
A – Publications...................................................................................................................2
Books ...............................................................................................................................2
Publications in books .......................................................................................................2
Publications in International Journals..............................................................................2
Publications in National Journals.....................................................................................4
Special Issues ...................................................................................................................4
Other Publications............................................................................................................5
Papers presented at International Scientific Conferences ................................................5
Papers presented at National Scientific Conferences.....................................................11
B – Organization of Scientific Conferences ......................................................................12
Participation in Scientific International Organizations..................................................12
Invited talks....................................................................................................................12
Editorial boards..............................................................................................................13
Chairperson ....................................................................................................................14
Advisory board...............................................................................................................16
Scientific board ..............................................................................................................16
Organizing Committee...................................................................................................16
Special Sessions Organization .......................................................................................21
C – Graduate Studies .........................................................................................................21
PhD. Thesis ....................................................................................................................21
PhD Supervisions...........................................................................................................22
Msc. Supervisions ..........................................................................................................29
PhD. Courses offered .....................................................................................................29
Msc. Courses offered .....................................................................................................37
D - International Networks and Exchange Activities ....................................................37
E – Projects ........................................................................................................................41
F – Patents and Awards......................................................................................................79
A – Publications
1. Lisboa João V. and Carlos F. Gomes (2008), Gestão de Operações, pp. 635, Edição
Vida Económica, ISBN 978-972-788-274-8, 2nd revised edition.
2. Lisboa João V. and Mário G. Augusto (2008), Cálculo Financeiro, 328 p., Vida
Económica, Porto, [ISBN: 978-972-788-275-5], October.
3. Marques, Lino/ A. de Almeida/ M.O. Tokhi and G.S. Virk (2008), (Eds.),
“Advances in Mobile Robotics”, World Scientific Pub.
Publications in books
1. Araújo, Rui/ Urbano Nunes/ Luciano Oliveira/ Pedro Sousa, and Paulo Peixoto
(2008), “Support Vector Machines and Features for Environment Perception in
Mobile Robotics”, Computational Intelligence Paradigms: Innovative Applications',
Studies in Computational Intelligence, Vol. SCI 137, pp. 219-250, Springer-Verlag
Berlin Heidelberg, Germany. (invited chapter).
2. Augusto, Mário G. (2008), “Noções de Cálculo Financeiro”, Introdução à Gestão
das Organizações, Book Chapter, pp. 519-573, Edição Vida Económica, Porto,
[ISBN:978-972-788-273-1], 2ª Edição – October.
3. Gama, Paulo (co-autoria) (2008), “Contabilidade e Finanças”, Introdução à Gestão
das Organizações, Book Chapter, pp. 447-518, Edição Vida Económica, Porto,
[ISBN:978-972-788-273-1], 2ª Edição – October.
4. Gomes, Carlos F. (2008), “A Gestão das Actividades Produtivas”, Introdução à
Gestão das Organizações, Book Chapter, pp. 577-636, Edição Vida Económica,
ISBN 978-972-788-273-1, [2ª Edição].
5. Labakhua, L./ U. Nunes/ R. Rodrigues and F. Leite (2008), “Smooth trajectory
planning for fully automated passengers vehicles: spline and clothoid based methods
and its simulation”, Informatics in Control Automation and Robotics, Part II, Lecture
Notes in Electrical Engineering, Vol. 15, Springer, pp. 169-182.
6. Lisboa, João V. (2008), “Aspectos gerais da empresa”, Introdução à Gestão das
Organizações, Book Chapter, pp. 9-48, Edição Vida Económica, Porto, [ISBN:978972-788-273-1], 2ª Edição – October.
7. Lisboa, João V. (2008), “Gestão stocks”, Introdução à Gestão das Organizações,
Book Chapter, pp. 637-674, Edição Vida Económica, Porto, [ISBN:978-972-788-2731], 2ª Edição – October.
8. Moutinho, Alexandra/ Luiz Mirisola/ José Azinheira and Jorge Dias (2008),
"Project DIVA: Guidence and Vision Surveillance Techniques for an Autonomous
Airship", in Robotics Research Trends, Chapter II, Nova Publishers, ISBN: 1-60021997-7 Hardcover.
9. Rett,
"Laban Movement Analysis using a Bayesian model and perspective projections",
in Brain, Vision and AI, Chapter X, ed. Cesare Rossi, IN-TEH, Austria, ISBN:978953-7619-04-6, first edition, August.
10. Santos, J B./ D. Celorico/ J. Varandas and J. Dias (2008), “Medical interface for
echographic free-hand images”, Computational Vision and Medical Image
Processing, ed. J. Tavares & N. Jorge, Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-0415-45777-4.
11. Tavakoli, Mahmoud/ Lino Marques and Aníbal T. de Almeida (2008),
“Benchmarks for Pole Climbing Robots”, European Robotics Symposium 2008,
Herman Bruyninckx; Libor Preucil; Miroslav Kulich (Eds.), Springer Tracts in
Advanced Robotics, Vol. 44, Springer, pp. 215-222.
Publications in International Journals
Almeida, Aníbal/ M. Khalilov/ P. Fonseca/ C. Ferreira/ A. Jahn/ J. Muhling
and T. Mansfield (2008), Fuel cell cost-effectiveness assessment for combined heat
and power applications, International Journal of Power and Energy Systems. This
paper has passed peer review, and final approval by a member of the Editorial
Board. IASTED, Vol. 28, Nº2. IP: 0.304
Augusto, Mário Gomes/ Lisboa, João/ Yasin, Mahmoud and Figueira, José
(2008), Benchmarking in a Multiple Criteria Context: An Application and a
Conceptual Framework, European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 184, Nº
1, pp. 244-254. IP: 1.096
Baoming, Ge/ A. de Almeida and J. T. E. Ferreira (2009), Design of Transverse
Flux Linear Switched Reluctance Motor, IEEE Transaction on Magnetics, Vol. 45,
No. 1, pp 113-119, January. IP: 0.959
Coelho, Filipe and Augusto, Mário Gomes (2008), Organizational Factors
Associated with Job Characteristics: Evidence from Frontline Service Employees,
Journal of Strategic Marketing, Vol.12, Nº 2, pp. 157-172. IP: n/a
Ferreira, F. and A. de Almeida (2008), Novel Multi-Flux Level, Three-Phase,
Squirrel-Cage Induction Motor for Efficiency and Power Factor Maximization,
IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, Vol. 23, No. 1, March, pp. 101-109. IP:
Ferreira, João P./ Manuel Crisóstomo and A. Paulo Coimbra (2008), Control of
a Biped Robot with Support Vector Regression in Sagittal Plane, IEEE Transactions
on Instrumentation and Measurement (accepted for publication, expected on July or
August 2009). IP: 0.832
Ferreira, João P./ Manuel Crisóstomo and A. Paulo Coimbra (2008), Human
Gait Acquisition and Characterization, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and
Measurement (accepted for publication, expected on July or August 2009). IP:
Gomes, Carlos F./ Yasin, Mahmoud M. and Lisboa, João V. (2008), Project
Management in the Context of Organizational Change: The Case of the Portuguese
Public Sector, International Journal of Public Sector Management, Vol. 21, Nº 6,
pp. 573-585. IP: n/a
Gonçalves, Nuno and H. Araujo (2008 online), Estimating Parameters of
Noncentral Catadioptric Systems Using Bundle Adjustment, CVIU — Computer
Vision and Image Understanding, published online in June, 2008. Print: Vol. 113,
No. 1, p. 11-28, January 2009. IP: 1.417
Hüper, K./ M. Kleinsteuber and F. Silva Leite (2008), Rolling Stiefel manifolds,
International Journal of Systems Science. Volume 39, Issue 9, pp 881-887. IP:
Junior, Oswaldo Ludwig/ Urbano Nunes/ Rui Araújo/ Leizer Schnitmanb and
Herman Augusto Lepikson (2008, online), Applications of information theory,
genetic algorithms, and neural models to predict oil flow, Communications in
Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, Elsevier, Vol. 14, Issue 7, July 2009,
Pages 2870-2885. IP: n/a
Outeiro, M/ R. Chibante/ A. Carvalho and A. de Almeida (2008), A parameter
optimized model of a Proton Exchange Membrane fuel cell including temperature
effects, Journal of Power Sources, Elsevier, Vol. 185, 952–960, December. IP:
Outeiro, M./ A. Carvalho and A. de Almeida (2009), A new parameter extraction
method for accurate modeling of PEM fuel cells", International Journal of Energy
Research, John Wiley, Accepted for publication. IP: 0.701
Tamir, Caras/ Bachar Ami and Pasternak Zohar (2008), Morphological
variation in the oral discs of the scleractinian coral Favia speciosa (Dana) at
Indonesia. Computational Biology and Chemistry 32(5):345-348. IP: 1.653
Tahri, O./ Y. Mezouar/ N. Andreff and P. Martinet (2009), Visual servoing of
Gough-Stewart platform using omnidirectional camera, IEEE Transactions on
Robotics, February. IP: 1.976
Zohar, Pasternak (2008), Bartumeus Frederic and Grasso Frank W (accepted)
Lévy-taxis: a novel search strategy for finding odor plumes in turbulent flowdominated environments. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical. IP:
Publications in National Journals
1. Almeida, A. De/ Paula Fonseca and Ricardo J. Sousa Lima (2008), “Células de
Combustível para uso Residencial”, REVUE, Revista da Universidade de Évora, Ano
V, Nº 9, Junho.
Special Issues
1. Nunes, Urbano/ H. Rakha/ Y. Wang and D.-H. Lee (2008), (Guest-Editors).
Special Issue on ITSC06, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems,
Vol. 9, Nº. 1, March.
2. Leite, F. Silva and K. Krakowski (2008), Covariant differentiation under rolling
maps, Preprint of Department of Mathematics, University of Coimbra, Portugal, N.
Other Publications
1. Ferreira, Miguel and Paulo Gama (2008), Correlation Dynamics of Global Industry
Portfolios, Working Paper, CEMAF/ISCTE, 2008 (submitted Journal of Multinational
Financial Management).
Papers presented at International Scientific Conferences
1. Aires, Kelson and Helder Araujo (2008), Plane Detection Using Monocular Vision,
VIIP’2008—8th IASTED International Conference on Visualization, Imaging, and
Image Processing, September 1 – 3, Palma de Mallorca, Spain.
2. Akat, Salih Burak/ Veysel Gazi and Lino Marques (2008), Asynchronous Particle
Swarm Optimization Based Robotic Search, IEEE Workshop and Summer School on
Evolutionary Computing Lecture Series by Pioneers (WSSEC2008), Derry, Ireland,
3. Almeida, Anibal T. and Pedro Moura (2009), Minimization of Energy Storage
Requirements for a Mixed Renewable System with Demand-Side Management, ",
IEEE Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Conference, Calgary, Canada, 3-7
4. Almeida, Jorge and Rui Araújo (2008), Tracking Multiple Moving Objects in a
Dynamic Environment for Autonomous Navigation, Proc. 10th IEEE Int. Workshop
on Advanced Motion Control (AMC 2008), pp. 21-26, Trento, Italy, March 26-28.
5. Almeida, A./Ferreira, F./ Fong, J. and Conrad, B. (2008), Electric Motor
Standards, Ecodesign and Global Market Transformation, IEEE Industrial and
Commercial Power Systems Technical Conference, Clearwater Beach, Florida,
U.S.A., May.
6. Amorim, I./ R. Rocha and J. Dias (2008), Mobile robotic surveillance systems:
Detecting and evaluating changes in 3D mapped environments, Proc. of 2nd Israeli
Conference on Robotics (ICR 2008), Herzlia, Israel, Nov. 19-20.
7. Augusto, Mário Gomes/ Coelho, Filipe and Luas, Lages (2008), Job-Related
Characteristics and the Creativity of Frontline Service Employees: The Mediating
Effects of Role Stress and Intrinsic Motivation, proceedings of 37th Conference of
European Marketing Academy (EMAC), Brighton, United Kong, May.
8. Augusto, Mário Gomes/ Lisboa, João and Brandão, Elísio (2008), O Efeito de
Alavancagem na Rendibilidade dos Capitais Próprios das Empresas da União
Europeia, Proceedings of XVIII Luso-Spanish Conference on Management, Porto,
February 2008.
9. Azevedo Perdicoúlis, T-P and G. Jank (2008), Linear Quadratic OL-Nash Games
for a class of repetitive processes, Proceedings of 8th Portuguese Conference on
Automatic Control (CONTROLO 2008), pp 64-69, Vila Real, Portugal, 21-23 July.
10. Azevedo Perdicoúlis, T-P and G. Jank (2008), OL Nash on Affine Repetitive
Processes, Proceedings of 18th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of
Network and Systems. (MTNS08), Blacksburg, Virginia, USA, 28 July – 1 August.
11. Azevedo Perdicoúlis, T-P and G. Jank (2008), Existence and Uniqueness of
Disturbed Open Loop Nash Equilibria for Affine-Quadratic Differential Games,
ISDG2008, Wrocław, Poland, June.
12. Barreto, J. P. / J. M. Santos/ P. Menezes and F. Fonseca (2008), Ray-based
Calibration of Rigid Medical Endoscopes, Int. Work. on Omnidirectional Vision,
Camera Networks and Non-Classical Cameras, Marseille, October. (Oral)
13. Bastanlar, Y./ L. Puig/ P. Sturm/ J. Campo and J. P. Barreto (2008), DLT-Like
Calibration of Central Catadioptric Cameras, Int. Work. on Omnidirectional Vision,
Camera Networks and Non-Classical Cameras, Marseille, October 2008. (Oral)
14. Burrows, Hugh/ Rachel C. Evans/ Artur J.M. Valente/ Daniel Alves Cerqueira/
Ângela C. P. Almeida/ L. Marques/ A. T. de Almeida and S. M. Fonseca (2008),
Organic, inorganic, polymeric and hybrid matrices for conjugated polymeres for
sensor applications, Proc. 6th Workshop on Luminiscent Conjugated Polymers, 19th
May, Coimbra, Portugal.
15. Cardoso, João R./ F. Silva Leite (2008), Exponentials of skew-symmetric matrices
and logarithms of orthogonal matrices, Proceedings of NumAn 2008, Kalamata,
Greece, pp. 54-57, September 1-5.
16. Coutinho F. and R. Cortesão (2008), Online Stiffness Estimation for Compliant
Robotic Manipulation”, in Proc. of the Portuguese Conference on Automatic Control,
pp. 578-583, Portugal.
17. Faria, Diego R. and Jorge Dias (2008), Hand Trajectory Segmentation and
Classification Using Bayesian Techniques, Workshop on "Grasp and Task Learning
by Imitation", 2008 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and
Systems, Acropolis Convention Center, Nice, France September, 22-26.
18. Fernandes, Pedro and Urbano Nunes (2008), Multi-Agent Architecture for
Simulation of Traffic with Communications, ICINCO 2008 - International
Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation & Robotics, Funchal, May.
19. Ferreira, Fernando/ W. Deprez / F. Parasiliti / A. T. de Almeida and R. Belmans
(2008), A study of the effects of the stator slots wedges material on the behavior of an
Induction Motor, ICEM'08 - International Conference on Electrical Machines,
Vilamoura, Portugal, 6-9 September.
20. Ferreira, Fernando and A. T. de Almeida (2008), Considerations on In-Field
Induction Motor Load Estimation Methods, ICEM'08 - International Conference on
Electrical Machines, Vilamoura, Portugal, 6-9 September.
21. Ferreira, Fernando/ M. V. Cistelecan/ A. T de Almeida and G. Baoming (2008),
Simple Strategy to Recovery Energy During Stopping Period in Large High-Inertia
Line-Fed Induction Motor Driven Systems, ICEM'08 - International Conference on
Electrical Machines, Vilamoura, Portugal, 6-9 September.
22. Ferreira, Fernando/ J. P. Trovão and A. T. de Almeida (2008), Motor Bearings
and Insulation System Condition Diagnosis by Means of Common-Mode Current and
Shaft-Ground Voltage Correlation, ICEM'08 - International Conference on Electrical
Machines, Vilamoura, Portugal, 6-9 September.
