Exhibition Checklist Maria Lassnig


Exhibition Checklist Maria Lassnig
Exhibition Checklist
Maria Lassnig
MoMA PS1, March 09, 2014 - May 25, 2014
MARIA LASSNIG (Austrian, born 1919)
Selbstporträt (Self-Portrait)
Oil on cardboard
18 3/4 x 13 1/2 inches
Courtesy the artist
MARIA LASSNIG (Austrian, born 1919)
Selbstporträt expressiv (Expressive Self-Portrait)
Oil, charcoal on fiberboard
23 3/4 x 19 inches
Courtesy the artist
MARIA LASSNIG (Austrian, born 1919)
Körpergehäuse (Body Housing)
Oil on jute
22 1/2 x 27 1/2 inches
Courtesy the artist
MARIA LASSNIG (Austrian, born 1919)
Zwei Formen Übereinander/
Schwarze Flächenteilung (Two Forms
Superimposed/ Black Surface
Oil on jute
37 3/4 x 18 3/4 inches
Courtesy the artist
MARIA LASSNIG (Austrian, born 1919)
Ungeteilte Form (Undivided Form)
Oil on jute
39 x 28 3/4 inches
Neue Galerie Graz, Universalmuseum Joanneum
MARIA LASSNIG (Austrian, born 1919)
Blaue Form auf wenig rotem Grund (Blue Form on Little Red Ground)
Oil on jute
25 1/2 x 31 1/2 inches
Courtesy the artist
MARIA LASSNIG (Austrian, born 1919)
Die Eltern im Bett / Mutti und Vatti (Parents in Bed / Mommy and Daddy)
Oil on cardboard
19 3/4 x 27 1/2 inches
Courtesy the artist
MARIA LASSNIG (Austrian, born 1919)
Ohne Titel (Untitled)
c. 1960
Oil on canvas
34 3/4 x 47 inches
Courtesy the artist
MARIA LASSNIG (Austrian, born 1919)
Ohne Titel (Untitled)
c. 1960
Oil on canvas
31 1/2 x 39 1/2 inches
Courtesy the artist
MARIA LASSNIG (Austrian, born 1919)
Kopf (Head)
Oil on fiberboard
13 x 9 inches
Courtesy the artist
MARIA LASSNIG (Austrian, born 1919)
Selbstporträt Abstrakter Kopf
(Abstract Head Self-Portrait)
Oil on canvas
20 x 25 1/2 inches
Courtesy the artist
MARIA LASSNIG (Austrian, born 1919)
Kopfheit (Headness)
Oil on fiberboard
23 x 29 inches
Courtesy the artist
MARIA LASSNIG (Austrian, born 1919)
Kopf (Head)
Oil on canvas
16 1/4 x 21 3/4 inches
MARIA LASSNIG (Austrian, born 1919)
Selbstporträt Abstrakte Figur (Self-Portrait / Abstract Figure)
Oil on fiberboard
13 1/2 x 9 inches
Courtesy the artist
MARIA LASSNIG (Austrian, born 1919)
Figur mit blauem Hals (Figure with Blue Throat)
Oil on canvas
76 1/2 x 51 1/4 inches
Courtesy the artist
MARIA LASSNIG (Austrian, born 1919)
Grüne Figuration (Green Figuration)
Oil on canvas
76 3/4 x 51 1/4 inches
Courtesy the artist
MARIA LASSNIG (Austrian, born 1919)
Napoleon und Brigitte Bardot
Oil on canvas
75 x 78 3/4 inches
Courtesy the artist
MARIA LASSNIG (Austrian, born 1919)
Harlekin Selbstporträt (Harlequin Self-Portrait)
Oil on canvas
78 3/4 x 75 inches
Courtesy the artist
MARIA LASSNIG (Austrian, born 1919)
Selbstporträt als Ungeheuer (Self-Portrait as Monster)
Oil on canvas
27 1/2 x 23 inches
Courtesy the artist
MARIA LASSNIG (Austrian, born 1919)
Kind mit toter Mutter / Trauerndes Kind (Child with Dead Mother / Grieving Child)
Oil on canvas
28 1/2 x 36 inches
Courtesy the artist
MARIA LASSNIG (Austrian, born 1919)
Dreifaches Selbstporträt / New Self
Oil, charcoal on canvas
76 x 51 inches
Courtesy the artist
MARIA LASSNIG (Austrian, born 1919)
Self Portrait
16mm film transferred to BluRay
Courtesy the artist and sixpackfilms, Vienna
MARIA LASSNIG (Austrian, born 1919)
Selbstportrait unter Plastik
Oil on canvas
19 5/8 x 22 inches (55 x 56 cm)
Collection de Bruin-Heijn
MARIA LASSNIG (Austrian, born 1919)
16mm film transferred to video (color, sound)
8:43 min.
Gift of Jerry I. Speyer and Katherine G. Farley, Anna Marie and Robert F.
