.
int. de la prot. de l'enfance 56:143-68, Feb. 28, 1927.
Goll, A., Sicherungsmassnahmen in D~inenmork. Monats. f. Kriminalpsych.
18:484-502, Sept., 1927.
Krarup, F., Betaenkning I afgivet af "den under 23. dec. 1924 nedsatte
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bestemte personer." Ugeskrift f. Laeger 89:261-3, March 31, 1927.
Steigerthal, Gemeinsame Aufgaben von Strafrechts-und Wohlfahrtspflege
bei der Behandlung asozialer Personen. 'Monats. f. Kriminalpsych.
18:369-74, July, 1927.
Hill, H. C., Home care of released prisoners. Proc. Amer. Prison Assn.,
1926, 179-84.
Thomas, F. C., Address on prisoners' aid. Proc. Amer. Prison Assn.,
1926, 173-8.
Fliegel, M. 0. A., Die Strafentlassenenpflege im Freistaat Sachsen. 56 pp.
Sachs. Schutzverein f. Strafentl., Dresden, 1927.
Giacobini, J., Instituci6n del peritaje mndico-legai del liberado en el procedimiento criminal. Rev. de crim. psiq. y med. leg. 14:30-3, Jan.-Feb.,
Oct. 15. 1927.
PAGES 485-490 ARE