23. Ferreira, F./ I. Amorim/ R. Rocha and J. Dias (2008), T-SLAM: Registering
Topological and Geometric Maps for Robot Localization in Large Environments,
MFI'2008 - IEEE International Conference on Multisensor Fusion and Integration for
Intelligent Systems, Seoul, Korea, August 20-22.
24. Ferreira, F. and J. Dias (2008), Merging Topological Maps for Localisation in Large
Environments, CLAWAR'2008 - 11th International Conference on Climbing and
Walking Robots and the Support Technologies for Mobile Machines, Coimbra,
Portugal, 8-10 September.
25. Ferreira, J. F./ P. Bessière/ K. Mekhnacha/ J. Lobo/ J. Dias and C. Laugier
(2008), Bayesian Models for Multimodal Perception of 3D Structure and Motion,
International Conference on Cognitive Systems (CogSys 2008), pp. 103-108,
University of Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, Germany, April.
26. Ferreira, J. F./ Pinho, C. and Dias J. (2008), Active Exploration Using Bayesian
Models for Multimodal Perception, Image Analysis and Recognition, Lecture Notes in
Computer Science series (Springer LNCS), International Conference ICIAR 2008,
Campilho, Aurélio and Kamel, Mohamed (Eds.), pp. 369-378, Póvoa de Varzim,
Portugal, June 25-27, 2008.
27. Ferreira, J. F./ Pinho, C., and Dias, J. (2008), Implementation and Calibration of a
Bayesian Binaural System for 3D Localisation, 2008 IEEE International Conference
on Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO 2008), Bangkok, Tailand, December 14-17.
28. Fonseca, Margarida J./ U. Nunes and L. Figueiredo (2008), Adaptation of Powered
Wheelchairs for Quadriplegic Patients with Reduced Strength, ETFA 2008 - 13th IEEE
Conference on Emerging Technologies & Factory Automation, Hamburg, 15-18
29. Frank W, Grasso/ Pasternak Zohar and Kloskowski Kamil (2009), A role for
memory in chemical tracking in turbulent flows. ASLO aquatic sciences conference,
January 25-30, Nice, France.
30. Freitas P. and R. Rocha (2008), Adapting Wiki Pages’ Presentation to People with
Different Patterns of Preferences and Needs, Proc. of IASK Int. Conf. E-Activity and
Leading Technologies 2008 (E-ALT2008), Madrid, Spain, pages 43-48, Dec. 3-5.
31. Gomes, Carlos F./ Yasin, Mahmoud M and Lisboa, João (2008), Strategic
Orientations of Manufacturing Organizations in the European Market: Evidence from
Portugal, proceedings of the 39th Annual Meeting of the Decision Science Institute,
Baltimore, Maryland, EUA.
32. Gomes, Carlos F./ Augusto, Mário Gomes and Yasin, Mahmoud M (2008), An
Examination of Strategic Effectiveness in the Context of Strategic Groups: A
Structural Equation Modeling Approach, Proceedings of the 39th Annual Meeting of
the Decision Science Institute, Baltimore, Maryland, USA.
33. Gomes, Carlos F. and Yasin, Mahmoud M. (2008), An Examination of Effective
Performance Dimensions for Entry-Level Managers, proceedings of the 34th Annual
Meeting of the Western Decision Science Institute, San Diego, EUA.
34. Jorge, Maria and Augusto, Mário Gomes (2008), Value Implications of Risk
Management and its links to Corporate Governance: A Survey of the Literature and
Future Research, Proceedings of 5th Finance Conference of Portuguese Finance
Network, Coimbra, Portugal, July 2008.
35. Junior, Oswaldo Ludwig/ Urbano Nunes/ Rui Araújo/ Leizer Schnitman and
Herman Augusto Lepikson (2008), Applications of Entropy and Neural Models to
Predict Oil Flow, Proc. 2nd Conference on Nonlinear Science and Complexity (NSC
2008), pp. 1-13, Porto, Portugal, July 28-31.
36. Lobo, Jorge/ João Filipe Ferreira/ José Augusto Prado and Jorge Dias (2008),
Robotic Implementation of Biological Bayesian Models for Visuo-inertial Image
Stabilization and Gaze Control, 2008 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on
Intelligent Robots and Systems, Acropolis Convention Center Nice, France,
September, 22-26.
37. Lobo, J./ Ferreira, J. F. and Dias, J. (2008), Robotic Implementation of Biological
Bayesian Models Towards Visuo-inertial Image Stabilization and Gaze Control, 2008
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO 2008),
Bangkok, Tailand, December 14-17.
38. Ludwig, Oswaldo and U. Nunes (2008), Improving the Generalization Properties of
Neural Networks: an Application to Vehicle Detection, 11th IEEE International
Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems - ITSC 2008, October 12-15,
Beijing, China.
39. Machado, Luis/ F. Silva Leite and K. Krakowski (2008), Riemannian Mean as a
Limiting Process, Proceedings of 8th Portuguese Conference on Automatic Control
(CONTROLO 2008), pp 396-401, Vila Real, Portugal, 21-23 July.
40. Machado, Luis/ F. Silva Leite and K. Krakowski (2008), A Variational Approach
for High Order Least Squares Problems on Riemannian Manifolds, Proceedings of
18th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Network and Systems.
(MTNS08), Blacksburg, Virginia, USA, 28 July – 1 August.
41. Maduro, Cristina/ Katherine Batista/ Paulo Peixoto and Jorge Batista (2008),
Estimating Vehicle Velocity using Rectified Images, VISAPP 2008 – Int. Conf. On
Computer Vision Theory and Applications, Funchal, Madeira, Jan 22-25.
42. Maduro, Cristina/ Katherine Batista/ Paulo Peixoto and Jorge Batista (2008),
Estimation of Vehicle Velocity and Traffic Intensity using Rectified Images, ICIP
2008 – IEEE Int. Conference on Image Processing, San Diego, California, USA, Oct
43. Marjovi, Ali and Lino Marques (2008), A Scalable Benchmark for Motion Control
of Mobile Robots, Proc. of the 11th Intl. Conf. on Climbing and Walking Robots and
the Supporting Technologies for Mobile Machines (CLAWAR2008), pp. 146-153,
Coimbra, Portugal, Sep. 8-10.
44. Marques, Lino/ Grzegorz Tomaszewski and Aníbal T. de Almeida (2008),
Switched Thermal Anemometer, Proc. of IEEE International Instrumentation &
Measurement Technology Conference (I2MTC 2008), pp. 1783-1786, May 12-15,
Victoria, BC, Canada.
45. Marques, Lino and Enric Cervera (2008), Strategies for Testing Multi-robot
systems for Operation in Risky Environments, IARP/EURON Workshop on Robotics
for Risky Interventions and Environmental Surveillance, Jan 7-8, Benicàssim, Spain.
46. Martins, Pedro and Jorge Batista (2008), Monocular Head-Pose Estimation, in M.
Camel and A. Campilho (Eds.) ICIAR 2008 – Image Analysis and Recognition
(Lecture Notes in Computer Science) Springer-Verlag, London, pp. 357-368.
47. Martins, Pedro/ Joana Sampaio and Jorge Batista (2008), Facial Expression
Recognition using Active Appearance Models, VISAPP 2008 – Int. Conf. On
Computer Vision Theory and Applications, Funchal, Madeira, Jan 22-25.
48. Martins, Pedro and Jorge Batista (2008), Accurate Single View Model-Based Head
Pose Estimation, FG 2008 - IEEE Int. Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture
Recognition, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Sept 17-19, 2008.
49. Martins, Pedro and Jorge Batista (2008), Single View Head Pose Estimation, ICIP
2008 – IEEE Int. Conference on Image Processing, San Diego, California, USA, Oct
50. Martins, Nuno and Helder Araujo (2008), Calibration and Pose Estimation of a
Pox-Slits Camera from a Single Image, ISVC’08-4th International Symposium on
Visual Computing, December 1—3, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.
51. Mendes, Mateus/ Manuel Crisóstomo and A. Paulo Coimbra (2008), Robot
Navigation Using a Sparse Distributed Memory, Proceedings of the 2008 IEEE
International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA’08), pp. 53-58,
Pasadena, California, May 19-23.
52. Mezouar, Y./ H. H. Abdelkader and O. Tahri (2008), Two Applications of
Ominidirectional Vision : Visual-Servo of Serial and Parallel Robots. Workshop on
Omnidirectional Robot Vision, International Conference on Simulation, Modeling
and Programming for Autonomous Robots, November 3-7, Venice, Italy.
53. Mirisola, Luiz G. B. and Jorge Dias (2008), Tracking from a Moving Camera with
Attitude Estimates, ICR 08 - The 2nd Israeli Conference on Robotics,
Herzlia, Israel, 19-20 November.
54. Monteiro, Gonçalo/ João Marcos/ Miguel Ribeiro and Jorge Batista (2008),
Robust Segmentation Process to Detect Incidents in Highways, in M. Camel and A.
Campilho (Eds.) ICIAR 2008 – Image Analysis and Recognition (Lecture Notes in
Computer Science) Springer-Verlag, London, pp. 110-121.
55. Monteiro, Gonçalo/ João Marcos/ Miguel Ribeiro and Jorge Batista (2008),
Robust Segmentation for Outdoor Traffic Surveillance, ICIP 2008 – IEEE Int.
Conference on Image Processing, San Diego, California, USA, Oct 12-15.
56. Monteiro, J. and R. Rocha (2008), RACbot-RT: Robust Digital Control for
Differential Soccer-Player Robots, Proc. of 5th Int. Conf. on Informatics in Control,
Automation and Robotics (ICINCO’08), Funchal, Portugal, pages 225-228, May 1115.
57. Monteiro, J. and R. Rocha (2008), Robust Digital Control for Differential SoccerPlayer Robots, Proc. of 8th Conf. on Autonomous Robot Systems and Competitions,
Aveiro, Portugal, pages 45-50, Apr. 2.
58. Oliveira, Luciano and U. Nunes (2008), On Integration of Features and Classifiers
for Robust Vehicle Detection, 11th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent
Transportation Systems - ITSC 2008, October 12-15, Beijing, China.
59. Oliveira, Luciano/ R. Britto and U. Nunes (2008), On Using Cell Broadband
Engine for Object Detection in ITS, IEEE IROS 2008 2nd Workshop on Planning,
Perception and Navigation for Intelligent Vehicles, Nice, France, September.
60. Oliveira, Pedro/ Lino Marques and Aníbal T. de Almeida (2008), Sniffing a fire:
experiments in a reduced scale Scenario, IARP/EURON Workshop on Robotics for
Risky Interventions and Environmental Surveillance, Jan 7-8, Benicàssim, Spain.
61. Oliveira, Pedro/ Lino Marques and Aníbal de Almeida (2008), Sniffing a Fire:
simulating experiments in a reduced scale scenario, Proc. of the 11th Intl. Conf. on
Climbing and Walking Robots and the Supporting Technologies for Mobile Machines
(CLAWAR2008), pp. 353-362, Coimbra, Portugal, Sep. 8-10.
62. Palaio, Hélio and Jorge Batista (2008), Multi-Object Tracking using Region
Covariance Particle Filter with Model Update in a Riemannian Manifold, VS 20088th Int. Workshop on Visual Surveillance (in conjunction with ECCV 2008),
Marseille, France, Oct. 17, 2008.
63. Palaio, Hélio and Jorge Batista (2008), Multi-Object Tracking Using an Adaptive
Transition Model Particle Filter with Region Covariance Data Association, ICPR
2008 – 19th Int. Conference on Pattern Recognition, Tampa, Florida, USA, Dez 8-11.
64. Pascoal, José/ Lino Marques and Aníbal T. de Almeida (2008), Assessment of
laser range finders in risky Environments, Proc. IEEE/RSJ International Conference
on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS2008), pp. 3533-3538, Nice, France.
65. Pascoal, José/ Lino Marques and Aníbal T. de Almeida (2008), Assessment of
laser range finders in risky environments, IARP/EURON Workshop on Robotics for
Risky Interventions and Environmental Surveillance, Jan 7-8, Benicàssim, Spain.
66. Pascoal, José/ Pedro Sousa and Lino Marques (2008), kheNose - A Smart
Transducer for gas sensing, Proc. of the 11th Intl. Conf. on Climbing and Walking
Robots and the Supporting Technologies for Mobile Machines (CLAWAR2008), pp.
993-1000, Coimbra, Portugal, Sep. 8-10.
67. Pinho, C./ J. F. Ferreira/ P. Bessière and J. Dias (2008), A Bayesian Binaural
System for 3D Sound-Source Localisation, International Conference on Cognitive
Systems (CogSys 2008), pp 109-114, University of Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, Germany,
April 2008.
68. Pires, Gabriel/ U. Nunes and M. Castelo-Branco (2008), Brain Computer Interface
Approaches to Control Mobile Robotic Devices, Advances in Mobile Robotics, World
Scientific, 11th International Conference on Climbing and Walking Robots and the
Support Technologies for Mobile Machines, pp 489-496, Coimbra, Portugal.
69. Pires, Gabriel/ M. Castelo-Branco and U. Nunes (2008), Visual P300-based BCI to
steer a Wheelchair: a Bayesian Approach, 30th International IEEE EMBS Conference,
pp. 658-661, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, August 20-24.
70. Rett, Jörg/ Luis Santos and Jorge Dias (2008), Laban Movement Analysis for
Multi-Ocular Systems, 2008 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent
Robots and Systems, Acropolis Convention Center Nice, France, September, 22-26.
71. Rocha, Rui/ Filipe Ferreira and Jorge Dias (2008), Multi-Robot Complete
Exploration using Hill Climbing and Topological Recovery, 2008 IEEE/RSJ
International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Acropolis Convention
Center, Nice, France, September 22-26.
72. Rodrigues, N./ R. Rocha and J. Dias (2008), Extrinsic Calibration between 3D
Laser Range Finders and Pinhole Cameras Aided by Inertial Data, Proc. of 2nd Israeli
Conference on Robotics (ICR 2008), Herzlia, Israel, Nov. 19-20.
73. Solea, Razvan and Urbano Nunes (2008), Robotic wheelchair control considering
user comfort: modeling and experimental evaluation, ICINCO 2008 - International
Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation & Robotics, Funchal, May.
74. Sousa, Pedro/ Lino Marques and Aníbal T. de Almeida (2008), Volatile marks for
robotics guidance, IARP/EURON Workshop on Robotics for Risky Interventions and
Environmental Surveillance, Jan 7-8, Benicàssim, Spain.
75. Sousa, Pedro/ Lino Marques and Aníbal T. de Almeida (2008), Toward ChemicalTrail Following Robots, Proc. of IEEE/AMLA 7th Int. Conf. on Machine Learning and
Applications (ICMLA2008), pp. 489-494, Dec 11-13, San Diego, California.
76. Sturm, Peter and Joao P. Barreto (2008), General Imaging Geometry for Central
Catadioptric Cameras, European Conf. on Computer Vision. Marseille, October.
77. Tahri, O. and Y. Mezouar (2008), On the Efficient Second Order Minimization and
Image-Based Visual Servoing, IEEE International Conference on Robotics and
Automation, Pasadena, California, May 19-23.
78. Tahri, O./ F. Chaumette and Y. Mezouar (2008), New Decoupled Visual Servoing
Scheme based on Invariants from Projection onto a Sphere, IEEE International
Conference on Robotics and Automation, Pasadena,California, May 19-23.
79. Tavakoli, Mahmoud/ Ali Marjovi/ Lino Marques and Anibal T. de Almeida
(2008), 3DCLIMBER: A climbing robot for inspection of 3D human made structures,
Proc. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems
(IROS2008), pp. 4130-4135, Nice, France.
80. Tavakoli, Mahmoud/ Lino Marques and Anibal de Almeida (2008), A
Comparison Study on Pneumatic Muscles and Electrical Motors, Using the
3DClimber as a Case Study, Proc. of the 11th Intl. Conf. on Climbing and Walking
Robots and the Supporting Technologies for Mobile Machines (CLAWAR2008), pp.
255-262, Coimbra, Portugal, Sep. 8-10.