Shapiro, and Marie-Josée and Henry R. Kravis
MARIA LASSNIG (Austrian, born 1919)
Selbstporträt mit Maulkorb (Self-Portrait with Muzzle)
Oil on canvas
39 1/2 x 49 1/4 inches
Courtesy the artist
MARIA LASSNIG (Austrian, born 1919)
16mm film transferred to video (color, sound)
10:00 mins
Courtesy the artist and sixpackfilms, Vienna
MARIA LASSNIG (Austrian, born 1919)
Große Sitzende (Large Seated Female Figure)
c. 1978
Oil on canvas
47 1/4 x 55 1/4 inches
Courtesy the artist
MARIA LASSNIG (Austrian, born 1919)
Materialisation des Auges (Materialization of the Eye)
c. 1980
Oil on canvas
41 1/2 x 39 1/2 inches
Courtesy the artist
MARIA LASSNIG (Austrian, born 1919)
Woman Laokoon (Woman Laocoön)
Oil on canvas
76 x 50 inches (193 x 127 cm)
Neue Galerie Graz, Universalmuseum Joanneum
MARIA LASSNIG (Austrian, born 1919)
Beim Sehen mit geschlossenen Augen... (When looking with your eyes closed...)
Watercolor, gouache, crayon, felt-tip pen on paper
16 1/2 x 23 1/2 inches
Courtesy the artist
MARIA LASSNIG (Austrian, born 1919)
10 Gesichtsgefuehlsabdruecke (10 Face-Feeling Prints)
Courtesy the artist
MARIA LASSNIG (Austrian, born 1919)
I should perhaps give up - but I don't want to
Watercolor on paper
23 1/4 x 16 1/2 inches
Courtesy the artist
MARIA LASSNIG (Austrian, born 1919)
Genaue Aufzeichnung der nacheinander erscheinenden Gesichtsfeldun
terteilungen... (Accurate recordings of successively appearing visual field
Watercolor, felt-tip pen on paper
23 1/4 x 16 1/2 inches
Courtesy the artist
MARIA LASSNIG (Austrian, born 1919)
Untersuchung en zur Imagination (Studies on Imagination)
Watercolor, crayon on paper
16 1/2 x 23 1/2 inches
Courtesy the artist
MARIA LASSNIG (Austrian, born 1919)
4 aufgestuetze Koerpergefuehls abdruecke (4 Propped Body-Feeling Prints)
Gouache, felt-tip pen on paper
16 1/2 x 23 1/2 inches
Courtesy the artist
MARIA LASSNIG (Austrian, born 1919)
Bilder, die bei Vorstellung des Wortes "Dog" erschienen (Images that appeared
in presenting the word "Dog")
Watercolor, gouache, pencil, crayon, felt-tip on paper
16 1/2 x 23 1/2 inches
Courtesy the artist
MARIA LASSNIG (Austrian, born 1919)
5 Gesichtsabdruecke (5 Face Prints)
Watercolor, gouache, crayon on paper
16 1/2 x 22 1/4 inches
Courtesy the artist
MARIA LASSNIG (Austrian, born 1919)
Das Licht toetet vielfaeltige Bilder... (Light slays diverse images...)
Watercolor, pencil, on paper
17 1/2 x 24 3/4 inches
Courtesy the artist
MARIA LASSNIG (Austrian, born 1919)
Beim Wort "Amerika"... (What the word "America" makes me think of)
Watercolor, ballpoint pen on paper
16 1/2 x 22 1/4 inches
Courtesy the artist
MARIA LASSNIG (Austrian, born 1919)
Fortgeschrittenes Stadium (Advanced Stage)
Watercolor, gouache, crayon on paper
16 1/2 x 23 1/2 inches
Courtesy the artist
MARIA LASSNIG (Austrian, born 1919)
6 Gesichtsgefuehlsabdruecke (6 Face-Feeling Prints)
Watercolor, gouache, crayon on paper
23 1/2 x 16 1/2 inches
Courtesy the artist
MARIA LASSNIG (Austrian, born 1919)
Was mir beim Wort "Liebe" einfiel (What the word "love" made me think of)
Watercolor, gouache, pencil, crayon on paper
16 1/2 x 22 1/4 inches
Courtesy the artist
MARIA LASSNIG (Austrian, born 1919)
Was faellt mir beim Wort Hund ein? (What the word "Dog" makes me think of)
Watercolor, gouache, crayon, felt-tip pen on paper
17 1/4 x 24 3/4 inches
Courtesy the artist
MARIA LASSNIG (Austrian, born 1919)
Ich trage die Verantwortung (I am Responsible)
Oil on canvas
Courtesy the artist
MARIA LASSNIG (Austrian, born 1919)
Das optisches Zeitalter (The Optical Age)
Oil on canvas
39 x 29 1/2 inches
Courtesy the artist
MARIA LASSNIG (Austrian, born 1919)
Dame mit Hirn (Lady with Brain)