81. Tavakoli, Mahmoud/ Ali Marjovi/ Lino Marques and Aníbal de Almeida (2008),
A Step Toward Autonomous Pole Climbing Robots, Proc. of the 11th Intl. Conf. on
Climbing and Walking Robots and the Supporting Technologies for Mobile Machines
(CLAWAR2008), pp. 1114-1121, Coimbra, Portugal, Sep. 8-10.
82. Xavier, João and Helder Araujo (2008), The Experimental Robotics Framework,
SIMPAR’2008—International Conference on Simulation, Modeling and
Programming for Autonomous Robots, November 1—3, Venice, Italy. Also chapter in
Simulation, Modeling, and Programming for Autonomous Robots, LNCS, SpringerVerlag, ISBN 978-3-540-89075-1.
83. Zohar, Pasternak (2008), Environmental monitoring with autonomous underwater
robots. Euro-science open forum (ESOF) conference, July 17-21, Barcelona, Spain.
Papers presented at National Scientific Conferences
1. Antunes, Michel/ Joao P. Barreto and Paulo Menezes (2008), Integration of
Optical Tracking System for Determination of the Position and Orientation of
Instruments During the Surgery, RECPAD2008 – 14.ª Conf. Portuguesa em
Reconhecimento de Padrões, October.
2. Duarte, L. and R. Rocha (2008), RAClearning: a Survey of Reinforcement Learning
Techniques Applied to Robot Soccer, Proc. of 14th Portuguese Conference on Pattern
Recognition (RecPad 2008), Coimbra, Portugal, Oct. 31.
3. Henriques, J. F. and H. Araujo (2008), A Simple and Fast Alternative to the
Generalized Hough Transform, RecPad’2008-14th Portuguese Conference on Pattern
Recognition, Coimbra, Oct. 31.
4. Junior, Oswaldo Ludwig/ Urbano Nunes and Rui Araújo (2008), Comparison
Study of Redundant Sensor Fusion in Autonomous Vehicle Navigation, Proc. 8th
Portuguese Conference on Automatic Control (CONTROLO 2008), pp. 719-725, Vila
Real, Portugal, July 21-23.
5. Martins, Pedro and Jorge Batista (2008), Model-Based Facial Expression
Recognition, RecPad’2008-14th Portuguese Conference on Pattern Recognition,
Coimbra, Oct. 31.
6. Miraldo, P. and H. Araujo (2008), Gestures Interpretation Using Computer Vision
for Human-Machine Interaction, RecPad’2008-14th Portuguese Conference on
Pattern Recognition, Coimbra, Oct. 31.
7. Monteiro, Gonçalo/ João Marcos/ Jorge Batista and Jorge Batista (2008),
Stopped Vehicle Detection System for Outdoor Traffic Surveillance, RecPad’200814th Portuguese Conference on Pattern Recognition, Coimbra, Oct. 31.
8. Monteiro, J. and R. Rocha (2008), RACbot-RT: Robust Digital Control for
Differential Soccer-Player Robots, Proc. of 14th Portuguese Conference on Pattern
Recognition (RecPad 2008), Coimbra, Portugal, Oct. 31.
9. Palaio, Hélio and Jorge Batista (2008), A Region Covariance and Particle Filter
Fusion for Multi-Object Tracking, RecPad’2008-14th Portuguese Conference on
Pattern Recognition, Coimbra, Oct. 31.
B – Organization of Scientific Conferences
Participation in Scientific International Organizations
Name of the Organization: Technical Committee on Nonlinear Systems of the
International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC).
Participant investigator: F. Silva Leite (2001-2008).
Name of the Organization: IEEE Robotics and Automation Society, Technical Committee
on Intelligent Transportation Systems.
Participant investigator: Urbano Nunes
Invited talks
Event: First Joint Meeting of the American Mathematical Society and Brasilian
Mathematical Society. Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. 2-9 June, 2008.
Title of talk: The geometry of rolling
Speaker: F. Silva Leite
Event: First IberoAmerican Meeting on Geometry, Mechanics, and Control. Santiago de
Compostela, Spain. 23-27 June, 2008.
Title of talk: Basic concepts of geometric nonlinear control
Speaker: F. Silva Leite
Event: XVII Fall Workshop on Geometry and Physics. Castro Urdiales, Spain. 3-6
September 2008.
Title of talk: The geometry of rolling maps.
Speaker: F. Silva Leite
Event: 3rd workshop ISEL|SENSORES 2008, Lisboa, 20 November, 2008
Title of talk: Sensores para robôs de operação em ambientes perigosos
Speaker: Lino Marques
Event: Tianjin University, Tianjin (China), October 28, 2008
Title of talk: Mobile Robot Olfaction @ ISR-UC
Speaker: Lino Marques
Event: 8th International UJI Robotics School on Rescue Robotics (IURS-2008),
Benicàssim (Spain), September 15-19, 2008
Title of talk: Mobile Robot Olfaction
Speaker: Lino Marques
Event: Good Experimental Methodology and Benchmarking in Robotics (GEMBench2008), Prague (Czech Republic), 25-26 March, 2008
Title of talk: Benchmarking Mobile Robots’ Motion
Speaker: Lino Marques
Title of talk: Image Geometry in Non-Conventional Central Cameras using Lifted
Coordinates”. ICS – FORTH, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, July, 2008.
Speaker: João Pedro Barreto
Title of talk: Stock models for Known irregular demand: Implications in other functional
áreas”, conferência no âmbito da III Hispano-Fench Meeting on Sustainability and CSR,
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, 13 de Maio de 2008.
Speaker: João Lisboa
Editorial boards
Urbano Nunes – Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation
Systems, since Sept. 2005.
Helder Araújo - Associate Editor for ICRA'08—2008 IEEE International Conference
on Robotics and Automation, May 19—23, 2008, Pasadena, California, USA.
Jorge Dias - Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems, Springer London
Jorge Dias - EURASIP Journal on Embedded Systems, Hindawi Publishing
Jorge Dias - Journal of Real-Time Image Processing, Springer
Jorge Dias - Robotics and Autonomous Systems Journal, Elsevier
Jorge Dias - Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, ASME Digital Library
Jorge Dias - International Journal of Information Sciences, Elsevier
Jorge Dias - The Imaging Science Journal, The Journal of Photographic Science,
Copyright The Royal Photographic Society, W.S. Maney & Son Ltd, UK
Jorge Dias - Journal of Systems and Control Engineering, Institution of Mechanical
Engineers from UK, Professional Engineering Publishing
Jorge Dias - IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine, IEEE
Jorge Dias - ROBÓTICA – Automação, Controlo e Instrumentação
Jorge Dias - Journal of Intelligent & Robotics Systems, Kluwer
Jorge Dias - International Journal of Robotics and Automation, ACTA Press /
Jorge Dias - Machine Vision Applications, Elsevier
Jorge Batista - CVIU – Computer Vision and Image Understanding
Jorge Batista - IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems
Jorge Batista - MEAS – Measurement
João P. Barreto - Guest Editor of “Computer Vision and Image Understanding”
(Special Issue on Omnidirectional Vision)
João Veríssimo Lisboa – Member of the Editorial Board of Revista Galega de
Economia, University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain.
João Veríssimo Lisboa – Member of the Editorial Board of International Journal of
Decision Sciences, Risk and Management
João Veríssimo Lisboa – Member of the Editorial Board of Management Decision,
João Veríssimo Lisboa – Member of the Editorial Board of Estudos de Gestão –
Portuguese Journal of Management studies, Portugal.
Carlos Ferreira Gomes – Member of the Editorial Board of International Journal of
Decision Sciences, Risk and Management
Carlos Ferreira Gomes – Member of the Editorial Board Review of Strategic
Outsourcing, an International Journal
Conference: Workshop on "Planning, Perception and Navigation for Intelligent Vehicles"
held at IROS 2008, Nice, France.
Participant investigator: Urbano Nunes.
Conference: ITSC2008 – IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference, Beijing,
China, 2008.
Participant investigator: Urbano Nunes.
Conference: ITSC2008 – IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference, Beijing,
China, 2008.
Participant investigator: Urbano Nunes.
Conference: Session Chair at the 8th Portuguese Conference on Automatic Control –
CONTROLO’2008, July 21-23, Vila Real, Portugal.
Participant investigator: Urbano Nunes.
Conference: 13º Congresso IO, 2008, session S3E.
Participant investigator: T-P Azevedo Perdicoúlis.
Conference: CONTROLO 2008, session [WE-8] – Control Theory 1
Participant investigator: T-P Azevedo Perdicoúlis.
Conference: ISDG2008, session WED71
Participant investigator: T-P Azevedo Perdicoúlis.
Conference: MTNS2008, session RSMultidimFinPosSys
Participant investigator: T-P Azevedo Perdicoúlis.
Conference: CONTROLO 2008, session Optimal Control 2
Participant investigator: F. Silva Leite
Conference: VISAPP’2008 - 3rd International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and
Applications, 22—25 January, 2008, Funchal, Madeira, Portugal
Participant investigator: Helder Araújo
Conference: XVIII Luso-Spanish Conference on Management, 7-8 February, 2008, Porto,
Participant investigator: Mário Gomes Augusto
Advisory board
Aníbal T. de Almeida: ECEEE - European Council for an Energy Efficient
Economy Expert Advisory Committee
Aníbal T. de Almeida: CLAWAR’2009, “12nd International Conference on
Climbing and Walking Robots and the Support Technologies for Mobile
Machines”, 9-11 September, Istanbul, Turkey.
Scientific board
Conference: Program Committee (Reviewer) – European Conference in Computer Vision
2008, Marseille, France
Participant investigators: João P. Barreto
Conference: Program Committee (Reviewer) – ICRA2008: IEEE Int. Conf. In Robotics
and Automation, , Pasadena, California, USA.
Participant investigators: João P. Barreto
Conference: Program Committee (Reviewer) – IROS2008: IEEE Int. Conf. On Intelligent
Robotic Systems
Participant investigators: João P. Barreto
Conference: Program Committee – OMNIVIS2008: Int. Workshop. In Omnidirectional
Cameras, Camera Networks and Non-conventional Cameras. Marseille, France.
Participant investigators: João P. Barreto
Conference: ENSPM08 – Encontro Nacional da Sociedade Portuguesa de Matemática.
25-28 June, 2008, ISEC, Coimbra, Portugal
Participant investigators: João R. Cardoso
Conference: 8th Portuguese Conference on automatic Control (CONTROLO 2008), 21-23
July 2008, Vila Real, Portugal.
Participant investigators: F. Silva Leite
Conference: IEEE Workshop and Summer School on Evolutionary Computing Lecture
Series by Pioneers” (WSSEC2008), 18-22 August 2008, Derry, Northern Ireland.
Participant investigators: Lino Marques
Conference: IARP/EURON Workshop on Robotics for Risky Interventions and
Environmental Surveillance” (RISE2008), 7-8 January, 2008 - Benicàssim (Spain).
Participant investigators: Lino Marques
Conference:2008 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, ICRA
2008, on May 19-23 2008 in Pasadena, California.
Participant investigators: Jorge Dias
Conference:2008 IEEE/RSJ 2008 International Conference on Intelligent Robots and
Systems, 22-26 September 2008, Nice, France.
Participant investigators: Jorge Dias
Conference: 2008 IASTED International Conference on Telehealth and Assistive
Technologies (Telehealth/AT 2008), April 16-18 in Baltimore, Maryland.
Participant investigators: Jorge Dias
Conference:2008 IROBOT'2008 - 3rd International Workshop on Intelligent RoboticsIBERAMIA is the international Ibero-American conference on Artificial Intelligence.
Participant investigators: Jorge Dias
Conference:2008 5th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and
Robotics – ICINCO 2008, May 11 - 15, 2008, Funchal, Madeira - Portugal.
Participant investigators: Jorge Dias
Conference: The IASTED International Conference on “Telehealth and Assistive
Technologies” Baltimore, Maryland, USA, April 16-18, 2008.
Participant investigators: Jorge Dias
Conference: Program Committee of the International Conference on Image Analysis and
Recognition (ICIAR 2008).
Participant investigators: Jorge Batista
Conference: Program Committee of the IEEE International Conference on Intelligent
Transportation Systems (ITSC 2008) (Program Committee & Associate Editor for
Advanced Vehicle Safety Systems & Intelligent Vehicles Technologies and Other Topics).
Participant investigators: Jorge Batista
Conference: Program Committee of the VISAPP 2008 – Int. Conf. On Computer Vision
Theory and Applications.
Participant investigators: Jorge Batista
Conference: Program Committee of the ICIAR’2008—International Conference on
Image Analysis and Recognition, June 25-27, 2008, Póvoa do Varzim, Portugal.
Participant investigators: Helder Araújo
Conference: Technical Committee (Track 1—Computer Vision) of the ICPR’2008--19th
International Conference on Pattern Recognition, December 8—11, 2008, Tampa,
Florida, USA.
Participant investigators: Helder Araújo
Conference: Associate Program Committee of Omnivis’2008—8th Workshop on
Omnidirectional Vision, October 17, 2008, Marseille, France.
Participant investigators: Helder Araújo
Conference: Associate Editor for the IEEE International Conference on Intelligent
Transportation Systems (ITSC 2008), 12-15 October, 2008, Beijing, China.
Participant investigators: Paulo Peixoto
Conference: Scientific Committee Member, Portuguese Finance Network Conference,
Coimbra, July 2008.
Participant investigators: Mário Gomes Augusto
Conference: Scientific Committee Member, Luso-Spanish Conference on Management,
Porto, February 2008.
Participant investigators: Mário Gomes Augusto
Conference: Scientific Committee Member, Luso-Spanish Conference on Management,
Porto, February 2008.
Participant investigators: João Veríssimo Lisboa
Conference: Scientific Committee Member, Portuguese Finance Network Conference,
Coimbra, July 2008.
Participant investigators: Paulo Gama
Conference: Member of the Scientific Council of Tourism and Management Studies,
University of Algarve.
Participant investigators: Carlos Ferreira Gomes
Conference: IROS2008 – IEEE/RSJ International Conference of Intelligent Robots and
Systems, Nice, France.
Position: IPC Member
Participant investigator: Urbano Nunes
Conference: ICINCO08 – 5th International Conference on Informatics in Control,
Automation and Robotics, Funchal, Portugal.
Position: IPC Member
Participant investigator: Urbano Nunes
Conference: IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Computer Communication and
Processing (ICCP'08), Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
Position: IPC Member
Participant investigator: Urbano Nunes
Conference: 8th Portuguese Conference on Automatic Control – CONTROLO’2008, July
21-23, Vila Real, Portugal.
Position: IPC Member
Participant investigator: Urbano Nunes
Conference: IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV 2008), June 4-6, Eindhoven, The
Position: IPC Member
Participant investigator: Urbano Nunes
Conference: IEEE International Conference on Multisensor Fusion and Integration for
Intelligent Systems (MFI08), August 20 – 22, Seoul, Korea.
Position: IPC Member
Participant investigator: Urbano Nunes
Conference: 8th Conference on Mobile Robots and Competitions - 2008 Robotica, Aveiro,
Position: IPC Member
Participant investigator: Urbano Nunes
Conference: SAC2008, 23rd ACM Symposium on Applied Computing 2008 - Special
track on Robotics: Hardware, Software and Embedded Systems track (RHSES),
Fortaleza, Brazil, Mar. 16-20, 2008.
Position: Member of the Program Committee.
Participant investigator: Rui Rocha
Organizing Committee
Conference: 13th IEEE Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation
(ETFA 2008), Hamburg, Germany, September 15-18, 2008.
Position: member of the International Program Committee of the Track “Intelligent
Robots and Systems”.
Participant investigator: Rui Araújo.
Conference: IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems
(ITSC2008), Beijing, China, Nov. 2008
Position: Program Co-chair
Participant investigator: Urbano Nunes
Conference: IEEE IROS08 Workshop on "Planning, Perception and Navigation for
Intelligent Vehicles", Sept. 26, 2008
Position: Co-organizer
Participant investigator: Urbano Nunes
Conference: 11th International Conference on Climbing and Walking Robots and the
Support Technologies for Mobile Machines, Coimbra, Portugal Sep 8-10, 2008
Position: Member of the Local Organizing Committee of CLAWAR’2008
Participant investigator: Urbano Nunes
Conference: ENSPM08 – Encontro Nacional da Sociedade Portuguesa de Matemática.
25-28 June, 2008, ISEC, Coimbra, Portugal.
Participant investigators: Rui C. Rodrigues
Conference: 8th Portuguese Conference on automatic Control (CONTROLO 2008), 21-23
July 2008, Vila Real, Portugal.
Participant investigators: T. Azevedo-Perdicoúlis.
Conference: 13º Congresso da APDIO, IO2008, Vila Real, Portugal, March 2008.
Participant investigators: T. Azevedo-Perdicoúlis.
Conference: IROS-2008, Workshop on “Grasp and Task Learning by Imitation”,
September 22, 2008.
Participant investigators: Jorge Dias.
Conference: 2008 Robotics: Science and Systems, ETH Zurich, Switzerland, June 25-27,
Participant investigators: Jorge Dias.
Conference: RECPAD2008 - 14th Portuguese Conference on Pattern Recognition,
Coimbra, Portugal.
Participant investigators: Jorge Batista.
Conference: CLAWAR’2008, “11th International Conference on Climbing and Walking
Robots and the Support Technologies for Mobile Machines”, 08 – 10 September, 2008,
Coimbra, Portugal
Participant investigator: Aníbal T. de Almeida (Co-Chairman)
Conference: CLAWAR’2008, “11th International Conference on Climbing and Walking
Robots and the Support Technologies for Mobile Machines”, 08 – 10 September, 2008,
Coimbra, Portugal
Participant investigator: Lino Marques (Co-Chairman)
Conference: 5th Portuguese Finance Network Conference, 10-12 Jully 2008, Coimbra,
Position: Co-organizer
Participant investigators: Mário Gomes Augusto
Conference: 5th Portuguese Finance Network Conference, 10-12 Jully 2008, Coimbra,
Position: Co-organizer
Participant investigators: Paulo Gama
Conference: OMNIVIS2008: Int. Workshop. In Omnidirectional Cameras, Camera
Networks and Non-conventional Cameras. Marseille, France.
Participant investigators: João P. Barreto
Special Sessions Organization
Lino Marques - Special session on the theme: “From Biological Intelligence to Machine
Intelligence: Abstraction, Evaluation, and Validation of Algorithm for Olfactorybased Navigation”, in the Seventh International Conference on Machine Learning and
Applications (ICMLA’ 08), December 11-13, 2008 – San Diego, CA, USA.
C – Graduate Studies
PhD. Thesis
Desenvolvimento de Novas Metodologias para o Mapeamento
Multimodal da Mácula (New Methodologies for Multimodal Image
Mapping of Eye Macula)
Rui Bernardes Dias Cortesão
Jorge Manuel Miranda Dias and José Guilherme Fernandes da
July 2008
Autonomous Navigation and Multi-Sensorial Real-Time
Localization For a Mobile Robot
Caetano Filipe Costa de Noronha Ferreira
Jorge Manuel Miranda Dias and Vítor Santos (DEM – UA)
September 2008
Automated Landmine Detection by means of a Mobile Robot
Svetlana Larionova
Aníbal T. de Almeida and Lino Marques
May 2008
Noncentral Catadioptric Systems with Quadric Mirrors: Geometry
and Calibration
Nuno Miguel Mendonça da Silva Gonçalves
Helder Araújo
October 2008
A evasão fiscal no Brasil – Causas e implicações and Calibration
Roberto Pinto
João Veríssimo Lisboa
November 2008
PhD Supervisions
Title/Domain: Estratégias genéricas de e-commerce
Student: Pedro Marcelo da Rocha Torres
Supervisor: João Veríssimo Lisboa
Title/Domain: O governo das sociedades e suas implicações na gestão do risco financeiro
Student: Maria João da Silva Jorge
Supervisor: Mário Gomes Augusto
Title/Domain: Relações bancárias, governo da empresa e desempenho
Student: António Pedro Soares Pinto
Supervisor: Mário Augusto and Paulo Gama
Title/Domain: O impacte das Tecnologias de Informação na Performance das
Student: José Luis Ferreira Martinho
Supervisor: Carlos Ferreira Gomes
Title/Domain: Os Sistemas de Medição da Performance nas PME´s – Factores que
influenciam a sua implementação e utilização
Student: César Faustino da Silva Bastos
Supervisor: Carlos Ferreira Gomes
Title/Domain: Os Determinantes das Decisões de Investimento de Carteira Internacional
Evidência empírica para diferentes tipos de investidores
Student: Vanda Roque
Supervisor: Paula Gama and Maria do Céu Cortez
Title/Domain: Sentimento do investidor e transparência do mercado
Student: Carla Fernandes
Supervisor: Paula Gama and Elisabete Vieira
Title/Domain: Características do Governo Empresarial e Performance: O Caso Português
Student: Paulo Oliveira
Supervisor: Paula Gama
Title/Domain: Energy Recharging and Routes Planning of Electrical Vehicles in Urban
Student: Ricardo Machado Maia
Supervisor: Rui Alexandre de Matos Araújo
Title/Domain: Monitoring and Advanced Control of Wastewater Treatment Plants
Student: Carlos Alberto Coêlho Belchior
Supervisor: Rui Alexandre de Matos Araújo and Jorge Afonso Cardoso Landeck
Title/Domain: Control and Real-Time Architecture for Autonomous Cybernetic
Transportation System
Student: Marco José da Silva
Supervisor: Rui Alexandre de Matos Araújo and Urbano José Carreira Nunes
Title/Domain: Multi-Ocular and Multi-sensor Tracking and Behavior Analysis
Student: Hadi Aliakbarpour
Supervisor: Jorge Manuel Miranda Dias
Title/Domain: Bayesian Techniques for Artificial Perception
Student: José Augusto Soares Prado
Supervisor: Jorge Manuel Miranda Dias
Title/Domain: Recognition of Human Facial Expressions for Human - Robot Interface
Student: Carlos Manuel Cerqueira Simplício
Supervisor: Jorge Manuel Miranda Dias
Title/Domain: Robot-Programming & Learning By Imitation Using Vision
Student: Diego Resende Faria
Supervisor: Jorge Manuel Miranda Dias
Title/Domain: Bayesian Cognitive Models for 3D Structure and Motion Multi-Modal
Student: João Filipe de Castro Cardoso Ferreira
Supervisor: Jorge Manuel Miranda Dias and Miguel Castelo Branco
Title/Domain: Robot-Human Interface Using Laban Movement Analysis Inside A
Bayesian Framework
Student: Jörg Rett
Supervisor: Jorge Manuel Miranda Dias
Title/Domain: Exploiting inertial sensing in mosaicing and aerial visual navigation
Student: Luiz Gustavo Mirisola
Supervisor: Jorge Manuel Miranda Dias
Title/Domain: Neurociência cognitiva e mapeamento da conectividade funcional com
imagens fMRI e sinais EEG (Cognitive Functional Mapping by using fMRI images and
EEG Signals)
Student: José Eduardo Figueiredo Lima Rebola
Supervisor: Jorge Manuel Miranda Dias and Miguel Castelo Branco
Title/Domain: Nonlinear Control Techniques Applied in path Following of WMRs and
Autonomous Vehicles
Student: Razvan Constantin Solea
Supervisor: Urbano Nunes
Title/Domain: Shared-control based navigation of human-centered WMRs
Student: Ana Cristina
Supervisor: Urbano Nunes and Aníbal T. de Almeida
Title/Domain: Sistemas sensorias para percepção e navegação de veículos autónomos
Student: Fernando Domingues Moita
Supervisor: Urbano Nunes
Title/Domain: Vision-based object detection and classification: application in intelligent
Student: Luciano Rebouças de Oliveira
Supervisor: Urbano Nunes and Paulo Peixoto
Title/Domain: Biosignal classification for human interface with devices and surrounding
Student: Gabriel Pires
Supervisor: Urbano Nunes and Miguel Castelo Branco
Title/Domain: Cooperação sensorial para detecção e classificação de objectos em
ambiente semi-estruturado aplicada a veículos inteligentes
Student: Cristiano Premebida
Supervisor: Urbano Nunes
Title/Domain: Técnicas neurodinâmicas de aprendizagem para navegação e percepção em
robótica móvel
Student: Oswaldo Ludwig
Supervisor: Urbano Nunes and Rui Araújo
Title/Domain: Tecnologias de Simulação, Informação e Comunicação para Modelação e
Controlo de Tráfego
Student: Pedro Fernandes
Supervisor: Urbano Nunes
Title/Domain: Adapting Powered Wheelchairs to Facilitate Quadriplegic Person´s
Mobility and to its integration in smart homes
Student: Margarida Urbano
Supervisors: J. Alberto Fonseca and Urbano Nunes
Title/Domain: Análise dinâmica e controlo de vibrações em manipuladores robóticos
Student: Miguel Lima
Supervisor: Manuel Crisóstomo
Expected conclusion: 2009
Title/Domain: Projecto de construção de um robô móvel autónomo
Student: José Augusto Nunes Loureiro
Supervisor: Manuel Crisóstomo
Title/Domain: Estabilidade de Robôs Bípedes
Student: João Paulo Ferreira
Supervisors: Manuel Crisóstomo and Paulo Coimbra
Expected conclusion: 2009
Title/Domain: Navegação de um robô utilizando uma Memória Esparsa Distribuída
Student: Mateus Mendes
Supervisor: Crisóstomo and Paulo Coimbra
Expected conclusion: 2010
Title: “Geometry of mechanical control systems with applications to systems subject to
second-order nonholonomic constraints”
Student: Sandra Ricardo
Supervisor: W. Respondek and F. Silva Leite
Conclusion: November 2008
Title: “Análise de Alguns Sistemas Dinâmicos Não-Lineares Através de Funções
Student: Maria da Graça Marcos
Supervisor: J.A. Tenreiro Machado and T-P Azevedo-Perdicoúlis
Expected conclusion: 2010
Title/Domain: “Análise de Alguns Sistemas Dinâmicos Descritos por Equações às
Derivadas Parciais .”
Student: Luís Adriano Preto Mendes Afonso
Supervisor: J.A. Tenreiro Machado and T-P Azevedo-Perdicoúlis
Expected conclusion: 2010
Title/Domain: Maximização do rendimento e da fiabilidade dos motores de indução /
Efficiency and reliability maximization of three phase induction motors
Student: Fernando Ferreira
Supervisor: Aníbal de Almeida
Submitted: November 2008
Defence: January 2009
Title/Domain: Fuel cells Modelling and integration with the grid
Student: Teresa Outeiro
Supervisor: Aníbal de Almeida
Title/Domain: Analysis of Methodologies and Technologies for the Large Scale
Integration of Intermittent Power Sources
Student: Pedro Moura
Supervisor: Aníbal de Almeida
Title/Domain: Design, Modeling, Optimization and Prototyping of a Pole Climbing and
Manipulating Robot
Student: Mahmoud Tavakoli
Supervisor: Aníbal de Almeida and Lino Marques
Title/Domain: Testing and Benchmarking Methodologies for Robot Motion Control
Student: Ali Marjovi
Supervisor: Aníbal de Almeida and Lino Marques
Title/Domain: Visual Attention in Binocular Active Vision
Student: Fernanda Cunha e Castro
Supervisor: Helder Araújo e Jorge Batista
Title/Domain: Image Processing Metrology for Monitoring the Vertical and Transversal
displacements of Suspended bridges
Student: Carlos Manuel Almeida Santos
Supervisor: Jorge Batista
Title/Domain: 4D Facial Dynamics for Identity Recognition
Student: Pedro Alexandre Dias Martins
Supervisor: Jorge Batista
Title/Domain: Pedestrians Tracking and Event Detection on Sparse Distributed Cameras
Student: Hélio Filipe Veríssimo Palaio
Supervisor: Jorge Batista
Title/Domain: Register and Recognition in Clinical Endoscopy using Volumetric PreOperative Data as Statistical Prior
Student: Michel Antunes
Supervisor: João Pedro Barreto
Title/Domain: Methods and Techniques for Panoramic Multimedia Video
Student: Paulo Sampaio Abreu Madeira
Supervisor: Helder Araújo
Title: Development of a Binocular Active Vision System: Vision and Control Based on
Biological Models
Student: Rui Filipe Martinho Caseiro
Supervisor: Helder Araújo
Title: Motion Control based on Biological Models
Student: João Manuel Braga Xavier
Supervisor: Helder Araújo
Title/Domain: Estimation techniques for surgical robotics
Student: Fernanda Coutinho
Supervisor: Rui Cortesão
Title/Domain: Wireless sensor networks for telemetry
Student: Pedro Amaro
Supervisor: Rui Cortesão
Msc. Supervisions
Title: CYBERCAR Sistemas de Supervisão e Controlo de um Veículo Eléctrico
Student: Sérgio Ribeiro Neves
Supervisor: Urbano Nunes
Concluded: 2008 , FCTUC
Title: Desenvolvimento de Módulos de Software numa Arquitectura de Tempo-Real para
Robots Moveis e Veículos Inteligentes
Student: Luís Daniel Vaz
Supervisor: Urbano Nunes and Rui Araújo
Concluded: 2008 , FCTUC
Title: ISROBOT: Desenvolvimento e integração de sistemas e módulos para condução
Student: Luís Filipe Alves
Supervisor: Urbano Nunes
Concluded: 2008 , FCTUC
Title: Controlo de Trajectória em Robô Hiper Redundante 3D
Student: Nelson Filipe Simões Costa
Supervisor: Crisóstomo and Paulo Coimbra
Conclusion: February 2008
Title: Controlo de Trajectória com Anti-Colisão em Robô Hiper-Redundante 3D
Student: Paulo Alexandre da Silva Ferreira
Supervisor: Crisóstomo and Paulo Coimbra
Conclusion: February 2008
Title: Actuação e monitorização sem fios
Student: Luis Miguel da Silva Ferreira
Supervisor: Paulo Coimbra
Conclusion: September 2008
Title: Controlo de Trajectória com Anti-Colisão em Robô Hiper-Redundante 3D
Student: Luís Ferreira Marques
Supervisor: Crisóstomo and Paulo Coimbra
Expected conclusion: July, 2009
Title: ELF Magnetic Fields and Human Health
Student: Emanuel dos Santos Moreira
Supervisor: Paulo Coimbra
Expected conclusion: July, 2009
Title: Nonholonomy of the Sn-sphere
Student: Fátima Pina
Supervisor: F. Silva Leite
Conclusion: April 2008
Title: The cycloid pathway
Student: João Sintra
Supervisor: F. Silva Leite
Submitted: December 2008
Expected conclusion: May 2009
Title: Advanced Interaction using Facial Information
Student: Pedro Alexandre Dias Martins
Supervisor: Jorge Batista
Concluded: 2008
Title: Traffic Video Surveillance for Automatic Incident Detection on Highways
Student: Gonçalo Luís Mateus Vaz Monteiro
Supervisor: Jorge Batista
Submitted: November 2008
Title: Interpretação de Gestos Usando Visão por Computador para Interacção HomemMáquina (Gesture Intepretation Using Computer Vision for Human-Machine Interaction)
Student: Pedro Miraldo
Supervisor: Helder Araújo
Concluded: September 19, 2008
Title: Traffic Monitoring using Rectified Images (Bolonha Master Thesis)
Student: Cristina Maria Ramos Maduro
Supervisor: Jorge Batista
Concluded: July, 2008
Title: Traffic Monitoring in Highway scenarios (Bologna Master Thesis)
Student: Katherine Oliveira Batista
Supervisor: Jorge Batista
Concluded: July, 2008
Title: Integration of FFT Ethernet in the Real Time Operating System xLuna
Student: Bruno Melâneo
Supervisor: João Pedro Barreto
Concluded: 2007/2008, MSc. in Electrical and Computer Engineering, collaboration with
Critical Software
Title: Integration of Optical Tracking System for Determination of the Position and
Orientation of Instruments During the Surgery
Student: Michel Antunes
Supervisor: João Pedro Barreto
Concluded: 2007/2008, M.Sc. in Biomedical Engineering
Title: System for Calibrating a Medical Rigid Endoscope in the OR
Student: Hugo Joel Simões
Supervisor: J. P. Barreto
Concluded: 2007/2008. MSc. in Biomedical Engineering
Title: Factores que influenciam a tomada de decisão nas PME’s
Student: Adélia Gonçalves
Supervisor: Carlos Ferreira Gomes
Title: O impacto da Gestão pela Qualidade Total no Desempenho Financeiro das
Empresas em Portugal
Student: Marquinha Teixeira Carvalho
Supervisor: Mário Gomes Augusto
Concluded: FEUC, July 2008.