c. 1990
Oil on canvas
49 1/4 x 39 1/2 inches
Courtesy the artist
MARIA LASSNIG (Austrian, born 1919)
Transparentes Selbstporträt, (Transparent Self Portrait)
Oil on canvas
49 1/4 x 39 1/2 inches
Courtesy the artist
MARIA LASSNIG (Austrian, born 1919)
Kuechenbraut (Kitchen Bride)
Oil on canvas
49 1/4 x 39 1/2 inches
Courtesy the artist
MARIA LASSNIG (Austrian, born 1919)
Nebeneinanderlinien II / Umrisse (Coexisting Lines / Contours)
Oil on canvas
75 x 51 1/4 inches
Courtesy the artist
MARIA LASSNIG (Austrian, born 1919)
Der Verstopfte (The Congested)
Oil on canvas
78 3/4 x 57 inches
Courtesy the artist
MARIA LASSNIG (Austrian, born 1919)
Das Innere nach aussen (Inside Out)
Oil on canvas
78 3/4 x 57 inches
Courtesy the artist
MARIA LASSNIG (Austrian, born 1919)
16mm film transferred to video (color, sound)
8:00 mins
Courtesy the artist and sixpackfilms, Vienna
MARIA LASSNIG (Austrian, born 1919)
Auge in Gefahr (Eye in Danger)
Oil on canvas
79 1/2 x 57 3/4 inches
Courtesy the artist
MARIA LASSNIG (Austrian, born 1919)
Augenfigur (Eye Figure)
Oil on canvas
39 1/2 x 49 1/4 inches
Courtesy the artist
MARIA LASSNIG (Austrian, born 1919)
Kleines Sciencefiction-Selbstporträt (Small Science Fiction Self Portrait)
Oil on canvas
49 1/4 x 39 1/2 inches
Courtesy the artist
MARIA LASSNIG (Austrian, born 1919)
Fröhlicher Marsmensch (Happy Martian)
Oil on canvas
39 1/2 x 33 1/2 inches
Private Collection, Vienna
MARIA LASSNIG (Austrian, born 1919)
Selbstportrat mit Nervenlinien (Self portrait with Nerve Lines)
Oil on canvas
78 3/4 x 59 1/4 inches
Courtesy the artist
MARIA LASSNIG (Austrian, born 1919)
3 x Malfluss (3 x Paintflow)
Oil on canvas
80 3/4 x 57 inches
Neue Galerie Graz, Universalmuseum Joanneum
MARIA LASSNIG (Austrian, born 1919)
Sciencia (Science)
Oil on canvas
78 3/4 x 59 inches
Courtesy the artist
MARIA LASSNIG (Austrian, born 1919)
Illusion der versäumten Mutterschaft (Illusion of the Missed Motherhood)
Oil on canvas
49 1/4 x 39 1/2 inches
Courtesy the artist
MARIA LASSNIG (Austrian, born 1919)
Illusion von den versäumten Heiraten II (Illusion of the Missed Marriages II)
Oil on canvas
549 1/4 x 39 1/2 inches
Courtesy the artist
MARIA LASSNIG (Austrian, born 1919)
Sprachgitter (Language grid)
Oil on canvas
80 3/4 x 59 inches (205 x 150 cm)
Credit line: Ursula Hauser Collection, Switzerland
Photo credit: Archive Hauser & Wirth Collection, Switzerland
MARIA LASSNIG (Austrian, born 1919)
Zwei Arten zu sein (Two Ways of Being)
Oil on canvas
39 1/2 x 49 1/4 inches
Courtesy the artist
MARIA LASSNIG (Austrian, born 1919)
Prothesenselbstporträt (Prosthesis Self-Portrait)
Oil on canvas
Collection of Michael Young
MARIA LASSNIG (Austrian, born 1919)
Die Versöhnung (The Reconciliation)
Hall Collection
MARIA LASSNIG (Austrian, born 1919)
Memento Mori
Oil on canvas
51 1/4 x 39 1/2 inches
Courtesy the artist
MARIA LASSNIG (Austrian, born 1919)
Selbst im Schnee (Self in Snow)
Oil on canvas
39 1/2 x 49 1/4 inches
Courtesy the artist
MARIA LASSNIG (Austrian, born 1919)
Hall Collection
MARIA LASSNIG (Austrian, born 1919)
Eiserne Jungfrau und fleischige Jungfrau (Virgin and Fleshy Virgin)
Oil on canvas
59 x 78 3/4 inches (150 x 200 cm)
Collection of Carole Server and Oliver Frankel
MARIA LASSNIG (Austrian, born 1919)
Du, Oder Ich? (You or Me)
Oil on canvas
78 x 61 inches
Private Collection. Courtesy Hauser & Wirth.
MARIA LASSNIG (Austrian, born 1919)
Selbstportraet mit Sprechblase (Self-Portrait with Speech Bubble)
Oil on canvas
78 3/4 x 59 inches
Courtesy the artist
MARIA LASSNIG (Austrian, born 1919)
Vom Tode gezeichnet (Marked By Death)
Oil on canvas
59 x 83 inches
Courtesy Capitain Petzel