Title: Why do firms hold cash: Evidence from Portuguese companies
Student: Corina Pastor
Supervisor: Paulo Gama
Title: A Geografia do Investimento Internacional em Acções – O Caso Português
Student: Ângela Pinto
Supervisor: Paulo Gama
Concluded: FEUC, 2008.
Title: Do Privatizations Increase Value?
Student: Lígia Nunes
Supervisor: Paulo Gama
Concluded: FEUC, 2008.
Title: Teleoperation of a 3D climbing robot (Bologna MSc. Thesis)
Student: Carlos Murtinheira
Supervisor: Lino Marques
Concluded: Nov. 5, 2008.
Title: kheNose: A smart transducer for gas sensing (Bologna MCs. Thesis)
Student: José Francisco Correia Pascoal
Supervisor: Lino Marques
Concluded: Sep. 22, 2008.
Title: OdourSearch: odour plumes' detection and tracking (Bologna MSc. Thesis)
Student: Pedro Oliveira
Supervisor: Lino Marques
Concluded: Sep. 15, 2008.
Title: PatrolAnts: Cooperative exploration using chemical marks (Bologna MSc. Thesis)
Student: Pedro Vieira de Sousa
Supervisor: Lino Marques
Concluded: Sep. 15, 2008.
Title: Lighting with high-emissivity LEDs (Bologna MSc. Thesis)
Student: Pedro Fernandes
Supervisor: Lino Marques
Concluded: Jul. 18, 2008.
Title: SmartHome: Wireless modules for lighting control (Bologna MSc. Thesis)
Student: João Pedro Salgueiro
Supervisor: Lino Marques
Concluded: Jul. 18, 2008.
Title: Controlo de uma fonte de tensão monofásica de alto rendimento, alimentada por
células de combustível
Student: Ricardo Lima
Supervisor: Aníbal Traça de Almeida
Title: Multi-Target Detection and Tracking and Localization for Vehicle Navigation
Student: Jorge Manuel Simões de Almeida
Supervisor: Rui Alexandre de Matos Araújo
Conclusion: April, 2008
Title: Development of Software Modules in a Real-Time Architectures for Mobile Robots
and Intelligent Vehicles (Bologna MSc. Thesis)
Student: Luís Daniel de Andrade Simões Custódio Vaz
Supervisor: Rui Alexandre de Matos Araújo and Urbano José Carreira Nunes
Concluded: September, 2008
Title: Development of Fuzzy Controllers for Modules of Manufacturing Systems
(Bologna MSc. Thesis)
Student: Filipe Miguel Eusébio Apóstolo
Supervisor: Rui Alexandre de Matos Araújo
Concluded: September, 2008
Title: Control and Cooperative Navigation of a Robotised Wheelchair
Student: Pedro Ângelo Morais de Sousa
Supervisor: Rui Alexandre de Matos Araújo
Expected conclusion: 2009
Title: Application of Piezo-Electric Sensors and Actuators to the Development of a Robot
Student: Raphael Antonio de Souza
Supervisor: Rui Alexandre de Matos Araújo
Expected conclusion: 2008
Title: RACbot-RT – Digital Control for Differential Soccer-Player Robots with RealTime Constraints
Student: João Emanuel Fernandes Monteiro
Supervisors: Rui Rocha
Concluded: Jul. 2008, FCTUC
Title: Simultaneous Localization and Mapping for a Mobile Robot
Student: Audrey Sabarthès
Supervisors: Rui Rocha, Paulo Menezes
Concluded: Jul. 2008, FCTUC
Title: RAClearning - Reinforcement Learning Techniques in a Robot Soccer Team
Student: Luis Miguel Mendes Duarte
Supervisor: Rui Rocha
Concluded: Sep. 2008, FCTUC
PhD. Courses offered
Name of course: Intelligent Control (PhD Degree in Electrical and Computer
Institution: Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Faculty of Sciences and
Technology, University of Coimbra
Name of lecturer: Rui Araújo
Name of course: Robotics and Manipulation Design (PhD Degree in Electrical and
Computer Engineering)
Institution: Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Faculty of Sciences and
Technology, University of Coimbra
Name of lecturer: Jorge Batista and Rui Araújo
Name of course: Methodologies in Mobile Robotics (PhD Degree in Electrical and
Computer Engineering)
Institution: Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Faculty of Sciences and
Technology, University of Coimbra
Name of lecturer: Urbano Nunes and Rui Araújo
Name of course: Volumetric Image Analysis (Análise de Imagens Volumétricas)
Institution: Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Faculty of Sciences and
Technology, University of Coimbra
Name of lecturer: Jorge Manuel Miranda Dias
Name of course: Autonomous Robotic Systems (Sistemas Robóticos Autónomos)
Institution: Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Faculty of Sciences and
Technology, University of Coimbra
Name of lecturer: Jorge Manuel Miranda Dias
Name of course: Programas De Doctorado (2008), Temas En Robótica Autónoma Móvil
Institution: Universidad Malaga, SPAIN
Name of lecturer: Jorge Manuel Miranda Dias
Name of course: Computational Methods for Estimation, Detection and Identification
Institution: Faculty of Science and Technology, UC
Name of lecturer: João P. Barreto.
Name of course: Haptic Control Design
(PhD Degree in Electrical and Computer
Institution: Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Faculty of Sciences and
Technology, University of Coimbra
Name of lecturer: Rui Cortesão
Name of course: Medical Robotics Design (PhD Degree in Electrical and Computer
Institution: Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Faculty of Sciences and
Technology, University of Coimbra
Name of lecturer: Rui Cortesão
Name of course: Statistics
Institution: School of Economics, UC
Name of lecturer: João Veríssimo Lisboa;
Name of course: Project
Institution: School of Economics, UC
Name of lecturer: João Veríssimo Lisboa;
Name of course: New Developments in Management II.
Institution: School of Economics, UC
Name of lecturer: João Veríssimo Lisboa;
Name of course: Seminar.
Institution: School of Economics, UC
Name of lecturer: Carlos Ferreira Gomes
Name of course: Corporate Management
Institution: School of Economics, UC
Name of lecturer: Mário Gomes Augusto
Name of course: Seminar (Inter-University PhD Program in Mathematics)
Institution: Department of Mathematics, UC
Name of lecturer: F. Silva Leite
Msc. Courses offered
Name of course: Fuzzy Control and Learning (Master Electrical and Computer
Engineering) Institution: DEEC – FCT – University of Coimbra
Name of lecturer: Rui Araújo
Name of course: Microprocessor Systems (Sistemas de Microprocessadores) (Master
Electrical and Computer Engineering) Institution: DEEC – FCTUC – University of
Name of lecturer: Jorge Manuel Miranda Dias
Name of course: Project of Advanced Digital Systems (Projecto de Sistemas Digitais)
(Master Electrical and Computer Engineering) Institution: DEEC – FCTUC – University
of Coimbra
Name of lecturer: Jorge Manuel Miranda Dias
Name of course: Computers Technology (Tecnologia de Computadores) (Master
Electrical and Computer Engineering) Institution: DEEC – FCTUC – University of
Name of lecturer: Jorge Manuel Miranda Dias
Name of course: Digital Electronics (Electrónica Digital) (Master Electrical and
Computer Engineering) Institution: DEEC – FCTUC – University of Coimbra
Name of lecturer: Jorge Manuel Miranda Dias
Name of course: Signal and Systems (Sinais e Sistemas) (Master Biomedical
Engineering) Institution: DEEC – FCTUC – University of Coimbra
Name of lecturer: Jorge Manuel Miranda Dias
Name of course: Computer Vision and Biological Vision (Visão por Computador e Visão
Biológica) (Master Biomedical Engineering) Institution: DEEC – FCTUC/FMUC –
University of Coimbra
Name of lecturer: Jorge Manuel Miranda Dias
Name of course: Medical Robotics (Master Electrical and Computer Engineering)
Institution: DEEC – FCT – University of Coimbra
Name of lecturer: Rui Cortesão
Name of course: Statistical Methods, (MBA).
Institution: School of Economics, UC
Name of lecturer: João Veríssimo Lisboa;
Name of course: Industrial Simulation, (MBA).
Institution: School of Economics, UC
Name of lecturer: Carlos Ferreira Gomes.
Name of course: Management Strategic Simulation, (MBA).
Institution: School of Economics, UC
Name of lecturer: Carlos Ferreira Gomes.
Name of course: Operations Strategy (MBA).
Institution: School of Economics, UC
Name of lecturer: Carlos Ferreira Gomes.
Name of course: Corporate Finance (MBA).
Institution: School of Economics, UC
Name of lecturer: Mário Gomes Augusto
Name of course: Financial Investments.
Institution: School of Economics, UC
Name of lecturer: Paulo Gama
Name of course: Investments and Financial Markets (MBA).
Institution: School of Economics, UC
Name of lecturer: Paulo Gama
Name of course: Lie groups and Lie algebras (Master in Mathematics
Institution: Department of Mathematics, UC
Name of lecturer: F. Silva Leite
D - International Networks and Exchange Activities
Name of the network: EURON-European Robotics
Research Network
Ref: CEC/DGIS/Cont. No IST-2000-26048
Description: EURON stands for the "EUropean RObotics research Network". This
project's purpose is to implement and maintain a European network of excellence in
the area of Robotics, with the objective of coordinating research, education and
collaboration between the academic and the industrial world within Europe. The
main goal of the project is to promote the development of Robotics, so that Europe
becomes a worldwide player in this domain.
Scientific and Technical Cooperation Portugal – France, Project: Vision-based
Human-Robot Interaction, ICCTI – CNRS Centre National de la Recherche
Scientifique, International Relations Office GRICES – MCES
Scientific and Technical Cooperation Portugal – Brasil, Acordo de cooperação
internacional GRICES/CNPq, Project: SISROB
CRUP – Málaga, Projecto de Cooperação Acções Integradas Luso-Espanholas 2008
(acção n.º E-8/08), Project: Visual-based interface for robots and intelligent
environments, Entities: ISR Coimbra University and ISI Malaga University.
Professor William F. Harris, from University of Johannesburg, South Africa, visited
the Institute of Systems and Robotics – Coimbra - between May 27 and June 1,
2008. Prof. Harris, who is the coordinator of the “Optometric Science Research
Group” at the University of Johannesburg, gave a seminar at ISR entitled “Matrices
E – Projects
Project name: MTDTS – Multi-target
Detection and Tracking in Semistructured Outdoor Environment using
Laserscanner and Vision
Coordinator (PI): Prof. Urbano Nunes
Programme component: FCT/POSI
Areas of Activity: Electrical Engineering – Robotic Intelligent Systems and for
Duration of the action: 36 months (June 1, 2005 - May 30, 2008)
Project description: The problems to be studied under this proposal deal with collision
avoidance for Intelligent Vehicles. We propose to research on techniques for a MultiTarget Detection and Tracking System (MTDTS) for CyberCars, following previous
work of the team members. The MTDTS is based on six main modules:
1) Laserscanner data segmentation – concerning this subject we propose further
research on methods to come up with an improved scan segmentation algorithm,
namely improving raw data filtering and adding other line fitting capabilities;
2) Colour camera based object detection and classification – the algorithm will be
segmentation module using colour and geometrical features, provided by the
vision system, and using clusters of range data provided by the laserscanner
processing module; module for generation of bounding boxes (blobs) defining
obstacle regions. A set of different blobs will be considered corresponding each
one to a possible different object type. The blobs generation will use information
such as dimensions, distance to the object, colour;
3) Object classification using range data - The classification process follows a multihypothesis approach and uses a voting scheme considering every hypothesis over
time. A confidence level is associated to each classified object;
4) Object classification fusion - investigate algorithms to robustly fuse information
provided by the object classification modules of both laser and vision. Baysianbased methods will be evaluated for this purpose.
5) Situation-based information processing – in this task the algorithms for the
different modules of the MTDTS will be analysed and adapted to the specific
situations which can arise in CyberCars scenarios.
6) Object tracking and impact-time computation - the object tracking will be
performed by means of a Kalman filtering applied to each tracked object.
Different process models in the Kalman algorithm fitted to the dynamics of the
detected/tracked objects will be researched and used. The impact-time
computation will use a classical method based on the projection of all possible
points of impact (edges of the vehicle or the object) in the direction of the object’s
velocity, and for each instant it is assumed a constant object velocity relative to
the vehicle.
Project name: NCT04 - Nonlinear
Control Techniques Applied in Path
Following of WMRs and Autonomous
Vehicles with High Precision
Localization System.
Coordinator (PI): Prof. Urbano Nunes
Programme component: FCT/POSC
Duration of the action: 36 months (September 1, 2005 - May 30, 2008)
Areas of Activity: Electrical Eng. – Robotic Intelligent Systems and for Information.
Project description: A navigation system with anti-collision behaviour for DD and carlike WMRs, which integrates redundant encoders’ data, inertial data, and absolute
positioning data, is under development by the team of the project. Among other modules,
a path-following controller, a vehicle’s pose estimator, and an anti-collision system
compose the navigation system. In this proposal the purpose is to further research on
path-following control with the main goal of developing improved controllers with better
performances when compared with the path-following controllers already developed
using fuzzy-logic and input-output feedback linearization methods. Improvements are
required in to ensure that the vehicle follows the predefined reference trajectory with high
precision, for a large range of velocities, and in presence of uncertainties.
The main issues to be investigated are the following:
1) Based on appropriate dynamic models formulations, experiments will be performed in
order to identify and validate the parameters of WMRs prototypes.
2) The design of a velocity planner in order to achieve smooth vehicle acceleration and
jerk minimization. In the design and implementation of the path-following controllers,
intelligent control and model-based approaches, using nonlinear and adaptive control
techniques, will be researched and applied. In particular, the nonlinear techniques
include input-output feedback linearization and sliding mode. The robustness in
WMR path-following control can be effectively accomplished by sliding mode
control with on-line parameter identification, and, in the case of the input-output
feedback linearization controller, by an outer control loop based on Kalman-based
active observer controller.
3) Further developments of our guidance system based on fusing redundant wheel
encoders, inertial data, and positioning data provided by sensing natural and artificial
Project name: PmITS06-Perception Methods for an
Intelligent Transportation System using On-Board and
Off-Board Sensing
Coordinator (PI): Urbano Nunes
Programme component: POS_Conhecimento
Areas of Activity: Electrical Engineering – Robotic
Intelligent Systems and for Information.
Duration of the action: 36 months (October 1, 2007 Sept 30, 2010).
Project description: This project aims at enhancing the perception capability of an ITS,
which is clearly the most complex problem to deal with in the domain of fully and
partially automated vehicles. Perception of the environment, to provide safe and
comfortable navigation with anti-collision behaviour is among all the technologies needed
for vehicles the most critical one in the deployment of cybercars, because of the safety
issues both for occupants and road users, including pedestrians.
Most existing projects in this area tackle the problem of developing autonomous cars in
well defined and controlled scenarios, interacting among themselves through some type
of fixed infrastructure that basically provides a communication means. In this new
project, a new paradigm will be under research which consists in integrating intelligent
infrastructure sensing data with vehicles on-board sensing to increase environment
perception. The adoption of this paradigm is well fitted for ITS specific scenarios.
Applicative scenarios include any domain where a mixed traffic of pedestrians, (slowly
moving) vehicles and other moving objects share a common network of pathways.
Hospitals, residential areas, historical city centres, airports, industrial areas, public parks
are some of the environments where the network of autonomous vehicles could operate
with a fixed, intelligent infrastructure. On this project, the main focus resides on the
research of methods and algorithms for robust and reliable perception of pedestrians and
other moving obstacles in ITS specific scenarios. The perception system will integrate
information from both on-board and off-board tracking and classification modules. These
modules are the research core of this proposal together with the fusion module that will
integrate them.
Project Title: GUARDIANS: Group of Unmanned Assistant Robots Deployed in
Project coordinator: Lino Marques
Project Description: GUARDIANS are a swarm of
autonomous robots applied to navigate and search
an urban ground. The project's central example is
an industrial warehouse in smoke, as proposed by
the Fire and Rescue Service. The job is time
consuming and dangerous; toxics may be released
and humans senses can be severely impaired. Humans get disoriented and may get lost.
The robots warn for toxic chemicals, provide and maintain mobile communication links,
infer localization information and assist in searching. They enhance operational safety
and speed and thus indirectly save lives.
The novelty of the project is that we develop a swarm of autonomous robots that
is able to adequately assist and safeguard a human squad leader. The robots navigate
accompany a human squadleader. They connect to a
and forward data to the
squad-leader and the control
station. The network is selforganizing,
connection failures by modifying its connections from local up to central connections.
The autonomous swarm operates in communicative and non-communicative mode. In
communicative mode automatic service discovery is applied: the robots find peers to help
them. The wireless network also enables the robots to support a human squad-leader
operating within close range. The aim is for flexible and seamless switching between
these modes in order to compensate for loss of network signals and to support and
safeguard the squad-leader. Several robot platforms are used, off-the-shelf mini-robots as
well as middle sized robots. The emphasis in data collection is on toxic plume detection,
to enable olfactory-based navigation, allow safe progress for the human squad-leader and
to detect plume sources.
Project Title: AquaFinder, Marie Curie Contract MOIF-CT-2005-21733
Project coordinators: Aníbal Almeida and Lino Marques
Chemical hot-spots are rich sources of
various chemical substances. The aquatic
environment, and particularly the seabed,
contains many chemical hot-spots which
we wish to find, but are unable to do so
efficiently due to the limitations of
These limitations are most evident in three very important aspects of human aquatic
1) The marine mining industry, which relies on continuous detection of seabed mineral
deposits such as cobalt, gold and manganese. Growing efforts are being made to
exploit these precious resources, but the current method for locating them is still
mainly through dredging of the ocean floor. This method requires a specialized ship
with heavy instrumentation, which is repetitively lowered to the seabed (see right
figure). This process is not only expensive, time-consuming and spatially limited, but
also has severe environmental flaws, creating large clouds of sediment and destroying
the natural ocean-floor habitats and their organisms.
2) Detecting and monitoring man-made pollution and sewage run-offs. The current
environmental monitoring techniques also rely on sporadic sampling, and thus suffer
from similar defects. The most common procedure involves manual sampling of the
water at different points of interest, followed by transporting the samples to a
laboratory and performing various tests on the sampled water. This method has many
flaws, the most crucial of which are: (a) it does not give in-situ and on-site results, thus
wasting valuable time in the transport and laboratory analysis, (b) it achieves only a
very limited number of samples, and (c) sampling is conducted only at sporadic points
to which human samplers have access, thus avoiding hard-to-reach places, heavily
contaminated places, etc.
3) Locating underwater unexploded ordnance. There are many underwater and littoral
sites which must be surveyed for buried ordnance and mines. This is an extremely
labour intensive and expensive process, and even when using robots with side-scan
sonar and television imagers, it is nearly impossible.
It is clear that the current state-of-the-art in aquatic chemical exploration is insufficient,
and that there is a pressing need for carrying out further research in this field. The
AquaFinder project shall focus on a novel method for locating chemical sources: AUVs
(Underwater Autonomous Vehicles), which will be capable of sensing a specific chemical
and autonomously navigate to where the concentration is highest, thus locating the hotspot. The navigation methods for the AUVs will be developed by computerized
simulations of chemical plumes, based on knowledge obtained from studied parasitic
marine animals which perform precisely this task, i.e. they track the odour plumes
emanating from their hosts and navigate in the chemical gradient fields in order to reach
its source.
Project name: Motor Challenge Programme - Energy Efficient Electric Motor
Systems in New Member and Candidate Countries - 4EM-MCP EIE/05/193
Project Description: 4EM-MCP focuses on disseminating, extending and applying MCP
tools through national programmes in New Member and Candidate Countries, aiming to
build capacity and to raise energy efficiency awareness of policy makers and industry in
this area by: dissemination, evaluation tools, market investigation and evaluation of
energy efficiency potential, enterprise interventions.
Key actors will be: European Commission, Industry Trade associations, Motor
manufacturers associations, individual motor companies.
The results of the initiative will be: greater awareness of energy savings and knowledge
of the MCP, easier access to energy savings for SMEs, report with statistical information
on market penetration of energy efficient electric motor systems and pilot industry
Electricity savings potential of industrial motor driven systems in New Member and
Candidate countries is estimated in 30 – 35 billion kWh/year (2,6 – 3,0 Mtoe/year) that
means 8% - 9% of these countries overall electricity consumption.
4 countries (except for Western Europe experts), are already involved in the project which
aims to enlarge itself to at least other 3 countries.
Project name: REMODECE - “Residential Monitoring to
Decrease Energy Use and Carbon Emissions in Europe”
Coordinator (PI): ISR-UC
Programme component: EIE Programme/FCT
Project number: EIE/05/124/SI2.419657, 010.6/B106/2006
Research team: Aníbal de Almeida, Paula Fonseca, Carlos
Ferreira, Pedro Esteves
Coordinator of the EIE-SAVE project REMODECE: “Residential Monitoring to
Decrease Energy Use and Carbon Emissions in Europe”. This project involves the
partners: Enertech (FR), Fraunhofer-ISI (DE), Energy Piano (DK), Sintef (NO), EnEffect
(BG), Seven (CZ), CRES (GR), ARCE (RO), ADENE (PT), ADEME (FR), e-ster (BE),
CEU (HU), eERG (IT), EDF (FR) and Univ. Oxford (UK), January 2006-2008.
This project contributes to an increased understanding of current and impending
electricity use by European households resulting from different types of equipment,
consumers’ lifestyles, and comfort levels. The project evaluated how much electricity
could be saved by the use of the most efficient appliances and by the reduction of standby
consumption. The research focused mainly new electronic loads such as: entertainment,
information and communication technologies, stand-by consumption, lighting, as well as
air conditioning in some southern countries. In Central and Eastern Europe, because of
lack of reliable data, white appliances have also been targeted.
A large-scale monitoring campaign in 12 countries and a consumer survey have been
carried out: 100 households have been audited per country and 500 detailed
questionnaires have been collected in each country. The measurement campaign was
performed in about 1300 households and the survey involved the collection of 6000
questionnaires. About 11 500 single appliances were analyzed. The appliances were
grouped into 24 appliance groups or “end-uses”. The time interval for the measurements
was 10 minutes during a period of about two weeks. The collected data, both from
monitoring and from the survey, is accessible from the European Database developed,
which is online from the project web-site.
Achieved results: The average electricity consumption per household per year was
estimated to be 2700kWh. From the measurements carried out it can be concluded that
electronic loads (office equipment and entertainment), are a key contributor to the
electricity consumption representing 22% of the total electricity consumption. In basically
all types of loads monitored there is wide range of performance levels, in the models
available in the households.
By changing to Best Available Technology and/or Best Practice, the households can
reduce their electricity consumption by about 1500kWh, representing 45% of their total
consumption. The aggregated savings for the participating countries are roughly
estimated to about 155 TWh. The estimated reduction of electricity consumption is
translated into 66 million ton of avoided CO2 emissions per year. At European level the
savings potential would amount to around 250TWh.
The energy savings potential can be achieved with the best technology available
(BAT) in the market, coupled with responsible user behaviour, and would save money for
consumers The REMODECE project suggests a long list of steps and tips to save
electricity, such as the adoption of compact fluorescent light bulbs, the change to A+ and
A++ appliance, reduced standby power requirements, use of the washings machines at
full load and the coldest water as possible, prefer LCD TVs instead of plasma TVs, buy
energy-star labelled equipment and check for the ECO label, in summer use night
ventilation for free-cooling, the use of solar water heaters, etc.
To take advantage of the energy-saving opportunities identified, some product
standards need to be introduced and others have to be tightened, and some policy
incentives changed. Current regulations and fuel subsidies, for example, often favour
consumption over efficiency. But many steps are not taken, because energy users lack
information or do not value efficiency enough to change their buying habits. Regulation
changes, information campaigns, with clear and simple messages targeting households,
together with incentives can stimulate energy efficiency in the residential sector.
The project results are being disseminated through a combination of channels,
including a dedicated web-site ( online since April 2006), an
Electric Appliance Energy Guide in the national languages of each partner and in
English, downloadable from the website, press releases, publications in key international
energy efficiency conferences, in trade and technical magazines. One important result is
the HOME ENERGY SAVER software tool, available from the project web-site that
enables users to analyze the potential savings in their homes, and the European Online
Project Name: Fuel Cell Test and Integration for High Power Quality Application,
2005-2008- FCT – POCTI - ENR/59422/2004
Coordinator (PI): Prof. Aníbal Almeida
Project description: The comprehensive research of dynamic behavior of the fuel cell
based system, including different modes of utilization (e.g. energy storage option and grid
interface connection). These tasks include dynamic modeling tools development and
capabilities for simulation of the state-of-the-art fuel cell technologies and verification of
reliability of the computer system by an experimental approach.
Project name: El-Tertiary - Monitoring Electricity Consumption in the Tertiary
Coordinator (PI): Fraunhofer - ISI
Programme component: EIE Programme
Research team: Aníbal de Almeida, Paula Fonseca, Carlos Patrão
Funding entity: EC - EIE-Programme
Summary of the project: The electricity consumption in the Tertiary Sector is still
increasing and a further increase is expected. The objective of the project is to promote a
more efficient use of electricity. The project will provide detailed and reliable know-how
an the electricity consumption structure and its use by purpose (lighting, office
equipment, ventilation, air conditioning, etc.) in types of buildings and branches and will
develop a harmonised methodology for electricity metering and analysis. The following
work packages will be carried out:
• Compilation of available data and national level
• Analysis of the quality of data and methodologies
• Harmonised concepts of empirical methodologies for data collection
• Pilot actions in the countries involved: case studies using the methodologies developed
• Evaluation of results and conclusions for energy-saving potentials and policies
• Modelling impacts of policies and energy-saving potentials
• Dissemination of results and recommendations to policy makers
Project name: Eco design of motors - ECOMOTORS
Project description: The aim of this study is to look forward to what motor innovations
are technically and economically feasible, taking into account all eco impacts. The project
will provide recommendations that
will be key to setting a timeline for
further actions in the EU, either
voluntary or regulatory.
The purpose of the project is not to
performance criteria but to establish a
full picture of how the setting of
criteria could affect the market, and to identify the range of technical possibilities within
which criteria could be set.
Project name: Regional Markets of RES-Fuel
Cell Systems for Households - EIE-2005-214
Project Description: The scope of the proposed
action is to make a contribution for changing the
development of renewable energy sources (RES)
fuel cell household systems (FCHS) from R &D
also to include market development and in this way accelerate the development of the
technology and its economic performance.
The specific goal is in a report to describe minimum 20 regional markets for RES-FCHS
with an aggregated market of minimum 3,000 RES-FCHS units to be realized in 2006-07
or in the near future after. By cooperation between the regional RES-FCHS markets, the
regional markets shall be used for driving down the costs of RES-FCHS to a level of
maximum 5,000 EURO/kWe, e.g. by “pooling” of the regional markets to have a positive
effect of scale. Lessons from the successful European technology and market
development of wind turbines will be transferred into the RES-FCHS sector, making EU
a driver of the Global RES-FCHS development.
The RES-FCHS comprises:
Biogas/fuel cells
Methanol/fuel cells
“Excess wind”-H2/fuel cells – excess wind from regions with high wind penetration
and problems of integrating the wind into the regional electricity system
Project name: Evaluation and Monitoring for the EU Directive on energy end-use
efficiency and energy services
(EMEEES) – 2007-2008
Project description:
The EMEEES project ( assists the European
Commission in elaborating common and harmonised methods for the evaluation of
energy savings by delivering practical advice, support and results.
The European Commission’s proposal for a Directive on energy end-use efficiency and
energy services has raised concerns among the Member States about how they could
evaluate the energy savings from energy services and other energy efficiency
improvement measures implemented in order contribute to achieving the target of 9 %
energy savings in the ninth year. A Committee of the Member States and the Commission
has therefore been included in the compromise text, with the task to elaborate common
and harmonised methods for the evaluation of energy savings.
The objective of the project is to assist the Commission and this Committee with
scientific but concrete and practical advice and support in the development of such
concrete methods for the evaluation of single programmes, services and measures (mostly
bottom-up), as well as with schemes for monitoring the overall impact of all measures
implemented in a Member State (combination of bottom-up and top-down).
Project name: Energy
Efficient Elevators
and Escalators (E4)
Duration: 2007-2009
Project description: The Energy-Efficient Elevators and Escalators is a project
( supported by the European Commission’s Intelligent
Energy Europe Programme. This project is targeted at the improvement of the energy
performance of elevators and escalators, in the tertiary sector buildings and in the multi
family residential buildings. Elevators and escalators are the crucial element that makes it
practical to live and work several floors of above ground.
The project will characterize people conveyors electricity consumption in the tertiary
sector and in residential buildings in the EU, and promote the efficient use of electricity in
this type of loads through the application of the best available technologies in the market.
Recommendations and procurement guidelines will be produced.
On this website, information will be updated and amended continuously. Furthermore,
you will find links to the websites of IEE, Green Building, ELA.
Project name: Bayesian Approach
to Cognitive Systems (BACS)
Coordinator (PI): Prof. Jorge Dias
Programme component: FP6-IST027140
Duration of the action: 50 months (Jan. 1, 2006 – Mar.
1, 2010)
Budget: 489.960 €
Partners: INRIA (Institut National de Recherche en
Informatique; CNRS (Centre National de la Recherche
Scientifique); MPS (Max Planck Society); IDIAP
Research Institute; HUG (Hôpitaux Universitaires de
Genève); Probayes; BlueBotics; EDF (Electricité de
France); Aeroscout; EPFL.
Local Webpage:
Project description: Contemporary robots and other cognitive artefacts are not yet ready
to autonomously operate in complex real world environments. One of the major reasons
for this failure in creating cognitive situated systems is the difficulty in the handling of
incomplete knowledge and uncertainty. By taking up inspiration from the brains of
mammals, including humans, the BACS project will investigate and apply Bayesian
models and approaches in order to develop artificial cognitive systems that can carry out
complex tasks in real world environments. The Bayesian approach will be used to model
different levels of brain function within a coherent framework, from neural functions up
to complex behaviors. The Bayesian models will be validated and adapted as necessary
according to neuro-physiological data from rats and humans and through psychophysical
experiments on humans. The Bayesian approach will also be used to develop four
artificial cognitive systems concerned with (i) autonomous navigation, (ii) multi-modal
perception and reconstruction of the environment, (iii) semantic facial motion tracking,
and (iv) human body motion recognition and behavior analysis. The conducted research
shall result in a consistent Bayesian framework offering enhanced tools for probabilistic
reasoning in complex real world situations. The performance will be demonstrated
through its applications to driver assistant systems and 3D mapping, both very complex
real world tasks.
Project name: IRPS – Intelligent Robotic
Porter System
( EU-contract FP6-IST-045048)
Project Coordinator: CS Systèmes
d’Information,France (Dr. Maurice Heitz)
FCTUC - Coordinator (PI): Prof. Jorge Dias
Duration of the action: 36 months (Jan. 1, 2007 –
Dec. 31, 2009)
Automation and Measurements,Poland (PIAP),
Scisys,UK, Israeli Aerospace Industries, Israel,
Parallel Geometry Inc,Canada, ANA-Aeroportos de
Portugal, SA, CCIT- Toulouse-Blagnac Airport,France
Budget: 415.000 €
Project purpose: The purpose of the project is to provide mobile
robotics platforms with advanced mapping and navigation systems
based on a very accurate positioning and 3D measurement
The 3D measurement technology, named LIMS (LIDAR Imaging and Measurement
System) is based on an innovative concept of real time measurement of position in
presence of sparse regular objects.
The measurement technology principles based on three eye-safe laser systems were
originated in IAILahav and are patent pending.
Project goals: The main objective of the project is to develop and integrate an accurate
3D sensing system as a modular component for robotics platforms, enabling fast dense
mapping of large areas, populated with sparse objects.
The project will develop and demonstrate the LIMS on high demanding application as an
Intelligent Robotic Porter System (IRPS) to help porting & guiding the public in airport
Project name: PROMETHEUS
Project Coordinator: Swedish Defence
Research Agency – FOI – Sweden
FCTUC - Coordinator (PI): Dr. Jorge Dias
Duration of the action: 36 months (Jan. 1, 2008 – Dec. 31, 2010).
Partners: Swedish Defence Research Agency – FOI - Sweden, ProBayes SAS - France,
Speech & Language Technology group, University of Patras - Greece, MARAC
Electronics, S.A – Greece, Technische Universitaet Muenchen, Institute for HumanMachine Communications – Germany, Technical Educational Institute of Crete – Greece
Budget: 285.960 €
PROMETHEUS: Prediction and interpretation of human behavior based on probabilistic
structures and heterogeneous sensors
The project intends to establish a link between fundamental sensing tasks and automated
cognition processes that concern the understanding a short-term prediction of human
behavior as well as complex human interaction. The analysis of human behavior is
unrestricted environments, including localization and tracking of multiple people and
recognition of their activities, currently constitutes a topic of intensive research in the
signal processing and computer vision communities. This research is driven by different
important applications, including unattended surveillance and intelligent space
The overall goal of the project is the development of principled methods to link
fundamental sensing tasks using multiple modalities, and automated cognition regarding
the understanding of human behavior in complex indoor environments, at both individual
and collective levels. Given the two above principles, the consortium will conduct
research on three core scientific and technological objectives:
1) Sensor modeling and information fusion from multiple, heterogeneous perceptual
2) Modeling, localization, and tracking of multiple people
3) Modeling, recognition, and short-term prediction of continuous complex human
Project name: Structure-function
imaging for quantitative phenotyping
of retinal degenerations
Coordinator (PI): Prof. Jorge Dias
Ref.: POSI/EEA-SRI/60716/2004
Project description: Following previous work on the field of medical imaging on the
topic of ophthalmology, new opportunities and needs for data integration have emerged.
The topic is now broader and follows the global direction of modern medicine. This
multidisciplinary project aims to understand how patterns of degeneration in the adult
human retina are related to the organization of its functional mosaics. It is important to
establish new quantitative strategies that can explore structure-function relations in the
retina, which may help clarify why retinal degenerations exhibit considerable inter- and
intra-familial variation in their expression. The goal is to better understand the normal
function of different retinal pathways and apply this knowledge to the improvement of
quantitative phenotyping. This is only possible by taking into consideration the possibility
of data integration, i.e., by merging information from the structure and function, and
therefore a new toolbox will have to be provided to the medical community.
Project title: GESTINTERACT—
Gesture Interpretation for the
Project POSC/EEASRI/61911/2004, funded by FCT
Principal Investigator: Helder Araújo.
Project description: When engaged in collaborative activities, people express their
opinions, intents and wishes by speaking to each other using intonation, facial
expressions, and gestures. They move in physical space and manipulate objects. These
actions are inherently linked to the individual’s cognitive perception. They have a
meaning and a purpose. They are adapted to both the environmental and social setting.
In this project methods and techniques for the interpretation of human gestures will be
developed using computer vision so that the analysis of the interaction and
communication between humans
performed. The interaction will
take place indoors. The space
where the interaction occurs will
be covered by a network of
cameras. The techniques to be developed shall allow for the machine/robot to interpret
human gestures from those with whom it interacts but also the interpretation of the
interaction among humans using gestures and body posture. In this project we are
concerned with perception from computer vision. Robust, general-purpose interaction
requires tightly coupled perception and action at multiple levels of abstraction. Within
this project we will build a model for the interaction context in order to predict
appropriate action by the environment. Perception and interaction using multiple sensors
raises the problems of fusion and fission of information. Signal level theories for
information fusion based on statistical estimation (such as the Kalman filter, and Particle
Filters) are now standard tools for signal level sensor fusion.
Similar tools are required for fusion of more abstract symbolic information, as well as
fusion of information for process control. This project will investigate the dual roles of
fusion in fission at multiple levels of abstraction, in information perception and action.
Perception and action require models of objects, people and activities, as well as the
environment. Such models are necessary in order to predict and observe the geometry, the
appearance, and the actions of people and things in the environment. Current approaches
to constructing such models require hand-crafting. Hand crafting models of geometry and
appearance for rigid objects is slow and expensive. The state of the art is just barely
capable of hand-crafting models for the geometry and appearance of complex articulated
objects such as humans. Methods for automatic acquisitions of models for geometry,
appearance, action and activity are fundamental for interactive environments. Such
environments must be able to learn at multiple levels of abstraction.
Recent progress has been made in statistical learning theories. Such theories provide
powerful new methods for learning for recognition. We need learning methods that
generate abstract concepts. We need learning methods that allow activities to be predicted
and observed based on previous experience. This project will address new forms of
learning for such problems.
Project: POSI/SRI/45970/2002, funded by FCT
Principal Investigator: Helder Araújo.
new types of cameras are being
used these days. These new
types of cameras use special
lenses, several types of mirrors
and special geometries. These
cameras include:
--cameras with fish-eye lenses;
--cameras with panoramic annular lenses;
--cameras with hyperbolic, parabolic and elliptical mirrors;
--omnidirectional cameras with multiple centers of projection;
--other geometries;
One of the goals of this project is the determination of the conditions for the identification
and estimation of the camera model that generated a sequence of images. The problem to
be dealt with can be decomposed into two main subproblems:
--given an image sequence find out which kind of camera was used to acquire the
images; this problem corresponds to the
determination of the best camera model that
"explains" the image sequence;
--given the same sequence of images to
estimate the parameters of the camera model
that generated those images;
To deal with this problem it is considered that the images were acquired from the same
scene. The correspondence problem will not be dealt with in this project. The techniques
already available to solve for the correspondence problem will be used. To identify the
type of model a predefined set of models will be initially used. One of the goals will be
the use of camera models as general as possible. To estimate the parameters non-linear
estimation and optimization techniques will be used.
Project title: POP—Perception on Purpose, FP6 project,
Principal Investigator (Coimbra team): Helder Araújo.
Project description: The ease with which we
make sense of our environment belies the
complex processing required to convert
cognitive descriptions. Computational
approaches have so far made little impact on this fundamental problem. Visual and
auditory processes have typically been studied independently, yet it is clear that the two
senses provide complementary information which can help a system to respond robustly
in challenging conditions. In addition, most algorithmic approaches adopt the perspective
of a static observer or listener, ignoring all the benefits of interaction with the
environment. This project proposes the development of a fundamentally new approach,
perception on purpose, which is based on 5 principles. First, visual and auditory
information should be integrated in both space and time. Second, active exploration of the
environment is required to improve the audiovisual signal-to-noise ratio.
Third, the enormous potential sensory requirements of the entire input array should be
rendered manageable by multimodal models of attentional processes. Fourth, bottom-up
perception should be stabilized by top-down cognitive function and lead to purposeful
action. Finally, all parts of the system should be underpinned by rigorous mathematical
theory, from physical models of low-level binocular and binaural sensory processing to
trainable probabilistic models of audiovisual scenes. These ideas will be put into practice
through behavioral and neuroimaging studies as well as in the construction of testable
computational models. A demonstrator platform consisting of a mobile audiovisual head
will be developed and its behavior evaluated in a range of application scenarios. Project
participants represent leading institutions with the expertise in computational, behavioral
and cognitive neuroscientific aspects of vision and hearing needed both to carry out the
POP manifesto and to contribute to the training of a new community of scientists.
Project title: HCOGICOS - Human Computer Gesture Interfaces for Collaborative
Project: POSI/EEA-SRI/61451/2004
Principal Investigator: Paulo Peixoto.
Project Description: In this project, we
propose a human-computer gesture interface
aimed at collaborative scenarios: scenarios
where more then one person need to interact
with a computer in order to accomplish a
certain development/creative task. In this case,
the traditional desktop paradigm, building on
a structured office work situation, where the use of keyboard, mouse and display is
mandatory, is not appropriate.
We propose a collaborative scenario that will enable teams to view, share, annotate,
manage and make decisions on visual digital assets more effectively than using traditional
computer interfaces. The proposed human-computer interface builds on and extends the
metaphor of a digital corkboard - a dedicated large-scale display that houses images,
movies, animations, 3D models, and most other digital files important to modern digital
design and production. Every intervenient can freely interact with the computer, without
the need of special external devices. Instead, they can use a set of natural gestures as a
modality for basic computer interaction. This approach can provide an elegant solution to
a wide range of users (executives, managers, CAD/CAM design teams, etc.) - and
redefines the nature of computer based collaboration.
The proposed setup consists on a large projection display (like a back-projection wall) in
front of which users will interact with the computer. A camera (or a set of cameras) will
acquire images from the users in order to detect and recognize a set of predefined hand
gestures from each of the participants. Several types of gestures will be considered.
Pointing gestures provide a very natural and intuitive method of engaging an interface.
Command gestures make the execution of complex tasks fast and easy. By combining
these two methods we hope to achieve the intuitiveness of the pointing system while
maintaining the quick efficiency of the command gesture system. In order to limit the
complexity of this project, several practical assumptions about the environment in which
this system is to be used will be studied; most of these are designed to facilitate the hand
segmentation and tracking task.
Project name: ITraffic – Automatic Traffic Event Detection for the BRISA Telematic
System (Code: INO-DAI 01 CE)
Funded by Brisa Auto-Estradas de Portugal, S.A.
Budget: € 76.956,00
Principal Investigator: Prof. Jorge Batista
Project description: In order to support safe and efficient driving, it is important to
classify the behaviours of vehicles and to understand their interactions on typical traffic
scenarios. Until recent years, this task was performed by human operators at traffic
control centers, but the huge increase on the number of available cameras requires
automatic traffic surveillance systems
In the last decades, one of the most important efforts in ITS research has been the
development of visual surveillance systems that could help reduce the number of traffic
incidents and traffic jams in urban and highway scenarios. Although the large number of
systems based on different types of sensors and their relative performance, vision based
systems are very useful to collect very rich information about road traffic.
Brisa has recently built a Operational Coordinate Center (CCO) and is in the process of
installing more than four hundred traffic surveillance cameras as part of his Traffic
Telematic System (STR).
The primary goal of the project was the detection and tracking of potentially anomalous
traffic events along the highway roads. By anomalous events we mean the detection of
vehicles that stopped on the highway, vehicles driving in lane's opposite direction and
also vehicle that are constantly switching between lanes. The system should be able to
identify each vehicle and track its behaviour, and to recognize dangerous situations or
events that might results from a chain of such behaviours. The system should be robust to
illumination changes and small camera movements, being able to robustly track vehicles
against occlusions and crowded events.
The promising results obtained with the project BRISA I gave us the opportunity to
embrace a solid partnership for R&D through the creation of a ISR-BRISA R&D
Laboratory totally funded by BRISA on a annual contract basis, renewable, with the
purpose of developing solutions for a wide range of research challenges that needs to be
addressed on ITS.
Project title: AI_FI –Advanced Interaction Using Facial Information
Project POSC/EEA-SRI/61150/2004, funded by FCT
Budget : € 40,632
Start : June 2005
Ended : July 2008
Principal Investigator: Jorge Batista.
Project Description: A long-term goal in the human-computer interaction (HCI) research
is to approach the naturalness of human-human interaction. This means making the HCI
multimodal (i.e., integrating some natural human communicative modalities like speech,
gaze, body and facial gestures) and context-sensitive (i.e., determining and adapting to
who the current user is, what he is doing and how he is feeling).
As a first step towards the design and development of such multimodal context-sensitive
HCI, the research proposed here can be summarised as follows:
• The main aim is to investigate whether and how human facial gestures (e.g., blink,
smile, etc.) and gaze could be included into standard HCI systems as new modes of HCI
and as providers of context-discriminative information for revealing how the user feels
(e.g., pleased, tired, etc.).
• The intended approach is to design a novel facial-information analyser and to test its
usefulness in different scenarios.
• The core technical aim is to develop this novel facial-information analyser which would
process human-face image sequences to detect the user’s facial gestures, their temporal
patterns and the user’s gaze direction, and then to fuse and interpret them in terms of
command/affect/mood descriptive interpretation labels in a user-profiled and user-pointof-regard-sensitive manner.
The research proposed here could extent the state of the art in the automatic facialinformation analysis and multimodal context-sensitive HCI research in several directions,
• bi-modal facial-information handling,
• temporal-facial-information handling,
• the number of facial gestures (AUs) handled,
• the interpretation of AU-patterns in terms of commands/affects/moods in a user-profiled
and user-point-of-regard-sensitive manner, and
• the experimental study on whether facial gestures and gaze human communicative
modalities would be useful to integrate into HCI systems.
To test the usefulness of the envisioned facial-information analyser two prototypes
systems will be developed:
• a system for human-computer communication via eye-blinking.
• a system for monitoring drivers vigilance.
The primary motivation is to provide an alternative communication tool for people whose
motor abilities are extremely limited by conditions ranging from cerebral palsy and
traumatic brain injuries to multiple sclerosis and ALS. The access to information and
enhanced communication that assistive technology provides is both practical and
empowering for individuals with disabilities. Another important motivation has to deal
with driver vigilance monitoring. The ever-increasing number of traffic accidents due to
the diminished driver’s vigilance level has become a problem of serious concern to
society. Drivers with a diminished vigilance level suffer from a marked decline in their
abilities of perception, recognition, and vehicle control, and therefore pose serious danger
to their own life and the lives of other people.
Project name: DEMTEC-Project BiBloco. Funded by AdI (Agência da
Coordinator (PI): Prof. Rui Cortesão
Project in cooperation with Bi-Silque Industry (2007-2008).
Areas of Activity: Automation and
Duration of the action: 2 years (20072008)
Project description: Automatic assembly
of paper sheet blocks. Key features: Builtin flexibility (size and thickness of each
block), automatic palletization.
Project name: Robotic-Assisted
Minimally Invasive Surgery
Coordinator (PI): Prof. Rui Cortesão
Area of Activity: Medical Robotics
Duration of the action: 3 years (starting in
October 2007)
Project Description: Minimally invasive surgery (MIS) powered by robotic systems can
greatly improve surgeon's skills. Dedicated instruments that enter in the human body
through tiny holes can be tele-controlled by the surgeon through haptic devices,
enhancing perception and execution of surgery tasks. Touching points generate forces
based on object parameters (such as stiffness, impedance and friction) that are fed back to
the human by haptic devices. Haptic feedback provides realism to contact interactions,
distinguishing not only different objects, but also free-space to contact (and vice-versa)
transitions. Scaling on-line tactile feedback can magnify or reduce haptic telepresence
whenever needed, which is a key functionality for advanced MIS systems.
surgical kinematic constraints in the control design enables manipulation techniques to
focus only in the task space, increasing surgeons’ dexterity. Guaranteed stability in
contact with stiff objects is an important milestone (e.g. touching another instrument or a
bone) which demands advanced control techniques, being a major obstacle for practical
applications. Nowadays, robotic-assisted MIS does not include haptic feedback in the
main control loop to avoid instability problems.
In this project we plan to develop a
robotic-assisted MIS setup with haptic telepresence, which has not been achieved so far
by any commercial system. The advantages over traditional surgical practices include: 1)
Augmented/scaled reality (e.g. motion and force augmentation or scaling for
microsurgery); 2) Better comfort for the surgeon; 3) Real-time integration of intraoperative data (e.g. image-guided motion and force-controlled motion); 4) Accurate path
following; 5) Enhanced mobility. Extra degrees of freedom inside the body can be
controlled by the surgeon; 6) Compensation of physiological motions and surgical
constraints; 7) Compensation for surgeon's hand tremor; 8) Less pain and trauma and
shorter recovery time; 9) Tele-surgery; 10) Training, learning and mentoring using virtual
models; The work plan is the following. After installing basic hardware and software, we
will perform model identification of the medical robot, needed for advanced compliant
motion control. Several haptic tele-manipulation architectures will be designed and tested
to connect the master station (controlled by the surgeon) to the medical robot. The
physical limits of the system setup (e.g. time delay, bandwidth, sampling time, noise and
input saturation) have to be mapped into an optimal haptic feeling, coded into the control
architecture. Safety issues cannot be neglected, since humans are in the workspace.
Therefore, the overall architecture has to guarantee fault tolerance to sensor failure, highfidelity haptic feedback and robustness to model errors. Experimental tests in organic
objects will be carried out, paving the way to real surgical applications.
Project name: ArthroNav Computer Assisted Navigation in
Orthopedic Surgery using Endoscopic
Coordinator (PI): João P. Barreto
Funding Agency: FCT
Duration of the action: 36 months (Oct 1,
2007 – Sept. 30, 2010).
Project description: The 3D reconstruction of scenes using monocular video sequences is
an active research problem in computer vision. The literature covers, not only 3D
reconstruction, but also related subjects as camera calibration and 3D registration.
However, most of the described methodologies were developed for perspective images of
everyday scenes. The goal of this project is to extend this framework to endoscopic video
sequences in the context of computer aided orthopedic surgery (CAOS). Our target
application is the visualization and navigation during the reconstruction of the Anterior
Cruciate Ligament (ACL) using arthroscopy (endoscopic observation of articulations).
Since we aim to develop methods to extract 3D information from endoscopic images, the
project outcome will be useful for many other minimally invasive medical procedures.
A surgical navigator is a visualization system providing real-time positional information
about instruments and tools with respect to a target organ (bones). The position and
orientation of external rigid objects, like the arthroscope and surgical tools, can be easily
computed using a commercial optical tracker (Fig. 4). A stereo head with infrared
cameras (the optical tracker) tracks a set of LED markers that are rigidly attached to each
instrument. Simple triangulation is used to determine the 3D pose of the different tools in
a common world reference frame. The main difficulty in developing a CAOS system for
ACL reconstruction is the estimation of the position and orientation of the femur/tibia.
The patient's leg moves during the surgery, and optical tracking can not be used because
the bones are not visible from the outside. We propose to solve the problem by
reconstructing the knee joint from the arthroscopic video stream. The partial
reconstructions can be registered with pre-operative volumetric images (typically CT
scan) in order to estimate the 3D pose of the femur/tibia with respect to the camera. Since
the rigid motion of the arthroscope is tracked by the external stereo head, we can compute
the position and orientation of the bones in the world coordinate system where the
surgical tools are referenced.
Despite of the recent developments in computer vision, working with arthroscopic images
remains a challenging problem. We will focus our research efforts in the following issues:
1. Geometry of Image Formation - The arthroscope is a non-conventional vision sensor
and can not be described by the perspective model. We intend to derive a suitable
projection model, study the image geometry, and develop calibration methods.
2. 3D Reconstruction - The reconstruction of the knee joint is difficult due to the nature of
the scenes, the image distortion and the lightning conditions. The camera calibration and
the tracking of its motion will partially constrain the problem. Nevertheless we need to
investigate features types that can be reliably
tracked, deal with textureless regions, etc.
3. 3D Registration - The recovered local
structure must be registered with a preoperative CT scan. The 3D registration
algorithm must be accurate despite of the leg's
movements, sparse local 3D information, and
real-time requirements.
CHMS - Cluster in Healthcare & Medical Solutions
ISR-UC is a partner of "CHMS- Cluster in
Healthcare & Medical Solutions".
CHMS is a regional network leaded by "Instituto
Pedro Nunes", that promotes the collaboration
across different institutions interested in health
care and medical technology. The objective is to
stimulate and enhance the potential of the region
in this sector. The cluster is multi-disciplinary and gathers more than 75 partners, from
companies to research institutes, passing by hospitals and govern entities. The CHMS
network is a follow up of the consortium "XHMS - Redes de Competências/Centro de
Excelência Healthcare and Medical Solutions".
ISR-UC participated in XHMS as
technology provider in the RDFixer project. This project is a collaboration with Critical
Software SA (another partner of XHMS), and has been recently awarded with funding
from the QREN program (project Ver-Saúde that will start in 2009).
Project title: AIRMA: Automatic Image Recognition for Mobile Advertising
Project: QREN 3391/2008
Funded by AdI (Agência da Inovação) 140K €.
Project in cooperation with WIT Software
Principal Investigator: Paulo Peixoto.
Project Description: The AIRMA project aims to develop a software system for
automatic recognition of advertising content contained in photographs taken with a
mobile phone.
Let's consider the following use case: an advertising company intends to promote the
sales of a soda in cans and therefore inform consumers that they should take a picture of
the product and send it through their mobile phone. By doing this, the consumer will be
eligible to receive a discount coupon, win a prize or participate on an advertising contest.
The system is able to receive the image sent by the mobile phone and enters into a
process of automatically recognizing the brand, product or codes self-contained in the
photo. The successful recognition of the promotion will associate it to the consumer.
In this scenario, the consumer only needs to get a picture and send it via the mobile
phone. The advertising company maintains a database of the participants and later will be
able to make direct campaigns and promotions.
The AIRMA system is targeted for clients of big brand companies, advertising companies
as well as mobile network operators. The project is a partnership between the WITSoftware company and the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (DEEC)
from University of Coimbra.
The DEEC is responsible for the research and development of the software module for
recognizing advertising content into the images. WIT-Software is responsible for the
implementation of a software system that includes a central server with a web interface
for the management of brands, campaigns and users, etc. and it will integrate the
outcomes of the work undertaken by DEEC. Additionally, the software prototype to be
developed and installed in the mobile phone will be able to:
(i) Capture images from the mobile phone's camera;
(ii) Send image to the central server;
(iii) Provide relevant information to the user, in case of successful recognition of brands
contained in the photo.
Project title: DENO - DEvelopment of Nonlinear Observers
Responsible: Pedro Rodrigues de Aguiar (IST-Lisbon)
Research team: Pedro Rodrigues de Aguiar (ISR/IST-Lisbon),
Joao Pedro Hespanha (University of California Santa Barbara
(UCSB), USA), Diogo Gomes (IST-Lisbon), Fátima Silva Leite
(ISR-Coimbra) and Michail Athanasiadis (ISR/ISR-Lisbon)
Funding entity: FCT
Total award period covered: September 2007 – August 2010
Global budget: 124.998,00 €
Summary of the project: The DENO project aims to study, develop and design nonlinear
observers that explicitly address the nonlinear dynamics of the plant, uncertainty of the
parameters, disturbances, and noise. The emphasis will be placed on the analysis of
stability, convergence of the estimation error and robustness of the proposed observers. It
is important to stress that the lack of these properties may lead to catastrophic failures for
the applications (e.g., control of autonomous vehicles). Another important objective of
this project is the design of nonlinear observers in the context of state estimation over
networks. Spawned by the advent of nanotechnology, advanced communication systems,
and the miniaturization of electro-mechanical devices, considerably effort is now being
placed on the deployment of networked sensors distributed over a wide area. Sensor
networks have been finding application in a variety of areas that range from
environmental monitoring and surveillance, to navigation of moving vehicles. However,
the presence of a network poses a number of challenging problems that traditionally have
not been taken into account in observer system design, which may imply poor
performance or even instability. The network itself is a dynamical system that exhibits
special characteristics such as communication delays and data loss. Thus, the problem of
estimating the state of a remote system based on measurements carried through a network
must be addressed taking into account the communication channel. The DENO project
will extend the research frontier on nonlinear observers beyond its current boundary and
will have a significant impact on the development of several important application areas.
It will also attract new researchers to this important field.
Project title: FUZCTR - Development of Fuzzy
Controllers for Manufacturing Systems
Project ACONTROL/ISR/001/2007 funded by AControl
– Automação e Controle Industrial, Lda.
Principal Investigator: Rui Araújo
Laboratory of Intelligent Control and Robotics.
Project Description: Objectives/scope: R&D on intelligent control and decision methods;
Development of a general-purpose Fuzzy Control System (FCS); Direct application to
industry problems; Selling on market. Achievements: General purpose fuzzy control
library and engine; On-going work: On-line process control and monitoring; Controller
specification and implementation; Integration with
OPC-based communication to industrial electronics;
Easy construction of Fuzzy Sets and controller;
Graphical user interface; Visualization of the process
application to industry problems;
Project title: STRNET - Development of
Hardware/Software for Industrial RealTime Systems Using the ControlNet
Project ACONTROL/ISR/002/2007
funded by AControl – Automação e Controle Industrial, Lda. (
Principal Investigator: Rui Araújo
Laboratory of Intelligent Control and Robotics.
Project Description: Objectives/scope: R&D on
Reliability, Deterministic, Error-proof, Easy to
extend and maintain. Direct application to industry problems; Selling on market. Ongoing work: development of hardware and software: Interface modules between different
fieldbus protocols; Interface ControlNet / RS232; Modules with capacity to execute
relevant processing in industrial automation and control environments.
Project title: SInCACI - Intelligent Systems for Control Acquisition and Industrial
Project: contract Nº 2009/003120 funded by “ADI - Agência de Inovação, SA”
( and “AControl – Automação e Controle Industrial, Lda”
Principal Investigator: Rui Araújo (at FCTUC)
Laboratory of Intelligent Control and Robotics.
Project Description: Objectives/scope: R&D on intelligent control and decision methods;
Development of a general-purpose Fuzzy Control System (FCS); On-line process control
and monitoring; Controller specification and implementation; Visualization of the process
state; Devices/process failure reports; Direct application to industry problems; Research
computational intelligence techniques for the development of soft sensors for industrial
application; R&D on industrial communication and processing modules: industrial
distributed real-time communication fieldbus protocols: ControlNet, Ethernet/IP,
DeviceNet; ProfiNet. Relevant properties to industrial fieldbuses: Real-time operation,
Reliability, Deterministic, Error-proof, Easy to extend and maintain. Direct application to
industry problems; Selling on market. Achievements: The project is starting; On-going
implementation; Visualization of the process state; Devices/process failure reports; R&D
on soft sensors; Interface modules between different fieldbus protocols; Interface
ControlNet / RS232; Modules with capacity to execute relevant processing in industrial
automation and control environments. Direct application to industry problems;
Project title: Research and Cooperation Protocol with the company CWJ, SA
Principal Investigator: Paulo Coimbra
Project Description: The objectives/scope of this protocol is R&D for industrial products
development. One of the design tools that have been used is the finite element method.
One of the products that have been studied in 2008 is a domestic induction cooktop.
Project title: SELINA – Standby and off mode energy losses in
new appliances measured in shops – IEE/07/563/SI.499206 –
Principal Investigator: Aníbal T. de Almeida
This project is directed to characterize the EU
market in terms of standby and of consumption
in new electrical and electronic household and
office equipment, being sold in shops, by
developing an appliance specific measuring methodology. A large scale monitoring of
new equipment will allow characterizing low power modes “lopomos”, of the equipment
being sold in a large sample of EU Countries. This would allow creating an equipment
database with the market trends, which is a major tool for policy makers to define future
policies and regulations. The purpose of these standby measurements on a common set of
products is to allow national and international comparison of these like products across
different countries and regions. Such measurement will heighten the awareness of
stakeholders of the magnitude of standby power and will provide a focal point to
highlight differences across regions. The main objective of this project is to identify
effective market transformation policies initiatives targeted at all the key stakeholders
involved in the manufacture, distribution, sales and operation of appliances with standby
and off-mode losses. As a result it is expected to achieve a huge savings of electricity (80
TWh projected by 2020) and carbon emissions (30 MTons of CO2 by 2020).
Project title:IDEAL EPBD Improving Dwellings by Enhancing Actions on
Labelling for the EPBD – IEE/07/600/SI2.499426 (Oct08-Oct11)
Principal Investigator: Aníbal T. de Almeida
The EPBD requires for existing dwellings (<1000m2) an energy performance certificate
when they change of owner/tenant, including a label and recommendations of costeffective energy saving measures. No obligation exists to carry out these saving measures.
Basic idea of certificates is that household’s decision processes are based on financial
savings. Experiences with prior labelling/auditing programmes show that not all costeffective saving measures are carried out. If these earlier experiences form an indication
of the effectiveness of the EPBD, a risk exists that a large part of the energy saving
potential in existing dwellings will not be realised under the EPBD. This is especially
relevant as existing dwellings are responsible for major part of the saving potential in
dwellings. The project IDEAL EPBD will analyse consumer behaviour, barriers and
policy instruments in 10 different countries. It will provide empirical evidence and
monitoring by applying in-depth interviews and electronic questionnaires and will
develop policy action plans to change consumer behaviour, which will be disseminated in
the complete EU-27, in order to optimise the effect of the Energy Performance of
Buildings Directive.
Specific Objectives:
This project aims at improving the implementation of the EPBD in order to realise the full
energy savings potential by defining Member State specific policy recommendations to
change home owner and stakeholder behaviour. It will:
1. Monitor results of EPBD regarding behaviour and institutional factors
2. Provide insights in behaviour, role of professionals and role of policies
3. Provide feedback to professionals and policy makers
4. Contribute to policy development
Experiences with labelling and auditing programs showed that the homeowner’s decisions
are not based on financial savings alone. The consequence of this can be that a large part
of the saving potential in existing dwellings will not be realized under the EPBD.
In order to optimize the effect of the EPBD, it is important to fully understand the
complexity of consumer and stakeholder behaviour, and the effect of policies, to
transform these to country specific insights and policy recommendations.
Project title: MODERN 2009-2013
Principal Investigator: Aníbal T. de Almeida
Project description: The “mission” of the MODERN project is “to increase the overall
quality of life in the cities, through the reduction of pollution generated by
transports, the implementation of energy saving measures, the respect for the
environment and the promotion of a less cardependant life-style”.
The project outlines a bold package of integrated measures in all the cities of the
consortium, and covers all the areas required by the CIVITAS PLUS programme. The
project shows ambitious goals which will have a substantial impact on the state of the
mobility in the cities and a good visibility at the European level, mixing measures with
large scale application actions based in existing and commercially available technologies,
and measures with more advanced trials and methodologies.
The project has common main targets:
• To increase the quality and the effectiveness of the public transport system (from the
environmental and from the service point of view), increasing the number of users;
• To limit the waste of energy and to support the diffusion of the use of clean fuels among
the citizens;
• To support the effort of improvement of public transport through a series of measure
capable of limiting the circulation of private cars;
• To give value at alternative “sweet” mobility modes improving safety and liveability for
their users;
To lower the number of accidents on the roads;
• To increase the technological endowment of the cities as a support to more and more
intelligent mobility management policies and as a service to citizens;
• To diffuse as much as possible the culture of an environmental sustainable mobility
among citizens and to increase the social awareness of the vital importance of these
The project has 49 different measures within 5 middle-size cities: Craiova (Romania –
Project Coordinator), Brescia (Italy), Vitoria Gasteiz (Spain), Coimbra (Portugal), and
Ostrava (Czech Republic) and 26 partners with all the Municipalities and all the local PT
Another crucial target is to assess a wide communication and debate among the cities at
the level of political decision makers and important stakeholders, and a strong
cooperation among scientists and technicians of the European team to circulate
experiences and best practice.
Project title: GROUND-MED TREN/FP7EN/218895/”GROUND-MED”
Principal Investigator: Aníbal T. de Almeida
Is a collaborative project which demonstrates innovating ground source heat pump
solutions in 8 buildings in Mediterranean EU member States. It involves 25% research
and technology development and 75% demonstration (including dissemination activities)
of integrated GSHP systems for heating and cooling of considerably higher seasonal
coefficient of performance (SPF) than present technology.
The main objective of GROUND-MED is to demonstrate the superior energy efficiency
(SPF>5,0 for year round operation) of the next generation of ground source heat pump
systems for heating and cooling in South Europe. For this purpose 8 buildingsdemonstration sites have been selected (one in Portugal, two in Spain, one in South
France, one in Italy,
one in Slovenia, one in Romania and one in Greece).
Controller Board
F – Patents and Awards
Jackson Matsuura, Postdoc at ISR, 2008 World Champion of the KIA Motors
Urban Challenge, RoboChamps 2008.
Fernanda Coutinho, Best APCA (Portuguese Association of Automatic Control)
Student Paper Award. Controlo2008, Portugal, 2008.